by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog
UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss recently experienced her 15 minutes of glory with a blatant hissy-fit rant policy speech at a London´s Mansion House banquet. She posited that the collective West now needs “a global NATO” to pursue geopolitics anew. Publically, Ms Liz Truss tapped her well-known Rule Britannia Anglo-Saxon exceptionalistic mind-set which now would badly require a much larger “lebensraum”. By the way, the Rule Britannia lyrics ´clearly clearly clearly´ let the world know that “…at heaven’s command…Britons never, never, never shall be slaves”. No way, slaves will exist, but Britons should make sure it´s the other way around, see ? So beware… With an AUKUS core, the strategic concept is “all for one, and one for all” just like ´The Three Musketeers´ except that the world´s livelihood is for real, not a novel. Liz Truss is not a cartoon character either, she is today´s United Kingdom Foreign Secretary.
Ukraine & oil + Nazis & Russians
Lebensraum Ukraine would only be the starting point says Truss very proud of British colonial history. Actually it´d have to be even far larger than what Adolf Hitler originally foresaw with his Nazi foreign policy dictum left on record in “Mein Kampf”. Unbelievably, and per the Führer´s own description, such lebensraum was to be found – oh coincidence — “in the Ukraine and intermediate lands of eastern Europe”… Mind you readers this is a historical certainty, unfortunately not fiction. Curiously enough, WW2 ended when Germany´s dictator shot his lover and himself in the temple only four years after the Wehrmacht had invaded Ukraine pursuing its much-needed Caucasus´ oil. So paraphrasing Mark Twain, and relating Nazis to Ukraine and oil …with the Russians defending and finally winning… history doesn´t repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme.
Ref# 1
Ref# 2
global NATO
But no Sir, what Adolf Hitler conceived 90 years ago today is not large enough at all for NATO, sorry. Per Liz Truss (more on her later) it´d be a flashing new “Network of Liberty” yet global in nature, understand ? The time and place of this new “Global NATO” setting Ms Truss says is (1) right now and (2) throughout the whole world, okay ?
war not trade
Furthermore, in the meantime and so as not to waste valuable time and resources, Liz Truss urges current (limited) “European” NATO to send more “heavy weapons, tanks, and also airplanes” to Ukraine ASAP “digging deep into our inventories and ramping up production”. Her obvious Russo-Europhobic objective is to split Eurasia into fractions according to the very British well-proven ´divide and conquer´ philosophy. Actually, Rule Britannia history indicates that the more fractions and pieces the better it´d be. And per the UK Foreign Secretary eventually the idea is to rebuild the area “along the lines of a new Super Marshall Plan” pretty much like an extension of President´s Joe Biden current print-print-print-and-then-print-some-more “Build-Back-Better” ideology… yet definetly in a far far far grander scale. Of course, amongst the job description tasks included within the UK´s role is worldwide public communications or NATO Press Secretary of sorts. To complete her ignorant nonsense Ms Truss stated that “ Europe must immediately cut itself completely off from Russian energy supplies oil, gas and coal”. Un-believable.
NATO´s Indo-Pacific
Liz Truss added that China would face the same treatment as Russia if it doesn’t “play by the rules”. Whose rules may we ask ? Probably she means by the AUKUS 5%-of-the-world-rules-over-the-remaining-95% rules we should guess. The war in Ukraine is “our war” she says because Ukraine’s victory is a “strategic imperative for all of us”. Yeah, we bet it is. But clear enough her stated ambitions go beyond Europe though, as Ms Truss denounced the “false choice between Euro-Atlantic security and Indo-Pacific security.” “We need to pre-empt threats in the Indo-Pacific, working with allies like Japan and Australia to ensure that the Pacific is protected.”
“In the modern world we need both. We need a global NATO,” she said. “And we must ensure that democracies like Taiwan are able to defend themselves” you hear ? Also, there is this new US strategy seeking to arm Japan against China, also consistent with NATO´s 4th Reich. Ref #4
funny Lizzie
Funny enough, as UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss should actually be very well versed in diplomacy, history and geography. But, on the contrary, she is ill-prepared and confuses high school concepts very easily. For example, she loves to explain geographical details of areas of the world she fully ignores, already being TV famous for making multiple gaffes on the matter. She first mistook the Baltic for the Black Sea in a glorious BBC interview providing unheard of intellectual entertainment to a very large world audience, and then fell for a tricky question insisting that London would “never recognize Russia’s sovereignty” over Rostov and Voronezh – Russian regions she mistook for the Donbass Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.
