Note: This video was made available to the public by the Russian FSB and shows the interrogation of the Ukrainian sailors. Notice that they fully confirm the Russian version of events. Since this is a crisis situation, we did not have the time to subtitle the video, however, thanks to Ollie and Angelina we are offering you the full transcript below. A big THANK YOU to both for their (late night) work!!
The Saker
Guy #1:
I am Andrey Dratch. I am a crew member of the “Nikopol” ship of the Ukrainian Naval Forces. On 23 (November) I received a task to follow the route Odessa-Mariupol, through the Kerch Strait. Following the route to Mariupol through the Kerch Strait we entered the territorial waters of the Russian Federation, when the Coast Guard of the Russian Federation warned us that we were violating the legislation of the Russian Federation. We were repeatedly told to leave the territorial waters of the Russian Federation. While stopping for anchoring the Coast Guard warned us one more time that there is a need to leave the territorial waters of the Russian Federation and to exit to the 12-mile zone and to wait for further decisions concerning our passage through the Kerch Strait to the city of the Mariupol.
Guy #2:
I am Vladimir Vladimirovich Lesovoy, commander of military unit 1828. Since November 22, 2018 I have been in the structure of the group of ships of the Naval Forces of Ukraine, I lead the tug “Yana Kapa” and the boats “Nikopol” and “Berdyansk”. I made a passage through the Kerch Strait. After crossing the state borders of the Russian Federation I visually watched the ships of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation and I consciously ignored their requests to stop over the radio station. At the time of the passage small arms and machine guns with ammunition were onboard. I was aware that the actions of the Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait had a provocative character. I was following orders and planned to carry out the transfer of ships from the port of Odessa to the port of Mariupol.
Guy #3:
I am Sergey Andreevich Tsybizov. On Friday morning we left Odessa at 08:00 and headed to Berdyansk through the Kerch Strait. When we approached the Kerch Strait, we entered the waters of Russia, after which we were given the command to stop and wait for further orders. Before fire was opened, two green flares could be seen. We continued to move on “Nikopol” and then Russian ships contacted us. Our commander decided to stop the boat. We were taken off the boat and that’s all.
The Ukies know Russia won’t mishandle them in such a situation. The history of the Donbass war and the P:olite Green Men on Crimea points to a very decent, humane treatment of the Ukie brethren.
Compared to how FSB handles terrorists and criminals, “kid gloves” isn’t soft enough to describe how Russians treat these clowns and suckers sent on these fools’ missions.
God help them if they do something rash, though. The mistake will be a mortal error.
Macron is the dark one.?.!.? He was voted in with 66.06% of the votes cast. His name is 6×6 letters long. To rule like Jupiter. Emanuel….not. And what is a Macron other than a letter “mark”.
In any event wars consume diesel and so VW et al made sure refining capacity was heavily skewed toward diesel production to both create fake global warming by increasing the albedo of snow and ice and wage war when on demand the clean diesel was revealed to be a hoax concept.
War comes and a boy king is risen in France…macron is crypto originated.
even worse, i think his wife is a mummy…
The Anglo-Zio camp is again trying to forment discord and even would love to start a shooting war or at least a low intensity conflict/insurgency in the area, to drag down both the population of Russia & Ukraine.
Once the shooting starts, all kind of neutral peaceful actors get unwittingly involved, just for self defence.
Similar aggression was perpetrated by Saddam (with the help of FUKUS) towards Iran but at the end of the day, both Iranians & Iraqi citizens ended up dying while the Anglo-Zio syphoned off the cream of the crop.
That was quick. These three, including the commander of the three ships, very quickly tossed their high command overboard. This goes along with the report in another thread that one of the ship’s commanders surrendered very easily to the Russians. No morale or loyalty here. And you’d expect for a special provocation operation like this that they’d pick their most loyal commanders.
Also, notice that no hint of the Ukrainian cover story .. .that they had ‘notified’ the Russians in advance. That would have been the logical thing for these three to say. But it was supposed to be ok, we had notified them we were making the trip They don’t say that at all.
Its one thing for communications and permissions to get mixed up. But at that point the ships obey the Russian orders to stop and turn around and leave the 12-miles waters. Then you talk back and forth and eventually arrangements get made, a time slot is arranged for passage, and a pilot comes on board. The telling point then is that the Ukrainian ships ignore the commands to stop and turn around.
