by Ramin Mazaheri
It’s been amusing to hear American journalists mispronounce Antifa: “An-TEEF-a, is it?”
Well, in many ways they are lucky because the “Anti-Fascists” are as chummy with the media as they are with fascists and the police. I know that because since 2010 I’ve been reporting from France’s protest trenches with Antifa on one side, riot police on the other, and us media in the middle.
I’m not surprised that Americans don’t know Antifa – they had so very, very few protests at all from around 1975 until now. (This is a great, and predicted, byproduct of a Hillary loss.)
France has 10 demonstrations a day and Antifa is likely to be at the leftist ones. Antifa is even rarer in that their graffiti is not just boring bubble letters but calls to revolution and reminders of leftist causes. (For a country with such a history of success in painting, France’s graffiti sure is terrible….)
Due to the unrest in Charlottesville, the hugely anti-Trump mainstream media’s current “flavor of the month” is Antifa. I thought I should share my many nose-to-nose experiences with them, and I’d also like to get my two cents in before the mainstream media inevitably sours on these sincere Leftists.
The most crucial fact which is never reported is: Antifa almost never engages in senseless destruction. Yes they smash things, but I’ve had the shards wedged in my shoes and it is always the same few targets: banks, real estate agencies, advertising – all symbols of unjust wealth and reactionary capitalism. This message is 100% clear, even if it goes unreported.
Antifa is, without a doubt, ideologically sound in many, many ways. They are politically intelligent, modern and motivated.
In this age of fake-leftism Antifa is one of the few groups who consistently show up for the best causes in France. That’s a testament to the fact that Antifa is on the proper side of the key issues, and are willing to get involved. Antifa is not the “good girl in the classroom” – they don’t care about uselessly maintaining a spotless “permanent record”, and they are even willing to take lumps and arrests for leftist causes.
However, a fair chunk of Antifa is also teenagers with equal amounts raging hormones, the admirable youthful demand for righteous behavior, and a lust for violence.
And personal issues, too. I could have sworn I once heard a French protester throw something at a riot cop and shout, “Now how does THAT feel, convenient stand-in for my father?!”
Maybe I just imagined it…back then my French wasn’t so great.
But Antifa has zero-tolerance for right-wing injustice: they’d fit in great in communist-inspired places like Cuba, Iran and China. As far as the US…I remember watching video of a recent demonstration in Chicago that was brought to a halt by two bicycle cops. Sheesh, that was disheartening…Antifa wouldn’t have stopped marching for cops in shorts, at least.
Antifa has very excellent, honorable ideas in the main, but I denigrate the worst of them as “leftist-fascists”, even though some disagree with that term. But I know exactly what Trump meant when he said “violence on both sides” because I’ve seen it over and over firsthand.
Like any force or tool, it’s mainly a question of how Antifa can be best applied in order to promote leftist change.
Hey Antifa – is there ANY role for media in your societal view?
For Antifa, there is no “good” media. We are all dogs/prostitutes/sellouts/phonies, etc.
“I’m on your side,” I have cried a million times, “and I’m the only media who even bothered to attend this protest for God’s sake!”
It’s also a major problem that I’m Iranian media: a major proportion of Antifa are hardcore atheists, after all. And I deal with FRENCH hardcore atheists – think of Charlie Hebdo, and you’ll catch my drift. These types understand the Iranian Revolution about as much as they comprehend particle physics. Showing up in a beard – as I currently do – is enough to draw a hassle from these ones, but such Islamophobia is usually confined to mainly to the older generation. The younger generation is far more tolerant of Muslims, thankfully. But these older types of Antifa are clearly fake leftists who are just Eurocentrists at heart…and more than a few can’t seem to demonstrate without alcohol, either.
But I don’t think there’s any media – except maybe for whoever runs an Antifa blog – who is openly welcomed.
That’s the first problem I would remedy with Antifa. Obviously it’s not the main issue, perhaps, but I’m the one writing this and, as a TV journalist, I am an open target thanks to the attention that a camera and lights naturally attract.
Part of the problem is that everyone – not just Antifa – thinks that TV reporters are jerks: that became obvious to me during my first week of journalism school.
However, my background is in newspapers and I didn’t start working in TV until I was 32. (Ahh, the good old days: Standing in the background, not shaving before work, not feeling like a dancing monkey in a spotlight. And nobody feels nervous giving an interview into a tape recorder.)
Cameramen, however, basically have to be jerks: in order to get the crucial footage they really do require pushing their way to the front. While a few are just apolitical adrenaline junkies, most are just plain surly. So when some Antifa takes it upon himself to play the role of security/vigilante and asks my cameraman what media he works for, my comrade puts down his camera, looks this tough-mugging Antifa in the eye and coolly says: “I’m in radio.” And that’s when he’s feeling polite.
And then I gotta break it up, LOL! Although I’m not Mother Theresa at every Antifa provocation either, as my cameraman points out to me.
Keeping an eye on Antifa is part of my job because I also work as the cameraman’s bodyguard, as he can’t film and see around him at the same time, eh? More accurately, we are both the bodyguard of the $10-$20,000 camera, so he doesn’t lose his job.
So, between a cameraman who sticks up for the rights of a free press, a camera, an Iranian credential, and a bourgeois journalism degree…let’s just say that Antifa and I have a strictly professional relationship. Frankly, everyone here in France has a story of how the French far-left has stupidly mistreated them, but that is another subject.
Bottom line: any TV journalist will tell you that Antifa is more of a threat to us than cops, because a camera is enough to keep a cop in line – they can’t beat on the press without consequences. Of course, Antifa isn’t firing flash balls, water cannons, etc.
And with cops there’s another easy tactic, which you can use as well: just talk English. They know they can beat on local protesters, but foreigners? That’ll get them in real trouble. Speak a foreign language to a cop who’s bothering you and they’ll immediately find someone else to go harass.
Fascists are holding society back, not Antifa
As regards the US, I wonder at the efficacy of aggressively combating a few hundred Charlottesville bozos who will just crawl back under their rock: it’s the rampant institutional White Nationalism that is the problem there.
Obviously, a huge difference is that the far-right in Charlottesville was carrying semi-automatic weapons. Well, that’s a rather atypical problem…but I wonder if Lenin would have encouraged dying on that particular day for that particular struggle, given my previous paragraph?
However, beyond any numerical doubt, the largest numbers of fascists are in the police force. For example, more than half of cops in France voted for the far-right this year. And in 2015 also, so it’s not as if these are enlightened anti-Macronists.
It’s appalling that the revelation of this extremist imbalance sparked no overhaul of the police force, nor even any calls for that in France’s mainstream media. Obviously the cops are there to defend the 1%, and the mainstream media protects the 1%, and not The People. From Kiev’s police station to the US, the situation is the same anywhere socialism is not.
And The People know this everywhere: When I was covering the 2011 Egyptian Revolution at Tahrir Square I was dangerously harassed by the black-vested police, only to be saved by members of the army – and this was exactly the same experience as the Egyptian People reported over and over. (And the Egyptian army did save them and did not turn on The People…temporarily.) Except for maybe only the US, the army is always viewed as the true defenders of The People, while everyone knows the police are dangerous tyrants to be avoided. One is defending the country – the other is offending it.
The only exceptions to this rule that I have personally seen are in Cuba and Iran, where explicitly-named Revolutionary Guards corps play a major policing role (my Chinese is non-existent, so I’m not sure about them). These groups have the respect, dignity and pride of those who protect a modern revolution: One cannot compare them with mere police who, only 6 months of training/far-right jingoistic indoctrination earlier, were the Clockwork Orange thugs on the other side.
France’s riot police are all failed rugby players who are there to have fun cracking heads. Playing their game is useless energy…but many in Antifa love to play it. But France’s police force, like all police, cannot be politically neutralized by smashing advertising…as much as we’d all love to take a hammer to the “attempted mental rape” that is advertising.
In the US…well, it’s appalling to see how the media salaams at every mere mention of the police, as if they were revolutionary anything….
Antifa is morally & politically right, but that doesn’t make them leaders
Antifa often thinks they are the leaders, though. They push to the front of the protest and rage away. Or they are at the sides and providing security with all the unnecessary arrogance and intimidation tactics used by any mercenary security force of France’s politicians or stars.
If Antifa is leading your protest, that is a big problem.
It is no joke that those at the front – those facing the cops – should be women and the elderly, preferably holding babies. This is what works, as proven in the French and Russian Revolutions. The reasoning is obvious: the cops will have no compunction about thwacking a frothing male, but these other types of humans give them pause. Please consider this seriously, ladies and elderly.
I’ve never read Sun Tzu, but it seems to me the feng shui place for Antifa is at the center of the protest, providing the belly fire, and also sheltered from the situations they inevitably get into that only allow the police to justify violence.
Indeed, the worst place for Antifa is at the front: they antagonize the riot police, get them all hyped up, and after the initial adrenaline burst Antifa really just drains energy from the crowd. The reason for that is simple: For every 20 protests Antifa and other hardcore protesters only attempt to break through the police line once. It’s a lotta boring “will they or won’t they try” for the media and protesters alike; it’s terrible leadership (take note, ladies and elderly, and push them aside). It’s also a lotta political safety-valve behavior on a societal level…and that must theoretically translate into “wasted political energy”.
