by Baaz


  1. Regional armed conflicts
  2. Information
  3. Terror
  4. Political
  5. Economic
  6. Religions


  1. regional armed conflicts / regime changes

The Middle East

Last three days in Russia

On June 8 – Bogdanov,a Deputy Foreign Minister, met with an ambassador of Lebanon

On June 8 Bogdanov met with an Ambassador of Bahrain

Same day he met with the Ambassador of the Saudi Arabia

Same day de Mistura came to Moscow to meet Lavrov

Karasev, another Deputy Foreign Minister, was called to MFA of Israel for “consultations”

On June 7 Lavrov spoke over the phone with the Foreign Minister of Iran

On June 6, Bogdanov met with the Egypt’s Ambassador

On June 6 Bogdanov met with Benny Dagan, a Deputy Director General, Director of the Centre for Political Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel

On June 6 Bogdanov, a Deputy Foreign Minister, met with personal representative of Haftar

On June 5, the governments of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Egypt and Yemen severed diplomatic ties with Qatar. 

Same day another Deputy Foreign Minister, Meshkov met with Sovereign Military Order of Malta Grand Chancellor Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager and held consultations with Secretary General for Foreign Affairs Stefano Ronca, in Rome.

June 5th, Meshkov met with the Vatican Under-Secretary for Relations with States

On June 5th, Bogdanov met with the Ambassador of Qatar

On June 5th,Lavrov’s telephone conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar



Syria’s Cauldron: One Step Away from Major Showdown

To attack the Syrian troops, the U.S. waited for the landing of Russian recognizance plane

7.06.17 – Lavrov openly says that the US and allies are in Syria without any legitimacy

Question: Yesterday, the US-led coalition launched a strike against the Syrian Army and its allies as they advanced toward the town of al-Tanf on the border of Syria, Iraq and Jordan. The Americans justified it by claiming that the Syrians were moving toward a “deconfliction zone”, as they called it. What is Moscow’s position on that? How accurate is the information that the UN Security Council will be convened to address the issue?

Sergey Lavrov: Of course, it’s an aggressive act that violates Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and wittingly or unwittingly is directed against the forces that are waging the most effective fight against the terrorists on the ground. This arouses our concern. By the way, it was reported – and I believe this was close to reality – that those pro-government forces were advancing to the area to prevent the destruction of two bridges linking Syria and Iraq. ISIS wanted to blow them up and eventually did so. If this information is correct, then the strike was carried out against the forces that wanted to foil the terrorists’ plans to destroy links between the two Arab countries.

Regarding the explanation provided by the coalition, claiming that those pro-government forces had violated the “deconfliction” zone, I know nothing about such zones. Perhaps this refers to territories unilaterally established by the coalition that were probably also unilaterally declared to be under its exclusive control. We cannot recognise such zones. As you know, Russia, Turkey and Iran have proposed the creation of de-escalation zones and submitted that proposal for the consideration of all parties concerned. This approach, which Russia, Turkey and Iran have put before the international community, has been coordinated with the Syrian Government. It is currently being finalised so as to specifically deal with the issue of ensuring security in such de-escalation zones and monitoring the ceasefire regime and the free passage of civilians and aid to and from de-escalation zones. To reiterate, all of this is being done in keeping with the agreements that have been reached. One such zone is due to be created in southern Syria near the border with Jordan but its parameters also have yet to be discussed. Such discussions are now under way with the participation of all stakeholders. This approach has been approved by the Syrian government. We consider “deconfliction” territories, declared without Damascus’ consent, to be illegitimate. We hope that the coalition will eventually follow the understanding that has been reached, to the effect that de-escalation zones should be coordinated in detail with all parties.

The establishment of the so-called “deconfliction zone” in At Tanf by the US is illegitimate


The bizarre, mafia like way the US Military characterizes Qatar

“Qatar has not experienced domestic unrest or violence like that seen in other Near Eastern and North African countries in 2010-11, due in part to its immense wealth”

One might think that it’s an open opportunity to try regime change or some “Maidan” because they haven’t experienced color revolution or an Arab Spring  as mentioned in the above paragraph.

Since the Qataris host US central command, things could easily get worse. The cookbook remains the same with some modification of ingredients here and there.

Wesley Clarke’s disclosure in his video about 7 countries …..ominous …the last country they spoke about was Iran . but Iran of 2007 and 2017 is a different ballgame all together. So, they might just go after those who are rich and weak.


Qatar row: What’s caused the fall-out between Gulf neighbours?

WW3 is on the horizon. Turkey set to approve “fast-track” deployment of troops to Qatar

 ‘Protecting Qatar’s Sheikh Tamim inside his palace’

“The GCC States Led By Saudi Arabia Will Collapse Into Oblivion”




Bomb attack on US Embassy in Kiev

The U.S. advised the Kiev authorities against blaming the Russians in the attack on the U.S. Embassy

Confessions of a British Mercenary in Donbass 

Blast hits US embassy in Kiev


The Baltic Region

Wargaming the Defense of the Baltics

Russia’s Sukhoi-27 jet intercepts US bomber over Baltic Sea


3. Terror

Iran’s parliament, Imam Khomeini’s Mausoleum come under attack

CCTV footage of the moment Daesh terrorists storm visitors’ hall of Iran’s parliament

CCTV footage of the moment Daesh terrorists storm visitors’ hall of Iran’s parliament

‘What did the Prime Minister Know?’ – John Pilger on terror in Britain

On June 8th, Al Jazeera Media Network under cyber attack on all systems, websites & social media platforms.

