By Rostislav Ishchenko
Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard

cross posted with


A human is built in such a way that believing in a miracle is necessary. But at the same time the majority hopes that the miracle is rational. A considerable part of society considers believing in God to be something shameful and backward. Nevertheless, a human believes with pleasure in aliens who during millennia advise terrestrial governments in a hidden way. They believe in the all-powerful reptiloid from a far galaxy weaving plots for the purpose of destroying earth civilisation. They believe in Rothschilds-Rockafellars, who organised their secret world government of earth civilisation before the Pharaohs, and since then it has been secretively leading the world towards its mysterious purpose. They believe in inadequate frequenters of social networks known by nobody, “advising” all intelligence agencies of the world. They believe in the cunning games of the governments sending ciphered messages to their people via the lips of TV hosts.

One of the most popular public-political beliefs is the belief in zombification. Its adherents remain in a condition of cognitive dissonance because, on the one hand, they believe it is possible to zombify a neighboring nation, but that it is impossible to zombify the nation that they themselves belong to. And on the other hand, it constantly seems to this same adherent that all representatives of their own nation surrounding them are zombified (except a narrow sect that shares the views of this adherent in relation to nature and society), and that only they personally (and perhaps some other chosen ones) resist the work of the propaganda machine that zombifies society.

It turns out that the individuals (according to their thoughts) most resistant to zombifying turn out to be the first subjects of zombification. This logical contradiction doesn’t prevent them from fighting against zombification anywhere and everywhere. They are so active that under their influence normal people start seeing a false bottom in all news reported by the media and wake up in the middle of the night horrified by the fact that they are being zombified.

In reality the technology of zombification is just one of many information technologies. It is mainly used to influence the marginal sectors of society for the purpose of creating the framework of a specific idea. It was borrowed by political strategists from totalitarian sects and is based on the tools that are well mastered by them. In order to achieve success it is necessary to completely submerge the person in an information environment that is confident in the correctness of a certain super-idea. For example, that Grudinin can’t lose the elections; that the government dreams of selling the country to the Americans (like in the reptiloid narrative); that Russia cedes to the US (which is all-powerful) everywhere and in everything; that nobody in the world reckons with Russia in general at all; that without the “creative class”, which is stupidly doing nothing useful as junior office employees with limited competence assuming a level of responsibility no higher than sharpening pencils, it is impossible to resolve any important ethnic or global question; that 12/14-year-old blockheads have the right to demand that the authorities report on how “their taxes” are being spent, etc.

A certain source of information that is authoritative in or for this circle or must constantly repeat the same thought that is considered as super-valuable in this circle. The most sensible of such gurus tries to diversify the menu by leading people towards the same thought in different ways. For example, you were drenched under heavy rain but Putin is to blame for this, because what is the hydrometeorological center doing? Why didn’t they issue a warning in time? And if they did, then why did they do so insufficiently loudly? And on this day there generally is never heavy rain, and only now, when Russia ceded to the US in everything, could such a thing happen so that it started to rain and thousands of people were drenched because of the helplessness of the authorities. Well, and if the sun shines, the same chain of reasoning begins with the words “why is it so hot?”.

However, the line of reasoning is not cunning, nobody cares about plausibility and consistency. Putin can be scolded for the same actions that Xi Jinping is praised for, and the absolutely identical reaction of Moscow and Washington towards this same irritant can be presented as being shameful for Russia and victorious for the US.

It is absolutely all the same for the victims of zombification to what extent the world of their guru corresponds to the real world. They, as a rule, are intellectually lacking people who need an authoritative “explanation” for the simplest processes. The authority of the guru is indisputable, because if they were mistaken (lying is out of the question), how to live in a world without a wheel and sails. However, in zombie sects there are also quite enlightened characters. As a rule, they are weak infantile people who need a guide in life (mother, wife, boss, a more strong-willed comrade). But they find an ideal in precisely the guru of the zombie sect. After all, they are always ready to give simple answers to all questions (beginning with daily life and ending with the universe).

