The US hybrid war on Venezuela has now entered a hot phase.
On April 30, Juan Guaido, US-declared ‘Interim President’ of the country appeared in a video calling for a military uprising. Guaido, accompanied by heavily armed men, claimed that he had backing from the military and that the video was filmed at the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base in the capital, Caracas.
Opposition politician Leopoldo Lopez, who had been held under house arrest after “inciting violence” during the anti-government riots, appeared alongside Guaido. He claimed that he had been “released by the military”.
The US immediately declared its public support for the coup attempt at the highest level and once again threatened the country’s legitimate government with military action. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the actions of Guaido and his armed supporters a “quest for freedom and democracy”.
The US-backed coup attempt was branded “Operación Libertad” and received at least vocal support from leaders and officials of US Latin American allies. But something went wrong.
Despite the initial claims, Guaido supporters failed to establish control of the Francisco de Miranda Air Base. In the first half of the day, the main clashes between the rebels and the country’s National Guard took place on the highway alongside the military facility and in the Altamira area. Both sides used tear gas and in some cases even opened live fire.
There was at least one incident when an armored vehicle supposedly belonging to the National Guard loyal to the government rammed into a crowd injuring at least one. The incident took place after a group of rioters attacked a National Guard detachment.
Meanwhile, the country’s President Nicolas Maduro called on his supporters to mobilize. Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez reaffirmed that the Armed Forces reject the US-proclaimed president. Samuel Moncada, the ambassador to the UN, described the situation as an “attempt by foreign powers to spark a civil war.” The government characterised armed service members supporting Guaido as “a small group of traitors”, reinforced security measures across the capital and warned that the army would resort to force if necessary.
Measures were undertaken to take off air or limit access to local and international media outlets endorsing the coup.
By the evening, rioters and defectors had been expelled from the airbase’s gates, but clashes with the sporadic use of fire arms continued across the capital. Rioters, including armed ones, marched towards the Palacio de Miraflores, the official workplace of the real president, but lacked resources to storm it. Low-scale riots also took place in various provinces.
All this came amid speculations by US officials that “democracy” was about to achieve victory and Maduro was ready to flee the country to Russia. This did not happen. This round of the coup attempt failed because of the lack of support from the local population.
According to reports, the number of soldiers and security officers who defected to Guaido is around 80. Up to 100 people were injured as a result of the April 30 clashes in Caracas. Around 70 people were detained by the authorities.
Guaido announced a new round of protests to overthrow Maduro on May 1. It appears that Guaido and his supporters will be not able to seize power without direct foreign support. Such support may come in the form of an open or a silent US-led invasion under some formal pretext. Just recently, data leaked to the media that Erik Prince had pitched an idea to deploy some 5,000 mercenaries to support the coup against the Venezuelan government.
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the MSM support for the coup attempt has been overwhelming – you can see what side their bread is buttered on. Their bias is obvious, and eveyrthing is becoming obvious and unmasked, that is the story of our times, the Great Unmasking, as the veil falls away and the Empire is revealed as it really is,
“Their bias is obvious, and eveyrthing is becoming obvious and unmasked”
Well, maybe to you and me but the masses? I don’t think so. Almost everyone I know still quotes the MSM when defending their position or trying to invalidate mine. The school system has created a society of unthinking, rote repeaters of whatever the ‘teacher’ said. Questioning the officials never even crosses their mind, unless of course they have a selfish interest.
I do hope my experience is unique and that you are correct. But I don’t see it.
re…“Their bias is obvious, and everything is becoming obvious and unmasked”
I fear your skepticism is well founded. As an example of this sort of cognitive dissonance, Greg Hunter who fancies himself as a ‘Watchdog’ is right behind the meddling in Venezuela. If Hunter cannot see that this intervention is a disaster waiting to happen then I fear that a major proportion of Mainstreet won’t either.
Hunter’s default position on everything MAGA does is to support him 100% no matter how ludicrous the action. According to Hunter, Trump is playing 4D chess and is way ahead of everyone else. His explanation for hiring raving lunatics like Bolton, Pompeo, Pence, Abrams, and Haspel, etc is that you keep your ‘enemies’ close as a ploy to know what they are up to.
What a completely ludicrous theory…Hunter is obviously either extremely thick or thoroughly confused… methinks it is probably a combination of both these conditions. Isn’t it amazing… here is an example of someone who thinks he is challenging the elites actually being recruited by them and becoming yet another useful idiot and actually helping them implement their agenda.
If a self-appointed news watchdog can fall prey to TPTB then a large chunk of Mainstreet doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of not being sucked in as well.
