By Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog
useful European idiots
“ Washington and London have drawn ´useful European idiots´ into an economic war against Russia ” – said former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev – adding that “the onset of a systemic crisis in the Eurozone is beginning to come true.” He added that Anglo-Saxons on both sides of the Atlantic conned EU members “like a couple of shell-game tricksters” by drawing them into an unwarranted economic war against Moscow which is actually an Anglo-Saxon project, not theirs. Paraphrasing James Carville, “it´s the Anglo-Saxons, stupid”. The US-UK cabal does not want Europe and Russia to trade, do business, relate, or grow together in any way, shape, or form. So they designed, built and forced upon Europe the current John Bolton-Ukraine war which had plan A (now failed) with Russia as target and plan B as substitute with Europe itself as the intended victim coming next. What Dmitry Medvedev may not know though is that such ”useful European idiots” can be broken down into 3 fairly distinct categories starting with the EU “well-trained career idiots” basically focused on continuously earning salaries and perks way above their capabilities. So they know that (a) the EU system rewards them generously despite their obvious mediocrity and limitations and (b) thus do not dare to question, doubt, let alone defy the EU system or dictats. They all know and feel every day of their lives that the EU ´system´ has a very strict pecking order and what top-cock (or top-hen) says to do or say or think is to be summarily executed without questioning the mandate, even if against European best interests as is the case.
This simplifies the problem from the Washington-London perspective as by controlling a handful of EU leaders (more on that later) the rest just follow the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Furthermore, these EU-captured intellectual simpleton retards are not dumb enough to the extreme of questioning their unequivocal role (they are aware of it) and accordingly constantly strengthen their vested-interests relationship. In sum, they work hard at it.
Then there is a second category of “useful European idiots” grouping the visible top EU leaders – many unelected — who can either be (a) plain corrupt as traditionally allowed for in Europe or (b) perceive themselves as God-chosen to lead Europe to a glorious yet undefined destiny no matter if actively hijacking any representational capacity and values they may have received. For lack of a better term, this “affection” – which pretty much comes with the territory – in medical circles is sometimes also known as “bronzemia” a rare hematological disease that makes the patient believe his destiny is to end up in a bronze sculpture and adored – literally — just like a Greek God of sorts. For example, it is very well known that EU Commission President Ursula von den Leyen abhors British leadership, let alone after the yet un-resolved Brexit due to unconfessable trickery from Perfidious Albion. But she still accepts and follows Anglo-Saxon mandates because of what she perceives to be her role in achieving the still unknown greater European “good”. Go figure… Finally, the third group of “useful European idiots” are regular everyday Europeans that – so as not to abandon their zone of political and economic / financial comfort – knowingly allow their leaders to betray their best interests without getting their feet wet in any way.
Pepe Escobar says in his latest article referenced below: “ The combo in power in Washington actually “supports” the unification of Britain, Poland, Ukraine and The Three Baltic Midgets as a separate alliance from NATO/EU – aiming at “strengthening the defense potential.” That’s the official position of US Ambassador to NATO Julian Smith.
So the real imperial aim is to split the already shattering EU into mini-union pieces, all of them quite fragile and evidently more “manageable”, as Brussels Eurocrats, blinded by boundless mediocrity, obviously can’t see it coming. More on the UK + Australia roles later.
Meanwhile the Austrian Chancellor himself thoughtfully posits that “Alcohol could be our last resort ” and the EU gaslights environmentalists by grossly redefining what ‘green’ energy is. This resembles quite closely former US President Bill Clinton’s dilemma in his grand jury testimony regarding his acknowledged and intense sexual relationship with young White House intern Monica Lewinsky “it depends on what the meaning of the word is is” (sic). No typos in that quote, so say no more…
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plan A
“Rape Russia” was plan A, by first provoking Russia 24x7x365 into an existential armed conflict, then let´s defeat Russia militarily (ha!) and change the regime, then balkanize the Russian Federation and fragment it into manageable pieces, and then plunder all of Russia yet again just like we did in Yeltsin´s time. Easy does it. Problem is plan A failed miserably on all fronts no matter how much and how well hundreds of Anglo-Saxon experts – the real puppeteers moving the EU-Ukraine strings — planned for it, some of whom still insist it´s only a matter of pressing yet longer and harder. Others say let´s not lose this war, let´s just go nuclear (more on that later). Yet others – probably cool-headed baldy boomers with Cuban missile crisis personal experience – warn that let´s better not try nuclear warfare as Russia, at least today with fully proven hypersonic vector delivery… would also win. Besides, European capitals nearby would be very soft and quick targets, would they not? Furthermore, Russia´s Sarmat ICBM would immediately step into the act able to ´demolish half a continent as the most powerful missile of its class in terms of range and warheads invincible to all existing air defenses´(sic) And also possible unstoppable latest generation UAV drone fleets already under Russian deployment and/or drone-bot or regular submarines could also nuclear-trigger unheard-of massive tsunamis at every targeted coastline in Western seaboards that ´almost´ land-locked Russia does not have… plus EMP mid-air detonations grinding the crowded Western cities to a halt. All politically impossible and Russian very highly-improbable… but let´s just hope and pray that it doesn´t happen by accident either…
At any rate, plan A took several disciplines and many years of design and training probably more than 10 as proudly explained by NATO´s top dog, Jens Stoltenberg. Also, as per the latest public statements made by former White House National Security Adviser John Bolton, it took a lot of hard work, many US and UK agencies and hundreds of experts, think tanks, rivers of ink, and Zettabytes of documents (no pun intended) plans, maps, satellite imagery, logistical research, telecommunications development, and testing, interviewing and questioning of many thousands of Ukraine soldiers and foreign mercenaries, political influencing, and many billions of dollars – skeptics please refer to Victoria Nuland — sending tons of lethal, modern, sophisticated weaponry to Russian enemies … and still plan A failed, and badly at that for reasons explained hereafter. Only Field Marshall Nazi General von Paulus and Napoleon Bonaparte would possibly share the disgusting feeling of such terribly frustrating defeat.
With plan A, even Germany broke its long-standing policy of banning all exports of lethal weapons to a conflict zone the instant it agreed to deliver 1,000 rocket launchers and 500 Stinger surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine. France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and many other states have joined the effort and, led by Germany, have added greater support with whatever including anti-tank, anti-aircraft weapons, howitzers, armored vehicles, body armors, night vision devices, grenade launchers, etc., many/most of which completely uncontrolled and without any oversight actually ended up in the hands of numerous resellers on the “black Internet”, not the Ukraine military. The six EU sanctions “packages” – No. 7 is in the works — did not help plan A at all either and, as a matter of fact, all were badly counter-productive. Neither did the addition of “creative transfers” of truly lethal weaponry from Canada per detailed proposal from The Brookings Institution, probably the most prominent “peace-minded” think tank the US will ever have. So imagine what Hoover or The Heritage Foundation, the Council of Foreign Relations, Cato, CSIS, PIIE, American Enterprise or Rand Corporation might say for that matter. The list goes on and on…
Like many other Western strategic projects, plan A most probably originated and/or picked up critical speed in the keenly Russophobic and always protagonistic UK. Still, the level of US involvement was extraordinary and ever-increasing as plan A kept failing, including sanctions preparation, intelligence sharing, weapons deliveries, and tons of money, bribery included. Add to that the ever-heightening political rhetoric: “The United States is in this to win it… not for a stalemate” as one US Congressman proudly tweeted from Kyiv. Or even claiming that “Supplying Arms to Ukraine is Not an Act of War”… The US has sent many F35 jets to Estonia, yet more to Spain and elsewhere…has increased its military presence with US permanent headquarters and troops in Poland… plus a 10-fold enlarged rapid-response force up to 300,000 with yet additional troops in Romania and the Baltic states… plus yet more destroyers in Europe´s waters and skies. And always of course with the always-instrumental UK helping along as per Foreign Secretary Liz Truss – now confirmed candidate for the Prime Minister position — urging to send more “heavy weapons, tanks, and also airplanes” to Ukraine ASAP “digging deep into our inventories and ramping up production”.
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short war
Semantics matter. Sure enough, a formal stake-holder agreement or peace settlement or “peace treaty” of sorts may take very long… or even never happen such as still in Korea. And yes, the conflict will go far beyond Ukraine only as a starting point of a new revolution already outlined by Russia´s President Vladimir Putin splitting the world in two very distinct 21st century halves in a “before and after” moment. Still, I insist in that the current shooting “hot war” in Ukraine will be short, with Russia simply winning by European default come 2023 – or even before — as explained already in depth. So such “cease-fire” does not need any official “Peace Treaty” or settlement, just shooting and bombing stopped altogether. Ukraine will simply depose its aggression for lack of European support or else be run down by Russian forces wherever Russia decides. Europe would have had enough, so they just want OUT.
In sum, backfiring EU sanctions on Russia will be the reason for Europe and Ukraine – not Russia — to abandon the shooting battlefield thus ´ending the shooting war´ soon even if the US would still want to go for it… which actually would not as their plan B (more on that later) would kick in immediately against Europe (!!) as soon as the battlefield war stops in Ukraine. So, thanks to their own EU sanctions, by not having enough Russian oil, fuels, nat-gas, food produce, etc., etc., with social unrest and millions freezing and starving to death, regular public-opinion Europeans would demand the EU to stop battlefield support for the provoked Ukraine war and have their leadership revert sanctions on Russia embracing it as the reliable trading partner as it has always been and thus returning to “normal” ASAP. In that sense, it´d be a short war. Formally, diplomatically, it may never actually end. Just saying…
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the UK role
After Brexit failed, Old Blighty UK more than ever had to overact positing, for example, that the collective West now needs “a global NATO” to pursue geopolitics anew. Or also “ Europe must immediately cut itself completely off from Russian energy supplies oil, gas and coal ”. Actually, the current UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss went yet further by tapping her well-known Rule Britannia Anglo-Saxon exceptionalistic mind-set which now would badly demand a much larger “lebensraum”. By the way, the Rule Britannia lyrics let the world know that “…at heaven’s command…Britons never, never, never shall be slaves”. No way, slaves will exist, but Britons shall make sure they are the owners of such and not any other way around. So now, with strategically located Australia – among the world´s largest LNG and food produce exporters — the AUKUS core concept is “all Anglo-Saxons for one, and one Anglo-Saxon for all”. And do not kid yourself as this is national UK policy from Tories, Lib Dems and also Labour. And per Liz Truss it´d be a flashing new “Network of Liberty” yet global in nature. The time and place of this new “Global NATO” setting Ms Truss says is (1) right now and (2) throughout the whole world. And the “lebensraum” Ukraine would only be the starting point says Foreign Secretary Truss very proud of British colonial history. Actually it´d have to be even far larger than what Adolf Hitler originally foresaw with his Nazi foreign policy dictum left on record in “Mein Kampf”. Unbelievably, and per the Führer´s own description, such “lebensraum” was to be found – oh coincidence — “in the Ukraine and intermediate lands of eastern Europe”… Liz Truss is on record adding that China would face the same treatment as Russia if it doesn’t “play by the rules”. The war in Ukraine is “our war” because Ukraine’s victory is a “strategic imperative for all of us” while denouncing the “false choice between Euro-Atlantic security and Indo-Pacific security. We need to pre-empt threats in the Indo-Pacific, working with allies like Japan and Australia to ensure that the Pacific is protected. In the modern world we need both. We need a global NATO,” she said. Also, there is this new US strategy seeking to arm Japan against China, also consistent with such policies. Ref #21
no-one left behind
In addition, the sitting UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss — now official Tory candidate for Prime Minister of the UK — has emphasized that the West “must ensure that, alongside Ukraine, the Western Balkans and countries like Moldova and Georgia have the resilience and the capabilities to maintain their sovereignty and freedom”. So Ukraine is not enough for her. And according to the top UK diplomat, NATO should integrate Finland and Sweden “as soon as possible” if the two Nordic nations choose to join the military alliance something which they are both definitely pressured to do.
Adding insult to injury, British Armed Forces Minister James Heappey also stated it is “completely legitimate” for Ukraine to use UK-supplied weapons to strike deep into Russian territory. Ms Truss also has said it was “time for courage, not caution”, making it necessary for the West to send warplanes to Kiev to defeat Moscow sounding much like the US State Department´s London office. Furthermore, German lawmakers overwhelmingly voted to send ‘heavy & complex weapons’ to Ukraine, thus making Germany the easiest, shortest and most probable first strike in the event that thermonuclear warfare with Russia is provoked. Germany could not have picked a better way to most unnecessarily place itself in harm´s way right next to London… or even before London was struck.
The UK lost most of its colonies in the 20th century and economically lost further more with Brexit while the US outsourced most of its manufacturing base in the 21st. So with only their financial and military weapons left, both now are trying to make NATO global. And thus the UK would finally reclaim its universal influence and “take back control” refreshing its natural right to run a financial-military ´Empire on which the sun never sets´. British troops are getting ready for one of their largest deployments in Europe since the cold war, the Defence Ministry (MoD) has said.
Thousands of UK soldiers are going to be sent to countries ranging from North Macedonia to Finland in the coming months to take part in joint drills with their counterparts from NATO, Finland, and Sweden, with British soldiers also training together with US forces in Poland. Also troops from the Queen’s Royal Hussars have just been deployed to Finland, which shares a 1,300-km-long border with Russia, to be embedded in an armored brigade. Convened by US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin, and at the behest of US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, representatives from 40 countries gathered at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, to set the game plan with the rest of the world as pawns.
