The President answered questions from Pavel Zarubin of Rossyia 1 TV channel.
Pavel Zarubin: Mr President, we have just followed your meeting with the head of Senegal who is also the current leader of the African Union. He expressed, and actually in the past week many countries have expressed concern not so much about the food crisis, but they are afraid of large-scale famine because world food prices are climbing and so are oil and gas prices, These issues are interrelated.
Naturally, the West blames Russia for this, too. What is the real situation at this point, how is it developing? And what do you think will happen in the food and energy markets?
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Yes, indeed, we are seeing attempts to place the responsibility on Russia for developments in the global food market and the growing problems there. I must say that this is another attempt to pin the blame on someone else. But why?
First, the situation with the global food market did not become worse yesterday or even with the launch of Russia’s special military operation in Donbass, in Ukraine.
The situation took a downturn in February 2020 during the efforts to counter the coronavirus pandemic when the global economy was down and had to be revived.
The financial and economic authorities in the United States, of all things, found nothing better than to allocate large amounts of money to support the population and certain businesses and economic sectors.
We generally did almost the same thing, but I assure you that we were much more accurate, and the results are obvious: we did this selectively and got the desired results without affecting macroeconomic indicators, including excessive inflation growth.
The situation was quite different in the United States. The money supply in the United States grew by 5.9 trillion in less than two years, from February 2020 to the end of 2021 – unprecedented productivity of the money printing machines. The total cash supply grew by 38.6 percent.
Apparently, the US financial authorities believed the dollar was a global currency, and it would spread, as usual, as it did in previous years, would dissolve in the global economy, and the United States would not even feel it. But that did not happen, not this time. As a matter of fact, decent people – and there are such people in the United States – the Secretary of the Treasury recently said they had made a mistake. So, it was a mistake made by the US financial and economic authorities – it has nothing to do with Russia’s actions in Ukraine, it is totally unrelated.
And that was the first step – and a big one – towards the current unfavourable food market situation, because, in the first place, food prices immediately went up, they grew. This is the first reason.
The second reason was European countries’ short-sighted policies, and above all, the European Commission’s policy in regard to energy. We see what is going on there. Personally, I believe that many political players in the United States and Europe have been taking advantage of people’s natural concerns about the climate, climate change, and they began to promote this green agenda, including in the energy sector.
It all seems fine, except for the unqualified and groundless recommendations about what needs to be done in the energy sector. The capabilities of alternative types of energy are overestimated: solar, wind, any other types, hydrogen power – those are good prospects for the future, probably, but today, they cannot be produced in the required amount, with the required quality and at acceptable prices. And at the same time, they began to belittle the importance of conventional types of energy, including, and above all, hydrocarbons.
What was the result of this? Banks stopped issuing loans because they were under pressure. Insurance companies stopped insuring deals. Local authorities stopped allocating plots of land for expanding production and reduced the construction of special transport, including pipelines.
All this led to a shortage of investment in the world energy sector and price hikes as a result. The wind was not as strong as expected during the past year, winter dragged on, and prices instantly soared.
On top of all that, the Europeans did not listen to our persistent requests to preserve long-term contracts for the delivery of natural gas to European countries. They started to wind them down. Many are still valid, but they started winding them down. This had a negative effect on the European energy market: the prices went up. Russia has absolutely nothing to do with this.
But as soon as gas prices started going up, fertiliser prices followed suit because gas is used to produce some of these fertilisers. Everything is interconnected. As soon as fertiliser prices started growing, many businesses, including those in European countries, became unprofitable and started shutting down altogether. The amount of fertiliser in the world market took a dive, and prices soared dramatically, much to the surprise of many European politicians.
However, we warned them about this, and this is not linked to Russia’s military operation in Donbass in any way. This has nothing to do with it.
But when we launched our operation, our so-called European and American partners started taking steps that aggravated the situation in both the food sector and fertiliser production.
By the way, Russia accounts for 25 percent of the world fertiliser market. As for potash fertilisers, Alexander Lukashenko told me this – but we should double-check it, of course, although I think it is true – when it comes to potash fertilisers, Russia and Belarus account for 45 percent of the world market. This is a tremendous amount.
The crop yield depends on the quantity of fertiliser put into the soil. As soon as it became clear that our fertilisers would not be in the world market, prices instantly soared on both fertilisers and food products because if there are no fertilisers, it is impossible to produce the required amount of agricultural products.