Forgive me both, but as someone from South America, I don’t really care about what the reaction of the U.S. populace at large could be or which side they will take in this debate because that is something irrelevant at this point in time. That ship sailed long ago. Which brings me to a point that I have to make because it relates to something that intrigues me a lot in the so-called progressive media. They rage about the degree at which the U.S, populace is being constantly brainwashed by their masters and their MSM but on the other hand they also recognize that the Amerikan elites don’t give a damn about what the people think so at the end is irrelevant anyway. If they want to invade Irak, or Aghanistan, or Panama they will do it anyway even if most Amerikans are against it so at the end their brainwashing is a futile exercise either way. In the real world the only thing that matters is the number of Amerikan casualties in a U.S. war, not in any way if this is a just war or if it is any good for their country. Give them a war where Good Old US wins at a very lost human cost for the US and they will finally get on board. People abroad knows this very well, they have known it for decades, ever since Vietnam. and they know that the best weapon to disuade any military agression by Washington is an united nation and one with a very well armed army and militia. That is how Cuba and Nicaragua kept the barbarians away and how Venezuela is planning to do right now. In all, resuming, people abroad know that what the US populace think is irrelevant, they only know that a good, efficient, disciplined army and militia, even more if armed with the best Russian hardware available, is the best deterrent against Amerikan agression, not what the regular Joe in NYC or LA wants or thinks.
Gatobart, truly you have released the gato out of the sacco. In a nation of slaves Public Opinion is worthless goods.
“We are not concerned with what they say in the U$. We watch what they do, and act accordingly.” — President Assad
Dear Anonymous, thanks for your contribution.
Your experience is not unique. Masses do March to drums of MSM indoctrination and their logical thinking is paralyzed by educational system. Sad state of affairs.
“There are none more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”
Your post and the posts that follow it offer a great amount of reasoned insight.
The mask is indeed falling away. Many Americans are indeed still very uninformed and politically naive. And the powers that really rule this country indeed care little for what the “people” want anyway.
I will add this. The difference between the present and prior “regime change theatrical presentations” is that now – with the internet – a small group of Americans are increasingly aware of what is actually happening. This is really significant. It only takes a small dedicated opposition to truly frighten the centers of power. Nixon – for instance – was terrified of anti-Vietnam opposition.
Remember. We are dealing with cowards. Show them continued “morals based” opposition and eventually they will “cut and run.”
That is what cowards do.
Guaido will get a CIA sponsored bullet to the head. He is a dead man walking because TPTB now need a martyr as Plan ‘A’ did not work.
A fruitcake like that doesn’t make much of a martyr. He’s got that creepy crawly obama thing going on. They’ll probably try to fake up some child killings like in Syria.
I always thought he (Guiado) was a stalking horse for Lopez … (much as Navalny is a stalking horse for Khordokovsy in Russia) … who will return and be shuffled into office when the washington mafia get their way, thus a bullet in the head would probably aid their cause, in fact the CIA may well stoop this low if they think it will tip the balance. One thing for sure, he is a coward, every shaky, desperately perspiring video has him locked inside or surrounded by private soldiers as he exhorts the masses to show the courage which he himself clearly doesn’t have.
Amusing to see Bolton press conference today where he said ‘Its our hemisphere, the Russians shouldn’t be here’ much begging the question of why the hell the US is sat in Ukraine, of course non of the media posited the hypocrisy. Hopefully Putin will be able to continue trolling these dementia ridden idiots for a while longer.
Bolton’s Bluff –
‘Ready to go’: John Bolton says U.S. troops ‘on the balls’ of their feet over Venezuela
-source – Washington Times
What Guaido pulled off is pathetic. It would appear that a group of soldiers were fooled into joining him by being told they were going to conduct drills, and not a coup d’etat. Quite a number surrendered to the Government after that, while some fled to the Brazilian Embassy. As for the sporadic shootings in and around Caracas, it’s questionable who did the actual shooting, soldiers or mercenaries from abroad. The impression is that somebody tried to pull off a Kiev like scenario and blame the Government for the casualties. The mere fact that the US had to rely on a political clown, and not the military as it usually does, is proof how weak the whole enterprise was. Very sloppy work.
However, the coming weeks could be dangerous.The latest news is that the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower has left port on the east coast and the USS Theodore Roosevelt has left port on the west coast. Support ships have also left their ports. Apparently they are heading towards Venezuela. This could be a bluff, as was used against North Korea, or else it could be the real thing, an attack against the country. The US has lost face so far, and it has to do something. We shall see what it intends to do. One thing is certain. The US cares little for international reaction, if at all. If it does attack, it will drive the international community even further from its self.
