by Jeff J. Brown
The Power of Siberia gas pipeline connecting Russia and China is just one many projects being brought to fruition by the two giants of the Eurasian continent. Cheers!
Cross linked with:
Xi Jinping’s historic speech and the giant “F.U.” to imperial capitalism during the Communist Party of China’s 19th Congress last week seems to have emboldened the Anti-West to new heights ( Mind you, it’s been building up for some time. 21st century leaders like Venezuela’s revolutionary President Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicolas Maduro, Bolivia’s President Evo Morales, Iran’s supreme leaders and presidents, Russian President Vladimir Putin, among others, have been admirably playing the role of the Anti-West standard bearer, in the footsteps of Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro and Mao Zedong ( The newest member of the Anti-West team is a real stick in Uncle Sam’s eye, President Rodrigo Duterte, because before him, the Philippines were always one of the most subservient American colonial poodles on the planet. Not anymore. “Roddy” loves to cuss at imperial power, with a relish (
There are a number of others. These include Cuba (, Eritrea (, Latin America’s ALBA group (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America), Serbia ( and Hungary. Others, like Thailand and Cambodia are also quietly piling on ( Now, Baba Beijing is getting more outspoken ( and forthright about defending its sovereignty. Just this week the People’s Liberation Air Force (PLAF) flew practice bombing runs near America’s Pacific colony, Guam ( All this forthrightness and these vocal demands in the public sphere would have been unimaginable even a year ago. That’s how fast the geopolitical tectonic plates are shifting out from under Eurangloland’s, jack booted feet.
Let’s dig deeper into this Anti-West war against Eurangloland, by checking out a few of this week’s headlines.
As Tony Cartalucci and I discussed, the reserve status of the US dollar around the world is America’s Achilles heel, with a bullseye painted all over it ( What used to be the occasional comment and limited policy initiative to replace the dollar with other currencies, is now turning into a torrent ( Hydrocarbon giant and socialist Venezuela has already started to price its oil and gas in Chinese yuan ( and is seriously working to sell them with a basket of currencies, crippling the dollar’s financial and sanctions tyranny in the process ( Socialist Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei flat told Vladimir Putin this week that they should both dump the greenback (
Pulling a Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) card out from his tunic sleeve, Iran’s sage leader also proposed a rail link from St. Petersburg, Russia, on the Baltic Sea to Chabahar Port on the Persian Gulf. Pure genius ( I think it’s safe to say Western companies will not get much of this visionary, international infrastructure project’s business. Anyway, Uncle Sam has his priorities straight, like keeping 1,000 centurions in strategically critical Niger, Northern Africa, where they are getting killed (
The big Anti-West wheel just keeps on rolling, brothers and sisters. Yesterday, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev repeated Khamenei’s “dump the dollar” chant, when he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping ( Putin and Xi also shouted this Anti-West mantra at the recent BRICS Summit in Xiamen, China (
There are these loud and proud verbal attacks, and then there is action. China is apparently serious about launching its gold backed petro-yuan, which would compete mano à mano with the petrodollar. But, Baba Beijing is walking a fine line in doing so. If it pushes too hard and too fast, it could conceivably wreak havoc on the world financial system. I am not worried, as this is simply not the Chinese’s style (
Russia and China are continuing to interlock their two economies across the great expanse of Eurasia. After initial, small scale success, the Bear and the Dragon are expanding their currency swaps up to equivalent of $20 billion. This has the fortuitous advantage of completely circumventing Eurangloland’s illegal and ineffective, but vexing financial and trade sanctions (
The idiocy of the West’s illegal, unilateral sanctions can be seen in another recent development. Russia’s banks are issuing their first bank and credit cards ( The Mir card will partner with China’s Alipay and Union Pay, the latter which in 2014 became the world’s biggest bank card, surpassing Visa and MasterCard (
The Power of Siberia pipeline, which will help ship $400 billion in Russian natural gas to China, is ahead of schedule. Its sales too can be conducted in yuan-ruble currency swaps, thus circumventing Eurangloland’s desperate and failing economic and financial sanctions on Russia. Sanctions are like poking a stick in the Bear’s face. It just pisses it off, makes it meaner and more resourceful ( The future is looking bright for Sino-Russian cooperation. Prime Minister Medvedev, who has met Xi Jinping five times in as many years, also announced yesterday, during their chat that trade between the two Asian giants is already up 35% in 2017 (
Wow, what a novel idea for the capitalist West. Do peaceful, mutually beneficial trade and exchanges together, without invasion, occupation, destruction, extraction and exploitation. Who would have thought?