Hmmm, most of the world knows that the “we were following orders” excuse went out with Nuremberg. They probably don’t teach much about the end of Nazi Germany in Ukraine schools these days.
Why are you surprised. These guys are Russians, who live on the Russian territory calling itself Ukraine. Interestingly enough, last night I stumbled on an article saying that one of the Ukrainian servicemen was shot by his commanding officer for refusing to shoot at Russians. I do not see it anywhere today, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this really happened. Also, SouthFront mentions Ukraine claiming that Russian SU30 fired a missile at one of their boats. The response in the article was: and they are still floating? Although, Colonel Cassad has a picture of an Ukie boat with fairly big hole in the front of it’s bridge. But this would mean that most likely a front cannon of one of those little but nasty Russian boats fired a “warning shot”, which “unfortunately” forced the captain of the Ukrainian vessel to surrender.
Ship mates just following their commanders orders in contravention of international law of the seas, convention and protocol eh?. Hate to think of what will now happen to these hapless poor saps when they are returned home to their Ukrainian Nazi Land masters. Maybe they’d be better off just pleading for Russia to give them the protection afforded refugees and political persecution asylum seekers.
This was an intriguing post on 4chan /pol/ (politically incorrect) today:
(Thread: No.194737365)
That’s only half the story, if you’ve been paying close attention to this. Neither side in this little saga is without sin, and there’s a 3rd party involved. I’ll give you a hint: You might want to go back through the DSS logs and State dept. releases a couple of weeks ago. You’ll find a very interesting piece there.
Anyone have a clue what this is referencing…
Anon only dropped this one post..
Can’t find it dude, you could make life easier by providing a url
Here’s the link.
Disclaimer: /pol/ is not to everyone’s taste.
Found the answer to my query in Saker cafe.
Jake Morphonios’ today’s video “WAR ALERT – Russia & Ukraine Preparing for Full Scale Conflict”, , while providing a decent overview of the Kerch situation, brings to light one particularly interesting piece of information (watch the segment from ~20:15 to ~24:05):
“… just nine days ago, on November 16, US Secretary of State (and former CIA Director) Mike Pompeo met in Washington DC with Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin, and they discussed mutual strategic interests regarding countering of Russia. Here is what the State Department put out after that meeting:
[the original US government document is ; the quote is from the fourth paragraph, subtitled ‘Security and Countering Russian Aggression’]
The two sides underscored the need to continue building Ukraine’s resilience in the face of Russian aggression, reaffirmed the importance of the Minsk agreements in ending Russia’s aggression, and highlighted the need to restore Ukrainian control over the Ukrainian territories temporarily occupied or controlled by Russia – Crimea and the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Both sides decided that a robust UN-mandated international security force in the areas of Donbas controlled by Russia, including the Ukraine-Russia international border, would create the necessary security conditions for the full implementation of the Minsk Agreements.
The United States reiterated its commitment to Secretary Pompeo’s July 25 Declaration on the non-recognition of Russia’s purported annexation of Crimea.
The United States condemned Russia’s aggressive actions against international shipping transiting the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait to Ukrainian ports. Both sides underscored that Russia’s aggressive activities in the Sea of Azov have brought new security, economic, social, and environmental threats to the entire Azov-Black Sea region.
The United States confirmed its commitment to maintain sanctions against Russia related to its aggression against Ukraine until Russia fully implements the Minsk agreements and returns Crimea to Ukrainian control.
Let’s summarise what this is: On November 16, the US State Department/CIA met with the Ukrainian State Department representative, and from that meeting they agreed that it should be the objective of both sides to bring about conditions that would justify a United Nations international military force being put on the border of Russia and used to fight against pro-Russian forces to take back Donetsk, to take back Crimea, and all Donbass area that revolted after the CIA puppet government was installed. And it is right there: they specifically talked about Russia being a threat in the Kerch Strait. And what do you know: nine days later, after this meeting, what happens? The Ukrainian military sends its ships into the Strait – knowing that it would result in a military reaction from Russia. And here we go…”
Gold. Excellent find. There in black and white. The (U.$. and ZioNazi’s) are making ‘preparations’ for ‘the confrontation’ that ‘has not happened’ yet.
