Bezler sure is a strange guy and I have to honestly say that the more I see him, the more I like him. Yesterday he sure made one interesting statement. Not only does he hint that he is speaking from the Poltava oblast, deep inside Ukie territory. Better, he also says that Poroshenko used to sell weapons to the anti-Nazi insurgents. Finally, and very much in line with his previous statements, he also clearly indicates that he does not believe in a “Novorussian solution” and that he stands for a united federated Nazi-free Ukraine allied to Russia and Belarus. I fully agree with him. That is the only viable long term and *real* ‘solution’ to this war.
To me the most amazing statement is that, if he is not just messing with the Ukies, he is speaking form the Poltava Oblast. Since he is clearly no there for sightseeing purposes the only possible explanation is that he is organizing the underground resistance there. If so, this is very very good news. Still, chances are very hight that Bezler is messing with the Junta’s brain (he does have a record of doing so, remember the fake executions of prisoners to show that he meant business?), so my guess is that he is somewhere in the Nazi underground, but not necessarily in the Poltava Oblast. Still, it is one thing to be a military commander and a totally different one to be an underground organizer. I wonder if Belzer was in the GRU before the war. Does anybody know?
Anyway, see for yourself.
The Saker
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Seen this?
Don’t subscribe though.
My money is on him messing with the Ukies too because surely even he knows they’re not about to turn around and hug Russia in some kumbaya brotherhood hugfest. Not after this much blood and destruction. All that reconciliation talk was feasible before the bloodletting and industrial scale crippling of Ukraine begun in earnest. When the Ukies still had something to preserve and gain from reconciliation.
You don’t half beat your brother to death and say, look brother lets hug for our mothers sake because I’m tired of beating you up, and seriously expect him to let you go back to a normal existence in Russia unscathed. Either Russia finish what they started with the total annihilation of the Ukrainian state as an entity and a nation, or they better prepare to pay massive reparations and buy love and peace/ protection racket, from a full blooded hybrid nazi-capitalist monstrosity right on its border. The war has assumed a raison d’être of its own for the nazis because they only get paid and thrive through pindostan’s patronage as long as the war endures. The moment the war ceases, the Americans will have no use for Ukraine, and the nazis know it. With that self sustaining fuel, hybrid wars have been sustained on a pepertual basis in places like Somalia and Liberia, the DR Congo and countless other conflict zones. The war in Ukraine is slowly but inexorably degenerating into one of those permanent war states. And the sooner and more decisively Russia acts the better.
That posture, that history, the most disciplined of the fighting forces, fought in Afghanistan, Red Star … looks career military but perhaps with hidden talents. Ukraine says GRU, but they would.
(Ukraine says Girkin is GRU, when it is well-established he’s FSB. The FSB is domestic, the GRU abroad. So what to do when some state in FSB or its precursor secedes? What Russia seems to have done is keep the jurisdiction as it always was, so FSB now covers domestic plus all former SU. Ukraine just wants to be defined as “abroad” from Russia.)
Bes seems to have all the attributes of a pro. Remember General Korsun? Bes signed the document on the first page. After the conspiracy was wound up, Bes was credited with leading the operation.
So, they approached Bes and he joined the conspiracy “under cover” and informed Zakharchenko or rumours were circulating and Bes was assigned to infiltrate them. Either way, he looks like he has a natural talent if he’s an amateur.
I like the way it was kept under wraps; a lot of pressure came down when Bes disappeared. Are we finally seeing real discipline?
Do you expect really a valid answer?
Great video. But “a united federated Nazi-free Ukraine?” Please, that train has left the station. Total fantasy at this point.
Bezler was born in Simferperol but grew up Kazakhstan. Son of an ethnic German father and a Ukrainian mother, he considers himself Russian. (Why not? this is normal in Europe). He is believed to have studied at Dzerzhinsky Military Academy. and to be veteran of Afghanistan and Chechen wars. They say he retired in 2002, and moved to Ukraine to run a funeral home in Gorlovka.
Ukraine SBU definitely believes him to be a GRU officer, reactivated for Crimean operations during the annexation — they said so in their report of charging him a number of political murders (later dropped).
