By now many of you must have heard the news: a Russian Lieutenant-General, Valery Asapov, and two Colonels have been killed in what appears to be a very precisely targeted mortar attack. Just as in the case of the Russian military police unit recently attacked near Deir ez-Zor, the Russians are accusing the Americans of being behind this attack. To make things even worse, the Russians are now also officially accusing the Americans of actively collaborating with ISIS:
US Special Operations Forces units enable US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces units to smoothly advance through the ISIS formations. Facing no resistance of the ISIS militants, the SDF units are advancing along the left shore of the Euphrates towards Deir-ez-Zor. The aerial photos made on September 8-12 over the ISIS locations recorded a large number of American Hummer vehicles, which are in service with the America’s SOF. The shots clearly show the US SOF units located at strongholds that had been equipped by the ISIS terrorists. Though there is no evidence of assault, struggle or any US-led coalition airstrikes to drive out the militants. Despite that the US strongholds being located in the ISIS areas, no screening patrol has been organized at them. This suggests that the US troops feel safe in terrorist controlled regions.
These are the maps and aerial photos provided by the Russians (for higher resolution, click here)
What this all seems to point to is that the Pentagon has now apparently decided to attack Russian forces directly, albeit unofficially. From the Pentagon’s point of view, this (almost) makes sense.
First, by now it is pretty darn clear that the “good terrorists” and the “bad terrorists” have lost the civil war in Syria. Simply put, the USA has been defeated, Syria, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah have won and the Israelis are now freaking out.
Second, the American plan to use the Kurds as foot-soldiers/canon-fodder has failed. The Kurds are clearly too smart to be pulled in such a losing proposition.
Third, the American plan-B option, the partition of Syria, is now itself directly threatened by the Syrian military successes.
Last and not least, the Americans by now are deeply humiliated and enraged at the Russian success in Syria.

Lieutenant-General Valery Asapov
Hence they have now apparently taken the decision to directly target Russian military personnel and they are using their considerable reconnaissance capabilities combined with US Special Forces on the ground, working side by side with “good” and “bad” terrorists, to target and attack Russian military personnel.
This is not the first time, by the way. There is pretty good evidence that a Russian hospital near Aleppo was targeted using means not available to the local Daesh franchise. This time, however, the Americans are not even trying to hide. The message seems to be this all-time American favorite “watcha gonna do about it?“.
There is a lot the Russians could do about it, in fact. I wrote about this in my article “Using plausible deniability against a systematically lying adversary“. If the folks at CENTCOM really believe that their generals are all safe and out of reach they are deeply mistaken. Unlike the Russians and, even more so, the Iranians, US Generals are mostly risk averse and hard to get to in Syria. But who said that Russia would have to retaliate in Syria? Or, for that matter, that Russia would have to use Russian forces to retaliate. Yes, Russia does have special units trained in the assassination of high-value targets in hostile countries, but that does not at all mean that they would decide to use them. Accidents can happen anywhere and the roads are notoriously dangerous in the Middle-East. Why do I mention that? To illustrate that Russia does have options short of overtly going to war.
Of course, the Russians could simply fire a volley of Kalibr cruise missile at any of the ISIS positions shown in the photos above and then go “oops, you had personnel embedded with these al-Qaeda types? Really? We had no idea, no idea at all“. Syria also have a pretty solid arsenal of tactical ballistic missiles. The Syrians could mistakenly hit any such ISIS+US positions and express consternation at the presence of US military personnel in the midst of terrorists. There is also Hezbollah who, in the past, has even seized Israelis soldiers in raids across the border and who could decide to capture themselves some US SOF types. And let’s not forget the Iranians who have not had such an golden opportunity to finally get their hands on US military personnel since many years.
The three key weakness of the US force posture in Syria are: first, their own force in Syria is too small to make a difference, but big enough to represent a lucrative target and, second, all the boots on the ground which matter are against them (Syrians, Iran, Turkey, Hezbollah and the Russians). Finally, the only two real US allies in the region are too afraid to put boots on the ground: Israel and the Saudis.
The bottom line is that if the Americans think that the Russians and their allies don’t have options they are deeply mistaken. They also should seriously consider the consequence of having US SOF operating in forward positions. The Syrians are closing the distance fast and this might not be the best time to hunt Russian military personnel.
So far the Russians have only limited themselves to protests and expressions of disgust. This has clearly not been an effective strategy. The Russians apparently don’t realize that very few people care and that the more the complain, the less credible their warnings sound. This is not a sustainable approach and the Russians will so “have to do something about it”, to use the American expression.
Things might become very dangerous, very fast and very soon.
The Saker
Saker, is this killing a lucky shot, result of a inside mole , or something guided by US drone or satellite? It is awfully too lucky. It remind me Israel army fire killed some famous Iranian some year ago in Syria.
J, this is certainly not a “lucky shot”. This is a combination of very precise shooting by well trained gunners, and timely and accurate information of the position of the Russian command post and when the high ranking officers would be in session. Almost certainly there were drones, plus special forces LRRP (long range recce patrol) type observers looking out for high value targets.
Take it from a retired artilleryman, this was no fluke shot.
The US forces, if they committed the deed, will likely claim that it is a mistake. Just as they claimed that the 1999 bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was a mistake. Dozens, including Chinese women and children, were murdered in that bombing, the heavy casualties of which the Chinese did not admit. This was due to Chinese embassy staff and their families as well as other Chinese civilians and their families taking refuge there from the indiscriminate US-led Nato bombing.
China swallowed her bitterness and carried on diplomatic relations with the US.
I think that Russia should carry on helping the SAA sweep ISIS from Syria including their support forces. This will deny the US from getting a piece of Syria in the event of a peace settlement.
Taking tit for tat vengeance could detract from this objective and give the US an excuse to retaliate and escalate via CENTCOM.
As per the Saker about non-symmetrical retaliation – The FBI has joined the investigation into the death of a Loudoun County man who used to be a contractor for the CIA.
Agents are checking to see if William Bennett has any enemies from his CIA days, sources said.
Deputies found Bennett’s body in a grassy area next to Riverside Parkway early on March 22,2009. His wife, Cynthia Bennett, was found injured nearby. She was airlifted to an area hospital, where she remains in critical condition…William Bennett was a CIA contractor until 2000.
He was involved in a mistaken bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade in May 1999 during the conflict with Kosovo, according to intelligence sources. Three people were killed and 20 injured in that bombing. The CIA later took responsibility. Bennett was one of the officials who helped identify targets in Belgrade, according to a retired senior intelligence officer.”
Source: FBI Helps Loudoun County Sheriff With Ex-CIA Slaying – NBC4 Washington
Thanks gebay for the info. on the CIA contractor involved. The bombing was no mistake. It was a deliberate act. The Chinese admitted only 3 dead – journalists. But dozens died. However, this is one of many atrocities that the US committed. All men of goodwill are looking forward to the day when God Almighty gives justice to the US for what they have done and are doing.
Not we the people who have nothing to do with this. I particularly was aghast at the war on the Christian Serbs, the only civilized people in Yugoslavia. The Croats behaved just like they did as Nazi partisans and Catholics always do – they targeted Christians and the Moslems, especially the imported Mujahideen from Afghanistan, want to kill all of everyone else. Then enters the brave USAF pilots and drops cluster bombs on women and children in open market places, on bridges and on factory workers surrounding their factories trying to save some of their expensive infrastructure.
Why do we even bother with service academies? The West Point, Colorado Springs, and Annapolis graduates, supposedly the cream of the crop of American youth, follow unlawful (unconstitutional) orders to kill indiscriminately and partition Yugoslavia. They are conditioned to have no more moral fiber than William Tecumseh Sherman as he indiscriminately waged war against civilians – women, old men, and children, destroying their homes, food and clothing in the middle of the winter and left them to die. I am thoroughly ashamed of my forefathers for allowing the current military/industrial/media/fiat-money banker complex to be established. My great grandparents fought for freedom from federal tyranny but after their crushing defeat in the War of Northern Aggression, my forefathers have meekly obeyed the yankees, paid high taxes, fought world wars and believed the lies they were taught in the government schools.
I am doing what I can to expose the un-American demons who call themselves the central government. I want to let you know that we the American people do not support perpetual war or the establishment of an American empire bent on killing all you resist.
We read a great deal about the ground-to-air missile defence system being created today. Isn’t there something super-accurate that could be invented to take drones out of the air like flocks of birds?
It is my understanding that three rounds, the only rounds fired, all landed direct on target and appeared as a salvo, IOW more than one tube involved in the fire mission. This indicates, if true, some very good intell and masterful shooting using the appropriate electronic aids for first round impact. Experts were involved in this incident, of which Brand X has few, if any.
Never The Last One Love And Honor, Courage And Treachery. A Small War Fought In A Dark Corner Of A Vast Land.
An Incident On Simonka NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
As an addendum to my reply, in addition to the General being killed, at least one Colonel and one civilian was killed, unconfirmed report is the civilian is a translator. It is possible other both military and civilians were killed or wounded but reports are unconfirmed as of this time.
” of which Brand X has few, if any
What does Brand X refer to? The USA?
Ye’katarina (Katherine)
Brand X is a colloquialism in regards to US TV commercials in the ’50’s where one company would compare their product to another company that was ‘unidentified’ but the box was the giveaway as to what the under performing product was albeit no name was on the box, just the colors and layout of same.
This morphed in to a description of the enemy in the ’60’s and ever since when no one would actually name the enemy we were fighting of the moment but everyone knew who they were. In the context of my post it refers do ‘daesh/alquada/SDF/ISIS/ISIL/IGIL/WABC’ et al who performed this attack. We of course have many names for the bad guys, often amongst ourselves or small unit wise, and most of which you are not old enough to hear, nor is your grandmother.
Swedish and Finnish mortar teams practic(ed) on getting 3 rounds simultaneously on target by pre-marking the Z-position on the tube, and basically kicking it into these presets. But – accuracy suffers.
The Swedes and Finns don’t have gps guided mortars, which are more or less 100% accurate. I read a while back that only the US manufactures those and keep tight control of them. So in Syria it would only be US or British Special Forces who use them.
Dear Sir !
Thanks . Seems to be two RF colonels were killed too. (?)
I am looking forward to a Cossack requital. Response … Our dear President
does not have to be bothered with it’s details.
Please : Is your book a book ; available other than “Kindle” ” ?
Concerning the book, when you go on Amazon and click the ‘look inside’ for a preview, you will see how to contact me. We can arrange something for the books. I monitor the commo channel every day.
Dear Sir !
Thanks . Seems to be two RF colonels were killed too. (?)
I am looking forward to a Cossack requital. Response … Our dear President
does not have to be bothered with it’s details.
Please : Is your book a book ; available other than “Kindle” ” ?
> IOW more than one tube involved in the fire mission
More like one automated howitzer, making three fast shots at different curvature paths, so they arrive together
Surely, from any one firing position and muzzle velocity, there are only two shell trajectories which will impact at the same target point?
For any particular weapon, there is some elevation angle which results in maximum range. The more the elevation is either increased or decreased from that value, the shorter the range. Therefore, for any target range less than the maximum, there are exactly two trajectories that will impact that point.
блин, the fulcrum tipped finnally. This will not be quick or easy. The US rat is in the corner and is in his most dangerous state. May Holy Mother Russian prevail.
Дорогой Davi I agree with you.
Я люблю Россию с моего детства.
Ура Россия!
В путь
Iranians have had “golden opportunity to finally get their hands on US military personnel” in January 2016. And they did capture them and released them 24 hours later. Incident occurred near Farsi island in Persiean gulf.
When it comes to death of the Russian general while sad I really think this was just a freaky luck on behalf of islamists.
Re: Iranians and opportunities to finally get their hands on US military personnel etc.
The risk here is that unless the Russians make a retributive attack clearly in the open then the situation creates an opportunity for the usual suspects to blame Iran/Hezbollah and start a ‘Tonkin/USS Maddox’ response towards Iran (clearly the main Zionist aim).
Putin started the resistance with a ‘rope a dope’ strategy in the Ukraine playing for time to establish various infrastructure and systems (e.g. SWIFT alternatives). With the shrewd operation in Crimea and slow grinding progress in Syria this appears to have paid off — albeit with some cost in Nato/Turkey provocations in the air and now these strikes (assuming they weren’t just fluke luck etc).
Clearly the ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ has been working well but one has to wonder when (if ever) the end of the eighth round is upon us?
Nobody wants war except the shareholders of various financial institutions and military supply industries. Trump has turned out to be little more than a golf playing tweeter and his ascension to the potus seems now only to have served to slow the process compared to what Clinton would likely have instituted. Clearly the US status quo needs a major conflict for economic benefits (production and trade protectionism).
I suspect the Russians will just have to take this hit (like many others) and work towards the long game. Unless of course they think it is Round 8. The US & Co likely know this and estimate the risk of a few strikes now as worth it.
