The murder of Dariia Dugina triggered the now quite predictable reaction from the collective West: total indifference. This is hardly something new. The West not only put a Nazi regime in power in Kiev, it supported it by all means possible while that regime did all of the following:
- Used its armed forces in an internal civil war, which is (was?) banned under the Ukrainian constitution which resulted in about 14’000 dead over eight years.
- “Ze” has crushed any and all internal opposition, not only putatively “pro-Russian” parties and politicians (many of them members of the Ukrainian Rada), but also clearly pro-Ukrainian parties (say the “Party of Sharii”).
- “Ze” also banned any alternative/free media inside the Ukraine. Western journos did not notice or object.
- The Ukrainian armed forces have now shelled/bombed the civilian infrastructure of the LDNR for years (and tried to cut off water from the Crimean Peninsula). Latest example here.
- The Ukronazis have repeatedly tried attack nuclear and chemical plants.
- The Kiev regime has also repeatedly attacked the civilian power grid.
- Nazi special forces have conducted numerous assassinations in the LDNR and they even tried to do so in Crimea and Russia (as the case of Dugina proves).
- Thousands of people in the Ukraine have been disappeared in CIA-style torture centers.
- Torture is now a regular practice of the Ukronazi military and security services.
- Most Russian POW have been systematically tortured and murdered.
- Russian military personnel has been the object of chemical attacks (see here and here)
- The Ukronazis have also killed hundreds (if not more) Ukrainian soldiers who refused to be used as cannon fodder and fight the Russians in hopeless, suicidal, attacks.
- The Ukrainian forces systematically hid behind civilians in schools, shopping malls, hospitals and even kindergartens.
- Ukrainian politicians have repeatedly referred to the Russian people as “subhumans” “pigdogs” “biomaterial” and they have openly called for the killing of as many Russians (including non combatants) as possible (latest example here).
- The Nazis have made massive use of forbidden cluster munition, including cluster munition containing illegal anti-personnel mines which have maimed scores of civilians.
And I could go on and on. But I think the image is rather clear. It shows that:
- The West will support absolutely any atrocity committed by its Ukronazi proxies.
- The West hates Russia deeply and viscerally: against the accursed and hated russkies anything, absolutely anything goes.
- The West will not only speak up against Ukronazi atrocities, it will conduct an open and quite unapologetic campaigns to silence any disagreeing voices (latest example here). Amnesty International now apologized for its report about human rights violations in the Ukraine.
- In fact, and in one of the most hypocritical statements in world history, the US Senate declared that Russia was a sponsor of terrorism which is rather ironic considering that the US is, by far, the main sponsor of terrorism worldwide and domestically!
- Western state actors have also organized and financed PSYOP/Cyberwarfare centers which have attacked even personal blogs (like the Saker blog) to try to shut down any dissenting voice.
- The West is doubling down over and over again and giving even MORE support to the Ukraine after each Nazi atrocity (the US just added another 3 BILLION dollars of “aid” for all of the actions described above)
I submit that two things are really essential here: the pattern described above has been unchanging since at least the Crusades and this pattern is unanimously shared by all western governments today. This is no fluke, no mistake, but the core of a worldview shared by all the western ruling elites, especially northern Europeans (the reality of southern Europe and the Mediterranean cultural real to which southern Europe used to belong is more nuanced and complex).
Dariia Dugina was murdered by a single Ukronazi terrorist, directed by the SBU which, in turn, is just a proxy for the CIA/MI6. But Dariia Dugina’s innocent blood, like the blood of MILLIONS of other innocent people throughout the history is on the hands of the ruling class which pretends to see nothing while being directly involved in it all. As for the people of the West, they have to decide whether they will continue meekly accept to be ruled my murderous, racist, thugs or whether they will resit them (or, at least, not support them and, at the very least, have the decency to decide to never knowingly support any lie)
So far, I have to sadly admit that I am not very impressed. I see a post-truth society in which the very concept of truth has lost any meaning. That utter and total indifference to the very notion of truth is the only true “western value” left.
When did truth really ever exist in the Post Roman Western world?
The concept of truth in the west in its purest form (where it still does exists) is derived from two sources: 1) Christianity, where Jesus Christ is the Truth, the Way and the Light. See, for instance, prologue to St. John’s Gospel. 2) the second source is Greek philosophy, especially that of Aristotle, who carefully worked out a critique of Plato’s epistemology, and who established the first science whereby truth was convertible (equated) with being or reality. After the fall of Rome, Greek philosophy in the west was carried on through Boethius, a Catholic, and Augustine of Hippo, on in the Roman Church to Aquinas, 1225-1274. I will try to give more in a complete comment.
Please spare us Boethius or Aquinas. thank you!
here is a superb discussion of this concept:
Please, if you believe in non-sensical writings, keep it to yourself. Some of us can actually determine the difference between fairytales and truths.
Despite respecting and believing that the essence of any religion tends to want to make the human being into something better. I don’t see myself in any and I don’t perceive that I have to follow any to understand what is good or evil. Religions belong to the universe of belief, for me, just as sexuality should be an intimate matter for each one. We can believe what we want, it won’t make it real.
Sometimes I come to believe that the Bible is a script written in the distant past by architects who created it as a tool for dominating the subjugated classes, little more than that, besides the moral values that, as I said, deep inside each one in their heart or consciousness, are already there.
Imagine being so deluded that you see the entire world as it is right now after abandoning religion, and being able to claim that humans know morality inherently. You’re beyond educating.
Religion has its issues, but blaming it for the actions of people is the same nonsense the USA loves to promote, trying to remove guns to end violence. Humans are the problem in everything, always have been, always will be.
You probably claim to follow science, and yet, you know nothing about it. Read a little about anthropology, you’ll see that humans are animals and inherently have no concept of much, but even less about arbitrary, abstract, made-up concepts like good and bad, just like a dog or a cat.
Believing humans have any inherent knowledge of anything beyond instinctual needs, as if they magically carry such a thing in their genes, is beyond fantastical. Hell, it sounds religious.
The reaction to this terrorist act, both in the West and among Russian “liberals” really highlighted the full extent of hypocrisy and the utter worthlessness of the so-called “western values”. They are essentially admitting that yes, it’s perfectly okay to murder someone for expressing differing opinions. Because after all, we must defend democracy and freedom of expression.
If you look at the “reporting” on this in western media, the syndicated headline merely says “daughter of Putin ally killed”. As if to say, see it’s ok because Putin is bad and against democracy. No mention of the word “terrorism”. No mention of the fact that this girl was merely a journalist and had no connection to any military unit whatsoever. And yes, it is sad that somehow this all adds up for the masses that consume this rhetoric.
She was not a “girl.” She was an adult, a 29-year old woman, highly educated, intelligent, and articulate. Every father should be proud of such a daughter. Mr. Dugin must be going now through hell, trying to cope with the tragedy.
Otherwise, I appreciate your post. “Utter worthlessness of so called western values” is one way to describe “western values.” Utter hypocrisy is another.
I hope that the Russians will try the subhuman Ukrainian woman responsible for the murder and that she will be executed since she is a member of a neo-nazi organization. (No, “nazi” should never be spelled with a capital N.)
Completely agreed. She was indeed brilliant. I only discovered her just recently during this last election in France. She was one of very few people who covered it with any kind of objectivity.
When you get to be my age, any woman under 40 is a “girl” – no disrespect intended whatsoever.
last election in France. She was one of very few people who covered it with any kind of objectivity.
Do you have a link? I’d be interested in what she had to say.