He actually has a Wikipedia entry
but the really good bits are in the supporting sources. Entry was started by a US resident pro-Kiev Ukrainian expat; the page has had more edit reversals than some articles on whole countries, several by editors since barred.
About a month ago Bez “disappeared” and rumours were he’d been arrested again or killed. Colonel Cassad said at the time he had returned to his birthplace (ie Crimea). Zakharchenko, when pressed for any knowledge, said he was away on business and his whereabouts “is a military secret”….which rather belied long-standing rumours that there’s trouble between Bezler and the government.
I’ll think about the location hint, but I think he’s smart enough not to even hint at things if they are meant to be secret. It’s not a known hotbed of insurgency, so would be a good place to lie low while organising, which is why he would not give it away… dunno yet.
NO, “United federalised Ukraine” is no option anymore. Maybe it was in the spring but not now. The Kiev hunta says no,and even with a regime-change in Kiev I don´t think that Galizia for example can ever co-exist with Donbass. Let´s face it: the east and west of “ukraine” are too different (and now too much blood has been spilled). No, the best solution is Novorossia of eight oblasts + Transniestria + as much of Malorossia as possible, i.e. all land east of the Dniepr, NOT neccessarily including Kiev. The rest is simply too nazified to ever be pro-Russian.
Amazing interview.I’ve always thought he was a great leader.The kind of officer soldiers would be proud to serve under.Stern but fair,and cared for his troops.Hopefully,he is working on building an effective underground operation.While I’ve always supported the idea of a free Novorossia.I’ve also thought it should be united in a Federation with the other parts of the former Ukraine.But only in a nation without the junta and nazism.It will be hard work rebuilding that nation.There is still a lot of blood ahead before nazism is finished in Ukraine.But it can be done.
I don’t know if it was here or somewhere else but it was already known the weapons suddenly appearing in donbass came from kiev (in that article it was kolomoisky). It has been speculated for months and it seems to be the truth that “kiev” is funding both sides of this civil war.
Gregoire (I also posted the youtube link)
Full steam ahead for a united Eurasian Ukraine!
Thanks, I thought everyone here was drunk on the idea of Novorussian independence.
This is about the 3 or 4th video I watched today with each one has militia in it seeming like they are talking about giving up the fight??? No, I kbow those were not the exact words but it seems the attitude in many today. Did I miss something?
What a beautiful little speech. I wonder how many of the Ukrainian army will hear it? I’ve always thought that strategically, for Donbass to protect itself it needs to own Kiev, one way or another. But the time to march on Kiev didn’t come yet. And it would be better with the Ukie army alongside as well.
I know in war everything is propaganda and psy-op, but I actually believe Bezler about the arms sales – not that NAF didn’t get arms from Russian sources too, but that the Ukie oligarchs sold them weapons.
We have to remember we’re not dealing with ideologues but criminals. I remember well how Margarita Montyan described their thieving ways. The US comes in with a geo-political plan, and all the oligarchs can see is an opportunity to steal money from a ramped-up war effort:
Margarita Montyan – The Oligarchs should have killed Yanukovich, and they destroyed Ukraine
I think it doesn’t change, no matter what the rhetoric or standing ovations. These are criminals, focused exclusively on personal gain, and they send the population to die in war without a second thought.
Then there’s the old Ukrainian general with his perfect understanding of all this, back in March. The clip was posted here recently, but didn’t get much traction. It fits totally with the message Bezler is trying to send, and speaks volumes about what can be seen and known in Ukraine by the army and the old Soviet guard. I wonder how many of his kind are still around:
Ukrainian General reveals the Zionist control of Ukraine
All well and good but for an all encompassing grass roots rebellion make explicit the western state of a federal Ukraine is not Russian aligned. Russia alignment will never play in the West. It is about truly autonomous states under a Ukraine federal banner, no civil war, no blood sucking parasites in power. That is how to unite the people from end to end.
All this should be a thing of the “lateral strategy.”
@Anonymous said…
Seen this?
Don’t subscribe though.
29 November, 2014 19:01
This guy I like him. I believe everything he says is true.