I still think the timing of a major response is a little early and it is still war by proxy for a while yet. If Putin was inclined to make a point, then I’d look for a strategic response against a ‘small’ target in the region — i.e. a black eye for Netanyahu over Syria’s Golan heights. After all recent air strikes on Damascus have created the opportunity and so, in any case, what would/could the US do about it?
But the clear issue here is, whatever occurs must not in any way be blamable Iran or we are likely to start the next escalation phase of WW3.
Their own Iraqi “allies” might cause some “Blue on Green” situations. Best return on investment ever.
I’m afraid the next escalation phase of WW3.5 is well underway. This may sound like a diversion, but it is not: with the latest date of the “rapture” having come and gone (again) the religious nihilists, having been left behind along with the rest of us, are being taught that this latest war is a fulfillment of prophecy. It is not, but that is irrelevant. When the blood is running down their own street they’ll be rejoicing, eh? I believe that there are a few people who study the Bible to become closer to God, not to predict yet another bloody war. Damn, I could do that, and given the human tendency to make war, it could probably come true, and that would not mean I was divinely inspired.
So far the Russians have only limited themselves to protests and expressions of disgust but the others are seeing it as pure weakness. And when they see you being weak they don’t respect you at all. Period.
This might be seen as weakness in the eyes of the mighty cardboard Western empire but in reality showing patience and wisdom is not weakness but is strength.
@ golan
I could not agree more. This incident gives the greatest credence possible to the claim that the Russians are actively perusing a policy on non-engagement, and that all their allies understand the same drill, to the leter.
It would have been very, very easy for the Russians etc to counter-attack this, but yet again they did not.
When a sharp shooter throws a gun on the floor and dares you to pick it up, you know you are going to get shot before you are upright. So don’t pick it up. Not ever. Not another Afghanistan for Russia.
The yanks are looking for war and making excuses for war, and the Russians are looking for legitimate targets defensible by international law and agreement.
No escalation. Just a slow, crushing march to victory under the banner of international law.
Consider the fact that power in the USA is far from monolithic and that many external actions are reflections of internal conflict, so any action needs to take into account much more than any sane person would ever want to think about.
The events in Syria a the last few days seem to me (for reasons that I cannot put my finger on) to be CIA and I suspect that many in the traditional military structure will be somewhat unhappy about what had happened. If this is the case the correct response would need to not empower the more reckless elements in the US power structure.
J E Maitland:
CIA, NSA, military, etc. all are in the game. Whilst someone should keep in mind that the actions of the politicians (rulers) don’t necessarily reflect the will of the people, one should not forget that US decision-makers don’t adhere to that line of thinking. If they were, they wouldn’t have killed 20% of the Korean population, millions of Vietnamese and many more. Especially civilian targets seem to be tempting to US military planners.
Well said.
The very worst thing Russia could do right now is escalate and fall into the ‘evil Russian aggression’ trap. The trap is designed to hurt the opposition in the pentagon just as much if not more than the Russians.
Trump is being kept in a vacuum by Kelly. He is being fed only information that keeps him focussed on the illusion of NK aggression (I strongly suspect the ‘Dear Leader’ is reality a CIA puppet), something his yuge ego cannot help but fall for.
Meanwhile behind the scenes the Deep State civil war rages…
The tactics of international interaction also work on a small scale. Keeping calm – at least to the outside – whilst someone tries to provoke you will only backfire on your opponent. More than once I’ve witnessed that the bullies finally got agitated when their tactics of provocation didn’t work.
Very sadly, we can add to the 40 or so KIA in the Syria campaign the 224 Metroject passengers and crew who were knocked off over the Sinai in Oct. 2015.
It actually amazes me the latter was only a one-off, since Russia seems potentially still quite vulnerable if this was just a coke can on a drinks cart.
Hopefully it won’t be repeated.
Regards, Shyaku
Perhaps there have already been a few road accidents?
Of course there were. There were many reports of “commanders” sniped in Idleb, by unidentified snipers might I add. Besides, The incident in Idleb/Hama wherever it was might have bagged some “high valued” commanders. You do not send some 1000 mercs to do a nasty job, without at least colonels running the show. Russians had to pay for it some way or another. On the other hand circus is starting. “Isil” “mortars” Russian General and two colonels, Russians respond, Kurds complain for being bombed. Classic
This information, in its different iterations, was almost entirely blocked out in western media. The liberation of Deir Ezzor got a minute and perfunctory note, this got absolutely nothing, zilch.
This again underlines the massive disadvantage Russia et al. has against the hegemon regarding educating the masses. If you have total control over what is communicated, you simply don’t have to care about facts&truth, you just plow on.
With RT and Sputnik on the way of being blocked out and with Facebook&Google now openly joining sides with destruction, there is less and less demand for “evidence”, “truth” and similar outdated concepts in hegemon territories.
Even IF you for some peculiar reason would be very openly caught with your pants down, there are no consequences, so no one even slows down en route to the next abhorrent act.
There are, however, countermeasures that should be considered, for instance in the field of social media memes. And plenty could be achieved here with a good communications budget and a bit of humor.
Another thing, now that the Trump ruse finally caved in, would be to connect him personally with all the warmongering that goes on. Then, at least, it would be easier to team up with the liberals&left in condemning him and getting people to associate war&aggression with his nastiness…
A huge act of individual consciousness is now certainly required of everyone on the globe and, alas, it wont come without considerable suffering…
yes, not a peep out of the MSM. They obviously view this as propaganda.
No, they don’t view it as propaganda. They were told to keep mum, so that when the Russians react as the US expect they will, the media can then say the Russians attacked us for no reason, out of the blue.
In the US now, very little of what the Russians actually say is reported to Americans. It only appears when the statement can be twisted to some propaganda advantage.
Which is part of what drives me to websites like rt or sputnik. At the very least, one should listen to what the other side says. And one should be very, very suspicious of anyone who tries to make sure you don’t hear other voices. To me, a wise person gets information from as many sources as possible. Sure, many if not most if not all will be slanted in some way or another. But by getting all of that information it is possible to get perspective on that.
On the other hand, when someone is trying to con you, then step one is usually to try to make you dependent on them as the only source of information. And any other potential voices must be discredited in case they spoilt the con.
Thus, one now sees a US media that focuses on the daily propaganda line. What other world leaders or nations might say is ignored and buried, unless it suits the propaganda. Kim’s threats do suit the propaganda, so they are widely and loudly reported. Back when Putin made some statements reminding America that Russia is still a nuclear power, those were twisted to suit the propaganda line of the evil Putin threatening the world. But normally, the statements by Putin, Lavrov and the MOD are not reported in America.
Likewise, all dissident or opposition voices are ignored and buries. One is far more likely to see the views of the Libertarian/Republican leader Ron Paul or the Green Party leader Dr. Stein on RT than on any american news network.
Depriving people of information, and constantly feeding them with lies,while telling them they live in a democracy, is a grave form of oppression.
Let’s hope many more people follow your example and find others sources.
Dear Sir !
Thanks . Seems to be two RF colonels were killed too. (?)
I am looking forward to a Cossack requital. Response … Our dear President
does not have to be bothered with it’s details.
Please : Is your book a book ; available other than “Kindle” ” ?
I have a sneaking suspicion Russia promised the US the would not cross the You-Freight-Ease river, as payback for all the broken promises from the US, and to keep the US on the wrong foot. Then crossed. And when the US reconnaissanced that they dashed (daeshed?) down to D-E-Z at all costs.
Something caught the US by surprise here.
The very, very most important thing Russia can do, is make sure that nobody is irreplaceable. Nothing else really matters except staying focused.
Vechnaja pomjat i slava! Revenge the general with 12 Foabs on rats.
Russians are now also officially accusing the Americans of actively collaborating with ISIS
It has no effect in Australia at least. We have a total blackout when comes to Syrian War, and the rest who read RT news or other alternatives will count it as a “fake”.
It is said but true.
Those who need to know, know they have been found out.
The people in the West are constantly kept in the dark like so many mushrooms.
In any case, whether they are informed or not makes no difference: their politicians wouldn’t listen to them, anyway. So they don’t matter anymore. Facts on the ground are what matters now.
Americans have voted against war in electing the last two Presidents. Obama ran as the ‘antiwar’ candidate, as did Trump. In both cases, party voters chose the anti-war candidate over directly obvious pro-war candidates (2008 Hillary, Dem Party – 2016 Jeb Bush and others, Republican Party) and in both cases continued to support the antiwar outsider against a pro-war establishment candidate in the fall general elections (2008 McCain, Republican Party, 2016 Hillary, Democrat Party).
As you say, the choices made by American voters don’t seem to matter much. At the very least, it will take electing a new Congress, and since the American political system has been shown to be very riggable and fixable (2000 Bush, 2004 Bush, 2016 Dem Party nomination, etc), it is at best unlikely that this will occur. Its easier to rig and fix the smaller elections where fewer people are watching.
The American people simply need to wake up and see their so-called elites as they really are, and find better ways of organising their government. The current set-up is unsustainable.
It’s not just that the ABC and SBS don’t mention what happened, that the US is found to be supporting IS and AL Nusra, but that Australian forces are active in the coalition in this very area of Deir al Zour. What the hell are they doing? Defence minister Marise Payne said we were only involved in surveillance assistance in Raqqa but were assisting in the fight against IS on the Syria-Iraq border.
I look forward to a RAAF super hornet or two being shot down by the SAA while trying to assist the SDF in its gas-field grab. Then perhaps the media would take notice…
What the hell are they doing?
By Saying “a total blackout” I meant the blackout of Russian ( true ) view of Syrian conflict only.
I was just reading that Canadians joined in as well.
I am not surprised at all. Australians were more than happy to do the killing on behalf of CIA in vietnam.
Australia has this deep sense of inferiority complex (perhaps driven by the “discarded people” psyche combined with the luck of the land). Their history is full of instances of bending over backwards to please Americans and the English so that they can hope to be part of the “club”.
Australian CARE workers were spies in Serbia during the NATO bombing. When the spies were captured the media kept saying they were just humanitarian workers, but when they returned to Australia, one of the men admitted to the media they were spying. They were doing things like studying/gauging the psychological effect the bombing was having on the population.
I’m in Australia too and send links from saker, RT, etc, to many email contacts, mostly friends and family, and all except for one never reply to discuss the issues; they either don’t care or believe whatever the MSM tells them to care about.
A good example is how everyone is now concerned about the Rohinga poeple, but only because of TV ads from UNHCR and MSM stories. When I ask these same ‘concerned citizens’ why didn’t they care about the Rohingas last week I get a blank look, and more blank looks when I ask them why don’t they take an interest in oppressed Palestinians or displaced and terrorised Syrians.
I have long given up on the masses to think critically and have long been at the point where I don’t socialise much outside of a small group of trusted friends and family, and can’t relate to the average TV watching, football team supporting, Holden driving, suburban dwelling fucktard.
We are truly fucked due to the mass ignorance of people everywhere in US/Zionist Occupied countries.
As I have written before, the US is losing all sense of reality. These are dangerous tactics. Playing dirty and pretending they are not will fool nobody. The US is itching to get a bloody nose in Syria.
It may be worse than that. If the USA keeps up this BS they may end up getting the same treatment that Germany did in WWI and WWII.
Ahhhh. Visualizing war crimes trials for the last three US Administrations. But where? How about Nuremberg! Continuity of justice.
they already did
An article from “The Jewish World” prints that Hitler, Goering and Himmler, all have close relatives living as religious Jews in Israel today:
Hitler’s nephew’s grandson,
Matthias Goering – great-nephew of Hermann Goering, and
Katrin Himmler – the great-niece of Heinreich Himmler.
This is unbelievable!
Why is that unbelievable? Nazi and Zionist ideology are essentially identical, i.e. a chosen people entitled to lebensraum.
Exactly the same, yes.
Or rather, two phases of the same expression of planetary evil, one having taken over where the other left off.
It is said that the door to the place “where evil dwells” was almost closed when Hitler’s project was defeated, but that Zionism put its foot in the door, as it were, so that it remained ajar – and now is quite wide open, and more demons issue out and continue to take possession wherever there is a chance: Daesh being one result.
And, as before, Russia is at work again, fighting the same demons, while her previous allies (such as they were) are now co-opted into the enemy camp…
Name one. Romania? Lost one division or so under the Stalingrad fighting Russians.
Bulgaria? The same. Similar goes for the others from Warsaw Pact. Polish Army of Anders? Trained by USSR refused to join the Soviet side, was allowed to go to ME (Palestine) where it joined British colonial Army and fought with them ever since.
Or rather, two phases of the same expression of planetary evil, one having taken over where the other left off
Or perhaps one intertwined with the other.
I know it’s only a hypothesis, but we should not dismiss it.
