By Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog
The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Jobs Reset Summit report (October 2020) starts out with some flowery wording. You have to give it to them. They have a way with meaningless niceties, hardly anybody beats them. Here we go for the beginning:
“After years of growing income inequality, concerns about technology driven displacement of jobs, and rising societal discord globally, the combined health and economic shocks of 2020 have put economies into free fall, disrupted labor markets have fully revealed the inadequacies of our social contracts.”
“As we emerge from the crisis, we can proactively shape more inclusive, fair and sustainable economies, organizations, societies and workplaces. To do so, we must mobilize the best of human capabilities, technologies, innovative policies and market forces, in service of this new vision.”
“The World Economic Forum’s Job Reset Summit will serve as key milestone in supporting such a mobilization, working closely with partners around the world. The virtual meeting will bring together leaders from business, government, civil society, media and the broader public to shape the new agenda for growth, jobs, skills and equity.”
In my view, the Great Reset, which advances at warp speed, if we don’t stop it, will reduce the world to “modern” feudalism, one ruler and a herd of serfs that are provided with the necessary means to survive — and their brains have been converted (by the injections that go under the absurd name of vaccines), with electromagnetic gels, into “transhumans”. So, they / we can be manipulated electronically – which is one of the key purposes of 5G and soon to come 6G.
The latest of WEF’s dark and diabolical conundrums describes “Resetting the Jobs”. It emerged from a virtual conference from 20 to 23 October 2020, called “The Jobs Reset Summit” . This 3-minute video describes in a few brush strokes, what the world may look like after the Great Reset – jobwise.
Nothing will stay the same. This may be the key and catch-phrase for the “Resetting of Jobs”; in fact for the entire Great Reset. The video starts with Allen Blue, co-founder and Vice-President of Linkedin, dramatically declaring some truisms, “Right now we are facing a crisis of international proportions. It’s a health care crisis, but it’s also an economic crisis. It’s going to have a long-term impact for us. And we are going to see that the biggest impact is actually going to be acceleration of inequality.” Wow! We have been seeing inequality growing in the west at least for the past two centuries. Happy continuation!
Ms. Sarah Kate Ellis, CEO and President of GLAAD adds “The systemic way that we have built is not holding up. The foundation is cracking.” GLAAD was created in 1985, as an American non-governmental media monitoring organization, in protest against defamatory coverage of LGBT people. Its agenda has since extended to the entertainment industry and its portrayal of these groups.
Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary General, OECD, elaborates: “Our duties remain the same: The fact is that we should not leave anybody behind, again.” The cream of the intellectual nobility has spoken. Wonderful, but so meaningless words, as the intro to the video so clearly shows; to impress and deviate the quick reader’s mind from what really is behind The Great Reset — and all the jobs that are going to be let down the drain for the benefit of the “4th Industrial Generation”, high-tech – digitization, robotization – all means to control humanity, or what we may have become by then “transhumans”, to the last breath.
Is that the future world we want? No – most certainly not. Not 99.999% of the world population. So, let’s not let it happen!
New technologies will require new jobs; Artificial Intelligence (AI), robots will take over many of the existing jobs, the economy will move faster and become “greener”. Green capitalism in the coming. The so-called New Green Deal. Its good old neoliberal capitalism painted green. Humans have to adapt.
The Job Reset doesn’t really explain how, except at one point honesty escaped them. For example, Henrietta Fore, Executive Director, UNICEF, says “8 of 10 of the young people who live in low-income countries will have to become entrepreneurs. They are going to have to make jobs for themselves.” And this is coming from UNICEF, the World UN agency created to protect children and young adults. What if the 8 out of 10 cannot create their own jobs, and / or do not become entrepreneurs – are they going to be “left behind” again, despite the good wishes of Mr. OECD?
Anybody who seriously reads the transcript, or listens to this warp-speed prepared video for something so important as the future jobs for the next generations to come, must think the WEF is nuts – not serious, another fear-instilling NGO. Yes, that’s what the WEF still is today, an NGO established in a lush suburb of Geneva, Switzerland. They call themselves an international organization, uniting the world’s business, culture and civil society. Unfortunately, that’s the power they – the WEF adherents – have been given by World Inc., the world’s Big Corporate Finance Structure.
The WEF calls the shots on the UN and all its sub-organizations, notably WHO (World Health Organization). Of course, the WEF also follows “higher orders”, like the leaders (sic) of the once-upon-a-time sovereign 193 UN member countries.
Back to the UNICEF statement, “create your own job”, so to speak – there seems to be no other choice, isn’t there, than leaving most of the young behind, because most will not be able to create their own job. This bold, almost rude statement from UNICEF’s ED, is expanded by Andrea Zafirakou, a “Global Teacher Prize Winner” (sic – term used by WEF, certainly to aggrandize the importance of her statement). She says, new generations of children have to have “transferable skills…. resilience, mastery, collaboration, asking questions, why, how, when. This is what they need in order to thrive in any profession they choose.” – Do they have a choice to choose, when they are being marginalized by AI and robots?
To this, Eddie Ndopu, a UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) advocate, adds…”The moment you incorporate marginalized segments of society, it changes product offering, it changes the way that we think about supply chains. When you cater to the margins, the positive externalities in economic terms, are pretty enormous.”
Does he know what he is talking about? – What does he mean by “externalities”? – Externalities is a love-term for neoliberal economists. When they do not want to account for negative values in their profit-driven projects and enterprises, they shove them off to the public sector, in other words to the tax-payers. Hélas, the WEF consists mostly of non-tax payers, of tax-excemptees. So, they have no clue who pays for an externality.
Bringing back some reality into the Great Reset, you must see the Great Reset explained, by Roy McCoy-Ward, who does an impressive job in presenting a rather objective analysis of what the WEF is and plans, as well as what the Great Reset is all about. The Great Reset (WEF) – explained (youtube 27 min – 12 September 2020) . Once we understand this diabolical plot, we are better prepared to face it off.
