Frankly, when I saw this I just could not believe my eyes. Switzerland, the country where I was born, the country of Euler, Piaget, Dunant, Einstein, Paracelsus, Piccard, Dürrenmatt and Barth has now turned to some kind of degenerate form of satanic homo-erotic “art” as an expression of its “culture”. Sickening.
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Hi Saker,
that’s not only gay-lesbian, that’s in fact insane and deamonic, satanic, very mad and frightening.
Now, as I posted a few days ago:
I told you, there are no reasonable leaders here and there ain’t going to be any Yalta2.0.
It’s worse than in a psychiatry here.
“that’s not only gay-lesbian, that’s in fact insane and deamonic, satanic, very mad and frightening.”
totally agree!
My husband told me when reading the news this morning, they wanto to close the St. Gottardo Pass, so that you will be have no alternative as to cross the tunnel, 57 Km long(!). Without much thinking I just answered: “Honey, they are people of the Underground, what else can we expect”. I really wasn’t expecting this…
Also very worrysome the postition of the media:
Please tell your husband that
a) the road over the St. Gottardo pass will be closed during winter as it has always been. This high-alpine road goes more than 2’000m asl, it’s simply impossible to clear that much snow.
b) there is a motorway tunnel (17km long, opened in 1980, at that time the longest road tunnel in the world) and the old railway tunnel (15km, 1882) under the Gotthard pass. There are no plans to close any of them due to the new tunnel (although the motorway tunnel is scheduled for reconstruction from 2020)
c) the new rail tunnel was built to shorten travel times, not for people to remain underground. Although, 13 workers lost their lives during construction, sadly, but small change compared to the misery of those who built the first one during the heyday of capitalism.
it is a far cry from:
‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,’ – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. John Keats
Uninspired, mechanical, not worth thinking about or remembering.
Saker, I am so glad you brought this up, because I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it!
Who does the choreography for these type of events? During the London Olympics Opening and Closing ceremonies there were also a lot of occult and satanic reference… Has European art been taken over by Satanists??
Taken over by the synagog of satan. Seems like the tribe has been able recreate 1920’s Weimar Germany in many places.
Nowhere more so than the US itself.
I am sharing this link from RT as I noticed Saker’s link is missing the outside part of the performance.
The outside performance features people wearing wedding veils surrounding a ram’s head (!), people trying to climb out but falling down and then final shot:
everyone KNEELS and prays to the screen which shows a clock with handles going backwards…
One cannot accuse them of being too subtle…
Dobar Dan, Serbian girl :)
> One cannot accuse them of being too subtle…
How true.
But people have been blinded that much that if you dare to express the slightest objection against this type of dead-cult child-eating death-angel witch celebration-party, they would instantly label you homophobe, antisemitic and antiamerican (nope, context doesn’t matter to them).
Just happened here against me:
p.s. Thanks to Uncle Bob for his response.
I saw that Zionist (not jew!) person’s crap only today by coincidence when I looked up one of my older quotes from the Germany-SitRep comments.
> Anonymous on June 03, 2016 · at 10:25 pm UTC
> Dobar Dan, Serbian girl :)
That was from me and my name was definitely typed in and was also shown in the preview area before hitting [Post a comment], but somehow I also have this bug now (often the name gets missing from the actual post).
Hint to all:
I think I found out how this error happens: The Name: and eMail: fields must be filled out first, then the Comment:* box. If this order is not followed, the name may get missing from the resulting post, getting replaced with “Anonymous”.
Remember Fellini’s 1960 classic movie La Dolce Vita? In one segment two homos appear, where one declares: “By the year 2000 the entire world will be perverted!” Sounded absolutely preposterous, didn’t it? But as we now see, fag’s prophecy have come to pass. In the entire western world for sure.
“the country of Euler, Piaget, Dunant, Einstein, Paracelsus, Piccard, Dürrenmatt and Barth”
May I ad the to me greatest of the Swiss geniuses:
the country of Calvinism’s (and by extension the West’s) misanthropy and zionism’s plutocracy, as well
If this spectacle is testament to what has become of Europe, I say “Bring on the Islamic refugees!” No matter how crude, no matter how strict, the values, customs and rituals of Wahabism would be better than those which were on display in this video.
What kind of nerds and vapid minds could have sat through these expressions of depravity without shouting obscenities in outrage. How could the majority of the audience not have left in open disgust?
This is typical stuff from Europe and the entire US empire. Looks like the same stuff from a Fellini and other Italian movies of the 1960s-1970s. The Italians predicted the future of the west 50 years ago. Decadence without care about the little people is what this little dance represents. Nuland summed it up best – F–k EU. This could be called Nuland’s dance in honor of the Empress of the US empire.
Yay, more light entertainment from the Saker….Not sure about calling this HomoErotic(you do rather have your own well known opinions;-). I’d call it just plain weird. Not quite artistic though. A tunnel opening?
I always thought the Swiss a tad, urm, different, being stuck-up there in the mountains as they are. But for sure the Haldron Collider has driven loose particles into soft fleshy matter so the brain’s all swiss cheese now. Yodel ee yodel aah yodel aye….Fluro suits away from psytrance were always going to be a problem
Sadness, we all have a stereotypical image of Switzerland as a cosiest of all places inhabited by laborous and warm-hearted descendants of Tolkien’s dwarfs. Meanwhile, being in high altitudes and a long way from the sea, the Swiss used to have suffered from lack of iodine for centuries which resulted in a large number of cretinism cases. This is the reason, probably, why the Russian for ‘porter, usher” is “Shweizar”, a Swiss, for opening and closing doors was the only job those smart Swiss cretins could do in the 18-19th century, apart from serving as Papal Swiss Guards (very convenient for homo Vatican priests, since cretins were unlikely to understand what is being done to them and what could be done about it). In fact, Switzerland was the world’s first nation to introduce iodine pills for its population in the 1920s when it became evident that a prevailingly retarded population, though comfortable to rule and live with, is becoming a threat in the 20th century. And even though they are not so retarded now as they used to be, they still have a lot of ways that may seem weird to us.
