Dear friends,
Executive summary: Help me work for you
‘Tis the season to be giving..” right? So here I am again asking you to help me continue my work for you. Most of you know that, but for newcomers let me just stress the following: my blog is 100% ad-free, no obnoxious pop-ups, no paywalls, no special member-only content, not even copyrights! Check at the bottom of the page, all the original contents of this blog are released under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license (which not only does not forbid copying, but actually encourages it!) so I think that it is fair to say that I am doing all I can to give and never put financial conditions to be able to access and use my work. However, this model depends entirely on your voluntary donations.
Furthermore, please keep in mind that The Saker blog is not a news aggregation website. While I have special arrangements made with a very short list of authors (currently only Jeff J. Brown, Pepe Escobar and Alexander Mercouris ), I do not, as a rule, re-post materials already posted elsewhere on the Internet. I try to post exclusively original materials, at least in the ‘analyses’ and the ‘guest posts’ sections (the “watch list” section is specifically designed to repost external videos or documents which we find on the Internet, but not specifically submitted to us). Which means that at a very minimum you get at least one weekly analysis from me and several guest analyses written specifically for this blog. I can assure you that this is a lot of work, that this is exhausting work and, when I look at multi-billion dollar means of the Empire, a very lonely and discouraging work. And to make things worse, as always, I am still struggling to pay my bills. So, IF you can, help me. If you are also struggling, then just say a prayer for me.
For the next couple of weeks I will place this announcement in the top “Saker analyses and interviews” section. However, in order not to be obnoxious about this and not to deprive you from my analyses, I will still continue to write them, I will just temporarily move them down into the “guest analyses” section (I will place a special notice each time).
Speaking of the “Guest analyses” section: did you notice that it doubled in size is that I often now have not one, but TWO guest analyses on the same day? Is that not a sign of you getting even more than before?
But now it is your turn to do your part in making this all possible. Please help.
First, my 2nd book, “The Essential Saker II – Civilizational Choices and Geopolitics: The Russian Challenge to the Hegemony of the AngloZionist Empire” is about to come out. I already saw the pre-production copy and it looks great and I think that you will like it. Expect the official announcement very soon.
Next, the “Saker Community Q&A“. Here we have a problem. A number of you how have supported me by Patreon chose the “Hang out with TheSaker – AMA Style $5.00+ per month. Hang out with The Saker and ask him anything. Venue, Date and Time to be announced. Ask some fun questions and some serious questions in real time to our favorite Analyst” option. The problem is that when my assistant, Amarynth, emailed you to suggest a date and time, only one of you replied. Hmm. I could, in theory, make it a public Q&A and invite everybody to participate, but we can count on the paid (Hasbara) or non-paid trolls to come and crash the event. I need some kind of vetting process. So, here is my suggestion: IF you are interested in participating in this event and IF you have contributed $5.00+ per month through Patreon then please email me and make absolutely sure to include this subject heading to your email “Q&A with the Saker participation request”. I will give you until January the 20th to do that, that’s a full month. And after that, I will organize the event with those who have made the request. Now a technical clarification. You will be able to join the Q&A either by videoconferencing (meaning you will need a webcam, a browser and halfway decent Internet connection), through an Android or iPhone app, or even by calling in by using an old fashioned telephone landline. We will send you an email with all the technical details in due time.
Finally, as a short “state of the community” paragraph, I will say that I think that we are finishing this year in very favorable circumstances and that all-in-all we are doing very well (readership is stable at around 2-2,5 million pages served each month, but with a strong expansion of our “reach” as measured by the (admittedly unscientific) increase in interview requests coming from very different sources. First and foremost I owe this to all the volunteers who have done a fantastic job making this blog possible. A special heartfelt thank you to them all.
We still have a great need for more volunteers, especially moderators. If you can help with translations from Russian into English, especially if you can subtitle Russian language videos with English captions, or if you can offer to moderate for a few hours each week, please contact me (at vineyardsaker@gmail.com) or Herb (for moderation at vineyard.mod_hs@unseen.is).
That’s it for me right now. I wish you all a peaceful and joy-filled Christmas, New Year and Nativity.
Hugs and cheers,
The Saker
UPDATE DAY 1: ouch! maybe this is donor-fatigue, or maybe this is the *bad* time to ask for support as many other websites are doing it at the same time, but judging by the results yesterday I am in for a, exceptionally bad start. This is partially mitigated by one very generous donation, but the low total numbers of people donating (20 total) is really very low, especially considering that this blogs serves about over two millions pages per month which, if my math is correct, is something like seventy to seventy five thousand pages every day. I will be hoping for a better day today…
UPDATE DAY 9: first, thanks a to all those who did heed my appeal and have contributed. This fundraiser will end on the 31st so, if you have not contributed yet, please do so now. Let me begin the upcoming year, which promises to be filled with very real prospects of major wars, with all my energies focused on working for you and not having to worry about making ends meet.