race to the bottom
I mean Russian is a complicated language and we can´t expect a refined Westerner such as Ms Truss to do much better than that. Still, I´m afraid that my old time high school teachers would have declared her to be “unfit for purpose” to avoid calling her a “dunce” I guess. At the very least Liz Truss firmly competes with US Vice-President Kamala Harris for being the least intellectual and most unprepared female Western politician ever. Maybe it´s a draw, who knows. Starting her cabinet career as under-secretary for education and childcare in 2012, Liz has proven to be highly versatile by holding the Environmental Affairs, Justice, Treasury, and International Trade portfolios also. So she must be either a UK very smart kookie or, possibly, very a smart a**.
no-one left behind
In addition, Truss emphasized that the West “must ensure that, alongside Ukraine, the Western Balkans and countries like Moldova and Georgia have the resilience and the capabilities to maintain their sovereignty and freedom”. And according to the top UK diplomat, NATO should integrate Finland and Sweden “as soon as possible” if the two Nordic nations choose to join the military alliance something which they are both definitely pressured to do. Adding insult to injury, British Armed Forces Minister James Heappey told Thames Radio on Wednesday it would be “completely legitimate” for Ukraine to use UK-supplied weapons (of course) to strike deep into Russian territory. Can´t make this stuff up folks. Ms Truss said it was “time for courage, not caution”, making it necessary for the West to send warplanes to Kyiv to defeat Moscow sounding much like the US State Department´s London office. Furthermore, German lawmakers have overwhelmingly voted to send ‘heavy & complex weapons’ to Ukraine, thus making Germany the easiest, shortest and most probable first strike in the event that thermonuclear warfare with Russia is provoked. Germany could not have picked a better way to most unnecessarily place itself in harm´s way.
Simultaneously Poland announced massive military drills while Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Director Sergey Naryshkin accused Warsaw of getting ready to occupy the western part of Ukraine which Poland considers as “historically belonging” to it. Such potential “reunification” will come by pretending to deploy a “peacekeeping” mission into the country under the pretext of protecting Kiev from “Russian aggression” while supposedly being complicit with the US.
Ref # 6
proxy wars worldwide
So nobody should doubt that NATO is essentially going to war with Russia through proxy wars, while it is actively arming Russia’s enemies as its Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated last Monday. So we already have a global US policing the world… but that´s not enough. And as the UK lost most of its colonies in the twentieth century and the US outsourced most of its manufacturing base, then both should join forces and improve NATO making it global. And thus the UK can finally reclaim its universal influence and justify Brexit to “take back control” and refresh its unquestionable right to run ´an Empire on which the sun never sets´. But as the UK is not anywhere near that, and actually risking to become extinct without a healthy Europe next to it, the UK just plays the “me too” role in the US world game.
To complete the scheme Australia steps into the act to keep the “special relationship” cozy amongst Anglo-Saxons. Thus, the AUKUS-led Global NATO´s 4th Reich is born.
Ref# 7
British troops are getting ready for one of their largest deployments in Europe since the cold war, the Defence Ministry (MoD) has said. Thousands of UK soldiers are going to be sent to countries ranging from North Macedonia to Finland in the coming months to take part in joint drills with their counterparts from NATO, Finland, and Sweden.
The British soldiers have also been training together with US forces in Poland, the MoD said. It also announced that troops from the Queen’s Royal Hussars have just been deployed to Finland, which shares a 1,300-km-long border with Russia, to be embedded in an armored brigade.Convened by US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin, and at the behest of US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, representatives from 40 countries gathered last Tuesday at Ramstein Air Base to set the game plan with the rest of the world as pawns.
Ref # 8
It’s all going to end in tears for them. The level of hysterical desperation in the West at the moment is astonishing. It is clear to anyone who is a thinking being that the USA UK EU Canada and Australia are now thrashing around in blinding fury just to preserve their drive towards a Unipolar one world government and, for the USA, to make sure they hang on to, whatever the cost, their world spectrum dominance. What Truss doesn’t realise is that the UK is on serious decline as any sort of world power. They are too busy protecting their perceived power and vested interests so they have completely taken their eye off the ball to the extent they are destroying their countries, their economies, the quality of life of their citizens and the increasingly restlesness of their popularions. Revolution is seriously brewing in the West and USA. When people can no longer afford to eat heat their homes or pay their rent the inevitable revolution will result. France is pretty close to mobilising one. USA citizens are getting close too. In the UK? We have become a totally dumbed down country without any ability to question these narratives or take action. However, let’s see what happens as inflation goes through the roof. Truss is a complete and utter idiot. Global NATO? Fool!! as BA Baracus would say. There’s a joke in the USA. Biden walks knto a Bar. He asks the Bartender “How’s America doing?” The Bartender says “Great Sir. There’s free quality healthcare for every citizen. There’s cheap transport and petrol and everyone has a job”. Here’s your Bill Sir. That will be 5 Yuan please
Good joke.
