This video was translated and subtitled by Michael Rossi Poli Sci
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I have to hand it to Putin. He acts and sounds far more convincing than the puppets in the West. He nailed the cause of the soaring energy prices too. The globalists have been bragging about dismantling oil and gas production in the West through the use of ESGs but few expected them to go this far so quickly. Although he doesn’t call out the climate change scam directly for what it is at least he remains practical about making changes without destroying energy capacity and bringing whole economies to their knees.
It is easy to listen to a man of principles who has a consistent position and stands by it.
He does not contradict himself.
Nor does he need theatrics to support the weakness of his argument.
He will continue to be vilified by those whose agenda has corruption in it and stands to lose their criminal enterprises. That is the leaders and henchmen of the EU, Ukraine and US.
Speaking of Russia and the information war, I was looking for a video of this speech, with the standard translation by Russian interpreters, for at least an hour yesterday, and came up empty. One might think the Kremlin woud have that up almost immediately, if not streamed, if they wanted to get their message out to the world.
Thankyou for this with subtitles!
Simply put, it marks the end of the American empire.
And, as such, we are now at the most dangerous moment humanity has faced in the previous three-quarters of a century – very possibly in its entire history.
Now we will find out what the self-anointed Masters of Empire will do when faced with the impending loss of their dominion over the earth.
Something tells me they are highly unlikely to shrug their shoulders, wax philosophical about the whole thing, gather up all their military toys, and go home. To do so would signal to all their colonies and vassals that the jig is well and truly up; NATO will effectively cease as a meaningful and credible alliance; the European Union as presently constituted will quickly dissolve.
That said, I have no capacity to predict what the imperial powers-that-be will do at this pivotal moment in human history, nor can I confidently anticipate what the consequences of their actions will be.
All I know is that the moment of greatest danger in all our lives is now bearing down upon us. At some point – likely sooner than later – those who wield the power and control the levers of empire will make a move to preserve its dominion.
I am personally convinced they will fail – and abysmally so – but almost certainly not without leaving oceans of blood and mountains of ashes in their wake.
Prepare yourselves accordingly …
Well written, I share your concern and think about this all the time. What Greta is to climate change I am to geopolitics/macro economics, except I use logic. I don’t see any scenario where the countries who rely on petrodollar, USD reserve status, fiat currency/fake money printing to function will go home and lick their wounds while their countries implode as their fake monetary system is discarded by the rest of the world. We are only at the beginning stage of a situation that will become very messy, I can’t even fathom the full level of financial risk to the West when this all goes tits up.
Correct about the fear for the world’s reserve currency, but did you notice that Putin continues to refer to trade figures with China denominated in US dollars? Or was that a language translation anomaly?
That’s an astute observation, perhaps he said “equivalent” or something similar but I really don’t know.
Vlad’s coming across real chirpy here, the body language of a man in control.
Compare and contrast with Joe Biden, who looks and acts like a stiff from The Hammer Horror Films, someone who’s been illegally exhumed 5 years previous. Morale in the US must be at an all-time low, well not as bad as the 1929 Great Depression which lasted for over a decade, as folks still have their smartphones and can get hold of cheap drugs.
actually..2 decades…when Dow Jones reached peak of 1929 before crash…….
I dont understand how he can have all these details in his heads considering he cover all areas too, economy, finance, culture, security, military, sport, resources, history, war in syria, ukraine, afghanistan, iraq, phone calls with PM’s, Presidents, and Kadyrov, meetings in parliament, senate, councils, m.m. Howtf is this possible?
The GoT, “A Lannister always pays his debt” moment in Putin’s remarks:
“Gazprom and Russia have always fulfilled, and intend to and will fulfill, all their obligations under our agreements and contracts.”
The US State Department and MSM will rephrase this to, “Evil Putin and Russia weaponizes Russian gas!”
The hegemon is writhing in the death-throes of a dead and dying colonial empire.
No teleprompter. No notes. Not even a podium to stand behind.
Simply dazzling. Head and shoulders above all other world leaders.
What a gift from God that we have THIS man. In THIS role. At THIS time in history.
….biden…..can not stay upfront of US presstitutes even for 5 minutes…sad
On 7 September, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Valeryi Zaluzhnyi, and Lieutenant General Mikhail Zabrodskii first Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian Rada’s Committee for National Security, Defense, and Intelligence, wrote a revealing article for UkrInform —
It shows the complete dependence of Ukrainian military capability on Western military and financial support, and intentions to escalate the war if Ukraine is well-supported, as well as seize back Crimea from Russia, and engage in massive artillery and other air attacks on Russian territory. But the most important aspects of the article are indications of the Ukrainian military command’s disagreement with President Volodomyr Zelenskiy to conduct the present offensives in the south in the Kherson direction and in the north in the Izyum direction without the proper preparation and sufficient manpower and weaponry and instead carry out a military offensive for what seem to be largely political reasons at great costs to Ukraine’s personnel and weapons stockpiles without any real prospects of making a permanent breakthrough on either front.
