Note by the Saker: to fully understand how evil and hypocritical all this business about “consecrating” Russia to something by the Latins, you need to be aware of two things: the Ukraine is the creation of the Papacy and its goal has always been the destruction of Russia and the so-called “Marian apparitions” are just one of the many hoaxes, falsifications, forgeries and outright satanic manifestations of the typical Latin spiritual delusions (prelest). Finally, I remind everybody that the moderation guidelines (#20.4) specifically ban the advocacy of “Latin Christianity (Papism, including the propaganda of the so-called “Marian apparitions” including the Fatima hoax)“. Any attempts to justify these so-called “consecrations” or any attempts to justify the Latin heresy will result in the comment sent to trash the its author banned.
What is Bergoglio up to?
by Stephen Karganovic for the Saker Blog
Orthodox believers will remain unfazed by this, and one may also assume that many followers of the disintegrating Roman Catholic church will be equally unimpressed, but nevertheless a recent Vatican announcement about “consecrating” Russia and Ukraine on March 25 (while some derision is allowed) should not be taken lightly.
To be precise, it may and should be taken lightly only in the religious sense, but it ought to be treated with all due seriousness and respect where it counts for the Vatican, politically. Coming in close coordination with the initiation of the brutal campaign to annihilate Russia politically, morally, and economically, Bergoglio’s move, while dressed up in religious garb, is a secular power play and geopolitics, pure and simple.
The consecration is inextricably bound up with an alleged appearance of the Virgin Mary to shepherds in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, essentially replicated, following a similar pattern, many decades later, in Medjugorje, Bosnia. This is not the place to analyse the Fatima event in great detail. It suffices to say that it was extremely controversial from the start.
The thrust of the Fatima “vision” was that the subsequent fate of the world mystically depended on the “consecration of Russia” to the heart of Virgin Mary, because otherwise “Russia’s errors” would spread throughout the world. At the time that the request for Russia’s consecration was allegedly made from on high, the Bolshevik revolution was in its initial stages and the reference to “errors” which its victory might propagate globally made some sense, not just to Roman Catholics, but to people of other backgrounds as well.
The time frame and context in which the consecration request was originally made (1917) for the purpose of impeding the spread of “Russia’s errors” is extremely important for assessing the true nature and the probable motives behind Bergoglio’s current initiative to finally bring it about, and in this particular geopolitical situation.
The Bolshevik revolution succeeded in putting Russia under Communist and atheist control, and the simultaneous formation of the Communist International, precisely for the purpose of spreading the errors that concerned the Blessed Virgin, obviously should have created a clear and present threat that ought immediately to have triggered the requested consecration, assuming that the Vatican seriously believed in the authenticity of Fatima narrative.
Instead, the Vatican was engaged during most of the 1920s in pursuing an accommodation with the very Soviet regime that the heavenly mediatrix was warning against. It was offering it its implicit acquiescence in return for a free hand to annex the battered remnant of the persecuted Russian Orthodox Church and to freely propagate Roman Catholic dogma to the Russian masses.
The accommodation ultimately fell through, and the Vatican took up a militantly anti-communist and anti-Soviet position. Various Popes subsequently did make what appear to have been half-hearted and procedurally defective attempts to fulfil the Fatima consecration mandate, but in the end the consensus of most Roman Catholic authorities was that they were improperly executed (“botched,” deliberately or not) and therefore were invalid and without effect by Roman Catholic canonical standards.
In the wake of the “aggiornamento” and Vatican II, not pushing the consecration too insistently made political sense. While on one hand church conservatives had to be kept at bay with some noises indicating openness to carry out the Virgin’s mandate, practical political considerations (always foremost in Vatican’s calculations) favored building influence within the Eastern bloc in order to more easily undermine it in concert with the Western powers (the Reagan – John Paul pact). Those considerations dictated that grossly provocative gestures such as were allegedly demanded at Fatima be temporarily shelved.
And so they were, except for some harmless PR games that were played with reference to the content of the “third secret” and speculation over the possible substitution of Sister Lucia, one of the original Fatima children, by another cloistered nun more amendable to the current Vatican party line in the post-Conciliar period.
Fast forward to 2022. Outwardly, it should have come as a surprise that the until recently side-lined Fatima matter suddenly became so urgent and central in the mind of the holy father. Why the rush to fast-track a ritual that for slightly over one hundred years has lain on the Vatican’s back burner without any visible prejudice to Russia, the Ukraine, or the rest of the world?
It does not take a rocket scientist to answer that question. There is no religious urgency whatsoever. The overwhelming majority of Christians in Russia and the Ukraine are Eastern Orthodox and Vatican, Roman Catholic mumbo-jumbo is not even on their radar. It does not concern or affect them in the least. A legitimate side question, of course, is what gives the Pope and the Vatican the right to “consecrate” millions of souls who are not even affiliated with them? Would it not be polite to at least ask for their consent? It is probably late at this point to organize a consecration referendum in the lucky candidate countries because March 25 is too close, but the sheer arrogance of designating subjects for religious ritual without their consent is indeed stunning. And typical, one is tempted to add.
There is just one coherent explanation for Bergoglio’s rush to “consecrate.” It is the currently raging Ukrainian crisis and the Vatican’s determination to demonstrate urbi et orbi its political alignment with the West’s general assault on Russia. It is a signal of the Vatican’s determination that at last, over a century later, the moment is finally ripe to openly join the collective, political West in extirpating “Russia’s errors,” and if possible annihilating Russia itself.
A double irony is apparent in this charade which will soon be perpetrated by a largely spent, but still formidable, global political force masquerading as a religious institution.
First, in 1917 “Russia’s errors” may have been a genuine issue (in reality those were the false doctrines of Russia’s new rulers, rather than the beliefs of the Russian Orthodox people) and those doctrines were indeed execrable not just from the standpoint of traditional Roman Catholic teaching but of all decent people everywhere. But those are errors that contemporary Russia rejects completely, having adopted instead many of the values that at the time the Fatima Virgin allegedly spoke the Roman Catholic church technically stood for but which it has since opportunistically discarded. That fact alone gives the lie to Bergoglio’s theatrical pretensions.
The other blatant irony is that it is the collective West, with the Vatican as its spiritual centre, which owes the world an accounting for the innumerable errors that have become its dominant creed. If a ritual of consecration is necessary to disperse the errors which threaten the stability of the moral order, Bergoglio would do better to reformat the event he has scheduled for March 25. He should forget Russia and the Ukraine and, if he must, make the collective West, including the European Union and NATO, the object of his error busting consecration.
The show set by the Vatican for March 25 is not a religious exercise in any proper sense of that word. It will be stage managed by the man who during his relatively brief pontificate has hollowed out even the vestiges of his church’s traditional teaching that he found at the time of his investiture. Whether that man even believes in God is not an unreasonable question. He has far fewer divisions today than his predecessor had at the time Stalin impishly popped his famous question, but like a gambler who goes va banque he is betting all his dwindling assets on the unconditional victory of Russia’s enemies and symbolically demonstrating his allegiance to them.
He is hoping for a piece of the action in the ignominious world order that is being designed by the ungodly coalition of which his fallen institution has become an integral member. Unfortunately for him, he may have overplayed his hand and met his match. Smart money is betting that when rewards for service are set to be distributed, and the Roman pontiff has even fewer divisions than now under his command, he will be dumped unceremoniously as over the centuries he himself had dumped the Lord whose earthly vicar he insolently claimed to be.
I am a Catholic, and I totally agree with what the writer says. Bergoglio is a degenerate monster who is systematically demolishing the last remnants of traditional Christianity in the West. His “consecration” of Russia is an arrogant farce.
attention, very important!
Russian channel 5 column advertising, and showing false image of Russians in the US and English-speaking world.
the 5 columns are in full swing now in russia, this needs to be reported
you are totally off topic…
the moment now is not of arrogance. While we remain judicious, the Zionist empire uses all weapons to cancel, erase the resistance and Russians. Every missed opportunity is victory for the enemy. All information presented is a weapon for the enemy to use to destroy resistance. We need to adapt our paradigm with humility.
This is one of the most disturbing columns I’ve ever read. I related the article to my SO, an Uzbeki, and she said Oh, yes. She knew about it. She had an aunt who had tried to convert her and her siblings using this Fatima thing. She said she spent many years thinking something was wrong with her, that she couldn’t see the apparitions. That she wasn’t spiritual enough. She thinks it’s all hogwash now. Thanks for posting. It’s endlessly wrong but also fascinating that those people are like this.
Yep, if anything, he’s a “false prophet”, or more like a degenerate clown, sign of the times. The perversity of the Roman church has been so bad, that I’ve thought seriously about joining the orthodox faith.
Same for me. Waited 20 years in hope for change. Then became orthodox.
Archbishop Carlo Viganò in his 35-page declaration last week laid out why Russia is totally justified in her actions and is on the side of Christ and the Ukraine government is fundamentally corrupt and evil and is on the side of the Satanic Globalist West.
Bishop Richard Williamson is a traditionalist Catholic bishop educated at Cambridge University and all but says in the beginning of this homily that Putin/Russia is on the side of Christ and those against Russia are on the side of the devil. And the slurs against Russia come from the devil.
We Latins gave you the concept of Rome, your welcome.
The current Pope is a wicked Jesuit and aligned with the Deep State.
He cannot be trusted. Even his own Bishops have been denouncing him lately.
Its therefore not surprising he is involved with the UKN crisis.
We must note the Pope John Paul 1 (who was Russia friendly) was murdered after only 33 days in office.
The CIA is suspected of being behind that evil deed.
I used to have dreams with a vampire-pope trying to attack and kill me. In the dream he would always just stand there with a wicked grin, before baring his fangs. Those dreams were dark.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
There is an Orthodox reading of Fatima, in it Russia refers to the entire world of materialistic regimes, not Russia as a nation or communism per se. In that sense the entire world would be needed to be consicrated to Mary’s immaculate heart. Additionaly, some say the third secret was never revealed, supposedly it deals with the Satanic infiltration of the Catholic church into the very seat of the Pope himself.
Fatima might very well be important this conflict, but maybe not in the way we all think.
There is an Orthodox reading of Fatima
No, there is no such thing.
This is the proper Orthodox view:
Stop peddling this as some anything but a Latin PR (PSYOP?) action.
Dear Saker,
Thank you for having the courage to state this. Even though Tolstoi was very much a Westernizer and agnostic, he wrote a short story called Father Sergius that effectively shows what is prelest and what is holiness. I recommend to all to say the simple JESUS PRAYER that is suitable for all Christians to pray without ceasing. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon me a sinner. Also the Rosary is a genuinely spiritual powerful prayer, using the words of the gospel. All Catholics and Orthodox can say it without fear to Mother Mary, theotokos.
Lila, thanks for this exquisite morsel of common sense.