In practice, a global NATO is already in the making, and the US-led military bloc’s Madrid summit in late June 2022
is the best proof of this. For the first time in NATO’s history, the Pacific states – Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea – were invited; actions were intensified to form ‘quasi-alliances’ such as the QUAD (the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between the US, Australia, Japan and India), AUKUS (the trilateral pact between the US, Britain, and Australia), and the Partners in the Blue Pacific (PBP: AUKUS plus Japan and New Zealand). In contrast to the ‘classical NATO’, which has long been perceived in China as a vestige of the Cold War and intra-Western conflicts, these alliances have an unambiguous anti-Chinese orientation.
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plan A revised
Since at least 10 years ago, an Anglo-Saxon plan A was proactively deployed for the Ukraine war. It meant having the US + UK fully supporting and pulling the strings from ´behind´ while the EU + Ukraine´s duly bought-out puppets organized a gang-up on Russia from all sides like hyenas on their injured prey. Such plan A by now is obviously failing miserably as the military war is being lost on all fronts and the “sanctions on Russia” have backfired and actually mean terrible “sanctions on Europe” (and “unfriendly” Asians…) with winter rearing its ugly head. Thusly, with plan A failing, Anglo-Saxon plan B is now required. But before getting into its details, let´s first review once more what plan A – or the ´let´s pounce on harmed Russia together´ plan — was all about and how it failed. For Russia was not crushed at all under the weight of sanctions and, actually benefitted in more than one way by collecting ever-larger revenues – due to higher induced prices — for smaller volumes of exports delivered. Furthermore any minute Russia could counter-attack with sanctions of its own regarding many things the West needs besides oil & gas & food & key minerals.
The basic idea behind plan A – not really that “new” by the way — was to prod Russia as much as needed for it to react and then use such reaction to justify a military run-over of Russia. Plan A would take a precise schedule and timing, buying-out whomever wherever, training of the Ukranian military and providing plenty of funding + weapons + intelligence + political coverage + etc. Also there was the requirement to gain time for executing all of the above by actively faking compliance with the Minsk Agreements (shamefully sponsored and led by both Germany & France) which was nothing more than a sham precisely to gain time as readily admitted by former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. So the Western pirating plan was to pounce on Russia hard, produce regime change – despite the “lots of hard work required” per John Bolton former White House National Security Adviser — possibly assassinate Russia´s President Vladimir Putin ( I kid you not ), ruin Russian business capabilities forever, steal Russia´s deposits in Western banks, cut off her trade and finances, “yeltsinize” Russia all over again, fraction down the Russian Federation into weak portions, keep on grabbing Russian resources, just steal all that´s left or buy it on the cheap… and basically schadenfreude it all the way to the bank…
There was nothing to lose as the US & UK productive game of yesteryear was already over and done with, ´Made in USA´ does not exist anymore, the gold-decoupled Bretton Nothing “petro-dollar” standard is in terminal crisis, Brexit did not work out at all as the UK had originally expected, and 75% of the world does not agree with them either. And if while reading this you feel all this is a very unique and peculiar interpretation of facts, I please urge you to (a) take a look at the sources referenced and (b) take into account that if the White House and the worldwide MSM press are willing and able to cover-up today´s US president´s obvious and most dangerous senility, then what other stories are they euthanizing for you not to know about ? Today´s president of the global superpower is permanently confounded by teleprompter and cheat cards telling him what to do and say. Today, the Commander-in-Chief of the by far most powerful military in the world with 790+ military bases spanning the globe and more than 5,000 nuclear warheads, can barely make it through public appearances. Mind you, President Joe Biden wouldn’t pass a driver’s test, unable to distinguish between a pedestrian or a stop sign. But his finger is on the nuclear trigger. Did the MSM press tell you ?
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plan B kicks in
Now Russia is winning on all fronts, be it militarily, geo-politically, strategically, financially, economics or logistics. So in the event that plan A failed – as it is now obviously happening – Anglo-Saxon plan B would soon kick in with Europe and Ukraine the victims, not the victimizers because neither will be able to withstand the tremendous burden that their ´Russian sanctions´ bear upon themselves, not Russia. And who would the victimizers be? Answer: the US + UK pupeteers-in-chief . Please re-read the “ useful European idiots “ paragraph above with very clear statements made by former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev. So the ´Russian sanctions´ will continue to (1) harm Europe and the Ukraine and (2) leave the Russian Federation basically unscathed and just collecting ever larger revenues – due to higher induced prices — for smaller volumes of exports delivered. This benefits Russia in two ways (a) getting paid more by producing less while saving the difference for future sales (b) it allows to finance Russia´s attrition-war strategy forever. There will be violence and massive migrations in Europe for sure as EU leaders are finally realizing.
gold anyone ?
EU politicking though has now stopped in its tracks right at the physical limit which “lite” and uncommitted European consumer economies will not allowed to be crossed thus altering their “comfort zone”. It is becoming ever clearer for European public opinion that without Russian energy, Russian food, and Russian produce at large quite simply Europe cannot survive. So as Frank Sinatra foresaw, the end is now near and Anglo-Saxon+EU joint plans for Russian piracy – plan A — are just about over. Never in their history have Europeans depended so much strictly from Russian produce that very simply cannot stop coming in. All the way to very distant Japan and South Korea, with these Russian sanctions their much-required ´Just-In-Time´ strategy is rapidly becoming ´Just-In-S**t. So now Europeans and Western-compliant Asians would freeze and starve with massive migrations democratically spread out everywhere. That´s why plan B “let´s rape Europe instead” will necessarily kick in soon.
What Anglo-Saxons may do after raping Europe and making it their own for peanuts is to make an energy & produce & resources supply deal with whomever. They´d just get a hold of installed and already built capacity plus expertise and human resources capabilities in Europe. Additionally, they would get the continental internal market in a key and unequaled geopolitical area of the world. The Anglo-Saxons basically just want to change the tide and win at something-anything, so if Russia cannot be defeated they´ll rape continental Europe first and try to make buddies with whomever later, even Latam or Africa… with investments profits on top. And Australia, as an active part of the AUKUS core may also perform a key role regarding “unfriendly” Asians. And beware: if you care to believe the Anglo-Saxons, between Fort Knox and the Bank of England they both pretty much vault everybody else´s gold, Europe´s included. So be carefully aware of the plenty of food for thought before you. Gold is real money as Lawrence of Arabia learned the hard way, and per Liz Truss – possibly the future Prime Minister of the UK — let´s recall that whoever has the gold would make the rules, their rules.
This unexpected self-inflicted slow-motion demolition of sorts was not what Europe had in mind for itself nor understood to be the price they´ll have to pay for fighting – let alone winning — this NATO provoked Ukraine war.
So, if Europeans do not react soon enough and revert course 180 degrees, Europe will continue vassalized depending ever more upon the US and thus self-hurting itself with “Russian” sanctions, not Russia, allowing for the US and London to eventually come in and pick up the pieces and keeping it all for peanuts as per their plan B. And this would mean that the hot shooting Ukraine war would stop. By the way, Russia could just watch the scene also unable to cover the whole globe and being fed-up of so much unjustified past aggression from the EU. And besides just sick and tired of so much nonsense and wasted opportunities during decades of accommodation to European needs. So with or without sanctions, Russia could simply sell ever-lower amounts of oil & gas & food and other strategic commodities to Europe and other Asian “unfriendlies” which are not that easy to find elsewhere as badly needed regarding quality, quantity, price, type, delivery, etc.
This would happen most probably not because Russia wanted to starve and freeze anybody, but rather because she would have simply found new and much better export clients elsewhere and with whom to relate and grow together in every sense, most probably ever-growing BRICS+ Accordingly, Russia would prefer to take better care of such new business, trade and political partners – with different currencies involved, not dollars nor euros — and leaving aside all the great opportunities missed after decades of Russia behaving as an excellent EU business partner to no avail. So, for whatever reasons and without firing a single shot, Russian sanctions could just impoverish Europe and other “unfriendlies” to the point which US and UK investors could step in and buy it out like vulture funds for pennies on the dollar. This outcome would be welcomed by the US & the UK, of course, the real puppeteers pulling the strings of it all and ready to prey upon the impoverished. So unless “Russian sanctions” are reverted 180 degrees, the US & UK would achieve their carefully planned plan B negatively affecting Europe and other “unfriendlies” for having dismissed Russia as a reliable business associate. So the (supposed) “international community” (ha!) is in for some surprises while three more countries are set to join BRICS+.
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Thanks so much Jorge! A piece that can be kept as reference material and a large bite of the events that we see unfold in front of us. I certainly appreciate the work that this took!
I agree with your premise – the next rape is the one of Europe. Here is another support for that premise. Just quietly the US Treasury, has withdrawn a number of Russian products from sanctions. For example, with fertilizers, food, seed materials, medicines and medical equipment.
And this while Europeans are doing the 7th tranch of sanctions the US tries to protect its seating area.
And just in on my news ticker from Reuters: The European Commission plans to adjust sanctions against Russia on Friday to remove obstacles to food exports. Its Reuters, so, check out the veracity.
I wonder if these people really think Russia is going to roll over and supply? An interesting situation is developing.
Dear Amarynth, actually it´s the other way around.
My hard work does not matter much and anyways I enjoyed — and felt it necessary — doing it all along. So it´s really me thanking your valuable input and favorable comments which — coming from you — mean a helluva a lot because (a) you being a most important columnist yourself I know how you bright you shine with your own glow and (b) as sitting editor I know how rightfully demanding you are regarding content so that “The Saker” website maintains its well-gained fame. So I am proud of it all and also most pleased to hear that you may have considered this article as valid “reference material” for possible future use. Respectfully, a firm yet very warm hand shake from Jorge
Thanks from me also Jorge; luv yer work!
Your dedication and politeness are stratospheric ! : )
Steve from Oz, thank you guy for acknowledging the effort, I try my very best that´s all. This is home to me, I feel amongst thinking friends here. God bless you all. Cordially Jorge
Hi Jorge, Excellent detailed description.
I have another case C. For me this is actually the more likely case B because the US and the UK are also imploding. Russia and the rest of the BRICS+ help Europe.
Stability would build up here in the long term.
Willi, thanks for your comments !
Case “C” you say ? Weeeellll… please allow me to repeat something that I have said before but it´s still valid methinkxs…. My personal gut feeling — I have no links no sources nothing — but by just listening and reading them most specially Foreign Relations Minister Sergei Lavrov… my feeling is that the Russians are plain sick and tired fed up of “agreement-incapable” Europeans and Westerners at large they just want OUT no more of anything enough decades already wasted… you get the picture… So unless something very exceptional happens… hmmm… I want to see it — and Europeans come back begging on their knees urging to recompose the relationship… the Russians will fully avoid even doing great deals and investing in anything that is located West of the Dnieper River…Russians do not want to get involved in anything from the Western world any more. So. Still, thanks for your input Willi. Cordially Jorge
Great article.
RE: Russia saving Europe – Russia will never negotiate with the EU collective, but friendly EU member states will get a chance; Hungary first, then possibly Italy, Austria, Greece… big economies like Germany, France and Spain could catch a train if they get sober pronto. Ditto for some European statelets.
UK, Poles and Balts are over and out, they will live in self-induced misery for years.
Thanks scanalyse glad you liked the article ! If Italy befriends Russia the EU is dead ! Cordially Jorge
CONGRATULATIONS editors Andrei and Amarynth plus commentariati at large.
Today this article has been RE-published by The Automatic Earth and The Debt Rattle at
The Europeans already seem to have been beaten into an almost comatose stupidity.
The Dutch are sacrificing their food supply in order to decrease their nitrogen output (nitrogen comprises 78% of the atmosphere!)
The Farmers are protesting for their very lives, but where are the Dutch people????
Even the suicidal lemmings would look upon Europe with disbelief!
The Germans are now told to practise their wood chopping skills, in order to stay warm this winter.
And where are the people? Down at the coffee shops, arguing whether there are 62 or 64 sexualities!!
As a Hollywood script, it would be considered to be too insane, ever to be produced!
Massive farmer demo’s in Holland are now supported by German farming.
Holland, #2 food exporter, being told to dump 30% of farms shows clearly the Malthusian imperative : population reduction, or Great Reset in Davos coffee shops.
But, as with all developed agro-industrial economies, only 2% of voters actually feed 98% and export on top of that. Any EUSA bureaucrat looks at his spreadsheet – aw shucks, who cares about a mere 2% of voters, a fringe? Until a farmed sprays manure all over his billiard-table lawn and cottage, that is.
And the framers are having great fun doing just that!
bonbon, hi there !
I loved your “Great Reset in Davos coffee shops” so with your permission — and if not duly patented or Trade Marked hahahh — I wish you to possibly ´borrow´ the expression for future use. It is a very ´picturesque´ yet effective way of describing the Davos intellectual phenomenon and circumstances.
Thanks fot the input bonbon ! Cordially Jorge
I wonder how many of those farmers are thinking about moving to Russian Federation?
Traditionally, Russia, almost every country with a functioning government, have welcomed Sachsen farmers. Enticing them with free land, free buildings, free equipment, free seeds, citizenship papers, and even travel expenses and startup cash money. I am sure Dutch (deutsche) farmers are as skilled and hardworking as Sachsen.
Russia already offers free land in the east. Also, with nato and its ukrainian puppets successfully depopulating ukrainia, there is probably already good farmland available in the west.
For that matter, with famine and freezing, farmers all over the nato lands might be thinking of taking their skills to where they are appreciated.
When Catherine the Great won southern Ukraine from the Turks she invited Prussian Mennonites of Frisian origin to come and cultivate the undeveloped land. Their efforts helped make the area what it is and their harvests fed the newly founded Port of Odessa for grain export.
