[this analysis was written for the Unz Review]
There seems to be a quasi consensus that Trump will not prevail and that Biden and Harris will get into the White House no matter what. To my surprise, even the Russian media seems to be considering that the Trump presidency is over.
Yet, I am not so sure at all.
Because at this point in time, I think that it would fair to conclude that anybody actually willing to look at what has been revealed by this election will have to agree that this election was stolen, rigged, falsified – chose your expression – and that going to the courts to challenge this obscene miscarriage of the democratic process is a fundamental civil right and something which any democrat (small “d”) should support.
And yet, because we live in a media-created pseudo-reality in which absolutely crucial things like the rule of law seem to have become secondary to ideological imperatives, no matter how extreme, there are those who simply refuse to see the obvious. Yes, the 9/11 false flag trained the western societies well and many now simply lack the lucidity and courage to face reality.
Courts, however, are bound by the rule of law, at least in theory, and don’t have the luxury to simply pretend like crucial evidence presented to them simply does not exist.
True, the lower, state, courts are unlikely to resist the pressure put upon them to come up with the “right” conclusions, but never say never – all it takes is one single principled judge and Trump or, more accurately, the Giuliani team, might get the break they need. Still, it is pretty obvious that Giuliani’s real hopes are with the Supreme Court. This makes sense, local judges are much easy to influence and sway than Supreme Court Justices who are unassailable and who realize that they will make history, the only question being is: how till they go down in history books, as a “profile in courage” or as impotent cowards who betrayed their oath?
I will say that I am, to put it mildly, not impressed by Trump’s demeanor during these crucial days: he completely ceded the narrative to his opponents (a couple of incoherent and poorly phrased “tweets” do not qualify). True, Trump never displayed the qualities of a real leader, so this is hardly surprising.
Giuliani, however, is a tough SOB and he seems to be determined to take this fight right up to the Supreme Court. This is why I believe that it is very dangerous to make any assumptions about what the Justices might or might not do. Is it possible that even the Supreme Court justices would betray their oath and cave in to the Dem’s pressure? Yes, I suppose so. Concepts such as truth, honor, integrity, courage and heroism are very much out of fashion in the modern world, especially in the USA. This is why the traditionally hallowed term “hero” is applied left and right to every bureaucrat or civil servant simply doing his/her job: *real* heroes are long gone.
Then consider this: if the SC sides with Trump and overturns the hundred of thousands of illegal votes, the USA will be immediately plunged into an orgy of chaos and violence, all of it encouraged and coordinated by the legacy corporate ziomedia à la CNN. The thugs of Antifa/BLM will immediately engage in Kristallnacht-like rampages in “protest” against the “racist system”. Their main target? White, Christian, males, of course!
Some justices might even feel torn between standing up for what is both legal and moral and the practical considerations of the consequences of an adjudication in Trump’s favor. Their oath ought to be their guiding principles, but considering how often the SC voted along party/ideological lines in the past, I am not very confident that the Justices will strictly do the only legally and morally right thing: uphold the law and vote their conscience.
Finally, whatever we may think of the election itself, it is obvious that the US elites have created the appearance of a fait accompli, hence the kind of nonsense like, say, Biden and his “Office of the President Elect”. It is therefore reasonable to assume that even if the Supreme Court fully sides with the Trump campaign, the US elites will never accept this. They will try to find a way to impeach, legally or otherwise, those Justices who voted “wrong”.
I think that there is also another consideration which we have to remain aware of: Trump’s entire presidency is been one long and never ending prostitution of the United States to the desires and whims of Netanyahu and his gang of thugs. True, as Israel Shamir pointed out, the Israelis failed to deliver anything in return to Trump. And yet, as Philip Giraldi recently explained, Trump is still very much Israel’s prostitute, which is why there are an increasing number of Israeli experts (see here and here) who believe that Trump might strike at Iran as a “farewell” present to the Israelis.
Is that really possible? Could Trump really do something so crazy?
You betcha he could!
On one hand, I have always maintained that Trump is the Zionists’ “disposable president”, meaning a one term president who will do everything the Likudniks want of him and who will then be jettisoned and replaced by a truly “kosher president” like Biden/Harris. On the other hand, however, there is the precedent of the US meekly taking the Iranian missile attacks in retaliation for the murder of General Soleimani which seems to indicate that the Pentagon just does not have the stomach for a full-scale war against Iran.
So which will it be?
Nobody knows. The only thing we can be sure of is that we are certainly entering very dangerous times.
Those who hope that a Biden/Harris presidency might be better are deeply deluded.
Because, as many have already pointed this out, even if Trump is ejected from the White House, “Trumpism”, as an ideology, is here to stay. Even if you believe that Biden/Harris beat Trump in a fair election, surely must you still realize that there are tens of millions of US Americans who feel that the election was stolen and that Biden/Harris are usurpers.
Personally, I take a very dim view of “Trumpism”, but whatever its (many) flaws, this ideology, however vague, has “redpilled” millions of US Americans who now realize that they are living in a fake democracy or, to use a Russian expression, “democracy” in the USA only means “power of the Democrats”. Simply put: we can call them “1%ers” or the “US Nomenklatura” or the “deep state” or whatever other term which comes to mind, but the bottom line is obvious: the USA is not a democracy or a republic, it is a dictatorship of the few over the many, the “best democracy money can buy” and a system based not on one man one vote, but one dollar one vote. Whether they realize it or not, most US Americans are serfs of an occupying parasitic regime which sees them solely as a (cheap) commodity.
These ideas used to be corralled into what the Ziomedia liked to call the “extremist fringe” but now millions of US Americans are becoming aware of this reality, CNN & Co notwithstanding. Put the Biden/Harris ticket into the White House and millions of people will go into some kind of “resistance mode” – whether that be political activism, civil resistance, local/state insubordination to the Federal power or even armed resistance.
One of the top priorities of the Dems in power will be to crack down, hard, on the First and Second Amendments to the US Constitution. Right there we can expect a lot of local/regional/state resistance because, unlike their ruling “elites” (i.e. masters), most US Americans passionately care for what are really the cornerstones of the US political system. Yes, there is a reason why the Founding Fathers placed the First Amendment in first position and the Second one right after!
The Dems will castrate the First Amendment through their control of all the major Internet platforms (YouTube, Google, FaceBook, Twitter, Amazon, etc.) and, since this will not be government censorship, at least technically, but decisions of the private sector, even the ACLU will have nothing to say about this.
The Second Amendment will be trickier to deal with, because there is no private or non-governmental institution which can do to the Second Amendment what big tech companies have done to the First one. However, all it takes is a few well-orchestrated “shootings” or any armed refusal to be disarmed, and the label “domestic terrorist” will be swiftly applied to those who dared to resist Uncle Shmuel.
Again – we are about to enter an extremely dangerous period, both inside the USA and on the international front.
Trump’s handlers must realize that the AngloZionist Empire is already finished and that all that’s left is an agonizing United States. The same probably goes for the Biden/Harris handlers. Hence both parties have a huge interest in, first, creating some crisis which can distract from what is really going on and, second, in using whatever power they still have to “fire their last shells” before the ammo box goes empty.
Conclusion: too many variables to call it
The truth is that absolutely anything can happen next. There are simply way too many variables to try to make a prediction. Will Trump attack Iran? I want to believe that this ship has sailed, but I will never say never to something as evil and stupid as an attack on Iran. However, under pretty much any scenario, we can be pretty sure that come January there will be a power vacuum in the Executive and roughly half of all US Americans will consider that the election has been stolen. That kind of power vacuum, or even a duopoly, is very dangerous and typically results in even more chaos and violence. Eventually, some kind of “tough” regime comes to power. But this is a threat that we can discuss further down the road.
The Saker
This a a battle between good and evil that Trump, GenFlynn, L Lin Wood, Sidney Powell and many, many other “true god fearing patriots” totally understand. If a Biden administration comes to power , they are totally on board with the country being under control of globalist, satanic bureaucrats. As bad as things are now, America as we know it will cease to exist. Being in the hands of Klaus Schwabs fourth industrial revolution, a.k.a the great reset. Trump isn’t going anywhere. Looks for mass incarcerations, and a second revolution.
The US Americans are like sheep without a shepherd. I’m not sure that Trump and co. are seeing this so much along the lines of evil and good, or at least I’m convinced that they don’t have a great perspective on where that line is (which is a hard question) between good and evil. Also, there is too much confusion and gutlessness to expect some cohesive response from the population. The US as we know it not only will end, it already ended somewhere along the way. Response there will be, but people are too flaky, apathetic, and disorganized to even have a civil war. However, I’m still not sure what exactly will happen, so I remain curious. There’s this bit of conviction among the US Americans on the topics of rights and freedom, that may turn out as a thorn in the side of the ruling crazy elites. Look at the Democrats. They are torn into pieces internally. No matter how pro-war they and Biden are, they need to follow up at least formally on their progressive promises and deceptions. This by itself creates a lot of obstacles. They did paint themselves into a corner.
Two things:
1. Some justices may be smart enough to “get” that the MSM is not their only “relevant” constituency. That there is a huge constituency out there among the American people who not only will be “monitoring” what the justices do an decide, but remembering. It has often been said that SCOTUS operates in a social atmosphere and that affects their decisions. So, they must have some idea that the whole “social atmophere” is not woke Democrats.
2. Regarding guns. Apologies if I am repeating myself. I think gutting the Second Amendment via some cute trick such as an EO would be quite hazardous to Biden and the country. It would see the immediate coming together of major new weapons smuggling operations and many otherwise law-abiding people would like be drawn into such lawlessness.
Biden should think twice before he alienates red state (and maybe other) gun owners and creates a perfect new and popular niche for organized crime.
” It would see the immediate coming together of major new weapons smuggling operations and many otherwise law-abiding people would like be drawn into such lawlessness. ”
Why would that be ? The sheeple are to scared to ” use them ” even when they’re legal. Why would they bother trying to attain them illegally .
Legal guns can be traced to the owner and hence the extreme caution in using them, not so with the illegal ones .
Biden is a rhetorical device.
We all know that guy will never be President in any authentic sense.
Don’t forget it isn’t real-:)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Along these lines: while what you’re saying about Biden seems quite obvious, I don’t easily believe the regular claims that Harris will be acting as a president in the background. What does she have? She’s not very competent, smart, experienced, or influential. To be malevolent and sneaky also requires certain level of abilities. There are too many different powers competing within the Democratic party and I find it hard to see Harris getting on top of them. It’s possible but not that likely, considering that a lot of people represent it as being self-evident. It seems more likely that both Biden and Harris constitute a rhetorical device, but she might have certain hidden plans how to screw them over. Although, I’m sure the nomenklatura has some insurance against that happening. I would expect another battle front (or a few of them) opening between the political elites.
By the way, on the side of the claim that Harris is prepped as a “president”, they are making some TV show about Harris… I would like someone more familiar to comment on that.
Harris is pure operative. She has zero power in the real game. She’s just a cutout.
Fictitious and malevolent as they get.
Stay tuned though as I know you will. This isn’t even close to over.
It’s like a movie and we all know it.
What we don’t know is what makes it fun to observe. I’ve learned to accept that what I choose not to accept can in fact be announced as ‘real’ despite my knowing within myself that the proclamation is fraudulent.
A lie.
My response so far is to seek the Mercy of Christ and attempt to prepare truly for the time of my judgement by my Creator.
What is Kraken:
Sidney Powell has stated:
I am not part of the Trump campaign’s legal team.
The fraud in the 2020 election goes much further than the election of the US President.
One must realize the many forces have benefited from this system.
They used it to install the people they wanted installed in particular offices.
My intent is to expose all frauds, whether it being done against Republicans or Democrats.
Sidney Powell has now launches a Criminal Case against electoral fraud. https://defendingtherepublic.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/COMPLAINT-CJ-PEARSON-V.-KEMP-11.25.2020.pdf
The Kraken is a sea monster roaming the North Atlantic, attacking seafarers. The fable of the Kraken originated in Norway. Norway is part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization: NATO.
However, Kraken is also a program the US Defense Department and the CIA use to get information about their enemies by hacking computers and cellphones. The program includes various forms of malware via digital networks, but has been exposed as being used against NATO allies. (Angela Merkel)
In 2017, WikiLeaks released numerous CIA documents detailing Kraken.
This included orders to spy on candidates in France’s 2012 presidential election (Nicholas Sarkozy)
Kraken provided information on each party’s election strategy and each candidate’s ability to influence political decisions.
The CIA uses another program in conjunction with Kraken, called Hammer (Hamr in WikiLeaks).
Hamr spies on protected networks without being detected.
Numerous plugins accompany “Hamr” to enhance its effectiveness.
The AngerManagement targets Android devices.
The WildTurkey, tests and refines its capabilities.
Kraken can be used to access and manipulate data from both Dominion and Scytl servers.
The Dominion servers in Germany received raw US election data.
SCYTL voting services (located in Spain) are used in Australia, New Zealand, UK, and Ireland.
The original Smartmatic election software was developed in Venezuela with porous security and built-in functionality allowing administrators to override the security features. Through a string of opaque licensing agreements, bankruptcies, and corporate mergers and acquisitions, that software ended up in election systems (like Dominion and Scytl) for use in the USA and other countries.
Among the extraordinary privileges it granted to administrators was the ability:
To shave votes continuously from one candidate to another;
To batch ballots for “adjudication” votes the administrator could assign to his preferred candidate
To generate blank ballots.
After Powell public (Release The Kraken) call during her interviewed with Lou Dobbs, an American operation was conducted to seize servers in Germany. The servers belonged to the CIA field office in Frankfurt. The US State Department also operates a consulate in Frankfurt.
The operation was done by putting special ops under POTUS 11/9/2020 Notification.
CIA Director Gina Haspel and FBI Director Christopher were not informed about the operation.
The operation was carried out with U.S. law enforcement present to take custody of the evidence.
The servers are now under the control of the Department of Justice and can be used in court for judicial proceedings. Trump has the authority to declassify any information Powell would need.
Remember back in September 12 2020, the president launched executive order imposing sanctions including Execution for interference in US elections.
The Claims raised by Sidney Powell (so far):
1: Hillary Clinton used fraud to steal California’s Democratic Presidential primary four years ago from Sen. Bernie Sanders. In a conference call that included a couple of hundred people including Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an employee of the Defense Department instructed government officials how to commit election sabotage in their respective offices.
2: China, Serbia and Liechtenstein have been interfering in the US Presidential election.
3: Each Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania received 35,000 extra votes.
4: States recalibrated the voting machines after deadlines for modification was passed.
5: The Machines multiplied each Joe Biden vote by 1,25 and every Trump vote by 0.75.
6: A former Venezuelan military officer who helped develop the machines testified they could be manipulated. The officer was personally in briefings when the system was planned years ago.
He has stated that as soon as the machines were turned off in the US swing states during the 2020 election, that massive support for Trump had broken the pre-programmed algorithm.
