by Jeff J. Brown (cross-posted with China Rising by special agreement with the author)

Above, entitled Be Just – Even to John Chinaman, this is one of thousands of racist political cartoons against the Chinese in the United States, especially with the passage of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. It legalized the extermination of tens of thousands of Chinese, who were hunted down like dogs, shot, hung and scalped for state bounty ( All the racial stereotypes are there. John is crying like a baby, while carrying an ironing board, iron and an opium pipe: a cowardly drug addict who does women’s work.
The chalkboard says, “Kick out the heathen, he’s got no vote”. Heathen of course being a code word for subhuman, joining the pantheon of white racist epitaphs, like niggers, brutes, beasts, kaffirs and savages. They are used in every Western language. This, at Miss Columbia’s school, an allegory for the United States. Miss America seems to be in a decidedly foul mood. The hypocrisy of including a black man, Native American and other hated minorities in the background is especially bitter, since they did not have the vote either. But, it puts into perspective where the Chinese ranked on the race meter in the United States, until the 1940s.
It has been incredible to watch Western propaganda march in symphonic lockstep against China’s proposed changes to its national constitution, to allow the President and Vice President to serve more than two five-year terms, among about 25 other modifications. Even close to home, the South China Morning Post went all haywire at Baba Beijing using its very functional and participatory communist-socialist democracy to change its laws ( Across the West, words like dictator and totalitarian are being bandied about with indignant self-righteousness: How dare the Chinese, they refuse to adopt our superior Western way of life (! It depends on your definition of superior, of course, but the Chinese people definitely demur.So called “China experts” are piling on with all kinds of doomsday the-sky-is-falling scenarios ( President Xi Jinping is being portrayed as megalomaniac, power hungry tyrant. His 1.4 billion citizens respectfully disagree.
This whole Western charade exudes the worst hypocrisy and at its core, racism. When was the last time the mainstream media got into a snit because a Western country changed its laws? In 2001, where was Western propaganda when George W. Bush & Co. forever destroyed any semblance of the US Constitution conferring civil and human rights to its citizens, when a false flag 9/11 gun was held to the heads of every congressman and senator, to sign the Orwellian named “Patriot” Act – literally in the middle of the night, never having a chance to read it? America’s corporate whore media was right there, screaming, Sign it! Save us! Protect us (! This is how corrupt, Western “democracy” “works” ( It’s gangsterism, La Cosa Nostra.
Where have these media presstitutes been, while America’s owners passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), starting in 2012 (, and with each annual renewal, pushes more fascist laws of the Patriot Act into hyperdrive ( Sign it! Save us! Protect us!, scream the West’s goose-stepping media.
The same thing happened in the UK, France and other Western countries, which used the US “Patriot” Act as a template to scare the shit out of their citizens and passed similar copycat laws. Numerous state-sponsored false flag “terrorist” events were staged to have the people, legislatures and parliaments begging to sign away their civil and human rights, to protect them from those e-v-i-l Muslims.
Whatever most Western countries had in the way of constitutions, bills of rights, etc., they are now reduced to hollow straw men. The fascist police state has officially and legally arrived in the West, just like Hitler and Nazism officially and legally arrived in Germany, in the 1930s.
Yet, in China, here are 1.4 billion people in the world’s largest functioning, participatory democracy, fully engaged in the media and with their government, to discuss important changes to the people’s constitution. Was the “Patriot” Act offered to US citizens for consideration? Of course not. Yet China’s proposed constitutional changes, as well as all other laws and regulations under debate are everywhere in China’s media. Every citizen, using social media platforms, which is the vast majority of them, can make observations, suggestions and criticisms about these and all other law proposals, via government internet portals and phone applications. Millions do so, every day. As a resident of China, I also have the same rights and have done so ( Not tech savvy? Then you can meet with your elected local representative, who lives in your area, or go to town hall, which I have also done so on more than one occasion.
I could also make comments about the law changes via these outreach services, if I chose to. In Beijing, every law proposal is posted online to solicit comments and suggestions from any foreign person, company, NGO, international organization, etc., that wishes to do so. Do Western countries allow the Chinese to comment on their pending legislation? Considering all the above, this is why China has the world’s most effective, vibrant, participatory democracy in the world (
Today, maybe a million Chinese contacted their government to weigh in on the current proposed changes to the nations’s constitution. When was the last time you had direct, democratic input into laws being passed in your country? I rest my case.