When the same people immigrated to the US a century later they brought with him the hard red winter wheat which is the backbone of American grain production.
I wonder if this is so Bill Gates can buy up Dutch farms at cheap prices. The Europeans need to start fighting back.
Informative and comprehensive article. Much thanks to Jorge.
“The Dutch are sacrificing their food supply in order to decrease their nitrogen output ”
It’s not the Dutch but the government usurpers. The government there no more represents the people than the government here.
Those doing the pronouncing of the green new rules are the self appointed bureaucrats who appoint the “well-trained career idiots” and other “useful European idiots.” Same as in this country.
Revolutions are a spontaneous 100th monkey type of event.
The farmers just may be the catalyst.
May ALL the self appointed and their corresponding idiots get their just due. Along with their masters.
osi many thanks for your acknowledgement ! I try my best. This is home to me. Cordially Jorge
Brilliant work!
This new NATO framework is interesting. I want to direct your attention to rather peculiar development-which may have crystallized this interest in new NATO. I think there are emerging frictions especially France regarding war in Ukraine and ita impacts for Europe. These Uber leaks of Macron by ICIJ seek like a shake down attempt and keep him in line on war.
Thanks Xafer !
And yes, the EU frictional infighting can´t be covered up effectively any more.
Cordially Jorge
Excellent work, and top-flight references!
Thanks for your favorable comments. I am also so glad that you liked the references which, although they may disturb the reading a bit, are still necessary for comparing sources and thus gain redaer´s credibility. References are hard work though, but still very much needed me thinks, no ? Cordially Jorge
You are awesome!! I appreciate your hard work and dedication to the truth. Love your articles on the foolish EU trying to replace Russian urals crude,with all it’s complications. I recommend your work to everyone I speak of on these topics. You are definitely a powerful voice, which needs to be heard! Thanks again for your brilliant analysis!
Kalchain, thanks for letting me know ! Still my pleasure and my duty, no? I mean, I pretty much know that very basic technical stuff, so not making it public would not serve anybody well. So I feel it´s my obligation as lots of people — many millions — are negatively affected. So I hope to possibly contribute my .02 cents to a better decision-making process. Cordially Jorge
Dutch = Netherlands
Deutsch = Germans😁🌈
Ria Novosti picked up a London Telegraph Report on Germany :
“A real drama has played out with the search for those responsible for the disastrous decision of ten years ago to abandon nuclear energy, because of which Germany fell into complete dependence on Russia. The reputation of Angela Merkel, who used to be idolized, is now torn to shreds, and two-thirds of voters condemn Olaf Scholz for failing to ensure energy security,” Daniel Johnson wrote.
“Either Berlin will suffer a powerful failure, accompanied by the collapse of the ruling “traffic light” coalition, or it will capitulate to Putin. Last week, Scholz and his colleagues rejoiced at the collapse. Boris Johnson. But the German chancellor may well be waiting for the same nightmare scenario, and his schadenfreude may be short-lived,” Johnson wrote
Italy’s Draghi survived a no-confidence, wanted to resign, was refused.
And this is during the hot season!
It was under pressure from the German Green party lead by George Soros, the front man for the Red Shield central bankers, that Merkel was obliged to shut down Germany’s nuclear power plants, otherwise she would not have been re-elected as Chancellor. She put her personal political interests above those of the people.
How on earth that fat pig held onto power for so long is also a mystery, when sensible, patriotic, potential candidates like Sahra Wagenknecht were ignored by the mainstream media.
You’ve just answered your own question. WEF/Soros control would not be possible without kadaver journalism.
Mr. Vilches,
What happens to a democracy when the people are deeply corrupted? The West has approved laws through the vote of laws so absolutely aberrant that they carry social anomie in their seed.
A society that cultivates the most atrocious nihilism cannot last.
And Brazil’s Bolsonaro has a plan, only to be told directly to Zelensky. Hints at the Falklands War model.
My brother-in-law was mobilized to the Malvinas just after the war ended.
Argentina had a perfect invasion plan that was scrapped at the last minute… Perhaps Zelensky will get a perfect retirement plan at the last minute as well.
I am not a Margaret Thatcher fan, but is was the British Navy’s nuclear powered submarine sinking of the battleship Belgrano, that put paid to Argentina’s invasion plans of the Falklands Islands in 1982.
bombom, sou brasileiro e posso dizer, com certeza, que dei muita risada quando vi essa notícia na RT. Esse Bolsonaro é totalmente incapaz de produzir um pensamento lógico qualquer quanto mais elaborar um plano para dar fim ao conflito. Talvez ele diga para o Zelenski se entregar e vir passear nas praias do Brasil.
machine translation:
bombom, I am Brazilian and I can say with certainty that I laughed a lot when I saw this news on RT. This Bolsonaro is totally incapable of producing any logical thought whatsoever, let alone come up with a plan to end the conflict. Maybe he will tell Zelenski to turn himself in and come stroll on the beaches of Brazil.
Certamente. Bolsonaro é incapaz de dizer uma única frase em português, que tenha algum sentido.
Bolsonaro foi o sub-produto da guerra de baixa intensidade que o Império do caos fez ao Brasil…Venezuela, Bolívia, Equador, Argentina.
Medvedev’s Telegram :
Mugs of BoJo, Draghi, and a Shadow with ?-mark.
But instead of Who-on-First, What’s on Second – What principle like BRI, EAEU can stop the brakdown? Only massive high-growth development with banking fr the economy, not for Draghi’s GoldmanSachs buddies.
No matter how difficult are the “odds” at the end the outcome will be the same; There is one million and there is one billion, there will be plenty of rope left…justice this time will have to be impartial.
And that version of new-fascism some gringo already identified as Americanism, invested with their democracy and human-rights mantra, can play their Chaplinesque “butt-bumping” world-ballon into oblivion…Unless the “economy” brings everyone to their senses or pray that Lavrov be our “savior”.
Jorge, fue algo temprano para un cafe tan cargado, mas en horabuena!
Many thanks to Jorge Vilches for this excellent essay. So what I understand from the article about the Plan B is that it’s in fact the final process of digging a nice grave for the Anglo-Saxon to lay into. Very hard to imagine seeing southern countries of Europe like Spain, Italy and Greece with significant histories of their own will ever let the Anglo-Saxon get away with the B plan. Germany might even change course before cold weather kicks in or when people suddenly discover how the sneaky Anglo-Saxon has been taking advantage of their sheer ignorance, all this time.
maskazer, I read and follow your well-taken comments very closely.
Good analysis and input for sure.
The problem is that Anglo-Saxons would not be that much rejected because (a) it be gradual a-la-Perfidous Albion style (b) Europeans would not have any other way out readily available, i.e. $$$$ (c) Anglo-Saxons would buy-out everything with badly-needed dollars and pounds Europeans would desperately need. Now then, having said that, yes, I agree, one possibility in this all-time drama is that Germany could pull a 180 degree reversion… but it would be a very painfull German revolution which I wouldn´t believe in until it happens… Good input maskazer please keep it coming !
Hello Jorge Vilches, and thank you for the very good article.
I tend to agree with your comentary. However we are living in Europe very dangerous moments. Is in these kind of situations that fascism can quickly emerges and grow.
António thanks for the feedback and I also agree that these are very dangerous poliical times, most specially in Europe. Best of luck for you António !
Cordially Jorge
“…by controlling a handful of EU leaders… the rest just follow the Pied Piper of Hamelin.”
Jorge Vilches’ metaphor for “the rest” as rats following the tune played by the Piper reminds me of the role of central banks in unison around the world following one another, doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
Jorge, and Alasdair Macleod quoted below, have made the case for the European project and it’s currency to be soon defunct, and this was on the cards long before the sanctions against Russia. These, and the greenwash of political parties has accelerated the process to such an extent as to be visible in real time. The daily headlines speak to the banquet of consequences.
“The political and monetary evolution of a post-euro Europe will not be determined solely by endogenous events. There is a similar but less complex crisis evolving in Japan, equally leading to a failing yen mirroring the euro. And both the Fed and the Bank of England are desperately hoping that they won’t be forced to raise interest rates to reflect persistent price inflation.”
Hope is the most impotent tool of all, and central banks are all out of those other useless tools.
The timing of converging and separate crises in the EU, Japan, the UK, and the US is guesswork, but they all have commonalities.
“The most notable is that the suppression of interest rates and government bond yields by the major central banks has come to an end.”
In other words the central banks are out of “tools” and must pay the piper.
Colin Miller, I agree !!!
So much so that the very last reference — Ref #41 — of my article above links to Alasdair MacLeod´s latest article published in Gold Money just as you indicate. My next article here in “The Saker” will most probably deal with the same topic. Thanks for the input Colin ! Cordially Jorge
Colin Miller
You know I was overwhelmed because my article right here in “The Saker” we are now discussing was actually published a couple of hours BEFORE Alasdair´s Macleod´s which I saw published at the GATA website later. I have a lot to say about this situation described by Alasdair and probably will publish very soon about the falling euro and central banking shenanigans regarding the other Western “reserve” currencies (not). So I guess all of the above pretty much is now ´floating in the air´ so to speak, no ?
I fully agree with your … “and this was in the cards long before the sanctions against Russia. These, and the greenwash of political parties has accelerated the process to such an extent as to be visible in real time. The daily headlines speak to the banquet of consequences.”
Cordially Jorge
Colin, you referred to “central banks in unison around the world following one another, doing the same thing over and over…”
My thoughts on that is that free market ideology has been text-book dogma possibly since the 80s, so we now have a whole generation of economists, analysts, advisors and administrators who actually believe that market forces solve all problems.
This will take many years to overcome.
Hi Steve, yes the “dogma” is much worse than anyone could possibly imagine. It began with the overturning of true unfettered free markets with John Maynard Keynes after the great depression when he tried to come up with a theory that could explain the economic crisis at that time. There has been nothing but interference, with governments relying on central banks to finance their promises and so began the great financialisation of capital.
Ludwig von Mises has plenty to say about this as a start to unraveling how we arrived at this point of no return. Cheers, Colin.
I doubt it Steve.
Russia has precipitated the end of the Ashkenazi’s global Central Banking system. Its replacement will rectify the situation pronto and the banksters’ supporting coterie of economists, analysts, advisors and administrators will be prosecuted or put out to pasture, as appropriate. The future belongs to creators not manipulators and paper shufflers.
The EU is a creation of the US. The stated goal was removal of trade barriers but the real purpose was the establishment of an authority governing on the behalf of US interests.
The proposed ‘mini-EU’ is an attempt to preserve some kind of anti-Russian military ‘alliance’ in the face of obvious and accelerating fragmentation of both the EU and NATO. Britain, Poland, and Ukraine are The Three Stooges.
General Von Paulus was not a member of the Nazi Party, and after the war he spent his life denouncing them.
Black Cloud thanks for the info re General von Paulus. If it weren´t for your comment I would have never guessed what you mentioned. Still, I understand that he was very ashamed of his defeat and that Herr Fürher personally appreciated and rewarded von Paulus´ Stalingrad effort and obedience by promoting him to Field Marshall, the highest honor and rank in the Wehrmacht. Still, your comment is much appreciated. Cordially Jorge
Hitler promoted Paulus to Field Marshal with the hope that he would die in battle as no Field Marshal in German history had ever surrendered.
Arguably debates about these major geopolitical issues tend to be misdirected by categorising the prime actors as being nations. But nations don’t live and breathe, people do. As a result, in debates about perfidious activities such as the creation of the EU or instigation of the current attack on Russia via Ukraine etc, attention is misdirected towards Ango-Saxons and USans. Arguably entities such as the “US intelligence community” which apparently fostered the creation of the EU enterprise, are not really specific to their host nation. Rather members of the nebulous Khazarian Mafia (however described) that controled the Fed and the global banking system, covertly decided such matters using Anglos, USans and corrupt minions and agents from many nations, to achieve their ends.
In my view that means that the EU was created by multi-nationalists ie globalists, rather than by and for USans or any other national population. The people in the countries involved have no say in these matters although their ignorance and indifference facilitates outcomes.
Given the debacle forced on General Von Paulus and his troops I can understand his spending the remainder of his life denouncing Nazis…
With the backdrop of Ukraine in mind, it becomes clear to me. The puzzels of last 5 years, of seemingly senseless action by our political leaders become clear. It’s been political coverage you referred to. PC to get us out of the way and keep us in the dark. IE did the impeachment of Trump over a phone call to Z of Ukraine ever make sense?? Trump was getting too close to parts of the master Plan A, I now believe. So, be aware. It’s all so clear.
What did UK elites — wasn;t it orchestrated by MI-6–hope Brexit would achieve?
casey, Brexit was meant to achieve Plan B and all that it entailed. In that sense it was a British “success”. The Brits needed to (a) be OUT of the EU as they already are (b) be alligned in AUKUS with the US and Australia as they already are … not France re naval contracts !!! (c) be ready to become militarily aggressive as Rule Britannia duly requires (d) have or be able to print pounds — not euros — readily at the independent Bank of Engand (not the ECB…) with which to buy European assets at dirt cheap prices.
Cordially Jorge
Tarik’s recent article here:
…unless I’ve misunderstood suggests that:
A. All Western based currency (including the British £), founded on centuries of fractional reserve banking, are fiat currencies.
B. Having over printed to the point of unsustainable debt they have all run out of road in terms of redeemable value.
This suggests that, despite the subjectively derived reality upon which the process inherent in Plan B is based, that the objective reality is that printing further £’s by the British Establishment will not achieve such an objective because:
(i) The value of the printed fiat money will literally be less than the pennies required to buy up the Euro assets.