7: The voting machine are using SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique) written by Aleksandar Lazarevic. The trail leads to Belgrade, Serbia and Dominion Voting Systems with chips made in China.
Other claims of Vote fraud by voting Machines found in various articles.
a) These machines have 2 way communication and access with/from foreign servers.
b) This system of voting fraud has been a running since 2003 and was covered by George Web.
c) Both GOP & DNC have used this ‘service’ which is why previous cases was dropped.
d) Dominion’s servers are infected with QSnatch malware. QSnatch steals voting administrators log-in and credentials.
The Kraken connection to the 2020 US election fraud, raises the questions:
Did the people of France really vote for Macron? What about Merkel in Germany?
What about Conte in Italy, What about Trudeau in Canada? Or did The CIA in collaboration with allies within NATO use voting fraud technique to hack elections within NATO Nations.
Did the people really vote for those COVID Fascists or were they put in power by Globalist traitors?
The Kraken begins to look like a case of national security for many NATO Nations.
No wonder that the whole Western population is in Lock Down by their own Authorities.
Maybe COVID-19 is not the real danger to National security?
But the North Atlantic Sea Monster called Kraken.
Excellent comment, my friend!! Couldn’t have put it better!!!
Thank you for the new details on the Kraken! A small correction: the Presidential Executive Order was on 12 Sep 2018, not 2020, and so Trump has had two years to plan for this Presidential election, with the possibility of extensive draconian action if necessary. Here are two independent evaluations of Sydney Powell’s court case in Georgia:
This all looks promising if Powell can get the court to accept an evidentiary hearing. In addition, look at who Trump is firing, including today (27th November). He seems to be planning for a second term.
Thanks for the replies Dan and Gary.
I used almost 24 hours in research for my former post.
I must have overlooked my writing error about Trumps Executive order in 2018. Thanks for noticing.
Man the world is going amok.
In Denmark we have laws against telling lies via broadcasting institutions.
Laws against Ministers telling lies to parliament. Laws against Spying on Danish citizens.
But all caution has been thrown aside, and both media and the Government has gone full propaganda and lying openly since the US Election fraud hit the internet.
A week before the US election, it was disclosed that the Minister of defend had withheld information from Parliament, that CIA with approval form the Danish Defense intelligence agency, for years had copied all internet Data running through Denmark. The Chief of the Danish Defense Intelligence agency and several Officers were forced to to resign.
However, the political opposition do not drag any of these severe transgression to court, or demands that the Government stands down.
Only one thing can bypass Constitutional law in Denmark, and that is cases of National security.
It just makes you wonders why it is a case of National security for Denmark that America is electing a president, unless the voter fraud in the US is also a problem within NATO Nations, and now risk being exposed.
Gary I have read your suggestions and noticed that it is people within the juridical system who is giving quite positive response to Sidney Powell´s case. That is promising.
I laughed when reading the last lines in the second opinion QUOTE:
Now, after Rudy’s hearings yesterday and Powell’s filing last night.
The Democratic party lawyers just shit their pants. Biden did as well, but he does that every morning.
Their Thanksgiving is officially ruined; they are all going to be working all holiday weekend to file a response.
There is another route by which Trump could win the election. The US Constitution requires State legistatures to choose the Electoral College members (who in session then choose the President). State governors, State election officials and both State and Federal courts have no over-riding role in the process or choosing State members of the Electoral College. Consequently if a State legislature decides that the election process was seriously flawed, it can disregard that election result and choose the Electoral College member for that State.
As you can see from this decision in the link below (which I got to partly by following the trail from the Saker website https://thesaker.is/50912-2/) it now looks as if the Pennsylvania State legislature is about to do precisely that:
If other crucial states such as Michigan, Arizona and Georgia do the same, then the Electoral College could contain a pro-Trump majority.
Excellent and detailed. I would just add: General Flynn (who knows where all the bodies are, which is why the DS ‘removed’ him) had the call sign Kraken while in mil intel.
Days after Powell’s “Release the Kraken” comment Flynn was pardoned and is now able to wage his war.
Struth wrote: “General Flynn had the call sign Kraken while in mil intel.
LOL what a coincidence. Noe we have no less than 3 Kraken.
I guess the (Flynn) Kraken 3 could be very inconvenient for people trying to steal elections.
It paints a picture of a 3 prong threat to the Global Deep State, with Giuliani, Powell and Flynn, in place to move in from each their direction. Team Biden are probably busy changing pant now.
Your tin foil hat is too tight. Zero evidence of anything you allege has been presented in any of Trump’s lawsuits regarding the recent election.
The expression “Tin foiled hat” may have worked 20 years ago to silence critiques.
After numerous planed wars of aggression, numerous planed color revolutions, planed Financial crisis, planed Migrant crisis, planed fake Health crises, + loss of millions of Human life, loos of human Rights and democracy, we don’t need any more proof.
You are up against millions of people who are demonstrating in, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Denmark, England, America, and elsewhere around the Globe.
We don’t even want proof anymore.
We want those terrorizing humanity while calling us Tin foiled hat, put behind bars now.
There are at least 5 public videos of election night proving transfer of Trump votes to Biden in real time, on CNN for example.
It seems (at least according to sputnik and southfront) Israel has put its military on high alert because it is expecting a US attack on Iran before the end of trump presidency.
Do you think these informations are reliable?
Is this a dirty game to put more pressure on Iran?
Thank you.
“that the AngloZionist Empire is already finished”
I don’t think so. They merely metastasized in China.
In the same way they made of the US the world superpower after WW2 (and are now destroying it), they did the same with China (after destroying it under their Mao).
Cop out post from the usual Americans, oh I can’t do anything the world is controlled by super brilliant Satanist bankers, therefore no country is an alternative. Talk about cheap excuses to do nothing there Sam, what silly baseless argument or post, the elite are as flawed and clueless any Human can be. So no there wont be Chinese successor to the Western imperial model, which will end with the United States, this is a Western mid set, that has plagued Western culture since Rome or at-least the Franks. This cancerous obsession’s in controlling others all across the World started in the West and it will end in the West, no amount of silly NWO conspiracies will change that fact.
Rarely, I disagree with you, Saker.
However, courts don’t follow Rule of Law. Otherwise, markedly, just today, Trump had to trump an outlaw Judge, Sullivan of DC Fed Court who totally as a rebel against the Constitutional authority of the Executive branch defied the DOJ’s dropping of the case against General Flynn. This was upheld by the Appeals Court, another group who defied the Constitution. This are prima facie cases of spit in the face of Rule of Law and violation of the Constitutional separation of powers.
Then you refer to Trump’s handlers. Very naive statement. No one handles Donald J. Trump. That is his weakness in politics. No guidance. He listens but made up his mind on most every issue 30 years ago.
As for the chances of the Supreme Court reversing the election and throwing it to Trump? Today, Rudy’s Pennsylvania legislative hearing with key technical witnesses who have military cyberwar background credentials show great promise.
The problem is can Justice Barrett hold a majority with the facts that the entire election was a fraud because at least six key states were hijacked and corrupted with phony votes? The hearing showed that the experts working on the “hack” and manipulation of paper ballots and software and machines that they can easily demonstrate shifted tallies away from Trump and presented them and more to Biden. These experts, some of whom have been on this subterfuge since 2018 in Texas, have hard cold facts to present to the courts.
I think the likelihood of Trump ordering a massive attack on Iran’s nuclear sites is zero. The Pentagon knows they’ll get the small wars they want where they want them with Biden. And they will never obey Trump’s orders.
Bibi will have to do the work with the IDF. The US will assist, but will not get its hands dirty in any attack.
Is this what Jared wants as legacy? I don’t think he wants a Trump war in the ME. So, no attack against Iran.
The story was probably one more smear “leak” contrived by some Trump-hater in the IC or Foggy Bottom.
As for civil strife in the US soon? For certain if the election is not overturned.
About 70% of 74 million people (that’s 50 million) refuse to accept the “official” outcome.
And Biden already is coming for their guns, while their religion is being attacked by Covid rules shutting their churches and destroying their small businesses and putting them on unemployment which isn’t being funded by the Dem Congress.
Yes, violence is a spark away in the Exceptional nation.
Biden also in trouble with China and the Hunter laptop – I heard he’s going to be arrested but that might be wishful thinking
here is excellent discussion of Trump and his days after the election – firing of Esper etc – and also JFK’s signing of NSA memo 57 –
50 minutes of excellent presentation
Dark Journalist – Nov 24 2020
In close succession, two very dangerous provocations:
1] US-Russia naval game of chicken off Vladivostok is more dangerous than it seems
2] American missiles capable of striking Crimea fired into Black Sea as risk of confrontation on Russia’s borders continues to grow
Just poking the bear. Won’t lead to anything.
There won’t be a missile war against Russia because that will end the world, with all the West reduced to radioactive dust piles.
As for naval confrontation, it is well-established that no nation will be fighting the US Navy with ships. Missiles will take all the surface ships to the bottom.
The US is just trying to kick sand at “Ivan”. They think they are the world Hegemon. Russia immediately set the rules for the next confrontation if some Rambo Naval Commander crosses the line of Russian territory.
All this shows the Asian Pacific nations is the US is the greatest threat to peace and progress in the Western Pacific and inside the first line of islands from Japan to the Philippines. Reckless behavior challenging Russia
telegraphs the disregard the US has for all other nations. No one doubts that the Russians will use weapons the US has never experienced, except the delusional Americans themselves.
As for the Black Sea, the Russophobic Eastern Europeans dally with the day dream of destroying Russia. What is kept from their calculations of how that war will unfold is the overwhelming and utter destruction that will come their way within minutes of any launch of missiles, drones or aircraft aimed at Russia. They are NATO cannon fodder, sacrificial and of no other use or value to the US or the EU. Children playing with dangerous toys.
Yes, and it’s the last part of your good comment I find most scary.
We all know how easily things can go wrong; and mostly for American Forces and their “friendly fire”‘; their never ending errors. They cant even parachute a few tanks without laughable mishaps.
But we can laugh at those; a mistake that led to a furious Russia wiping out a Balkan nation and entire American divisions could be much less amusing. And it’s the possibility that, with each one of these stupid “poking the bear” antics they get up to, the higher goes the probability of being closer to a disastrous error.
That I find scary.
What you are saying is somewhat correct, because both Bulgaria and Rumania were in cahoots with Germany in WWII. What I believe is: Rumania seeks revenge for their not so little army getting it’s butt kicked in Stalingrad. I am not sure if any of them returned home after the war ended.
Similarly some Western Ukrainians:
This sums up all the anti-Russian sentiments on the North-Western edge of Black Sea.
History Explains everything.
Anonius, Bulgaria didn’t fight against the Soviet Union, didn’t even declare a war symbolically during WWII.
There are huge cultural reasons and deep parts of the national psyche (not only because of the liberation from the Ottomans) of Bulgarians that cannot allow them to see Russia as an enemy or desire the destruction of the Russian nation. You cannot put them in the same basket as the Westerners. No matter what the political situation may suggest, this is the reality. Bulgarian military will never participate in any war against Russia. Not only because it’s a stupid and crazy thing to do, but also because they see it as amoral. I’m sure Russian leadership understands that very well. Also, no matter what politicians say, everyone know that Bulgaria has no voice and politicians don’t represent the actual attitudes.
This is probably largely true for the majority of Eastern European nations. If the US starts a war against Russia, they will be mostly be by themselves, and they simply cannot execute that.
Larchmonter445 excellent summary.
I take a slightly different view due to the dire alternatives that seem to exist.
One is insurrection at home where all the elements are apparent: high unemployment, dissatisfaction with the election, covid 19, poor medical services, vanishing middle class, widening wealth gap …. etc, etc. As history teaches us when social problems reach such a level employment must be found. Hence an outside enemy is needed perhaps then reintroduce the draft or make enlistment super attractive. We know this is how history commonly works in such circumstances.
Insurrection at home with a people’s revolution against the 1percenters is another historical solution that has been tried many many times in such similar situations. Then the question to be asked is what will the military do? I postulated previously perhaps martial law should the political parties be so divided common sense is useless …. as it seems to be currently. Should the election result be suspended my money is on a military solution (coup?).
The major question I have for some time postulated is: ‘what happens to the dollar’? Should the dollar fail as a world currency it spells the end of the US financial empire with all that is left is the huge stockpile of weapons and 90 expensive overseas bases.
Should the courts prevaricate or find one way or the other or keep delaying then Biden or Trump will need the support of the military. Whosoever the military support there are problems ahead.
My second to final point is all those millions of socialologists and gender studies graduates over the last 30 years will want war so long as they don’t have to fight.
Final … Biden wins all and everyone falls asleep.
What happens to the dollar?
Here’s a piece about the IMF’s plan for a new world currency. The crucial point is that all inter government debt will be governed by the IMF (America). This towards the end of the piece,
“The second point is the brilliant idea of voluntarily handing over all available money under the management of the IMF. First of all, the G20 countries. Immediately agreeing to knowingly no return on “investment”. You’ve heard that times are hard and there’s no profit in sight.”
Yes Johny thank you for the link, I just read the article. Very revealing indeed. The first bridge to the moon only just reached above the earth’s atmosphere so now they are goint to start another! … called the Amero? It all reads like a kid’s game of drafts when they might be learning chess. Who will fall for this nonsense apart from the usual fools. Certainly not Russia and China who are setting up their own system as we write.
I am sure trump decided everything 30 years ago. Yes he decided to declare Jerusalem as capital of Israel 30 years ago. Then he decided to start a new cold war with both Russia and China. He decided to strike at Syria. Then he decided to put a 15 millions dollars bounty on Maduro s head. Then he decided to Kill soleimani and to destroy any international treaty and to sanction dozens of countries. All of that was decided by Trump himself 30 years ago.
And of course all of this is extremely friendly and comes from a peace loving guy.
It seems trump s fans have created another reality and cannot see what has been really going on since 2017.
I agree on one thing. For the exceptionally corrupt nation things are not going so well.
It may be karma.
“He who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind” right?
Good and obvious points. I find it weird that many highly intelligent people often with good analytic skills seems to be this blind regarding Trump, and building up an alternative reality without Trump deliver on anything.
Larchmonter, I agree with much of what both you and Saker put forward.
I don’t see any good way out of this mess for the U.S.
If this fraudulent election is allowed to stand, then even the veneer of democracy, that has held the country together, is shattered and the U.S. will officially become a fascist dictatorship.
If the election is overturned, then the Globalist/Deep-State will mobilize their shock troops in order to complete the coup with violence. They will never give up.
In either case, the U.S. will become ungovernable.
And without good governance, with broad support from the population, the U.S. will not be able to address its real Achilles’s Heel, which is its critical economic situation.
Multi-trillion dollar per year fiscal deficits, funded by printing dollars, will soon destroy the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and with it the ability continue to run its almost trillion dollar per year trade deficit in goods needed to provide the 25% of goods that it consumes, in excess of what it produces.