Such sects serve as a fine basis for different kinds of color revolutions. It is easy to bring them out to the streets under any flag and with any demands that the guru will add their signature to. And the gurus of zombie sects are never disinterested, but are very inexpensive. However, zombie sects exist not only in politics. Moreover, the main business in zombification happens exactly out of the political sphere.

Nevertheless, as we already noted, zombification is one of the many political technologies used for the creation of the framework of a certain super-valuable idea. All of these infantile intellectuals and de-intellectualised marginals form quite active and loud extras [a fake crowd – ed], creating the impression that a certain idea indeed agitates society. The conditions for the introduction of a topic in political circulation are being created.

But further, the technology of zombification is powerless, because at the next stage the idea being “sold” becomes a subject of public discussion. The loud and ignorant adherents who think that those who don’t share their views are the enemy are incapable of holding a discussion. On the contrary, the manner of insulting political opponents inherent in them averts the adequate masses from the doctrine that they defend. But the guru by definition can’t lower themselves to have a discussion with just anyone, because the guru is infallible, they are above the crowd of ordinary people, they don’t argue, they only teach. If to assume that the guru can argue with someone, then it means that this person is equal to the guru in everything. I.e., they themselves can be a guru. But two gurus can’t exist in the sublunary world at the same time. Thus, the guru can only point out to the crowd of his own adherents the latest “sacrilegist” who doubted the guru’s infallibility. And further, it is the crowd that must persecute the villain who dared to threaten the “sacred” one.

With such methods it is easy to protect a sect from the temptation of having alternative ideas, but they don’t allow to actively expand the number of adherents (unless you manage to have State apparatus serve you and involve brute force against the opponents). It is precisely for this reason that the technology of zombification remains one of the most elementary political technologies and never plays an important role in serious campaigns. The most that it can be useful for is to swindle the silly rich and candidates in provincial elections who own a media agency via unfair and low-skill (and often even self-appointed) PR managers. Banally, the person is sold what they already have for big money. If their resources appear to be enough for victory, then they win, and if not, then they are consoled by the fact that they took “3rd place out of 12 candidates” and that they are told in strict confidence that both candidates who overtook them fought representing “different towers of the Kremlin”. PR speculators love the “multi-tower” theory – which, by the way, zombies willingly trust – precisely because it gives them the opportunity to attribute to the mythical Kremlin the support of an unlimited number of candidates.

Indeed, an important role in the creation of national political projects is played not by the technology of zombification, but by the more subtle and complicated technology of steering consciousness. They correspond to each other like the first attempt to stand in self-made skates on a frozen pond and the performance of the world champion in figure skating, or, perhaps, like the game of “Chapayev” and the chess game between grand masters.

The ordinary person can easily and quickly study and effectively apply the technology of zombification. There is just a need to have a certain level of impudence and shamelessness. There is nothing complicated in constantly inspiring mentally defective and ignorant hamster-sectarians by harping on about their greatness. It is just that not everyone will go out with brass knuckles to plunder on the main road (this technology also isn’t complicated), and also not everyone will dare to commit mental violence over these little people for the purpose of unjust personal enrichment.

The technology of steering consciousness in its highest manifestations can’t be simply studied. This is like a high-level chess game or like the military operations conceived by great commanders; a mixture of exact science (which can be studied) and high-level art, which demands congenital talent – and being a genius is even better.

Like all things great, at first sight this technology is simple. It is just necessary to rely on absolutely truthful, easy to verify data and events. But the effect of attracting the masses onto the side of one’s idea is achieved due to interpretations. No news comes into circulation in a pure form. Already at the first stage of arriving on the news feed, when the text is at its most informative and neutral, it is possible to add the necessary emotional coloring thanks to the title and clever wording (for example, a spy and a scout are the same thing, but the emotional coloring is different). Upon further discussion, expert opinions join and the collection of additional information by reporters begins. During the entire time that the news is in circulation (from a couple of hours up to several years) it becomes overgrown with interpretations, opinions, explanations, and discussions stated in certain terms and carrying a certain emotional charge. As a result, an information and emotional field is being generated around it that has a direct impact on the psyche of the person perceiving this news. Proceeding from this perception, the person forms an attitude towards characters known to them and events of current affairs.