(If the Euro and the Dollar [not to mention the Yen] are over extended debt ridden currencies which are being de-dollarised and de-euro’d as reserve currencies for trade [ie buying and selling anything, including devalued hard assets located throughout the EU/Europe Zone] there needs to be an explanation as to why the same situation does not apply to the British Pound?)
(ii) In the absence of a rock solid case for the British Pound being an exception to the above mentioned Dollar and Euro debt ridden currency values problems as set out by Tarik, the same currency printing process could be applied by the ECB itself to hang on to those assets.
In regards to the argument that the Anglo-Saxon’s retain the gold reserves of many other countries I do recall reading articles – some of which may have been on this site – in the not too distant past suggesting that most, if not all, of that has already been spaffed up against the wall and that the majority of those holdings are essentially (fiat) paper gold promissory notes. Otherwise why is it taking so long for the Germans, among others, to get their gold back from Washington and London?
(not to mention the reported repatriated Chinese gold which turned out tungsten a few years back)
Which, as Tarik’s article implies, leaves the value of those currencies, including the British Pound, as the equivalent of quicksand barely capable of supporting its own economy never mind swallowing up European assets.
Dave Hansell, thanks for your valuable analysis. My next article here in “The Saker” will most probably deal with this topic — and other related aspects — which you wisely bring up. My short off-the-cuff answers to your comments for the time being are
* below please find link to my “The Saker” articles on this matter.
* one missing leg of the 3-legged stool requirements is pure brute military force. The US and UK are specialists at it with full control of the seas and probably of the air also with more than 790 military bases distributed world-wide. Most of the US budget deficit comes from military expenses which the rest of the world is financing everytime it saves one dollar
* true enough, both the US dollar and the British GBP are fiat. But if the rest of the world necessarily requires such pieces of worthless paper to pay for stuff because it is priced in such then collective illusion of value can go on forever and Europeans can let go of their tangible value “whatevers” for US dollars and British GBP. Precisely THIS is the revolution that Russia and China are producing right NOW as we speak.
Please do keep up your valuable comments and questioning Dave !!!
Cordially Jorge
Can we transpose Bolshevik with Neocon and Russian with Anglos? Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – “You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators (the Jews).”
Only in your warped right-wing imaginings. Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin etc were all born within the borders of Russia as it was at the time. They were not driven by ethnic hatred but by hatred of the many crimes perpetrated by the ruling class against the Russian people. This sort of ignorant distortion of reality does no-one any favours.
“They were not driven by ethnic hatred.”
— What does make you feel that you are above Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in understanding the dynamics of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia?
Google the names of Jacob Schiff, Lazar Kaganovitch (Holodomor), Phillip Goloshyokin (Shaya Itsikovich, the Goloshyokin Genocide)), Zemlyachka (Rozalia Zalkind, mass slaughter of officer crops in Crimea)), Naftali Frenkel (GULAG), Isaya Berg (an NKVD inventor and practitioner of a gas van), Genrikh Yagoda (secret police) – there were thousands of others — and you will get some glimpse of what was going on in Russia after the murderous regime change organized by American Banksters.
Moreover, your ignorance of Russia’s social, economic, and cultural development between the middle of the 19th- the beginning of the 20th century is beyond the pale. it is not surprising that your post reads as an opus of an aggressive talmudic propagandist accusing others of not having “your” puny and lopsided “knowledge.” Numerous journalists and eyewitness testimonies describe the sadistic rule of Bolshevik Jews.
There are plenty of sources demonstrating the great development of the Russian empire towards the beginning of the 20th century.
Did they allow you to learn the word “zemstvo?” Why don’t you put some effort into reading “Two Hundred Years Together?” Too much for you, “Jams?”
Solzhenitsyn was just a convenient CIA stooge. While it is true that Stalin was basically a paranoid and murderous aberration, you have provided no evidence that the leaders of the revolution were in any way motivated by ‘ethnic hatred’. And why would ‘New York banksters’ want to promote a communist revolution? Especially as it is clear that they spent the next 70 years doing their best to destroy that revolution. Any ‘great developments’ in the Russian economy are not attributable to the Czarist Regime, which was essentially reactionary and repressive. Bias is no basis for objective analysis. ad hominem removed … mod
G’day James,
There is no evidence that Alexandr Solzhenitsyn suffered from warped right-wing imaginings. Solzhenitsyn was there and lived through the experience. His awareness of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin and their ilk committing mass murder and genocide was not a sign of warped right-wing imaginings.
You say that Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were driven by hatred of the many perceived crimes allegedly perpetrated by the ruling class against the Russian people. Even if that was true, which is not conceded, how could that justify rationally or at all, the killing and torturing of 66 million, or any, of the said Russian people?! Committing mass murder let alone genocide is a sign of gross evil or lunacy or both. Certainly it is not a sign of love of one’s ethnic brothers and sisters whether the perpetrators were born in Russia or not.
In any event, what is the alleged relevance of those homicidal monsters being born within the borders of Russia?
There is plenty of evidence of US bankster involvement in the Bolshevik Coup in Imperial Russia in 1917. Trotsky and hundreds of Jews were sent from New York to lead the Coup. See eg: THE AMERICAN RED CROSS MISSION IN RUSSIA — 1917 –
Arguably Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were of Khazarian extraction and certainly their bloody anti-Christian, Russian hating deeds evidence that they were Talmudists. See eg: The Secret Holocaust The real holocaust was a Christian Holocaust by Jews of sixty-six million, mostly Christians.
Imperial Russia before 1917 was exceptional for that time. In 1861, ie before Lincoln freed the slaves in the USA to assist the Union’s Civil War effort, Czar Alexander II abolished serfdom, which at that time affected 30% of the population. Then, much to the chargrin of elite Russian landowners, the Tsars directed the State Bank to provide cheap loans to the peasants to enable them to buy and operate their own farms. That was done by having the Peasant’s State Bank create the people’s money out of nothing at almost zero interest. Contrast that with the rest of our world where central banks allowed parasitic private banks to create their nation’s money supply at usurious rates of interest.
By abolishing slavery and enabling a majority of Russian peasants to own their own land, Russia’s agricultural production became the greatest in the world.
Between 1901 and 1912 Russia’s peasant loans increased from 222 million rubles to 1.168 billion rubles. By 1913, Russia had become the world’s bread basket. Its percentage of world production being: 42.3% of Barley; 30.3% of Oats; 67% of Rye; and 31.2% of Wheat. See Stephen Goodson’s: The Truth About Imperial Russia –
By 1912 Russia had the lowest levels of taxation in the world and there was hardly any inflation. If International Jewry had not instigated, organised and funded the coup, falsely labelled as the Russian Revolution, in 1917, Russia would have been the unrivalled national world leader in the 20th century.
Thanks to the sound fiscal policies of the czars, by 1914 Russia had become one of the leading lending institutions in Europe. It had the smallest national debt in the world, by far. In fact Imperial Russia was a world leader in many respects and had built the longest railway in the world – the TransSiberian.
By 1914, 83% of the interest and amortization of the national debt was funded by the profits of the Russian State Railways. In 1916 the total length of the main lines was 100,817 verst or kilometers. By 1914 80% of Russia’s arable land was in the hands of the peasants. The Peasants’ State Bank, described at that time as the greatest and most socially beneficent institution of land credit in the world, granted loans at a very low rate of interest, which was in effect a handling charge.
Russia had amassed more money than any other country in the world, education was free up through college level, and its labor laws were praised by U.S President William Howard Taft.’
Goodson accurately summarizes the picture of Russia that has been so debased by Jewish propagandists advocating Communist ‘liberty’ for the whole world:
‘The people of all races in the Russian Empire had an equality of status and opportunity which was unparalleled in the modern world. His Imperial Majesty Tsar Nicholas II (1868-1918) and his state bank had created a workers’ paradise that was unrivaled in the history of mankind.’
Moreover, contrary to the Talmudic propaganda that dominates our world today, Imperial Russia was NOT industrially backward. In fact, if the Tsars had not given free education to Talmudists allowed into St Petersburg and Moscow from the Pale of Settlement; and had not Talmudic intrigue encompassed the defeat of the Russian fleet by Japan in 1905 and the subsequent indoctrination of navel POW’s in the east before they returned to the port of Saint Petersburg, the Bolshevik Coup in 1917 would not have been successful.
BEFORE International Jewry implemented their COUP in 1917, Imperial Russia was giving interest free money subject only to a “handling charge” to tens of millions of peasants. The financial system currently being implemented by Putin, Xi and Trump will finally achieve a similar system for everyone in our whole world in the near future.
Interest free money results in huge productivity increases, prosperity, peace and ABUNDANCE. Believe it!
Between 1870 and 1914 industrial output grew by 1% per annum in Great Britain, 2.75% per annum in the United States and 3.5% per annum in Russia. During the period 1890 to 1913 Russian industrial production quadrupled and Russian industries were able to satisfy 80% of internal demand for manufactured goods, a perfect example of autarky. Under Putin Russia is again achieving autarhy
In other words Imperial Russian industry was booming before the Bolshevik COUP in 1917! The LIE in all the history books to the effect that Russia had no industry in 1917 has been put there by International Jewry that carried out the Bolshevik COUP in 1917, genociding 66 million Russians thereafter. Until recently Rothschilds’ controlled Boleheviks, not “US interests”, have been controlling the US, EU and most of our world not controlled by Zionist crazies in Israel. Those entities apparently still control some shabbos goys and useful idiots who peddle their lies for profit and employment.
Lenin’s RED TERROR and Stalin’s subsequent slaughter of Christian Russians and Ukrainians, WIPED OUT Russia’s aristocracy and its educational, scientific, engineering, managerial, military and religious elites and Russia’s non-Jewish middle and artisan classes generally. The effect was to plunge Russia into a dark age such that it could be, and was, presented as backward and lacking in the skills needed for a modern industrial society. THAT dystopia was a Jewish creation. It was NOT the situation prior to Lenin’s Bolshevik Coup, organised and paid for by Talmudic banksters in London and New York.
The Talmudists were probably about 4% of the Russian population in 1917 when International Jewry mounted its Bolshevik COUP, falsely described as the Russian Revolution. Jews dominated the Bolshevik hierarchy, military and security forces. That COUP began the genocide of 66 million Russians and about 10 million Ukrainians.
See also: The West’s Rejection of God Will End in Misery and Terror – Solzhenitsyn’s Prophetic 1983 Warning –
The Secret Holocaust – The real holocaust was a Christian Holocaust by
Jews of sixty-six million, mostly Christians.
Why The US Is Headed Into Its Fourth Turning –
“Arguably Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were of Khazarian extraction and certainly their bloody anti-Christian, Russian hating deeds evidence that they were Talmudists. See eg: The Secret Holocaust The real holocaust was a Christian Holocaust by Jews of sixty-six million, mostly Christians.”
I have only heard that ‘argument’ made on raving conspiracy sites. (Although I don’t argue with the Khazarian origin of most European Jewry). However, Lenin and Stalin were not Jewish, outside of those same mad conspiracy sites. Trotsky was not interested in his Jewish heritage. The conflation of the leadership of the revolution with a zionist conspiracy to rule the world is in my opinion something only held by irrational people.
As for the rest of your post, given such gems as: “The LIE in all the history books to the effect that Russia had no industry in 1917 has been put there by International Jewry that carried out the Bolshevik COUP in 1917, genociding 66 million Russians thereafter.” – I can’t even get the energy up to be interested in further discussion. No doubt you will see this as a victory, but honestly I need to save my energy for discussion with rational interlocuters.
Why not read some of Peter Beter’s Audio Letters?
The Rockefellers were in cahoots with the Bolsheviks from the get go but intended to double cross them in the 1970s. Unfortunately for them though, they, AND the Bolsheviks in the Kremlin, got beaten to the punch by a tough Russian Christian sect that took over the Kremlin in the mid 1970s. See eg: ff.
I believe the correct classification for that would be part of the Warner Brothers ‘Looney Tunes’ series. Perhaps it has been inadvertently released from their archives?
Hi Jorge, excellent food for thought as usual. Have to say it’s obvious that Plan B has already succeeded as a fait accompli. Reached a critical, irreversible, and self-sustaining level months ago. I just don’t see a believable scenario where everything goes back to the way it was before Febuary 2022 (wasn’t good before then, either) where Russia has the luxury of pretending none of what transpired wasn’t planned and implemented – with zeal. Especially in light of what we now know (imminent deployment of bioweapons in March, Minsk accords as an excuse to stall for time, etc).
Just as someone who is dosed with a ridiculously lethal amount of radiation but lives for a few days to weeks afterward, so too with Russia’s former relationship to Europe. I agree with you that Russia should find better customers.
What Russia could do is buy of EU assets for pennies if only to frustrate Plan B as a lesson. Couple of things would have to happen first: EU dissolution, NATO disbandment, US suffers a collapse which threatens US continuity (civil war keeps US out of it for a while). And before all that, probably revolutions in most of EU nations (hopefully not Sri Lanka level). Parliments, PM’s, media and all. Thorough de-US ification. Possible to get the right sequence, but it’d be messy.
North East, thanks for your thoughts and comments. Still, my personal gut feeling — I have no links no sources nothing — but by just listening and reading them most specially Foreign Relations Minister Sergei Lavrov… my feeling is that the Russians are plain sick and tired fed up of “agreement-incapable” Europeans and Westerners at large they just want OUT no more of anything enough decades already wasted… you get the picture… So unless something very exceptional happens as you describe — hmmm… I want to see it — and Europeans come back begging on their knees urging to recompose the relationship… the Russians will fully avoid even doing great deals and investing in anything that is place to the West of the Dnieper River…Russians do not want to get involved in anything from the Western world any more.