Calvin-ball is the name of the game- Europe is Hobbes.
Sorry Anne, wrong analogy. Calvin respected Hobbes and they were best of friends. As is said, the US (the Empire) doesn’t have friends, partners or allies, only interests.
Is there any technology that puts warmongers life at risk instead of the dupes and anon fodder warmongers send off to war?
Because I don’t think Liz Truss has any thoughts of her own life being in danger for all her talks of courage.
this woman – Truss is a clown but so is Johnson, Biden , Kamala, Pelosi, Scholtz, Romney, Kerry, Blinken, Milley, Austin and countless others – so many to count.
how could there be so many on the stage at once – not serious people.
while everything is a lie today about Ukraine – no facts no logic and you expect the lie – so are the people a lie – nothing is real
Actually the idiotic Ms Truss hasn’t got a political idea in her head. She is just a ventriloquist’s dummy repeating the diseased worldview of the Anglo-American, military-spook complex. And what a crazy world-view it is. Global NATO! Give me a break. The West is a declining force, led in the main by the Anglo-Saxon spearhead with ridiculous ambitions of world hegemony. Trouble is though that the West doesn’t actually make anything anymore, it just shifts funny-money around, it is not in a position to take on the emerging world which does make stuff. I live in England and am au fait with what is an aristocratic-oligarchic regime which cannot reform itself or punch its way out of a paper bag. All, so much hot air.
Global NATO – What a terrible idea. The present NATO was a creation of Washington after WW2 that was “supposedly” defensive; This creation was perceived (correctly), as a threat by Moscow, and lead to Russia’s’ implementation of The Warsaw Pact to counter-balance the threat from NATO that lead eventually to the Maidan Square coup.
I am going to say something now that I’m sure has crossed the mind of others; The ENDLESS wars that have origins in Washington, London, and Israel will only stop when Russia and China come to our own domestic shores to rip out the neocons, capitalists and oligarchic 1% root and branch, and deliver our fellow citizens from endless wars and economic exploitation. What is really needed is regime change in Washington, with an economic system that serves and supports the lower and middle classes and supports a transition from the destructive elements of American financial capitalism, and create a Nationalist economy that nurtures all citizens.
“With an AUKUS core, the strategic concept is “all for one, and one for all””
ha …. ha-ha …. ha-ha-ha ….roflol
Would you trust Liz Truss, Joe Biden, and Scott Morrison to stand and fight beside you like Athos, Porthos and D’Artagnan? Yep, those these modern three musketeers are sure to be there fighting for you, right through thick and thin. More likely they’ll all be at a Downing Street cockup, uh, excuse me, cocktail party.
Nobel Prize winning poet Bob Dylan got it right …
“I started out on burgundy
But soon hit the harder stuff
Everybody said they’d stand behind me
When the game got rough
But the joke was on me
There was nobody even there to call my bluff
I’m going back to New York City
I do believe I’ve had enough”
“Just Like Tom Thumb Blues”, Bob Dylan.
Yep, with those three saying “All for one and one for all”, you can bet you’d turn around and there wouldn’t even be anyone there left to bluff. They’d sound the horn to head for the nearest cocktails long before you actually needed them. “
It is divide and rule, not divide and conquer. And it is more apt that way nowadays, given that the west cannot conquer anything or almost anything…
For the record, yes, “divide and rule” exists.
But “divide and conquer” also exists, and most probably came first by a longshot (many centuries)
But true that Kouros, both exist today.
The Latin phrase “Divide et impera” ( ´divide and conquer´ ) is as old as politics and war.
The divide your enemy so you can reign approach is attributed to Julius Cesar — he successfully applied it to conquer Gaul twenty-two centuries ago
“Divide et Impera” is literally “divide and command” or “divide and rule”, not conquest.
It is an important distinction, because paramount was the whole concept of IMPERIUM after the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. The reason at the time was to mark a clear separation not between Empire and Republic (on the contrary, that was felt as a natural passage), but between Empire and Kingdom (which were for the Romans two very different concepts, almost incompatible).
Well researched Gab, you are correct.
Good input and, as you say, the distinction is important.
“Impera” means “rule”, not “conquer”.
I thought the Romans first used the divide and conquer method in gaining control of the Italian peninsula.
More or less.
Starting fights and then intervening to “protect” the adversaries.
Something like that.
I hope NATO keeps sending weapons to Ukraine where they’ll be destroyed. Send all of it. Then Russia can roll across Europe and through the isles without concern for any military opposition.
No country is demilitarizing in order to send weapons to Ukraine.