It takes a lot of censorship and tyranny to protect and preserve democracy.
@Guy Incognito
The joy I perceive in the West for the killing of the young lady, the sadistic pleasure I see on their face, the barely hidden smile of satisfaction I noticed on the lips of some people I know even when they were regretting that terrible act, all of this comes from an hate that is more satanic than human. Russia is not only a competitor superior militarily, but above all ” spiritually”, it is the Russian moral compass that the devil does not like.9
One of the best English language video makers reporting from Russia has a good video report (he does them daily) on the murder.I’ve followed him on many other videos, he reports news from Russian media sources reported to the Russian public:
Lavrov Urges NO MERCY. Visa Ban To Go Ahead. UKR Ambassador Summoned for “Inappropriate Comments”
thanks Uncle Bob – yeah Lavrov might have information not available to the public and the ‘no mercy’
comment by Lavrov might have something to do with the Nazi element that Russia is fighting in Ukraine.
I do believe that ‘no mercy ‘ is the general mood of Russian forces towards the killers of the Donbass-Russian
Many thanks this link. Who is this guy and could you let us know how to subscribe to his channel.
With many thanks
His name is “I Earl Grey” and you can find how to subscribe to his several sites on his video
I watched the video – seemed to long on his opinion about ‘bad Lavrov’ – I think Lavrov did know for sure that the killer was the woman
Also – if that car did belong to the father – and at the last minute Daria drove it instead – there might have been communication with the SBU about that fact. And they told her to blow it up anyway –
My understanding is that the bomb was detonated by the killer who was following the car….so Daria didn’t even need to die – except as a matter of convenience for the killer and the planners…what else could they do with the bomb in the car ?
So Lavrov would know that too – it might have made his blood boil. He too has a daughter.
Thank you for the link. Someone to follow. But in what concerns his critique of Lavrov I totally agree with Ann Watson…
Don’t be surprised if the murder is blamed by the west on … The Russians. And why not? If an already majority stupefied western population can be made to believe the Russian forces deliberately struck the nuclear power plant they’re in control of using US missiles, it won’t be too difficult. I look forward to the Azov trials said to begin in the late summer which will have international observers present and that should bring some unpalatable truths to the forefront!
Western brainwashing machine is astonishing in scope, not only they own the major news corporations, and make use of entertainment (sports, music, movies etc…) events to spread their narrative, but, also create things like “factcheckers” (, etc…) to give an appearance of professional neutrality,and push the propaganda on the people who started having doubts about the narrative or find contradictions/arguments to it.
By promoting the people who belive blindly and scycopanths of western imperialist “values”, supporting the facist/corporativist order and bribing/buying international media, created a feedback loop/ self-supporting web, while giving a fake appearence of diversity/freedom of opinion. The fall of the USSR removed the last obstacle to their dominance, it was a treason not only to the soviet citizens (see how Ukraine ended up) but to the world as a whole, it let everyone down.
The only way to change this, is by destroying it’s instruments of power (EU, NATO, IMF, WEF etc…) and deweaponize institutions like the UN, and the only way to do that is by creating alternatives to them/their functions, stripping the dollar from it’s status, and, collapsing western economies in an economic depression. Then, that will either make their population lose trust and provoke revolutions, or, openly bring dictartorship to the west at the cost of freeing most of the world.
Cant destroy the West. “Westernism” at root is an ideology. Cannot extricate ideologies from the faithful anymore than you can get Joan of Arc to recant.
Ideologies persist until humans are honest that at root they know nothing about meaning or miracles, and that they are deathly afraid of the infinite abyss.
Very true and profound. But Zel-baby’s mouth keeps motoring on and now he wants Crimea back, by force.
SMO was lost by Russia in the first month or perhaps even the first 72 hours – but certainly on the Retreat from Kiev. Time now to unleash the 80% of uncommitted RF military and swiftly finish the job. Grinding on is no longer an option.
Oh cut that crap, if you don’t know what you are talking about then don’t bother sharing your wisdom with the rest of us.
@quasi_verbatim Well, just consider the name of the SMO – from the very beginning from the Russian point of view the war with the Collective West is mainly economic, not kinetic; at least for the time being. I remember, years ago, I read predictions of Nicolaas Siener van Rensburg, famous South African seer, made over 120 years ago. He mentioned many times of a terrible civil war among the Russians in distant future after which the USA, UK, Germany will be destroyed militarily, economically and socially. Always thought about what it would mean, however after my visit to Ukraine in 2015 I realized that the years of Ukraine’s existence were counted with all the destructive events that would follow…
“That utter and total indifference to the very notion of truth is the only true “western value” left.”
Andrei, I see a tipping point happening. Right now. Everywhere. That began with Russia’s show of solidarity, reaching into western minds now.
Good people seeking truth and condemning it’s perversions, have formed a gathering of conscience. Brave people standing up to the oppression of lies and twisted narratives, that’s become chaos. Beginning with “defund the police” movements, to fund more alphabet agents instead.
Here’s some proof. From, who’d of guessed of all places, the west. Listen to the agent’s pleas for consideration. Certainly, those same pleas having fallen on their own deaf ears once or twice:
The Western powers, specifically MI6 and the British Crown, are truly excellent at murdering young women for political purposes. At the end of this month they will no doubt continue their routine of seeking public sympathy for their trials and misfortunes – this year it will be even worse, as it is the “Silver Anniversary” (25 years).
I’d like to pre-empt this disgusting hypocrisy.
This is a formal legal document sent to Sir John Stevens (Now Lord Stevens) more than eighteen years ago:
Sir John Stevens
Metropolitan Police Commissioner
(Correos certificado 05291ES) 12 January 2004
Diana Spencer Inquest
Dear Sir,
Further to my copy letter to Sir Michael Peat of 16 November 2002.
I understand you have been charged by royal coroner Michael Burgess to look into the possibility that Diana’s death was other than a simple traffic accident. I have information that may be of assistance when making your enquiries.
My information concerns motive. Why would anyone want to murder the princess? And my answer is, the Treason Felony Act of 1848, as re-affirmed on 26 June 2003 by the High Court of England and Wales, viz:
As you can see, this law grants unlimited powers to our Most Gracious Lady the Queen. So long as Diana was alive Charles was not free to marry. If Charles wanted these dictatorial powers for himself he had first to be rid of his wife once and for all. I’m afraid it has all happened before (in 1936 and 1952) and not only with Henry VIII.
Yours faithfully,
John Cleary BScMAMBA
cc Mrs E. Windsor (ref. your Coronation Oath sworn 2 June 1953)
Michael Burgess
I see this heinous murder as decent into full terror from for nUkrainia.
Signifying the loss of the country and decent into chaos, the actions of terror and false flag attacks are the only tacticts left for nUkrainia, which means there is no more government in nUkraine, only terrorists, just like here in the US of Arrogance
Regards from killafornia….
The biggest money of all is in war. It’s hard to see an end to this insanity until the Empire is defeated at home, at its several homes it created from this past last century of war on the planet
Time to move to Russia… the West is doomed.
That is, if Russia will have anyone from the West… wouldn’t blame them if they wouldn’t.
Quite a list of sins. A million Iraqis and Afghans, a million Indonesians, a million Vietnamese–and these are just the biggies. Not even bothering with the murder in Latin America and Africa and the impact of sanctions. Standard operating procedure. Is anyone shocked? This is a country whose deep state blew the head off the president in broad daylight. There is no limit. Women and children? Not even a moment’s hesitation. The US and Ukraine were made for each other–it’s the perfect proxy. Russia is not special. Russia is just the soup de jour.
