by Marwan Salamah for the Saker blog
Expressing displeasure with a counterparty is the primary method of communication between countries regarding what they view as an encroachment on their important national interests, or what they perceive as threats to their security. Subject of course, that they had previously declared and clearly communicated what they consider to be their critical national interests and their essential security framework, which were deemed fair and realistic and not rejected convincingly by the other parties.
The next step in any misunderstanding is some saber rattling and minor diplomatic or even kinetic skirmishes of sorts. These are employed in the hope of deterring the other party and inducing it to change its course of action or policy. These are the bottom-of-the-rack preliminary tools of belligerence. They are easy to freeze or cancel, once both parties wisely elect to sit down and address the issues in dispute in a bona fide manner and are willing to compromise in favor of peace rather than war.
How Wars Start
The basic problem is that the concepts of national interests and security are pretty wide and loose and can encompass the evil and ridiculous as well as the fair and rational, making it easy to “cry wolf” and claim that a country’s national interests or security have been threatened. It boils down to a matter of definitions:
National Interests: it is not fair or rational to consider a country’s desire to exploit others as a fair national interest, even if it is presented as seeking needed resources that it lacks. Nor is it acceptable to strong-arm poorer and weaker countries to follow unsuitable policies or to collect from them unpayable debts that it originally helped load up. As for designating parts of the world as one’s own backyard, it has long become another passé national interests concept.
Most countries have different religions, cultures, customs, values, local laws, practices, and political systems. Not only does changing other countries’ cultures not qualify as fair and just national interests, but also borders on the ridiculous when some countries unilaterally appoint themselves as heaven’s guardian on earth and incorporate such metaphysical concepts into their national interests. Does changing other people into one’s image make them more humane or Godlier? Or does it make them more pliable for exploitation?
History confirms that such attempts have never been successful in perpetuating themselves, as evidenced by Alexander’s Hellenistic empire, Great Rome, Genghis Khan, the Golden Horde, the Crusades, the Islamic conquests, etc. – they were all eventually expunged or melded into the cultures that they tried to change, at a huge human and physical cost.
Undoubtedly, an exploiter’s rewards can be attractive in the short term, subject that the infringement or exploitation being successful. But in the longer term, pressure will continue to be exerted to return to the original status, or a semblance of it, and again, at a huge human and physical cost.
Defending a country’s national territory is considered a paramount national interest (is also a security objective). Consequently, territorial or border disputes are the most popular reasons for starting wars, especially for smaller nations. But if we dig only skin-deep into the history, we will quickly find that almost no country has, throughout the ages, maintained its theoretical or historical borders – it has always been a continuous ebb and flow of territory usurped or lost, more so in Europe and the ex-colonialized world. Nevertheless, many falsely justify this as a casus belli, or a rallying call, to regain what they regard as usurped national land. They do this with total disregard to the views and wishes of the current inhabitants of the territories in dispute, thus lending credence to the likelihood that it, in reality, is a camouflage to exploit another nation’s land. The sad part is that these wars regularly flare up despite the presence of the UN and the International Court, which were created, among other things, to adjudicate the validity of such territorial disputes and, unless a gross miscarriage of justice occurs, all grounds for territorial wars are unjustified.
Fair national interests mean those objectives or activities that allow a country to exploit, unfettered, its own resources within its territory, without harming others. Harming others includes such egregious actions as polluting or blocking jointly shared rivers, seas, and air, implementing beggar thy neighbor policies, insidiously interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and forcing weaker nations to act against their own interests while threatening them with a big stick, fully aware that whatever carrots are offered will in no way compensate the damage inflicted.
Security Threats: Similarly, the concept of deterring security threats is wide and can be whimsically defined. No doubt, all governments are bound to protect their people and territory and must be prepared for defensive war, but always prioritize peace in both speech and action.
