As I have mentioned before, Tymoshenko really appears to have suffered a great deal in Yanukovich’s dungeon and now she is clearly “gone fishing”. The latest telephone leak (thanks SVR, and keep up the great work!) shows her actually suggesting that the Banderites *nuke* the 8 million Russians living in the Ukraine. She also proposes to make Russia a scorched field. Let me immediately reassure everybody – the Ukraine does not have nuclear weapons, never had them, never will have them. You can take that to the bank. To Tymoshenko’s partial exculpation, she is clearly venting in a fit of frustrated rage and not actually giving orders to a (non existing) Ukrainian military. Still, this is a very good illustration of how all these freedom loving, smiling, Ukrainian nationalists really think. Keep in mind that Tymoshenko’s party “Batkivshchyna” (or Fatherland) is by far the most “moderate” (to the extend that any of these Banderites can be considered moderate) and that Klichko’s Udar party is worse, that Tiagnibok’s Freedom Party (aka “Social Nationalist” party) is even worse, and that they all are comparatively sane and moderate when compared to Iarosh’s “Right Sektor” who can only be compared to the Croatian Ustashe or the Hutu Interahamwe. And its the Right Sektor which currently has all the guns (only small stuff, thanks God, stuff that is only useful to terrorize civilians, not something you could use against the “Polite Armed Men in Green”).
But listen for yourself to that crazy conversation (in Russian, not in Ukrainian, I would add):
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You answered a question I had before I could ask it. After listening to the recording, and her hate for the Russians, I wondered if she was speaking Russian or Ukrainian?
OK, YuVT is a rabid bitch. We already knew that.
The real question is: what else does the FSB have on her?
I fear for those 8 million Russians now even more than I did before.
And it is because like you said, that Tymoshenko is moderate compared to the rest of them.
She only speaks Ukrainian in public and in front of cameras. Since this was meant to be a private conversation she, in this instance, is speaking her first language, Russian.
Off topic but the FSB claimed the killed Umarov by infiltrating his group with agent and poisoning his food in a similar why to how they killed Khattab although that was a poison note.
I think I forgot to post the link.
YuVT only learned Ukrainian as an adult.
Saker said – “Right Sektor” who can only be compared to the Croatian Ustashe
Why do you drive the Croats away from Russia?
Why do you help UKUSA countries?
If you want talk about Ustase, you could also talk about Cetniks.
I think it is all pointless.
Today NATO/EU is the enemy number one for Russia, for multipolar world, for democracy. Today all Europe suffers under American boot.
@Anonymous: Why do you drive the Croats away from Russia?
I don’t play that kind of games at all. I seek neither to drive anybody away, not to make anybody happy. I speak the truth the best I see it and I honestly share it with others.
If you want talk about Ustase, you could also talk about Cetniks.
During WWII the Chetniks were FAR LESS bloodthirsty than the Communists Partisans of Tito or the Ustashe of Pavelic. But when, pressed by the Soviet Union, Britain decided to backstab Mikhailovic both the Soviets and the Americans were delighted to paint the Chetniks as some kind of mega-villains, which is an absolute lie. I would argue that of ALL the political forces in Yugoslavia during WWII the Chetniks were BY far the most decent and moral, especially compared to the Ustashe and Tito’s Communists Partisans. But, as always, victors write history in a way which gives them legitimacy and the Anglo Empire or the Soviet Empire could hardly admit that – hence the myth.
I will agree that Chetniks were definitely capable of atrocities, but nothing on the scale of Latin Ustashe or the atheist Partisans, not even close. Mostly, Draja Mikhailovic was a decent person, unlike Tito or Pavlic (the latter was a hate-filled rabid dog).
Wikipedia can write whatever the hell in wants – my family spent most of the war in Serbia and they witnessed it all for themselves. BTW – even though all my family were categorically anti-Nazi, they always observed that the German military behaved in a much more civilized way that any of the local forces.
Bottom line is this: both Pavelic and his Ustashe are some of the worst individuals mankind every produced (even the Nazis tried to rein them in because of the backlash in the civilian population!) and I don’t think that denouncing them is being anti-Croatian at all.
The Saker
Dear Saker
Keep away from history.
History can poison every mind. Concentrate on the present and the future.
Once The Germans and the French fought among themselves and today’s politicians don’t remind its citizens about it. Once the British put the city Washington on fire, every nation has its own Dien Bien Phu or Algeria. The Germans during Hitler caused death of 28 million Russians and the Germans have better relationship than the Croats and the Serbs.
And by the way when Merkel lectures Putin about “democracy” and Ukraine, why does not Putin remind her of Hitler, the Jews would do it.
Dear Saker
The Russians have armed the Croats
see bellow
Hrvatsku naoružali Rusi: Jeljcin odobrio 150 letova transportera
Do you know that the war of independence in Croatian is called
“Domovinski rat” translated in English means “patriotic war”
The first Croatian president F.Tudjman had decided so, because he was under the Russian influence.