Great find. Love your appraisal.
But this is completely wishful thinking! Russia would of course veto any such proposal! Does Pompeo really think the idea of having a UN peacekeeping force within the Crimea or the DLPR near the Russian border would have even the slightest chance of succeeding? I would think there must be other motives (but which???).
Ridiculous – just like most of these conspiracy hype comments usually are. It is guaranteed that if you look through DSS and State Dept logs for a few weeks back you will find something relating to Ukraine and Russia. Then the reader will create some scenario in their mind and it will seem like an amazing revelation. It is not – just fishing in waters teeming with fish. Here’s a tip – there will NEVER be a UN force anywhere in the Ukraine unless it is in the Kiev coup government’s territory, and likewise there will NEVER be any attempt to fight a war against Russia for the sake of Crimea, and definitely not for the Donbass. All this little contretemps at sea was about was getting Poroshenko some martial law to prevent the certain voting out of this scoundrel in any election. You are better off simply reading this site and the many others which check out good sources and verify their stories. The days of great “revelations” coming out on 4chan are long over – it is now just a place for CIA agents and conspiracy-mongers to prattle on. That’s my view anyway.
We talked about the same story here :
I reviewed Google “News” carefully this afternoon and I saw 99% against Russia’s position and 1% support. The
1% appeared only because Google was kind enough to allow RT articles to appear in the feed. From this I
conclude that a) truth and facts do not matter to the West with respect to Russia; b) there has been no actual
reporting done, just transcription; and c) the Kerch Incident has to be a setup because “everyone” agrees. And
mathematically it is fair to say that what is shown on Google News is 99% BS. Whatever is true is either
accidental or coincidental.
Sadly for the U.S., their Pinky And The Brain schemes will bring about the opposite of whatever they think
they’re trying to accomplish. As usual. More sanctions won’t matter much to Russia — they get stronger every day and more self sufficient. And their national debt to GDP is low (what, 20%?) compared to the US, which is
over 100% counting the public trusts’ ownership — and since US debt is growing faster than GDP it is clear
that doom awaits economically. So it is a waiting game for Russia. Perhaps that is why the US and Porkoshenko
are desperate to speed things up? Likewise with Ukraine. Inevitable collapse. Might take a while, but sure.
I do not believe Ukraine will ever get the the Donbass back. Not until after the regime change. Too many
people have been killed for an amicable settlement.
My personal interest in this is Google and their love of publishing propagada from the US government. I
divested,100% and also switched to Duck Duck Go. There is an old saying: TTTFO (tell them to…)
I’ve been watching American corporate news (abc) and British corporate news (itv).
The Americans have been downplaying this. The British are playing it up full tilt.
First, the timing is wrong for the Americans. No one was paying attention on a holiday weekend. In fact, the Trump administration used this low-attention span holiday weekend to put out a report on climate change that they really didn’t want to release. So, the Trumpers released this report that says climate change is real and that its really going to hurt on this holiday weekend. I’ve heard it called “Take out the trash day” in DC as its the day to release news you don’t want noticed. This was not the time to drum up propaganda, as no one was paying attention. The only way Americans would have noticed something this weekend would be if it preempted a football game.
Abc has been interesting in that their reports and headlines have reflected the Russian position. They’ve been relatively fair in stating the Russian position and giving the Russian statements. I didn’t expect this from a corporate news outfit that has been promoting Russia-gate. On the other hand, the British Itv site was what I expect from the west. Very pro-Ukraine headlines and reports that only give the Ukraine position and some warlike quotes from NATO and the EU, but which don’t even bother to give the Russian statements.
By today, the story had dropped completely off the top of the American site. If the Americans want to use this to start a war, then they aren’t pushing it very hard. The Brits on the other hand want anything which might distract from May’s Brexit debacle and defeat.