At some point, as we’re drowning in a sea of lies, propaganda and ego-driven world views, the only sure recourse is to turn to the source of all Truth and all Creation for guidance and solace.
It doesn’t take a genius to understand that things are turning ugly. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Do the Copts hold the same views (not just Fatima topic, but in general) as the Russian Orthodox ? Egypt has been pretty silent / cautious during the whole crisis beyond Sissi urging mediation (who seems to be on the same page as Russia in may things related to Africa and Mid East) as opposed to Edrogan’s bellicosity.
No, the Copts (and one of my best friends was a Copt) are Monophysites, who teach wrongly concerning the nature of Christ (hence the name ” one nature ” that in effect Our Lord didn’t have or ceased to have a human nature, absorbed or annihilated by the Divine nature of Christ). And so they fell to Islam all these centuries. that’s what heresy does, weakness that leads to Islamic conquest. Itll be the same with the West, I think
This psy-op operation of “consecration” has nothing to do with orthodoxy or christianity, but certainly with the greed for power. Released for the first time in 1917 (hope for destruction of the russian Church and conversion of Russia) second time 1938 or 1939 (in prevision of operation Barbarossa) third time in 1952 (rollback program of republicans) etc…
There was a very interesting article in a 90’s number of Covert Action Quaterly about the relation between Fatima cultism and some very rignt wing military institutions in the West.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
Pope John Paul II did precisely that – he consecrated the whole world. The apparitions of Fatima (whether you believe in them or not) preceded the Bolshevik revolution so in that context it could have been indeed prophetic. Consecration then would have made sense from a Catholic point of you but they didn’t do it then – subsequently as stated – JPII consecrated the whole world so consecrating Russia and Ukraine today is simply virtue signaling from Bergolio who seems to be particularly ignorant on most matters (from climate change to LGBT issues) and is detested by most non-progressive Catholics. Many indeed doubt how much his election was legitimate (for various reasons). A true Catholic is archibishop Vigano and see what he had to say on the matter of Russia/Ukraine:
Benedict XVI – was very well disposed to Orthodoxy going so far as to state it is one of the two lungs of Christianity. So it’s unfair to lump all Catholics together as enemies with evil intentions looking to abolish either Russia or Orthodoxy. On many traditionalist Catholic blogs there is much more nuance on what is really happening and even in certain instances outright support for Russia (one must keep in mind that this – despite that most are simply marinating in Western propaganda and don’t have the time to do there own research.)
Personally, as a practicing Catholic I believe in Fatima (I respect the Saker’s opinion to disagree) – but I also believe that the prophecy only made sense in anticipating the creation of a Bolshevik atheist regime. SADLY and this is most frustrating, people in the West insist on confounding the USSR with Russia. It is this intentional blurring of Russia with the totalitarian USSR in the West that is unfortunately most effective in creating suspicion in people’s minds here, and making them more susceptible than they should to Western propaganda. Add that to the inability of most of the West (and the world) to understand the Russian language (and therefore the ability to hear the other side) and you begin to understand why so many have such a false idea imbibed in their heads so easily.
Over here, I must state that the Russian authorities have made a great mistake in not investing more in English language media platforms and social network alternatives to facebook, youtube etc over the past two decades – even helping bloggers translate their material, etc. Just look at RT how successful it was – imagine if there were much more media outlets and social networks. Imagine if telegram channels like colonel cassad, signal, rybar were easily accessible in English (without the annoying machine translation!). Most facebook users would abondon it in a flash if there was an alternative.. love it or hate it – English is the lingua franca of the world – from India to Africa most people get international news and opinion in English – and very few of them understand Russian. Why should it be down to tireless work of volunteers such as this site that have to take all the work to translate speeches and videos for example? This I never understood and in this day and age where everyone has a smartphone is simply inexusable.
Anyways, back to consecrations – I personally think consecrating any country to Our Lady if one believes she is the mother of God, can never be of any harm. Recently here in Malta where I live, we have been petitioning our Archbishop to do just that for our country – (increasingly falling victim to the progressive disease) – however as I Catholic, I have no qualms saying that if Russia needs a consecration, then the West (including sadly many individuals in the Vatican) need a full-blown exorcism. And yes it is correct to state there are also many Marian prophetic messages (not just Fatima but also Akita and others) that unambiguously claim that the Vatican itself will fall into apostasy.
Hope my comment does not go to the bin, it is done in good faith!
Peace to all (Real peace which must be accompanied by justice).
Why did they preface this comment as one written by a “troll”? Men who worship the “Patriarchy” feel so threatened by any suggestion that the matriarch could obtain any real spiritual or divine influence, other than being physically blessed with the womb needed to bare the Son of God or the Son of man.
As a woman, I inherently realize what my heart tells me on a daily basis, That when the meek finally do inherit the earth, most of those blessed and grateful recipients will be women. The nationality of those women will be irrelevant. Ps. I’m a woman, not a troll.
To me, this is just a continuation of some unholy western anti-Russia crusade. These mercenaries and other fools going to ukraine are convinced that they are fighting godless heathens, atheist bolsheviks, or both. This is the way they have been conditioned to see Russians so as to be able to kill them easier without any pangs of remorse.
It is evident that the moral regressives were always in the west. The mask has come off.
Back around the year 180 AD, Irenaeus, the Bishop of Lyon wrote a massive, five volume treatise denouncing heresy; indeed, it was simply titled “Adversus Haereses.” (Against Heresy)
Were he alive to-day, I’ve no doubt that Irenaeus would consider Bergoglio in particular, as well as most of the popes over the past 1000 years, to be heretics.
Antoinetta III
he absolutely would
as would all the other Church Fathers
anyone doubting that has not read them
Also Saker,
Tell me, if Fatima is truly from the spirit, why did the message call it the errors of Russia? Karl Marx was German, not Russian, and the revolutionaries were students of his. And the same error existed before Marx in the French Revolution. Why not call it error of France, or of utopians or of Masons or of stupid intellectuals who make theories up because they are too proud to acknowledge their limits as human beings?
Interesting point. From my perspective, there has been only one REVOLUTION in Western Civilization … and that is the French Revolution. The issues regarding the nature of the state, law, and justice; the relationship between the “estates” or classes; and the place of religion in public life were all created and defined by the French Revolution.
The Russian Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 was essentially a replay of the French Revolution with different actors … and the actors exquisitely performed their expected roles. We watched the Jacobins come onto the stage, we witnessed the consecration of the Goddess of Reason in the cathedral, we experienced the Thermidorian Reaction, we accepted the social upheaval as ushering in a New Global World Order, and we ironically lauded “Napolean” who put that New World Order on a firm foundation.
Of special interest, Lenin and Salin considered it only a question of time before their “Napoleon” would arise within the military to seize control and undo the revolution. Hence, the constant purges in the military up through and after WWII in order to coopt a potential “Napolean” before he could make his move.
If any revolution should be vilified by the West, it should be the French Revolution rather than its cheap imitations. But that would strike at the heart of contemporary society because the current epidemic of “wokeness” is a testimonial that the French Revolution indeed succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations.
The book is available online if anyone is interested.
Saint Irenaeus Against Heresies Complete
For anybody having any shred of hope this institution is worth any recognition………
Counter action to this is very simple, Russia should immediately start a full scale PR blitz in Latin America in favor of Liberation Catholicism, and their Martyrs who ultimately fell by the machinations of the western neoliberal power mongers.
Latin Americans by a WIDE margin support Russia’s push back against the west, so going full bore against Catholicism is a very bad idea.
Russian Orthodox Christians were considered by Muslims, and considered Muslims as enemies for a very long time, even existential enemies at times. Well, thats certainly changed in recent years. So, keep that same dynamic shift in mind when it comes to Catholics, especially the hundreds of millions in Latin America who are natural moral allies of Russia in many areas.
So many falsehoods here. I will ignore them. I will just sum up not the contents of what you wrote, but the purpose. It is simple “do not shed a light on the evils of the Papacy”. And maybe then, in another 1000 years or so, Latins worldwide will join forces to help Russia.
Do you really think that the Russian Orthodox are that stupid?
this might help you get a better grasp of things:
All these apparitions of the Blessed Virgin or anyone else coming to give secrets is a load of nonsense. If a message is to be kept secret there is no use to give it. If the higher beings give messages it is for the good of humanity and the recipient is told to spread the message.
I might get the axe for it but as a catholic i want to speak:
First, i agree that the west nowadays talking about errors of Russia is silly, the west is the home of big errors of all kinds of liberalism, so i think the Fatima message is outdated nowadays, as it is pretty clear that the target was the Bolchevism spread, not the current Russia spreading errors. But, i want to point out that ok, the modernist hiearchy support the liberal west, i get it, its a issue, but as a traditional catholic we are agaisnt this behavior and fighting modernism so the Church can get back on track, and if you go look, a lot of trad catholics support Russia, even Bishop Williamson do so, some recent sermon of Him he did a good apology on the war in defense of Russia, so dont put us all in one big bag, i get that the orthodox tend to deslike us and vice versa, but we are fighting the same enemy, at least, the catholics that got the message.
Second, i dunno if the reason was totally to appear west supportive or just wanting to look a defender of peace, but i do think some good fruit can come of it, so lets wait and see.
Just remember not all catholics hate Russia and a lot support it, dont create more enemies for it because you deslike us.
your “trad catholics” (whose traditions come from the 19th century!) want to convert all Orthodox Christians and submit them to your Pope.
The rest is just packaging and lies.
I really do disagree that our traditions come from that time,but eh, dont you as an orthodox want to convert the peoples to your Church? shouldnt be so shocking defending that if you do really believe that your Church is right.
Dear Rafael
Agree with the tone of your response but as to : “it is pretty clear that the target was the Bolchevism spread”
Perhaps this was one of two initial thrusts of Vatican response to Communist Russia. But in very early fiftiefifties when I was a young student (9 years) I can remember Sisters of Charity urging all of our class to pray for the
conversion of atheistic communism to Catholicism. We were not informed at the time nor have I any reason now
to believe that it was an oversight to mention that greater proportion of population was most probably a part of
the underground Russian Orthodox Church. This disparagement seems quite underhanded.
There was no emphasis on the evils of communism except it was atheistic. And this the people of Russia had
to be saved from. Better yet to have prayed that they persevere in their Jesus trusting Orthodox faith.
I get the orthodox get weirded that we want them to become catholic, but i do think they want the same from us, so eh, its normal to want that if you really believe your Faith is true one.