And face it off we will.
Once we realize that covid and the WEF’s Great Reset go hand in hand, we are closer to the Big Picture, a picture that demonstrates that we are gradually and ever faster succumbing to a system that will bring us back to a modern, electronic, digitalized feudalism, where, We, the People – those of us that are left – may be just serfs of the masters, a small elite of super-rich globalists, otherwise called, the Deep State, the Dark State, or the Cabal – let’s call them the Globalists. This term explains exactly what is the underlying reason of covid, and the Great Reset by the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab and his Masters. It’s a rapid move towards ”A One World Order” (OWO) – with a One-World government and a super administration – over a drastically reduced population.
A massively reduced world population has been, and still is, an objective of Bill Gates and the Rockefeller clan – for at least the last 70 years. It folds nicely into the Great Reset plan. The idea has been promulgated for a long time – covertly and openly – by the Bilderberg Society, patronized by the Rockefellers, since it came into existence in 1954.
This sets the stage for the Agenda ID2020 which is the most occult and most inhuman planned approach to a future for humanity. It is the threshold for “transhumanity” on which the Great Reset bases its theory of a 4th Industrial Revolution: A totally digitized and robotized world in which transhumanity, i. e. transhumans would become a work force, a work commodity. Welcome to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.
How do we become transhumans? – God forbit – but that’s the plan. Covid is the instrument. A corona virus was implanted in the entire world, by the Globalist Cabal. The first cases appeared first in the US, and possibly in Europe, but was not talked about, beginning sometime in the second half of 2019.
So, the roots of what was originally called SARS-CoV-2 are most likely in the west, probably the US, but it could also be Europe. France and the UK have been mentioned as possible “homes” of this new corona virus that is now found all over the world. The name SARS-Cov-2 signals a slight mutation of the corona strain SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) that effected China in 2002-2004.
The new man-made virus broke out “officially” in China, to where it was brought in one way or another, and first declared as SARS-CoV-2, later renamed by WHO to Covid-19, to conveniently cut its ties to the earlier also man-made SARS virus.
The WEF’s Great Reset feeds on Covid, which also by higher orders, was declared by WHO as a pandemic on March 11, 2019. Worldwide cases on that day were 5095 and deaths 293 (WHO), hardly a case for a pandemic. Its rather a Plandemic – a purposefully planned pandemic that subsequently justified global lockdowns and the devastating destruction of the world economy, with disastrous human and social consequences – uncountable bankruptcies, hundreds of millions of unemployed – no income, famine, despair, suicide.
Based on these horrendous premises Klaus Schwab published the Great Reset in May 2020 – probably prepared long before – as the plandemic was planned by a “long hand”. He described – and still does – this scenario of wanton economic destruction as “A Window of Opportunity” to rebuild the world, as a more equal, more just and more peaceful place. In October 2020, the WEF published a White Paper “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda: Disruption and Renewal in a Post-Covid World” which is basically an implementation manual for the Great Reset.
The full Reset implementation agenda coincides with the UN agenda 21-30, meaning by the end of 2030, the Great Reset must be completed. Going by their plan, the Great Reset will have launched the Forth Industrial Generation – digitization of everything. When you go by their planned accomplishments, the most striking one is that the average transhuman serf will own nothing but is happy.
You may want to see a number of articles related to the Great Reset and the subsequently published White Paper; here:
The World Economic Forum (WEF) Knows Best – The Post-Covid “Great Global Reset”,
COVID and Its Man-Made Gigantic Collateral Damage: The Great Reset – A Call for Civil Disobedience
Covid-19: The Great Reset – Revisited. Scary Threats, Rewards for Obedience….
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter Koenig is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
What we are talking here is about globalization, a world wide empire run by private banks and corporations, their HQ’s being in the City of London and in New York. And yes, Covid – 19 is indeed a laboratory product, with more than one analyst stating that it first appeared in the US. The intent, of course, is to destabilize sovereign states politically, socially, economically and financially. When AIDS appeared in 1980, it was blamed on monkeys (!!), while Covid – 19 is blamed on bats and the Chinese habit of eating them (!!). However, in both cases analysts have been pointing their fingers at Fort Dietrich, the US bio lab.
With the Great Reset and Biden’s election steal in the US, we are entering a very dangerous and unstable political and economic period on the international scene. The elites in the US and Europe have been playing with fiat currencies for decades and at the same time doing their best to destabilize and break up Russia and China. They failed. They are now facing a bill for their machinations, and this bill cannot be payed, as domestic debts are just too huge. And the result ? A new broader war, an old bankers trick when facing difficulties ? We shall see.
The question is: how the eff do we stop this!
I have been trying for months to talk to people about it and no one cares. They think the virus is the only thing in the world and once we get vaccinated all goes back to normal. Anything that deviates from this narrative and you are lunatic, alt – right bla bla bla
In many ways the trap is perfect. I truly don’t see a way out. Perhaps the only way to check out early from life- but that would give the Gates et all too much joy.
prohu, mate. Don’t check out. You are needed. Keep going. Things will change. Trust yourself. I trust you.
Me too,
Since April last year when I realized what was going on, I was trying very hard to talk to my family, my friends…
The result: I was ostracized as a lunatic and crazy person. The advice from my brother, the now proud dutch citizen:
‘ Take long walks, stop drinking and collect yourself, you are crazy’.
He is by the way the proponent of the mask regime and vaccination.
They and their kids came here in summer last year, avoided me like a plague. We share a big flat, inherited from our parents, physically devided thus we do not have to meet.
They did socialize, though, with the same-minded local propagators of the coviddoom ( politically positioned), had dinners together, went to the beach together, however…
The daughter, when I met her on the stairs, said she studied the Industry 4 in her industrial design studies in Holland, thinks it is wonderful, then scurried by me while I was feeding street cats like I was a plague incorporated.