I don’t know why anyone interested in the truth would still use G**gle search or Fakebook news feeds to get useful information from. G was never the only search engine – just like with F-book, the masses of the world VOLUNTARILY built their massive brands by using the G-word instead of saying “internet search” or “search” – and then putting the whole “F-book like” system on their websites. Cheapest market increase campaign in history. I use Yandex for searching and browsing, and never visit F-book anymore. Also, is a good one to visit for a good round-up of the day’s important stories. It seems that the old-school news media is preaching to an ever-decreasing echo chamber of “alternative facts”, which explains the sheer strangeness of spending any time watching something like CNN or an Atlantic Council-type Twitter feed. The real world moves steadily on – especially in the vast areas of the world that don’t even speak English at all.
This Trump’s corner changing the subject from Saud and Koshoggi. That’s all.
In the unlikely event that anyone wishes to read what the CIA’s asset at the WAPO has to say:
Russia’s latest attack on the Ukrainians is a warning to the West
“But this time, in a carefully arranged provocation, Russian ships fired on the Ukrainian ships — and then seized them, along with 23 crew members”
Brought to you by none other than arch-russophobe Anne Applebaum
I clicked the above link and almost died instantly from laughing. Before I had even looked at the fabulous (not) article, this is what popped up:
Support great journalism.
We rely on readers like you to uphold a free press
Quite right from the standpoint of Western political pornography.
I don’t visit a WaPo story site. It takes too long an its too much effort to don all the required hazmat, anti-propaganda gear required to safely visit sites like WaPo or CNN.
This damned Russkies! Way they have “carefully arranged” intrusion of Ukie ships into their naval territory must have something to do with their mystical skills used in Skripal’s case.
Quintus. Russia had to turn down even Donbass and Lugansk from joining Russia formally. Too much ,too soon. Like you though I want it to happen.
I really feel bad for those poor Ukrainian sailors. Russia should take all of Ukraine out of its misery and incorporate it in the Russian Federation, integrate the region and city, Kiev, whence Russia arose as a state in the first place. No more Slavic fratricide.
I don’t feel bad for these clows, quite opposite. As for Russia taking all of Ukraine, futurw Victory Day parades in Kiev instead of Moscow sounds quite good.
“No more Slavic fratricide” Agree with your comment. These poor guys are only pawns put to sacrifize by the Zio-nazis. I guess sometimes that one of the reasons Putin has not got Real Tough against the Ukies is because he considers them somehow as slavic “relatives”. Hope this restrain will pay on the future on a positive way, but as many have pointed out this can alse be intrepreted as a weakness with oposite results ie. more violence.
Ukraine is being depopulated on an epic scale — this is the real reason for optimism. Russia, whose population is growing, should seize the opportunity and settle the ever emptier neighbouring territory. A few Nazi dullards at land or at sea won’t be any significant problem by then. Could be kept as inmates in some museum of failed states.
First time seen this in the w3stern uk trash press
“According to the confirmed operational information of the SBU, one of the Russian attack aircraft used two unguided combat missiles against the Ukrainian boats, as a result of which one of the officers of the SBU was seriously wounded,’ Vasyl Hrytsak said in a statement on Monday. ”
Who fires “unguided” missiles in the 21st century? Were they trying to use up some old obsolete stockpiles they were tired of keeping around?
Unguided rockets were the sort of things that a WW2 Sturmovik might have fired.
SBU officially recognized the presence of its employees on boats Naval Forces of Ukraine
Today, 12:30 – on Nov 27, 2018
The security service of Ukraine has officially confirmed the presence of officers of the military counterintelligence of the SBU on the Ukrainian boats detained by Russia. The corresponding
statement was made by the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Vasily Gritsak, the
press service of the department reports.
According to Gritsak, this practice is directly spelled out in Article 12 of the Law “On the Security
Service of Ukraine”. According to this article, the SBU military counterintelligence officers are
obliged to accompany the units of the armed forces, the National Guard and the state border
service. Thus, Gritsak added that the SBU officers on the boats carried out the tasks of counter-
intelligence support of the Navy’s ships.
The head of the SBU said that Russia was applying psychological methods to the detained SBU
employees and demanded that the Russian authorities immediately release “illegally detained
citizens of Ukraine.”
Earlier, the Russian FSB confirmed the presence on the boats of the Ukrainian Navy, who staged
a provocation in the Kerch Strait, two officers of the SBU, who in an interview directly indicated that
the fact of provocation had been planned in advance and was carried out under the direct
instructions of the Kiev authorities.