The first Croatian President
had received Orden Zhukova
Орден Ушакова (Orden Žukova) za zasluge i doprinos antifašističkoj borbi odlukom ruskog predsjednika Borisa Jeljcina 1996.
Rusija je bila na strani Hrvatske
Russia was on side of Croatia
Russian ambassador
Leonid Vladimirovič Kerestedžijanc, prvi ruski veleposlanik u Hrvatskoj, živi aktivno umirovljeničke dane u svom moskovskom stanu, u četvrti gdje su smještene mnoge ambasade i zgrade zaslužnih dužnosnika. Radi zadnje korekcije svojih predavanja o Balkanu i ruskoj politici na jugoistoku Europe za polaznike diplomatske akademije.
@Anonymous: Keep away from history.
And give the Empire a total informational monopoly over history? NEVER! Also, without history, we, as people, are nothing but the orphans of our own identity: empty shells devoid from understanding of our world. It is true, he who controls the past does control the present and, therefore, the future. And, yes, knowledge is a powerful weapon. What do you think makes Russian diplomats so different from their modern US colleagues if not the fact that US politicians are totally ignorant of history! Look at Dubya who did not even know that there are Shia and Sunni in Iraq. Look at Rumsfeld with his pathetic “new Europe” crap. When the US and NATO just waltzed in into Yugoslavia they entered a region in which history is the single most important factor, but they though that bombs are good enough, that any historical issues can be bombed into oblivion. Why do you think that the US and EU today support real bona-fide Nazis in the Ukraine, if not because a crass ignorance of history bordering on the criminal, especially for senior decision maker.
A person ignorant of history will buy any propaganda, no matter how self-evidently idiotic it is. No, my friend, not only will I not keep away form history, I will make that a central theme of this blog just because those who have a historical memory need to share it and pass it on to those, however few, who care about it.
Modern history and all its conflicts and issues all stems from the Golgotha, but that means that 2000 years of history must be explained and re-explained over and over and over again and not set aside as a purely academic endeavor.
The Saker
Keep going saker: yr words have authenticity, n seem to have a lot of vital history on yr side I’m just a Brit in a sea of disinformation n absolute media propaganda against Russia, and anyone who even manages to get thru the wall erected against any alternative narrative to the lies we are being fed, are now being called ‘traitor’ (Corbyn) and therefore this constitutes a war against its own people, trying to control the narrative at any cost, the hypocrisy, even amidst the so called academics n intellectuals n centre left in this country who’re tainted by this propaganda, well it is just shocking. I googled wiki on Ukraine and it confirmed how much it whitewashes the various players in that catastrophe.. so I tried an alt route n this ws the first I’m sure of many I might discover to make any sense to my way of thinking, just seeking authentic voices.
@Anonymous:The Russians have armed the Croats
Well, yes, but you missed the key words in your own article:
“Hrvatsku naoružali Rusi: Jeljcin odobrio 150 letova transportera”
Eltsin – who, by the way, re-sold out Crimea in 1991 to Kravchuk – would have gladly sold his own mother for one bottle of cheap Rakija. I can only repeat it over and over and over: Eltsin was nothing more than a US colonial Gauleiter over Russia. He is not Russia, he is anti-Russia in its most abominable form. Besides, the folks who *really* ruled Russia at the time where Berezovsky and the rest of the Jewish oligarchs. The same folks who are financing Dudaev and the Chenchen Wahabis – so of course they would sell anything to anybody, including the Devil himself…
The Saker
Croatia is not Ante Pavelich.
The greatest Croatian historical figure is Stjepan Radic.
Let’s see this link
Ruski jezik – Russian language
Stjepan Radić i Rusija
Radić je smatrao da to što Hrvati ne znaju ruski jezik izravno je povezano s austrijskim obrazovnim sustavom u kojem gotovo da se nisu predavali slavenski jeziki. Ako su se, pak, predavali, onda to nije bilo dovoljno i ne u ozbiljnom obimu. No u zreloj dobi, odnosno nakon dvadeset godina, piše Radić, kad je čovjek već stručnjak u pojedinoj oblasti, kad ima puno obveza, više mu nije do učenja ruskog jezika. Čak ako Hrvati uče ruski ili ga žele učiti, piše Radić, svejedno ostaju robovi njemačkih predrasuda i njemačke mržnje prema Rusiji. Nijemci vrijeđaju ćirilicu kad pišu da je to „prokleto barbarsko pismo“, a Hrvati slijede taj primjer. Nijemci nazivaju ruski jezik tatarsko-njemačkom smjesom, a Hrvati to ponavljaju. Nijemci tvrde da je ruski izgovor nemoguće naučiti, a Hrvati se s tim slažu. Radić s tugom primjećuje: „Samo u jednoj stvari ne slijedimo Nijemce. Oni vrijeđaju i preziru ruski jezik, ali ga uče s velikim entuzijazmom“.
Of course the Serbs have been more often on side of Russia than the Croats. I dont want to compete with them.
But, the Russians did not reward the Serbs after the world war one, giving Croatia to Serbia but Britain and America did it.