Oh, I agree. Russia overall relationship with Europe is dead. For at least lifetime(s) as Russia moves on. The radiation metaphore was meant to convey that a few parts of the relationship won’t die instantly this very second. Trade relationships (mortally wounded, not yet dead) will go on for just as long as needed for Russia to reconfigure it’s supply chains and to wind down whatever contracts still left. Not long I think- a year at best.
Also, thanks for your time!
The question after the destruction of the Eurozone is, what then? I think there’s a plan C. Instead of a festering sore in Ukraine, now Russia is gifted the same for all of continental Europe. Since Russia doesn’t have two oceans as a buffer or an English channel, imagine a few hundred millions economic refugees – and not less than the total population of Russia, multiples more – fleeing eastward with NATO forces using them as human shields. Or NATO forces (conventional and non-uniformed) co-mingling among refugee groups. Not sure nuclear weapons are useful in a close-in saturation attack. Cold winters help, but what about the next few summers? I wonder if plan C is an alternate pathway to create similar conditions that led to WW2. Impoverishment, strongmen, some cannibalism of nation-states, flimsy pretexts, then war directed eastward.
The reason I think this: even if US/UK thought that plan B would succeed (now a virtual certainty), what good are cheap assets without the energy to make them useful? Per your recent articles, the US isn’t capable of supplying itself and the needs of the EU in terms of fuel energy. In the fuel category, the current US administration doesn’t no matter what’s said publicly. That’s a long 2.5 year wait until a change of US government plus whatever lead time is needed to rebuild and scale back up. If the US intends to redirect world energy to feed it’s new (being brutally honest here>>) ‘European territories’, that depends on OPEC+ nations acquiescence and OPEC doesn’t seem to be in the mood. Europe will still pay just as high prices in a considerable more improverished condition. So again, what good are the assets? Suppose whatever’s not nailed down could be shipped to the US, but there is the problem of maintaining the basic services that Europeans expect. Unless Europe is holding back an ace card in the form of several already built and operating fusion reactors to get themselves out of this mess, it may actually be a net drain to the US long-term. For this reason, I think Europe is not an aquisition as much as a sacrifice. To destroy a potential competitor. US will try sell it to Europe as a ‘friendly’ takeover. It’s not.
Still think a better long term solution for Russia security is to separate US/UK from the Europe whether Europe likes it or not. Don’t know how that happens short of continent wide revolutions – which could go either way in Russia’s favor.
North East, thank YOU for YOUR time guy !!! The whole idea here is to think together out loud and your most pertinent comments help lots !! Now North East, who knows what may happen after Plan “B”… But it wouldn´t be the “destruction” of Europe rather the reverse-CONQUEST of Europe, follow me ? A special “implosion” not any ´ex-plosion´, okay ?
Maybe it never materializes because Europe — or Germany pretty much alone for that matter — reacts favorably and reverses course 180 degrees and embraces Russia as a trade partner. Extreme physical hardship allows the human mind to focus rapidly, that´s my point. Or, possibly, what we today call Europe, becomes the Anglo-Saxon backyard fully vassalized and instrumental to both the US and the UK. It depends on many things we can´t know or control, and guesstimating entails many risks… Still, please allow me to add my .02 cents starting by your final comments.
(a) cheap assets are good even without plenty or enough energy. It wouldn´t be the US/UK “front yard”, it´d be their BACK-yard with low-energy consumption limiting everything. No fancy lawn and colored-leaves trees, just dusty ground with low-energy production of stuff, maybe mostly agricultural ground… And also, plan “B” would not leave Europeans with any basic services that they´d expect. “WE won and YOU lost” end of story “YOU are our vassals yet again, period”. WW3 was tough on Europeans, sorry.
(b) Having said that, I wouldn´t be as sure as you are that plan “B” will necessarily succeed as many things can still happen as mentioned above
(c) I agree with you in ruling out nuclear attack / defense for that matter
(d) current European population would decrease lots after terrible infighting amongst themselves as they have always done but now with survival animal spirits lose and kicking hard
(e) geography and climate matter, be it the English Channel or the Carpathians mountain range. Climate is an excellent Russian defense, not only winter but also spring and fall RAINS which muddy up everything and stopped the Wehrmacht in its tracks.
(f) summer migrations from Western Europe to Ukraine/Russia would entail weak and hungry people infighting amongst themselves with no resources and funding as any army´s supply lines have for only a relatively few thousands not many millions of Europeans fighting for their lives.
(g) they would all necessarily have to go through Poland territory fighting the Poles. This is history, the Carpathian mountain range funnels transit towards Poland and the Baltics, this is geography
(h) no European ace exists, the Greens turned out to be VERY warmongering and ULTRA dumb no European technology awaiting behind the curtin, no fusion reactors, no European ace cards, nothing.
(i) yes, it´d be sold to Europeans as a ” friendly take over” (not)
(j) Europe would be end-up being a “sacrifice” of sorts that would surely be re-educated and worked out so as to have an adequate role to perform in this “brave new world” (sorta)
(k) I don´t think that Russia could play an active ´offensive´ role after plan “B” is executed. Only a ´defensive´ role…
(l) Russia could have an important role only if plan “B” were AVOIDED by Germany and others reverting 180 degrees the current course of action.
(m) Russia is sick and tired fully fed-up of the West comings and goings with un-reliable attitudes for decades. Now it´s the age of Asia for Russia, just defending itself from Europe, putting up with it. Unless, Germany finally reacts positively but like right NOW, fast.
Cordially Jorge
I am still struggling with the implied notion that the UK will escape the same kind of negative impacts as continental Europe before benefiting from Plan B.
Even if the UK does not use Russian Ural’s oil or gas it seems reasonable to surmise that its fixed geographical position adjacent to the European mainland means that, even though it is no longer a member of the EU, market conditions in that part of the world (including supply chains with no diesel which it needs to transport food and other materials vital for its economy and to feed its population) would have an equally negative impact on the UK as it will on the European mainland?
Unless I am missing something it seems reasonable to anticipate that the price of energy in the market place – along with the cost of transporting goods (including food), supply chain issues etc – will affect the UK and its economy just as much as the states in the European mainland. Who will all be chasing reduced supply.
Whether there is sufficient energy available is another issue. I just cannot see how the price of energy and the subsequent negative impacts on food prices, delivery, supply chains etc will either:
A: Negatively affect Europe but not the UK.
B. Negatively affect Europe to a greater extent than the UK.
There is already talk of domestic energy bills (electricity and gas) in the UK increasing to over £3.5k a year. My own monthly bill has already increased by around 60% since last year.
Petrol/diesel is increasing by an average of just under a penny a day (over a calendar month period) at the forecourts. (petrol £1.65 per litre in early June/£1.90 a litre early July). Everyday consumables at the supermarket are increasing in price levels which mirror that of Germany, Holland, France and other European states. With some items doubling in price in since the beginning of the year.
Food bank usage is straining at the seams in the most deregulated and low wage economy in Europe.
To be able to pick up anything in Europe for pennies on the dollar the UK will need a functioning economy better than that of its European prey. Right now I just cannot see how that state of affairs can come about in any practical way. Maybe in the fevered imagined realities of those who want to do this. But not as matters stand.
Meanwhile, Russia is coining it in, as we say around here. From where I’m sat the most likely candidate economy to pick up stuff from Europe – including from the UK – for pennies on the dollar is Russia.
And the blinder of a way they are playing the game right now has me seriously thinking of paying a visit to the premises of Mr William Hill Esquire to see if I can get decent odds on that outcome before those odds tumble even further.
Dave, thanks for your analysis your points are well-taken. Later I´ll try to find time to reply to your comments in greater length and depth, but for the time being please allow me to just copy/paste what I replied to another poster (“casey”) in this same thread. Cordially Jorge
“… Brexit was meant to achieve Plan B and all that it entailed. In that sense it was a British “success”. The Brits needed to (a) be OUT of the EU as they already are (b) be alligned in AUKUS with the US and Australia as they already are … not France re naval contracts !!! (c) be ready to become militarily aggressive as Rule Britannia duly requires (d) have or be able to print pounds — not euros — readily at the independent Bank of Engand (not the ECB…) with which to buy European assets at dirt cheap prices.”
… plus having almost all of Europe´s gold vaulted at the Bank of England… which is not a minor piece of information.
The Plan B role for the UK can also be approximately summarized in “Rule Britannia” pretty much the opposite of being an EU member. With Plan B the UK would be ´exploiting´ or taking advantage of Europe not partnerning in any effective way. Just cheap well-educated labor and installed capacity for peanuts. Initially at least Europe would not be an important export market of anything for the UK.
Outside the EU building is a statue of a Bull absconding with Europa to take her across the waters and rape her. Fact.
Ivil, excellent finding, hard to believe but impressive !
Could you share with us a link to a photo or diagram or whatever ?
Cordially Jorge
That would be “John Bull” I believe (the English name for Zeus).
Ivil + Williams
I found it.
Please take a look, it´s exactly as you said (or worse) !!!
All very well done, except for one problem. The US, as such, no longer exists. (I assume the same is true of England, judging from the inability of the English to get the EU albatross from around their collective necks.) The perpetrators here are mostly European geezers — I have personally named them the Davosauros — who finalized their takeover of the US with the November 2020 coup and has since been run by the enemy within with Ubu as the point man. Given the failure of plan A, as outlined above, the goal now is apparently to bring the people of the EU (the Davosauros’ pet project) to their knees before doing the same to the actual Americans still living in the former US. Whether it/they will fail at this, as has been the case with so much of what has been tried lately, remains to be seen.
I’m okay with referring to Davos as “the west,” but saddling the US, now brought to her knees, with blame for what is happening now (as opposed to historically) seems, with all due respect, to have become lost in the forest for the trees.
“saddling the US, . . . with blame for what is happening now”
If you can’t see that the US is the driving force behind pushing Ukraine into war with Russia (and constant provocation of China by meddling in Taiwan, along with 75 years of warmongering throughout the world), then, as we say in the UK “you should have gone to Specsavers (fyi a firm of opticians, if you are US based)
— breaking news —
Is Europe finally hearing the penny drop now trying to back-pedal its wrongdoings with Russia ?
Infighting in Brussels ? You don´t say !??!
The EU may cut financial aid to Ukraine – Bloomberg
The EU has reportedly held up the promised funds due to concerns over its own economy.
The funds promised to Ukraine by the EU have been delayed due to concerns over the bloc’s own economic troubles and infighting in Brussels, Bloomberg reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the discussions. Last month, the Group of Seven (G7), which includes EU economic powerhouse Germany, pledged to support Kiev “for as long as it takes.” Go figure…
Perhaps the title says much! However, what will Europe do when the Anglo-Saxon’s finish raping them and “making Europe their own for peanuts”? Will Europe pivot to the east and or realign with Russia? Will this bring a “PEACEFUL” end to NATO by breaking apart…? Will the Anglo’s allow a broken up or a realigned Europe without expanding the war between Russia & the EU?? It Will be interesting to see what resolution or plan C will bring!
I’m gonna guess, they will expand the war!!
The English are more accurately ethnically described as Anglo Celts, rather than Anglo Saxons. In any case both Washington DC and the City of London are controlled from Tel Aviv.
Nick, who knows what may happen after Plan “B”…
Maybe it never materializes because Europe — or Germany alone for that matter — reacts favorably and reverses course 180 degrees and embraces Russia as a trade partner. Or, possibly, what we today call Europe, becomes the Anglo-Saxon backyard fully vassalized and instrumental to both the US and the UK. It depends and guesstimating entails many risks… Cordially Jorge
Ever since the “liberation” of Western Europe by the US in 1945, it has automatically become a front yard of the US, using the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine as tools of neo-colonial rule. After the fall of the Berlin Wall 1989 and the complete collapse of the so called Soviet Block as well as the destruction of Yugoslavia, the US front yard was able to expand further East. The “Rape Europe” strategy has been on going since then, but on a very, very slow pace. It has become a very sick relationship between the abuser and the abused.
“´useful European idiots´ ”
Ha, ha, ha!
I don’t know much about Medvedev, but I think he’s growing on me. He can (and probably is) playing “bad (rhetorical) cop” to Putin’s “good cop”.
I wish outspoken Medvedev would throw more shade at the West, by challenging them as to how many Ukrainians they are willing to kill to “hurt Russia”. And furthermore, how many millions of poor people throughout the world are they willing to see starve to death, to “hurt Russia”.
It’s not just Europeans who are set to suffer in ever increasing numbers and severity….
And how much pain they are willing to inflict on Americans to “hurt Russia”—“whatever ti takes” to bring Russia down.
Most Americans had never even heard of Ukraine before Feb. 24, 2022.
But they had heard Putin vilified at least since 2016, when Putin (ha ha) won the US presidential election!!
At least the Europeans seem to be starting to show some spine. Good speed to the Dutch and German farmers.
The perfec boomerang storm would be if Plan A ends up bringing down not only the EU but also the whole Davos construct.
What you suggest at the very end regarding the perfect boomerang storm could certainly happen Taffy, yes. It would mean total European awareness and total European rebellion.
Come 2023 something huuuuge will happen for sure, something´s got to give !
Cordially Jorge
I think Bill Clinton did (and may still be doing) much to undermine America and the world, but one thing he didn’t do was lie in that famous deposition. As a lawyer, I read the transcript and was shocked to find that the question posed to Clinton, after his dalliance with Monica had ended, was “is there a sexual relationship”–not the standard lawyerly “is there or was there….” Thus Clinton answered the question correctly when it was asked, and the meaning of “is” is indeed controlling.