One thing leads to another, and Russia has nothing to do with it. Our partners made a host of mistakes themselves, and now they are looking for someone to blame. Of course, Russia is the most suitable candidate in this respect.
Pavel Zarubin: Incidentally, it has just been reported that the wife of the head of our largest fertiliser companies has been included in the new European package of sanctions.
What will all this lead to in your opinion?
Vladimir Putin: This will make a bad situation worse.
The British and later the Americans – Anglo-Saxons – imposed sanctions on our fertilisers. Then, having realised what was happening, the Americans lifted their sanctions, but the Europeans did not. They are telling me themselves during contacts: yes, we must think about it, we must do something about it, but today they have just aggravated this situation.
This will make the situation in the world fertiliser market worse, and hence the crop prospects will be much more modest, and prices will keep going up – that is it. This is an absolutely myopic, erroneous, I would say, simply stupid policy that leads to a deadlock.
Pavel Zarubin: But Russia is accused by high-ranking officials of preventing the grain that is actually there, in Ukrainian ports, from leaving.
Vladimir Putin: They are bluffing, and I will explain why.
First, there are some objective things, and I will mention them now. The world produces about 800 million tonnes of grain, wheat per year. Now we are being told that Ukraine is ready to export 20 million tonnes. So, 20 million tonnes out of 800 million tonnes amounts to 2.5 percent. But if we proceed from the fact that wheat accounts for merely 20 percent of all food products in the world – and this is the case, this is not our data, it comes from the UN – this means that these 20 million tonnes of Ukrainian wheat are just 0.5 percent, practically nothing. This is the first point.
The second. 20 million tonnes of Ukrainian wheat are potential exports. Today, the US official bodies also say that Ukraine could export six million tonnes of wheat. According to our Ministry of Agriculture, the figure is not six but about five million tonnes, but okay, let us assume it is six, plus it could export seven million tonnes of maize – this is the figure of our Ministry of Agriculture. We realise that this is not much.
In the current agricultural year of 2021–2022, we will export 37 million and, I believe, we will raise these exports to 50 million tonnes in 2022–2023. But this is apropos, by the way.
As for shipping out Ukrainian grain, we are not preventing this. There are several ways to export grain.
The first one. You can ship it out via the Ukraine-controlled ports, primarily in the Black Sea – Odessa and nearby ports. We did not mine the approaches to the port – Ukraine did this.
I have already said to all our colleagues many times – let them demine the ports and let the vessels loaded with grain leave. We will guarantee their peaceful passage to international waters without any problems. There are no problems at all. Go ahead.
They must clear the mines and raise the ships they sunk on purpose in the Black Sea to make it difficult to enter the ports to the south of Ukraine. We are ready to do this; we will not use the demining process to initiate an attack from the sea. I have already said this. This is the first point.
The second. There is another opportunity: the ports in the Sea of Azov – Berdyansk and Mariupol – are under our control, and we are ready to ensure a problem-free exit from these ports, including for exported Ukrainian grain. Go ahead, please.
We are already working on the demining process. We are completing this work – at one time, Ukrainian troops laid three layers of mines. This process is coming to an end. We will create the necessary logistics. This is not a problem; we will do this. This is the second point.
The third. It is possible to move grain from Ukraine via the Danube and through Romania.
Fourth. It is also possible through Hungary.
And fifth, it is also possible to do this via Poland. Yes, there are some technical problems because the tracks are of different gauges and the wheel bogies must be changed. But this only takes a few hours, that is all.
Finally, the easiest way is to transport grain via Belarus. This is the easiest and the cheapest way because from there it can be instantly shipped to the Baltic ports and further on to any place in the world.
But they would have to lift the sanctions from Belarus. This is not our problem though. At any rate, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko puts it like this: if someone wants to resolve the problem of exporting Ukrainian grain, if this problem exists at all, please use the simplest way – through Belarus. No one will stop you.
So, the problem of shipping grain out of Ukraine does not really exist.
Pavel Zarubin: How would the logistics work to ship it from the ports under our control? What would the conditions be?
Vladimir Putin: No conditions.
They are welcome. We will provide peaceful passage, guarantee safe approaches to these ports, and ensure the safe entry of foreign ships and passage through the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea in any direction.