As a catholic i think that the worst error is to think that my religion is the only one and for all the others. All the others are lost in the true way and need my help. This is a recipe for war. And the other side is being religious because this requires their nation (Bosnia) even if they know almost nothing about, neither believe in God. I think that religions should mind their own business and cooperate in real moral questions. Let say for Slovenia. Majority is catholic, than orthodox, islam and lutheran. When there is a question of euthanasy, abortion, fluid sexes, destroying families, they should all together raise their voice. All religious institutions should be a voice of tradition and freedom in the conservative way. They all have the same problems. In modern society God is forgotten. So don’t steal believers from each other. My religion is fine for me, for my coworkers and friends from Bosnia and Serbia theirs. We should respect this.
I don’t agree. Yes, this might have political ramifications, but some more blessing is always welcome.
This is spiritual warfare, and will have its own results, and perhaps the Papal Antichrist is the Antichrist of the last days.
There is a very key point being made in your statement, “this is spiritual warfare”!
We (all humans) are not engaged in conflict with one another, rather against principalities. I pray for all men. We are all attacked relentlessly by fallen angels to foment divide amongst ourselves. Peace is unity. God is love. I set aside my understanding and differences in understanding God with my fellow men for God is unknowable except through Christ. However, we should not fall silent upon the lies of the deceiver, but call them out and put them in the light. Darkness cannot exist in Light’s presence.
Make no mistake, it is spelled out in scripture that in the last days before the second coming, there will be a one world government headed by the antichrist. This is God’s will. Though atrocities abound, it can’t and won’t be stopped, yet God will protect His flock. That doesn’t mean the faithful won’t suffer, quite the contrary, the church is and always faces persecution. (and by church I assert the orthodox meaning of the faithful who being baptised in the name of Christ and follow God’s will). Let us all repent of our sins and focus our lives towards God. For this world is condemned (for it is set under the authority of Satan for the time being) and our focus should be on the Kingdom that is to come. Lord have mercy on us and peace be with us all.
I was a very devout Catholic, did missionary work, was an apologist and somewhat successful. When I started putting down the apologist banner and the theological thinking cap on, I started abandoning the RCC, and I started exploring Orthodoxy. Sadly there are no Orthodox communities where I live they are all far away.
The RCC is a racket, it is a control tool for a few very powerful men and the Pope is their puppet.
I thought the RCC had settled beyond doubt that JPII had done the consecration right and that is why the Soviet Union fell.
Consecration means dedicated for a special purpose. Whatever Bergoglio’s twisted purpose may be, he’s wasting his time. Russia has already been consecrated by God for a holy purpose in these last days. Numerous Orthodox prophecies attest to this. Also, regarding Fatima, it’s my understanding that the appearances to a few children gave short benign messages (appropriate for innocent children), while the expanded, detailed instructions and prophecies came later from a deluded nun who never saw anything.
It should be borne in mind that the second message of Our Lady of Fatima refers to the desire of the Immaculate Heart of Russia to convert Russia to the Catholic faith, to bring peace to the world, in the second it should be borne in mind that Bolshevism is essentially Catholic Zionism. So all this is not possible without the Roman Catholic Church, in essence, this is the millennial concept of the destruction of Russia-Orthodoxy, as the faith of the Roman Catholic faith is unique and its appearance is in political thought which is a complete political program.
the desire of the Immaculate Heart of Russia to convert Russia to the Catholic faith
No kidding!
That is all the Latins care about: worldly power.
Just look at these dates, they tell the full story:
• Rome cuts itself from the rest of Christianity 1054 AD
• The Papacy adopts the Dictatus Papae in 1075 AD
• First Crusade is unleashed in 1096 AD
Here in Canada, when JPII visit us (1984) many people are talking about that “consecration of Russia” and the Fatima message. I have heard many times my father (a very good guy indeed, blessed be his memory) and his fellows friends reminding that the two first parts of the message are just passed. This is the third one that is interesting and supposedly it isn’t about Russia at all…but about Canada. A very short message: “Pauvre Canada”. Vatican never confirms that but here in Canada a lot of catholics have been aware of that. During the summer 2013 Social Forum Canada-Quebec-First Peoples in Ottawa I met and discuss a lot with a guy from the West who has ukrainian ancestors. Right there he was already quite sure that all is settled for explosion. He experiment that in the “ukrainian cultural community in Manitoba” where all the relationships are falling apart since the “2010 Bandera consecration by Kiev”. We know what’s happen few months later….
Yes, when asked about its fate on impetus from observers, Our Lady of Fatima only had two words, “Poor Canada.”
Hey catholic “heretic” here. AFAIK the “consecration” was already done by JP2 the polish guy in the 80’s, I guess as part of the dismantling of the bolshevik regime that oppressed russians for generations. Too bad a lot of people still doesn’t understand the evils behind both communism and crony capitalism (so-called “neoliberalism”), basically both are liberticide, parasitic ideologies. The same group of criminals was behind the situation during the 90’s. I can only hope the Putin siloviki are legit and not just more hopium peddlers and/or fake opposition. Whatever, most of the time the state is NOT your friend. Exceptions exist, but those are that, exceptions to the rule.
I am a Catholic and I think it is imperative that the USA be dedicated to the heart of the Blessed Virgin, because this is by any account completely incompatible with what is being desperately pursued here at present.
Hey, if the Pope wants to consecrate the USA to whatever, that it is for the people of the USA to react.
But I can tell you what the Russian reaction will be: get lost and FINALLY leave us alone.
But since the Papacy is an anti-Orthodoxy, they will never give up their goal to submit and convert Russians, genocide those who object.
Conversion of non-Catholics (?) No!?! I believe Bergoglio is explicitly opposed to the notion! If you meant that he wishes to convert Russians to the New World Order, that I would agree with-
The Pope is also anti-orthodox – he has denounced “rigid, traditionalist Catholics” like myself-
They are all parts and parcels of the same anti-Russia propaganda warfare that has – since the past three weeks – become the latest trend in the West. Klaus Schwab of the WEF works in close partnership with the Vatican on the Great Reset Program.
This probably is a political ploy, and a sign of the current submission of the Vatican apparatus to the Atlanticist-Zionist/Globohomo agenda.
Politics and what are referred to as “private revelations” (supernatural events which do not involve matters touching upon the fundamentals of the creed or deposit of faith) are a very volatile and dangerous mixture, as we recently witnessed during the recent war in Yugoslavia with the fake apparition at Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The Franciscan priests who staged the aforementioned apparition were hard core Croatian ultra-nationalists, and the “Virgin” was used for propaganda purposes for the campaign of ethnic cleansing of the Muslim and Serbian Orthodox populations in the region. They even put candles with the “Grb” -used by Pavel’s Ustasha as the national symbol of Croatia- on the altar at one point.
Does Russia need conversion? I would daresay it does, in the sense that all peoples need conversion to Christ. But the west, currently hitched to the agenda of Antichrist and his synagogue of Satan needs it far more.
Alternatvely, read long-ish but VERY surprising statement on key dimensions of the whole conflict by Vatican diplomat and former Apostolic Nuncio to the US Carlo Maria Viganò on 7 March (use translator):
“in the end the consensus of most Roman Catholic authorities was that they were improperly executed”
I have absolutely no idea where this came from. And I’ve made a pilgrimage to Fatima.
The story of Fatima is OVER. But some people just won’t let it go, especially some Catholics.
Allow me to set the record straight:
1. The “Russia’s error” was atheism, abolition of private property, forced collectivization, central planning, violent suppression of dissent. These practices produced, inter alia, a series of horrific famines that killed tens of millions of people. It’s understandable why they could be called “errors” by some.
2. The “consecration of Russia” has been performed in 1984 by John Paul II with bishops. They consecrated the entire world, which includes Russia. The sole surviving shepherd from Fatima is on the record stating, in absolute language, that the “consecration” has been performed, and has been performed correctly. Six years later, communism fell and the Cold War ended. The error is no more. The matter is closed.
3. The “third secret” has been published in 2000.
All of these things can be found on Wikipedia. It’s really not that hard to think critically.
So why is the pope doing this? Because Ukrainians are butthurt and it won’t help anyone if the pope also smashed them in the face with a boot. I know some Russians might want to completely annihilate these people, but all wars end eventually and yesterday’s enemies become tomorrows’ neighbors. It will help Russians if Ukrainians aren’t devastated spiritually as well as in all other regards. Everybody else is giving them the boot (the USA/EU wants to engineer a 10-year civil war in Ukraine), so perhaps a BISHOP OF THE CHURCH, should give them at least a little emotional and spiritual help. You can Kalibr them later, if you are so hellbent on it (which you aren’t, so what’s the problem?).
I’d also like to point out the pope isn’t going to consecrate just Russia, but also Ukraine. Perhaps Bergoglio is stealthily telegraphing that “Ukraine is part of Russia”??? Hmm, I don’t think you were creative enough to see things that way. ;)
Also, not one but two very high ranking Vatican cardinals gave statements that “all legitimate security concerns should be respected” which is code for “you guys really need to take Russia seriously”. This is same language that China used in that timeframe. I’ll bet Vatican has judged that the Russian special operation in Ukraine is “just war”, as we call it in Catholic Church.
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I am certainly not a “papist” and I have the utmost disdain of bergoglio and its “sudden” initiative, but please consider the dates:
“second secret of fatima”: July 13, 1917 ”
“October Revolution”: November 7, 1917
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We can’t forget that the group of Catholics in the West who most resisted the Church/NWO agenda from 2013-2022 were the Traditionalist/Fatimistas. So, this move is also get them in line with the Western NWO agenda in Ukraine.
imran hosein latest lectue, he commented on ukraine an d russia.
He also mentioned that the collective west including the vatican.
So he emphasized on the vatican.
It didnt make sense to me why he would specificly mention the vatican.
But now indeed it does make sense.
Thank you
After 1054. AD, I really do not care what Latins say or write. There are non of good faith or good intentions.
And why to wait for 25th of March ? They can do it on March 24th, to mark anniversary of NATO aggression on Federal Republic Yugoslavia.
Just recently, on Netflix, a horror movie : ”unholy”, was released about a series of false apparitions. Although a cheap B- flic, the theme is quite relevant to this topic.
To me the main sin of this Soros pope is not ending celibacy of the clergy. It obviously stimulates sexual deviancy of the clergy, an he ought to know this. This is deliberate… About theological matters, like most people, I have no opinion or expertise.
Many traditional believers in Latin America and elsewhere are turned off by the endless scandals, and turn into believers of much more toxic zionist evangelical cults. They always vote for pro US comprador candidates and like to kill traditional culture.
This is just another attempt by the Catholic Pope to conquer Russia. … They tried it during the ‘Northern Crusades’ and were turned back by Alexander Nyesky in 1242. … They tried it incessantly during the Polish-Lithuanian Kingdom’s advances (1400 – 1600s). … They tried it again during the Napoleanic and Prussian Era (1700 – 1800). … They tried it again during the Austrian-Hungarian Empire (1800s). … They tried it again during WW2 in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. … They tried it again during the post war period with Kissinger-Brzezinski, et al. … Now this. … The fake ‘consecration’. … They will never learn.