Pinchuk is behind everything from the beginning as reported, I think a year or more, the Voltaire Network.
The oligarchs are behind all the wars in the world are and have been, all the corruption that affects governments and societies, of all the evils of this world.
How are we to get rid of this scourge?
I am not satisfied with leaving the country of origin or their thefts to settle in another who plunder.
Displaying the second part of the documentary that I commented here the other day about Russian-Jewish oligarchs I learn that Gusaninsky is now in Spain.
What want me to tell you, it does me no laughter. He better looks elsewhere, here we do not want that kind of rabble, we have yet our own intriguing and looters.
Why does he not go to the US?
yes seen it thank you, hence my recent posts of freemason links the other day for people to check out what they think -your suggestion has been posted before here recently-I just wonder if this general is not being held for treasonable offences, I wonder where he is at the moment-he says he is strong enough to take care of himself-his bio might be interesting.Anyone know????
On a different note, I try to check out latest reports from Cassad tv on the conflict-is any one able to give a strategic summary? Reading that ukr army has thousands of tanks, perhaps 80,000 infantry left, how does the future look for Donbass? Half of Lugansk oblast seems to be under ukr control, some third of Donetsk? ANR near Golovska seem to be in vulnerable danger of being caught out from behind, plus another western ANR extension also seems to be in danger too, especially recent tank activity near Donetsk.Is winter setting in, everyone running out of ammo, are NRA forces using those huge Prion howitzers yet?Is there money to fund ukr forces, are they just awaiting arms etc from USA and Lithuania(still can’t find out what Lit has confirmed to supply), but USA arms/supplies will be transported through Lithuania wonder Rus getting firm about their border………
Interestingly UNHCR has announced a disasters appeal for Ukraine, states it is delivering aid(can anyone find out what-where-when?), yet as I posted the other day Bani moon telephoned Poroshenko on 26 Nov to congratulate him on progress towards peaceful settlement.Ukr has previously donated its first ever donation 1m hnvra to UNHCR Syria appeal.Rus convoy due next couple of days.
BTW Saker-sometimes when logging in eblogger says there is a problem then I have to back arrow to get back to post but it is logged in.Best wishes to all, been some excellent/fabulous posts recently.Still reading the interview.
forgot to say aeroflot flights banned/cancelled over Ukr Moscow Kharkiv, Moscow -Dnprop. , someone high up said I think there should be more sabotage of rus assets eg aeroplanes??? same guy as before re other sabotage?Can’t quite remember can’t find it again -sorry.
Russia-24 tv apparently now investigating that recent MH17 photo.
USA has previously warned on 23rd August of imposing further sanctions if Rus H. A. convoys continue.
Poltava has not come up in rebellion news at all. The Governor of the oblast, Viktor BOHAYCHUK just resigned a week ago, reason or replacement not given, that I can find. He was a regional council deputy, appointed (in March) as part of the quota for the Svoboda party. Seems to have been a factory manager, not an oligarch. (Must be a bit of a non-entity, if as governor he doesn’t have a Wiki entry while rebel commanders do….Wikipedia rules say a living person has to be ‘notable’ to be allowed an entry).
Is Bezler really in Poltava? No known partisans there. But a hop and a jump to Kharkhiv (an hour’s drive max) and, maybe more importantly, on the main junction of the only 2 roads from Kiev to Kharkhiv….and on a river crossing. Useful place to have well trained partisans in.
The video is a propaganda piece aimed at the western Ukrainians. This casts a tiny doubt on whether Poroshenko was personally involved in arms sales…. although it’s not the first time it’s been claimed defense Ministry was selling armaments to all comers who had money, one reason their own soldiers also had to buy their own if they wanted equipment.
Thanks Saker for the vid and to everyone in comments who added to this post.
Very intelligent man and clearly playing some mind games here. There’s plenty more in this man than meets the eye. Looks like the release of this video was carefully planned. This is getting very interesting.
@Andreas Walsh
Yes, the train has left the station. But it cannot arrive to either Moscow or Berlin. So it can crash, pull back, or run in circles. –The choice is entirely yours, of course.
Spiegel (mirror) op-ed saying it’s time for their useless spineless do nothing “leiter” to go.
nov 24
but, who owns & controls the media there?