I met a Swiss guy who became a Danish national after divorcing his wife – he told me under the Swiss law you have to support your ex until you die, this is the reason why the average age they marry is 36 for men and 28 for women – you have to live together for a decade to see if marriage is the right thing to do. Also, you will be fined (a pretty amount!) for playing loud music in your yard at the weekend or drying your laundry on a line in your yard, as it will hurt the neighbours’ feelings.
Thus this weird opening ceremony is not weird at all, it is absolutely Swiss.
Yes, the latter-day stereotypical image of Switzerland doesn’t take in the social profile from a historical point of view. Thanks for mentioning the iodine issue, also important in understanding the reality of life in the isolated mountainous regions. Not a “cute” culture but a very benighted one, with a lot of mental and physical illness and the worst outcroppings of subterranean fears that spring from the Catholic religion and the various type of fetishism (also of body parts) that it encourages.
I would say the performance is fetishistic, and this is very much the Alpine Catholic-pagan mix.
@ Sadness
A bit of humour and a good laugh to start my day.
In order to cleanse your mind after dipping it into that piece of excrement, may I recommend this
Brought to my attention by a friend – I had had no idea it existed.
Long maybe, but at least take in some of the awe some scenes, just to clean your mind of the above.
Thank you…amazing pageant!!!
Threatened are we? It’s my experience that those who are not sure of their own sexuality are the ones to toss brickbats at, well, home erotic art for one.
Now I am somewhat unique is that I have no doubts at all. They sent me off to private school when I was 8. I showered and did all the stuff prisoners who are kept together with others of their own sex do. I never ever felt the slightest attraction to all the wonderful male bodies I had to shower and live with.
It’s perhaps because of this, that I have friends of all persuasions, and have no problem with their various peccadilloes.
Boooring. That is the typical bully “argument” that those f…tards use to intimidate anyone that dont follow their corrupted discusting thinkings.
The point is not the homosexual slant. I am a classical musician and have been friends with all sorts of people as well. I helped close friends through AIDs and loved them not for being gay, but for being my dear friends.
You and I both know this Swiss pageant is hideous and cold and sterile. No decent artist gay or straight, would have anything but horror for it. I think a better title would have been, ” Tunnel parade a spectacle against humanity.”
It’s spread like a pall over the world…this dark, meaningless denial of human dignity. I saw where taxi drivers at the Beijing Airport hate picking up Americans because all they wear is black…
I don’t know, Saker, this mess gave me and my lass a good belly laugh as we discussed what that well heeled looking crowd paid to view this garbage, if they paid anything at all, and what the Swiss government paid to produce this five minute pile of steaming pelican excrement.
Call me an uncultured cretin but I’ll keep my Big Band sound, my Pyatnitsky, my Kubanski, my local folk singers, my 30’s and 40’s musicals and musical comedies, my classical opera, my Russian and German classical and waltz music, all of whom display more talent in their fingernail clippings than what was shown by the Swiss Government’s five minute display of aardvark liquid nasal excretions.
I need to go wash my eyes after viewing this and Saker, next time you come up with something like this you have to put a ‘viewer discretion, not suitable for women, children and grouchy old men’ advisory with it.
Sadly, what has been seen cannot be unseen.
“Bizarre” barely describes it. I wonder what committee or other decided that this was appropriate to the occasion, and remotely artistic. Why is homo-eroticism called for in a ceremony for the opening a rail tunnel? The whole thing (well, I didn’t watch the whole thing, to be honest) was weird and disturbing.
There is no event so momentous nor achievement so great that cannot be ruined and cheapened by the scourge of the modern dance troupe.
I don’t really see as much “dark meaning” in that,as I do “horrible taste”. It made me ashamed for the European “Art World”. They’ve adopted “totally” the so-called “post-modern” style of “Art” that has defiled the Art World in the US for several years now. I suppose there are some people that think that is “avant garde”,and so think its “beautiful” because of that alone But in my eyes its just embarrassing to watch. Maybe that means I’m not “hip”, I’m “old fashioned” not “modern” enough. But to me that trash is returning us to a “new dark age” in Art. I remember a few years ago seeing a report on new “artists” becoming important in the US Art World. One produced a “piece” that was a standing lamp.wrapped up with a garden hose at the top of it (I kid you not). That was considered a “great new piece”,and was sold for $32,000 at a studio sale in NYC. But before we start to giggle too much over that. The buyer of that “art” was the daughter of a Russian billionaire. I’m not sure which shocked me more. That being considered as “art”,or that a Russian bought it as “art”.They interviewed her about the “piece”. And she “gushed” at the “talent” of that “new artist”.
Uncle Bob 1, a rare case where I disagree, no dark meaning?
Isn’t it a dead child daemon directly in the frozen image (taken from the video’s end)?
Then, didn’t you notice ancient symbols everywhere?
This cannot have been chosen only due to bad taste. Like you I’m not interested in such crap and no expert, but to me it looks as if they plugged a ton of such death cult symbolism into it.
I have nothing against naked women licking each other.
But the surroundings are scary.
Then, didn’t you notice ancient symbols everywhere?
Then, didn’t you notice ancient symbols everywhere?
Me yes, as those beetles going up the screen, clearly a symbol of ancient Egypt…..
There was even the face of Big Brother in a certain moment in the screen, the very same face that appeared in the “1984” film…..
