Of course, it shows things in a much more Ukrainian favorable light than any Russian map, because the French are also backing the Ukies and because the French don’t have the same access as Russians.  But, for contrast, here it is.  Let’s call it “here is what they officially admit to” :-)


source: https://www.defense.gouv.fr/ukraine-point-situation

and just to add to the picture, here is a machine translation of the summary of the day by Boris Rozhin (aka Colonel Cassad):

1. Mariupol. Street fighting. By evening, no major advances were reported in the city. Cases of attempts by enemy soldiers to leave the city under the guise of civilians have become more frequent. Filtering generally works. Civilians continue to be actively pulled out of the combat zone and evacuated.

2. Ugledar. A number of messages have been taken, but there is no official confirmation yet. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have actively advanced in the direction of Kurakhovo. There are prerequisites for an offensive from the east to Velikaya Novoselka. In Maryinka, after several days of fighting and powerful artillery preparation, it was possible to inflict serious losses on the enemy and advance a little, but it is still far from the complete capture of the Maryinsky fortified area.

3. Avdiivka. Without significant changes. The positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are held here, despite the many days of fire exposure.

4. LNR. Rubezhnoye is almost completely cleared. The troops advanced to the northern outskirts of Lisichansk. The assault on the city will begin soon. There are street fights in Severodonetsk. It’s too early to talk about the complete capture of Popasnaya, fighting continues in the city.

5. Kharkiv. Heavy fighting to the north and east of the city. Their results are not yet clear. In the area of Izyum, the struggle for Kamenka continues, which is crucial for the AFU holding the southern part of Izyum, which hinders the effective development of the offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on Slavyansk and Barvenkovo. The APU perfectly understands the consequences of the collapse of the front under the Raisins and throws their most combat-ready reserves here from the remaining ones.

6. Zaporozhye. Gulyai-Pole is still rather under the APU. The city was badly damaged. Most likely, increased pressure in this direction will occur after the liberation of Mariupol. The front between Vasilyevka and Kamenskoye is unchanged. Nuts are also under the APU.

7. Kiev. Some expansion of the control zone of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to the west and south of Kiev, but there are no operational achievements here yet. Fighting continued from the east, but there are no active movements in the direction of Brovar yet. There is no special movement to Poltava, although the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has already stated that the advance to Poltava will begin soon. Perhaps there is still an accumulation of forces. Sumy and Chernihiv are unchanged.

8. Odessa. The Black Sea Fleet is still simulating an amphibious threat, the APU is engaged in anti-amphibious measures. Along the way, it is reported that part of the exposed sea mines was torn off by a storm and carried away towards Romania and Bulgaria. There are no large movements of troops from Odessa to Nikolaev. On the contrary, there is a process of building up the Odessa grouping in anticipation of the activation of the Nikolaev grouping of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

9. Nikolaev. Losses during the strike on the barracks of the 79th odshbr ranged from 80 to 200 killed and 200-300 wounded. In fact, one of the brigade’s battalions ceased to exist in a few minutes, which seriously reduced the APU’s ability to conduct active operations in the Mykolaiv area or to be active in the direction of Kherson. The city itself is still not being stormed, the emphasis is on the methodical destruction of manpower and equipment by air strikes, missiles, MLRS and artillery.

10. Krivoy Rog. There is no serious progress yet, as well as under Nikolai. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation met barriers there and have not yet made active progress towards these cities. Tactical reconnaissance is actively conducted deep into the enemy’s territory due to the lack of a full-fledged front in all areas.