UNHCR seems to be working mostly in Western Ukraine, but for the benefit of refugees.
They’ve done blanket and warm clothing distribution (as many people left with just the clothes on their backs, in summer).
Now they’re also doing food distribution, after earlier giving out vouchers local shops were supposed to accept.
This second article mentions the “east” but that would be areas near the front line, NOT in Donbass, which Kiev is trying to ignore off the face of the earth.
The US has allegedly contributed $15 million to date for “support Ukrainian efforts to ensure adequate reception of internally displaced persons (IDP)” and help the vulnerable populations in the east.
Strange, every town that’s taken in refugees is complaining they can’t afford to feed them, and the refugees complain they can’t get food. I wonder what percentage of this aid goes into pockets?
Just from reading the US government website for this, HAAHAHAH
* We are also providing assistance to boost the capacity of independent media outlets to provide unbiased information and to increase access to information in all parts of Ukraine.
* The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) launched Russian-language television news programs airing in Ukraine that are produced by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/FL) and the Voice of America (VOA) as well as a multi-language RFE/RL website devoted to events in Crimea.
yeah, independent, sure bro’ sure.
Russia just quietly, without boasting, houses and feeds about 300,000 on its own territory, and sends convoys to help 3 or 4 million. And for information, has set up Novorossiya with its own mobile phone network, so no head office in Kiev can pull the plug on them.
Hi Saker! If you haven’t before, you need to give some props to Kazzura / @Wintersodom, who translated this vid. This person does some amazing translation work – both quick and accurate – and needs to be supported by the pro-Ukraine/Russia English-speaking community.
Cheers! :-)
I have been thinking that eventually the Russian left/monarchists and the extreme right may find common ground in Ukraine. Both want to fight the oligarchs, who run our lives and are surprisingly visible in Ukraine. Both are patriotic forces, though of very different kinds. They will have to try and find compromises on several issues. Can it be done? I don’t know, but I think Besler talks to every ukie willing to take on Kiev and that includes the extremists, who now serve under oligarchs they used to feel contempt for. Beslers Poroshenko card is powerful. The extremists see their leaders serving oligarchs in the Rada. They are only being bought to provide stormtroopers. Do you think the oligarchs like them? If I were a westukrainian nationalist I would be disgusted.
WW2, the war that never should have happened, resulted in Germany and Russia respecting each other and same with Finland and Russia. Will the cruel civil war in Ukraine lead to something similar?
Like the Saker, I am not a prophet, I cant predict anything, but for months I have been wondering if Ukraine is the place where oligarchic power has become so visible and obvious the people will have to take a stand against it. We can’t solve a problem unless we see it.
for April. 3 to November 27
* 3,450 fighters “Right sector” as well as 30 special battalions of mercenaries “Dnepr”, “Azov” and “Aydar”,
* 11,715 soldiers (main battalions listed but I’ve left them out) from Ministry of Defense
* 4,141 employees from the Ministry of Internal Affairs
* 379 employees of the Security Service of Ukraine,
* 243 people from the ranks of the State Border Service,
* 1,781 people from other armed Ukrainian units
* 88 employees of the CIA, FBI and Special Forces defense Intelligence Agency.
* 630 foreign mercenaries from among the Polish private military company «ASBS Othago», American Asademi and her “daughter» Greystone Limited, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Lithuania, Estonia, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, Czech Republic, Finland, Africa, Arab and other countries
That is 21,709 Ukrainian and 718 foreigners, a total of 22,427 as well as 49,673 injured.
These numbers come from something called Interregional Public Fund for the Promotion of Strategic Security.
According to leaked Ukrainian figures, it is only
12,000 killed, 19,000 wounded, and nearly five thousand
missing…. even that is a lot more than they are publicly admitting to. Another 9000 are listed as captured, deserted or otherwise missing, but many of these may be deaths they have not recorded.
The republics keep finding burial sites, the latest one not even really buried, just bulldozed into a heap and covered. They have started to scan and publish all documents they find on such bodies or remains, to give people with missing sons/husbands a chance to try identifying them. I have seen some of these documents (and put them on my rather empty Facebook); I’ll try to get the website for them.
