Infographic from The Lookout for the Saker blog
This is an updated version of the infographic we posted here:
Infographic from The Lookout for the Saker blog
This is an updated version of the infographic we posted here:
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which insignia does Hunter support for Burisma Co. for advertising, sponsorship and affiliation?
I wonder how many psychos all those groups add up to, after the losses so far during the SMO.
Hard to make even a rough estimate I guess.
A serious and dangerous blight on the body politic.
What a hate filled and violent ideology..
There’s always another roach (my apologies to roaches everywhere for the implied link)
Isnt it their human rights after the Geneva Convention to chose freedom from dictatorship? Havent we all been young and revolutionaries for our country?
Before we in Europe became free we had the Paris revolution in 1789 with Robespierre and the first Republic for the French population’s own sake!
On the way to freedom in Europe we had to purge all anti-democratic forces by the guillotine before we finally had democracy and peace., and we did it with an honourable motive for France and for the French people, not for ourselves.
Later under Napoleon we tried to teach Russia Liberty a la France in order to pull the Russian people out of middle age darkness into the future.
Only because of the Siberian winter we had to leave the Russians without liberty to their own muddy fate.
So why would Europe spend eight long years and all these money to build up these groups in Ukraine if it was not for Liberty and the Ukrainian people’s own sake?
I love your satire.
I’ll take that rhetorical question for the benefit of those who do not pick up on the satire.
Because it is, as always, a bait and switch. The revolutionaries of 1789 did not sign up for The Terror. It was thrust on them without their consent by their “betters” who “knew better”. Ten years later the voters of 1804 abandoned Republicanism and reinstituted monarchy. A second try at Republicanism (by violent Socialists, lol) lasted three years, then more monarchy (from which France was released by those nasty Germans in 1871). I just picked France because it figured prominently in your post.
The “people” thought they were going to get a better deal each time the government changed. Oops.
As The Who sang “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss…”.
I’d vote for Napoleon at the drop of a hat here in the USA.
Don’t fall for this satiric creature. Tommy Jensen I know from Southfront is nothing short of a definition of a Nazi. Go and read his hatred toward Syrians, Palestinians and so on… Such a perfidious writing this is!
Yes i am also convinced that liberalism with its , fetishistic obsessions with identity and anarchism, and the oligarchic political economy that grows out of it, will lead inevitably to fascism over and over again.
Why every single popular revolution is analyzed like it happened in isolated space? Revolutionary terror is never a consequence of just internal problems.
All uprising was attacked and crushed by a coalition of nearby plutocracies who immediately forgot their mutual quarrels and rushed up to help their unlucky peer. You do not have to be an expert in history to notice exactly the same pattern today. Modern terms are “sanctions” and “humanitarian intervention”. In the past, revolutionaries were much weaker, while angered kingdoms were stronger. The pressure must be tremendous.
Remember the “Patriot act? Now, imagine if an army of 60000+ armed terrorists embarked on the coast of Alaska, killing Mayors and policemen, instigating communist revolution … all the way to Florida. Where they would be saved by the Russian navy. Maybe I’m wrong, but I believe, Americans would elect “president” of the character that makes Stalin look like Mother Teresa (with mustaches).
What I described is just one of many episodes scripted and directed by the West against the USSR.
China: Opium wars, Triads, Japanese military trained and equipped by the West doing massacres in China. (Does it remind you of something recent, or is it just me). The list is going on around the globe, and through the centuries.
The problem with Western “liberty”, is that it is not Liberty at all. It is forfeiting everything you have (and might have in the future), to the western oligarchy. Have nothing and be happy. Eat insects from the can. Until you become food for their offspring.
We will see, in the next few years, will the tide of emigrants from East to West be reversed. Without enough basic resources, and burdened with the metastasizing cancer of insatiable oligarchy, the West has nothing to offer anymore.
Nothing good.
Tried for years now. As someone who dropped out of hi school and later university am not arrogant about trying to figure things out. Others are often helpful. I often try to get to the root of things and then express it clearly. For instance, what would motivate truth tellers to stick their necks out in the highly censored atmosphere of N american propaganda? They sense an impending doom and will risk all to inform. My answer, simple, no doubt wrong in your world.
So read your stuff, as so many think it’s great and feel dumb for not getting it. I guess it’s kinda like getting hammered on hard booze, not my thing. Just the same all the best with an unreserved huh?
What a lovely bunch. A sizeable number of them have been burned up by now. The rest are still on the menu. They earned it.
Infographic looks like something from the LA street scene, e.g. Crips and Bloods symbols and such. Whoever is directing the Ukraine militias must be from Hollywood.