So, what is Western empire doing to better the world, increase cooperation and international commerce? What else? Collecting Russian DNA, to create a chemical or biological weapon that only affects people of Slavic origin (, and Americans can now add to their designer drug fad another sure killer: designer biowar genocide.
The United States has a long and terrifying history of using chemical and biological weapons, including on many of its own citizens. No other country in history has used and continues to use chemical and bioweapons as much as America. Remember the supposed Ebola outbreak? The US military owns the patent on the virus for a reason. It’s all spelled out in thoroughly researched, horrifying detail in book #2 of The China Trilogy, China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations ( Not to mention, the US’s blatant use of bioweapons during its Korean War genocide ( and
Genocide, chemical and biological weapons are as American as lethal apple pie. No surprise, America’s mass murdering is race and class based, with 99% of the victims being dark skinned and/or poor. In the West’s Worldwide Wehrmacht colonial manual, racism is classified as an extreme sport (
If Eurangloland can’t wipe out its perceived enemies with toxic nerve gas and Slavic anthrax, there is always the nuclear holocaust option, which is a real hot button issue (like the pun?) for the elites’ extreme psychopathic set, which includes all of them. Remember in the West – a-teeeeeeeeeeen-HUT – every option is always on the table, 24/7, full spectrum dominance. Roger that, Buzz Lifekill.
Not taking any chances, former deep state puppet Barracks O-Bomb-A was ordered by our owners to print $1,200,000,000,000 to “upgrade” empire’s nuclear bombs and missiles ( Just think of the trillions of dollars that will be brazenly stolen, as America’s military contractors literally haul off the loot to island tax havens around the world – on pallets – transportation provided by military planes, of course, to share with all their cronies in Washington (, and
Hey, stand tall and be proud, Westerners. It’s what makes your plutocratic “democracy” and capitalism so great – for the handful of thieves running their vampire Ponzi scheme on your behalf – NOT (
No wonder the Chinese, Russians, Iranians and Co. are not exactly mesmerized by the West’s “Shining Capitalist Beacon on the Hill Exceptionalism” propaganda poppycock. That hocus pocus drug quit working a long time ago. In any case, they’re too busy building a better, fairer and more just 21st century for all of us.
Wow, what a novel idea. Who would have thought?
To celebrate the Anti-West and its commitment to working hard for the future of humankind, let’s get pumped up with some rocking, hand-clapping, gimme goosebumps blue-eyed soul, by the late great Dusty Springfield. What a voice. What a talent. She made it look effortless, with one-tenth of today’s sound engineering. Hey, Beyoncé and Britney – yeah you. Dusty sure as hell didn’t need any lip syncing!
dovetailed to the post in re antiwest is solid analysis at wsws site of trumpster in asia and logic…
consider the goal as stated by killerprofessional: “… “The president,” McMaster insisted on Thursday, “recognises that we’re running out of time [before a war with North Korea] and will ask all nations to do more.”…”
Analise semantic value of quote and you will discover that it is a sort of deception, probably selfdeception, as semantic value is that Asia shall comply with imperial desires or be blamed by empire for war, which shall occur absent Asiatic obedience.
Fat Chance.
Not very smart to say in advance what one intends to do to NK…people may anticipate… geewhiz, yatink?
Russia seeks complete economic independence through blockchain CryptoCurrency, BRICS may follow!
Which currency is easier to exchange my $ for, the Ruble or Bitcoin?