@Kat Kan,
you are amazing girl.
Greetings from Serbia,
Why black gold’s low prices won’t last long
The current oil price dip is temporary and crude will return to $100 a barrel by mid-2015
Well sir,he is all the time wearing telnyashka,gorka suits,vdv beret and said he served in Afghanistan.We both know Spn troops were disguised as airborne officially.Then there is the video he is singing and playing guitar in a Afgan vets reunion with everybody getting sentimental.he is over 50 and very fit so he must have been pretty active till retirement,that screams he is a field operative
Awesome speech. I think by the end, he was happy that the idea for this speech came off really well.
I can hardly wait until it happens as he says.
I think what he means by a united Ukraine is that the Novosussian army is going to Kiev…that’s of course what he’s talking about and wants all the cannon fodder Ukrainians to switch sides.
@ Kat Kan
Voice of America is a waste of money, they always had hard time to connect. Broadcasting State Department in Russian sounds paranoid at best. RFE/RFL used to be better, because of culture based programs, but they lost that edge, and most likely nowadays is a write-off as well; what is that they are going to say which is not known? (and the other thing you mentioned is called —which gives an idea…)
But Ukraine died in Odessa. The ultra-nationalists did their work well. ironically.
To be perfectly honest, I don’t trust Bezler.
Hi Elsie ! Yes I watched that wonderful old general…fantastic. I believe every word of it. Saker did you see the video ?
Fort Russ has been holding Bezler on their front page since October, with his firm endorsement of Zakharchenko and excerpts from an interview. If you don’t have Fort Russ bookmarked, you should have. A rare Strelkov-free zone.
Bes says he was working as head of security in a Donbass factory. Doesn’t sound like likely cover for a state security agent, unless it was one of Akhmetov’s or Kolomoisky’s.
Distrustful Anonymous: Trust but verify. Besler’s actions during the General Korsun affair indicate that his allegiances are as stated, to his Supreme Commander and Prime Minister.
I think the story that Poroshenko has been selling arms to the militia is a well-chosen piece of disinformation. The Ukrs are ready to believe anything about any oligarch, so let’s twist their tails a bit.
I continue to believe that we are being hornswoggled about the degree of resistance in the northwest. We never saw the widespread and militant anti-draft demonstrations and riots, but they were going on. Now the control of dissidents and the media has been ramped up tenfold. Just because we aren’t hearing about it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
If he’s really in Poltava, Bes is running Kharkiv. Good hunting, Bes.
Thinking about possible scenarios.
First, those of us who live in states where politics are a “frozen conflict” have to get our heads around how volatile Ukrainian political allegiances are. Such a thing as “totally discredited” still exists there. Look at Yulia, barely making the Rada, Self-Help zooming out of left field when bought by Kolomoisky, Yats’ ascension and Poroshenko’s fall in the final month of the last election campaign, the wipeout of the overt Nazis.
Second, it’s still a waiting game. Total economic collapse will shake allegiances loose.
Third, if a third Maidan is attempted, it will be met with lethal force from the git go, but that might be educational.
Fourth, a coup is very possible from the right. I think it has always been their long-range plan. It will be substantially carried out by Aydar, Azov, the Dniepers, Donbass if it’s rebuilt — that is, Kolomoisky. So perhaps the Ukrainian Army will oppose.
An anonymous novel was published in Canada about 50 years ago. The Quebec separatist party had just won a referendum, party paramilitaries mobilized in defense, English Canada invaded Quebec.
Closing scene: boys in separatist colours are shepherding Anglo POWs along a dirt road. Sound of airplanes in the distance. Everybody dives for the ditches. WTF? They’re slow, they’re cargo, they’re troop carriers, THEY’RE AMERICAN! Without a word, the separatists start tossing rifles to the POWs and they all start firing skyward.
Anyone registered with a Ukr newspaper, consider posting this comment under its coverage of draft resisters being arrested/tried.
It is a news bit, sourced Cat in Vostok battalion, of Ukr field crematoria at Kramatorsk, the likely destination of those draft resisters had they not resisted and possibly the “last heard from” location of readers’ missing loved ones.
