By Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog
There is an agenda. A huge agenda. It is a Globalist agenda that is in the process of inflicting gigantic harm to humanity. It is called the Covid-19 – The Great Reset, issued by the World Economic Forum (WEF), authored by its founder, Klaus Schwab. If left undisturbed, The Great Reset’s plan is a crime of epic dimensions, never seen before in our civilization. Mr. Trump did not want to be part of this agenda.
Donald Trump, for better or for worse, is not a Globalist. He calls himself a patriot. He wanted to Make America Great Again (MAGA). Sounds silly? Perhaps. But it’s not globalist. Therefore, Mr. Trump was not the guy of the Globalist Cabal, currently calling the shots on world events – way above Presidents like Donald Trump and those of the other 192 UN member countries. This Globalist Cabal has enormous power. Jo Biden and his gang respond to this power.
What is behind Donald Trump’s “silly” idea of MAGA, the western globalist-brainwashed world cannot understand. It was supposed to bringing the United States back to again becoming a sovereign, independent, economically autonomous nation. On more occasion than one Mr. Trump said, he wishes the same for every nation in the world. He also insinuated that NATOs purpose was passé. And he said before his 2016 election, under his Presidency the US would no longer be the policeman of the world. He may have tried on all of these scores, but the Powers That Be (PTB) had other ideas.
In foreign policy – interfering in other countries’ affairs – he certainly didn’t act according to his pre-election promises (or was not allowed to by the PTB); not in Syria, not in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea – not in Europe, not anywhere in the world where “American interests” are at stake – as they euphemistically call “interference” in other sovereign nations’ affairs.
Especially not in Russia and China. Quarreling with these sovereign nations, and menacing them, was a lost cause. He knew it, but it was good for cosmetics. It presents well as an international show of upmanship, for maintaining the image of a super-power and an emperor. Both of which are long gone. But perception is always limping behind facts.
However, you have to give him this: Against the wishes and pressure of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), Donald Trump did not start any new wars. He maintained those started under his predecessors – six active ones – give or take a conflict here and there. Thereby keeping he MIC at bay.
Donald Trump obviously did not fit the Globalist agenda. It was not his plan. Contrary to what many may think, he had no ambitions for a One World Order (OWO), which is clearly the Globalist’s goal. This is the plan behind the Great Reset (see this The World Economic Forum (WEF) Knows Best – The Post-Covid “Great Global Reset”). To achieve completion of the Great Reset, millions of people may have to die.
The Globalist Cabal doesn’t care. Jo Biden doesn’t care. Because Jo Biden is a Globalist, as well as his crew, inherited mostly from the Obama era – and so is Hillary (on her “demolish Libya” initiative, cynically laughing and referring to Muammar Gadhafi: “We came, we saw, he died”), still an important figure of this – let me call it what it is – a criminal clan.
The political career of Jo Biden’s was born in the swamp of Washington – and the way it looks today, it will end in the swamp of Washington, either with him as President – or without him as President. At this age, despite all the noble words spoken at his inauguration, Jo Biden will not reform his conscience. “I will be President not only for those who voted for me, I will be President also for those who didn’t vote for me; I will be President for all Americans.” This slogan-style wishy-washy palaver has no meaning.
There is not one US President who hasn’t used such words, at least during the inauguration – and most of them much earlier during their campaigns. “I will work to unite our badly divided America again.” When in the last 70 Years were the United States united? Never. Will Jo Biden meet the challenge?
During his inauguration speech, as well as in several previous occasions, including the pre-election Presidential Debates, Jo Biden referred to the coming “Dark Winter” – hoping that America will get through it without harm. What is the “Dark Winter”? – Why the mystery, instead of transparency? Why talk in code-language, when American people are, as Biden implied, his number one priority?
Did his remark refer to Operation Dark Winter which was a code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted on June 22–23, 2001, at Andrews Air Force Base Maryland? The simulation was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread smallpox attack on the United States. The simulation was sponsored and carried out by the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (CCBS) and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Note – the Johns Hopkins research and teaching complex is strongly supported by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Does this mean that there is or may be a plan for a biowarfare attack – in the form of Ebola, smallpox or a stronger strand of coronavirus? Or any other highly infectious and deadly disease? – If so, Mr. Biden, and all the others who mentioned a Dark Winter ahead, including Barak Obama, must know what’s behind it. And they hide it from the people.
The insinuation that such a catastrophe may be in the making, without openly warning the people, or better, preventing the Dark Winter – is certainly not a sign of caring for the people. To the contrary, it shows distain for the people – the lower casts. Sounds like Hillary Clinton’s “Basket of Deplorables” in a 2016 Presidential campaign speech. Seems, the core of the Dems, as they pan out with Jo Bidens election, have a particular flair to feel above the rest of the people.
People, and unity within the United States seem clearly not to be a priority preoccupation of Jo Biden’s. Much more important, how can he – or rather the team behind him – be a driver in the implementation of the globalist agenda, the Great Reset. Because, he, Jo Biden, and the swamp behind him are committed to this cause. The Globalist Cabal, chose him over a continuation of Donald Trump’s Presidency.
Never mind that there was massive – but massive, proven voter fraud, possibly in the hundreds of thousands, maybe over a million votes were added to Biden or electronically switched from Trump to Biden. But Mr. Trump’s legal team was not successful in bringing forward and defending their evidence before any court, including the US Supreme Court. Imagine the Immense power behind this Global Cabal!
Mr. Trump, like him or not, for his country he had another agenda. He wanted to rebuild the US economy again. Bringing back outsourced labor, create jobs. His approach may have been inadequate, and at times he sounded awkward addressing economic issues, as well as the people. But he was not a Globalist, he did not strive for an OWO. That’s why 80 million Americans voted for him. They do not want an OWO. Most of the world – 99.99% – do not want an OWO.
Those who voted for Trump also sensed that the so-called Dems had not the least interest of the people in mind. Never had, at least not since JFK.
So, Donald Trump did not fit the agenda of the Global Cabal – also called “Deep State”. Those, who are way above the President of the US – and the leaders (sic) of the world. They are dead-set on implementing the Great Reset – grabbing more power for themselves, more wealth – and a technified, digitized, robotized world, a totally electronic plutocracy – a technocracy cum tyranny, under which the Epsilon-people (lowest cast in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World) will behave and obey as they are digitally ordered – modern slaves – own nothing and be happy – the Great Omen of the Great Reset.
And if their eugenist wish comes through, they, the Globalist Cabal, will reign over a massively reduced population. That’s where the current western inoculation campaign comes in – all three of the most used vaccines, or rather toxic injections – Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraSeneca – contain mRNA, thus, DNA-altering substances – and have so far not proven effective as vaccines. To the contrary, dangerous side effects and death rates exceed by far the common measures of traditional vaccines. They also contain sterilization and infertility components which fits the eugenics agenda well.
Unfortunately, Russian and Chinese traditional live-attenuated vaccines (a weakened form of the virus) that creates a strong and long-lasting immune response, are not freely available in the west. Such vaccines do not affect the human DNA. However, the methodology is based on decades of experience.
The imminent question is – why suddenly a new type, never tested before vaccine? What is the agenda behind these new types of jabs? Do they have to do with the implementation of the Great Reset? – Why are scientists not allowed to talk openly about the effects and possibly long-term negative impacts of these new-type injections? Why do governments around the globe keep any true science about them under wraps – prohibited – censored in the media – even forbidden under fine and in extremis arrest in psychiatric wards?
Why this immense drive to vaccinate everyone as fast as possible – under menace “if you are not vaccinated, you cannot move”? – And that for a virus – covid-19 – that has a mortality rate approximately comparable to, or in some years even less, than the common flu? – See Anthony S. Fauci, Director the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID / NIH – USA), in “Covid-19 – Navigating the Uncharted”, New England Journal of Medicine – NEJM (28 February, 2020):
If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)… |
Among Jo Biden’s first decisions during his few days as President is an increased effort of vaccination – with the mRNA-type vaccines, as well as massive testing by the also proven ineffective and an totally inappropriate PCR test – in the US.