Further, it is necessary to understand that the modern information space produces thousands of news items every second. Nobody (no government) can filter out what’s necessary and neutralise what’s harmful, simply because the availability for the population of a whole massif of global information is necessary from the point of view of both the successfulness and the simple survivability of the State as an information-political system.

Distributing instructions “from the Kremlin” to an army of experts, commentators, and journalists is senseless and counterproductive. Such a kind of reaction will always be considerably late. I.e., custom-ordered interpretations and comments will be inefficient. They will explain yesterday to a society that already entered tomorrow.

It is also necessary to understand and remember that society consists of individuals and sub-communities, far from being standard. They differ in terms of education level, intelligence, experience, perception of reality, interests, etc. Each unique community and individual needs his or her formulation of the corresponding interpretations. It is clear that it is physically impossible to centrally approve and formulate millions of information decisions per day, and, in the case of global information projects, it can be about tens and hundreds of millions of decisions.

The last and most important thing: it is necessary not just to adhere to the formal validity of the initial fact, but to remain constantly in the stream of public understanding of good and evil and truth and lie. Big communities, being exposed to informational influence, intuitively feel a lie. They are seldom capable of independently formulating their understanding of the truth, but they sense a lie and refuse to support lying politicians.

Thus, effective propaganda, forming society’s ideas of what is good and evil, must lean on the idea of what is good and evil that was created in society earlier. It must not contradict, but develop on these ideas, even if the ultimate goal of reformation is a fully diametrically opposite change of position.

As we see, the realisation of a similar strategy requires a system leaning not on traditional feedforward/feedback in the form of a report on the problem/receiving an instruction/a report on implementation, but on anticipatory impulses.

In this case the authorities responsible for information policy collect not all information (which is impossible to process, even having collected it), but only crucial elements that allow to predict the development of the information field in an anticipatory way. In other words, the authorities collect analysis today of the potential day after tomorrow information, with already ready and outlined directions of work. Moreover, this day after tomorrow information is being created not under an order, but at the initiative of the people who are inclined towards precisely this sphere of political analysis. In the opposite direction an unformed impulse, and not an instruction, is also sent. Speeches, statements, and the actions of several leading politicians and media figures set some kind of trend that the others are guided by not because they were told to do so, but because it is precisely these people who are listened to, read, and watched the most. I.e., they are informationally more capitalised, and the others are guided by them, trying to increase their own capitalisation.

We are dealing with processes that are extremely fined-tuned and impossible to control using traditional bureaucratic command methods. In fact, a self-control mechanism is embedded in society, not allowing it to go beyond the limits of patriotic and statist meanings (including from the point of view of mercantile interests and the regime of self-preservation). But the task of the authorities – both political and informational – is the reasonable use of this trend (Ukraine is an example of what is unreasonable), and also the early tracing and prevention of attempts from abroad to interfere in the national information space for the purpose of reformatting it. Well, and of course – external propaganda, which also reaches its highest efficiency only due to the introduction of their own meanings in the information space of others.

In order to effectively manoeuvre in this information ocean it is necessary to understand and feel the soul of the people who you work with, to literally become a part of them, which became aware of itself and its interests, and which now can inspire them throughout the entire organism.

We see daily the work of the system of fine-tuning the steering of consciousness. Moreover, everyone having their own level, we participate in this work because the system needs the maximum participation of everyone in order to be efficient. But it is impossible to write a textbook or manual on fine-tuning such a system like how it is impossible to write a manual on La Gioconda’s creation. It is possible to publish a textbook on artistic style or artistic skill — there are many of them. It is easily possible to create a textbook on political science or on information policy. A mass of textbooks on strategy, actual at the time of writing, and also on the general basics of strategic skill was created in military academies of all eras and people. But none of these textbooks can teach the feeling of victory that a truly great commander feels, the ability to correctly evaluate the situation and to make only the right decision at only the right moment. Just like how it is impossible to teach the highest forms of art of information work. People are born with it and die with it. It is possible to improve existing skill, but it is impossible to acquire it (if it isn’t given from birth). Like how there are many good football players, but there is only one Pelé.