Он сообщил, что под Краматорском украинские войска организовали полевые крематории. «Хунта лихорадочно избавляется от своих погибших. Так, по сообщениям местных жителей, в районе Краматорска продолжают работать полевые крематории. Два расположены в поле между Славянском и Краматорском, еще один расположен в районе аэродрома (недалеко от поселка Веселый).
It will likely come down quickly, but not immediately. It took Kiev Post eight days to ban me from comments.
If some Russian speaker would kindly provide the translation, in Cyrillic, this one might even slip past:
Our real casualties are 22,000.
What is with Cassad? Article on “Cossack mutiny” in LPR disappears, no correction, confirmation, no word at all.
Now a snippet that there are rival resistance armed forces recruiting among existing battalions. Mozgovoi?
Has anybody seen coverage?
Prior to your last podcast I requested your thoughts on Bezler–Perhaps on your next podcast you could provide some perspective and serious discussion regarding this very significant person???
“Anonymous said…
I would much appreciate your thoughts on Bezler being removed from his command
10 November, 2014 23:34″
Again, I would also appreciate your thoughts on Glaziev; specifically as pertains to his grasp of Russian economic picture
and the performance of Russian central banking-which seems to be counterproductive.
Absolutely Great 7 honest Video
I respect this man, who is he and I wonder how long it will take Unfortunately till he some type of accident arranged by the dictatorship in Kiev & sponsors.
Brilliant Video May I post it here again? I think its important for as many people as possible to see.
In WW II terms, it would be around January 1942. The Nazis had made their big push to take Moscow (Donetsk), and fallen just short. Then the Russians launched their counter-offensive in November and pushed the Germans back from Moscow, but didn’t have the strength to relieve Leningrad which remained under siege. The front lines stabilized while both sides re-grouped for the summer offensive in 1942, after the fields dried out enough to support armour.
The Ukrainian army fell back in disarray after their offensive collapsed in September, but the Novorissians did not have the manpower or other resources to push forward on a decisive counter-offensive and retake Slavyansk or Mariupol. In fact, they weren’t even able to push the Ukrainian army back out of artillery range of Donetsk, and are still fighting in the suburbs.
The idea that the Novorossian army was in a position to advance on Kiev, or even take and hold Mariupol fails to consider their insignificant numbers and the fact that as they advance they have to keep dropping off troops to secure and defend what they have just over-run. That takes a lot of manpower.
The Novorossian army hasn’t even been able to pinch off the dangerous salient of Ukie troops driving a wedge between Donetsk and Luhansk. That would be their number one priority, and they are working on it, but the Ukies are dug in well, and will probably hold their positions for the winter, just as the Germans dug in outside of Leningrad in the winter of 1941 and held their positions until events to the south of them in 1944 rendered their position untenable as they were outflanked and in danger of being surrounded.
It is very difficult to dislodge well dug in troops, and the Ukies have obviously decided to simply dig in within artillery range of Donetsk and shell the city into surrender or depopulation as the residents flee to Russia.
Assuming Bezler is indeed working behind the Ukie lines to set up guerrilla groups in their rear, that is the correct strategy for Novorossia. They need to follow Che Guevara’s call to “create one, two, many Vietnams” or in their case, many areas of insurgency to overtax the Ukie army and cut it’s supply lines. They also need to sabotage the Ukie arms industry plants and power grid to make it difficult for Kiev to supply it’s army in the field. Each successful new guerrilla warfare (partisan) area draws troops away from the Novorossia front lines, enabling the Novorossian forces to edge forward against the weakened Ukie lines and consolidate their territory while gradually pushing back the Ukie artillery.
In particular, the Novorossians need to stir up trouble in and around Kharkov, which like Donetsk and Luhansk lies close to the Russian border and could be aided by covert Russian arms supplies.
Very nice what Bezler says.
But in this moment not very realistic.
Ukrainian population is poisoned with anti-russian hatred.
To achieve that what Bezler Says about united federal Ukraine,there is only one possibility – total military defeat of junta.
