I have just watched another pure propaganda piece by the BBC about the OSCE observers being sent back at a Crimean checkpoint along some footage footage of a journalist being beat up and the sound of some shots which the BBC says were aimed at the tires of car. I will ignore all of the nonsense reported by this so-called “journalist” whom Alain Soral would most definitely call “une pute“, but I want to focus on the core issue of this event: are the Crimeans right or wrong to deny entry to the OSCE “unarmed military observers”?
In my opinion, they are absolutely correct. Here is why:
Russia has seen these so-called “observers” in Chechnia, in Bosnia, in Kosovo, in South Ossetia and its always the exact same story: these guys are “professionally blind” to what might contradict the official narrative of their professional hierarchy. For one thing, a good part of them are actually members of their respective military intelligences services (they barely bother to hide it). So they very much share in the corporate culture of their military. Can you imagine a Polish or an Estonia “observer” having anything good to say about the Russian military? Of course not. I have met these guys personally and I can attest – they are hopeless.
But there is another thing, even more important: the OSCE, like all the rest of the European organizations, is rotten to the core, staffed by career-oriented bureaucrats. Frankly, I think that Russia should withdraw from the OSCE, close its offices in Russia and simply ignore it. I will go even further, I think that Russia should withdraw from ALL European organizations, all of them, not only the OSCE. What did the Council of Europe ever do for Russia? What about the North Atlantic Cooperation Council: did it ever do anything good for Russia? What about the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, the Partnership for Peace or the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – did any of these organizations ever do anything good for Russia?
Of course not!
These European organizations have only two purposes: first, to give the appearance that Europe matters and, second, to provide nice and cozy jobs to an army of bureaucrats. The reality, of course, is that there is only one entity which matters in Europe: the USA and its colonial administration “NATO”. If the Russians need to talk to the boss – they can dial the White House or speak to the US ambassador. Even about so-called European affairs. Because, as a political entity – Europe does not exist. And for those doubting what I say, I have a simple basic question: when did any European organization ever stand up and say “no” to Uncle Sam? Okay, yes, it did, on trivial matters, and commercial interests. But on an important international policy issue?
So all Russia does by participating in these organizations is to give credence to the myth that there is an independent Europe out there, when there really isn’t any.
The sad reality is that Europe is the America’s bitch, and it will do whatever Uncle Sam says and the EU current flag should be replaced by one showoing a submissive poodle. So if Russia, or the Crimeans, decided to let some “observers” who are in reality doing Uncle Sam’s bidding enter Crimea, they might as well get these observers from the 82nd Airborne or the CIA’s Special Activities Division, why bother with these euroclowns from Estonia or Slovenia? At least the Americans would be real professionals, not pretend-soldiers…
The EU deserves no respect and Russia should stop acting like Europeans matter when they clearly don’t.
The Saker
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OSCE observers or NATO observers? I dare say is the same. Arent they all came from NATO members?
@Anonymous: well, in theory no.
OSCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSCE#Participating_States
NATO: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_NATO
In practice?
Yeah, pretty much…
The Saker
Dont be so hard on Europe. The problema is the majority of Europe are occupy since 1945 and only the quislings could assess to power.
Wow, this is an amazing blog and you really nail it, Saker.
You know that Putin knows everything you’ve said.
If I were a country, absolutely no international busy bodies would ever be allowed in. They’re only there to advance the agenda of the boss, Uncle Sam.
BTW, I read that the British press is reporting that homes of Tartars are being marked with crosses and the word “pogrom” was used. Before this we had the coup regime in Kyiv screaming about “crimes against humanity”, with respect to Yanukovych, and requesting the International Court of Criminals (ICC) get involved. That’s another bullshit organization used by the NWO to hang it’s enemies.
– Michigan
Very well said. Western Europe is looking more and more like a Warsaw Pact with a somewhat longer leash: Yes they can roam a bit farther…but too far and they feel a strong tug.
The US has been far more clever and sophisticated concealing that from view, but a combination of alternative media, ever more obsequious behavior by European “leaders,” the end of the cold war and the Snowden revelations are showing the real deal.
During the cold war, the US could brag about how much more free western Europe was than the east. Now there is nothing to compare it too.
But it seems the control has gotten stronger since then. I wonder if it is because of NSA wiretapping (and blackmailing) of Euro politicians.