The A-Z of Ukrainian Neo Nazi Cretins. I expect Interpol will be all over this! (not).
The CIA-MI6-Mossad sick-fuck fanboy playthings, the western version of Al Qaeda & Affiliates.
No need for Interpol, when you have Russian artillery.
Contrary to its propaganda, the United States of America and other Western “democracies” have been sponsoring Nazis for decades throughout the Cold War.
Now, as part of its New Cold War, America and its self-styled “Free World” allies are once again sponsoring Nazis like in the Ukraine.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
American values=Nazi values, disguised behind the veneer of freedom, democracy, and human rights.
All of This Has Happened Before: The Last Time the CIA Supported Nazis in Ukraine Against Russia
U.S. and NATO allies arm neo-Nazi units in Ukraine as Foreign Policy elites yearn for Afghan-style insurgency
The Truth About Nazism in Ukraine and Elsewhere
Makes one wonder what really happened in Germany back in circa 1938…..
Pepe is having fun with the coming winter in Eurostan.
That, after Russia announced no gas to Eurofools without lifting sanctions.
The first two via Pepe, the last one, a new Russian channel, Russian Head.
Hot Water Tours to Russia
Back to Civilization!
“And winter will be big”
‼️❄️🇪🇺The video from Gazprom with its epic and topical soundtrack “And winter will be big”.
As the reactions in various channels show, European citizens didn’t really like the video.
I imagine they didn’t lol
“The continued operation of one of the Nord Stream turbines creates a risk of fire or explosion, Gazprom warned.”
First the temperature sensors and now this. Sorry we are very busy making Zircons!
An authentic Russian channel.
Lone Wolf
LOL especially the last one – poetic justice really.
Liz Truss is code for “Welcome to the 4th Reich”
so where do the blackwater battalion patches from the floaters found on the inglets near the nuke plant? fake or not they certainly made a hmm moment
Blackwater probably not, but certainly Omega USOF, SOG, Academia are there, in the first infographic linked
The proliferation of nazi groups in 404 is astounding and alarming. For the RF and LDNR armed forces it must be like playing Whackamo with them. You knock one nazi outfit on the head and another pops up to replace it. However I’m sure we’ll have far fewer nazis in Europe when Russia is finished denazifying Ukronaziland and more monuments will be raised to celebrate the final destruction of nazism
Actually, not really the case as there are about several hundred neo-nazis that went to Ukraine since Feb 2022, much talk, much swagger. Much less than what was anticipated by far right monitoring organisations.
But much more ex NATO military people who went on an anti Russian ‘safari’, scammers & arrogant idiots, some of which realised that Russian military isn’t the same as sandal wearing rebels.
The problem is the uptick in Ukrainians with Bandera nationalism, joining the ever evolving units, acting as ‘barrier’ troops keeping conscripts on the frontlines.
@ Chessmaster on September 06, 2022 · at 8:20 am EST/EDT
But what I dont understand at all is the Russian strategy !?
Yes, you don’t.
That’s about the only truth in your comment, a shallow and shortsighted view of the SMO.
If you’re willing to begin understanding it, I will introduce you to Big Serge,
who recently wrote a piece on his blog,
The Russo-Ukrainian War – A Six Month Retrospective
I believe that’s a good beginning.
Lone Wolf
Tyranny Athens imposed on others it finally imposed on itself.
The result of 500 years of destruction and plunder came home to Europe.
Thats how domesticated house slavs look like the slavic equivalent of a uncle tom.
One that thinks he is not a slave and is happy to serve his masters wishing to be like them.
They were tools for the austrians/ germans in the past and are tools of the anglos now.
It seems to be the unique combination of influence from austria/ germany and the vaticans
on slavic people that create’s this special breed of slavs who live to kill other slavs.
This special breed seem to be concentrated in western ukraine and croatia.
While the croatians were successfull in driving all serbs out off their territory and seem
happy and content for now the ukrainians seem to have been even more radicalised with
every time they failed to murder or drive out the rusians.
It’s not coincidence that ukrainian polititians loved to talk about implementing the “croatian solution” or the “kraina solution” for the donbas and crimea during the last couple years.
Thats why the sick involved Russia in this war. They know it hurts back and infest the civilian society with anger and revenge. It is really really sick people we are dealing with.
Its a good thing Europe now is busy with its gas, riots and energy problems, but we still need US to be busy at home too.