He vows to vaccinate 100 million Americans in the first 100 days if his Presidency. This is spot-on with the Great Reset and the Globalist Cabal’s agenda. He has already been warning about the spread of a new more infectious covid-mutation – which would require more of the unpopular repressive measures – also further infringing on the already hard-hit economy. And if Washington decides to “tighten the screws” on the population (Mme. Merkel’s expression), Europe will soon follow suit – and so will all the other western world’s vassals.
Think that’s exaggerated? You may want to read up on the Great Reset and its follow-on White Paper, “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda: Disruption and Renewal in a Post-COVID World” which is basically an implementation manual of the Great Reset. See also The Post Covid World, The WEF’s Diabolical Project: “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda” – After “The Great Reset”. A Horrifying Future.
Following the agenda of the Globalist Cabal is Mr. Biden’s number one priority. On his first “work day”, actually on his Inauguration Day, he has not hesitated to sign 17 Executive Orders, of which the New York Times says:
“Despite an inaugural address that called for unity and compromise, Mr. Biden’s first actions as president are sharply aimed at sweeping aside former President Donald J. Trump’s pandemic response, reversing his environmental agenda, tearing down his anti-immigration policies, bolstering the teetering economic recovery and restoring federal efforts to promote diversity.”
Among these measures are returning the US to WHO, making Anthony Fauci, Director NIAID / NIH, the head of the U.S. delegation to the organization’s Executive Board. “He will jump into the role with a meeting this week”, says the NYT. Mr. Fauci has long been known for his conflict of interest with the vaccine pharma-companies, and for working hand-in-hand with Bill Gates, who funds up to one third of WHO’s budget, and calls the shots on WHO’s vaccination policy. What does that say for Jo Biden, other than he plays already on his first day into the hands of the Globalist Cabal.
President Biden also signed a National Mask Mandate – or “the 100 days masking challenge”, when every serious scientist says how dangerous wearing masks is. However, this is a step towards the Globalist Cabal’s crackdown on humanity, that and social distancing, and isolation by quarantining – leading to lockdowns after lockdowns – all within a massive fear campaign. This is supposed to bring the populace at large to its knees, so that the implementation of the horrible steps within the Great Reset will encounter less resistance.
Mr. Trump never saw lockdowns or mask wearing as the solution to the covid-19 crisis – an opinion shared by many high-ranking scientists and professors the world over. He wanted the already covid-destroyed economy to get back running again, as quickly and as closely as possible to “normal” – thereby also improving the desperate employment situation of the people.
You may see the details of Mr. Biden’s 17 first-day Executive Orders here
So, because Mr. Trump didn’t see eye to eye with the Globalist Cabal, he had to go. His quest for justice from the High Courts with regard to voter fraud was denied.
The Great Reset agenda, dictated by the Globalist Cabal, is to be implemented in its cruelest details under the supervision of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Institute for Medicine (funded by the Rockefeller Foundation), WHO, the IMF, World Bank — and the entire UN apparatus. It is an integral part of the UN Agenda 21-30, which depicts to the world the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as the agenda’s glorious “raison d’être”.
In fact, the Great Reset is the key driver of the UN Agenda 21-30. The SDGs are but a noble gesture to tell the Global South how interested the West, or Global North is in the wellbeing of the poor and marginalized people of the nations of the Global South, also called Third World or “developing countries”.
The caveat for the implementation of the SDGs is that the “developing” countries are expecting massive funding from the IMF, World Bank and regional development banks, as well as western bilateral aid organizations, to implement these goals. But, as we know, these development assisting funds come with tight strings attached.
In the case of the SDGs, countries receiving foreign funding from the financial gods mentioned before, have to commit to following the rules and dictates of the Globalist agenda. i.e., the rules and narrative of the Great Reset. Plus, most of the funding comes in the form of loans. That means further debt-enslavement, further dependence on the west, the Global North, for trade and exploitation of their natural resources.
One may wonder, who needs more development the West / Global North or the Global South? – It depends on the criteria of development. It could be – the more digitized and uniformly controlled the world population is, the more developed it is. Or – alternatively, the more sovereign nations collaborate peacefully as independent nations, each with their own culture, their own money, their own fiscal policies and social coherence – the more developed, equal, just and peaceful the world will become.
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)
Peter Koenig is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
In other words: Trump was an imperialist, Biden is a globalist.
And the left, especially the Trotskyite left, makes a huge mistake into thinking imperialism is worse.
The Bolsheviks Empire shows how wrong was Trotsky :) And how it can really work
Covid 19 happened under Trump, a Republican President.
Just like 9/11 happened under W, a Republican President.
Numbers 1 and 9 in both.
If Covid happened for the great reset, then Trump ushered it in – knowingly.
Because he’s a sold out. Only those who are filtering him through their hopelessness think he’s something else.
Trump had to go because he did not bomb Iran for the Jewish Bolshevik Empire (aka Apartheid Israel).
Pure and simple. A great viewpoint on that here:
Jay Roach
Covid – 19 is a laboratory product, just like AIDS was. It was introduced to subvert sovereign countries, economically, financially, socially and ethnically. Experts have stated it reduces fertility. And Western vaccines, introduced in record time ? What do they do ? Reduce fertility ? Cause other repercussions ? We are already reading about people experiencing consequences after taking these vaccines, although I suspect the consequences are higher than publicized.
And the Russian vaccine ?
“Unfortunately, Russian and Chinese traditional live-attenuated vaccines (a weakened form of the virus) that creates a strong and long-lasting immune response, are not freely available in the west. Such vaccines do not affect the human DNA. However, the methodology is based on decades of experience”.
Yes, that is correct. The West accused Russia of introducing it’s vaccine “without proper testing”, something the West did with it’s vaccines. The West ignored the fact that Russia was using traditional methods, based on experience, which enabled it to introduce a vaccine in a relatively short period time. As for Western vaccines, new methods were used to develop them, where one of the vaccines had to be kept at extremely low temperatures. One has to wonder why.
And yes, Trump had to go. He did not start a war with Iran, failed with his threats against North Korea, and was not tough enough with Russia, whom the neocons want to see destabilized, broken up and plundered.
What can one say of Trump ? He failed in his promises of draining the swamp. Then again, he did not start any large regional wars, something the neocons want. He will remain an enigma. As I have already written, let history have the last word.
From the other side of the fence one might say that the swamp grass was thick and stinky. One man alone cannot drain such a multi generational beast. In four years, hardly. He may not have drained it, but he sure as hell exposed it, to millions of US citizens, some say over 100mil that can start doing their part, it’ll take more than a generation maybe two. Given the chance I’d kick him in the balls for giving away parts of countries (like some f….n emperor) let’s see how long it takes Biden to revoke Trumps EOs on Stealing Land For Apartheid Squatters.
Cheers, M
Presidents come and go, cause it’s a show – Trump can be glad he got out alive
Back in 2017 Trump had an opportunity to do something useful, but it was squandered and he invited the swamp into his government, where it has found comfort ever since.
As for wars, Trump couldn’t stop any, never mind start one. However, when we get round to bombing, we will find that Trump dropped more bombs in one term, than Obama did in two, so a thwarted peacemaker he was not.
Trump bowing to Israel made the craven decision to leave the Iran nuclear agreement and impose punitive sanctions, which will have cost many lives, possibly hundreds of thousands. Trump also directly authorised the murder of General Soleimani and for that heinous crime, there must always be a price on his head.
”And the left, especially the Trotskyite left, makes a huge mistake into thinking imperialism is worse.”
Trots don’t make any such distinctions. They are just ecstatically gung-ho about the ”progressive” nature of the West’s destruction of other countries, peoples, and cultures. Proves their classical, ossified Marxist creddntials all right.
I think this might fit here.
(Also, under Karbala “rules” they have to tell you the truth, so you can consent to their lies.)
Which makes this just an exquisite piece of propaganda cloaking the truth.
Trotsky ? He was an Illuminati agent, just like Lenin. He never did a days work before being sent to Russia. In New York he was driven in a Rolls Royce. When he left New York for Russia, he took with him 500 gangsters, whom he turned into Bolsheviks. Trotsky and Lenin were banker agents, given the task of breaking up Russia. What did Lenin achieve ? He provoked a “revolution” and civil war, which cost Russia millions. He also butchered the Tsar and his family. The great moralist died from syphilis in 1924. He was succeeded by Stalin, who turned to Russia, industrializing her and saving her in World War Two (although he did make mistakes in the beginning). Trotsky ended up in Mexico.
