Their latest invention?
Osama Bin-Ladin is comfortably living in Iran…
All we need now if a retouched image of Imam Khamenei with a Hitler moustache and the war can start.
Their latest invention?
Osama Bin-Ladin is comfortably living in Iran…
All we need now if a retouched image of Imam Khamenei with a Hitler moustache and the war can start.
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Ahmadinejad gave a good reply: No, Osama bin Laden is in Washington, where he has many powerful friends like the Bush family.
(in Portuguese)
This version is much more credible than the one by Fox News…
In other news, IAEA chief focuses on Israel
VIENNA – The head of the U.N. atomic watchdog is asking for international input on how to persuade Israel to join the Nonproliferation Treaty, in a move that is sure to add to pressure on the Jewish state to disclose its unacknowledged nuclear arsenal.
America’s Zionist media hasn’t relented on its Russophobic propaganda either. Not only are the media implying that the Russian’s shot down the plane carrying Poland’s President, they claim that they shot and killed all the survivors in this video here:
Digital Enhancement Of Amateur Plane Crash Site Footage (w / English Subtitles) In Smolensk
Regarding the Polish presidential plane crash in Smolensk, is the big media blaming Russia, or just some conspiracy theorist? I’ve never seen any mass media make similar claims. I imagined that some Polish hyper-Russophobes would come with this, but it surprises me how the Polish political elite and mass-media are being very polite with the Russians, always thanking them for all the support.
@Carlo and Nationalist: I just watched the video and its so poorly done that even the translation is incorrect. Also, what they refer to as “digitally enhanced” sounds to be like “mixed-in 2nd soundrack”. Furthermore, if there were folks shooting any survivors, they would not have missed the idiot who filmed it all while dumbly repeating “ни хуя себе” a profanity which roughly translates to “oh fuck!” (and not “you wont’ get away”). You can hear what appears somebody pursuing somebody else calling him паскуда which roughly translates as “bastard” but that could have been recorded anywhere. You can also hear laughter which, in the context, makes no sense. In fact, the idea of survivors in such a crash makes no sense to me either.
This video is so bad that I don’t even think that its the CIA who did it. Rather some homemade montage by nationalist Polaks. It’s their level of technical expertise, and their level of propaganda. It’s so lame that even the otherwise rabidly anti-Russian Western corporate media stays away from this thing.
To tell you the truth, it really seems that the US and the West in general are trying to reset relations with Russia: the fastly improving ties between Poland and Russia, which used to be so bad until few months ago, and the fact that no one in NATO is complaining about all the pro-Russian actions Yanukovich is taking, are signs of this. But my question are: what for are they doing this? They surely expect Russia to make some big concessions. And for how many time will these good relations last? The last time it happened (late 80’s till 2000), Russia made so many concessions that it almost ended in the complete colapse of the country and we were very close of seeing a complete US hegemony worldwide. I hope the Russian leaders have this very clear in their mind.
@Carlo: I don’t really see much of an improving of relations with Russia. Biden is at NATO HQ promising a missile system in Europe, NATO is rearming Georgia like crazy, and Reporters Without Borders is listing Putin as an enemy of the press. But maybe I am missing something.
I am convinced that the US is trying to cajole and pressure Russian into some form of compliance with its agenda of war on Iran (sanctions, blockade, air and missile strikes).
As for the Ukraine, I guess that Yanikovich is closer to Moscow than I had initially expected. If so, that would indicate to me that he has a solid power base in the Ukraine and if that is so, than NATO and the US cannot do much about it.
Franlky, I think that the US foreign policy is in shambles, in total disarray. First, it is totally controlled by Israel and most of its energy is now aimed at the various wars in the Middle-East (all of which the USA is loosing, BTW). Following the huge success of the coup against Zelaya, the USA seems to have run out of steem in Latin America. Europe is basically the USA’s poodle many because it has the same Israeli masters at the USA, hence all the idiotic walking out at the UN crap recently. Ditto in Canada (cf. the Galloway ban). Inside the USA, we still are fed our diet of pseudo-terrorist patsies making they toy attacks (underwear bomber, Paki bomber in Times Square, etc.).
The Obama administration really has a feel of Götterdämmerung, of slo-mo collapse. I don’t think that there is much of a real ‘policy’ left at Foggy Bottom or anywhere else in DC…
I think you may be correct in your assessment @Carlos…And I will just add that the Zionist’s arrogance has been very blinding and detrimental to our foreign policy and image in the world…
@anonymous: it all points to the same ‘disaster years’: Reagan. This was the time when the Zionists quietly but massively switched from their usual focus on the Democratic Party and focused on taking over key conservative institutions, think tanks, etc. I was in DC at the time, and I saw this process with my own eyes. Then, under Papa Bush, the Anglos had their very last years of control, which they totally lost when Clinton came to power. The Cliton years were the big “coming out” of the Zionists, followed by an even more “in your face” takeover by the so-called ‘Neocons’ under Bush.
Obama, which was pushed by the Anglo lobby, was a compromise candidate, and with Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff, the Zionists knew that the White House was basically still under their control. As for Congress and the corporate media, they have been totally taken over by the Zionists. Bottom line: the USA has been completely taken over, there is no more key power centers which would not be totally controlled by the Zionsits. Look at the poor (bad) old CIA which has been castrated. I am less sure about the Pentagon, but these guys are first and foremost about taking order, not making policies. All in all, the picture is very bleak for the USA – its been turned into a glorified ‘banana republic’ for Israel, though instead of providing bananas, it provides weapons, troops, political cover and, of course, lots and lots of money.
I can’t think of a single case in world history where an empire has been take over buy such a numerically minute group. It’s quite amazing, really.