It is the economic collapse of the U.S., a la Russia in the 1990s, that will follow the destruction of the dollar, that will be the ultimate price to pay for the Globalist/Deep-State’s color revolution.
I too have considered comparing a company bankruptcy to a country wide one as occurred in Russia during the early 90’s.
But then again, I also looked at the effort and energy to manage such a thing, and in the end would it make the difference god needs to complete her journey going forward, I have yet to decide the more prudent direction.
The thing will go to the Supreme Court (if in fact there is a meaningful court-decision that can be disputed) and he will only be able to conclude, given the presented evidence, the whole being basically totally srewed and thus decide it to be decided by Congress.
Any other decision will result in total mayhem without any meaningful way out of it – a Congress decision could pave the way to clean up the election mess, that is if there is any interest at all for the USA’s further existence as a Republic.
“Then you refer to Trump’s handlers. Very naive statement. No one handles Donald J. Trump. That is his weakness in politics. No guidance. ”
If this were true, & Trump did not have his own powerful backers, he would have conceded the election from the beginning, & his team of lawyers – Gulianni first amongst them – would not be placing their careers & reputations on the line by pursuing the election fraud issue. Even the battle that is clearly underway within Fox News is indicative, we even know something about it, Rupert Murdoch’s son wants to go full-Soros, while Murdoch Snr. seems to be resisting – & this battle now plays out in Fox’s editorial offices. The fact that there is a battle being waged at all reveals that the political system in the US is imploding on itself – the major reason why Trump is such an anathema to the globalist Davos crowd was revealed by CNN when Trump sent cruise missiles into Syria’s desert – CNN declared (Fareed Zakaria personally) that Trump had “become a president”. So that is it – Trump is resisting the imperial machine, he has not taken the US military into any major new conflict, & CNN sent its message that this is what is expected for Trump to be accepted. There it is. The fact that Trump is alive, that the impeachment attempt failed, all that, means that as weak as he may appear on the surface – this is a ploy – Trump has support from very powerful circles, otherwise he would not bother with any of this. But he is up against extremely powerful antagonists, that is what makes this so explosive.
Adding to first post. Good article here about one of America’s most prominent attorneys representing Trump, who understands full and well the evil they are up against.
Trump grants General Flynn a full pardon this afternoon. By the way this man carry’s himself, you can tell he is no pussy and will be out for vengeance on the domestic enemies that are complicit in the treason.
As of today, multiple state courts have now agreed to meet with legal counsel after sworn witness affidavits, video evidence, and other sources were deemed credible.The evidence of treason, fraud, rigging in this election is absolutely monumental. They know exactly who did exactly what. So large, it cannot be possibly covered up this time. The deep state is going down.
“The deep state is going down.”
I wish that were correct but observation of past performance suggests it is simply wishfull thinking.
The real deep state will remain in the shadows manipulating events for its own benefit, and if it has to it will retreat entirely from the field until the protagonists have exhausted themselves. Who is the deep state, really?
It is those who decide who gets nominated for the Fed, who gets to run for President, when the wars happen, and who heads the 3 letter agencies. It is a very small group of individuals in control of a lot of resources, and simply changing the party in charge will not change anything. They are fronted by a somewhat larger group of individuals they select and reward, and it is those individuals most would consider the real deep state. The heads of agency, the defense contractors, senior bureacrats and party political leadership groups, the spy agencies etc, but that level only survive at the pleasure of those with the real money.
What really surprises me at this point is that a high profile member of Trumps team has not met with a very public and somewhat peculiar death, one that cannot quite be accidental but neither can it be clearly ruled an assassination. That simple reality suggests to me that those in power want the chaos to ensue and run it’s course. If they did not want that outcome Trump would be getting serious hints that he must stop his nonsense and bow out.
Buckle up, stock your shelves and work out who to trust with your life.
“What really surprises me at this point is that a high profile member of Trumps team has not met with a very public and somewhat peculiar death, one that cannot quite be accidental but neither can it be clearly ruled an assassination.”
I believe this is what Trump gets for being so pro-Bibi: serious protection for his family, without which he never would have run in the first place. Saker is looking at that deal only in terms of geopolitical moves, but they are not the only form of quid pro quo.
One of Trump’s great gifts to Bibi has been legitimacy not only of him but of Israel generally in the ME and world. Huge strides have been made. The Dark Years may soon be ending. Sad for the Palestinians but they can either blend in or move on. Unfair, yes, immoral, yes, but all too normal in human history.
I read years ago that there was a big split in the Israeli power networks mirroring the current geopolitical dynamic: nationalists versus globalists. The old Seraphim network now embedded in the upper classes in Europe and the US are globalists and more than ready to let go of the highly problematic Israel project which has given all involved nothing but grief for six decades and counting. They are ready to move on. The nationalists feel differently. Trump is an America First Economic Nationalist and therefore he supports Israel First Nationalists too, as long as they find a way to do it so that they become economically viable and self-supporting. He has helped them to grow up and start to get on with their neighbors. At least that’s what I am guessing from the treaty announcements.
Biden’s network are the globalists. They love wars and regional conflicts and they are the ones pushing for the Iran attack in order to trap Trump further if possible. But if Trump won’t do it now, Biden will do it later (if he lives past January 20).
In any case, the Izzies give Trump protection. It’s probably why Einstein disappeared. Although Trump is serious about cracking down on the sex rings, since they are part and parcel of black ops modus operandi, that initiative is compromised. But even if Epstein lives somewhere in a penthouse in Tel Aviv or Buenos Aires, he is not operating in the US any more and that island infamnia is closed down.
The Deep State will not go down so fast, but will lose some territory, he can choose either a very likely fiery breaking up of the USA, or loosing some main feathers but far from all.
Also in the possible break up it, the Deep State itself will have a fight for life and death at his feet – so he better chooses wisely and give to some backroom deals as is the custom !
It’s impossible for Biden to be President of the USA under all circumstances thinkable, after what happend, simple as that !
I think that only a move by both Beijing and Moscow can prevent an attack if this Potus green lights it.
I see no reason why Moscow or Beijing should do anything. They should follow Napoleon’s advice of not doing anything while your enemy is destroying itself.
Giuliani ‘s Supreme Court strategy will fail, just like his 2008 presidential bid that crashed and burned in Florida.
In 2008, coming off his 9/11 NY Mayoral grandstanding he got an early 20% lead in the polls for Republican presidential candidates and the strategy he adopted was to ignore the early Republican primary races and instead focus on the Florida primary and win big there and use the momentum from it to propel him through the other big races.
Giuliani camped out in Florida and bided his time, but by the time they got around to Florida, his early lead had evaporated and he managed only a 3rd place in the Florida Primary.
His strategy was declared an abysmal failure and he was forced to dropout and endorse John McCain.
The hair dye that oozed down his face was symbolic of Trump’s chances for a 2nd term slipping away…
I just spent two hours watching the presentation to the Penn… conservative legistature and Rudi. This legal action will not fail. That does not mean that Trump will be re-elected. What will happen to Afiganistan … sorry I mean the USA will be political atrophy, a long and painfull path where confidence in the instruments of government will disappear. I fear that since socialism had been encompassed by the regime that this was always going to occurr. Unless you get the wrong idea it is only the 1% that has clutched socialism to their chest and not the rest of the US. We all know however that socialism needs a ‘universal’ appeal to win any damsel in distress otherwise it will only end up in a brothel where no refunds are considered.
Excellent article by the Saker.
It sums up many of my thoughts.
However, I think that censorship will go much farther than just farming it out to social media. I think you will see legislation meant to drive sites like this one out of business.
There will be licensing requirements, requirements to register as agents of foreign powers, registration fees, access fees and much more.
And if all that doesn’t work – criminal prosecutions.
Yes, I am aware of the First Amendment. But look at the Fourth Amendment (prohibition against unlawful searches and seizures). The Fourth Amendment is a dead letter. Every email, text message, phone call, web post that you and I make is intercepted, categorized and logged in for future use.
And I am sure the spying goes much, much deeper than that. Heck, the so-called Patriot Act allows the government to subpoena information about you without even telling you. The government can break into your home while you’re away and never own up to it.
The Fourth Amendment has been de facto repealed. Just who stood up against that.
No one.
Why would anyone expect that the First Amendment will do any better.
It won’t.
Enjoy sites like this while you can, because they won’t be around for long.
The strange occurrance about things and people like this, is they only go after subjects and peoples whom are different than their own prescribed solution to problems.
If one was to expose the weaknesses and injustices of the system, it would go unreported as the same people choosing to search your home for national security purposes, are also interested in protecting their right and ability to do so.
One thing we should never underestimate is the guile of the elites to “change everything so that everything remains the same” and their power to enforce illusions. A case in point is censorship imposed through “private” companies. It is amazing that in a society as litigious as the US no one – no private citizen, no lawyer, no class – has challenged the propriety of private service providers taking over the power to fact-check and de-platform dissenting voices. In an age in which the internet is to free speech what the printing press was fifty years ago, control over free speech by three-four private companies is simply monstrous. Yet the average American, in thrall to ‘free enterprise’ and ‘rights of businesses’, lacks the mental clarity to see the reality behind ‘free enterprise’. I am not a lawyer and don’t know the intricacies of anti-Trust and anti-monopoly legislation, nor of the legislation applying to the licensing and conduct of telecommunications and airwaves, but commonsense tells me that what is happening is misuse of business enterprise to kill free speech.
Taking away guns will be even easier, as the Saker explains. And a little thought shows that dissent will be abolished in America not by taking away the dissenters’ lives but by taking away their livelihood. End result is the same – no dissent – but the right of businesses to hire and fire is sacred to the American mind, so this taking away of dissenters’ livelihood will also come to pass.
Even if the Supreme Court finds for Trump, some skullduggery will be deployed to bypass the judgment. To begin with, the judgment will be suppressed in all media. Whatever little will be reported will be falsehood, turning the judgment around on its head. Screaming headlines and 24/7 TV ‘analysis’ will report that the Supreme Court ruling does not prevent Biden from assuming office. The top brass in the military machine will instruct their juniors that the election result has been held to be valid. It will be easy to misreport the judgment because judgments are not simply-worded Yes or No statements, they are verbose and complex. By cherry-picking excerpts and parts from the judgment, the whole meaning can be turned around on its head. Think they won’t try to do that? Well if they do, then what?
What lies ahead is certainly a very diminished Presidency, whether Biden’s or Trump’s. And if the lid does not stay shut, God only knows what horrors will be employed to keep it shut. A worrying time indeed!
Trump has pardoned Flynn.
Reserves in the far rear have moved to the front. And WILL kick Deep State Ass.
Defeatists will soon be extremely embarrassed. Actually they should have been embarrassed years ago.
Still time (but not much) to abandon them, rather than All Hope……With “Gusto”.
The Internet has been around for a generation now and it has taken you know who that whole generation to almost gain control of it.
I have wondered if this may have provided sufficient time for the education of a sufficient number of souls to make the difference when the time came.
I’m starting to believe that maybe it was enough time.
I can hear the doubt now in the voices of people who have hitherto thought of me as a conspiracy theory nutcase.
Perhaps the time the good people here have invested into their (re)education and the efforts we have made to share our knowledge with friends and family is going to pay off.
It’s time to take your country back America!
God, I hope Trump is the real McCoy and there are enough of you to support him.
You make some fair points. However regarding your first point, the private corporate liberal social media owes nothing to conservatives. Why should conservatives expect to be given a fair shake? Why don’t they quit playing in the liberal sandbox, pick up their marbles, go home and start their own social media? After all there is supposedly a potential customer base of at least 70 million. The driver of social media has always been the power of the network effect. Well here is where this breaks down – networks can spilt up or fall apart, the network effect isn’t some all-powerful ‘one ring to rule them all’.
Can you imagine how enraged MSM would be? How weak and pathetic liberals would be abandoned in their own echo chamber? And how damaging financially it would be to liberal social media companies to see their membership cut in half?
I’m amazed it hasn’t already happened. It’s not like Facebook or Twitter use any cutting edge technology. Direct competition has always been a part of the corporate landscape. Coke had Pepsi. Ford had GM and Chrysler. Facebook has…? Twitter vs…?
If conservatives are serious about taking their country back then what are they waiting for? I’m tired of hearing them bellyaching about being censored on someone else’s platform. Make their own!!
Riddle me this: who owns msn networks?
Yes I agree with your point. Never understood why the NRA doesn’t start its own YouTube styled platform. With regards to revolution….. I propose a small tactical event over the span of 10-14 days. There is really only about 5k people that need to meet their maker. BLM will implode without their financiers and enablers, ditto for Antifa.
I believe that is happening conservatives are leaving facebbok in droves and going to GAB… but I see this move just creating echo chambers.. and further insulating and dividing citizens against each other
“It is amazing that in a society as litigious as the US no one – no private citizen, no lawyer, no class – has challenged the propriety of private service providers taking over the power to fact-check and de-platform dissenting voices.”
It’s comin’:
Top German Trial Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Those Responsible for Corona Scandal and Lockdowns Must be Criminally Prosecuted (VIDEO)
Additional videos on rumble:
thanks for commentary Saker – you seem to be able to articulate what is in the heart of your readers as logic
Let’s keep it simple.
Trump managed to win against all odds in 2016.
After having experienced first hand his enemies treachery for years, he will also manage to pull this one against all odds.
Should he fail to succeed, all would break loose in the USA, as many Americans will never accept to lose their freedoms without a fight.
I think Trump has the means to succeed and will use it, even if it means triggering emergency powers and the arrest of many deep state actors
The stakes are too high.
The Deep State has an ace in the hole in the form of Pence and assassination has been their fall-back before in US history. Avoid large partisan gatherings around Jan 20th or, if you must, go very well prepared for the unexpected and the violent.
As for mid-East? The Israelis have always wanted Syria ( Golan Heights for sure) and any effective incursion into Syria would confront Russia which Biden and his Buddies want. War with Russia…? No but skating on the edge to blame Trump followed by a “peace” conference draw back after what they might view as a “dust-up” is very possible. Look what Aliyev just got away with, although there was some legality to what he did end up with i.e. disputed territory under International Law.
It is too bad that they view Putin’s forbearance and reasonableness as weakness to be exploited.
I live in England, but am totally convinced The US Election was bent.
I found the evidence overwhelming, but even not really caring about the result, I have witnessed this before – well I wasn’t there – but I watched the count live very closely cos I believe in Democracy, and I am objective, which side wins, so long as they play reasonably fair. I witnessed the count of The Scottish Referendum, as close as I could.
My wife and I were Married in Scotland..We are both English but didn’t tell anyone. We ran off to Gretna Green to get Married, cos we wanted to have kids – and we did. We were living in London at the time and still are nearly 40 years later.
I am getting a bit worried about Off-Guardian, cos its one on my favourite websites in The UK…but they won’t post this…All I am trying to do is welcome them back with their Server Upgrade. I know about these things.
