by Leif Johnson for The Saker Blog
The present lockdown of the Western world and much of the Third World is an attack on China. Here is how it works:
- Slash Chinese export earnings. The Chinese economy is heavily export-oriented. Seventeen percent of all China’s enormous production is shipped to countries that now, either cannot afford imports, or whose buying power is reduced from months of massive unemployment. What remains of Chinese exports will fetch lower prices. This comes after China’s export market to its largest trading partner, the U.S., was slapped by 10 to 25% import duties, beginning 2018.
- Bankrupt the Chinese Belt and Road projects. The Chinese export of capital (Belt and Road) for railways, waterways, dams, ports, power stations and other infrastructure improvements in 138 nations in the world, is estimated at three trillion dollars. These projects are expected to be paid for by user fees. Because many Third World and other countries may be unable to repay those loans, China’s losses could be in the trillions.
- Attack Chinese commerce world-wide. To halt Chinese competition especially in electronics, companies such as Huawei and TikTok are banned in the U.S. and Britain, and the Chief Financial Officer of Huawei is jailed. Chinese scientists and students are deported, while American sanctions against Iran and Venezuela are designed to cut petroleum exports to China.
Of these, by far the greatest damage to the Chinese economy has been the lockdown; that damage will increase as world economies decline. This economic vacuum will put an extraordinary strain on the Chinese export industries and banking system.
There are two more major areas of attacks:
Military: The U S. has sent an enlarged fleet, including two aircraft carriers, into Chinese coastal waters. Australia is now building a base on a forward island confronting China, Japanese and Korean militaries have been beefed up and Japan may allow nuclear weapons on their territory. The U.S. has increased its military spending especially on advanced and nuclear weapons.
Chinese defense against such threats will be a military buildup costing an additional two or three hundred billion a year. This buildup entails a shift from peace-time capital and consumer goods to the military sector—a serious economic drain.
Propaganda: Hostile measures taken against China will be dressed up as the fight for “democracy,” “openness,” free trade,” “free enterprise,” “justice,” “rule of law,” “international rules,” “human rights,” “anti-terrorism,” “reform,” “anti-corruption” and “anti-communism.” We, especially North Americans, should expect human rights stories from Hong Kong and Xinjiang, yearly memorialization of the massacre at Tienanmen Square, documentaries on persecutions of Christians, Buddhists, the Dalai Lama and… don’t forget Tibet. And what about Chinese pollution that could destroy the planet? And what about the Chinese Communist Party, the most execrable, dangerous, evil organization in the world, towards which people of the West should direct an Orwellian hatred?
These attacks come at an inopportune time. China is embracing large scale automation requiring large capital outlays, while at the same time suffering natural disasters including the swine flu, widespread infestation of the dreaded Fall Army Worm, and devastating floods and droughts.
Is it possible that the Anglo-American financial elite had the power to convince nations worldwide to lock down? Well, they control the UN, WHO, the world organs of mass media, worldwide military deployment, world finance, and the Dollar Empire’s elaborate political, drug, crime, financial, propaganda and cultural networks. Euro-oligarchs collaborate (usually) with this system.
What do they hope to achieve?
We can put aside the easier answers like “world domination,” New World Order, corporate greed, financial control, 1984-style mind control, surveillance state. It is much more fundamental: The world Dollar Empire, and its predecessor British Empire, have ruled much of the world for 400 years. China has emerged as the most powerful challenger to that Empire. If China cannot be destroyed, the Dollar Empire will be vanquished.
Ranked from most desirable to least, here is what I believe the Western merchant-bankers hope to gain.
Most desirable: A regime change in China, whereby the government is overthrown in favor of a Dollar Empire vassal regime. A revolt of the Chinese people against a government that has lifted 800 million people out of poverty is very unlikely. However, military force is not out of the question. Foreign Affairs magazine, (September-October, 2020, p. 156) wrote: “By upgrading their already substantial capabilities in this domain [unmanned submersibles], the United States and its allies would highlight the possibility of a maritime blockade of China.”
Next best: To convince China to adopt financial and political measures amenable to Dollar Empire domination. In the words of former Goldman Sachs banker and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr., (Council on Foreign Relations newsletter, 5/19/20):
China must move to a “market-driven economy, improve corporate governance, and develop efficient, well-regulated financial markets that earn the respect of international investors, so that Beijing can eliminate capital controls and turn the RMB [renminbi] into a market-determined currency.”
In other words, de-regulation, lifting of capital and bank controls, opening the Chinese currency, the renminbi, to international speculation, “free trade,” “free markets” and IMF and WTO conditionalities, designed to open the huge Chinese economy to Dollar Empire looting—as occurred in Russia in 1992-1998. But the Chinese have found a recipe for national success (industrial capitalism), and that fire-belching dragon, the Chinese Communist Party, guards the gate against renewed imperialist looting.
Least: The Dollar System can achieve the third level of options: a combined economic (lockdown, sanctions, trade and financial war), military (NATO, Five Eyes, 7th fleet) and political (ethnic/jihadist subversion, drugs, propaganda) attack on the Chinese economy. That will retard China’s growth and reduce its world power.
Instead of strife, bloodshed and terrible destruction, why doesn’t the Western financial elite join with China in solving the world crises of poverty, refugees and war; why not together explore the frontiers of medicine, science and space? While China might be amenable to collaboration with the West, the oligarchs of the West are locked against it. After all, it is they who created the poverty, refugees and war, and it is they who have spent the post-WWII years dismantling industry, sending much of it to China.
China is a successful, developing economy; the West is an unsuccessful, deteriorating economy. China is based on industrial capitalism; the West is based on merchant-banking capitalism. China invests its capital in industrial plant and equipment and infrastructure; the West invests in financial instruments.
The Chinese seek increased industrial and agricultural production to satisfy people’s needs. The Dollar Empire steals the wealth of nations to create speculative profits. The Chinese system creates capital. The Western system destroys capital. The Chinese System never has financial crashes; the Western System suffers devastating crashes rescued by levies on the population. Chinese industrial capitalism raises the living standard of the population; the West’s financial capitalism lowers the living standard.
The destruction of capital is the hallmark of merchant-banker rule.
Consider the following example: The grain cartel buys products from farmers and sells at a profit. That profit is real capital (no matter how exploitative) because the profit was made on real merchandise being sold.
The cartel does not invest that real profit in agricultural production. It pours its profits into investment funds, banks, off-shore funds, which are largely invested in speculative paper—securitized paper, derivatives, indexes—all of which represents no real goods. It re-invests the paper profits and receives more paper profits. Thus the merchant-banker system sucks capital out of productive agricultural, industrial and commercial enterprise into non-productive financial channels. That is the destruction of capital. It is a misnomer to call this speculative system “capitalism.” It is a cancer. It uses the forms of capitalism, but it destroys capital, just as cancer uses the nutrients of the body but destroys the body.
This is a “system.” It takes capital from the economy (society as a whole), and destroys it by investing in paper (nothing). This is how it thrives. All governments, laws, academia, social mores, mass media, culture and, of course, economics and finance are shaped by this system. It cannot change. It cannot create new productive enterprises. It cannot compete with China, only impede China’s growth.
This is “end game” for the governing oligarchy. This is their Götterdämmerung, their Armageddon. In the death throes of their 400-year-long reign, they will impose a desperate economic, financial and social reorganization which the World Economic Forum calls the “Great Reset.”
One of the world’s most prominent merchant-banker organizations, the World Economic Forum, issued a report, titled:
“This is Now the World’s Greatest Threat—And It’s Not Coronavirus”
- “Affluence is the biggest threat to our world according to a new scientific report.
- “True sustainability will only be achieved through drastic lifestyle changes.
- “The World Economic Forum has called for a ‘great reset’ of capitalism in the wake of the pandemic.
“A detailed analysis of environmental research has revealed the greatest threat to the world: affluence… we have to change our affluent lifestyles and reduce overconsumption in combination with structural change.” (Mind you, this is written by the world’s most wealthy individuals.)
With lockdown-caused destitution, unemployment, lack of food and shelter for hundreds of millions of people worldwide, one would expect that the WEF would be satisfied that “overconsumption” had been sufficiently curbed. However, they know there is still substantial wealth in the American and European middle classes that can be tapped for the post-lockdown economy. They have big plans to get rid of that “overconsumption.”
The first task is to reduce unemployment, now probably 25 million long-term jobless in the U.S. Make-work projects will be “green” and “sustainable” (low technology). This will be paid for by taxing the middle class.
The second task, their true and ultimate agenda, is to create an all-out war economy—the final attempt to terrify the East into submission. This will bring extreme austerity and repression.
The “structural change” mentioned in the World Economic Forum report was made explicit by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in his “International Mother Earth Day” message:
“First, the huge amounts of money to be spent on recovery from the coronavirus must deliver new jobs and businesses through a clean, green transition.
“Second, where taxpayers’ money is used to rescue business, it must tied to achieving green jobs and sustainable growth.
“Third, fiscal firepower must drive a shift from the grey to the green economy, empowering societies and people to be more resilient.
“Fourth, public funds should be used to invest in the future, not the past, and flow to sustainable sectors and projects that help the environment and the climate…
“Fifth, climate risks and opportunities must be incorporated into the financial system as well as all aspects of public policy making and infrastructure.”
