This is the big RT headline: Putin and Macron agree on measures to halt escalation in Ukraine.
Here is a machine translation of the official French statement:
Telephone interview with Vladimir PUTIN, President of the Russian Federation.
The President of the Republic held a telephone conversation with the President of the Russian Federation, Mr. Vladimir PUTIN, on Sunday, February 20.
They agreed on the following points :
– the resumption of work under the Normandy format on the basis of exchanges and proposals made by Ukraine in recent days.
– intensive work to allow the holding of a trilateral contact group meeting in the coming hours with the objective of obtaining from all stakeholders a ceasefire commitment on the line of contact.
– the need to give priority to a diplomatic solution to the current crisis and to do everything possible to achieve it. For this, intensive diplomatic work will be conducted in the coming days and weeks. The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Jean-Yves LE DRIAN, will meet with his counterpart Mr. LAVROV in the coming days and several consultations will be held in Paris to this effect.
– this diplomatic work should make it possible to make progress on the basis of the latest exchanges by involving all stakeholders (Europeans, allies, Russians and Ukrainians) in order to lead, if the conditions are met, to a meeting at the highest level with a view to defining a new order of peace and security in Europe.
– in order to conduct this work in serious conditions, the two Heads of State made firm commitments to take all necessary actions to avoid escalation, reduce risks and preserve peace.
So what is going on here?
First, the obvious: Macron wants to win the upcoming presidential election in France and being the “savior of Europe” would give him something to brag about.
Second, the no less obvious: Macron is trying to bypass his Anglo “partners” since neither the US nor the UK want anything short of an open Russian military intervention in the Ukraine. Notice the words “all stakeholders (Europeans, allies, Russians and Ukrainians)” which mentions neither the US nor the UK ( here “allies” is just an empty but politically correct placeholder term).
Third, and that is obvious too: the Anglos don’t give a damn about Macron or his plans.
Which all begs the question: why does Putin even bother?
The answer, however, points to a different kind logic on the Russian side.
First, Putin and Lavrov have as a policy to talk to (almost) everybody (“Ze” being the current exception). This is the Russian way of diplomacy: talk to countries that are each other’s mortal enemies, like Israel and Iran and talk to non-entities like Scholz or Truss. The Kremlin does not care how hard Lavrov or Putin need to “hold their mental noses” when talking to dishonorable, cowardly, liars if that gets them some tangible benefit (more about that in a sec).
And the Russians will always do everything in their power to avoid war, small or big.
Folks in the West are used to “western diplomacy” in which you only talk (i.e. “give orders”) to your colonies, never talk to your opponents (who are always demonized) and where NOT negotiating is seen as a sign of “strength”.
In Russia not negotiating as a principle is seen as simply stupid and counter-productive.
Furthermore, while Macron clearly wants to repeat the “feat” of Sarkozy who claimed (falsely!) to have stopped the 08.08.08 war, the Russians see another very tangible benefit of talking to Macron: creating even more divisions in the West as a whole and in Europe specifically.
Consider this: the Russian ultimatum has already had a lot of highly positive effects:
- The US/NATO, after years of totally ignoring Russia, are not only willing to talk to the Kremlin, they are even picking up past Russian proposals and presenting them as their own.
- Europe is afraid, very afraid. Not only of a major war with all that implies (including waves of refugees), but also from an energetic/economic collapse in case the US/UK prevail.
- The Ukros in power have suddenly realized that they might be targeted. Personally. Hence the flight of Ukie oligarchs to the EU and “Ze” “trip to Europe to participate in the Munich conference”.
- The Chinese now see that Russia is committed (I will clarify to what exactly below) and are throwing their considerable weight behind Russia.
You could use a Russian expression and say that Putin stuck a big stick in the West’s “anthill” and the said ants are now running around like crazy.
In that one single move, Russia achieved more than over several decades and, so far, she achieved that at a truly small price.
Having said that, I need to repeat something crucial here:
==>>This is NOT, repeat, NOT about the LDNR or even the Ukraine.<<==
Russia (and China!) wants a different multi-polar world order, one based on the full sovereignty of all countries, one in which international law serves as the basis for relations between sovereign states, one in which security is always defined and understood as collective security and one in which the United Nations remain the sole top authority to enforce the rules of international law.
The Kremlin often says that it wants a new security arrangement in Europe. And that is true. But, let’s not be naive here, the US domination over its European colonies is the cornerstone of Anglo world domination, so if the US/UK “lose” Europe, they will be finished as wannabe world hegemons.
The Russians and the Chinese are now leading the entire Zone B towards this goal by a careful mix of unilateral policies including the gradual de-dollarization of Eurasia and the energy markets, military pressure on the US and its colonies and by developing their REAL economies (as opposed to the West’s FIRE economies).
Okay, but what does that mean in practice?
That is too early to tell.
First, let’s see what, if anything, comes out of the French initiative.
Second, Macron’s initiatives will have zero impact on the LOC in the LDNR where exchanges of fire are constantly taking place but where, at least so far, the Ukies did not launch a ground assault across the LOC. But they might, literally any second now, both sides are fully prepared for such an event.
Then there is the very real risk of a major false flag event organized by the Anglos. The entire AngloZionist propaganda machine is now poised to instantly “pick up” such a false flag and blame it all on Russia. I don’t see how Macron could do anything about that, even assuming he wanted to in the first place.
So let’s not jump to conclusions and see what happens next week with both Macron and Blinken.
In the meantime, the Ukies are trying to scare the planet with rumors about them ditching their non-nuclear status and develop nukes. Please do not worry about that, at most what the Ukies can do is make a “dirty bomb”, but they exactly *zero* change to ever acquire real nukes (and, besides, if such a risk was even remotely real, Russia would take any and all actions to eliminate any such possibility).
The Ukies also sent a diversionary group into the LDNR but the local state security quickly intercepted them: 1 Ukie dead, one taken prisoner. Two lightly wounded in the LDNR special forces. Below is the video of that anti-terrorist operation.
I’m more optimistic. Germany, France, and the Ukraine lose big time if they go with US sanctions. Ukraine would lose what it has of its gas transport business and army, Inflation would kill Europe, Germany would go bankrupt, and next the US will then turn on China, who Europe does want to trade with. What does the US have that Europe needs? Gas? This is extortion, and the Europeans know it, and I think they really do want to get around the US and they can do it with the new Normandy format. The Ukraine will put in writing they do not intend to get into NATO, and there will be something on group security. They have already decided something or they would be meeting. Europe understands Russia’s idea of group security. Can you imagine, no more currency wars? We’d have a lot of wasted military equipment we wouldn’t need, but it’s all obsolete now anyway. Boy did Congress get conned, and we get to pay for it.
I dont like that he wants to try and do anything out of Normandy, a day late and a dollar short negotiations to me.
Jim, I think it is too late for being optimistic. I can’t imagine that the USA will let Europe go and join Eurasia. The majority of Europeans believe that Russia and China are dictatorial or at least oligarchic systems. They trust the USA. The agit-prop machine works 100%.
First the critics of the sanctions will be suppressed. Then the energy supply will come to an end: no Norddtream 2 and no Nordstream 1. Also no more gas through old risky pipelines running through Poland. Too dangerous…
I believe that Europe can only come to its senses if its energy supply is completely interrupted and its economy suffers, jobs are lost, poverty becomes tangible and the climate cult together with LGBT parties celebrates not only in government buildings but on the streets for political correctnees in a perfect world. I have come to the point where I think Europe learns only the hard way. But at least this way no rockets will fly.
“Germany would go bankrupt.” The Buba and private holdings of physical gold in Germany are massive. The system is going to be recapitalized and physical gold will be used to do it. No one is going bankrupt, at least not for any appreciable amount of time.
By the way, Borrell, that clown in charge of EU foreign policy, who otherwise only spouts bullshit or obnoxiousness, apparently had a lucid moment once:
“The joint statement of Russia and China of February. I think … it’s a revisionist manifesto, it’s a manifesto for revising the world order,” Borrell said at the Munich Security Conference.
It’s not revisionist though – it is a demand to return to the old Westphalian ideal. One that Western nations only (barely) respected in Europe. Some B, so to say, hassle centuries been little more than a standout for violent, lawless behaviour.
I am not expert in history of international law – but I believe all vestiges of Westphalian ideal were blown to smithereens in july 1914. And that was apparent even in western Europe after Belgian neutrality was mixed with crap by German invasion.
Macron is negotiating on behalf of the Ruling Caste of America and the Collective West.
He asked President Putin if he was serious about using “technical and military” means to enforce Russia’s ultimatum, and of course the answer was yes.
In the last few days Russia has put on a spectacular display of “military and technical” superiority not seen since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atrocity.
All that remains to be discussed is the price and terms as the Ruling Caste sell out the Collective West in an effort to save their own necks, wealth and power.
A few sacrificial lambs will be offered up for destruction to persuade the Western public that the Empire is over.
But The Ruling Caste will make sure the nukes and bioweapons are safely locked away.
2023 Will see a New World Order, all going well. Or God willing, as my father would say.
God willing indeed
However God has told us the the end from the beginning!
Read Revelations for the truth of whats happening now and soon to Come.
I don’t understand how Macron (and Germany) can address Russia’s security demands without USA’s cooperation and agreement.
They can’t. Not by themselves.
But they can contribute towards forcing the US to change its policies.
Not because Macron or Schultz are “good” but out of self interest and fear.
Have you ever seen how a predator looks at a potential pray?
Or, better, have you ever had a predator look directly at you.
The Russian bear has now awoken, he is looking at the little ruminants who woke him up and he ain’t too happy.
True, the Russian bear has not pounced yet, but they are feeling his gaze.
Finally, it is quite obvious that the Anglos are continuing their centuries-old practice: trigger wars in Europe and then “squeeze out of it” all they can for themselves. The one thing the Anglos won’t do is fight for Europe.
The little ruminants in the EU are slowly getting that picture.
Yeah exactly, Macron and Schultz also know that once an actual war starts they have to grab their helmets and head off to the bunkers because they‘re not in charge anymore and just have to take orders.
This is their last chance to positively affect history, like that brave German admiral.
“Have you ever seen how a predator looks at a potential pray?
Or, better, have you ever had a predator look directly at you.”
Hello my friend.
I have!
Looks like this:
Or this:
Or this:
i wonder how merkel was able to make NS2 if they cant do shit on their own? Or NS1 for that matter.
They CAN do stuff on their own if they use the lag between doing it and the US Elite react to it. Like they did with NS2. It may also helps that former Chancelor Schröder is on the Russian side to initate stuff like this.
NS1 was made during the fracking Boom of the US so they not care much. now, where they need every penny they can get they care greatly.
Back in 2008, Germany & France were against Ukraine & Georgia being green-lighted for acceptance into NATO.