And that Far West American diligence at the beginning going out the hole of the tunnel at pace with the yankee Seventh Cavalry tone, a clear metaphor for the violation of the heart of Europe by having a full of puppets in front of the European nations and the blatant violation which will involve the implementation of the TTIP
Hi elsi, thank you for explaining the details, especially also in
Honestly, I tried to watch the video only once yesterday and cliked fast-forward a few times, then never opened it again.
What I saw was already enough.
As another poster wrote: “Unfortunately the seen cannot be made unseen”.
It is pure horror.
Well, you certainly know
Denver Airport Conspiracy Theory: A Documentary (part 2)
I have no words for this insanity.
And the whole “democratic free world” is watching and notices nothing?
And we here are antisemitic conspiracy thin foil hat fools?
That’s what the majority believes.
I cannot watch such things anymore.
It makes me feel bad, to say it mildly.
As stated: No words can match this stuff.
And be sure that I would never travel through a 60 km long tunnel (who knows what else they built into it, nuclear bunker or sacrifice tables for eating children?????)
That’s too much for me.
Only Stalin and Mao could recue us.
And only his methods could.
Nothing and nobody else.
Especially not Mr. “our western partners” nor his fm.
Also post Mao China is interwoven much too much into all this crappy western system.
It is “saddening” (no words for it).
One produced a “piece” that was a standing lamp.wrapped up with a garden hose at the top of it (I kid you not). That was considered a “great new piece”,and was sold for $32,000 at a studio sale in NYC.
LoL. What a wonderful and profitable scam!
This is something that all poor people in America should seriously look into.
Just grab some random piece of junk that you find on the street and present it as a brilliant piece of avant-garde post-modern art–and collect your check for several thousand dollars for your efforts!
Soon, there will be no poverty or poor people in American thanks to the art world!
THAT’s what gave you a fit of the fainting vapors?!?!
Great feeping gleeps!
Better get one of those grim-faced men in their long blue dresses to come and work an exorcism, quick, before the devil causes you to melt clear away. (Better check carefully first, though, to make sure he’s not really a (choke, gasp, wheeze) Transvestite!) How will you know? How will you ward off the toxic emanations of transvestism if you can’t even recognize it?
There’s an entire world out there, with all kinds of folks in it. There are enormous numbers of us who feel free to watch or to not watch whatever might or might not catch our fancies, to enjoy our lives and the life of the world and to live and let live without having to gather a bunch of fellow fearful and irrational delusionals around us and quake in fear and resentment because (gasp!) there are people in the world who are (choke, gasp, wheeze) DIFFERENT from us! And worse yet, who like stuff that we don’t like!
If you prefer instead to cloister yourself within a dungeon of fear, ignorance and superstition, then I really do pity you.
p.s. How many times did you watch it?
It looks stupid to me. Demented.
If one must include homoeroticism in their artwork, they should at least show enough class to use a couple of attractive women kissing. Who in their right mind would want to see a couple of bum bandits simulating their orifice confusion?
Well that makes 2 weird events in one week: with Merkel &Hollande in attendance.
Outrage Over Verdun ‘Art Performance’ Desecration in a ww1 national cemetery!
Ugly as could be, obscene, nauseating and insulting to the European population, especially the working class, ridiculed at pleasure in all this gruesome spectacle which functions as a warning of the future awaiting us, with them, “those of home”, “those of always”……
It is whole disgusting “Illuminati” symbolism, the eye that sees everything, the goat male to whom sacrifices ( common people, represented as brides of both sexes ready to be raped ) are offered, throwing those guttural cries of satisfaction since getting, as psychopath unable to appreciate the beauty or welfare, soil and deface all to the unspeakable
The Swiss countrymen/woman with their long flutes on the sides as a representation of the original cultures to be eradicated in order to the uniformizacion of the masses as proletarian zombies marching, zombified by eating “soma” ( TV, whatsapp by smartphones, psicotrópics for survive…), to their jobs without any question, where they will suffer all the consequences and humiliation of labor reforms imposed on Europe by the puppet elites of the “Illuminati in the shade”, involving, among other consequences, insecurity at work and the exponential increase of fatal accidents, clearly represented in these unprotected workers falling and treated as puppets to whom can be done anything, even undress or sodomizice. By the way underwear showed can not be uglier:
Illuminati opening ceremony of Gotthard Base Tunnel
What will have to do all this with inaugurating a highway tunnel?
“They” do not give stitch without thread.
Qué paranormal es todo….y qué bien se está en el Middle East…..Ainsss…..No sé so volver…..
This footage is specially for Bro ( commenter fomerly known as Bro Anon ):
Welcome back from your vacation, Elsi.
I watched the tunnel nonsense the first time, and within seconds you can smell the filthy hand of dark occultists at work.
The issue continues to be discernment!!
Jack thinks it’s no big deal and pities those who express dread at this dreadfully designed and preformed piece of nonsense.
Martin goes to the other extreme and despairs of no Stalin in sight to shut this sh*t down.
I say, “Terrific, let’s break this down, let’s go deeper into all of this!”
Here you go, the witches scene, MacBeth:
A dark portion of a dark play, but is there a difference between Shakespeare’s motivation in writing MacBeth and the motivation of the evidently sick psychopath that composed that tunnel nonsense??
You bet there is!
Do you see it?
Or do you lump it all together, with no discernment? Like a child would? I don’t know. You tell me. Break it down for us, elsi, break it down.
If you or no one else will, I will, though I will have to refresh my Shakespeare, and get some errands out of the way, this morning.
So look here later today, or tomorrow in the Cafe.
But you know for sure, I’m not going away.
And neither will the importance of discernment, the mental and spiritual capacity to tell Shakespeare from a Tunnel Full of Sh*t.