4. Political

Democrats start impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump

If Israel were smart, Sara Roy on Gaza

[I would recommend to all those devote Orthodox Christians who reject Russian state and the Moscow Patriarchy for some historical and political reasons  to view Gaza as a model that will be applied to their communities regardless where they are, Ukraine, the Middle East or the territorial U.S. Scott]

Intelligence/ Secret Services Activities and leaks

FBI’s Comey – The Real Story (Read the video description)

2. Information,  Education and Alternative History

RAND Corporation: Russian Views of the International Order

 The Six Day War and Israeli Lies: What I Saw at the CIA

From 5 years ago

US Brookings Wants to “Bleed” Syria to Death

“Middle East memo” calls for ending ceasefire and purposefully perpetuating violence. by Tony Cartalucci

9 years ago by Seymour Hersh on secret war on Iran …still relevant 


Egyptian Mummy Genetic analysis reveals a close relationship with Middle Easterners, not central Africans.

Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry : Nature News …

Scientists shocked by the results of the genetic analysis of the Ancient Egyptians

 The samples recovered from Middle Egypt span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Easterners than present-day Egyptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times.


2015 video of MI-8 that found an US sea wolf submarine frozen in ice

Amazing historical discovery in Ukraine: ancient Greeks spoke Ukrainian [Fake History alert]

Experts of the Emergency Ministry detonated a Great Patriotic War-era German Bottom-Mine (LMB)  found on a seabed jus 300 miters from an entrance to the port of Sevastopol in Crimea



This is a second bomb left from the Great Patriotic War with the fascist Europe in two months

Similar bomb was detonated on June 30th, 2016

and on July 2016


Information and Media

Al Jazeera сообщила о кибератаке на свои ресурсы

NBC edited out Putin’s hard truths – here’s what you missed

Putin’s Interview by Megyn Kelly. Original 20min Full Version Full version


Features many stupid questions, as could be expected


 5. Economy

 Iran signed an agreement with Russia under which it has broken free from the petrodollar, and will “sell”, or rather barter crude oil to Russia in exchange for products. The announcement was made by Iran’s Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh, as reported by Russia’s RIA and TASS news agencies.

“The deal has been concluded. We are just waiting for the implementation from the Russian side. We have no difficulties; we signed the contract, everything is coordinated between the parties. We are waiting for Russian oil companies to send tankers,” he said, as quoted by Russian news agencies. While sanctions against Iran have been lifted, restrictions on trade in US dollars for the country’s banks remain, making it difficult to sell oil on the open market.

True …plus Qatar is the largest exporter of LNG ..around 30% of world market ..and I think USA and Israel are eager to export their  …Qatar has build up a US$335 billion dollar sovereign wealth fund and investing in other countries. I think, in Rosfnet it has 19% stake.

Its punching above its weight having a population of just 2.6 million and some crazies can’t swallow this

 Ukraine: Thousands rally outside Verkhovna Rada against IMF agricultural land market reform

Eurasian integration meets America First

Frantic speculation about the end of the American century is idle. What matters is the facts, which spell out progressive, and inexorable, integration across much of the world, by Pepe Escobar


  1. Religion

Syria and the Near East: Father Daniël Maes

Jewish Orthodox school bans mothers from wearing long wigs, bright nail polish

A haredi Orthodox school in Brooklyn raised ire online after it issued a strict dream code — for the parents of its students

Even the Torah May Not Protect Ukraine’s Corrupt 


  1. Military


Antimissile ‘umbrella’ to be created over Russia’s entire territory

The joint working group for creating the technical basis of Russia’s air and space defense, which I have led since 2012, has arrived at the conclusion that the industry and military scientists have managed to propose to the Defense Ministry a rational option of creating the country’s missile defense shield, including the ground and space components. Once Russia’s integral space system is in place, Russia will find itself under an anti-missile umbrella.

Russian physicist-engineer and nuclear expert Oleg Bodrov discusses the Russian nuclear-industrial-complex and how nuclear energy and nuclear weapons threaten humanity.

‘Do come’: Russian team challenges NATO partners to Tank Biathlon

Russia’s Sukhoi-27 jet intercepts US bomber over Baltic Sea

 Assessing Russia’s Reorganized and Rearmed Military – Carnegie …

Russia, China making gains on US military power

Contestable Claims

RAND corporation: Lessons from Russia’s Operations in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine

“Deployments to Kuril islands response to US”

Russia and allies

On June 7, Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation at a meeting with his Chinese counterpart in Astana proposed to sign a roadmap of cooperation in the military field between two countries in the years 2017-2020

The Russian Defence Minister, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu took part in the meeting of the Council of Ministers of Defence of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which was held in Astana the capital of Kazakhstan.

“The signing of the Memorandum in Astana by Russia, Turkey and Iran marked a new stage of the development in this country. The Memorandum is a landmark document. Its implementation will enable to stop fighting and actually stop civil war”, – said the Head of the Russian Military Department.

Russia and India: 70 years together by Vladimir Putin 

Chinese Silk Road: why the us had to overthrow Yanukovych


Research sources

a good website Russian Defence Export

Breaking Military News

Another website : Space War

Popular Mechanics