Absolutely true!
But you are overlooking a MAJOR difference: Russia is the only nation on earth the West did not succeed in conquering. Hence the *special* hatred.
Very good point Saker — I never thought of that. Only Mongolia succeded in conquering Russia, and has had good relations for many centuries.
Mongolia did not conquer anything.
Tatars and Mongols did.
And it was not “Russia”
but scattered Russian principalities.
and yes, modern Russia and modern Mongolia have great relationships, as they now do with China.
So being stuck between two huge countries does not have to make you Poland.
A total lack of wisdom, foresight or even decency makes you Poland :-)
Mongols are much MUCH smarter than these chronic losers and still megalomaniacs
Well, Andrey, everything that has its beginning – has its end! Today’s friends may become worst enemies in the future! My prediction is that one day China will conquer Russian territory and convert Russia into a small rump state. Obviously you have the right of not agreeing with this idea…
You are 100% right. And I am Pole. The people of my country make me cry. I don’t see the cure to this idiocy but the coming pain. And the pain must be severe.
Right re Mongols and scattered provinces, Russia was a gathering polity that has developed to NOW. This fear of China is B.S.
In the ’70’s I had a high school and college friend who complained of being sick of bananas due to his mother buying large numbers of bananas at the grocery store because they were so cheap.
At the time I had no idea that bananas were so cheap for US Americans due to the murder of 500,000 natives of Central America (primarily in Guatemala if I recall) to provide the banana oligarchs with cheap land and cheap labor for supplying the US market.
Karl Rove
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
― Karl Rove
LOL… well Karl has the time and money to create his own reality now. But no one is watching…. okay maybe 10 people listen on Fox News.
Please do not post quotes with no comments from you.
This is against the posting rules
For people with short memories, 1989 saw the murder of Deutsche Bank Chief Herrhausen in exactly the same MO as with Dugina, blamed on a defunct RAF, then.
Die Verbindung: Nord Stream 2 – Ermordung Herrhausens
Herrhausen, Chancellor Kohl’s best friend, was on his way to NY to present a Comecon Marshall Plan, especially for Poland, using the financial credit power of Deutsche Bank, then. A car bomb was used.
London’s Morgan Grenfell then took over Deutsche Bank, spawning a world class casino.
Result – no industrial development East, and a NATO spawn.
This is not a religious question, contrary to Gnostic End-Time Third and Final Rome visionaries like Dugin, and many here.
This is physical economics, and credit for industry, infrastructure, exactly as Glazyev fights for with the EAEU.
In other words, “truth” must be a physical principle, testable.
Descartes thought therefore he was – as Leibniz quipped, he thought truthfully about dinner?
Physical economics is not a rhetorical word game – out potential relative population density is in question!
To put that practically – how many of your children and grandchildren can expect a future?
Look in the eyes of your small ones – do you see a gun on their, now little, shoulders, or pilot lapels for the moon and further? Keep an eye on the immanent SLS launch from Pad 39B!
I choose that, above!
Truth has its foundation in language and logic and does not exist without them. There is no concept of truth in the rest of biology, they simply experience the world as it is.
As Leibniz proved, and Gödel devastatingly proved to Russell’s eternal heartburn in the grave, truth exists outside all logic and any ZF formula (Incompleteness Theorems).
Truth of a physical principle, is knowable by the human mind, even when Russell’s formula’s flush.
And there is no testable truth in your statement, “as it is”.
The Biosphere, as Russian-Ukrainian scientist Vernadsky showed, follows knowable principles.
The measurement is not the measured.
The analysis is not the analyzed.
One can never “know” the truth; one can only asses the soundness of propositions.
One can replicate Kepler’s unique original discovery of Universal Gravitation – outside all geometric models he noted.
A universal physical principle is knowable, even if one cannot kick, smell, taste, or see a gravity.
You cannot verify empirical truths; one cannot use the scientific method to verify axioms which are unobserved. The basis for all sense perceptions are metaphysical — science at best can produce propositions about the metaphysical, and those propositions can be assessed, and the Forms, or Subject can be reasoned, but not known, nor directly experienced.
Speaking of Truth, and 2015 Saker
There is a very interesting discussion of Truth with Professor Dugin, from 2016, I believe…
“Aleksandr Dugin: ‘We have our special Russian truth’ – BBC Newsnight” (Wonder interview, if even by naztybbc.)
For myself, I note that the word “Truth” is imprecise and in many aspects it is necessarily subjective, that’s to say a matter of belief – while there may be Truth, we cannot know it…and what’s left but faith, belief… One reason Doctor D does not mention, but which is a proof of unknowability, is latency between event, perception, realization, consideration, etc. Neurons run slowly…I’m remembering 1600 feet per second or so… Thus what we might think we know, is already in the past. In addition, no two observers can have the same perception. This intrinsic schism in “knowing” (believing) – that no two people can “see” (and presumably believe) the same thing, is a basic generator of Conflict (and it’s a basic part of Conflict Theory).
Anyway, enjoy the Doctor!
Well, I know what Dugin meant, and it was not the kind of notions of truth Fr. Pavel Florensky had in mind.
First time I heard of Florensky. He worked with physicist Sakharov, and must have heard of Gödel’s famous Incompleteness Theorems at that time. His Notes were written just before these, as far as I can tell.
Aha, I just found letters from Florensky to Vernadsky. Dr. Muranivsky reported this. Very interesting!
Mr P: I saw that interview too. In the epistle of James, author asserted that there is a world of difference between earthly wisdom (demonic or evil?) and a wisdom that is from above, which is pure. Similarly, there is a vast difference or characteristic between earthly truth and spiritual truth. The former is as Dr Dugin concedes – each has their own or unique truth (or I see the difference as manufactured, interepreted or distorted vs verifiable truth). So truth can either be conjured, ala Karl Rove’s admission that they “make up their own reality/ truth,” or it is perceived or distilled as opposed to fabricated, and can stand the test of time or analysis. But spiritual truth is incontrovertible although oftentimes it cannot be proven unless one has experienced, understood, and/ or informed/ touched by it.
The bible does say that God is truth, thus, by implication the dark forces behind all the illegal wars, destruction, and exploitation of human and natural resources w/impunity and relentless – and evil or demonic. Manifestly, they are incapable of spiritual truth of the Almighty, of themselves, and of others. It reveals a malaise of the soul, an evil w/in that is eating them from inside out, and is terminal. There is no remorse! No repentance! No fear of retribution and/ or judgement!
Huummm…bonbon, have you assumed that one thesis, “religion” and the other “economics”, each precludes the other? Or can we assume that manifestations often have more than one driver? Or single manifestations often have more than one output?
But perhaps these things we may see as distinct, are in reality both derivative of the Celestial One.
I prefer to see the present zugswang, which “west”created and which it insists on enlarging, as a natural (as in natural economics) process – and also as a natural product of vice…natural event. And natural things live as a creation of God. A pathological natural process.
Else where, returning to the bloodied hands, I note that the bigbignazihw is said to have sent some super tom swift 300 km rockets to nazi404, whilst there is a western chorus suddenly shouting “Crimea is Ukraine!”
The interesting think, maybe, and I’m not certain yet, but while bigbignazi hq provokes bear and dragon trying to start W3, does nazi realize that bear and dragon have been in a war W3 frame already, fully understanding the existential mater of their survival? I thinks that the situation…
Highly likely (!) chinese film> The Business of War…
I have read that, in part over Dugan affair and murder, on 25 August “Bear” is liable to determine that 404 is “terrorist state” and anybody who helps 404 is providing assistance to terrorist state. As a practical matter designation “terrorist” is equivalent to “outlaw”, I would say…ie not subject to legal rights. Poland is training nazis for 404, and of course we know about many other “helpers”.