The Nazis were a nationalistic German party. The Zionists are a separate ideology, entity. The Zionists have infiltrated the Nazi party (therefore the terminology used here often – zionazi – according to my logic). The Zionists have infiltrated many other parties and power structures, now, according to the above mentioned terminology, how can they be named ? The original Nazis under Hitler, were anti-Zionists but later the Zionists infiltrated their structures. How could a zionazi hate the Zionists ? but a Nazi can hate them. But now, after the defeat of the Nazis, they infiltrated the various parties and power structures and became more or less publicly visible, according to their needs. Once who sleeps in the same bed with the devil – with or without his/her knowledge – ends up being devoured by the devil.
NSDAP was NOT a “nationalist German” party. It was a “Movement” and its goal was to unite all Ethnic Germans under a Pan-German Identity akin to the Holy Roman Empire with Waffen-SS as Teutonic Knights
You can say it that way regarding the Pan-German identity association but the main meaning is the party :
I was always thinking why Germany attacked Russia in WW2. Instead, Britain would have been the perfect target and US would have lost the strategic island for logistics, which eventually became the main base of attack against Germany. Was Germany in fact a Daesh on steroids and was Stalin’s Soviets (after Stalin’s house cleaning of the bolsheviks) the real target from the beginning?
Yes I agree … the same thought has come to me … read about Munich and how GB encouraged Germany and then setup Poland so as to eliminate any border between Germany and USSR. Sure would like to see a good book laying this all out
Somewhat fanciful. FRANCE was at Munich, France had treaty obligations to Czechoslovakia, Poland, and did not want to fight. Without France mobilising the USSR-Czech treaty could not be invoked.
Britain was simply there as a Locarno Treaty Signatory in a Conference arranged by Mussolini
Good book? Well, here it is:
It’s from David Irving’s personal web-site:, with more free (to download and study) books available:
Here a video to get a better idea of who Irving is:
Another link to (the latest Millenium Edition of) Hitler’s War and the War Path:
Stalin’s plan to invade the west was set for December 1940 but the success of the Wehrmacht in the West lead to a change to July 1941. Germany just started their operation into the east a month early June 1941, intentionally or unintentionally. Their main target was securing the oil fields in Romania for resources.
The Wehrmacht was so successful initially because the masses of Russian troops were equipped for an offensive operation into the West, including Western European maps.
This was proven by Dr. rer. mil. Bernd Schwipper, Generalmajor a. D (ex. NVA, DDR military) in his book from 2015 who had access to the Russian military archives. Viktor Suworow, a soviet military intelligence/historian documented basically the same 30 years earlier.
&R “Their main target was securing the oil fields in Romania for resources.”
The main target was the Soviet Union, the securing of Romanian oil fields came into hand as a strategic reserve needed for the military campaign against the former. Therefore the urgent need for Hitler to make Romania an ally.
Amazing that Stalin was ready to move westwards and liberate Poland by Dec 1940 – then again he was in a forward position having entered Poland on 17 Sept 1939. It is just a real pity Beria was still purging the Air Force and Military Supply Apparatus up until May 1941.
It was about Germany and their massive industrial capacity and preventing them to link up with Russia. That’s what the atlantesists fear and want to prevent at all costs. Western European Alliance with Russia.
I’m pretty sure the USSR (communism) had been the target all along.
In my opinion the successful October Revolution seems to be one of the largest blowbacks of history. Germany wanted to make sure there wouldn’t be any Eastern Front anymore, whilst American backers of the Revolution probably had conquering / weakening – and subsequent looting – of Russia in mind. The 1918 invasion of Russia by the US and it’s allies miserably failed and communism could spread.
Aside from German industrialists many US bankers and industrialists helped Hitler rise to power in Germany (read: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton; Hitler and his followers were the useful idiots to fight against an alternative economic concept. Even nowadays many people shriek when they hear the words Communism or Socialism (US citizens shriek the loudest).
Strangely, one of Hitler’s biggest backers to put him in power, was also the one who provided Russia with the heavy automotive and tractor industries used by Stalin and the Russians to supply their armies to defeat Hitler. This was someone who was famously known for being “Anti-Jewish”, yet seemed perfectly willing to play both sides for profit, the same way that he and many other Anti-Semites accuse the Jews of doing. This person was Henry Ford.
The British army was run out of Europe, first at Dunkirk, where it left all its arms, and then in Greece and Crete which were fresh British fiascos. There were also others later on in North Africa. The Wehrmacht was finally beaten at the battle of Moscow in December 1941, long after British and US intelligence said the war in the east would be over. It was the first time the Wehrmacht had suffered a strategic defeat.
The Red Army won this ferocious battle, and the last German soldiers surrendered on 3 February 1943, fifteen months before the Normandy landings in France. On that date there was not a single US or British division fighting on the ground in Europe, not one. In March 1943 the tally of German and Axis casualties was enormous: 68 German, 19 Romanian, 10 Hungarian and 10 Italian divisions were mauled or destroyed. That represented 43% of Axis forces in the east.
Boy-scout Hitler and his ”Nazis’ were a ZionIntel project led by MI6.
As were Mussolini and the Fascisti.
Most main actors were crypto-Jewish – including Hitler, Goering, Himmler, and Mussolini – like in ZionEntertainment productions be it Hollywood movies or the 911 spectacle.
And let’s face it: staging events is not even a crime!
It takes two to tango, One who pulls the rabbit of of a hut and someone who believes we witnessed a miracle.
Deception only works if the deceiver and the deceived enter an unwritten contract.
Sorry _smr, but the”Nazis” were a nationalistic party as many other such parties at that time in Europe. Why they came out almost in the same time ? because of the Versailles Peace Accord. The end of ww1 was the end of the German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Russian Empire. Who remained ? the British Empire and her newborn baby USA (the New Empire) The Versailles dictate was such a great failure, no wonder that it triggered a great wave of nationalistic orientations. In the same time, the emergence of the new Soviet Russia has added oil to the already flaming Europe with the new ideology of communism. Look at N.Korea – the only communist country on earth – how “friendly” is the whole world towards them, back then, after the great shock of Versailles, the communist ideology was much more frightening in the perception of many people. As we know, the bolschevik revolutionaries were mostly jewish but back then this was not even a point, what scared the people was the ideology itself, the fear of loosing the remained property for which they fought in the war – after losing large properties with the arrangements by the victors in Paris at Versailles. So, there was no hidden agenda by the Zionists for creating nationalistic parties allover Europe. The Zionist intervention came later, when the nationalistic parties have gained the power – they aligned themselves accordingly, to be always where the cake is served.
“the Versailles Peace Accord” ……………. ” the Versailles dictate”
The fine progression you make here, Ioan, is well appreciated. Cheers.
I learned to be very careful to swallow anything which comes from that history just like that. More than 70 years have passed since the end of ww2, a long time, enough to make a lot of very careful arranged “stories”. While that generation is dying out, the more such “stories” appear and the more brainwashed people are regarding their history. The same is happening today with Russia’s actions, the “story tellers” are on marching and beside the lies, they confuse people, making them unable to distinguish between good and evil, between reality and fantasy.
Your comment reminds me about something that seems to be almost forgotten. (It hadn’t really been reported anyway.)
Before getting to the point I would like to remind people that the US seems to have used biological weapons in the Korean war: If someone knows about the fate of the SS John Harvey ( and its cargo, the Korean allegations don’t seem too far fetched. People mistaking contrails for so called chemtrails aren’t too far from the truth. The US military indeed had tested spraying biological agents into the air (
Now it’s time to get closer to the point that I want to make. Anyone who has seen the movie The Good Shepherd may remember the scene in which some South American politicians meeting business partners on a coffee plantation. During the event locusts are dropped from a plane onto the attending people. Movies can be based on real events and/or fiction. Maybe that scene seems to be closer to real events than many people think.
Okay, after the lengthy introduction it’s time to get to the aspect that got me writing this comment in the first place. If you’re talking to German who’re old enough to have witnessed WW II you’ll sometimes hear that the Colorado potato beetle was unknown prior to the bombing of the US air force. After the world war school children often got encouraged to collect those beetles by promising them some money for a certain amount of collected bugs. Sadly I don’t know of any history book detailing those facts.
I suspect that the Americans sincerely believe their people are immune – not for any practical or logical reason, but just because they see the world in an asymmetric way: there are the Americans, and there is everyone else. Rather like the gods and the mortals in The Iliad. Mortals simply don’t fight the gods – at least not with any hope of success. It simply isn’t done.
A closer study of the Iliad would reveal a myth that, in fact, Ares – the god of war himself – was once kidnapped by mortals and imprisoned in a chest from which he was released only with great luck and trickery.
The Americans’ arrogant and unrealistic belief in their own immunity may turn out to be an Achilles heel.
A friend of mine served in Afghanistan as a medic. The US casualties from Taliban mortar attacks onto bases was significantly higher for the US troops than the UK soldiers. This is because, at the sound of an incoming, the Brits hit the floor knowing that the splash cone of an exploding mortar was quite steep, and that if you were low down, the probability of being caught was slim. The Yanks, on the other hand refused to lie down cos they thought, as you correctly say, they were ‘bigger than laying down to a Ay-rab popsicle’. Lots of US meat heads get bits blown off, are maimed or die.
Hubris is not only a state of mind.
You see this in every war plan the US has had for the last 20 years (at least). They are always presented as “the US will do this, then the US will do that, then the US will do this too.” What’s always missing is the notion that another side in the conflict will get a chance to do anything.
So, they are surprised when it turns out Saddam organized a guerrilla war against the invaders instead of having war be decided on the Republican Guard slugging it out with the US Army and Marines.
So, the US is surprised when it turns out the Serbians put out lots of decoys for the US to spot and bomb.
The Us is always surprised when the enemy does anything except lie down and die. And the US always sounds like the British Generals who complained that the Patriots had no honor and were cowards because they hid behind walls and trees and shot at the Redcoats.
US thinking is like a chess player who is under the delusion that he’s the only one who gets to move pieces.
I read somewhere that what was more surprising than the Serbian decoys, was that the Americans didn’t really care as long as the aircrews got credit for sorties and the bomb and missile makers got to sell lots of replacement bombs and missiles.
Yes, very much the Hollywood induced “warrior delusion”. The hero is never hit and always gets the girl. Stupid kids playing “soldier” with terrible machines.
Why does the murder of General Asapov and his colleagues remind me of Michael Morell’s proposal?
‘Former CIA deputy director and Hillary Clinton supporter Morell said in a televised interview Monday that the United States needed “to make the Iranians pay a price in Syria, we need to make the Russians pay a price.”
‘When asked if that meant killing Russians and Iranians, Morell fully agreed, qualifying the answer with “covertly.” “Tell the world about it, right?” he went on. “You don’t stand up at the Pentagon and say ‘we did this,’ but you make sure they know it in Moscow and Tehran.”’
Not only the general but last weeks failed offensive to kill or kidnap the 29 Russian peacekeepers fits in with Morell’s suggestion to “kill Russians.” A great evil now leads the United States special forces and a sizable portion of the country’s government.
This would never have occurred with General Flynn in charge at NSC.
Now you know why he was target #1 of IC and MIC.
He was the Intel chief of JSOC and then DIA. He knew their weaknesses, errors, crimes and corruption.
My blood ran cold reading the linked article, its breathtaking the single-minded, bloody-minded nature of the beast.
The Syrian Arab Army recently prevented US SF driving through Syrian parts of al Qamishli in north east Syria near the Turkish border. The US isn’t used to being told to get lost, so like good Zionists, they will want their revenge.
Mobile phone video
The Russians should have made no public comment about the US SOF’s embedded with ISIS and simply smoked the entire rat’s nest with missiles. If the Indispensibles started whining, then you tell ’em it’s their own fault for lying down with terrorist dogs… and that you know they targeted your general and payback’s a real bitch. Paul Craig Roberts would say that such a response to repeated American treachery is long overdue and the only way to change their behavior. Do nothing and they will only escalate the attacks. Mike Morrell needs to be shown the beautiful symmetry in nature.
As an American citizen who recently experienced the full brunt of a Cat. 4 or 5 hurricane, I would advise our purported “leadership” that this country cannot afford to continue squandering our resources on pointless global warfare. Our plate is overflowing with domestic troubles and we do not need to add to them the start of World War III. Help our own citizens recover their lives in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico rather than spending yet more manufactured fiat currency that could never be legitimately raised in revenue on spitefully murdering Russians and Middle Easterners.
Why do this, Trump? To speciously avenge Hillary? It’s the last thing you should want to do. Who is really in control? Your orders to extract special forces from Syria were announced long ago.
“The Russians should have made no public comment about the US SOF’s embedded with ISIS…”
The info was (1) for the record, and (2) Russian people, and other people in friendly countries, not for the US public.
It documents the International/UN case of Syria against the illegal war committed upon the Syrian nation. War crimes. Syria has a very strong case.
