Rumor has it, Vladimir Putin sleeps with a pillow under his gun. McCain calls on Obama to bomb FIFA, and the US aircraft carrier enters FIFA’s territorial waters as we speak. All because the US adopted a new way to attack all other countries, including those landlocked, like Switzerland. A new strategy called Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower: Forward, Engaged, Ready (CS21R), not to be confused with the Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower 2008. This time it’s not just a theory, the status normally assigned to these kind of documents. This time it’s an operational plan. To dominate. To project absolute power. Onto every country on earth. “All Domain Access.” It’s not enough to just conquer FIFA and entrap those rich fat Swiss Vabbits.

To the four main functions of the US Navy: eat, sleep, shit, and SM troll, a fifth function is added: all domain access. This function assures appropriate freedom of four main functions to act in any domain—the sea, air, land, space, and cyber-space, as well as in the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, and your children’s lunchbox.

Farfetched? Imagine the US decides via some NGO to vaccinate every child in your village and parents object, mostly because vaccinations would render their children infertile. The US will use CS21R and mutual legal assistance treaties they have with the governments to enter your village and to forcefully vaccinate your children. The US does it in Mexico, in African countries, and in Ukraine. No reason it can’t do the same in Split, Croatia.

The US military becomes a law enforcement operator under the US Coast Guard cover “with dozens of mutual legal assistance treaties negotiated across the world enabling easier Coast Guard access to littorals where other maritime forces may have operational restrictions.” After all, the transitional crime is worth $750 billion annually. It’s a crime not to benefit from this.

The same with the US banks and offices. Still think that an office in New York is a good idea? This is so last Friday! FIFA had an office in NY, and now it’s called FAFA. A for America, where no one plays European football. Just one more question, did you ever use an US bank? That’s what I am talking about.

The new Military Doctrine of the USA is the new trade law, new contract law, new, insurance law, and new tort law. It’s even the new environmental protection law. If the US decides that your country endangers snail habitats, or it won a sports championship, or a film festival, or a book prize, or a spelling bee, the US might use the US Coast Guard legal treaties to gain an easy access to your country’s shores. Just like they do in the Balkans.

“From developing an ashore ballistic missile defense (BMD) capability in Romania and Poland to operating in Standing NATO Maritime Groups, U.S. naval forces actively participate in NATO missions every day.”

“Russian military modernization, the illegal seizure of Crimea, and ongoing military aggression in Ukraine underscore the importance of our commitments to European security and stability. NATO members can ensure the continued viability of the alliance by maintaining their commitment to the naval forces that provide security for the European maritime theater.”

The theoretical war at sea is replaced by real war from sea landward.

Why? Due to “Skyrocketing demand for energy and resources, as evidenced by a projected 56 percent increase of global energy consumption by 2040…”

And that’s how the Russian city and port Odessa is becoming a de-facto military base for NATO Navy. The good news though, it’s going to be easy to take it back from NATO and a horde of Nazis. It was never possible to take it from Odessites.

From August 31 to September 6 Odessa hosts NATO ARW and International Conference. [Source]
NANO gathers scientists from Ukraine and other countries for research nonmaterial’s for security (NS-2015) Co-directors are Bonca Janez (J.Stefan Institute, Ljublyana, Slovenia) and Kruchinin Sergei (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ukraine)

INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE: Balatsky Alexandr (Los Alamos National laboratory, USA ) and Francois Peeters (University of Antwerp, Belgium)

Co-sponsor is Ministry of Ukraine for Education and Science.

“The main objective of this Advanced Research Workshop is to bring together leading experts on key current topics in nanotechnology, security systems, and sensor and biosensor in order to review recent developments and to outline new directions for nanotechnology research. Topics will include physics of graphene, nanomaterials, CRBN agents.”

What’s Science for Peace and Security Programme? [Source]
“The Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme is a policy tool that enhances cooperation and dialogue with all partners, based on scientific research, innovation, and knowledge exchange. The SPS Programme provides funding, expert advice, and support to security-relevant activities jointly developed by a NATO member and partner country.”