This all boils down to pure and simple Western racism, a tired but genocidal refrain. Westerners are raised from the womb that they are preternaturally superior to all the non-Whites of the world, morally, spiritually, intellectually, culturally and technologically. I was talking to my Chinese colleagues this week about this and they are shocked by the venomous Western racism raising its predictable head to spew anti-Chinese hate around the world, simple because they are exercising their democratic rights as citizens. It’s comforting to them to know that there is at least one Westerner who understands.
China’s national constitution is one of the most important documents in the 20th century (, but since China is communist-socialist, it is intentionally ignored in the West ( Worrisome for Western empire, more and more countries are taking notice of China’s firebrand, anti-colonial, anti-capitalist constitution.
This article is worth reading, as it shows the abuse Chinese take on a daily basis by racist Westerners, who are oblivious to what they do and say ( Here is an easy five-minute podcast I did about Western empire and racism ( If you really want to get into the West’s racist heart of darkness, this article is one of the most important I’ve ever written. Sobering food for thought, but necessary to pierce the veil of Western propaganda (
Finally, Godfree Roberts, who has been on my show many times, just did an excellent analysis of the law change proposals and their background and inspiration (
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Luckily, what the Western MSM presstitutes say and think doesn’t really matter very much – if at all. All they can do is influence the opinions of Western citizens, most of whom are already “well-done” in propaganda terms.
But what does it really matter what Western citizens think? They have no influence, even with “their own” governments – even at election time.
The rest of us can just laugh and move on to things that matter. As I hope the Chinese will. After all, they will certainly have the last laugh.
The West worrying about China’s Constitutional changes ? Why ? Something to do with democracy ? In Washington DC you will find the US Congress, the White House, as well as the HQ of the freemasons, who control everything. Barack Obama, for example, is a member of the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge.
The US Constitution bans private individuals and groups from printing and controlling money. However, the US Fed is in the hands of private bankers. The US is incapable of enforcing it’s own Constitution, yet has the audacity to export “democracy” to other countries.
Do you think that is bad? My Godfather, that is nothing compared to some of the things that happened to the Chinese who endeavoured to hunt for gold in Northern Australia. Some of the ‘Australian guides’ led the hapless Chinese straight to the local Aborigine camps where the Aborigines broke their legs and then tied them to trees by their hair and then proceeded to eat them, one at a time while the other helpless victims watched on.
But there was another side; one NSW police trooper rode for two days to stop a riot and protect the Chinese miners. At Maryborough in Victoria some of the Chinese miners became market gardeners and made more money than digging for gold, and they stayed.
Of course the Chinese were not the only ones who suffered. Read Mark Twain’s remarks on the ‘Texas Rangers’ in the Philippines, as well as some of the comments by Douglas McArthur. The Filipinas thought that once America had taken over the Philippines they would have there freedom. No bloody way, and once the ‘New Masters’ gained control, then they sent in their females ‘school-masters’.
Who do you think came ashore with the Japanese in 1941? How about the Filipina Freedom fighters who were astounded that their fellow Filipina would fight beside their colonial masters.
The very same thing happened in India when the Japanese invaded. And on each side the Indians believed the other side were traitors. And what happened in Tunisia? The Americans thought that the Vichy French would not fight their ‘brothers’, but each considered the other side to be traitors, the Vichy French calling DeGaulles men Communists.
And I haven’t even touched on ‘The Opium wars’ fought by a British Army protecting An Iranian Jew’s interests (Sassoon). But of course Queen Victoria got her 10%.
But who was it that pushed all of this ‘racist’ bullshit back then and even today. Both the same culprits, the people who controlled our banks, our media and naturally our governments. At least today we have the knowledge of knowing some of the tools that are being used to manipulate us.
One of my paternal ancestors was a negress, but her father was a Campbell (I don’t know which was worse, but I’d put the money on the Campbell) and she came with a very good dowry, and the MacGregor who married her did well. One of their sons ended up being an engineer for the Duke of Sutherland just after the Highland Clearances.