Also in this footage representatives of main religions on Earth ( I do not know if they areauthentic clerics or dressed like them ) at minute 2:19…..weird….Are they meaning with this that all main religions are in accordance with them? …….and what about the proximity of the tunnel to the CERN?
What are these insane trying to do….opening a vortex or what?
Opening World’s longest tunnel near CERN in Gotthard massif or a crazy demonic ceremony?
Well, Martin, and you all, out of fear, because they count with it as a main ally, and going preparing to face the worst coming from this rabble. We will fight and present battle till the end, no matter how ugly things become, we will prevail!
Mad Max – The Road Warrior Final Scene | Re-score with Fury Road Soundtrack
Is it not this scenario already here? See for yourself the other day in Fallujah:
Comrade elsi,
yes, we will fight to the end.
But I hope it is just a nightmare and tomorrow we will wake up and not even remember it.
Nevertheless I recommend taking these pictures as large icons against Satan with us:
As for
“Are they meaning with this that all main religions are in accordance with them? ”
Those there look like actors, although I don’t want to watch it in full length (only the version you provided without sound and only a bit here a bit there).
But be assured, that Jews and Christians (not sure about Moslem clerics) are in the boat in any case. Isn’t the Vatikan home of the Church of Satan? Didn’t the Vatican have treaties created with Hitler that are valid until today (e.g. Church tax in germany)? Didn’t the Vatican help the Nazis with project O.D.E.SS.A. (Orgnaization of the former members of SS) to flee in the hundreds?
Well, and I doubt the Russian Orthodox Church is that much better.
They played nicely in keeping Yeltsin in power and the Patriarch often sat at the same table directly besides Yeltsin the murderer.
Sorry to all dreamers, I didn’t want to wake you up (actually I wanted, but really).
“””””Germany””””” 98 years after it lost its independence as a souvereign nation:
It seems a grotesque and bad imitation of the Catalan group “La Fura dels Baus” which always use elements like water and fire and amazing mechanical devices in their somewhat “original,” one might say, performances, but at least they are professional dancers and offer some art, although it is beyond me what they want to convey through the images on the screen behind….
“La Fura dels Baus – El Amor Brujo (de Manuel de Falla)”:
Here is missing the priceless opinion about eschatology from Sheikh Imram Hossein and the catlike eyes of Russian analyst on geopolitics, Russian 5th column and society echoes Cat Motya!
Martin and Elsi are both on the right track here.
If folks out there wanna know what this “opening” was about, here’s it is:
The Opening Ceremony of the World’s Largest Tunnel Was a Bizarre Occult Ritual
“Attended by Europe’s most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. Here’s a look at another celebration of the occult elite. [..]”
“Attended by Europe’s most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. To celebrate the inauguration of this tunnel, an elaborate ceremony was presented in front of European dignitaries such as Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Francois Hollande of France and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. While most would expect an up-beat, celebratory ceremony, guests were rather treated to a disturbing show orchestrated by German director Volker Hesse, where a man dressed as a goat presided a strange ritual. Here’s a look at another celebration of the occult elite [..]”
“[..] the occult elite enjoys putting on full display its agenda and philosophy symbolic, dramatic displays which are reminiscent of dramas re-enacted in secret society rituals.”
“[..] Furthermore, by creating overtly occult ceremonies, the elite tells the world: “This is what we believe in, this is what we think of you and there is nothing you can do about it.”
Full analysis at the link>
To those interested, the above site specializes on the elite’s obsession with occult symbolism that they splash all over the media and at various mass events.
Further, I think it’s unfair to blame regular people for this. This is the very subject I alluded to in another post, that this is the death cult the elites follow. If there’s any doubt they are evil, read the article I linked and then re-watch the video, it’s as plain as day. This has nothing to do with European culture, or the arts in general even though some so-called “artists” are indeed initiated cultists themselves, that’s how they come up with filth like the one at the OP’s clip.
Thanks, comrade TooLegit2Quit.
Worrying :(
Russia has missed the unique chance to blow them all up, while they all were trapped in their bunker.
Such a chance comes hardly ever again.
For what all the nukes then? One inside the tunnes would have solved all problems at once. Maybe forever.
But the problem is, that Russia (in every case very infulential parts of its “elite”) has long ago been infected and infiltrated itself.
Maybe the enitire “multipolar world” show was only a theater to keep us excited for some while.
@ Martin:
Glad to be of service, my good comrade Martin. I’m more then happy to pass info around to folks, who for whatever reason, might have not come across it before.
In reference to your Denver Airport link, quoted earlier in a previous post… And even though I do agree, there are some dodgy things on display there at that airport (mainly Masonic), the famous Denver mural that everybody talks about was created by Leo Tanguma, and if my memory serves me right (can’t be 100% sure though), he said that his main piece:
This one>
…represents what would/can happen if evil conquers good, but only if we allow it to go unchecked (or words to that effect).
So, it’s supposed to be a ‘protest’ piece, rather than a celebration of death and destruction. And again, if my memory is not faltering, he’s supposed to be a political activist type of artist of Hispanic descent (from what I remember reading about this some years ago).
The best reference I can offer about him is this interview I managed to find on the net, just now…
INTERVIEW: Leo Tanguma
As ever folks… make your own minds about it. I’m just passing the info along, that’s all :)
“[..] But the problem is, that Russia (in every case very influential parts of its “elite”) has long ago been infected and infiltrated itself [..]”
First of all, I loved the fact you wrote the word “elite” in quotation marks (which is often a synonym with sarcasm). Spot on, my friend!
I hate, no, no… that’s not quite such a strong word to describe how I feel about these so-called “elites”… I LOATHE the fact that these psychopathic degenerates are often referred to as: the “elite.”