The article needs a slight correction. Vladimir Lenin did not play the role of a standard bearer against the West, since it was the West who sent him to Russia from Switzerland. He was followed by Trotsky, who came from New York, where he lived the high life. But as for the rest, the article is correct. The US is now paying the price of it’s imperial policy. All it had to do was read some history books and guess what would happen. Every time you impersonate Imperial Rome, you pay a huge financial price and end up creating a heap of enemies, who unite against you. That is what is happening right now. Worse for the US, even it’s allies are slowly, but surely, turning against it.
Lenin was not sent by the “west.” People who “get sent” by other people do not build great states, and he laid the foundation of the soviet union, the biggest challenge to the infernal west. Trotsky is all yours. Say what you will about that man. He was sidelined and jettisoned with extreme prejudice, and good riddance, too.
Excellent piece, thank you Jeff.
I’m pleased to hear that Mr. Medvedev finally appears to have “seen the light”, but I would advice against taking his statements at face value. If sincere, it really is bad news for the Zionazis who must have placed very high hopes on him.
And that good old “illegal-Russian-annexation-of-Crimea” looks like it’s going to last.
Tantalizing question: Will the Zionazis attempt something in connection with the FIFA World Cup?
Well, NATO will certainly be tempted to use the World Cup in Russia for some sneak attack somewhere. They did that during the last summer and winter Olympics. We shall see if they pull this little trick again. However, I don’t advise them to repeat the same old methods, as on the previous two occasion’s they did not fool the Russians,who were prepared, giving NATO some nasty surprises.
Russia and China do business- business so ‘massive’, on a table of trade activity by various western entities including companies and America states, it wouldn’t even register.
On the other hand, China would love Russia to stand up for once, an be an actual superpower. Remember the Kosovo war? Which embassy in Serbia did Tony Blair bomb because it was providing assistance to the Serbs? Russia’s? Oh, that’s right, Russia sat on its hands and let NATO wreak havok. No- it was the Chinese embassy. China has a pair while Putin thinks the more servile Russia is to the West’s interests, the more the West will ‘love’ Russia. How’s that working out?
In every sense modern China is the ***new*** definition of first world. In every sense Putin allows Russia to be the very definition of second world. And the police state rules Putin is imposing on the citizens of Russia help kill dynamism in that nation. Yes China is authoritarian but that is a cultural thing that works with the chinese people. The russian people are closer to the american people, and the USA has actually societal freedom which is why it is the home of Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, Amazon, Google, Facebook etc etc etc. Yeah these companies serve the Deep State and spy on all of us, but they also help boost the US ecomony to an astounding degree.
Meanwhile in Russia, Putin kills freedom on the net, killing also the possibility of young Russians being the wave of new industries. Putin falls prey to all the “think of the children” nonsense that the Deep State uses against the really foolish.
I don’t own a single Russian made item- and that obviously ain’t cos of any predudice. But we all own tons of things made in China. How can Russia explain this, given where Russia and China were after WW2. The Deep State plays Putin like a fiddle, and Putin falls over himself to make Russia even more centrally authoritarian. For sure Russia can defend itself, stand up to the USA in any battle, and come out ‘better’ in a full blown nuclear war. But day to day how do these facts help the average Russian, or peace loving non-Russian?
China will take from whomever has good stuff to give. Russia has a ton of engineering and maths skills of great interest to China. But even though China is not malicious to Russia, this deal will prove to be one-sided. China will grow. Russia will merely maintain a basic economy great enough to support its military ambitions.
Putin has taken Russia a long way, and proven to be an excellent figurehead. But where Putin falls short is terrible for Russians today and greater Humanity. China never says ‘enough is enough’. China grows and grows and grows. No-one can say this about Russia. Today Russia is a big man, and could punch America so hard in the nose, the Deep State would give up its plans for at least the next 50 years. But this ‘big man’ is confused, intimidated by the corporate success of the West and China, and doesn’t understand its own destiny. This ‘big man’ settles to a childish philosophy of the ‘muscular vicar’- the flower-power ‘can’t we all just get along’ dribble.