The World Economic Forum chieftains could not be more pleased. Changeover to “green” sustainability would bring a great reduction in “affluence” by heavily raising the price of energy making everything, from agriculture to industry to transportation, grossly more expensive. Furthermore, to pay the “huge amounts of money to be spent on recovery,” will require heavy tax burdens, or social services spending cuts. The Western populations will not be told their sacrifices are made to thwart China and collapse world industry, but rather, made to “save the planet.” The theory of the Green Revolution is that the West will continue to dismantle its industry to meet climate deadlines while China will be forced, by world public opinion, to follow suit.
The “Green Revolution” will soon dissolve into a total war policy. Sacrifices imposed by the “final solution” military buildup against the East (Russia-China bloc) will strip the remaining wealth of the people. Taxes, inflation, interest rates, will rise as the nation is deprived of health care, education, public services, pensions and Social Security. The “global warming” foe will turn into the Yellow Peril foe.
Totalitarian destruction of our freedoms will be as dread as those of Hitler Germany. Free speech will be considered a security risk, neighbors will spy on neighbors, thousands will disappear or be assassinated. Race riots will be used to “divide and conquer.” Electronic spying will be ubiquitous, as will be preventive detention. All the police state measures used against foreign populations by the military, State Department, intelligence agencies and hired mercenaries and drug mafias, will be turned against Americans.
America does not deserve this. America was the first nation to overthrow the shackles of the merchant-banker British Empire. America was the first nation to lay the basis for an industrial republic. America became the most free, equal and magnanimous nation in the world which triggered a century-long battle between the industrial American System and the merchant-banking British System. The American System built a great nation.

Henry C. Carey (1793-1879), chief economic advisor to US President Abraham Lincoln and author of The Harmony of Interests (1851), America’s long-forgotten anti-imperialist manifesto.
Apostles of the American System included Alexander Hamilton, Mathew Carey, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Nicholas Biddle, Henry Carey, and Abraham Lincoln. The American System was succinctly described by Abraham Lincoln in an election palm card: “My program, like an old lady’s dance, is short and sweet: I am for a protective tariff, a national bank and internal improvements.”
In 1851, Henry Carey (The Harmony of Interests, p. 217) summarized America’s role in the world as follows:
“Two Systems are before the world; the one looks to increasing the proportion of persons and of capital engaged in trade and transportation, and therefore to diminish the proportion engaged in producing commodities with which to trade, with necessarily diminished return to the labour of all; while the other looks to increasing the proportion engaged in the work of production… with increased return to all, giving to the labourer good wages, and to the owner of capital good profits…
“One looks to pauperism, ignorance, depopulation, and barbarism; the other to increasing wealth, comfort, intelligence, combination of action, and civilization. One looks towards universal war; the other towards universal peace.
“One is the English System; the other we may be proud to call the American System, for it is the only one ever devised, the tendency of which was that of ELEVATING while EQUALIZING the condition of man throughout the world.
“Such is the true MISSION of the people of these United States…”
Let American history be our guide as we restore that mission.
Leif Johnson was engaged in the 1950-60s civil rights and peace movements. The 1963 March on Washington convinced him devote his life to the betterment of mankind. He spent 27 years a follower of Lyndon LaRouche, where he met some extraordinary people and learned much.
I do not wish to be rude, but the vast majority of the BRITISH people have no truck with what you call the BRITISH SYSTEM and quite frankly, the UK is a vassal state of the USA right now, so whatsoever is going on in terms of whatever system is proposed, the USA is pulling all the strings and precisely no-one in Britain has the power to change that.
What you are doing is trying to insult the British out of weakness and it does you no favours in trying to say that you Americans have ever been a force for good in the world.
You were never a force for good during the Korean War, the overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran, you were never a force for good in Vietnam (in fact the evil you perpetrated there using Agent Orange is of sufficient magnitude to reverse any purported good you may or may not have done in other spheres), you were purely malignant in Central America, setting up repressive dictatorships purely to guarantee profits to US corporations, you were behind all kinds of internal genocides in South America, backing far right fascist coups and always overthrowing democratic leaders who wished to follow independent paths.
You were absolutely evil throughout the Middle East, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq had zero justification. You bombed Libya in an act of absolutely pure evil, the absolutely appropriate punishment for which should be flattening of NYC, Washington DC, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Houston and Dallas with 100% attrition rates, simply to teach the disgusting US Deep State that there are consequences to their actions.
You organised 9/11 as a mass murder event on your own citizens and you organise false flags all over the globe to try and justify gangster-style regime changes.
I am not interested in hearing about ‘the American System’ which you claim once existed.
I am far more interested in the reality of your actions, the world over, since 1945.
You and you alone as a nation are responsible for it all.
You are a nation utterly without character so you cannot take responsibility for any of it.
The most likely truth of this article is as follows:
‘We will destroy the whole earth unless you allow US Hegemony to continue’. The ‘British System’ used by the US Deep State as a threat to demand that the ‘US System’, controlled globally lock, stock and barrel by US corporations, continues unquestioned.
The world should respond with ‘we would rather destroy the USA forever so that no US hegemony can ever occur again’.
Much cheaper, much more popular, much more expedient and so much more sellable politically.
Hold your horses there, pardner!
The “British people” are not the “British System”, which is a faction of the elite.
@Maiden PEI, @Rhys Jaggar
Come on guys. Despite the long list of wars you can claim on US, the British Empire is still the most war mongering nation of all times.
No one have ever invaded and subdued so many nations into colonies during all times than England.
The Brits are hiding as an Angel of the Light through distinguished snob manners and little finger cups of tea, and betray many people with their innocent appearence.
The merchant bankers we talk about, are the money exchangers and slavetraders that Jesus kicked out from the Temple, the Pharisees, or the US Democrats who fought tooth and nail against the liberation of slaves and against any civil freedom rights.
They moved to Rome, but even the Romern Senate despised the extreme atrocities they left behind and kicked them out from Rome.
They went to Venezia and made their Head Quarter here. After enriching themselves and spreading blood steps and tentacles of misery in Europe, the Spanish King decided to fight them tooth and nail.
They got beaten in Venezia and escaped to Benelux now in secret societies to hide from the Spanish King and Allies, and from there they jumped to City of London where they have their Head Office today.
From London they spread their usury money lending and slave trade to US their new colony, and it is this tribe who today are US Deep State and they are in the control of the worlds biggest army.
Whether we call it America or England or Jews doesnt matter, the merchant bankers of usury lending are THE problem, and their roots of ideology are in London.
The “Survival of the Fittest” who are the Royals and the British Elite, hunting killing the biggest and strongest animals calling it “thinning out”, and “poachers” when natives feed themselves with their God given right to meat, and “the Order of Nature” when 40 million peasants in India died of famine. The roots are British.
You can not escape from Empirial influence and exceptional uber menchen thinking. But we can be aware of it and the difference as this can wake us up. So forget labels and look at the fruits.
hehehehe it is like the cooking pot is telling the frying pan, don’t touch me, you are making me dirty. Both countries are at the same degree of abomination.. They have given capitalism and democracy a bad name..
The half-truth that the ‘modern’ economy driven by credit was created by the ‘Financial Vipers of Venice’ is a deception that purports to shift the blame away from the real ‘financial vipers’ who were driven out from England (1290), from France (1306), from Spain (1492) for their financial depredations and who congregated in the Netherlands creating the first world bourse in Antwerp, where from they ‘reconquered’ England in stages (from Cromwell virtual acquiescence to their return to the invasion of England by the Dutch Orangists, through their smuggling to England and American British colonies under Charles II).
Americans cannot wrap their minds around the fact that New York was in fact the ‘New Amsterdam’. They cannot come to terms with the cognitive dissonance that their ‘exceptionalism’ (their reason for existence), THE force for good, created such misery around the world, that the ‘unexceptional’ hate them when they were supposed to love them (they are the ‘good ones’, aren’t they?). Why does that happen, when it cannot be their fault (they were ordained by G-d as the ‘Force for Gooood”)? Well, simply, it is the ‘OTHERS’ fault (Papists, Negroes, Mestizos, City of London, Russians, Chinese…Venetians!, but never, ever Jews – ADL and AIPAC are watching you! They put their heart where the money is).
And they cannot wrap around their minds that the ‘world’ can perfectly survive and strive without their dollars, without them at all, that’s it.
But they need to reassure themselves with bed-time stories of their greatness.
@ Tomsen
Best answer I’ve read in quite a few days. 100% agree. Keep the replies coming. You’re spot on target and headed the right course for target number 2. Excellent post.
city of london . the east india trading company. reduces such fantasy from a whole nation to a few mere men. and as the author skips right around those evil money creators that built up vulture capitalism as he so despises, forgets to mention these same creatures created socialist and communist systems. to add insult they profit from the clashes of their own creations in multiple ways. where we the individuals are expected to offer blood and sweat. its the world v kabbalah not nation v nation, people v people
East India company was founded by John Watts and George White, non-jews. The City of London was founded by Saxons. The Nazis were bankrolled by international bankers, non-jews. Yes, jews did bankroll the bolshevists but they did it from their perspective both as a German and a Jew to destabilize their enemy tsarist Russia during WWI.
dave 2+2=5 . majority share holders run companies. city of london is not london city. “international bankers” lol.