Between the NPP-Z, and the expected bombardments of Crimea, and the vile murders of innocents, it looks as though we may all personally find ourselves in either Heaven or the other place, any day.
Go forth and multiply, set dominion over the world, is both economics and religion.
Current Pope and Theocrat Elizabeth notwithstanding!
You are right, of course. We here in the West must resist. This is easier said than done, as you know, for we are in the belly of the beast.
Nevertheless, the circumstances that are evolving here will assist us in shaking off the yoke of what is, after all, a foreign occupation government. If you doubt me, count the ratio of actual English people to colonial imports in the British cabinet.
Perhaps this is a punishment for the sin of colonialism, and it is a fitting one, but at the same time it is one of the reasons we are unable to control our government’s murderous, and treasonous policies. Look at Boris Johnson’s holiday when the country is poised on the edge of what promises to be the most difficult, ‘winter of discontent’ in 40 years. The alternative to the Tories is Keir Starmer and his almost tories. These are not serious choices.
Our defence secretary references 1853 as the last time we ‘kicked the Russian’s arses’. I kid you not. The charge of the Light Brigade became a byword for a brave but pointless and idiotic military moment. The Crimean campaign brought down the government at the time. And at the end of it, Crimea still belonged to Russia. Somehow, he does not know these things.
This is what we are up against. You would think that them being so stupid would make it easier to remove them, but it is the system here which needs to change, and that takes a lot of doing. Nevertheless, we will achieve it eventually, and I think the Russian campaign and the hardship it will bring will accelerate the process.
At the same time, I will not pretend that many people here are far too ready to hate. Far too ready to support actions which are plainly wrong. Unwilling to look at the other side of the situation. It is like they think this is an American wrestling contest, where the baddy is obvious, and our job is to scream belligerent obscenities at him. The only cure for this will be pain. Economic, psychic and spiritual. Wether physical comes into it is yet to be seen.
I did not believe we are Russophobic here in the UK, but it has become obvious that many people here are, and the further up the power tree you go, the worse it is.
Anyway, I like the Russians having worked with several, and deeply admire VV Putin, so there is at least one who is not Russophobic. Several of the guys I work with are sympathetic to the Republics of the Donbass too. Perhaps it is because we are from Irish backgrounds. We do love a rebel.
I am not Christian so when I say God bless you, and Dr Dugin, I mean your God, but please take it in the spirit in which it is meant.
Steve G
A statement of the Odessa partisans was published stating that they, Ukrainian activists who went underground, “outlaw the current government of Kiev – the power of Bandera and the fascists.”
“We declare President Zelensky a usurper of power and a war criminal who plunged Ukraine into the chaos of war. We declare the officials of President Zelensky’s administration and regional administrations accomplices of the usurper.
Those who do not resign will be found and face severe punishment for crimes against the Ukrainian people. We declare the employees of the law enforcement agencies, the SBU as accomplices of the usurper.
Those who do not lay down their arms and go to the side of the Ukrainian people will be tracked down by us and will suffer a deserved punishment.
We declare military cargo and assembly areas of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and national battalions as legitimate targets that we will identify.
The coordinates of the identified targets will be taken into account during the denazification of Ukraine,” the text of the appeal specifically states, the authors of which appeal to the soldiers of the AFU to lay down their arms and also invite Ukrainians to join their ranks.
“We will give protection to all who follow our example. We do not want our beautiful city of Odessa to turn into ruins, like Mariupol. We ask for the bloodless overthrow of the anti-people government in the city, as happened in Kherson without destruction and shelling.
OPR is almost born
Speaking of “truth”, in Orwell’s novel 1984, the ultimate goal of the ruler’s was to make the citizens think that 2 plus 2 equals 5. In the West that has largely been achieved.
Ingsoc really exists, except it’s better known as “woke progressivism”.
True. Let me share a story.
In college, I took a mandatory “Social Studies” class. One week the class was about promoting homosexuality. Our teacher opened it up for discussion. After listening for a minute, I asked permission to come up and use the blackboard to make a comment.
She said yes, and I walked up, took the marker, and wrote 2+2= on the board.
I turned and waited. After a long, awkward silence, someone tentatively ventured, “five”.
No one contradicted them.
Odessa update
A battalion created as part of the Russian troops from locals of Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson regions is already coming to our regions help”, they summarize the partisans of Odessa..
Ukraine will be broken up in any case and the people who live in Europe had better wake up as the elite neoliberal neocon controllers do not give a toss about them and would gladly impose a neo feudal society which is fast becoming a reality.
The Saker writes: “That utter and total indifference to the very notion of truth is the only true ‘western value’ left.”
This is true as far as it pertains to the those educated by Ivy League Universities.
Michael Hudson writes: “Today’s academic mainstream has been captured by the rentier classes.”
Now this is the key to understanding the lost of a concept of truth in the West. Indeed, a long process of undermining true western values (stemming from Christianity and Greek philosophy) has finally won over in the west (mainly through taking over university faculty) by disenfranchising Christians. The rentier class, as Hudson explains, in the preceding centuries was left with the struggle between the landed aristocracy of medieval lore who had an arrangement with the Catholic Church and the new upstart financial elites who loaned the Monarchs their money. Guess who won?
The winners (those who make money out of nothing) now seek to brand (socially and legally) Christians has hate criminals and domestic terrorists.
Philosophically the roots of the assault upon truth go back to the school of nominalism, which is the father of all those who war against universal truth. It is this very denial of universal truth, for instance, that allows Ukrainians to dismiss the universal rights of Russians as human beings.
I can (but I won’t) trace here all the history behind the education of westerners and how nominalism led to the postmodern school of there is no truth — except what rentiers tell you is truth.
So they say. But there still are numerous pockets of resistance and the grinding battle is only beginning. As Aristotle said long ago (Metaphysics): Truth is the same as reality.
Those who deny truth, deny reality, and reality — however much they dismiss it — does not deny itself.
In fact, reality bites, sooner or later. Have a good day.
Or “usurers”. A serious sin according to the Catholic Faith that the West used to hold to, that became the basis of Western economy because the Protestants adopted it as an economic weapon.
“But Dariia Dugina’s innocent blood, like the blood of MILLIONS of other innocent people throughout the history is on the hands of the ruling class which pretends to see nothing while being directly involved in it all.”
Just who is this mysterious ruling class who are refered to in oblique ways? Is it because critics know that they are powerful assassin’s who will act against any effective influencer who places them in the cross hairs? What does Putin really mean when he refers to dealing with “decision centers”?
Real serious further investigation continues – probably no holiday leave , and shift work.
Hope they have good strong coffee!
22:10 The source of the Cheka-OGPU said that the operatives suspect that the explosive device was not received by Natalia Vovk in Russia, but was hidden in a special cache in the “Mini Cooper”, after which the woman arrived in Russia. It was not an IED, but a magnetic mine equipped with a remote device. It could have been retrieved from a cache in a garage rented by Vovk. So far, there is no certainty that the mine was attached to the car of the Dugin family in the parking lot of the Festival “Tradition”. This could have been done earlier, near the house where Daria Dugina lived and where Vovk rented an apartment. It’s just that the attackers waited an hour to activate the mine.
Running trail….
There is no Cheka-OGPU in Russia, don’t be silly!
Should be :
Ładunek został umieszczony pod samochodem Aleksandra, nie Darii.
