Two more excellent analyses from the Asia Times Online: one from Pepe Escobar about China (“China stitches up the (SCO) Silk Rd“) and one from M K Bhadrakumar about Russia (“Putin eyes Obama’s Iran file“). Frankly this tag-team of Escobar & Bhadrakumar is so good that I recommend that everybody check out what they write on a daily basis. They area light-years ahead of the competition.
The Saker
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I’ve been reading them steadily for years, and I completely agree. I’m very happy to have found your blog. Being south american I can only hope for the day we have strategic thought and literature that will help us walk a path of real independence, although I believe we are on our way. Any thoughts or comments on S.A and their relevance on a multipolar worrld?
@MT SA: I think that the a new Latin America has been in the making for years but that it has been delayed by the side-effects of the Cold War which tended to push the political process into a copy of the struggle taking place between the USSR and the USA. Now that the USSR is gone and the USA is being slowly but inexorably pushed out of Latin America, the political struggle can truly focus on the real issues at hand: economic models, indigenous rights, social and class struggles, etc. I think that for all his undeniable mistakes, Hugo Chavez did a huge thing when he spoke of Bolivarian Socialism as a new, locally rooted, political model. I still have high hopes for leaders like Correa, Morales, Mujica, Ortega and even that old warrior Raul Castro in Cuba who all together can, by trial and error, try to find a “Latin American way”. I wish I could trust Rousseff, but I don’t, and I hope that Brazil with get a real progressive patriot in power. What is certain is that Brazil is now stuck between the US turbocapitalist model and the BRICS model which is far more progressive and, in essence, opposed to the current type of globalization (which is still centered on the petrodollar). All this is to say that I see Latin America as definitely on the path to create one of the poles of a multi-polar world, though that will take a long time because of the huge opposition to that from the USA which will do everything they can to subvert, oppose, corrupt, and crush any political force involved in the creation of this Latin American pole. There will be lot’s of zigs and zags, but I think that eventually this will become a cultural aspiration of most of the people of Latin America.
What do you think?
The Saker