Exactly. Nor are US Citizens responsible for the “American System.” Divide and misattribution are effective everywhere.
Divide and misattribution! There is a lot of that going on. It is largely accomplished by media propaganda from the ‘ministry of truth’. And who owns the media? The wealthy money manipulators who are trying to take over the world, and are close to succeeding.
The U.S. citizens are not responsible for the American system? Hmmm, yes and no! Here is one problem that does involve personal responsibility and again, propaganda is involved. What did William Casey say about it? Something to the effect ‘We will know our disinformation campaign has been successful when everything the public believes is false”. There was a poll taken a few years ago in the U.S. Would the citizens approve a nuclear strike against the capital of North Korea. The basis of this strike was not that Korea had attacked the U.S. but that they could attack the U.S. with nuclear weapons. A large majority of Americans answered yes, they would approve. They approve the incineration of over a million people, probably not so different from you and me, based on a mere possibility that they could attack if they wanted to. Do you see what I’m getting at? It is the same in Canada. And I’ve heard the same propaganda on some alt-truth sites. Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua etc. are evil and are going to attack the U.S. They have sleeper cells here, or so they say. If we accept this garbage and start hating on other people and approving their destruction based on lies then we are also to blame for the system controlling us.
“Faction of the elite…”. Well yes But also an evil system … one which has also subverted and overthrown “The American System” and replaced it with monetarist strategies.
Thank you Mr. Jaggar, You make two points that cohere with standard propaganda: First: that all the horrors you claim “you” [Americans] have done since 1945 is controlled globally “lock stock and barrel by U.S. corporations” and secondly, the repeated “you” “you” “you”. Every atrocity you mention was not caused or perpetrated by the American people just like every atrocity of the British Empire was not caused by the British people. The Americans and British people were just the cannon-fodder used by the Anglo-American merchant-banker rulers to fight their imperialist wars. And the perpetrators are the Anglo-American merchant-banker elite, not American corporations. One of the 20th Century British Empire slogans is, “British brains, American brawn.”
We know who practices Samson
You forgot the bombing of Serbia?
I stopped reading this CCP propaganda halfway.
Let’s go over the first three points.
1. Consumers don’t have money to buy things thanks to the virus China shared with the world. It’s not some Western conspiracy to ruin China’s economy.
2. If the loans can’t be paid back, I’m sure China will just take over some ports or find other arrangements to take over, which is exactly what they’ve done before.
3. China has been caught spying before and they are not shy about arresting anyone suspected of being foreign agents, yet the west is not allowed to protect themselves from Chinese spying? Does the writer think we’re so naive about Huawei’s origins and role for the CCP?
Chinese government riles up their population to boycott and smash Korean products before, and you want to talk about economic warfare?
I find this bit the most hilarious:
“What do they hope to achieve?
We can put aside the easier answers like “world domination,” New World Order, corporate greed, financial control, 1984-style mind control, surveillance state.”
Everthing Chinese state and government is already doing. Chinese greed and Orwellian mind control and surveillance is unmatched in the world.
And before the CCP trolls accuse me of being Western imperialist. I’m not western and I’m against all imperialism, both Western and Chinese.
“I stopped reading this CCP propaganda halfway”
Yes, it has become so obvious now. But still they push these articles to collect and analize the responses in order to finesse “the message”. (Removed – Insulting the Saker on his own site is the height of bad manners and not permitted – The Moderator. )
Kindly get back on topic. Take any further discussion on this subject to the MFC. Any further comments will go to the trash. The Moderator.
As far as I am concerned China never did a 9/11 style false flag and never bombed people worldwide. In my eyes the US has been is and will be much more dangerous than China. China has wisdom the US has none.
I am also against all imperialism. If we do not want to live in a wold under control of us imperialism we need an entity strong enough to counter us emprialism. The only entity which can do that is the combined power of Russia and China. There is no over choice if we want to live in a true multipolar world.
As for the virus I did some research. The P4 laboratory in Whuan has been build by France and more than 50 French specialists were working in that lab. Many American specialists were working in that lab too. Black Rock was directly financing that lab. So western powers were deeply involved in the activities of that lab. Saying that China shared the virus with the world etc is a worst propaganda than the CCP propaganda you dislike so much.
Bill Gates kissinger and Jacques Attali have been talking about the risks of a pandemic for more than a decade. They have said that a pandemic was the best opportunity to create a new world order and they are also promoting vaccines. Gates in a conference in 2010 said that with mass vaccination the population could be reduced by 10-15 % in 2030. Now in 2020 a pandemic happens for real with all the consequences like vaccines for instance and control of populations and massive reductions of freedom of speech with an increased battle against the so called “fake news”. So yes I am suspicious. And as far as I am concerned Gates Kissinger and Attali are not Chinese.
As for huawei I am sure it s not worse than Apple and Microsoft and Facebook and Twitter. The US has been spying on the whole world for decades promoting regime change in tens of countries but the problem is Huawei? The spying thing is just a pretext to sanction huawei because huawei is doing a better job than its Western competitors.
In regard of Corona it’s interesting to follow the trail
From the military laboratory Fort Detrick August 2019 to the military olimpics in Wuhan in November 2019
Already In the summer of 2019 a new lung desease was reported in the US (blaming cigarettes)
The US had around 300 people in the military olimpics in Wuhan and finished in 35th place after such giants like Namibia who where there with 3 sportsman
My logic tells me that the US brought this virus to China and the Chinese know that very well
I second this argument, and in fact would carry that logic much further.
@ Mike
I third this argument.
There are too many Covid19 coincidences solely benefit the U.$. ‘WuFlu’ is just another U.$. weapon used to ‘subdue and mislead people’ so that the U.$. can try and ‘come out on top of the chaos.’ Covid19 is U.$. born and bred. Covid19 was in Europe 6 months before Wuhan and there’s evidence it was ‘on the loose’ in the U.$. a year earlier. Sanction the U.$. and the world will be safer. The U.$. should be made to ‘correct it’s lies’ and be made to promise to leave people alone ever after.
Covid-19 was found in the sewers of Barcelona and Milan in December.
US intelligence warned the Israelis of an emerging pandemic from Wuhan in November, this according to Israeli news.
China Virus, my a… More like a NATO virus. That would also explain Russia to employ bio/chemical decontamination units in military exercises lately, do they know something?!
a friend in Toronto told me today about her coworker who wanted to get tested for covid. after having to wait for 6 hours he just left (after filling the forms).
After a few days he was contacted by the testing company – they said his ‘test’ (that he never took) came back positive.
I have heard the same scenario from another people a few months ago
Your post – I don’t know where to start.
1. You claim “Consumers don’t have money to buy things thanks to the virus China shared with the world”.
Wow, two lies for the price of one! The Chinese economy and its people are doing fine, much, much better than you in the West. And No, China did not start the virus, that is a vicious and brazen lie. No scientific or world body has said so, only some bigots in the USA.
2. Accusing China of spying – coming from an American! You live in a country that monitors each and every email, phone call, and brazenly proclaimed its right to spy on the German Chancellor and other world leaders. But then, the Americans rain down bombs on defenceless countries in the name of “human rights”. Which other country in the world casually talks of “bombing them (other countries) back to the stone age”?
Shame on America for the wars, death and destruction it has brought to the world.
Problem is “when one is totally shameless, one becomes invincible” – a Chinese sarcasm. The west right now is full of the shameless, especially their leaders.
I share your thoughts on the general depravity of the CCP, but still you are making it to easy for yourself. The CCP is in many ways the Chinese answer to almost a century of humiliation, imperialism and straightforward and colossal abuse by foreign powers. By all of them, even Russia (1898-1905), which also sent troops through Manchuria to protect their assets in “Дальний”, Dalian – in particular Port Arthur, against the Japanese. Qingdao, Shanghai, HK, Macao, Fermosa …
You can say, that if you live under hyenas you have to act like one – that’s the story of Russia too. That’s why you see the absolutely unequal treatment of foreigners in China, their treatment of imported religions, their spying, their debt financed mercantilism and all the other niceties.
And to your points, 1.: no one has proof of its origin, just informed speculation, one of which is, that it’s a product of a joint gain of function project by the US-CN institutions. That they haven’t stopped international travel, I don’t know, maybe this is just propaganda. Either way they would have been demonized for shutting down or not. Western propaganda would’ve found a way.
2. 50% agreed, that will be the case in the future – they are not idiots, why would you else finance projects, you know they won’t be sustainable; but I found no evidence for it being true till this day.
3. Yeah, they are playing the same game. Worse, you can get into the crossfire as an average joe. You have zero rights in China, go there at your own peril.
Generally all this globalism trash, is now the Chinese tune, as it still is with the Western elites. It won’t be easy to balance global manufacturing distribution, too many powerful actors want to keep it that way. Still, this can change, maybe progressively. Right now investment is pouring in into China and the Chinese economy has rebounded. The Chinese people are organized, nationalistic and the leadership, even if largely gangster, is smart – not like the galactically stupendous, filthy, liberal Western politburo. Accordingly they will crush their competitors unless the West organizes again and I don’t see it. Look at the US clowns, they are maybe in for a civil war or large scale armed unrest; the 7th fleet will be done for. The EU is a pathetic whorey bazar, mind-blowing how we keep up with living standards till now.