Well it seems I am still on The Naughty boys list at OFF GUARDIAN
Their regulars get published immediately, whilst very few of my contributions ever get published at all like this.
Maybe Dungroanin is right, and they are all on the same team, which doesn’t include me..and only him about 3 days later if at all..
What’s wrong with this? I am merely welcoming OFF-G Back. They’ve just upgraded their server. These things can take time.
Good to see You Guys Back
I have no personal evidence of this, except what my son claimed he had witnessed this morning. Its probably on my security webcam, but I believe him.
He does have a lot of stuff delivered here, and he claimed, even before he witnessed it…
I am not saying which delivery company it was, but he thinks the drivers are recruited..over The Christmas period…
and they work together to the same schedule…
one drops the Christmas Present unsecured, in the porch of your fromt door…with most of them is – well they take a photograph to prove that they have delivered
of the parcel and your front door, and often they don’t knock – like the reverse of knock a door runaway, when we were being naughty coming home from school when we were 7…
>10 minutes later, this guy is walking down our drive, whilst my kid is playing with his kids in the front room. He is half way towards collecting what he thinks will soon be his Christmas Present, and he makes Eye Contact with My Son.
He decides not to go any further…turns around does 180 degrees, and casually walks down the road to his next Am@zin victim.
There is not a lot of point in phoning the Police. They are far too busy checking people like me, to see if I am wearing a mask. I kind of look at them, and they see my walking stick, and do not speak to me..They ask my wife…Is He Exempt?
“We guessed he was”
Never had a problem with ebay. (well I have, but it normally gets resolved very quickly most of the people who sell stuff on ebay are small independents, and they want the best reputation, and they use lots of different independent companies to deliver and the vast majority of them are completely honest including The Royal Mail.”
Apologies for My Oldham Working Class Accent
I just want to see fair play.
Still have my Zenith Camera and Enlarger from The Ukraine when I was 15..
I started in Black and White, and then I moved to Colour using Italian Positive Ferrania Film when I was 16 in 1969.
Stil got it.
I really liked The Russian Stuff.
I couldn’t afford The German’s or The Japanese stuff until after My Apprenticeship
and they paid me money for petrol in my motorbike when i was 16, before I went to College and University.
Glad I was born then.
You could actually walk down the street and smile at a pretty girl
Not so easy now, they are all wearing masks
I haven’t got one.
But I do believe in Free Speech, especially, if I completely disagree with you.
Just let me speak. It’s O.K, to disagree. Then we have got something to talk about.
I’m 67 but still feel 17
Thanks, my Mum let me borrow hers. I am a big fan of 120 film..So much more definition, and the plates too. Some of the earliest photography I have seen – the Definition is Completely Amazing. some of it is in our local museum, close to where we live in our village in London. Its still very pretty, and we love living here. Our kids were born in London as was my Mum.
My wife and I come from Lancashire and talk Lancashire. No one seems to mind. Everyone knows I am completely harmless. My wife does these Rock Fit Chick, Yoga and Pilatese Classes – sometimes on Zoom, when I am trying to get the sound working..I did have my Dressing Gown on. I didn’t know they could see me too. I had just got up on a Friday morning. The teacher cut our link. She hasn’t been back since. My wife thought that was rude – and she loves Yoga, Meditation and Dance.
I’ve not tried Yoga yet, but probably should
I would be too embarrassed. I can’t just turn up at the Yoga Class – a big fat old bloke surrounded by all these young mostly over 60 nymphs looking 25.
But I will dance with them down the pub again, if they ever reopen – and there is always our back garden.
Life will go on for the over 70’s
Not sure about the rest of you
‘over 60 nymphs, looking 25’, those damn yoga pants took a relaxing calming experience and turned it into over stimulation………….I hear ya mate…………well, at our age, maybe it’s a good thing.
Cheeres, M
Sorry I was unable to follow much of this.
Saker – you are right about too many variables to call this wrestling match. However, attacking Iran is definitely not going to happen. It did not happen in 1979 or even after Saddam whored himself out to the zionists to weaken Iran. Trump is all talk to Bibi when it comes to doing his dirty work that is why the zionazis want the Biden avatar. Regardless Iran is the ever present – the ever necessary threat that keeps the entity alive.
What I do see instead is a slow reveal. The Trump GOP has lawyer-up and are rolling a convoy. Unlike the DP talking heads – the Trump brigades are focused and know that this will be a long fight.
Rudy’s Gettysburg Address – the deconstruction of the US duopoly has begun.
The DP will never be able to come back from this. No amount of Office of the President Elect signs save Banana-Joe. The US is not split between the DP and RP – the Biden vote is entirely a fraud. Millions now realize that they do not matter – disposable and deplorable. Like Snake Plissken said “President of what?”
Comparing Trump’s murder of General Soleimani to the murder of Archduke Ferdinand is not an exaggeration, Dan. The man was a war hero to Iranians, Syrians, Iraqis, and even Russians (see: the rescue of Russian pilot, Captain Murahtin after Erdogan’s Turkey shot down his Su-24 in 2015). The goal, like with Ferdinand leading to World War 1, was to escalate a major war with Iran.
But what would Trump and the other bankster pawns tell Americans to justify this? “Iran gave dozens of American troops bad headaches”? “Iran shot down a Ukrainian airliner, killing mostly Iranians and Canadians”? Do those sound like PNAC “new Pearl Harbor” material? And if dozens of American troops were actually killed, would Trump and his handlers remain “all talk”?
Trump may be helping “redpill” people, like the Saker said, but…
[SPOILERS for The Matrix movies] … redpills are a trap set by the Machines to remove dissidents from the Matrix, only to have the One betray them and get them massacred all at once.
Perhaps Trump will reject this system of control like Neo does in the movies, yet what should we think “Bone Spurs” is probably going to do?
Did you watch the interview President Trump gave at the day General Soleimani was murdered? He was relaxed among journalists until, suddenly, one of them asked him about the General Soleimani murder…
President Trump got petrified. He did not move, he did not speak for a few seconds… It was like if he had just received the news.
Today, after reading many articles about the way the Pentagon, with its staggering size, works, and how the many groups/institutions inside it operate – that is, in a quite independent way, ignoring or even reversing the orders from the president –, I wonder if the murder of General Soleimani was an order that came from somewhere else, such as, perhaps, Esper himself, as he was the first to be fired by President Trump after the explosive FRAUD of the demonrats in the elections.
Only hard evidence would convince me that I am wrong; do you have any? If you look at the four years of President Trump administration, the murder of General Soleimani seems unusual. The lack of reaction form the Pentagon after the Iranian retaliation in Iraq is also suspicious. President Trump could not accuse the Pentagon of acting independently without getting in more trouble than he was already. But, perhaps, one day the truth will come out about what really happened.
A very intriguing theory.
For certain we mostly only see shadows.
Add to that the possibility that as one of the first Green Berets into Afghanistan, General Miller may have actually fought along side of him.
Exactly! This is another indication that hte killing of General Soleimani was not exactly how we have been told…
Actually, Zil, the Trump admin. one-upped the Obama admin. with a Tomahawk missile strike on Syria its first four months in office. Isn’t one-upping Obama again by murdering Soleimani in keeping with this pattern? And in case anyone claims the strikes were insignificant…
“The Ash Sha’irat airfield played an important role in providing air support to Syrian troops combating terrorists on the ground. ISIS terrorists already took an upper hand on this situation and launched an attack against government forces near the important town of Al-Furqalas in Homs province.”
~ “Syrian War Report: US Launched Tomahawk Cruise Missiles At Military Airfield In Homs,” South Front
And what exactly was suspicious about the “lack of reaction form the Pentagon after the Iranian retaliation in Iraq”? Since the “Assad gassed people” story failed in 2013, a major problem for the banksters has been creating a convincing casus belli for regular Americans, the people really going to the front. Is the “Iran gave our boys migraines” story convincing? Would you fight and die over that?
Maybe Trump is just a hostage of the Pentagram and other banker gangsters. Assad said something similar: “American presidents… are hostages to their lobbies, to the mainstream media, to the huge corporations, financial, oil, armaments, etc.” Yet whether Trump is a hostage, a hostage taker, or both, isn’t either role useless to freeing the hostages?
“Yet whether Trump is a hostage, a hostage taker, or both, isn’t either role useless to freeing the hostages?”
Is biden better? I don’t think so… Trump is trying something, that is for sure.
You may have not noticed that I said that I don’t believe that President Trump ordered General Soleimani’s assassination. This kind of crime is not something that stains his character — what other assassinations can be attributed to him?
I repeat: only hard evidence would convince me that I am wrong; do you have any?
Trump justified General Soleimani’s assassination, Zil, and that is a stain on his character. You know that one of, if not the most important factor people look for in their leadership is honesty. For Trump to stop acting like the puppet Assad (a REAL leader fighting the Deep State oligarchy) says he is, Trump would have to backtrack on everything – Soleimani’s murder, the whole anti-Iran narrative, the whole “War on Terror”…
The hole he dug by sticking with the deception is deeper than if he had used that same cunning for sticking with the truth. And no, being as effectively useless at freeing the hostages as Biden is not some kind of consultation, or at least it should not be, not to good leadership.
Trump = red painted bombs falling with MAGA stencilled in white on them.
Bidet = rainbow painted bombs falling with “pussyhats” stencilled in pink on them.
Tremendous difference.
“And yet, because we live in a media-created pseudo-reality in which absolutely crucial things like the rule of law seem to have become secondary to ideological imperatives, no matter how extreme, there are those who simply refuse to see the obvious.”
That may be true when it comes to things that don’t actually influence much their lives, a distant foreign war, a CIA regime change in Timbuktu, but when it affects them directly in their standard of living, their employment situation, their individual liberties, their freedoms and rights, the story is different. I think the problem most analysts and observers from the so called developed world, or Global North, have when analyzing this American crisis is that they lack perspective. They take a rather casual approach to it (“Trump will have the presidency stolen and he’ll have no choice but to walk away quietly. He is doing badly in his legal battle so it’s all settled already”) Such an approach, which I see them taking, disregards the graves consequences for a society of having as leader an illegitimate one. The truth is, electoral fraud, even more when it concerns the highest authority in the land, is an extremely serious business, something that has provoked civil wars and revolutions around the world and the reason why people in the Northern hemisphere haven’t really had to deal with it and its consequences is simply because, for starters, in the whole of U.S.-ruled Europe there isn’t even the need for any electoral fraud, everything has been decided in advance, set on stone even before the first vote has been cast. It is no secret that Western Europe has been under U.S. rule and under military occupation since allied forces raised their flags in their territory in 1944-45 and the few exceptions that managed to survive for a time where dealt with when the occasion came, like what happened with General De Gaulle during the “student revolt” of May 1968. So, Europeans who are alive today have never had to worry about their elections being stolen because their rulers had already taken care of that, they had already made sure that won’t be necessary, every measure to ensure the desired result has been taken even before the first vote has been cast. As a case in point we have Macron getting a 66% landslide vote in an election where Marina Le Pen had been considered a credible contender. She was most likely cheated of victory but who cared. All living Europeans have grown in societies that are provinces of a global empire and deep in their hearts they know that, they know that there is no point in resisting, they just play the game and convince themselves the pretense is for real. And the same has come to be true of Eastern Europe, Russia being the only country where the people is able to actually elect their leaders. And the same (Russian case) is valid in many countries in the global south. As for Americans the story is different also, because they are convinced they live in a free and democratic society, one where they can freely express their voting preference so their elites knew that they had to keep electoral fraud to a minimum so it won’t be too obvious and people accepted that “imperfection”, provided that this fraud didn’t fundamentally affect the outcome. All that was working well until they realized Trump would make mincemeat of their chosen tool in November 2020 so they have to cross that line they had never crossed before. Fraud had to be massive, it was the only way, and so blatant, and the only way to keep it hidden was for Trump to immediately concede, which he didn’t.
Now, concerning the electoral process itself, I don’t know about Africa or Asia, but in South America elections, especially presidential, are taken very seriously which has made them devise electoral systems that are fool/fraud proof. I know of a particular system where every voter has to show an ID card with their picture and each vote has a serial number printed twice, one number is taken apart and kept by the people in the table and the other remains with the vote, and when the voter comes back from the voting cell both numbers must still coincide (to prevent people coming to vote with votes already marked) and not only tallies have to be exact at the end but every serial number in the list has to fit with that in the vote,, etc. Nowadays a presidential election in Bolivia or Ecuador in cleaner and more transparent than anywhere else in the West, because everyone involved knows that, as I said, a government which comes to power by fraud will never be legitimate and will never have peace, the least it will have to expect is social unrest and probably revolution. That is the reality the U.S. “president elect” will have to face during his shaky mandate in case he ever takes office the 20th of January. As I said, contrary to Western Europeans, and Eastern ones since the end of the Cold War, Americans see themselves as a free people, not as subjects of any empire or foreign power, and if half of the population feels they have been cheated and that the man, woman, who moves into the WH is illegitimate, they won’t give them peace or respite. Social disobedience and resistance will become the American way of life and they will become wider and stronger as State repression toughens.Chaos will prevail and he country will become impossible to govern. It won’t be a pretty sight. That is what I think most Western observers, by that I mean those from the global North, fail to realize, because they have never had to face it in their own lives and their own societies, the reaction of dozens of millions of people who think they are free when their government is toppled by an illegal coup disguised as a presidential election.
This was interesting from you, Gato: You said that in much of European elections, “their rulers had already taken care of that.” This is not something unique to the Federal Reserve Act US phase of the Bankster Empire. As Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in “Democracy in America,” and he said this almost 200 years ago, “The means which the associations of Europe employ… to act, and not to debate, to fight rather than to persuade… assumes the habits and the maxims of military life. They centralize the direction of their resources as much as possible, and they intrust the power of the whole party to a very small number of leaders.”
The plutocrats of the “imperial homeland” have basically recolonized the US, so why would our “ensure the desired result… before the first vote” mechanisms be much different? Bush v. Gore, Citizens United v. FEC, Bernie in the 2016 and 2020 primaries, etc. have made this even more obvious. Most of us simply glance over it, even those of us “awake.” I mean, how many people do you know acknowledge that if the banksters were firmly against Trump being president, the Repubs would have done to him what happened to Bernie, Ron Paul, all third-party candidates, etc., and it would be business-as-usual?
Russiagate was the banksters intentionally trying to make this obvious, just by blaming Russia for Trump “winning.” Why can’t this attempt to blame mail-in vote fraud (and Venezuela, China, or whoever else the banksters want targeted) for Biden “winning” also be intentional?