Somehow I doubt that even a third rate piece of human sewage like Pompeo or the Orange Baboon himself would be stupid enough to invade Venezuela. They would be invading a continent, not a country.
What is really funny is that regime change has come home. Having done this all over the world, the Exceptional And Indispensable People in the Yew Ess Ayy are now doing the same thing to themselves in their own country.
”The government characterised armed service members supporting Guaido as ’a small group of traitors’, reinforced security measures across the capital and warned that the army would resort to force if necessary.”
Excellent resolve on the part of Maduro. The loyal army majority should put the traitors to death without compunction. To top it off, why not invite Russia to build military bases around the country?
President Maduro must issue arrest warrants for Guaido and his inner circle immediately. He cannot allow this criminal to continue to incite violence against the Venezuelan people under the false pretense of political freedom. A public trial will expose the U.S. as the ‘silent partner ” who provided logistical and financial support to try an orchestrate a coup against Maduro’s administration. The U.S. will shake its fist but do nothing especially when the Venezuelan government prosecutor shows the world the chain of evidence that points back to Washington, DC.
A coup d’état is an attempt to overthrow a government by violent armed conflict. Guaido was the driving force behind this act that killed 1 person and wounded at least 100 other Venezuelans. Guaido had the opportunity to seek all legal means to challenge the election of President Maduro but he chose instead to glorify himself by calling for a force of arms with the hope the U.S. would directly become involved. The U.S. supports Guaido because their “experts” believe Maduro will not enforce Venezuelan criminal law against Guaido but that is exactly what President Maduro must do.
By prosecuting Guaido, Maduro (1) declares that he is the duly elected President of Venezuela (2) demonstrates to the world that Venezuela is a democracy that embraces a trial of facts against the accused (3) enforces the Venezuelan system of justice that no one is above the law including political dissidents who employ violence (4) declares that no other nation including the U.S. has any right or privilege to involve itself in the internal affairs of other sovereign nations.
President Maduro has been presented with the unique opportunity to strike a blow against the U.S. whose foreign policy of bribing, bullying and bombing lesser countries must come to an end. He must act now and act decisively.
No, more effective to offer Guiado Amnesty. In return, Maduro demands he publicly recant his foreign coup, concede the people’s will is aainst him and support the Constituent Assembly, and swear not to support or call for such a coup again. Plus demand US lift all sanctions and return the gold that is crippling his country.
Flip him, fast. Like a pattie.
I find it very interesting to see that the Venezuelan government flatly refuses to respond to these provocations. Apparently, so does the military. Must be pretty frustrating for the instigators.
Well, Russians are excellent chess players who give excellent advise. Has Putin ever fallen for a provocation ?
Fab news…UK Defence Minister idiot Gavin been sacked for leaking……might help reduce the situation….
A thousand people throwing stones?
Looks like the hot phase never even got warmed up.
All they’ve got is the media lie machine and wishful thinking.
The Russian Foreign Ministry don’t buy any of it and have succinctly stated –
“Media shouldn’t serve as ‘tools’ spreading fake news to escalate situation in Venezuela – Moscow”
Well, looks like it’s back to poring over Google Earth again for Bolton and gang to see if there are any other countries they could successfully destroy. Oh no ! – there don’t seem to be any – well maybe Grenada again.
But never Venezuela – not even with 5000 mercenaries who wouldn’t even be able to take and hold a corner shop never mind a whole country.
I do think the Government of Venezuela should arrest Guaido though.
Eisenhower and Roosevelt are spinning in their respective graves if the US is really sending the Navy (carriers) to cause trouble for Venezuela. Sure, both Eisenhower and Roosevelt would probably agree that Venezuela needs to be ‘taught’ a lesson, but sending carriers to disrupt a society that understands what the US really wants to do, is foolish. Sure, back ‘in the day’ when you could topple a government with one well-placed battleship, sending carriers would have made sense. But a well educated and aware population isn’t going to just role over and play dead. Venezuelans are no longer peasants in a coffee field … and to treat them as such is simply STUPID!
I wonder if Venezuela has any of those Russian ship killing supersonic cruise misiles?if they have and the US attacks those Carriers could be incinerated.
I really want to hope that those 2 planes brought at least a couple of the “Bastions” or “Ball”, it is in principle even better than the Russian ships in the harbour. The aim learns of the defeat of only 2 minutes to defeat enough time to catch poop and pray, but not enough to significantly change the course of this large and comfortable floating mass graves.
And this one
That’s what Venezuela really needs.
One can only guess what the unofficial “no-fly” zone ( up to 26,000ft) which was declared by Trump’s deep state actually means. Venezuela passes with the looneytunites as an “easy kill” along with the “cake walk” of Iraq and the “easy-peezy: of Abbottabad. They will do something . Sadly. And it will not be scattering the skies with US bank issued debit cards. Expect the Mother of All Black-outs.