(Google translation)
Russia must decide without thinking about others: Kedmi assessed Moscow’s reaction
to the trick of Ukraine in the Black Sea …
published 2018/11/26 — Author Ilya Aleksandrov
The former head of the Israeli special services, Nativ Yakov Kedmi, describing the news of the
incident in the Black Sea, told how Tel Aviv would have acted in a similar situation ….
The Israeli Navy has instructions to act toughly in the defense of closed waters – to open warning
fire on violators. If the latter show aggression, they should be “immediately stoked”. About this in
an interview with RIA Novosti told the military expert Jacob Kedmi, commenting on the latest
events in the Black Sea ….
Earlier, the FSB of the Russian Federation reported the arrest of three vessels of the Ukrainian
Navy, which made a series of provocations in the Black Sea last Sunday. All of them violated
articles 19 and 21 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and crossed the state border of
Russia. As a result, border guards detained the crews of the Ukrainian ships, delivering them to
“Navy patrol boats, if even fishing boats from Gaza are out of the allowed zone, immediately open
warning fire. If terrorists return fire from there, they are immediately drowned, ”the expert explained ….
In other words, any suspicious actions on the part of a hostile object that has got into the forbidden
zone of Israel, this applies to both military and civilian vessels, waiting for drowning without warning ….
As for the actions of the Ukrainian naval sailors in relation to the ships of the Russian Federation,
in this case Tel Aviv would have acted more harshly, and the provocations could have ended “quickly
and pitiably” for the initiators themselves. According to Kedmi, the Russian Federation should decide
without any consideration whether she agrees that the vessels of the Ukrainian Navy enter the Azov
Sea and are ready to agree with the detention of her ship, her departure to the port and the
subsequent arrest of crew members. Moscow needs a firm position on such issues, otherwise Kiev’s
antics will not end there ….
Thus, the expert recalled the unlawful seizure of the fishing vessel “Nord”, on board of which were ten Russians. Nine members of the trawler’s crew were returned to the Crimea by exchange, but the
captain is still in Ukraine. A criminal case was initiated against him.
After some time, the Russian tanker Mechanic Pogodin was arrested in the port of Kherson. Moscow
described the actions of Kiev as “sea terrorism” ….
(Google translation)
“The Israeli Navy has instructions to act toughly in the defense of closed waters – to open warning
fire on violators. If the latter show aggression, they should be “immediately stoked”
The israelis are cowards. Their constant resort to extremely excessive force reflects their fear of response. This is how the very insecure act.
I was thinking last night about the “resignation” of Israeli Minister of Defense and Netanyahu assigning this job to himself. Does it mean, that Israel knew of what was going to happen, and “whoever” decided that they could not trust the minister since he is a confirmed “Russian” and forced him to “resign”? Also, did Israel run out of “non-Russians” forcing Netanyahu to assign all the jobs to himself?
These guys were really sent on a one-way mission mission from the start. The two “armored” boats have a 400 mile range in a realllly calm sea, no waves, no wind, and going at 11 mph. Running at full speed at 28 mph, again no waves nor wind, … and the range goes down to 250 miles (and they WERE speeding). If there is wind and waves, the range can fall down a further 20-30%. The route from Odessa to the Kerch strait is 350 miles…..
And let’s not forget there was a high winds warning for the Kerch area starting Monday night, which was known since at least Saturday, and those are river boats, they will literally sink in the slightest sea storm as they are not designed for such a thing. Given that the area is pretty shallow, the winds can make pretty good waves….
So this was “One-way ticket to the Blues”….
Keep in mind, BG, the ukronazi river gunboats were accompanied by a tugboat (which also apparently served as their flagship :-D ). Tugboats generally are capable of less than 20 kts, usually much less. Extra fuel for the gunboats could have also been stored on the tugboat, and probably was, along with the extra nappies.
And supposedly their destination was not the Kerch Strait but the port of Maripol. If they were gong to run short of gas by the time they got to the bridge, they sure weren’t making it to the gas station at Maripol.