For each old system donated, there’s a new package from Lockeed Martins & Company arriving.
So, the only result is a harder time for Russia, a longer war for Ukraine, and more debt for Europe.
The fools didn’t realize that weapons are to USA’s Dollar, the same as gas/oil is to Russia’s Ruble: the currency’s life insurance.
The fools also didn’t realize this USA strategy aims to attack Europe’s exonomy and €uro as much as attacking Russia’s border and military.
Does anyone believe USA didn’t know Russia was prepared for the sanctions? Of course it knew. And USA also knew Europe wasn’t…
So far:
USA is wining.
Anglo-saxons are obeying.
Europe is losing.
Ukraine is dying.
Russia is surviving.
China is rising.
And the rest of the world is watching.
Sweden is de facto in NATO, so nothing changes there. But if Finland drops neutrality, it’s Game Over for Russia.
Because either USA does in Finland what do in Ukraine (NATO nuclear weapons on Russia’s huge border), or Russia does (again) some military response, that the world, this time not just the West, won’t forgive. And then the sanctions may become global.
As the Cuban missiles crisis (a response from USSR to USA installing missiles in Turkey in secrecy), this Ukrainian crisis can only be solve with a stalemate, ans such a move needs proportionality. If Russia just keeps defending, near its borders, Russia (and later China) is condemned. So, start looking at Canada or Mexico, how to destabilize, make regime change, get one out of NATO and/or the other into Shangai/Moscow military cooperation.
Or again try to do something in Cuba.
Only then, threatened at its border, will USA de-escalate.
I honestly see no other option right now.
Unless Russia (and China) don’t want USA to de-escalate… Because only with conflict and sanctions, can Russia weaken Europe’s economy, bring more countries to Eurasian Union, make the Shanghai group grow stronger and faster (perhaps even stealing Turkey from the West in the long run), and put in practice the de-dollarization thanks to the alternative currency and system (other than SWIFT).
If that’s so, then perhaps Eurasia already made Check, and Europe is not even going to realize that before the Mate is complete, because USA’s hate campain has blinded them all.
Thank you for your explanation. Your comments have a good balance of details and big picture elements. Convinced me.
Its another game today. I think the reason Russia take the fight in Ukraine is long term. Putin has said they are interested in a strong EU/Europe, not weakening. Weaken Europe is an US term.
Russia need a denazified and demilitarised Ukraine on its border incorporated with Russian gas pipes to Europe, Ukraine agriculture export and China OBOR on the long term spite, plus water to Crimea, plus kicking out US/UK and lapdogs, control of Black Sea, m.m. The advantages for Russia to invade Ukraine are huge.
The other questions about Poland, Finland, Bulgaria are in my opinion easier to resolve short term.
A Kinzhal in the middle of the next Nato meeting or similar act will be enough instead of all these meetings, declarations, dragging out time, exhaustive manoeuvres.
@Jose Oliveira
you’re wrong in your assumption that Russia would face global sanctions. That’s possibly because you’re a Westerner and thinks that way (Europe is the world).
Russia won’t react to Finland’s ascension into the NATO, but if Finland is used for an attack on Russian soil, it will be decimated. This isn’t the USSR that invaded Finland with poorly trained troops and poor logistics, but a nuclear armed Russia which can effectively decapitate Finland’s ruling elites with standoff weapons.
Yes, I’m from Portugal, but I’m the least “Western” kind there is over here. I’m being bullyed on social networks because of my position of not condemning Russia’s invasion. I really think Russia is right to save Donbass, Crimea, and possibly more. If I have any critics to do here, is that Russia took too long to prepare, but I also understand that it needed that preparation time.
And when the “international community” (aka the very small minority 13% of the World living in NATO+allied countries) say they sanction Russia, I’m happy to see the Multipolar world rising and refusing to punish Russia.
But I wasn’t talking about that. I’m talking about the possibility, growing every day, of Finland doing something stupid and then Russia doing something stupid on Finland’s territory. The logic here isn’t western at all, it’s just logic: invading Ukraine to save Donbass is one thing, an isolated event; but also invading/bombing another country in the same area (Eastern Europe) in the same year, that would become a pattern. Many countries that today are neutral would become in favor of sanctions. And worst: instead of just sending weapons for other to use on the ground, they would actually do something else also very stupid.
So, that’s my message to all sides: please stop being stupid. Please stop provoking Russia. And please, Russia, don’t start the 3rd World War if Finland does something stupid. After all, Finland already lost a bit of its neutrality when entering European Union, that is, if you don’t know, also a military alliance, and says on its rules that all members should aid each other militarily.