There are radical times when Antifa does need to be at the front, and they have actually come bursting through the arbitrary, provocative and anti-democratic lines of authoritarian dominance. When it happens it is thrilling and necessary.
I remember the very first protest after the state of emergency was first declared in 2015. It was just 9 days after the Bataclan Massacre, but Antifa, far-leftists and myself could never accept the state’s logic that a ban on street gatherings was necessary due to fight terrorism, especially in the context of an austerity war being waged against the 99%. And so a planned pro-refugee rally refused to be cancelled – the right to freedom of assembly would not be restricted. The protest was attended by only the truly committed because nobody know how bad the police repression would be. There was nearly no mainstream media, who towed the state propaganda line.
Here’s the report I did, and I made sure to describe the street tactic needed to defeat a police line.
That protest really felt like a victory, and it was: The People proved they would not be cowed by the most dangerous force – the domestic government, not foreign terrorism. All credit goes to Antifa (you can see their flags in the video) and the other true leftists who defeated those unquestioning, dimwitted cops, who were truly just defending an imaginary goal line and not any modern, political, moral value.
But that was a special occasion. I can think of many, many other occasions where Antifa did not break through.
The worst part of Antifa: They can make the Left look bad and the Right look justified
The biggest problem is that Antifa gives the government and the far-right cover for increased repression and false flags. I do not write “false flags” lightly – I am a professional journalist and demand proof.
However, I refer you to an infamous attack on the Necker Children’s Hospital in Paris last year:
This was during the height of the protests against the labor code rollback (there’s another one coming next month). It was a union-led demonstration and, as was common then, there were dozens of people hurt and arrested. Water cannons were used, arrests of democratic protesters, street violence, etc.
So, a couple of masked vandals walked up to Paris’ top hospital for kids and smashed 15 full-length windows.
Of course, the Necker Hospital Attack provoked huge, nationwide outrage. Such a thing is totally indefensible. (Why were there no cops around a top hospital amid a planned demonstration, and how could vandals have the time to smash not 1 but 15 windows? That was totally ignored.)
The prime minister seized upon it immediately to delegitimize the protesters, increase the use of police violence and to ban further protests. And who was going to defend – in the media, in the government, maybe even in the café – protesters who attacked a children’s hospital?
The incident could not have done more to retard the struggle against austerity…and that’s why no one on the left would have done it!!!!! I’ll go to my grave thinking that it was cops, or government-paid thugs, who were behind the attack.
It is absolutely impossible that Antifa, or any leftist, would do such a thing.
And look at the timing, which is now totally forgotten: It was only the day after the attack – with the protesters now totally delegitimized – that the government FINALLY agreed to meet with the head of the main union DESPITE three months of regular protests…ugh. They met for just 90 minutes – a show meeting, sure to draw even more ill-will towards the unions, strikers and leftists.
A key hint that it was some stupid cop was in the idiotic graffiti on the hospital, which read: “Never work!”
That’s absolute nonsense and pure propaganda, obviously designed to play on the most absurd image of the true left as “lazy”…. Only a meathead cop could come up with something so uninformed and stereotypical. Antifa would never, ever write that.
Nor even an anarchist: Anarchists want near-total control over their work, not to “not work” for their daily bread.
And anarchists don’t want society to “not work”, either – another stereotype – as their goal is not chaos. They want as much power devolved from the state to the individual as possible, just like Libertarians in the US.
Not that many are interested enough in politics to have read about anarchism and to get beyond this level of miscomprehension. But the only group which truly wants to “not work” is…the rich capitalists who want to retire at 40 and spend the rest of their life on the beach! And that is undeniable!
Of course, I remain adamant that Antifa was not responsible for the Necker Hospital attack and that it does not remotely resemble their tactics.
But the reality is…I get paid to cover politics, while most do not. The average person has other outside interests, and they may not be politically discerning.
Antifa needs to realize that there is a real blowback for every act of political violence. In the end, Antifa needs to question if – for example – the best way to get homeless families into the 20% of Paris apartments which sit empty is by smashing up real estate agencies?
Or if the best way to promote understanding is by trying to intimidate journalists into leaving? I put MY name on my work and don’t cover MY face, at least….
Antifa as teddy bears – is that impossible?
The bottom line is that Antifa are fine, admirable leftists who would do greatly valued work in a leftist society, acting as a muscular vanguard against reactionary backsliding.
France and America are not such societies.
In fact, France and America are such hugely militaristic, gun-loving, police-worshipping, imperialistic societies that Leftists must take care as to which parts of their society they choose to provoke. Provoking the military industrial complex? That’s something. Protesting against the deification of cops? That’s something too. Joining protest groups like the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement against Israel – only made illegal in “free speech-loving” France – that’s really tough!
But provoking the kind of lowdown, pathetic people on whom I would never even bestow my beloved label of “White Trash”? That’s kind of low hanging fruit, no?
Theoretically, Antifa…I’m not criticizing you very harshly. You mostly know your stuff, and that’s good enough for me.
Psychologically, as I joked earlier, your aggression is too easily misdirected. You act as if EVERYONE is the enemy. Antifa’s biggest problem is this sense of victimhood, and their apparent perception that no one loves them.
We love ya Antifa!
But do ya have to act like it would kill ya to show that you love us back?
If it does, then you are guilty of failing to put your leftist principles in to action, because love – solidarity, communal harmony, equality – is the motivating force of any effective Leftist.
Antifa could use some love. I’d give it to them, if they’d only let us.
Good luck in the States!
Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. His work has appeared in various journals, magazines and websites, as well as on radio and television.
It is my belief that Anti FA in America will be co opted, if it isn’t already, to act as just another group for the manipulation of the larger general public in the interests of the ‘Deep State’ oligarchs. I write this as there is no ‘true’ left to be found anywhere in America that is organized outside of the political sphere of interests and influence of those who manage and run the show in America. There is no unified anti war movement, monetary reform movement or other social justice movements that amount to a consolidated front for the pressuring of elected officials and the government agencies they run. Good luck to them indeed if they are not proven to be a tool of the establishment in America. If they gain traction as an independent populous force to be reckoned with the leadership will feel the wrath of the state for stirring up the people. If the leadership is up for the battle something may come of Anti Fa in America. I wish them every success also.
I hope I made clear the good (leftist vitality) and the bad (“Charlie Hebdo” generation types).
Your question about how Antifa will be received is a good one, and I should have included it.
Let’s consider that the global political spectrum goes (from left to right): Antifa/Anarchism…3rd World Communists..1st World Communists…European Social Democrats…US Democrats…Right…Far-right fascists.
We see here that the US is missing two entire standard deviations! Even their centrist party (Sandernistas) are weak. So for Antifa to appear is actually a great thing, but absolutely anything which pushes the political discussion further left allows the true left (Communism) to get some space. This is wonderful.
But what does an American Antifa movement look like? LOL, they could be semi-automatic carrying nuts, or far more reasonably armed Black Panthers, or even snowflakes who have none of the vital testosterone of Europe’s Antifa. Who knows? Antifa America is going to have to be…American.
I think the Mainstream Media’s running of articles like “Who is Antifa” should be viewed with suspicion – their interest is not in sincere revolution but simply in discrediting Trump, by any means necessary. So Antifa in the US should be prepared for one thing – near-total media criticism, as in France.
But, for example, in 2013 a young Antifa named Clement Meric was beaten to death by a group of young fascists. That was huge news. This martyr is not forgotten, Antifa regularly commemorates him, and the Meric family’s sacrifice helps to show that fascism is indeed alive and unwell. If Antifa America will be commemorating the victims of fascist violence in the US…they will have no shortage of changes to do so, sadly. But, at the very least, Antifa and their activists push the discussion left, and convert more than a few away from capitalist imperialism.
Response to Ramin Mazaheri : on August 26, 2017 ·at 9:17 am UTC
Sir … I can’t recall having read such a load of codswallop in recent times. You are wrong about Clément Méric and his gang who were the aggressors. As a professional journalist you cannot be unaware of the facts of that case. You are wrong and I believe, possibly deliberately misleading your readers, about the Antifas, who are the stooges and useful idiots of a system creating the conditions for civil strife worldwide.
You live and work in France so can understand the full import of the first article. All your readers will be able to benefit from the words of wisdom from David Icke (Cf. infra) : the Gutless Leading The Clueless :
Méric : ce que dit vraiment pour de vrai la vraie vidéo par Jacques de Guillebon – 26 juin 2013
Stop Everything and Watch This : David Icke on Free Speech Destroyers August 24, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon In the most calm and scholarly manner David Icke delves into the meaning of censorship, the reasoning behind it and who drives this dark force.
Free Speech Destroyers – The Gutless Leading The Clueless by David Icke 24 August 2017
Video :
The court case is not over, all that needs to be said is that these skinheads, with their Third Way/Nazi tattoos and brass knuckles, are facing multiple charges, including involuntary manslaughter.
Meric will not be forgotten.
Second response to Ramin Mazaherion August 26, 2017 ·at 12:20 pm UTC
Frankly I am incredulous at the link to the article you posted which you can’t have read yourself. I’ve translated a relevant passage for none-French speaking readers (Cf. infra). This was a brawl provoked by the Antifa. Snotty-nosed Clément Méric and his holier-than-thou middle class scumbags went looking for a fight with some working class lads who have as much right to their tattoos and political opinions as anybody else.