I enjoy ‘racism’! I like to meet people of different backgrounds and learn of ‘their’ culture and history, As well as their take on the world and of their struggles to survive.
What I do not like is being told that it is rude to ask such questions of people by my betters, those very same people who have since the dawn of time created animosity between the peoples so as to make a profit.
What we are seeing today is much the same as what was occurring with James 1st and his spymaster Robert Cecil in creating the “Gunpowder Plot’ of 1608, and the same reason why King William and his wife Mary gave England the 1688 Bill of Rights, for the Protestants to protect themselves against those evil papists, only today it is between non-practising Christians and those terrible Muslims.
As the Bible says, there is nothing new under the sun!
The Chinese are an ancient race and I’m told that they have a higher IQ, and they are like elephants, they do remember. They unlike us are permitted to learn history, and they will have learnt of their ‘errors’ and of their victories. They already know how to defeat ‘their enemy’.
“But who was it that pushed all of this ‘racist’ bullshit back then and even today. Both the same culprits, the people who controlled our banks, our media and naturally our governments. At least today we have the knowledge of knowing some of the tools that are being used to manipulate us. ”
Yup. Same people who organized 9/11 and gave us the “War on Terror”. Same old agenda of divide and conquer, then profit. East vs West…Christianity vs Islam…yawn.
What’s so sacred about a 2-term presidency? I think it was brought in by the Republicans because they were afraid of another FDR. As in this joke during Roosevelt’s presidency.
Bob Hope: I’ve just seen the ghost of my aunt Lucy.
Crosby: When they’re dead they stay dead.
Hope: Not Aunt Lucy. She’s a Republican.
Two-term presidency is just another safeguard that the “elites” (or is it the ruling class?) put in place to protect themselves against the possibility that a political leader could become so popular that he or she might get elected over and over (like Chavez in Venezuela, for example). The fear of course is that what might be good for the majority of voters might not necessarily be good for the elite. With two-term presidency limit, the elite is guaranteed the power to first choose and then help elect by funding his/her election campaign a new, more obedient presidential candidate.
This is the Western-style “democracy” at its best.
It is especially good for the elite when they also have easily controlled congressional servants who have longer term leases while sporting their bark collar equipped with a remote-controlled electrical shock.
Down boy!
Jeff J. Brown is right about racism in the Western psyche. I’m Armenian but until the end of Cold War v1 in the 1990’s I didn’t realize the extent of unconscious racist attitudes from years of conditioning by American institutions all around me.
Some of my relatives are still in the grip of American supremacism. Once you see it in yourself you can then see it in others.
Every day I see it in the media. I could laugh myself silly if it wasn’t so serious.
Great article – many thanks to you, Jeff. This should be part of the history curriculum in all schools in the West.
“This all boils down to pure and simple Western racism, a tired but genocidal refrain. Westerners are raised from the womb that they are preternaturally superior to all the non-Whites of the world, morally, spiritually, intellectually, culturally and technologically.”
This statement is inherently contradictory. Firstly, it is racist about all Westerners, e.g. “raised from the womb” to consider ourselves superior in every way. Nonsense. I was raised to despise Western imperialism, especially the British variety (United Ireland now, btw ;) ). The second contradiction is that the author fails to call-out who were the real dynamos behind so-called “Western Imperialism”, from its funding to its propaganda.
Methinks the Russians will remember who was the cutting edge of their so-called revolution. Who funded, propagandized and implemented the coup in 1917? Ask a Chinese national who organized and profited from the Opium enslavement of the Chinese Empire?
I’m afraid this article pushes the international bankster agenda of East Vs West, same old controlling narrative by the same old financial cabal triggering the world wars. What happened to the Zionist component of the AZE, eh? I would drop the Anglo element in an instant, given what we now know. Westerners are brainwashed slaves, they are certainly not the masters. Even that nemesis of the Irish, the Brits, are mere slaves of international banksters.
The same people that socially constructed “whiteness” are the same crowd now attacking what they created. Who are the masters of discourse? Who controls the mechanisms of culture, from the media to academia? Those Masters of Discourse, that’s who…whom..whatever.