Russia did not attack Ukraine to ‘save Donbass’ (which would be liberated anyway as a matter ofcourse when the whole Ukraine is), that is a mistaken assumption you are making. Russia is in Ukraine, using only 10% of its military force, to root out the dual citizen zionist US puppets being used by NATO to eventually establish a bridgehead and vast military base in that country in preparation for an all out attack on Russia. That is just Act 1.
Once the whole of Ukraine is denazified, demilitarized and ‘de-NATOnized’ (Ukraine is already a de facto NATO member), Russia will go to the next phase, which is the removal of the NATO (actually US) Aegis Ashore ABM systems in Poland and Romania, added NATO military bases back to the German border as of 1997, this as demanded by the Russians in a letter to NATO a few weeks before the Russian SMO, removal that would either be voluntary by NATO or by force from Russia. That was made very clear by Russia when it said the demands were non-negotiable. The NATO response to this demand was of course, arrogant and intransigent rejection by the NATO SecGen. A few weeks later, the Ukraine SMO started.
I therefore expect the Russian follow up action after the Ukraine Op to be a zircon hypersonic missile calling card on those ABM systems. What will the NATO reaction to a Russian attack, all but inevitable, on those military installations on two NATO members then be? Declare war? Well, be sure that Russia is 100% ready for war (I don’t know if you watch Andrei Martyanov YT videos and if not you should) and the reason the bulk of Russia’s military (90%) is still held back in Russia including putting it’s nuclear forces on high alert. If it means going to war with all of NATO including attacking the US mainland, so be it. Many westerners simply don’t understand that Russia is prepared for WW3, courtesy of western media lies and propaganda.
When Lavrov says that the Ukraine war is about the creation of a new security architecture for Europe, and Russia/China jointly declare that they are rolling out a new international trade finance and payment system that doesn’t use the dollar, know that they are prepared for total war, with war the only option left for the West to continue insisting on and imposing their now discredited and heavily skewed in their favour ‘rules based international order’, the sole source of their wealth and power over the rest of the world.
This is the end of that global scam (hence the hysteria we hear from the Trusses in the West; they know it is time up) and are never going back, with Ukraine only the beginning of a global joint Russia/China SMO and SEO or ‘Special Economic Operation’.
I must congratulate the author as I would have thought it impossible to write more than a paragraph on the nondescript Liz Trash. How the mighty (UK ) have fallen when mediocrity at best is working at the heart of Government; even touted as a future PM. Seems MI6/Establishment would prefer dummies to those who might ask some pertinent questions like, are the Government’s Foreign Policies actually helping or hindering the UK public.
Thank you so much for your encouragement, it helps me lots.
It´s a very lonely task, trust me.
You’re welcome Jorge
Your recent articles have been most thorough and enjoyable.
Keep up the great work, you’re sure to be rewarded in kind as well as on the right side of history, that is, being in the 1% of serious factual writers.
The Russian defense budget is $65B; the combined NATO-nation defense budgets are > $1000 B. There’s only one way to bridge the incommensurates: nuclear weapons.
It’s clear from field performance in Ukraine that Moscow has not invested heavily in conventional weapons. The effort has gone into advanced nuclear armed hypersonic delivery systems.
If the Anglo-American and their EU Poodles try anything, the Russians almost have no choice but to launch a swift response with tactical nukes and then a rapid escalation to strategic weapons.
Amazing how the doped up West is sleep walking into Nuclear Armageddon.
I get the sense you don’t read many articles here. Critical concept- what are you getting for your dollars and do you have deep pools of military technical cadre. Many nato countries lack any real capable cadre. Having lots of expensive stuff that is not what you actually need to win is a losing game plan. This is likely to stay conventional. At least I hope so. We shall see.
– It’s clear from field performance in Ukraine that Moscow has not invested heavily in conventional weapons.
Let me see: 100,000 Russian army vs. 300,000 Ukranians.
US needed 4-500,000 vs. Saddams army.
Nazi Germany had 4-5 mill? soldiers for operation Barbarossa.
Russia is doing fine militarily, what we would expect.
Are there any NATO weaponry that has excelled in Ukraine? Not anything I know about. NATO is outdated.
for christ’s sake quit slamming the anglo-saxons,who kept england free of antichrists for several hundred years. latter group was admitted in 1066, when england was conquered by normans.
The Normans are still in control of the UK. Maybe the Anglo-Saxons should get up off their collective arse and get rid of them.
It’s a profit fest for the war industry. Pity so many of the ignorant believe the media lies rather than the reality staring them in the face. These terrible people are leading the West to poverty and a new feudalism under a Klaus Schwab tyranny.
Russia is simply to them the enemy of convenience.