The word ‘elite’ is supposed to imply: the best of the best. Not the worse of the worst! In any case, for lack of a better term, we just have to go along with the with that term (however we might hate it) to out them: the word ‘elite,’ seems to be the best one we have to “identify” them.
But, I’m digressing…
You’re absolutely right, Martin, I have no doubts the Russian “elitists” [quite possibly too, they’re cultists – better known as corrupt oligarchs] exists, and they’re the ones throwing a spanner in the works of Russia’s glorious rebirth.
“degenerate pseudo-art” – perfect tag for this nonsense
I think it’s just that the art scene is a freak show. I remember my first foray into it as a student in the 80s. All the costume designers and makeup people were poofters. All the stage hands and builders were bull dykes. The only person there who wasn’t a weirdo was the manager.
Still all the Satanic stuff is weird. Alex Jones got his start exposing some weird bohemian grove cult, and Scalia the Supreme Court justice died in a hotel that was full of occult symbolism. And the stuff these elites get up to in terms of war and child abuse is pure evil. Google “boys town”. It really makes one go Hmmmmmmm.
Here is a tunnel video that’s more to my liking:
Looks like it was filmed in 2009. Nat Geo doc on tunnel building technology.
This ‘entertainment’ event reminds me of Dmitry Orlov’s collapse observations. This would be cultural collapse. I think Orlov had a sequence in which they occurred, based on his observations of the USSR, but then this isn’t the USSR. I think Russia has a more robust, millennium-long cultural core, while the west does not.
What he–?
I don’t get this, what is this?
It is frightening.
Is this an artistic presentation?
We have to remember that this is Switzerland.
All of the Alpine countries have some very weird local traditions and celebrations that involve horror and Unwesen and images of physical decay and bizarre propitiation rituals.
Just visit any local museum and check out some of the horrific-looking collections from past centuries
That is what this stuff looks like. It is frightneing, but I think it draws on ancient pagan images and traditions mixed up with the worst of backward Catholicism as practiced in the isolated mountain communities. Loaded with exorcisms, alpine voodoo, offerings of this and that . . . all very weird, and part of what the Enlightenment was intended to dispell!
Darkest Switzerland.
you are wrong,
This here is a million times more, than what you described as being “traditional regional”.
Either you are blind or you have the wrong video.
But relax, because even The Saker mis-interpreted it and didn’t see the wood for the trees.
Events like this are not new. What _is_ new is, that they feel so powerful and secure that they start to practice this stuff in public.
Like putting their All-seing eye and pyramid and slogan onto the 1$ bill.
That’s what’s the most scary. They show us that they are in control, can do what they want and will do what they want.
Now, that wouldn’t be so bad.
If they didn’t have the agenda to depolulate the globe (because in their view it allllll belongs to them alone, and we idiots are only wasting their resources).
gates population reduction
The Illuminati And The Depopulation Agenda part 1
NEW Leaked Photos from Inside Bohemian Grove! –NEVER BEFORE SEEN–
Hallo, Martin from SEB,
The performance sure does look weird—I watched the clip of the exterior part of the performance, and that added to the weirdness. Some of the images are incredibly striking, powerful, visceral from a “purely” aesthetic point of view (well,not purely aesthetic, because they pack an emotional punch—but achieve via “aesthetic” means). I do think some of the imagery (the “haystacks,” which I think are meant to represent demons of some kind, and I know I have seen something similar in photos of pre-Fasching pagan type parades, etc.) does derive from atavistic folk practices in the region.
It is the venue that gives one the creeps.
The whole thing in the service of what idea, though?
It seems so counter to what one would expect in the context.
One would expect something celebratory in a positive sense, of the achievement.
And a genuine mourning or service of remembrance for any workers who lost their lives in teh course of construction and special honoring of and grievingn with and their surviving family members and thanking them publicly for their sacrifice.
What must the families of such victims think of this?
Maybe all of the workers were foreigners and no one cares???
What is being celebrated here?
The whole tunnel endeavour is of course Faustian . . .
It was a compelling show, no doubt about that. I thought the “angels” imagery was an incredible effect. The “underwear” passage is a puzzle to me.
Regarding the centrality of occultist beliefs and secret societies etc. in recent history—have you read any Guido Preparata (Conjuring Hitler)? His view of the rise of Hitler is that he was “chosen” by can’t recall whom now, but some member of a secret society of some kind because he saw Hitler’s potential. He also covers, for example, the choice of the swastika as a symbol. THis is almost Preparata’s foundational idea.
A review, by Neal Ascherson, in the current London Review of Books of a new biography of Hitler (translated from German), by Volker Ullrich, also has some revealing comments on the mesmerizing effect that Hitler was able to exercise on people individually via his eyes and also of course through his oratory.
The review or the book might be of interest to you. And do check out Guido Preparata. He has a website with quite a lot of his writing on it. I thin the whole preface to Conjuring Hitler is available there.
Actually, I don’t see the item I saw earlier.
Here is another webpage:
Katherine (halb-Berlinerin)
Hello Katherine,
So glad you brought up Dr Guido Preparata’s important book. It is so thoroughly documented.He was a Professor at a Vatican College.
Connecting the dots: ‘Darkest Switzerland’ is exactly because the ‘Enlightenment’ itself stemming from the Reformation’s TULIP. This is the postmodern synthesis that has brought about today’s twilight (schizophrenia) in the Western Mind.
I look at these events , spectacles , shows , films , from various angles .
Announcement , Law . Predictive Programming . Social Engineering . Ritual Magick .
Even if Sabbateans and Satanists flout the Law and regard non Satanists as ‘ the walking dead ‘ , they are still subject to the Law . That is why Fight Club , Lone Gunmen Pilot Episode , Back To The Future , and other references ‘predicted the event . When Bush stood on the rubble and announced the war on terror it was also an announcement of Law . War Law , no more habeus corpus , thus no more Common Law . Captain Bligh from here on buddy , Maritime Admiralty .