It didn’t do them any good back then – I don’t know the details of the discussions – but they were steamrollered over by the USA.
Until these European countries start standing up for their own interests rather than someone else’s – it is going to be more of the same.
It’s known as “growing a spine”.
Perhaps with such danger so close at the door – now they will manage it.
But their whole administrations will be so infiltrated that I bet it will be very difficult indeed.
I’m sure you mean acting chancellor Scholz. We did have a Schultz once, but he was president of the rubber-stamp association European Parliament.
No. He was in Hogan’s Heroes
Want to get an idea what it feels like having a predator look at you? Watch this video! :) I had a Mountain Lion look at me once, but this is what a defensive attack looks like.
“Anglos are continuing their centuries-old practice: trigger wars in Europe and then “squeeze out of it” all they can for themselves”
Well, the Great War was not like that. It was war which was of continental making in its entirety and which Anglos did not need to join. In the end, the cost of their joining it was exorbitant for them.
Britain sitting on the fence innocently watching the carnage
That is what some ignorants like to believe
In reality Britain was the mastermind behind both the world wars and the spread of communism although the British had so decisively taken control over the US that they had plenty of intermediaries.
Despite appearances and despite all the lying court historians the truth to a significant degree is that the dramatic 20th century was behind the scenes a british geopolitical manipulation.
In 1946 Halifax told J M Keynes ‘the americans have the money bags but we have all the brains’
Anton Gorbatow
France and Germany cannot, of course, address Russia’s security demands by themselves. However, what they can do is ignore America’s dictates for additional sanctions against Russia. I don’t see Europe, Germany especially, abandoning the import of Russian gas, as this would have severe domestic repercussions, where energy bills have risen, causing a financial strain on people, and where gas reserves have fallen. Germany to pay double for US gas, so that the price of it’s exports rise ? I think not. When sanctions were first introduced in 2014, some 500 German industrialists went to Russia to sign trade deals and open subsidiaries which now employ more than 140.000 Russians.
Europe, of course, fully understands what is going on. Washington and NATO are provoking Russia to intervene in the Donbass and accuse it of “aggression”, so that additional sanctions could be implemented, Russia financially weakened and Europe curtailed from trading with Russia, becoming a Wall Street colony. The weaker EU states are now looking towards France and Germany to break Washington’s diktat. Both Scholz and Macron have gone to Moscow for negotiations. What was discussed before and during the meetings will never, of course, be fully revealed, but I don’t think that Scholz and Macron went to back Washington’s imperial policies.
A few facts why Russia is important to Europe, especially regarding energy:
“Amid rising tensions between Russia, Ukraine and the West, Russia’s oil and gas exports rebounded sharply in 2021. According to the Bank of Russia, crude oil exports climbed to $32 billion in the fourth quarter of 2021, the highest level since 2014.
As a result of surging energy prices, Statista’s Felix Richter notes that the country’s total oil and gas exports, including oil products and liquified natural gas, exceeded $240 billion last year, up 60 percent from $150 billion in 2020 … “.
Europe to give up on Russian energy sales ? To buy imported US gas at double price ? Never.
Two former officials of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the German Peter Dittus and Frenchman Hervé Hannoun, released an extraordinary statement in the French publication Marianne on Feb. 11, calling for France to leave NATO, asserting that NATO under American leadership is prepared to sacrifice Europe, and perhaps the world, to maintain its past glory as the world’s unipolar controller of all things economic and strategic.
These two are not “anti-war activists,” rather, they are French and German leaders within the establishment. They assert that the clearly “unprecedented brainwashing conducted by the United States and NATO on the theme of the ‘imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine’” may well “go down in history as an episode of disinformation along the lines of the fabricated intelligence on Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction in 2003.” The antics of NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, they add, is reminiscent of the “famous Orwellian inversion: ‘Peace Is War.’”
They write:
“The military escalation is dangerous. For the security of the French people, it is necessary to exclude committing the French army under the banner of NATO in a war in Ukraine or Belarus. To put an end to the current confrontation, President Macron should simply declare solemnly in the name of France that his country will oppose any request from Ukraine to join NATO.
France’s current alignment with NATO, through its participation in the integrated military command under American leadership, is a strategic dead end for a country with a universal vocation like France. Today, this country has a historic role to play in stopping the march towards war in Europe initiated by the NATO sleepwalkers. France’s exit from NATO, which will mark the end of the alignment of France’s foreign security policy with the United States, will have an immense impact on the world.
It will signal Europe’s independence from American exceptionalism, the renewal of multilateralism, the emergence of a multipolar world and the rapid demise of the obsolete NATO framework. France will then rediscover its universal vocation, contributing to the global balance for peace, and playing, thanks to its rediscovered impartiality, a role of synthesis within the P5, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (the United States, United Kingdom, China, Russia, and France), a P5 whose composition must be maintained and whose role as regulator of world peace must be enhanced.”
I would read that statment as the owners of the BIS coming to the realisation that the Putin XI statment, and the attached realignment of world order has the potential to put an end to the extremely profitable scam they have been running for a very long time. Removing the hegemonic yoke from the necks of the worlds nations might just allow those nations time to think about their national interest and how, exactly, it was being served by the banking cartel and it’s ownership of their political representatives/leadership. Now THAT would really upset the apple cart.
So, best to just all settle down and leave things exactly as they are, as it allows us to harvest the entirity of global capital growth issued via money printing to our owners account for a bit longer while we figure out how to subvert Putin and Xi or their successors.
That, folks is where the root cause is most likely to lie. All wars are bankers wars. Russia/China/Iran are asserting their sovereignty and if they are successful then the inernational banking cartel will find it increasingly difficult to run its scam. The USA is the cartels bully boy, but like all bullies it is not smart, and its actions not threaten to speed up, rather than impede the pace of the introduction of a multi-polar world order of sovereign nations on equal footing. Sorry if this is seen as diversionary, but root cause analysis leads me in this direction. Follow the money.
Bankers intent is always the same, maintain the staus quo, if in fear of change or loss, go to war. They haven’t got a handle on China/Russia yet, will they be allowed by NWO to maintain scam in a different mode … obviously not but there may be room for negotiation.
This could be a game-changer! If Europe is to escape the shackles of the US the leaders of the major countries must push back (the people have no power), and so far we haven’t seen (much of) that, but this paper is sensational. Also, maybe Macron will do something good, even if only for his own self-interest.
Gives me hope.
This is interesting, the US has no options in France re: ‘regime’ change. Both the other main candidates think France should have good relations with Russia (I believe this is what is behind Macrons earlier attempts/visits, shallow but a means to an end domestically). Maybe the Russians are telling him this. The US can do nothing by supporting the other two as they will be the same vis a vis Russia. There is room to play with in France, however temporal. As for the Germans, the Greens are totally infiltrated by the US, they always were, let them commit energy suicide if they must, they will be out of the equation and France with its reliance on Nuclear power puts them again outside the US orbit.
Yes, wouldn’t it be lovely if France put its adult underpants on and behaved like an honourable full time member of the security council. It would be timely and effective.
Also, Germany could be adults and pull the same Sputin Putin Judo / chess move on Uncle Schmuel by flicking the switch on NS2. Gas flowing within 48 hours.
It would be like what has been written on these pages before that Putin and Xi are leaving the west behind. Only Macron and the new German dude are holding their hands and skipping over the Steppe with them.
Uncle Schmuel’s gizzards would be rumbling in fury, but it would work easily enough.
They should have hashed that out in a bar some time ago, now all hells broke loose.
That’s huge as are the cracks becoming in the veneer. Putin must clearly see this hence his great effort to avoid a conflict. I love chess, my dad taught me when I was a kid :)
NATO nations was also scammed in 1991.
During a press conference in December 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the West had promised the Soviet Union that NATO would not expand “one inch” to the east, but has brazenly deceived Moscow.
In a respond, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with Der Spiegel: “there has never been such a promise, it is simply not true.”
However, a document from March 1991 shows US, UK, French, and German officials discussing a pledge made to Moscow that NATO would not expand into Poland and beyond.
The document is published by the German magazine Der Spiegel.
Even former vice president of the OSCE, Willy Wimmer has stated: “Western leaders did make a promise to the USSR that NATO would not expand into Central and Eastern Europe when Moscow agreed to Germany’s reunification”.
Wimmer served as parliamentary secretary to Germany’s defense minister between 1985 and 1992.
He personally witnessed this promise when he “sent Chancellor Helmut Kohl the statement on the Bundeswehr and NATO in Europe, which was incorporated into the treaties of German reunification.”
Berlin’s decision not to station NATO troops on the territory beyond the river Oder was part of this promise.
It is important to note that during these negotiations Russia was suggested being integrated into NATO.
The idea was to unite all of Europe into NATO (yes even Russia), so future disputes should be handled in NATO to avoid conflict among allied members.
However this suggestion has proved to be a lie, to convince Russian and European NATO nations to accept the unification of Germany and the enlargement of NATO beyond its original borders.
After the fall of the Berlin wall, all of Europe including Russia should be one happy family. As such NATO was allowed the open door policy to include central European Nations, but never came to include Russia in the Alliance, and on March 24, 1999 NATO launched an air attack against Yugoslavia without mandate from the UN Security Council.
President Putin is right in claiming that Russia (the USSR) was deceived by the US and Germany, but so were the NATO Nations Britain, Denmark, and Norway, as they would have opposed the Reunification of Germany and vetoed the open door policy of NATO.
As NATOs open door policy has proven to be a scam, And as we once again is on the brink of a major war in Europe, I demand that Stoltenberg Steps down as General Secretary, and NATO be reduced to its 1991 borders.
Thanks Andrei, think that covers all my musing of this manifested as questions on the previous open thread :)
Putin gives diplomatic respect and legitimacy to leaders despite having no weight to persuade US, the main state pushing Ukraine into conflict. It is a decent thing to do. Compare that to how Biden told Scholz that he will have Nords Stream 2 shut down. Not even giving him any legitimate sovereignty in his own country. Like how dare US decide for Germany. The US doesn’t care. However, Putin has class.
“This is the Russian way of diplomacy: talk to mortal enemies like Israel and Iran and talk to non-entities like Schultz or Truss”
Is this to mean, that to talk with both sides that are mortal enemies of each other? Israel and Iran, Armenia and Azerbaijan? Greeks and Turks?
And I totally agree that it isn’t about Ukraine. They are the cat’s paw. The US doesn’t like the fact Russia made those demands and has started to stand up. They want everything to go the US way and have no opposition.
The OSCE released a map image of artillery.
This article covers it. OSCE is definitely slanted towards Western bias and still you can see most are lines of contact with Donbas receiving heavier amounts of shelling. Propaganda of shelling oneself is idiotic. And scum like Borrell can go straight to hell.
It is good to see they mitigated the effects of diversant groups in Donbass.
Thanks for the updates.