One of the reasons for the “chemical attacks” false flags and propaganda of the White Helmets phonies is to counter-balance the six years of war crimes by the US and the Coalition of NATO and Arabs-Israel. They will use it as leverage against the billions of dollars they would have to pay for the reconstruction of Syria and the tens of thousands of dead Syrian women and children.
Washington NEVER pays reparations, not even to its own people whom it has victimized over generations. Ask the native Americans, the African slaves and its many neighbors in Latin America. Expecting Washington to respect international law is a pointless exercise and is not where justice will be found. But, you are correct in that America always uses propaganda and false narratives to ostensibly slither off the hook. They only fool their own people, however.
Not ‘NEVER’.
Not yet.
First you defend yourself, then you offer explanations. The data is always there to use later in the legal proceedings that should be filed. Washington acts with impunity because it is not made to answer on the spot for its endless infractions of international law.
Divulge the information later, at the coming war crimes trials against Washington. The data will keep.
Not acting immediately without warning lets the criminals slip away. Letting these dogs live gives them the opportunity to kill again.
Yes whistling shrimp. Your comment is based on the correct understanding of how Americans learn (in groups, that is, wherein their exceptionalist thinking takes hold).
The means by which they truly understand unfortunately do not include words.
Saker,”(…)in the case of the Russian military police unit recently attacked near Deir ez-Zor (…)”,you mean near Hama I presume not Deir ez-Zor.
By the way,good job the Saker. I never miss your analysis.And I agree the situation seems by now dramatic.
Aziz from Tunis
Hello Saker. A friend has called my attention to a third response method, this time by China. Chinese are uneasy about the spraty islands and the Korean ”crisis” pretext to put weapons at their borders.
Why not to build up in record time the Nicaraguan new channel? And why not to negotiate right there a 110 or so kilometers , AND 30 Km wide ‘Free trade Zone” open to chinese companies for 40 years?
I wonder what the yanks would whine about after what they did in Panama for 100 years.
It is up to Beijing.
Beijing just cut a deal with Panama. Taiwan is out and Beijing is in with Panama. Highly unlikely that they will do the Nica canal.
It always was a dream of a private investor who is now broke.
Now is a time to deployed Russian Guards Motor Rifle Brigade and Artillery Brigade on a road to Iraq between Al Tavyana and Abu Hamam. From here push towards oil fields and Euphrates would ensure a chaos in ranks of ISIS, and deny them supplies.
The loss of another Russian soldier saddens me for it is a loss to his family, comrades and to Russia. The fact that he was a general makes no difference in our compassion for those whose life was cut short in the line of duty in a moral cause fighting the evil USA – because, make to mistake, their deaths are directly the result of the Yanks’ wars against the brave nations who refuse to surrender to US hegemony. The word “directly” is used here intentionally because, although I have to details other than what is written in this blog, whatever ill happens in Syria as a result of the war is due to US malevolence as a criminal state without remission.
I have no idea when a prior general lost his life in battle since being in the thick of the action is no general’s business. His job is to sit at a command post many miles out of harm’s way directing the conduct of large-scale operations, not the type of actions in eastern Syria. For instance, although the Yanks have been involved in a permanent war of aggression against many countries for decades – with the occasional brief truce – I don’t remember reading about a single general KIA. So generals usually die of old age and that is why there is a lingering suspicion that Gen. Asapov’s death was premeditated, that is, the enemy had foreknowledge where the general was and his rank. Look at the odds: the Russians only have a small force in Syria (perhaps no more than 5,000 personnel) and very few combat troops, hence the likelihood of such event is one in a million.
Had the Russians, in their credulous naivety, advised their “partners” that Gen. Asapov was visiting the front line on that day and at that time? Like telling them where their planes are schedule to fly?
Russia Presents Satellite Proof of US Troops Collaborating With ISIS in Deir ez-Zor, Syria
A captured ISIS member confirms some degree of cooperation between US-ISIS-SDF-Kurds
This article contains a translation (Arabic – Russian – English! – it gives the gist anyway)
Maybe Morgan Freeman was right with his ‘dramatic’ statement “we are at war”. But, it is by proxy (and I still shrug my shoulders about the rest).
This indeed dangerous and far from over yet. I don’t expect the Saudi’s to do something (after his coup d’etat, Mohammed bin Salman is very quiet besides his leaked talks to the Israeli’s, even mentioned in the Israeli press).
But don’t count out the IDF. I’ll see them make a bald move somehow.
I’m wondering whether the Syrian air defense is capable enough to down one or two IDF jets…
It will be hard to throw a missile on the US/SDF/ISIS forces and then say ‘oops, we didn’t know’. We know and they know that we know.
Being patient and counting on ‘international laws’ won’t help either.
I’m thinking of the reaction after the USAF attack on the SAA, to help their ISIS friends (just one day after an agreement between Kerry and Lavrov). They just blew up a rebel control center, which happened to be crowded with NATO ‘advisors’, and kept silent about it.
Drive the forces further in a relative small area, and then completely surround and isolate them, could that be an option?
Cheers, Rob
Beginning with a general consideration: words vs. deeds. — We usually say that deeds speak louder than words, but sometimes it is the other way around.
The Russian MoD has been observing very closely. When the SAA was moving to lift the blockade on Dei Ezzor, the SDF decided to “liberate” Deir Ezzor also and started to draw forces away from Raqqah — who needs them there anyway?, the Americans are simply destroying the city– and moved through ISIS-held territory, encountering no resistance. That was the start of what now becomes the US’ open display that it is not only their SDF that works with ISIS, but they do it directly. Thereupon the Russian MoD *said* that it would retaliate against any attack on Syrian forces fighting ISIS in the Deir Ezzor region, no matter who was mixed in with these forces.
Then I, too, observed carefully: there was a report at Sputnik with a photo of Putin and attribution to Putin of a statement that he “agrees with the assessment and statement of the MoD.” No more than that. This weekend Lavrov was on Russian NTV and said that it is not clear what the real intentions of the Americans are in Syria, and that this would only become clear when ISIS is defeated. He expects that all foreign forces that are in Syria without the invitation and consent of the Syrian government will then leave. Now we have a shelling somewhere near Deir Ezzor, killing Lt.-General Asapov, but there was no immediate retaliation — as the MoD had threatened — nor are Sputnik, RT or TASS giving it any big play. Why not? Because, whie he MoD has been doing a lot of talking and Lavrov has been doing a lot of talking, Putin, while agreeing with the MoD, did not give the MoD authorization to carry out the threat.
Some, perhaps many, will say, ‘Aha! The Russian MoD issued a chicken-game threat and the Americans called them on it, and it turned out to be a bluff.’ That may be a general public perception, but public perception does not guide Putin’s decisions, and, on the ground, it means nothing. Putin’s agreement with the MoD does not mean Putin agreed to being trapped in a Zugzwang. CENTCOM may think so, but CENTCOM and the CIA’s troops are not turning the tide of the war.
Lavrov said so, but in a different way. “Deconfliction”, he said, is fine and it is “working” among military professionals, but what is needed is “coordination.” — Lavrov, always simple, always principled, and he manages to have a lot of people, especially the Americans, scratching their heads because they don’t understand what he says. When so-called “professionals” are not acting “professionally”, which they are not doing if they start betting the Russians will not kill them, then either they are fools, and not professionals, or they are the tools of some policy. Lavrov asks, What is American policy, what are the real intentions?
Again, there is public perception, on this matter of policy even several perceptions. “we all know” that the US’ policy is simply to destroy, that the US is incapable of “policy”, that the US always steps on the same rake, that the US can never keep to an agreement.
The current Russian military posture vis a vis the Americans in Syria is based on the “common policy” of fighting to eradicate ISIS. Trump said so. — Ok, we can forget Trump. Nevertheless, Russian policy *and* military posture in Syria are based on the articulated “common policy”. The Russians, contrary to the Americans, will always talk and ask questions first, before they shoot. Below he top of the escalation ladder, there is no military automatic mechanism. Military is always subordinate to policy.
If Russia is *forced* to conclude that there is no “common policy”, or if they are *told* there is no longer a “common policy”, they can change their military posture accordingly. This is far more dangerous for the Americans than the Russians shooting back when they are shot at. For starters, if there is no longer a “common policy,” then “deconfliction” makes no sense. Lavrov said as much, but he did not issue a threat, just food for thought for the Americans. Within a “deconfliction regime” it is possible to show some toleranace for American systemic incompetence, usually termed “mistakes.” Outside that regime, the Americans decide how much they want to bleed. There is no immediate need to rush up the escalation ladder.
The fundamental political question to the US — Donald who? — is whether they want to continue to grant CENTCOM decision-making authority in view of the fact that CENTCOM’s decisions are not turning the tide of the war, will not turn the tide of the war, will accelerate the US’ political departure from the entire region, and will nullify any dreams the US might entertain of sitting at any negotiating table to talk Syrian politics when ISIS is finished. These things, these “high prices” will be exracted, but not simply by Russian military force on a battlefield.
Trump handed over operational decision-making authority to the military. Trump is irrelevant. And it makes increasingly less and less sense to speak about “neo-cons” in control. More appropriate, because it is a matter of command-and-conrol and not ideology and geopolitical “world views,” the CoG (Continuity of Government) apparatus is in power. So we are not talking about civilian constitutional authority versus the military. We are taking about the military as the *political* power and responsible authority, which has to do its own gaming, its own calculations, its own cost-benefit analysis, and decide what its policy is for Syria and whether to allow its “legacy tools” to ruin their political prospects for no better reason than that, apart from these “legacy tools” (Salafist terrorists), they have very little “skin in the game.” The CoG military are, after all, the only “professionals” left.
I surmise from the question Lavrov opened concerning the real intentions of the US, that the Russians have reasons to believe that the CoG does not itself know what its policy is, but they have to decide. In Syria their time is running out fast, whereas in Afghanistan, even in N. Korea, they still have some time left. (Trump’s recent quip was semi-correct even though he doesn’t know what he is talking about: We are doing very little in Syria apart from fighting ISIS. In fact, the Americans are indeed doing very little, and what little they are doing is not fighting ISIS. Maybe Trump wasn’t briefed on that: no “need to know,” he’s not responsible anyway. — CoG. Tillerson calls Lavrov to talk about Syria (“initiated by the US side”), but I have seen no notificaions of Trump-Putin calls.)
^^^ This is a good comment.
I don’t agree with other comments who call for revenge,
because the guilty will be punished in due time, no need to rush.
I have an idea what the Russians/Syrians will do,
and it will hurt alot alot more than just vengeful
killing of American SOFs. The ZNeocons don’t care for them
anyways, as Kissinger said “Military men are just dumb,
stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”
It will be a brilliant move from the Russians/Syrians, but
I won’t reveal more.
Good comment ….
How many generals is putin willing to sacrifice ? 1, 5, 10, all ?
How many americans died in syria ? How many russians ?
Count the families left without a father or brother.
When will putin realise that the intentions of usa are never good and that he has to defend russian interests in a stronger and smarter way ?
“How many generals is putin willing to sacrifice ? 1, 5, 10, all ?”
A better question would be “how many Generals will the other Generals allow to be sacrificed”. Before they come to Putin and say,”let us retaliate,or you will need to leave”. I’ve noticed that the Russian Generals statements are increasingly harsh. I figure that they are relaying their anger to the Kremlin as well about that.The military and security services in Russia have always been a key element of Putin’s support.Losing that support is not a survivable scenario for the Russian government (or for any government ,for that matter).
Uncle Bob 1 and all worked up Russians,
Bid your time baby. Don’t act or take vengeance out of anger. It’s a Sun Tzu no no. The assassination may well have been a carefully thought out provocation so that Putin will make a mistake in retaliation. Do not fight when the enemy wanted a fight. Choose your fights and venue coolly. Better still, lick off the blood (like Bruce Lee) and continue with the fight at hand where Russia and the SAA are winning i.e. sweep Syria clean of all ISIS and its supporters. Do not leave any enclave for them to stir up trouble in the future.
one wonders if Tillerson was truly “enlightened” in some way when he last spoke with Russia or just informed about various scenarios if at all…..could have been an interesting conversation……does he really know what is going on……….
In reply to your excellent comment. The rapacious west,(Vatican-Anglo-American-Zionists) want Russian natural resources. THAT, in the long run. THAT, is their ultimate goal. Clearly, their pawns (Trump’s Joe six packs) are utterly clueless as to this ultimate goal. THAT is what full spectrum dominance in main stream media is all about. Keeping the serfs in the dark.
The Great Game unfolds. Damascus, as the cross roads of the Middle East, becomes increasingly important for both Russia and the rapacious west.
Today ,on AOL news, was a photo op of Prince Harry and the Vatican’s Vampira Countess Trump. London and Holy Rome in crowned bloodsucker mode.
We live in interesting times.
Wow! That was truelly a lecture in international diplomacy. thank you for that clarification
yes, very good contribution, thank you.