Canada seems to have had a much more independent foreign policy back in the 70’s. Now it is identical to that of the US and, if anything, more royalist than the king. A pity because I really love Canada.
Uh oH, heavy reparations coming for the tartars.
Oh my
Why would Russia seek to isolate itself from Europe thus weakining itself and becoming a beggar to China? It’s past, present and future are all irrevocably tied to European civilization. Russia’s participation in these institutions is vital to its future, corrupt though they may be.
Why are you underplaying the role of Western mercenaries? They have fanned out across Ukraine and are working hard to isolate pro Russian opposition. Anyone who knows anything about the Western sponsered regime change operations knows that the current situation fits this script perfectly.
All of your advice seems calculated to isolate both Putin and Russia.
I see now — you are clever.
Like the folks from RIA Novosti who conceived of RT — all enemies of Putin to the core.
Or have you been ‘visited’ by gangsters?
Sionara Saker.
I came across these videos after reading an allegation that the white arm-bands that are used to mark these fighters were used in the 2011 protests in Russia as well as having roots in the Nazi era…
Do you have any information or perspective on this?? thanks
> when did any European organization ever stand up and say “no” to Uncle Sam?
It rarely does. However, the Iraq war 2003 is worth a mention – Germany and France did the unthinkable. One must say however that the Iraq war was the one and only time where the US under Bush didn’t even bother to
a) create a false flag attack a la Tonkin
b) provoke and silently await an attack a la Pearl Harbour
c) at least create some instability and the threat of immediate “humanitarian catastrophe”, appealing to our loving responsibility to “protect”
So Iraq was just too blatent to swallow and justify by the peace-loving Social Democrat/Green Party coalition in Germany, even though they happily participated in the Yugoslaughter. But Bush was just too arrogant to realize that an open “my way or the highway” in international diplomacy incurs a cost. Germans, as any other people, want to be able to believe they are important and relevant and they matter. For that, words are of the utmost importance. That’s why Obama is so important for project World Empire.
Also, there is the postponement of direct military action in Syria by the Brits, for whatever unknown reason. Maybe it was blackmail for more funding by the “Friends of Palestine-haters”? No idea.
Doesn’t this raise the bigger question of what Russia has been achieving in the European sphere, and where to go from here? The EU precipitated the Ukrainian crisis by demanding an impossible thing, right?
> I think that Russia should withdraw from ALL European organizations
Of course. The question is: when should they do so. Bush is right in his observation that there is “good” and “evil”, notwithstanding that he seemed to confuse the meaning of those 2 words. However, there’s also “powerful” and “dependent”. And so far Putin is doing a great job building Russia up to a nation that is an economically viable entity and can defend itself, while being part of the various organizations who’s end goal is pure and unadulterated “evil”.
Seeming to play the West’s game is way cheaper and thus the economical thing to do. Putin has undoubtedly transformed Russia from a 20th-century third world country colony who’s resources could be plucked by the “civilized” world and its local oligarchs, into a world power to be reckoned with. One of the reasons he was able to do it is precisely because the West didn’t anticipate that he’d actually be able to stay his independent course and succeed with it. Of course Putin had hoped to win over Germany and some other European countries, because that would be the natural course of events, and if their leaders had any independent brains – or read Zbgnw Brznszsnzsnszszsnszki – that is what could easily have happened.
Putin, immediately leaving all Western organizations would probably have failed economically long time ago, inviting a pussy-riot-pink-revolution that had removed him from power. I’m glad he didn’t let that happen.
Is now the time? I would say Putin should – and maybe he has already done that – draw “red lines”, without blurting them out to the world like Obama, thus making him look like the fool Obama is. And if and when those red lines are threatened – just like with the attack on the Georgian peace keepers, or the current Ukrainian kerfuffle – Putin should make it clear he’ll withdraw from that organization etc.
On the “observers” issue however, if I’m not mistaken Putin is not in charge. Although I agree the Crimean authorities would let those guys in at their own peril – their mission is to give the mantel of credibility to Western propaganda. The recently leaked tape shows that “even” (if that’s the right word here) the highest European officials will sweep under the carpet everything that sheds light on the chosen incumbents’ misdeeds, no matter if they kill or rape or whatever, as long as they are useful.