You are incorrect.
Trotsky may have been an agent for the Anglo/Zionists but he learned to be a very talented general.
Without Trotsky’s Generalship the USSR would have only lasted a few years.
And, Trotsky would have a much better dictator that Stalin.
Except for advancing a pre exercice, an advance drill to make sure that the 1%ters can RELY on peoples’ obedience and prompt servitude to a command from upper echelons— I honestly could not to date see what the least point is in
forcing lockdowns and economy downturns any advantage f or kanda asset for them.
No other permanent gain for the creme de la creme.
But wish that any reader takes the trouble convince me otherwise, either with words or a relevant link.
Ainda tem pessoas lúcidas nos EUA.
Google translation,MOD:
There are still lucid people in the USA.
The Covid thing is an asset grab. Catherine Austin Fitts explains it
For a history of what happens when debt is too big to be repaid see Michael Hudson’s book
“…and Forgive Them Their Debts”
Augusto, power is the right fist and money is the left fist. If the right doesn’t get you the left one will:
“Fascism is an alliance between the persuasive force of Capital and the coercive force of the State.” — Mussolini
It’s just another stage in the planned destruction of any statehood – first they planted ill equipped people (basically trotzkyite personalities) as leaders, then they bring parts of the populace to the boiling point with totally insane actions, orders which at average increase the debts at absolutly stunning rates to new record highs and destroys the beating heart of the society the small to middle sized enterprises including the medical services.
Another step in a series of steps to destroy everything that defines and maintains statehood in order to make the singled out citizens absolutly and exclusively dependent to one only global governance.
The author of this post stated that:
I have read a number of otherwise intelligent people that say same thing over and over again.
But it is not true.
Trump’s seizures of ships and multiple sanctions were an attempted blockade. Trump tried blockades against both Iran and Venezuela.
Moreover, the surrounding of nations with hostile forces is also an act of war. Trump repeatedly tried to isolate Russia from the rest of the international community via sanctions and moved NATO troops to the borders of Russia. Additionally during his administration he tried a color revolution in Belarus to further “surround” Russia with hostile states and forces.
These are acts of war under international law.
The international community has put up with America’s sanctions, seizures and low-level warfare for so long they have forgotten that such conduct is a violation of international law.
Where were the wars?
No wars.
Ergo, he didn’t start any wars.
Difficult for you to comprehend?
No wars started by Trump. Period!
On to the next thing.
But the facts are No Wars Started by Trump.
Construe what you may, there were No Wars Started by Trump.
As I indicated above, under international law Trump committed Acts of War.
Read the post again.
Check out the citations on what constitutes Acts of War.
Attempts to isolate nations or to blockade them or to deny them access to needed goods are all Acts of War.
Trump may not have declared war, but he engaged in war.
Plus they tried to bomb that syrian airport but after all the missiles got shot down nothing was broadcast about it.
So you could say we tried to start a war, but failed even in that.
“No wars started by Trump. Period!”
Syria: Unprecedented investigation reveals US-led Coalition killed more than 1,600 civilians in Raqqa ‘death trap’
Raqqa is in ruins like a modern Dresden. This is not ‘precision bombing’
‘Entire Families Wiped Out’: U.S. Airstrikes Killed Many Civilians In Syria
Amnesty Criticizes U.S.-Led Coalition’s ‘Indiscriminate’ Actions In Raqqa
IS fight: US-led coalition says it killed 1,300 civilians in Syria and Iraq
and that’s only western news, seriously underreporting the death toll…
but yea, trump the peace-maker
I can’t believe Amnesty is comparing Raqqa, the ISIS HQ, to Dresden which was a refugee city with zero strategic military value to the Nazis.
It also seems they are lamenting terrorists deaths and calling them “civilian” deaths..
I wonder if they were as critical of Obama when he was bombing Syria (or Libya or Afghanistan…) or he did he get a free pass?
nice try to sidetrack the conversation topic if trump is a peace-maker or war-criminal?
sorry my mistake, i only got the first few links google returned, thinking that would be enough evidence
but seems you dispute the (watered down) facts because of the pro-liberal anti-trump news sources…
so, this time i took my time and found this…
‘Hell on earth’: 80% of Raqqa destroyed, covered with mines – journalists
*mic drop*
The destruction caused to Raqqa is comparable with the infamous Allied bombing of Dresden in 1945, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday, adding that the US-led coalition may be rushing to pour money into Raqqa to cover up the aftermath.
“Raqqa’s fate calls to mind that of Dresden in 1945, levelled by the US-British bombings,” Defense Ministry Spokesman Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.
Trump was no peacemaker. He was simply the lesser of two evils that’s all. I used to think this concept is intuitively understood by most adults, even young children, but I guess not, after reading some comments here.
The authorisation for use of military force against the government of Syria was approved in 2013 by President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton!
Raqqa was Berlin not Dresden. In your first link it even says : ” Between 70 and 80 percent of Raqqa is mined [..].land mines left by Islamic State militants in their de facto capital,”
As for Konashenko’s he probably saw a good opportunity to score some political points against the US with that statement from Amnesty… In any case, the Dresden analogy is incorrect.
“Trump was no peacemaker. He was simply the lesser of two evils that’s all.”
You got that right, although I’d suspect that Trump’s failing was that he wasn’t really competent at doing whatever it was that he was trying to do. Contrast that with the likes of Clinton who knew exactly what she intended to do and is ruthless enough to do it if ever given the chance.
“The authorisation for use of military force against the government of Syria was approved in 2013 by President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton!”
Exactly. Not Trump. But still we are obliged to ask WTF are American military doing in Syria (and Iraq for that matter), and why didn’t Trump pull them out? Of course, the answer is obvious, just over there on the Mediterranean shores. So again, Trump was no peacemaker.
“Raqqa was Berlin not Dresden. In your first link it even says : ” Between 70 and 80 percent of Raqqa is mined [..].land mines left by Islamic State militants in their de facto capital,”…”
Thanks for this note of clarification. Rarely does any comment about Raqqa illuminate exactly where all those mines came from. Still, the American presence remains in Syria, and one still has to ask – WTF?
Btw remembering a proverb , a Latin one I guess, saying: “whoever wants the end-purpose, also wants the means” – which can be read on vice-versa way round.
He just did not dispense nor rule out any m.e.a.n.s necessary, required or simply advisable to keep the wars initiated by anyone else active and going!
The orange blondy haired was Not “anti war” as such. He just thought them counterproductive.
What I can agree about is he lacked the real power to stop them.
Your comment is debatable. Just to point out that he bombed Syria on two occasions, kept troops in Syria contrary to international law, has looted Syrian oil, contrary to international law, has kept troops in Iraq, and has assassinated a prominent Iranian general, leading to an Iranian missile response. He has also applied sanctions against Russia and Iran and has – remarkably – threatened European firms with sanctions if they participated in the construction of the Nord Stream – 2 gas pipeline.
One must not forget his bully boy tactics against North Korea and his sending the US Navy to the North Korean coast. Kim played his bluff, after which Trump turned to Iran.
Even though in 2016 I preferred Trump to Hillary, i will have to admit that he is an enigma and that history will have the last word. During his election campaign in 2016 he was supported by 200 active and retired admirals and generals. He promised to “drain the swamp” but failed, either because he was helpless to do so or because he did not even bother. He got himself surrounded by neocons.
However, one has to admit that he did not start any wider regional wars, which the neocons no doubt expected him to do. He was certainly removed from power so that Joe Biden would start accomplishing these tasks.
History will say the last word on Trump. When he started his election campaign for President, it’s questionable if he understood the power of the neocons in the US. Then again, one could say that Trump’s election was nothing more than a psyops. Let history have the last word.
“History will say the last word on Trump. When he started his election campaign for President, it’s questionable if he understood the power of the neocons in the US. ”
Agree. Except I would add that it is doubtful he actually understood the power of the Executive in the US. If one knows how to wield it. But who is to say what covert, implicit, or explicit pressures he was under or how threatened.