In their twisted minds silence means consent . Failure to object means consent .
This is widely known as Predictive Programming – the idea being it gets put into the public mind and becomes ‘inevitable ‘ and ‘the way things are ‘ , accepted . But I think it is multifaceted – it is also announcement in respect of Law .
It is also ritual magick – practioners of the dark arts rehearse to perfect , then they announce , then they act .
The Gotthard Tunnel opening on Ruptly TV ( long video ) at minutes 10:25 the camera focused on
a plaque , with 2016 BARBAR lit up . The Bar in Law , and Bar/ Ben son of , subject of , yes , but what means BARBAR . I contend this is no accident of circumstance .
The ‘performance reminded me of Fellini’s Satyricon . I think Fellini’s Roma and Satyricon were like templates for the 60’s cultural engineering .
The performance was also like a scene from a dream – that is how these people communicate – with symbols and enactment of imagery and action that reaches the subconscious mind . It must be interpreted in the manner dreams are interpreted and thus one must learn the language being used .
Athiests and believers in Secular Humanism are short sighted at best if they think those who hold power are like them and have no spiritual beliefs , intentions or practices .
“””””Athiests and believers in Secular Humanism are short sighted at best if they think those who hold power are like them and have no spiritual beliefs , intentions or practices .”””””
You defend the religion of Satan?
What? It is a “dream”?
Go there if it is so nice.
I don’t want that! And the thumbs down at the youtube videos of the event show that the majority doesn’t want death-occultism.
There are leaked images from one of their non-public “parties” from the 1960ties.
They have huge 2 m long cakes that look like naked girls, then they cut them into slices and eat them. That goes beyond questions of “taste” or “spirituality”. That’s Satanism. And one can guess that they don’t always only bring cake that looks like humans as sacrifices to Satan. That’s assault, rape and murder then. Did you notice how many children are disappearing to nowehere, forever?
I say it again: Outlaw these sects and religions, especially the perverted ones.
Most (even very religious people) will agree, that such crap here has to be forbidden and punished.
Three sentences deleted. Saker’s blog rule: “All comments has to be impeccable courteous to other commenters.” (Mod.)
YES, that was a bad and boring performance and NO whatsoever reason to get all agro.
Get used to the fact that gay people always existed and that sometimes now they are on center stage (doing a bad show from my pov.).
whats your problem?
it is one thing to critizise this – indeed – bad and stupid play – it is a totally different thing to be all homophobe.
I am WAY more concerned about 2500+ ppl that drowned at the coat of africa just this year. does anybody still care for humans? or just russians, germans, str8 ppl?
2500+ ppl that drowned :
If they leave more or less “safe” countries by their own choice and knowingly risk the lives of their rightless and voiceless women and children, because they believe social media propaganda that everyone here hets a new BMW and a house and as many white women as he wants?
Sad, and tragic, yes.
This blog and most protesters here are against Merkel’s hypocritical “policy” of having no policy.
Merkel’s “we take all” and NATO’s illegal wars, that’s the reason why these deaths occur.
Not because you assume that everybody who refuses to be gay is a “homophobe”.
But those economic migrants (!) do that by their own choice and even pay more money for the traffickers than I have had or spent in 5 years.
You confuse quite a number of things here.
The problem is not, that some people are naturally gay. Those are a tiny fraction of the society and even only a fraction of those who have been raised into thinking they are gay.
The problem is that your sorts (less than 0,something %) can spread propaganda and can demand special status and special rights and special tax reliefs and special whatnot, although you do not perform the duties of real couples, that is, giving birth to, raising and educating the next generation.
The few children that are still coming into life then have to suffer sexual absue by gay education when they are not even 10yo.
I don’t blame you, because you apparently don’t notice who are the masterminds of this agenda and what the goals are. In reality they care a sh* about you, they abuse you for their evil goals.
Like they care a sh* about Ukrainians, but only use them.
You are willful tools to them.
Barely recovered from a long Saturday in the heat, but I just had to get back to the Eurotrash Tunnel! You couldn’t pay me enough to get me to participate in such plainly evident garbage. I have some questions for those morons in orange, and the ones that dressed down to their skivvies and took pay to have history point to idiots like they
Sunday, while packing, a pocket of MacBeth fell off the bookshelf. And it’s not that long.I choose to answer Martin, because in my view, he has the sharpest instincts here, he sees that something is seriously wrong!
Form the Cafe: Now to Act 5 Scene 5 Dunsinane. Within the castle, or within the Tunnel of Eurotrash.
Mac B hears of the demise of his fair lady. Seymour announces, “The Queen, my lord is dead.”
The Scottish General Who Would be King for a Day and ten thousand more sheds no tear, cares less than if she were a swordsman shot with an arrow through the head:
MacB: “She should have died hereafter;
There would have been time for such a word.”
Then he excuses his behaviour, his quick descent to hell:
” Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. ”
And so the existentialist that was born into the world and failed to learn its lessons of Love and Care, believed in signs and horrid incantations,sucked as a sovereign, inspired no one to his cause, to the delight of Hecate and her evil trio, and met his pointless, dreary end, doomed to come back in perhaps some even lower form, and try to get the gist of it, once again.
The Swiss tunnel, it’s goat-man and its zombies,
Disturbed my sleep and at my mind still does nag,
In conclusion, I have one remaining question only
Is Hillary Hecate herself, or perhaps MacBeth in drag? You decide:
” We came, we saw, he died!”