If the West elites have their way, China will become isolated and impoverished again (maybe broken up into state-lets, maybe even the US and Russia too, which all be goverened by a supra state body) and the world will transform into a sea of fire/chaos with a network of angelic islands, like city states of “freedom tm”, where the same dystopian surveillance technocracy will be implemented. This way, they won’t have resistance by powerful state or nation actors.
surveillance unmatched in the world?
how many surveillance agencies does the declining empire have?
I dont know of any chinese transporting prisoners on taxpayers money to be tortured in other places of the world.
I ve never heard a chinese authority having sent a lot of experts teachers on torture to coach foreign dictatorships to eliminate dissenters .
But the US did and does.
More likely the primary goal is to restructure western economies and political systems, to improve their performance in the competition with China. Initiate bankrupcies of wasteful businisses, predominantly in service sector, empoverish non-productive rentiers, introduce semi-martial law order etc. Surrender or bankrupcy of China would be a bonus, not likely to happen.
Thank you for your response. I would delighted if the Anglo-American Empire, the merchant-banker elite, would improve their performance in the competition with China, rid ourselvles of wasteful businesses and rentiers. (I wouldn’t want a militarized society, of course.) The problem is that they are the rentier capitalists. Their profit is paper which they re-invest. I don’t think they would choose to give up their very means of existence. They cannot re-establish an industrial economy that they have spent many decades cannibalizing. They might create military industries and infrastructure supplying that, but they will never restore the American System.
I think that the idea is that those on the very top (those who control the financial system, their allies from the CIA, tech sector etc.) re-establish the economy after others get bankrupt or their property is taken. They want to get rid of those who are in between them and the working people. A diverse group, from pensionaires living from savings to very rich people from normal people’s POW.
They are going to market it as a socialist revolution, but in reality, it is a counter-revolution, reverse of 1776, restoration of feudalism.
correction: pensioners, POV
Thank you for your comment. They won’t discard wasteful and rentier businesses, or re-establish American industrial greatness. They are the rentier class; would you expect them to abandon their only means of existence? l imagine they might enhance military industries and concomitant infrastructure, but otherwise all they can do is hamper China’s growth.
> They are the rentier class;
true, but they don’t see themselves as such, and they are not so many, don’t see themselves as a burden.
“to improve their performance in the competition with China”
You don’t improve performance by raising the cost of electricity through fake Green subsidies and suchlike.
“German Electricity Prices Soar, Now Most Expensive In Europe …Taxes, Green Surcharges Make Up 53.6% Of Price!”
Not sure if they count with Germany being on their side in the long term. Americans themselves have big plans for nuclear energy industry.
Fear of a naval blockade of China is unfounded.
The US is struggling to blockade Venezuela and Iran. These two operations are against much weaker targets. Neither has much of a blue water navy. One is very close to the U.S. and should be quite easy to accomplish.
Yet, it is not successful.
In the case of blocking China’s import and export vessels, the immediate situation rises to an act of war.
China won’t even have to risk a PLAN vessel. It can easily equip its freighters and container ships with missiles and sacrifice some merchant ships in exchange of blasting very valuable blue water US Navy ships and boats.
As soon as US life is lost, the US public will react against a blockade.
Additionally, the Aegis missile defense system cannot handle (defend the ships) against drone swarms and hypersonic missiles and strike vehicles. China has a plethora of weapons that won’t even risk loss of front line naval assets or manpower. But can inflict massive damage on US Navy.
If the US steps it up to an actual attack against the mainland of China, for instance Hainan island where the submarine base is that serves the South China Sea, China could clear the waters for 1000 miles around of any US surface ships. In doing so, the US would find itself at the brink of nuclear war but already having lost thousands of men and major vessels.
A naval blockade of China is war games stuff that fails miserably when played out.
Can the US accept massive losses, similar to those at Pearl Harbor, 1941, in order to throw its weight around 9000 miles from home?
No it can’t, and no it won’t.
Not sure Pearl Harbour was a massive loss, psychological yes, but Japan paid a price for attacking a bunch of sitting ducks, deliberatly left in harms way…….hubris perhaps. And that could be filpped on it’s head, can China sustain massive attacks on not it’s military but on it’s infrastructure and resupply lines. China will not just be facing Uncle Schmule.
And what Zionist ever worried about a miserable failure……………where some see failure, others see opportrunity and the ability to exploit: see both Sino/English wars……….not much changes when those in control do not care what the outcome is…………..”if I can’t have it All, you can’t have any, and if I have to smash everything, so be it.”…………..and that’s the rational ones.
Cheers, M
Australia told the US Japan was moving its fleet towards pearl harbor days before the attack. The US moved its capital ships (battleships and aircraft carriers) away from pearl harbor to be sure the loss would be minimal. They wanted Japan to attack because they wanted to go to war with Japan and they did nothing to prevent the attack on purpose. We need to keep in mind Japans attack was a response to the naval blockade the US imposed upon Japan.
Pear Harbor was a semi false flag.
Actually it was more from the cut off of gasoline sales and those products being redirected to the European theater, Japan simply couldnt afford that, and responded accordingly.
The US, with British help, had broken the Japanese naval codes. They knew the plans of the Japanese even before many of the commanders of the Japanese vessels.
They prevented the commander of Pearl Harbor sending up spotter planes.
They sent in large amounts of medical supplies in anticipation of a carnage.
They sent the valuable aircraft carries out of harm’s way.
They left the obsolescent battle ships behind.
They only allowed the radar station to be manned for a few hours every day. The radar man had a bicycle to get him back down from the mountain – no phone line.
Almost all oil to Japan was cut off – British, Dutch and American. Don’t forget that the USA was the biggest exporter of oil at that time. The British controlled Burmah, Iraq and Iran’s oil. Saudi Arabia had no oil yet. The Dutch controlled Indonesia.
The British naval attaché in Tokyo watched Japanese planes practicing with a new torpedo that could be released into shallow water – Yokohama Harbour.
I am sure there are several other factors that I forgot.
The topic I wrote was “naval blockade”. You extend to major war.
I posted that not only is a naval blockade not going to happen because the cost is too high for the US, but there won’t be war with China. The Chinese can strike everything the US has in a 1000 mile radius. Take a look at the assets the US has moved into range, the bases it has, the national assets it depends on for its supply chain.
For the next five years at least, the US has no comparable missile defenses to China’s S-400 and the integrated net the Russians are building for them.
China has had since 2006 proven DF series anti-ship missiles that completely nullifies the US Navy surface fleet. All the US has is submarines that will escape damage.
So, war is not on the table. Could there be incidents, accidents, some moments of shooting and damage?
Quite possible.
But that is far from war and does not make possible any blockade.
Stopping China on the seas is a wet dream.
Just understand, Russia sails the same seas as China. And the US dares not take on Russia.
Exactly. The notion that Russia will stand aside whilst the US, for example, blocks Chinese sea routes in the Indian ocean is nonsense. Russia has better subs than the US and will nullify any such move.
Why would Russia assist the Chinese against the Americans in the Indian ocean? Russia barely even helps its own people in Ukraine right next door, and there is no way Chinese trade or Chinese people are more important to Russia than Russian people. There would be unrest in the Red Army were Russia to allocate more resources towards helping China than it does towards helping its own people.
And it remains to be seen how far India would tolerate Chinese war mongering in the INDIAN ocean. India has the manpower but not the weaponry, all the US does produce on the other hand is weaponry.
True, all this bickering and posturing by the US shows only their impotence to change China’s course by force.
BUT, you cannot underestimate the damage of a potential blockade at choke points like in the Strait of Malacca would do to the whole world trading system and therefore in particular to China. A false flag in Chinese waters sacrificing a “sacred victim” like a US-destroyer would give the US all the propaganda cloud they would need to cut off all the supplies to China. The US also has plenty of options to strike with stand off weapons. You shouldn’t discount that. Even if the PLA can strike with weapons of their own, the long term consequences will be significant for China. You would see a noose tightening up very, very fast as the world’s propaganda system will be nothing like you have seen before. India, Japan, Australia, the EU and all the vassals will fall in line, as this is a fight of a gay-liberal-globalist paradigm against a nationalist-mercantile-globalism.
The lunatics in Washington also have popularized the survive-ability of nuclear war for quite some time. Western cultural propaganda is full of dystopia, horror and apocalypse. From the West globalist elites’ perspective, why not save essential technologies and high tech for a restart. Fukushima and Chernobyl have shown that you can live next geographically to pretty polluted areas. Look at some unbelievably polluted cities and trash heaps, where people manage to survive and reproduce. I think many don’t realize how bad things can get, where life is still possible…
“Can the US accept massive losses, similar to those at Pearl Harbor, 1941, in order to throw its weight around 9000 miles from home?
No it can’t, and no it won’t.”
It can and it will if it feels it needs a large enough false flag event.
Remember, the US is the only country with the willingness and ability to use nuclear weapons to achieve its aims.
@Jiri: “US is the only country with the willingness and ability to use nuclear weapons to achieve its aims”.
Are you sure? I guess even Uncle $cam must have noticed, it’s no longer 1946.
And although I believe in Uncle $cam and the AZC, I am no longer sure who is “the United States”, and what are “its” aims.