Basically it’s the same old band of colonialist powers looking to now create a neo-colonial empire out of the world. The old colonies,now independent nations need to be very worried.And start aligning with the Russians and Chinese who are the only defense for them today.
We must remember once again GDP-PPP lesson. 65 bn dollars in Russia means 200 bn dollars in purchasing power. Then we must remember that according most studies only 10 to 30 percentage of NATO country minitary budgets are material delivery (not just weaponry and ammo but also pizza and Coca-Cola) . 60-80% of NATO budgets are salaries and other personal costs.
NATO is organization for people who have problems to earn their living in much harder civil sector. Communist paradise needed.
It is all well and good to poke fun at the ignorance and stupidity of the paid idiots that run the west, but they threaten and bully everyday. No one seems to have an effective response to put them in their rightful place.
Everyday they make claims to cut off Russian oil and gas, and Russia puts up with it. Why? This energy can easily be sold to Asia for better prices.
Everyday you hear that Russia is losing or stalled, and then you hear that Russia will open corridors out of the Avostal plant 5 -7 May. Then Russia has a great military parade on the 9th , but denies that they will launch a war to appease western press.
I understand that Russia might think that they have time on there side, but not when the west is frantically running around the world trying to bully countries, into their racist orbit. A few missiles into kviv and Lvov in the interim, whilst the Avostal mercenaries starve to death is a very good idea.
And why is Russia even contemplating this?
Even if Russia setup a new shipping company and bought the ships using some of Russia’s gold (if Rubles are sanctioned). It would be a hell of a lot more intelligent than flogging the shipping fleet for peanuts!
Front People, PR people for the “Great Reset”. Like Russia’s hugely successful diversionary tactics in the Ukraine, this is for the Great Reset. This is a way around the UN, which they want because of China’s and Russia’s vetoes in the UN. Obviously, India won’t join either. In fact, the of the largest nations, only the US is in the top 10 (But the EU would be “one” of them).
Will this new international organization be democratic or will the US have veto or marching power for it? Who will decide when and who to attack for which actions? Will sanctions be a part?
Regardless, the Elephant stomping in our living room is economics (it’s the economy, stupid). The Great Reset has already won since the Ukraine special operation is their excuse to impoverish the world. Europe is already in the hospital from the cutoff of Russian resources – will be a fraction of its former economic size in just one year.
Yes. Russia is part of the Great Reset.
Azov Nazi’s at the Azovstahl plant. How did they get the place named after them ?
I don’t believe there is anyone underground at the plant. No Nazis there. No fighting. It’s all quiet. No one around.
The scamdemic showed the one world government behind the scenes. Russia took part so they are already controlled.
This war is about creating the ‘narrative’ that stops people from rioting becasue of the price of heating their homes and the coming food shortages and brown outs.
It’s just like WWII , completely choreographed. All oppositioned is under control, otherwise the elite wouldn’t risk it.
“How did they get the place named after them ?”
They’ve never got the place named after them. The name of the sea the Mariupol city is located on is “The Sea of Azov”. So they’ve just taken the existing name for their name. There is a number of such nazi-batalions and each of them took some existing word for their names like Donbass, Aidar, even Tornado etc. We shouldn’t keep associating these nice words and names with nazi batalions after the SMO is over.
Fighting Russia to the Last €uro
Western warmongers are right, when they say that a World War is impossible with the economic interdependencies between Europe and Russia. But these dependences work both ways; it is precisely the Russian dependency on European markets and Western financial systems that prevented Russia from acting in Ukraine in 2014. Western sanctions have forced Russia to free itself from these dependencies. From a military point of view, Russia should have launched “Operation Z” in 2014, when they could have simply walked into Ukraine without meeting any resistance.
For decades the US has fought against “European energy dependency on Russia”. This dependency has prevented American aggression on Russia from European soil and has forced the US to find other fronts for its war on Russia and China. For the European people this dependency has guaranteed peace. Now the US wants Europe to sacrifice peace and its economy. Warmongers want war on Russia to the last Euro!
Your point is very true, but just where is Germany and the rest of the geriatric European countries going to source this energy from? The US is increasing their imports from RF, as you would expect from double dealers, this may leave more available from the Middle East but un-likely, and having become so reliant on using gas rather than nuclear and coal and increasing use of resource expensive green tech there will be be increased need for electricity for virtually all things, especially heating if no gas available, let us hope that the world gets stuck in continuous northern summer with no clouds and everyday windy.
Most of the industrial euro countries have declining heavy industry and outsource much of the more polluting ones to comply with the ‘green’ adgenda. Further more the populations are aging/aged and the former skilled workers retired and the current workforce is more tech oriented, heavy weapons require heavy industry.