Tak więc garaż jest wykluczony jako miejsce montażu.
The regime in Kiev is slipping all constraints of civilised behaviour.
Recent examples include the bombing of the POW camp in Donetsk, the scattering of butterfly bombs across Donetsk City, the reckless shelling of the nuclear power plant near Zaporizhzhia, reports of botulism poisoning among Russian troops, and now murder.
The regime in Kiev is terrified. I can only hope there are some among them beginning to ask, just what am I being used for?
The West as a civilization has collapsed. The ruling elite are sociopaths not caring about anyone but themselves.. Sadism and necrophilia are everywhere. The CIA and its stooges use torture widely even though they know it is counterproductive and in long run stiffens the back of the enemy of the day. The Empire of lies indeed. The US secretary of State lies in everything he says. The europeans anti-Russian fanaticism has been surprising. The federal government is the Beast from the Abyss 666. Telling the truth and resisting these people in every way is essential.
I am a 70 year old British woman – an ex-teacher. I live in a small, green and leafy town in England. I know of two other people only who seem to understand what is being done to us. The rest? Mostly too comfortably off to be bothered to see the wood for the trees. Trying to bring up the subject of Ukraine and what is actually going on gets one closed down. I am seen as a conspiracy theorist. I have lost friends, my family think I’m off my trolley, my daughter shuts me up. When I refused to wear a mask I was called selfish for putting ‘others’ at risk. Why do I see it but so many others don’t? I can only hope for a better future when this evil Cabal will be gone. There would need to be a seismic event to get the British people out on the streets – so many are just complacent, and the young are too busy on their phones. We’ve all been dumbed down to such an extent there are no critical thinkers anymore – or so it seems, I feel terribly sad for Alexander Dugin, losing his beautiful daughter in such a horrific way. I am putting all my faith in Putin and his fight to preserve Russia as the country it has always been, unlike my own. If Russia prevails maybe there’ll be light at the end of the tunnel.
I found your comment comforting, despite the fairly bleak picture it paints of the situation in the UK. You strike me as as very thoughtful, balanced, ethical person. Perhaps we are not as few and powerless as we sometimes feel. Thank God, at any rate, for the internet and for sites like The Saker, which – though not without its issues – provides a vibrant platform for quite a motley collection of (often intelligent and/or endearing) “dissenters”.
I am 79 year old Australian male, and have been in private enterprise all my working life. Had an office in the UK from which we sold our own manufactured products throughout the UK and Europe. But the financial crises was the end of that venture. And that was bought to us courtesy of stupid decisions the US Democrats made. My son took over the business 15 years back but today he also has reached a point that it is no longer worthwhile continuing. With 3 price increases this year, which result in his customers giving up, smashed freight because the delivery people no longer care, lead time for essential supplies become longer, and the never ending cost of his supplies increasing out of proportion. And all because a select few are trying to save from ?? They (US and their hangers on ) want to start a WW111 as they believe that’s the only way to cancel their debt. A business does the same…goes broke and walks away. The US always starts a war on someone else property. And like you, nobody wants to talk about it…I’m the one that’s crazy. I read these pages here and can see a light some light at the end of this tunnel…hope I live long enough to see it.
Bear your cross. It’s a blessing. Bask in the light of truth and warmth of God’s love. ” Yes, the minds of these people are now closed. They have ears, but they don’t listen. They have eyes, but they refuse to see. If their minds were not closed, they might see with their eyes; they might hear with their ears; they might understand with their minds. Then they might turn back to me and be healed. But God has blessed you.”
Yes, my wife and I are in much the same position. We saw the collapse of western civilization coming years ago. After being international teachers for some years we settled permanently on the far edge of the empire in southeast Alaska. I suppose it is as near to Russia as we will get. We always wanted to work and live in Moscow, or one of the “Stans”, but could not make it happen. Now we teach in our little local school of 16 kids K-12, and speak the truth as best we can.
Tell me about it,one of my oldest friends since we were together in the Nursery has never been as political as i am,his attitued to whats going on is between indifference and the latest Daily mail headline,no attempt to research the matter and then engage in critical thinking,so we just don’t talk about it when we meet up for a pint or a day out,most of the Country seems to be in a coma,i listen to radio talk shows and many callers are suffering from weaponised ignorance,i won’t brand the presenters with that because they know just whats going on because they are part of the official narrative,with them its wilful propaganda,i have lost count of how may times i have tried to get on those stations to challenge their lies but never have been allowed,and all emails never replied to,its not just the BBC but all the media,its Orwellian.
Give me control of the Media and i will turn the population of any Country into a herd of Pigs,i don’t like to quote a Nazi like Goebbels but he got that one right.
The goal is to create an environment where people who are not with them (the US) do not have any place in the world where they can be save. And no matter if their money is stolen, their property confiscated, they are banned to compete in sports or just some lone lunatic attacks them (like the last case in cypres).
The goal of all this is for everyone in the world to just have two choices join them or suffer under them.
You cant blame the ukrainians for believing that everything will be fine. They themselves have many times repeated that they want the “croatian solution” or “kraina solution”.
Cause what Ukraine wanted the croatians did with the blessing of every ngo and media outlet on the planet under the eyes of the world and not a single sanction. One General was detained but then let go to get more voted for them joining the EU.
They after defeating the serb separatists in croatia they drove out 250.000 serb citizens and continued with a raid into bosnian orthodox territories. The only reason they did not kill more people (of course no one investigates it) is that most of the serbs fled fast enough and the USA ordered the croatian forces to stop short of Banja Luka (the bosnian serb capital).
And the civilised EU and Nato Member croatia celebrates every year that they drove out the serbs and basically finished what they started in ww2. They love to show all the pictures of tractors of the civilians who fled an laugh at them.
They are basically the brothers of the Ukrainians. Slavs who have been domesticated by the Habsurg Austrians and later Germans and then handed over to the US and Pro US / Nato now. The Slavic Uncle Toms (House Negros). Why would the Ukrainians for one moment think to not get what they want?
Noone besides serbia and and bosnian serbs ever complained about it. Russia never and China never seriously objected to it. They did business with croatia all the time (ink. arms during the war).
And do not forget no one stopped Azerbeijan to solve the “armenian problem” and the turks to solve the “kurd problem” in syria. The russians just nicely asked them to negotiate and offered some blue helmets which calmed the situation down for some months but recently there were new attacks.
The armenian losses against the turkish loitering ammunition made the ukrainians believe even more
in their chances.
It has been established that such things have zero consequenzes as long as your interests do not collide with the USA it is no problem.
The Russians stopped georgia but did not much to them afterwards so even if russia would do something they would not have much to fear. This was what they thought and they miscalculated.
I am sorry to say this but the “System Ukraine” needs to be destroyed and every member of the ruling elite who made these choises either arrested like the jews did it to the nazis after ww2 or assasinated.
Cause if they get away with it (the ukrainian elites) the us will find another elite of another nation
to be their next bloodhounds again and again. The rich and powerfull of every nation need to know what the pricetag for them (not the people who noone of them cares for) it is to let their country be transformed into a tool against russia.
In Canada some of this history (in the former Yugoslavia) is known because of Medak Pocket, where Canadian UNPROFOR forces witnessed Croatian atrocities against Serbian civilians in the pocket, and subsequently came into combat with the same Croatian forces. In 1993, during the conflict. The government and media deny it, but it’s widely known among people of a certain generation here.