The Russians did not try the Croatian generals in ICC in Haag but UKUSA countries.
Saker said
Well, yes, but you missed the key words in your own article:
“Hrvatsku naoružali Rusi: Jeljcin odobrio 150 letova transportera”
Look Saker
We have strong circle in Croatia who are against NATO/EU and that circle is trying to gravitate to Russia, these Croats are pro-Russian.
What do you want to achieve?
Do you want that the Croats quote you in forums to prove the non-existing “enmity” between the Russians and the Croats?
Do you want – in media and in forums and when the Russian come for holiday in Croatia and when we meet the Russians abroad – to have support of the Croats towards the Russians or opposite?
US spy agencies inadvertenly confirm the Russian version of the story of how Crimea was “captured” (i.e. without Russian troops in involved):
. But intelligence analysts were surprised because they hadn’t intercepted any telltale communications where Russian leaders, military commanders or soldiers discussed plans to invade.[…]
Looking back, some U.S. officials now suspect Russia might have been trickling more highly trained units into Crimea in small numbers. But U.S. intelligence analysts didn’t pick up any such indications before the takeover, officials briefed on the intelligence-gathering effort say.
Mr. Obama was told the operations could be launched with little warning.
But U.S. intelligence agencies didn’t have corroborating evidence. Mr. Putin and other Russian leaders gave little away in internal communications picked up by the U.S. “We didn’t have someone saying: ‘Let’s do this,’ ” one U.S. official recalls.
It isn’t clear if Russian leaders deliberately avoided communicating about the invasion or simply found a way to do so without detection by the U.S. Another possibility: Mr. Putin made a last-minute decision to seize Crimea—and told almost no one other than those responsible for carrying out the invasion.
Inside Crimea, Russian troops exercised what U.S. officials describe as extraordinary discipline in their radio and cellphone communications. Remarks that were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies revealed no hint of the plans.
On Feb. 27, Mr. Pyatt sent an urgent note to Washington. A picture attached to his note showed Russian flags flying at Crimea’s parliament building. U.S. officials didn’t know if the forces that seized the building were Russian or a rogue unit of the Ukrainian police force involved in the crackdown on protesters in Kiev.
If Mr. Putin decided to launch a takeover, many U.S. intelligence analysts thought he would use troops participating in the military exercises. Officials now say they underestimated the quality of Russian forces inside Crimea.
Also, here tells is someone from the self-defence forces of Crimea who telling how it went:
@Anonymous:What do you want to achieve?
Simply speak the truth
Do you want that the Croats quote you in forums to prove the non-existing “enmity” between the Russians and the Croats?
I don’t care what people do with what I write. Besides, I NEVER spoke of any enmity between two peoples, most definitely not Russians and Croats. For one thing, I reject ethnicity-based politics in general. I write what I know about the Ustashe but not because I am in ANY way hostile to Croats. In fact, I am not hostile to any nation or ethnic group out there, not even the Saudis (!!!!). I profoundly believe that all people are just as good/bad everywhere and that the *actions* of *some* do not reflect the *nature* of *all*.
How hard is this to understand? Do you really have to be stuck in such parochial as “us and them”?!
This is becoming boring, I am not replying to any more comments about that. My position is, I dare say, rather clear and if you don’t understand it – tough luck, sorry.
The Saker
Right on Saker, tell it like it is. There is no better way of “knowing thyself” than knowing your history. Those who are ashamed of their own roots can always remind themselves not to make the same mistakes as their forefathers…
Being in near proximity of what was happening in former Yugoslavia (Bosnia ’92 – ’95 & Serbia-Kosovo ’99) and later in the middle of some very similar events (the NATO/UNMIK-sponsored “mini-war” in Macedonia in 2001), as well as taking notice of world events at least since WWI have brought me to the conclusion that the AngloZionist Empire is longing for the destruction of Orthodox Christianity. Since the 50 year social(ism) experiment failed in shattering our believe system, ever since the fall of USSR/Iron Curtain zionists have only become more aggressive out in the open.
I would like to know what are your thoughts on this issue.
I am a Serb, and I really TRY HARD to understand my Croat Slavic brothers, but sometimes it seems hopeless.
“But, the Russians did not reward the Serbs after the world war one, giving Croatia to Serbia but Britain and America did it.
The Russians did not try the Croatian generals in ICC in Haag but UKUSA countries.”
My dear Croat, how can you even say this?! Britain and America did NOT give “Croatia to Serbia” but they formed a multiethnic country and in no time was Croatia “a part of Serbia”! Serbia had a choice in 1918. – to make a great Serbia with Split in its borders, or to make Yugoslavia where Serbs, Croats and Slovens were equal! Serbia choose Yugoslavia instead of Great Serbia, and how was she reworded ? With Jasenovac concentration camp, where Croatian ustasha-regime butchered 700 thousand Serbs! That is the real truth!
Croatian criminal-generals Gotovina and Markač were tried in ICC in Hague, but they got free!!! And you dare to even make that example !?