By the way, several ships are stuck in Ukrainian ports at this point. These are foreign ships, dozens of them. They are simply locked up and their crews are still being held hostage.
Such clarity from Putin, when compared to Brandon’s faltering and incomprehensible autocue utterances, shows where the world’s problems begin and end.
I thought the same thing. We in the US are soooo screwed!
Ed P, I think that procedures are being taken to avoid such weaponry inside Ukraine. The Russian inteligence knows exactly what to do and they will act accordingly.
I admire this man. God bless him. He brings hope to the world.
There’s no doubt about what you’re saying. I never thought in my lifetime I’d actually be saying to myself wow there is actually a world leader that brings a sense of hope to humanity. It’s a shame so many people in the west are so ignorant and actually believe the lies spoken about Putin and Russia without fact checking or without reading or watching a single Putin speech or interview.
Without the clarity and leadership of men like President Putin, I would find it difficult to exist in the world.
Putin’s interviews are a joy to behold. You can almost see the twinkle in his eye. Plus he knows way more about the US economy than Biden and more about the British than BoJo.
Strange how “Russian propaganda” makes so much sense.
– Whilst the carefully “Fact-Checked” Western propaganda is so blatantly the opposite of reality.
We DO live in “interesting times” don’t we!
Why even mention excessive inflation growth in the US? Russia’s inflation has been higher for most, if not the whole period from 2020 – present. Although facts about money supply are more accurate (38.6% vs 12% us/rus). I like how its repeated multiple times “Russia has absolutely nothing to do with this.” like Russia has no control over anything, literally 0 mistakes from Russia and 1000 from EU and USA, wow those places are really stupid and bad, what a bunch of bad, stupid guys ruining everything in the west.
Most of the west’s probliate due to deliberate sabotage by the WEF
Russian President has outlined, very methodically and succinctly, the REAL reasons for global food and energy crisis, which are only beginning to unfold. It will get much worse. The culprits for creating this crisis are also VERY CLEARLY identified – only a complete fool will not understand that reality. The West’s self-inflicted pains and angsts, if not outright suicide is entirely due to having a bunch of criminals – vapid, corrupt, self-serving, ignorant, stupid and inherently evil – running your countries. Taking responsibility would mean their instant demise, so the best option to preserve their place at the trough is to blame someone else! And what can be handier than “evil Russia”, already maligned practically to “extinction”. Cancelled! Hence the need for VVP to emphasize the fact that Russia had absolutely NOTHING to do with this instigated by the West crisis. For which, unfortunately, we ALL going to pay dearly.
That’s the result of allowing this collective garbage to get to the levers of power and control and call the shots that affect your lives to the point of dying. Many in the West will simply perish this coming winter..
The MSM megaphone of course will be blaming Russians. Yeah, right!
Katerina, there is no clearer demonstration of the attitudes of the West’s self-proclaimed “Ruling Elite” than the current situation in Ukraine, where Zelenski has been clearly told that the Ukraine Army WILL have to fight “to the last Ukrainian”.
How long before the conflict spreads, and the EU is then “told” to fight to the last European?
As long as the (predominantly US) “Ruling Elite” suffer no consequences, they could not give a damn for anyone else. In their bigoted, xenophobic view, “everyone else is expendable”. They forget that those who think others are expendable, are themselves expendable.
Well, if Ukraine wants to fight Russia to the “last Ukrainian” then be so. Russia would simply reduce numbers of hopelessly brainwashed morons, totally brainwashed with vile, disgusting and sick Russophobia. Europeans, better take a serious notice – same end might be awating Europe with THEIR ghastly Russophobic mental desease.
Any agressive move, and I want to repeat, ANY such move from Europe towards Russia will result in END of Europe. Is that clear? I don’t think many from that EU collection of venal garbage passing for politicians, actually fully comprehend that. I believe that the pat on the head (with some remuneration thrown in) from their Master is more important to them than the fate of their contries or their contrymen. Public is not that far behind in having this comprehension since they keep voting these in.. Brainwashing, by the way, is done by the Anglo-Zionist Cabal that totally controls the Western MSM – ALL of it, and mostly owned by Zhids, of course. Read my essays here. Would explain a lot.