However, if a historical enmity between two nations remains alive in a time of peace, which usually happens by design, and as embers under the ashes, clashes, and wars can erupt at any time making extra preparedness vital. Avoiding this requires that historical enemies exercise extra care when dealing or communicating with each other and avoid imprudent belligerent posturing which could easily be misconstrued or misinterpreted to their mutual detriment.
If one nation has constantly, and for many years, regarded another as an enemy and continuously and unabashedly declares it as such and abuses it in its public media, then it is reasonable to expect the abused nation to be constantly alert with a great deal of trepidation of what belligerence could suddenly befall it. It is likely to be doubly sensitive to any threats that suddenly appear at its doorstep and to think or expect otherwise would be rash and foolish. Unless the abuser’s original plan is to trigger a response that it assesses is well within its capability of overcoming. In such a case, the abusing nation is on the warpath and is a danger to itself and to its neighbors, especially if the threatened nation is also powerful.
People do not normally start wars unless they think they can win and make off with the proverbial loot. Only a fool starts a war that he is unsure of winning. King Croesus of Lydia in 547 BC comes to mind, but history abounds with such fools. Alternatively, some people try to avoid wars but are cornered into one by a bully, these could have quite surprising outcomes, similar to a cornered cat that turns into a raging lion.
In other words, the causes of war can arise from factors other than fair national interests or realistic security needs, in many historical cases they have tended to be the products of pure avarice and hubris, the well-known very potent human herbicides.
How Can a War End
Once a war begins, it is unlikely to be aborted by either combatant as long as its outcome remains favorable – or at least, is not overwhelmingly unfavorable. Battles may be aborted or even lost, but the war would rage on until one or more of the following occurs:
- Decisive Overall Defeat: One of the combatants is decisively defeated. This means complete destruction of the loser physically and structurally, enabling its full exploitation, maybe forever, or until it is able to rebuild itself or allowed to do so.
- Undecisive Win or Defeat: In this case, a truce may be declared which means, sooner or later, a new conflagration is inevitable. In the meantime, some exploitation may be possible.
- Double Defeat: in the event the warring foes are extremely powerful, they may be able to mutually destroy or weaken each other, making it impossible to continue. Historically, one is reminded of the recurring simultaneous mutual defeats and weakening of the Byzantines and Persian Sassanids, for only then could they achieve longer periods of peace. Today, however, the nuclear-armed opponents are not only guaranteed to mutually destroy each other, but also everybody else on earth. If this happens, then the faraway meek or poor may indeed inherit the earth, or whatever is left of it.
That however is not the end of wars. They are not entirely kinetic and never have been. Historically, economic weapons have always played an important and effective part in weakening an enemy and even bringing him down to his knees suing for peace.
Sanctions are ancient, they go back thousands of years in the form of embargoes, blockages, confiscation of wealth and assets, and the classical sieges of cities and fortresses. Hitting the enemies’ sources of income and livelihood (including the destruction of crops) was a standard procedure in any ancient war. The Pericles embargo of the city-state of Megara in 432 BC is usually the first reference presented, although it backfired. So was the Ottoman blockage of the Silk Road to Europe in 1453. But the most interesting is King Mithridates of Pontus on the Black Sea who, unable to ward off powerful Roman incursions on his lands in 88 BC, decided to hit the economic jugular of Rome and ransack its money collection system in Asia Minor as well as destroy the trading centers there. The mayhem he created resulted in a collapse, that some historians compare to the 2008 financial crash but without a Fed to bail out the banks and the bondholders. Bankruptcies galore of the wealthy and bloody riots of the plebs whose grain subsidies were halted hit Rome hard. Even a small civil war erupted among the military leaders on how to address the crisis. This continued for four years until Rome managed to sign a peace treaty with Mithridates in 84 BC. But the troubles reignited until 63 BC when Mithridates’ son betrayed him inducing him to opt for suicide rather than fall into Roman hands – was that an early color revolution?