The global economy from a western perspective consists mostly of creating expensive needs without much in the way of actual content. This seems to consist of creating billions to hand out to all the people that have already been handed billions, who think that they have actually produced something that is worth billions, but quite what that is is unclear.
How many million people that have been “earning” a million a year might there be and if there is not the energy there to produce whatever where does the money come from, other than control/print ?
It will stop when the US stops it. It is already beginning with the US primaries which MAGA candidates are winning. Once the neocon RINO’s are replaced in November, we hope that a new political reality will emerge. Of course, a lot can happen between now and November.
What matters is mid-term election. Ukraine is a sideshow.
I’ve been saying it all along, the real puppet master is London. Since WW1 to present and all mini wars, London has finger prints all over it. US/UK/NATO, Yes, the West and NATO is under the spell of USA but it is London that really controls USA. Americans thought they are independent of British Empire, they are NOT. That is why London is trying to destroy the former colony of British. Using the American tax payers money borrowed from the Fed to wage wars in perpetuity. Very smart move using NATO and US military personnel to die for their former colonizer. Think about it, what has USA has to gain from Ukraine war or against Russia. Russia have so much respect for Americans and its Constitution. Why so much hatred for the Russians? Who benefits the most. Read and study Cecile Rhodes and his circles. How they plot to have Woodrow Wilson as POTUS and established the Federal Reserve… after that never ending wars. And since then, almost all POTUS are selected by London except for JFK.
Queen Elizabeth is Chairman for Nato and has been since Nato was born. So you are right.
Another great piece Jorge.
At the very least Liz Truss firmly competes with US Vice-President Kamala Harris for being the least intellectual and most unprepared female Western politician ever.
Hahaha. Close contest between Queen Liz the Unready and Queen Kamala the Chortler.
Liz Truss must have imagined herself as Boudicea when she gave that speech in London. But unlike Boudicea, hers was a speech only someone with the bravery of being out of range — for now — could deliver; chin thrust forward, full of resolve and exhorting Nato to ensure the Ukraine’s victory against the Russians. Not only that but also to protect the Pacific (with her exemplary knowledge of geography, I hope her aides have shown her the location of the Pacific Ocean on the globe and, to be sure, what the acronym ‘NATO’ stands for).
In the case of Liz Truss, these may turn out to be rhetorical questions but does she not realise that her own armed forces is about a third the size of the pre-SMO AFU and can hardly field an armoured division? That Euro Nato are dependent on Russian oil to move? That Euro Nato needs 5 to 10 years to match Russia militarily? That countries such as India, whose foreign minister effortlessly rebuffed Truss in their meeting, does not need protecting from Russia?
Truss and Johnson are two creatures who live in an alternate universe of make-believe. It is unfortunate that they are still allowed access to the levers of power to cause more damage — mainly to the UK, Nato, EU, and of course the Ukrainians.
As for the Russians, perhaps their response to Queen Liz the Unready’s Easter diatribe echoes Suetonius’s before the battle with Boudicea:
‘Nor was Suetonius silent at such a crisis. Though he confided in the valour of his men, he yet mingled encouragements and entreaties to disdain the clamours and empty threats of the barbarians.
“There,” he said, “you see more women than warriors. Unwarlike, unarmed, they will give way the moment they have recognised that sword and that courage of their conquerors, which have so often routed them. Even among many legions, it is a few who really decide the battle, and it will enhance their glory that a small force should earn the renown of an entire army. Only close up the ranks, and having discharged your javelins, then with shields and swords continue the work of bloodshed and destruction, without a thought of plunder. When once the victory has been won, everything will be in your power.” ‘
Tacitus. The Annals 14.36
Thanks Stand Easy, your kind words are most appreciated.
When Nato sank the Russian flagship and Russia knew it and covered it up showing weakness and timidity, Russia begged for escalation.
Oh I disagree, Liz Truss is absolutely a cartoon character. So is Boris.
Does anyone think that either of these 2 decide UK foreign policy? They are just script readers, and not very good at it. They become the lightening rods for the anger of the proles when things go south, as they almost always do.
The handlers at MI-6 and the Foreign Office must shake their heads at the ineptitude of the political class that they have to work with these days.
Don’t believe me? Go and watch a few episodes of the documentaries “Yes, Minister” and “Yes, Prime Minister”.
NATO brags incessantly about its new members resulting from the war in Ukraine.
However, the only reason those countries want to join NATO is because they are militarily weak and are incapable of fighting against Russia on their own. They imagine that if the conflict comes their way, the US is going to save them. But that isn’t what will happen.