I was born in Italy in the early 1950s. My mother’s family were refugees from from Rijeka, formerly Fiume when it was briefly a part of Italy. Her family became refugees after Tito took over the area and city. I was born in a small town in Toscana where my father was from and from there we soon emigrated to Canada as refugees – it was luck of the draw as to which country a refugee family would be sent to.
Growing up in Canada, i was constantly harassed and picked on growing up by primarily Anglo kids and adults, but i managed to become oblivious to the blatant racism and name-calling of the Anglos and their followers. I was inculcated into the mindset of the Anglo barbarians (and i do mean “barbarians”) and for most of my life i was a good little boy, believing all of the BS and what passes for “history” and “values”here. I could never get the hang of it, however, and ended up pursuing other cultural ties and non-Anglo pursuits that were more meaningful to me, in a deeply human way.
As a result, from an early age i became more and more involved culturally with the Chinese community, mainly people from Hong Kong, whom i found to be real human beings and not the typical Anglo stereotypical cliche-driven absurdities that were around me everywhere. Thus, i became more and more alienated from western “values”.
Life goes on and it was only recently, in the last 20 or 30 years or so, that i became aware of why i hated the Anglos and the West so much and why i never trusted them: they were actually and factually Nazis in their thinking and behavior and it all felt completely wrong to me, making me feel like i was on an alien, non-human planet. I ALWAYS felt uncomfortable in this “society”. It also made me feel dirty to live the lies, unknown to me at the time, that these Anglos, their Zionist compatriots and their supporters, promoted daily and pushed forcefully (“taught”) everywhere here. But growing up, i did not know what to call it, i just hadn’t managed to put the correct label on it then.
A few years ago, i started to become aware of all of the lies, deceit, violence, theft, murders (to only name a few things) that the West had been carrying out during my lifetime and long before but for which i had been bamboozled by the mainstream AngloZionist propaganda, including what passed for “history”. Being exposed to Chinese culture completely changed my worldview to one that was family based with very human values. My wife is from Hong Kong and she is the prototypical, quintessential embodiment of Yin and love. I think that she is the one who saved me from becoming just another borg in service to the collective West by showing me that other, better, more ancient cultures exist and allowing me to live in the framework of those traditions.
The combined West is already a stinking, rotting, disease-carrying corpse. The sooner it fully decays and stops emitting a foul, disease-ridden stench, the better it will be for all Mankind.
Thank you . You made my point.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I had similar experience growing up in French Canada. Mothers family were ethnic German refugees who were deported from Poland. Not all made it out alive. Hollywood was in its prime disseminating hate against all things German, hate like we see against Russians today. There were many schoolyard fights on account my German ethnicity. There are photos of grandfather in a Polish uniform and then in a German uniform. So it was. After the war, Germans were made to wear the war guilt when it was the Anglo bankers who laundered the gold Hitler extracted from his victims to pay for the war and American industrialists supplied the Nazi war machine. I will not be shamed. I will not be made to wear guilt when Hitler was a stooge of the Anglo bankers and American industrialists and the war was forced on people who wanted to live their lives in peace. 80 years latter, same shi*t, same instigators, only Ukraininians are their new victims.
P.S. There was a marked difference between the attitudes of the Anglo and the French Canadians. Likewise, the hostile attitudes came from the Anglos.
Read Doughlas Reed’s comprehensive book on the WW2 period and you might come to a slightly different conclusion about who the true instigators were. Reed was the consumate foreign correspondent of the time and had access to people on all sides of WW2. It is meticulously researched and footnoted and he could never find a publisher while he was alive. thankfully it is available on the net, here:
This one book put much of what had been puzzling me for years about global affairs into focus. Like many here I find it difficult to have intelligent discussions about global afffairs with family and friends. I have one friend I converse with almost daily about this and we are both of the opinion that we can only stand back and let the wheels fall off, while steadily working to set ourselves up to be as resilient and self sustaining as possible. Life is an intelligence test, and the early death of stupid people only improves the gene pool.
The people behind this evil have been doing their thing for 2500 years, and they have never succeeded. They think that they might this time around, using tools of mass managment like the media, the WEF, their infiltration of national governments, particularly western nations, and the like, but as it has every time before, hubris will be their downfall.
It seems that a growing number of nations have woken up to the game being played, and are joining forces on the non aligned side. This is shaping up to be a truly civilisational conflict, one that will set the scene for a long time to come, but that can only happen if one knows the truth about the nature of those driving events ever forward.
Thanks for link. I will give it a read.
Thank you both for your comments. I have found it extremely painful over the last 3 or 4 decades or so to observe not only what the elites in the West have been doing to the plebs totally under their control (via “legal”force, intimidation and lawfare). Moreover, i have been mostly aware as to how they have been doing it. I am constantly surprised by their deviousness in inventing new, brutal methods to maintain their choke hold on us all, but more so by the apparent stupidity and ignorance (what a combination!) of most of the public, and even many of the people i know, including extended family members.
What i’m trying to say is that it’s been hell, observing what’s been going on and seeing the completely programmed responses of the majority of those around me. I cannot discuss anything to do with this topic without being thought of as “nuts”. Thus, i tend to self-censor a lot.
I realize that the majority of the public have been brainwashed into a malignant stupor but it is more than that, much more. I keep asking myself, why is it that there are still a lot of people, myself included, who have still managed to shake off the tyrannical thought-yoke of these criminal racketeers? Most of us have access to the internet and have the means to access all kinds of browsers and accompanying news sites. Why do most people deliberately choose to ignore the preponderance of contrary-to-“The Narrative” evidence that they are being lied to, used and abused? Is it self-preservation? Is it Stockholm Syndrome? Is it just plain laziness?
I have felt this thick, vile, plasma-like atmospheric essence that surrounds us constantly in the West, like an anabolic floodwater devoid of oxygen, ever since i can remember. I have identified it as coming from primarily (but not only), the culture of the AngloZionists and their minions who follow them greedily and gleefully with thoughts of power, fame and fortune dancing in what they mistakenly think of as their brains. It is, in essence, the Nazi ideology, and i dont care what other label those with this ideology self-identify with, whether it is Anglo, Zionist, “Western”, liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, having “European Values” or some other such delusional aromatic nonsense, they are still Nazi ideologues first and foremost, with all of their perceived “rights and privileges thereto appertaining.”
Although there have been a few things (very few overall) coming out of Anglo Land, in particular some of the music in the 60s, and nothing from the barren wasteland that referred to as Zionist “thought”, the vast majority of what has been pushed by them has been characterized by large scale murder, theft, organized crime on a planetary scale, and subjugation, overthrow of many nations and cultures (probably the biggest one overall). Anglos (their “elites” in particular) along with their shameless Zionist cohorts, have been mercilessly pissing on us all for centuries and all the while telling us that it’s only rain – and if you suspect otherwise or disagree, then they will drag out their newest and latest thick book of psychiatric diagnoses (updated regularly as they come up with new and exciting “illnesses”) that will explain why you are delusional, slap a label on you and tell you that should take yet another med to calm down.
A disclaimer: although i refer to Anglos and Zionists, life shows that we are not all cut from the same cloth. Everyone is different but most in each group usually follow the herd instinct and will identify with and practice the characteristic social norms of their group. I do know people of many different cultures and nationalities who so not fall into this category. It is refreshing to talk with them. I am referring primarily to the “elites” of these groups and their endorsers and followers whether it is foot soldiers, useful idiots, minions of various flavors or presstitutes. This vile plasmatic atmosphere must be dissipated, and it will be.
Post-truth society? We don’t care about truth. We hava a policy…
And if you don’t follow the policy you will simply be cancelled.
Very convinient.