“Remember, the US is the only country with the willingness and ability to use nuclear weapons to achieve its aims”
So you think that giant hole in Beirut’s harbour was fertilizer? Have you ever heard of a farmer blowing himself up with this stuff.
Do you seriously think that 2,300 tons of ammonium nitrate when mixed in the perfect proportion with diesel and detonated with dynamite would create a hole that size? 2,300 tons of fertilizer mixed with diesel is equivalent to 950 tons of TNT. This hole was made by something equivalent to 10,000 tons of TNT – and it was dropped from a plane.
BTW, 9/11 was several mini nukes.
Blowback was my first impression about nein eleven, but after forensically analyzing the evidence, I concluded that it was Mossad, who planted nuclear devices directly under buildings 1 and 2 in the bathtub. Nothing else comes near to explaining the volcanic eruption that tore vertically upwards inside the buildings to turn the buildings to dust.
Fifty times normal Tritium levels in the basement water confirm the use of nuclear devices. In addition to this damning evidence, the authorities have the nerve to call the twin pools of water that fit exactly the buildings’ footprints a memorial, when it is in fact a wastewater treatment plant to mitigate the China syndrome. Consider also the cancer deaths of the first responders, and the dancing Israelis who were there to record the event on film, who obviously had prior knowledge.
12:35 Ростислав Ищенко / rostislav_ishchenko on possible use of WOD.
“… 12:35 Ростислав Ищенко …”
Translation?… At the very least: please give a brief summary in English. There are no English subtitles in that video.
Summary from 12:35 till 16:00:
– We (Russia) are de facto at war, no semantics liAT
ke “hybrid war” will change this fact.
– Since the 50s the consensus is, that there won’t be a nuclear war between superpowers because of nuclear WMDs, but the times have changed from what we have known just 10years before. At the level of US elites, society and partly their European counterparts, in principle, the idea is that nuclear war can be a way forward, in particular, this (in their view) won’t be as bad as an intensifying systemic crisis [of the liberal world order]. They think that a nuclear war will be hugely damaging, but not as destructive as a systemic crisis.
– This position/thoughts are arguably/sufficiently backed up by the example of the Ex-Soviet Union, because of its demographic and economic losses, which can be compared to the losses in WW2 in a roughly comparable time frame. Therefore some Western elites ponder the question: why not? An all out war will drag everyone down, but a systemic crisis will mainly hurt the West, because the West is the beneficiary of this system.
– Nuclear war has become a possibility, not by accident, but as a political choice to solve upcoming problems.
– In these circumstances the talk of building an empire is out of question and instead the main task is to continue the consolidation of society and if possible to increase your influence around your borders to have another buffer of security. …
Might have read this here, if so I apologize.
China needs to … 1. have independent supply chains by being able to build everything they need. This is work in progress, the 2045 initiative that has the U.S. Congress’ hair on fire.
2. Encourage internal consumption to have less dependence on exports. This worked for the U.S. during the 50’s. I know, special circumstance but golden opportunity to study economics. The devastation that crushed the rest of the world didn’t create an artificially good export market for us, it protected us from hi-tech imports. Also we had massive savings from the depression / WW2 era from lack of consumerism and were ready to spend it on domestic consumption. This is China today as long as they abandon the liberal IMF model.
3. After achieving #1, then only import the raw materials you need from reasonable countries like Iran / Russia, never be dependent on electronics, manufacturing, or biotechnology from anyone else.
After this, China can wait for countries to abandon the rotten carcass of my beloved United States and engage them again, one nation at a time. It will be a bitter pill for the U.S. but one we brought on ourselves.
Many alternative media provide useful information to debunk the demonization campaign by Western neocon/neolib consensus manufacturers beating the war drums against imaginary enemies to cloak the accelerating decline of the Dollar Empire, as Mr. Johnson aptly puts it. Unfortunately most fall on either side of a manichean divide between a “leftist” anti-Americanism that ignores the subversion of the once-great anti-colonial impetus giving rise to a republic on these shores (however much the ahistorical “cancel culture” rabble may defame and malign it), or a “right-wing” jingoism that lionizes mediocre ideologues with no such historical depth, easy prey to synthetic narratives from “Deep State” actors within, for instance, the Trump administration. The “exceptionalism” vaunted by such faux patriots is in fact a new imperialism contrary to the spirit of 18th/19th century true American patriots who meant quite another thing about the nation they led. For them, friendship with Russia—as when Catherine the Great refused George III’s plea for support against the American Revolution, or when Alexander II provided Lincoln two Russian fleets to beat back British naval support for the Confederacy—was always the obvious choice. Who changed this? This is Russiagate: not only a heavily British-influenced intelligence operation to delegitimize and eventually overthrow an elected US president, but most especially (and much overlooked) to keep Russia from reaching common ground with the US for a Eurasian alternative to Atlanticist hegemony, which Mackinder geopolitics has fought tooth-and-nail for over a century. Meanwhile the “left” (as in the Venezuelan foreign minister’s “anti-imperialist” rants against the Monroe Doctrine at the UN) continues to misrepresent early American support for the sovereignty of all nations against British/European colonialism (reiterated again and again by such as Lincoln, McKinley and FDR—just ask Churchill). Other “progressives” believe they can only be supportive of China’s drive for world infrastructure development by being anti-American, a non-solution which negates the very premises of Xi Jinping’s “win-win” strategy to heal the world economy—that the US is welcome to join. I applaud Mr. Johnson’s contribution to historical clarity on such issues, and hope more and more voices will pick up on this outlook, which may be the only way out of the many increasingly dangerous crises around the world today.
dear Paracletus: Anti-Americanism is propaganda meant to divert attention from who the actual rulers are and why they rule as they do. They are the Anglo-American merchant bankers, the international speculative elite, and they commit terrible crimes because they devour the wealth of the world to feed their speculative orgies. This speculative elite are as unproductive as the locusts that periodically devour the crops of those farmers that have produced them.
Well, at least locusts do give something back: they’re a good source of protein.
Good article but kind of lost…
Chinese economy is doing better than any economy of Western countries. And products can be shipped not matter what… lockdown or not lockdown business is moving in and out of China.
Regardless of the outcome of a possible war between the AZ-empire and China. Even if the west ‘wins’ and this is a far-fetched and nebulous assumption, the fact remains that the west will destroy itself; the neoliberal/globalist system is inherently destructive. It cannot create, only destroy. In the medium to long-run it does not create it only sucks the life out of the human-social organism and eventually rots away. As Karl Polayni pointed out.
” … the idea of a self-adjusting market implied a stark utopia. Such an institution could not exist for any length of time without annihilating and natural substance of society; it would have physically destroyed man and transformed his surroundings into a wilderness. ”The Great Transformation.” first published in 1944.
I disagree with the notion that the lockdown was imposed by the west to inflict harm on China. China participated in the lockdown.
The lockdown was obviously and undeniably imposed by the ruling classes on the masses of nations around the world with very few exceptions, two of the exceptions being Sweden and Belarus. This global lockdown was for the purpose of forcing the global citizenry to go deeper into debt by being prohibited from earning income, and sell any assets that non-ruling class individuals held at fire sale prices to the psychopathic ruling classes.
It was a global ruling class conspiracy, which included the Chinese Communist Party leaders. The ruling class from around the world are playing on one team. They are against the masses of the countries that they rule over. Covid lockdown proved it.
Andrea Iravani
You may very well be, and most probably are, right. As the great French film maker Jean Renoir says in ‘The Rules of The Game:’ “The world is divided horizontally, not vertically.”
Yes, theres only one team against us all. And China and Russia is totally in bed with Nethanyau. And its israel that is propping up China with hi-tech that they have stolen from USA. And this fabuloss belt and road is all about creating this Mackinder dream of the eurasian empire. With Jerusalem in the center.
@Mackinder dream of the eurasian empire
It was not Mackinder ‘dream’ but his (and of the Anglo-American pirate ‘establishment’) worst nightmare. He did everything to prevent it.
Andrea Iravani: “China participated in the lockdown.”
I think it more correct to say, China _initiated_ Lockdown. That was the first, the best and the _only effective_ Lockdown. China was well prepared because China knew what The Man From Uncle was up to in Fort Detrick, U$A (see Mike BTL October 06, 2020 at 7:13 pm) and China had full Civil Defense Program ready to roll. China Lockdown stamped out Covid-19 in 3 months — the Wuhan strain is now dead.
Other countries Lockdown: amateurish, makes no sense at all, not proper Civil Defense Program like China has. Other countries Lockdown remind me of Uncle $cam civil defense advice for nuclear war in 1960: tell people, kneel under table; tell school children, crouch under desk. All of West incompetent because Leaders at top of West not only evil but stupid; West ruled by rich Uncle and all Top Positions filled by rich Uncle’s stupid inbred Nephews.
Dr. NG Maroudas,
The fact that China initiated the lockdown in accordance with Event201 plandemic after the Wuhan World Military Games, and after the Wuhan Bioweapons lab scientists were cooperating with Fort Detrick Bioweapons scientists proves that it is the global ruling powers against the people. The Chinese government is fully cooperating with the ring leader Bill Gates, recieving massive financing through Gavi division of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
It is really not a miracle to rid the region of something that was a threat blown monumentally out of proprtion through propaganda and then have the same propagandists that blew it out of proprtion claim that they have the situation under control, perpetrating the myth that they are serving and protecting the public from enemies when they are the actual enemies themselves.