Bravo for your great job and merry Christmas.Aziz from Tunis.
Dear Saker,
Being of half Greek orthodox and half Russian jewish descent and at 49 years of age (born Dec 17) I have not yet heard either the call of the flock or of the tribe. Being economic refugees far away from our broken and dysfunctional relatives even simple traditions are nearly impossible to establish.
Vancouver, BC is not an especially warm or friendly place nor, to put it mildly, is it an intellectual hub. Nevertheless and after 7 years above the 49th parallel it may be said that my wife and I finally had a good year financially, though we would both trade it back in a heartbeat for one more year with our beloved terrier whose tragic illness and death in late January came too soon beginning our emotionally fraught 2017, which has also included among other crises the quickening deterioration of my father-in-law’s health.
My interest in the day-to-day of world affairs and US politics was fatally eroded during the disastrous Obama presidency, the Libyan misadventure being the last of a series of last straws. The coup in the Ukraine however was too big a development to ignore and brought me out of my virtual self-exile. In my search for hard truth on the matter I discovered two Canadian blogs, Patrick Armstrong’s ‘Russian Observer’ and Paul Robinson’s ‘Irrussianality’. Both of these bloggers praised and cited the work of a shadowy man of mystery, known only as “The Saker”, especially with regard to his analyses of the crisis in the Ukraine and that is how I was directed to the Vineyard.
To make a long story short, though I remain the rankest of rank and file symphonic musicians in a city whose classical music scene is anaemic to say the least, I feel finally able to make a year end donation to do my small part in supporting the essential work of the Saker and his team.
Merry Christmas, Saker, and may this be the year of the turning of the tide!
Hi Alex,
Thanks for that and also thanks for all your kind friendship and support during all this year!
Hugs and cheers,
The Saker
Civilizational choices? yes, that is the crux of the matter . got your back, Saker.
thanks teranam13!
The Saker
You’re the best Saker, incisive, in-depth and a thoroughbred when it comes to linking the dots of confusion with facts in your excellent analyses for us. I’m a huge fan of your blog, and it makes absolutely sebse to support you in every possible way. Though I’m still a student, but I’d like to contribute because I feel, your initiative is one , which stands out for everything associated with reason, fairness and justice and making this world a better place for evry mortal.
Peace and Godspeed…
Dear Ali
Thanks for your kind words! Since you are a student, let me remind you that I prefer even a very short prayer to a very large donation. I *really* do. Just saying :-)
Peace and thanks,
The Saker
Happy Christmas Saker.
It’ll come, don’t worry.
May God bless you for all what are you doing, together with the webmaster, moderators and all contributors.
Thank You All !
I don’t see the contribution link.
I hope it isn’t a symptom of early senility . . .
right under “support the saker”
here is the link: http://thesaker.is/contact-and-donations/
The Saker
Not obvious to me either (Firefox with Adblocker) – you need to have a big unmissable “donate” button on the home page. Donation made, Merry Christmas.
A lot of you made that suggestion
some here, some by email
now the is a BIG RED BUTTON :-)
thank you all
The Saker
HI Saker – happy Western Christmas for you and your family – and happy Jan 6th Orthodox birthday of Christ Jesus – I hope we hear from you before then, but if not – we’ll survive.
Lots of love,
Same to your dear Ann!
and thanks for existing!
The Saker
Thank you for the information and insights you provide on this blog Saker.
I have a question for you Saker.
How can it be true the deep state is out to bring down Trump when it was Comey who ultimately destroyed Clinton’s chances a few weeks out from the election with his on again the off again actions vis a vis her email servers etc.?
Surely the deep state chose Trump.
The chose him.
I am personally convinced that Trump is a deep state’s failure, hence the hysterical reaction when he was elected and the rabid desire to impeach and humiliate him even though he already totally sold out to the deep state.
Can’ prove it though. So it’s only that: my subjective gut-feeling
The Saker
Веселое рождество!
Same to you Davi, and thanks a lot!
The Saker
I send my small contribution hope more follow. Merry Christmas foy you and your family Saker!
thanks Oscar
same to you and your love ones
The Saker
Christmas good wishes and greetings Saker, and to your family. I hope to meet you and all Sakerites at the blog’s Christmas dinner on Friday night !
Snail-mail support sent duly,
Will be from yours most truly;
Someone you may not know.
at the blog’s Christmas dinner on Friday night !
is there something planned somewhere that I don’t know about?