China doesn’t respect Russia- and China wants to respect Russia. At the UN, Russia’s behaviour has horrified China. China doesn’t fear the West- it never conceives of a scenario where the West would want to hurt China now, and in the meantime the commercial wealth of China is channeled into building a military superpower beyond the dreams of the USA. In another 20 years, China will be able to swat ‘nuclear’ America like a fly- literally. America has destroyed its education system, and SJW theories have castrated the American intellectual drive. China, on the other hand, is an engineering powerhouse with a level of intellectual discipline and creativity that just astounds.
China won’t act to save Russia from its own foolish choices, and China will just try to survive if Putin allows the Deep State its nuclear war between the West and Russia. But China will back Russia if Putin ever allows Russia to stand up for itself. China would back Russia is Putin ever took any positive steps to prevent the Iran war. China would back Russia if Putin decided to throw off Russia’s jewish imposed yoke, and acted to destroy the vile evil apartheid regime of Israel. China would back Russia if Putin chose to destroy the foul demonic wahhabi regime of Saudi Arabia.
But a Russia that chooses to be best buds with Israel and Saudi Arabia is a Russia China can never afford to be a real friend to.
Well, nice summation, except for the part about Vladimir Lenin. He was half Jewish who was sent in to subvert Russia and its people.
Lets not write off Putin and Russia just yet. Putin/Russia speak softly, but carry a big stick. For the international Jews who run the west, Russia is crucial for them to be brought to kneel and exploited/broken up. If Russia falls under the boot of the west, Iran and China can and will easily be isolated.
Russia/Putin successfully resolved the Chechen issue, and now there is harmony in the Caucuses.
The CIA/Mossad/Mi6 Wahhabi plot squashed. Now, Mr. Khadyrov and his people are true patriots. Chechen’s even were cleared by the Russian MoD to go to the Donbass to train, support and repulse the Ukrainian Army in 2014-15.
Russia/Putin smashed the Georgian/Israeli/U.S. plot to seize Russian territories and make Russia look impotent.
Again, Russia/Putin took back Crimea when said international Jews made a move on the Ukraine, right across the border. The situation there and in the Donbass look to be permanent, with Ukraine having lost big time, and Ukraines ruling Jewish elites and their counterparts in the U.S. were delivered a huge embarrassment, and threw a monkey wrench in their plans for Russia, and thus the world.
Russia/Putin have in essence, effectively stopped the hegemonic, belligerent quest for world domination envisionecd by said Jews, in Syria. The Russian armed forces, along with heroic Syrian Arab Army, Hezbollah and IRGC have squashed the grand conspiracy hatched against countries and peoples of the Middle East. After the CIA/Mossad led ISIS were to get done with Syria-Iraq, they were to move on to the Caucuses again, by sheer momentum. With ISIS on the envisioned winning streak, it would be no time at all before the CIA/Mossad and Mi6 aimed their Wahhabi shock troops ISIS into causing outright insurrection and war in China’s north-west, where there are some 75 million Muslims.
The CIA/Mossad/Mi6 have been trying for years to get some traction going in China’s north-west, but so far unsuccessful. China learned how the Russian made peace and harmony with its Muslims, and now China is pouring huge resources and raising the standard of living for the regions people.
I believe that China and Russia have an agreement, because Russia, Iran and China all know that united they stand, divided they fall. In order for this trifecta to succeed against the Jew lead west, Iran is to offer the man-power ( Shia militias, Hezbollah, Popular militias etc) , Russia is to offer high tech weapons and sophisticated intelligence, military advisory role, while Baba China offers a big, open check book and endless credit.
Each playing their role. No need to trip all over themselves and blunder. But you better be sure they are coordinating their moves and plans.
twilight comes across as a pompous Western supremacist serving his reader assorted huge word salads. This latest one features the Ziomedia’s slandering of Putin as authoritarian, and Russia as a police state censoring the Internet as opposed to the US and its alleged “societal freedom”.
Really, it would be great if twilight read as well — or at least as much — as he writes. His submissions amount to little more than exposés of his die-hard sense of infallibility, courtesy of the West’s corporate mindrot whose pet memes he’s parroting.