They were minding their own business but were being taunted and responded to the taunts in their normal overtly virile manner. Violence is always unpleasant. The results are seldom entirely predictable. A reasonable person might not say that Clément Méric got what he deserved. On the other hand, when you play with fire you must expect to be burnt. The case is being instrumentalized with the full weight of the state and the presstitutes to essentially demonize nationalists and to exclude, marginalize, insult, intimidate groups of people and just about anybody opposed to the ‘progressive’, politically correct thought patterns of those lobotomized by the mass media.
«On June 25, 2013, RTL announced the existence of a video, which would have been recorded by a RATP Metro surveillance camera. This recording, the only one existing one of the brawl, allegedly shows Clément Méric throwing himself at Esteban Morillo who has his back to him and is busy striking another person. He [Esteban Morillo] then purportedly turns and strikes him [Clément Méric] in the face. The video would not establish whether a second blow occurred but would show that no blow was made after Clément Méric had fallen and which had been reported by witnesses. This video reinforces the thesis of the investigating judge who favours the qualification of a deliberate act of violence that resulted in death without the intention of giving it. This narrative is widely repeated in the press»,ément_Méric.
In response to your pointabout Antifa being co-opted:
Well, it is America and that’s what happens, but…Antifa pretty much is anti-everyone, LOL! They are even riven with plenty of internal division. I placed them on the far-left because I do view them as extremists: Communists are not the far-left.
Half of them will be, like in France, Eurocentrists/Americanizers under the surface, but the other half will be pretty hard to co-opt into the mainstream or by groups like Soros.
You brought to mind a song from a songwriter I like……
David Rovics, “I’m a better anarchist than you”
From an old hippie type of anarchist, I’ve always been amazed about how the kids these days seem to have strict rules about how to be an anarchist. To me, Anarchism was about freedom and independent thought. But these days, you have to wear the right uniform, say exactly the right things, support exactly the right causes to be an anarchist. That’s what David was poking fun at in this song. :)
IMO they are already co-opted. They have nominally leftist rhetoric that denounces economic elites while the concrete thrust of their action is in support of revanchist identitarianism, with a tendency to target elements of the working class that dissent from such ideology for attack. The causes they show up in support of – open borders, identity-based legal exemptions, identity quotas and such – are nothing less than an attack on the American working class taken to the street with elite financial support through “philanthropic” organizations. So there’s a combination of socialist/anarchist and identitarian rhetoric while siding with the economic elite against dissent towards their class war policies. The fascist parties of Europe in the 1920s shared that same combination of socialist and identitarian rhetoric while acting as agents against the interests of the working class.
There hasn’t been nearly enough discussion of the demise of Occupy Wall Street and how it went from being a broad-based movement for economic justice and legal accountability to a fringe of destructive anti-everythings that alienated those who they most needed to reach. The nebulous leadership structure of OWS made it easy for the most unscrupulous, the identitarian factions and the anti-everything milieu of the Antifa movement, to gain control. Sincere activists focused on the mission of OWS were driven off by the endless sidetracking by identitarian prima donnas supported by the menacing presence of the anti-everythings. OWS got nuttier until if had thoroughly discredited itself and alientated those it most needed to reach. A movement with the potential to challenge neoliberal class war in the USA was rendered impotent. The identitarians had done their job.
@Thirdeye. Thanks much for this very concise reading of Antifa.
For further discussion of the demise of OWS, are there any sources you’d recommend?
I’d very much like to read Thirdeye’s memories of the time. You’re absolutely right. Other areas to explore: The “me, too” style of using “crowd microphones”, which is supposed to unite people but in fact divides them into us and them? This topic is completely unexplored on the “left”. Rather amazing, given how many people showed up and believed in OWS.
‘crowd mics’ are a good way for people to be heard when the state is banning loudspeakers and microphones. Or just when a group of poor people can’t afford a sound system.
I’m not too sure about the ‘me too’ aspect of that. Never saw or felt that myself.
There is a dynamic in such a crowd that the most radical voices and ideas get the most support. Its a crowd hungry for real change and real hope, and the voices that offer the most radical ideas tend to draw the crowd to them.
As someone who’s been a professional teacher/lecturer in the past, its at least interesting to know the crowd is listening to you enough to repeat what you just said. :)
It does take a different speaking rythym. Short burst that can be echo’d through a crowd. Long-winded speakers are not favored. But speakers who can form the ‘twitter’ statement or bumper sticker which then gets repeated by the crowd are favored. Seems to favor a call and response speaking type. All of which works against the more complex ideas of people trying to form a strong movement and works in favor of the radical that wants a quick approval from the crowd (and who promotes ideas that in the long run do harm to the movement.)
Yep, that’s exactly what happened to Occupy in my city.
Except to me, the ‘radicals’ who game in a broke up what looked like a promising movement were probably police agents. I remember one couple that worked together who dressed like they were from central casting. Even had black berets to match their leather jackets.
Some of this was a natural dynamic, in that in such a situation the most radical voices get the support of the crowd. So, the voices that wanted to join with the unions and the people today called ‘Sandernistas’ were shouted down by people who wanted to pass resolutions saying that all land should go back to the Indians.
To me, it seemed like the ringleaders were police agents. But whether it was that or just human nature, everything they did certainly had the effect of helping the banks and the state break up and defeat the Occupy protests.
Exactly, this happened in Amsterdam too. OWS was taken over by a charismatic leader, who later turned out to be working for an NGO working on Free Press in Afghanistan and Somalia…..
Much later, I confronted him whether he was aware that he was an witting, or unwitting, CIA/state department dube… From his face I knew he was in, and half-heartedly denying.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the same guy turns up soon as one of the fifty shades of grey Dutch politician, to later head to a Bilderberg conference.
Our societies are so easy to be corrupted. It’s so filled with self-censorship, and dissonance. OWS was amazing before it got corrupted by professional paid agitators like this guy. With OWS I truly learnt that I was not alone seeing through all the nonsense, like the Saker also once mentioned.
Now even Banker friends are aware of the Clinton body count, so we are slowly making progress!!
I truly adore this community! I’ve never seen such a creative well informed internet forum!
A year or two ago, I saw a headline on an article/study which claimed that 1 out of 4 ‘activists’ were actually undercovers or informants of some type or another.
The way the anti-Bush/Cheney antiwar movement collapsed when Obama and the Dems took power was a telling demonstration that the people running these organizations had a different agenda than stopping the wars. Turns out they were mostly Democrats who wanted to embarrass Republicans but weren’t really all that opposed to bombing and killing people.
In the time since the Trump election, I feel this made it very easy to ‘co-opt’ the leftist protesters in America. Most of the leaders of ‘leftist’ or ‘radical’ groups were already in the pay of someone else, so it was easy to mobilize them. I thought it hilarious that right after the election the various leftist groups were out protesting the fact that Hillary and were coterie of Wall Street Bankers and pro-war Neocons had been defeated in the election.
But, yes, my feeling is that ‘anti-fa’ in America (funny how the pro-fascist American media avoids calling them ‘anti-fascist’) is already co-opted.
Remember, in America, everything has been privatized. So, there are lots of former FBI agents trained in COINTELPRO tactics now in private business. Anyone with money, and the Wall Street bankers have lots of that, and the Deep State by now has massive slush funds, can hire them. And quickly there are many undercovers inside any movement. Big Money these days can do that. And paying a few hundred thousand for such services is chicken-feed to the big players these days.
Antifa does not even recognize fascists, when they march with the right hand up and the wolfsangelflag in top over the Maidan, shouting Slava Ukraina, or when they are burning people alive in Odessa and so on.
That is, I have no notion of any indignation from them.
What I do know is that wherever they go they make the headlines.
So when there is protest in Hamburg against the G20 then we hear all the bobos saying their thing, and , oh ja, there were also protesters, and then they show us some burning cars and smashed windows.
No need anymore to mention the various motivations of the thousands of other protesters.
Mission accomplished for the 0.1 percent.
By the way, I do not understand this left and right.
Normal people think differently about different subjects, so If I dont like racism for example that doesnt mean that I am also against killing seals. (they eat my fish)
What does that make me, left or right?
Antifa however, If you line up 10 Antifas, originating from Nord Norway to South Portugal, they think all the same.
None of them is original.
They even have the same uniforms.
Try it yourself.
Ask them what they think about for example het Vlaams Blok, or their local variant of the far far right, and they immediatly start spitting foam and dripping blood out of their eyes and then they run to the street with there helm, bivak, shield and stick.
They do not even check if the information you provide them is real.
Few people are as easy to manipulate as Antifa.
But then you say “ETA” to them then they say that these are freedom fighters, and they put their right fist in the sky.
All of them, there really is no exeption.
Only the Vlaams Blok has never ever putted a bomb in a warehouse (Corte Angles), or in a car, parked next to the trottoir (what is the English word), or in a garbage bin next to a busstop.
Personnally I beleve that there will come a day, that the left, whoever they are, will see this too, and that will be the day that these people will be hanged were they belong, on the highest lamppoles.
I’ll be looking foreward to this.
btw, can you spot the difference?….0…1.1.64.img..4.15.1569.0..0j0i24k1.mZPWv1w-AE0…10213.11998.0.12220.….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..0.0.0.IBUjregEqq4
There is none, they are both usefull idiots.