Dear Flopot,
I’m glad you are not in Australia. Here we are not permitted to tell the truth. There are laws about that.
But consider the British history. As my father said, first came the priests, then the merchants and finally the armies. There is no value in conquering a nation that has nothing of value, and of course the Chinese had very little need for things European, but vise versa there was so much wealth in China at that time, and such exotic things as ‘tea’.
Who were the troops of William the bastard in 1066, and how did William pay for them? Who were the troops of Cromwell’s Parliamentary forces, who were so well equipped that they beat the Royalist Chevaliers? Who were King Williams troops at the battle of the Boyne, all Danish mercenaries except for the cavalry led by John Churchill, and the ignorant Proddies still march as though it was they that defeated the army trying to resist slavery by usury. Who was it that financed the three rebellions against Charles, the finances came out of Amsterdam, and who were the English troops under General Wolf and the German Duke of Cumberland?
Aye, all paid for by the “thirteen pieces of silver”.
And then the Portuguese, um sorry, the Dutch, oops, no The British East India Company looted the subcontinent and then started the moves on China. It was always ‘the Merchants” (of Venice and elsewhere) that prospered, but for the ordinary working man or woman there were ‘The Mills’ and the ‘Debtor Prisons’ to extract the last pennies out by slavery. The people who inhabited the glens and vales of Ireland, Scotland and England were herded off the land and into dirty unclean overcrowded city slums, and to ensure that they could not survive otherwise laws regarding ‘poaching’ were introduced.
And when these parasites of Mammon had fully conquered Britain, they then conquered the world. Remember that the sun never set on the British (Jewish) Commonwealth.
The antecedents and the modus Operandi were always the same, from Babylon to today, and the Chinese are aware of that, as well as many other countries that have been able to escape the yoke. The pendulum is still swinging.
The ‘Bastard’ brought the Jews to take care of his finances and taxes. So did Cromwell. We know the result.
Saker…your gonna let this comment go through right?
The Saker
Thanks to Jeff Brown for highlighting the century plus old racism against Chinese in western spheres. Looking back in history, western European have been blatantly racist against many ethnicities, including Eastern Europeans. But their worst manifestations had been against the Black and the Chinese in terms of cruelty and exploitation. This attitude didn’t start to change until after the Korean War, not the 1940’s as the article said. Against the Blacks it didn’t start to change until the mid 1960’s. Nevertheless, Chinese who remained in the US and UK through these periods persevered and carved out their own niche. Acceptance and comradery with western Europeans obviously weren’t essential for survival nor happiness. By the way, Deng Xiaoping specifically mentioned on many occasions of his appreciation for Russians for their hospitality when he attended the Sun Yatsen University, in stark contrast to the adversity he faced in France as a poor work-study apprentice. He did not consider the USSR as part of the west.
I myself am philosophical about racism. Whomever one chose to be friendly with is surely one’s own choice; westerners certainly have the right to dislike whomever they’d like to. Taking advantage of someone in a weak position is common human nature, so Blacks and Chinese suffering at the hands of Whites were just part of reality of life. It take noble characters for any Whiteman to overcome the temptation and I am afraid nobility is not that commonplace. However, against adversities, there are always ways to adapt and adjust. Chinese in both US and UK (and elsewhere too) never really missed the fellowship of their White contemporaries. That’s why Chinatowns were formed in most large western cities and they never bother to change the situation.
As for the proposed change to the Chinese Constitution on presidential term limit, I am rather ambivalent. I believe Deng Xiaoping had sound reasons to push for this feature in 1988. But I am also sure if he were alive today, he would lobby to suspend this feature due to the ubiquitous western aggression against China and Russia, out of their own fear and insecurity in the nascent swing of geopolitical power. In dealing with wickedness, as the west has certainly proven it would stop at nothing to advance its interests including war, I surely hope Xi would stay on for firmness of policy execution. Along the same line, I hope and pray Putin would win (as if in doubt :) this year, and would stay on for as long as this new cold war launched by the west is in force. However, if by 2022 the western threat is disposed of, I hope both Xi and Putin would be class enough to take their leave.