You are one of the few who see exactly the root of all evil. Most people have an idea, but with overwhelming brainwashing always try to point out holes in reality and facts that are staring at them.
But since the move to create fantasy, fiction and illusion via Hollywood, academics, think tanks, NGO’s, human Rights and so many more; it is hard to come to grips with the fact that it was all a lie.
Some feel the need to protect their western countries and it is perfectly understandable. But what they never think of is that other countries have that very same right. Their long history of systematically destroying other countries is of no relevance. We are the good so the others are bad.
They spend time talking about Russia/ China/ Iran/ Syria and all the rest as if they have the god given right to destroy everything, for the sake of some programed righteousness.
They never look at their own crumbling society, where implosion is actually coming. Even then, it will always be somebody else’s fault. Such is the nature of the beast.
Katerina, don’t stop writing for I do believe people in the rest of the world listen and they do matter.
So an export quota reduction from the largest producer of grain has nothing to do with it (11 mil vs 17,5 mil -> yoy 47.2% reduction). This is to outside of the EAEU. Obviously there are things countries could do to change the outcome of things instead of saying “That other country is really bad, sucks we didn’t and cant do anything”. I think there’s an argument there that reducing exports quota by 45% will do something? Saying stuff like “bunch of criminals – vapid, corrupt, self-serving, ignorant, stupid and inherently evil – running your countries”, sounds eerily like no responsibility and a handy way to say “evil country x”. I haven’t stated where I’m from but it doesn’t matter right.
RT: “Global grain prices have fallen to April levels following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s promise to ensure the safe export of Ukrainian grain through Black Sea ports controlled by Russia.”
I think this is a rather odd move.
Putin is always trying to be “good”, but that is now very stupid as Russia is not attacked by angels.
but it’s actually a smart move. the price hike of grain hurts Europe, but Putin rightly doesn’t give a fig about europe. the Europeans sanction themselves into mysery and hell, the russians couldnt care less,. the EU is now nothing more than the economic branch of NATO.
however; the countries that are hurt the most by the chaos and price hikes are third world countries; mostly in africa, but also latin america and elsewhere. by makling sure the grain gets exportred, Putin shows the rest of the planet that it’s not him that’s causing all that suffering.
there is 1 niche where the collective West (US and hostages) is far superior and that is propaganda.
Russia keeps dropping the ball on that one.
but it’s also true that actions will always speak louder and more true than words (TV, internet, papers).
Putin knows this well; and by his actions he shows everyone that he does have the moral high ground and unlike the west cares about much more than just himself or his country.
Putin is not only cult, but has a prodigious memory. The world has a lot to learn from him. When I see President Bolsonaro (who can’t formulate a coherent sentence) I feel that good envy of Russians. Fraternal hugs to all of the blog (here, from the south of Ecuador).
J. Fernandes do Brasil
@ J. Fernandes
Salutations to Brasil and all of South America brother from the U.S. It is refreshing to be in a site with like minded people from different parts of the world united by a common cause and a strong desire to see truth and justice prevail.
If this is a man with a severe / mortal disease, I’m the next Pope.
Putins command of facts,logic and options is so stratospheric, in comparison the browders, khodorokovskys and like paraded in the West MSM are just small time shysters and market traders.
Western media influence is waning. People are questioning sources. Truth is slowly prevailing. RF Intel knows ‘the ropes’ and what to do.
Mr Putin can’t speak any clearer. His words are cohesive and consistent throughout multiple layers of common sense analysis. His words are not hollow, but ring true.
‘Send the grain. There’s no one stopping it.’
Whereas western media influence makes accusations left, center, upside down, and all over the map. Tales full of sound and fury.
Blaming Putin for both inflation of prices and the absence of grain is being done to scapegoat him. That’s why his common sense isn’t carrying any weight.
They need him as a scapegoat for their own failures more than the need the grain or the truth.
Yes… I can see the Westerners awakening too and folks questioning sources. But what are you going to do with a person who asks: “I wonder why we have not heard from ukulele musicians about this war, as they are going to have a tough time replacing their instruments?” (true event) How do you even begin to educate a person like that? Yet they are wearing blue & yellow flag pins and have pro-uke bumper stickers. It is as hopeless as trying to talk to someone about chemistry who does not know what at atom is. And the scarier thing is that they won’t spend any effort educating themselves and simply exist contentedly not knowing that they don’t know. Here we have a leader from Russia talking about educating the population, whereas in the West the political classes see an uneducated population as boon.