I thought ANTIFA was a Soros-funded controlled opposition group? Part of the kabuki?
It is. And this article is, too.
Antifa in Toronto posters the city encouraging violence against “fascists”, ie, those who disagree with Antifa. They aren’t thoughtful or peaceful here.
All of that fakery is run by the police. Remember the G20 and all the fake rioting that the police backed off on to justify the billions spent by the police state on security.
Antifa – are you kidding? Nothing but a bunch of anglo/zionist stooges. As if fascism ever even existed?…and that is what this rabble oppose? A fake ideology meant to cover the tyranny of the corporatocracy with nationalism, jingles and symbols?
Antifa et al are nothing more than tools of the police state to justify itself and spread fear and chaos. They certainly do not represent anyone other than the oligarchy and directly serve them. There is no opposition in the west – certainly not from a bunch of street mercs – the real war against the oligarchy is being fought across Syria and soon the rest of the ME. The west is completely enthralled with the occultists and their parlour tricks.
Thanks for the insight on Antifa. I had not heard of them until Charlottesville and have been struggling to form an opinion of them. Your article has been most helpful.
In the US, they were called ‘the black bloc’ from the 1990’s until recently.
If you saw any of the headlines about ‘violent protests’ against the WTO or globilization in general, if you saw pictures of a Starbucks with a broken window, if you otherwise didn’t hear about the hundred thousand or so people marching against the destruction of the American economy by the Wall Street Bankers, well then you’ve essentially heard of the ‘black bloc’. They are basically the same people, or I suppose a younger generation of the same types, that today go by the name ‘antifa’.
There are probably a few who could try to tell you some difference between the two, but to me that gets filed alongside the Monty Python sketch about how the People’s Front of Judea is completely different from the Judean People’s Frong.
Antifa are the useful idiots of Oligarchy. They distract from the legitimate concerns of the citizens, and allow for the State to strip rights from the citizens. They oppose free speech which has been hated by the Oligarchy since the Enlightenment, and want to impose their own totalitarianism.
Yes it is mostly idealistic kids, but their time would be better spent learning job skills than complaining about the west.
You don’t find working class kids in ANTIFA, cause AntiFa doesn’t care about the working class. They are ideaologically possessed with Post Modern social justice bullshit.
They are communists, and are comfortable with Stalin and Pol Pot. If they ever get power they will be just as murderous.
But they will never get power. They are merely useful idiots who are tolerated by the Oligarchy because they will help speed the destruction of Liberal Democracy.
Keep your kids away from these losers.
Oh you will like this: in the USA they are calling themselves “redneck revolt” and trying to recruit working class white guys.–you know, go macho with guns! This should give the many undercover CIA-FBI-NSA agents much to do, in fact, they were probably the ones who hatched the name.
As for the poop in in SF.–I’ll leave the credit for that to the lame-brains techie types with their neurotic pooches.
Ramin, do you want no go zones in Iran? Does Saker, who I have in high regard, want them in Florida? Surely not. I live with them _all the time_ and all because of the Muslims. I know the Shia are different, but lots of people do not.
Send 14.000 Europeans to some small Iranian villages and see what happens.
In 1942, in the middle of wartime, Iran accepted 120,000 refugees from Poland.
So 14,000 is hardly anything. Iran is also the 5th-largest host of refugees on the planet.
So as far as “no-go zones”…I, for one, am not scared of refugees, Anonymous. The Poles have been a great addition to Iranian society, intermarrying and adding a new twist and color to a national carpet that is full of everyone: from Blacks to Whites to Arabs to Turks to Mongols, with eyes brown, blue, slanted, etc.
Lastly, “no go zones” is a phrase Fox News used to describe parts of Paris. I have lived all over the US, and I would say that I would walk in the poorest part of Paris in a suit made of dollar bills…and feel more safe than in any US city, even the Whitest part of that city. Many small towns/trailer parks, too.
I think you misunderstood what Anonymous ment.
I myself live in a quartier only one tenth as bad as some banlieus in Paris.
No problem whatsoever with the safety.
But the neighbourhood did change.
My wife, for example walks through the neighbourhood without problems too, but she looks at the floor. to avoid problems and remarks.
This has changed slowly, over time.
And this may be normal in your society, but I find it disgusting.
By the way, I can imagine that 120.000 Poles do add something to your society, but 120.000 Iranians, with there woman dressed up in potatobags. I’d rather not have.
Also, I do not see what the hell is so leftwing about keeping your mouth shut about how these woman are treated.
(Mella, in my classroom, was forced to wear a headscarf when she was 13, and left school at 15 to merry someone her famely had picked for her)
I do not see the addition from this to my society, nor do I understand why it is the left, that tells me to shut up. (with Antifa as their brownshirts)
I find this ironic
This kind of problems you do not have in the trailerparks of America.
Living in the US, I know many Iranians. NONE of them wear face-masks and potato sacks. I have seen one woman with a headscarf, but not covering all her hair. The Iranians I know dress very western. They don’t dress in the US as they do in Iran. Additionally, Iran has a very large and integral jewish community.
Just as an aside, I have a very non-Iraninan friend who likes to wear a headscarf outside because she finds without it, she brings pollen into her house, and on her pillow, and it causes allergenic problems.
Well I dont live in the United States.
Where I live we have more mosques in a circle of 1 kilometre then bakeries. (3 to 2)
On Fridays the streets are full of adult men wearing skirts and beards, but I would not advice Conchita Wurst, with her dress and beard, to walk trough this street full of people that demand our respect and tolerance.
We have bars, without beer, and without woman.
And I would not advice a group of girlfriends looking for a place for a cup of coffee, to have a chat … you get the picture.
We have a lot of woman wearing headscarfs who appear as independent as anyone else, but also (more) woman, who are obviously coming right out of the middle ages, wearing a bunch of closes, and a raincoat above it, even when the temperature rises above 30 degrees C.
We have on top of this, a little girl school class (I suppose), which I have seen occasionally walking at the end of my street.
About 10 little girls, the oldest not even 1O, accompanied by 2 woman guards, all dressed up completely extremist muslima, except of the face, but even the chin is wrapped in. You have to be naive not to know that the majority of these girls will not be able to decide, whom they are going to merry, sometimes even at a very low age.
Let alone, that they will be allowed to intermarry with us locals, adding new twists and being a great addition to our society, like Ramin Mazaheri supposedly thinks.
They are marrying our woman, rarely it is the other way around.
Its slow motion occupation, without tanks.
I was talking about 14.000 Europeans in som very small Iranian villages. We have to send the so called refugees to small villages in the middle of nowhere. Other places are full. We have hundreds of thousands of refugees. The no go zones are scary. Policemen and firemen are attacked and I will never go there.
The immigrants do not plan to adapt. They want us to adopt their ways. This is a recipe for disaster.
There are many millions of Iranians and the Poles could not change the composition of the country, but som European countries are changing fast.
Han chinese people move to the land of the uighur and how do you think “the natives” react? It is the same in Tibet. This is human nature. Especially when those who move in think they are culturally superior. That is what happens in Europe. Our women are despised and raped and we must all become Muslims to be accepted.
I am not in France or the US and I assure you we have no go zones.
I am an Iranian and we had Polish refugees come in to our village!
Oh my God! We were so scared! It was just terrifying!
We tried to get them to speak Farsi, but it was like they were zombies! Somebody said: “Oh, their mother just died.” Or, “their brother just died”. But what the heck! If you come to Iran, you must forget your past and try to fit in! Stupid refugees!
My village thought that maybe we should change our language to Polish…but then we had a very good and big laugh. We knew these Polocks would become Iranian, eventually.
Frankly, I don’t know why these Polish people were so Polish? And White. Do they have no sun in Poland? Ugh, it sounds like a terrible to place to live, and I would refugee myself if I was Polish.
But it was very unnerving. The government took them in because they said these people had nowhere to go, but my heart remained unmoved. Now I have married a Pole, and I am happy, but I still think it was the wrong move to safeguard the Iranianness of Iran. The worst thing? I have no-go zone in my own home because my children are half-Polish! Dobje-neest!
I know the Polish.
Chances that after 3 decades, the woman still don’t speak Farsi are zero, none, null, not existent.
But they like to yoke however, including jokes about prophets, while drinking something strong.
So chances that the Polish can form whole Neighbourhoods full of Polish people, behaving like Polish people do in Poland, for decades, are also not existent.
This will simply not be tollerated.
I know, I have an Iranian friend, who likes to play music.
That’s why he doesnt live in Iran.
And btw, if you do not see that we really have nogo zones in Europe, than you are totally blind.
And it is the immigrant people themselves who suffer the most of it.
They live in those neighbourhoods, (as do I)
If you are a part of this community, if you are a muslim, and you live in such a neighbourhood, don’t you dare to eat a sandwich in public, or drink a beer during the Ramadan.
You might get beaten.
These moslims they watch each other, and judge each other according to rules that contradict everything the left has ever fought for.
There even exists an Imam in Paris who is permanently being surrounded by bodyguards, for his safety.
And it is not the far right who threatens him, but the other muslims, because of his opinions.
And if I listen to his opinions, then I consider them as very normal and logical, as it should be.
This tells me a lot about the majority of the other imams, who do not need bodyguards.
Yes we have nogo zones.
For woman with to short skirts.
For woman who look other people in the eyes when they speak.