Dear Oriental Voice,
I believe you have erred! You stated ; ” It take noble characters for any Whiteman to overcome the temptation”, and thus you imply that racism is a ‘white mans’ trait. That though is not true as every race and tribe has a bit of self identity in them, and the Chinese are just as racist as any ‘white man’.
You have also erred in your opinion of the creation of ‘Chinatowns’ within the White communities, as virtually every migrant to foreign lands tended to collect together for comfort and understanding of their own particular culture.
In Melbourne, Australia, we had Chinatown in Little Bourke Street, and right next door in Lonsdale Street was Little Greece. Carlton was little Italy, and the suburbs of Thornbury, Northcote and Coburg were again filled with, Greeks, Italians, Maltese and other migrants who after arriving in Melbourne and residing in the Migrant Hostels in Preston, and then obtaining work within that area, resided within close proximity to that work and their fellow countrymen. The Vietnamese, when they started arriving in the 1970’s settled mostly in Springvale for the exact same reasons, and Victoria Parade Richmond became ‘Little Saigon’.
A former girlfriend, Elizabeth Khoo, told me about the slaughter of the Chinese in Malaysia and Indonesia by the Muslims in the 1960’s in which if I remember correctly over half a million Chinese were slaughtered on a purely ‘racist’ genocide. Not a single white man was involved in that slaughter.
You have also stated that; “westerners certainly have the right to dislike whomever they’d like to” and I find that is just a tad prejudicial. Every person, not just westerners has the right to chose their friends.
Of course, the snobbery in England may have seemed to be racist to you but that same snobbery was also applied to the Australian and New Zealand troops who paraded in London after the Great War. And the ‘racist’ attitudes of the Poms in regard to the blacks only really came on board in the 1960’s when the British Parliament started bringing in coloured people from the ‘British Commonwealth to take on those imaginary jobs that the resident population didn’t want.
Of ‘Blacks’, we in Australia really haven’t had a problem until recently, and that problem believe it or not is not so must racist but of criminal behaviour. As for the ‘racist’ problems with the local Aborigines well that is a two way thing, with both sides being at fault and taking any ‘incitement’ as based on racism, and once you realise that you can see that in today’s politics, racism is a major control stick.
Can you comprehend that??? Racism today just as it was fifty, one hundred or two hundred years ago is a major control stick. Be very aware of it as that stick bites.
You are right that the way I wrote, I might have been guilty of implying that the lack of nobility of character to be narrowly applicable to Whiteman. I didn’t mean to. Perhaps a better way of wording is: ‘It takes nobility of character for ANYONE to overcome the temptation of not taking advantage of someone in a weak position’. Nobility is sure no common commodity, regardless of race/ethnicity. But as I wrote, I was referring to how the railroad workers were treated in the 19th century. I agree with you that Chinese are no less racist than the Whiteman. But surely, you would agree Chinese did SUFFERED more than the Whiteman under racism, do you?
About Chinatown, again I was referring to those in the US and UK in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Those evolved specifically because Chinese were ostracized in the cities they lived, and taking companies of each other were one way to carry on life. I don’t know how far back Chinatowns in Australia came into being, but in US, Chinatowns in many cities didn’t come about until the 1970’s/80’s and were deliberately characterized as such for the novelty nuance and commercial values. As such they were not the results of racism. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect Chinatowns in Australia likely fall in that category.
Yes, there were slaughters of Chinese in Malaysia, Indonesia, under the pretext of stopping Communism. Those were ‘different’ kinds of racism in comparison to what Jeff Brown’s article was intended to highlight. But contrarily to what you think, that no white man was involved in those massacres, it is commonly believed that the CIA had a huge role behind the scene in those cases. Even today, the western MSM has demonized communist China for quite some time now, to the point that it is easy for someone to find excuses to hate Chinese, and it worked in general in Southeast Asia. These are politically inspired ‘racism’. I understand that in Australia, somehow Chinese students (specifically) are accused of spying. Isn’t this racism, or political paranoia?