I celebrate Christmas (well, we call it the Nativity) on January 7th.
But I could try to show up (electronically, via the Internet) somewhere on the 24th or on Friday.
or is this a cultural reference I am not understanding?
The Saker
Actually, you might have given me an idea!
How does an ‘open to all’ videoconference on the 24th sound to you?
I will I will announce that later today or tomorrow
I like this, a lot
The Saker
You are most welcome, and the suggestion was a big hint. See you there, sherry in hand, for the blog dinner !
Donated a small amount considering all the gifts you have given. Have followed you for years and because of you I am now embracing Orthodoxy, which I love. You are my go-to site when I want to know what is really happening in the world. Praying that your light can always shine esp. here in the States where there is so much darkness. God Bless
because of you I am now embracing Orthodoxy, which I love
That, dear Claudia, is a bigger joy for me that 100 million dollars in cash.
Thank you for your kindness!
The Saker
I only make $20,000 a year, so the $20/month I just started sending you is a meaningful chunk of my income. However, I consider you to be the world’s foremost authority on geopolitics, who consistently exposes the lies of the great US serpent. Your analyses really help me sleep better at night, because now I know what US military generals know. Also, you and Pepe and Jeff help me understand what is REALLY going on in the world, which warms my heart. I give because what you are doing is important work, and I want it to continue.
I’ve sent Herb an email about moderating.
Have some sweet holidays, Saker!
Hi Patrick,
First, thanks a lot for your kind words. But, I BEG YOU, if you make 20’000 a year, don’t send me your money. Say a 10-15 seconds prayer for me and that will be even better (especially if you are not religious, there are very few prayers as effective as those from a non-believer!). And yes, you can also volunteer if you have the time, we sure do need moderators. But please PLEASE do NOT send me any money and, if you already have, can I please send it back to you (I found your payment on PP and if that is okay with you, I will issue a refund, okay? please advise, by private email if you prefer).
About the prayer thing: I really am serious, I *DO* need prayers more than anything else and the *DO* help.
Again, thanks for everything!! Support like yours is what keeps me going during the tough moments!
Kind regards,
The Saker
Haha thats new for me and thats great! I just imagine myself starting to send a prayer after each article i read from you, this would render me a truely zealous prayer ;)
Looking forward for Saker Book II. Thank you for your work.
Just one prayer will do :-)
The Saker
You are in my prayers and I thank you for your efforts.
From one who has spent most of the past seven years in various Orthodox Monasteries.
Georgie Ivanovich
Saker, there is no way I can send you money, because if you knew my situation and the situation in the DPR, I’m almost maxed out in helping a lady in Donetsk, and even if I became a millionaire (and even a multi-m), the needs there are so great and so necessary that I honestly couldn’t help anybody else.
I fully understand and fully agree. I never expected anybody in the DNR/LNR to contribute since the very fact of being alive and resisting is already a much bigger contribution to our resistance than anything this blog could ever hope to achieve.
Kind regards,
The Saker
Dear Saker, Many thanks for all your efforts. The features and analyses are a welcome counter to the stream of lies we are fed here in UK. I do sincerely hope that you and colleagues can keep up the good work.
Donation just made, I make donations when I can to your cause and a few other “subversive” sites.
A little story for you. I have on my desk two old documents – one a stamped receipt, signed by the Soviet Ambassador to the UK, Mr. Maisky. It is dated 31st December 1941 – and the other a letter of thanks signed by the ambassador’s wife, Mrs. Maisky, and dated 5th January 1942.
Both documents relate to the donation of money collected by my father and his workmates in the London Telephone Exchanges during the winter of 1941/1942; a truly bad time for both UK and Soviet Union.
The money was collected as part of a campaign to help the soviet Red Cross provide medical care and, I think, some comforts for the Red Army.
My father was always an admirer of the Red Army. He was too old to serve in WW2, having joined the army during WW1 at the age of 15.
I can’t help but see some parallels between events of those terrible times and today and fear for my grandchildren.
Kindest regards to you and yours for a peaceful Christmas & happy, healthy New Year.
the parallel you make is both scary and accurate. and now, just as they did then, I thank you for helping me to fight and resist!
Kind regards,
The Saker
Keep up the good works, buttressed by faith is a winning combination.
Prayers and a donation sent. I realize that 80% of your funds will come just 20% of the people. If each of those sent a modest amount like I did, you would have no worries about funding. To me getting the news the MSM refuses to report is worth a couple of bucks a month.
thanks so much for doing your part in this! and yes, if every reader did the same I would have no financial worries at all. alas, you are a rather small (but much appreciated!) minority.