If he ever wrote his memoirs we could well find out a lot. But he would have to do it in secret.
Otherwise he would have a heart attack long before publication.
Actually, I hope Trump is pissed off enough to sit down and start writing, or taping, with private security (maybe Russian?? Mossad?) that overrides the Secret Service.
Larchmonter445, I would argue that the murder of Soleimani was a declaration of war that has yet to be played out. Certainly Iran has vowed retaliation. The trade war tRump started against China can easily escalate into a kinetic war.
Have a great day.
Whatabout the missiles directed at Syria ?
Whatabout the ‘taking of oil’ from Syria ?
Whatabout the carving out areas from Syria and gifting it’s land ?
Whatabout the killing of Russian mercenaries in Syria, as publicised by Pompeo?
Whatabout the expansion of US bases in Iraq ?
Whatabout the assassination the assassination of an Iranian general in Iraq who was on a diplomatic mission ?
Whatabout the supposed change of government in Venezuela ?
Whatabout the utter destruction of Yemen ?
Whatabout the sanctions and trade embargoes?
No Wars, then so be it.
Absolutely Mike!!
And meanwhile back in the wild west…I mean east… it’s out with the old and in with the…um…older???
Just as I predicted four years ago at the end of Obomber’s term, as soon as the Demo’s were back at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, so to would the lunatic Nuland be back in, and once again gleefully ensconced in the State Dept.
Of course with the obligatory changing of the ‘guard’, it was always going to be a very tall order to find a more foamy mouthed psychopath than Pompeo. Quite frankly I simply don’t think it was even possible short of dusting off Cankles and trotting her out. Biden wasn’t dumb enough to do that so we can all count that as a blessing for humanity.
Nevertheless, Biden gave it a reasonable good nudge when he dredged up fruitloop Blinken to play the lead role in this theatre of the absurd…but then of course came the masterstroke with nutcase arch-Neocon Nuland nominated as Deputy SOC for Political Affairs. He really outdid himself… arguably he has even managed to upstage tRump when it comes to appointing obscene swamp creatures.
So imagine these two certifiably psycopathic warmongers working closely and inspiring each other…this should send a chill down the spine of anyone on the planet. Nuland’s entire CV reads like a macabre horror show, chock full of bloodshed, and contrived international mayhem…see link below…
…and a quote from this link…
“As Obama learned too late, the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time can, with a shove in the wrong direction, unleash years of intractable violence, chaos and international discord. Victoria Nuland would be a ticking time-bomb in Biden’s State Department, waiting to sabotage his better angels much as she undermined Obama’s second-term diplomacy.
…unquote…Except of course Obomber didn’t “learn too late” did he…this was all staged theatre. Nuland was a swamp creature all along…she was part of the plan of perpetual international warfare and terror…just as four years on, Nuland is the Deep States wet-dream for this position. There is absolutely zero about either appointment that was accidental.
…and a quote from CJ on this revealing rollout…
“In the lead-up to Biden’s inauguration we were treated to some Senate hearings on his cabinet picks, in which we learned that this administration will continue Trump’s murderous coupmongering in Venezuela, that it will maintain Trump’s incendiary decision to have the US embassy in Jerusalem, that reviving the Iran nuclear deal is a long ways off from happening and will first require consultation with Israel, and that it will be continuing Trump’s cold war escalations against China.
In one of the more bizarre displays in the Senate hearings, Biden’s nominee to lead the State Department Tony Blinken defended his support for the disastrous Libya intervention during his time in the Obama administration by blaming its aftermath on Muammar Gaddafi, the leader who was mutilated to death in the streets after a US-led intervention to oust him.
“Here’s what I think we misjudged,” Blinken said. “We didn’t fully appreciate the fact that one of the things Gaddafi had done over the years was to make sure that there was no possible rival to his power, and as a result there was no effective bureaucracy, no effective administration in Libya with which to work when he was gone.”
By “when he was gone” Blinken means when he was dead, because the United States helped kill him after staging an intervention based on lies. He is defending his push for an intervention which led to a failed state where people are sold as slaves by saying that if Gaddafi had run his country better it would not have collapsed into violence and chaos when the Obama administration murdered him.
This is like an axe murderer blaming his actions on his victim’s bad housekeeping. The brazenness with which imperialist goons can shrug off all responsibility for their actions will never cease to astonish.”
YCHMTSU…it’s business as usual for the swamp!1
Col…’the farmer from NZ’,
Libya had the highest standard of living in Africa. That must have been a very high standard of living. A couple of years ago, I was in Morocco. And if Libya’s standard of living was higher than Morocco then it was indeed very high.
Now Libya is a failed state where they sell slaves in the marketplace. And contrary to what the Hildabeast thought, Libya did not metamorphosize into a gloriously free nation. Just the opposite happened.
Despite her abject incompetence, the Hildabeast has now got Biden’s ear. And I expect that Biden will wage more wars in Africa in order to deny influence and resources to China. Unfortunately, that is going to mean more blood and more carnage.
But I do expect major changes in the next decade as China and Russia ascend to dominant roles in the world and Europe starts to see the writing on the wall.
I can only hope that the transition does not end up in nuclear war.
I doubt people have a clue about which country is next on the list to be potentially bombed, and collectively by how many countries and why, and its not on any of the lists being mentioned in the blogousfere.
Hush now you’re going to burst the bubble that houses the Trump supporters with their MAGA I just read a short time ago how many factories (118-120) moved out of the country under Trump, now how does that factor into MAGA it doesn’t but don’t tell them that. Trump ran a scam called which shell is the pea under and no one guessed as he kept moving the pea around, first it was the huge tax cut he gave the 1% including himself, and then it was for the Fed. To keep the rates low, so they could suck up cheap money for stock buy backs to keep the market moving ever higher, then it was to dump trillions into Wall Street and the financial arm of the bankers to protect their wealth. No Trump was/is no patriot he was simply a New York City conman who had years to sharpen up his skills as just how to screw the public over and the sad part is it worked.!!!
I actually wanted Trump to defeat Clinton. She had shown herself to be completely incompetent as Secretary of State. She had driven resource rich Russia into the hands of resource needy (but industrial powerhouse) China – thus, in one fell swoop creating an Eurasian colossus. At the same time, she had also created a staggering refugee crisis which ended up destabilizing America’s closest ally – the EU.
In the course of a few years of incompetence she had put all of American influence at risk. That was something it had taken a century to build up. She had practically destroyed it in a few years.
And when she ran for President. literally stated that she would apply a no-fly zone over Syria despite the fact that Russia had an air base there. She did not understand the first thing about Russia. She undoubtedly thought that Russia would simply roll over and play dead once the USA shouted out “orders.”
She had absolutely no idea just how dangerous her “no-fly” edict would have been for world peace. She was both completely incompetent and totally crazy at one and the same time.
I wanted to win just to keep this raving lunatic out of the White House.
But I couldn’t bring myself to vote for Trump either. I am an American. I was aware of Trump’s personality and his antics. I had also heard him say that he would increase the already insanely bloated military budget – which he did. That was a total non-starter for me.
And – truth be told – he turned out even worse than I feared. I didn’t foresee him bringing in nut-jobs like Bolton and Pompeo. I didn’t foresee him giving more tax cuts to the rich. I didn’t foresee him bringing in Elliot Abrams to try to wreak havoc in Venezuela. I didn’t foresee him exiting START and a lot more. He was a lot worse than even I imagined he would be.
But, of course, that does not mean that good times are coming with Biden. I actually think Biden will be every bit as bad – if not worse.
The next few years will be dark indeed.
To Mike from Jersey,
Mike, I can subscribe to every word you said, but make it next few MONTHS, not years. Things are accelerating very fast indeed – I would say, in a couple of months we will see some really big changes. Not for the better, but at the same time, the pushback is building up as we speak. They are scared.. well, they stole this, hence the speed of implementing all their evil agendas as fast as they can. We, as humanity, need to shut down for GOOD this criminal gang of totally deranged, satanic psychopaths, starting with your holographic “president” and all his cronies that “he” has seemingly “appointed”, followed by most of your so-called “Senate” – a viper’s nest. And of course, the giant media Tech critters which now can shut down your Presidents that they don’t like! All of them are driven evil entities that want total power and control and now they think they ARE in that control, with seemingly no-one to stop them. But they are very wrong..