I sense that you object to my frequent reference to Whiteman as the culprit in racism. I didn’t mean to; I believe there are racists in every race. But the direst sufferings of Chinese in the 19th and 20th centuries as a result of racism were at the hands of Whiteman from western Europe. The Japanese did even crueler things in China than anyone else, from the 1920’s to 1945, but they did not single out Chinese per se, as they did the same to Koreans, Southeast Asians, and even the whites who were in Asian Warzones at the time.
Dear Oriental Voice,
Thank you for your nobility. You have written and it is a very good point that; ‘But surely, you would agree Chinese did SUFFER more than the Whiteman under racism, do you?’
At first I tended to agree with you, but then I dwelt on the question. That the Chinese suffered badly is totally agreed upon, but who caused that suffering becomes the main thrust.
The main reason that the Chinese suffered so badly in the late 1800’s was because the Iranian Jew Sassoon along with his Jewish friends from the British East India Company were pillaging the Chinese for all they were worth. When the Chinese resisted Sassoon by dumping his opium into the rivers, Sassoon had the British attack the Chinese government and demanded retribution of ‘lost or stolen goods’. So not only was the misery of opium addiction thrust upon the Chinese, so too were the wars that destroyed a monarchy in China.
But I would argue here that it was not the ‘white man’ per se that created this misery and suffering, but rather the Jewish merchants, and I would not consider them to be ‘white’. And it was not just the ‘British’ that raped China, America was in there for all they could get as well. Talk about vultures feasting off a live carcase!
So when you look at the above characterture (cartoon) of the little Chinese man with his opium pipe you must realise that he epitomises the victim of British Jewry, much the same as any cigarette smoker does today. Never forget, that if a government wishes to steal from somebody then first they have to destroy or assassinate their victim’s character.
Now I am certain that you would be aware of the ‘Rape of Nanking’ in December 1937, but are you aware of the role played by the German, John Rabe and of the various European missionaries to help the Chinese?
I believe that what we have seen over 100 years ago, is very much the same as what we are seeing today, a propaganda war to fool the unwashed masses.
If you look at the current Australian government stance on the Chinese business men supposedly trying to bribe Australian politicians and political parties, well that is apparently not on; only the Americans are permitted to bribe the Australian officials. More racism? Of course!
Where you stated in regard to the Indonesian and Malaysian massacres; “it is commonly believed that the CIA had a huge role behind the scene in those cases.” I would totally agree, but again, who runs the CIA?
By the way, are you aware that the CIA is rumoured to have killed the Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt over his stance against Pine Gap and then made it look like a drowning off Portsea? And when Gough Whitlam took a similar stance, they sent in Marshall Green and had Whitlam removed from office. They even asked Brigadier Ted Serong (ASIS & CIA) to organise a coupe against Whitlam but the Australian Army were not so inclined and so Serong retired.
Hi Andrew
FWIW, my understanding of the disappearance of Harold Holt is gleaned from the author and his book, Scott Cooper. Ripple Effect: a tale of politics, war and treachery.
I was 19 years old when Holt disappeared, and never believed the propaganda.
I was also heavily involved with some military men, as my parents’ home bordered on the by now historical site which transformed from Scheyville Holding Centre (immigration for displaced persons)to OTU for conscripts. Eight months later I married a dashing cavalry captain.
So there I was, 2009, with a long hard road behind me, at the launching of the above book, listening to the personal and professional story of the author, wondering how he could possibly tell his story, and live! It may not be great literature, but coming from pretty much the same background amongst the same professional military people, I have no reason to doubt the facts Scott Cooper has recounted, especially the disappearance of HH.
Names are changed to protect the usual suspects.
Cheers from Babushka and please keep up your postings at this sacred vineyard
@Andrew S MacGregor. I quote you: “Not a single white man was involved in that slaughter” – referring to the slaughter of the Chinese in Indonesia in 1965. Are you sure? The CIA was at least involved in facilitating the slaughter in 1965. And the slaughter in Malaysia on May 13 1969 – it fits into a pattern of CIA facilitated killings of Chinese – Indonesia 1965, Burma 1967. I out it to you that the (US) whitemen were at least indirectly involved.
Simon, the USA organised the genocide in Indonesia in 1965, through the CIA butcher Marshall Green, and the long-term US ‘asset’ Suharto. The US Embassy even prepared death-lists for the murderous Moslem fanatic death-squads that did much of the slaughter. And as Chomsky noted, the genocide was greeted with adulation and celebration in Thanatopolis DC.