For man with beards, who like to wear skirts with flowers on them.
For Moslim people, that do openly disagree with the texts from Mohammed about Kaffirs. (Thats me)
For Imams that are too moderate.
Where I live you can safely hang a Palestinian flag in top, but if you wave an Israeli one, your windows get smashed. (to say the least)
Well I do not agree with the Israeli government, Neither do I with the Palestinians, but I do think that if I wave a Palestinian flag, my neighbour should have all the right to wave an Israeli one.
If you disagree, you talk
You bring your very intolerant believe systems, and you blame us for being intolerant.
If you say something about it, you get the left wing Gestapo on your back to demolish you.
And if you hit back, Ramin Mazaheri will write his next piece about the poor peaceful Antifa, who gets beaten by violent white racist scum.
Ramin, I am serious and you are ironic. Am I not allowed to mention a problem and have a serious debate? Many are worried in my country. Taxes go up to feed the immigrants while old people get little help, but that is the smallest of our problems. Young girls are raped and some are killed. No go zones in a country that was peaceful in my youth. You should know racism and intolerance are not the reasons people react. Some are robbed by illegals living on the streets.
I enjoy your writing, Ramin, but your claim to feel ‘safer walking in the poorest part of Paris in a suit made of $ bills than in the whitest part of any US city’. Such a – if ideologically pure – vision damages your credibility. Anyone who knows Paris and has wandered around the US knows that the truth is more granular.
Furthermore, Antifa in the US is nothing like the group you describe in France. These I have met are obsessed with identity politics (!), and their main effect so far is to create a reaction from the right – and from many libertarians – which will, if push comes to shove – likely ensure that many of these naive children are slaughtered. There is good evidence that US Antifa are funded by affiliates of George Soros, and that should give you pause for thought.
paulC, I repeat: I’d walk in the Barbes area – the worst of Paris and a Fox News’ idiotic “no go zone” – in a suit made of dollar bills and feel fine, compared with the US. I have walked through just that neighbourhood at 2 am on a Friday night with a huge bass guitar strapped to my back – that necessarily attracts attention. Not a single problem nor even the whiff of one.
In the US that can get you killed. And you certainly don’t have to be in the very worst neighbourhood of a big city….
So my words are 100% credible. But I can’t make people believe them.
Glad you enjoy my writing! Many thanks
Other posters who talk pure nonsense – that there are places in France where Whites cannot be seen eating Ramadan…LOL, thanks for the laughs. Too many of those types of comments to debunk.
Thanks, Ramin, for a very interesting article.
One question in my mind — and perhaps somebody could speak to this? — concerns the differences between Antifa in Europe and in the US. From what I’ve seen (admittedly all via YouTube), the US branch of Antifa appears more eager to clash directly with rightists, and this has proven controversial in view of the first amendment rights to speech and assembly, which Antifa seeks to block.
Any thoughts about this?
I hear discussion of the fact, or circumstance, that militant Antifa types have infiltrated the BLM movement and created a militaristic militia-like wing.
We really do not need street fighters showing up at every rally that they do not like.
I found it truly outrageous that self-righteous “leftists” (probably mostely over-eager students) felt they had the “right” and even “duty” to try to break up Trump’s rallies last summer. This same lopsided idea of freedom of speech rights seems to containue to obtain.
In C’ville, the police should have forcefully prevented the counter-protesters from getting anywhere near the permitted rally and arrested any who tried to break through or engage in any way with the rally attendees.
I ‘ll believe Antifa is benign when . . .
Well, I remain unconvinced.
To me it looks as though they are being used to magnify the threat of far-right groups.
Hi Mujo Mojo,
I view Antifa as rather extremist – clash first, ask questions later.
I do not at all agree with idea that the 1st Amendment allows one to spew racial hatred, so I side with Antifa 100% and think that it is unfortunate that such speech is not illegal in 2017.
But I really can’t say what the differences are between Antifa US and Antifa France because I have never seen Antifa US. However, I would say this: even though I view Antifa as “extreme”, they are not at all the same as extremists on the far-right. Antifa is far, far, far more honourable and modern, and the two sides are not at all comparable, morally.
Hi Ramin,
Thanks for your thoughts about this.
My understanding of the First Amendment — which also points to an important difference between the US vs. European attitude about public speech —, is that the American idea is that it is the citizens’ responsibility to police speech, while the European approach is that the state takes responsibility for policing public speech.
Clearly, the American branch of Antifa does not agree with the First Amendment, and thus finds itself (themselves) justified in shutting down what they consider to be “hate speech”, using violence if necessary. This is where they fall afoul of the law, and will continue to do so until the US fundamentally changes its approach to public speech, i.e., with the state taking responsibility to police public discourse.
The problem I see is that the idea of free speech is very important in American culture, and many people feel the state is already too intrusive, and would resist changes simply because they don’t want the state policing their lives any more than it already does. As long as Antifa continues on its present course, it will likely be declared a “domestic terrorist organization” long before the US replaces the First Amendment. Antifa can fight in the streets all they want, but I am doubtful that their battles will help to build any consensus that the American model should be drastically changed.
On the European side, the problem I see is that the state control of public discourse means that, for example, people who try to criticize Israel can be shut down for “anti-Semitism”. I believe it could be argued that, in some respects, public discourse in Europe is policed too much.
In any case, I welcome your intervention as an opportunity for us to think about these issues and discuss them further here in the Vineyard.
Yours seems like a very clear analysis to me. I would be amazed if Antifa really becomes a stable and long-term political presence there because, for many of the reasons you listed, they have so many core principles which seem to be very unpopular in the US.
I would say with 99.9% certainty that Antifa has already informally been declared such an organisation by the US state – that’s just normal history for leftist groups in the US.
Again, the best thing about a new US-Antifa is that it shows what the far-left really is, and thus gives space for true leftists to finally reappear. Hopefully this absence will have been limited to 1980-2015. I would encourage US leftists/socialists to support Antifa but to also be vocal about their differences with the far-left. And, if I know Antifa, their feelings will not be hurt because they are extremely unsentimental!
“As regards the US, I wonder at the efficacy of aggressively combating a few hundred Charlottesville bozos who will just crawl back under their rock: it’s the rampant institutional White Nationalism that is the problem there.”
Statues in Defeat: The Confederacy, Treason and History
“The whole nasty business in Charlottesville, Virginia that unfolded on August 12 started with a gathering of neo-Nazis and white supremacists over a statue of the Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
The figure of the distinguished general was set for removal by agreement of the municipality, a point the protesters disagreed with. Counter-protestors demurred. It turned bloody, with the death of Heather Heyer, and two Virginia State Police officers, Trooper-Pilot Berke M. M. Bates and Pilot Lt. H. Jay Cullen, who perished in their helicopter after monitoring the protests.
The subsequent and desperate effort to identify some ground of equivalence between protestors (Nazis or anti-Nazis) and the premise of protest (White Supremacists or pro-Unionists), is only understandable in the context of civil war, one which forever reminds the states of the Confederacy of defeat.
That failure entails a vigorous jostle over the still smoking remains of an era where the defeated cry for some recognition, be it in their military achievements against the industrial might of the north, or the various war time heroes who did much with little. The other, more venal element, is that of slavery, codified and structured, a so-called peculiar institution that also went with the Confederacy’s effort to secede.
The effort to mark that period with a coating of equivalence resounded with US President Donald Trump, never a history boffin, and more of its mugger. If you were to remove General Lee from his podium, “are we going to take down statues to George Washington?” Trump’s personal lawyer also got busy in the equivalence business:
“You cannot be against General Lee and be for General Washington (because) there literally is no difference between the two men.”[1]
Hardly very sharp observations. For one, Washington was Lee’s shadow in terms of military prowess, and fortunate to be facing forces more incompetent than his own. (To measure achievement against an adversary such as Lord Cornwallis is setting the bar low.) But he was saved by one point: founding father patriotism.
Some of the Confederate figures, it is true, dazzle in their competence. To Lee’s own exploits could be added the able Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. But both men were marked by a common cause of perfidy, that bit of treason against the Union that would have seen slavery, not merely retained, but expanded. Brilliant they have been, but they fought for that institution, a world of plantations, cotton and pre-industrial tradition.
The modern pro-Confederate protestor finds succour in these seemingly fallen figures, suffering a perverse variant of what W.E.B. Du Bois discerned as a “double consciousness”.[2] But this is not the consciousness of the “black soul” of Du Bois’ analysis, one where white eyes mediate a black identity. This is, rather, the plantation identity, an anachronistic, ostracised, alienated awareness that was firstly defeated in 1865, subjected to the trauma of slave emancipation and Reconstruction, then given over to the efforts of desegregation and the civil rights movement. Theirs is a consciousness of contrived victimhood, a grand failure.
For such figures, these white folk of torment, the punishment merely continued, and they, being part of the union, endured a punishment by being forced into accommodation, accord and settlement. With Trump’s victory in November last year, the waters stirred. That forced, imposed consensus of what might be deemed wrong, inappropriate and outrageous, the views of the defeated from the Civil War, could now gradually bubble to the surface, to again be reclaimed in a public fashion.
Such reclamation has been boisterous, noisy, and ugly. It has taken the form, not of genteel Southern manners and tableside grace, but the virulence of KKK protest and neo-Nazi enthusiasts. It manifested in the form of a neo-Nazi who decided to drive into a group of countering protestors in Charlottesville on August 12, resulting in Heyer’s death and injuries to 19 others.