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As usual, excellent info. As Geneva is Calvinist, maybe some prejudice?
Anyway, the Vatican has a huge problem with the Great Schism of 1100AD. Cardinal Nicolas de Cusa, from Germany, resolved this at the Council of Florence in 1439 . and the ‘Russ’ who signed up were executed. The principle of Filioque is the issue.
Fast forward to Pope Francis – he showed his affiliation with the Encyclical Laudato Si, a paean to Gaia, a definitive paean to a Roman god who demanded baby sacrifices.
This paean was written by Sir John Schellnhuber, CBE, dubbed personally by Queen Elizabeth II, 2004 at the Berlin Embassy, for his outspoken views that 1 billion population is ‘desirable’ .
Chancellor Merkel’s science advisor, Sir John, was fired in 2014 when this became embarrassing at press photo ops.
This Pope, Jesuit, follows a long tradition, serving the Venetian finance empire like Ignatius, since relocated to London.
This financial empire has declared complete war on Russia – rather like the Crusades of old, financed by Venice.
And some say there is no British Empire, that Venice was a republic, and that Crusades were on the side of God?
As President Lincoln said, all sides claim God on their side, ask what side God is on?
The Eastern and Latin Churches were actually united for about 8 years during the Council of Florence. Every other attempt failed.
Who knows what the Jesuit Bergoglio is up to, certainly no Cardinal Nicolas de Cusa who set up that Council. Everyone knows the Jesuits, expelled 3 times from Rome, were a Venetian construct, in other words of the billionaires of that time.
Follow the money trail. Right now Russia is torpedoing the ‘golden billion’ as President Putin remarked this week. Have the billionaire financiers activated the Pope yet again, in good ‘ol Venetian style?
I can’t judge the worth of the text there
I lack info on the context. Calling this consecration weird is polite. I read somewhere else that it has been done before twice. A third time is beyond strange. It makes no sense to me.
My feeling is still that it is about despair. Somebody is in such a deep state of despair that he took that straw to save himself from drowning or worse.
The weirdness of this thing has me wondering.
Nicely summed up. That is in fact precisely where things stand.
So if I understand correctly the purpose of this consecration by the Pope is twofold:
1. call for Russian Orthodox to convert and join the West
2. call for Catholics to wage spiritual war against those Orthodox who resist & continue in their “errononeous ways”?
You said it best!
We are, after all, “Photian schismatics” according to the so-called “Traditionalist” Latins!
All the crap about “the two lungs” notwithstanding :-)
I think you are right. But I would add a point:
3. To strengthen the back of the Uniate-Banderas precisly in this war.
I am a Catholic. There is no doubt in my mind that this pope a heretic who serves satan himself. That Bergoglio would exploit Fatima for nefarious political purposes fits perfectly into his satanic agenda (and for this conclusion it does not matter at all what opinion one might have about the story of Fatima itself).
If I had the chance to give one piece of advice to the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church (or any not yet converged and infiltrated christian church for that matter), then it would be to be very careful about whom they allow into their seminaries. The Catholic Church and many protestant churches have been brought down through the infiltration of easily manipulable and extortable sexual deviants into the seminaries of these churches. After the shepards of Western Christianity had fallen to the non-christian overlords of the likes of Bergoglio, western societies have become an easy prey for those non-christian overlords.
Hopefully the Orthodox Churches in Russia and Serbia have enough experience with the non-christian satanists who are trying to split off parts of their churches (Ukraine and Montenegro) and with their collaborators inside the wider Orthodox community (the guy in Istanbul who has recognized the new Ukranian Orthodox Church), to be sufficiently wary of the threats which they are facing.
Regarding “the Fatima narrative”.. many ordinary Roman Catholics appear innocent of the crimes of the organized religious leaders (as with most religions nowadays). Many ordinary people have sincere feelings and are misled by their spiritual love of the Truth, but the geopolitical machinations of the clergy is disturbing. I studied RC support for Nazis a lot; the same dynamic is clearly at play. They exhibit consistent justification for immoral attacks on non-Catholics eastwards from central Europe since the Northern Crusades. The only change of tack is that their language has become more sophisticated in these woke PC days..
I very much agree with Stephen Karganovic that “[c]oming in close coordination with the initiation of the brutal campaign to annihilate Russia politically, morally, and economically, Bergoglio’s move, while dressed up in religious garb, is a secular power play and geopolitics, pure and simple.”
Having studied the designs of satanists and the clergy of the Papacy during the ongoing demonic covid initiation ritual, I would add that the seeming benign “consecration” also smacks of Witch Tongue, or “Double-speak.” And it will avail them of naught. It is something Masons are adept at. Innocent words to most average folks yet having wicked intent among those who can decode the words. Which “Virgin Mary” do they refer to? Like when they say “Jesus”, it is not the same one Christians believe in.. it has been turned into a Title, for one of their Demon Lords to usurp.
Lila Rajiva said it best:
Another extremely important point:
“First, in 1917 “Russia’s errors” may have been a genuine issue (in reality those were the false doctrines of Russia’s new rulers, rather than the beliefs of the Russian Orthodox people) and those doctrines were indeed execrable not just from the standpoint of traditional Roman Catholic teaching but of all decent people everywhere. But those are errors that contemporary Russia rejects completely..”
VVP in his historical speech of late night February 21, 2022, denounced the Bolsheviks! This Russia is not that Zionist colony of 1917. And with opened archives and the passage of time, we now know the true subterfuge behind the installation of the Bolsheviks by the combined West – the Anglos, Swiss-Germans, Khazarians, and the Papacy, so an additional layer of hypocrisy by the current Papacy. It is indeed the West in need of consecration.
Lastly, I was also struck not only by the impudence towards the Orthodox but the urgency of the matter. It comes hot on the heels of an imminent loss by their UkroNazis, and a marshalling of Western forces in a suicide charge. It is like the Acolytes of Moloch making a benediction before a great sacrifice is thrown on the Fire! The evil plotting afoot!
Prelest, new word, thanks Saker.
It is my understanding that there was an agreement between the former USSR and the Vatican that there would never be mention of Russia in any consecration.
I don’t know if the Pope yet realizes his mistake in aligning with these monsters.
Let me be clear, the demonic ideaology put forth by the WEF, UN, WMF, and all its minions and subsidiaries is collectivist; transhumanist, communist, monoreligionist. The new world order wants one religion, from Rome that will be a mish mash of paganism and other faiths under the Antichrist.
It will foment war, persecutions of the faithful, world wide famine, & worse.
Your property will be confiscated, your purchasing will be done under a mark of convenience to buy & sell, an internal digital currency, the mark of the beast.
But hope comes, pray people, pray. Orthodox prophesy,…
One correction: the “Great Reset” is Malthusian in its essence and turns man into a subhuman.
Traditional Marxism is anti-Malthusian and also rather anti-feminist, in that it opposes depopulation.
Marx, Engels, and their followers despised the Malthusian basis of capitalism. Here is a key point:
The “one-child” policy in China was only adopted after the death of Mao and the return to capitalism.
If I am not mistaken, there was a most noteworthy event several years ago in Havana, at the period around the funeral of Fidel Castro, where the sitting Pope and the Patriarch met each other and talked. This was a first, in the thousand years since the schism?
I am not sure of the ramifications of this. It was important, and likely planned in advance by each party (or am I misinformed that it happened at all?) but what is the story behind the story?
And here is your answer:
An advisor should have explained to Bergiglio best to just quote scripture! Stay with the parameters of holy writ period. Like for example:
2 Peter 2:2
If not the entire chapter actually Sums it up totally and completely yes?
Fatima happened during a time when a lot of people still “believed”. Which is not the case today. But the modern Catholic Church has killed all its symbols and tools with the 2nd Council, so they use what is left. What is certainly correct is that CIA-Bergoglio wants a piece of the anticipated loot. And he is not alone: The vast majority of Catholic bishops in the German speaking countries (im deutschen Kulturkreis) have totally sold out to the respective post-1945/Yalta occupational governments, something that was well demonstrated during the plandemic and is again visible in the Ukrainian question. Disgusting.
I am not an expert in theological matters nor do I know, why the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Virgin Mary is being arranged now, but I know 1) that Pope Francis has always maintained a fraternal and ecumenical relationship with Patriarch Kyril, that the two have recently jointly called for peace in Ukraine and 2) that Pope Francis has never been an ally of the US or the dominant powers of the West.
This comes on the heels of Vatican fear mongering in Orthodox Georgia with the Papal Nuncio declaring the Georgian people fear they are next on Russia’s list of nations to invade.
I still remember that the Vatican refused to condemn the NATO 78 day bombing campaign of Orthodox Serbia for the purpose of stealing Holy Kosovo and giving it to ethnic Albanian Gangsters. That was a major turning point for me away from my Roman Catholic faith towards Orthodoxy. I was angry that the so called Holy See stood for Western Hegemony instead of Veritas (Truth).
Then I remembered that the Vatican had stood with the Croatian Ustache in the Bosnian War and did not protest the ethnic cleansing of Orthodox Serbs from Krajina an operation that was overseen by Western Private Military Contractors.
It’s the same now with the Archbishop of the Uniate Catholics in Ukraine condemning the Russian Invasion while he’s probably blessing the Ultra Nationalist (Nazi) Brigades.
Then you have the Roman Catholic Cardinal of Ukraine holding interfaith prayers and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew calling for an immediate ceasefire while supporting the Schismatics who are supporting the Ultra Nationalists too.
It’s the supposed firefighters are the actual arsonists.
So what’s Pope Francis up to in Ukraine and Russia? Probably this Consecration is partly to get the Traditionalists still in communion with Rome all excited because of Fatima. As you all probably know Francis has had a very strained relationship with the Traditionalists. This war in Ukraine has really served the purpose of taking the focus of the so called Conservatives, Traditionalists, Populists and Nationalists in the West away from their indignation towards their own Ruling Class Elites and refocusing it on their fear, loathing and sometimes outright hatred of everyone and everything Russian.
PS: According to what I’ve heard when one of the children (who became a nun) was asked if the Virgin Mary said that Russia would convert to Roman Catholicism she said no that the Russian people would return to their Orthodox Christian Faith. I can’t confirm that of course, but that’s what I’ve heard.