You’ve probably seen this already. If not…
There go you:
Russia may suspend arms inspection deal with U.S. over Ukraine – reports
Europe is the America’s bitch
as European I completely agree with this statement
If you think Europe is supine, cast your eyes down Australia’a way. Embarrassing doesn’t even begin to cover it.
The BBC is a disgrace. It lost every shred of independence during the US manufactured Iraq invasion and it has been beholded to western corporate/banking interests since at least that time.
Russia has a great deal at stake with this latest coup engineered and backed by the US and UK. There is no doubt it is part of the “New Great Game” for global hegemony – the “New American Century”.
China must surely realise that it is the next target with the “pivot to Asis”.
This is all code for Global domination – not by the people of the US, but by the private corporate and banking interests that have used the US as its own enforcement arm for the past 5 decades.
The race is now on because the US economy is beyond repair and near catastrophy. The establishment knows this and badly needs the war with a major power. For now Russia is the enemy. China is next once Russia is out of the way.
Violent revolution is the means and a broken dysfunctional rump of a country is the end goal so that global hegemony can be achieved.
Once it is achieved then the private corporate/banking families will have no limits and the common people will be redundant.
It seems that Russia understands this grave situation but is being goaded slowly but surely into a war that may well hav terible consequences.
The timing for the parties will be critical – the US knows that it must start a major conflict before the economic collapse commences. Russia and China know that they must finanically disable the US (and therefore cripple its military) before the war begins.
This is a game of chess being played in real time on a massive scale.
The sad reality is that the free market American idealogy has long been lost and the “Western” way of life that is so often dangled as the carrot and evidence of the benefits of democracy is merely a mirage that will quickly evaporate as soon as global/banking hegemony is complete.
Too much power and wealth is now concentrated in the hands of too few.
Unlike in the past howevere, technology will ensure that this time there is no escap from the diabolical plans that will be put into place once the remaining obstacles (Russia and China) are removed. if not by military force then by the method of internal strife and coup de tat that has by now been rehearsed by the US secret government many, many times in the past.
There is a saying: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Who has played chess and not found his white knight on the 7th rank apparently surrounded by black pieces, but yet quite safe? Russins play chess well, I understand. The art, however, is in not provoking your opponent into simply overturning the board before you win.
Greetings from Singapore:
Greetings from Singapore:
Another very interesting view from a retired Indian Ambassador:
Ukraine’s shadow on Central Asian steppes
Stopped readsing all Western media (The Guardian, Der Spiegel, etc). All of them are selling the same rubbish.
Agree with you. Russia should cut off all membership with the international and phony organizations.
Glory to Russia!
“Europe is the America’s bitch”
It is by design.
See AEP: ” Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs” (2000, from declassified docs)
The EU was incubated in 1948 by the American Committee on United Europe (ACUE). First chief: Bill Donovan, head of OSS. Members: a motley combo of CEOs from the military industrial complex of the evil empire.
As you will know the CIA’s wide range of duties included the financing of DeGaulle’s and Adenauers election campaigns (post war French and German heads of state). Also 10,000 jazz clubs were funded in Germany in an early drive to eliminate their indigenous culture, see here:
Saunders: “Who Paid the Piper?: CIA and the Cultural Cold War”
America and NATO/EU is something like Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
Poor Europeans. Not only are they “America’s bitch”, they Israel’s bitch and the bitch of their own capitalist/corporate aristocracy.
By comparison, Americans got it easy because they’re only Israel’s bitch and America’s bitch. By America’s bitch, I mean here the American capitalist/corporate aristocracy.
On the other hand, the Russians, it seems, got it worse than the Europeans. They have to pretend to be “America’s bitch”, Israel’s bitch and Europe’s bitch, and probably compromise some of their independence dealing with China and India, as well, all at the same time. ;)
Leaving aside the arguments for and against the theories about the current Russian establishment being puppets of the west and their politics and policies are just an act, what would happen if Russia dumped all these European connections?
My impression is the Russian establishment wants to stay connected with all the parties in power in the world. The problem is, the people running the west are a bunch of spoiled brat drama queens with a psychopathic need for power. Stop playing by their rules, they throw a tantrum, grab their ball and go home. And then activate the Jewish mafia and all their other economic and war criminal rubbish. The Soviets went through all that before after 1917, when they had to build back up from scratch, and I’m sure the current Russian establishment is hell bent on avoiding that kind of isolation again. Just building back up from the zio-kleptocracy of the Yeltsin years has been a monumental effort enough, but imagine trying to do so in isolation? That’s essentially what the USSR had to do after 1917.