This exposes the lies beneath this bullshit.
It is the economy, stupid….
The economy going towards the Great Reset, the casualties are going to be many more from all over the world.
Everything you say is true. But I think that, sitting on your presumably comfortable salary at the Centre for Research on Globalisation, you owe prohu and azra more than “the misery of where we are now”. Earn your keep: what should be done? What do you suggest?
Of course , it’s always been the economy.
I’ve never believed in green capitalism- just a ploy to keep the rest of the world from developing infrastructures.
I’ve had the same type of experience as you with a young friend from germany who works in AI . He believes it’s going to free the world from servitude and chores. Very gullible. Completely integrated in the high tech fantasy.
Masters want slaves , not robots.
I dont think we can stop it – it’s too big and it’s trajectory has gathered too much momentum. It’s like trying to stop a runaway 100 ton train hurtling down the tracks, with just you and piece of string.
I think each of us has to plan to “go to ground”. There are a few ways – and each of us has to work out which works for us.
Do you have something of a country background, a yen for trees, growing things.? Everywhere has quiet lost spots deep in the woods. Gather a group of like minded people, and start now. You need an assortment of knowledge and skills. Woodwork, construction, metal work, energy generation from simple wind collectors, food growers and natural food foresters, and a hunter or two. Find a place with good soil, fresh running water with stuff growing in it, fish, clothes makers, teachers, and so forth. Mostly like minded, so no bad personality splits. Go and set up a commune. People are doing it the world over – Spain and backwoods of some Eastern European nations for example. Follow the Sean James videos.
Are you drawn to the sea? Find one or more of the many abandoned quite big luxury yachts left to rot, off the coast of many nations, especially West Coast US. Get them examined for sea worthiness. Find someone who understands them and wants to go along with you. Take water purifiers, plant growth tanks. Go way off shore.
Find one of the many archipelagos. Find a small island and set up a commune.
Are you a city person? Hide in plain site. Get to know the underbelly of a city of choice. The bigger the better, they are more impersonal, and there are more people to hide among. Find the homeless who are smart and not lost in drugs and despair – they know the underbelly of the city as you do not. Get them to show you. Find abandoned warehouses, fix them up behind boarded up windows. Anything where you can “hide out” while appearing on streets as just another scruffy lost soul. Always, where ever you go – take books. Many Kindles’. Never stop reading, learning, teaching. Keep minds alive.
Many options. Work out what works for you and yours, and start now. Maybe you’ll never need it. If so, what have you lost? You will have learned much and maybe even found a life better than the one you have now. But if you do need it – and you will really need it – then you’ll be prepared and ready to “go to ground”.
But I’d suggest starting now.
Brother, do not let them break your spirit. This is exactly their plan. I agree with Simon, you are needed, keep going. What you describe is experienced by everyone who is paying attention and tries to warn as much people as possible. This is a long planned project, and many sorts of psy-ops that had been around were designed to build discredit to those trying to warn about the dangers. “You believe that a evil cabal rules the world and controls nearly all governments? And they are reptillians, right? Ok, dude, you are insane”. Same thing with the “alt-righters”, the “Qanons”, all designed to build discredit to those paying attention. Put the truths distorted in the mouths of “lunatics”, and no one will trust them. This is all planned, years ago in the making.
I think there is not an definitive answer about how to fight it. Every place and every person has its own particularities, so a one size fits all solution does not seem possible for now. But there are some principles that could be applied universally: do not obey absurd laws, do not comply with absurd mandates, do not accept anything that your gut feeling says is wrong; spread your comprehension of Truth as much as you can, not as dogma, but with passion and reason balanced, and keep improving your comprehension of Truth. And most important of all, do not let them break your spirit, and do not let them divide you from everyone else, because this is how they do for centuries: divide and conquer. I do not know about you faith or spirituality, but I do believe this is, most of all, a spiritual battle for humankind, so ask for God’s help, and I am sure the help will come; ask God for wisdom and understanding, and I am sure you will be heard. We may be still few people in visible numbers, but we are definitely not alone, as long as we keep the flame. And for all those people immersed in the mainstream narrative, I tend to think that once the beast begins to really show its fangs, there will be a massive wake up.
It took us by surprise, some more and some less, but as the time goes by we will be able to understand better, to organize better, to unite better, to act better. I do believe in human creativity to solve problems, I do believe in human spirit, one that can not and will not be perverted in transhumanism bullshit, if you pardon my french. So God protect and guide us, because what is at stake is human spirit, and as the adage says, it is in the darkest hour that light begins to rise.
Your are not alone. I feel precisely the same way as you. Be happy that you still have your health, your soul and your sound senses and that you dont belong to the zombies.
I know for some of you it sounds negative, but God is the way out. Pray and believe in yourself, fight with all your mental means to keep your soul clean for this fear and vaccine shit, and remember Jesus said narrow is the road and few will find it.
In the colourful fantasy world see the film Matrix and yourself as the One :-D.
This has been thought of before.
“Henrietta Fore, Executive Director, UNICEF, says “8 of 10 of the young people who live in low-income countries will have to become entrepreneurs. They are going to have to make jobs for themselves.” And this is coming from UNICEF, the World UN agency created to protect children and young adults. What if the 8 out of 10 cannot create their own jobs, and / or do not become entrepreneurs – are they going to be “left behind” again, despite the good wishes of Mr. OECD?”
This is more turning upside down of the good, the true and the beautiful, a phenomenon that has been spoken about many times at the Cafe ! The fact that entrepreneurship is the direction the world is taking is a natural development of our time. Forecasting the future by exposing the intentions of the WEF is necessary, but what is being presented as an alternative to the nightmare, that is repeated over and over ?
Protecting young people is also about offering ideals and workable solutions. Youth needs hope, it’s out there, it’s a battle but it’s there !!!