Putin is simply the greatest statesman leading what I consider to be the most based nation currently on the planet. My statement is simple but as clear as the blue sky just like Putin’s words. Strength in truth always.
The only person in the U.S. who could have come across as an American statesman that VVP could sit at a table with for a good, long chat was Rush Limbaugh. The back-and-forth recalls from memory would have been epic.
Surely you jest.. Limbaugh was a pathological liar. I would put forth Bernie Sanders, but he is also party to Russo phobia. No, no one in or associated with the Republican or Democratic Parties is equal in quality to Putin.
I think that the food-shortage was caused deliberately.
Two indications:
1) Dr. Chris Martenson (on his Peak Prosperity youtube channel) says: The governement printed trillions of dollars, but feritlizer- factories closed production because of lack of profit. A simple 60 million dollar would have kept these fertilizer factories open.
2) I live very close to Antwerp, and BASF is a big fertiliser producer. Former prime minister Guy Verhofstad summoned BASF at a very early stage to stop producing fertilizer. (An employee told me so). Even when BASF themselves did not (yet) see a reason for it !
Yes, that was an excellent explanation of the grain issue, which in reality is a non-issue–prices dropped after this interview.
But another interview was given today by Lavrov which I machine translated, mostly parsed and turned into an article, while linking to the Russian transcript. You can read that here, “Lavrov’s Strong Words: “This is the Western manner, their megalomania and habit of constantly lying in order to justify their own lawlessness.” Besides Ukraine, Lavrov provides critical information on the Serbia, BiH, overall Balkan issues. And he also provides Russia’s reaction to the sixth set of illegal sanctions, which I understand yet many will find shocking when they think about its impact on their own personal situation.
Thank you for this. It seems the European “Leaders” have not noticed that there is already an energy problem there , and that winter is coming inexorably. You won’t get much power from solar, especially in the higher latitudes during winter; windpower can be variable and fickle (the turbines have an optimal “sweet spot” for maximum energy extraction – much below, generation drops markedly; much above and the turbine has to be braked so as to avoid damage)
France is shutting down 50% of its nuclear capacity (“urgent maintenance” with Germany closing its last three reactors (“Green” agenda). Seems the “Leaders” have no concept of base-load supply (but they WILL, soon enough).
My brain is melting from this article. There’s more truth spoken here than in the whole western Mockingbird msm. The western peoplekind is bombarded with lies, from the empire of LIES, wholly owned by THEM. Mr. Putin exposes our “leaders” as charlatans, middle management for the scumbags who really run the west. How long can the cocaine addled puppet Nazi-lensky survive? If N.A.T.O. doesn’t do it, mabey his generals, or the people give him the Mussolini treatment. God Bless Russia!
Long Live Putin!
Frankly, this coming energy and food crisis is here to serve a purpose.. to drive the psychological momentum of the people even further into their funnel of despair, into slavery.
They know full well what they are doing. It is not hard to see that ukraine may face another gladomor if left in the enemy’s clawed hands. To the last ukrainian… they are just ruskies as far as these abominal “leaders of free world” are concearned…
And if Russia had occupied the whole of Ukraine, those missiles would just have been placed on Ukraine’s border. The information Putin provides in this interview has already been used by this westerner to alter the thinking of his Australian farmer employers, and so it goes, one mind at a time, and with each altered mind recognising the truth we have a quickening of the realisation we are being lied to on a truly industrial scale.
Blowback will be a bitch, q-v, and it will be pleasurable to watch.
Meanwhile I am quietly confident that Russia is capable of dealing with a few incoming missiles in a competent and workmanlike manner.
Never read a more relevant, clear, concise explanation from any Western leader in all my life. No exaggerations, Lavrov and Putin and even Medvedev , are way better communicators than any dunce leader in the West and we have a surplus of them.
To be fair, it’s much simpler when speaking the truth/facts, than making stuff up off the cuff.
Excellent interview! I cannot imagine in a million years any Western leader having such depth of knowledge in any ‘live’ interview on ANY subject without constantly interrupting the interview to refer to a ‘subject expert’.
Outstanding job, Mr. Putin!