“Folks in the West are used to “western diplomacy” in which you only talk (i.e. “give orders”) to your colonies, never talk to your opponents (who are always demonized) and where NOT negotiating is seen as a sign of “strength”.”
It is curious then that these people continue to pick up the phone and ask Russia to negotiate more. It is likewise curious that a empire so concerned with strength continues to produce weak male leaders who use such strong tactics as gossip, histrionics, “narrative” and “consensus” building, more drama, tantrums, gas lighting, and fake tough guy posturing. There is nothing remotely strong or tough in how the West presents itself to the rest of the world. It isn’t lost upon everyone that they act like the high school cheerleading squad. And now the queen bee of the squad has been dumped by the star QB and she’s gossiping like crazy to smear his name. Sad.
Time for Zone A to admit that pumping their population full of estrogenic compounds was a bad idea if they wanted to remain in charge. No one is afraid of the eunuch. But that said, self-castration is welcome among the LGTBXYZ crowd, so I’m not sure why the US doesn’t embrace it’s inner eunuch status, and, instead of calling itself the “indispensable” nation, the trans-nation and rightfully accept the rainbow tiara.
Excellent post,Krungle.
Chuckling here in Africa..
Andrei, seems like there is an error in this sentence:
First, Putin and Lavrov have as a policy to talk to (almost) everybody (“Ze” being the current exception). This is the Russian way of diplomacy: talk to mortal enemies like Israel and Iran and talk to non-entities like Schultz or Truss.
Israel I can understand. But “Iran” is now a mortal enemy of Russia?
That HAS to be a typo! For the sake of the Resistance axis on which so much depends.
talk to mortal enemies like Israel and Iran
No, what I meant is that Iran and Israel are mortal enemies, yet Russia talks to both.
BTW – neither Iran or Israel are mortal enemies of Russia.
I don’t find that sentence ambiguous, but then English would be my 3rd or 4rd language (depending on how you count).
I changed it to: “talk to mortal enemies like Israel and Iran are towards each other and”
If not
What do you suggest?
I fixed it Andrei .. thanks Patrice!
talk to countries that are each other’s mortal enemies, like Israel and Iran –
fixed just to keep clean for the many cross posts that will follow.
English can be damned confusing, that’s for sure. It is rather rigid in the way it links up the meaning between Subject (in this case Russia) and the “objective case”, or parts of the predicate, “Israel and Iran”. Although you have already clarified the meaning, I would suggest the following as a possible simpler construction:
[First, Putin and Lavrov have as a policy to talk to (almost) everybody (“Ze” being the current exception). This is the Russian way of diplomacy: talk to mutual mortal enemies like Israel and Iran, and talk to non-entities like Schultz or Truss.]
My thanks to Andrei and Amarynth for their patience and the great work they do.
Iran may very well become an enemy to Russia (again) eventually. If you’ve been following ex-president Ahmadenijad’s twitter account recently, he has been posting extremely derogatory things about Russia. And he’s supposedly been campaigning to return to presidency of Iran in future, from what I recall. So having a Russian hating leader in charge of Iran I’m sure would change some things
Mod: links to the tweets you referred to would be welcome
here you go
Here he calls USSR “the devil”
looking at the ”devil” quote it appears to be from 30 years ago refering to the USSR
Ahmadenijad also tweets trash talk at the US too. Even if he got back into power, he would still have to answer to the Ayatollah. So rapprochement with the US is out. So what, he’s going to turn to China sans Russia? The dude is a little nuts, I wouldn’t take anything he says too seriously or expect it to change the course of world events.
Yeah. I think he was in really heavy combat for a long time, seem to recall that. It stays with a fella.
I understood immediately what Andrei meant, but that is because I am aware of the the state of relations between these counties, that Russia gets along with both, to the consternation of all sorts of people.
A huge thank you to Andrei for these updates and Amarynth for her contributions to the conversation here.
US propaganda is framing military activity in Eastern Ukraine – if they mention it at all – as the acts of “Russian-backed insurgents”, but for some reason this does not qualify as “Russian boots on the ground”, and therefore justification for implementation of sanctions.
What remains is – as Andrei says – a false flag that will catapult the conflict to headline status and fulfill the prophecies of the last 7 years and especially the last two months: Russia is the aggressor. I fully expect this to be a chemical attack, most likely in Kiev – from which all the rats have fled like the sinking ship that it is. Chemical attacks are after all the favorite of the US: Historical examples:
– the bombing of North Korea with plague and other agents (testing!)
– the bombing of Vietnam with agent orange (and a rainbow assortment of other toxins)
– the WMDs that the US gave Iraq to fight a proxy war against Iran, that were later used as justification for the first Gulf War
– the Skripal “poisoning” (as if anyone ever survives a nerve agent attack), and others
– the (at the time pending) invasion of Syria because of WMDs, which was derailed by Putin, who brokered a deal for their elimination under international supervision
– staged chemical attacks in Syria by terrorist US proxy armies, blamed on Syria, despite their chemical weapons having been destroyed (by the US Navy!) under international supervision
One of the Churchill-ian wisdom’s that BoJoke ignores is the one about “To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.”
But then again, Winston had seen two world wars, and BoJoke only knows elite schools and office cocktail parties.
This Macron in survival mode. Either there is a mutual security pact between the major EU powers and Russia, or there will be total US dominance and formal colonization of Europe by the Hegemon.
The US will never cut a deal with Russia.
They will never consent to a deal with Russia.
But they will be forced to accept a deal between EU and Russia.
Why? The EU powers are not strong enough. Oh, but Russia is powerful and threatening a new reality and no one can stop Putin from doing so. Either you negotiate or get the result of Russian actions.
And a written deal with EU is good enough for Russia.
It will lead to the splintering of NATO, to a European Army, and to eventual flexibility in trade with Eurasia.
Putin is liberating EU.
UK and US will do everything they can (they will kill Macron if they have to) to stop it.
This is a message from the Globalists that they prefer this solution over US dominance and war.
It has a chance of success. The Pressure Campaign remains. Putin’s strategy is working.
Are you saying that what is happening is a split between the “globalists” in Europe and the US/UK Anglozionists is developing?
If so then the world is about to become a much more interesting place.
I have difficulty seeing the US /UK team as acting in their own interests, given the amount of third party influence so obvious in their political ranks. It is that Zionist part of the AngloZionist group that rules the roost. They are the ones whose whistle stops the dogs herding the sheep. The sheep see only the dog and fail to connect the noiose to the dogs actions.
The EU globalists sense the utter incompetence but psychotic need for dominance.
They prefer to be the movers and shakers of globalism. They have an agenda that calls for the collapse of the US, so why would they allow the US to collapse the EU?
Feudalism has a feud at the top. They may all be deviant and nihilistic, but they don’t want their realm subservient to the US realm.
It’s a Feudal Pyramid, and there will be no sharing at the top.
Maybe thats what that is on the back of the one dollar bill, a feudal cutoff where the feuds exist w/in their own bubble broken away from the base of the financial foundation.
They believe they are on top, but pull the rug out and they fall and crash to the surface below.
Nicely put, thanks for the imagery.
Not really. Zionists are clearly on the way out. Russia has de facto shut them out of Syria now and patrols the Golan and sounds like it has demonstrated to Israel it can erect a no-fly zone over the entirety of Israel if they misbehave. Biden hasn’t been going out of his way to do anything for Israel lately, and their interests have been completely sidelined by this Ukraine misadventure and the China drama. Sure, a bunch of Ashkenazi are certainly pushing the Ukraine madness, but hardly from a Zionist angle. And we know from public records that Ukrainian lobbying far exceeds Israeli at the moment.
That all said, of course Zionism is wrapped up in the US/UK supremacist ideology–all of them believe this Old Testament tripe about the people who didn’t build the pyramids or anything else of significance somehow being God’s chosen people and everyone else being irrelevant. Sure. But Israel itself? It has ceased to be of importance now. Russia controls the Eastern Mediterranean, and part of Syria. Maintaining a large concentration camp is costing US tax payers an awful lot, and there is no strategic value in it. I think they’re going to get ditched. That doesn’t mean their elite won’t escape to seek counsel with their fellow US/UK travelers. But the Zionist project in the form of a strip of land inhabited by religious zealots surrounded by hostile Arabs is probably going the way of the dinosaurs. The US has much bigger problems than propping up this regime.
Putin (and Xi) are able to proceed in an other tact than the west. It is the slower tact
of the Bear and the dragon’s wisdom of ‘the right time’.
The greatness of Shukow and lastly Stalin, was to unite the entire soul of Russia’s Union
behind firstclass reconnaissance, and firstclass logistics.
Russia militarily became 1. class in reconnaissance and giants in logistics. (My impression after several readings of Shukow’s “Erinnerungen und Gedanken”.)
This other, slower, ‘more patient’ time- tact of Russia and China tells the ‘invincible West’ it’s
death-knell, as the patient east is rising facts in it’s own tact of ‘heaven’s nature’, the official West has nothing to compare with the East on the zodiacal level of collective creation , but on the in-official level of anonymous wisdom the West might raise to a moment, having enough indignant souls to entertain an conscious becoming middle course between the extremes with enough space for ‘normal live’ for the decent normal man, which to make it conscious is the task, this Vineyard-laboratory is submitted to.
Conscious go!
Defining ‘globalists’ as a single entity is problematic. As in any definded group there are factions that work together for common interests while simultaneously warring with each other over the lion’s share of the spoils.
In addition, the US MIC – that Ike warned of in 1961 – is beholden to no one but itself. The track record of these ideologues is as wretched as the actions they have taken, and I think it is going to take a severe whipping to put them in their place, with all of the risk that entails.
I would like to be wrong here but I see no evidence to the contrary. These people act as if they believe their own bullshit, which they very well might.
Thanks Saker for providing sane open space here and particularly for your stimulating analyses. My own take is that Macron is also trying to prevent the Ukrainization of Western Europe. Let me first explain what I mean by Ukrainization of Europe.
Politico in Ukraine claimed in the Verkhona Rada (spelling?) that Biden’s war hysteria + propaganda already impoverished Ukraine. $12 billion Investment fled to the West and the $4 billion loaned by Ukraine benefactors USA, Britain, Japan, France & Canada can not make up for the $12 billion lost. Plus he says that the recent out dated arms shipments were sold or loaned grossly overpriced and it made the Western MIC happy but Ukrainians poorer.
Canada and other, Ukraine “benefactors” are getting rid of their obsolete and outdated inventory at gross overprices. It is not donations or gifts but sales and will be useless to face newer Russian tech. Like I stated, the overpriced, overstocked weapon shipments from Canada, USA, UK, etc will likely be re sold in the black market….they are useless against a superpower like Russia. Zelensky has no choice and he is not in charge in the Donbas or Luhansk…..he is powerless against Russia or USA. Brandon channeling Obamba, is in charge via his proxies in Lviv ( Lvov).