I would like to suggest articles, films and video’s are presented here that are representative of emergent fields of activity in economics, culture, and social life. These could be presented by anyone with relevant material, experience, and knowledge.
Just exactly how do population, wars and financial crises “relate” to each other?
Population size by itself is important, but it is the economic and political ramifications that accompany, or even force, an increase in population that are even more important. For example, what the Bank of Japan and Japanese government are both doing, hand in hand, is the one and only possible response that a formerly-growing, IMO growth-requiring, capitalist system can have to a national economy that has a stable, let alone shrinking, population.
(Let’s also keep fully in mind that the Japanese government did not issue a diktat or pass a law that the Japanese population should decrease. There is a “systemic” reason why it did, and that very same reason is why the same is happening in various capitalist nations around the world.)
To put Japan’s untenable situation very simply, just as it is impossible to contain liquid hydrogen in an un-vented steel tank at room temperature without that tank eventually exploding as a result of the “natural” physical properties of hydrogen and steel at room temperature, I say that the constrained internal “pressure” of the present Japanese capitalist system will likewise “naturally” increase until the Japanese people are literally forced to either have more babies, or, more importantly, import more people, thereby increasing the population and causing “economic growth” which is, again, right or wrong, the present fatally-flawed criteria of judging the success or failure of an economy.
The explosion must inevitably occur or the fundamentals that form the “foundation” of the present economic system must be replaced! (Unfortunately, those people or corporations that benefit from, or, more importantly, are invested in, the present system will do, as Mario Draghi has put it, “whatever it takes” in their financial and political power to keep the system exactly as it is in order to prevent or infinitely delay the realization of losses on investments– the economic equivalent of the hydrogen tank exploding, and that includes rigging elections and passing laws that allow the 24/7 propagandization of a citizenry) Let me explain why those are the only two possibilities without any reference to “money”.
The life-expectancy of each generation determines or restricts the total number of generations that can be alive at any moment. If a 2-child-per-couple rule is followed/enforced, a stable population will be reached (assuming no early deaths) in a relatively few decades.
However, I can not over-emphasize enough that all of the “stuff” produced by the individual members of each generation — the homes and contents, the tools, capital equipment, technology and, in particular, the labor-saving devices– do not die with their creators! All of these things are passed on to (inherited by) the next generations.
This means that if the “inheritances” passed on from the dead generations are “built to last a thousand years”, the succeeding generations do not have to produce any of these vital things for themselves. (Again, I’m going to ignore all forms of money, including gold, fiat, credit, IOUs, etc. as inheritances.)
Therefore, the succeeding generations can do something else rather than spend their lives re-creating all that stuff. They’ve got spare time on their hands. And this leads us directly to the ultimate question for all of humanity at any moment in time, including today. What will that “something else” be? In other words, just exactly HOW are all these inheritances — these investments for the future; these opportunities; this inherited capital equipment — going to be used (to be “cashed in” or further invested) by their living beneficiaries IN THE PRESENT ECONOMY?
Over many thousands of years there has always been living among the populace a very small number of very powerful, vastly-wealthy people who have, in one way or another, inherited, and therefore owned, a large percentage of all the stuff, including the land, and, “naturally”, those few people wanted to have a “return” on their inheritances (investments). “Naturally”, they did not “invest” the stuff that they had inherited in anything that they did not believe would end up INCREASING the value (the size) of their inheritances/investments. Stated differently, they did not allow anyone to benefit from (to use) their stuff/inheritance/investment unless that anyone gave back to them (the owners of the inheritances) something of GREATER size (value). The difference in size (value) between what was used and what was returned eventually came to be called profit or interest.
The vast majority of the people of past and present generations were (are) born with very little or no inheritance/investments. That is, very little has been bequeathed to them by their similarly-poor ancestors.
And, therefore, with all of the aforementioned fully in mind, all we now have to do is study history to observe the result (humanity’s previous “answers” to the aforementioned ultimate question) of an ancient system in which, over the centuries, a microscopic percentage of the population has owned and controlled the vast amount of stuff (including capital equipment, labor-saving equipment, natural resources, etc., for their own astronomical profit), upon which the vast majority of the population vitally depends.
As of today, human beings’ “answer” has been to create over 7 billion people (many of whom have been, and still are, essentially, slaves); more and more stuff; more and more war; and to suffer all of the increasingly-horrible consequences of those “answers”. In short, even though those answers may not, and probably were not, the results that were consciously intended or expected by the beneficiaries of inheritances over the ages, they were, under such a system, literally the only ones possible!
And, therefore, absolutely ALL of the economic/financial/monetary/political acrobatics and juggling and churning and outright lying and regime-changing and vote-rigging that are being performed by the governments and central banks of the world at the present time are the one and the only way to prolong a fatally-flawed economic system that has in the past proven beyond any shadow of doubt that it required, and still requires, both a wildly-expanding population AND gigantic, vastly destructive, real wars — both of which, by “whatever it takes”, providing the inheritances from perhaps-long-dead generations to their present beneficiaries, the “profit” that their beneficiaries demanded through the generations, and continue to demand now, or else.
Speaking of “or else”, the above is the reason for the “whatever it takes” future-taxpayer bailouts of the worldwide TBTF banks a few short years ago. Elite VIPs Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner etc. were absolutely correct when they said that the financial system (again, of a very few people owning the vast majority of wealth) would have “failed” had those VIPs not done what they did. However, doing what was done has steered the present whatever-you-want-to-call-it “system” into what is essentially a laboratory experiment in the “nature” of economics. At the very least, one would have to say that what the transnational Elite’s central-bank slaves have be doing since the “financial crisis” a few short years ago is “flying by the seat of their pants”. Or, as Lord Jacob Rothschild put it a few years ago:
“The six months under review have seen central bankers continuing what is surely the greatest experiment in monetary policy in the history of the world.”