Sorry for the offtopic but I missed the link to a Russian blog that did a great story about Azovstal’s surrender with photos. Where a stupid ukra in NATO uniform and equipment when he came out into the daylight still asked a DPR soldier why they called Russia because the civil war in Ukraine was just between them? If anyone knows the blog, I’d appreciate the link. Thanks.
We should understand the mindset of humanitarian imperialism.
I’ve been lurking this website for a few months as I appreciate the propaganda free coverage of the Ukraine conflict that can’t really be found almost anywhere else.
I’ve yet to find a good drawn out explanation on what constitutes a “Nazi”. From what i’ve read it doesn’t seem like there’s really any relation between the Ukronazi’s and what most of the western world understands as Nazis from Hilter’s regime.
I’ve been trying to understand the relationship and am curious to know what other readers on this site can share.
From my understanding, Nazism is ultimately ultranationalist, it doesn’t make sense that Ukranian Nazis would be fighting on the side of the globalists against Russia. Nor does it seem to make sense that the US and western nations would be financing them either.
I’ve read a number of pieces that compare Hitler’s actions in Germany to what Putin is doing now – pushing back against the zionist globalist western world. I would imagine that Nazis would want to be independent from both the west and Russian influence.
So I guess TL;DR – How are these Ukronazi’s related to The Third Reich’s brand of Nazism? The word Nazi is so overused in modern politics when one side wants to demonize another, so the word has almost lost all meaning.
Trying to relate the Ukronazis to the Third Reich, it depends on what factors you consider as being part of a ‘brand’, which you haven’t mentioned in your comments.
Instead it is probably better to look at how Stephan Bandera, Mykola Lebed, OUN, UPA and other WW2 collaborators saw fascism and latched onto nazism as a means of creating a distinct form of nationalism. There are plenty of similarities, the use of nazi symbology, the hatred of minorities, Jews, the promotion of Ukrainians as some superior race, all of which bear the hallmarks of nazi ideology.
I don’t think that you had the opportunity to take a closer look at what is Ukrainian nationalism is really about.
What you said about the hatred of specifically Jews is what I’m having trouble reconciling. The Ukrainian president is Jewish, not to mention they’re fighting on the side that wants to westernize the Ukraine. How does that align with nat-soc values?
I suggest that you take a peek at the timeline & tweets
And this site about the resurgence of Holocaust denial and whitewashing
Don’t Zelensky said this about Azov
“They are what they are”
And this on Bandera “There are indisputable heroes. Stepan Bandera is a hero for a certain part of Ukrainians, and this is a normal and cool thing.”
Good luck with the hackneyed idea that Zelensky’s roots = no issues in Ukraine. A bit like saying that when Obama was president, there were no issues with ingrained anti racism in US.
Thanks for sending these will take a look.
After WWI, the treaty of Versailles which was ratified in Jan 1920 Germany was wiped out financially, militarily, and politically. Yet by 1936 Germany hosted the summer Olympics of Jesse Owens lore. In 1936 Hitler had millions of soldiers, submarines, bombers, fighters, and tanks ready to roll on Europe.
It was the international banking cartel which was and still is owned by Talmudists and Kabbalists that financed Hitler. They currently promote Ukraine. As this blog illustrates regularly, NATO is American imperialism which is controlled by the same ilk that controlled and financed Hitler.
Currently, they hate Russia because they seem to be nationalist as opposed to globalist, and because Russia has vast natural resources. There are 2 kingdoms, the kingdom of God with his singular unique Messiah Jesus Christ, and there is the kingdom of man. When you hear or read about Nazis you are dealing with Satanist tools.
I’m unsure why my initial comment back didn’t make it thru moderation but can you link me to a couple articles on here that illustrate how NATO is controlled and financed by the same group(s) as Nazi Germany? Its not making sense to me that the unified “capitalist” west and the “communist” east would both fight Germany despite being completely unaligned politically and I understand the international banking cartel loves financing both sides of any conflict so its not outside of the realm of possibility. I’m not trying to glorify Nazis or anything, in fact what you listed in your first paragraph is precisely why I set out to research the rise of Nazi Germany because it didn’t make sense that a country completely destroyed financially could become a world superpower in less than 20 years. I’ve read conflicting opinions: Hitler cut off the banks and built the economy within, Hitler was financed by the banks and did their bidding, etc. etc.
fz-mod: there is no comment of yours in the trash.
Neonazi’s and Nationalists are quite easy to read. They are a primal reaction to racial preservation. Globalists have already decided that we will all be Mulattoos with no homeland – No more Asians, Whites, and Blacks. Just Mulattos on renamed continents – Europe, Asia, and Africa were too racially charged labels.