IMO, the imminent invasion hoax was cover for USA, UK, Canada, etc… pull out all US, UK & Canadian Forces out of harms way without the appearance of kow towing to Russian demands to get NATO out of Ukraine.
Russia will not engage in small weapon firefights….the rebels might while defending their homes but not Russia.
Russia wil likely impose a no fly zone and target their command and control centres with Kaliber and incinerate the special forces in their trenches and foxholes from tens of miles away using Flame throwers and Thermobaric MLRS.
The vaunted stingers and javelins are going to find their way in the black market and re sold to Africa & Middle East. This will increase the oligarchs bank accounts.
Russia is not going to invade and even if it did it is going to incinerate NAZI battalions in their trenches and foxholes with Burantino flame throwers and TOS thermobaric munitions from a distance…..there will not be any chance to use the javelins or stingers against RF.
Russia is focused on its security demands from USA / NATO. Brandon already retreated to the Westernmost tip of Ukraine, Lviv or Lvov, in practice ceding Eastern Ukraine to Putin without a fight. But instead of retreating from Baltics, Poland and Romania per Putin’s demands NATO is reinforcing with token military and equipment deployments.
According to Russia already started jamming icbm launch detection early warning radars from western powers plus jamming GPS & high frequencies used by USA to communicate with USA forces worldwide……this gives USA less time to detect launches of ICBMs.
These might be some initial reciprocal technical-military countermeasures that Russia stated they will apply until situation is corrected…..They had started jamming GPS signals a week ago with Israel… it was stated that Israel aviation born cruise missiles or glide bombs (not sure here) were incapable of hitting targets in Syria…..Israel complained to Russia and Russia stated this condition will remain in place for security protection of Russian servicemen. Israel tried to raise the sensitivity of its iron dome and air defences and what it causes is that the radar screens start to see multiple ghost images of missiles everywhere….not good! a couple of days ago, Israel admitted that a Hezbollah reconnaissance drone flew 70 km inside Israel and returned safely to southern Lebanon despite Israel throwing the kitchen sink at it.
There is fear in Macron, of the impending Ukrainization of Europe. Sorry to be so long winded. All the best and may there be peaceful solution.
Don’t apologise, I really enjoyed that.
If everything or most of it held true and Russia could put an end to the genocide of Syria at the flick of some switches then why haven’t they done so already?
This one act stabilises the Region with Saudi and UAE hands forced to pay reparations for Syria’s rebuild instead of paying ZATO protection money. US have threatened both with normalising relations with Syria after behind the scene diplomatic efforts. A knock on effect ends ZATO’s genocide in Yemen and Iraq, bringing an end to America’s War On, excuse me War of Terror.
The US is Europe’s enemy, not Russia.
It is time that Europe adjusted its security architecture and its trading relationships to reflect that reality.
The US is everyone’s enemy.
However, if you think Europe is not an enemy of Russia, explain the endemic Nazism and Russophobia that spews from deep wells of hate for everything Russian.
Russia has had to fight off wars sent from Europe for hundreds of years.
Did those armies and navies come with love and flowers?
Most of the sick ideology and pathology the world suffers comes from Europe.
“Most of the sick ideology and pathology the world suffers comes from Europe”
I might qualify your above with ….This ideology and pathology was improved on and honed to a fine art by the USA
and its agencies.Then this tripe was fed back to Europe and the rest of the world as what we now see in everyday media MSM LGBTQU¶º6
I travelled USA extensively and worked all over North America,I also travelled many other countries, a more dumbed down population can not be found anywhere on the planet than in USA.
Agree, and to be more specific, it is not Europe, but vatican-ized part of Europe, that is the one under the gripping influence of Vatican real economic, foreign and conversion policies. Hatred of Russia is truly the hatred of Eastern Orthodoxy. That is why converted citizens (to Catholicism or Uniate church) of states like Croatia, Ukraine, Slovakia, often exhibit pathological hatred towards Russians and/or Serbs, precisely because many of them are converted Slavs.
Not surprisingly, between I-st and 2-nd world war , most of the Catholic countries in Europe went fascistic, or very close to it: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania (still Eastern orthodox country but ‘redesigned’ during 19-th century with a new language and history as a buffer state to prevent Russian-Serbian corridor). Ireland, France and Czechoslovakia are notable exceptions, although Vichy France and Monsignor Tiso Slovakia became fascist vassals only after 1939 occupations.
It was the fear of communism, in particular, confiscation of church properties,
huge amount of farmland, real estate in the cities, schools, banks, hospitals, insurance companies, etc, that prompted rise of fascism. It can be claimed that Vatican is not only the oldest surviving criminal organization in the world, since at least 1st Crusade in 1096, it is also the richest one. Rothschild family started on its way to riches by becoming Vatican bankers, some say accountants too, officially in 1832, perhaps earlier.
Best regards, Spiral
You can not separate Europe from the US, this is so called ”modern western civilisation”. Modern western civilisation is corrupt and goes against any other civilisation that’s not like it.
My bad. I earlier fired an alert thinking Andrei might have printed a typo in this sentence:
“First, Putin and Lavrov have as a policy to talk to (almost) everybody (“Ze” being the current exception). This is the Russian way of diplomacy: talk to mortal enemies like Israel and Iran, and talk to non-entities like Schultz or Truss.”
My error was that Andrei was not talking about Russia seeing Israel and Iran as mortal enemies. Instead, he meant Moscow was willing to talk to mortal enemies (between themselves), in this case Israel and Iran.
Russia has said that US troops have to leave Central and Eastern Europe. That is NOT an ambiguous statement!
‘”meeting at the highest level”
UNSC during Russian chairmanship or to delay past that point-does that matter anyways?
And/or OSCE meeting ?? Chairman Poland calls for OSCE Council meeting.
watching an “analytic” presentation on al jazeera …all is wound up in a gordian knot….now cos ukr believes or want to convince itself Russia is invading why should it continue with Minsk. Never mind it has failed to do so ever….and has no intention to proceed unless it gets border controls first then punishing the LNRDPR….despite opposite statements in previous years it seems to still and wish to believe that Russian military is present in the Donbass-presumably to get Donbass militias to be disbanded and de-armed…..Ukr has proposed various plan B’s in previous years for what they were worth with Germanic support hinted at.
Such a coincidence…Munich Security Conference…anniversary of Maidan…citizens still believe in Russian special forces fired on the heavenly hundred .
UK USA . Biden held National Security meeting today. Minister for Europe joins in “invasion now very very likely and very very imminent”…. wow. is the next level “now” …airspace closed by Russia over Sea of Azov apparently(was a hint coupla days ago Ukrops might attack Donbass from Mariupol)…still very intensive at LOC still could escalate.
No one wants to believe current Rusdian statements…..they just want to hold it accountable for all the percieved ills of the past incl USSR days…..? West cannot accept any truths apart from its own delusional lies.
Just which part of the following quote do the Europeans not grasp?
“American colleagues at the Pentagon told me, unequivocally, that the US and UK never would allow European-Soviet (re: EU-Russia) relations to develop to such a degree that they would challenge the US-UK’s political, economic or military primacy and hegemony on the European continent. Such a development will be prevented by all necessary means, if necessary by provoking a war in central Europe.” Christof Lehmann
Do the Germans seriously want to shut down their economy and retire to the potato fields?
How many dimensions of Moron can there be?
Maybe suicide vests are now a hot item in the German flea markets?
Or baseball bats, to beat their own heads with?
That’s it in a nutshell: the US must hold onto Europe at all costs. If there’s war and Europe sides with it, the US wins. Can Russia prevent it? Maybe. Can Europe? Does it even realize what’s at stake?
It might be that the European business elites are the only ones who can at this point, and force the leaders to break with the US.
The US government cannot lose Europe because of the dollar. Europe has the Euro. They are actually competing with the dollar. That is why China and Russia are trading gas in Euros. The US has huge deficits to pay for F-35s that can not fly in EW environments, aircraft carriers that are sitting ducks, and 750 military bases, while assuming that we never have to pay taxes because the dollar is used all over the world for trade. The dollar gives control of other governments through interest rates and sanctions. The whole sanction theory is based on dollar / pound dominance. If the dollar loses, who is going to pay the taxes necessary to pay back the debt in a declining, inflation ridden economy. The dollar falls, the price of gas, gasoline, oil, steel, and food and everything goes up. This will hurt a lot of people who are already mad.
Come on, boys. You’re missing the real reason why Macron is there. North Western Africa. Mother Russia has just borrowed a few pages from the Asymmetrical Warfare Encyclopedia and is actually relieving Old France from some of her 14 or so African colonies. You know, the ones actually paying for French lifestyle. As an old colonial power, France stands to actually lose more than the other European countries in this little charade.
I’m surprised no one mentioned before the Malians kicking the French colonial armies out of their country and welcoming Wagner.
Mod: a link would be welcome here
Reports that a NOTAM was issued by Russia blocking the entire Sea of Azov at midnight.
10 Russian vessels entered the Sea of Azov after passing under the Crimean bridge.
Here is a link, please see update at 11:47 which gives this info
Please do not post Hal Turner, his website is completely fake laughable propaganda that generally steals info from other websites, he’s only a notch or two above Sorcha Faal, and is generally always wrong and exclusively posts clickbait of the lowest variety
I noticed all his diagrams and explanations of Russia invading and taking over all of 404. Another of the BoJO/POTUSCrash Dummy/Stultifyingberg facts sheet. Puts doubt on all the rest of his post.
Several links to this:
The Jerusalem Post printed this. Said to be issued via Rostov FIR, as a Notice to Airmen.
You can ask them for yourself:
Mod: the link was for the benefit of others.
What are the chances that France, within some reasonable time frame, exits NATO and declares itself politically neutral?
Imho, only if the zionists governing it (CRIF’s bosses, oligarchs like Bolloré, Drahi et al etc) decide it is a better path for them than abject servilism to the anglos as seen from Sarko.
I really hope they have gauged the anglo ship is totally doomed and it is time to move to the East, even if it is presented as some kind of vocation universelle de la France and even if -totally ironic- they have to invoke de Gaulle.
I see no representation of this at all in France’s current political casting save maybe for Asselineau and Philippot (who got out of the presidential race), but I guess they could build a golem overnight, just like they did with Macron.
Election in April here in France, 3 candidates are “more or less for a NATO exit” Zemmour, LePen and Melenchon. (NATO exit but not EU exit……..)
But all Medias here only repeat “Russians will attack”, no usefull information on TV, only NATO propaganda and few peoples try to understand what’s really happen in 404.
NATO is not a subject on french TV or mainstream internet : Islam, Football, gaz price and new Disney series are more important.
Scuse me for my bad english
It seems the US Embassy just issued a warning of possible terrorist attacks inside Russia.