NATO strategy is based on ultimate victory, not the survival of each little member. NATO sees these peripheral members as its front line of defense (or offense) against Russia.
It will sacrifice those weaker more exposed allies first, and new members like Finland and the Baltic States will find themselves not protected, but instead, called upon to shore up NATO’s major strategic operations which will leave those little countries even less able to defend their own territory than before. This might possibly contribute to the goal of ultimate NATO victory but not to the survival of the NATO newbies.
Thanks to Jorge for wading through and deconstructing this toxic speech.
Absolutely appalling.
Why is it that only the dumbest and most blood-thirsty females seem to manage to “break the glass ceiling”?
As always, thank you for your considerate judgement of my piece.
My only intention is to input a starting point to the debate.
If any one had bothered to actually study what Adolf Hitler was looking for in terms of Lebensraum, it was not really all that much. I believe it was primarily a strip of territory around Czechoslovakia.
I have several texts on this subject but the last one I read discusses the realities of Lebensraum and what the West has done to turn it into something it wasn’t…
Steve, I´m no expert historian but the way I had it yes Sudetenland was not that much and actually was accepted in writing by UK Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to calm HItler down. But then came the Polish conflict never cleared up who attacked whom first and wham all of a sudden WW2 started right there and never stopped, etc.
Liz Truss i an idiot , and a very badly drawn cartoon, when the Nukes start raining down , on her head be it.
British economy is dead on its feet, one would think the ruling party would be paying more attention to that rather than the distraction of Ukraine where defeat is 100% assured. I’ll be interested to see how they spin it to a gullible population thats been cheering for the ‘plucky’ Ukraines who, they are being told are ‘winning’, If 3000 KIA a week is ‘winning’ the Donbass I’d hate to see what losing looks like. Truss is an idiot and not even a convincing one, every single one of her assertations crumbles under the unstinting heat and light of reaity, but hey, why let the truth spoil a good champagne party with all your old school chums who all work in The City. Meanwhile Joe Bloggs is worrying about how he is going to keep warm this year and feed himself. The supermarket shelves in the UK are much, much barer than they are in Moscow.
It is not just the UK economy. Their gas reserves are already very low (in comparison to others), and reliance on imported gas is already very high.
Petrol and diesel prices are also very high (Brits pay one of the highest prices per litre of Diesel fuel in the EU +UK), which is passed down to the end consumer as higher retail prices for everything that needs transport.
Whilst “those at the top of the pile” are very insulated from the consequences of their actions, the general public are not. It is very useful to remember that, those with the less glamorous, more poorly-paid jobs tend to be those who keep things running comfortably.
Henry Kissinger (Washington Post): “For the West, the demonization of Vladimir Putin is not a policy; it is an alibi for the absence of one.”
“Network of Liberty” & “Global NATO” — I wonder how many belly laughs and incredulous gapes these phrases produced in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Trump’s defence secretary described him as “…an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service”, after hearing Trump wanted Mexico attacked on a brutally stupid whim. Expecting any Western politician to embrace ‘public service’ instead of ‘self-interest’ is deluded. US politicians have distorted foreign affairs for domestic political advantage, producing regular occurrences of the ‘October Surprise’.
George Orwell, “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
Like any liar, Liz Truss must first convince herself the bullshit and attitude has reality outside of her imagination. Adding China to her government’s idle threats outlines the “strategic imperative for all of us”. Oppression in the Shite West’s name of any country expecting human rights, strong democracies of their own conception, healthy local food, happy peaceful neighbours, and international markets unchained from Northern arrogance and greed. (I meant to type ‘White West’ as EU refugee policies only recognize Crusader colours, but a happy accident gave the phrase a timeout)
Simon Bolivar: “The United States appear to be destined by Providence to plague America [and the world] with misery in the name of liberty.”
‘Her Majesty’s Russia Unit´
British spies have launched a full-scale propaganda war to demonize Moscow.
Britain’s international information war strategy was developed years ago.
In 2017 the Government implemented
(1)the NSC-endorsed (National Security Council — RT) Russia Strategy
(2) the cross-Government Russia Unit which brings together the UK’s diplomatic, intelligence and military capabilities to maximum effect
According to the British government’s own reports, the HMG Russia Unit, which was formally attached to the UK Foreign Office, was primarily tasked with coordinating information and propaganda campaigns aimed against Russia. This can be traced from data released by the British government and, in particular, from a large-scale program financed by the UK Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) that was carried out by the Foreign Office up until 2021 to develop media resources, including in Russian, and so-called “counter disinformation.”
“In the coming year we will be investing over £8m in supporting public service and independent media. This will include projects in the Baltic States and Ukraine, as well as regional initiatives,” according to a document published by the UK government.”
More info at