Pro mě to naštěstí mnoho neznamená, ale jestli je v tom svěcení taková velká síla, jak se možná obáváte vy, kteří tomu rozumíte, pak se proti tomu nebo k tomu vzedme síla svěcených lidí, kteří mají s podlými úmysly pramálo společného a boží pravda se vyjeví. Tak se to alespoň děje v historických filmech- boží soud. No, pokud jej oni spustí, vložíme se do vyšších rukou, vždyť naše svědomí jsou čistá. Myslím naše jako všech, kteří chápají dobro tam, kde jej vidí. Věřme a bude věřeno
Please do your own translation in future. Yandex. Mod:
Fortunately, it does not mean much to me, but if there is such a great force in the consecration, as you who understand it may fear, then the power of ordained people who have little to do with evil intentions will rise against it or to it, and the truth of God will be revealed. At least that’s what happens in historical films— God’s judgment. Well, if they trigger it, we put ourselves in higher hands, because our consciences are pure. I mean ours as all those who understand the good where they see it. Let us believe and it will be believed
I’ve often wondered. Perhaps Fatima was true, in the sense that it was an apparition – a demonic one. One could make the argument that, while the Bolshevik Revolution was a disaster for Russia, it was the seed of the spread of Orthodoxy (Roman POV: “Russian errors”) throughout the world as faithful Orthodox Russians, clergy and faithful alike, became refugees, wonderers in foreign lands. Even today, much of the fight against degenerate oligarchs ruling and manipulating the West is being carried by Orthodox Christians, many young male converts in particular. From the point of view of the Davos Crowd (and their demonic masters, one presumes) anything to stop the “errors” of Russia is a mission essential task. Indeed, it is literally a “religious” one.
All three Abrahamic religions carry a seed of militant fanaticism within. In Islam today it’s the Wahabi Takfiris, in Judaism it has always been the Zionists, and in Christianity the Nazis are again rearing their ugly heads.
All three share a desire to return to what they see as the fundamentals of their respective faith, a loathing of anyone who disagrees with them, and, most importantly, fear. They each in their own way preach hate, and what is hate but fear of the Other.
They are cowards.
It has fallen to Russia and her Orthodox Christianity to counter these forces. In Syria she battles an alignment of Jihadists and Zionists. In Ukraine she battles the Nazis and Zionists.
I would suggest that Russia has been consecrated. By their works shall you know them, or something like that.
Uh, pagans can be quite fanatic too.
RSS goons beat up anyone selling meat in some places in India. Dalits and untouchables are routinely lynched. In Lanka, the Buddhist monks can be fanatical and militant to non Buddhists.
All religions are susceptible, not just Abrahamic faiths. And of course, there are crusaders for climate change, feminism, abortion, homosexuality, and the like.
Thanks to Stephen for shedding light on a very painful topic. To those who are not aware of the deep links between the Vatican and the current war in the Ukraine, may I humbly recommend an essay I wrote in 2020 I thank Andrei and the mods in advance.
As a Catholic I completely object to the idea that we Catholics desire the destruction of Russia.
I get that eastern European catholics have a dislike if russia from the ages of imperialism and communism (communism is not the russians fault) but for me as an Irishman, i understand it in the same way i have an inherent dislike for the blasted english. But please dont make this dislike into something it isnt.
Paulus as a former Roman Catholic (who converted to Russian Orthodoxy) who loves the Irish people and their struggle to be free let me point out that you are a Roman Catholic Layman and you don’t have a say in the Geopolitical games that the Vatican chooses to play especially in Orthodox lands.
Look at the history of Ukraine and it resembles Northern Ireland in that it was under Polish-Lithuanian Occupation in the 17th Century that foreign Roman Catholic Lords came to rule over an Orthodox Christian People, enticing them and encouraging them to pledge allegiance to the Pope of Rome and in turn granting then special rights above and beyond the native Orthodox people of the land. This was born the so-called Greek Catholic (Uniate) Church in communion with Rome and in conflict with the Orthodox Rus from hence they hailed. It’s like the history of Northern Ireland and Scotland except instead of English Protestants doing these things to the Native People it was Polish and Lithuanian Roman Catholics.
Not a bad article overall. Quite informative. I personally take two issues with it:
1. The Communist Party of Australia had a very good set of principles that even now, excepting the approval of homosexual marriage, are the best in the country.
2. Catholicism has had an impact here for the last sixty years. It has literally sent its Aussie ‘foot soldiers’ against innocent citizens. This army made up of teachers, shopkeepers, tradesmen, bureaucrats, etc. They daily persecute those who have ‘errors’. Maybe the earlier consecrations of Russia have applied also to those who, for example, have grandparents who read Russian as self-taught people. People who recognized Russia’s sacrifice in the 1950s and 1960s in Australia. My own grandfather was killed, according to my Dad, by Catholic, anti-socialist Australian spooks – mostly likely Jesuit by religion.
Dear Ian,
Thank you for making an important point. Catholicism in Australia (e.g. from Santamaria to Abbott) is one of the forces that has been pushing the country towards a suicidal confrontation with Russia and China. It is not for nothing that Australia was the largest recipient of Croat Ustashe after the war and that Ted Serong was one of the top butchers in Vietnam. This is really a topic worth exploring. Respect to your grandfather.
John 12:32
If I be lifted up will draw all men unto myself.
Latin’s- it’s always about lifting up Mary? Mary this, Mary that?
Maybe we should go back to the beginning and take a good hard look at what happened at the cross and the why and how of that? Maybe then people will consecrate themselves to Christ Himself as the apostles did themselves or St Paul who understood the confession about knowing Christ and His sufferings.
Here an interesting song regarding it from Zinzendorfs son-in-law:
Jesus, Thyself to us reveal,
Grant that we may not only feel
Some drawings of Thy Grace,
But in communion with Thee live,
And daily from Thy death derive,
The needful strength to run our race.
Or this exquisite morsel from the Count himself!!
I thirst Thou wounded Lamb of God,
To wash me in Thy cleansing blood;
To dwell within Thy wounds; then pain
Is sweet; and life or death is gain.
What are our works but sin and death,
Till Thou Thy quickening Spirit breathe!
Thou biddest each good within us move,
O woundrous grace! O boundless love!
How blest are they who still abide
Close sheltered in Thy bleeding side!
Who life and strength from thence derive
And by Thee move, and in Thee live!
Take my poor heart and let it be
Forever closed to all but Thee!
Seal Thou my Brest and let me bear
That pledge of love forever there.
Honour Mary by honouring Christ and loving Him more than life itself even one’s own family I dare say!!!
Please, you should know Vatican better.
There was indeed a divine warning back then by a messenger. The message of this warning was altered. And there was also activity in that town and elsewhere, to present a completely different story. It was not favourable to them.
To begin with, there was never something about “Russia’s errors”. It was about THEIR errors, they were warned. The Frank-induced schism resulting in the heresy of “roman-catholicism” has been hit on the head several times the last millennium. It seems certain lessons are long forgotten.
Divine messengers are not Vatican’s exclusivity.
Did they expect that Heaven would be pleased with them – then or today?
On March 25th, 5am Rome time, the Frankish heresy is coming to its end.
“Slowly grind the mills of the gods, but they grind exceeding fine”
A message from God?
Want to know why birds are falling out of the sky and fish are washing up dead in the rivers and oceans? Easy! Open your Bible to Hosea 4 and read from verse 1-14 replacing as you go the word Israelites with that of your own nation as God told me to do!! You will quickly see how relevant what was written way back in the 6th BC is to our own day and age. He further said to me after the last verse give this messsge to one and all! Verse 3 is the shock though as it describes the why of all the bird and fish deaths!
What comes next though? Climate change which is the work of God in relation to Divine Communication!
The Bible? The one book that stands the test of time and we know so little about what it actually teaches?
Why is that Bergiglio?
If you remember the statement from Our Lord, Matthew 16:18 “ Now I say to you that you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it “ , the church of the almighty will be triumphed no matter what the forces are against it. Something the author and others should contemplate !
the chief cornerstone wasn’t St Peter but Christ Hunself!!! As for the Rock if it wasn’t for the Holy Spirit revealing to St Peter who Chrustcwas actually Poor Peter probably would have gone back to fishing fur fish rather than fishing fur men! And what was the work of God has become unfortunately the work of man! Is it any wonder why the conflict and mess?
Did we lose sight of someone who made it clear quite clear infact;
Without me you can do nothing!!!!!
Look at the quotation from the bible, it confers on St Peter from the son of God to be the rock on which the church is to built. Now, if you have a quote from the bible which directly contradicts what is stated in Matthew 16:18 let’s see it !
Revelation 3
He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars says these
“I know your works, that you have the reputation of being alive when in
fact you are dead. 2Wake up and strengthen the things which remain,
which were about to die, for I have not found any of your works perfected
before my God. 3Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard.
Keep it and repent! But if you refuse to keep watch, I will come upon you as
a thief and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.
4Nevertheless, you have a few names in Sardis that have not defiled their
garments. They will walk with me in white [garments] because they are
worthy. 5The one who overcomes will be vested in white garments and I
will not blot his name from the book of life. I will confess that person’s
name before my Father and before his angels. 6Whoever has an ear should
listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.”
That we are saved, depends not upon our past works for much is forgiven by God to those who repent. Many saints are guilty of horrible sin: St Paul who persecuted the church, St Matthew who was a tax collector, St Mary of Egypt who was a harlot before living for decades in the desert, to name only a few. Alas, rather it is rather where we are with respect to God at the present in our final days that we shall be judged. The Revelation of St John states quite clearly that lampstands of the church can have their candles extinguished. The above warning applies not just to the Roman Catholic church but to all churches. The church is the living body of Christ, the faithful in whom the holy Spirit acts, both individually and collectively. May the Lord have mercy on us that we may all be a part of His church.
1 Corithinian 10:4?
Matthew 7:24
It is odd isn’t it that St. Paul was more on the side of the Gentiles than St.Peter was? Indeed for St Peter who didn’t believe at first anyway that the Gentiles could have a part in the blessings of Israel speaks or should speak volumes about St.Peter.
Further to that this same Peter was rebuked by our Lord ‘Satan get behind me’ and after the resurrection was questioned probed about where his love and true loyalties motivations were? Christ tested him?
In any case in Ephesians we find the structure of the Church and how it is supposed to function and the final sentence about no longer being infants tossed to and fro by the waves and blown by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Eph. 4:14 wow? strange the Bible Gods own word foretells what we are now seeing????
I fear a terrible day is arriving when Christ will visit the Church and judge purify her.
Fear? Yes isn’t that the other side of the coin. People no longer fear God they treat him to disrespectfully. How many today whethervin or outside the Church would God praise as he did our Father Abraham?
Now I know you fear me!?
Why have we yet to hear from the very leaders of the Church about Crop Circles “great signs’ and Climate Change?
Events Which reveal the beginning of the end as prophesied not in mathew 24 and 25?
But no we are going to consecrate Russia to the immaculate heart of Mary?
Makes no sense to me whatsoever?
As for the location of St. Peter’s church I highly doubt if he was asked about where it should be located built St. Peter would have chosen Rome?
St. Peter was Jewish totally and completely and would have said the only place for the capital would be
The smart ones unfortunately were the Moslems?