Mpd: please give a link to substantiate your claim. Possible link:
An ideal situation in Ukraine would be like the 2020 agreement between Turkey / Russia in allepo provence in Syria.
The French can patrol the Ukie side the Russians or neutral force the Donbas side.
If that happens they`ll likely be no war for the conceivable future.
France is not contemplating sending its military to Ukraine amid escalating tensions in the breakaway Donbass, French Minister of State for European Affairs Clement Beaune said on Sunday.
“We are not considering the military option for our French or European soldiers to be sent to Ukraine,” Beaune said on air in an interview with French Radio J.
via sputniknews
Andrei one of your best analysis of all time. I actually for the first time have cautious optimism that the Ukies won’t launch this invasion. I just saw a great video of the general mobilization taking place in Donbass with interviews in a school gymnasium.
The armed forces in the Donbass are totally ready for whatever comes at them. In addition Donbass has Russia’s back. Russia has complete escalation dominance. It’s unbelievable how advantageous the situation is for Russia. Your point on how now the Ukrainian elite are terrified for their own personal lives may just be enough to stop the hand of war. At the last hour Ukraine may just develop cold feet.
If war can be averted and Ukraine get forced kicking and screaming to the Minsk accords and actually begin talking to the Donbass then this will be one of the most important developments in world history, of course thanks to Russia.
Even if it is for opportunistic reasons I really have to give credit to Macron belatedly. He’s got more cajones than Schultz of Germany. Of course if the UK/US do in the end get their way with war Macron will probably say that he tried to stop it but will join the chorus in condemning Russia.
Stay tuned.
BTW, pretty much any country with any sort of Medical imaging technology has the capability to produce a ‘dirty bomb’. If a country thinks having a ‘dirty-bomb’ is more important than having say ‘x-ray machines’, then I’d imagine they could make one.
America has already ‘dirty-bombed’ itself, at places like Hanford and Rocky Flats. By chasing the nuclear genii, there are now places in America that have to be fenced off and avoided for generations. Thanks Uncle Sam!
US tells citizens in Russia to prepare ‘evacuation plans’
My early take is that French President Macron is in a position to say no to Ukraine joining NATO as a possible political path to sanity, so team Biden is maxing out the propaganda knob in a desperate panic,to make Russia saber-rattle back so as to enhance the “Russian Threat” narrative. If this warning story is true, it looks like team Biden really “jumped the shark” on this one.
One reason Macron might be pushing this now is Ukraine’s threat to develop nuclear weapons. A lot of people think that would be impossible for them. But knowing the level of scientific development that Ukraine had,and some of that must still be around,I’m not so sure. Not today of course,but within a few years it might be possible. Take a look at Pakistan as an example. Pakistan was nowhere near having the scientific infrastructure that Ukraine had,and yet they pulled it off. Russia can’t let Ukraine turn into a Pakistan, while they play the part of India. They already play that game with a non-nuclear Ukraine,they can’t afford to play it with a nuclear Ukraine.Especially with one with a neo-nazi ideology in power.
On the other side,there are as I said many people that think Ukraine can’t do that.Here are two good articles from a couple of those people:
Israel has nuclear weapons and there are clearly circumstances under which the weapons or technology would be shared with Ukraine.
It has been suggested that if Israel’s position in the Middle East becomes untenable, Ukraine would make a suitable new home for Israel’s population.
Israel is not a signatory of the NPT
The “level of science”, or rather technologies and competencies, disappears after 7 years, at the current pace of development.
And after the past 30 – they are irrevocable.
Today Territory 404 cannot create, develop, build anything – there are no resources … none!
PS Lied, they can still make a “dirty bomb”
(for which the Americans will destroy them first)))
That is simply false.
If someone knew how to make something, they still know it in time of a crisis.
What disappears in 7 to 10 years is the ability to make something -competitive-, not ability to make something at all. Should the ukies go for it, they will surely not go after the lates and greatest. A “design from the 60s” technology-wise will do for their purpose.
Their limitation will be other – to make the device you need fissile material. And all the fuel cells of the “Chernobyl type” which had weapons plutonium as a possible by-product were long removed. As such there is no way for the ukies to get even a couple devices clandestinely. They will first have to acquire enough fissile material and that would be too visible.
@ Saker
Thanks for another detailed write up into the most recent developments.
Another factor that can be added to the three you mentioned for France’s engagement with Russia, could be France’s resentment with the US, UK, Australia over being left out of AUKUS, a snub that enraged France with their “allies.”
Just a thought.
Lone Wolf
Yes the AUKUS deal really upset Macron – loss of jobs, money and face, and threatens their Pacific empire. Australia blatantly lied to Macron. ” I do not think, I know” (Macron’s words when asked if Morrison PM was lying) is likely to become a common idiom in Australia to mean someone is lying.
What is this about?
My guess is the US is extending their false flag potential to inside Russia. There may well be Ukrainian terrorists or US mercenaries inside Russia ready to carry out terrorist attacks inside Russia to “convince” Russia to “invade” Ukraine.
Doubtful any of that would work, assuming any incidents were not horrendously large. But anything is possible.
Have you ever had a predator look at you?
A very interesting and apposite analogy, because, Yes, I have.
It was in a crocodile reserve, and I could only tolerate it because I was standing behind a strong mesh fence.
He floated silently to the surface. He didn’t move, not one tiny bit. He lay, still and silent looking at me, unblinking, never taking his gaze off me. And I knew that if I went for one second past that fence there would be an explosion of ferocious speed and power and I would be gone.
My blood turned to slow moving ice. If this is how the leaders of Europe are feeling, much is explained.
Never faced a croc close up (seen them though) but I had plenty of experience with alligators and snakes and I think that reptiles don’t convey the same power as mammals. Large cats are especially scary looking in that mode.
I am referring to animals in the wild, by the way, not caged ones.
Saw closeup tv footage of a Lion attack a safari tourist group while safe in their truck once, yes the look in its eyes i still remember it well.
You do not ‘tame’ a crocodile – ever! They remain an alpha predator no matter their context. Crocodiles perceive every animal as food.
In the zoo, sometime in the big cat houses, watch what the big cats are watching. It’s the small children, thoughtfully, patiently. The children and their parents don’t see or feel it at all, which is a bit horrifying.
I had a tiger briefly stalk me behind a chain link fence at a private zoo, we were about a couple of feet apart. I looked into its eyes and there was no question on the tiger’s intention.
Imagine for a second if Macron were to pull a “De Gaulle” out of nowhere.
Something like “I warned years ago that NATO Is brain dead. France wants to stay faithful to Atlantic powers, but there’s a real risk of war in Europe, and something has to be done to defuse that risk. Hence, France will (temporarily) get in a non-aligned position by severing its NATO ties in the hope that this will Kickstart a thaw.
Yeah. I know, It’s crazy. Especially from Macron. I don’t believe It for a second… And yet, what else…?
700,000 civilians could take 2-4 weeks to physically evacuate at top speed. Donbass needs Russia to stall the hostilities. This is a fundamental logistics problem I don’t see anyone addressing.
Try walking. They should be able to average 30 to 35 miles per day even when stopping to eat and rest. How far to Russia?
You’re right about growing China back to russian position.
Voice of Beijing
Ho, you’re right about the rest too. :)
Thank you.
Full disclosure: I’m pretty well hook, line, and sinker bought into Dmitri Orlov’s “Putin’s Ukrainian Judo Revisited”, my comment:
So, I am seeing it through this lens.
My question:
Today in Global Times.
Ukraine crisis could escalate but all out war unlikely.
A very important article.
Could someone put up a link, please.
See above. Mod.
Thanks for your comments, Saker.
A lot of negotiations behind the scenes between Europe and Russia, it seems. Biden cannot negotiate openly with Putin, after presenting him in such a negative way.
Knowing this, I think Macron is seeing the opportunity to rally some european colleagues and try to get a security agreement with Russia. The US would not be part of this, not at the beginning.
Today, the US is asking its citizens to leave St. Petersburg. Desperation !!!
I think the key problem Russia has to contend with is the perception in the West that Russia is not a country to be respected. The political elite in the West believe that the USSR lost the Cold War and as such Russia should remain in a position of subordination to the West.
Even when Putin, or more accurately Russia, demands security guarantees and a revision of the security architecture in Europe, these people assume that Russia has no power or right to demand anything and they convince themselves that Russia is bluffing. They humour Russia with phony negotiations but ultimately are unwilling to make any concessions no matter how real Russia’s grievances are.
At this stage, it is clear that only a demonstration of Russian military power will convince these people that Russia is a country to be respected or taken seriously. Only then might Russian concerns and security interests be seen as legitimate.
The problem with this French initiative is that it requires the cooperation of the Ukrainians in order for it to work, and the Ukrainians are totally controlled by the US…
It is reminiscent of the situation in Bosnia in 1992: the EU hammered together a peace plan called the Cutleiro- Carrington Plan (Lisbon Agreement). All sides agreed (Bosnian Serbs/ Croats/ Muslims.)
Shortly after the breakthrough, US envoy Warren Zimmerman travelled to Sarajevo and convinced Bosnian Muslim President Izetbegovic to renege the EU plan.
The reason Bosnian Muslims reneged was because they received assurances from the US that they would get a better deal from them.
War broke out.
None of the US promises materialised, and the Dayton Agreement was exactly the same as the EU’s Lisbon treaty (except it was after the war, with hundred thousand dead).
I hope the Ukrainians will be smart enough to accept this offer and not fall for empty promises…
Like every ordinary fella/gal in any country in the world, the US Establishment don’t hate Russians. If the Russians were little green men & women from another planet who just happened to own/inhabit specific geographical coordinates to a defined region on Earth then it would make no difference.
No, what the US Establishment are upset about are Russia’s vast natural resources, real wealth, and the fact that Russia won’t play ball in their grand make-believe spin the wheel financial merry-go-round; moreover, who are now doing their damndest to wreck it. Their Holy-Grail, Achilles-Heel Stawk Meerkat which out of necessity has been reduced to a bunch of algos crammed with non-existent purchase orders cancelled in nanoseconds to give the illusion of a heartbeat, pulse. in order to cover up a system on life support.
The US and its Euro vassals are sporting National Debts between 100-200% of GDP, are joined at the hip, unable to raise interest rates 1% for fear of even further contagion caused by the resultant exponential increase in interest on debt payments. What’s lurking on the Banks/Private Bookie balance sheets is even more scary. Should just one vassal drop out the House of Cards likely collapses; any dissent among the rank-and-file, like Greece a decade ago, is punished mercilessly where its cost of borrowing miraculously triples. Play ball and your basket-case economy can continue the illusion of a going concern.