But the cruelest of the economic wars were, as today, the sanctions, sieges, and blockades that starved the entrapped enemy, both civilian and military, until they accepted whatever abominable punishment was to be meted out. And the further we go into history, the crueler the punishment regardless of what the pre-surrender promises were.
These economic wars increased in intensity and frequency with the beginning of the age of discovery in the 15th century, and by the 20th century had become more sophisticated, hybrid, and easier to implement and control. They now include economic sanctions on countries, products, companies, and even specific people. A powerful country’s laws are unilaterally applied outside its territory enabling it to carry out (unlawful) arrests of foreign citizens anywhere in the world and unlawfully confiscate other peoples’ assets and wealth without proper due process.
The problem with economic warfare is that it has been craftily divorced from kinetic wars in that it continues even after the guns go silent in a truce or peace agreement. Such is the existing current hatred or the blind insistence on winning, no matter what. Does that make true world peace a hopeless dream? Or does it only make it more of a challenge to the sane?
I consider this a very well written statement to history in and of warfare. The author has illustrated knowledge of warfare as it’s history pertains to modern warfare. Thank you.
“it is not fair or rational to consider a country’s desire to exploit others as a fair national interes…”
“Interests” are subjective.
Well, we humanoids simply aren’t as advanced as we think we are; still knuckle-dragging killer apes in the 21st Century.. At this primitive phase, how many more centuries will it take to enter a civilized realm?
If (Heaven forbid) a very large and powerful state were to craftily use economic warfare against all perceived enemies because it could not accept the concept of compromise or not ‘winning’ then yes, there does not seem that world peace could be achieved. Unless one defines ‘peace’ as submission.
In such a situation I suppose that a lot of the other states could band together economically, could set up rival economic and trading institutions, issue a new world trading currency – that sort of thing. And if enough states combined together and they had sufficient of the world’s resources between them then my money would be on that coalition.
Just a day-dream – but I wonder what punishment would be meted out by the triumphing coalition on the original economic aggressor?
There is something else, momentous, going on, especially taking off after WWII.
It took a Russian/Ukrainian scientist to pinpoint it, Vernadsky .
In Vernadsky’s Biosfera, (various languages) :
The Transition From the Biosphere To the Noösphere by Vladimir Vernadsky
See this chapter “Scientific Thought As a Planetary Phenomenon”
Vernadsky notes this transition is not reversible, even with interruptions, and has the character of a ruthless struggle. .
This ruthless struggle is interrupted by what historians call “wars”.
It looks like some in Russia have noted this – Putin appointed Anton Vaino chief of staff, a known noösphere proponent.
That is why NATOstan looks mindless, behaves mindlessly, is savagely mindless to citizens – we look upon it from the Noösphere point of view already! We need a Noöcracy, Plato’s term of the rule of the Wise.
Great stuff bonbon Where does the word Noösphere originate, it’s a new sphere, a whole new planetary ball game? Amazing anyway, thanks.
Noös, Greek for mind. Poet has the same root.
And Percy Shelley In Defense of Poetry :
“The most unfailing herald, companion, and follower of the awakening of a great people to work a beneficial change in opinion or institution, is poetry. At such periods there is an accumulation of the power of communicating and receiving intense and impassioned conceptions respecting man and nature. The persons in whom this power resides may often, as far as regards many portions of their nature, have little apparent correspondence with that spirit of good of which they are the ministers. But even whilst they deny and abjure, they are yet compelled to serve, the power which is seated on the throne of their own soul. It is impossible to read the compositions of the most celebrated writers of the present day without being startled with the electric life which burns within their words. They measure the circumference and sound the depths of human nature with a comprehensive and all-penetrating spirit, and they are themselves perhaps the most sincerely astonished at its manifestations; for it is less their spirit than the spirit of the age. Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present; the words which express what they understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle, and feel not what they inspire; the influence which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. “
Actually, the French Jesuit de Chardin coined the term noosphere:
Vernadsky picked it up from Teilhard.