In brief, Zalyuzhnyi article reads like a cryptic critique of Zelenskiy’s September counteroffensives in the south and north. In arguing for the creation of a Ukrainian military capable of conducting a counteroffensive “in 2023” to take Crimea, Zalyuzhnyi notes: “turning to the situation in which the Armed Forces of Ukraine are likely to be in 2023, everything seems less clear. In fact, for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the situation will be a complex combination of the actual position of the collision line, the available resources and a set of combat-ready troops and, obviously, finding a strategic initiative in the hands of the enemy. At the same time, following this logic, we will express strong reservations about the outline of the line of collision from the point of view of the Ukrainian side. Its contours have an extremely unfavorable configuration, again on the Izyum and Bakhmut directions. The enemy’s significant interference shackles any operational maneuver for the Ukrainian troops and requires, in fact, a double set of forces to contain it.” In other words, the Ukrainian military lacks at present the forces necessary for conducting the counteroffensive currently underway around the Izyum bridgehead in the north, slightly east of Kharkiv.
The situation “in the south and east is no better,” writes Zaluzhnyi. He notes: “The threat of the enemy’s advance in the direction of Zaporozhye has already been noted. In addition, the danger of the enemy developing partial success in the direction of Gulyai-Pole is not disappearing, which, under certain conditions, could pose a threat to the capture of the entire grouping of Ukrainian troops in the East. The existence of the enemy’s operational bridgehead on the right bank of the Dnieper River requires additional efforts to prevent its expansion.”
As simultaneous counteroffensives, surely approved if not conceptualized and certainly ordered by Zelenskiy are ongoing in early autumn 2022, Zaluzhnyi calls for “several consecutive, and ideally simultaneous counter-attacks during the 2023 campaign.”
He then outlines a series of measures – the creation of 20 new brigades and weapons systems capable of striking Russia at a depth of 2000 kilometers, for example — needed to be taken before such simultaneous counteroffensives, an offensive to take Crimea, and bringing the war to Russian territory and its population can begin in 2023-2024.
Finally, it is perhaps a cryptic signal that Zaluzhnyi chose as his co-author a leader of the opposition ‘European Solidarity’ party led by former president Petro Poroshenko, now under indictment by Zelenskyi’s prosecutors.
The article came out on the background of ‘chatter’ in the Ukrainian and Russian press, media, in particular on Telegram channels reporting that Zaluzhniy was opposed to Zelenskiy’s plan to conduct dual counteroffensives now, that Zaluzhnyi recently convinced Zelenskiy to halt the southern counteroffensive in Kherson and divert resources to the northern counteroffensive in Izyum.
This article is a clear, if somewhat cryptic expression fo Zaluzhnyi’s disagreement with Zelenskiy’s hasty Kherson and Izyum offensives and is important for at least four reasons. First, it is more evidence of the tensions between the military and political leaderships in the country – understandable in the current near catastrophic situation Ukraine finds itself in – and between the Office of the President and Zelenskiy, on the one hand, and the military command and elements within the political opposition, on the other hand, over the conduct of the war. Second, these tensions risk the politicization of the military and a grave deterioration in civil-military relations – a precondition for a military or palace coup supported by the military. Third, an alliance of the Poroshenko-supportive portion of the Ukrainian opposition with any military opposition –particularly if it includes the neofascist element in society and the military — would pose a grave threat to Zelenskiy’s regime. Fourth, these risks are likely to grow should the Kherson and Izyum offensives become complete failures with high casualties and great damage to the army’s morale and operational capacity.
Although we are certainly not there yet, the risk of instability in Kiev appears real and could be growing.
— analysis written by an American scholar Gordon Hahn
Unfortunately most Westerners will never get to hear this
Wonderful spotlight on the spot-pricing the EU put in place over the last few years.
The Amsterdam TTF energy trading outfit is a carbon copy of the Ranch at the Crooked E, ENRON, of Houston TX infamy 2001. It went belly up leaving CA with $50 billion deficit. small change to the EU belly-up bailouts now flushing the economy dry.
The Ranch at the Crooked EU is in full theatrical display, and run by crooks!
It is all systems go for China’s BELT road and BRICS !
Rothschilds criminal banking cartel is getting destroyed !
HASBARA shill army all over this !
The TRUTH about the HASBARA shill ARMY – underneath your comments !!
The TRUTH about the UYGHURS !
The TRUTH about the SOROS controlled European Court of Human Rights !
TRUTH about Fort Detrick !