The Gurza-M has a range of up to 900 miles apparently
Ukrane is a freaking basket case of a mess. It will never ever be the same. Yankee bit off huge piece of Ukie poo, not tasting very good. How will it ever be fixed? Hmm…………..why not provoke (sure you can invade Kuwait) the Ukies into a huge blunder of their own making, let them start something with Russia, then the Russians with full athority, euthinize the remaining neo nastzies.
Ukraine security chief admits intel agents were on board Navy ships during Kerch standoff
“Vasily Gritsak, head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), confirmed that counterintelligence officers were on the ships which entered Russian waters in the Kerch Strait on Sunday.
It comes after the FSB said there were two Ukrainian operatives on board who coordinated the “provocation” in the Kerch Strait. Russia’s security agency also filmed three men, identified as an SBU counterintelligence agent, a Navy officer and a sailor.”
But were those (cough) intelligence wonks communicating with ukrainians or us/uk superiors?
The SBU are like the Gestapo, they are under the total control of the CIA.
Its hard to imagine the Gestapo being under the control of the CIA, since the CIA never existed at the same time as the Gestapo. The CIA was formed several years after Hitler blew his brains out in the Berlin bunker.
Allen Dulles of the United States ran the OSS (U.S.spy network preceding the CIA) during WW2 and “worked” with and was “friendly” to all sides. He was really working for the corporate elite of all sides. He believed himself working to save capitalism from Soviet communism. When WW2 ended, Allen Dulles brought high level Nazi S.S. personnel into the U.S. (Operation Paperclip?) and used them as he founded and ran the CIA, which was Russophobic. Yes, there were Nazis in the CIA. Russophobia in the west today was essentially started by Allen Dulles during WW2. Allen Dulles ran the CIA even after his official retirement and placed himself in the Warren Commission to protect the CIA’s apparent involvement in the J.F. Kennedy assassination. Allen Dulles was a clever psychopath and charmed or terrified people as he needed.
“Russophobia in the west today was essentially started by Allen Dulles during WW2.”
Actually, it was a continuation of the sort of anti USSR cild/hybrid war initiated by the oligarchs of the capitalist west right from the start of the October Revolution. It was only temporarily put on a partial hold during WW2 when the german nazis went rogue, as expected. The oligarchs hope was both the USSR and germany would bleed each other dry, leaving the field ripe for the oligarchy to simply waltz in and take over. The USSR didn’t follow the plan, though, so the oligarchs quickly switched back to their prewar hybrid war against the USSR.
“counter-intelligence” agents?
So what, they were afraid of Russian moles among the sailors on the ships?????
The purpose of counter-intelligence agents is to detect enemy spies that have infiltrated into your ranks. So, they were looking for secret Russians among the crew? Never know where one might find those pesky Russian spies, even among what should have been a specially handpicked crew tasked with a provocation important to the President. So the Ukraines can’t find even 20 or so sailors that they can trust without sending along counter-intelligence to keep an eye on them.
(1) At the end of the video, from about 3:07 on, it is remarked that the territorial waters that the Ukrainian boats entered had been Russian even before Crimea’s reunification with Russia. (Crimean territorial waters added to pre-unification Russian ones.)
(2) Some deep-state media are saying that the sailors in the video appear to be reading lines. I watched the video again, and would concur, but only as to “Guy #2”, the other two look speaking without script.
He’s reading his confession. So what?
They were guilty of being Stupid and Ukies and lucky they are alive.
One report, Cassad’s I believe, indicate one sucker got his fingers shot off from shrapnel.
These guys knew they were going up against guns. So they are fortunate the Russians don’t want to kill them.
Reading a confession is pro forma in these situations. It puts the legal process into quick step and the incident is wound down and cooled off. Mothers see their sons are alive and well. It’s all good.
Not like the US which kidnaps and extradites in secrecy and imprisons women for wanting to start up NRA in Russia, gun rights.
Russia went transparent in real time. I’m amazed (ha!) that the “deep state media” (think of that term) is finding fault.
I see the self-evident. Transparency in double time.
In the USA, after an interview with FBI agents, the FBI agents would write up the confession which the detained then is asked to sign. This is of course after a long interrogation, during which the detained is likely denied food, drink, rest, medicine or anything else that can be used as confession. Then they have to read the FBI written confession, check it for accuracy, and if they object or refuse to sign the long interrogation without rest, food, drink, etc continues until they do sign the confession.
