by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog
On June 20th, Pam and Russ Martens, at their anti-corruption site “Wall Street on Parade,” headlined “As Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Face Criminal Probes, Barr Fires Top Prosecutor; Tries to Replace Him with Banks’ Former Lawyer, Jay Clayton”, and reported that Donald Trump’s consigliere William Barr was firing the U.S. Attorney who was leading criminal investigations into Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase banks, and Trump was replacing him with the SEC Chairman, Jay Clayton, who had been condemned by U.S. Senators of both Parties for greenlighting corporate frauds by insider CEOs that cheated both investors and employees while enriching only themselves. Clayton, whose career had been spent defending major U.S. corporations at the old Dulles brothers’ law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell, owned “Over $1,000,000” worth of stock in WMB Holdings, which was “connected with numerous firms whose agent was the infamous Mossack Fonseca, many of them offshore companies”, and “This company [WMB] and its affiliated partners (Delaware Trust Co and CSC) are conduits for creating shell corporations and other sketchy vehicles used in tax evasion and money laundering.” So, this fox-in-charge-of-chicken-coops at the SEC was now selected by Trump’s agent, to lead the criminal investigations into, and prosecutions of, Wall Street banks.
The Republican Fox ‘News’ operation didn’t mention any of this but just gave the boilerplate, “President Trump nominated the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Jay Clayton, to replace Geoffrey Berman as the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, late Friday night in what appears to be political shakeup.”
However, a libertarian financial news site, Zero Hedge, posted on June 22nd an article by a fellow-libertarian Tom Luongo, and this was overtly pro-Trump, because libertarians oppose regulation (anything that imposes the government to restrain criminality by corporations and their executives and owners) — it can even be defined as hostility toward regulation. Luongo headlined “The US Is In Civil War (And Why Berman’s Firing Matters)”, and he said:
From the moment the protests against the killing of George Floyd were hijacked into looting and rioting I worried about this turning into something far greater, something with a far higher purpose.
Within a couple of days it was obvious the U.S. was now the subject of a color revolution of the same type and build up that occurred in places like Ukraine, Georgia, Egypt, Serbia and others.
And it’s pretty clear the color for our revolution isn’t orange or brown or violet, it’s black.
The questions I have are why this is happening now? The obvious answer is the full court press to deny Trump a second term. That’s a practically stated goal at this point.
But I feel this is far deeper than that, and likely has to do with knowing that Trump has pieces in place post-Jeffrey Epstein raid/murder to upset the Deep State’s apple cart. …
Useful idiots eventually become useless eaters in any post-Marxist revolution worth discussing.
But for the people who foment these things. They have to start with laying the groundwork. And the stronger the local cultural institutions and local economic power the longer and harder they have to work to undermine it.
The U.S. has been under constant attack this way since before even World War II, going back to Commintern (which never ended, it just morphed into today’s NGO’s)
Trump and Orban represent leaders who understand this problem explicitly and are trying to dismantle the apparatus arrayed against them.
No mention is made in any Republican media regarding the obvious corruptness of Trump’s having chosen to lead the SEC a corporate insider and professional defender of corporations, who also happens to be an investor in a money-laundering operation, and now reassigning him to become instead the U.S. prosecutor against Wall Street banks (though Clayton had never even been a prosecutor).
Clayton’s wife Gretchen had resigned from being one of the many Vice Presidents of Goldman Sachs in order for her husband to be allowed to lead the SEC. But Trump wanted him now to lead the prosecution of Wall Streeters, and this certainly indicated that Trump was just as much a protector of megabank CEOs and top executives as Obama had been. Like Obama had secretly told them: “My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks. … I’m not out there to go after you. I’m protecting you. … I’m going to shield you.” And he did.
So, this time it’s a Republican President who will “clean the swamp.” (Or so libertarians might somehow hope.) The only difference is that instead of Democrats promising to do it, Republicans are. And now Joe Biden is. Nothing changes. And each Party’s media attacks the other Party.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
The israeli owned/operated republican party is corrupt? Who would have thought such a thing…
Who also would expect the Israeli run mass media, to set the example as to how the underclass should be best treated?
Know your Stuff_ Israel’s Jewish Nation-State Law explained by Dr. Shir Hever
In case that isn’t clear enough, then this ought to do the trick.
The entire political spectrum is bought and paid for.
Et tu, Brute?
Well Eric, I won’t question your facts. I believe you are very talented at showing legitimate facts.
I always consider yours when considering others and find yours to be useful.
I value a full perspective and absent your interpretation, I would be less capable of dissecting and quickly dispatching of such inane out of full context blather.
Yeah, trump is not Peter pan, but he isn’t Lucifarian either.
Isn’t there something like ‘They make the best ranger out of a good poacher” ?
So what is Trump getting in return? Support for his second term.