Just one example of how ludicrous matters are was Ireland’s belligerency toward Russia recently; unusually they’re on board with their EU partners in pontificating vociferously in Russia’s direction, strange, having faced a history of subjugation from the English for a 1000 years. Alas the Debt-Trap, Eire a country of under 5 million inhabitants has a larger national debt than Russia (350-250 Billion in monopoly dollars ). Sink, no, sing or drown. US $30 Trillion + ten times this in unfunded-underfunded liabilities, Germany, France, UK, 3-4 trillion.
So, there’s no escape, only war, covid distractions, msm’s flying circus, preventing the grim reaper from calling time on this clusterfook.
So Russia/ Russian ethnic in Ukraine, they don’t really want to kill you, nothing personal. Hope this makes you feel better when the missiles come through the sitting-room. They just hate you for your freedoms and wealth.
As a non-privileged ethnic minority living in the imperial homeland, I have had a lot of people ask me if this will be the “Chinese” century much like how this century was “Pax Americana” and such for the West. I don’t think so. This is the rise of the Eurasian century, something not before seen in world history, a willing collaboration of different countries with different priorities on the basis of mutual benefit. There will be poles of power in Russia, China, Africa, The Middle-East, and hopefully, Europe, if it can pull itself out of the shadow of the hegemon. I don’t believe China or Russia want to be hegemons, simply treated fairly on a level playing field with other regional powers that will form the bloc of Eurasia. This combined bloc has far more influence than the Natostan countries. In fact, Russia is the quintessential Eurasian power, and her unique heritage showcases this diversity beautifully. Putin’s strategy in Ukraine not only calls the Western bluff, but exposes the weakness of the West and helps to goad those in Eurasia who are still beholden to the hegemon into considering real, true sovereignty. Even the Eurocrats cannot entertain the Anglo-saxon insanity without showing cracks in the unity of Natostan.
All this without a shot being fired. I’m beginning to think that politics as practiced by those not in Natostan is more of an art than a science.
“This is the rise of the Eurasian century, something not before seen in world history…”. I don’t know which history books you have been reading but the Mongol Empire existed during the 13th and 14th centuries and it is recognised as being the largest contiguous land empire in history.
I have a question, since Ukraine made chernobyl off limits, are there still reactors/isotopes/cooling rods there?
Only reactor 4 blew up, 1, 2, 3 are still operational right? Can’t they siphon radiation materials from there?
As soon as they begin to collect a “dirty bomb” they will be destroyed.
The US and Russia are racing against terror.
And for more ameroevroukry are incapable of.
In addition, the “dirty bomb” has nothing to do with the atomic bomb. It’s just a container of any highly active material, usually with no explosive type of chain reaction. This container is blown up by explosives and pollutes the environment…
So, hypothetically… if Ukraine can’t seize control of Donbass, I wouldn’t put it past them to make those areas uninhabitable for hundreds of decades… if they can’t have it then no one can.
That is real disgraceful, and the west is laying groundwork as “Russian chemical warfare attack/terrorist attack/etc.”.
As a European, I do not care if the economical cut from Russia will happen or not – not because it will not hurt us economically, it will -, but simply because we are already being hurt every day of our lifes, and in many ways, including economically, but also intellectually, morally, etc., from our disconnect from physical reality and from human nature.
My beard is white now, I learned not to hate any particular country, and I intend to make my contribution, not only to a return to sanity, but to a bright future for mankind.
As of 4:30 U.S. Eastern Standard Time:
Aljazeera headlines, “Vladimir Putin: Diplomacy over Ukraine crisis must ‘intensify”.
CNN headlines, “Orders have been sent to Russian Commanders to attack, US intel shows.”
By the headlines alone one can surmise who the instigators are.
By the way, according to Bloomberg a few days ago, Russia is supposed to be invading the Ukraine today. Somebody better tell Putin to get his tanks rollin’.
More insanity from the US.
I’m guessing the US is contemplating the complete severance of relationships with Russia. As usual, it will hurt the average man.
Likely some terrible false flag terrorist attack is being planned against Russia and Ukraine (which is nothing but some Russian province taken over by force for the five-eyes).
I think Andrei’s analysis here is spot on about Macron. “Why does Putin even bother [talking to Macron]?” is the right question (since, for Russia, the only agreement that matters is one with the USA). For me the answer is because Russia wants to destroy NATO. Macron is useful to achieving that objective because he is running a policy line that is undermining NATO solidarity, potentially fatally in the long run. Putin is giving Macron as much rope as the latter wants and needs to hang himself and take the rest of NATO to the gallows with him. But will other NATO members join Macron’s conga line? Maybe Italy. But that’s about it. Others who are wavering (Croatia for example) look too weak and afraid to commit overtly.
“The Russians and the Chinese are now leading the entire Zone B towards this goal by a careful mix of unilateral policies including the gradual de-dollarization of Eurasia and the energy markets, military pressure on the US and its colonies and by developing their REAL economies (as opposed to the West’s FIRE economies).”
I would point folks, again, to my former prof Kent E. Calder’s 2019 book, “Super Continent: The Logic of Eurasian Integration” (Stanford University Press).
Calder was trained as a Japanologist by Edwin Reischauer, the son of missionaries, who was born and raised in Japan (and fluent in the language, spoken and written), before attending university in the US and going on to become a professor of East Asian Studies.
Here is a pocket summary of Calder’s book from FA, written by Andrew Nathan, himself a distinguished Sinologist, and professor at Columbia:
“his book is the definitive statement of Calder’s long-standing thesis that technological and economic changes are integrating the Eurasian “super continent,” as foreseen over a century ago by the British strategist Halford Mackinder. Beneath the churn of political events, this integration is driven not only by the familiar dynamics of globalization but also by such less noted factors as the growing efficiency of transport logistics and the digitization of customs procedures. U.S. pressure on China and Russia is pushing the two countries together, and complementary economic strengths are drawing Germany closer to China. China is promoting integration through its Belt and Road Initiative, seeking to aid its giant state-owned enterprises, which are desperate to reach beyond their saturated home market. Integration could be slowed by an economic crisis or an ethnoreligious conflict in China or by ambivalence in other countries about Chinese influence, but it would take a cataclysm to stop it. Calder thinks that China will seek not U.S.-style hegemony but a new kind of influence in which the benefits of integration are more widely distributed among countries, which he labels “distributive globalism.” If so, he recommends that the United States cooperate with countries such as India and Japan, and even to some extent with China, to promote pluralism within the zone of Chinese influence.”
While both Calder and Nathan are Americans (though Calder was born and raised in South Africa), and write from and American point of view, but they have deep expertise in their respective areas, and Calder writes with a nuanced understanding of the region.
Did you mean Schultz or Scholz?
Sticking with the reptilian theme Macron speaks with a “forked tongue”. According to Dr Natalia Virenko, Chairwoman, for the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU) at the Conference yesterday among the arms flowing into the Ukraine France has attached loans of 1.2 billion dollars. (The USA loans of 1 billion, the UK loans of two and three tenths billion, Canada half a billion. She did not give the numbers for Poland.) In the short period ‘year to date’ Ukraine has lost 14 billion of which 12 and a half billion has been capital flight. She said they have been told that the price of bread is going to be raised soon by 20 to 30 percent. Ukrainians may already have the shortest life span in Europe but I think, unfortunately, it is about to get a lot shorter. It is like Martyanov wrote. As sad as it is, we have to keep our eye on the “Great Game” that is afoot. For the Anglo Saxons the whole of Europe is the banquet with Germany being the intended first course. I will “eat my shorts” if they manage to pull that off.
We need to remember the timeline today. Fairly calm start. Putin and Macron talk. Have a deal to talk with others and have a ceasefire. The US and UK start a late afternoon hysteria about an imminent invasion. Heavy artillery from the Ukie side begins. No doubt, the US and UK as trying to instigate a war.
Macron is trying to protect the CFA franc in Africa. Things are heating up there.
Putin has the big picture.
“Go where your opponent does not expect you to go.” – SUN TZU
When will Putin /endorse the Duma vote recognizing the two Republics? Maybe only after the Ukraine army launches?
A Geo-political Rupture between w Europe and the US is possible if not an outright certainty. This may not be a sudden rupture though and it could likely involve a transition of some sort. There are many scenarios but I think definitely the rupture between Zone A and B is “baked in” and inevitable. If the rupture involves and is instigated by betrayal, one can imagine which side that will come from.
What is Ukraine’s current NATO status in reality?
How closely is Ukraine already tied to NATO ?
RT. NATO evacuates Ukraine staff.
Symbolic status – Enhanced Opportunities Partner (EOP))).
I’m wondering what is the current state of the 9 or 10 NATO military exercises in Ukraine which were to start this month and continue throughout the year. Doing a Google search turns up exactly nothing. Even searching for the individual exercises names reveals only the ones conducted in 2021 and absolutely nothing from 2022. I have to assume that either that information is being censored or all such exercises have been canceled. Given that such exercises have been an annual event – and this year’s was supposed to be almost double in size – that seems highly suspicious that *no* information is available on any of them (except one, “Sea Breeze”.)
…but who is it?
The United States and Britain desperately want a Russian invasion of Ukraine, but they not be the ones making the decisions on the ground. Russia says it has no intention of invading Ukraine, but if this was true under all circumstances, then the Russian deterrence would have no effect. So who is behind the escalation in Donbass?
I will repost some old comments and some new analysis.
Russia needs Chinese approval to invade Ukraine. China would not approve an invasion until the Olympics were over.
Americans seem to be baiting Russia to invade Kiev and half of Ukraine.
On February 16th Russia once again declared that the claims of a Russian invasion on that day had been Western fake-news. The situation changed on the morning of February 17th. Ukraine started shelling Donbass. Maybe Russia was too early to declare the “Russian invasion” stories a hoax.
During previous rounds of escalation Russia has placed light armor in Rostov, ready to move into Donbass and help the defenders. This time they have placed the 1st Guards Tank Army and the 4th Tank Division near Kharkov, ready to cut Ukraine in half.
One reason for the Russian invasion preparations can be knowledge of Ukrainian attack plans.
The strongest proof of Ukrainian attack plans is the 150 thousand battle-ready Ukrainian troop in the trenches in Donbass – totally unacknowledged by Western media. Are they all needed to defend against the 35,000 Novorossiyan forces? They are not there to defend against a Russian invasion. Why would Russia attack through the heavily fortified positions in Donbass, when they can simply walk over the border from Belgorod to Kharkov?
Does Ukraine have a death wish? If they really believed that Russia is about to attack Ukraine, they would move their forces to defend Kiev and Kharkov, instead of shelling Donbass.
Maybe we need to reinterpret the Biden-Zelensky phone call. Was Biden warning Zelensky that he should not attack Donbass and instead move his troops to defend Kiev and Kharkov? Did Zelensky want to attack anyway?
Please stick to one name. Tom or Zahran. Any further will go to trash. Mod.
The guarantee that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not attack the “people’s militia” of the LDNR is that the order must be given personally by Zelensky.
