Dear friends,
Those who organized the MH17 false flag have now clearly given the instruction to their propaganda machine (aka MSM) to forget about this tragedy and to pretend like it never happened. Sure, there are a few courageous sources, such as the World Socialist Web Site, which do ask the right question “Why have the media and Obama administration gone silent on MH17?“, but even most of the “alternative” media has really turned the page and forgotten about MH17.
We cannot allow this.
The Russian Team and the website Polismi in Russia have jointly translated the full detailed expert analysis of the MH17 downing into Russian and they are now asking for our – *your* – help in disseminating it in the Russian media worldwide and with all our – *your* – Russian-speaking friends, relatives and colleagues. Here is their appeal:
Дорогие друзья,
Мы предлагаем вашему вниманию экспертный анализ крушения рейса МН17 Малазийской авиакомпании, который был впервые опубликован на сайте “The Vineyard of the Saker”. Команда переводчиков русской версии этого сайта в сотрудничестве с командой сайта
html сделали перевод этого важного документа. Любые упоминания о расследовании сбитого авиалайнера исчезли со страниц и эфиров Западных СМИ. Он выполнил свою трагическую роль. Как сказал Шиллер в свой знаменитой пьесе: «Мавр сделал свое дело, мавр должен уйти». 298 человек одним росчерком пера были принесены в жертву хладнокровному и расчётливому плану по провокации России. Этот план не удался, но его организаторы продолжают, как ни в чём не бывало, оркестрировать свой гнусный и подлый террор. И не зря своим орудием они выбрали тех, у кого нет никаких зачатков морали, совести, человечности. Эти нелюди сегодня правят Украиной. Они – вампиры, высасывающие не только её живую кровь, но и её душу, чувства и сознание. Что для них какой-то самолёт? У их заморских хозяев в заложниках весь мир. И только родные, близкие и друзья погибших будут до конца дней оплакивать боль своих потерь.
Но те из нас, кто не согласен жить в информационной матрице, делают всё возможное, чтобы прорвать эту блокаду ненависти и лжи. Сегодня мы хотим распространить этот анализ, написанный экспертом по расследованию аварий, как можно большему количеству русскоговорящих людей, особенно на Украине. Возможно, мы никогда не узнаем всей правды об этой трагедии. К сожалению, это уже было не раз. Но тем не менее, этот документ приводит веские и взвешенные аргументы думающим и критически мыслящим людям. Как капля воды точит камень, так и каждая крупинка правды помогает пробивать толстую броню Зла.
Русская команда “Bиноградника Балобана”
The full document in Russian is available here:
I ask you to do everything you can to share this document as widely as possible. One of the most disgusting and outrageous things about this false flag massacre is that most of our elites know what truly happened, but that they apparently have all agreed to cover it up, each one for their own reasons. We cannot allow that to happen and we have to continue to demand answers and full access to all the data, including the recordings of the conversations between MH17 and the Kiev ATC, all the flight data recorders, and all the signal and radar data held by Russia, the USA, NATO, and the junta in Kiev.
Please join us in demanding that the full truth be told about the murder of the people of MH17.
Send the link above, along with this appeal, to all your Russian speaking friends, post it on your blogs, websites, Twitter and Facebook pages, share it on mailing lists, send it to your local Russian newspaper or radio station, etc. We need maximal exposure and visibility to force those in power to react.
Many thanks,
The Saker
PS: a new, updated, version of the video analysis made by John Martin about MH17 which I had posted here is now available here: make sure to also check it out!
Some news from Colonel Cassad, not yet translated, @
Судя по всему, вчерашний день с точки зрения безвозвратных потерь был одним из самых кровавых для войск хунты. Жаркие бои под Иловайском, Новосветловкой, Хрящеватым, Горловкой и Ясиноватой, обернулись сотнями убитых и раненных. Царев даже озвучил цифру в более чем 800 убитых. 800 не 800, но по всем источникам потери вчера были очень значительными.
Ополчение впрочем тоже за вчера потеряло несколько десятков убитыми и раненными.
[My translation: ]
All things considered, yesterday form the point of view of unanswered losses was one of the bloodiest for the Junta troops. Hot battles near Ilovaysky, Novosbetlovka, Khashcevaty, Gorlovka and Yasinovaka resulted in hundreds of killed and wounded. Tsaryev even voiced a figure of more than 800 killed. 800 is not 800 [??], but from all sources losses yesterday were very significant.
The militia however also yesterday lost several tens of killed and wounded.
(The militia seems to be holding its own, MSM to the contrary.)
Full translation from
5. Apparently, yesterday was one of the bloodiest days for the junta military from the point of view of irrevocable losses. Heated fighting under Ilovaysk, Novosvetlovka, Khryashevatoye, Gorlovka, and Yasinovataya resulted in hundreds of dead and wounded. Tsaryov even sounded the number of more than 800 dead. 800 or not, but according to all sources, the losses from yesterday were very significant.
The militia also lost several dozens dead and wounded yesterday. Of course, dozens of civilians also perished, destruction continued in the cities of Donbass, especially memorable was a horrible explosion of the chemical plant under Donetsk, with a multi-kilometer plum of smoke and a brightest fire, which could be seen from many kilometers away from the explosion site.
Overall, fighting continues on crucial location. There’s 4 days left until the Independence Day of Ukraine. There’s a thought here that there’s no way it is possible to capture Donetsk and Luhansk by the holiday.
In Holland – emotionally somewhat more involved- the explanations and theories have stopped in the MSM.