However, both men were professional-career geologists who saw the noosphere rising from thermal-chemical tracks in the geological record.
Noos today is often translated reason or mind, which is superficially accurate, as we moderns are. We regard reason as merely mental logic.
Noos is Reason as Stoics took it, as St. Paul referenced it in his famous sermon in a Greco-Roman marketplace, and as St. Augustine took it in remarking the Pythagorean doctrine of universal Divine Order, to include the night sky, which terrified people of his day (“principalities and powers” St. Paul calls it).
Noosphere in this sense is what Teilhard called Christogenesis. Among his famous saying, related to this observation is, “Noogenesis is Christogenesis.” Actually, phylogenesis and everything subsequent to it is Christogenesis. Parmenides’ way of putting this fact is, “Where there is Being, there is The Logos [Reason, Word] of Being.” The Hebrew counterpart of Greek Noos is Shaphat, meaning order, judgement.
Teilhard and Vernadsky were serious men about serious inquiry and communication. Our nations cry out today for the likes of them.
Chardin is mentioned by Vernadsky :
journal article
American Scientist
Vol. 33, No. 1 (JANUARY 1945), pp. xxii, 1-12 (13 pages)
Published By: Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
Chardin had a theological intent, Vernadsky has scientific approach.
Chardin’s fraud is exposed by taking part in the Piltdown Man hoax. What to expect from a Jesuit?
“We need a Noöcracy, Plato’s term of the rule of the Wise.”
Yes, but where are the Wise to be found? And how should they be empowered to apply their wisdom? And how do we prevent this empowerment from corrupting them?
It is a puzzlement.
It is a scientific question – Vernadsky elaborates the universal principle at work.
To take Einstein’s insight – falling from the moon in Artemis, no local measurement or sense perception will tell the pilot he will soon slam at 25,000mph into a fiery plasma hotter than thee sun’s ‘surface’.
We all are in this Noösphere transition – no historic or partisan dot-joining tells us we will slam right into thermonuclear annihilation – unless brakes are applied!
All wars ultimately end in defeat, because all wars about fought for power – to gain it, retain it or regain it. But power is an illusion. All empires come to dust.
I think wars start (have started) over any number of reasons in history. And because we read about wars and empires from our time we can forget how long lived they really were. France and Britain were almost constantly at war in the famous “Hundred Year War”. The 17th Century saw the “30 years war”. The so called Napoleonic wars lasted for around 25 or so years with brief breaks. While empires may seem to us today to not be very permanent. But the Roman Empire lasted nearly 2 thousand years in total. The Ottoman for over 500 years,the Spanish for around 500 years as well.The Chinese Empire under several dynasties for several thousands of years. And the Arab Empire in one form or the other from the 600’s to the 1200’s,the Romanov Dynasty alone ruled Russia for 300 years. And they were proceeded by the long lived Rurik Dynasty in Russia before that.And that only scratches the surface of our world’s history of wars and empires.
And if we look close enough we can see that most every empire lost its resources by spreading its self too wide and then too thin.
We can reapply this here in the states today, in the forms of building and maintenance, we have built too much, and now find we can not afford (mostly by labor) to maintain or repair all of it, or peak citizen, who is now going where no civilizations should go.
A collapse from within where certain segments are doing well tethered together, but the in betweens are left broken and in tatters.
Since I mentioned the Noösphere below, as a way to understand ‘wars’, the theme of the Author’s post, this just now came to my attention :
Whose Story Wins – Rise of the Noosphere, Noopolitik, and Information-Age Statecraft
NATO’s so called think tank RAND is pre-bunking the Noösphere – a direct attack on Vernadsky!
Vernadsky’s Noösphere has drawn NATO’s fire. This is a direct attack on humanity, not just Russia!
Punishment? No need. The new system is dependent and does require the services, products etc. of the vanquished ones. If they choose not to play in the new game they can go their own way and stew in their own juice.