”At the same time, she had also created a staggering refugee crisis which ended up destabilizing America’s closest ally – the EU.”
While not denying for a second the adorable harridan’s part in the crime against Syria — in the esteemed company of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Mohammed bin Salman — her destabilization of the EU was entirely at the latter’s discretion (possibly with the exception of the Honorary Euro-trash: Poland, the Baltic statelets, Romania, etc.) The EU’s ruling corporatocracy had decided that neoliberalism should seriously be put into action by bringing back the working poor. Erdogan was more than happy to help pass on the war refugees from Turkey into the EU as was the plan all along.
Hillary Clinton might have more things in store for the Euro-trash together with Netanyahu, Erdogan, and bin Salman. Actually, her most compelling achievement thus far is Libya and the ensuing chaos it brought and still brings to Italy. The EU was entirely complicit, as usual.
Absolutely Mike!
Although I am merely an observer from a very long way away and obviously couldn’t vote, your post completely echoes my thoughts.
There were many early signs that heralded just how disastrous Trump’s tenure would be, but arguably none more so than his first presidential visit to KSA in which he signed the $110 billion arms deal.
I remember being utterly sickened at witnessing this moron’s personal delight at the signing. Trump clearly had zero interest that he was underwriting four years of misery in the killing playground of Yemen, KSA’s impoverished neighbour, and helping to add to an already horrendous humanitarian disaster area.
It is anyone’s guess how much of this was due to the fact that Trump is a heartless SOB or that geographically and historically he was completely clueless. Whatever the reason it was a clear signal that at least on the international scene his term would be a series of heartless clueless blunders that would turn out to be a raging bonfire of what remained of the empire’s diplomatic capital.
I wonder if sleepy Joe’s first state visit will be some sought of chilling omen as well?
Fingers crossed it won’t be to the KSA!
I just read that New Zealand signed a treated (along with dozens of other nations) to completely ban nuclear weapons.
May God bless and preserve the good people of New Zealand!
That was supposed to say:
Yeah Mike…
The number of countries that have ratified it is around 50 now…here is a link with some good info…,new%20dawn%20for%20nuclear%20disarmament.&text=Be%20a%20part%20of%20our%20proud%20disarmament%20history!
Not sure about joebumer’s first visit but zero is reporting that a us convoy of some 40 vehicles moved into ne syria from iraq on the first day of his admin-they are not bothering to even try to mask their continued groveling at niten yaa hoo’s feet; not surprising considering the zionist cabinet that joe boy has put together.
Not a good omen at all but again, no surprise.
In Hillary Clinton’s case I think Hanlon’s razor needs to be turned around: don’t attribute to incompetence that which is adequately explained by malice. Chaos is her brand.
spot on.
but don’t expect the trump delusionals to agree.
they still believe in their champion …who’s playing golf down in florida before going to a dinner party with all the other ex presidents.
Oh, a long row of, hair splitters, jumpers up and down, doodlers and the hood winked after, Larchmonter445 refuted the first one !
I can’t believe people still blindly talk about left this right that?
People have a multitude of belief that run the gamut of conservative to liberal.
What Mr Koenig says is correct, we have an unelected powerful cabal who got to that position through nefarious criminal operations and are now ready to scoop the pool.
Because of the ridiculous pyramid structure of power such groups can rule with few numbers of followers.
For humanity to be reborn the old tyranny must be physically removed.
It has always been thus.
The author of this post wrote:
I have really been wondering about this myself.
This is a totally experimental technology which has never been used on a human population before.
They don’t even know if the vaccine will work at all. They say that they will check after the vaccines are given to see if those getting the vaccine nonetheless get serious Covid infections. The CDC literally admits this:
They have no idea how long – if at all – immunity conferred by these vaccines will last. The CDC says:
They don’t know if the vaccines are even safe. They say:
The survival rate for people under 65 years of age is more than 99.80 per cent.
And in Norway, they have found that the side effects are so serious that they few people who really need the vaccine – the elderly – shouldn’t take it since the side effects of the vaccine may kill them.
But the government and the media is pushing for everyone to get the vaccine.
What on earth is going on here?
One thing that comes to mind, among others – many small and dependent states (in the EU for example) still have national health and educational budgets and services. They will now be cracked open. One for the global markets.
Another thought, in the vein of Dark Winter theme, is that of the Monsanto idea of genetic improvement. You develop an organism that is immune to the known/unknown poison. Very, very dark idea of Round-up for Humanity.
Mike. With respect, please re-read the article, which essentially is explaining ‘what on earth is going on’.
Once this “vaccine” rollout s complete, do you think these people are going to stop production and shut down their mRNA industry? They intend to vaccinate the entire global population. Again, and again …
You may very well be right. But I am not at the point where I can believe the the people who run the world are really that evil.
Again, you may very well be right, but I just can’t believe it.
Maybe I just don’t wanna believe it.
It’s called cognitive Dissonance and understandably most people suffer from it. Humans have this tendency to project open other humans their own moral compasses and ways of thinking.
This is why evil gets away with evil so much.
It’s just breathtakingly, mind-bogglingly evil!
Think about it this way Mike: from the perspective of the people carrying out the NWO agenda, they’re not “evil” at all. They believe the world is overpopulated (and it is – capitalism demanded it to be during its rapid growth stages) and this is the plan they’ve developed to fix it. That it primarily benefits them and theirs – the political and economic winners – should hardly come as a surprise. Any group that has the capability to develop and execute such a plan should be expected to do exactly the same. Thus, everything we’re seeing unfold today. The virus hooey is just getting started, with many, many more actually lethal variations soon to come. Same old story. While everyone was worrying themselves sick about the nuclear genie, the geniuses in charge were one step ahead of us again, developing biological warfare pathogens that could be deployed silently, invisibly, and most important of all, deniably(!), to simultaneously reduce population levels, while reducing the sheep to simpering cowards begging for protection from the very people who are intent on eliminating them. Once again, an absolutely ingenious plan expertly executed, thus far at least.
Evil people never think that they are evil. The most despicable people that I have ever met in my life always thought that they were good people doing what they thought that they was right. That was true even if they were clearly harming others and benefitting themselves in the process.
In reality, what they were actually doing was helping themselves at the expense of others. But they never saw it that way. They saw themselves as being good people doing what was necessary under the circumstances.
It makes you wonder why we even have the word “evil” in the dictionary.
LOL! Ironic, isn’t it? Yep, evil is always in the eye of the beholder. One of the more overused and least understood words in the lexicon.
eurgenics – Bill Gates now owns the most farmland of any of the oligarchs in USA – they all own farmland – lots and lots of acres.
Scary stuff – plus I read yesterday Trump’s bank is not letting him access his accounts – omg.
@Mike: “They have no idea how long – if at all – immunity conferred by these vaccines will last.”
Of course “they” have an idea how long these new vaccines immunity will last; and so has everyone else. Covid-19 is (or rather was) a flu virus, and a property of flu viruses is to die off rapidly but leave many mutated progeny : why do you think the population has been injected with a new flu vaccine every year for decades past?
You got all the vaccines and injections, but the health of the country doesn’t seem to be improving over time.
Make no mistake, there will be a hot war pitching the Shia axis against the Sunni / Zionist / Imperialist or Globalist axis. Whether the assassination of Soleimani / al Muhandis was a time delay trigger or not, war is inevitable now. It was a June 1914 Archduke Ferdinand Sarajevo moment. So those who claim that he who ordered the hit “initiated no new wars” are channeling Baghdad Bob.
Spot on !
Thank you Peter Koenig. Before even the 1st step of any challenge to this agenda, is to propagate awareness of what – in hell’s name – is going on.
Yes, Trump was certainly no globalist, Peter. But, MAGA, Make America Great Again, should really have been MIGA, Make Israel Greater Again. He was beholden to Sheldon Adelson and Benjamin Netanyahu from the very beginning of his presidency. Part of his deal with Adelson was to kill the Iranian nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) which he did in short order. He also set the stage for war Iran by killing General Qasem Soleimani. Iranians will never forget that.