Please close this discussion down as its getting personal. Mod
Re twilight …
“The russian people are closer to the american people’… they might have aped yanks and yearned to wear jeans and eat big Macs in the 90’s but not now.
“Putin kills freedom on the net” … really… isn’t it the yanks who want to kill Sputnik and RT on the net.
“Putin falls over himself to make Russia even more centrally authoritarian” … really… have you watched his Q and A session talking to the people for over 4 hours? Would Trump, May or Turnbull do that?
“China grows and grows and grows. No-one can say this about Russia.” … really … biggest wheat crop on record to export and all non gmo… beats yank gmo corn anyday.
etc etc etc so many grey ‘twilight’ opinions expressed as ‘facts’
Suggest a visit to Russia – cities and countryside or widen your reading beyond NYT or CNNN
Twilight has found a forum for his fallacious and specious thoughts.
It is torturous to even scroll down the length of his voluminous crapola, much less waste time trekking through his malicious nonsense, hoping for a healthy seed of thought among the rot.
I won’t read his oeuvres. Pure inaccuracies and bloviations.
There’s 99% of blogs and MSM for this agitprop set against Putin and Russia.
It boggles the mind that the Vineyard allows this fungus daily spewing here.
It’s fine to offer critical, even negative analysis. What we get is propaganda.
Blah, blah, blah with the volume turned full until his fingers cramp up.
I don’t know why he doesn’t have a blog of his own.
His word count is deserving of a special place—an outhouse far from the special place this salon.
twilight, in every discussion on this site, I look for your comments. With few exceptions here and then, you seem to grasp the essentials without blinding yourself with visibilities. Thanks.
Please twilight get rid of your printed dollars and go to read and think, son.
It’s urgent, your writing capacity needs a thoroughly revamp and deserves more love for the truth.
Shutdown the TV set please.
I hope and will be waiting for your new phase soon, son.
I have written it before and now I write it again:
Friedrich List (The National System of Political Economy) explained in the 1830’ties why the sanctions were the greatest gift the NATO countries could give Putin/Russia. The joke is that List in part cribbed from Alexander Hamilton. Obama et al. certainly never heard about List, but they must have heard about Hamilton.
You can get a gratis e-version of List’s book here:
You can also get a paper version on Amazon (not recommended).
My beloved ‘Auntie’ …. the Australian ABC ….. is turning American pie ….. I really think so …. it is obviously now run by left/PC/greenie children who sit on Uncle Sam’s knee and let him fondle their soft bits
After the cries, screams and lamentation of Syria using chemical weapons we get the following quietly reported as if it is quite natural for their great Uncle Sam to use chemical weapons
Headline – ‘North Korea: Invasion is ‘only way’ to destroy Kim Jong-un’s military threat, Pentagon official says’
‘In a letter to the Pentagon, two House Democrats had asked about casualty assessments in a possible conflict with North Korea, and Rear Admiral Michael J Dumont of the Joint Staff responded on behalf of the Defence Department.’
“It is our intent to have a full public accounting of the potential cost of war, so the American people understand the commitment we would be making as a nation if we were to pursue military action,” the representatives’ letter said.
Then this chilling but totally predictable comment:
‘Mr Dumont also highlighted the possibility that chemical and biological weapons might be used by the North in case of a conflict.’
Whisky, Tango, Foxtrot (WTF)
If you want to understand what ballistic means ….. wait for the Chinese response if that happened
In the 70’s Australia was anti-American and anti-war, now the docile sheep gobble up any opinion the MSM hands to them. Yes, the ABC was always leftist and anti-war, now it is pro-war and the only left issues that concerns iare gay marriage and transgender rights. Sadly Australia is these days just a sad US puppet state. We declined the one road program and when China eventually switches mineral imports to Africa we will all be scratching our heads confused how that ever happened.
Its been suggested before, but the only thing that bothers me about the rise of China/Russia is that if it is all a show, the NWO will dump the US and have new vassals to start again fresh.
“the Philippines were always one of the most subservient American colonial poodles on the planet”.