Unfortunately, to ensure humanity’s long-term survival, the “failure” of that fatally flawed system is precisely what MUST happen and the sooner the better, because the drums of irresistibly-profitable, capitalist-system-prolonging, human-race-eradicating wars are being beaten harder and harder as I type. The “pressure” of impending loss is rising. WHO is going to take that loss?
Brilliant analysis!
But have you heard the great news?
“Bill Gates is the biggest private owner of farmland”
240,000 acres equals 375 square miles equals a square with each side 19.4 miles long
–What if the other 613 billionaires in the US follow Bill’s example?
375 square miles X 613 billionaires equals 229,875 square miles
–Even more exciting, what if the other 2,825 minus 613 equals 2,212 billionaires in the world follow Bill’s example?
375 square miles times 2,212 billionaires equals 829,500 square miles of probably the very best farmland owned “privately” by 2,825 human beings.
–There are approximately 3,537,000 square miles of farmland in the US.
Therefore, 829,500 square miles of the very best farmland divided by 3,537,000 square miles of farmland equals 23.5% of the farmland in the US.
–The population of the world is approximately 7,400,000,000 people.
Therefore, 2,825 billionaires divided by 7,400,000,000 total human beings equals 0.000038% of the population of the world (I’d call that a “microscopic percentage”, wouldn’t you?) would “own” 23.5% of the farmland in the US. That sounds fair, doesn’t it?
— I’m beginning to think that rather than all of us living in a real-world version of “The Matrix”, we are actually living in a real-life version of the board game “Monopoly”. Which single human being of 7,400,000,000 human beings is going to own the whole world at the “end game”? Will it be Bill, Jeff, Jeff, Elon, Bernie, Mark, or Warren (I guess George is permanently “out” now, which is really too bad)? Things accelerating at the rate they are now, we might very well find out the “winner” very soon!
I made a math error. Measure twice; cut once.
The US’ 613 billionaires will own 229,875 square miles of prime farmland in the US. The other 2,212 billionaires of the world will own 829,500 square miles. Therefore, the world’s 2,825 billionaires – again, 0.000038% of the world’s population – will own 229,875 plus 829,500 equals 1,059,375 square miles of the very best US farmland. And 1,059,375 divided by 3,537,000 square miles equals 29.7% of US farmland, not 23.5%. Even more fair! ( BTW, 1,059,375 square miles is the area of a square with sides that are 1,029 miles long.)
Peter Konig
‘we are gradually and ever faster succumbing to a system that will bring us back to a modern, electronic, digitalized feudalism’
I don’t think that we need to worry about the success of the ‘Global Elite’s’ ‘Globalization’ project. Rather we need to worry about how to deal with the failure.
It will fail! Because it defies the ‘Laws of Nature’! (I will elaborate below for those who are interested.)
Authoritarian centralized control, which is what this project is, is like a cancer to human societies. The only question is whether the nation-states that are afflicted by this cancer will succumb to it, will die from the operation to amputate it, or will be able to successfully amputate it and slowly convalesce.
In any event, thanks to the cancer of authoritarian rule, the era of ‘Western’ supremacy that, has lasted for more than 500 years, is over.
The ‘Nature of Human Societies’
The ‘Nature of Human Societies’ is that they are ‘auto-creative complex abstract systems’. They behave in a manner that is analogous to natural life forms. The nature of auto-creative systems is that they are meta-stable, i.e. constrained instability. For abstract, auto-creative systems, such as human societies, the constraints that hold the systems together are the rules, i.e. laws, regulations, unwritten conventions, etc., that all members of the society share and accept to respect.
Some observations about auto-creative systems, whether real (i.e. life forms) or abstract (i.e. human organizations).
1. They live in a chaotic environment. It is impossible to predict the future.
2. The more complex the higher the performance.
Look at the food-chain, the higher up the food-chain the more complex the life form.
Look at the HDI (Human Development Index) the most complex societies are at the top of the rankings.
Look at quality systems. Quality is about the management of details. For complex tasks, such as building a car, or managing an air transport system, there are millions of details to be managed. Successfully managing these millions of details, in real time, in a chaotic environment with minimal failures, requires immensely complex systems.
3. The rule of the game is: Adapt or Die. Ask Darwin. Ask the dinosaurs.
Some rules regarding human societies as complex abstract systems.
1. Authority must be distributed. The chaotic environment, the geographic diversity and the sheer number of details (billions in the case of large complex societies) to be managed dictates this. Centralized authority (i.e. decision making) means that most details will go unaddressed, and for those few that are addressed, the decisions will be too late, and made by people who are too remote from the action to fully understand the nature and details of the problems.
2. There must be a reasonable distribution of the benefits of society, to go along with the distributed authority. Otherwise those who need to act will have no incentive to do so.
3. There must be very effective systems of communication, at all levels and in all directions. This enables the signals of problems to be immediately recognized, and the knowledge gained from solving the problems to be institutionalized and shared across the system.
4. The role of the upper levels of the authoritarian hierarchy, i.e. above the action level, is not to take actionable decisions, it is rather:
– To manage the system of laws, rules and regulations that hold the society together.
These laws rules and regulations must be acceptable as legitimate by the society as a whole (i.e. Democratic), otherwise they won’t be followed.
– To ensure that the people at the ‘action level’ have the resources and information that they need to act at the right time and in the most appropriate way.
Such complex abstract auto-creative systems, for success, require people who are collaborative in nature and who are respectful of and have trust in the system, their role in the system, and of their fellow human beings.
So why are the ‘Globalist Elites’ destined to fail with their ‘Globalization Project’?
Quite simply, because the ‘Globalist Elites’ are authoritarian by nature.