Dear Simon,
Can you please define for me the term ‘white man’.
Who shot and hacked and slashed and killed the Chinese in Indonesia in 1965? It was the local Indonesians
Who shot and hacked and slashed and killed the Chinese in Malaysia in 1969? It was that Malaysians
Who incited these atrocities? As you say, the CIA, but just exactly who were the CIA back then and who are they today?
If I am to accept your premise, then I’d have to accept that every Chinese man would have to be held responsible for the crimes committed by the Chinese Triads. Do you find that acceptable?
Malcolm X created the term ‘WASPS’ for wealthy Anglo Saxon Protestants, by the guilty changed that to ‘White Anglo Saxon Proddies and every Anglo Saxon is white. However there are many people who are not Anglo Saxons who claim to be white who come from other realms.
I will stand by my words! No ‘white man’ did those killings! If I asked you to kill your neighbour, would you do it? Please!!
Should I blame every Japanese for the murder of a mother holding her child at Ruby Ridge? I’d much prefer to blame the FBI.
How can you push ‘Collective Guilt’ for the actions of a few? If you do reason in such a manner then all you are doing is pardoning the guilty and punishing the innocent.
I wonder which ‘White men’ did Tiananmen Square?
I’d like to see more content on the Chinese on this site.
Many of the them study in North America. At first, I looked at them wearing their American brands, and thought they were just like every other foreigner over here — a bunch of pathetic wanna-bes trying to mimic the mass culture and fit in. But I was wrong. A lot of them come, but many of them see themselves as being in little China. They live here, settle in, but are still just visiting, and about to go back. They wear the branding of North America, yes. But many of them think since it’s made in China, it’s Chinese.
Not to celebrate the Chinese or anything. Hell of a lot wrong with those people and that country: They eat dogs! On the other hand, they refuse to be dogs. That makes them unusual in today’s world.
Aye; and the Europeans eat horsemeat and us Scots eat haggis!
Of course, the Chinese are not racial nationalists….none of us here could ever imagine the Chinese doing something like that.
The constant racism in the biased Western media is often discouraging to me, as someone who is of Chinese descent living in North America. It has become increasingly obvious to me that it is Westerners who are the ones who are really brainwashed by government propaganda. They would have you believe China is hell on earth and that the Chinese are devils, even as the United States continues to fall apart economically, politically, and culturally. It will be a very harsh awakening for the Americans, when they finally realize that they aren’t as great as they think they are.
I have never known a single American who thinks Chinese people are devils. I’ve seen people with racist attitudes, but I honestly know of no one who thinks anything like this.
Its a setup. You can’t criticize Jews because then you are being anti-Semitic. Now you can’t criticize Chinese because then you are being anti-I don’t know what. And criticism of Chinese has barely started yet the same tactic is already being promulgated.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
Racist clap-trap gT-criticism of China and the Chinese is rising to an hysterical frenzy in the West, particularly here in Austfailure. There is NO mechanism to tamp down that basically racist abuse-exactly the contrary. You are, however, correct to say that criticism of the Chinese and China ‘..has barely started’.
Great stuff Mumblebrain, now I can add some more fuel to the flames. China was an integral part of the NeoCon New World Order one government to be achieved via globalization.
In the 60’s and 70’s the US went to China and made them a deal. The Western oligarchs would send all their manufacturing to China, and make more profit because its cheaper to produce in China while at the same time bankrupting the middle class in America. But thats ok, because the middle class is just a new phenomena anyway, throughout history there has only been nobility and peasants, so screw the middle class. China would get uplifted in the process and gain access to Siberia to boot. Russia didn’t matter, its just another insignificant country populated by a lower class of whites after all.
So the US and China would rule the world together, all commercial goods production would happen in China, other countries would be de-industrialized either voluntarily or not so voluntarily. Globalization would reign supreme.