Why 5G? 5G vibrates water molecules at the high end of its frequency range which is the same method that microwave ovens cook food, by having microwaves vibrate molecules and 5G uses microwaves. China pretends that it cares about the environment, the earth, and the international community, and China pretends that it is a resposible, compassionate steward of civilzation, but China is hell bent on installing 5G around the world which is a threat to life on earth and the higher the Gs, the higher the threat to life and the environment. What is the need for a faster speed to upload and download information that they are willing to destroy life on earth, unless that is the evil goal that they refuse to admit to?
Would it be hard to believe that a government was dishonest and had an evil agenda and an evil goal that it did not disclose to the public? Would it be the first time? China, just like every government has its dark and evil history which it desperately wishes to conceal just like every other government, as fact inconvenient as that is for China, it is an extremely long list of crimes against humanity. Deny it at your own peril.
Andrea Iravani
I feel the need to point out the lunacy of Tunnel Vision, in the former truth movement, in which many appear to have been contracted by intelligence agencies, governments, or corporations, to distort the truth.
This is extremely disheartening. There are some individuals that appear to be standing in a tunnel and cannot see the rest of the world, and are blinded by the light tnat they see in the tunnel.
Some are blaming everything wrong in the world on Russia, America, Jews, Zionists, Capitalists, China, the DNC, the RNC, Trump, etc.
How can anyone take anyone with such a myopic world view seriously? Obviously, all of those that I have mentioned have contributed to problems in the world, but the level of irrationality that it takes to pin everything on one small organization or one country alone in an era of globalization is sheer lunacy.
This is not to discourage criticism when criticism is warranted, but to plea to those formerly in the truth movement to come back to the truth, and get out of the tunnel that is blinding you to reality.
Some have been extremely critical of 5G, yet refuse to hold China to the same standards that they hold the United States to. Are they waiting for everyone to be fried before they criticize the Chinese government the way that they have criticized America? If 5G is killing people, or will kill people, and they are using it, is that not a war that is just not called a war?
If the vaccines kill people is that not a war that is just not called a war?
If the lockdowns are killing people, is that not a war that is just not called a war?!
I have been extremely critical of the United States government and institutions, but I am not in a tunnel and see the other guilty parties that are responsible.
This is hardly a surprise that the billionaires that orchestrated the plandemic coincidentally had the largest increase and coincidentally benefitted from their plandemic. Also coincidentally, the Health Care and Technology billionaires had the largest gains in wealth. No?! Reallyy?!! Well, I’ll be damned! China’s billionaires wealth has increased nine fold over the past decade. Not exactly sure what type of communism that would fall under, and the U.S. billionaires wealth increased by 43% over the past decade. The billionaires in America are struggling to keep up with the Chinese. Guess that means war, but we won’t call it that, we will just lock Americans in their homes and kill them with vaccines and other ways and then steal from them to teach the Chinese that we mean business. Oh, but don’t worry, because the plandemic grand masters have more plans in the pipes, for societal control, and policy control, because they really know how to kill and steal better than anyone else, and they know how to bribe the government to allow them to do it, since government pension funds invested in their companies! So, I guess that means that I am basically a goner, since I don’t work for any of those or the financial industry, nor would I. Good. The sooner that I get off this evil planet the better!
Andrea Iravani
I guess that that is why they called the scamdemic Gamer Revolution, because they are gaming the system,
which is othwise known as cheating, and the act of cheating is in and of itself, an admission of defeat, and is losing, with an illusion of winning, which is not the same thing as winning.
Andrea Iravani
It is my impression that China imposed a lockdown around Wuhan, because they genuinely thought that they had been attacked by a bioweapon from the West. Their prompt lockdown proved effective in combating the virus within three months and their economy is now largely back to normal. But since all virus infections ultimately spread around the world, other countries also imposed lockdowns somewhat belatedly, that have devastated their economies and has become a political football fought between Democrats and Republicans in the US.
I recommend the lecture given by Dr Dolores Cahill on video that provides some insights as to what is going on using misleading statistics, since they deliberately confuse mortality and and fatality.
Other websites are saying that China locked down first and sent lots of photos across the globe of Chinese just collapsing and dying in the street from Coronavirus, so bad it was. This persuaded other countries to lockdown also, to the detriment of the economies of the other countries, and to the benefit of China.
Now on TheSaker the claim is made that lockdown is an attempt by the West to shutdown China, even though China started the locked down business. Fake News.
” America became the most free, equal and magnanimous nation in the world”
Yeah? Go tell the Plains Indians, who numbered around 80 – 100 million when the Mayflower landed. Now about 250,000. Tell it the Mexicans, who lost by invasion and annexation their Northern lands. Tell it to those living in grotesque poverty as detailed recently by Jim Dean from his own childhood memories.
Bah humbug. Katerina put it perfectly when comparing how Russia grew by absorbing different ethnicities leaving them free to live their own culture and lives, and America grew by invasion and destruction.
Tell it to 200 million or so whites who will soon join the list.
It is religion which drove ethnic groups apart.
The most effective and damaging initiative by the US to China’s future is the strangulation of Chinese technology, specifically semiconductors and the machines and processes needed to produce the chips. Concurrent to this is the splintering of the global marketplace, denying access to many developed nations the purchase and use of Huawei 5G network and components, as well as smartphone devices.
Combined, these will hurt China economically and strategically in the integrated world’s use of Chinese made 5G technology. This is the technological and economic equivalent of the US putting a knee on the neck of China’s number one tech corporation and attempting to asphyxiate it.
Huawei’s survival is at stake. It will take a few years to see how badly being choked off from the 5 Eyes and a lot of the EU nations cripples the corporation.
Ahead lies the splintering of the Internet. The US wants to cut off its adversaries from the rest of the world on the Internet. What this could mean is there will never be a multipolar world community. There will be two communities, the most powerful being the US and its vassals, and the other a far less developed sphere with a multipolar leadership from Russia and China and Iran.
The US refuses to fight competitively. It is building its own sandbox where it will be king.
China has been researching on chip technology, some on its own and some in partnership with Russia. I believe in 3 years, this chip technology brouhaha will have died down because China has circumvented this stumbling block with flying colors. I place my bet that Chinese ingenuity, tenacity and resilience will trump everything.
yes your onto it. the semiconductor battles are where every eye should be. high technology nations are clamouring for the 5g connectivity. how else will DARPA bio chips communicate or your fridge. 7/11 thailand with Hikvision just upgraded to temperature checks and a mask verification to even open the doors for potential shoppers. that wont be long to roll out worldwide. the west seems to have no answer to 5g, thus its the basis of its resistance.
high tech nations are certainly seeing where the future lies. its not with the west.
chinas covid hospitals and dystopian police response of lockdowns certainly copied with gusto by the “pillars of democracy ” nations was a wake up call to moderates.
made in china 2025 plan is a good read to see how a nation can plan for the future.
Today we have a news here in Slovenia, that our right wing goverment will limit Huawei in public sector..or lets say making Huawei unsafe provider of technology. First slave-puppets of Eu pighouse if im not mistaken. All this just few weeks away from Pompeo visit on Bled..and yes they have spoken of CCP as well, so little children couldnt close their eyes at night..
There are a lot of issues with this analysis, but the first point you made about the lockdown has no merit. For starters, China isn’t heavily dependant on exports – your own numbers reflect that. The Chinese economy is mostly internal and China is planning on moving more in that direction (dual circulation). Not only that, but China’s exports haven’t taken a significant hit yet, despite COVID, and have even demonstrated YoY growth (August).
Secondly, the lockdown hurts western economies far more than it does China. That much is evident. China is the only major economy on planet earth that isn’t going to shrink this year – despite everything, it is still growing. Every other major economy – the U.S especially – is going to experience significant negative growth. That’s the real crux of all this tension we are witnessing. Western supremacy has been largely underpinned by Western economic power. That power is now under serious threat, while the geopolitical & ideological rival continues to grow.
You are exactly right. The author of the article PRESUME a capitalist China; which China it is not. Capital is not what makes China “tick”. China uses capital and market as instruments, not as an economic model. So a view based on capitalist economic model is not right for China. After all, for God sake, we all talk about COMMUNIST China!
There are many things in this article about how the US Empire is trying to subvert the rise of a competitor to its hegemony in China, I agree with. The part I most *disagree* with is that the ludicrous claim that global COVID lockdowns are some sort of US Empire plot against China to kneecap its exports and hence is economy.
Firstly, China *itself* chose lockdown in the face of COVID (from extremely harsh in Hubei to less so elsewhere). Initially roundly criticized as an “affront to human rights” by the West, the latter themselves adopted various forms of lockdowns in a much less successful effort at containment at the same time drawing protests from local populations for governmental overreach.
Secondly, the harm done to national economies due to lockdowns far exceed the damage to China who is the largest country almost back 100% and which can focus on internal demand as well as be in a position to Bali our/assist much of the world given its lower debt levels.
Thirdly, the extent and duration of lockdowns are driven by each nations own internal politics with little or no apparent coordination. Russia, India, Iran, Venezuela just to name 4 countries outside the core Western orbit chose different paths. Even within the Western orbit, each nation followed its own path. Even *within* Scandinavia, Sweden was distinct from the other Nords. Some countries relied on a top down, federal approach and others, a state based approach (eg US).