Trump surrounded himself with Likudniks and Christian Zionists like Pence and Pompeo whose crazy end-times theology requires not only war with Iran but Russia as well. Trump was their ticket to the Rapture, so of course he “won” the election. As the chairman of the New Mexican Republican Party put it, “He will be our president forever, no matter what the results of the election are.”
That we aren’t already at war with Iran by now is an f-ing miracle, but I’m sure Israel is working on a redo of 9/11, blamed on Iran, that will kick it all off. That will be the end of the Anglo-Zionist Empire and the beginning of who knows what?
Quando se ver que uma pessoa que se diz especialista e trabalhou no banco mundial e vem pregar sem citar dados concretos pode se imaginar o tipo de profissional que é. Cita fraudes mas não mostra um caso concreto, cita cientistas contra máscara não da um nome, esta altright norte americana se perde pela lingua solta.
Google translation,MOD:
When you see that a person who claims to be a specialist and has worked at the world bank and comes to preach without citing hard data can imagine the type of professional he is. Cites fraud but does not show a specific case, cites scientists against mask does not give a name, this North American altright is lost by the loose tongue.
Check out worlds doctors allience….. Telegram or brand new tube you will find the highest PhD & finest proffesors & doctors on there with many posts on how masks are dangerous…. one is the carbon monoxide your body exhales but by mask wearing traps and resends back into your body ding dong!
Bacteria on the mask causing infections and it causes repiritory damage to the lungs due to not enough oxygen all revealed on the site!
“Cites fraud but does not show a specific case.” The cases have been listed over and over again. Anyone genuinely wanting this information can find it.
Wild guess: What if the three toxins, – what they call vaccines, – devised by the NWO states contain nano-particles which constitute something like a kill-switch that one can never get rid of? A molecular kill-switch that can be activated remotely, – say like by 5G, – or other electromagnetic radiation, to “take out” (how do I hate this expression popularized by the US!) anybody that is not fit for the NWO..
I submit to a discussion the following opinion: It may be better for humankind to have a large war, – nuclear or not, – against the NWO states to stamp out that insult to everything our Lord has created, than to wait until we all have been “vaccinated” and thereby turned into their slaves that can be disposed of anytime.
I prefer living in a nuclear desert as a free man or dead than to be a slave to this evil scum!
Interesting how Biden brought up “dark winter” which was supposed to be a bioterrorist attack. Makes one wonder about Covid as a bioweapon.
I remember when he claimed his party had put in place the “most sophisticated voter fraud system” Everyone thought it was a slip of the tongue but in retrospect he wasn’t wrong.
I guess the advantage of having a senile president is that he will occasionally blurt out some deep state secrets…
The author does a good job of listing a number of Donald Trump’s good points. However Trump betrayed much of his base. He didn’t build the wall. He put never Trumpers in most key positions. He turned on many of the very people who worked their ass off to get him elected. Witness how he turned on Ann Coulter, his earliest supporter who got a lot of grief from mainstream media over her early support for Trump. All she ever continued to say was “Keep your promises”, but Trump didn’t like to be reminded that he never kept his key promises. He made his Jewish son-in-law the number 2 man in his entourage and the person who formulated all of Trump’s foreign policy. He put three RINO’s on the supreme court and notice that not one of them did anything to overturn the gross voter fraud in the last election. The three sucked up to Republican Chief Justice John Roberts who is a total disgrace to all of us. I voted for Trump the first time, but couldn’t bring myself to vote for him the second.
But the Republican party was no better. Mitch McConnell arranged things in the Republican senate so that there were always enough Republicans voting with the Democrats to block most of the Trump agenda. I voted straight Republican when Trump first ran, thinking he would keep his promises and a Republican congress would allow him to do so. Last time I voted straight Democrat. Good riddance to Trump and all the Republicans who continually betray what they promise to us in every election.
The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is not a mRNA vaccine. It is a DNA vaccine.
That is my understanding too. Actually an adenovirus delivery system like Spytnik V…
I have been trying to understand the difference between an mRNA vaccine and a DNA vaccine.
I understand that the mRNA vaccine signals DNA to produce a Coronavirus spike to be attached to the cell. The body then recognizes the spike as foreign. It then attacks it and produces anti-bodies to the spike. That much I understand.
Can you explain to me how a DNA vaccine works?
Here is all you wanted to know about viral genomes. And then some.
Interestingly, he mentions the structure of an Adenovirus particle, saying it resembles Sputnik. A little ball studded with antennas — maybe the inspiration for Sputnik V?
I just wonder why hardly any new politician follow advice coming from Stalin:
“Never show others how skilled you are before you get to the top, otherwise you will never get there.”
Trump never had skill to destroy his enemies. He was amateur.
I agree, also I think that he believed that the world is ruled by straight forward rules. He was to naive to think that the cloak and dagger was not the way things were done since the day human walked on the surface of this planet. But, do not think that things are simpler in the world of other animals.
I ve got a question.
If the oriental vaccines are supposedly safer – and I m inclined to believe so – the author must explain why the western cabals can permit and even boost vaccination with the DNA altering contents at home – whilst in enemy territory of Russian Federation and China plus surroundings the western ones will not even penetrate – except for the usual vassal-suspects Japan, Aus, NZ, S Korea.
A serious flop, where it counts, right?
Because the goal of the great reset is to introduce vasselage and reduce “useless” population wherever it can be done.
Russia and China just cannot be reached.
You should read that:
‘why the western cabals can permit and even boost vaccination with the DNA altering contents at home’
Because the home of the ‘western cabal’ is global institutions. The western nations themselves are now simply ‘Globalist’ colonies, and in the colonies the proletariat is the enemy.
Before taking on Russia and China the ‘Globalists’ need to crush the enemies within the colonies that they already control, i.e. the ‘Deplorables’, ‘Gilets Jaunes’ and countless other nationalists and populists who just want to stand up for their countries and fellow citizens.
Off topic, but most Saker related.
I became a fan of the Saker when I read an article by him
in the summer of 2008. It was about the Georgian/Israeli/US invasion of South Ossetia.
(If I can relocate the article I will link to it later)
Took 12 years, but if the linked article has it correct,
After 12 Years Of Deliberations, ECHR Concludes Georgia Began Hostilities Against Russia In August 2008
I learned that 12 years ago from the Saker.
ps, if my memory serves me correctly, back in 2008 I would post as anonymous
on the Saker blog.
I said I would provide a link to the referenced article by the Saker.
I searched it out and am I glad I did ! (more on this below).
The real meaning of the South Ossetian war: Russia strikes back
There was a part II
Part II had a comment by Anonymous (not sure if that was me commenting).
The 2008 comment predicted the breakup of Ukraine!
“Next test for how the Russians respond to armed provocation will be the Ukraine. With a split in a East- and West Ukraine as result. War by proxy and ruling by dividing is the rule in the Pentagon now. The “Big One” is still to come or US will be bankrupt.”
I read the beginning of this article with some concern and amazement, after all, doesn’t it go against establishment protocol, – will you be fired Now ?
Trump said he was a globalist and a nationalist. Both? Why?
Trump’s instincts were mostly good (the influence of Israel as an exception), but he just was not smart enough. He could have brought in a whole new crew … not Bolton, the Generals, etc. That seemed stunningly stupid at the time, which was demonstrated very quickly. It’s a shame. He was really able to connect with the American people (at least those who still think of themselves as Americans) but after being elected, made many bad choices, chiefly in terms of personnel.
Thing is, he not only made bad choices in the first place, but he doubled down on them all along the way. Case in point (among many), Pompeo, who was every bit as bellicose and belligerent as Bolton if not more so. He fires the latter but rides the former all the way to the finish line. It’s almost as if…. wait for it… Trump was a mere puppet actor installed for the express purpose of permanently discrediting populism. If so, I’d have to conclude it was a job very well done indeed. The tell will be if he shuts up and skates prosecution free in the aftermath. I’d count on it.