But many times MH17 is mentioned as example how bad ´the dogs of Putin´- the Resistance are, or mr Psychopath himself (the Dutch love dr Phil!), whenever some news comes up.
I find the best strategy not to give links to better explanations, but to simply question theirs and remind them there is no proof, nada. (´I´m not an expert, but…´)
Remind people of state dept. lies, remind them they have given only accusations, no proof, nada.
Links to reputable (!) articles work very well, like the one of prof. van Wolveren
and from dr. Roberts:
They deal more with the propaganda and manipulation of information.
This works very well, because very many people have the feeling they are being lied to, but cannot pinpoint it.
The columnists are not happy at all: nowadays the critical comments are at least 9-1, and some rabid anti Putin trolls are losing their temper and exposing themselves for what they are.
(Mostly, pro- Novorossia people who react are a magnitude more intelligent- that shows!).
What is very important: never exaggerate, and always immediately admit any mistake- as there are many in the fog of war. Any false information, like the 1.5 million destined for extermination- is thrown back multiple times. They still throw old lies like Russian agression in Georgia. One has to reject politely, with some friendly humor when possible.
And point to inconsistencies in their argument- for eventually they show!
This way, we all contribute at least a little… to truth that is!
The MSM are just paid liars, reprinting the garbage put out by the Kyiv post.
If the Ukraine was winning against novorossiya, you can bet that washington vipers like Nuland/Nudelman would be front and center in Kiev, taking credit. Instead they are hiding, disassociating themselves from a monumental political disaster. This is solid proof that matters are going very badly for the Kiev junta.
Want a good laugh? Check out what is happening to the Ukie currency:
The Ukraine cannot pay back it’s foreign debt. Without donbass and crimea, there are no oil and gas resources for the western powers to steal, hence no way to pay back loans.
Putin is wise not to invade Ukraine. Let the EU pick up the bill.
The Aid convoy seems also to have disappeared from view. Does anyone know its status?
I’m not sure that by sending this link to all and sundry will keep MH17 alive and ‘in the news’ so to speak, but it could be useful in getting the information in front of relatives of the dead.
Someone who reads this blog in English, German or French will know of someone who is a relation to someone who died in the MH17 shoot-down. If you are such an individual please get the facts about this incident in front of those relatives. Grieving or not, they will want to know the truth about what happened above all else.
When a 747 was destroyed above Lockerbie in the UK many years ago the relatives of those killed formed a committee to find the truth and get those responsible for the bombing brought to justice. I recall that this went on for many years and the committee just would not let it rest. It was in and out of the media one way or another.
I personally came across people who knew a person, or the relatives of a person, who was on the flight. It’s astonishing how far a network of contacts of 300 individuals extends and I suggest that the Dutch relatives of the dead on MH17 be contacted somehow by readers of this blog and that the facts be made known to them.
This would keep the incident ‘alive’ and cause enormous embarrassment for the Dutch government if they tried to cover up the truth. If handled properly by the relatives, at least media coverage in the Netherlands would resume.
I feel this is something Russia and Malaysia could and should be doing with the information they have as they almost certainly could get hold of the relatives contact details, particularly Malaysia. As nothing seems to be happening so far in that respect we should do the best we can to target those relatives above all else. Think of it as a rifle shot rather than a shot-gun approach.
I posted this earlier on another thread.
Plausible explanation. The right type of fighter plane that can fly as high as the airliner, and the explanation of the holes inside and outside, the attack on the cockpit, and all the other details of no BUK, no R-60 air-to-air missile and no SU-25.
“Boeing-777 was downed by Ukrainian MiG-29, Romanian expert says”
MH-17 shot down by MIG-29
Of course, we believe the Russians have all the voices, all the radars, all the military positions and are holding the info for some clever moment.
Whatever the case, Russia owes it to the world to lay everything on the public table and should promise to do so.
A good strategy is to show people how NATO lied about Lockerbie and Itavia Flight 870.
Best wishes to The Saker, Russian Team, and Polismi on this project.
As I recall previous discussion, though, this particular analysis only demonstrates that a rebel Buk could not have been involved in MH17. It does not analyze all possibilities. Correct? (See Petri Krohn and others)
For those looking for a English-version map of Military Operations in Novorossiya, check out’s map Map of Operations, August 10-18, 2014
They intend to continue with this effort.
What am I missing here?
” One of the most disgusting and outrageous things about this false flag massacre is that most of our elites know what truly happened, but that they apparently have all agreed to cover it up, each one for their own reasons. “
Am I to assume Saker (also) knows? Sure reads like the answer is “yes.”
As for an “all agreed” conspiracy that seems to be quite a stretch (starting with Putin.)
No one forgets the flight MH17. Remember that the investigation report is to be published in early September. I hope these findings will be honest.
20 August, 2014 15:13
Rootman said…
>In Holland – emotionally somewhat more involved- the explanations and theories have stopped in the MSM.
That’s because MH17 was a “message” directed at Holland specifically. The message has been received and understood by Gasunie of the Netherlands, (
Not sure how many of you are football fans but I have read a few things about the effect of the conflict on Ukrainian football clubs. I was delighted to hear for example that 3 Crimean clubs who were previously playing in the Ukrainian professional leagues have now been accepted into the 3rd division of Russia’s league system. Of course, the Ukies are angered and have called on international governing bodies UEFA and FIFA to take action. We await their verdict.