Als iedereen goed geluisterd had naar president Poetin helemaal in het begin dan was heel de bedoeling te volgen geweest. Er waren journalisten in de buurt. Het Russisch leger heeft precies gedaan wat de opdracht was. Militaire doelen met precisie wapens uitschakelen. AZOV battalion zoveel mogelijk uitschakelen en arresteren vanwege willen berechten voor hun misdaden tegen Russisch sprekende burgers. De haat is zo intens dat Russen als minderwaardig worden gezien die ze mogen martelen en doden. Dat is natuurlijk misdadig en de NAVO, de EU, de USA hebben jarenlang weggekeken. Niets met afspraken gedaan alleen het laten escaleren met NAVO troepen in de Oekraïne willen plaatsen. Een leger voor je deur had Amerika ook nooit geaccepteerd. De burgers van Mariupol met de AZOV als thuisbasis. Donbas/ Loehansk worden sinds 2014 door de Oekraïense troepen beschoten. Burger doelen met duizenden burger slachtoffers. Regio autonomie geven gaat nu hopelijk gebeuren. Geen raketten meer op burgers. Kiev bezetten is nooit de bedoeling geweest. Dus eigenlijk zijn de Russen heel succesvol geweest. Ze hebben de doelen bereikt. En natuurlijk de bio labs. Dat was de zere plek en vandaar de gruwelijke diepe haat en Rusland willen vernietigen komt dan uit. Met alle middelen hebben de EU, NAVO en USA het willen voorkomen dat het uitkomt en nog proberen ze het. Maar haat vernietigd jezelf uiteindelijk. De.EU krijgt de rekening gepresenteerd. Wij burgers zijn in gevaar gebracht door onze leiders en de EU. Schandalig, ze zijn nog niet gestopt met aanvallen richting Rusland en de eigen burgers te beschermen. Tijdens de processen zullen we het horen want president Poetin wil de processen in de openbaarheid.
Waar was de juiste informatie gebleven? Onzin kreeg en krijgt de bevolking te horen. Iedereen moest Rusland haten. Het werd allemaal opgelegd. Journalisten die ter plaatsen waren met gevaar voor eigen leven. Zij hebben de bewoners laten praten en praten. Laaiend zijn ze allemaal omdat de waarheid niet verteld wordt. Laat de waarheid steeds meer boven komen met de verhalen van de bevolking.
If everyone had listened carefully to President Putin at the very beginning, the whole intention would have been to follow. There were journalists around. The Russian army has done exactly as instructed. Eliminate military targets with precision weapons. Eliminate and arrest AZOV battalion as much as possible for wanting to try them for their crimes against Russian-speaking citizens. The hatred is so intense that Russians are seen as inferior and allowed to torture and kill them. That is of course criminal and NATO, the EU, the USA have looked away for years. Nothing done with agreements only to escalate with NATO troops in Ukraine. America would never have accepted an army at your doorstep. The citizens of Mariupol with the AZOV as their home base. Donbas/Luhansk has been shelled by Ukrainian troops since 2014. Civilian targets with thousands of civilian casualties. Hopefully, giving the region autonomy will now happen. No more missiles at civilians. Occupying Kiev was never the intention. So actually the Russians have been very successful. They have achieved the goals. And of course the bio labs. That was the sore spot and hence the horrific deep hatred and wanting to destroy Russia then comes true. By all means, the EU, NATO and USA have tried to prevent it from happening and are still trying. But hate eventually destroys yourself. The.EU is presented with the bill. We citizens have been endangered by our leaders and the EU. Outrageous, they have not yet stopped attacking Russia and protecting its own citizens. We will hear it during the trials because President Putin wants the trials in the open.
Where had the correct information gone? Nonsense was and will be heard by the people. Everyone had to hate Russia. It was all imposed. Journalists who were on the scene at the risk of their own lives. They let the residents talk and talk. They are all incensed because the truth is not being told. Let the truth emerge more and more with the stories of the people.
Thank you for translating and publishing this interview. Every media in the global South should publish this to let their citizens know who are the people holding the world hostage. The collective West is bent on destroying the planet!
So relevant and well argued that I made a translation from English to French for the French speaking readers. You can See it here:
It is astonishing how quickly Western lies take hold and become ”truth” via their political/educational and MSM……Their propaganda techniques are very good. Unfortunately!!