Russia is not a NATO country. Russia is not a partner country. NATO currently is in state of confrontation with Russia.

How is it possible that Russian scientists are participating in the NATO program?

I found one person from Russia to be a speaker at this conference. Nikolay Bogolyubov jr. (Mathematical Inst. ,Russia) researcher at the V. A. Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science. [Source]

Turns out he was born in Ukraine and identifies as a Ukrainian in the US driven coup d’état sense of this word. More research needs to be done on this dude, but on the face of it, it looks like he is selling Russia’s scientific research secrets to NATO.

Even more troubling, he teaches students at Moscow University.

Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, named after the Jr.’s famous Soviet Physicist father, is located in Kiev, Ukraine.
One of the research papers published by Nikolay Bogolyubov jr. in Poland on behalf of the Ukrainian science.

Here, Bogolyubov Jr is the single participant from Russia at the FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP “Actual problems of fundamental science” – APFS’2015. May 29 – June 2, 2015 in Lutsk, Ukraine, hosted by the Lesya Ukrayinka East European National University.[Source]

It looks to me that Bogolyubov Jr. lives and works in Moscow, so he can collect and sell Russia’s defense secrets to NATO.

I think the trend of some scientists sitting in two chairs, like Nikolay Bogolyubov Jr., living in Moscow and gathering information there and selling this information to NATO has to stop.

You don’t see NATO scientists working with the Russian Defense ministry.

The US scientists operate under total surveillance of the NSA, and the total control of the FBI, and by the corporate security services. Universities in the US are large corporations with their own security. The US is very well known to jail and put to death scientists for canoodling with the “enemies.” That’s why all the American scientists are very loyal to Washington. This loyalty is based on pure fear, you can’t buy this kind of loyalty with money.

Russia must take a cold hard look at the people who stand with one foot in the national science and defense secrets, while keeping the other foot in NATO’s camp. While they are spread out like this, it’s a good time to hit them right in between their legs.

1. Ukraine’s parliament allows foreign peacekeepers into country [Source]
June 7, 2015 – The document will serve as grounds for carrying out a peacekeeping operation on Ukraine’s territory based on the UN or the EU decisions as part of providing the country’s with aid.

2. Slump in Ukraine’s trade with EU spells failure of euro-integration policy — NGO leader [Source]
Slump in Ukraine’s trade with EU spells failure of euro-integration policy — NGO leader

KIEV, June 3. /TASS/. Ukraine’s National Bank has published preliminary foreign trade statistics for January-April 2015 to draw extremely pessimistic comments from Viktor Medvedchyuk, the leader of the non-governmental organization Ukrainian Choice.

The slump in export is really stunning, Medvedchyuk says in an article published on the organization’s website. In just four months the export was down by 34.5% (against January-April 2014) to 3.2 billion dollars.

“It is noteworthy that Ukraine’s export to the EU countries has plummeted by more than a third – 34.4% This can testify only to the utter failure of the policy of euro-integration. Repeated warnings by impartial politicians and experts have come true: nobody is eager to welcome Ukraine with its goods,” he says.

The dramatic fall in export to Russia – by a factor of 2.5 in contrast to January-April 2014 – was an inevitable consequence of the Ukrainian authorities’ policies.

The structure of Ukrainian export has changed accordingly: the share of engineering products was down by half, of mineral products (including ore) by a factor of 2.7, of metal products, by 40%, and of foods, by 22.5%

3. As of 29 May 2015, 131 banks operate in Ukraine (excluding banks under temporary administration) including 40 banks with foreign capital

During 2014 – 2015, within the framework of banking system clean-up, the National Bank of Ukraine adopted 49 decisions to put banks into the category of “insolvent banks”, including 16 decisions made in 2015. In 2014 – 2015, banking licenses were revoked from 38 banks that were liquidated (including the banking licenses held by 2 banks located in AR Crimea and Sevastopol, which were cancelled). Among them 19 licenses were withdrawn in 2015.