On a more downbeat note, I was digusted to hear that Shakhtar Donetsk, a well known name in world football these days, relocated to Lviv to play their home matches. Lviv, the hotbed of Ukrainian fascism! Not only that but they changed the language on the club’s badge from Russian into Ukrainian. Just goes to show what a coward Rinat Akhmetov is in my opinion.
I said this in my prior post, and want to amplify the thought:
“Whatever the case, Russia owes it to the world to lay everything on the public table and should promise to do so.”
Russia, and Putin directing the policy, have decided to tell the truth about most matters (shading some of it at times, like the polite green men).
But generally, when truth is upheld, when deals are not breached, when promises matter, Russia has been using truth not lies.
They have passed international after international inspection of the borders, the crossings, the nearness to borders of massings of its military forces over and over. Every report of these inspections is Russia has not violated the borders. So, overhead flights, on ground military inspections, mobile rolling inspections all indicate no weapons, no ammo, no support has crossed in Ukraine.
We all know Russia somehow has helped, but no photo, satellite image or drone image has captured this. And troops on the borders turns out the troops are 50-75 miles away.
The EU/NATO/US and stooges ini Kiev lie, create imaginary events and multiple the lies with the MSM. Russia seems to value the truth in counterpoint and has been upheld in most cases.
Lavrov and the Russian UN Ambassador generally speak truthfully.
So, in this MH-17 incident, Russia probably has the whole truth and proof of the cause and can tear apart the coverup.
If ever the Truth matters to the position of Russia as a new leader, offering a new option for the rest of the world to listen to and follow into the future of Eurasia, this is the right event and the moral moment of truth.
Russia should pledge to the world that it will completely “spill the beans” if the incident is not transparently investigated and concluded by Rule of Law. Putin should address it personally in concise statement. The meeting in Minsk with Porky would be a great moment to do such a thing.
Russia must call out Kiev, Holland, Australia, OSCE, UN, US, and all the co-conspirators in this crime.
If Russia is at all different from the Hegemon in moral authority, Putin should take the high ground and pledge full disclosure to the world public.
This pledge should not be just to the co-conspirators (their “partners”, as Russian officials pathetically insist on describing their sworn enemies.) Putin needs to speak heart to heart to the world.
It would be a major moment in Russia’s climb toward world leadership.
It also would grease the skids for Kiev.
Dear friend/s, why is there not more pressure coming from the relatives who died in this false-flag operation? Does it not lend credibility to the ‘conspiracy theory’ that this was the same Boeing that disappeared over the Indian Ocean, filled with corpses and shot down to blame Russia. I have not seen any pressure coming from the families, and why do the analysis of the ‘black boxes’ take so long? I smell a big fat dirty rat! Abel. South Africa
Since those who know what happened are keeping their secret, then all we can do is speculate. For what it’s worth, I believe it was shot down by another plane and that what needs to be established is whether it was shot down by the Ukies or by NATO. if it was NATO, then it might explain why the British Foreign Secretary resigned from his post only days before this murderous attack, he may have wanted no part in it.
Anon 15:20
The Aid convoy seems also to have disappeared from view. Does anyone know its status?
The convoy is still waiting at the border.
This is the twitter account of one of the drivers:
They are probably all being blackmailed as pedophiles by Ukraine oligarch kiddie porn producers. That whole business is run out of Ukraine and any western politician, journalist or media baron who buys Ukraine kiddie porn has they credit card details on file with Ukraine oligarchs. How else do you explain the subservient behavior of someone like Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Serious CyberBerkut work is needed here.
While the specifig reasons are still shrouded, it is abundantly clear that somebody has bought a large number of western politicians and other leading figures in order to control the political response and the media.
Red Shia:
I was wondering that too. Where is the outrage from the families?
A number of different nationalities involved, Dutch, Aussie, etc (initially 23 Americans were on board but since then…where did they go?
This whole thing stunk from the get-go. The US/UK/Israeli axis is getting more and more brazen with their lies and outrageousness…
The byproduct of a lapdog Western media priming the public for endless conflict.
From Zio Occupied Amerika
Who owned the aluminum plant in Donetsk that got blown up yesterday?
Was that an Akhmetov asset?
If so, Kolomoisky sent a message, didn’t he?
At one level, we know this has been a war of the oligarchs. It’s a mafia-nazi war of greed.
The other level is junta greed and malevolence toward Donbass citizens.
The final level is the destabilization of Russia and demonization of Putin.
The 400 years of Irish/IRA-British warfare was a pale comparison. It took decades to get a negotiated settlement.
The stakes here are enormous. The war dwarfs the Irish war. And people expect a negotiated ending?
Like James Foley negotiated yesterday with that ISIS executioner.
Real wars have real winners and real losers. Even truces have winners and losers.
The Kim-mafia family defeated the US/UN in Korea because they only had to sign a truce. It’s still on, just not hot. If you don’t win and dictate terms, you lose.
Russia has to win in Ukraine. And winning means ending the mortal threat. Ukraine must be pacified in such a way as perhaps Chechnya is now quieted. That won’t come with negotiations.
The means for such a victory is through the militia and the turning of enough of Western Ukraine mothers and sons. It’s very possible. It’s very doable. And it is not expensive.
A month ago I said the militia needed to get several thousand more volunteers into the militia. It sounds like they have. If they do not suffer any more treason, as happened to the flank defenders in Slavyansk, then the counter-offensive is coming.
By mid-September, this war could look like all of the South, from Lugansk through Mariupol to the lands above Crimea to Odessa is in play. The region above Donetsk and Lugansk would be seeing the Ukies in full disarray and retreat. Their own artillery will be turned on them as they run.
