1)Putin: no one is trying to analyze the causes of events in Ukraine 

Russia is under pressure from other countries, as it pursues an independent policy

“The reasons for the pressure on Russia is clear: we conduct independent domestic and foreign policies, do not trade their sovereignty. Not everyone likes that, but in a different way can’t be”, — said the President.

“To expect an unfriendly change of course from some of our geopolitical opponents in the foreseeable future,” — said the head of state.

“Those who impose these restrictive measures against Russia — sanctions — in fact, they are the ones responsible for all of the events witnessed in the East of Ukraine”.


2)Czech President compared the U.S. government with Brontosaurus 

The President of Czech Republic Milos Zeman has accused the U.S. of meddling in the internal Affairs of other States and compared American political leaders with Brontosaurus

“Americans need a greater capacity for self-reflection. I’m glad, at least, it is apparent that Obama 50 years has cancelled sanctions against Cuba. But the truth is that the intelligence of politicians is measured by the length of the period for which they can fix their mistake. If you react in 50 years, can eventually die, like the Brontosaurus, who died before he could correct his mistakes,” — said the President of the Czech Republic.

“That is absolute nonsense, because the attempt to export its political system in a country with another culture and other traditions meets only that, if this attempt is unsuccessful, the country becomes an enemy. If the attempt is successful, the country is falling apart. I one citizen told a pretty interesting definition of the word “aggressor”. Is the one who will attack any country before the United States,” concluded Milos Zeman.


3)Military events in NovoRussia 2.07.15


4)Military events in NovoRussia 3.07.15


5)Dream On: Poroshenko Says Ukraine Will Apply for EU Membership in 5 Years


6)The new Constitution abolishes free education, kindergartens and medicine 

In the Basic law of Ukraine will introduce the principle of “not to promise that the state is not able to provide”

“So everyone got right to the necessary level of medical services in the state in which it is located, and not to free medical care in all cases,” — said the expert observer of the Constitutional Commission Andrey Kozlov.


7)The Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine: “Right sector” plans to hold a March in Central Kiev 

On the evening of July 3 in the center of Kiev will be held March representatives of the volunteer battalions and representatives of nationalist organizations

“The organizer of the March is “the Right sector”, and a March called “March of the volunteers in honor of Prince Svyatoslav the Brave,” said Moustache.

“We demand from the authorities to officially recognize the fact of war, not anti-terrorist operation… to Abandon the peace agreements. Break all intergovernmental relations with the Russian Federation. To provide all volunteer formations decent weapon proper rights and social security… Immediate personnel changes in the Ministry of defence”, — stated in the message.


8)If New Law Passes Ukrainians Won’t Get to Vote on NATO, EU Membership


9)Donbass Is Returning to Russia


10)A Pro-Kiev Journalist From Donetsk Blasts Kiev’s War on Civilians of Donbass


11)Ukraine’s Negotiating Position in Latest Gas Talks Is Loony


12)Fights In Donbass 02.07.2015


13)OSCE Observers Need Kiev Invitation to Monitor Donbass Elections – Reports


14)Lavrov: Kiev actively rejects the Minsk agreements 

The West must do more to affect the regime of Kiev, said the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

“A paradox: the more Kiev will be to torpedo Minsk agreement, and there are doing — the torpedoing, the more blame will be the Russian Federation”, — said the Russian Minister.

“We very much hope that the last contact that we have with our European colleagues,… and, in fact, acquainted with the real situation in the sphere of the political process under the Minsk agreements, will allow our partners to provide a more objective picture and to take the necessary steps to influence the Kiev authorities that they should not avoid its obligations”, — said Lavrov. http://ukraina.ru/news/20150703/1013548395.html

15)Kiev Should Fix Its ‘Chronically Broken Economy’ Instead of Any Debt Talks


16)Sanctions have not significantly affected civilian arms export — Kalashnikov concern


17)Donbass Self-Defense: “My open hand now turned into a fist…” 18+ War in Ukraine


18)Russia’s Strategy From the Beginning Has Been to Win All of Ukraine


19)Head of the EP: a solution to the conflict in the Donbas is only possible with Russia 

The settlement of the situation in the South-East of Ukraine can be found only together with Russia and exclusively by political means

“There’s only one solution — and this is a political decision,” said Schultz.

“A political solution could only be found together with the Russian Federation, we have no choice. It is necessary to conduct negotiations with the Russian Federation, without abandoning our principles,” said the head of the European Parliament.


20)BBC insists that the conflict in the Donbas – “civil war” 

British Corporation BBC insists on the correctness of the use of the term “civil war” in relation to the conflict in the Donbass

“However, fighting Ukrainians against Ukrainians for their country’s future are sufficient scale to justify the use of this term (“civil war” — ed.)”, — concluded the representatives of the Corporation.

“Ukraine is a complex country, where regional identity is clearly visible and is averaging century. The results of the elections over the last 20 years show a clear distinction between the regions of East and West. So, no doubt, partly the current crisis has internal causes. But is also true the fact that negative external impact on stability in this country,” says Farrell.


21)[Eng Subs] “Novorossiya will be created soon” — Zakharchenko….Donbass Is Returning to Russia