No coherent, consistent policy, domestic, or foreign is under any kind of a central control structure.
Competing factions of the 0.1% et al. are grabbing control of whatever they can secure, and (undoubtedly) use it to further their megalomaniac ‘agenda’, most likely, to claim more money/power from the hapless 99%, regardless of ultimate cost.
Someone else posted that Putin will do what the best thing is, not necessarily the best thing to play in the media/’public’ opinion; I think this is likely.
Your “CoG (Continuity of Government)” is incredibly apt, but doesn’t necessitate policy alignment across all government agencies.
It’s seems comparatively clear to me that there is already ample evidence of divergent strategy/tactic/knee-jerk reaction across governmental agencies?! Non!?
After reading your post and my own ruminations, I think it will have to be Syria itself that addresses the illegality of any parties supported by, or taking direction from U.S.A./Zionist-entity-occupying-Palestine, which may or may not be injured/killed when they heavily bombard the area, supposedly ISIS held, heavily, with busy air support, and synchronized SAM-300, plus secondary and third tier ground-based air defense.
When it’s all said and done, expect the blowback, and be ready with United Nations resolution demanding the international community create sanctions against the illegal territorial aggressor(s), (see above), and pass resolutions that they leave their illegal activities on territory of a UN recognized sovereign nation, and furthermore that a coalition be created to support the Syrian claim and assist in enforcement of sovereignty.
Maybe they’ll lay it something like that.
The U.S. and their associates are breaking international law at this very moment!
How come one can’t hear ANYTHING from the hallowed UN?!
Thanks for your post.
If I were Russia, I don’t think I would have disclosed this. I would have simply and quietly destroyed all traces of these units in just another ‘ISIS attack’. If the Americans objected, then they would do so only by admitting they were there with the ISIS personnel.
The real problem that is going to pop up is when the SDF takes the rest of the large oil fields near Deir Ezor. Here Russia and Syria will have a clear decision to make. Attack the SDF and take the oil fields, or let them have it and negotiate. If I were the SAA, I would concentrate a huge number of my army just outside the fields, and give the SDF a very hearty “Thank You!” for taking these fields from ISIS – now you can go home – or be destroyed.
Those detailed aerial photos of the ISIS camps harboring embedded American special ops forces just reminded me: why has Washington been unable to produce a single such photograph of the much decried Russian army units, replete with columns of tanks and heavy artillery, allegedly deployed in the Donbass for nearly four years now? It’s amazing how far ahead of the Americans the Russians must be in camouflage technology.
Щит невидимости
Shield of Invisibility.
Russia should drop the father of all bombs there. Just kill the bastards and call it a day.
“By now many of you must have heard the news: a Russian Lieutenant-General, Valery Asapov, and two Colonels have been killed in what appears to be a very precisely targeted mortar attack.”
Who were the colonels? Didn’t see any military people other than the Russian general mentioned in the reports I saw. It was mentioned that several civilians we’re killed.
Syrias foreign minister slams US, Israel and Turkey at UN general assembly
Israel attacks Syria after Trump’s UN speech
US-led Coalition Outside Raqqa Killed Hundreds of Civilians
The treacherous, most hypocritical, dehumanized imperial bully über alles must be treated like all other bullies are… and will then break miserably as they all do. The key is that Americans, like all warmongering nations, are less than prepared to face war AT HOME. They must therefore be given a good taste of that, primarily by those who have suffered, in their respective countries, from imperial war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Bullies never simply vanish: they quiet down, they die or they are annihilated.
So… be silent and strike the terminal blow.
I agree with you.
If those American SOFs were in fact culprits, they should be wiped out with “terminal blow”, and Russian MOD should defend its action by claims ( with SAT images ) that the target area was occupied by ISIS.
No matter that I brought in your attention as “Out of topic” 24 hours ago, “never published by you”, my personal opinion is that most Russian casualties, by “lucky mortar fire”, could be a simple tactic, combining a very old method and up to date technology, that means, an Insider Informant and GPS guided artillery shells.
What wonders me is “how the Russian military felt in this “TRAP”?!!!
Russian forces did not target Kurdish-led SDF units near Deir ez-Zor – Moscow
“The Russian Air Force did not perform airstrikes on Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near Syrian city of Deir Ez-Zor, the Defense Ministry said. The SDF earlier accused Russia of repeatedly targeting its positions near a major gas field.
“In the course of the Syrian Army operation to exterminate the last [Islamic State or IS, formerly ISIS] stronghold in Dei ez-Zor, the Russian Air Force performs precision strikes on terrorist-held objects, according to intelligence confirmed through several channels. The strikes are performed on detected IS positions, which fire at Syrian troops, as well as on terrorist reserves coming from the rear,” Konashenkov said.
Russian intelligence and drones monitor the Deir ez-Zor area round the clock, he added, noting that they did don register “any engagements between SDF militants and IS terrorists rearward.”
“That specifically relates to the area of hydrocarbon fields in the province, where the militants fiercely resist the advancing Syrian troops,” Konashenkov said.”
What is going on here is the zionazis have been steadily falsely blaming Russia for attacks on sdf forces, preparing the ground for when they attack the Russians. This propaganda about Russians/Syrians attacking is the only thing allowed on the zionazi-gay media, so the majority of westerners are only seeing this propaganda message.
Meanwhile, the Russians have made clear their intelligence is able to determine the make up of the various forces in the field very precisely and they do not have accidents where the “wrong” force gets attacked by them, or the Syrians and their other allies. This is a very tight run “ship”.
What this means is the Russian side cannot accidentally target a pindo or sdf unit and use a plausible deniability excuse and have much credibility. The zionazi regime quislings and zionazi-gay media machine will be all over them.
What Russia is doing now, instead of attacking zionazi units operating among daesh, is highlight how these units are embedded with the known terrorists and are in fact leading them.
Russian MoD: Aerial Footage Shows US Forces Present in Daesh-Held Areas in Syria
“The photographs that the Russian Defense Ministry published on Sunday on its Facebook page provide compelling evidence that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the US troops that support them are present in Syria’s areas held by the violent extremist group Daesh, the ministry said Monday.
Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman Mj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Monday that Moscow received no response from the United States or the SDF on the issue of the photographs’s revelation by Russia.
“No explanations or refutations on the issue from the representatives of the SDF or the US Armed Forces followed ,” he stressed.”
The strategy here is to continue showing how the zionazis are working with the terrorists. Eventually, the zionazis won’t be able to ignore the info and have to respond. Even if the zionazis keep playing dumb, the momentum in alternate media will establish enough understanding of the zionazi/daesh collusion that when Syria does take serious action against it, those who matter will understand why. And all the zionazi regime quisling tantrums and zionazi-gay media screeching won’t save their terrorists and their embedded sof critters.
The SAA and its allies are doing exactly what is needed. They are keeping their promise to eliminate by force any terrorist pocket that attack them. In between the lines I read “including any fools embedded with the terrorists”. Bombing ISIS and anyone in bed with them is simple and fully in line with all previous commitments.
Justice is already being served. No need to cry for vengeance.
Agree with your diagnosis and prognosis. Strongly agree with your concluding paragraph. It’s what I’m waiting for also. In the west we think of simplistic action and reaction. But Russia has shown that the escalation slope is built from dozens of small increments. You can slice it very thin.
I don’t expect any visible or symmetrical response to this incident. I do believe Russia is keeping a scorecard of events, and will not suffer an imbalance. But, far from being disadvantaged by this assassination, Russia may conclude that it is still ahead of the score.
I also agree with Marcel’s response to you. No need to cry for vengeance, it’s being exacted daily, all the way to victory.
Counter-battery fire.
It should be fairly easy, given the speed with which data can be collected and analyzed, to determine within a couple of hundred meters (at most) the point(s) from which the missiles were fired.
Should there be any ISIS/SDF forces in the near vicinity of those locations, these would be suitable targets. As I understand it, the Russians have already warned the US military that would respond to attacks on their personnel.
Time lag between attack and counterattack is a factor. The longer the delay, the less credible would be the claim that such an attack was indeed a response and not an initiation.
A note on Japan’s media, what I’ve observed over the past week: the Morgan Freeman episode has not been shown here yet, but Russia’s photos of the Americans’ apparent collaboration with ISIS were shown this morning on TV.
So Russia’s attempts to document American duplicity are being noted in at least a few places where they could really make a difference. I’m not sure what the average person in Japan thinks about what’s going on with North Korea (it seems to be a taboo topic), but it all ties into shifting perceptions. I’m sure Trump in his blunderbuss way is also helping liberate Japan from whatever remains of its respect for the hegemon.
Could it be that this particular General and two Colones have died during the incident at the “Zapad-2017” exercise, when the Russian Ka-52 hit the civil target. (something which wasn’t covered on this website).
This could be a good explanation for the public and relatives of the reason for their death. As well as post mortal record and honors.
If you look at the video of that accident, you see there were no fatal casualties.
A truck was hit not people. A few minor injuries.
So, your theory is visually proven a non-starter. There are several angles of video on the incident.
Roman, stop with your dis-information. This conversation is going off-topic and is being shut down. Mod
Interesting. Thank you.
As written previously, the U.S.A. do NOT have cohesive central command.
So who is up to what?!
Things are really getting confusing, and thus very dangerous.
So what faction(s) of the U.S. administration/foreign deep influence are directly targeting top Russian command?
I can’t believe that the Russians, despite the cool-headed negotiation of previous U.S./’allies’ provokations, can let this one go without some kind of pain coming to U.S./’allies’ (who well deserve it).
It seems likely that the most direct response will be some kind of large action against the supposed Daesh(-only) positions north east of Deir-ez-Zor city, on the east side of the river. I’d expect that to happen decisively, if it hasn’t already happened (10h45 NA EDT).
But a solitary response seems unlikely to me, and as mentioned, there are many methods and even theaters (of operation) open to Russia and allies. I think it unlikely such supplemental actions would directly involve Russian forces; the good news for Russia: lots of (now well-trained to go along with their well-motivated dispositions) volunteers.
Anyhow, I’m continuing to load up on dried beans.
Got to be Syrian Army who conducts ‘anti-ISIS-bombardment, followed up with demanding their territorial sovereignty be honored at the UN, in combination with a full-on PR campaign to get the facts out to the brainwashed ‘West’.
Neither the Russians, nor Hezbollah should be near it, though providing every support possible, possibly supporting air, intelligence, coordinated tactical actions, other.
This needs to be Syria clearing out the Safalist Terrorists, and insisting on the observance of its territorial sovereignty, inclusive of full withdraws of all uninvited foreign agency in the country.
Why would the Russians expose such high level personnel to such front line risk?
The practice of warfare in the Middle East by Syrians and Iranians is with Generals at the lead or at the firing lines. Look at videos and you’ll see that.
General Soleimani of the Iranian Quds Force risks his life all the time. He was with the special forces that rescued the downed Russian navigator the Turks shot down.
There was a Russian general who led the rescue of the 29 MPs last week. It was in the reports of the Russian actions.
This General was there at a Syrian HQ, according to some reports, so it was clearly a major planning or coordination that was in process. Or maybe communications about negotiations with tribal leaders. Russians are guarantors of safety in the agreements with the Syrians for reconciliation agreements. They have over 2500 of them so far.
In its statement, the ministry said that General Asapov was at a command outpost manned by Syrian troops, assisting commanders in the liberation of the city of Deir ez-Zor.
Now I recall a lengthy article on the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) nightly news Sunday (20170924) night, about Syria, because it made me feel ill how it ‘subtly’ painted the Russians as embedding their control in Syria.
At no time were facts used, just commentary on a state-sanctioned and guided tour for press-credentialed people.
The timing seems aligned to the murder of the Russian officers.
How wide-spread was the planning of this action, if the propaganda agency had adequate time to prepare this propaganda piece?
Also, “Ottawa”, Sept. 22, 2017 slapped sanctions on Venezuelan officials for ‘undemocratic activities’
The usual, as might be expected, from the mole agent who holds the title equivalent of Foreign Minister in the Justin Hairtosser government, “…”Canada will not stand by silently as the government of Venezuela robs its people of their fundamental democratic rights,” Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said in a statement…”.
My first reaction to this (almost certain) assassination is fury and a desire to see immediate retaliation. However, so far Russia has been playing this several steps ahead, and while I’m not asserting they have made no mistakes (particularly when assuming they’re dealing with a rational opponent in the US), I think it is objectively undeniable that their strategy is winning, and winning big.
The “Putin is a pussy” crowd refuse to acknowledge that there is something to be said for Russia’s dedication to doing things according to international law, taking the high ground, being as good as their word, etc., but I think it has worked pretty well and the effect is accumulating. Just a day or two ago I saw a brief statement from Zakhorova remarking how much the world community has come around to Russian proposals, and how once they were met with sneers and ridicule, but now they are taken seriously, applauded, and Russia is often sought out for advice, suggestions and support (sorry I couldn’t find the link again).