NOT SO! Canasta has always been #ONE in that category. We have almost nothing left for our “leaders” to give away.
No one could disagree with that…except that the US invasion was really quite bloody and difficult…and left a permanent scar in the peoples of the Philippines, as has he occupation and suzerain rule.
Howzthat? Well, the satrap obeys and the cops work for the satrap. Murka picks satrap by elimination process, and by “inducements” of a variety. However times do change… Yes indeed they do, sometimes, eh?
Meantime the people suffer what they must, and they wait too. Geewhiz! What for?
Perhaps somebody will oblige me and say what the people are waiting for…
It’s a quiz.
This article contains so much baloney that I don’t know where to start. Countries like Venezuela are failed socialist/dictatorship models. No one with any sense wants to copy them.
When I lived in Iran, one USD bought 80 Iranian Rials. Today, it buys 35,000 Iranian Rials. Their currency has lost 99.8% of its value against the USD in 38 years. And is not as though the USD has kept its value at that time. Again, who wants to end up with a few trucks full of Iranian Rials?
The reality is that the USD is whole lot better than most of the currencies that belong to countries mentioned above.
“Countries like Venezuela are failed socialist/dictatorship models. No one with any sense wants to copy them.”
Murdoch couldn’t have said it better! Understandably, a proud compatriot of his should happily approve in public.
Learn how to use href.
Australian Federal Parliament is about to fall over question to do with dual citizenship and the adventurous reading of the constitution by the High Court.
Saker and Jeff this is as important as Brexit.
Imagine a world where 12 trillions of dollars are spent on energy and medical research to make it accessible for everyone on the planet. We could have flying cars based on dark matter for that budget. (Im exaggerating) but just to say we are so idiot to invest money again on WAR and destruction instead of building a new beautiful and sustainable world. .. hope for US fall ASAP
As Mel Gibson said, ….’ the Jews were behind all wars…’
Sooner or later, the ‘idiot savant’ ( the U.S.A.) under total Jewish influence and control will buckle under the enourmous pressure these said Jews ( of the Khazarian variety, international syndicate) are exerting on the U.S.
In essence, they are using the U.S. as a bludgeoning tool to subdue and make kneel humanity under their supposed vision of dictatorship and dominance of us all. Its a racist, supremacist ideology that the Talmud preaches.
These said people are very dangerous and are going to push things to the brink, but sooner or later, the people of the U.S.. will say no more! And off to the lamp posts and prison cells they go.
They have been exiled and/or expelled 109 times since 250 A.D. Carthage – 1948 Arab countries.
it’s a marriage from hell: Zionist psychopathic and self-destructive greed combined with the fact that Anglosheeple are greedy and generally very easy to bribe – they would sell their mothers if they could.
In other cultures like Serbia or Argentina, Jews are much better integrated (and respected) because there is a critical mass of a native culture to carry on the social contract. Psychopaths are not tolerated or glorified like here in the Anglozionist West.
Man what a write up. Couldn’t figure out whether to laugh or to cry. Being from the third world, the prospect of being at the receiving end of ‘Freedom’ and ‘Democracy’ is never too far for me
I just hope I get to see the ashes of the crumbling empire before I kick the bucket. Now that would be a dream come true
Very good article here folks. Very revealing indeed.
From the introduction of the linked article:
“The waste, incompetence, and dysfunction is a reflection of how the US itself has lost its way, becoming a shambling empire rather than the utopian Republic it began as”
Sounds like Maidanite Ukraine to me, only with infinitely more greed, death, and cruelty in its wake.
“All are symptoms of a failing former sole superpower whose military is being gravely abused and misused, far from the intent for defense of the nation.”
No, it’s neither being “abused”, nor “misused”. The US is a genocidal Euro-squatter project. On this basis, “defense of the nation” boils down precisely to lawlessness, rape, and murder at home and abroad.
“Going to Afghanistan in 2001 to destroy Osama bin Laden, then to Iraq to destroy Saddam Hussein, then to Libya to destroy Muhammar Qaddafi, now to Syria to destroy Bashar al Assad— none of these ‘adversaries’ are morally convincing to most Americans.”