The Russians are involved in a very delicate balancing act dealing with the NWO. Very similar to China, and, in fact, both are taking a similar approach. By engagement, they build relationships with those not only within the zionist/corporate capitalist oligarchy in the west, they maintain contact with the people of the west. During the cold war, neither Russia, nor China had any contact with the people of the west due to the fascists blocking this. Such relationships continue beyond the reigns of the spoiled brats (oligarchs).
Anyway, I’m starting to ramble, but I believe the Russians are taking the long view in their dealings with the megalomaniac spoiled brats running the west. That Russian saying of “I will bury you” comes to mind.
вот так
> The race is now on because the US economy is beyond repair and near catastrophy. The establishment knows this and badly needs the war with a major power. For now Russia is the enemy.
The US economy has been beyond repair for decades now, starting with the enormous Vietnam war costs at the latest. Which Nixon fessed up by abandoning the gold standard. That was further followed (and preceded) by the financialisation of the economy, i.e. siphoning off money from other (countries’) peoples’ work. They also had the Petrodollar to their benefit, which however is in the process of being superseded by the use of other currencies as we speak.
However bad your capital situation is though, if you find someone with confidence in your abilities, you are off the hook. That’s why there’s the concept of “debt” aka “hope”. It has kept the US going for quite some time. And the funny thing is, that for decades now China is giving actually useful stuff, well, and also iphones and shit, while getting paper in return. Paper, whose value is mostly determined – and continuously diluted – by the US elite. In other words, the Chinese export all that the US needs to assemble their weapons in order to keep China in check, and they only get paper money, which can – and will – be “turned off” at an opportune time. People say lots of nasty things about Americans, and probably mostly rightly so, but this concept is ingenious, even though their elites seem to have stumbled upon it rather by accident, trying to make a virtue out of necessity. Of course in the meantime China has smelled a rat, and it is trying to rectify. That’ll take time though, unless they want to let the paper they are currently holding or still receiving for the time being, to go to waste. You can’t just “drop it on the market”, as some have suggested to “learn ’em Americans”.
All that said, there’s always another level of indirection that can be layered on top of capital, and debt (a derivative of future capital), and derivatives on debts and so on and so forth. Sky is the limit. Or to be precise: Natural resource limits are the limit.
So is the US “near catastrophe”? Maybe. We are way too many people on this planet, and some of the most important resources reach or have reached their peaks (water, top soil, energy).
However, the US doesn’t look like they are plunging into war. Listen to wussies Obama and Kerry: Hey Putin, if you continue ignoring us, we’ll get really angry and, um, start, um, thinking about what to do and stop talking to you for a while. Now how’s that, Vlad!? Doesn’t sound like war overtures to me…
I agree that the guys in charge in the US will probably rather fight someone, even if it’s completely hopeless and a country unrelated, rather than going down without some kind of fight. So far however, they haven’t been close enough to catastrophe to dare tackling an enemy who can fight. How long did they disarm little Iraq before finally daring to attack? 13 years full of sanctions. Israel is pushing the “real men” to go to Tehran for more than a decade now. To little avail. For good reason. My guess is that the US wouldn’t win – whatever that means, these days – a war against Iran short of obliterating it using nukes. An irony btw that Western media would be able no doubt to “miss”.
So are we there yet? My guess: No.
I agree with the well written analysis of anonymous 9-03-14 03.54
I add only that in this stage of the game the real target is only the Russia that seems to remain weak on the home front (oligarchs, economy , media control ,intellectual class and so on )
Short, colourful bio of the Ashton ghoul, and the sort of European establishment she represents:
Catherine Ashton: Victim of Bologna Higher Education System
You are absolutely correct about European organizations. I worked as a consultant on the Schengen II project in Strasbourg and found that my boss had installed a spy software, VNC to spy on me during and after work hours as he highly recommended that I bring home my work laptop for security reasons and use it for personal reasons. I notified French police and tried to notify EU personnel that there was spy software being run on their secure networks. Not one person working for the EU agreed to even make a report. They were all too worried about their jobs.