Many thanks and kind regards,
The Saker
Right now I’m hiking through southern Europe realising a personal project of mine with only my remaining financial reserves.
To all of those, who do not contribute while they are perfectly able to:
Ask yourself how many real news and analysis sources are left in the world and how much you value unadulterated, ‘straight to the point’ information? As far as I can tell, there is not ONE equivalent news source in the German speaking world (I think the German news media is one of the worst maybe the worst in the world; I cannot even convey the disgust I have for them).
Haven’t you noticed how many additional suberb guast analysis were posted in the last few weeks?
I always swing on the spectrum on one pole of ‘all news media is propaganda’ and the need to be informed to make the best decisions in life, preferably by just a data input which I process without all the extra weight, as the other pole. This is their “The Saker” has its strength – all the authors try to describe our reality as best as they can and you mostly know, which point of view they have. At very least facts and logic are the base for any of their arguments, something which is completely missing in the MSM.
As a personal message to the Salker: All of those who are capable to contibute will do it even if they have little, those who can’t, cant a priori. It means a lot more if you contribute with not having a lot of financial resources.
If I can do it (become a patreon and you won’t need any paypal or amazon, just a cc) most can contribute too – $ contribution won’t bankrupt them.
How much is accurate informatin worth to you?
Best of luck and Merry Christmas Saker! It’s high time I purchased your books, once the Amazon Christmas season is over.
Of course prayers and Holy Mass for you.
Divine Justice may seem late, but it’s always timely.
Take for example, the sex abuse scandals hitting the US Olympics committee.
This now puts the Olympics in a very awkward situation. They’ll attack an entire nation for unproven allegations of institutional doping… but there’ll be no repercussions for proven institutional cover ups of child abuse by another nation’s committee? I wonder how the general public will take that!
Tragic as the situation is, it’s worth hammering about. Russia should do all they can to expose this in the west.
Dear JMG and Booklover, thanks a lot for your input!
Dear Saker,
Blessings and the beauty of Christ Mass to you.
I am thankful to be part of this community. Both your political analysis and the boldness of your defense of faith are a great support to my life and soul.
Much gratitude to you and all the truth warriors that you attract here.
Merry Christ’s Mass to all from Franz Kafka.
What? No Merry Christmas or Christ is Born at the top of the page.
Tsk, Saker, “As ye mete so shall it be meted unto you.”
That is because the Church celebrates the Nativity of Christ according to the Church calendar and not according the Santa Claus, on January 7th of the civil calendar.
I always marvel at the crass ignorance of western pseudo-Christians:
every bit as nasty as they are ignorant.
Typical Franks…
The Saker
My friend, I know of no other site more worth supporting than yours. You have built it up beautifully and give
me more than I would ever expect with your essays, humor, information, concern, truth and love. At 89 you’ve
given me a lovely Christmas better than all others. I agree with all other appreciative commenters and
promise a little contribution this next month. My Visa card has temporarily been cancelled because of charges
of over $500 by unauthorised scams. Thank you so very much!. I’d be immensely proud to have been your
tather (or grandfather).
Hi –
{This is a reply to Update 1 above.) Although I did receive the info for joining the chats scheduled for 24 and 25 December, I was unable to participate due to family visits on those days. Please don’t be discouraged if you had low (or no) participation for those initial sessions. It will take time to work out the kinks and get something going.
Also a reminder that Buddhism is one of the three “official” religions in Russia, so in addition to prayers from your Orthodox (and Christian in general) and Muslim supporters you also have loving-kindness, compassion, and sympathetic joy directed to you by your Buddhist supporters. Всего хорошего Вам на новый год 2018!
Saker: you have mentionned in one of your articles the “christian power”; could you fill our conscience some day on that topic?
Thanks in advance.
Where is the link to donate?
Here it is – http://thesaker.is/contact-and-donations/ (Mod)
Hello Saker, i don’t know if you remember but i am the guy from Germany who asked you if it’s possible that Russia could get a common border with Serbia and that than Serbia could maybe be a part of Russia and that question about retaking Konstantinopel…just to remember you hehe^^
I really like to help you but my current Einkommen is 14.400€ in a year so I don’t know how much the other „Sakerians“ spend but if it it‘s around thousand euro than I’m gonna embarrassing myself with the number that I have in my mind to spend, I promise when my Einkommen get higher ( Which it will get after 6 Months, at least I hope so ) than I’m gonna spend you definitely the right number ( Sorry, ich bin Student und kann dir leider zurzeit nicht viel spenden )
I wish you the best und komm gut ins neue Jahr,