When the first gas heaters are turned on and stay cold in Kiev, Lviv and north of the present maps we see each day, the junta will be replaced by a military dictator chosen by the US. If he has any sense, he will surrender like Robert E Lee and beg that the troops be allowed to keep their AKs so they can protect themselves from the crazed neo-nazis.
We are closer to victory than defeat. (I say we, because all of our futures depend on Russia and Putin triumphing against the Hegemon in this proxy war, and in the proto war of sanction economics and propaganda.)
Dear Mr. President Putin,
Please accept our apologies on behalf of a great many people here in the Netherlands for our Government and our Media. The facts concerning MH17 are twisted to defame you and your country.
We are powerless onlookers, as we witness how the Western Nations, led by the United States, accuse Russia of crimes they commit themselves more than anybody else. We reject the double standards that are used for Russia and the West. In our societies, sufficient evidence is required for a conviction. The way you and your Nation are convicted for ‘crimes’ without evidence, is ruthless and despicable.
You have saved us from a conflict in Syria that could have escalated into a World War. The mass killing of innocent Syrian civilians through gassing by ‘Al-Qaeda’ terrorists, trained and armed by the US and paid for by Saudi Arabia, was blamed on Assad. In doing so, the West hoped public opinion would turn against Assad, paving the way for an attack on Syria.
Not long after this, Western forces have built up, trained and armed an ‘opposition’ in the Ukraine, to prepare a coup against the legitimate Government in Kiev. The putschists taking over were quickly recognized by Western Governments. They were provided with loans from our tax money to prop their new Government up.
The people of the Crimea did not agree with this and showed this with peaceful demonstrations. Anonymous snipers and violence by Ukrainian troops turned these demonstrations into demands for independence from Kiev. Whether you support these separatist movements is immaterial, considering the blatant Imperialism of the West. Russia is wrongly accused, without evidence or investigation, of delivering the weapons systems that allegedly brought down #MH17. For this reason Western Governments claim they have a right to economically pressure Russia.
We, citizens of the West, who see the lies and machinations of our Governments, wish to offer you our apologies for what is done in our name.
It’s unfortunately true, that our media have lost all independence and are just mouthpieces for the Powers that Be. Because of this, Western people tend to have a warped view of reality and are unable to hold their politicians to account.
Our hopes are focused on your wisdom. We want Peace. We see that Western Governments do not serve the people but are working towards a New World Order. The destruction of sovereign nations and the killing of millions of innocent people is, seemingly, a price worth paying for them, to achieve this goal.
We, the people of the Netherlands, want Peace and Justice, also for and with Russia.
We hope to make clear that the Dutch Government speaks for itself only. We pray our efforts will help to diffuse the rising tensions between our Nations.
Professor Cees Hamelink
Dr. Cees J. Hamelink is Emeritus Professor of International Communication at the University of Amsterdam. He is currently Professor for Management of Information and Knowledge at the University of Aruba, Professor of Human Rights and Public Health at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, and Honorary Professor of the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. He is also the editor-in-chief of the International Communication Gazette and Honorary president of the International Association for Media and Communication Research. He is author of 17 monographs on communication and culture.
John H. Mearsheimer, one of the authors of The Israel Lobby, has a piece up on Foreign Affairs on the Ukraine situation.
Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault – The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin
The only problem with the piece is that Mearsheimer thinks that Obama and the US elites are just “mistaken” in that they view things from a liberal view while Russia views things from a realist perspective.
In reality, I suspect Obama and his ilk knew full well what would happen if they moved against Russia in this matter. It’s just another aspect of the US Imperial State motivated by the prospect of profits for the US military-industrial complex.
See my two comments under this piece. The rest of the comments are heavily anti-Russia to a hysterical degree.
The World’s Worst Economies
No. 4. Ukraine has rich farmland and generous mineral resources and could become a leading European economy — yet per-capita GDP trails far behind even countries like Serbia and Bulgaria. The U.S. State Dept. blames “complex laws and regulations, poor corporate governance, weak enforcement of contract law by courts, and particularly corruption.” Jamaica, coming in fifth, is almost entirely a victim of the global financial crisis that devastated its vital tourism industry. On the positive side: Jamaica’s poverty rate has been cut almost in half to 10% in recent years while literacy has increased to 88%,according to the World Bank.
Hey, I’m doing my part.
But why have the report solely in Russian? It’s not as if the Russians have forgotten about MH17 – but rather the oligarchy-hijacked West…
I posted this at the bottom of the Glaziev thread but am putting it here, too, bc if this is real, a whole lot of people, in three separate countries, are going to suffer and die: the stuff in that plant was incredibly toxic:
Paveway IV at MoA posted some verrry strange footage, from two miles away, of a supposed hit on that chemical plant in Donetsk. Very large shock wave, very strange smoke. Pray, folks; if that thing went up, the results are going to be catastrophic.
But here might — might — be some genuinely good news:
Not only that, but they’ve pulled out of the pipeline bidding. les, a while back, had speculated that what happens in Eastern Ukraine, at the very least, may well depend on whether or not Shell, which I believe has been using conscripted labor from the “filtration camps”, actually found anything. Given this double-barreled response, the best guess is no — although they may of course be worried about the risk to their equipment (as opposed to the risk of, oh, I don’t know, the people living there…). But if in fact the Yuzivska field has turned out to be a dry hole, perhaps things will really change.
And finally, Russian and foreign students protested the student shootings in Fergusion, putting to shame each and every American who has not lifted a finger to at least try to stop the ongoing brutality there. Maybe we can’t do much, but this kind of treatment against *any* American is not just a threat to, but a blot on, *every* American. (And still no Patriots on the scene, dammit.)