The hatred against Trump is real, there is nothing staged about him and the reason is very simple: this is a man they can’t control, they got nothing on him so they can”t blackmail him and force him to do their biding. No foreign invasions during the last four years, no foreign wars, no hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed or maimed, no millions of people made war refugees because of some humanitarian intervention from Washington as a gift to military contractors and military men in want of a promotion and a few more medals in their chests.To all that people Trump has given much of what they want, yes, but he has deprived them of the real thing, some little war in some ME country. No, they know him and he knows them, he had even confessed that the top brass hate him because he hasn’t given them the wars they want. And for that the world is grateful to him and hope he stays there for the next four years. And me too. I repeat, this is no show, they let him in by mistake in 2016 and now they can’t get rid of him, he will win this battle, i have been saying than from the very night of Nov. 03; he’ll come back stronger than ever and “President Elect Biden” will become the running American joke for generations to come. Mark my words.
in some places in europe the elections might be rather transparent as well- i can speak for greece here as an example: elections are by paper ballot, one must show id and ones name is checked off the list of eligible voters, all out in plain view of anyone who cares to observe. nobody can be removed from observing. the actual ballot is a piece of paper with the name(s) of candidates one votes for and depending on what kind of election it is (local, parliamentary, etc) one has X number of crosses to mark by candidates one votes for. That then goes into an envelope, sealed, which was stamped, and not likely to be prepared in advance from somewhere, and that, the voter himself puts into the ballot box. Opening, validation, and counting is also done publicly with observers able to inspect the process. However, there’s one important catch: the rulers of greece dont really care who wins an ‘election’ because they have total control over who is even allowed to ever be a candidate. They own all the horses in the race, and they allow some total fringe parties or candidates to exist, just so long as they are only really there to give an impression of variety. There are always half a dozen seats in parliament that go to some fringe parties, and they have absolutely zero impact on business as usual. If they know what’s good for them they just take their seats and are silent for their term in office and their compensation is a comfortable pension. Like elections in the ussr, they only really existed to paint a color of legitimacy onto an oligarchy or tyranny. i imagine a lot of europe is like that.
The problem with highly indebted nations, as Greece is now and also some Latin American nations, especially Argentina, is that the World Bank, the IMF and, in the case of European nations, Berlin and the Deutsche Bank, will make sure that no matter who is elected to office, how honest and transparent the new elected may be, they will always have to yield under heavy pressure and implement at least some of the stringent anti-social measures included in their usurer “rescue plans”. Fortunately for Latin America at least, the continent is slowly breaking its chains tying them to these rapacious Washington-controlled institutions.
Fair points, Anon. And that’s not even including the core of how the banker gangsters operate: Violence. Most people do not knowingly volunteer into serfdom and slavery, so they have to be bullied and forced into it.
Remember back when Tsipras was first made prime minister of Greece? He was commenting on the banksters’ “blackmail” for months and how he would not bend to it.
Eventually he bent to it and accepted the banksters’ terms of extortion. The Greek people’s successful referendum against austerity amounted to nothing. Some people, myself included, hoped that the Greek parliament would vote against the terms, but on the day of the first bailout vote, something curious happened.
Erdogan’s Turkey, which is currently helping the banksters’ wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh, etc., just happened to send fighter craft into Greek airspace. Later that day, the parliament also accepted the bailout terms.
Oh, BTW, a point I forgot to make and that I think is very important in the context of this exchange, I am not by any means an expert in U.S. law or Constitutionality but I remember something I heard once from a scholar who actually was. He said that the President of the U.S. has only independence, or autonomy or total control if you wish, in TWO FIELDS. In all other fields he has to work with or seek the approval of others, that usually being Congress. One of those two fields I think it was Immigration but the one I remember well was Foreign Relations. So, for the people who keeps asking, if he is not part of the swamp, why hasn’t he done much about it…? here is a short answer. He can’t just do it alone, he needs allies, collaborators, people willing to move things in his favor in government, The best proof of how limited the president is in his work was given precisely, and very appropriate to remember now, the destruction of a man he had chosen to be one of his main collaborators, Gen. Flynn only a week after he had taken office. Frankly, I don’t know of any other nation in the world where the Chief of State or PM has to work with so many constraints and limitations to his work. In Canada for example, the Chief of a Party is something of a little dictator. You are a MP for his or her Party and if he/she tells you “In this vote you have to be on my side” and you vote against him you are kicked out of the Party. You are free to vote as you wish, or as your constituency wish, only when he/she tells you so. Of course the PM doesn’t have to consult anyone for his nominations, except for one or two I that don’t remember now. Considering all this, we may even say that Trump really fulfilled his main promise because, within the limitations of his post, he actually did was the world and US voters were expecting of him, he stopped the everlasting cycle of war after war the U.S. has been engaged in since WW2.
If “Big Fan of Israel” Trump could not be controlled, the banksters never would have made him president. Besides, Gato, what’s your working theory? A real war against the Bankster Empire was going to be led by “Bone Spurs”? If anything, his reality TV and pro wrestling background speak to faking reality.
The Saker had it right: “Trump is still very much Israel’s prostitute.” You say there were “no foreign invasions” under Trump, yet what does that have to do with Trump? His provocations were worse than Obama’s. Obama’s anti-China TPP? Trump stepped that up via tariffs and sanctions into a “trade war.” Obama shipping the THAAD missile system into Korea? Trump had THAAD activated. Obama radicalizing Chinese Uighurs into joining terrorist groups? Trump demonized China for doing something about it, and the Turkistan Islamic Party was removed from the “official” terrorist list a few weeks ago. Obama tolerating General Soleimani fighting the “moderate” terrorists? Trump had Soleimani murdered.
After the “Assad gassed people” story fell apart in 2013, the Obama administration’s warmongering petered out. The banksters wanted enough angry, American troops to turn Syria into Iraq, but the counter-propaganda was too effective. Would you credit that win to Obama? Then why credit later wins against warmongering to Trump?
You say that when it comes to enacting good policies, “[Trump] can’t just do it alone,” yet isn’t Trump being unable or unwilling to rally “allies, collaborators, people willing to move things in his favor in government” proof of how controllable he was always going to be?
Most acts of aggression you mentioned came from the Pentagon, independent from President Trump order, agreement, or even knowledge.
If “Big Fan of Israel” Trump could not be controlled, the banksters never would have made him president.
Only four words to answer to you: John Kennedy, Richard Nixon. And what the heck, while at it we could add another two: Abraham Lincoln. Why did the powers that be saw the need to get rid of these three men AFTER HAVING ALLOWED THEM TO BECOME HOLDERS OF THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE LAND…? They should have never come that far, as they weren’t obviously under their control…! In the real world nothing is perfect, world elites have their fails too, despite what many believe, Israel is not God either, despite what many think, and it comes from time to time that someone slips through the cracks and then they have to deal with the intruder. In any case, four years without any foreign wars, the first U.S. president to achieve that since James Carter is all I need as argument.
And BTW,. provocations don’t kill thousands of innocent civilians, don’t ruin millions of lives or make refugees of entire nations. What they usually do is to P.O. some foreign government and at most cost them some hardware and some military personnel. You seem to ignore that every U.S. president lives his mandate(s) under constant pressure from the Deep State, the MIC, to start some war somewhere against some generic country and that those provocations by the Trump administration were the result of him giving something, a little bone to lick, to the MIC instead of the big war they were asking for. I guess you’d do better in that position, having every day, all the time, very powerful people, civilians or military, pestering you with the demand to bomb some country back to the Stone Age and invading it.
Lincoln was elected before the Federal Reserve Act. Kennedy and Nixon were elected before the mainstream media oligopoly. The failures happened for a reason, and ignoring reasons gets us in all sorts of trouble. Again, Gato: If the banksters simply had their media megacorporations ignore Trump, how could he have won, not in 1860 or 1960, but in 2016?
And “a little bone to lick”? General Soleimani was a war hero! Not just to Iranians, Syrians, and Iraqis, but even to some Russians. Just look up the Russian pilot Captain Murahtin. When Erdogan’s Turkey shot down his Su-24 in 2015 and he was captured by terrorists, the Russians failed to rescue him and lost a soldier and helicopter in the process. It was Soleimani who led the successful mission to get Captain Murahtin to safety. You may as well call murdering Archduke Ferdinand “a little bone.” The main difference between now and World War 1 is that information and hybrid warfare are more viable options to retaliate with, plus there is deeper understand of how dangerous the banskters are when their provocations are responded to how they want.
Say Iran did not show restraint (which had nothing to do with Trump) and instead of giving dozens of American troops headaches, Iran put them in body bags: Why do you think Trump would not “start some war somewhere”?
“what has been revealed by this election will have to agree that this election was stolen, rigged, falsified”
what evidence is there?
Spend some time looking around, do some research
1. Lots and lots — thousands — of eyewitness accounts
2. Numerous improbabilities
3 Statistical analysis
4 Computer geek testimonies
I think for most of the world it makes little difference which criminal confabulating geriatric warmongers puppet sits on the Oval Orifice.
Yet the stakes are so very high, we are not looking at the next four but 8 or 12 or forever..
MAGA as a movement is not going away so all the pacs behind the throne will make damn sure that no one of any potency will rise to lead it.
If Harris et al get in then kiss all your amendments goodbye.
Regarding a farewell present to Bibi, Iran is too big to throw against the wall – but Lebanon is not.
Yes Hezbo but whilst they might be able to fend off the National Zionists, this is just the sort of thing a carrier group can try, to create another Libya.
We in the flyover zone, the deplorables, are keenly and anxiously watching the events unfold. We have reached into our attic to retrieve our last uniform, only to find that it does not fit. We look at our children and grand children and wife and realize that we have somehow failed to protect them from enemys foreign and domestic as we had sworn. We have been chattering about the possibility of a stolen election due to the corrupt MSM and social media. Even Fox has folded. We knew that Gina Haspel and the CIA were good at electronic corruption in electronic ballots.. So we stored ammo for our firearms before the panic would hit. Several trillion rounds. We worked hard to get out the vote only to see the fix was in. Then Sidney Powell pointed out that we are at a point as in 1775.So we have the plan to become the ungovernables until the deep state tries to provoke a revolution to implement Martial law. At that point the motto on the Gadsen flag becomes our focus. Don’t tread on me” and the New Hampshire motto, “Live Free or Die”. FBI Director Christopher Wray claimed that the armed right wing was the greatest danger to the USA, not Antifa.He knew that the fix was in. If the Posse Comittas act is ignored and the military is called out, we know all the weaknesses of the equipment and command. We the PEOPLE will prevail as light shines on darkness. We will take our country back.
El poderío militar americano es un bluff. Jamás iniciaron una guerra contra un enemigo medianamente poderoso y su participación en las guerras mundiales fue tardía y ventajista. Si no se han atrevido con Cuba, ni con Corea, ni con Venezuela aún menos se atreverán con Irán pues aunque la cordura no sea lo más prevaleciente en Israel tampoco están tan locos como para desear suicidarse así que toda la chatarra flotante de su poderosa armada en realidad sirve para pasear la bandera y poco más como pudieron comprobar recientemente los petroleros iraníes que la atravesaron para abastecer a Venezuela. En el siglo XXI se libran batallas de ideas y en este campo Occidente parece estar completamente desarmado.
Google translation,MOD:
American military might is a bluff. They never started a war against a moderately powerful enemy and their participation in the world wars was late and advantageous. If they have not dared with Cuba, nor with Korea, nor with Venezuela, even less will they dare with Iran because although sanity is not the most prevalent in Israel they are not so crazy as to wish to commit suicide, so all the floating scrap of their powerful army in fact, it is used to fly the flag and little else, as the Iranian tankers who crossed it to supply Venezuela were recently able to verify. In the 21st century, battles of ideas are fought and in this field the West seems to be completely disarmed.
Frasco, you said: In the 21st century, battles of ideas are fought and in this field the West seems to be completely disarmed.
This is true so far; but won’t continue if Internet censorship, which has been our media, is not barred now, or if other media, independent, is created by us. One more generation and the brains will have all been washed….
Perhaps it will not take that long, judging by the effective acts of censorship globally so far, not to mention those closer to home, cough…
Dark Journalist has a very interesting discussion about Trump executing JFK National Security Action Memorandum 57 (NSAM 57) designed to bypass the CIA a few days ago. As a result, the Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller issued his order that Special Operations (CIA) now must report directly to him. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOqeG6lE8II&t=54s
So, no more CIA interventions abroad without Pentagon’s approval, right?
On the other side of the fence, the LaRouche organisation is strongly opposing the coup. They have produced a very interesting article which explains how the fraud was perpetrated:
Kirk Wiebe and Helga Zepp-LaRouche: “The 2020 Election—An Intelligence War with High Stakes for the World
Vote Fraud and Intelligence Warfare”
To quote from your link :
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: I was the most shocked last week, when I watched some of the U.S. major TV stations, when Trump gave a press conference, and you could see how the heads of some of the TV stations interrupted the President of the United States by saying, “We don’t agree with what he’s saying; he is now putting forward fake news, and therefore we overrule the speech of the President of the United States.” And that came from several TV stations! This is a scandal so big, that if it had happened in any kind of banana republic, it would be an outrage, because it would still be a violation of the sovereignty of that country. But that this is happening to supposedly the most powerful man in the most powerful country on the planet, I think that fact alone should wake people up, that what we are looking at here is dictatorship: It’s the danger of complete loss of freedom.
I find it equally revealing, that immediately after Biden was declared by the media to be the winner—not by the Electoral College, but by the media—all the Atlanticists in Europe and elsewhere, said, “Oh, let us immediately congratulate Biden. It’s so good that the whole old system is back.” This was the view of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and German Bundestag President Norbert Röttgen, all dyed-in-the-wool Atlanticists
The mask has slipped. The event so of this summer (BLM/police), the Covid, and the elections has shown conclusively that the powers no longer need appeal to any form of legitimacy, be it truth, democracy, or reality.
Look for them to consolidate their power over the media exponentially in short order.
Despondent citizens will not be able to get together or launch any kind of appeal.
Economically, things will get desperate, and people will be crying out for salvation from the tyranny.
The tyranny will not be forcing their will by mandates/violence; people in society will be enforcing it all on each other [!]
The election rigging contest is going nowhere. The officialdom in charge will always side with reinforcing the institutions, no matter how pathetic their claims.
I suspect this is wishful thinking on Saker’s part
I predicted Trump would win – and if it wasnt for COVID he would have. The unemployment rate was down to 3 point something percent, the stockmarket up to 28,000 points, the economy was going gangbusters – at least in the middle-ranking cities as evidenced by the the no. of construction sites and cranes on city skylines
Today in his WH email Trump announces that the cocktail Regeneron is being rolled out. If you noticed how he talked up that drug after his ‘recovery’ – mentioning Regeneron *three times – he was clearly on ‘the hard sell’
Given BIG Pharma is now lining up to cash in on COVID – first there was Gilead with Remdesivr (Rumsfeld was former Chair of its board) then Pfizer, Moderna and now the biotech company Regeneron, headquartered in New York (the state that Trump hails from) & cofounded by jew Leonard S. Schleifer, also its CEO, and given Trump’s *proven mob connections and that he’s 74 he’s still young enough to spend his $billions – I’d say he’s agreed to the golden handshake – and will take the money and run!