Hello Saker,
I wish you could address an issue that I´m sure is not only on my mind. Putin’s actions, especially in the last few years point to him being in direct opposition to the western rulers. However, there are many people, including myself, who question if this is no just a fake opposition, that the banksters control Putin and Russia behind the scenes, even that we are being set up for a WW3 scenario. What really bother´s be about Putin´s history is the Apartment Bombings, which clearly had FSB participation, in the first years of his precidency. It was the justificacion for the second Chechen war, after all. The Russian 911 some call it. Here is a really good video by Corbett Report: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wv6lgyOUGk&list=UU7TvL4GlQyMBLlUsTrN_C4Q
It addreses many of the issues of Putin´s “dark side”, so to speak.
Are we (in the alterative media) being set up to accept Putin as “the enemy of my enemy?”
Many thanks,
Switzerland was “http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/foreign_affairs/Moving_towards_the_UN_in_slow_motion.html?cid=291972”>dragged into the UN in 2002 in a typical state manipulated vote. As always the French Cantons were nearly unanimous in wanting to join, just as they wanted to join the EU. I was vehemently opposed to all of these initiatives. Now one after another of these large transnational alliances are lining up to rape her.
So yes, Russia should leave ALL of these corrupt organizations like any good human of integrity would do.
But she won’t. First of all Russia (and Putin) have the SC veto, so she won’t leave the UN no matter how craven it becomes. This was one of the NWO/Illuminati’s achievements even though they don’t realize it. By bowing to Stalin and giving the USSR a veto on all global NWO actions through the SC, they also chained the future Russian state to the common interests with the NWO! How Machiavellian. If Putin can escape this paradox he will have really proven himself the centuries most effective leader of the 21st century, at least so far.
As a side note, I consider this to be proof that the “new Ukraine” is really just another globalist whore:
Being European, I deeply agree with your comments on our politicians who are in power!
I have a question about US-Russia relationships. What if, in a deteriorating situation, Russia closes the Northern corridor used to supply US troops in Afghanistan? This would put at risk the whole US-NATO mission there, especially if “someone” helped Pakistani insurgents to block the south roads.
Isn’t this a good reason for the US not to harass too much Russia?
@Ale y Javi
No he wasn’t and no it didn’t.
Although I agree with your analysis (Europe constantly bending over for the US – disclaimer: I am an EU citizen), I disagree with your conclusion. President Putin has shown that he can run circles around these organizations. As long as Russia is a member, he can use this access for his own mischief, letting them rot from the inside in the long run.
On a side note: there are 15 billions he promised to the Ukraine but had not to pay. Wouldn’t it be hilarious to give this money to some european secession movements or “orange revolution” NGOs west of the Atlantic?
Thank you very much for your great blog!
This is an excellent interview with William Engdahl on Ukraine, Russia, and China. A must listen interview.
Someone elsewhere in the comments asked about the phrase “China pivot.” He informs us that the phrase “Asia Pivot” was used in a speech Obama gave in Australia, likely before U.S. Marines were announced to be stationed in the Northern Territories. Engdahl calls it the “China Pivot,” which it really means.
Eric Margolis piece:
Just a few months ago this commercial was playing all over the network in Canada…don’t see this nowadays obviously
Two more incidents of zionazi provocations/proxy terrorism in Crimea:
Ukraine turmoil LIVE UPDATES http://rt.com/news/kiev-clashes-rioters-police-571/
“19:02 GMT: A provocation by a group of radicals has been prevented in the port city of Sevastopol, Crimea, reports ITAR-TASS. The incident occurred during a meeting devoted to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko, which was held near a monument to the Ukrainian poet. The celebration was interrupted when “comers from Western Ukraine started shouting Nazi slogans and called on Sevastopol residents to ignore the March 16 referendum,” the agency was told at the People’s Self-Defense headquarters.
Police confirmed that 20 people were detained but refrained from further comments. However, a source at the Sevastopol law enforcement agency told ITAR-TASS that members of the Right Sector nationalist group were among the detainees.
In a separate incident, two pro-Maidan activists began shooting near the monument and were detained by self-defense squads. No one was injured. A criminal case was opened. Police seized a knife and a gun from the detainees, who confessed that they arrived from Kiev, where they were given the weapon.”