The continued slaughter and destruction of the Russian populations in eastern and southern Ukraine will eventually demoralize the Russian people and undermine their support of Putin’s government for failing to halt it. The Russian government’s acceptance of the slaughter makes Russia look weak and encourages more aggression against Russia.
If the Russian government intends to resolve its problems in Ukraine and to forestall
Washington’s ability to further erode Russia’s political and economic relationships with Europe with more sanctions, the Russian government will have to turn to more forceful measures.
In Ukraine the Russian government has two alternatives. One is to announce that the ongoing slaughter and the unresponsiveness of Kiev and its Western backers to Russia’s efforts to end the killing with a diplomatic settlement has caused Russia to reconsider the provinces’ requests to be reunited with Russia and that any further attacks on these territories will be regarded as attacks on Russia and be met with a devastating military response.
The other alternative is for Putin to meet privately with Washington’s stooge and convey to the corrupt oligarch that enough is enough and that if the attacks continue Russia will accept the requests for reunification and protect the provinces. Putin would explain to Washington’s stooge that if he wants to retain the former Russian territories as part of Ukraine, he will have to work out satisfactory arrangements with the provinces. In other words, Putin would deliver an ultimatum, one that required an immediate answer so that the stooge couldn’t run to Washington and Washington would not have time to create a new propaganda.
Karl Marx regarded morality as a rationale for class interests. As each class created a morality to justify its interests, there was no basis for good will between people. With reform impossible, violence becomes the only effective method of change. Washington has its own version of Marx’s doctrine. As the exceptional country, history has chosen the US to prevail over other countries’ interests. Prevailing rules out diplomacy which requires compromise. Therefore, Washington, like Marx, relies on violence.
The Russian government cannot rely on diplomacy and good will if the West is relying on violence.
Perhaps s solution could be found by President Putin meeting separately with Merkel and Hollande and explaining that Russia cannot indefinitely accept sanctions based on lies and propaganda without taking more determined steps than Russian sanctions against European agricultural products. Putin could make it clear that if Europe continues to accommodate Washington’s assault on Russia, the flow of energy could be restricted or be turned off.
Additionally, President Putin might explain to the European leaders that the dynamics of Washington’s campaign to demonize Russia can escape control and result in war that would devastate Europe. Putin could tell Europeans that by disassociating from Washington’s foreign policy and adopting foreign policies that serve their own interests instead of Washington’s, Europeans have nothing to lose but their chains of vassalage.
Putin could explain to Europeans that Russia is prepared to guarantee Europe’s security and, therefore, that Europe does not need Washington’s guarantee against a nonexistent Russian threat.
If this very reasonable and diplomatic approach to Europe fails, then Russia and China know that they must prepare for war.
Was Donetsk just hit with a tactical nuke? Check out this video and let me know what you think.
It looked to me like a type of fuel-air warhead, which can be quite powerful. The fluttering object beside the cloud may have been a piece of debris caught in the updraft.
Jana 17:11
That’s what I expected. The driver’s twitter feed has an excellent cartoon.
Even The Guardian (!) is dumping on us about what’s going on in Ferguson: come on, folks, if you haven’t, at least sign a petition, explain it all to your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers, email your Congresscritter and/or write a LTE (Letter to the Editor). What’s done to one of us is done to all of us! And who knows who will be next — unless We The People Stop Police Brutality NOW! (And don’t think for a minute it can’t happen to whites — it already has. Let’s at least TRY to stop it now, ok?)
Anonymous 18:13
No. It was just a very large explosion such as this one in 2013 at the fertilizer plant in Texas
It was probably a Tochka ballistic missile which has a 450 kg high explosive warhead.
Close views of the actual explosion.
Yeah the victims’ families aspect ot the MH17 just doesn’t fit in…What about them…where are (at least Some of)the families crying loud and demanding answers?Even if they blame “Putin” but still publicly expresing their anger and asking questions-nada…I mean look at MH370 and the reaction of the relatives,look at any previous post-plane crash situations-(some) family members activly seeking publicity,organaizing “Family Committees”,asking the authorities for answers…And don’t tell me that one can silence ALL of them-if I lost a loved one in such terrible circumstances there is NO force on this planet that can silence me!And besides even the MSMs’ coverage in the immediate aftermath of this tragedy was anything but “typical”-no TV reports of “hysterical” relatives who’ve just realised they lost somebody dear…Neither from “Schiphol” nor from Kuala Lumpur..Nothing!In fact as far as I can recall I remember seeing just couple of photographs supposedly showing(from a distance) “a grieving relative being taken care of by airport staff and two individuals hugging each other”…Thats about all.
@Red Shia: “Dear friend/s, why is there not more pressure coming from the relatives who died in this false-flag operation? Does it not lend credibility to the ‘conspiracy theory’ that this was the same Boeing that disappeared over the Indian Ocean, filled with corpses and shot down to blame Russia. I have not seen any pressure coming from the families, and why do the analysis of the ‘black boxes’ take so long? I smell a big fat dirty rat! Abel. South Africa”
It is called Magic, and it is an illusion too!
Putin is in cahoots too, and cui bono is Crimea and Federalized Ukraine. No wonder, he is so quite too!
Best regards,
Upfront I apologize for pushing the “elites know” point re ML17. It still seems to this reader that if Saker is as well plugged-in to know what the elites know, then it is past time to share what the “elites” know with his/her readers.