Given US political history, if Wendell Willkie was selected as the 1940 Republican nominee for President so there could be *no alternative to US interventionism in WWII and given how Henry Wallace was shafted at the Democratic National Convention in favor of Truman – that is both parties do it – why on earth would we expect that there would be *anything above board 70 – 80 years later?
Its only gotten worse – and the Deep State is well and truly even more firmly entrenched
Think of the 71,000,000 poor suckers who believed that Trump was “an outsider” and that he would keep to his campaign promise of “draining the swamp” – when he didnt even build a wall – and then had the unmitigated gall to use the Dems / the NYTimes, WaPo and every dog and its tennis ball as a cover – not to do this – and not to do that!
But as its said: ‘its easier to fool people than convince them that they’ve been fooled’ – Mark Twain
tRump has succeeded with MAEGA.
Make American Egos Great Again.
@ Littlejohn
Yes. My observation too.
The election will be overturned by the Supreme Court and after some delay will be redone under strict guidelines. The Court cannot allow the process (Dominion, Smartmatic, mail in ballot fraud, etc.) to substitute for the electorate which is what was done here. Were it allowed to do so there can be no Constitutional Republic. That is as unconstitutional as it gets. The Court also has an additional incentive as the Democrats have promised to pack the Court to irrelevancy.
Trump and AG Barr activated the reinstatement of firing squads and electrocution of federal criminals/traitors. They would not be doing this on their way out to be used against them.
I don’t think he will attack Iran as I think he knows he was used by the Israelis. Old saying is that if you can’t take care of your own house don’t try to tell someone else how to take care of theirs. Also the new Defense Secretary said the wars must stop.
Once the events to stay in office are in motion the military will take over the news outlets. This is the Defense Secretary greatest strength “to turn the minds of the people.” Who is going to argue with the military? There will be no more fake news. Traitors will be named and taken into custody. As I understand it the AG office has all the bank wires concerning Biden and Ukraine. Biden will surrender into federal custody.
The million man army who are set to distribute the vaccine that nobody wants will be used to put down any riots that may spring up across the country.
Happy Thanksgiving to all American patriots.
Weee… Really? That easy? I hope you are right. President Trump is indeed a courageous guy, so everything is possible.
the demons that run dominion are on the run…. their main offices in Toronto and Denver are closed…. they skipped a court hearing in Pennsylvania on Nov 19… see hear the rest
If the US attacks Iran it won’t be on Trump’s orders, because Trump and his new SOD issued a demand to the Pentagon to halt all perpetual wars and a full retreat from the middle east.
The attack on Solaimani was Trump’s 3d chess to push the Pentagon into a corner amd force them to retreat from the middle east, unfortunately Trump does not have control over the military.
The one thing not on Trump’s side is time. Given the scale of the fraud and the vote rigging it will take months before things are settled in court.
The evidence needs to be collected, presented and evaluated. This will take months. SCOTUS may (if the Deep State doesn’t get to them first) eventually rule in Trump’s favour but by then Biden will be president. I really can’t see Biden & Co packing their bags and leaving 6 months, a year into his presidency.
Not going to happen without a massive fight, literally!
Trump’s team know that it will take time in the court.
What they have to do is to show enough fraud evidence so that the mostly republican states legislators in th swing states cannot reasonably pick some electors in December.
Giuliani et Powell should manage to do that, if you take into account that anybody picking electors despite the obvious fraud might be trialed should Trump prevail by using another path (do not forget this: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/09/14/2018-20203/imposing-certain-sanctions-in-the-event-of-foreign-interference-in-a-united-states-election ).
And if some state legislators do not pick electors, then the next president would be elected by the states themselves, 30 of which are republican.
The lawsuit filed in Georgia
Plaintiffs. v.
BRIAN KEMP, in his official capacity as Governor of Georgia, BRAD RAFFENSPERGER, in his official capacity as Secretary of State and Chair of the Georgia State Election Board, DAVID J. WORLEY, in his official capacity as a member of the Georgia State Election Board, REBECCA N.SULLIVAN, in her official capacity as a member of the Georgia State Election Board, MATTHEW MASHBURN, in his official capacity as a member of the Georgia State Election Board, and ANH LE, in her official capacity as a member of the Georgia State Election Board,
It’s long but very interesting as it e poses what fraud took place in Georgia and how.
This is what Biden has in store for you.
I prefer the term, ‘Democracy with American characteristics.’
I cannot understand why any sane person would believe anything coming from Donald Trump or any of his hangers-on. Trump is a phony. He is an ego-driven conman who fooled many Americans with his nationalist MAGA nonsense. In the real world, he is seen as a crass buffoon and a laughing stock by right thinking people.
To those who claim the elections were rigged in Biden’s favor, where is the compelling evidence to back up these assertions? The truth is, Trump won in 2016 because he was perceived as an outsider who was against the system. He cleverly capitalised on the anxieties, fear and grudges of some Americans to get himself into the White House. Afterwards, it became apparent to all but the most deluded that he did not have the intellect, temperament or vision to be president. He could not appeal to people outside his core base of support.
Basically in 2016, he won because he was Trump and in 2020, he lost because he was Trump.
The quality of the U.S. citizen has been dropping like a bomb for over 30 years, I think that is what you are witnessing.
Blind sheep being lead to slaughter.
More like 50 years – due to the CIA bringing in drugs is one big cause.
Most of the Democrat leaders and their supporters are drug addicts of one type or another no wonder they are crazy.
And letting in too many immigrants too fast and where the old melting pot hasnt worked.
Plus leftists in the education system.
And the media feeding them a stream of rubbish for the past 30 years too (as TV programs unlike the pre 1990 period).
Things can only fall apart under those conditions.
In Russia its gone the opposite direction. No wonder they are miles ahead.
When I think of it, the decline began when that Simpsons TV cartoon series started but it may even go back to Seasame Street. They put kids into a vegetable mindset.
Then youve had all the rest since – including the reality TV shows and even most talk shows deteriorated badly.
Americas media has been sub-standard to most other countries for a long time and the public there would realize it unless they had seen BBC shows etc….
There is something about the “democratic process” which allows stupid people to participate in the decision making for a nation. What else should one expect?
Nah sorry Bud, Trump romped it in.
Dead right there.
Massive voting fraud nationwide.
It’s off the charts. They’re trying to hard and clearly have jumped the shark.
This is going to be truly epic.
Very interesting. The question now is wheather Trump does do what he can do or wheather he doesn’t do what he could actually do.
the courts in the land of the ‘brave and free’, don’t work, that is why the EXPOTOUS has to pardon the turkey and the general too.The ‘kraken’ lady thrown under the bus by ex 9/11 mayor/attorney is a telltale sign too.SCOTUS can’t overturn this corrupted election ,more than they can save a honest general who gave all to the cause.,smell of a compromise is overbowering as millions are released to PEOTOUS .
Watch out for the western states to nominate ‘sleepy joe’ as their leader, some eastern states may go with orange man but in conjunction with all mid rump states.The western part will be under direct control of ‘harris/hillary’ team and the eastern part under ‘O,44/sleepy joe’ leadership, the rest will stay with the orange saviour.Like the breakup of INDIA into pakistan,bangladesh & india thanks to the white raj, the descendent of the founding fathers of the ‘land of the free and brave’.The the FEDERAL bank will be just happy to bankroll both as long as the $ is the recognised official currency of all three, they will refuse at their own peril.,the intel agencies has been a private corporation with its own source of funds from drug/arm/human trade for too long so, they will go along and help keep the peace among the three as long as EVIL putin is declared the ‘enemy of humanity’,you need an ARCH ENEMY to glue it all togather, COVID 19 health passport will be the only valid passport in this divided land.,this won’t happen the day after tomorrow but soon enough.
Chicken comes home to roost.have a nice thanks giving!
The social contract between a democratic form of government and its’ people requires one citizen, one vote, and a secret ballot openly counted. Even though fraud has occurred in the past through polling the graveyard and gerrymandering there has at least been the illusion of reasonably *fair* elections and *believable* results in the USA. With ‘hanging chads’ the US oligarchy over-reached in the Gore/Bush election but even that was minor compared to the massive evidence of voting fraud in this election.
It is my opinion that this election has ripped the illusion of fair elections and completely exposed the fractured social contract between governed and government. An illusion, once torn, can never be re-instituted.
Extraordinary bad news to share today (but by no mean unexpected):
Biden has nominated Antony Blinken as his Secretary of State. Blinken is an outspoken zionist, a proponent of military interventions, and pretty much an embodiment of a war hawk. The Israelis have already approved of this nomination: https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium.HIGHLIGHT-kushner-israel-tony-j-blinken-biden-secretary-of-state-1.9325077
Most notably, Blinken has criticized Obama admin. for not pursuing a more aggressive policy in Syria.
Another very possible nomination could be Michelle Flournoy as Secretary of Defense.
The way it looks now, Biden admin. will be entirely neocon and looking at this appointment of Blinken, dedicated to war.
In regards to the nonsense about attacking Iran; the white Western judeo Christian mass media, accademia and polity cannot be trusted.
This is nothing new. Really, when was the last time an enemy announced over the megaphone that they are going to start an attack. 😄
The Ziofascists have been airing their wet dreams for over 40 years. I say enough with the babbling. Let us see what you can do.
Just my opinion regarding their possible plan…The iran attack rumor was to be used as part of the grounds to remove Trump immediately after 270 was certified by any means, which was supposed to have happened by now. Id like to think that the right firings/appointments have prevented this. Id also like to think that our military is and has been coordinating with Russia via courriers, unless of course you actually believe the cover stories of fist fights and boat rammings. I do believe they thought that by Thanksgiving that his head would be on a pike in the White House lawn.
Terrific piece. It is important to stress that the recent election was held at a time when American capitalism confronts the largest economic crisis since the Great Depression, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic- with high unemployment and millions of American families faced with financial ruin, eviction from their homes, food insecurity and loss of medical insurance; US government fiscal deficit for 2020 is $3.1 Trillion (CBO estimate). At the same time, Wall St is incapable of surviving without massive infusions of public money- $7 Trillion so far in 2020 from the FED. Prior to the November election, it became increasing clear that Donald Trump would not be invited back for an encore, as the majority of Wall St. campaign contributions (aka bribes) were going to Biden. No doubt, this was because the ruling elite/kleptocracy running the show believe the Biden/Harris team are better equipped to continue looting (i.e., stealing) public money from the Treasury to bail out Wall St., subsidize the Pentagon and ongoing wars, and manage the growing movement of working people demanding economic justice. Judging by Biden’s Cabinet and staff picks, the financial elite should have no worries. As first reported by the WSJ, Biden selected former FED Chair Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary. Yellen is well versed in using public money from the Treasury to benefit the financial elite, and from Wall St’s perspective, an excellent replacement for Steve Mnuchin. Ironically, the very factors keeping the Empire going- continued looting of the Treasury [money printing and debt accumulation] to support Wall St and the Pentagon, are destroying American capitalism. See: The Wall Street Journal Nominates Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: Nov 24, 2020; Link: https://wallstreetonparade.com/2020/11/the-wall-street-journal-nominates-janet-yellen-as-treasury-secretary/
I’m not so sure there were so many “illegal” votes. If the machines were rigged, then the hand counts would have shown the errors. If the actual ballots were really stacked against Trump, then the congressional and senate races would have also been stacked in favor of the Dems’; they were not. I believe the reality is that Trump really did lose. And that at least to me makes sense for Trump simply made too many enemies while in office, and that errodes one’s voter base.
If I were Trump, instead of fighting an already certain election outcome, I’d use my remaining days in office wisely.
(Personnally, I think he is out setting up a scam to scam his remaining true believers.)
What happened during election night, whether statistically or whether circumstantially, cannot be explained rationally.
Also, no recount will show anything if the ballots validity is not checked: they didn’t just change the numbers by using software, they also injected accordingly mountains of fraudulent ballots in some precincts.
What did happen on election nite that cannot be explained rationally? Early on the votes being counted were from direct voting, and returns coming in from smaller rural counties as these votes can be quickly counted. These votes happen to heavily favor Trump. The returns from mail-in ballots, and larger urban counties are counted last, and happen to heavily favor Democrats. Thus in the course of the nite the vote count heavily switched. Very simple.
It happens every year in the State in which I live; Virginia. Early in the evening the vote count almost always favors Republican candidates, and later on in the nite as the votes in Northen Virginia, the counties around D.C. are counted the vote count switches and the State goes blue.
Accept reality folks. There was no outright fraud. Trump lost.
Let’s talk about voter fraud in Virginia, and Northern Virginia in particular. The story begins decades ago when Empire sent its dot.mil death squads into Central America against the poorest and weakest countries to assassinate reform leaders and murder their followers and collaterals. The survivors, mainly mothers with children, were invited into Northern Virginia to cook, clean toilets, and to tend the politico-techno-elite plantations from Middleburg to Great Falls. The Central American men became laborers that built the infrastructure of the Nomenclature – data centers, McMansions, billion-dollar high schools. They were under-trained, overworked, underpaid, but pressed on dutifully and honorably, however, always in fear that, should they complain or fail to vote the “right way,” they would be sent back to the present hellhole that used to be their beautiful, fertile ancestral Central American homelands before the Empire poisoned and salted them. Notice too all the road sign propaganda in Virginia stating in Spanish that “No Person Is Illegal”. Notice the low, low threshold required to obtain a drivers-license-slash-voter-registration-card. And then consider the veiled and obvious lies told to these immigrant workers in their own language – vote Democrat or Be Sent Back To Hell – the Hell created by Empire that used to be your home. Immigrants know this: No person may be illegal, but anyone can be made absent, or dead.
Understand now, that recent events have revealed these deepest corruptions to the entire world. The immigrants got a whiff of it in their old countries, and now that same stench fills the air of the formerly United States. They all see it now. There is no un-ringing of the bell. The United States are. And soon,
the United States were.
Trump, Biden, SCOTUS, dot.mil, NATO, the political parties, the lawyers, the MSM, the Internet barons – THEY ARE ALL PIECES OF FRUIT IN THE BLENDER. Reality is about to press the button. What goes around, comes around. Karma is a bitch.
There were no hand counts in Georgia. Those recounting were instructed to use the very same figures as they did the last time so no wonder they came out the same.
To the best of my understanding, the Georgia recount was done by hand, and was supervised by a Secretary of State who is a Republican. The count affirmed that Biden did indeed win in that State.
The subsequent legal challange put forth by the Trump campaign in Georgia was rejected by a judge who was a Trump appointee.
All that said let us hope the new U.S. President who will soon be elected by the electoral college will not run rough-shod a very large public minority.
Trump’s re-election bid to bomb Iran confused? So am I, trying to glue this into the same article is begging for entropy but I will make this concise.