“Sweden will continue its unwavering support for Ukraine. My government will shortly present further comprehensive support packages that will strengthen Ukraine’s resilience. The stronger Ukraine is, the safer the rest of us are,” the Prime Minister’s speech reads.
Her statement makes me feel very unsafe. God help us!
I just posted a comment related to RT’s report about the upcoming Tribunal that featured Duma Speaker Volodin that contains my sentiments on Andrei’s words:
Meanwhile, RT reports on the upcoming Tribunal:
First, all trials are a show–but–not all trials are show trials. Trials on very gross violations of human rights by Western nations have occurred over the years, but the guilty nations have never been sent to prison or made to atone for their many crimes. If the world’s to improve, that must change. Personally, I’d very much like to see a Declaration made by as many of the world’s nations as possible that unilateral sanctions of the sort ordered by the Outlaw US Empire and its vassals carry absolutely no weight and that they should be 100% ignored for they are illegal. I’d also like to see a Declaration that the dollar as a currency has zero worth outside the Outlaw US Empire, and its use must cease ASAP. Dollar denominated debt would then cease to exist. None of those declarations would bring back to life the tens of millions that have died as a result of Outlaw US Empire Plunder, but they would provide a modicum of proper punishment. Nations left holding dollar debt would be allowed to make those debts whole by annexing dollar denominated assets on their territory.
Zelensky isn’t the only one who ought to fear these impending tribunals. IMO, this provides one method to stop the Plundering cold. For those wondering about my use of the term Plunder, I invite them to read my essay on the topic, “The Plundering Nations Last Stand”.
A tribute to the lady.
Please try and add a bit more to your post in future and not just a link with no more detail. Thx. Mod.
“The West hates Russia deeply and viscerally”
The thing is, who does Washington actually like and get along with? Even Europe, the ultimate lapdog, is being sent by the U.S. to the economic slaughterhouse. It reminds me of the horse getting sent to the knacker in “Animal Farm”. The people in Washington seem like sociopaths who can’t work constructively and respectfully with others, even the most craven governments. Russia is probably right to just stay as far away as possible from the U.S.
“The West is doubling down . . . and giving even MORE support to the Ukraine”
I doubt this is in the U.S. interest, but the regime in Washington probably has its future riding on the outcome in Ukraine; they will go to extraordinary lengths to try and make it successful, even when those efforts look useless, because their own necks are on the line. The same can be said about Zelensky and the Nazis; they have no future if Russia prevails and they know it. While they have an existential interest in fighting the Russians, I doubt most Ukrainians do. They send their countrymen to be slaughtered to save themselves, or in desperation they commit war crimes that many Ukrainians might not agree with, perhaps even including creating a nuclear disaster.
Solzhenitsyn came to west believing the greatness and left a few years later.
No, he never believed that the West was great and he returned to Russia as soon as he could.
Brezhnev bolsheviks did expel him….he did not volunteer to immigrate to the ” golden “West….Solzhenitsyn loved Russia he did not like not bolshevik wh*res…
As a retired member of the U.S. Military, I hope Russia intends to and is able to shut down this Satanic cabal that has sunk its claws into the western world. If I knew that the attack would wipe out these monsters who rape and murder children and traffic sex slaves and run illegal biolabs and trade in organs…..I would stand and hold the targeting flare.
Except, of course, that the US considers as “enemies” folks who had the bad taste of being born on resources which “obviously” belong to the USA.
I won’t even go into what the folks who took that oath are doing to their own country and fellow citizens internally.
All these oaths are pure lies.
When the new breakaway republic adopted Leibniz’s Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, dumping British John Locke’s Life, Liberty and Property, all hell broke loose.
To this day the fight goes on, intensely. The civil war attempted to impose Locke, again. More Americans died then than all the following wars.
Didn’t Jesus spoken this things unto the Apostles, that they should not fall away: ”They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them”.
I could not agree more.
I see that everyday.
“Ukrainian politicians have repeatedly referred to the Russian people as “subhumans” “pigdogs” “biomaterial” and they have openly called for the killing of as many Russians (including non combatants) as possible…”
I’ll add that some prominent Western media outlets are condoning these attitudes among their American readers. Consider The Washington Post.
Many times on WaPo’s forums I’ve seen comments saying that ethnic Russians in the Ukraine should be executed by Kiev. Sadly, these hateful remarks are tolerated by WaPo’s moderators.
Whenever I respond civilly to these comments by indicating that parts of the Ukraine are demographically and historically Russian, and for this reason Kiev should have formed a binational confederation 1991, my statements are deleted.
Think about it. WaPo permits comments calling for murder of ethnic Russians living in the Ukraine, but deletes temperate, well-reasoned responses to such bloodthirsty remarks.
Further, in these instances on WaPo’s forums, if I dare to repost my responses to these ugly Russophobic comments, I am slapped with a seven day suspension by the moderators.
WaPo’s moderators – due to lack of supervision or because of editorial policy – are encouraging anti-Russian ethnic hatred on their forums.
This story just keeps getting uglier and uglier. This is a high ranking government official, not some random person off the street. Absolutely disgusting.
[Moscow expects Prague to respond to the words of Czech Defense Minister Yana Chernokhova about the death of journalist Daria Dugina for signs of support for terrorist attacks, Vasily Nebenzya, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, said at a meeting of the UN Security Council, RIA Novosti reported.
The diplomat drew attention to the words of the head of the Czech Defense Ministry, Yana Chernokhovov, who said that she did not feel sorry for either Daria or her father, and also that “Russia will remember the night of August 21 for a long time,” and confirmed that “is behind every word.” According to Nebenzya, such statements are “open support and propaganda for terrorist attacks against a civilian.”]
Czech government is universally hated in Czechia. Most European countries have been hijacked and currently ruled by usurpers who got to the lead through deceit, manipulation and electoral fraud. Czechia and others are no longer “rule of law” but “rule of power” states. The government makes arbitrary rules, sometimes blatantly violating a law and/or constitution and pro-government judge makes an absurd interpretation and there is no legal process to break this. Whatever we are seeing on international scene what president Putin calls “rules based order”, has infected local governments in Europe as well. Frustration is very high and situation is explosive. President Putin already predicted there will be change of elites across the board and process is unstoppable. This will be an interesting autumn and winter indeed.
Danke Leyca,er möge sich beeilen wenn wir Älteren es noch erleben sollen.Schon zu lange warten wir auf White Hats,Q,und die anderen Prophezeiungen Nesara/Gesara.Nicht das ich den Willen anzweifele dies zu tun (Sofa setzen,Popkorn essen und Film ansehen) aber die Zeit vergeht.Bei Putin ist was zu sehen aber sonst?
At first it seemed odd to me that Russia would allow the US – the primary perpetrator – to hugely profit from the high gas and oil prices that are causing Europe to collapse (first). As several authors have pointed out, the US is devouring Europe to destroy it as competitor that it may further delay its own collapse. I thought Russia – notwithstanding the disgusting behaviour coming out of Europe – should use its control over oil and gas sales to selectively make the US suffer more than Europe. After all, the longer the US continues, the more it inflicts on Russia.
But I think the objective of Russia looks far beyond that – they don’t want to destroy Europe, they want to allow Europe to destroy itself – economically, politically, militarily – because the only way of removing the elites is to force the European people to remove them with pitchforks. Because modern westerners have been reduced in recent decades to docile and disinterested media-consuming zombies, the only way to do that is to allow the European economies to be destroyed in toto. Only when people are starving and desperate will they finally wake up from their dreams and rise up.
The elites know this and fear it. See here for example.