Newton Finn, I follow you, it´s interesting, I didn´t know that. Still, what a legal blunder to have asked Bill Clinton a wrongly formulated question in such a high-profile case no ? Cordially Jorge
I disagree, to a certain extent, on the idea behind this article. As a Brit, I want the downfall of the European Union. It had a basis of corruption and forcing a one-rule-fits-all onto its citizens. Its Common Fisheries Policy was designed to wipe out fish stocks in the name of conservation – ie, catch the “wrong fish” and they had to be thrown away, even when dead.
It was intent on building its own military – why else would the Queen Elizabeth class be built? They were more than the UK needed and, more to the point, the reduced Royal Navy could not support them alone.
There are many other reasons why I wanted the demise of the EU, of which, for all intents and purposes, the UK is STILL a part. Not least of which is the demise of nation-states, exacerbated by the open acceptance of illegal migrants. The EU is The Establishment – as is the USA. The Establishment/NWO
Joseph AS, your opinion is well-taken. But as much as it is also respected, the article only tries to explain what UK leaders — in your case — may be doing and planning, not what you may rightfully wish for. Europeans were not told that if the “let´s-rape-Russia-together-plan” failed (plan A) it would be them who got plundered (plan B) And they are all in for an unstoppable surprise now, that´s the whole point of the article. Cordially Jorge
this oneworld government they want aka 2030 agenda…
aka dissolution of usa/uk.
who will protect usa war criminals once usa army is dissolved? these war criminal murderers will face charges since they will not have the military to protect them anymore. this self defeating agenda will haunt john boltons to the farthest reaches of civilization.
most amusing is they forgot about this simple issue leads to the unpreparedness and disfunctional nature of agenda proves the ineptabilities of elites to understand complexities.
That Plan B, the destruction of Continental Europe is the most likely result. Actually this is what Continental Europeans deserved. If you like to be useful idiot then stop whining if they are calling you as useful idiot. We all make mistakes but what if one can’t learn from his mistakes. He is called as an idiot. And he deserved it.
Will there be 180 degrees turn in sanctions? Hardly. Just like brutally gang raped woman, the average Continental European doesn’t expose her/his vulnerability. Just be quit and suffer your shame and wounds. Besides with such a low fertility rate Europe as we once learned to understand it would have anyway been marginalized sooner or later. This enslavement by Anglo-Saxons will just fasten the decline of Europe which never was really a continent but – as Chinese call it – Ouzhou. The “continent of vommit”.
All the EU countries have been occupied by the US military since 1945.
Therefore it is Washington that decides their policies, or is it Tel Aviv via control of all their central banks ?
This is what reality looks like in Finland:
-average electricity price last 28 days 230 €/MWh
-average electricity price last 7 days 380 €/MWh
And now we are talking about prices of mid warm summer in EU country previously one of the lowest electricity prices for both households and business. Normally prices in July are around 40-50 €/MWh.
Not long ago local newspapers were talking over 1 000 €/MWh prices in December. Lack of electricity will be likely result especially if 5th nuclear plant continue having production issues as it has had during last 2 testing years.
Another danger mentioned minister of government: lack of food, or at least some most wanted materials. First time since 1946.
The wholesale price of gasoline is now coming down from a recent high of $3.90 now at $3.10 per gallon. To this must be added the 50 cents per gallon federal tax, plus the gas station mark up. Bear in mind that gas stations’ prices are based on a past 30 day moving average.
There is no legitimate reason to increase electricity prices.
There is no evidence of a BREXIT failure, merely of COVID failure, and bad foreign and military policy. In the same article the author raises the specter of a failing EU and failing BREXIT — you cannot have it both ways old chap!
Every indication is that BREXIT has given Britain greater freedom to deal with this debacle than other European countries (not counting those, like Hungary, which chose not to stir the hornet’s nest).
As Bill Mitchell emphasized, some years ago”
“The choice will not free Britain from neo-liberalism but it does bring the debate back into focus – voter face to face with the British politicians. There are no guarantees that the decision to leave the European Union will lead to good outcomes, by which I mean help those who have been disenfranchised by the neo-liberal system.
There are scenarios that would lead to the conclusion that exactly the opposite might occur. Indeed, UKIP has every right to claim it ‘won’ and to further pursue its racist plans.
And the right-wing Tories who have always hated Europe might push for even greater ‘competition’ and cuts to government spending and services, which would further undermine the fortunes of the weak and precarious.
Bosses might push for further cuts to wages and conditions.
So why was I happy to see the Leave vote win?
Michał Kalecki also at some point said that in a crisis there are opportunities for both the Right and the Left. The exit campaign was dominated by those on the Right that could see the potential of giving voice to the disenfranchised outside of the London elites.
British Labour leadership was largely absent throughout – not knowing which way to turn and allowing the Pro-European (neo-liberal) Left elements within the Party to dominate its public viewpoint. It lost its traditional constituents along the way. The point is that British Labour now has to change drastically and reject its neo-liberal leanings or face extinction.
If it doesn’t show leadership and present a truly progressive alternative to the neo-liberal orthodoxy then the anger will continue and it is possible that the right will dominate.
It is clear that further austerity will be rejected because it is a manifestation of the same sentiments that led to the anti-EU vote.
Brexit vote is a rejection of New Labour as much as it is a rejection of Tory-style neo-liberalism.”
Pearce, thanks for your analysis your points are well-taken. Later I´ll try to find time to reply to your comments in greater length and depth, but for the time being please allow me to just copy/paste what I replied to another poster (“casey”) way above in this same thread. Cordially Jorge
“… Brexit was meant to achieve Plan B and all that it entailed. In that sense it was a British “success”. The Brits needed to (a) be OUT of the EU as they already are (b) be alligned in AUKUS with the US and Australia as they already are … not France re naval contracts !!! (c) be ready to become militarily aggressive as Rule Britannia duly requires (d) have or be able to print pounds — not euros — readily at the independent Bank of Engand (not the ECB…) with which to buy European assets at dirt cheap prices.”
Cordially Jorge
Yup, you got that right.
Let’s not forget the fact that France too have had serious issues with its large scale nuclear energy production. Last Winter 25% of nuclear energy production was lost because technical issues in several big nuclear power plants. And as I do understand the Finnish problems in Olkiluoto nuclear plant is actually French Areva plant. The whole project has been total disaster. It was planned to open whole production in 2009. Now 13 years later whole plant is landmark of poor French quality giving bad name to whole nuclear energy sector. Even its concrete building (French project) was absolutely poor quality and had to rebuild.
We have to ask some serious questions of European production skill and not only with nuclear energy. For instance even Germans (mostly) do agree that Japanese and Koreans are producing better quality cars. Soon China will do it also – and higher numbers.
With all these facts remembering fastly growing Indian real economy production, we soon have to ask: who in future will even need degrading aging Europe? China-India axis with several near by dense populated countries could create market of over 3.5 billion consumers.
Russia clearly is seeing the demise of Europe compared to countries mentioned above plus Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Vietnam, Middle East, huge African continent.
Because for Russia to abandon Europe would play into the divide-and-conquer trap the USA and UK (neither of which calling itself ‘European’) set up for it, wouldn’t it?
i think it is very near the time for Europeans to read and download the old civil sabotage handbooks from the o.s.s😇
A tour de force Jorge, your overview is spot on,
what a circus Europe has become,full of clowns.
I as a German do not think our politicians are conned into their actions against our own interests. I do not think they are simply stupid. Must be something else. Either they get payed for betraying us, or they are compromised and doing it out of fear, or they are ideoligical fanatics. Which of these I do not know. Maybe the second. NSA has enough information on each of us,
The entire media here are synchronised into one large war propaganda machine, and it works perfectly, the people are in a war and sanction frenzy. When in the winter it will get cold, and all the jobs are gone because the industry has no energy, the only thing missing then will be someone shouting “wollt ihr den totalen Krieg”. Scary. Now I understand how it could happen.
John Mearsheimer put it this way: “there is not a grain of realism in the Germans”. They are purely driven by morality and ideology. The Anglo-Saxons use hypocrisy as their most important political tool. They know that it’s not about defending democracy, etc. They know that it’s all about power politics. The Germans, on the other hand, believe that Nato is actually about defending freedom and democracy and that political asylum is granted for humanitarian reasons and not for toppling foreign governments.
Thus, when the Anglo-Saxons give up on a cause because it’s a losing game, the Germans double down to defend the lost cause until the bitter end.
Merkel, who grew up in a dissident environment in Soviet-controlled East Germany, had very naïve ideas about Anglo-Saxons simply because she had no direct exposure to the Anglo-Saxon world. To her, Anglo-Saxon ideas of democracy, freedom and the free market represented an absolute good. Even Trump wasn’t able to cure her of that illusion.
After having tried to improve relations with Russia for over 50 years, to Germans not familiar with the details of the Ukraine crisis, the Russian invasion was like a slap in the face. Moreover, the Greens are totally driven by a sense of superior environmental morality. They are so convinced of their moral superiority that they throw economic reality overboard. That’s why they mutated from a peace party into a war party.
They don’t play football like that. It’s the other way round. Ask Patrick Battiston how the Germans play football. Klinsmann, Stielike, the bloke who got Gazza booked. And to think it was a Russian linesman…
Your judgement about Germans may have some truth.
But regarding the Green and their “sense of superior environmental morality”, as you write. I pondered about this. This is the second time they got into government, the last time was 1999, and its also the second time they immediately started a war. Can this be explained by environmental fanatism?
Assume you were some US/Nato agency in the 90s, and you pondered how to invest into German politics to get Germans to support war. Giving donations to parties in return for favours, as in the US, does not work as well in Germany. You could found a militaristic party, but this takes a lot of time. And then you discover there is this small Green party with a perfect and noble brand, and mostly members who do this in their free time. Why not take it over? Put a few of your guys into it, pay them well so they can invest full time into it and will quickly get to the top, invest into some marketing, and there you are in government. Ready to start a war.
“Assume you were some US/Nato agency in the 90s, and you pondered how to invest into German politics … And then you discover there is this small Green party …”
Let’s not be so naive. The ecologist Green party has had US ties from the beginning. There was no need for US agencies to “discover” the colour revolution movement that they were themselves nurturing.
Kurzbiografie: Petra Kelly (1947-1992)
Their apparent belligerence is because of their asinine, infantile focus on morality, a focus so narrow that it amounts to tunnel vision. This holds true for the base, the common voter, such as teachers and other academic idiots. The leadership, on the other hand, is firmly controlled and selected by the transatlantic networks. It is easy for them to herd their imbecile voters who aspire to be morally superior humans and must therefore support whatever is presented as “the good cause”.
There is a strong concordance with Usanian Trump opponents, who also desire to perceive themselves as morally superior humans and therefore cannot cope with Trump because Trump, by his very personality, destroys the ridiculous belief, the illusion that Americans, collectively, are good and altruistic people. Trump is more truth than their self-love can cope with.
In reply to Rüdiger:
I tend to agree. The article presents an excellent case for one level of reality. But even Machiavelli would throw up his arms at the complexity of today’s plots and subplots. Often, different schemes can overlay so that one is obscured by another.
As an analogy: Not long ago, medical treatments for a particular condition were set by so-called “thought leaders”. These were prominent doctors who needed no evidence for their claims beyond their reputation.
This situation was similar to the argument of the author regarding prominent European political leaders now. But in the case of the doctors, these “thought leaders” were a fantastic target for the pharma industry, who were, as ever, in control of medical practice.
The situation in Europe is hideous with almost all leaders active adherents to secret societies, whether Fabian, Jesuit, Masons, etc. The exact agenda at any moment is a moving target, but the bigger plans have been around for decades. Regarding obedience, these guys are top down, pyramid style, and do not know much above their level.
It could be that all their elaborate plans have devolved into just economic rape, but I doubt it. Having watched the moves of these guys for a couple of decades, they seem always regroup with a different approach. Economic destruction does serve their agenda, but without other forms of domination – monetary system, military, etc., nothing else can work beyond a few months.
The Plan B economic destruction is important, but more important is to identify the longer game, and how it will be played vis-à-vis losses in Ukraine.
Sneak preview of a possible longer-term picture mentioned in my post above:
Comment just now from the president of Serbia, Vucic…
“I know what awaits us. As soon as Vladimir Putin has done his work in Seversk, Bakhmut and Soledar, after reaching the second line Slaviansk-Kramatorsk-Avdeevka, he will come up with a proposal. And if they [the West] don’t accept it, – and they won’t – all hell will break loose.”
“Either they get payed for betraying us, or they are compromised and doing it out of fear, or they are ideoligical fanatics. Which of these I do not know. Maybe the second.”
Please take a look, short article in German about the Ukraine, Minsk 2 and GermanWings 9525:
This is one of the control mechanisms, in my opinion. They are murderers and terrorists. And our “leaders” are cowards and liars, and as such they cannot confront murderers and terrorists, neither morally nor physically.
Thats a really sinister idea. I still refuse to beleave such connections. On the other side – we can only see a tiny bit of what is happening, and in a way it would make sense. The implication of her masters not tolerating an insubordination of Merkel is something to think about.
Method to punish insubordination calqued on the following example from the quite well-known classic movie:
The Horse Head – The Godfather
” The moment of truth must come in Brussels, when leaders admit they have made a miscalculation, that the sanctions policy was based on wrong assumptions and it must be changed,”
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban says the EU’s response to Moscow has severely backfired. Anti-Russia sanctions are ‘killing’ EU economy
“Initially, I thought we had only shot ourselves in the foot [with anti-Russia sanctions], but now it is clear that the European economy has shot itself in the lungs, and it is gasping for air,” Orban warned. What we see right now is unbearable… ” Viktor Orban Prime Minister of Hungary
Great work, Jorge!