I was arguing for Pan-Slavism on the other post, but Saker totally beat me with arguments. I know only one Croat who is fully aware of the real truth about Serbo-Croatian relations, and that is writer Igor Mandić –
But unfortunately most of Croats would not listen to him.
@LXV:world events at least since WWI have brought me to the conclusion that the AngloZionist Empire is longing for the destruction of Orthodox Christianity
Oh absolutely, there is no doubt at all about that. And before the AngloZionists it was the Anglos, and before them the Freemasons and even before them the Papacy, and even before that, the Judaics (Pharisees). The Church has been under sustained and uninterrupted attack since the times of Christ. Orthodox Christianity is still the enemy #1 but, I would add, Shia Islam is clearly the Empire’s enemy #2, at least since the Anglo Empire turned into a AngloZionist one.
But yes, absolutely, the struggle to destroy the Church is the axis around which all of human history revolves since the time of Christ, just as before that the struggle was to destroy the Jewish nation, the prophetic charisma it carried and the fact that the Mother of God would be born from that nation. One one side – the Church, on the other – the Devil’s “legion” – the latter apparently diverse but in reality always consubstantial to all its other manifestations.
Kind regards,
The Saker
post number 3269
Je li Turska izvršila genocid nad Armencima? Je. Danas je glavni američki saveznik na tom području.
Je li VB [ GB ] izvršila gladomor nad Ircima? Jest. Je li im se ispričala? Nije nikada.
Jesu li Turska izvršila masovne zločine nad kršćanima u Europi? Jest i još je ponosna na to.
Jesu li Rusiju napadale okolne države od Švedske, Poljske, Litve, Mongola, Turaka, Tatara…? Jesu. Jesu se ikada ispričale? Nisu.
Je li Rusija uzvratila istom mjerom kasnije? Je i sigurno se ne misli ispričavati?
Jesu se Šveđani kada ispričali Fincima za okupacije? Nisu. I neće.
Je li Njemačka vršila 800 godina Drang nach Osten? Jest. Radila je i radila bi ponovo da može.
@ “What do you want to achieve?”
I am sure the Saker is only trying to state hard cold facts and provide his analytical vision to the best of his ability. I don’t see him as coming across as anti-croatian at all.
As far as I know at this time there is no anti-croatian sentiment of any significance among the Russian population either. So, we’re all good.
I’ll rest my case here.
Anonymous said…
I am a Serb, and I really TRY HARD to understand my Croat Slavic brothers, but sometimes it seems hopeless.
I don’t want to argue with you, I don’t even want to talk to you, you and your people are not important for me, but the Russians are.
There is myth that because we the Croats and the Serbs fought against each other that the Russians are our Croatian enemy. They are not. The Serbs are sitting and have been sitting for very long time on two chairs.
They have been enormously rewarded by UKUSA countries.
After WW1 they were rewarded by UKUSA countries – not Russia with the Croatian Territory. The same story was after the WW2.
UKUSA countries – in the beginning of the war – had supported Milosevic and introduced embargo on Croatia.
Iran’s fake US ship for movie set sparks media hype
I was wondering how far Jewish zionists in the western media would take that silliness. It was obvious the “carrier” was a prop for a film or an event.
Meanwhile, the Psaki freak is caught spouting obvious BS again:
Lost in Translation: ‘Learn Russian’ lesson for State Dept. spokesperson Jen Psaki
вот так
The Croats support Russia
Post number 3
Sto se tice sankcija
One bi bile prije ili kasnije uvedene.
One su se vec pocele uvoditi pod imenom Magnicki zakon od strane Amerike prije godinu dana.
Sankcije bi se uvele radi Pussy Riot, radi radikalnih homoseksualaca ili zato jer je Putin uzjasio na konja ili stavio plavu kravatu.
Rusija ne moze davati ustupke da se nebi uveli sankcije.
Sankcije su neizbjezne.
Rusija ne moze biti taoc NATO/EU sankcija.
Rusija je popustala tom tzv. zapadu i sto je dobijala?
Dobijala je svaki dan sve vise i vise demoniziranja i ponizavanja.
Valjda se mora reci jednom “Dosta!”.
Zapad mora prihvatiti Rusiju kao “normalnu” drzavu.
Kao sto su prihvatili Njemacku ili Japan.
Biti vazal nesmi biti jedini kriterij.
U normalnoj drzavi se priznaju izbori od strane NATO/EU a nedaje se podrska iz ambasade revolucionarima.
The Jackson–Vanik amendment neka vrsta sankcija na Rusiju su bili uvedeni 1974 godine a ukinute su prije nekih godinu dana.
Bile su ukinute zato jer su bile u sukobu o slobodnoj trgovini koju nalaze The World Trade Organisation.
@Anonymous:I don’t even want to talk to you, you and your people are not important for me, but the Russians are.