History is often a messy ordeal. Reconstruction was the belt taken to the back of the southern states, and the response was one of memorial retribution. We might have lost those pre-war institutions, went this sentiment, but we shall damn well make every effort to frustrate change. You took away our slaves, but you won’t take away our monuments. Jim Crow laws transmogrified into stone and reminders of heroic exploits, what might have been if only the Confederacy could have held out.
The Charlottesville echo is reverberating in other states concerned that the Confederacy matter may become a contagion. University of Texas President Gregory L. Fenves announced late Sunday night that he would remove four Confederate statues from the Austin campus. The statues, in light of the violence in Virginia, had become “symbols of modern white supremacy and neo-Nazism.”
For Fenves, the statues depicting General Robert E. Lee, Albert Sidney Johnston, John Reagan and former Texas governor James Stephen Hogg, were reminders that had to be done away with.
“Erected during the period of Jim Crow laws and segregation, the statues represent the subjugation of African Americans. That remains true for today for white supremacists who use them to symbolize hatred and bigotry.”[3]
University of Houston student Mark Petersen, saw it differently. This was an erasure, one of history one directed at his people, those “of European descent who built this country.”[4] A history of gore, but also a history of treason.
The removal of such monuments, accompanied by such statements as those of Fenves, is the sound of the victor’s narrative favouring that side of memory. It is the victory of the Union, with its all binding mysticism, reaffirmed, and the memory of the Confederacy revived to only remind all of what went wrong.”
That article from a liberal is the same misleading BS we find on MSM sites. Its history is flawed . The Northern leaders themselves in several quotes by Lincoln and others said at the time that the War was not about slavery. The self-serving myth created after the fact that that it was carries no weight.Only the thoughts of people at the time need be considered in history.
Union General William F. Bartlett joined the Union Army as a Captain straight out of Harvard along with many others .So many that his regiment was nicknamed the “Harvard Regiment”. He served throughout the war. He lost a leg near the start of the fighting after having saved the remains of his company in close quarters combat..And still went back to leading his men. He was shot and wounded several other times including in the famous Petersburg mine attack.Where he was captured and almost died from his wounds in a prison camp.He was one of the most honored Union soldiers of the war. In 1875 he was given another honor. To make the speech at the 100th anniversary of the Battle Of Lexington in the American Revolution. In it he,who knew the war,who fought,and suffered horribly in it. Spoke these words:
” I have a prejudice which is shared by all soldiers in favor of peace.Between the soldiers of the two great sections of our country,fraternal relations were established long ago.I hate the men who for self or party,stand in the way of reconciliation and a united country.” And urged the President in the audience to ” look to their leaders,their Gordon’s,their Lee’s,their Johnson’s,Lamar,Ransom,and Ripley,and tell me if you find in their utterances anything but a renewed loyalty and devotion to a reunited country.As an American I am as proud of the men who charged so bravely with Pickett’s Division on our lines at Gettysburg,as I am of the men who so bravely met and repulsed them there”. Men he explained,could not always chose the right cause.”But when having chose that which conscience dictates,they are ready to die for it,if they justify not their cause,they at least ennoble themselves”.And “The men who,for conscience sake,fought against their government at Gettysburg,ought easily to be forgiven by the sons of men,who for conscience sake,fought against the government at Lexington and Bunker Hill”.
In another speech on the subject he said:
“The war has left us soldiers once foe’s now friends.A memory of hard-fought fields, of sacrifices,of heroic valor.Has taught us a lesson to be transmitted to our children,that divided we are terrible.United we are forever invincible.
He died the next year 1876 at age 36. His body unable to recover fully from his many war wounds.The people that fought the war knew about it. The propaganda of those with an agenda a hundred and fifty years later is worthless.
“That article from a liberal is the same misleading BS we find on MSM sites.”
Actually, confederate bob, Kampmark is quite reserved and balanced in that article. Your neo-confederate chauvinism is not something the world outside recognizes as legit. Literally. Kampmark diplomatically is expressing that point. Too diplomatically, in my view, far too diplomatically.
Racist VT,you must think I would be ashamed to be a Southerner. Not at all,I’m happy to be from the South. The, by far best region of the US.I wouldn’t pick any other region in the US. The fact that the likes of you hate us,I just laugh at.
“Racist VT,you must think I would be ashamed to be a Southerner. Not at all,I’m happy to be from the South. The, by far best region of the US.I wouldn’t pick any other region in the US. The fact that the likes of you hate us,I just laugh at.”
Equating disgust for the white supremacy of the confederacy and the modern day neo-confederacy with racism towards people of “the south” is exactly the same smears zionazis use when they claim anti-zionism is anti-Semitism practiced by racists.
Well done, dood, you stated your pov so everyone can see where you are coming from.
No,you are once again wrong. Unlike most of the zionist claims,all your posts do exactly show your racism towards people of the South. That would be almost impossible to miss,with all the vile you spill out about it. And yes that is where I’m coming from. I’ll calling out your racism.
Many Black Americans who migrated North have since moved back South as they prefer to deal with those with colour problems who are up front about it as opposed to behind your back colour issues as presented in the North. Tell us Vot where most of the Black American homicides take place in the USA, I thought it was Chicago, Boston and L.A. ???
“Not at all,I’m happy to be from the South. The, by far best region of the US.”
I’d just like to toss in that the South is the only area of the US where they fight for the bill when the check comes, just like Iranians!
But, Iranians try to outdo each other in generosity to the point of absurdity…not our worst flaw, of course, but it is a special etiquette in Iran, for sure.
The South has the best accent, bar none.
Haha,thanks,your right. That does happen a lot. As for the accent,there are several ones. I think the Deep South one is the best. Though its not the one from my area.
I commend to readers of this blog the following:
US President Donald Trump Pardons Reviled Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio
“Arpaio was infamous for tormenting and humiliating inmates by making them wear pink underwear, for example, and forcing them to live in tents in Arizona’s hot desert climate, where temperatures can reach 115 degrees.
The White House said in a statement, “Throughout his time as Sheriff, Arpaio continued his life’s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now 85 years old, and after more than 50 years of admirable service to our Nation, he is worthy candidate for a Presidential pardon.”
That old confederate influence…
Trump’s Pardon of ‘Sadist’ Arpaio Insults Immigrant Communities – Activist
“”He is hardly a patriot: he is a human being who terrorized families in the Maricopa County area. We’re talking about people who are criminalized, who can never come back, we’re talking about people who were deported and died crossing back to join their families,” she said. “We’re talking about a human being who really is a sadist, who decided to cash in on undocumented immigrants to make not only his fame, but his fortune, because he has received money from the most racist human being across the state.”
She pointed out the hypocrisy of Trump citing the importance of law and order in his presidency while praising Arpaio, who ignored a court order to stop targeting immigrants during traffic patrols.
Isaacs noted that Arpaio had established a reputation for abusing his authority well before he decided to “cash in” on racist sentiments aimed at undocumented immigrants. She pointed to recent reports of people being tortured to death at the Maricopa County Jail as well as Amnesty International’s reports on human rights abuses at the facility.
“The criminalization and abuse of immigrants was just the latest chapter in this individual’s abuse of power, and it’s the ultimate insult to the people of Arizona and the people of this country to see someone who flouted the law in such a way being given a pass,” Garcia said, adding, “And finally, years later, there appeared to be some modicum of justice for this person, and it’s all been taken away by a presidential pardon – that’s unprecedented.”
The guy is typical pindo fascist scum. Arizona is on of the most corrupt american police states and this turd represents the worst of it. Look at photo of the thing in the photo. Is that a human being or some undead ghoul?
It’s not left vs right. It’s man vs God. Jesus told Pilate “my kingdom is not of this world.”
White people in the South (and everywhere), like all people, just want to live in peace. It’s these execrable agitators with their political ideals that ruin it for everyone. They should, if they want to improve conditions for the poor and oppressed, do positive work to ease their suffering, such as digging wells, helping them farm and build, teaching them skills. Instead they seek to tear down what others have built. This helps no one, except the revolutionaries, who can seize power in chaos, at the cost of innocent blood.
While agree with everything you said in your comment, there still hangs the question : qui bono ? well, you said “the revolutionaries” , but who are beyond them and what is their real target is another question. The people have to think more deeply and wider and this is – it seems – the hardest thing to achieve today with all the internet and tremendous knowledge at hand. Maybe this knowledge is way too much to comprehend for many. Never mind, another round of misery, another page of history, going hand in hand till the never-land.
Thanks Ramin, for again a very intersting article.
‘trottoir’ is ‘pavement’ in english ;-)
And considering the difference in the pictures:
The first are dangling on the insidious hands of Soros.
The second have been paid by Klitschko, while Victoria Nuland was bragging that the coup had been so ‘cheap’. Wouldn’t surprise me that Soros is backstage here too.
They are essentially the same useful idiots. And governments protect them.
However, in Europe the general public remembers (at least I hope so) the leftist ‘revolutionary’ movements back in the seventies and eighties of last century. I’m talking about e.g. the ‘Brigate Rosse’ in Italy, the ‘Cellules Communistes Combattantes’ in Belgium, and the ‘Rote Armee Fraktion’ in Germany.
They were damned violent, commited multiple bomb atttacks and murders.