But unfortunately Russia did not role over and die in the early 90’s, it seems the bear was merely hibernating. So the plan for world domination was in tatters. Relations between the US and China deteriorated, they don’t seem to be such good friends no more. China had no choice but to become friendly with Russia, and still the Chinese think that Russia is the junior partner, like money is everything :-(
China’s plan is now to lead globalization by itself, and by implication rule the world by itself, with its OBOR one belt one road initiate, because China cannot survive without globalization, China is nothing without globalization. So China needs positive press, all negative press must be dissuaded. Hence the efforts to stifle negative press before the negative press has even gotten started yet.
Meanwhile, Trump has already started economic protectionist measures, and other countries will follow the lead of America as they always do, and so globalization is faltering.
This is not racism, this is reality, with some poetic license taken here and there because getting all the
facts together is near impossible. Likewise, criticism of Jews in not racism, there is a reality behind it. And just like vampires have their familiars, and Jews have their Shabbos goys, the Chinese also have their protectors.
A nice link provided by another commentator elsewhere
Sorry, gT, but in my opinion that is deeply paranoid and deeply racist Sinophobic clap-trap. I’ll leave it at that, although the assertion that ‘..China cannot survive without globalisation, etc..’, is peerless in its inanity.
China was, and maybe still is, an integral part of the whole NeoCon New World Order one government initiative via globalization, that is fact, not fiction. China was supposed to take over all production so all nations could made dependent, disillusioned, de-educated and weak, ripe for the autocratic NWO takeover.
Clap-trap? You know in Europe the women are discouraged from reporting migrants for rape because that would be racist. Then the police are discouraged from prosecuting migrants for rape because that would also be racist. Now that is clap-trap.
“China cannot survive without globalization, China is nothing without globalization.”
Interestingly enough, this is not true. China’s internal demand has grown dramatically and continues to grow with no sign of a letup. China WAS totally dependent on overseas demand (years ago), and IS still somewhat dependent on it, but less and less so with each passing year.
All this self flagellation by whites, and the bandwagon cacophony of others, is both destructive and amusing.
Reading ancient history the same memes are there. The Ming Han ruthlessly exterminated ‘foreign’ peoples from Greater China. Later and earlier this was reciprocal. The argument is very one sided, as few can, or want to, read Chinese histories. Ditto for the relationships between the barbarians and the Romans and between each other.
Customs define cultures and many are unacceptable to others. When a tribe of cannibals come to live next door you do not tolerate them, you exterminate them.
Interestingly, travellers in 19C China were viciously attacked but when they dressed in Chinese costume they were ignored. Ditto for Chinese in Australia and elsewhere who dressed as Europeans and got a haircut.
I am a white nationalist with Chinese and Aboriginal co-lateral ancestors and married to an Asian.
‘White nationalism’, particularly in this case, is an euphemism for racist fascism, I’m afraid.
Once again Jeff Brown has nailed the situation in his usual succinct and humorous writing. I look forward to anything he writes. Recommend anyone who enjoys his articles to read his book “Thirty Days Backpacking in China”. It provides a great insight into China today.
and is ‘funny as hell’.
That’s 44 days, not 30 – MOD
“1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. It legalized the extermination of tens of thousands of Chinese…”
This is false. After extensive searching all I could come up with were two lawless pogroms with no more than 100 casualties. The legalized extermination of tens of thousands is a colossal embellishment.
You’re probably right, Jews always want to emphasize their eternal victimhood to make money from the holocau$t. So the Chinese want to get into that same money making racket also by emphasizing their own eternal victimhood. The truth is irrelevant to these people and their familiars.
How does that expression go again, “I can lie faster than you can fact check”.
Playing the victimhood card ad-nauseam is essential to distract attention away from and to deter criticism of their current activities.
The US was once a constitutional republic but now it’s a socialist democracy. Unfortunately large segments of US citizens do not understand that socialism (a milder variant of communism) is not what the public thinks it is (where government robs from the rich to give to the poor). That it is funded by the Federal Reserve, and private banks control governments and politicians. The problem I have with Brown’s piece is that he doesn’t define “democracy” because democracy does not equal freedom and China’s socialist/democracy is no different. Has he forgotten the roots of the current Chinese system that caused the deaths of many millions. I don’t believe either for a second that all 1.4 billion Chinese have no problem with the socialist/communist political model.