Bingo! Spoken like a true racist. You got to love that “I don’t even want to talk” and “you are your people are not important for me”. Riiiiiiiiiiight. And the Russians are? Well, guess what, to this Russian you and any other racist bigot don’t matter one bit. You know why? Because there are 185 nationalities in Russia, ALL, of whom matter to me, now matter how small.
So you can pack your worthless Ustasha nationalism and take it somewhere else. And – for your information – the only anti-Serbian Russians are know of are the garden variety liberal, pro-US pro-Zionist “Eltsinoids” of the 1990s. The rest of us know pretty darn well that the Serbs are one of the very few real allies Russia ever had.
The Saker
Dear Saker
Please calm down, first of all for some Croats everything revolves round Serbs and Serbia, round this Serbo-Croatian conflict.
For me not. I am not a Serb and am not interested about them or to argue with them. I have written thousands of pro Russian articles and I always avoid to argue or to fight with the Serbs, it is not my domain and it is pointless.
Timoshenko seems to just be another xenophobic Rightwing psychopath, hence, automatically, a US favourite. Yes, I know that is quadruply redundant, and, disastrously, this type is running the planet, due directly to US policy. The strategy of ‘divide and rule’ is as old as human wickedness, and reaches its deepest perfidy in Anglo policy in the English and US world empires, and in the machinations of the Zionazi pathocracy. As the Zio-American Empire prowls the planet, innately predatory, addicted to killing as a religious obligation and totally contemptuous of the Others who ‘get in the way’ of these ‘Chosen People’, it ceaselessly seeks the lowest types, the most psychotic, the most vicious, to be their agents. Does one have to list the monsters that the Empire has set loose on the planet, the Mobutus, Kagames, Zenawis, Savimbis, Pinochets, Videlas, Banzers, Francos, Salazars etc, in their scores, or the thousands of fascist butchers trained in ‘National Security Doctrine’ and the finer arts of torture, terror, ‘disappearances’ and psychological operations? It is the greatest litany of evil in history. If Putin was Mephistofeles himself, which he plainly is not, you would have to support him solely as the ‘lesser Evil’.
‘Revival of anarchy’: Ukraine radicals rob Russia-Moldova train passengers
This is what Russians and Russian-Ukrainians experience in the Ukraine now on a daily, routine basis.
Kerry realizes necessity of pushing Kiev to abide by 21 February deal – Russian FM
The zionazis are moderating their hysteria maybe? Well:
G7 threatens Russia with economic sanctions over Ukraine – Communique
Here, they act the opposite. They’re playing games and it is quite obvious they are using the Ukraine as a hammer to try and weaken and isolate Russia. But the Russians seem to be on the right track, since so far, the Israeli-American strategy has failed:
Russia thankful to BRICS members on their position on Crimea – Lavrov
Tactically, the zionazis don’t seem to be faring much better. Now with Tymoshenko probably neutralised, I wonder who will be the next to go. ;)
вот так
Syria, Kiev Déjà Vu: US State Department Lies About Crimean Snipers
The zionist/fascist west goes by the motto of anything goes.
вот так
“The Serbs are one of the very few real allies Russia ever had.”
“Russian have always been far closer to our Asian brothers than to other Slav nations with the sole exception of Serbia.”
“Pan-Slavism has dragged into too many wars in which Russia lost a lot and gained nothing. Serbia is THE big exception here, but the rest of our so-called “Slavic brothers” are the kind of “brothers” who make you realize that you don’t need enemies.”
Saker, thank you for reminding me and everybody else on this site about this facts. Though I am a Pan-Slavic Serb, I can not argue against this. Thank you for exposing the truth about Ustasha-nazism and about wars in former Yugoslavia.
The US/EU really knows how to chose them…..she has seriously lost the plot – admitting it was her eek! Watch Merkel squirm….
Interesting article of the history of Russian-Chinese relations with speculation on the current state of affairs.
Восточный союзник (East ally)
In Russian but understandable enough with auto trans.
вот так
I’m speechless. She looks so sweet too, with that pretty face and cute hair style. At least Tianibok is honest enough to look like a thug.
She’s completely rabid, besides utterly delusional.
“.. And before the AngloZionists it was the Anglos, and before them the Freemasons and even before them..”
So now the AngloZionists rule the Freemasons??
On the contrary I think, of course, the Freemasons rule the “Anglozionists”..
The Anglos and the Zionists are just Freemasons’s tools.
They always use the “jews” as scapegoat, and always it works.
But maybe I’m just a little number in the basis, from here is very difficult to see clearly the top of the pyramid.
I’m very sorry for my awful English.
The hate is real, but Tymoshenko is claiming that the “kill them all with nuclear weapons” line was a splice. So reports RT:
I can see how it’s possible, but it would be nice if someone did some analysis to show the truth, so I didn’t have to take her word for it.
@E:Tymoshenko is claiming that the “kill them all with nuclear weapons” line was a splice.
LOL! I did not expect her to simply fess up :-)
The truth is that with digital technology you can fake any conversation, but the lame reaction of Tymoshenko and Shufrych make me feel that this one is real.
The Saker
@anonymous:So now the AngloZionists rule the Freemasons??