Ukrainians must look at traitors that are not only in Kiev, but on line Berlin-Brussels-London-Washington. And their goal? Money talks.
The extent of this long article, over 7,000 words, wrote six-member team led by Christian Hoffmann, who say to specialist on Russia. What is the key: The article gives a detailed sequence of events and summaries of closed meetings led by the EU and especially Germany for the crisis at the time of withdrawal Yanukovich.
Merkel threw that on her serving a series of allegations: Misunderstood the position of Yanukovich, understood the importance of Ukraine to Russia and most importantly – ink at treaty with the EU and Ukraine could be dry if Merkel would not listen only to Kiev, but diplomatically negotiated with Russia. That did not happen, se the role of Vitaliy Klichko and German interests .
Article conclusions are clear. Everyone now knows that attempt to tie Ukraine to the EU’s did not work, and this state is virtually disintegrating. Moreover it would be a radical shift towards NATO to Russia’s borders and attempts to rewrite the borders after World War II and brought Europe to a threat of war, not only to the ongoing civil war in Ukraine. EU lost Russia for the first time after 70 years Europe is divided as after the war. And Putin can not be blamed, but Merkel. Spiegel is as usual cautious. But the wheel has turned and our corporate MSMElementary indebted to the United States would finally have to grab the nose.
Alea iacta est.
There was no ‘Cossack mutiny’ .
There was a report on a disagreement on a coal deal. Kozitsyn is in Russia and doing OK
sorry saker, you tend to give too much importance to long term while forgetting that anglos make reality for short term and then that short term becomes long term reality.
russia has never insisted on explanation as to why anglo pirate english got the black box of Malaysian plane and slept over it for 7 weeks while accusing russiqa within a few hours of accident. now that news is buried and harm to Russia done because all sanctions was on basis of that drawing of plane-is Russia so stupid to not even rescue herself by questioning on the very basis of sanctions/ so you see Russia is a real loser -it will gain neither short term nor long term because Russia has always eschewed attack on her =oppressor anglos.
Really, Mike, you call this a “report”? This is the most vacuous non-report year-to-date.
[Partly de-Yandexed] Suddenly disappeared from the territory of the LC Vsevelikogo Ataman of the Don Nicholas Kozitsin [broadcast] an appeal to colleagues, urging them not to use their weapons against unarmed people, and said that he was on vacation.
Also in this video, the Ataman asked his subordinate Cossacks to remember that they have only one enemy (APU) and stated that he was “with them.” Kozitsin made no comment on the incident which occurred recently in Anthracite city.
Earlier in this city MIA LC and loyal republican government units of the National Guard Cossack neutralized armed gang takeovers “Antratsitugol” and contraband supplies coal to the Ukrainian side. During the raid were killed the military commander of the city Vyacheslav Pinezhanin and chief of staff of the local Cossack units Michael Koval.
So, who were the “armed gangs”? Cassad, in a disappeared report, said it was the LC government who was selling black market coal to Ukraine. Why is Kozitsyn reminding his people not to fire on “unarmed” people? Is this necessary? Is it code for “fire on the armed people, you know who”?
Unless you believe Kozitsin has joined Bes on a beach in Crimea, there are only three reasons for him to be in Russia. He was taken by force, he’s seeking asylum, or he is badly enough wounded to need good medical care.
There are reports of one to two dozen dead. Prapor is reported to be one of them. He was Givi’s “rabbi.”
Why “loyal” government republican units? Are the “armed gangs” disloyal government forces? Are they disloyal Cossacks? The first, now suppressed, report said it was the LPR whose hands were dirty, and the shootout was between LPR and Cossacks.
I feel much too old to hear “Not in front of the children.”
What I remember from Cassad report is that there was a dispute, having to do with coal sold to Ukraine (Kozitsyn had an involvement in that). There was a shooting in the city, sniper fire according to reports, which left two people from city administration dead. Kozitsin was no longer there after the events, he was in Russia, he was OK, and he was doing OK. After 2 people were shot, shooting stopped. Commanders still command, -no mutiny. I do not know more details, and happy to leave it like that. (There is a war, there are no courts or professional police, and things happen even when there are all those). If there is more to know, they will publish it.