And Biden stressed this in his latest statement on the situation in the failed state of Ukraine.
Comedian Zelensky is not a suicide or a murderer, he is a pitiful coward, a thief and a swindler, but not a kamikaze.
In addition, I am sure that even after opening the package / receiving an order, it will not be executed, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will scatter around the huts or storm the Headquarters of the Office a la President (Kyiv, Bankova Street, 11))).
Телефонный разговор с Президентом Франции Эммануэлем Макроном
По инициативе французской стороны состоялся телефонный разговор Владимира Путина с Президентом Французской Республики Эммануэлем Макроном.
20 февраля 2022 года17:15
В продолжение обсуждений в ходе недавнего визита Президента Франции в Москву и регулярных телефонных контактов проведён обстоятельный обмен мнениями по ситуации вокруг Украины, а также по выработке долгосрочных юридических гарантий безопасности Российской Федерации.
Выражена серьёзная озабоченность в связи с резким ухудшением обстановки на линии соприкосновения в Донбассе. Президент России отметил, что причиной эскалации являются провокации украинских силовиков.
Обращено внимание на происходящую накачку натовскими странами Украины современными вооружениями и боеприпасами, что подталкивает Киев к военному решению так называемой проблемы Донбасса. В результате страдают мирные жители ДНР и ЛНР, которым приходится эвакуироваться в Россию для спасения от усиливающихся обстрелов.
Вновь подчёркнуто, что Киев лишь имитирует переговорный процесс, упорно отказывается от реализации Минских соглашений и договорённостей, достигнутых в «нормандском формате».
С учётом остроты сложившегося положения дел президенты признали целесообразным активизировать поиск решений дипломатическими средствами по линии внешнеполитических ведомств и политсоветников лидеров стран – участниц «нормандского формата».
Эти контакты призваны способствовать восстановлению режима прекращения огня и обеспечению прогресса в деле урегулирования конфликта вокруг Донбасса.
С учётом всего этого Владимир Путин вновь акцентировал необходимость того, чтобы США и НАТО со всей серьёзностью отнеслись к требованиям России по обеспечению гарантий безопасности и отреагировали на них конкретно и по существу.
Условлено о продолжении контактов на различных уровнях.
Yandex translation. Mod.
Telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron
At the initiative of the French side, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron.
February 20, 202217:15
In continuation of the discussions during the recent visit of the French President to Moscow and regular telephone contacts, a thorough exchange of views was held on the situation around Ukraine, as well as on the development of long-term legal guarantees for the security of the Russian Federation.
Serious concern was expressed in connection with the sharp deterioration of the situation on the contact line in Donbass. The Russian President noted that the reason for the escalation is the provocations of the Ukrainian security forces.
Attention is drawn to the ongoing pumping by NATO countries of Ukraine with modern weapons and ammunition, which pushes Kiev to a military solution to the so-called Donbass problem. As a result, civilians of the DPR and LPR suffer, who have to evacuate to Russia to escape from the increasing shelling.
It was stressed again that Kiev is only imitating the negotiation process, stubbornly refuses to implement the Minsk agreements and agreements reached in the Normandy format.
Taking into account the severity of the current state of affairs, the Presidents recognized it expedient to intensify the search for solutions by diplomatic means through the foreign ministries and political advisers of the leaders of the countries participating in the Normandy format.
These contacts are designed to help restore the ceasefire and ensure progress in resolving the conflict around Donbass.
With all this in mind, Vladimir Putin once again emphasized the need for the United States and NATO to take Russia’s demands for security guarantees seriously and respond to them specifically and in substance.
It was agreed to continue contacts at various levels.
I think that in peaceful times tectonic shifts happen only when there are important changes in the behaviour of the elites of a very important player (a leading country). In this case, I doubt that Macron or the French government or elite may provoke anything else than noise.
I think that the changing event or point for the fate of Europe would be the fall of the current German government and the rise of a neutral or pro-Russian chancellor. THAT could really be a game-changing move.
I’m based on the following:
– The indisputable leader and “raison d’être” of the European Union is Germany, the industrial powerhouse and its main economy, in fact the only one that can be up and running (albeit with serious problems) in case the UE dissolves. Thus, the only country that can drag the rest with its decisions.
– France has an economic profile similar to the countries based on a FIRE economy. Much of its strength relies on financial services and has very few remaining industrial groups. Unless the French elites (deeply entrenched in the Worldwide financial anarchism) decide to change orientation and betray their allies who control the Western financial world, something with almost zero probability, the French government won’t change its behaviour.
– Even if the French government starts to be vocal against the Five Eyes block, the recent incident of the submarine deal with Australia shaped the French image to the World as a spineless ally who will bow to whatever the main partner decides. It will need much more than declarations to be taken seriously.
In any case, continuing discussions with Macron doesn’t hurt. After all, this is a long-term process.
Putin know how to play any chessboard. But here, it seems he offered a new kind of game, looking for honorable partners to play with. For exemple, look at this win-win chessboard Putin and Xi play something resembling that game together and the outcomes are pretty good for both and their nations) this game can be multiplayers so it fit perfectly with the vision of a multipolar world without obvious and destructive antagonism.
Is there anything to read into the abandoning of Kiev? Seems like they have given up on Kiev as capital and (permanently) relocated to Lviv. Am I reading too much into this?
Just fake posturing from U.S. for political / image reasons. They need to send a message and pretend they’re taking this ‘invasion’ stuff seriously, but they’re really snickering and trying to suppress their laughter.
While not attempting to present an argument either for or against the following, since the beginning of this century we have seen the hysteria attendant on fear take centre stage with the different themes of radical Islamic terrorists, global warming, Covid and now war with Russia.
Whether, or not, these four do or did present a clear and present danger to humanity, fear has a shelf life. Then we adapt. We get on with our lives.
Perhaps Putin and Macron are simply trying to dial down the fear. Perhaps they are trying, in the face of the current hysteria, to act responsibly. I do hope so.
I’ve been watching (and rewatching) lots of Putin and Lavrov videos on RT/YT these past few days in order to glean — if that is at all possible — some of their thinking. Two things struck me as significant:
1. In the PC with Lukashenko, VVP mentioned that Russia would be struck with sanctions no matter what it does.
2. In the interview with Herr Scholz, when asked what RF would do if the US rejected the ultimatums, VVP replied very simply that RF would ‘follow the plan.’
I appears to me that Russia is now following its own drum ie ‘the plan’, only modifying it as it suits them; it has stopped listening to the West completely, meaning, if what the West does suits RF, the Kremlin will follow up the offer; otherwise it will go its own way.
Which brings me to the problem of false flags. Now, I believe false flags are a possible but diminishing prospect. For one thing, RF doesn’t care about whether the West will resort to sanctions — the aim of staging a false flag — any more. For another, the West can’t actually read RF’s response: RF may react by just swatting off the sanctions or it may respond aggressively to the sanctions — the beauty of strategic ambiguity. If, for example, a false flag is executed against a gas pumping hub near Kharkiv, RF (whether sanctioned or not) may react by forcefully demanding a joint investigation with UN participation; if the West vetoes it, then the loss is theirs — they’ve shot themselves in the foot –; not Russia’s.
Attacks on Russia itself — whether the people, physical structures, or national symbols — are of course a different matter. Russian public opinion to respond would be enormous. Thus RF will reply and that reply would include hitting the Ukraine; and, as far as the Kremlin is concerned, western public opinion be damned. The greater the atrocity, the greater will be the response; but always measured and fine-tuned.
It is significant, to my mind, that the stated Western response to a potential military conflict involving Russia are economic, not military. That alone gives RF the edge. Finally, the moment RF chooses to fire a missile in anger will be a ‘shot heard around the world’ moment. It will the beginning of the end of Europe and the West.
Exports from Russia to Ukraine are twice as high as imports, according to the Federal Customs Service (FCS). And the gap is widening. For four months of 2022, a 5% growth was recorded, while imports decreased by 4.5%.
Federal Customs Service (FCS) of the Russian Federation
The trade turnover between Russia and Ukraine in 2021 increased by 22.8% to $12 billion 284.3 million from $10 billion 004.7 million a year earlier. This follows from the data of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) of the Russian Federation.
The volume of Russian exports to Ukraine at the end of last year amounted to $8 billion 129.5 million, which is 28.8% more than in 2020 ($6 billion 310.5 million).
Russian imports from Ukraine also increased – by 12%, to $4 billion 154.8 million from $3 billion 694.2 million, the FCS said in a statement.
According to the State Customs Service of Ukraine, last year the trade turnover between the countries grew by 38.7% – to $10.09 billion from $7.28 billion.
Including imports increased by 45.9% – to $6.65 billion from $4.56 billion, while exports – by 26.5%, to $3.44 billion from $2.71 billion.
The data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine on foreign trade in goods last year are classified.
Ukraine has become even more dependent on supplies from Russia and Belarus (Belarusian energy resources are a derivative of Russian ones). In total, in 2021, $4 billion worth of energy was supplied from Russia.
Dobass coal took the lead ($1.55 billion, a 1.5-fold increase), almost a quarter of the market.
And this is without taking into account gas (!), which is, as it were, purchased in the EU. And nuclear fuel (fuel elements – TVEL and fuel assemblies and fuel assemblies) for nuclear power plants.
Deliveries of finished petroleum products (mainly diesel fuel) amounted to $1.24 billion, liquefied gas – $960 million (up 3.5 times), coke – $230 million (up 6.2 times).
In addition to energy resources, Russia supplied Ukraine with significant amounts (from 60 to $100 million) of ammonia, polyethylene and polypropylene, glass, solvents and plastics. Well, it exported refrigerators with washing machines for a total of $108 million.
Thanks Andrew for the data.
My point about military action vs economic response is that, in not so many words, the West is afraid of taking on Russia militarily.
Three kids, two friends and another kid, fighting in the playground:
First guy to second guy: ‘Do that again and I’ll punch you on the nose.’
Third guy to first guy: ‘Punch him and I won’t share my ice cream with you.’
Guess if the punch is eventually going to land and who’s going to bleed (and hurt most) when it does.
Flightradar24@6:55PM CST Canada
Northrop Grumman RQ-4B Global Hawk USA @ 50,000ft patrolling Belarus border over Poltava.
Well the funny/sad part is is that culturally he kisses ass to the U.S. nonstop on Twitter. Literally something like 50-70% of his tweets are congratulations to U.S. based cultural icons whether it’s singers, rappers, American sports teams etc., he appears to be a giant fan of American culture, particularly its sports and music. So while he criticizes American foreign policy, he licks the ass of American culture all day long on twitter, but never posts anything about Russian culture, only derogatory comments about Russia politically/historically, so it seems clear where his preferences lie.
the above comment was meant to be reply to Krungle re: Ahmadinejad
Great. It doesn’t matter though does it? Does he have the blessing of the Ayatollah to become President again and import degenerate American culture into Iran? No, he does not. So, some person not in a decision making capacity anymore doesn’t like Russia. So what?
