from Jimmie Moglia
“I produced the following 5-minute video to show a method of helping The Saker Community and Website – a method that, equally, may be of some benefit to the participant.”
from Jimmie Moglia
“I produced the following 5-minute video to show a method of helping The Saker Community and Website – a method that, equally, may be of some benefit to the participant.”
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I never read Shakespeare other than a little in high school. I suggest a comment, in addition, with just the actual details of the contribution.
I read the other day pages from Richard Wagner’s (no relation to the “Wagner Orchestra”) biography of Beethoven and he made a direct comparison between Beethoven and Shakespeare. Those who know both better may see his point, somehow. Richard Wagner in “Beethoven” (1873, 151 pages):
“Hence Shakespeare remained wholly incomparable until German genius produced in Beethoven a being to be analogically explained by comparison with him alone.” – pg. 109
He said that the world of “shapes” of this writer “concurred” with the world of “motives” of the musician “completely.”
I can see the analogy between music and the written word …although it is more about apples and pears.
Beethovens works are that of a ‘mathematical’ genius and more comparable to JS Bach and Mozart, if one wants to empahise structure, content and pace of some melodic narrative.
Shakespeare is closer to Chaucer, some Roman and Russian writers, in terms of exposing the frailties and quirks of the human condition, so arguably there is a melodic interpretation of patterns within the text…and Jimmie Moglias book would certainly assist the reader to understand better the superb writings of Shakespeare, through its extractive contextualising.
Having been educated at a school that placed considerable emphasis on acting (through the fact that the school was founded by a contemporary of Shakespeare), i have to admit that Jimmie Moglias book would have been of considerable use to my learning, had i had access to it 60 years ago…