Meanwhile the zionist media is making wild claims of Ukrainian border guards being abused by evil Crimeans (read: Russians). As the Crimean vote nears, expect the zionazi provocations and terrorism to get much uglier.
While the zionist MSM media blowhards continue the absurd hysterics, the zionist Jewish/Shabat Goy alternatives are taking a different, but more subtle Russian damning propaganda tact. In fact the post by “Alejandro” (09 March, 2014 13:01) examples two of those approaches they are using. Repetition of the Jewish propaganda about the “apartment buildings”, for the more gullible dupes of zionist/western fascist propaganda (huff-puff types), and the “the enemy of my enemy” meme, designed to hook more liberal and left leaning people (currently in vogue at the zionist znet spin factory). A 3rd tact is the “both sides are rotten, support neither” routine, designed to deter interest in stopping these war criminals (the Abby Martin routine).
Generally, these alternatives will mention some of Israli-American barbarity, but carefully distance them from the worst of it. In the Ukraine case, they mention the bandera nazi element, but treat these as independent, out of control, opposed to “American/European” interests, etc., but fail to mention how these nazis are clearly closely intertwined with the “moderates” (you know, the good guys, who mean well, but may be a little corrupt and inept in Jewish “left” parlance) and the western coup making forces. They also are very careful to leave out any connection to zionist/Israeli interests. One would think the “irony” of a mostly Jewish “moderate” leadership employing mostly nazis and gangster/death squad types to enforce their “peaceful revolution” would get a lot of attention in the alternate “left”, but since in the west, most of this “left” is now effectively run by Jewish zionists and those allied to them, these alternates in the west are selling essentially the same toss the Jewish owned western MSM is.
вот так
Well said. It occurred to me that Nuland’s ouburst “F**k the EUis actually correct: the EU are a bunch of whores and the US is their pimp.
Russia and China must create an Alternative World Order.
If you build it they will come.
Shanghai Cooperation Council.
Alternative banking and other procedures to continue lobbing off USAEU power.
Teams of independent electoral observers.
Vineyard has gone over that before. It’s a mistake by Corbett. Unfortunately, a lot of those on the libertarian or right side of what might be called conspiracy culture in the Anglo world are easily deceived by the tremendous budget of the oligarchs. It’s just like those in human rights groups.
Ukraine turmoil LIVE UPDATES http://rt.com/news/kiev-clashes-rioters-police-571/
“14:21 GMT:
The Russian Foreign Ministry says it was surprised by a statement from the US representative to OSCE, Daniel Baer, who called on Moscow to assist in the free movement of the organization’s military observers on Crimean territory.
Russia’s is the “wrong addressee” for such a call “as all of OSCE’s monitoring activities in the Crimea should be coordinated with the legitimate Crimean authorities,” the ministry stressed.
“It’s puzzling and that Mr. Baer didn’t mention that this issue has already been discussed in the framework of the OSCE,” the statement added. “On March 5, the Russian side had officially informed all of the OSCE participating states of its refusal to allow visiting Russian military facilities deployed in the Crimean, due to force-majeure circumstances.”
вот так
Corbett is another member of the controlled opposition. There is a simple device I use to see if these people are controlled or not. I offer to send them a copy of Dr. Judy Wood’s forensic analysis of what really happened at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
The list of “truthers” is endless that refuse to acknowledge my offer, including Corbett. Frequently, you will see so-called “truthers” like Kevin Barrett and James Fetzer attack her work openly.
Can nearly every alternative website be corrupted? Using this Dr. Wood testing method, yes, they are.
You can see at the top of her website her two hour presentation at the Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012 in Holland, if you aren’t familiar with her work.
By the way, forget about nukes. This is where modern weaponry has evolved to. During the 2010 census taken in the U.S., all addresses here have GPS coordinates assigned to them. GPS is a military targeting tool. Any American is now a sitting duck, waiting for some traitor in a darkened cubicle to push the button and turn that unsuspecting individual into dust. An exaggeration, hysterical nonsense and fear mongering? What’s that old saying?: Read it and weep. Denial is not a river in Egypt.
I have seen this close up. There was an OSCE mission in Estonia in the 1990s with a task of protecting the rights of the Russian minority. In reality they were the instigators of De-Russification policies!