I am happy to see Pepe Escobar is doing better on Russia now. Hopefully he will reconsider some of his more inept statements on Iran one day…
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what is that?
@anonymous what is that?
In one word: nonsense. To think that these poor Yanks could do something nefarious sitting right in the middle of Russia is really paranoid. What that really is, of course, is a desperate and clumsy attempt to try to show Putin as some kind of NWO agent…
That’s becoming a pretty exclusive club nowadays. Putin should be proud.
This was written back in 2008 about scenarios of a Putin assassination and Russia falling into civil war by Brzezinski affiliated CSIS which is a major globalist think tank.
Alternative Futures for Russia to 2017
They also did one on the effect the Arab Spring might have on Russia and Central Asia.
Off topic but seeing how Jews in America and their gentile allies are now promoting the Iranian threat and bring up Iranian support of Islamic terrorism it is good to rehash all the anti-Serb propaganda from the 90’s in the west including senior Jewish individuals and organisations using Holocaust propaganda no less like Richard Pearle representing the Bosnian government at the Dayton Peace Accords and all the major Jewish organisations advocating bombing Serbia in 99 over Kosovo when we were supporting an Iranian/Al Qaeda backed Islamic separatist regime which we portrayed Serbs as terrorist and homicidal maniacs.
Hollywood was/is one of the worst offenders like this scene from The Rock of Nick Cages character defusing a Sarin bomb by Serbian terrorist in the US hid in a doll to send to a Bosnian refugee camp.
Saker, the link quoted by anonymous is not complete nonsense:
“A NATO Transit Hub May Be Established in Central Russia”
Originally published by Nezavisimaya Gazeta.
Anyway, it is not a NATO military base, and if really implemented it won’t be much surprising, considering that the Northern (through Russia and Central Asia) route is nowadays the main supply line to NATO forces in Afghanistan.
But the consequences the article by the Russian National Front draws (that this base will be used to take control over Russian nuclear missiles forces or to attack Iran) are pure delirium.