Brigate Rosse kidnapped and killed former prime minister Aldo Moro:
I have serious doubts whether they were independent or were steered.
The ‘suicides’ of RAF leaders Ulrike Meinhof and Andreas Baader in the Stuttgart Stammheim prison have always stayed suspicious.
More info here:
Years ago I saw a documentary about how the RAF killed prosecutor-general Siegfried Buback. Buback was transported in a pantsered car, and had different routes. The RAF found out a pattern. The RAF installed an innocent looking bike parked at a lamppost, with innocent looking bags attached to the luggage carrier.
In the bag a copper plate was placed, backed by explosives. With an impeccable timing, the explosives were detonated when the car of Buback came by. The copper plate was launched and due to the launching it folded double and smashed exactly through the back seat door, killing Buback.
Well, that’s pretty genious for some slogan-yelling revolutionaries, isn’t it?
There have been theories that this was all staged, in order to enhance the power of authorities. It’s still in the shades.
But I still remember that there was then a kind of permanent state of emergency.
Maybe some ‘romantic’ feeling may shimmer about the present Antifa, and that these young people are following their ideals. Maybe they do. But at the G20 summit in Hamburg, the actual actors were heavily secured and shielded and haven’t noticed them directly.
The main thing they archieved was many millions of damage from sheer destruction. The bills are for insurance companies and tax payers (including me).
Hadn’t they been there, the outcome of the G20 would have been the same.
In the case of the RAF it is their lawyer who connected them with each other, and arranged a lot of things, like the PLO trainigscamp.
All verry natural, they did not have a clue.
Since these people behind the scenes are often using the same script, you can be assured that the same trick is being played right now on Antifa.
The left wing terrorists of tomorrow are already being recruited out of the Antifa pond.
The most radical idiots will eventually occur at the police station all by themselves.
Its pure genius.
“it’s the rampant institutional White Nationalism that is the problem there.”
What space ship did this guy come down in? …in the US? Institutional white nationalism. God…I wish
I know it’s artsy and progressive to beat up on French riot cops, the CRS, but I (a bourgeois obviously) am grateful for them preventing Muslim youth gangs from roaming around and harassing females, after riots in Grenoble 2009. They protected my wife and baby.
I am 100% convinced players like Soros et al support AntiFA since they are a useful tool in stopping free speech and preventing an actual debate about the giant demographic change happening in Europe.
I knew that when the militias of Asov and Aidar were cleansenig the ‘liberated’ land of Ukraine there was a benefiet party from Antifa in Utrecht (Netherlands) in favour of Autonomous Anarchists witch were rotting away in the prisons of Putin.
As far as I know, Autonomous Anarchists are rotting away in prisons all over the world, mostly because of their misbehaviour.
It’s off course the timing that said it all.
When real fascists were spurting polyurethane foam in the arses of prisoners, Antifa was occupied with little shitheads in the Russian prisons.
But I could not find their page anymore, but I found another one, from 2016, witch tells it all.
the original:
the translation:
hold on to your trousers before you read it.
Putin is the great dictator, and Russia is a police state.
What happened to the left?
50 years ago they would have seen the coup in Ukraine coming from beforehand.
It’s a classic one.
Half of South America has already experienced one.
The left was spitting blood because of that.
Now we have the same script book, the same perpetrators behind the scenes, and even 3.5 years later, they still cannot see it.
It’s incomprehensible.
Left anarchists are for working, Right anarchists are for the free market – which means working.
But a Lot of French anarchists come from the Situationist breed from back in the ‘1960’s. And yes, they believed in “not working.” Some American anarchists also believe that – including me, to some degree. In the US. for example, we have Bob Black, who wrote “The Abolition of Work and Other Essays.”
In fact, his description of Antifa pretty much agrees with the Situationists texts I’ve read over the years. They, too, believed that street violence was an appropriate way to respond to the “social violence” imposed on the people.
Having transcended the “left-right” political nonsense – I now self-identify as a “radical Transhumanist” – meaning I’m essentially an anarchist misanthrope – I no longer care which side is “in the right.” A pox on both their houses. Being “in the right” as author William Burroughs used to say was the core of the problem.
BTW, it seems that one of the younger anarcho-anarchist types took it upon themselves to punch out Bob Black in San Francisco. This, because of various social media comments he had made against them/she/it. Here is the anarchists’ defense of their violence against Black:
German Antifa seems to be guarding the american interests in Germany, and helping the occupation. They cry “nazzi, nazzi!” at any German movement to the freedom.
I do not know about the Antifa in France, but here in the United States they are mostly anarchists. I remember dealing with them back in the mid 2000s when I was involved with the local anti-war movement. The problem with the US “Antifa” is that they are hardcore anarchists. And if you do not share their anarchist beliefs they will start pushing you to convert and even threatening you if you reject anarchism. For example, they repeatedly called me “a fascist” and said that I could not hang out with them at their lame communal apartment, which was not something that ever wanted to do anyway, LOL. In any case, I do not care much for the US “Antifa” and I dealt with them long before 99% of Americans had ever even heard of them.
ZH reporting that “German authorities have banned the most influential AntiFa website”, with police raiding the properties of the site’s operators in the state of Baden-Württemberg:
Germany Bans ‘Extremist AntiFa’ Website For “Legitimizing Violence Against Cops”
In Germany, where Antifa has a longer history, this might have held true in the beginning. However, over the years they extended the definition of “nazis” to a lot of other features. They stand for a thinking that takes the nazi ideals as a negative pattern to fight them, but threw out the baby with the bath water. Nazis were racists, so they fought racism, but it has even become the opposite with the Anti-Deutschen (Anti Germans), who – albeit Germans themselves – demand “never again Germany” and “Bomber Harris do it again”, as well as the annual attacks on policemen (because they represent the state) or capitalist symbols (every night there are burning cars in Berlin). The nazis favoured a certain ideal of masculinity, hence they fought it, but it has become a fight against all kind of masulinity with lots of institutionalised disciminations. Nazis discriminated homosexuals, which they opposed, but it has been replaced by an idology that considers heterosexuality some form of rape and slowly advances for a preferred treatment of homosexuals (and all kind of sexual deviations) by quotas and taboos. There are lots of examples of refugees getting a better treatment than Germans now (you can not all of them call “alt right” news), which is not the same as saying “we should not discriminate against foreigners as the nazis did”. Last but not least, they are oppressing science, because the nazis used biology to justify their race ideology, which has turned into raging anti students storming the universities and using violence and threads to hinder professors who talk about biological differences or the influence of genes. While it is necessary to oppose fascism, Antifa aren’t the good guys.
That is quite well described, and I can copy that.
Nowadays there are more than 200000 Germans homeless:
The state does as good as nothing for them, but every immigrant without papers (but with the latest smartphone) is taken care of. About 90% of them is an ‘economic’ refugee without any chance on work.
People that say something about that, like the PEGIDA movement and the AfD party, are viciously attacked by Antifa, even physically.
So indeed, Antifa aren’t the good guys imho, but I like to add that I think Ramin Mazaheri tried to stay as neutral as possible in this article, which I appreciate as well.
This is good background knowledge. I’m glad for a source that isn’t automatically hostile on the one hand or unrealistically fawning on the other. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of them.
I think the author needs to understand those europeans antifas better.
Because, in the real world, they are serious assholes. Their intolerance and way of thinking is so much alike their supposed ennemies it’s almost funny.
‘I think the author needs to understand those europeans antifas better.’
While I agree completely with the rest of your post, I don’t with the first.
Have you read these sentence from the2nd paragraph?
‘I know that because since 2010 I’ve been reporting from France’s protest trenches with Antifa on one side, riot police on the other, and us media in the middle.’
We may not agree with few things that the author states, but here I smell some doubt about his knowledge of the subject, and I highly doubt that.
Ramin Mazaheri, unlike many other valued authors here, is a professional journalist. That involves in the first place ‘informing’, and only after that ‘ordealing’. That involves some neutrality and seeing the subject from more sides than one.
But, as said, to the rest of your post I can only add that especially in Germany they are simply thugs.
At least 8 arrested as left- and right-wing protesters face off in Berkeley, California
“RT’s Ruptly agency’s feed from the scene was abruptly cut off after masked protesters, purportedly members of Antifa, approached the camera and demanded the crew “move that thing.” A brief tussle is then heard before the live feed is lost.
A Ruptly producer, who was heard telling the protesters to back off, reported that the camera was damaged and they had to cancel the feed.”
Random attack on the media, or agent provocateurs specifically targeting Russian media? Stinks of zionazi cooptation. As the reason for the counter protest against the fascists was cancelled, these supposed left protestors appear to be operating on auto. That govno is not left, but bog standard right.
I think it was more a random attack on reporters. Though I have doubts about the strings attached on these thugs.
I saw some footage of this Berkeley events, the MSM will call Antifa ‘activists’ with a caring voice as usual (meaning they agree with their ultra-left agenda).
Will the MSM air this? I doubt it.
For instance, regarding reporters, this:
Using violence against anyone with another opinion, from whom do we know that, for instance looking back on the thirties from the former century?
They show flowers, but behind that they have bats:
And who is their sugar daddy?
Thugs and protesters on demand, it’s going to be a big thing these years.
