Video translated and subtitled by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard
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Video translated and subtitled by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard
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thank you, Ollie and Angelina, for translating and subtitling this inspiring video. It sums up what the Gilets Jaunes are about.
“We all have a conscience, a heart, and all dream for a better world”.
Do you hear that cry?
In the long-forgotten 60s the baby-boomers also heard it and it became the ‘cri de guerre’ of that generation to create a better world. Yet, half a century later, the same generation metamorphosed itself and spawned the evil rulers of our day. Almost without exception the ruling class of NATO-istan work ceaselessly to create a word of war, misery and despair, not only by wars of aggression against other nations but also against their only peoples.
When despair taints the cradle of modern ideals of human rights, what hope is left for the rest of mankind?
@ parfois
That generation did not ‘metamorphose’. They willingly embraced the atheism, drug taking, infanticide and chemical infertilisation sold them by the older generation of war veterans. You can’t cry ‘peace and love for Vietnam’ and be killing the child in your womb.
They were the generation that began the experiment in cognitive dissonance, of holding mutually exclusionary points of view, for example to want to defend and celebrate the purity of virgin ecology while living internally like a chemical, moral cess pit.
That generation embraced the culture of death and now endorse it for you in its latest manifestations. This is not a metamorphosis but a natural progression.
It is preposterous to believe that a system which destroys nationhood, statehood and the natural right to have a decent living in exchange of dignified work can be maintained by sheer power of the few and their political puppets.
The economics of neoliberalism is a Ponzi scheme which ends in massive unpayable debt and civil or international wars.
We are at the very end of this infamous chapter of history and people are becoming inmune to the massive and poisonous propaganda from the hegemonic media, their lies and their criminal manipulations.
I am 69 and I have seen a lot, but when I see the gilets jaunes on the streets every Saturday, I feel young because there is hope for humanity.
In a nondistant future our corrupted politicians, instead of having a short ski holiday in the Alps, will be rewarded with a very very long vacation to count trees in Siberia.
El pueblo unido, jamás sera vencido.
The thing I really love about this is how acutely it plays right into the essence of the French historical sense of self.
In 1815 the defining experience of modern France was crushed by reactionary foreign invaders. Ever since then the core policy of all of the powers that now constitute NATO, is to, above all else, make sure there are no more French revolutions. It was such a major event in so many ways. So right through the 19th and 20th centuries this defining experience of the modern French national character has been forced into the underground, its creative heritage distorted and demonized.
But the French soul can in no way successfully dissociate from that revolutionary outbreak that so shapes its national sense of self in so many ways. It was, although systematically suppressed, always lurking in the underground of the French psyche waiting like a hidden volcano for something to force it up from the deep underground. Macron and his controllers are in fact provoking a volcanic rebirth within the French self identity. His repression gives the masses of the French no choice but to find recourse in the psychological heritage of their original great self identifying liberation movement. It is clear to me that his actions are forcing the French nation to create a round two of the original. It is so psychologically acute and easy to see in the wonderful spirit that this video shows animating the current French people. No one can tell me that the French don’t have an amazing sense of how to enjoy coming together and supporting each other in the name of what this video calls collective liberatory realization. Certainly Macron and the Anglo-Zionist rulers of the EU can do no other than continue to oppress this historic upsurge. This can only serve to further deepen and provoke the subterranean volcanic power that needs to respond to 200 years of national repression. In France the light bringer is a cherished lady who is 200 years alive. We all know here name.
What an excellent comment, Snow Leopard! En effet, le soulèvement qui se produit aujourd’hui a été des décennies (sinon des siècles) en préparation.
Google Translation,MOD:Indeed, the uprising that is happening today has been decades (if not centuries) in preparation.
That will only pollute beautiful Siberia. I’d rather have them push daisies.
Beautify the world, plant a libtard-nazi politician, DEEP!
Weekend protests had to be the capitalist idea!
I have a song for you
when the election
and even riots
they are faked
what’s left?
you do not have to storm the barricades
or hang around the street corners
waving flag and freezing
you just do not have to do anything
is more effective
and much less comprehensive
just shake your head
shrug your shoulders and do nothing
do not do or say anything
do not vote in elections
they do not matter
Do not believe in their lies
do not watch TV
do not repeat the declaration
nor company credo
do not read their newspapers
do not do anything buddy
do not do or say anything