Totally false: Despite much clamour to the contrary, the Pindos yearn very dearly for all the repression, war, and chauvinism they vote for and more. It’s a key constituent part of their national consciousness as US Americans. Exceptions do exist, but they are few and far between.
“/…/ the US Army has had to accept recruits with lower qualifications, to take recruits who scored in the lower third of the tests, so called Category Four recruits, including those with records for drug use.”
Exactly the same kind of thugs that stole the land by committing genocide and ecocide in the very same US Army. Dregs and psychopaths to boot.
I have lived in the US for about 12 years and could not agree with you more
The US military is running a vast network of US-funded bioresearch labs outside the US, to escape the tight US restrictions of bioweapons research. There are two in Ukraine, one in Odessa and another near Kiev. There are others in Khazakstan. There is one on Madagascar, studying plague amongst other pathogens. It is purely coincdental that there was a plague outbreak there a while back. The outbreak resulted in the death of more than 100 people.
when they ran them in the US (and they still do) there were (and are) also odd coincidences of disease “outbreaks”…
Lyme disease being an example…easy to read up on…they grew the disease and let it get away carried by ticks and deer…at taxpayer expense. is incurable once established.
“…the role of the Anti-West standard bearer, in the footsteps of Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro and Mao Zedong.”
How ignorant one must be to state that much? The notion that Lenin, sponsored by “western” capitalists, was “anti-western” is an insult to thinking minds.
Terribly sorry, but you can’t have it both ways. Lenin declared Russia’s foreign debt null and void, and the Western bankster cabal didn’t approve of that; hence their, in modern parlance, “humanitarian intervention” of Russia. Unlike Western Leftists past and present, Lenin was up to the task of defeating Western oppression; Stalin even more so.
The West’s big darling will forever remain Trotsky — so much so that today’s reputable neocons pay homage to him.
Meanwhile, (the Banana Republic of) Ukraine gets poorer:
The same panting, drooling Ukro slobs who were on Soros’s payroll back in 2014 still proudly promoting European values, but with appreciably less money to show for the latter. Let them settle in Poland and enjoy the brotherly love, LOL.
The capitalists that funded the Russian Revolution and later transferred technologies to the Soviets, who also funded Hitler’s Germany economic revival and supplied her with vital synthetic oil technologies, who also transferred technologies to China and helped finance China’s meteoric rise are also bringing the west down a few notches. Globalism is the standardization of all world systems up to and including standard of living. While the elites in Russia and China challenge their western counterparts to determine who will be first among equals they all agree on the future course of events and it does not include vastly improving life and liberty for the average prole. The biggest problem for the world’s elites are those democracy loving peoples primarily situated in the west.The quest for democracy such as it has turned out is the history of the western proletariat. Considering the extent of human freedom and civil rights as practiced in China and many other such states we might be able to understand the squeeze being put on western populations to bring their ‘democracies’ into line with a world standard of civil rights and freedoms already designed and being implemented across the globe. “The state(s) exist to enforce the dominance of elites, all the rest is propaganda, misdirection and obfuscation.”
Just substitute the major “systemically important banks” for the corp[orations named and you might understand the natural order of the world today.
Great And Glorious West betrayed by her own perjured, disloyal superiors, eh? Soon we’ll be hearing that it was traitors from within the Great and Glorious West who made possible the illlegal-Russian-annexation-of-Crimea.
“The biggest problem for the world’s elites are those democracy loving peoples primarily situated in the west”
Hence endless terror, war, and lawlessness against everybody else, LOL.
east-west cartoons to make moment of laughter, comrades… and to celebrate the Octobr revolution….
“…America’s military contractors literally haul off the loot to island tax havens around the world – on pallets – transportation provided by military planes.” Though I’m sure some actual loot gets hauled off on pallets – it certainly did from Iraq – the majority will not. And that’s the beauty of the system.