ZH summary of MSM coverage of Antifa in Berkeley:
Bay Area TV Anchor: ‘I Experienced Hate First Hand Today In Berkeley’ From Antifa
Vot and Rob, thanks for the links and the great comments, per your usual.
An RT reporter was slapped in the face live in Paris, but at least the camera was ok. For real, that’s some guy’s livelihood.
The media is going to turn on Antifa, that’s certain. American Antifa is probably going to be the most violent Antifa out there, cuz it’s America.
But we cannot make a false equivalence – not all “hate” or “violence” is the same, and the far-right is far, far worse. One cannot condemn Antifa in the same breath as neo-Nazis in order to feel “balanced” – they are totally different. Just like that Washington Post talking about “peaceful” far-right protesters being attacked by Antifa is pure, pure nonsense: the far-right is not peaceful at all.
“But we cannot make a false equivalence – not all “hate” or “violence” is the same, and the far-right is far, far worse. One cannot condemn Antifa in the same breath as neo-Nazis in order to feel “balanced” – they are totally different.”
Agree 100%, just look at the ukronazis in israel’s Ukrainian colony recently for a definitive example of what happens when the far right is let off the leash.
“Just like that Washington Post talking about “peaceful” far-right protesters being attacked by Antifa is pure, pure nonsense: the far-right is not peaceful at all.”
They’re peaceful when massa tells ’em to behave for a psywar theatrical stunt, as in Berkeley. You are probably not familiar with the history of People’s Park in Berkeley, but the idea of right-wing toss holding a demo there is pure, staged provocation. Same as when the sods marched the Friday night in Charlottesville with torches chanting provocative nonsense. Then the “opposition” dutifully appears for a street theater showdown.
I suspect these series of violent protests and terrorism are being staged/encouraged to facilitate further clamp down on human rights in the usa, along with some other equally repulsive right wing goals.
You’re welcome. Just keep up the good work, and don’t forget to write sometimes here about Iran, because I have the idea that most of the things we can read about Iran are just crap…
Cheers, Rob
And to illustrate that some form of justice still works, an Antifa member has just been convicted in Germany for his part in the massive brawls during the G20 in Hamburg.
He has been convicted for violence against the police, and heavy resistance during his arrest. His penalty? Two years and seven months detention. Have a nice time, mate.
A news link:
I’m sorry, I only have a German one.
Thanks @Rik.
@vot tak:
“I suspect these series of violent protests and terrorism are being staged/encouraged to facilitate further clamp down on human rights in the usa, along with some other equally repulsive right wing goals.”
Hammer, nail, hit.
An important conclusion imho.
It already struck me, that the MSM are so sharp recognizing far-right people in the USA and elsewhere, while for years being completely blind on the neonazis in Ukraine.
Of course, also here in Europe far-right movements exist. But they seldom manifest themselves publicly, regularly they stay in the background.
And suddenly, when it comes out so conveniently, they appear in great numbers, parading for some statue.
And of course, the counterprotest appears and the riot is engineered.
And wow, the public outrage is already there, so conveniently.
Who would have thought that?
Antifa made Nantes (and other cities) into a war zone, because Marine le Pen came there to hold a speech.(which is non violent)
remember, Marine le Pen is one of the few European politicians who is not allowed to enter the Ukraine, because she recognise a fascist, when she spots one.
In contrast to all of the left in Europe, including the Antifa.
Also, there is a growing number of French people with foregn roots that are so fed up with the situation in the banlieues that they vote for le Pen, because the left is doing nothing for them, on the contrary, the left sides with the poor, discriminated perpetrators.
Queles racistes:
In that footage from Nantes, also in the Berkeley footage (ZeroHedge link) it is clear thet Antifa is attacking reporters.
I’m wondering why. My guess would be that as a protester, maximum coverage of the media would be welcome to give the protest more voice.
Am I missing a point here?
Anyway, le Pen had good points, but her economic program was a littlebit naive.
Eventually France chose this bankers boy, who has already lower approval rates than Trump.
Just as a side step, when Macron wakes up he sees kind of a corpse lying next to him. While for instance Kim Jong-un wakes up, he sees this besides him:
(Today I read that they already have three children. It’s a pity, Emmanuel. He married an old woman that once raped him. Don’t they name that ‘Stockholm syndrome’?)
Mr. Mazaheri captures the feel of being out in the streets around these groups.
I used to volunteer as a citizen jounalist to try to cover the big US protests. Which means I’ve marched around following what was then called ‘the black bloc’ waiting to see if something dramatic would happen. As a photographer, there’s a natural urge to try to be the one who captures the pic of the cop who loses control and hits a block bloc protester. So, through severl marches I’d stay close to this group. I suppose in many ways I was similar to the people now facing 75 years in prison for doing the same thing during the Trump inaguration protests.
And, even though I was a friendly photographer, this group was often very rude and hostile to me. While I was trying to cover their point of view, I was not a part of their group. And for these groups, its a very strong us or them mentality, so since I was a ‘them’ they weren’t always friendly to me. Of course, it varied a lot person by person.
Even if you are ‘friendly’ in your coverage, you still aren’t doing enough for them. It seems to be a competition within their group as to who can be the most committed. Who can do the most. Since you aren’t even in their group, you defintely are inferior and aren’t doing nearly enough.
There is a general attitude against debate and talking. They are all about ‘shutting down’ people who they don’t agree with, while shouting out their own slogans. They are not about convincing people or winning hearts and minds with reasoned arguments. Therefore, they are hostile to anyone who’s trying, even if they are on somewhat of the same side. The person who wants to debate and reason is obviously not doing enough in the point of view of someone who’s dedicated to radical and more direct action.
But, yes, Mr. Mazaheri captures the feel of what I’ve seen often in the streets. Anyone who isn’t in their group is a ‘them’, and the don’t really stop enough to notice the difference between the reporters and cameras from CNN and the ones from PressTV.
Now, that is an insightful addition.
Thank you for that.
Cheers, Rob
Thank you!… I’ve been a critic sometimes, but this piece is absolutely fabulous.
My background is that I’m a former left-wing protester. Age and the fact that in the US the left seems to have gone completely bat-guano crazy, at least for now, has put an end to that. But …
There’s a lot I can say about this piece. I learned how to protest in Atlanta with the survivors of the MLK movement. I still believe that non-violence is the only way to go.
1) A guerrilla force has to avoid head-on confrontations with forces that can easily concentrate superior force against them. When a bunch of leftists confront a police force, they are always going to lose. Guerrilla forces can’t fight that way. There is a ton of young testosterone in the left protesters, and they love to think they are challenging the police. But they are always going to lose such a fight. The only way that’s not true is if the protesters massively out-number the police (like in Egypt). But the guys in black masks breaking windows won’t ever get that sort of numbers behind them.
2) It plays awful in the media. The one surprise these days is that the media is so anti-Trump that this is the first time these protestors aren’t trashed in the media. Think back to the post WTO-Seattle days, and the small groups of ‘black bloc’ protesters breaking windows were always used to discredit the protesters.
I learned how to protest with the King movement. Dr. King was certainly smart enough to keep the preachers and women up at the front of the march. Usually no children, but that was just wisdom in the old KKK-south where the front of the march was likely to really get beaten up. But, the King movement was far more successful in actually getting at least a little change accomplished, while the black bloc and now antifa protesters accomplish nothing in decades of breaking windows at Starbucks.
When I was protesting, many of the left who were actually trying to accomplish something tended to view the ‘black bloc’ as police agents. Don’t know if they were, I suspect a few might have been. But they did have the overall effect of discrediting and breaking up much larger protests, as well as providing a convienent excuse for police violence. A hundred thousand union workers marching against globilization might actually get their voice heard and might actually build a movement for change. But a hundred or so kids in black and masks breaking windows never accomplished anything beyond getting a bit of insurance money into the hands of some working glaziers.
But, again, thanks for a wonderful article. I want to write something novel-length in reply, which means you’ve made me think and made me want to write, which is the highest compliment I can pay someone. THANKS!
Dr. King is the one all those dumbfu**s(BLM etc) should listen to. Smashing windows and killing people will only get them branded as terrorists and put in jail. (or worse) Much deserved.
Ramin, consider this:
I think “antifa” has to be. The US empire is destined for destruction, the time has now come. US citizens need to rescue their country from the empire. The US still to this day never was a country. After all illusions are shattered, maybe a country will emerge..? At peace with itself, its values and culture. A nation that stands for something and is willing to defend itself. Maybe I’m just dreaming?
With respect, I think you are a little naïve Ramin
“FBI, DHS Officially Classify Antifa Activities As “Domestic Terrorist Violence”
“As Politico points out today, previously unreported FBI and Department of Homeland Security studies found that “anarchist extremist” group like Antifa have been the “primary instigators of violence at public rallies” going back to at least April 2016 when the reports were first published.”
“Not surprisingly, law enforcement officials noted that the rise in Antifa violence overlapped perfectly with Trump’s campaign as they made appearances at rally after rally to incite chaos…all the while making it seem as if violent, racist Trump supporters were to blame.”
“It was in that period [as the Trump campaign emerged] that we really became aware of them,” said one senior law enforcement official tracking domestic extremists in a state that has become a front line in clashes between the groups. “These antifa guys were showing up with weapons, shields and bike helmets and just beating the shit out of people. … They’re using Molotov cocktails, they’re starting fires, they’re throwing bombs and smashing windows.”