Russia has (well, mostly) been careful to go on selling oil and gas to Europe – it is Europe itself responsible for the shortages. The hope is that as hungry, angry and desperate people come out with pitchforks against their governing elites, their anger will be directed primarily at the US and the comprador European elites, more than against Russia (ironically, the murder of Dariya will enhance that tendency).
A speculative scenario:
Industry in Germany will be destroyed by the spiraling cost of energy. The southern states (Italy, Greece, Spain etc) – massively in debt to Deutsche Bank – will renounce their debts, and Russia will support that. That will cause the German economy to collapse completely. Russia will buy German industry for pennies, and will rebuild it (only if and after after the elites have been completely overthrown by the people). In that scenario Germany and Europe may (after a long period of enormous pain) eventually thrive, but in a totally different social and political environment.
The Czechs have fascist, ethno-chauvinist tendencies of their own. This is obvious to anyone who’s dealt with them or read their history. Vicious Czech mistreatment of Bohemian Germans during the interwar period helped trigger the rise of Hitler and the Nazis.
Of course, there are lots of good Czechs. Fine people. But unfortunately many others are hard-core ethnic bigots. Maybe something about their culture breeds that attitude. I don’t know.
As for Chernokhovova, she is clearly filth.
In the second list of points, of which there are six in total, the third point needs to be fixed by adding the word “not” so that it reads: “The West will not only NOT speak up against Ukronazi atrocities…”. As it stands, the phrase conveys precisely the opposite meaning to what was intended.
I posted this on my FB page a few days ago:
It seems most people will continue to view the West-Russian war through a political lens, which is a far more comfortable position than taking a stand against evil. I suppose that is what let so many people sleep at night in Nazi Germany. . . it was just political.
By murdering our Sister, they have cut themselves off from God
Nothing can help them now
Dear Saker,
In first list I would add “US” militarry bio labs and conducting experiments on civilians -all by acceptance of zelinsky regime.
Truth is the correspondence (agreement) of idea and object.
The Western pro Ukraine deceitful propaganda is endless and is actually scientifically applied psychological warfare applied to its citizens.
The first and foremost duty of a leader is to ensure the security and wellbeing of his country and its community.
The war is a tragedy for Russians and Ukrainians alike with much unnecessary pain, sorrow and death.
President Putin has risen to the challenge with courage and I believe great personal sorrow, his being forced to take this action.
Any fair person fully conversant with the facts and history of the situation would understand this.
This war is actually a geo political clash between an old corrupt hegemon and a rising new collective economic power. The sacrificing the Ukrainian and Russian people is the price the hegemon will happily demand to ensure its continual world dominanc and its aim is to prevent any economic co operation between Russia, Europe China, India and the wider Middle East as is planned in a new silk road.
The hegemon understands this would mean the end of its world dominance, its power and its economy. It will go to any length to prevent this, even as destroying our world civilization.
This. Thank you Andrei, I see the same. Late stage satanism is basically the only word I can muster for this shit. But it must come through and be made apparent. Somehow this is how it always goes.
An absolute horror! I live in America and am disgusted by the total ignorance and stupidity I encounter daily. No one knows or cares about truth or justice. Total, complete ignorance and worse, no interest whatsoever! None! I wish the Russian armed forces would unleash their power and end the empire’s hold.
>As for the people of the West, they have to decide whether they will continue meekly accept to be ruled my murderous, racist, thugs or whether they will resit them (or, at least, not support them and, at the very least, have the decency to decide to never knowingly support any lie)<
From the responses of people of the West, and especially the US, I've given up any hope of any such resistance. What I saw was a large majority of people who enthusiastically approve this murder and brag about this. The US people are as murderous, bloodthirsty as their rulers, and they have no qualms about being brainwashed sheep because they also have the exact same 'values' as their rulers. Those in Europe are an even worse.
You can't expect any decency from these people. The US/UK in particular are a cancer on Earth.
Typo alert?:
“The West will not only speak up against Ukronazi atrocities, it will conduct an open and quite unapologetic campaigns to silence any disagreeing voices (latest example here)”
Shouldn’t it read: “The West will not only NOT speak up against Ukronazi atrocities…”?
So on the heels of this the Estonian PM says Russian travelers are a security threat. What despicable people we are dealing with
Our elites as a class have been Godless from at least the enlightenment, it is no surprise they care little for the Truth – not when it comes to just Russia but just about anything – you only need to see how they try to sell the notion that a boy can become a girl and vice-versa to see to what depths they have fallen – they are indeed diabolic. As a southern European, as you say, here we do not suffer from any intrinsic anti-Russian hatred, but it is changing for the worse now not least because of the 24×7 anti-Russian propaganda. Most people do not search for the Truth, but mindlessly accept what is fed to them by the media and have a totally warped idea of not only Russia, but pretty much everything else.
A perfect article…
There are misspellings:
“The West will not only speak up against Ukronazi atrocities” should probably be “The West will not only NOT speak up against Ukronazi atrocities”…? (because “will not only speak” implies they are speaking about them, which they don’t…)
“to be ruled my murderous, racist, thugs” should probably read “to be ruled by murderous, racist thugs”
“Mediterranean cultural real” should probably be “Mediterranean cultural realm” or “reality” ?
I have lots of compassion for the Douguin’s family
and it is a war crime to kill a civilian
but in terms of casuistic, it is hard to say that the ukrainians should not try every option to supercede.
of course, it is not a war to protect the sovereignty of the country but instead a proxy-war (and of course, it was stupid to think it would be useful to kill a 30 years old woman)
but not for the average ukrainian…and if he/she does not understand what is at stake, to some extent, he/she deserves to bear the consequences of his/her inaction.
just like us, western europeans.
Geoffrey, communist from Belgium
Will people in the West wake-up and resist the murderous thugs who rule over them? Not anytime soon. Westerners have lived under sustained propaganda since who knows when, but certainly for centuries. Propaganda is like a cancer that gnaws its way through the fabric of society. I have noticed how, after only a few decades, many people in Montenegro have turned into Serb-haters. I am talking about people who are, historically, ethnic-Serbs (though they would challenge that). If strong and proud Montenegrins can have their brains warped in a mere 20-30 years, what then is the state of British, French, and German minds which have been subject to centuries of conditioning?
“As for the people of the West, they have to decide whether they will continue meekly accept to be ruled my murderous, racist, thugs or whether they will resit them (or, at least, not support them and, at the very least, have the decency to decide to never knowingly support any lie)
So far, I have to sadly admit that I am not very impressed. I see a post-truth society in which the very concept of truth has lost any meaning. That utter and total indifference to the very notion of truth is the only true “western value” left”.
Well, Andrei, MOST of them but, fortunately, not ALL of them. We are a minority, that’s true, but still, there’s a sort of resistance to all of this. My hope is that the relentless work of such elements will open the eyes of an evergrowing number of people. Let’s add the upcoming winter to that: when reality bites, you can’t hide any longer under a blanket. People will have to open their eyes or die. Well, most of them are already dead. Cheers
They lose everywhere, and big time. House of cards. Unfortunately, more atrocities will happen as they go mad!
Below is an interesting post connecting a couple of pieces of information… “Ideas can not be killed.”
I am a westerner, from Northern Ireland, and I am utterly DISGUSTED at the ruling elites and the unquestioning minions of these lands.
…repression if rife here in the ‘usa’ – look at what the deep-state just pulled on President Trump (not to mention the previous ‘election’)… God help us.
The West hates Russia in the same way the Romans hated Jesus.
May you rest in peace and love, Dear Darya Dugina.