Been reading this guy Mish while waiting for new Saker updates
Take away points
“Then a funky local man who tells the cameraman about how the Ukrainian officers didn’t take care of their men and darted off leaving their men stranded, how the Ukrainians all drink heavily, how their morale is low and they panic during any kind of battle, and how they don’t want to engage the militia up-close.”
“In particular, in the assault units that captured Stepanovka, there are very many volunteers from Semyonovka [a town near Slaviansk that was largely destroyed by Ukrainian shelling], who are just burning with a thirst for vengeance for the acts of genocide that the fascists waged there. I think that for Ukrainian soldiers, it’s really best not to run into these guys. This is the mindset the Ukrainian army is fighting.”
Alleged letter to mr.Putin by prof.Hamelink:
This content has indeed been posted by this Dutch site but was meant as a pattern of possible individual response to mr.Putin.
It has NOT been signed, however, by prof. Hamelink and attributing it to him is baseless.
Just as an fyi, here is a peek into how the CBC “viewers” have taken to the situation in Ferguson from the Canadian perspective keeping in mind that the media has been massaging the looting by “blacks vs whites” angle slowly into the narrative especially on-air. Below are the “Most Viewed” articles from the “World” section today and yesterday evening.
As far as the “patriots” are concerned the fact may be that they are really not very interested in supporting or coordinating, at least publicly, with any minority group(s). Sadly, they still view minorities as more of a threat than the real threat from the Police State they face, even though what we see in Ferguson is the result of the Police State itself. If they all understood that they both must unite in a common cause as Americans, the U.S. would/could begin the much needed transformation by way of reconciliation.
Yesterday (19Aug2014)
Michael Brown shooting: St. Louis police shoot knife-wielding man near Ferguson read 1410 comments
Michael Brown shooting: ‘Ample evidence’ to arrest officer, lawyers say read 1183 comments
Michael Brown shooting: Police fire tear gas, stun grenades read 993 comments
Ebola clinic looted by Liberian slum residents read 272 comments
James Foley, missing U.S. journalist, feared dead in ISIS beheading
Rolf Buchholz, man with horn implants and 400 piercings, denied entry to Dubai
Michael Brown: Federal autopsy ordered after more violence in Missouri read 945 comments
Alabama alligator is largest ever legally killed in state read 312 comments
Amish girls sexually abused in N.Y. abduction: prosecutor
Michael Brown: Autopsy reveals unarmed teen shot 6 times by police
Today (20Aug2014)
James Foley killing: Journalist’s parents honour slain son read 1007 comments
James Foley, missing U.S. journalist, believed dead in ISIS beheading read 50 comments
Michael Brown shooting: St. Louis police shoot knife-wielding man near Ferguson read 1649 comments
Michael Brown shooting: ‘Ample evidence’ to arrest officer, lawyers say read 1183 comments
Michael Brown shooting: Police fire tear gas, stun grenades read 993 comments
Ebola clinic looted by Liberian slum residents read 248 comments
Alabama alligator is largest ever legally killed in state read 312 comments
Rolf Buchholz, man with horn implants and 400 piercings, denied entry to Dubai
Amish girls sexually abused in N.Y. abduction: prosecutor
Michael Brown: Federal autopsy ordered after more violence in Missouri read 945
As a short footnote, this strategy is by design and the neocons and their racist predecessors have played this race card rather well on both, actually all 3 sides, of the borders between us. That “fear factor” primarily what allowed them to seize the powers they have, everyone else is just labeled a “lefty” in their small minds. The right-wings must be clipped, in order to change anything for the better but the militant far-right-wings, at home and abroad, are the driving the narratives that provide all the profits to the MIC.
@ Brian,
Q; It was in and out of the media one way or another.
R: But who really did Lockerbie? Who benefited [the most]?
A BUK would be best for a false flag operation. Hardly anyone would need to be involved and very few people would ever discover the ruse.
@Anonymous 20:11:
There is enough publicly available information to confidently conclude that Kiev shot down MH17. Here is a roundup:
Reasons Why It Was Kiev Who Shot Down MH17
The reason one can conclude that elites know this too is that they have stopped talking about MH17.
The “international investigators” keep on putting off the date they release a preliminary report. The only countries that are asking for a release of ATC recordings are Russia and Malaysia.
Now for a little speculation. This appears to have been not only a false flag op, but a botched false flag. It seems that the original plan was for the Ukes to shoot down MH17 with a Buk missile. Since it was claimed that the rebels had a Buk launcher, the downing of MH17 could then be blamed on the rebels. But it appears that, either because the Buk system operators chickened out at the last minute or they couldn’t figure out how to use the system, MH17 was downed by cannon fire from a military jet. That you can’t blame on the rebels, since they don’t have an air force.
Hence the silence from the West about MH17.
Bill Hicks on the JFK Assassination – from Revelations.
William Melvin “Bill” Hicks (December 16, 1961 – February 26, 1994).
This is what comedy [or comedians] should do; make you think… after the laughter has died down.
@ Nora,
Have you read/seen more info about Ferguson chief: Robbery separate from contact between slain teen, officer?
Not defending police brutality here whatsoever, that should be exposed and halted.
Nevertheless, the truth should not be shoved aside in our haste to find answers.
My impression is that Russian speakers have much more access to truthful information about the Donbass and MH17 than we in the West. So it would seem that the main benefits would come from translating these Russian sources to English and other Western languages, not the other way around. Russian speakers might take comfort in knowing that not everyone in the West accepts the official party line, but other than that, there is very little new information that we can provide to them, in my opinion. Am I wrong?