Iran is never turning back to the West. And by the time they’re even having another election, there won’t be a West to turn to. So let him like every American celeb he wants. Maybe CNN will hire him.
I agree. I only wonder if he represents a sizable contingent of followers and/or political thought in Iran
Petri Krohn brings up a good point. If Ukraine military actually believed Russia was literally about to conduct the largest European land invasion in over 80 years, then why isn’t the entire Ukrainian armed forces currently creating massive defensive lines around Kiev to protect their capital city? The Ukrainian armed forces are lackadaisically sitting around Donbass contact line and there is no one to defend Kiev…if you were certain your CAPITAL CITY was being invaded LITERALLY TOMORROW, would you have your entire army relaxing hundreds of miles away and leaving your capital undefended? Come on…’s worse than a joke. No one in Kiev believes any invasion is coming.
1. Because they did not gather for the war.
2. At the beginning of 2014, the number of military units and institutions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stationed in Crimea was about 168,000 people, including about 125,000 military personnel.
All gave up without a fight.
Of these, more than 15 thousand servicemen of Ukrainian units, subdivisions and institutions expressed a desire to continue military service in the power structures of Russia.
you know the old joke:
-Why are you invading Donbass?
-Ukraine: because the Russian army is there
-Then why aren’t you invading Crimea?
-Ukraine: Because the Russian army is REALLY there.
good one !!!!
Project “Okraine”closed as unpromising and unprofitable.
The rest is a game for the public, including grotesque and buffoonery, eccentricity, reprises, sketches … with setting fire to the scenery.
The US “EuroNATO” project is the next in line for closing. Perhaps he will formally stand, but only without the US and medium-range and shorter-range missile systems. And most importantly – within the boundaries of 1997.
As Trump said about Macron, “anything he touches becomes sh*t”.
A quite insightful book (in french was published about Macron’s diplomatic action during his mandate, and the conclusion is quite severe: this guy wants both ends at the same time, and always manages to destroy any credit France can have.
Macron is a disaster in terms of diplomatic action (not only), and I therefore have strong doubts about his ability to manage a successful conciliation in those difficults circumstances, even while “partnering” with the patient and professional Russians.
If Ukro-Nazis are driving and Ze is a passenger, what entity (other than Russia) can stop them from continually attacking the Donbas? It seems like they will have veto power over any progress that might be made. IMHO, the Ukro-Nazis need to be severely militarily degraded. The Galician takfiris don’t answer to anyone and they’re getting weapons from entities who would happily see them die to cause a rupture between Russia and Germany/Europe.
Interesting that CGTN is live-streaming the situation in Kiev.
Doesn’t look like a capital under threat of attack to me.
Putin and Biden have agreed to a summit, following this week’s meeting between Lavrov and Blinken. This is conditional to no invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
Biden doesn’t want to lose the initiative. The US media are saying it is about Ukraine. However, RT says it is about security in Europe.
Biden will talk to its G7 homologues before the summit with Putin.
Did Putin threaten the US at some point today via Macron? Maybe not threaten but issue a final ultimatum and warning?
Is that why the US went ballistic and hysterical for a few hours but have now agreed to a summit?
How can the US be expecting a war one minute and then submit to a summit on European security the next minute?
The US is all over the place. Clearly it doesn’t control the situation and is freaking out and trying to stay relevant.
The media is spinning this as Macron’s initiative but we know who holds the power.
Many people are assuming that Macron is working independent of USA. And this is a sign that NATO is cracking. And that NATO/ USA will eventually accept Russia’s security demands without Russia acting militarily. I humbly suggest: Don’t pretend to know what you don’t know. You have no idea what machinations are emanating from these reptiles.
My own prediction is this: Absolutely Nothing will come from this Macron- Putin- Biden theatre. If I’m correct then the question becomes: Why is Russia playing along with this nonsense?
Make no mistake: “Russia is about to invade Ukraine” is a PSYOP not just against Russia, but against YOU. You are their ultimate enemy!
This also goes to show what Andrei & others have said on may occasions, (paraphrasing) the only deal that matters here is one on paper with written legal guarantees between Russia & the US
The optics of how this does/does not come about are political theatre for the peons, (lets not forget Macron has an election to win), and all the fear porn of WWIII is great for keeping the masses fearful, in their place & looking exactly where you want them to look…
I agree with your points and I really like the language you chose here:
I humbly suggest: Don’t pretend to know what you don’t know. You have no idea what machinations are emanating from these reptiles.
Cracks me up!
Gianni, Thanks
Agreed. The US is panicking.
No confirmation by Moscow yet. Anything could happen between now and the Biden-Putin summit. Why the meeting with G7 ? Canada ?
The agenda still needs to be agreed. Major step.
The US/UK/NATO have already told the Ukrainians that they are on their own if it comes to war with Russia.
Then why do the Ukrainians seem to be so hell bent on a war with Russia?
Nazdar Jiri- to answer your question…. Ze must be very much afraid of Banderistas…this all reason why he spew this BS…
Andrei, another reason macron’s trying to get better understanding with russian leadership is Russia’s help for Mali’s fight against french supported terrorism in the Sahel region of Africa. Mali is in a position to secede from the “african french backyard” that france has been raping in order to maintain its status as a world power. Russia’s help is mostly welcomed in the region as several more countries might join with this developing partnership for security.
May I suggest you compare what France said to the Kremlin readout on the website
Very different in tone
Kremlin readout commits to nothing
Of greatest significance here is that NATO is clearly divided. France’s own interests, irrespective of motives, outweigh any need to present a united NATO front; and the influence of the US/UK is too weak to coerce France into merely playing the role of a submissive poodle. I won’t read into the dialogue any more than that. The implication should be obvious that NATO lacks the unity to project itself as an effective fighting force; and its constituent members can be played against themselves.
Here is a link to an interesting article from Der Spiegel posted on the 14th.
Apparently the Finnish president noted a behavioral change in Putin sometime towards the end of October 2021.
In response to being asked by Niinistö whether negotiations with the US were going well, Putin stated “No, everything is OK.“.
Yet, Niinistö goes on: “A short time later, CIA chief William Burns flew to Moscow, and we all knew that something wasn’t quite right. You asked me if Putin has changed. I don’t see a change in himself as a leader. But I do see a change in his behavior. Suddenly, he started to behave in a very, very decisive way. I think he saw an opportunity and wanted to use the moment to take everything he had already had in his mind for years.”
What happened here: was it Putin’s new assertiveness that made US/UK soil themselves and drive them to hysteria?
This would have been about two months after the humiliating US/NATO route in Afghanistan.
My interpretation is simply that Putin finally realized that not only was the US military a paper tiger, but that he was now dealing with an inept and incompetent strata of US/NATO leadership composed of ninnies, mountebanks and charlatans. It is from this that former obstacles have been removed and Putin’s new assertiveness has emerged and which frightens the West so much.
That’s very interesting. I would add that he also saw an opportunity in the fact that the economy in the US and the EU seems to be in a very fragile state.
As a side note, the US has recently tweeted a message trying to present a “unified” front pro-Ukraine. The interesting part is that the only countries, apart minor ones (Estonia, Latvia, North Macedonia, etc) were the US, the UK, Canada and Germany. That’s a really broad unified front…
There is also a tweet from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Lavrov meeting with is Syrian counterpart. I wonder if the pain dial is about to be turned up.
He VVP must be very much fed up after 22 yrs talking to the West trying peacefully resolve issue is about the time ..will he change also toward Israel.???.I think so…
One thing Macron might do if he wants brownie points is hand over tactical info about false flags , terrorism and timetables.
Russia sees all but names and other info could help.
In return Russia allows him to live and be the “Hero”
It’s true that Macron is facing a re-election campaign and wants to appear statesmanlike on the international stage, but domestic elections, as in most countries, are won or lost on domestic issues primarily.
On the other hand, the fact that Macron is facing an election battle gives him a certain amount of ‘freedom’ in relation to the United States. ‘Freedom’ to at least appear to have a degree of independence and sovereignty, even if it’s only rhetorical. The Americans know he’s facing a challenge from le Penn, who is far less anti-Russian than the Americans like, this gives Macron a space to wiggle in. The Americans can’t slap him into line too openly and this might weaken him in the coming election. It’s all rather pathetic and somewhat grotesque, but such is life in the European part of the Empire. And don’t get me started on Germany!
Please don’t copy and paste large parts of articles with no comment whatsoever. Breaks site rules. Mod.
…International talks to resolve the Bosnian conflict began in early 1992, shortly before the war began. The effort was directed by Portuguese diplomat José Cutileiro, acting as representative of the European Community. Cutilerio brought the leaders of all three Bosnian ethnic groups to Lisbon, where he sought to establish an agreement to defuse ethnic tensions and thus preclude a civil war. Out of the talks came a plan to divide Bosnia into three semi-autonomous regions, as parts of an ethnic confederation (though still an integral state).
In March 1992, all three ethnic groups agreed to a preliminary version of the peace plan — whatever its flaws, the proposal was presumed to be better than the alternative of war. Crucially, the Serb leaders supported the Cutileiro plan since it granted the Serbs their main objective: self-governance. It was, Serb leader Radovan Karadžić said, “a great day for Bosnia and Herzegovina.”
But the plan broke down with the intrusion of the US. American officials didn’t like the idea that European states might resolve the conflict, which would weaken US prestige and raise questions about the value of the Atlantic Alliance. They were particularly afraid that the European Community might emerge as a distinct power bloc in the post-Soviet world, acting independently of the United States and NATO. Any European Community success in Bosnia would increase the likelihood of an independent Europe — a negative prospect for Washington.
Acting on these concerns, the US ambassador to Yugoslavia, Warren Zimmermann, encouraged President Izetbegović to reject the peace plan. According to former State Department official George Kenney, “Zimmermann told Izetbegović . . . [the United States will] recognize you and help you out. So don’t go ahead with the Lisbon agreement.”
Zimmermann himself has publicly denied blocking the Lisbon agreement, but a wide range of sources, including James Bissett, the Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia; Peter Carrington, a former UK foreign minister; and the official Dutch investigation of the Bosnian War, confirm that the US government played a disruptive role. In light of US pressure, the Croats and Muslims both withdrew from the agreement, effectively reneging on their previous commitments. The stage was set for war.
The Cutileiro plan was never implemented, and full-scale war commenced almost immediately. Over the next three years, the European Community/Union — represented mainly by former British foreign minister David Owen — worked with the United Nations and tried to revive the idea of an ethnic confederation. But as Owen discusses in his memoirs, the US continually impeded his negotiation efforts, which prolonged the Bosnian War…