Trump will NOT be in the Whitehouse after 1/20. He will lose the electoral college vote on 12/14 and that is the only vote that matters. Al Gore and the Democrats could not overcome a slender 1,800 margin in one state in 2,000 but so many somehow believe that Trump’s Dream Team is going to overcome a 300,000 vote margin and flip 2 states. The Dominion conspiracy theory is total crap, the Georgia recount proves that the Dominion voting system was accurate and disproved Sydney Powell’s claims.
Iran Trump in his rage might very well bomb Iran as a going away present for Biden to preserve his monstrous legacy of breaking the JCPOA and starting maximum pressure. So many people say, ‘there is not enough time to prepare’. The U.S. is always up for a single bombing mission. He just wants to flip over the card table, not defeat Iran.
Attacking another country should be a last resort after all reasonable alternatives have been exhausted. Trump would be attacking another country to prevent peace. This would make him a Nuremburg criminal but FOX will spin this to make him a hero.
Well said. It’s hard to predict the outcome. I think I can guess why Trump stays out of the noise, simply classic management style – delegate. His legal team had to take it’s time to collect the manure before they can throw it back at the Dems. But just today we got some good news. We: get it? Not me, but it seems the Dems and their hysterical MSM might get what’s coming to them.
For those who missed it: Pensylvania fake vote seems to be collapsing. “Seems” is a key word. Can’t count the chickens before they hatch, but:
REAL MOVEMENT in the Election saga as Giuliani’s team SCORES in PA
Powell 104 page Georgia filing. Powell & Lin Wood Michigan filing
So things started to move, we have to wait and see the end results. Do not hold your breath though, as you can’t trust the legal system to do the right thing.
Todays US Supreme Court decision (5-4) on New York Governor Cuomo arbitrary powers to close churches may be a sign that Trump will prevail. (Egg on the Dem dictators face). But or course unreliable CJ Roberts dissented as expected.
The judges are getting the message I think and there was a injunction yesterday in Pennsylvania blocking the State certifying their shonky election results.
Another court hearing in Pennsylvania also was impressive and State Legislatures controlled by the GOP are also going after the massive electoral fraud of the Democrats paid for by Soros, and other big fish who will all end up in jail as there are hundred of little fish now informing on them.
They arent going to get away with it because they also made the mistake of trying to rig Senate and House races and the establishment GOP won’t stand for that.
The Dems wont be able to do much on law policy if they did get in because the 5 judges now on the SCOTUS will block them on all Constitutional breakages and other impasses.
Biden-Harris are simply corrupt temps there put there to take the heat and be expendable if their massive election scam goes down but if in the remote chance they did get away with it Hillary and Kaine would probably be installed to “correct” their illusion of it being stolen from them in 2016. Biden would be ousted on health grounds and Harris would appoint Hillary VP then come out and say “I don’t feel qualified in her presence” and let her move up then take a cushy cabinet job. It will be the biggest scam ever pulled.
Then Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard and their supporters would blow their tops and start undermining Hillary to the point there would be defections in the House and Senate.
Fortunately most intel and military people in US plus 90 million Trump supporters wont stand for this going down.
If SCOTUS doesnt deal with the election steal by the Dems then Trump and or the Military may feel it necessary to deal with the system breakdown given their situation will be at risk.
Another interesting sign today is Trump pardoned General Mike Flynn (who wasnt guilty of anything anyway) to stop the harassment of him by a corrupt Obama judge and deep state Obama Admin criminals in the DOJ.
Flynn wasnt liked by the Obama-Hillary DEM crime conglomerate because he agreed with Trump in wanting better relations with Russia to sort out issues and other foreign policy goals.
Trump would not be doing that at this moment (but later) unless he needed Flynn for something and he had confidence.
Trump would only go for Iran if he fails at the Supreme Court.
The other consideration that SCOTUS and the GOP establishment have is if Biden-Harris-Hillary etc were to get in and flood the Supreme Court with 20 more Judges as has been touted, it negates the current situation so they have a interest in maintaining the current numbers which means their best option is 4 more years of Trump.
In anycase Trump’s cabinet appointments have him under control on most things so another 4 years would be permissible given the long term alternative of Biden and the Dems is worse for control of the law and policy issues.
You can guarantee they also will not want Hillary there under any circumstances.
What you are seeing is the end of Empire.
All go the same way, rampant corruption, circuses etc.
It’s what happens when the criminals finally dain full control and the people sit mutely on their hands.
Thank you for this sane reprieve from the never-ending cheer-leading for the rapidly imploding color revolution being attempted here in the US. Despite the cancelling and Karening fest culminating in the MSM’s complete news blackout by censorship, I am seeing nothing really new in the elite’s election-fraud playbook compared to their last four years of failed attempts at color revolutioning the US president out of office. For four years they have convinced themselves that their winning was inevitable, however belatedly it might arrive. With invoking the 25th amendment, Russia gating, Ukraine gating with impeachment circus, Covid hyping, and “mostly peaceful” protesting, our elites have continuously insulated themselves from the reality unfolding all around them by cocooning themselves in an echo chamber of whatever their preferred outcome happened to be. And they failed in every attempt. Media blackout and surrounding the surely-soon-to-be-corronated “President Elect” with his own pretend court is just a natural extension of those consistently failed techniques.
Why am I so reminded of kindergarteners playing at being king and queen of the castle? “No, you get to wear the fuzzy hat, and I wear the cape. And him can be our knight, and her can be our lady. And teacher is the big, bad ogre. And we beat bad ogre with our three magic wishes. And our pet unicorn great resets the castle with a rainbow and we get a pot of gold!” What makes our coddled, decadent, failing elite, who have always fallen up and never had to live with the consequences of their actions or clean up their own messes, believe that they could possibly be the courageous knights who kill dishonest ogres? The role they’re playing has gotten switched in their befuddled, corrupted minds. The ogres will fall, but they should be careful what they wish for.
The thing about the color revolution playbook is that it has to be implemented suddenly and stealthily if it is to prevail. If word of the impending coup leaks out, no regime is going to sit around all unprepared, waiting for the boys on Soros’ or Nuland’s payroll to descend on the capital and whisk the leaders out of office. The Dem’s signaled all their moves in advance, so the Rep’s were well-informed what was coming down the pike. The Dem’s used ALL their ammunition before and immediately following the election (not an unreasonable strategy in a color revolution attempt.) Color revolutions are true moon shots, so only a fool would hold back any available resources from the effort. Meanwhile, the Rep’s kept ALL their powder dry, waiting to see exactly where exploitable weaknesses would appear in the other side’s overly-confident fraud attempt. That was a tactical failure for the Rep’s; they should have used more of their extensive resources countering the Dem’s moves in advance. That is where you can tell how inexperienced Trump still is in politics — DC has a very long learning curve!
Regardless, color revolutions succeed or fail in a week, two at the most. Once the pretenders have to depend on international recognition to somehow deliver the goodies to them, they have already lost (neither Guaido nor Tikhanovskaya will be president of any country any time soon.) At three plus weeks out from our election and two plus weeks out from our media coronation, I believe it is safe to call this a failed color revolution. Watching our fifth column keep banging on the one resource under its control, the MSM, in a desperate attempt to win the hearts and minds of the people is growing tedious at this point. They have no other ammunition left, while the Rep’s held most of theirs in reserve. That sounds like the recipe for an utter rout to me. Perhaps Biden and Harris could set up a pretend court with Guaido and Tikhanovskaya. They could open each of the illustrious meetings of their ever-so-important proceedings with the stylized formal introduction, “Hi, my name is ____, and I am a pretender.” In Biden’s case, ____ may be as close as he gets to remembering his name.
I’m not too worried about their “mostly peaceful” shock troops sowing massive discord when reality puts paid to their cherished delusions. The disaffected spawn of the elite who make up the ranks of Antifa are no more courageous than their pampered parents. Once inauguration passes, Trump will be freed up to choose whether to unleash the military on the “mostly peaceful” hoardes, let the militias and other forms of vigilanteism incentivize their retreat (a scary thought), or go on letting leftist governors and mayors push more and more of their own loyalists over to Trump’s camp. That reminds me of an ironic joke: How many Democrats does it take to burn down a Democratic-machine-governed city?
“Will Trump attack Iran?”
What is far more probable is that the so-called “Deep State” will engineer an attack on Iran that they can then attribute to Trump before he is out of office. This will allow the Harris/Biden administration to pose as pacifists for America’s distraught “allies” in Europe while continuing the conflict.
For the neolibs that would be win-win. They get their war with Iran while at the same time getting to pretend to be peace-lovers who are being victimized by both the Iranian retaliation and by the Bad Orange Man.
“If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.” – Julius Caesar
It is all about POWER. All other considerations are irrelevant. However, a large portion of the US population may have the last say.
“Conclusion: too many variables to call it”
That is a polite way of saying the whole situation is a gigantic clusterf#ck😂
I do agree tho, it is all a big game of craps now, let us hope the US throw a 7 and we avoid a nuclear war.
Yes Russia will be the target again just like in 2014 with Obama’s MAS370 op.
The decay of the AngloZionist Empire’s legitimacy accelerates as its enemies, domestic and foreign, continue to increase in both numbers and hardened resolve. The world now sees more clearly than ever the Empire for what it actually is: a violent, corrupted, malevolent, murderous beast. The HALF MILLION dead Iraqi children, not the latest victims of the deadly sin of Bearing False Witness, represent only a sampling of what the Empire has planned in the years ahead. How many millions upon millions of Russian, Iranian, Chinese, Polish, Hungarian, Turkish children will be the next to suffer and die before this Empire is finally exhausted? Is your child on that target list? Is there an Imperial drone being made ready for deployment with their name on it? What will you do with the time and resources you have left, given the terrible lessons of history, in relation to what has been recently revealed? Obama: Act 3, is about to begin…
Iran in the crosshairs
Mr. Saker,
The kraken has been released, as soon as lesser judges start releasing injuctions, this will go to SC, Amy Coney Barrett, has oversight over several states where fraud occurred, she will not cave in.
The kraken will be more powerful than the presstitutes and the brain dead, brain washed murikans, a storm is gathering.
No way Biden can remain in power, that crook will croak soon anyway.
Biden & Harris were picked to be the expendable fall guys to front in case their big election voting fraud scam goes wrong.
Hillary is the real candidate to be put in. Means dire straits for Russia and Iran.
The Obama nuclear deal with Iran was simply a confidence trick to lull it into a complacent state.
Draining the swamp!! It is on!! This article speaks volumes! (Excuse me for providing a CNN link, but it concerns the swamp monsters they oh so love to defend) Great news!
“… under pretty much any scenario, we can be pretty sure that come January there will be a power vacuum in the Executive and roughly half of all US Americans will consider that the election has been stolen. That kind of power vacuum, or even a duopoly, is very dangerous and typically results in even more chaos and violence. …”:
But hasn’t that been the case already – following the preceding election?!… Mass hysteria within one half of the population … unprecedented obstruction of the executive by various government agencies … countrywide rampant BLM & Antifa violence… A colour difference only…
Yes an unresolved outcome by 21 January may be a possibility unless the Supreme court makes a rapid response.
Trump may obtain various court injunctions preventing the certification of the Electoral College and it voting until the shonky voting ballots are audited.
As there is some question as to the legality of the 1947 Presidential Succession Act (its provisions contradict Constitutional clauses) the end result also may be that a cabinet official ends up as caretaker if the old 1886 Act is reinstated. Even if House Speaker were to be made caretaker POTUS the SCOTUS would impose strict limitations on Pelosi’s powers until election voting is sorted out – eg she wouldnt be able to make political decisions (like stacking the SCOTUS with more justices) but only bare minimum administrates ones as she would have no elected mandate for that office.
Its not a smooth road for Biden and the Dems at all.
If what Lt Gen McInerney has said is true then Brennan will need to evacuate to Paraguay (no extradition).
It goes like this:
1) 2010/11 Brennan takes “Hammer & Scorecard” private.
2) Brennan profits off fixing elections in other countries.
3) Brennan uses it in 2012 for Obama.
4) Brennan uses it in 2016 for Clinton against Sanders
5) 2016 against Trump something goes wrong. My guess is someone else got to it. Whoever gets there last wins.
6) 2020 Trump knew Brennan would have it secured so he forces them to cheat every which way and busts them in the biggest sting operation of all time. That was why the NSA was the first agency Trump cleaned up.
“… the biggest sting operation of all time …”
Which one? There are only some lawsuits.
Trump’s re-election would be the best thing for the world since the Czar’s advanced social and cultural reforms in Russia which were cut short by the American, British, and French backed Oktober Revolution.
Trump would shatter the American intelligentsia’s totally unfounded sense of elitism and superiority for good. They’re in decline anyway, but Trump hates them all, so he’d make it happen even faster.
Let’s face it: Biden represents American normality. And Normal America is a giant tax farm of mentally and morally asleep and lazy citizens whose labor unconsciously produces and markets military adventures, cultural subversion actions, and debt traps across the whole planet.
On the czar, you are correct, Alex. Alexander II, who had ended serfdom in Russia, also sent Russian ships to back up President Lincoln and the Union before the Banksters of England could aid the Confederacy. Alexander was assassinated several years after Lincoln was, Alexander’s son died under mysterious circumstances, and the Bolsheviks/Soviets assassinated Alexander’s grandson and almost all his family.
Why does “Bone Spurs” have the guts to risk this for him and his family? Where’s the evidence? The closest Trump has gotten to real combat is the WWE, and you know pro wrestling is fake, right?
America has been “Zionist-Occupied Territory” for a number of years. Who do you think controls both the so-called “right” AND the so-called “left”?
Who made the following statement?
“America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves”
And it shows the suicidal tendencies of all of them as well. What a pity so many people have to suffer under this mental and moral incompetence.
Cheers, Rob
America has been occupied by German Nazis, British Imperialists (City of London) and Zionists.
Trump said today he will leave the White house and go if the Electoral College elects Biden.
But what that also means if the GOP allow that to happen is they too in their present form will go – permanently – as a phoenix will rise from the ashes as a new Trump type party who will prevent the Republicans from winning future elections.
And if Biden-Harris-Hillary were to get in there would be such an economic and political mess within a year that most Dem voters would turn on them, left alone defections in their own Senators and Reps.
Cui bono from the quote below :World Economic Forum and Greater Israel. WEF will setup UN controlled smart city states from DC to Boston and independent countries like parts of California ,Texas, Florida within the US while Israel, Russia and China continue to increase their powers.
“..In 1998, Professor Igor Panarin, who was then one of the directors of the KGB, predicted that the United States would not survive the USSR for long. Based on an analysis of the regional cultural differences that were beginning to emerge, he anticipated the dissolution of the federal state. This process was interrupted by.the 9/11 attacks and the plans of Presidents Bush Jr. and Obama. However, it resumed during Barack Obama’s second term, brought Donald Trump to power, and now seems inevitable..”