In this case, as Saker and others have mentioned, one of the most effective and satisfying ways of dealing with a lying weasel is to use their own words against them. Trump has now made it official US policy that the reason it’s in Syria is to fight ISIS, and that clandestine support for head choppers is to cease. Russia has established deconfliction zones to give those who just want to support the winning side a chance to defect to the government while freeing up troops to use in the hot spots. They have established the brilliant maneuver of setting up the Idib cauldron and getting AQ to voluntarily move into it (!!), for easy dispatch later. And now the SAA can concentrate on eradicating ISIS in the East. I’m sure they would have preferred to clear and hold all the oil fields themselves first, but they are probably wise to continue methodically wiping out ISIS pockets and not exposing themselves to counter-attacks on their flanks. After all, they have now established the logical conundrum for the US. If the SDF (and US) is only in the oil fields to attack ISIS, then clearly the SAA has every right and reason to be there, too, because, you know, ISIS. If the US says ISIS isn’t there anymore, then the SAA has every right and reason to be there, because it’s frickin Syria, while the SDF has no reason to be there, because no ISIS, and it was never a historically Kurdish area.
I think Russia is trying to lay the groundwork for taking the position very soon that ISIS has now been defeated, thus by its own words the US must withdraw or admit they are illegally invading a sovereign nation, at which point Russia’s international goodwill becomes valuable. They seem to be strengthening their air power and defenses, probably preparing for the moment they can announce that Syrian airspace is closed to anyone not invited. The Kurds will run for home, because they know they cannot fight anyone without US air support, and the local tribes will make the best deal they can with the winner, Assad. Aside from a few more months of wiping up the residue, it’s check and mate. Naturally the US will try to have its Kurdish/Sunni/ISIS caliphate declare itself independent and “invite” the US to protect them, but with every surrounding nation against it, and the inability of the US to get anything through the UNSC, and with Trump’s pronouncements, it may be a tough go.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
I am just worried about those 200 lorry loads of munitions military equipment going tp the Kurds were not they….but usa saying they will not support the khud referendum-is that usa saying you better still be under our thumb for what we have planned(maybe sit put and protect ourbases we can always blame the Turks) or you gonna be worth jack….? Only hope seems to be both Iraq and Iran ( plus Turkeys intentions too)saying their will be no kurdistan either……??????
The incident was a treachery like we see often in Afghanistan.
The circumstances of the death of Russian General in Deir ezzor Today, 17:23 • Publ.: Apolitikus • Cont.: 211 • Comm.: 0 • events in the world Russian military adviser, Lieutenant-General Valery Isupov, who was killed in a mortar attack by terrorists of the “Islamic state”, was the victim of betrayal.
Telegram-channel “journal of Damascus,” referring to its sources, argues that the mortar fire of the terrorist command post, which killed General Usupov was opened after positions around the headquarters was abandoned volunteer, otradi brothers Katari who take part in the fighting in Deir ez-Zor. In the midst of battle, these volunteer units away from the command post of the Syrian army, which, together with the officers of the CAA was Lieutenant-General Usupov, after which the staff opened heavy fire with mortars from positions.
The source suggests that the strike on the headquarters of the Syrian troops targeted the targeting by groups of brothers Katari. We will remind as it was reported on Sunday evening, the defense Ministry, Lieutenant-General Valery Isupov died as a result of a mortar attack militants LIH*. At the time of firing military adviser of the Russian Federation was at the command post of the Syrian forces, assisting in the management of the operation to liberate Deir ez-Zor. The Russian defense Ministry said that Lieutenant-General Valery Isupov submitted the command to a high state award posthumously. * ISIS is a terrorist organization and prohibited in Russia by court decision
totally off topic Larchmonter445 but Paul Craig Roberts published one of your comments on this site today … it was from last April congrats … herb
Thanks. It’s a privilege to post comments on the Vineyard. I am proud that our community and efforts of Saker and the Mods have often touched other nodal points in the great global infowar.
We traffic in Truth, and sometimes it resonates far and wide.
Thanks, Herb.
First it is crisp clear that NATO is in Syria, on the ground and in the Sky.
Second the Russia isn’t a match for NATO, unless going Nuclear.
Third they can take out any Russian, near fighting areas, using very advanced technology as they did with “GIVI” and others.
You should know that NATO is in POSES of Smart Shells too.
The partition of Syria is a reality, and anything mowing east of Euphrates will be processed in a Meat Grinder.
Anonymous 4:02
Methinks I respectfully disagree with your synopsis on the SitRep in Syria and by extrapolation ‘The World’.
We talk often with those rotating in and out of that AO amongst other AO’s and the general consensus of opinion of the younger lads serving there and other places is not quite what your assessment is. There is no false bravado, no ‘I can whip any ten of them’, but there is a soldiers respect for the individual skills of many of the nato operatives and little, if any, pontificating on the legality of said operatives being in that AO. Is it a fight? Oh hell yes but a fight you will rarely, if ever, read about. Is it War? Not officially.
Nato as an entity is a shadow of what it was 25 years ago. The only viable armed force of nato is US Armed Forces, everyone else in nato got out of the ‘war business’ in about 1992 when SSSR was no more. If an outright war starts between ‘nato’, which is not a political entity in a ‘country’ sense but a mutual defense treaty between the several nations of europe, the main protagonist would be US armed forces and US has not the ability to get suitable units and support cadre with enough consumables in place on the continent to be much more then a speed bump between the borders of for instance Poland and the Straights on the west coast. Yeah, I know, the logistics trains of both belligerents would be subject to considerable interdiction but who do you think would have the advantage of defense capabilities for said trains?
This is not bombast, this is cold reality. US Armed Forces would be operating at the very end of a long logistics and support train which has to cross a vast ocean while on the other hand Mother would be very close to her support and supply bases. Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics. If you don’t, or can’t, get me the bullets and beans to fight with and eat, how am I going to fight? Live off what I capture from you? Your ammo does not fit my weapon ergo I have to capture your weapons in addition to your supply cadre. Good luck with that fantasy.
Would the ‘nato’ forces be easy meat? Not by any stretch of the imagination and it would be a very hard and brutal fight and I for one hope I never live to see it, but if it does come I have few doubts of the outcome of a ‘conventional war’ between RF and ‘nato’, ‘nato’ being read as all the signatories of the ‘nato’ mutual defense pact. In reality how many ‘nato’ countries do you think would be willing to try to prosecute an outright war with Mother when 1st Guards Tank Army is crossing their borders with a bit of a chip on their shoulders?
This little synopsis then begs the question of who would initiate ‘tactical’ nukes, nato or RF? In realty there are at this time conventional ordinances with viable delivery systems that in essence negate the necessity of using ‘tactical’ nukes. On the other hand nothing would say ‘up yours’ more than a little nuke here and there. Problem with that scenario is one thing leads to another and in the end the strategic nukes would fly and life as we know it would end rapidly.
You, my friend, had better hope against hope that your ‘nato’ and their ‘smart shells’ don’t get stupid because I can assure that Russia will not allow a war on her territory and if she feels a strike is eminent she will strike first. Take your bravado and spread it elsewhere, it don’t fly with me, I’ve seen enough war in my life to wish I never see it again but I can also assure you that if it comes to a fight and my city and region is threatened I will fight one more time, old and worn out I may be.
As for Givi, he was taken out by a dual charge thermobarik RPG shot right through his office window. Motorola was done in by a bomb in the ceiling of the elevator in his flats building. Advanced ‘technology’? It is to laugh, that ‘technology’ was crude, simple and brutal.
Never The Last One Love And Honor, Courage And Treachery. A Small War Fought In A Dark Corner Of A Vast Land.
An Incident On Simonka NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
You don’t need to be rocket scientists to understand, that Hegemon on Syria had a Plan “A” Regime change (Maximal Plan), and now the Plan “B” Partition of Syria (Minimal Plan), and there isn’t any Plan “C”.
Plan C for US is always just destruction and chaos. US and Israel would both prefer a destroyed Syria to any outcome except the plans A and B that you’ve listed. And actually, chaos and destruction fit pretty well with Plan B as well
Auslander – OT, but why the UN hit piece on Crimea now? (BS about human rights violations, improper imprisonment, and other vague charges)
Because it was Monday and time for the weekly bovine scatology dose from un.
You know, those same worthies who said not a word when two years ago these poor and miserable orcs blew down the electric feed towers on the orc side of the border, this act done the day after orcland was paid a tad over 3 million bucks as the usual advance payment for electric by Krim and Sevastopol.
You know, those same worthies who said not a word when three years ago these poor and miserable orcs dammed the water canal from the Dnepr to Krimea that provided the island with a surplus of water and took care of the excess water in the Dnepr during the spring thaw.
Concerning the ‘forced’ Russian citizenship, that’s a flat out lie. By law in Orcland and Russia if you change your residency you have I think a month, or perhaps three, to register your internal passport at your new address. We had thousands of Ukrainians down here for years who did not do so. We also had thousands of Ukrainians down here who did do so. Both Ukraine and Russia recognize dual citizenship, ergo if the Ukrainians had registered in Krim they simply had to go and get either Russian dual citizenship or Russian permanent residency. With Krim or Sevastopol Ukraine residency this was a simple process. Without prior residency the winding path through bureaucracy is somewhat daunting but doable.
Bottom line, if these foreigners, like me, had done what both Ukraine and Russia law says to do, there would have been no problems. Since many did not follow the law, the consequences are on their hands, not Russia’s hands.
As an aside, a pox on un in general.
Some facts behind this UN “report” and the reaction from Russia.
It seems this group is based in Ukraine! and never visited Crimea. Now this is one UN body that should be disbanded in the UN reform programme…….
Sorry, but only Russia can make a proper meat grinder, they set the bar in a city called Stalingrad. ISIS is following in the footsteps of the dodo, the Kurds in Syria will follow suit.
SOHR: ISIS kills 79 government forces’ members and loyalists including 7 Russians at eastern banks of Euphrates River today
2 Syrian government forces from Tartous were killed by ISIS in Deir Ez zor at eastern banks of Euphrates River today
The Wehrmacht lost 400’000 troops of their finest troops at Stalingrad, now that was a meat grinder. Losing a few Syrian or Russian soldiers every now and then doesn’t count as meat grinding, the same amount die on roads due to car crashes each day.
Thank you Mad Dog for sharing your thoughts with us.
Your comment could be straight out of NATO headquarters.
Hope pay is well over there. Enjoy it as long as you can. Judging the steadily intensity of the propaganda spewed in MSM you’ll have to hurry up to spend your money. Even the best bunker won’t help anyone.
trump just declared war against nord korea, the show is really starting to get crazy..
seems the financial system is really in deep trouble and no more time to waste…..
The Anglo Americans are desperate as they are dangerous.
Their murder of Russian military personnel is a clear act of aggression–and cannot go unpunished, no matter how certain Russian elites wish to appease their American “partners.”
In general, the Anglo Americans cannot stand the fact that they are *losing* in Syria (and elsewhere).
So they lash out in pathetic fits of rage–much liked spoiled brats, only armed with nuclear weapons.
The Anglo American Empire will not accept its defeat without trying to drag down the world with it–including the possibility of launching a nuclear Armageddon.
The Anglo Americans’ mentality is this: if we can’t possess the world, we will destroy it.
This is essentially the warped Jewish “Sampson option”–in red, white, and blue.
What you are trying to convey here, has been told Loudly and Clearly, by Gary Kah, since early 1990, at his book “En Route to Global Occupation”, that I read on 1995.
Gary Kah is the former Europe & Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana state government. While in that position he traveled extensively overseas working closely with the economic staff at American Embassies on trade-related projects. During that time, he learned of efforts underway to establish a one-world political/financial system. He also discovered there was a religious motivation connected with these endeavors.
Gary has written two best-selling books detailing his experiences and explaining the goals of the one-world/interfaith movement. His books, “En Route to Global Occupation” and “The New World Religion”, are fully documented and are critical in understanding today’s global developments – including the unfolding financial crisis and rapidly changing events in the Middle East.
It would appear that the Russians have chosen as their means of retallitation an attack on SDF forces.
Syrian had already warned that if the SDF got in the way of the Syrian goal of liberating and unifying their own country, then they would attack the SDF. Meanwhile, the Pentagon/Deep State has chosen to use the SDF to try to grab the oil and gas fields in eastern Syria as a means of securing revenue for an SDF sub-state inside Syria.
Thus, according to today’s reports, the Syrian Arab Army with Russian air support is delivering a series of strikes at SDF forces that had grabbed a Conoco gas field. No mention of whether there are any US SOF with those SDF units.
Officially, Russia is denying the reports.
However, english language news from Syria provides the reports …
First things first….
May God be of comfort to the families of Lieutenant-General, Valery Asapov and the two Colonels.
R.I.P. You died so others may live. Great will be your reward from God.