This is one of your best.
The Pied Piper of Hamelin (der Rattenfänger von Hameln) is an extraordinary legend.
The town of Hamelin was infested with rats.
The piper, gaily dressed, came along and promised to rid the town of its rats. He did so, playing his pipe and causing the rats to follow him to their death in the Weser River.
But then the mayor refused to pay the piper for his work. Soon the piper reappeared in Hamelin, dressed in GREEN, and with his playing lured all of the town’s children into a deep mountain cave, whence they never returned.
Moral of the story: Don’t make promises you don’t plan to keep.
Thanks Tuffy, and please keep your valuable comments and analysis coming in !
Cordially Jorge
Russia is the source of more technology used abroad than most people can contemplate (I have worked in heavy engineering in Russia). The supply chain breakdowns that are now bringing European vehicle manufacturing to a halt are only one of many indications of what will be a huge change in living standards and expectations in Europe. We now see a 30 year build-up of business partnerships by US and European companies with Russia as a reliable supplier on the rocks (for Europe anyway…). Hard to believe all the European business CEOs just watched it fall apart.
A typical illustration of most Westerners not understanding Russian reality – a warranty claim on some imported material many years ago. The foreign delegation that arrived were aghast when they saw the receiving facility – not some ancient tin hut with antique machinery, but instead new German and Japanese CNC machines, 3D prototyping machines, laser cutters (this was long ago…). All was lost on the warranty claim when laser bore gauges were produced rather than hand instruments. But not quite. Having admitted some vague possibility of a SNAFU on our part, we agreed some rework costs for our account and settled the deal over a bottle of cognac and “zakuski” (cold platters).
This is not so “off topic” but rather to illustrate that this is the Russian way, at all levels of business and government. Personal integrity and a personal relationship is everything especially when things go wrong. Contracts are contracts but if you promise, you deliver. If late or damaged, or in need of an amendment, no problem, a workaround can be negotiated. But an individual is expected to stand by their word because the contract was awarded to that individual based on their word to deliver as promised even if the big company name (or country name) was on the letterhead. Its all personal. Russian are in my experience also very tough negotiators, but fair and accommodating, and rather slow to anger. After which there are basically no limits as to what to expect.
Based on this “insight” (to use the awful Corporate term) the future for Europe looks bleak. Europe had a stable and reliable supplier of not just energy and raw and finished materials, but actually of its rather bearable way of life. If you were any Russian company today, would you wish to deal with unreliable partners that simply cannot be trusted and to whom contracts mean nothing? Or would you use the 80/20 business rule and concentrate on those countries and business partners that represent the future?
Inostranets, I read you and I agree with your excellent analysis and summary.
The Russians are fed up over and done with “agreement incapable” EU business associates
Cordially Jorge
Plan A wasn’t conceived 10 years ago. It was crafted 30 years ago. While lying Gorbachev in the face, Western leaders were already busy trying to undermine the Russian Federation. First they used Yeltsin and the oligarchs to cripple Russia economically and then they started to expand Nato and attack Russian allies like Serbia and encircle Russia with the help color revolutions and regime change tactics.
Putin arrived in the last moment to save Russia. He’ll undoubtedly enter history as Russia’s greatest leader.
One wonders if Russians never learn. After all, it wasn’t the first time the perfidious Albion had betrayed Russia. The instant the Soviet Union had defeated the Nazis, the Western allies turned around to undermine the Soviet Union with the help of Nazi networks left behind by the Germans in Ukraine.
The problem with plan A was that after 30 years, they forgot to update it. Today, Russia has regained military power and China is no longer an economic midget.
Plan B always has been Nato’s original mission:
– keep the Russians out,
– keep the Americans in, and
– keep the Germans down.
The Ukraine war has fully achieved the original Nato mission.
I thought the heading was a little strong/over the top before reading, but no, quite accurate and appropriate. What came to mind while reading is this is exactly what they were hoping would happen to Russia with plan A, and exactly what they did to the USSR after the collapse. Also it is par for the course of Neo Liberal economics, the privatization of the Public domain along with destruction of the private economy which could then be bought/purchased for pennies on the $, that worthless piece of make believe money. I love this author, keep it coming.
edwardi, yes, it was and still is a strong title I fully agree with you. But if adequately presented and the case well made… with references and all… then the article flies reasonably well as you say.
Sometimes you see it is very difficult to capture the reader´s attention today and that´s why the title or the lively and colorfull word-crafting may help to focus the mind a bit and make it more readable. Let´s admit that my articles are also rather “longuish” are they not ? But still I prefer it that way so as to pre-emptively answer many questions. Thanks for your valid analysis plus warm and favorable feedback edwardi
Cordially Jorge
with reference to your earlier oil articles
🇷🇺Russia plans to create its own benchmark grade of oil.
It is expected that oil trading on the national platform will begin in October, and the creation of a reference grade will be completed in 2023, Bloomberg reports.
The reference grade is a special brand with a certain composition of impurities and density. The reference prices are used when setting prices for other grades.
Today there are three main reference varieties in the world – North Sea Brent, Texas WTI and Arab Dubai.
The Russian Urals brand, which does not have the title of a benchmark, is traded in relation to Brent and is almost always cheaper (sold at a discount).
The purpose of creating its own reference brand is to gain control over prices and neutralize attempts by the West to limit Russia’s income from the sale of “black gold”.
Earlier, the US State Department announced plans of the G7 countries to set a “marginal price” for Russian oil.
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Thanks JJ for pointing out this piece of news. I had seen it already but still can´t make much of it. I guess that we will first have to see how successfull they are. I am not sure though about the market mechanics of this “own market benchmark price of oil” and how it could help Russia in getting a constant and fair price for its oils. To me it´s more open to plain oil supply & demand factors in a very broad market indeed. Now if it were only a new “technical grade” definition it be simpler to interpret but still I can´t yet see what would it really mean and even if it´s needed, is it ? Unless the Russians have found an easier blend for ´some´ to distill and maybe want to specially ´trade mark´ it maybe ? Hmmm… if Urals is not a reference brand already why would this new one be ? Just thinking and wondering, that´s all. Thanks for the input. Cordially Jorge
The only part of this excellent post that I would question is was Plan A (the destruction of Russia) always a feint to mask Plan B (the destruction of Europe)?
Russia never tried to hide her new weapons, and the original sanctions following the reabsorption of Crimea showed that Russia knew how to deal with that form of provocation. She was never going to lose the war in Ukraine, and I suspect the U.S. knew this and has known this for some time.
The Minsk Agreements were never meant to be implemented. Like the “two-state solution” in Israel/Palestine they were a distraction, a means of keeping interested parties talking while real actions were happening elsewhere. And the real actions in Europe were to pretend that provoking Russia was the main game while distracting Europe enough that she would not see the blow coming.
And guess what? It worked. Europe never saw it coming, and now it is well and truly stuffed. She has effectively disarmed herself by giving all her weapons to Ukraine, and she has cut herself off from her only dependable source of energy. She has effectively hung herself out to dry. Well done, you!
” was Plan A (the destruction of Russia) always a feint to mask Plan B (the destruction of Europe)?”
I think this is Michael Hudson’s position.
Destruction or tighter vassalage of Europe, to the advantage of US corporations etc. = real goal.
“The Minsk Agreements were never meant to be implemented. Like the “two-state solution” in Israel/Palestine they were a distraction, a means of keeping interested parties talking while real actions were happening elsewhere.’
Good observation/comparison.
I would say that in these negotiations the US has been dealing with Russia in exactly the same way as if it were a 19th century Indian tribe. The purpose of the treaty being solely to pacify and then control the tribe, its land being the ultimate prize, and in no way do the Americans consider themselves to be bound by it.
Hal Duell, thanks for your valuable analysis.
Hal, answering your question is anybody´s guess and yours is as good as mine and as good as our common friend Taffy here. If you ask me, my answer would be — unless proven wrong — no, no Hal no I do not think Plan B was the original plan and that it was all, in essence, pre-meditated or pre-planned. No, no way. I firmly believe that Plan A was agreed with the EU in a “let´s rape Russia together” and then, as Plan A failed, US+UK substitute Plan B kicked in as business is business. But originally Europe was sold the idea of ganging up to Russia together with the US + UK helping along. Now, I still can´t fathom why on planet Earth the EU went for that knowing the Russia is Russia for Heaven´s sake… They prepared long and hard enough though for more than 10 years as explained in my article above with plenty of references.
True enough, whatever the plans were, I agree with you Hal in that Europe has ” has effectively hung herself out to dry ” … Go figure these useful idiots…
Andrei Martyanov has been saying for some time that Europe is destined to be America’s lunch, to enable the US to hang on a little longer by draining Europe. He says it won’t save us in the long run, though.
Russia strongly favors import substitution policies…
Isn’t all this Rape of Europe by the US-UK alliance theorising moot if the US implodes politically as seems to be its trajectory? If, or more likely, when, that happens the UK are on their own, and they dont even own the planes on the deck of their aircraft carrier they have sent halfway round the world to threaten China.
It seems to me that what is happening is that the West is being directed by a small cabal who have spent decades ensuring the quality of leadership has been in terminal decline in order to make sure they call the shots, only to have that leadershit (correct spelling) prove incapable of hitting the targets being designated. The complete imbecility of this is not lost on those supposedly being led (herded) and they are begining to become unmanageable.
Put another way, those inclined to follow the sort of orders being given are automatically incapabale of the level of thought required to perform the tasks they are ordered to do. That is why the “plan” will fail, but the mess will hurt us all.
I do not see Europe being raped by UK-US interests. I see Europe being forced to prostitute itself for a pittance as a result of its own stupid leadership, put in place and controlled by that small cabal. Read their texts, that would seem to fit with their world view. They wish the same fate for the rest of us.
I think this is a good assessment.
Whatever the plan is or was, the planners consistently seem to underestimate one thing; the tendency of individuals and communities to find work-arounds and alternatives to the obstacles that the planners seek to place in their way.
Because the planners can’t imagine a life deprived of their luxuries, they project that onto the masses, with no understanding that many people live a life of struggle, even in the West. Not the elite or chattering classes of course, but the many who do the ‘real’ work – people who move real things around in the real world.
The planners expect these people to collapse in a defeated heap or cower in fear at the first sign of hardship – because that would be their reaction at being deprived of their comfortable life. Some people will of course, but many will not; they will overcome because that’s what they’ve been doing all their lives.
But they will come out the other side and be ok.
And they will be angry.
I wouldn’t want to be Western leader over the next 12 months. Boris has already gone. He won’t be the last.
Thanks for your comment Cadders ! Cordially Jorge
People get wrapped up in names…you can call yourself whatever you want…its a good way to get all the negatives of your criminal behavior onto someone else.
Napoleon was a corsican, the French took control of the Island during his life which allowed him to rise to the highest point in French society…but was he really French?
Hitler was Austrian and again he took Germany to destruction.
And the Anglo Saxon was taken by the Normans, and they practiced a class system that destroyed all Anglo Saxon nobility so much so that not one Anglo Saxon family appeared in the Doomsday book and yet the name of the Anglo Saxon is brought up as a power that rules the West.
No the world is ruled by a pyramid of power system…all you have to do is be ruthless enough to sit on top, this system is the real enemy of people.
Cookie, technically speaking you are surely correct re the Battle of Hastings 1066 etc. But I am also sure that you will recognize that in modern political lexicon the term ´Anglo-Saxons´ unequivocally refers to the US-UK and their ´special relationship´ etc etc. Cordially Jorge
Regarding the Anglo-Saxons vs. the Normans, a fun, quick read is Sir Walter Scott’s ” Ivanhoe.”
“Ivanhoe is the story of one of the remaining Anglo-Saxon noble families at a time when the nobility in England was overwhelmingly Norman. It follows the Saxon protagonist, Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe, who is out of favour with his father for his allegiance to the Norman king Richard the Lionheart. The story is set in 1194, after the failure of the Third Crusade, when many of the Crusaders were still returning to their homes in Europe. King Richard, who had been captured by Leopold of Austria on his return journey to England, was believed to still be in captivity. ”
The villain is the Norman knight Brian de Bois-Guilbert!!
Taffy, stop it… or you´ll make me cry !!!
I saw the bloody movie in the cinema theater of the time entitled “Ivanhoe” starring Tony Curtis filmed in colored “Cinemascope” spancking new way back in 1957. It started with this superb miedeval castle and Tony Curtis fully armoured riding a black horse approaching the moat. I was 8 years old and the music and some tough jousting scenes were so frightening to me I closed my eyes and hid my face behind my hands to protect myself !!!! Bear hug to you Taffy and keep your comments coming
«And the Anglo Saxon was taken by the Normans, and they practiced a class system that destroyed all Anglo Saxon nobility so much so that not one Anglo Saxon family appeared in the Doomsday book»
But the saxons endured: an english friend once showed me a very important text, a bill from the House of Commons at the start of the 17th century civil war, which he asked me to have a look at if I noticed a pattern. I could not and he explained to me that the bill was to replace all top military and garrison officers in the kingdom, and all the new appointees had saxon names instead of norman names.
The king refused to enact the bill (which therefore remained a bill and did not become law) because the norman aristocracy that supported him would lose power, and the House of Commons deposed him, and then a large war happened between the (tory) norman “cavaliers” supporting the king and the (whig) saxon “roundheads” who eventually won.
Roundly agree and well put, Jorge. I think Ukraine gets abandoned by the US/UK as soon as Odessa falls. The last geopolitical hope for them is really a toehold in the Black Sea, threatening Sevastopol and the potential to block the Bosporus. When (we have to assume when, Odessa must be the strategic goal of phase III) Russia takes Odessa there will be no more news about Ukraine, except that it was infested with Nazis and corrupt to the core. And then we’ll never speak of it again.