That crooked presidential candidate is never going to prevail. I hope you watched the hearing in Pennsylvania. The witnesses provided evidence of corruption and malfeasance galore. There are other sites that talk about the systemic and longstanding manipulation of our voting machines. I agree with you that Americans can be described generally as fat and lazy but it is more than that. Complacent. Fed by msm with inflated ideas about ourselves. We generally have not realised our responsibilities in our form of government. I think we are now faced with such corruption of everything – judicial, congressional, law enforcement, voting mechanisms – that it is overwhelming. The Dem. presidential candidate has been proven to be corrupt through records of money transfers. At this time we support in any way we can the efforts of the Trump campaign to expose this systemic subversion of things we citizens have so taken for granted. Fools.
Prominent Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was injured in an attack outside the capital Tehran on Friday, and later died in hospital, the country’s Defense Ministry has confirmed.
Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said “terrorists murdered an eminent Iranian scientist today,” and accused Israel of playing some part in the killing.
This may be the reason Israel put its military on high alert a few days ago or it may be the beginning of a larger operation.
Saker – 1
Larchmonter445 – 0
Unfortunately according to his statements Larchmonter445 lives in a virtual world in which Trump is an American heroe.
He can only make mistakes.
Another cowardly attack by the Israelis, out of sheer desperation. Iran will not be goaded into war. But Iranians are famous for holding grudges. They still remember the Arab invasion which happened 1300 years ago. They will hold back what is due, until one day, when Israel is vulnerable. And that day eventually comes for everyone, even the most powerful nations and empires.
All the Israelis have accomplished here is to make sure that when the day comes, the Iranians will not show mercy to a single Israeli.
I believe what this will also do is accelerate Iranian nuclear research. If Iran did not believe it needed nuclear weapons up to this point, they will now be convinced that they do.
In a few months the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps will have a production line running, producing nuclear warheads, just to spite Israel.
Spite and grudges, unfortunately for Israel, are a major driving factor of the Iranian psyche.
I want to thank Israel for this demonstration of cowardice and desperation. I am flattered that they find us so terrifying, what with their being the masters of global terrorism and all.
There are many more where Soleimani and Fakhrizadeh came from. I would even go so far as to say that there are more hard-headed anti-Zionists in Iran than there are Jews in Israel.
Congratulations to Mohsen Fakhrizadeh for scaring global Zionism enough that they gifted him with martyrdom. May we all be so fortunate.
“… cowardly attack …”
A contradiction. An escape can be cowardly, or an inaction, but not an attack.
Sure. Sending assassins to kill an unarmed old guy is very brave.
I am a bit surprised by the general feeling about the election expressed here. It is as if this is the 1st presidential election that was rigged, fraudulent, undemocratic, and all the rest of it. Really? The political system in the U.S. has been corrupt to the core for decades, and rigging presidential elections was not left out.
Did George Dubya win fair and square against Al Gore? No, he did not !!!!! Who decided on POTUS? The Supreme Court, FFS, NOT the electorate.
Was it worse in 2020? I don’t know, it probably was, but so what? Bad = bad = rotten. Period. Worse than bad is just semantics play.
As for the U.S. attacking Iran, that simply will not happen. If either ZioFascist Israhell or the U.S. were to try that 2 things would happen:
1. All of ZioFascist Israhell would be turned into rubble by precision missiles from Iran and Hezbollah, and the Iron Dome could not handle those 2 missile “rains”;
2. U.S. forces, bases, and ships in the region would be wiped out.
Both the U.S. and ZioFascist Israhell know that, so any threats or mention of pre-emptive strikes is bluster and posturing. And, let’s not kid ourselves, any strike would not be discussed in the media beforehand but would just be carried out, like ZioFascist Israhell did with Iraq’s nuclear reactor in 1980.
I still don’t have no reason to believe that Johan Galtung got it wrong. Who ever is there in WH fact is that U.S as global hegemony empire is dead fish. It’s the question how this shock will hit the western elite.
The most likely future will be 4 coming years of endless color revolution tries here and there and everywhere. Biden’s era is empty of “hope” unlike that of Obama (in 2009). Chances of Vietnam-like devastating war is hardly possible. Blinken will work more with CIA trying to find local quislings to shake nations like Iran, Turkey, Belo Russia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Pakistan…Its China police will be most interesting while fierce anti Russia confrontation hardly surprise anyone.
This whole circus is becoming orwellian.Senator Mastriano from Pennsylvania, who is also a decorated colonel, has had his Twitter access removed after calling a hearing of the Pennsylvania legislature to discuss voter fraud, I listened to it via this website and the usual horrifying things were revealed.
Trump said: “This is what communist countries do”, sounds a bit ideological but it is undeniable that the level of censorship and brainwashing has never been so high, bye bye free speech , the crimethought police are taking over.
Something I have noticed making the rounds of the different Internet platforms is that people in general are making two assumptions born of their own past experience, assumptions that could, and I think will, prove wrong. First, that the 20th of January will be the end of it. That either Trump or Biden will swear as the next U.S. president, most think it will be this last, and that will be it, just business as usual from then on. That from then on all what we will be hearing from the Trump-Guiliani camp is of their futile legal challenges and their Court appeals and that everything else will be OK. Then, that if it is Biden the chosen one, the Deep; State and the neocons will stage another one of their little wars without serious consequences, if no more than one, in some Third World country, most likely in the ME. While this is what past experience seems to predict, I think that won’t be the case. First, no matter who walks into the White House in Jan.20th he or she will be seen as a fraud and an illegitimate president by at least half the population (let alone if this person is Kamala Harris, because Biden couldn’t go the distance. BTW,, what happens if Biden shown such signs of being mentally or physically unfit BEFORE a winner has been declared that he can’t possible go on with this fight, will that be Trump & Harris from then on or not…?) So this will make for a very weak presidency and Americans will be in for a period of social unrest and even chaos and mayhem they have rarely seen, at least in some states, cities, as people, local authorities start challenging the right of others above them in the pecking order to impose upon them. We are seeing that already, as sheriffs disobeying orders from governors for example, that will continue and will increase, deepen and become even more widespread after the 20th of January. The other wrong assumption, i think, is that the Deep State and the neocons will conform themselves with some little war in the Third World. No. Remember what was happening when Trump took office in 2016, a planned no-fly zone in Syria. And put that together with the incident of the US Navy ship staging an obvious provocation by entering Russian waters. So everything suggest that one of the foreign priorities of any Biden/Harris administration, if not the first, will be to try to “put Russia in her place”, which could well lead to nuclear war in the first half of 2021, bar of course an American bloody nose and a brutal humiliation in front of the entire world.. I bet that 99% of those who are celebrating now Biden’s phony victory are unaware that that is precisely what it is in store for them, as they are watching the world through their MSM-manufactured rose colored glasses.
Trump will nuke Iran. Whether it is before this term in office ends or whether it is in his next term in office he will nuke Iran. He will do it because he is the king of the west, appointed as a watchman for his people, thinks he is better than everyone else, leads a nation of rebels against kingly authority, and has placed his tents between the holy mountain and the sea. He will do it because he must to fulfill prophecy. He must leave behind him astounding devastation.
Trump is surrounded by Navigators. There job is to speed forth the day of the Lord. It is a showdown between the talmudists and the navigators and the navigators are going to have their way. Their efforts and blame generated in response after the fact will fuel the kill all Christians phase of the Armageddon.
Why Britain had to leave the EU.
If you don’t think this explains at least in part some of the international action you mustn’t have considered it yet.
During the next 4 years we will witness once again but this time even more stronger phenomena how leftist humanitarian imperialists shamelessly bomb black and brown (and Slavic?) people but keep on talking about human rights. USA will flood Europe with more refugees. The question: is Europe actually their enemy and not just another puppet?
Trump went full on with as many rallies as possible as a psy-op to prepare the masses for this time. It is no coincidence 78% of Trump voters believe the election was stolen. But not just voters… everyone with two brain cells to rub together are questioning how Biden won more votes than even Obama at the height of his popularity..
With tiny handfuls of people at Biden’s rallies compared to tens of thousands at Trump’s.
He also pre-prepared with executive orders for the election and made sure military intelligence was ready to record it all.
On top of this the bulldog military lawyer who ‘saved’ General Flynn is going hell for leather, mentioning she was about to “release the Kraken”. A couple of days later Flynn is pardoned, allowing him to finally speak. If anyone’s knows ‘where the bodies all are’, it is Flynn… his call sign while in military intelligence? The Kraken 🤔
All this is true of course, a very good article Saker. And of course looking into the future is quite demanding to say the least, so a conclusion is rather absent. Although I see that you are not in agreement with the widely seen Biden/Harris presidency. However false that election was, Biden/Harris are all set to takeover the presidency by now. It is rather the facts of the false times in which we live. Although many has concluded that the elections were obviously faked or false, widespread fraud carried out, they are a minority. Simply because of the fake media reporting, and the spread of Facebook and Twitter were people in general get their feeds. Those people could not care less about reports of election fraud. So most of the people voting for Trump are probably given the impression that he lost the election. A core of those voters are of course following Trump’s tweets as well, but their main source of mainstream news, Fox, are massively running the globalist propaganda, in spite of maybe Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham and the even more fringe Mark Levin. Most of them are double talkers as well and have seperate globalist agendas. Sean Hannity for example pushed Microsoft as the lighthouse of honesty supposedly, as the entity he foresaw running the elections instead of the obviously designed faked one in many states.
The problem with those elections obviously were the inclusion of fraudulent votes made possible by their designed election. At this point these votes are still counted since they are there. It does not matter how many times this is done. The election is over if there is not a re-election. And the globalists are changing the rules via the same media including Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham. There seem to be a widespread propagation of the idea that a re-election cannot take place, while this is the obvious rule over election fraud. If widespread or systemic falsification is reported, the only solution is a re-election. So in this case they report that Rudy Giuliani must prove every vote that was wrong, and then those very proven votes must be added to the final result. Making it almost impossible to have an impact and even if it had a small impact it is not the right way to counter election fraud and it is not fair at all. So the media are setting the globalist rules that has already determined that they have the presidency and managed to screw an entire elections, this is a celebration. There are no consideration to fair and free elections, it is about putting their government in place, and screw the people.
So the SCOTUS will probably be false as well, giving Giuliani the votes he can prove and then you have the final result. It will not change the overall results!
So the Biden/Harris presidency is therefore in full operation already bringing about the changes for the globalist corporate nazistate of America. So fewer and fewer people see Trump as a possible president.
If there is a re-election based on the widespread election fraud, yes. Trump was again elected by the majority of the people, but the systems have been made fraudulent by the very corporations that they want to run the country the totalitarian dictatorship that many see already has usurped all the political establishment born out of the Constitution made for the people, not the corporations.
On the top of this massive falsity in government including the justicia that are inherently corrupt and not independent being party political appointees, all this were created out of global powerhouses and the British empire from the time of the Constitution itself they were massively destroying the work of the Constitution and undermining its political design. Political parties were created to do this work and that is were we are at this crossroad. The globalists run the Democrat party and the Republican party. There is presently just a fight over whether USA should separate its policies from the globalist rules for the rest of the world or have an independant role. Much of these plolicies were obfuscated by the very Donald J. Trump being a catastrophy in his foreign policy extremism. The corporate fascism were indeed elevated to the extreme by Trump, freedom of speech disappeared, corporations run the censorship as if a normal state of affairs. Nothing has been done. Is that not what there is a presidency? To uphold the Constitution. So there seem to be a continuation in the Biden/Harris presidency, the totalitarian or corporate globalist nazi state has reached new levels with the aid of the Trump presidency, and they are ready to take it to a new level. For example, Michael Bloomberg who even attempted to be the new president of USA is a member of a shadowy cabinet called the Comittee of 300 lead by Queen Elizabeth II. These are controlled by the globalist syndicate of the Rothschild family with other (13) families including the Royals and are representing the British empire’s political base. The British Commonwealth run a massive state sponsored education system and massive propaganda through their universities all over the world. And for those they did not manage to indoctrinate with their massive falsity, they have paid off to run organisations such as Antifa and BLM for example, funded by the Rockefellers and others of the Club of 300 such as Soros who also run the UN, EU, the universities, the governments, the government organistations, the non government organisations and so on.
So what would happen with Bloomberg as POTUS would have been a massive treason. But they are still behind it now, it is a massive treason and the attached election fraud.
Pennsylvanian Republicans are well on the way to correcting the rigged outcome in their state. Mastrianni is exceptional.
Chairman of the Senate ie Pence and one Senator can begin process of rejection Georgias delegates.
Here is some interesting information regarding the actions of Dominion in that state.
Wheels are falling off the Biden machine.
Trumpism and Covid overreach have truly awoken a large chunk of the American electorate. Unfortunately, the group is plagued by several weaknesses that together will prevent it from consistently asserting itself and save the United States. These weaknesses are:
1) Donald Trump is the only leader for this block of Americans and without him this group is rudderless
2) Though energetic this group is not tightly organized and will not act as a disciplined army
3) only a very small percentage of this group is aware of the presence, role and corrupting influence of the Anglo-zionist empire upon America.
4) Most see the enemy as the Liberals or Democrats. They are afraid to admit to the presence of a Deep State and instead choose to see bad actors in the CIA and FBI as merely hold-overs from the previous Barack Obama administration.
5) for all their bluff and bluster the Trump supporters have failed to act to defend their hero in his time of need.
It is the last point that will embolden the Deep State to undertake even more egregious actions against justice, the rule of law and the people.
Well, I’m always skeptic, and all my propaganda alarms ring if anyone tells me a story in black and white and good and evil about the real world. This is not how this world works.
There my have been some election fraud this election. But the evidence i heared from so far pints in both directions equally credible. And this is nothing new at all, all the weakness and problems of the US-election system were known for years an nobody cared about fixing them, now, suddenly when the result does not fit well the complaits are loud.
Was there a single attempt establish a better democracy or at least to fix the voting system in the last 20 years? I just read about security problems with voting machines every few years, Trump cold have done something about it, setting up standards. But doing nothing and than crying when the result doesn’t fit is too cheap.
I also see the danger of a civil war in the US, but this is not one sided too. It was trump telling his fans not to accept the ‘wrong’ election result and spreading rumours and fears how evil the opponent is. This exactly is the best recipe to start a civil war and i’m sure a civil war would be the worst outcome of all (except perhaps for some other parts of the world).
It concerns me, that You are pushing the same narrative here now.
What about a positive vision: Lets join all the Americans that think or feels that elections don’t work as they should into one movement to fix democracy. In this movement you can integrate Fans of Trump as well as Sanders fans or people seeing that ‘the winner takes it all’ state by state is invalidating the most votes.
All ‘patiots vs globalists’ or ‘white men vs BLM’ is just the elites games of ‘divide and conquer’. I suppose they will all agree that US democracy urgendly needs fixing. And working together on democracy, perhaps there also grows other understanding helping to bridge the main differences.