There is absolutely nothing controversial in the Fatima appearances of Virgin Mary in 1917. There were around 70000 people present at the scene, and around 200000 around the site, who saw the dance of the sun, and were amazed. Journalists who were present at the scene wrote a lot about it. Many socialists and communists who went to see the fake the sacarstically anounced before, just kneeled and converted in the thousands.
They would have knelt down if the apparition was of diabolical issue, Satan having their souls already.
God have mercy on Mr. Bergoglio.
Time for a song?
Bergoglio is following the orders of his Straussian masters.
The Straussians want to turn the Ukrainian conflict into a religious war
n the sidelines of the Sino-US summit in Rome on March 15, 2022, the United States exerted very strong pressure on the Holy See. They intend to transform the conflict in Ukraine into a religious war.
The Straussians [ 1 ] , imagined, with Bernard Lewis under the presidency of George H. Bush (the father), to mobilize Muslims against Russia. This deliberate strategy was later presented by Lewis’s assistant, Samuel Huntington, as a fatality: the clash of civilizations.
However, this strategy which was implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina, then in Chechnya, is ineffective in Ukraine where both camps are Christian. The Straussians therefore want to bring out the Catholic/Orthodox divide. To this end, they intend to reactivate the theology developed around the visions of Fatima.
And why now? As President clearly said this week, the ‘golden billion’ is finished. In other words the western financial system will implode not because of the Special Operation, but because of its crazy economic policies over decades.
As the first Jesuit Loyola had visions begging in front of the wealthiest man’s palace, the Venetian Doge, the Jesuit Pope yet again serves wealth. The crossover from Straussians to Jesuits is worth a study.
Controversial doesn’t mean proven wrong. This is one of the plague of our time, not the least: the execrable habit of perverting the meaning of words, originated from propagandists but then widespread everywhere (even within my family). Nietzsche had a say for that: “Another century of journalism and all words would stink.”
So back to the meaning of things, off course Fatima revelations is controversial. Is there anything of even moderate significance that is not controversial? Is Christ Himself not controversial?
Secular interpretations of Fatima are irrelevant. Orthodox have more than enough grounds to despise Latin, and that applies to the Satan’s puppet at its head, but they should carefully segregate between grain and tare so as to follow the teaching of the Lord: “Give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”
My personal opinion, which I don’t value much, is that the wicked that swarm in Roman Curia and found it smart to accomplish now this request are just doing the will of God and that would be a good thing for those hoping for the Kingdom and a bad thing for those fighting against it. Russia as a nation should not interfere in that process, nor comment. But it will be good to her!
It’s not fair for pope Franciscus, a jesuit from latin america. He sought entente with muslims, orthodox, protestants, Recently he spoke with the hierarchy or orthodox church in Moscow. He made 2 enciclics laudato si and tutti freri with serious claims and critics to capitalism. He looks for entente between faith to avoid faith as a weapon to separate people
As a Catholic I have been invited by my parish to the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to Our Lady of Fatima on the 25th of March. The Consecration was “requested” by the Ukrainian Bishops. Bergoglio ( who is a globalist) called Cirill in Moscow maybe 2 days ago, and I am sure he let him know about it.
1-The procedure is not uncommon in the Catholic church, and it assures of the protection of the Most High: I too, with my family have been consecrated to the Madonna of Fatima, and the Madonna (in general) is a common link of faith between Catholics and Orthodox faithful. 2- I want to say more: every day when the Rosary is said in the church (in North America) we start dedicating it to “the conversion” of Russia. This is something that it has been omitted in Europe. But it was asked by the Madonna at Fatima in 1917. It has crossed my mind before, that it would be nice to pray “also” for US, or Italy as well, or any other nation in need, but it never happened.
So basically you buy into exactly the attitude the Saker is talking about. Sr. Lucy told william Walsh that Communism would overcome every country in the world. That right there alone is False Prophecy. Does the Mother of God appear wearing a skirt? The Satanic apparition at Fatima did
St Paul said many would be deceived by lying signs and wonders, in the end times.
Brought back a memory. I grew up Roman Catholic in Quebec and served as an altar boy for a few years (in the 50s and 60s). Before every mass, the priest would invite the congregation to offer a prayer for the conversion of Russia.
Biden , Boris, Macron and Vatican all need a WIN. The Vatican most of all because the spectre of global mass child graves/genocide & paedophilia loom over it.
What our Orthodox friends need to explain us is the inescapable reality of the miracle that took place in Fatima. 70000 direct physical witnesses, many of whom came to mock and deny the apparitions, 200000 indirect ones. The event made it on the already vile media front pages, converted many atheists and free masons.
Yet we agree with them that the intentions of Francis are not good at all, as he sides with the criminal Zelensky government and all his judeo masonic backers.
And we support Russia, no matter the issue of the war, which shall be long, because Russia at least stands for the Natural Law, fights in a christian way, is not communist anymore and has a president who understands that both Christ and his Divine Mother, must be honored, obeyed at all levels of society.
No such a thing in Pope Francis, whom we view as a disgrace. As to the differences between Catholics and Orthodox, i know i can’t surmount them, but i know she can.
Satan can show signs and wonders. In 1917 in Fatima, he did. Its really that simple.
I, too, am a catholic and I agree with this article! pope Bergoglio is indeed a monster and vulgarian.
I believe in the Consecration of Russia,though, but not through a Western lens.
I think it will lead to the spectacular success of the Russian Orthodox Church and not the catholic church.
I’ll try a different tack. Hitler’s government was the most Catholic in German history. Reagan’s was the most Catholic in the history of the US. Boris Johnson is Catholic as is Tony Blair. Biden is a rabid Catholic as is William Burns (as is Bannon), both of Johnsons intelligence/security bosses are Catholics as is Bruno Kahl, Head of the German Intelligence service (who ran like the wind from Kiev at the end of February). The most rabid Russophobes – Poles, Slovaks, Croats, Lithuanians – are Catholic as are the leaders of the Ukrainian Nazism – Uniates from the West Ukraine. These are the people orchestrating the war with Russia (I haven’t forgotten Soros).
Here is a list of WWII-era European politicians. What two “qualities” do they have in common?
Germany: Hitler, Adenauer (later Kohl, Strauss, Kinkel, Genscher)
France: Petain, Laval
Belgium: Ruled directly but a hotbed of collaboration (400000 prosecuted after the war; Degrelle and Christus Rex)
Italy: Mussolini, Luigi Ghedda
Spain: Franco
Ireland: De Valera
Portugal: Oliveira Salazar
Slovakia Tiszo
Slovenia Rupnik
Croatia Pavelic, Stepinac
Poland Pilsudski, Beck
Hungary Horthy, Mindszenty
Austria: Seipel, Schuschnigg, Seyss-Inquart
Lithuania: Ruled directly but a hotbed of collaboration and genocide
The Ukraine: Ruled directly but the epicentre of Uniate-organised genocide and holocaust; Bandera, Stetsko, Shukhevich
Well said my friend, Ken!
I think people still don’t understand that Bergoglio is not only the Jesuit Pope-and thus the culmination of centuries of efforts by that religious organization to ensure the triumph of the Papacy-but also a man who in his youth had as his mentor in Argentina, a Uniate Papist Bishop. And also was a member of the Argentine fascist intellectual group, the Iron Guard.
The Papacy is the heart of the West, and its strategic centre. This Fatima consecration was meant from the beginning for this one particular man to activate the entire world’s Roman Catholics to crusade against Russia and Orthodoxy and complete the Western transition to universal Fascism.
To which we can only pray,
>>>May God Bless President Vladimir Putin and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, no?<<<
Insert Russian Military Forces for all "American Military Forces" refernces
Didn’t Bergoglio also have a long-term relationship, and father children, with the woman who is now Queen of The Netherlands?
Thank you, Vladimir – good to see you’re back. You are right of course. Let us not forget his role in the persecution and killing of anti-fascist Jesuit priests in Argentina during Videla’s regime.
You’re welcome Ken. Indeed, the camouflage adopted by the Company was so good it even fooled some Jesuits, and the Company determined that they had to be put down no doubt. This was part of the long process of securing the Papacy, too important to let any one rouge Pope or one rouge clergyman mess things up along the way, until something happened that would have never happened before: a Jesuit elected Pope. Only then I think could the position of the Papal office begin to be used for their aims, by a person the Company had complete trust in, one of their own. Note how things have changed in the world and especially the Ukraine since 2013, when Bergoglio became Pope? There’s a reason for that.
Absolutely. But the Company always determined the destiny of the majority of Popes (in 2013 they decide to take a step forward publicly because they feel totally comfortable in their chessboard and smile a lot). Even when disobidient Popes displaced the Order (by the ‘regalists’ in the second half of XVIII century) they returned stronger applying Inquisition to disobidient European Monarchies and even the Pope at the time (1798, Napoleon -including Russia :)-). They are a formidable force having convinced people about argumentations like the ‘ZIO’ deceptions, ‘the Masons’, ‘the Bankers’, bla, bla, bla (double and triple jesuit agents).
Since this date (1798, advanced by the Bible through a solid study of its Prophetic meaning) a full recovery of the Company has taken place gaining dominance in the whole world through a networking (integration/convergence(globalization) power without equivalent in History. They are leading the New Babel and obviously are commanded by Principalities and Powers in High Places and the first (and last) Anti-Christ (not a carnal man) at the Top (The prince of this world, demanding worship).
BUT, Men’s plan are ridiculous in comparisson with the infinite power, love and justice of Jesus. The Tritinity is leading the transformational process there where you only see desperation and man’s actions. Overcomers in this process will live forever under the guide of Our Lord Jesus, recovering the initial state in the Garden of Eden. I want to be there with my Lord, whatever the price.
1. the Vatican was engaged during most of the 1920s in pursuing an accommodation with the very Soviet regime that the heavenly mediatrix was warning against. It was offering it its implicit acquiescence in return for a free hand to annex the battered remnant of the persecuted Russian Orthodox Church and to freely propagate Roman Catholic dogma to the Russian masses. Can you please put me onto a source for this ? Any language will suffice.
2. I’ve heard that there was a secret protocol in the 1935 Accord between the Vatican and the Third Reich, which authorized the Vatican to prosyletize and take over the churches in the Ukraine after German conquest. But I can’t find it documentation. I think Dr. Annie Lacroix-Riz said this, but I can’t find it in her book, « Le Vatican, l’Europe et le Reich ». Does anyone have a source for that secret protocol, or did it not exist ?
Here is the dissident Catholic website Novus Ordo Watch’s take on this:
Breaking news out of Rome: The Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) has announced he will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, together with the Ukraine, on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25. Whoop dee do.