The author’s frame of reference that everything that happens is designed to thwart China‘s rise is mirrored by the paranoia of those on the other side that everything that happens is designed *by* China to impose its hegemony.
Ludwig, in terms of your last paragraph:
Could it be that some …..a little of BOTH ….within some forces within BOTH are occurring simultaneously? Sometimes in some coordination….sometimes at cross purposes and even competition instead of “breathing together”?
I’ve seen that even in the same organization……or other group.
And that no label or name of any country OR any of its factions captures the rich complexity of various forces attempting to advance their interests, as they see them? Which sometimes shift….quite a bit??
It’s confusing and dangerous, but I am optimistic that a solution…… the aggregate benefit for all of humanity does exist…….particularly as the fog the average person…everywhere has been kept in……….. since the dawn of time…….lifts.
Relatively speaking, of course.
Yes. Unfortunately for the West, it decided to copy China, with its lockdown policies. The West had long-standing plans for dealing with epidemics/pandemics, and promptly threw them out the window (with the lonely exception of Sweden, which continued a sensible route), in favor of the insane policies that were followed in Wuhan. If China had wanted to develop a plan to destroy the Western economies, they could not have done better. I don’t believe it was a plan, simply an accident. I’ve been a big admirer of China, but after this, I am very concerned that the West has thrown away its principles of liberalism, in favor of the autocratic model of China. Seeing the ocean of irrational fear that has swept the West, and the readiness of its populations to throw away their liberty, and obey the most absurd, ludicrous (I was formerly the CSO of a Medical Devices company) dictates of mini-dictators at every level, I am truly fearful that personal freedom will be a thing of the past.
After the pandemic, the world will be divided into two:
China – recovered and in preparedness of lockdown in small regions;
The rest of the world – citizens are driven away from large cities into suburbs.
Without large cities, efficiency (as an economy and civil centre) will be down and dying.
The rest of the world will never achieve herd immunity because there is a core of die hard anti vaccine liberals. It has to survive in less interactive manner.
The pandemic is a nature challenge to test humans. Every community will have to fight with it so that they do not have to fight each other. It is a video game that each player gets its own score. It is a test how human can survive in front of nature challenge, how to organize. Apparently, the rest of the world (including the West) cannot meet this challenge and has to survive in a loosely populated society.
This pandemic is not the last challenge from nature.
America DOES deserve this. The dumb-shit murcans have allowed themselves to be the sheeple. In a so-called democratic republic, you get what you vote for. China DOES NOT deserve this, neither do any other peoples on earth. The USD has been FORCED upon the world. The so-called elites in the USA are nothing more than tyrants. The ‘lockdown’ is simply another element in a large array of tactics in the full-spectrum war machine.
@Rhys Jaggar
“You were absolutely evil throughout the Middle East, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq had zero justification. You bombed Libya in an act of absolutely pure evil, the absolutely appropriate punishment for which should be flattening of NYC, Washington DC, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Houston and Dallas with 100% attrition rates, simply to teach the disgusting US Deep State that there are consequences to their actions.”
I simply love this paragraph. I am not a Christian nut, but I believe in this Bible prophecy about the New Babylon. In the Books of Isaiah and Jeremiah, they gave many hints as to the identity of this New Babylon. If you list down all the hints, it will only point to one country — the evil US. This New Babylon is being talked about again in the Book of Revelations. It says that the New Babylon will be destroyed in ONE HOUR with Fire and simultaneously an earthquake of apocalyptic proportions will rock the whole New Babylon. Then the New Babylon will be no more and its land will be inhabitable.
So Rhys Jaggar, our wish for the total destruction of the Evil Empire will be fulfilled — much more than what you have said above. I think that Great Earthquake will be courtesy of Yellow Stone — even Yellow Stone is cooperating. And the Great Fire? I think it will be a concerted effort courtesy of you-know-who.
Americans live with the delusion that they have a “true MISSION”, to bring down all peoples in the world to their level, while calling it ‘Elevation’. Orwellian newspeak.
The world is being lined up in two blocs,ready for the big war. US/NATO/five eyes on one side and Russia/China/ on the other.
Tug of War going on to get countries on their side- India, Turkey??, Pakistan??, Gulf , Japan??, Indonesia??
Who is on which side is still fuzzy. The more overtly sides are chosen the more clear it becomes that war is near.
The alternative to war is a de facto split of the world in two blocks. It has been done before and there is no reason why it cannot be done again. But that merely means postponing the war by another 20-30 years until the West decides it is in a position to win.
Jiri, Rob, Chaucer and Anonymouse are vibrating to a vengefulness and pessimism in a “Collective Guilt” mode……………… that only serves the Empire (they actually don’t seem to be aware of that obvious fact…..remarkable!)…….as such pessimism was deployed to destroy the best of German Culture a century ago……and for the same reasons: What BOTH Germany AND the USA could have contributed to advancement of all peoples if not so heavily targetted.
The scores of millions the world over fell for the same Empire trick in regard to Germany 101 years ago…… this unfortunate Lower Vibration Mode of Being………… is not at all new….is known as to its results…and therefore is to be avoided, not wallowed in.
“Dumbshit Muricans” have certainly predominated as a Clueless Majority for Decades…………maybe a Century +
However there are other things going on that might give pause to the Over Simplifiers and Wallowers In Negative, Vengeful Anti-American Emotion:
Like Germany since the Prince of the Isles succeeded in getting the Stupid Kaiser Wilhelm to retire Bismarck……….the United States and its population ( originating from all over the globe, mind you….including Russia, China, Iran in a few millions of Americans presently!) have been THE most heavily targetted for cultural warfare to pervert their personal outlooks on life (mission) and the vaguely considered, largely unstudied mostly unknown Positive National Mission
And, contrary to Anonymouse, that mission has not ALWAYS been a 100% minus for humanity………...unless you consider The New Silk Road a diabolical plot…………because I happen to KNOW that its original Seed Crystal of the Concept…was delivered by an American at the Kempinski Hotel, Berlin………..October 12, 1988:
Although too few acted on that initiative and subsequent refinements and iterations of it……….. Xi and others in China HAVE ACTED …..with BRI/OBOR….and the Seed of A Solution….namely “Development IS The New Name For Peace”….midst much confusion and turmoil nearly everywhere.
And that Seed of a Solution is NOT the thermonuclear annihilation of North America, guys and gals.
Lighten up and Give A Peaceful America a Chance to Emerge from behind the present smoke of burning cities and Covid Face Diapers…………. ’cause you should not want to be caught in suffering like the dude in this meme……the famous guy in the chartreuse rain gear, reacting to the 2016 Election Results:
Lighten up! There is plenty going on in North America (including the author’s contribution from Canada) that is a Baby that should be nurtured………..not thrown out with the Empire Bath Water.
‘from Canada”……that’s Ehret…article which follows…..not Leif Johnson…. my mistake!
@Bro 93
You can recite what you have written to Karmic Justice. BUT she won’t listen cuz She is the greatest Bitch there is. We, the victims of the evil empire, will be watching how Karmic Justice will dispense her kind of justice. Eye for eye, limb for limb, life for life, everything will be accounted for. There goes your Exceptionalism again. You expect to be treated differently with special care by Karmic Justice. But Unfortunately for you, Karmic Justice cannot be bribed or cajoled or sweet-talked. We will be watching and cheering. Hope President Trump wins another term.
Interesting take on this year’s renewal of the Cold war on China by John Ross who was the first non-Chinese citizen to be appointed to a full time post at a leading Think Tank in China – Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China in Beijing.
‘Covid19 and the international geopolitical situation.’
‘Geopolitical consequences of the US rebellion against the murder of George Floyd.’
The eruption in the US of its deepest political crisis since the Vietnam War, in the huge protests following the murder of George Floyd, is on such a scale that it affects not only the situation in the United States but also world geopolitics.
This is the first time since the Vietnam War that the population of the US has entered into politics on a massive scale in a way objectively blocking the orientation of the majority of the US political establishment. Because the creation of formal political relations between China and the US in 1972 came almost at the end of the Indochina war China has almost never recently seen a situation in which a mass clash between the US population and the American political elite has broken out on such a scale. This article therefore aims to contribute to accurately analysing the scale of what is taking place in the US and its geopolitical consequences in the new US cold war against China. In particular, it analyses that the fate of humanity in the next period will be decided by the formal or informal united action of China and progressive forces outside China.’
I note that British readers are not happy with calling the economics of monetary imperialism the British System in the comments section. Really, the important thing is to destroy this system whatever it is called. What must be done should be done.
If the US must pass from existence or simply from history as part of the solution so be it. If nuclear war must come to destroy it so be it. Europe may pass, the world may pass. Hopefully, to be reborn in some future age scoured clean of monetary imperialism. But even if this is the end so be it.
The real problem is that the people who oppose this system still think that they will escape the consequences of its destruction. There is no reason to believe that. War often brings a realization that previous measures deemed unthinkably desperate are no where near desperate enough.
Talk is cheap and as it becomes increasingly clear who the enemy is talk becomes redundant and action needs to be organized and taken. One must begin and see it through to the end. The future can and will count the cost, but that is no concern of those who stand against this monstrous evil now.