The remaining questions I would like to pose:
Q # 2 Isn’t it obvious that decades of softening up, especially through movies, tv, counter “culture” prepared the way for this “in your face” display of evil?
Q # 3 Isn’t it obvious that this is a more significant occult ritual in its overtness throughout than some crap by Madonna or someone else at a Superbowl, because of the politicians in attendance, and the unrelenting constancy of the not so occulted assault on general sensibilities?
Q # 4 Isn’t it clear that people who are so asleep as to take pay for participating in even one stage of this production, or to excuse it as the vacuity of modern “art” are now virtually fully capable of walking themselves into gas chambers or being the guards that gas others, if this is the direction coming from “the top” of society and they don’t smell a rat??? The alarm bells should have been going off decades ago, but it’s now or never: Wake up in a hurry or this will kill you or sweep you and everything you hold dear into the sewer with it.
Q # 5 Does anyone else see the hypocrisy of expressing horror at the so called “elites” while defending the common “good, ordinary people” of the US and Europe? This is where really getting into some skivvies and causing some severe crotch itch is in order, because:
Q # 6 Do you realize how many people that like this Vineyard are evidently unaware (as seen by their defense of the average slob) of how far gone the populations of the west are, and how disengaged from reality they are? Those unsanitary conditions were, granted engineered by the “elites” but one must grasp the culpability of the so-called victims: They won’t even acknowledge the existence of truth. They see it as a matter of personal preference: “You have your reality, I have mine. We each make it up as we go along.” This is called ‘solipsism” and it is the prevalent belief system in the west today. “Truth? What truth? All I care about is my comfort, my convenience, my ambitions, my ego. (MacBeth, anyone?) “You don’t like the Tunnel “art”? Switch the channel, don’t bother me!”, they say. “I see no reason to get worked up about this.” These types are getting really close to finding themselves in Nuremburg rallies for the Empire very soon, still “going along to get along”, still exhibiting zero discernment as to what is happening.
Q # 7 How can anyone not see that what is happening is the increasing destruction of the courage, care and discernment of the population, and that it is far easier for those in power to drive consciousness down than to try to edify anyone, because the population is so damned willing to degrade themselves, and too lazy and stupid to crawl out of the muck??
Q # 8 How can everyone (I know many do, but not everyone here….) not see that the fake illuminati, the garbage elites as I call them have a very valid excuse?? That excuse is: “Look how the idiots lap this shit up! If we didn’t serve it up for them, our competition would, and we would lose wealth and power! We have no choice! The corruption and degradation of the population leaves us no choice! What else can we do? Either we take control of this fear and imbecility, or someone else will, and do the same thing to us. And our # 1 rule is survival, self-preservation at all costs, don’t you see?
There isn’t a Shakespeare among them, they are all Mac Beths, trapped in this physical prison, trying to rule in hell to mitigate their fear and loathing of “this earthly prison” that fear and lack of Love and True Care make of what could be a relative paradise, if it were not for the fact that principalities and powers will persist in afflicting humanity, so long as the general aggregate consciousness is so low, and cowardice and stupidity so deeply ingrained.
To resist, to create a renaissance, you need the aggregate of human consciousness operating on all three cylinders: Thought, Emotion, Action
This requires balanced beings. For millenia, the controlling “elites” have understood this and have unbalanced as many human beings as they possibly could driving people into either left brain dominator/slave manipulator mode (lacking the Sacred Feminine, or Care or Love or however you’d like to express it) or right brain blind belief and passive acceptance unbalance, lacking the Sacred Masculine principle of standing up for one’s rights.
The former describes the present “elites” themselves, that know this deeply, but cannot and dare not care, and both describe the great majority of human beings presently living, under their occult and not so hidden domination.
Well “two out of three” ain’t good enough, and is represented in decimals by .666, so if you see the world going literally to hell, how can you be shocked and surprised, once you grasp these simple realities?
Is there a way out of THAT tunnel of Sh*t? Yes, but it has to be fought inside every man, woman, and child. First break this asinine, ridiculous, occult enemy code. If brave men and women can’t do that, but must quiver in fear at stupid symbols and numbers, and let this crap go to work on all the morons around you (like the hags on the heath snagged MacBeth….) 666 will prevail, possibly by human extinction.
But if there is sufficient Courage, Care, and Love ( all equivalent in the higher, not the lovey dovey puppy love sense) expressed as clear discernment and potent counter-punch all this garbage and filth and goat’s heads and zombies are daft and defunct nonsense that can be hauled to the dump, while the garbage elites quickly change their tune and try to cover their sorry, enslaved to fear, criminally insane asses.
Lots of mental and spiritual chains to break in the massively dumbed down populations of the west first, for that to happen. A relatively small # of lights in the darkness could point the way out for the great majority of slaves. Their own power of evil is not great. A bit bigger minority of them just has to learn to say, “NO!” That would do more than one strong man that will soon die, in any case, Martin, just as you and I will, at most a few decades from today.
@ Bro:
What are the odds you’re not an MK yourself, I wonder… (?)
[Btw, if you are, I didn’t mean that in any bad way]
Having said that… I do agree with this [quote of yours] “Yes, but it has to be fought inside every man, woman, and child. First break this asinine, ridiculous, occult enemy code. If brave men and women can’t do that, but must quiver in fear at stupid symbols and numbers, and let this crap go to work on all the morons around you (like the hags on the heath snagged MacBeth….) 666 will prevail, possibly by human extinction.”
You’re absolutely right here though. People shouldn’t be so frightened by old superstitions of any kind, whether they’re pagan, or main-stream religious symbols [or counter-symbolism such as “Satanism” for example]… it should make no difference in their resolve to take back their own fate from the psychopathic hands off the “elite.”
I’m with you there.