Well, I have no Russian friends or acquaintances who speaks Russian, but if there is an English version I will be happy to spread it like everything I find interesting in this blog for truth be known.
Baboo says
Simon Black and Mike Mish Shedfield are a couple of hack bloggers everyone should ignore. They’re just standing on the dead of Donbass to pimp their blogs. Disgusting and despicable!
Yes to everything you said. If the American Patriots could just see that we’re all in this together, We The People rather quickly actually rid ourselves of the monsters ruining our country.
Daniel Rich,
He may or may not have been a suspect, Daniel, but he *was* an American and therefore entitled to a fair trial before receiving a sentence — as opposed to being shot in the back, then when turning around with his hands up, shot in the front and then when falling down, killed by a shot in the top of his head. No one, guilty or innocent, deserves to be gunned down by those we pay to protect us.
And remember, not only had he not been charged, his killer did not even know of the robbery. He only knew a black kid wanted to keep walking on the street bc his home was just down the way — and shot him bc he was pissed the kid refused to obey. Huh? You want police in your town treating your family that way? They also floated rumors the kid used marijuana — and I’ll tell you point blank I wish to God that was all the kids use in our bucolic lily-white area. They’re just trying to deflect the blame.
I figure most people here either were teenage boys or have known a few here or there; how many teenage boys that you’ve ever known would take kindly to saying “Yessuh, Massa” to anyone barking out an order? Yet that’s “The Talk” every black parent has to give every black son — and the typical teenage boy inside Michael Brown forgot for just a fatal moment that he was a black first and a teenager second. The cop, otoh, had no excuse, and lie and blame the victim as much as they want, the Ferguson department of police are guilty as hell, and they know it.
The original document on the downing of the MH17 was posted on the Saker blog 2 weeks ago:
The reason the Russian team had it translated is because there is still a huge interest in Russia and Ukraine (unlike in the West) on the subject. People are having quite heated discussions about the subject on social media sites. Most of the discussions are ideologically driven, of course. We thought it’s important to present an unbiased expert analysis.
I would be happy to push it in Australia if it was in English
The key to debunking the US’s bullshit about the BuK missile is the lack of damage to the wing. Essentially it is a missing piece of evidence due to something which is not there which should be for their ‘official’ story to be true. A missile exploding in proximity should send out a shock wave and blast pattern in a 360 degree arc dispersing shrapnel in all directions. Due to the fact the wings show no shrapnel dispersion and instead show what appears to be an angled trajectory marking towards the cockpit from behind. There is good reason to believe there was no missile exploding forward. The fact that the most intensive damage is primarily at the cockpit window is also improbable for an exploding missile. To have that great gaping hole right at the pilots seat would require the missile to have had the largest chunk of exploding shrapnel just luckily happen to hit that exact spot where the lilt sat whilst all the other smaller fragments just splatter around that hole. It makes no probable sense…especially in light of the fact that a radar guided missile seeks the largest part of a target. This is covered more fully at this thread which also includes the most comprehensive HD photo library of the pictures of the wreckage available to date.
English Translation of the Russian
appeal. This will appear in facebook. Intend translating the same into Hebrew as well so that some of our Israeli friends are also able to witness the duplicity of the western warmongering MSM and the U S establishment.
Dear friends,
We offer you expert analysis of the crash of Flight MN17 Malaysian Airlines, which was first published on the website “The Vineyard of the Saker”. Translation team of the Russian version of the site in collaboration with the team website made the translation of this important document.
Any mention of the investigation downed airliner disappeared from the pages of the Western media and esters. He fulfilled his tragic role. As Schiller said in his famous play, “The Moor has done his work, the Moor has to go.” 298 people with one stroke of the pen were sacrificed in a cold-blooded and prudently plan for provoking Russia. The plan failed, but its organizers continue as if nothing had happened, orchestrate their vile and despicable terror. And no wonder his weapon they chose those who have no rudiments of morality, conscience and humanity. These nonhumans today ruled Ukraine. They – the vampires that suck not only her living blood, but her soul, feelings and consciousness. For them some aircraft? Their overseas owners hostage the whole world. Only relatives and friends of the victims will be until the end of days to mourn the pain of their loss.
But those of us who are not willing to live in the information matrix, are doing everything possible to break this blockade of hatred and lies. Today, we want to extend this analysis, written by an expert in the investigation of accidents, the greatest number of Russian-speaking people, especially in Ukraine. Perhaps we will never know the whole truth about this tragedy. Unfortunately, it was already more than once. Nevertheless, this paper makes a strong and reasoned arguments and thinking critically thinking people. Like a drop of water wears away the stone, and each grain of truth helps penetrate the thick armor of Evil.
Russian team “Binogradnika Balobaev
Hi Saker,
I still have some doubts about the reality of the whole crash site. We have:
1. Bodies prematurely decomposed reported by multiple competent witnesses including Strelkov.
2. Video testimony of woman who had a body drop through the roof of her house into her bedroom at terminal velocity but neither she or her husband heard it happen. How much would it cost to pay off a poor Ukranian villager to help start WW3?
3. Black box data that the “authorities” refuse to release.
4. Crash site investigation report that the “authorities” refuse to release.
5. Crash site plane fragments that are conveniently broken up into truck-sized pieces.
6. No video that I have seen of the plane actually dropping to the ground. The video others claim as MH17 looks more like the cargo plane with its wing on fire shot down earlier. All we see is a fire on the ground with dark smoke. Incidentally, the main crash site is just outside a town, someone should have seen the plane come down.