So, this time it’s a Republican President who will “clean the swamp.” (Or so libertarians might somehow hope.) The only difference is that instead of Democrats promising to do it, Republicans are. And now Joe Biden is. Nothing changes. And each Party’s media attacks the other Party.
And so it goes. The great Janus face scam rolls on. Two faces, two flavors, one party in charge.
According to Luongo, Trump, whose mentor was gangster lawyer Rohn Cohn, whose father was a crook, and who left behind many burned associates, is somehow Peter Pan and Sheriff Wyatt Earp, all rolled into one.
And that ‘Comintern’ attacking the US idea. People who think like this wouldn’t be surprised if Stalin’s ghost is directing those NGO’s. Reds under the bed….after all these years….
All the social unrest has nothing to do with, as George Carlin said, “people sitting around the kitchen table and figuring how bad they’re getting f*^%ed by a system that threw them overboard 30 F#$%ing years ago. ”
It’s the Commies, as if the Democratic Party, which actively suppresses social movements for social benefits that many people in Norway, Sweden, Germany and other social democracies have had for decades, that are the problem.
America would be one big happy family, except for the long oppressed Native Americans, the Blacks, the students drowning in loan debt, and millions of poor white families who can barely make it on two parents earning minimum wages, and 40 million unemployed, millions food insecure, can’t pay their rent or mortgage now or who lost their homes due to fraudulent loans. The recent disgraceful performance dealing with the Virus speaks for itself.
And let’s overlook the endless wars all based on lies, that leave millions of poverty draft veterans physically or psychologically disabled for life….all to enrich the Trumps, Boltons, Bidens, and corporate war profiteers.
A more plausible explanation is Malcolm X and Reverend Wright, who both said,
“The chickens are comin’ home… roost!”
While there could be manipulation as people suggest, the reality is the US is a social tinderbox, waiting for the match.
Here is an interesting video from the CIA Youtube channel that addresses the ‘misinformation’ about social conditions in the US, as described during the time of the Soviet Union….was this a description or a prediction?
Hear hear. It can’t be what George Carlin knew to be the truth. It can’t be an unjust imperialistic system that catered for it’s population, mostly favouring the whites, in the distribution of the plunder of other countries and people. And clearly, it can’t be because, that system needs more countries to plunder, or it dies, but unfortunately for empire, the targeted countries are aware, fortified and ready— causing said system to turn on it’s own whites to plunder them as it has always done to the others. And it surely can’t be that those same citizen or their offspring —-read millennials and after — are figuring out what has been eating the people of color is what is eating them. And finally, it can’t be they realize only an equitable system will guarantee a fair go at their dreams.
Come on it ain’t the system that is the problem, it’s the millennials who are lazy, incompetent, not intelligent enough and downright entitled just like them “niggers”. Nothing wrong with the system / sarc off
Caveat emperor- I am not a millennial. Missed being a boomer, so I guess that makes me generation X.
I’m really not convinced that the real ruling, money powers want Trump gone. He has shown himself to be allied with the military/industrial complex and ‘our great corporations’ as he refers to them. Everything he does is to benefit them. Everything we see is just a circus act of distraction. The real target is America itself and all it’s citizens. These ruling powers are in the process of destroying the world’s economic system so a new and final solution can be introduced. America will also have to experience the boot stamping on the face forever. Not the military/industrial complex or the mega-corporations but the people to clear the way for an international dictatorship of sorts. It is David Rockefeller’s internationalist dream coming true.
Totally agree
Very much remains to be known about Clayton as a choice…………. vs Berman.
But what about the premise the Berman Was Good???
In my humble opinion, without endorsing either Luongo’s Libertarianism nor Berman…NOR Clayton what the author OMITS here is far more telling than what he includes:
Namely that Berman was in place in the Southern Judicial District of New York……… a far Deeper State operative than Clayton will ever likely be.
These things are not Black and White……with Orange (Man Bad) being the Litmus Test…or catalyst to determine every choice……mechanically…against him.
They’re grey!
Who ISN’T tainted by association or career time spent in The Big Apple…anywhere NEAR Wall Street… the way??
Look at Rudy Giulani.
Because that New Yorker is going after the Far Bigger, Far More Rotten Deal here: What the Clinton Obama Gang Did In Ukraine.
Which might want to concern y’all interested in Stopping the Empire’s War On Russia just a wee bit more than Eric’s ideological spat with Tom Luongo.
And what was Clayton doing besides the thing the author fixates on here?
“Investigating” Rudy Giulani! Or rather two associates of his. SO???
So this:
IMHO what happened in Ukraine and getting to the bottom of THAT…trumps (pun intended) Wall St rivalries….by no less than orders of magnitude, in terms of strategic importance.
And if that doesn’t give all you young bulls pause (careful now…watch were you step….) from charging The Orange Cape On Predictable Cue…..(way too predictable, profilable, manipulable) ……..consider that even just in New York State there may be FAR, FAR larger issues than those raised in this article………. which omits crucial details about what else Berman was in place to keep blocked…..for the Empire… do with Epstein…and Weiner’s laptop.