Not all people have the strength of character to be collaborative and trust other people. It is easy to be collaborative when you have little or nothing to lose. But when you have a lot to lose it takes tremendous strength of character to trust the system and to trust other people. In the case of the ‘Globalist Elites’ they have a lot to lose: their immense wealth and their positions at the top of society. Authoritarians are essentially weak, greedy and fearful people who do not have the strength of character to respect and trust the system or their fellow human beings. And unfortunately, authoritarianism is like a cancer. Once an authoritarian gets into power he surrounds himself with people who represent no threat to him, i.e. more weak, greedy and fearful people. And the cancer spreads until the entire hierarchy is filled with weak, greedy and fearful people.
What are the mistakes that the ‘Globalist Elites’ are making that condemns their projects, and indeed the societies that they control, to failure.
1. Authoritarians hate complex systems; remember the phrase ‘keep it simple, stupid’. These systems limit their ability to act (i.e. they must act only within their own role and responsibility). Authoritarianism means centralized control, and centralized control is incompatible with complex systems. When you exercise centralized authority, you destroy the system of distributed authority, and with it the ability of the system to handle complexity, and to respond and adapt to the chaotic environment in which we live. For proof simply look at what happened to Boeing, after the authoritarian elites took over, or more generally to the decline in the U.S., Britain and Europe (since the Euro) over the last four decades.
2. The ‘Globalist Elites’ impose rules on their societies that are not accepted as legitimate by the society as a whole; i.e. an effective dictatorship, and they have revised the distribution of the benefits of society in favor of themselves. These actions serve to further undermine the societal system and its ability, not only to adapt to change, but simply to function at the previous level.
3. For more than 40 years the ‘Globalist Elites’ have trafficked the myth of the ‘Free Market’, a natural phenomena that is inherently stable. In reality the ‘The ‘Market’ is just another auto-creative complex abstract system. Like all other such systems, it is composed of rules, is inherently unstable, and lives in a chaotic environment. In the ‘Free Market’ the ‘Golden Rule’ applies: He who has the gold makes the rules. In reality, there can be only two types of markets: fair markets and monopolies. Under the ‘Free Market’ myth, we have seen the Western world economies gradually being transformed from fair markets to markets of serial monopolies.
Markets play a critical role in a society’s economic system, providing information on imbalances of supply and demand. Without an effectively functioning market this information flow is seriously compromised and economic performance declines. It is no surprise that as the monopolization of Western economies advanced, economic performance declined in parallel.
4. The ‘Globalist Elites’ are now trying to shut down any communication that is not ‘approved’ and does not agree with the ‘narrative’. Auto-creative complex abstract systems cannot function effectively without the free flow of information.
5. The ‘Globalist Elites’ are trying to prevent their societies from adapting (remember adapt or die!). For them any change is a threat to their wealth and position. They want to keep things the same, forever, for example:
Rather than adapt to climate change, they want to prevent climate change. A fool’s errand if their ever was one.
‘Sustainable Development’ means keeping things the same, forever, at the cost of on-going human development. They have no trust that as resources become scarce, auto-creative systems will adapt, and, in that adaptation, prosper.
‘Settled Science’, means stop questioning. But questions are the starting point of science. Without questions there can be no science! And without science societies cannot successfully adapt.
6. The ‘Globalist Elites’ are trying to use AI to deal with the insufficiency of centralized authority. However, in this case I believe that AI really means ‘Automated-Ignorance’. It is just a further embellishment of totalitarianism that has no more chance to succeed than any other form of centralized dictatorship.
7. The ‘Globalist Elites’ are trying to prevent all competing societies from advancing. To prove ‘TINA’ – There Is No Alternative.
Regime Change
Full Spectrum Dominance
This will not ensure their own survival. Rather it will only serve to hasten their own demise.
Thank you Peter Konig. I fully agree.
I will also point out that the climate has always changed. It was warmer in Roman times. It has nothing to do with driving motor cars and so on. But it was used as a pretext, like the virus, to reduce our consumption of resources and our living standards.
All of what is currently going on must have been planned 40+ years ago. When the Club of Rome produced its “Limits to Growth” report. They wanted to crash the economy “gently”. We will see.
I think they have little understanding of the capacity of humans to create and come up with new solutions when compelled to. But there will be billions of deaths regardless.
The ‘Nature of Human Societies’ is that they are ‘auto-creative complex abstract systems’. They behave in a manner that is analogous to natural life forms. The nature of auto-creative systems is that they are meta-stable, i.e. constrained instability. For abstract, auto-creative systems, such as human societies, the constraints that hold the systems together are the rules, i.e. laws, regulations, unwritten conventions, etc., that all members of the society share and accept to respect.
This is good. It gets close to the Universal Law of the Universe, as exemplified in Chaos and Complexity Theory.
All complex entities, from molecules to human societies are formed around one principle – the Attraction of Like/Similar for Like / Similar, and the strong bonds they form.
This is maintained by allowing the free flow of feed back loops. It’s this latter which has, and continues to, ruin modern societies – that Governments and other “do-gooder, know better” types who insist on imposing their own ideas by means of Laws and Rules which fall outside those of malum in se” and become malum prohibitum are doing to our ruin. That is, they are imposed not because they are one of the 5 or so laws found in every and any civilised society, be it one of millions or one of a few dozen, but because some authoritative know-it-all decided they must be so.
From Heraclitus, we have known, well, at least, Heraclitus knew if no-one listened – that change is the one constant in the Universe, and that reactions to change are to maintain a constant centre.
It’s like a childs “see-saw”, where the “up and down” reacts to the pressure which opposes the pivot point, which stays immovable. More, it’s demonstrated by the homeostatic mechanisms of living beings. They do exactly what Heraclitus demonstrated.
So do societies.
People who like minded find each other. They form small groups, where all have a say. They find a way to maintain an equilibrium suitable to their type. They change what they do and allow in the face of change, in order to maintain the groups central stability.
It’s this modern man has completely forgotten.
But you can’t defy Universal Law for long and expect to get away with this. This is why we have the mess we do have.
Humans need to live in small, interactive groups, and then left to rule themselves. This can be achieved under the umbrella of a huge protective system where a remove Government has one job – to protect the many small communities who live this way from invasion, or massive disaster they need help to deal with.