There aren’t what you’d call real banks on most of the island tax havens, just brass plates on doors. There probably aren’t any cashiers in most, as there won’t actually be much, if any cash. The banks and financial companies are only registered on the islands, little else. It’s just a computer that tells you where the cash has gone. Not only does it not go to an island, it doesn’t actully go anywhere at all, because there isn’t any. It doesn’t exist. It’s just as imaginary as the Emperor’s new clothes. Once we stop believing in them, they don’t exist. And once the world stops believing in the dollar, which is happening, it won’t exist. Russia and China have actual gold to back up their assets, the U.S. has mortgages, and mortgages are debt. And, as anybody who has a lent a junkie $10 can tell you know, debt depends on the debtor’s ability to pay.
Well done article from JJB.
This essay from Petras, comparing the Chinese and american economic systems, dovetails right in with JJB’s work here, and is an excellent partner piece.
China and the US: Rational Planning and ‘Lumpen’ Capitalism
“US journalists and commentators, politicians and Sinologists spend considerable time and space speculating on the personality of China’s President Xi Jinping and his appointments to the leading bodies of the Chinese government, as if these were the most important aspects of the entire 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (October 18-24, 2017).
Mired down in gossip, idle speculation and petty denigration of its leaders, the Western press has once again failed to take account of the world-historical changes which are currently taking place in China and throughout the world.
World historical changes, as articulated by Chinese President Xi Jinping, are present in the vision, strategy and program of the Congress. These are based on a rigorous survey of China’s past, present and future accomplishments.
The serious purpose, projections and the presence of China’s President stand in stark contrast to the chaos, rabble-rousing demagogy and slanders characterizing the multi-billion dollar US Presidential campaign and its shameful aftermath.
The clarity and coherence of a deep strategic thinker like President Xi Jinping contrasts to the improvised, contradictory and incoherent utterances from the US President and Congress. This is not a matter of mere style but of substantive content.
We will proceed in the essay by contrasting the context, content and direction of the two political systems.
China fires and prosecutes corrupt officials while supporting innovators. Its economy grows through investments, joint ventures and a great capacity to learn from experience and powerful data collection. The US squanders its domestic resources in pursuing multiple wars, financial speculation and rampant Wall Street corruption.
China investigates and punishes its corrupt business and public officials while corruption seems to be the primary criteria for election or appointment to high office in the US. The US media worships its tax-dodging billionaires and thinks it can mesmerize the public with a dazzling display of bluster, incompetence and arrogance.
China directs its planned economy to address domestic priorities. It uses its financial resources to pursue historic global infrastructure programs, which will enhance global partnerships in mutually beneficial projects.
It is no wonder that China is seen as moving toward the future with great advances while the US is seen as a chaotic frightening threat to world peace and its publicists as willing accomplices.
China is not without shortcomings in the spheres of political expression and civil rights. Failure to rectify social inequalities and failure to stop the outflow of billions of dollars of illicit wealth, and the unresolved problems with regime corruption will continue to generate class conflicts.
But the important point to note is the direction China has chosen to take and its capacity and commitment to identify and correct the major problems it faces.
The US has abdicated its responsibilities. It is unwilling or unable to harness its banks to invest in domestic production to expand the domestic market. It is completely unwilling to identify and purge the manifestly incompetent and to incarcerate the grossly corrupt officials and politicians of both parties and the elites.
Today overwhelming majorities of US citizens despise, distrust and reject the political elite. Over 70% think that the inane factional political divisions are at their greatest level in over 50 years and have paralyzed the government.
80% recognize that the Congress is dysfunctional and 86% believe that Washington is dishonest.
Never has an empire of such limitless power crumbled and declined with so few accomplishments.
China is a rising economic empire, but it advances through its active engagement in the market of ideas and not through futile wars against successful competitors and adversaries.
As the US declines, its publicists degenerate.”
Jeff – I was wondering what your take on this is –
There is more honour in a lake full of crocodiles than there is in the American heart.
It is all to much for the human unit.
This and youtubers talking with their hand waving around in front of the cameras. MSM talking shit and body twitching with fast forward speeded up vision. Nobody cares anymore about anything or anyone.
Yes, a world war is on its way. Why not …no debt for the dead.