No, I meant that chronologically. Modern Masonry has its roots in the Anglo Empire which only became AngloZionist in the 20th century.
The Anglos and the Zionists are just Freemasons’s tools. They always use the “jews” as scapegoat, and always it works.
The elites use Anglos and Jews and Freemasons to their own interests. There is no fixed top the triangle, it is in constant flux and motion. Yes, Jews are often used as scapegoats, but the “everyday life Jew” (as Alain Soral likes to say) is as much a victim as the “everyday life Anglo” or even the “everyday life Mason”. I assure you that even the 33dr degree Masons know very little about the history of Freemasonry – I have met quite a few of them and even had lengthy conversations with two, and I have always marveled at their ignorance of their own order.
At the very top of the pyramid you always have what are essentially Satanists, devil-worshipers, “theomachs” (literally “enemies of God”), but they come from all sorts of backgrounds – hence the “my name is Legion” which I mentioned before. This is what Christ meant when he said: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it (John 8:44). Behind all evil you always will find the same “top”: Satan. He is at top of the pyramid.
The Saker
re: “Tymoshenko is claiming that the “kill them all with nuclear weapons” line was a splice.”
The truth is that with digital technology you can fake any conversation, but the lame reaction of Tymoshenko and Shufrych make me feel that this one is real.
Indeed, the nuclear weapon line was a pointless cheap splice, and Tymboshenko claims the “kill Russians” reference is to Russian citizens, not ethnic Russian Ukrainian citizens. Which is basically fessing up to fantasizing about going full Banderist on Russian citizens, because Russia pissed off the Putschists without shooting one Ukrainian. Clearly signs of someone secure in their non-Russian identity.
Correction to my previous comment that the errors were horrendous.
Off topic but the FSB claimed they killed Umarov by infiltrating his group with an agent and poisoned his food in a similar way to how they killed Khattab although that was a poisoned note.
@Mutant Sushi: Tymboshenko claims the “kill Russians” reference is to Russian citizens, not ethnic Russian Ukrainian citizens
Well, she does also speak of “Moskals” and “Katsaps” which are slurs which refer to ethnicity more than to citizenship. But, either way, she has enough hatred for Russians in Russia and in the Ukraine :-)
Either way – she clearly is has lost a lot of her wits while in jail… I kind of feel sorry for her.
The Saker
@Over-Sensitive Croatian Reaction to: “Right Sektor” who can only be compared to the Croatian Ustashe”
Look, that is not an attack on Croatians, any more than comparing Banderists to German Nazis is an attack on Germans. German people do not generally have a problem with that type of comparison, and neither should Croatian people.
It is a reference to a real fascist scar on humanity’s history… and in fact, Ustasha comparisons are DIRECTLY applicable to Right Sector/Banderists because Bandera’s UPA was in fact trained by Ustasha, an often un-mentioned historical detail. Banderist and Ustasha fascists not only both derive from similar Hapsburg cultivation of sectarian-proxy ethnolinguistic “identities” defined to be mutually-exclusive/hostile to “enemy” identities, but they “benefitted” from directly “sharing” each other’s fascist hate.
Thankfully as humans with moral choice and self awareness we are able to distance ourselves from nationalist fascism in order to celebrate our UNIQUE expressions of human culture AND the SHARED connections of all humanity… Not living as imperial-trained attack dogs trained to fight other empires’ attack dog humans. As decent Germans have no problem denouncing and opposing German Nazism, Croatians like all people can oppose fascism wherever it appears, but most especially closest to home.
I would agree that Tymoshenko has lost it. I think she needs to take a vacation & get away from it all.
And while on vacation, she should go to a music concert. And have I got a perfect concert that I’m sure she’d like:
She should go to Marko Perkovic AKA “Thompson” concert over in Croatia. I hear he’s very popular in Croatia. Tymoshenko should feel right at home with all the Nazi salutes & symbols at the Thompson Concert :)
Four maps of the Ukraine showing how different parts of the region belonged to different countries. Useful reference.
Nothing to get excited about she is just reading what is written on ipod by uplander and friends. It’s all about media spin at this time
this guy seems to think that Snowden is involved in the Russians’ ability to avoid NSA surveillance
this guy seems to think that Snowden is involved in the Russians’ ability to avoid NSA surveillance
В Ровно застрелен Александр Музычко по прозвищу Сашко Билый (In exactly the shot Alexander Muzychko nicknamed Bellamy Bily
Official representatives of the Prosecutor Rivne region reported that in place the body was found with gunshot wounds.)
Активист “Правого Сектора” Сашко Билый пытался убежать от убийц (Activist “right sector” Bellamy Bily tried to escape from killers
According to Life News, nationalist murder occurred during the birthday celebration of his friend.)
Two reports about Muzychko being killed by unknown gunmen. Five others with him were kidnapped, including Employment Center Director Vladimir Dotsenko. A week earlier Muzychko claimed he was targeted by the Security Service of Ukraine for liquidation or to be handed over to the Russians.