Humans lived this way for thousands of year, very happily, until the advent of the Industrial Revolution. Whether we ditch modern technology or not – and it’s not necessary we do – we do need to return to this model as a method of people living together.
A good explanation the sorts of incompetence that inevitably lead to failure of pathocracies. The sadder but wiser people who survive it create new laws to try to prevent recurrence, but it simply human nature after a few generations to ignore them and opt for fun times. This opens the door for the sorts of people who excel at gaming the system, as the cycle repeats itself again.
“AI and Robots”
This is all fake. Artificial Intelligence is fantasy. Machines do not teach themselves anything. It is like the Renewable Energy and Electric Car nonsense.
Robots are of little use in a world where oil supplies are on a downward slope. To design, manufacture and operate these things, massive amounts of energy are required. Anyway, who is going to purchase their output if people are destitute?
The aim of all of this blurb by the WEF is to confuse people so that they don’t realise that they are surplus to the requirements of those who are currently in control. When those who are being deceived wake up in a few years, they will take it out on those who travel in private jets with their mistresses.
I suggest you all read this article. It will put the damper on the scenario painted above. It shows that what is going on in Washington is a sign of desperation.
“The Empire is losing the energy war”
I’m glad to see Mr. Koenig not turning away from the 5G issue, despite the recent incident in Tennessee, in which as far as I have been able to discern, the alleged perpetrator had reportedly expressed suspicions about 5G, and this was highlighted by the media as his motive. It is clear the public is not meant to talk about their concerns about 5G, so it must be central to plans of powerful people. Suppression of what now amounts to tens of thousands of peer-reviewed studies showing biological effects of man-made radiofrequency radiation, resulting in one in twenty people having developed a physical intolerance to it, knowledge of which is also suppressed, has gone on since the 1950s. People are beginning to die from this. Sudden deaths, not from any diagnosable ailment. Three of my four friends in Japan with this intolerance have suddenly died during the past 5 months, and the fourth, in Hokkaido, is quite sick from it. I’ve lost contact with two other victims, but have heard about one other person dying recently. This is just Japan. I don’t know what’s happening overseas.
I’m seeing people avoid this topic recently, and I understand- if it is likely to result in suppression of whatever else they are trying to say. Still glad to see you bring it up.
These genius like Schwab have has always wet fantasies like these but in reality world doesn’t dance their waltz. It has her own ecosystem making egoists look damned fools.
There is one sad truth no honest man can deny. Long relatively peaceful periods (like 1815-1914) have increased inequality while wars and other catastrophies levelled them. And here’ s the question : which one you pick, inequality or catastrophy, if you can make decision? We have had long period of relatively stable period (in most countries) since 1945 but i’m not sure of the future. At least in so called “west”.
(source: Walter Scheidel)
The reality of founding businesses is that 95% of them fail within 3 years. That’s documented historical statistics.
Many of those of course do not result in bankruptcy, they merely do not generate enough income to live beyond the bread line.
Just saying ‘I will found a business’ does not find you customers. It does not gift you a dynamite product. It does not make you a dynamite sales(wo)man.
You learn a lot founding a business, but one thing you can’t do is make people buy products if they don’t want to buy.
Until you actually offer a product for sale, you can’t find out if they will buy it.
The reality of history teaches us that natural selection is quite brutal in culling nascent businesses without cash flow.
Economic carnage is always a time of opportunity for cashed-up multimillionaires and bilionaires.
Thing is, if you have spent your savings just surviving, how can you invest for the future?
You can’t, because banks won’t lend to you in the main.
Oh to the few, yes, but to 80% of the unemployed? Get real…
For me it’s difficult to take seriously this “Great Reset” thing. Not that I dont take the intentions of those behind it seriously, to the contrary I utterly believe in their total insanity. However I do recognize the power of the people and institutions involved is entirely based on the literally bankrupt notion of Fiat currencies (US$, EURO, etc..). Thus, as those get decimated by emerging global market and economic trends (Which are accelerating), so does the power to implement the plan and its various facets.
US$ share of global transactions is already nearing 50%.or could possibly have already gone under that threshold, considering the accelerating pace of the unravelling. The destruction of the US$ means the death of ALL other fiat currencies since in essence they are just US$ denominations. Issuance of Fiat has become hyperbolic, the only buyers left for government debts are the central banks themselves, the public is absent. Those who believe it is Covid19 induced and the madness will stop with a vaccin, are mistaken. It started in sept 2019 when REPO rates shot to 10%, months before the virus outbreak In this context the epidemic hysteria must be viewed as cover up for a financial systemic failure. Historically when the monetary base explodes at such a rate, the underlying currency is destroyed within two to three years. This leaves very little time to implement a world reset.
The fatal mistake of those Great Reseters was to have traded control of Gold for control of US$. Now China controls the gold. He who owns Gold is Master. There’s no conceivable scenario that I can see where China submits its sovereignty to some supra national authority alien to its culture. Yet a “Great Reset”, as much as it really IS great, is inconceivable without China. Underneath the layers of communism and modernity China remains profoundly both Taoist and Confucianist, both of which precepts’ are diametrically opposed and incompatible to those of the Great Reseters.
Just as China dominates Gold, Russia has become master of Wars. Meaning they decide ultimately who wins or loses an armed conflict. Behind all the pretense, US and NATO decrepit and outdated military is no match against Russia. This is why, since Sirya, every attempt at regime change and color revolutions, even against the weakest nations, have resulted in failure. If the Great Reseters cannot now have their way in countries such as Venezuela or Central Africa, how credible can their prospect for the world really be?
To sum it up, I believe they’re just a bunch of pompous imbeciles that have cornered themselves, with no way out because they went all in. They are desperate and this is why they come up with one greater idiocy after the other as they stumble into oblivion. And this is so because I believe that no human entity can control the world. It is an illusion that has existed a least since gold has entered human affairs, Yet no one ever succeeded even for the briefest of moment. And I am to believe that these degenerate bozos are the chosen ones? Serious?