The deeper I go into the rabbit hole the more I see the Star of David.
Your second comment is elegant.
The coming Battle of the Oil Fields will be a lesson from Russia to the US Military.
It will be, if the US insists, like the WWII Battle of Kursk. Defense in depth and a summer offensive (desert of the East Syria zone not unlike the Steppes in Summer).
And when the SDF and tribal proxies are liquidated, Russia will have permanent base that will control Syrian assets and the border with Iraq.
S-400s will arrive to seal the region.
This ground of the Deir ez Zor region is now baptized in Russian blood. The Syrians will honor the Russian martyrs more now than ever. These are bonds that are never going to shatter.
The CENTCOM plans are DOA. Doomed.
Not only will all of Syria be cleared of the Hegemon and little David, but the Russians will also assist the removal of the US from Iraq (in many ways).
Looks like Russia has made up it’s mind – to stay and fight if necessary.
“Russia to Set up New Military Base in Eastern Syria”
From the link posted by Zena:
“The Arabic-language al-Ahd news website quoted western media sources as reporting that Russia is to set up a new large military base in Deir Ezzur due to its reginal and international strategic importance.
Al-Ahd added that the long distance between the Russia-run Humeimim airbase and Eastern or Central Syria and the superior capabilities and features of Deir Ezzur airbase are two other reasons for Moscow’s decision.
In the meantime, proximity of Deir Ezzur to the US bases in Iraq and Syria’s main oilfields, on which Russia is keen to invest, have been mentioned among other reasons, al-Ahd pointed out.
The website went on to say that Moscow’s decision to set up a military airbase in Deir Ezzur is also mainly aimed at preventing the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces from crossing the Euphrates River to rush towards South that is home to the richest oilfields in Syria.
Moscow warned the US on Thursday that if US-backed groups in Northeast Syria again attack the positions of the Syrian pro-government forces backed by Russia, the Russian military would use all its force to retaliate.
The troops of the SDF, a group that receives support from the US military, twice attacked positions of the Syrian Arab Army in the Deir Ezzur province with mortar and rocket fire, according to the Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov.
Konashenkov said, “Russia unequivocally told the commanders of US forces in Al Udeid Airbase (Qatar) that it will not tolerate any shelling from the areas where the SDF are stationed.”
So is this why the General was visiting? and perhaps the reason for the assassination was to try and prevent this development?
I expected the US to take some offensive actions, but that they have opted for assassination caught me off guard, and I think the Russians didn’t expect it either.
The US has used it’s technology to make the killings appear as a ‘lucky strike’, but no one gets this ‘lucky’ in the Casino unless they are counting cards.
From this point on, I think the Syrians/Russians/Iranians can no longer try to appeal to the US or world’s sense of justice. Syria has turned into a Mafia war. The Russians would be wise to act appropriately.
Next time, don’t publish photos or present maps. Just wipe the enemy forces out. Have the Iranians kidnap some American SOFs (illegally in Syria) and just make the US servicemen disappear. Make no fuss, make no videos, deny it all – just erase the illegal American SOF forces.
The Russians have lost a valuable leader with an unique experience base and skill set. This will hurt Russian morale in Syria and make other Russian commanders more fearful. A response must be had.
You do not know Russian well and this is a big mistake.
Moderator “J” Note: So… what is it about “Russian” that you know that Ben doesn’t know? What is the big mistake? If you are unable to be more specific, I’ll send your future posts of this nature directly to the trash.
One thing Russians should consider is if Amercans can “read” Russian Communication bcause if we consider the possibilty that they used Long Range Recce and drones. They would never send it in ,and risk their lives, to that particular place without having any further information to confirm, with arty ready to shoot if information confirmed which it was this time.
Drones are certainly expendable. They are a bit expensive, but the US military doesn’t care about spending lots of tax payer dollars. They spend almost $20 million “sending a message” with MOAB, and flying B-2 bombers around off of Korea isn’t cheap either. So, while a commander won’t throw away his drones, he also won’t be shy at using them. And pretty much the same for a SOF Long range recon team. Again, they are pretty close to disposable in the minds of US commanders.
In modern warfare, every side must always be asking if their communications have been penetrated or if they are giving anything away to the enemy by other means …. such as in the levels of radio traffic.
I’d imagine that tracking high-level officers on the other side is something that is regularly done. In this case, with eastern Syria heating up and several conflicts erupting at once, its possible that a commander decided to risk a SOF team or a pilotless drone to pull off this operation.
The first thing I’d like to see is Lavrov cancel all forthcoming announcements concerning diplomatic relations with the Anglo-americans on Syria. It looks bad when you say “we’re coordinating” and the next day, they turn your people into hamburger.
By the way, Saker, the Americans have openly admitted their responsibilities for the death of the Russian officials:
By saying that they know exactly where the Russian troops are, the Americans are giving a clear message: if you cross the Euphrates, we’ll hunt you one by one. The fact is that everything demonstrates that this is not a bluff.
So, Putin has a difficult choice in front of him: giving up Eastern Syria or suffering a very high death toll among his troops, which could lead to a very heavy political price, right before the Presidential elections.
It’s true, the Amercans lost the war. But they can still prevent their enemies from winning it. How? By creating a puppet state Eastern of the Euphrates, stealing Syria’s gas and oil – which are vital for the reconstruction of the country – and breaking the shia crescent going from Teheran to Beirut.
Now, the American puppets – aka SDF – have the upper hand in nort-eastern Syria. They have seized Syrian biggest gas plant and cut the way to the SAA. The SAA has no chance of prevailing in this race for gas and oil: they need to fight against the SDF, isis and the U$, while the SDF have no obstacles in front of them.
After the so called Kurds seize all the Eastern territory, the will proclaim a referendum for the independence of Syrian Kurdistan, which will lead to the creation of a puppet state in the hands of the Americans and the Zionists. This state will be a new Israel, which means a source of unrest, wars and instability for the Middle East for decades. The Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan will be a corridor for the infiltration of terrorists into Iran, in order to destabilize it and eventually to attack and invade it.
For three years ISIS had besieged Syrian troops in Deir Ezzor city and its airport. It had not once managed to successfully attack the Syrian headquarter or to kill high ranking officers. Now, as U.S. proxy forces “advised” by U.S. special forces, have taken position north of Deir Ezzor, “ISIS” suddenly has the intelligence data and precision mortar capabilities to kill a bunch of visiting Russian officers?
That is not plausible. No one in Damascus, Baghdad, Tehran or Moscow will believe that.
The Russian military, as usual, reacts calmly and officially attributes the attack to ISIS. Doing so avoids pressure to immediately react to the attack. (The U.S. will falsely interpret this as a face-saving Russian retreat.)
there was a gringo general I think who was calling for killing ruskis, same as ashford, so we can see that they are up to their promises. many ruskis died already,; polititions, soldiers, jetliners passengers, men, women, children, you name it and the game with western partners continue as usual and will continue as usual for it is the nature of mankind to rule wherever no resistance is offered and another nature of mankind is to despise those who court them( enemies) and to respect those who make no concessions. Think R&C (Russia and China) who appease the EE (evil Empire aka U.S. or rather J.U.S. where J stands for Jewish ) by supporting sanctions against DPRK and Iran when being simultaneously sanctioned by the same evil power. That’s sign of madness and utter evil also. Let’s pray to St. Michael, the archangel for the protection. ” Holy Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wekedness and sneries of the Devil , and you thou prince of the heavenly Host, by the power of God , cast into hell all the evil spirits who wonder throughout the world seeking the ruin of soles. Amen.
” Holy Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and sceneries of the Devil , and you thou prince of the heavenly Host, by the power of God , cast into hell all the evil spirits who wonder throughout the world seeking the ruin of soles. Amen.”
thanks for these beautiful words !
The story is starting to breakthrough.
ZeroHedge has it.
US State Dept. denies US involvement in General’s death.
Most likely that UK special forces carried out the ‘hit’- unlike the Americans, the Brits can disguise themselves convincingly as local ‘rebels’ in almost all non-Asian areas of conflict, and have the longest history of doing so. One may recall the infamous Tony Blair operation against a police station in Iraq, when Blair sent in a full blown UK army death squad to ‘rescue’ a bunch of SAS bombers who had been arrested red-handed in full ‘arab’ guise. Not for nothing do Brits grab the plum roles playing the leading ‘american’ characters in US made movies and TV shows.
And Trump using Brit operatives is like the mob bringing in a hitman from out-of-town. While Russia will know the ‘hit’ was carried out at the behest of the Americans, the trail left by the Brit ‘hitmen’ will be cold, and lead nowhere.
The last Brit spectacular against Russia was the downing of the plane full of Russian military musicians on route to play at the celebrations for the liberation of Aleppo.
During WW2, Britain specialised in undermining the morale of the nazi regime and its allies using such tactics. Making an opponent feel helpless and hopeless is a great psychological victory. Assassination and sabotage are the hallmarks of British SAS teams.
The usual fools will claim the hit is an attempt to make Putin attack US forces in Syria. In reality the very opposite is true. The hit is firstly about the headline. Then it is about making Putin second guess himself. Then it is for boosting the morale of anti-Russian terrorists. And then to provide ammunition for anti-Russia trolls in the forums across the net.
The hit is ***not*** about harming Russia’s victory in Syria- that is now unstoppable. It has nothing to do with conflict between the Yanks and Russians- Putin has no choice but to hit US backed forces hard if they don’t get the hint in the next few weeks- and either way those forces are going down or will agree peace treaties with the Syrian government.
The easiest way to comprehend the hit is pure vindictive spite. The same reason Churchill bombed Dresden. One part of the Deep State in Britain has always had the blackest heart- even going back thru the centuries. Tho until recently, other parts of the Deep State in Britain were quite enlightened- only Britian wanted to end the trade in Human Slaves, for instance, and see the concept of slavery ended. France, Spain, Italy, Germany and America wanted slavery to remain legal- and France was actively aiding slaving nations up til the early 1960s in their slave trading (Saudi Arabia).
But since the time of Tony Blair, you can forget about any good in the British Deep State- Blair converted it to 100% demonic evil.
PS here’s an irony most of you don’t know. Turkey was a willing partner of Britain in the 19th century in working toward the gradual ending of slavery, whereas America merely paid lip service to ending the slave trade,and only pretended to share Britain’s agenda. Abraham Lincoln gave many speeches and wrote at length about how the ‘black’ Human was a ‘sub-Human’ suited only for slavery- and fully expected slavery to continue in the USA for long after his passing. But ‘Frankensein’ exerted its control over ‘Frankenstein’s Monster’, and forced the Civil War to mark the end of slavery in the USA, although the US Deep State reintroduced slavery in everything but name with the ‘Jim Crow’ laws constructed by zionist lawyers. It wasn’t until the late 1960s that America finally kicked slavery to the curb. The West Europe ‘Empire Powers’ continued to fund, arm and protect slaving nations in Africa and the Middle East beyond WW2, and some of this still continues to this day in Africa.
But Tony Blair took everything that was still good about Britain and ‘reversed’ it. Even that incredible British concept of ‘Freedom of Conscience’ (the individual’s right to define their own spiritual beliefs without interference from the state) – a Right hated and feared by most of the non-english speaking governments of the world- is being put to the sword by Blairites in the UK. Blair’s sick evil press tells the people of the UK that ‘religion’ is something you are born with- the demonic lie that ‘Freedom of Conscience’ was designed to slay.
Anyway Trump and the US Deep State ain’t going to war in Syria – that’s just another misdirection like N Korea. Trumpy wants to leave with ‘dignity’, and that means a ‘long tail’. Putin’s plans don’t allow for that, so expect to see America gone from Syria a lot sooner than most of you expect.
Britain changed in the 19th century when the aristocracy reacted to the spectacular emergence of the middle class. It sold its soul to the devil to do it. Rule has been conducted by deception and cheating ever since, divide and conquer; fake political options – warfare is done in the same way. The scales have recently started to fall from a lot of eyes, although the vast majority of Britons don’t know what they are dealing with.
We who are clued-up know about the SAS in Syria, and hope that the Russians and the Syrians do a good job to keep them off the streets of England.
Saker, yes, hang on for a bumpy ride. Trump’s despicable UN speech gave what the neocons in the mid Eastern military higher echelons consider a ” green light”. So best to adopt a combined strategy of “nobody here but us chickens” and “catch me if you can” in response.
and use this on all emails to Centcom from now on: the Who,Me? emoticon
Coming Saturday will be the second anniversary of Russia’s direct intervention in the Syrian conflict. This momentous decision never would have been taken, if Putin wouldn’t have from the onset on been ready to confront the US eventually, after all other means of conflict resolving had been exhausted.
So clearly, Russia is not going to back down. For Assad and the SAA this is not even a question and Iran won’t back down either.