These groups exist to put traditional minded Roman Catholics to sleep, and that includes Vignano now. Right now and for a generation, the Vatican needed a superficial liberalization in order to effect an strategic deception after the defeat of its plans during the period 1914-1945. After the consecration is done and Russia/Serbia/Orthodoxy anathemized and subverted, one can expect a return to the more traditional Roman Catholicism somewhat.
The fact that the Western propaganda factory had to double up their effort and enlist the Vatican, is a clear sign that their Russophobic strategy (in their perception) is weakening.
The mantra “big nation is invading small helpless nation” needed the adding up of “God is with us”.
It shows again their desperation.
You forgot what the Saker said and have the players in this game and their roles mixed up: the Saker mentioned that the Vatican invented the Ukraine to begin with. And I’ve been saying for some time, again, that the Vatican is the spiritual and strategic heart of the West, they’re the ones animating the whole anti Russian and anti Orthodox movement.
I see little evidence in the postwar world that the Vatican is “the heart of the West”. My elderly Catholic friends who visit Germany and France are heartbroken that the churches have so few people in them anymore. I can’t recall any time since 1945, when Catholic clergy spoke to politicians and it mattered. Yes, the Vatican still runs a sort of secret service, there was the P2 scandal in the 1980’s, and the Banco Vaticano was up to its ears in corruption, and one of those bankers got suicided by hanging from a bridge. Back in 1990, the Vatican itself publicly ame out for breaking up Yugoslavia. World Youth Day for the Catholics, a huge international celebration in Denver, and a long line of young people waiting to take communion. At the very frint of that line was a young man in a black tee shirt with big letters in white, “Slovenia.” All capital letters, of course. That was a loaded photo opportunity. The Bishop in Denver who organized this, Thomas Stafford, was promoted to the Vatican a few months later. But all this dirty laundry and criminal warmongering does not amount to “the heart of the West”. The Vatican is just one power center among competing power centers. The City Of London. The international bankers. The Zionists. The German economic powerhouse. All the various industrial monopolies that enjoy illegal state support. Of course these is some overlap in these centers. And that’s just to mention the bigger power centers in Europe. Catherine Austin Fitts (excellent source) lists nine power centers for the US, and not one of them is a church. None of what I write here should diminish the evil nature of what the Vatican wants in Europe. The example of fomenting Slovenia to be the first to break off from Yugoslavia, and the eventual death of hundreds of thousands of Yugoslavians, is a warning of that evil. It’s vital to know your enemies. It’s also important to not make more enemies. So I always distinguish between the upper hierarchy versus most of the priests and nearly all the lay people. Just like I distinguish between ordinary Jews and the Zionists who act as their overlords. Catholics know about their bad Popes, so we can discuss things.
The reason for the West’s attack on Russia is primarily about wanting to steal its resources like they did in the 1990’s, and about trying to prevent a new economic order. The West is in a major crisis and needs both those outcomes to avoid a major reform that will depose the elites. Of course the Vatican may provide some support, but it has not been the center (the heart) of that attack since the end of WW2 and its alliance with the Nazis.
“Bergoglio’s move, while dressed up in religious garb, is a secular power play and geopolitics, pure and simple.” Well, of course. The Church of Rome is a political institution masquerading as a church – always has been.
I was a Roman Catholic and I NEVER felt protected or even remotely comfortable reciting the rosary. It didn’t help when in our 20s a friend swore blue that during a Roman Catholic mass in a well known church in Sydney, watched in horror as the statue came down off the pedestal and moved around the congregation. She said nobody else saw this happen, but that she felt ‘blessed’ to have witnessed it even though she was terrified. Go figure. Goes to show how mind-controlled these people really are.
Science is a better option? It appears Nicolaus Cusanus had a more positive view of science and somehow was partly an influence behind the renaissance
Catholics as well as protestants have been totally infiltrated by materialist forces related to oligarchic powers. Both jesuites and calvinists were launched from the Venetian oligarchy and from the Genovese one. All these dialects and societies are there to divide us.
And that oligarchy faces utter and total bankruptcy right now.
And President Putin knows full well :
Meeting on socioeconomic support for regions
“This can be seen in the data provided by international organisations, which clearly show that social problems, even in the leading Western countries, have exacerbated in recent years, that inequality and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening, and racial and ethnic conflicts are making themselves felt. The myth of the Western welfare society, the so-called golden billion, is crumbling.
To reiterate, the whole planet is now paying for the West’s ambitions and the West’s attempts to maintain its elusive dominance by any means possible.”
Brussels, London, D.C. have become hysterical – their sanctions will tear down the financial system itself.
“This can be seen in the data provided by international organisations, which clearly show that social problems, even in the leading Western countries, have exacerbated in recent years, that inequality and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening, and racial and ethnic conflicts are making themselves felt. The myth of the Western welfare society, the so-called golden billion, is crumbling”
This language is a pure manifestation of Roman Catholic doctrine on Social Justice (or even its further-advanced Liberation Theology) what demonstrates that the authentic forces behind the Russian ‘rebellion’ are the same as the ones pulling the strings on the Western ‘drama’. Again, Society of Jesus controls both sides and synthezises in favour of its Cosmovision for Rome: total Temporal and Spiritual power (2 keys over the Crown/Corona) throughout the World (Cathos=Universal).
The Deception is complete for both sides. Putin works for Darth Vader ;)
Why the Russians cannot consegrated themselves to the heart if Mary??
The profecy says to the heart of Mary, not to the pope or vatican.
The heart of Mary (forgive me) is a Papist code for “this land belongs to us”. I have a better idea – all Orthodox Patriarchs (those who haven’t sold out) should gather and send a powerful spiritual message to the Brazilian people – to free themselves from the yoke of papacy and a myriad of protestant sects that treat them like walking wallets. No more paedophilia, no more poisonous geopolitics, collaboration with the CIA-fascist-School of Americas cutthroats or exploitation of the poor.
“He has far fewer divisions today than his predecessor had at the time Stalin impishly popped his famous question, but like a gambler who goes va banque he is betting all his dwindling assets on the unconditional victory of Russia’s enemies and symbolically demonstrating his allegiance to them.
He is hoping for a piece of the action in the ignominious world order that is being designed by the ungodly coalition of which his fallen institution has become an integral member.”
This! This is what this war is about. It’s a war against an ungodly coalition of forces that include the US and the West in general, the Vatican included!
Russians may be focused on Crimea, or Odessa, or Kiev, but the larger issue above –the defeat of the globalists –should be the main objective. Then, finally, Russia will be known historically as the nation that saved the West, and individual freedom.
I’ve registered the involvement of the Catholic church in the Ukraine situation. I find it very inapropriate and worrysome. It’s on the level of the German chancellor trivialising the genocide in Ukraine. The Vatican don’t have a good historic track record, and as I understand it the Vatican as a state is originally a facist creation by musollini. I don’t understand why it exist post WW2 ?
The inner core of the Society of Jesus (Extreme Oath of Induction) has a goal since its foundation and all the resources and efforts (intelectual, political, financial, military, etc. -1961 JFK’s speech pointed to them, what later killed him-) have oriented to this goal (focus, discipline).
As an ex-Catholic, Spaniard -with a profound knowledge of the deceptions conveyed by the Loyola’s minions and its subserviant ‘civil’ layer comprised of secret societies/fraternities, non-for-profit orgs., think-tanks, corporate lobbies, etc.- I am afraid that the strategy makers at Borgo S. Spirito, 4 has envisioned this crisis to induce a Russian overreaction and facilitate its integration with atheist China for diluting its Christian spirit and values within the Chinese Atheism and Comunism (also sponsored by IHS in the 40’s and 50’s with its Popular/Cultural Revolution). Russian Christian Ortodox believers represent one of the two major ‘remnants’, together with the American Protestants in USA, fortified in the Midwest and South -for whom the Order is also advancing its Plan-.
In paralell Europe is isolated with USA (and the satellites CAN, AUS and NZ -ex-Commonwealth countries, led by a Brittish Crown subserviant to IHS-led Rome) unravelling the society model established by the Jesuit ‘humanists’ with II Vatican Council and its aftermath (Liberation Theology, Social Justice, etc.) LAUDATO SI and FRATTELLI TUTTI are the mandates for the New Western nightmare (a kind a enormous techno-theocratic-transhumanist-sincretic ‘reduction’ as the Alumbrados always liked to implemented in Latin America, but today with incredible means: Technology, Fiat Money, Medical Tiranny, Mass Media-based psyops, etc., etc.)
Society of Jesus, Loyola’s dogs, inspired/promoted/created the Comunism as an arm to anihilate the heretic Ortodox Christian faith in Russia, Slavic countries, Eastern Europe. Lenin was financed by ‘the brothers’ at USA- the banking cartel- and Stalin represents the peak of this vision including his collaboration with ‘the other side’ -Catholic German Knighthood of the III Reich- to disolve by Hegelian dialectic traditional religious ‘disidents’ through a war of anihilation that together with WWI was an authentic Inquisition, a new 30 Years War on remant heretics. Two sides for the same coin as today it is being configured a new bipolar world (Western axis, Asian or Eastern axis) whose confrontation is the best catalyst for the New World Order (GreatReset) cultimation.
Definitively Putin is working on the Pope’s side facilitating this process of transformation with huge implications for all the World’s people. He is nothing without the mandate and approval of the Generalship at Rome (he is aware of this, so his convincement and determination). China is waiting for him. No ex-KGB agent can go so further in the hierarchy of such a critical country without having been authorized, mesmerized and prepared before for his job. The time has arrived for him to make a historical strategic movement ordered by the Deceivers at Borgo S. Spirito, 4.
Babylon is falling as Jesus’s testimony in the Book of Revelations (intimately linked to Daniel) warned us of these ‘birth pains’ (GreatReset, 4th Industrial Revolution, Luciferanism-Transhumanism, spiritual and moral decline, deceptions, wars and rumours of wars, etc.) We are undoubtedly in the phase inmediately before the start of the Great Tribulation, whose trigger will be the most disastrous military event in History of Mankind (thermo-nuclear and electronic warfare) between the factions today configured. God’s wrath after such a nafarious scalation and predatory behaviour by today’s Humanity -as the most evil civilization after Noah’s time- will launch a 7 (trumpets) +7 (bowls or vials) for the Judgement of The Living and the Return of the King, our Lord Jesus. God’s patience is close to an end but before He is sealing His 144.000 final ‘evangelists’ (‘echoers’ of the Gospel IN the End of Times) to save the most people possible (so precious is His mercy).
If you want to believe in the validity of Fatima, you might as well also believe in the validity of St Malachi’s prophecy concerning the popes. According to the numerology of that prophecy, Francis is the last pope. Since the Catholic Church isn’t going to dry up and blow away of its own accord, one would think an external event such as a nuclear WW3 would be the event that literally ends the Church. Of course, if you’re like me you may not consider Francis to be Pope at all and still consider Benedict to be the valid pope. Although that only gives a reprieve of one more pope.