Where the targets are Hillary and Barack and the Human Compromise Sexual Blackmail GLUE that holds The Whole Goddamned Luciferian Empire together.
And that’s even bigger than Ukraine.
So Berman was better??
Yeah, right! There’s a bridge in that neck of the woods you might be interested in buying…….
But you might want to do your due diligence, first.
Yes this is an area of Trump’s weakness.
But America is a institutionally corrupt society and eco system and has been since the start of industrialization from the 1850s with the railroads and Rockefellers. But corruption in the US is how things get done and move forward. It was not what Washington Madison Adams Jefferson envisaged to happen
It really boils down what type of corruption is more acceptable or better for the system.
The DEM corruption of do nothing to fix the country’s ills while lining the pockets of DEM leaders and entourage has to be worse than what Trump has to do to stay in office and try and get another term.
The swamp is deep and is still a problem – filled with obnoxious creatures who want wars and entrenched socialism & chaos (aka BLM CHAZ-Seattle & Misc Riots). Perhaps this type of approach is the only way to deal with them.
Trumps just the other side of the coin and why do you accept corruption, its like saying I voted for the least of two evils so why did you bother to vote at all if you know both parties are evil, or perhaps you enjoy putting the yoke upon your own neck or upon someone else’s .I have little use for someone who accepts corruption as being a normal way of running a country or doing business for you can see where its got us, a bankrupt splintered country that preys upon its own people….
Dead right there. Not voting may be the answer.
But not voting (apathy) can lead to the worse candidate getting elected.
That is what has happened in the past. Thats how Clinton go in.
You have to accept the fact that it is impossible for a honest person to get elected to POTUS because of the $ and networks required to win. Even most House and Senate races. And State level too.
You know something, guys? The root of corruption is pessimism.
At the bottom……as well as the top.
Most inappropriate at this particular time…..unless you are at the top…… that BERMAN was protecting.
I have a little polite message for Eric over in the Moveable Feast Café:
Flanks against the Empire are breaking open all over the place. No time for pessimism. Or total gross strategic misevaluations due to TDS, either..
In my view the only republicans in Fox News seem to be Hannity and Ingraham, which is 2h of 24h, Tucker Carlsson seem to be very interested in the Democrats so it is hard to tell, doubtful but maybe 3h of 24h then. So they sort of cater to both parties as a general strategy, but most of it is democrat’s strategies promoted by “deep state” presenters. The owner is the globalist Rothschild man Rupert Murdoch. I bet the editoriol line is democratic and deep state propaganda as a clever disguised strategy. As for Murdoch he actively work for the zionist operations of Rothschild.
“How the Republican Party Spins Trump’s Corruption”
They and their fox/conservative talk radio media machine either denies there is any corruption. Or the wax incessantly about the dems corruption. Or liberals, the left. The Russians or Chinese, or the Iranians, the Venezuelans. The DPRK. Anybody but likud’s sacred colonials (that’s both reps and dems, but mostly the rep quislings).
Meanwhile you’ve got a lot to learn V.T.
Like falling for that AZ Empire RAG…The Atlantic……because of your blind. “No light at the end of the Tunnel” Trump Derangement Syndrome….”One Trick Pony” limitations.
It’s fine to growl at the putrid scent of Zionist Luciferians….like some junk yard watch dog.
But here’s wishing you break the chains holding you in that fixed, DOGmatic position….and learn the Art of the Flank…which requires quite a bit more mobility of body and plasticity of mind to break free form Empoire-Profiled Ideological Fixed In Place Positions …………….. than is ordinarily afforded Her Satanic Majesty’s Loyal Subjects……in Her Commonwealth Dominions.
The entire press conference of the Ukrainian prosecutors nailing Biden, a relative of John Kerry….and of course Porky The Pig himself:among others that Berman was running judicial interference for:
with English Subtitles.
Yeah, this is an infinitely bigger Anti-Empire flank than you or anyone else getting their little Anti-Orangeman rocks off over carping about Trump removing of the Empire’s Man (Berman) in The Southern District of The Empire State….a major Empire Blockade to the release of evidence in the Epstein Case and the Case Against the Clinton Foundation……and….”There’s MORE!!!”
You don’t want to hitch your chain to those masters, I don’t believe.Nor to the Atlantic.
More of them will probably be jumping off 27 story buildings soon (or be pushed….for damage control) like Hollywood Producer and major Clinton Foundation Donor….Stephen Bing. So be careful!
Growl less and think more, please.
Please don’t lump all of us libertarians in this dirty pot. I don’t know what Luongo is smoking, but it’s obvious to many/most of us that the corruption runs seamlessly between both parties. The idea that Trump is “draining the swamp” is utterly laughable at this point.