For efficient east of the Euphrates action Deir Ezzor airbase is absolutely needed. Coming Saturday would be the perfect day to declare Deir Ezzor airport operational as Russia’s second airbase in Syria.
Long live Syria!
Saker, you’ve been pulling your punches as of late. Today however, I see the gloves coming off. Bravo! Better late then never.
Israeli and Saudi boots on the ground sounds ominous.
Saudi boots on the ground have never scared anyone. This is a country that has wisely sat out the region’s wars, and never been known for any military prowess. I think they were led by Lawerence of Arabia the last time they won a battle.
Israel’s problem is that every time they get imbroiled in a serious fight, they are fighting a bunch of people who they’ve been aggravating for years and even generations and who now are saying “for the first time we can reach you and hurt you.” And then they discover that their army of full-time occupation bears little resemblence to the army that won the 6-day war.
Quite correct! I suppose I was influenced by the Israeli fanatic Menachem Begin’s phraseology “armed to the teeth”. Both Israel and KSA are armed to the teeth. (I was pondering on that aspect.)
“Saudi boots on the ground have never scared anyone. This is a country that has wisely sat out the region’s wars, and never been known for any military prowess. I think they were led by Lawerence of Arabia the last time they won a battle.”
Yes, but now the ‘King’ of the gang has decreed that Saudi women can drive.
And in spite of some pinhead ‘cleric’ from the Dark Ages saying (Saudi) women only have 25% of a brain.
Perhaps that is why Hilary lost the rigged election? lol
On a much more serious note:
There will be a new moon over Ar Raqqah in the late evening on October 19.
This lunar event may present a tactical opportunity for dropping coordinated units of Воздушно-десантные войска России, ВДВ (Russian airborne paratroopers) somewhere north of U.S. Special Forces. They can deploy short range drones with infrared camera capability (reference: to see exactly where U.S. ISIS, Inc. is located and then call for naval Kalibr missile strikes on their position.
The reason that Israel has panicked is because of a solid military alliance between Iran, Hezbollah and Syria. Such an alliance would facilitate the recovery of oil rich Syrian Golan Heights occupied by Israel. Israeli soldiers are no match to Hezbollah who defeated Israel in Lebanon years ago, and today much better fighting force. Israel has stolen Lebanese land Israel has. Under international law, they have the right to recover stolen lands. This is at the root to the Syrian war.
“If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.”
— George H. W. Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter
The Russians and their allies fear of retaliating against US forces because they have seen from past events how the Americans react with overwhelming force.
US adversaries know and fear the American lack of fear of using overwhelming direct, indirect or proxy forces.
What the Russians and their allies do not psychologically understand is that the Americans can only be stopped by force and by letting them bleed and lose men.
The Americans have smartly used their overwhelming power on smaller helpless adversaries to psychologically instill fear in more powerful nations.
The Russians might need to lose more men before they are psychologically willing to call the US bluff.
The Russians have demonstrated that they are quite prepared to use the no-lube option when required.
The pain was quite apparent when Samantha Power lost it at the UN after the US coalition’s “impenetrable” command centre was taken out after the “accidental” bombing (for several hours) at Deir Ezzor.
The Russians don’t fear the pindos. This is not about shrinking away from a stand up brawl. It is about preventing full scale slaughter, which is what civilians would experience if israel was able to employ their american proxies.
It is israeli understanding of the very real limitations they can push their pindo colonial’s before the mushrooms there realise they are in a war they didn’t want. The zionazis realise their pindo puppets can only do quick wars now, before public out cry reaches a head.
The israeli-american war criminals specialize in murdering civilians, the Russians are working at preventing that, while rolling up the zionazi terrorist ops.
One can think about it this way: imagine a room full of children held at gun point by several determined heavily armed psychos. How does one neutralize the gunmen without getting kids killed in the process. This is what Russia is doing.
The most opportune place for retaliation would be Afghanistan where a helicopter could end up being shot down by “the Taliban” or somethhing like that. It would be entirely plausible as it has happened before and would tghus make it hard for the US to escalate in Syria.
The other possibility would be to actually shoot down some of the Israeli jets that over Syria or Lebanon. Of course it would be the Syrian military that does it.
In actuality, the Israelis don’t overfly Syria. They send drones and shoot missiles from planes standing off.
It is extremely dangerous for anyone to overfly Syria except for the distant east where for 50-75 kilometers from the Iraqi border, the S 400 is out of range (reportedly).
And now with an integrated air defense, many more different weapons systems owned by Syria and Russia, overflights are de-conflicted. US, coalition, Turks all schedule their overflights with Russia.
stand off an’ toss the (whatever)….works with rockets and also with a brick…
Properly done with right machines you can toss maybe 20 miles…as an extreme..but wait! Stand off and toss is precisely what ICBM does, cept the drag coefficients and Coriolis stuff calculates different…
From an F 15? Neh, long way…
An excellent article.
My only addition would be to say that the Russians have retaliated ‘kinetically’ for past US attacks, and specifically against US/UK EU and israeli ‘advisors’, spooks and Special Forces.
There is also no doubt in my mind that the Russians will respond in kind for these latest attacks as well, whether we hear/read about it or not.
The Russian’s have been dealing with psychopathic tribe for over a thousand years.
God Bless ’em.
It was clear from the start that the US interest in Syria was ‘Kurdistan’. The purpose of “ISIS” was to weaken the Russian side and destroy the Syrian infrastructure, so that gov’t troops would only reach the Euphrates after many years and in an exhausted state, with the US military dug in there. Now as the Russians approach the river, the American defenses are stiffening at the same time that the Kurds hold a referendum for “independence” and the Israelis announce their support of it. The Kurds don’t strike me as a particularly high IQ population, but their leaders are probably aware that they are expendable to their newfound allies but it makes no difference since they are just as much hostages to the US military as partners. Russian media claiming 85% of Syria is liberated indicates that they are relinquishing the Kurdish area Please back up this sentence – otherwise don’t speak on behalf of Russia and make false representations. Mod Iran will get a half dozen new American miltary bases on it’s border, as planned. The US/KSA/IL couldn’t care less what happens with the rest of Syria, whether Assad stays or goes.
@ M.R.
Agree with your analysis 100%. This is something that Russia-Iran-Syria will have to win 100% or they will certainly have growing problems on their hands.
In reply to Mod:
The area north of the Euphrates represents more than 15% of Syria.
To quote “Lieutenant General Aleksandr Lapin, Russian chief of staff in Syria, told reporters at Khmeimim air base that the Syrian forces will now have to liberate the remaining 15 percent, around 27,000 square kilometers”. Therefore your sentence was misleading to other commenters. Mod
1. ISIS was created long before the Russians intervened to assist their long-time Syrian ally. Its more likely the ‘reason’ ISIS was created was simply to overthrow the Assad govt. At best, the US is now shifting to Plan B, C, D, E ….
2. You seem to have Syria and Iraq somewhat confused. Its in Iraq that the Kurds are holding a referrendum on independence. And, its also Iraq that shares a border with Iran. The US already has several bases closer to Iran than Syria.
Many excellent posts on this topic on both sides of the question, which is simply the million dollar “What would the proper Russian response be?” There are the “Wait and watch patient folks wanting to keep the battle grounded on niceties and world perceptions” and then there are the “You got to sometime stand your ground and fight back” advocates.
The proper response, of course, is one that is based on realistic options that Russia has and the probability of their success. Most of us simply lack the knowledge and competence to assess the range of military options and their likelihood of success. But that said, for Russia to fight back hard means to risk it all. Incremental and piecemeal response entails: (1) More of this is certainly going to follow from the US side, and sooner or later Russian morale would suffer; (2) If the US succeeds in settling down on even 20% of Syrian territory, both Syria and Iran will have the US military breathing down their necks for ever, with results that even non-experts like us can see; and (3) as a result of point #s 1 and 2, Russian credibility and self-esteem will suffer a mortal blow.
That is what is meant by “Caught between the rock and a hard place” or, in other words, “Damned if you do, doomed if you do not”.
Trump’s, Kushner’s and Netanyahoo’s exposures must be large. I’m sure both have had their share of Russian mafia interactions, from money laundering for overpriced condos, to outright bribes; maybe worse. Unlike the reporting situation for US military setbacks, any dirt that surfaces on these three clowns will go right to press, complete with embellishment. If anyone has the goods on these guys, I would expect that to be Grand Master Putin. Give it time; I expect the satisfaction at the end will be worth the wait.
Just leaving this here — mechanisms of retaliation
Everyone remembers the shootdown of Iran Air flight 655 over the Persian Gulf on July 3, 1988 by the American guided-missile cruiser Vincennes under the command of Capt. William Rogers.
Few people know that in March of 1989, when Roger’s wife Sharon was stopped in her van at a traffic light in San Diego, a pipe bomb went off and the rear of the van burst into flames. Sharon was unhurt, fortunately, maybe a few powder burns and definitely shaken up.
Despite an intensive investigation by the local FBI office, the perpetrators were never found.
Never let it be said that only the USA is allowed “a time and place of our choosing”.
Sharp analysis, thanks! I’ve been wondering about the positions of the US effective forces in the area, and I suspected they are actually quite vulnerable. They’re not acting as if they know it, but how could they not?
Interesting you tube vid. — from a comment in ZH.
“DC 911 Truth Panel – Christopher Bollyn – “It’s Israeli Policy, Not US Policy””
Published on Sep 15, 2017
It was an error to let the US/UK/Saudi implants in Aleppo go free rather than disappear into some hostage situation somewhere with another cutout group.
It is clear from the manual from Dec 2016 that the US is preparing to fight Russian soldiers and has only a limited window for conflict before the USA itself breaks up.
The daily news is replete with US demands…….in Europe, Korea, Syria, Iraq…….it is a global empire seeking to rein in its vassals so they do not fray the edges of the empire. Trump is determined to light fires in order to sell US fire-accelerants to anybody with a trade surplus with the USA
Some one correct me if I’m off base but did not the Russians incinerate a command and control base for Aleppo operations manned by NATO-Israeli and GCC officers shortly after the US air attack on SAA positions at Deir Az Zor as IS attacked? Has not Russia already responded to this recent provocation with an attack on SDF positions, sending the proverbial ‘message’?
This seems like more of the tit for tat and an eye for an eye between the great powers that has characterized this war. The danger lies in an over reaction…..but still the downing of the Russian commercial airliner with the deaths of the over 200 civilians remains unavenged….
“Last and not least, the Americans by now are deeply humiliated and enraged at the Russian success in Syria.”
Only a few Americans are humiliated. With the news of Syria limited to endless parroting of the phrase “Assad must go”, the only Americans aware of this war are the ones who read the foreign news.
Of course, if a US or Israeli plane is shot down, the American news will be of an “unprovoked attack”, and trigger a dramatic escalation.
But I would think this lack of news is an advantage for Russia and the SAA if American SOF personnel were to have “accidents”. They didn’t exist, they were never there. So the accident could not have been a result of hostile action, right?
A very interesting article in Orientalview from Andrew Korybko about Russia’s Kurdish-Turkish pipeline, backed up by facts. If true, then the question is what is Russia’s real plan and intentions. Syria-Iran-Turkey are all vehemently against Kurdistan on the paper although, today even the FM of Syria Muallim announced that there could be an autonomous Kurdistan. Russia seems to not mind an independent Kurdistan and they still keep YPD offices in Moscow. What is going on behind back doors, one wonders? How shall we see the murder of Russian officers in this context? Why are these officers murdered by US (obviously)? What could be that US and Russia don’t agree upon at this point? The jihadist are defeated, which Russia wanted and Kurdistan seems o.k. for Russia and (even Syria now). Is it that Russia continues cooperating with Iran? Difficult to assess. Any idea?
If more American navy ships have accidents I would not be surprised.
This has got to be information from USA as they work hand in glove with the terrorist .
Excellent post. One thing, though…”own force in Syria is too small to make a difference, but big enough to represent a lucrative target…”
They want the Russians to attack them as an excuse to nuke Damascus. The goal all along was to destroy the states around Israel, but ultimately leading to a world war that would kill off most of mankind (their true goal).
Russian Bear moves slow but when Russia moves everyone would feel the “rumble in the jungle” of the Russian Bear! All the fake news and their fake rhetoric of empty threats are stale as they’ve been used for decades! Donkey cart IED carrying ordinary non-soldiers kicked our asses in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are still trying to secure one small city like Kabul or Baghdad with our so called “most lethal and advanced killing machine”… what a load of crap!
We can’t win in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yamen, Pakistan and we wanna mess with world’s most lethal forces on planet earth second to none despite our psyop propaganda as the best armed forces of the world who could only fight remotely from 12000 miles away from air conditioned rooms while the rap music is blasting through the speakers of drugged out remote pilots of our worthless idiots! Try and mess with Russia and we’ll find out what we are up against. Since the civil war we have not won a single war despite our millions of civilians that we have killed indiscriminately! What a joke for the we Americans have become!