I don’t know if this particular guy is real or not, but he does remind me of some folks I have seen down here in Florida. Now, let me stress that only a small minority of Americans are like that – but they are out there, I have seen them myself.
The Saker
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This is hilarious. Having actually graduated from a southern university (not in Florida — there isn’t a school worthy of consideration in Florida…) I know it’s dangerous to underestimate the intelligence of Southerners. They tend to know exactly what they need to know. Let’s say they are intellectually “efficient”. That said — my son — who also attends the same southern university — believes that 75% of the south is represented by the guy in this video.
Anyway — everyone knows soccer IS the “sport of satan”. Only REAL American sport is Lacrosse. Cheers.
@Anonymous:there isn’t a school worthy of consideration in Florida.
Oh that is SO unfair!! Come on, UF at Gainsville is a very good college, and so is Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona.
75% of the south is represented by the guy in this video.
That is also unfair. I have been living in Florida for the past 12 years now and I would say that no more than 5% of Floridians are like that. 5% is still a huge and scary figure, no need to make it bigger.
This is the kind of stuff these guys like to do:
(they call it ‘mudding’)
Another example: a few years ago a guy actually beat up his girlfriend with an alligator. Yes, you read that right. *With* an alligator: he kept a baby gator in his bathtub (illegal and dangerous) and he often like to beat up his girlfriend. One day he got really mad, grabbed the gator by the tail and smacked her with it. That’s when she went to the cops and the story went public.
Anyway, all this is to say that I love Florida, its a beautiful and absolutely unique place on earth. I love to kayak or cross-country mountain bike its amazing and huge wilderness, the ocean and beaches are fantastic, and most Floridians are very nice and good people.
But yes, 5% are inbred redneck who are outright scary looking (though even they are mostly nice and friendly people – they are amazingly polite and friendly when you talk to them).
So, please, diss the South all you want, but be kind to my beloved Florida :-)
(I am referring to the *real* Florida, of course, not the horror which Disney and the rest of them offer to dumb tourists!!).
The Saker
“This is the kind of stuff these guys like to do:
Not sure what is more repulsive: the video, the “music”, or the fact that it has over 6m views. Sigh…
Nice to know your a fellow Floridian, Saker !!
@Is it real…?
What I am going to tell now is real, I swear.
Many years ago (twenty) I was in Melbourne on a tram. On the bench in front of me two slightly coloured boys. Facing them a guy, carbon copy of the guy in the video (a bit fairer) including the cap. He was pontificating towards the coloured guys: “Soccer is a game for women, poofters (aussie slang for homos – today banned)and wogs (immigrants of non-english background). Footy (football) is a real sport, for real men”. The coloured boys countered: “But the English don’t play soccer?”. The answer came like a thunderbolt: “A,a,a, that’s different. English soccer is the best in the world!”.
Hilarious! It’s satire, btw
Yes, satire; really, really, good satire. Water, I think that your “five percent” is a little shy of reality. We who live in the Bible Belt don’t regard Florida (excepting north Florida) as part of the “South”. I would guess the percent of rednecks in the citified south to be somewhere around thirty to forty percent and in rural areas, closer to seventy percent– redneck being of course a relative term, most aren’t quite the extreme of “Billy Bob” but plenty of his type definitely exist and many more come close! The sad part is that the younger generations (gen x and later) are definitely worse and more aggressive than the older folks–who tend to be more racist in the traditional sense, but much kinder to their fellow man, black or white or other.
I’ve spent some time in Daytona area– not on vacation; it truly is as they call it, the armpit of America. Some of that i. ,s because southerners and rednecks go there on vacation–Daytona 500, anyone? Florida has it’s share of rednecks, but probably there it’s closer to five percent.
IMO most rednecks although ignorant and poor as anything are honest, kind, and truly good people who would give you the shirt off their backs if you or anyone you knew were in trouble. One caveat: it is said that a redneck is someone you can have fun with, but a southern gentleman is who you bring home to mama.
True story that I am not making up: there are several churches around here that discourage us from involving Saint Nicholas aka Santa Claus in Christmas celebrations because if you rearrange the letters SANTA you get SATAN. The rest of their argument has to do with a) the character of Santa Claus is supposedly a mixture of a mythological “Roman Catholic saint” and euro-pagan mythology and therefore not to be associated with Christianity (most people I know, myself included until recently, don’t even know exactly where Santa Claus originates from), and b) the diabolical commercialism of a “Christian” holiday. Their real beef is point b; I think they say the rest so they can sound smart to those who are more ignorant than themselves.