(I also posted the maps – 24 March, 2014 22:19)
вот так
Oh the beautiful Yulia
How butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. It is good this has come out so soon after her release from jail.
Look at this clip of her in 2009 getting ready for a TV nation press release. … … … …
Also today in Ukraine – the assassination of right sector thug Ukrainian nationalist militant Muzychko (Sashko Byliy)
My wife had just yesterday found a clip of him with 3 prostitutes, he appeared to be a pain addict (sure there some name for his fetish)He was one very sick man.
Rumors are around that Kadyrov could be behind, he had said “anyone that had fort in Chechnya against Russians,will have a 1way ticket”
Here is the clip of his sick habits
that guy in the article about Snowden says that the Americans haven’t gotten any SIGINT from the Russians since last November! and they still went ahead with a coup in Ukraine!!!???? I mean,how stupid can you get!
An interesting perspective-
Imran Hosein – Islam, Russia and Crimea – 23/03/2014
Don’t cry for me, Ukraine!
The truth is I never left you
Although my funding
comes from Washington
I’m Ukraine! . . . and always will be.
On the brighter side (according to CNN! I heard on Ukrainian TV he was “confined in jail without charges” for 2 months. Huess he shoulda stayed in jail.
“Separately, a Ukrainian leader of a far-right group was shot dead in what officials describe as a special forces operation.
Oleksandr Muzychko, better known as Sashko Bily, died in a shootout with police in a cafe in Rivne in western Ukraine, Ukrinform news agency quoted Kiev’s interior ministry as saying.
He was a leader of Right Sector, a far-right group prominent in the recent anti-government protests.
A Ukrainian lawmaker, Oleksandr Doniy, whose constituency is in Rivne, gave a different version of events.
In a post on his Facebook page, he said two vehicles had forced Muzychko’s car to stop, and he had then been dragged into one of the other cars.
“Then they threw him out of the car on the ground, with hands handcuffed behind his back, and shot twice in his heart,” Doniy wrote, without saying where he got his information.”
The Interior Ministry said Oleksander Muzychko, also known as Sashko Bily, was killed by officers of the ‘Sokol’ special unit as he tried to escape from a cafe in the western Ukrainian region of Rivne.
“At the moment of arrest, at shouts of “Stop! Police!”, Muzychko fled, jumping through a window, and opened fire”, first deputy Interior Minister Volodymyr Yevdokimov told a news conference in Kiev. The officers returned fire, killing Muzychko, he said.
Muzychko was a member of the hard-line Right Sector and the group’s coordinator for western Ukraine, the country’s nationalist heartland bordering the European Union. Police said he was wanted for “hooliganism” and an attack on a local prosecutor.
I forgot to post the links to the 2 Life News articles I mentioned above in 25 March, 2014 00:13. The 1st is:
В Ровно застрелен Александр Музычко по прозвищу Сашко Билый
& the 2nd:
Активист “Правого сектора” Сашко Билый пытался убежать от убийц
The first article has been reworded and is now much different from when I originally read and posted it. Before, there was no mention of the Ukraine MIA taking responsibility for the killing, or their version of it. It was a description of what looked like local witness descriptions, plus speculation about who did it.
The 2nd is particularly useful because it describes what was known and hasn’t been changed except to add the Ukrainian MIA account at the end.
That MIA account is obviously mostly fiction, as Muzychko was obviously handcuffed. He could not have been shooting a gun. His ripped shirt also matches the earlier description. I’ll post the Russian and auto trans text of the article in my next comment, so it can be saved for reference later, in case Life News decides to change it like the first article. Wish I had posted the full text of both of them initially.
вот так
Активист “Правого сектора” Сашко Билый пытался убежать от убийц
По информации LifeNews, убийство националиста произошло во время празднования дня рождения его приятеля. (Activist “right sector” Bellamy Bily tried to escape from killers
According to LifeNews, nationalist murder occurred during the celebration of the birthday of his friend.)
По словам источников LifeNews, Музычко в сопровождении троих охранников прибыл в кафе поздним вечером 24 марта. Однако спустя непродолжительное время к стенам кафе подъехали три микроавтобуса и два внедорожника. Из них выскочили вооруженные люди. Ворвавшись в кафе, они положили всех участников вечеринки лицом в пол.
Музычко, поняв, что дела принимают нежелательный для него оборот, и видя, что охрана ничем не может ему помочь, попытался сбежать. Он вскочил на ноги и бросился в сторону трассы, пытаясь отстреливаться. Он успел пробежать всего около 25 метров, после чего один из участников нападения метким выстрелом ранил его. Музычко рухнул на землю.
Подойдя к Сашко, мужчины разорвали у него на груди рубашку. Раненый пытался сопротивляться, однако, убедившись, что на нем нет бронежилета, убийца хладнокровно приставил к его левой стороне груди пистолет и нажал на курок. От полученного ранения в сердце Сашко скончался на месте.