Interestingly, at most levels of law enforcement in the US these days, the actual interview is either audio or video recorded for the record. This is done to deter the traditional American police method of beating a confession from the detained. However, the FBI is one agency that refuses to do this. Thus any coercion used against the detained is not recorded.
Someone detained by the FBI is not required to record a video of the confession. But if they were, they would certainly be reading the FBI written confession that they are otherwise forced to sign.
Was reading the TASS article on what was found on the ships.
“”The search of the detained Ukrainian military boats yielded a document entitled ‘A checklist of the Nikopol boat’s readiness to enter the sea from 09:00 a.m. on 23.11.2018 to 18:00 on 25.11.2018.’ The document sets the task for the senior officer of the ships’ group to sail from Odessa to Berdyansk “secretly,” with “key attention focused on ensuring the secrecy during approaching and passing through the Kerch Strait,” ”
LOL…. file this under the dumbest orders ever issued by high command to subordinates. The officers were tasked with ‘secretly” sailing under the new Kerch bridge! Really? Secretly?
Given that he was given orders so mind-numbling stupid and impossible to carry out, its no real surprise that the senior officer of the three ships is on the FSB video talking freely about what occurred. If that officer had any faith in higher command, getting stupid orders that say to sail three ships secretly under a bridge would have shaken that faith.
Perhaps a fictional Capt Hornblower might have sailed under a bridge past drunk French sentries in the 18th century. But in the 21st century Russian radar had obviously picked up the approach of the ‘secret’ ships long before they even crossed the border into Russian waters.
Donetsk, Nov 27 – DAN. The Ukrainian foreign minister unveiled President Poroshenko’s plans by stating that the key objective of martial law was to take Donbass and Crimea, Donetsk People’s Republic parliamentarian Valery Skorokhodov told the Donetsk News Agency.
“Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin designated the key objective of martial law, namely the occupation of Crimea and Donbass,” said Skorokhodov, head of the Donetsk Republic faction in the DPR parliament. “Given the fact that Poroshenko’s regime has been unable to accomplish it in nearly five years, it’s unlikely they will succeed in the coming month. Klimkin thus slightly unveiled Poroshenko’s plans which apparently envision martial law extension.”
While continuing to call Crimea the Ukrainian territory, Kiev did not put it on the list of the regions where martial law would be enforced. Skorokhodov believes that this list only includes the territory in which the Poroshenko regime, in a bid keep their grip on power at any cost, hopes to seriously limit residents’ rights and freedom and carry out a hard-line information campaign before the election.
On Monday, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin said during his speech in parliament that “liberation of the occupied territories” was the key objective of martial law. Ukraine calls the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and Crimea “the occupied territories.”
DAN news agency.
I wouldn’t advise invading Russia in the last month of Autumn or first month of Winter. Best wait till February or March. ;-D
Ukies better tow those mobile crematoria vehicles with them. They will be up to the top of their wheels and tracks in dead Ukies if they start this.
And Putin promised they would lose their statehood if they attack.
It will be Kiev, the only former capital of a 404 nation-state, operating under UN administration.
So, we can only hope that Porky yells “Charge!”.
And when the cauldrons burn their military, we’ll watch the nazis go hang the Chocolate Pig and use the carcass for target practice. It would be too good and soft an ending for the monster.
Anyone who thinks “he” can take Crimea or DNR/LNR must be on something.
Sort of like the article at South Front, about Brits daydreaming about “Russians scrambled 17 jets, but we had 48 missiles”, and this would have saved them. Has the idiot event thought that he would be sinking before he prepared his missiles for firing?
Just to rub Poro’s nose in it……the sailors taken to court in Simferopol Crimea today detained until 25 Jan so far….
Note that the Russian vessel does not ram the Ukrainian vessel. The Ukranian vessel breaks two rules of navigation at sea. They are: i) give way to vessels to your starboard and ii) smaller vessels give way to larger vessels. The smaller Ukrainian boat has a larger Russian ship to its starboard. It should have given way but didn’t. It pulled in front of the Russian vessel then slowed down. The Russian can see a collision is inevitable hence all the shouting. The Ukrainian tug captian deliberately engineered a collision.