Trump is the consummate hypocrite. He acted like he was against the “fake news”. Yet he followed the same news outlets that said he had to appoint people “who knew how to get things done in Washington”. All the key appointments he ever made were approved by the very same “fake news” that he claimed to be against. Any appointments not approved by “fake news” and who were Trump’s true friends, Trump turned on and got rid of himself. And these appointed people did know how to get things done. They did exactly what the “fake news” and deep state wanted them to do. IE to block all the promises that Trump made to us in order to get elected.
The difference between Trump and Reagan is that Reagan kept his promises. And when Reagan ran for reelection he carried 49 of the 50 states. If Trump had kept his promises he would have swept to a second term despite all the voter fraud against him. When I saw articles stating that “80% of Trump’s base still supports him”, I felt the end was near for Trump. 80% of the base for him means that 20% of the base turned on him. And I’m one of the 20% who were totally betrayed and who turned on him in the end.
For an alternative explanation of the insurrection please watch this…. to the end!
There is alot of copy-paste fasle infomation in the OP about COVID and the vaccines.
For example:
That the PCR-test doesn’t work is simply not true. Technicians choose sensible amounts of cycles and if the result isn’t convincing enough there will be secondary tests (antigen, or classic virus cultivation). At least that’s the case in the EU.
mRNA-vaccines do not change your DNA. This is patently BS. In general they instruct some cells to produce a part of the COVID-19 spike proteine to which your immune system will then react and produce antibodies.
mRNA does not enter the nucleus of a cell, it is used to instruct the ribosome to produce proteines.
A wholly different topic is if it is ethical to use the population for a phase 4 test of a vaccine.
So basically the author spreads lies.
Kary Mullis, inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction technique (for which he won the Nobel Prize), stated that PCR is not an appropriate tool for diagnosis. PCR doubles the amount of genetic material with each cycle run. Buy enough cans of alphabet soup and you’ve got the Encyclopedia Brittanica. Reduce the number of cycles and you can say wearing earmuffs brought the “pandemic” under control. Technicians don’t choose the number of cycles, they operate under a protocol which tells them how many cycles to run.
The mRNA “vaccines” are claimed to work by causing your ribosomes produce the coronavirus protein. Presence of that protein then triggers an immune response to destroy that protein. The mRNA vaccine also contains syncytin-1 a protein necessary for placental development (but also present in sperm). Will the mRNA vaccines target syncytin-1 causing infertility? Will it compromise the immune system or cause an exaggerated immune response? These questions and many others have not been answered.
Should we just trust “the Experts”? Many experts are concerned about the testing, the masks, the lockdowns, the vaccines, including Pfizer’s former head of respiratory research (Dr. Michael Yeadon) who has called for suspension of vaccine studies. I would say Mr. Koenig raises valid concerns. But of course if no questioning of the party line is allowed, from that perspective you could call him a liar.
Chalk it up to the fraud and terrorism by Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. They are right on not wanting to go to war against Russia, but none of these spies even have the backbones to question the narrarive of the scamdemic! Why? Because they actively conspired in it with Trump supporters, labor, the police, alternative media, Robert Mercer, maybe even Donald Trump himself, and BLM in the Bullshit Counter Revolution to prevent a true populist uprising in a psy-op trying to pre-empt an Occupy Wall Street 2.0!
How do I know this? Well, because I heard them on Sputnik Radio! It might be funny that they would choose Russian Sputnik and RT to get their message out, if it wasn’t so sick! A message of propaganda used to discredit Russia! What a clan of sick, evil, losers!
Vault 7 technology is being used on me and has been since my first phone was hacked in June of 2017, but minimally in 2014 turning my hall light off every night. They have hacked and destroyed everything, even my sleep number bed!
Almost certain now that it was them that hired Russian musician
Einnfalt to write a song about me, Exhibit C God’s will for
Andrea Iravani.
They are on a crusade to save themselves and the 1% by selling my life off in piece meal to 1% deep fake impersonators of me who are too stupid to know their ass from their elbow! They have resorted to the illegal enslavement and false imprisonment of me in my own home in order to accomplish their sadistic self serving crime spree! Also illegal unconsented, uninformed brain surgery, ( through my nose and ears) on me performed on me at Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee on March 27th 2014, and the use of psychotronic weapon torture that started immediately after my first phone was hacked in June of 2017! And They also hacked Julian Assange’s twtter account by their own confession! Total scum bags!
They refuse to admit that it was a scamdemic, and they can’t because they promised labor that it would be like a Bolshevik Revolution, but it is really a Bullshit Counter Revolution! They used the same principles in The Reign of Terror of the French Revolution, but you know for damn sure that this is not a revolution when both parties and the entire government are preaching the same bullshit!
They also used the same techniques of the overthrow of Mossadegh, in the White Revolution by CIA Kermit Roosevelt!
Safer at home. Psychopathic lunatics are still on the loose in full force. Calls from the media increase to stop calling American terrorists terrorists.
How do they expect to cure the disease that has plagued and destroyed America if they refuse to properly diagnose the disease? They are calling for us to be more pragmatic and not call a spade a spade because it hurts the spades reputation.
Can’t we just be pragmatic about things and say that Jeffrey Dahmer was habitually punctual, meticulous, worked diligently, was excessively polite, never caused any disruptions at Ambrosia Chocolate Factory, and that he had an eating disorder or pica instead of calling him a cannibal? Do we really have to call him a cannibal? Do you know the dangers that it poses calling someone a cannibal?
Andrea Iravani
I allege that Christopher Wray is QAnon. Wray started as FBI director in August of 2017. QAnon appeared in October of 2017. QAnon said that he had Q clearance for energy department. Christopher Wray was a WANO attorney and affiliated with Clinton Foundation and Plutonium Disposition agrrement. If the FBI wanted to bust QAnon, they would have done it. They have kept it classified, despite claims that they consider it a terrorist network. The FBI was cultivating the Capitol shooter Q Shahman as a Manchurian Canididate, which they have a long history of doing with domestic terrorists. That is great news that the FBI has finally had the sudden awakening that the FBI is a terrorist cult filled with pedophiles!
The police are too! They have resorted to the sexual enslavement and sexual exploitation of minors with their for profit child porn bitcoin websites!
Are we suppposed to trust the terrorist pedophile cult networks of the surveillance state police state to investigate themselves?
People spy because they are sex offenders, thieves, intellectual property thieves, or identity thieves!
The foxes are guarding the hen house including in the terrorist surveillance cult of InfraGard!
There is no national security with the surveillance state police state, because they are the terrorists! Now claiming to spy on viruses!
They are without a doubt the most mentally incompetent, the most corrupt, and the most perverted, and the laziest people in the world.
Andrea Iravani
If there’s one thing this convid “new normal” has gotten me to do, it’s to ask questions. Why are we so afraid of “viruses”. The natural medicine people tell us they are just harmless particles of life that can only be sustained within living tissue. They can’t be studied in any meaningful way with the tools we have. Electron microscopes, by the limitations of their design, can only study dead tissue, leaving the observer guessing. So the grifting quacks decided these little bits of goo were “dangerous”, and vaccines were the cure. Research monies were granted. Bonanza for fraudsters like Fauci & Co. My high school lab had better microscopes than Pasteur. I don’t need a Ph.D to know we’re being had. Simply put, the quacks are grifters.
Peter, so true.
Also, to all the people talking about the conspiracy that is covid I would like to say, that while there are multi-linguistic source I will provide you with couple of English sites (not to say that there are only two)
So, lets start with this young doctor from Sweden, who by his own words deals with covid regularly:
The site is:
I’ll point you to couple of articles:
Is ivermectin effective against covid?
Are the covid vaccines safe and effective?
You can find there more articles on the subject.
Check out many interesting articles, but here is one:
The mRNA COVID Vaccine is NOT a Vaccine
Similar message comes from Greek sources, but as one Greek virologist researcher says their voices are quenched. Do you wonder why?