There are factories to plunder from Europe, but what would the US/UK do with them? Economically, European collapse is not going to leave the US untouched as it’s all too intertwined. I think Europe is collateral damage because plan A was inept. Interestingly, do the sanctions and isolation of Russia protect it from a global financial meltdown?
Planned (poorly) or unplanned, the events are moving faster than any western leader is capable of managing. These are not serious people and the situation is dead serious. All out of their depth, dementia or no.
Lex, great input of yours. Let´s start with your last point. Yes, events are moving at warp speed and thus beyond any political or technical GROUP capability to manage such. But INDIVIDUALLY — as we all erroneously assume is Vladimir Putin´s case (not) — someone may come up with the idea that he or she individually knows how to handle this better and convince people accordingly. Germany in the 1930s is a good example… So that´s one of my concerns I share with you I guess.
Your Odessa fall thesis makes a lot of sense and most/all Western politicians will want front page news to change immediately after and so they will.
Europe has factories to plunder and also technologies, labor, and markets to plunder so it can be turned into an export-based UK/US-led economy if energy and other resource supplies are found elsewhere. And yes, I believe that Russia´s isolation from the Western collapse protects it relatively well. Cordially Jorge
As far as I am concerned, everybody can do what the fok they wanna do as long as they stay out of Oklahoma City.
And I searched in all the links in this article and in all the comments for the most important question of all times for a real man and found an answer nowhere: When will the gold go up?
Tommy Jensen, soon. I have already published two articles on such topic here in “The Saker” website. Check them out. My next article will also probably address the subject matter.
Cordially Jorge
Thanks for taking your time to answer Mr. Vilches ;-), and also for the profound info done for us out here.
My obligation Tommy because I know I know about these topic and can contribute making a difference. Otherwise I would just read, watch, listen and learn.
And also my pleasure Tommy because this right here right now is home to me.
Cordially Jorge
Great work Jorge. It is amazing the Europeans and the Americans went as far as across the world to civilized and spread democracy and liberate their people from despot dictators (pun intended) and to improve their own standard of living, yet despot dictators are at home, standard of living is way down, their economy and manufacturing capacity being destroyed and they don’t have to travel across far and do nothing. I guess they think we owe it to liberate and die for them, the same way they did for us. They are waiting for the Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, Lybians, Somalis and it looks definitely waiting for the Russians to pay back for what they sacrificed in Hitler’s and Napolian’s. They forgot the Russians paid them back right away already. They must be greedy and they want some more. I don’t understand. How can the Germans design and build Mercedes and BMW and don’t see they are being destroyed for ever, yes for ever and you all will see.
Thanks for your acknowledgement Yousef — much appreciated indeed — same as your valuable comments. Cordially Jorge
That was a truly informative and revealing article. Thank you.
Thanks to you for acknowledging it Lance !
Cordially Jorge
You mention “North” Macedonia. Maybe you’re not aware that the name of the country is Macedonia. The “north” was added after a Maydan style coup-de-etat executed by the US, UK, and EU embassies removed the sovereignist government and replaced it with local quisling garbage. The purpose was pushing the country into NATO despite the wishes of the Macedonians, clearly expressed in a referendum which was ignored and overturned.
Macedonia is thus currently under occupation, similar in nature to the Nazi occupation in WW2. It has liberated itself then, and it will liberate itself now, after which the traditional name is coming back.
However, you should know that by using “north” in your text, you’re, I think inadvertently, siding with the Empire of Hate and Lies.
Thank you for your explanations and if I made a mistake it was certainly involuntary and will duly and sincerely apologize. But quite frankly I do not recall having mentioned anywhere in my article — or in previous articles… or ever, quite frankly — anything related directly or indirectly to North Macedonia or Macedonia or anything anywhere close to it.So I welcome you to please quote the sentence or the paragraph. Jorge
ho ho ho…a rather smug but foolish UK reporter assesses the situation in Germany…..
JJ ” … This is just part of a very serious programme to acclimatise 83 million Germans to the fact that there is a monumental energy crisis coming down the track…”…
Or, do the right thing and not suffer any of that.
Besides, the way that the EU is structured and set up, Germany will necessarily drag down the rest of Europe, trust me. I will draft a new article precisely on that aspect, yet not discussed in length as I will. Thanks for the Daily Mail article JJ, and keep them coming.
Cordially Jorge
Smug, foolish, and British. That says it all.
Dear Mr Vilches ,
On the class # 3 : ” are regular everyday Europeans that – so as not to abandon their zone of political and economic / financial comfort – knowingly allow their leaders to betray their best interests without getting their feet wet in any way. ”
” Knowingly” ?
In the case of the ( us ) germans : I disagree – though I am NOT saying we / they are not responsible for their behaviour.
Not everyone is tough enough to withstand the Kind of PSYCHOTERROR the anglosaxion purpetrators practised on the german vassal population :
US / UK , i.e.”the western allies” from day ONE , starting with 9th May 1945, oppressed the german people.
TODAY, “we”/ germany are still listed in the UN CHARTA as “enemy states” ( so called “Feindstaatenklausel”)
Germany is to the US / UK THE ENEMY.
Like Japan still is, too.
Thus concerning at least the germans – I prefer a more profound way to portray them. These guys are :
– reeducated to the hilt in the last 77 years ( that was intentionally done by the perpetrators )
– psychpathologically : victims of STOCKHOLM syndrome ( also intentionally )
– victims of a real time TORTURE practise : the got trained through pain aka the ABRAHAM
Experiment. Thea are afraid when they do express anything else than the desired behaviour – then they shall get : – their employments cancelld; – their bank accounts withdrawn; – their fames smeared by agressive mobbing; – ( you may put in any of the known techniques of bolshevic oppression the NWO uses).
– to unwrap for just HOW LONG the church got undermined by the satanists takes a very long journey to grasp that for a fact. Ppl are unable to get the idea that evil is 1 ) indeed very existent , and 2 ) HOW to recognize it.
So the germans got INTENTIONALLY :
– occupied
– oppressed
– brainwashed
– exploited
– robbed
– denounced and mobbed at every little opportunity
– shamed
THAT was by method and plan.
And it did not stop at any time in the past, Not in 1955, not in 1994, Never.
THAT the germans may have known – but is hard to unwarp that for yourself if you are in a society this brainwashed for 77 years.
What goes for us germans I hold it for this :
When even a dog knows when it got attacked, that a man should be able to do so, too.
THERE is the responsibility of the (brainwashed) germans of today.
On the NWO´s practices in the above mentioned topic a very good german speech was held by ERNST WOLFF on JUL 14 th 2022 :
Title : “the great reset – is there a way out ? ”
You call them US / UK.
I prefer it more precise : to me these asshats are plain satanists.
NWO, freemasons, chosenites – they are all the same : from Satan.
CLJ, I see your point which, quite frankly, I did not know reached to the extent and detail you describe. My formal apologies then as my mentioning “Class #3” only intended to possibly clarify the social dynamics of the topic, not to mis-inform as seems to be the case. Of course, I can only strongly side with the regular Germans you describe and hope for their outward rebellion soon enough. CLJ, what led me to include the “Class #3” description actually was Herr Gerard Schröder´s trajectory that I always mention as an example of what could and should be done. But, again, my apologies for the involuntary confusion on my part. Cordially Jorge
Exactly, Gerhard Schröder moved in the right direction – which is why a massive propaganda campaign was unleashed against him to have Merkel elected, a compliant and boring zero, eager to please the Americans like a good doggy.
The sad state of affairs is that after the historical lobotomy performed upon them, most Germans actually prefer or can be persuaded to prefer such a spineless and amorphous zero as Merkel to someone who has leadership qualities.
Lumi, yes.
But what happens if Germans freeze and starve with massive migrations all around them ?
Would they not change their minds ?
Thanks for your comment as you seem to know first-hand. And for obvious reasons I am sorry to ask the question above. But I still hope (5% possible ?) that Europe — specially Germany — reverts its attitude towards Russia 180 degrees. I mean what´s coming for the first time in decades would mean a physical reason to change policy… and politics ! Cordially Jorge
Impossible Germany is an occupied (by US)country, contrary to France the only NATO country without US bases(at least for now).
Spd and greens are ideologues like the neocons fanatics(greens are the worst).Ideologues can only double down otherwise they lose face and their all narrative(ideology) collapses in the very same second.
Germany trade lobby should start ‘something’ soon (in theory), but not so sure they have any power to change the course of the events.
BND for sure has kompromats on all politicians, but problem BND is controlled by CIA-MI6.Remember the all fake Navalny novitchok psyop at he Charite hospital(a de facto Nato outlet).
war is on,
Okay, yes, I read and follow you and others with similar comments. But my point is that extreme physical hardship certainly allows the human mind to focus well and sharp. And Germans are humans, no ? Cordially Jorge
…” This is just part of a very serious programme to acclimatise 83 million Germans to the fact that there is a monumental energy crisis coming down the track…”
EIGHTY THREE million Germans… lol !!!
CLJ most unfortunately I cannot understand German and thus cannot follow Ernst Wolff video at the link you mentioned. As I say, my fault. Still, I´m sure that in such video EW confirms your detailed explanation of the situation suffered by Germans. Cordially CLJ
CONGRATULATIONS editors Andrei and Amarynth plus commentariati at large.
Today this article has been RE-published by The Automatic Earth and The Debt Rattle at
Absolutely top-notch reasoning and research. You do fail to mention The International Bankers. They are also known as The Usual Suspects.
Les Visible, touché !
Many thanks for your favorable comment and please look.out for my next article here in “The Saker” which will far more than merely mention The International Bankers a.k.a. ´The Usual Suspects´… as it will address the financial aspect in depth. Cordially Jorge
The last thousand years should have taught the world, that, 1) The British ruling elite will stoop to any level to hold onto their power and privilege, and 2), Never, EVER, mess with Russia.
Steve, both points AGREED !!!
Cordially Jorge
Great article, huge amount of information, clearly laid out, documented, and pulled together. To top it all off, there’s also the author’s lovely extensive and further informative interaction with the readers.
Anemm, thanks for telling me so much about it all !!
It´s not my ego, it´s my soul that needs it. This right here right now is home to me.
I am convinced my articles are drafted and submitted for publication so as to end up here with you folks in the Comments Section whereby we exchange ideas for future articles and I also get most meaningfull critical feedback also essential, trust me. Otherwise it´d be like placing a satellite in orbit and never hearing from it again. No, I don´t want that so rest assured Abemm that to the best of my capabilities I´ll keep trying very hard to make a difference in this tremendously lonely task of mine. Thanks again !!!! Cordially Jorge
You make many good points – but for God’s sake, start using MUCH shorter paragraphs!
The one, key element which your analysis does not even mention is WEF / Rothschild / global cabal’s ongoing installation of the Great Reset – requiring a cataclysmic financial and economic collapse, to create sufficient desperation that people will accept the installation of genuine tyranny.
Richard, thanks for your comment, certainly well-taken.
I acknowledge the importance of WEF etc etc etc but ´only´ as the masterminds Richard. Their problem is they need “effectors” — the arms and the legs — to deploy their ideas and policies. That´s what I analyze and contribute to the debate trying to make a difference the best I can. Regarding my word-craft and style, of course it is most difficult — impossibe — to satisfy everybody. Just read many/most comments herein and that should drive the point home for you. Some people simply love the way I write, including the length of my sentences and paragraphs etc etc. Others like yourself would rather have it different. Others plain hate it, go figure. Damned if you do, damned if you don´t. And besides form, there also is depth, isn´t there ? And then there´s also me, myself and I … with my own preferences and seeked effectiveness which is the real objective, not titillating the optic nerve. I can try doing that also — and wouldn´t be bad at it either — but it´d defeat the purpose methinkxs. And, to be honest, if for whatever reason the desired goal were to shorten sentences, considering your “longuish” comment above we could start practicing together, couldn´t we ? hahahhh Cordial and firm hand shake Richard from Jorge
Richard, and we forgot to discuss my abundant ( “over-abundant” maybe ?) all-important REFERENCES !!! Many here just love them and say their lives wouldn´t be the same without them… while others say it “disturbs” their reading … so which is it ? And how about spelling and punctuation ? I´m not bad at that, am I ? The point is having a “reasonable” middle-of-the-road form with definitively good, deep, meaningfull substance, trust me. I´ve been at it for (many) decades…
Cordial and respectfull bear hug for you Richard from ´I-try-hard´ Jorge
PS: please allow me to repeat once again that this is home to me, so your critical input is most welcome. I need it, okay ?
plan “B” perfectly underway with Europe now mostly dis-armed.
Any doubts ?
” Many Western countries have already announced that they have no more weapons to spare, and the EU’s powerhouse, Germany, has been reduced to dusting off ancient mothballed tanks to send off to battle…”
“The West cannot sustain a prolonged conflict in Ukraine” … not anywhere else. If it´s conventional warfare it´d be “short” because the West cannot keep up with Russia´s industrial effectiveness and pace, nor its military design and manufacturing tempo. And if it were nuclear it´d also be “short” because nuclear warfare, by definition, IS short.
I am the only person I know that has ever said — let alone firmly maintained and published in “The Saker” — that this war will be SHORT. Now, Northrop Grumman’s CEO agrees with me per interview with the Financial Times. “The West doesn’t have the stockpiles of weapons needed to sustain a prolonged military campaign in Ukraine or elsewhere”…
If the Euro economy tanks, then the private money will go to USA which has a wonderful and safe economy for them. Right?