In total, as of today, the category of insolvent banks comprises 13 banks, while 43 banks are under liquidation.
2 more banks in Ukraine are declared insolvent/liquidated this time: Ukrainian Professional Bank and IMEXBANK JSC
National Bank published the Annual Report for 2014
Delta bank was 4th, kredit bank 85th and Omega 112th all closed at same time :
Ukrosotbank was 6th

War on Donbass Donetsk Novorossia
1. Ukrainian forces have violated the ceasefire regime 60 times in the last 24 hours [Source]
4th of June, 2015. Donetsk People’s Republic, Novorossiya.

Ukrainian forces have violated the ceasefire regime 60 times in the last 24 hours, the DPR Defense Ministry spokesperson Eduard Basurin told the Donetsk News Agency.

“Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian army committed 58 ceasefire violations, using heavy weapons in a massive bombardment of the DPR territory. Ukrainian forces fired once from multiple rocket launcher systems, eight times with artillery, eight times from tanks, 36 times with mortars, once from anti-aircraft guns, and four times with grenade launchers and small arms. They fired at Donetsk (Kievsky, Kirovsky, and Petrovsky districts, Tochmash plant, Oktyabrsky settlement, Donetsk airport, Abakumov, Skochinsky, Zasydko coal mines), Gorlovka, Dokuchaevsk (Yasnoye settlement), Kurganka, Veseloye, Shirokino, Lozovoye, Spartak, Novaya Maryevka, Zheleznaya Balka, Yelenovka, Signalnoye, and Sakhanka. Currently, we continue to clarify data on civilian and military casualties,” — Eduard Basurin said.

2. Emergent statement of Executive Commander of Corps of the MoD DPR Eduard Basurin [Source]
June 4, 2015, Donetsk
On June 3 operational situation in the Donetsk People’s Republic sharply deteriorated. Executive Commander of Corps of the MoD DPR Eduard Basurin spoke about it at his briefing yesterday.

” We call upon the Ukrainian side to stop provocations and strictly adhere to the reached in Minsk on February 12 peace agreements. The units of the DPR Army do not plan any offensive activities that are prone to wreck the ceasefire regime and fierce and full-scale war”, – Basurin said.

3. Minsk agreements constantly in danger due to Kiev’s actions — Lavrov [Source]
June 04, 2015
Lavrov stressed that “the policy towards subordination of the fates of entire nations to unilateral geopolitical plots has led to a severe internal crisis in Ukraine”

MOSCOW, June 4. /TASS/. The Minsk peace agreements reached on February 12 are under the constant threat of failure due to the actions of the Ukrainian authorities, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a high-level conference “Security and Stability in the SCO Region” on Thursday.

“The Minsk agreements are under the constant threat of failure due to the actions of Kiev authorities who are trying not to comply with commitments on establishing a direct dialogue with Donbas,” he stressed.

4. Report of daily work of DPR POW exchange committee and their experience in related matters.
“Run, run away from here!”
Marina Akhmedova, 28.05.15, Russkiy Reporter №13 (389)
Prisoner exchange has become a rather unremarkable process in Donbas.
Original in Russian can be accessed here
How does it feel to be taken captive in a war in XXI century?

Photo gallery can be accessed here

5. New Revelations from Cyber-Berkut: The US Psy Ops “Free Donbass” [source]
June 4, 2015 г. Планы Западного Мира по проведению информационных войн
US developed psy ops tactics is being used by Kiev cyber warriors with the aim to alienate Donbass people from Russia and make Russians in Russia believe that they live in an totalitarian state with imperial and occupation plans.
More here:

Russia and Beyond
1. “Committee against Torture” provoked unrest — Chechnya’s Kadyrov [Source]
June 03, 20:00 UTC+3 “The analysis of events shows that the Committee’s members intentionally provoked the incident hoping to gain more publicity in the world media and obtain more US grants,” Kadyrov said.