TL2Q I appreciate your reply but it’s been a long day of packing and my brain seems to have slowed to a crawl, and after ten minutes I still can’t break your code.
MK? I can’t say. If it’s a common initial with widespread meaning in current popular culture, I beg you pardon, I am semi-unplugged from it, pretty much on purpose. I didn’t even know what LOL meant until about 3 months ago. lol.
Some pharma-dependent, post- depressive German ‘artist’ is supposed to have put this tedious, talent-free freak show together. But it could just as easily have been generated by some random ‘creative chaos’ Cheney-bot in a bunker.
It never ceases to amaze me that so much latter/day wealth is accompanied by so little creative talent or intelligent artistic judgement: virtually all po- mo ‘futurist ‘ crap has to be marketed because if left to ‘speak for itself’ it would a cacophony of discordant noise punctuated by the silence of nihilism. Mental illness, not art.
The money would have been better spent on a giant toke-a-thon where the dismal ‘elites’ and their talentless goons might at least have enjoyed a communal ‘ high’.
And the rest of us would have been spared this train crash of a production.
Springsteen’s ‘Tunnel of Love’, anyone :)?
This tunnel was created in the same spirit of the tower of babylon, and the opening ceremony reveals and confesses and confirms it.
“we are it, we do it, we made it” its all horizontal human pride.
Switserland and europe left God, and God leaves them to their own and the fruit is showing.
Its heathenism, paganism, satanism, idolatry, sin like never before, back to what it was before the gospel reached this region of the world and many were saved from darkness, sins, and the eternal fire.
Fallen away from the truth into the lie.
We already had a weird, insulting ceremony created by another german “artist” last week for the 100y anniversary of the battle of Verdun in France.
Zombie apocalypse now. A fitting book end for Eurovision culture.
You should come to Australia. Biggest poofter parade in southern hemisphere every march. Even our politicians are attending and encouraging it.
To be honest, I don’t give a flying f**k what people do in their own private homes, but what’s the point of parading your private choices? Us heterosexuals don’t do it, and we can have our OWN children, no need to adopt.
Anyway… it’s the sign of decadence of modern world, I guess. You reap what you sow.
Like a scene from Conan the Barbarian. The temple of Satan at work here, eh?
It’s not satanic, it’s some kind of magic. An attempt to channel some subterranean forces to gather power. That’s not meant to be beautifull, and it’s not.
Since the demise of the church in the west, those in power have tried to harness super”natural” power in another way. More powerfull in a quantitative way but in the long term it’s a shear catastrophy.
Lastly in france they tried to empty the first world war of it’s powercharge.
Please bear my awfull english.
Best regards
Nihil you are not nothing.
However, it is just laughable that some interpret the appearance of a dominant figure wearing the head of a goat as some sort of reference to alpine fauna.
Give me a break, already! Anyone who swallows that palliative nonsense is really a babe in the woods, 100% naive, and utterly unable to diagnose the sickness displayed in the Swiss tunnel.
It’s clearly satanic, and it presents a chance for spiritual judo, which if muffed. is most unfortunate and daft, as it would prove the point of the sickos that staged the thing: Namely that people are garbage that have no respect for their own souls, and the only thing you can do is drive them lower, since they refuse to crawl out of the muck. And any attempt to uplift them is doomed to failure and loss of initiative to competing “elites” that clearly see the dead meat zombies of low or no consciousness for what they really are. “So don’t blame us”, these “elites” rationalize. “All you can do is exploit this human refuse for your own survival, then eliminate them.”
In that sense, all the actors and dancers that partook, all the spectators in person and around the world that excused this sh*t remind me of the mind-controlled zombies of Jonestown, Guyana. Actually, throw in the attending politicians, as well as the very producers of the bizarre production. They are all drinking their own kool-aid, out of fear and self-loathing.
Same crap as the Banderistas in Ukraine, except on every level, from the jaded Jacks thousands of miles away that take it all in stride as nothing to get worked up about, all the way to the Merkels and Hollande’s, who hate themselves and so are perfectly willing to degrade themselves and others, that they see it all as “the shape of things to come”, and are thus happy and pleased to grease the skids into the sewer with this slimy excrement.
Self loathing projected onto humanity in general. Why? What’s the cause? I’ll do my best to answer that in about 9 days in the Cafe.
Boring is the first word, confuse message because there is no clear message but “we are here” amid exotic primitive soul chaos but very tech. An aesthetic insult. very cheap choreography and movements, inharmonious with out clear cause but reflects some state of soul discovering mind can be controlled by appearances (no matter the absurdity level implied), My guess. Satanic? Not much. Real Satanism is elsewhere at concrete cascade of acts and events leading to beyond pathological hyper-sadistic facts committed on single or collective innocent victims. Switzerland, and for that matter, Europe is the land of great geniuses but nothing stands forever. Hard way to discover no inherent supremacy exists. I hope it will be well, properly assimilated by we all.
Everyone, this is NOT homo erotic, this is a clearly mason-related satanic ceremony to consecrate the tunnel to the devil, not by chance the master of the ceremony is the man with the horns.
This has to be understood, this is the month in which some say the Antichrist will reveal, believe it or not and the message from that opening is truly deafening: for those who planned this, Lucipher is the Lord and the King of this world. Remember we might have only 1 yr before the world we know might change forever.
Europe governed by a sick, degrading, demonic force?
We’re the actors forced, drugged or hypnotised in order to carry an uninspiring, antiaesthetic and unethical satanic act?
There was a political aftermath in Switzerland, but not because of the bare-bosomed women or the homo-erotic spectacle, but because of the “dancing haystacks” (towards the end of the video), that were deemed to resemble too much Muslim Dervishes
here is a very good analysis by Salbuchi. Extremely interesting, unfortunately only spanish
They lost it.