The real history of the Roman Catholic Church, throughout the ages, is absolutely appalling. Most Catholics have absolutely no idea…I have no idea what if any religion Oskar Dirlewanger had, but if you go back a few hundred years, his behaviour is not that different from the Catholic Church.
“Oskar Dirlewanger — The Nazi Psychopath So Evil He Made Even Other Nazis Throw Up
The Eastern Front was extremely brutal, but there was a unit whose excesses were too much even for the Nazis — the Dirlewanger Brigade”
Glad, My Mum was a Protestant. She should have converted my Dad.
I made a slight mistake. It was my Dad who went to Ushaw Priests Training College in the North of England (he told me what it was like). Yet he tried to send me to Upholland Priests Training College in Lancashire, at the age of 10.
I knew I was in big trouble, about to take my 11+ exam.
I wanted to go to a normal school with both boys and girls.
A boarding school with no girls, I considered a fate worse than death, so I didn’t answer all the questions, and got the result, and went to a normal school.
I was brought up in a strict Roman Catholic Family. I was an altar boy, and it was quite obvious that my family wanted me to be a Catholic Priest. When I was 10 years old, I spent a day, at Ushaw Priests Training College in Lancashire. I knew even when I was 10, I did not want to be a Priest.
I was never physically or sexually abused, though I was mentally abused from the age of 7. During my holy communion, I touched the piece of bread in my mouth. I was told, that if I did this, I was committing a mortal sin, and would go to hell for all eternity. I had done something so awful, I couldn’t confess it or even tell my mum.
At the age of 15, after confession (which I made up – the priest said tell me more about a girl in my class at school), I resigned permanently from the Catholic Church. I went home and told all my older brothers and sisters, and parents, that I was never going to Church again. They all said you are going to hell
However, I completely believed in Christian philosophy, and still do. I think the teachings of Christ are highly moral, and I try to live a Christian life.
Whilst having no interest in Religion, until about the age of 52, I continued to believe that most of the story of Jesus Christ was true.
Then I bought a book, “The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold” by D.M. Murdock, and did a great deal of my own historical research, as I had retired from my job in computing, and it was now time to educate myself re subjects, I knew little about.
I think the Story of Christ is very true in terms that it is an allegory. I also think this allegory has been endemic in many religions for thousands of years, but it is also to be found in some people, who claim to have no religion, nor belief in any God.
No one can prove nor disprove the existence of God.
I keep an open mind about the subject, though I often come across, what I would consider holy people, which has little or nothing to do with what they believe in, but how they live their lives, being very charitable and helpful to others, often for no reward, except that they feel good, for helping someone else in need.
Yes, the Latin American Jesuit liberation theology, with its Bolshevik overtones was put down like a dog by John Paul II, but rose again with Francis.
It is the atheist & humanist parts of communism that are the most demonic, and the total control, the destruction of all productive areas of society conducive to sustanance and fullness of life.
Think of Francis name, Saint Francis rebuilt the church itself on orders from our Lord. No pope has ever chosen such a strange name. But he has begun the rebuilding in no uncertain terms.
Bergolio was the favorite going into the conclave that chose Pope Bennedict, so, like Trump, we got a few more years to prepare.
I hope and pray that this consecration somehow breaks the one world domination being implemented now. Like Jesus said to John at the foot of the cross, ‘She is your mother now.’
Do not take the mark.
Pius XII funded Hitler, tied the Vatican to German state and watched rubbing his little hands while 50 million people perished at the hands of his protege. Jews were hated but were secondary. Russia was the target. Read “Hitler’s Pope” by a CATHOLIC author John Cornwell who tricked German Jesuits into letting him into the vaults with original documents.
John Paul II A satanic salesman of Zyklon B, and an inveterate hater of Russia and Orthodox Slavdom. Used the CIA to destroy the USSR, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia (three Slav federations) and unite a criminal Germany (he lobbied German bishops – actually Brzezinski did). Also destroyer of liberation theology and religious left.
Ratzinger? The Aryan Hitler Jugend volunteer with eyes from Hades? “Ratz” in Hungarian denotes “Serb” so draw your own conclusions.
Bergoglio – a fascist agent and leader of dark Jesuitism overnight becomes a “liberal”, yeah, right.
The only worthy one was “suicided” a month after enthronement. Went after the dirty mafia/CIA money and drank some tea.
Ken my friend, just like their Uniate brethren who are the nucleus of all the trouble in the Ukraine, the larger Papal Church will never learn or understand until they are utterly defeated.
In defense of my loyalty to you, I am hopeful that I may deviate from strict
military protocol so that justice might prevail, and for this reason I hasten to
write about an incident which I personally went to inspect which happened
three weeks ago. Upon visiting the District of Stolac, Chapljina and Ljubinje I
was informed by one of our intelligence officers that Pavelic’s Ustashi, on a
previous day, had inflicted some sort of crimes in the village of Periodic (a
Serbian village in Bosnia) and that if it became public, the local Serbs would
anew become disturbed and agitated.
I lack the words with which to write about what I had discovered there in a
large classroom. I discovered the massacre of a teacher and 120 of her students.
Not one of the students was older than twelve years. It was a crime, an
improper and indecent word that surpasses all insanity. Many of them were
decapitated and their heads lined up on the student benches. The intestines were
pulled from the slashed stomachs by the Ustashi and like New Year’s streamers
stretched across the ceiling and nailed to the walls. …
The criminals first all took turns in raping the teacher and later killed her in
front of the children. During this time a gypsy orchestra was forcibly brought in
and was forced to sing loudly songs and beat upon the stings of the guitars… To
the eternal shame of our Roman Catholic Church, one man of God – a parish
priest, participating in all of this.
The massacre of Serbians has reached such proportions that many sources of
water supplies have been polluted. I can personally vouch for this because I
have seen a well in Popovo Polje, not far from the pit where 4,000 Serbs were
disposed of, that due to that a well is discharging crimson water because of this
An indelible stain will fall upon the culture and conscience of Italy, if we do not,
while there is still time, distance ourselves from the Ustashi and prevent that it
could be written that we supported this madness.” Italian Army General
Alexander Luzana in a letter to Mussolini (from the Military Archives of
the Second Occupation Army).
So, what to do about the Catholic Church and the Serbian Holocaust if you are the
British? Like General Luzana, the British came to the same conclusion, but went
one step further. They must prevent not only that it could be written that the
Catholic Church was involved in the Serbian Holocaust, but that it didn’t
happened, at least in the public’s mind. At stake was the very survival of the
Roman Catholic Church, an instrument the British knew was absolutely vital to
the Cold War. The Catholic priest who participated in the mass murder described
by Gen. Luzana was not an isolated individual, but rather all too common in the
Independent State of Croatia. The late Serbian Holocaust researcher Dr. Milan
Buljaic has meticulously documented the names of over one thousand Catholic
priest, monks, and seminarians that committed mass murder with their own
hands, including one Peter Brizca, a Catholic seminarian, who single handily slit
the throats of 1,360 Serbs in a single night. The Ustashe made the Islamic
terrorist of ISIS, look like choir boys in comparison. So, what options did the
British have? Only one. To create, in the form of Tito, a force that is, one, antiSerb and, two, entirely dependent on the West for its survival. And this is the
reality behind Anglo-American policy in World War II Yugoslavia. The British
supported Tito, not because his forces were killing Germans, but because Tito’s
Partisans were killing the Serbian Orthodox resistance. The enemy of my enemy
is my friend, the oldest strategy in warfare. The British, looking ahead to the Cold
War, saw the Serbian Orthodox resistance movement of Draza Mihailovic as their
real enemy and Tito (despite the fact he was a communist or pretend communist)
as their friend or, more accurately, their accomplice in the cover up of the Serbian
On 28 February 1943, Mihailovich spoke at Donje Lipovo.
“In the course of the speech, General Mihailovich said that the Serbs were now
completely friendless, that the English, to suit their own strategic ends, were
urging them to undertake operations without the slightest intention of helping
them now or in the future, and that the English were now fighting to the last
Serb in Yugoslavia … that he would never be a party to this “shameful
commerce typical of English perfidy. ”
Tito, was the first Zelenski an artificial creation of the West. Every Serbian government since Milosevic has remained silent about naming the perpetrators of the Serbian Holocaust and demanding justice from not only Croatia, but from their inspiration, the Vatican. For whatever many ignorant Serbs in the diaspora think about Milosevic, he had the courage to call out the criminals in the Catholic Church. The Serbs have a thermonuclear bomb, the true history of the Serbian Holocaust. Time to use it.
Now that the rancor here has largely subsided, I feel compelled to ask:
“Was this trip really necessary?”
Strongly held beliefs, religious or otherwise, are nevertheless ONLY beliefs. And the assertion that this Papal “consecration” is somehow malicious in intent is by no means established as fact in the above rant. (Sorry, Stephen, but that’s how I see it.)
The ensuing slug-fest in Comments was truly appalling to witness, at least for me.
Just my 2 cents.
One need only to actually pay attention to the history, and one would find oneself hard pressed to come to any other conclusion that the intent is malicious, through and through.
In the west we knew little of all this, since for centuries we have been fully occupied with struggles between various Protestant groups and the mostly poor masses professing Catholicism, and yes Vatican intrigues have played a role. But I can’t help noticing that all the actual violence indicated above was committed by easterners against other easterners. Maybe, just maybe, this goes deeper than religious belief?
I do think you have over-reached with your genealogies of blame. I’m happy to concede that ancient eastern Catholics have a nasty history which is much to blame for current problems, that Fatima is bogus (even as a Catholic educated child I could sense that) and that Bergoglio’s ‘consecration’ is insensitive and stupid. “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”.
Why start at the (mostly chaotic and disorganised) Crusades? You had ruthless Byzantine Emperors imposing their will and doctrinal uniformity by force for centuries while we only had St Benedict as a light in the darkness. Constantine seems to have set the pattern in the East. I’m with Edward Gibbon who argues we’d all have been better off if we remained pagans who had no interest in dogmas.
Your commentary is of the usual dogmatic non dogmatism sort, senseless and contradictory, incoherent, and projecting that incoherence on the world around you. The roman catholic church did a number on you, and left you a cynical materialist. There is another way.
He also ignores that the East Roman Emperor did not issue Papal Dictations or launch crusades.
But then, if he takes Gibbon (a rabid East Rome hater) seriously then he is beyond hope anyway…
I wonder if Pope Bergoglio pondered consecrate Chechen, Dagestan and other muslim russian populations in the same move, too. Just curious.
Consecration might help but only as suggested by the author:
“Bergoglio would do better to reformat the event he has scheduled for March 25. He should forget Russia and the Ukraine and, if he must, make the collective West, including the European Union and NATO, the object of his error busting consecration.”