To understand what kind of money “Committee against Torture” receives in grants just take a look at just one giver, Sigrid Rausing Trust

“Nizhnii-Novgorod Committee against Torture: The Committee against Torture is an inter-regional NGO headquartered in Nizhnii-Novgorod, Russia, with branch offices in Orenburg, Bashkiria, Chechnya and Mariy El. Established in 2000, it investigates allegations of torture by state agents, provides victims of torture with medical/ psychological support, and represents them at the national level and before the European Court of Human Rights where domestic remedies are ineffective. Based on its casework and research, it publishes information on systemic obstacles to the effective investigation and prosecution of torture in Russia, prepares educational materials and carries out trainings for judges, lawyers, prosecutors, prison guards and police officers.

Grant History SRT has supported the Committee against Torture since 2011.
Total funds received to date: £400,000, Current grant: £300,000 over 3 years, Grant start: 1st November 2012

It looks like “Sigrid Rausing Trust” is a money clearing house that receives the US State Department and UK Government money and doles money out to anti-Government NGOs around the world and gives the flair of being “private” donation rather than direct US and EU governments payments.

2. Upper house of Russian parliament approves capital legalization law [Source]
June 03, 16:42 UTC+3 According to the text of the draft law, legalization of overseas capitals in the territory of Russia will be implemented through submission of a property and deposits declaration

3. The Next Escalation: FBI Launches Probe Of Russia 2018 World Cup Award [Source]
This sudden act of imperialism by The US, putting itself in charge of world soccer, as Paul Craig Roberts notes, it “is another Washington-British scam against Russia,” adding “law is a weapon that Washington uses to achieve its agenda.”
“There is no rule of law in the US. Law is a weapon that Washington uses to achieve its agenda.”
Lew Rockwell: We’ve had this act of imperialism. Who put the US in charge of international football? They’re able to because FIFA made a mistake of having an office in New York. Probably that is a warning to anybody else: Don’t have an office on US soil because then they can use that to take control.

4. Russia reminded the Baltic countries, a.k.a. Sardine-stan, that their fish stink [Source]
June 4, 2015 – Russia places canned sardines from the Baltic countries on the list of banned product. Until now it was other type of fish that was banned.
Exports Prepared Canned Fish Products Decline in Latvia [Source]
In 2014, out of prepared and preserved fish products mostly sprats were exported – for 46.6 million euros (to Russia – 51.9%)

In Q1 2015 Latvia exported prepared and preserved fish products to 44 countries worldwide. Main exports partners were Russia (18.6% of total exports value of prepared and preserved fish products)

In Q1 2015, out of prepared and preserved fish products mostly sprats were exported – for 8.0 million euros (to Russia – 37.2%)

All you need to know about the Baltic countries and their culture, religion, history, and national character in one shot. Here

People that populate now the Baltic countries are grandchildren of people you see on the photo. This images was twitted by some Ukro-Nazi in 2014.

The image futures Lithuanian crowd gathered to watch a Lithuanian militant murdering a group of non-Lithuanians, most likely local Jews. People to be killed were brought one after another, and this man was hitting them over their heads with a metal bar. In about 40 minutes he killed 40-45 people, while the crowd of Lithuanian men and women stood around cheering and clapping. After he killed everybody in a group of people gathered to be killed, the man took an accordion, climbed on the pile of bodies and started to play the Lithuanian national anthem. Among the civilians watching were women and children. After each strike of a metal bar they applauded and cheered. When they heard their national anthem they joined in singing.

5. Russian Army Engineers Complete Water Pipeline Project in Crimea [Source]
June 4, 2015 – Russian army engineers from Nizhny Novgorod have completed the construction of a major water pipeline to Crimea and are returning back home, the head of the Western Ministry District’s press service said on Thursday

6. WikiLeaks Founder Assange Addresses EU Parliament [Source]

7. Russia’s Novatek Reaches Long-Term LNG Supplies Deal With Shell [Source]

8. By now Russia should have the richest population in the world, but Washington Consensus prevents this from taking place, said Seregey Glazyev [Source]
Россия могла бы быть самой богатой на душу населения страной мира, — Глазьев (ВИДЕО)