I read some comments asking what can be done? If China and Russia cannot do anything to stop their delirium, I think it is safe to assume our own personal efforts are meaningless. Such phenomenon are like a tsunami, they’re unstoppable, they must run their course. All one can do is get out of harms way as best one can, I do pity those at the epicenter though.
The US and EU do not operate fiat currencies, they have currencies created by private banks out of thin air as debt every time a bank makes a loan. The money did not exist before the loan was taken out either by the US Treasury, corporate or individual borrowers. In the US system of fractional reserve banking, all money is created as debt, such that no debts = no money. In other words for someone to be a $billionaire many other people must be in debt to him directly or indirectly for the exact same total amount of money.
True fiat currencies are created debt free by sovereign governments. China does this via its government owned central bank that creates its domestic currency, the yuan without going into debt to private banks.
By comparison the US Treasury is now $26 trillion in debt to the private sector on which $750 billion in interest must be paid every year, either by the US taxpayers or by incurring even more debt.
My understanding is that both are fiat. In strictly monetary terms (intrinsic value of the currency) it matters not whether it’s private or state issued. Excess issuance in both cases, sooner or later, will destroy its purchasing power. The source of issuance only determines who ultimately benefits from the stealth robbery of the peoples savings. After all this is the inadmissible net result of excess issuance, no matter the admitted justification.
As for China’s debt situation, I submit this sobering link
At this stage the only true difference between the Yuan and the rest is that China’s economy can still service the debt, and It’s considerable foreign reserves should be enough to weather a debt crisis without entirely whipping out the value of the Yuan.
As for next stage, meaning the coming global monetary crisis, the Yuan seems well prepared with considerably more gold than the 2000 tons or so officially reported. According to experts, it seems the hidden reserves could total 20’000 tons that could instantly replace the decimated value of US$ and other fiat reserves. In such a scenario gold would be instantly re-priced at an order of magnitude or more. To my knowledge The Yuan and Russian Rubble are the only currencies today that could instantly be backed by gold in case of a sudden systemic monetary collapse.
I hope this quick summary clarifies my assessment of the monetary situation.
I think one of the main obstacles to fully understand what is going on is to stop naively seeing China and Russia as alternatives, or, even worse, possible saviors. China and Russia are into the game too, lots of money and power to the rulers, submission and poverty to the peasants, just like in the west. China and Russia have a seat at Davos, at the ‘globalist’ UN, and I will mention again the pictures of Mao Zedong shaking hands and smiling with Henry Kissinger
…and Zhou Enlai in talks with David Rockefeller.
The US empire is tumbling down, but it is as designed by the transnational elite, just as China is designed to rule as the new face of Empire. It was the transnational elite that made China thrive, transferring the west waged production to the slave cheap labour of China. Meanwhile, as everyone not into the informational bubble of the mainstream media knows, US regime is a monster, China poses in the news as a “friendly win-win commercial partner”. Good cop, bad cop strategy. CCP is as monstruous as US empire, or even worse, but poses as a good fellow internationally.
As for Russia, Rockefellers are playing there since long time
…and maybe the soviet regime “failed”, but I am sure they still have their tentacles there.
Russia remains a mystery to me. Generally, I think Putin is sided with the globalists too, and to sustain this argument is the recent fact that Putin’s Russia is advocating the vaccine mandates and accepting the globalists agenda in this issue. Sometimes, I think Putin is one of the few against the tide, and plays a different game, and maybe he is battling globalist forces inside Russia. But after this thought, I realize Russia is allied with China, and I have no doubt about the evilness of CCP, and their collusion in the new world order agenda, so it raises my suspicions on Russia again. Also, Russia’s good relations with Israel are very strange. Maybe it is the selling of Russia’s weapons to the countries Israel bullies in the Middle East and North Africa, and as both Russia and Israel make money selling weapons in the war, both Russia and Israel are happy. Maybe Russia just poses as the good cop, as the role the transnational elite designed to her in the geopolitical show, and we know that for a show to be convincing it has to have heroes and villains.
Anyway, China and Russia will not do anything to prevent the great reset because they are part of it. This is not a nation versus nation issue, it is a rulers versus ruled.
Control of a nation’s money supply determines most everything else.
“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.”
-Abraham Lincoln
And then he was assassinated,
And the first country to go into BIS digital currency project is…
Another thought experiment: what if Venezuela was a test project too, to see how a hyperinflationary economy would do to erase (?) its debts in the digital currency? Just a coincidence that dollar is right now in a hyperinflationary course, and that China and Russia all this time have been stocking gold. Just coincidences.
By the way, who is Satoshi Nakamoto? (Any similarity with Ayn Rand’s ‘Who is John Galt?’ is indecent). An “unknown person” developed the technology that could change the paradigm of the world monetary system? And now IMF will run on blockchain? Just in time for the not so great reset, and the scenario properly set by lockdowns because of a very dangerous virus that in nearly one year infected nearly 2% of the population and killed nearly 2% of the infected population (knowing that PCR tests are very controverted for false positives).
Just coincidences. No paranoia.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
– Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)
Thus the remedy for the devastating effects of class warfare is for sovereign governments to take back the right of money creation, and reduce private banks to being retail LENDERS rather than money creators.
Sovereign? Well…
Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Came Roon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada
Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq
Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Israel: Bank of Israel
Italy: Bank of Italy
Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
Japan: Bank of Japan
Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
Korea: Bank of Korea
Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Latvia: Bank of Latvia
Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
Libya: Central Bank of Libya (Their most recent conquest)
Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay
Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao
Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar
Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi
Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Malta: Central Bank of Malta
Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Russia: Central Bank of Russia
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Uganda: Bank of Uganda
Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
The People’s Bank of China is owned and controlled by the Chinese government.