После этого нападавшие скрутили охранников Александра Музычко, посадили в свои машины и увезли в неизвестном направлении. Также вместе с охраной радикала были вывезены двое посетителей “Трех карасей”. Один из похищенных – директор центра занятости Владимир Доценко.
(According to sources LifeNews, Muzychko accompanied by three guards arrived at the cafe late at night on March 24. However, after a short time the walls cafe drove three minibuses and two SUVs. Jumped out armed men. Breaking into the cafe, they put all the partiers face into the floor.
Muzychko, realizing that things take unwanted turnover for him, and seeing that the guard could do nothing to help him, he tried to escape. He jumped to his feet and rushed to the side of the road, trying to shoot. He managed to run only about 25 meters, after which one of the attackers aimed shot wounded him. Muzychko collapsed to the ground.
Approaching Bellamy, men tore his chest shirt. Injured tried to resist, but making sure that it does not have the vest, put a cold-blooded killer to his left chest gun and pulled the trigger. From wounds received in the heart Bellamy died on the spot.
Thereafter, the assailants overpowered the guards Alexander Muzychko planted in his car and drove away. Also together with the protection of the radical were taken two visitors’ Three goldfish. ” One of the abductees – Employment Center Director Vladimir Dotsenko.)
That part of the article text is unchanged. The description of what happened by the Ukrainian MIA that follows was a later addition. I wont take up space on that here, since that description is repeated all over now.
вот так
Follow up.
In the first, totally rewritten article, it described that Muzychko had been intercepted on a road, loaded into a car, then taken out and killed and dumped. Something like that, which is one of the descriptions floating around. I posted both articles originally as they had these different versions of what happened and I thought it best not to guess at which was more accurate.
My own thoughts now on what happened are that Muzychko was in the cafe when the hit team arrived. They had everybody lie on the floor, face down, and then disarmed and handcuffed them. Muzychko then got up and tried to run off, but got shot in the leg after covering 25m. The team then loaded up the 3 Muzychko guards and the 2 other people (including Vladimir Dotsenko) into their vehicles, drove to where Muzychko was flopping about, ripped open his shirt to expose his chest and executed him. Then drove off with their captives. The “official” MIA people then arrived on the scene and took charge like normal cops. This theory could reconcile the different initial descriptions of what happened that were posted first.
Why go after Muzychko? Obviously, he was “bad press” now. But that cant be all of the reason. The Israeli-American fascists are also in the process of imposing their own fascist “enforcers” in the Ukraine, with the right sektor people being made subordinate to these. Muzychko probably wasn’t going along with that plan. But executing him suggests they not only wanted him removed from the right sektor forces, they wanted him dead.
What would he have spilled if he was simply arrested? Or is his death way to have a convenient patsy to blame other zionazi war crimes on? We will have to wait and see what he gets blamed for to find out the latter. One thing is certain, the western security establishment (CIA, Mossad, etc.) is deeply involved in running the bandera nazi terrorists. The Russians know this, and probably have a good deal of evidence. The zionazis know the Russians know a lot of details about their involvement and are probably working now to create alibis and cover, in case any “phone calls” and such get exposed detailing aspects of their involvement in 1st person form. After all the recent hacks and intercepts, I imagine the zionazi-nazistan policy wonks and planners, along with the tactical management teams, are in near panic mode behind the scenes about what will be exposed next.
вот так
‘Ukrainian’ drone downed above Moldova’s breakaway region
“A drone has been shot down over Transdniestr, Moldova’s breakaway region, the region’s security service has reported on its website. On March 23, the pilotless aircraft was photographing and videoing the republic. Transdniestr special services recovered the video record from the drone, the statement says. According to preliminary information, the unmanned aircraft was launched from Ukraine’s soil by a group of people allegedly linked to Ukraine’s security service, the Interior Ministry’s General Staff or supporters of ultra-nationalist movement Right Sector for an intelligence-gathering operation. Currently, Transdniestr’s security service is working on the identification of those linked to trespassing the republic’s airspace, its press service said.”
Remember that Transdniestr very recently asked to be a part of Russia. The drone was probably a CIA or Mossad op using their fascist bandera bitches to operate it, or as cover.
вот так
Une petite contribution humoristique à cause du départ du salaud nazi:
Pauvre joli garçon. Imaginez-vous ce que nous a refusé le sort par le decès de M. Muzychko. Sa carrière politique, une fois couronnée de succès comme celle de M. Hitler, lui aurait permis de faire quelque chose d’extraordinaire dans les beaux arts au profit de sa patrie. Selon les nazis Ukrainiens, les Juifs et les Bolchéviques ont manipulé le livret de Georges Bizet dans l’opéra “Carmen”. Voici les paroles correctes — et c’est très, très triste vraiment que notre cher Monsieur “Musiquechko&qu ot; n’est plus parmi nous pour les chanter
Dear Saker .
It is important to note that the new Ukrainan unelected leader is a Jew and so is Timoshenko .
For those thieves the dream of a zionist NWO is still on . The real enemies are the 5th columnist that control AIPAC and the types like the Timoshenko and Yats the Yid .