During the criminal aggression against Serbia, the Empire of Axis of Evil used carbon bombs filled with carbon threads that disburse in the air and cover electrical installations causing transformer shortouts. How evil is that?! So Venezuela should get prepared for the Evil Empire has a myriad of criminal trick up its fat sleeve.
I didn’t know that, thanks for info
Despite the bellicosity from pompous and bolt-on, the usa isn’t going to invade Venezuela. Doubtful they will try missile attacks, as they did on Syrians, either. Remember when abrams was fooled by the Russian prankster team posing as Swiss banksters? He said, in effect, the u.s. would not actually attack, when asked about that, and the “military option” rhetoric was psywar. The zionazi-gays don’t have political or popular support to wage outright war on Venezuela.
I still think the zionazi-gays will try a contra strategy similar to the one abrams worked against Nicaragua in the 1980s. Hence, why they opened his coffin and resurrected him from the dead. This coup was not expexted to topple the government and my guess its purpose was cover for jail breaking the lopez quisling and to bolster the propaganda against Venezuela and her allies.
The nonsense spouted about Russia by pompous and about Cuba by the dump, convince me the zionazi-gays are mainly working psywar now, against their own people, to get them into accepting their demonization framing of Venezuela.
I would like to add that the Venezuelan government has done a superb job combating this mini coup, or whatever it was. Stopped it cold with a minimum of violence. Very reasonable, well thought through response.
This is all reminiscent of Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch in 1923.
It has already degenerated into broad farce, like an old low budget “Carry On” comedy film.
Crude loudmouth hoods and thugs like Pompeo from Trump’s Mafia Regime playing out their Walter Mitty fantasies.
Nobody is frightened of these people any more.
Nobody even takes them seriously.
Soon nobody will even take any notice.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Washington’s Coup Attempt In Venezuela
According to News Reports a coup is underway against the government in Venezuela. Trump’s Ziocon national security advisor is exhorting the Venezuelan military to support the coup.
Based on the initial reports, the coup makes no sense. Only a few lower level soldiers or people dressed as soldiers are participating. It is unusual for Washington to launch a coup that has no chance of success.
Perhaps the attempt will serve as a lesson to the Venezuelan government which has sat on its hands and failed to arrest Washington’s agent, Guaido, the self-proclaimed and Washington-proclaimed president of Venezuela. The failure of the Bolivarian Revolution to arrest its enemies for sedition and treason will eventually result in the failure of the revolution.
Is anyone in Caracas listening? The Ziocons certainly are.
“Perhaps the attempt will serve as a lesson to the Venezuelan government which has sat on its hands and failed to arrest Washington’s agent, Guaido, the self-proclaimed and Washington-proclaimed president of Venezuela. The failure of the Bolivarian Revolution to arrest its enemies for sedition and treason will eventually result in the failure of the revolution.”
I could not agree more.A lot of people think that by arresting Guaido,that would cause a US military intervention.Maybe so? But by not arresting him ,that is not stopping a US intervention.It only allows Guaido and the US to commit more crimes while they prepare the intervention.While also telling other countries that even the US’s enemies will obey orders when threatened by the US.Its not a win-win for Venezuela,but instead a lose-lose.
@ Uncle Bob
You are absolutely right.
But Maduro is still not getting it.
Instead of swiftly arresting Guaido for treason, Maduro announces ‘Day of Dialogue’ to rectify mistakes, addresses crowds on May Day!!!………
I find this hard to believe, much harder to stomach…
Thanks for the article.
It might be well thought-out idea to let Guaido roam around. Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. His body language is closely watched by Maduro and in reality he gives early warning to those who know what to watch for. His arrest wouldn’t be good move from that prospective.
US and/or Prince might not be in the position to do much, Venezuela seems to be too united but there is always that risk of that classic “hold my beer I’ll show you” moment.
Just saying
Cognitive diss., aka, hybrid-war.
To what, does hybrid apply? —as far as the novelty of this particularly obtuse brand of hybridicity is concerned.
Is this a direct, or indirect, war for leverage against the quickly gaining multi-polarites? In other words, what is the logical outcome—in terms of “their” logic— that an advantage and upper hand will result. All appearances point to a not-so-secret hegemonism hard at work, again handing out their blood money by the tonne, as if that were the whole point. Yet, questions of the multi-pole are weighing heavily on all Venezuela discussion. What’s the overarching end? It’s war on Russia. Is Venezuela the segue or the interlude?
Time for some White Helmet action?