I am highly suspicious of the motives behind the climate fanaticism in the U.S. and Europe. And I agree with much of your critique of Western capitalism. I even support China’s resistance to submission to the Western financial system.
However, China is not all good while the West is all bad. China is an aggressive and rampaging environmental plunderer. Leaving aside their continuing reliance on coal, their severe air and water pollution within their own country, they are overfishing all the world’s oceans. China’s behavior around the world is predatory. I see no reason to cooperate with them on this path.
There must be a way that we can thwart Western AND Chinese resource plunder and exploitation of people around the world while not impoverishing Western nations or anyone else.
Extremely confusing conclusions here.
Here are some facts this article seems to have wrong or omits:
1) The USA is part and parcel of the British-led oligarchy this article claims to be against. That’s right, we are a covert colony in law and in fact.
2) China is also part and parcel of this British-led oligarchy. It is embroiled in egregious human rights violations and the sacrifice of workers to slave-labor conditions.
There is in fact, economic warfare being directed against China – this is true. But without taking the above facts into account, one is liable to very wrong conclusions.
The solution is the unity of will of humanity to confront evil and overthrow arbitrary, authoritarian government wherever it may be found.
We can assist the Chinese people morally, but we should never support their authoritarian government and underestimate its role in world domination of the British imperial oligarchy in partnership with the Vatican.
The West is probably shooting itself in the foot. I am under the impression that China’s model of development is to sell goods to the U.S. at fire sale prices. It makes apathetic Americans lazy and the motivated angry, frustrated, unskilled, and eventually demotivated often enough.
A Green New Deal is (or at least perhaps can be if there is a workable solution to Peak Petroleum) a better investment than “investing” in the military even in its most unimaginative forms. I fail to see how shoving 2,000 lb bombs on sleds out of cargo bays at 30,000 feet in order to create so many sh*t-holes that numerous nations become sh*t-hole countries makes America Great Again or Builds Back Better except perhaps on a relative basis when compared to the rest of the planet. Make Arabia Great Again, Make Israel Greater, or Bullshit Back Better maybe.
Two-third of “freedom” ( for who? Jeff $138 Billion Bozo (I’d like to see a real Amazon slide through a wormhole and kick his backside)) natural gas as well as the oil is fracked. Wind sounds like too erratic of a source to me, leaving only solar and nuclear. The only ways I see solar (and some of these following ideas should work with nuclear as well) as being workable would be 1) use solar furnaces to either 1a) heat thermal batteries and use it to run gas and steam turbines as needed, 1b) heat water to decompose it into hydrogen and oxygen, or 1c) heat water and carbon dioxide to thermally recompose it into oxygen and hydrocarbon fuel; 2) use tethered aerostats with photovoltics in Latin America and transmit much of the electricity to the U.S.; or 3) make solar panels capable of some sort of photolysis or photoelectrochemical water splitting.
Of course, the costs will be high enough that this has a chance of working only if waste is dramatically curtailed. New buildings must be built so they do not have the leakage and wall insulation characteristics of sieves and colanders. Current buildings that do must be fixed where practical. Outgassing of chemicals must be drastically curtailed. Personal rapid transit needs to be built and used where practical and electric or hybrid vehicles in most of the remaining circumstances leaving combustion engine based vehicle use as a last resort.
The worst silliness — shipping goods halve-way across the planet at numerous stages of production — must be almost completely eliminated save a few strange isolated circumstances that I’ll assume probably exist.
My bets are the energy consumption required to maintain a comparable quality of life to that of a middle America that no longer exists should probably be more like 1/5 U.S. current consumption at least, perhaps drastically less. I did not say necessarily the same lifestyle but perhaps one of equivalent quality instead.
It is probably too late for this, the time to start turning the ship around was about 40 or 50 years ago.
Very well written. Edifying. I share similar views. But I think the gig is aready up. I a child I witnessed the downfall of the British Empire culminating in the Suez Crisis. So sad to see cultured Brits going hungry in the early ’50’s
This time, we are going to watch The Fall of the Roman (Evil) Empire, part Two, live on TV.
Cultured brits going hungry, eh? Since muricans are not as cultured, we will watch them eat each other.
Re: ” ,,,that fire-belching dragon, the Chinese Communist Party, guards the gate against renewed imperialist looting.”
This is an all too common mis-persception. Chinese dragons are water creatures that may come from the seas and oceans, or hide/sleep inside mountains. The fire-belching form of dragons belong to European myths, Wales and the kind there is a statue of in the centre of The City of London.
The Chinese dragon has no need for wings either, since it is an ephemeral being.
Otherwise: An enviably perceptive article. Just hope it’s wrong — or that the master strategists of a culture that has an exquisite history of strategic and tactful thinking have thought out their best counter-strategies!
Quite impressive. Many thanks.
Henry Kulame
Papua New Guinea (PNG).
China and Russia need to step up their game if they are going to provide a strong counterpoint to American/Western global dominance. The United States is not going to throw in the towel on its empire and go quietly into the night, it will fight tooth and nail to maintain its position at the top of the pyramid.
Although these are important, America’s challengers will need more than strong militaries to fend off Uncle Scam. Economic warfare is already the main weapon the US deploys against its adversaries and in this arena hypersonic missiles and superior air defence technology will be of little use.
China and Russia are steadily reducing their dependency on US dollars but this is a slow process and they need to do more. At the very least they should be able to help make themselves and their allies, like Syria, Iran and Venezuela, immune to America’s siege-like sanctions. These sanctions are a form of warfare because they are indefinite and the only way out is to capitulate to the empire or get invaded by “coalition forces.”
I realize that countering the empire is no easy task and that it takes careful longterm strategic planning. But the optics of the US going wild with sanctions that are choking the life out of Syria and Venezuela while China and Russia basically sit on their hands is not a good look, as the kids say.
Russia knows that the US is not ever to be trusted and China is quickly learning this too. Both these countries need to do more, to show their allies that they are capable of countering American economic aggression. Too much focus is on talk. It’s easy to talk a good game but eventually talking has to be backed up with action or you lose trust and credibility.
The US military have been the fingers of satan working for the hands of satan(the democrats)
Sorry, I cannot follow this analysis. China will recover anyway. Like it did from the epidemy. While the private capitalist countries are unable to deal with it currently. And the damage is far greater in those countries than it will ever be in China. Unrest is occurring in the US and violence is growing in France. As well as unemployment.
The US battle ships close to China? They are sitting ducks. Japan will think twice before allowing nuclear weapons on its soil. Japan too is a sitting duck.
This epidemy has definitely strange consequences. First of all it reveals many things like showing the darkest side of many people. Conspiracies and disinformation are flowering. Stupid analyses are proposed without any logical argument. Doomsday and collapses are forecasted. Most important Russia is prepared to strike back, for Russia is under attack by the propaganda like China.
Yes, the USA are losing their leadership. Of course they do not want this to happen and they will try every trick to keep it. But they are on the losing side. Definitively.
The main thing to fear is if some crazy and stupid yankees would think they could escape MSD (mutual self destruction).
On China:
A question: How do you bankrupt a communist economy? One that can at will impose capital controls, wage and price freezes, nationalize its banks and use algorithms to micromanages its monetary supply as well as fiscal policies? For whatever its faults, which seem more cultural than due to its ecomomic system, communism appears to be the ideal system to withstand shocks and disasters, particularly if it has a reliable raw materials supply chain – Russia.
The economy is utmost simplicity: You work, we pay. In one form or another. As long as they continue to disallow foreign ownership of significant capital – all is well. Or so it should seem. A dirigist economy cannot hyperinflate.
As to the plague. I have read the NIH and Chinese research. No doubt it was engineered, and as noted, Wuhan was an *international* lab built and funded by the West, and up to speed before bio-weapons research was re-legalized here by Trump in 2017.
The big ‘complaint’ against the Chinese is that the allowed international travel at the start of their lockdowns. They really had no legal rights to quarantine foregn citizens. Such measures were the responsibility of the nations of their returning citizens and visitors.
Their lockdowns was necessary, and built from experience with SARS I, the Bird Flu and the like. With all the boogers attacking that nation, they *need* a comprehensive, if harsh containment policy. Not so harsh actually – they made sure that food was delivered to the populace affected.
Herd immunity is absurd with this virus. It has too damned many attack vectors: ACE2, CD-142, furans, and other proteases, as well as the ability to block antigen exposure, alot like HIV.
The virus was not designed to kill. It was designed for long term disabilities for those infected. Look for notable rises in cardiomyopathy and dementia and a host of other disorders.
Much of this is on the mark but the assumption that the western oligarchs favor lockdowns is far fetched.
well, it is one interpretation of events but although I am very sympathetic to the general vein of thought, it can’t really be treated as a serious argument. China is in the end not dependent upon the West for wealth, maybe food but not money or employment, it prints its own currency and has enough internal demand to keep its economy ticking over for quite a while yet.
The author is singularly focused on America; because of this, he fails to see just how the lockdowns are destroying civil society in the entire West.
They exacerbate inequality, they destroy Western jobs and economies and they further polarize already stressed Western social structures.
So net net: a very weak argument equally unsupported by either sound reasoning or facts, particularly since China’s economy appears to be the least impacted by the economic outcomes of COVID-19.