Well perhaps if people weren’t so weak and cowardly, they could have easily take back there Nation. The problem is Americans are just too busy with there own little lives that they won’t see them coming and when they do (And They Will) it will be too late. My advice to anyone that truly LOVES GOD, get prepared to hide. You will want to seek out large forests that you can remain unseen in. You will have to think about ground penetrating radar. There are materials that can block it. Be able to hunt and have a fresh water source. Do Not Bring In Any Technological Devices. Cell phones, new radios, scanners, etc. All new tech, even watches, will allow the enemy to find you. I can tell you Patriots will continue to be attacked and jailed but the mass round up will come once the FF occurs. It will give them the “reason” to put Patriots in camps. For the past 30 plus years I have tried to warn people but nobody ever listens. So now I’m done worrying about those that don’t worry about themselves. Good Luck & may God protect you and yours.
Thanks, but I will stand my ground, but go run and into the forest if that makes you feel safer.
Andrea Iravani
To bad there are drones who can easily detect you via IR-signature – there will be nowhere to hide unless in those regions which haven’t been subverted of which there will be and are.
The more we can slow down the destruction the better the odds will be.
As I previously said, Klaus Schwab and the WEF have proven that they believe that the only thing wrong with Hitler is that he was not a globalist. What they want is Hitler’s policies on a more futuristic and global scale, but with far more inequality. We always hear about how terrible Americans are, but Aztecs paid people 16 beans a day for a full days work. Kissinger would be delighted! The perfect plan for them! I guess that it is where ” it doesn’t amount to a hill of beans” came from.
Andrea Iravani
Here is the new list of congressional candidates that fall into one of two categories, frauds, or mentally incompetent half wits!
They are the QAnon candidates.
The entire idea of QAnon and the FBI wanting to bust it is ludicrous! Trump protected pedophiles! When the police were busted for running for profit child porn bitcoin websites, Trump encouraged them! You do not need to run a child porn website to bust pedophiles! That qualifies the police for being sex-offending pedophiles involved in racketeering and the sexual exploitation and sexual enslavement of minors! Those are extremely serious crimes! All ignored by Trump, and all ignored totally by every single QAnon supporter! If they really wanted to prevent pedophila, they would shut TOR down! TOR is owned and operated by the government, and 83% of illicet online activity of all types occurs on TOR!
When Ghilsaine Maxwell was arrested, Trump said, “I wish her well. She’s a nice lady, Her boyfriend just died.” referring to Jeffrey Epstein.
Let’s see how serious or how capable any of these QAnon candidates actually are! My belief is that they opportunistically just rode the gravy train for their own personal glorification.
Andrea Iravani
If the FBI wanted to bust QAnon, they would have done it right away. They could demand the account operator from twitter if they chose to. Everyone knows that they do things like that all the time.
Biden is wrong to replace the word alien in immigration policy with noncitizen. There are many noncitizen legal residents in America that should not be tainted by the possibility of being mistaken for illegal aliens, who have decided that they are exempt from U.S. law, above the law, and that the law does not apply to them. It is insane for labor to unite with illegal immigrants. The increased supply of labor will lower wages and and encourage more illegal immigration. The way that it must be dealt with is by going after those that employ illegal immigrants and rent to them. If the punishment is only on the illegal immigrant and those that are employing them and renting to them are not prosecuted for harboring illegal aliens, it will never stop. To deny that it is a huge problem is insane. It is illogical to encourage more immigration during a non growth period in the economy. This is an economic collapse, and we need to focus on meeting the needs of our citizens.
Andrea Iravani
We’ve always enjoyed reading Peter Koeing’s articles. Pithy, to the point and relevant.
However, we wish he had stuck to his central premise:
“The Great Reset” involves (apparently) killing most all Americans via vaccinations, or some bio-warfare operation. That would be a “cakewalk” in murdering several millions of Americans because 3/4ths of the population is unfathomably illiterate and ignorant about such schemes.
But let’s go a step further with these Monsters like Gates, Schwab & the Davos Group. So they eliminate the US citizenry. The next step is what? Why would they fund the South w/ billions of $s?
Some of this logic simply doesn’t work. Does this mean they will gas millions of Russians, Chinese, some in the Middle East…………………and those nations will sit idly by and allow this?
Someone explain that? Just how are these Monsters going to go about this dystopian future in the face of half the world & powers who simply will not tolerate such egregious acts?
I can assure you, Mr Koenig, that Astra Zeneca’s C19 vaccine is not an mRNA type, it is vector vaccine using modified adenovirus as carrier. Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine is of the same type, using slightly different adenovirus as a carrier. This is why AZ wants to cooperate with Gamaleya and combine the two vaccines, i.e. both are of the same type – vector vaccines and have nothing to do with mRNA type vaccines.
A lot of big pharma employees masking as posters that we never before seen here are coming to spread lies and do damage control on their untested poison posing as vaccines.
Just spare me your droning and drooling. I am not in the business of fools amelioration, my input is always 100% right and proven. I am sure even the mods can attest to that both from my posts here and in the TG chanel (under Genomir)
Francis A Boyle, the foremost expert in the United States on Chemical and Biological Weapons has developed an air-tight statement to give to your Doctor if you are asked to take one of these Franken-jabs, or if you are asked to administer one. It is in this video interview of Professor Boyle by Regis Tremblay which also has his contact information.
Maybe a tad OT but I wanted to post this dated article brought forward to the present ominous time to highlight the seditious Council of Foreign Relations (CFR); this org wields enormous power which will only be increased with the zionist/neo con cretins being installed in the rough riding with biden admin:
(video, 3 min propaganda, strong cup of coffee needed)
(massive funding, extensive tentacles in all “establishment” infrastructure)
Don’t be silly. Trump lives in the US, but has factory workers in CHINA, loans from Germany and Russia, and Trump-branded properties on 4 continents. His NBC TV show is franchised all over the world. Oh and he has employed illegal aliens in the US for many years.
He’s obviously a globalist. I’m sure you know how to separate facts from the MAGA RHETORIC he used to get votes.
Well, I am sorry to be the party pooper, but just a touch of reality.
Trump and Biden are both lackeys of the Unmentionables. Have always been, will always be. Yes, there may be some slight differences on some questions, for sure. But in the end of the day, they both kneel in front of The Master, make no mistake.
I guess Trump was pushed aside, because The Unmentionables did not like the look of the MAGA movement. Too white, too dangerous. Too masculine. The Unmentionables do not like risks, they prefer Insider Info, Insider Breeding…
Here, of course, “war by deception” activists are spreading all kinds of interesting theories, just to create a lot of dust to cover the truth. That is what they do, that is what they will always do. A lot of noise, lot of “opinions”.
But there we are: One Enemy, one and only.
Look at the faces of the social media, faces of the Biden regime, faces of the MSM, faces of the banksters, faces of FED. One Enemy, one and only.
> “But Mr. Trump’s legal team was not successful in bringing forward and defending their evidence before any court, including the US Supreme Court.”
The courts never even let evidence get entered. Not once.
> ” Imagine the Immense power behind this Global Cabal!”
2/7 supreme court justices, 13/100 senators, 120/435 congress, 0/8 joint chiefs of staff, 0/1 VP. That is the number of people who think free & FAIR elections matter. Not much imagination required when you look at that score card.
> “why suddenly a new type, never tested before vaccine?”
“never tested”? You are being very kind. Try this on:
1) Completely experimental
2) Never worked in man nor beast
3) Killed all the animals in 2012 when they were exposed to the wild virus
4) Skipped the animal trials this time
5) No long term studies done
All the while we’ve had a cure and prophylactic since August 2020 that is vastly safer, vastly more effective and vastly cheaper. Ivermectin + Doxycycline + Zinc
If they had implemented this in August 2020 we’d have been done by the end of September. If they had done this in December after the senate appearance it would be OVER BY NOW. Eleven RCT’s WITH data (unlike their precious vaccine) show spectacular results.
Professor Thomas Borody in August 2020 said:
“It’s easier than treating the flu now”. “You can actually eradicate it”. “We know it’s curable”
and the senate testimony by Dr. Pierre Kory (FLCCC Alliance, ) in early December.
Stupid assessment Trump not a globalist, Trump was bailed out by Rotschilds in mid 90es after his epic casino business fiasco, both his dad and grand dad and him self have got the zionist “Tree of life” award. Already
there you know he sold him self out! March 202 he bailed out the banksters TWICE!