7. Almost no grieving witnesses from any of the affected countries.
8. No apparent impact damage to the ground where the plane came down.
9. Scenario almost identical to Project Northwoods.
10. Ukranian authorities stalling the crash investigators for days before they could begin to make good and sure there was a plausible reason for the corpses to decompose.
11. At least 2 other airliners within a short distance of the supposed shootdown site, and no reports from crew or passengers about seeing anything.
Unless someone can explain why all these conditions exist, I call BS.
English Translation of the Russian
appeal. This will appear in facebook. Intend translating the same into Hebrew as well so that some of our Israeli friends are also able to witness the duplicity of the western warmongering MSM and the U S establishment.
Dear friends,
We offer you expert analysis of the crash of Flight MN17 Malaysian Airlines, which was first published on the website “The Vineyard of the Saker”. Translation team of the Russian version of the site in collaboration with the team website made the translation of this important document.
Any mention of the investigation downed airliner disappeared from the pages of the Western media and esters. He fulfilled his tragic role. As Schiller said in his famous play, “The Moor has done his work, the Moor has to go.” 298 people with one stroke of the pen were sacrificed in a cold-blooded and prudently plan for provoking Russia. The plan failed, but its organizers continue as if nothing had happened, orchestrate their vile and despicable terror. And no wonder his weapon they chose those who have no rudiments of morality, conscience and humanity. These nonhumans today ruled Ukraine. They – the vampires that suck not only her living blood, but her soul, feelings and consciousness. For them some aircraft? Their overseas owners hostage the whole world. Only relatives and friends of the victims will be until the end of days to mourn the pain of their loss.
But those of us who are not willing to live in the information matrix, are doing everything possible to break this blockade of hatred and lies. Today, we want to extend this analysis, written by an expert in the investigation of accidents, the greatest number of Russian-speaking people, especially in Ukraine. Perhaps we will never know the whole truth about this tragedy. Unfortunately, it was already more than once. Nevertheless, this paper makes a strong and reasoned arguments and thinking critically thinking people. Like a drop of water wears away the stone, and each grain of truth helps penetrate the thick armor of Evil.
Russian team “Binogradnika Balobaev
Here’s something verifiable and very strange for people looking for more in regards to anomalies related to the shoot down of Malaysia airlines flight MH-17.
This is a Daily Mail article that came out on the 18th of July that quotes a Dr Igor Sutyagin.
Here’s the excerpt and quote in question: Dr Igor Sutyagin, Research Fellow in Russian Studies from the Royal United Services Institute, believes that MH17 was shot down by rebels based in the 3rd District of Torez, in eastern Ukraine, after mistaking his plane for a government military transport aircraft.
He told MailOnline that information had been leaked from a source he was unwilling to name that the pilot of MH17 ‘felt bad’ about his course over Ukrainian airspace, so changed direction.
Little did he know, according to Dr Sutyagin, that his plane would then be mistaken by rebels who brought it down using a ground-to-air Buk missile system. Malaysia Airlines today denied that the plane was told to alter its course.
Link to a more comprehensive look into this nefarious individual. The links expose that he was also the source of the Syrian Chemical weapons attack last year.
Hi Saker,
If MH17 really was shot down with cannon fire from an SU25 / SU29, has anyone knowledgable described how easy it is to target ONLY the pilot’s seat in the cockpit of an airliner flying at 400 knots?
Wouldn’t this require the fighter pilot to fly at almost a 90 degree angle to the direction of his target’s flight and fire a burst of bullets that seem to have struck “only the cockpit” of the plane flying across his path at 400 knots?
And all this probably from a considerable distance also….
Doubting Canuck –
@ 21 August, 2014 04:01
I think you’re looking at the damage to the wing, particularly the fact that it runs in a straight line to the cockpit rather than a scatter/shred pattern as with a Buk SAM from above, and it’s hard not to conclude ‘air to air missile’. Cannon fire would’ve been just to finish off the Boeing as it spiraled down. I think it was not an R-60 as many have hypothesized, but an R-73 AAM ‘Archer’ with its own radar guided homing nose cone with a slightly larger warhead that splattered the cockpit with fragments resulting in the pilots blood shed the DNR rebels noticed upon inspecting the cockpit.
How true is this though? – ““Ukraine’s armed forces have been beating the separatists for weeks now and are moving deeper into the east,” Karl-Heinz Kamp, academic director at the German government’s Federal Academy for Security Policy in Berlin, said by phone. “Something must have happened that’s boosting their fighting skills. My gut feeling — and I don’t have any concrete evidence — is that the Ukrainian forces are getting support from the outside.”
What about thsi though? “Ukraine’s armed forces have been beating the separatists for weeks now and are moving deeper into the east,” Karl-Heinz Kamp, academic director at the German government’s Federal Academy for Security Policy in Berlin, said by phone. “Something must have happened that’s boosting their fighting skills. My gut feeling — and I don’t have any concrete evidence — is that the Ukrainian forces are getting support from the outside.”
Steve Brown
I’d like to see a lot more attention paid to non-technical questions.
What about all those brand new but cancelled passports and other passenger faked IDs. First, are they “real?” The photos sure look real.
Has anyone actually followed up to see about the flight schedule anomalies that are mentioned in some sources ?
What about they decaying corpses ? Is everyone just waiting to see if the Dutch “experts” have any truth to report. Aren’t there people who would have handled corpses in getting them from the site who could be questioned ?
Sounds like we need a detective to look at the strange details.
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