Arms crossed, like he is pouting. Thinks being rich puts him above the (in this case, international) law. Pathetic.
Here are the results of the vote:
Arms crossed, like he is pouting. Thinks being rich puts him above the (in this case, international) law. Pathetic.
Here are the results of the vote:
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Both Trump and Haley proved they are out of touch with reality, as is the Washington political establishment, as is Wall Street. Yesterdays crushing defeat of the US is a turning point in international relations, politically and psychologically. After this every country in the world will be encouraged to go against the US, whose standing – politically – has been reduced to the level of a second rate world power. What counts now is what Moscow and Bejing say. The US has for years been overplaying its hand in international politics, and pay day has arrived, as I knew it would.
Karma is a bitch and I hope the ideological droneheads enjoy their punch in the month.
The US is running and enlarging an illegal al-Qeda/ ISIS Sunni mercenary military base inside Syria for the near future US-Saudi-Israeli wider operation against Syria. Who will attack the illegal training base?
The opposite is true, in fact it is Israel that is being gradually encircled and outflanked by the risen Shia Crescent.
Israel is in no condition to wage offensive war, not even close. They might control the skys, but the Iraqi/Syrian militias, Syrian/Iraqi Sunni’s, Iran, Houthis, Hezbollah, IRGC and tehri huge arsenal of most accurate ballistic missiles ( Hezbolllah alone is estimated to have 130,000), Iran has probably close to three quarters of a million highly accurate and high explosive yields, Anyways, not even the U.S./Britian/France can come to Israels rescue, like in 67′ 73′.
The west has tasted the nasty taste of fighting Arabs/Muslims, whom squashed their ‘boots on the ground’ in Afghanistan, and later Iraq. 18 years, and the superpower U.S. cant overcome a bunch of goat herders wearing beach sandals and bed-sheets, armed with AK-47’s and a few IED’s in Afghanistan. And the olny way the U.S. was able to extract itself with some ‘face’ from the rout that was Iraq, was for the Pentagon/CIA to ship into Iraq billions and billions of dollars of freshly printed dollars to pay off the Iraqi Sunni tribes, and Al-Sadrs fighters. That was the big-time ‘Surge’ we kept hearing about.
Times have changed, and instead of Israel and the west expanding their position in the wider Middle east, and tgus Asia, they better hope the righteous forces aligned against Irael/West don’t call their bluff and staright out take the conflict straight into Israel proper. The IDF would be routed, the west would be too reluctant and the acres would be rolled up mall the way to Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv.
Israel will not survive more than 25 more yaers, and that being liberal about it.
25 years? I hope not, the sooner the better. I trust Bassam Jarrar’s mathematical analysis of holy Quran. I actually believe what he found:
Wow bored muslim, superb post and yes, you are correct, times have changed and are (daily) changing in front of our eyes. I think your “liberal” figure is polite and generous, as it should be. I keep seeing how the money printing machine is pertinent to literally every facet of the Empire that most people in my country consider normal. Follow the money — the pieces of paper, Monopoly Money.
hahaaa,you see mr bored muslim, american solder is a luxary creature,they have and will never win any combat,they fight for george soros and the wall street gangsters,unlike the taliban who have a country and honour to defend
Don’t get your hopes up yet as China and Russia just voted with the U.S. on new sanctions (fuel supplies and the return of foreign workers) against NK. This after the U.S. just vetoed the resolution on Jerusalem that every other member of the Security Council voted in favor of – including China and Russia. I just scratch my head in disbelief and I think, “What’s the point of any analysis anymore, nobody really knows anything and nothing really makes sense?” Then I read an article in RT that states China and Russia “may” ditch the petrodollar next year? But maybe they won’t, maybe they’ll just sit back while all the chaos we read of everyday continues to consume the world until we are all slaves of a new master, or until there is no world left in which humanity can survive. Finally, during this Christmas season, a traditional time of goodwill, we hear nothing of the sort. It’s just business as usual around the world. I’m not religious, but I resent the fact that the teachings of Christ (the main theme of his gospel being to “Love one another”) have been social engineered out of our culture. Love is not a religious theme, it is a universal theme and there’s very little of it in today’s world at the peril of us all.
Here is a very interesting ‘take’ on Trump’s role in the world…
Trump appointed to re-format the US. V.Pyakin on you tube,
with English subs in Russian..
sorry can’t do links 81 ears old and new tricks/old dogs apply.
Follow this link, or others out there. You can search ‘writing HTML’ for more examples. Cut & paste the URL in the front part (keeping the quotation marks), and put your comment in the back part. It’s not difficult, and I admire your vitality.
Valeryi Pyakin is the best source of the information today.
KOB is the methodology.
Indeed Pyakin gets it. I’ve been attempting to tell The Saker and his readers that you simply cannot understand P.Trump unless you consider who put him in power and why. I’ve been saying he was ‘chosen’ by the International banking Interest, the global elite, not the puny punk ass national elite of the US. The real global powers chose P.Trump to roll back the empire. This latest stunt at the UN, that looks like a stupid ego driven move, is exactly what P.Trump positioned to do. Defunding the UN is part of the roll back in power.
It is not that difficult to figure P.Trump out when you realize why the real “Global Elite” put him in power. And that reason simply put is to roll back the empire and avoid a world war at the same. The International Banking Interest do not, I repeat do not want to bring about the collapse of the US Dollar, Hell no, there are to many them out there . I’ve said this before I’ll say it again, simply put; If I owed you a million dollars would you want to be paid back with dollars collapsed to 5 or 10 cents, or would you rather be paid back in dollars that are being gradually devalued by 30/40% over a number of years? Duh!
So when trying to analysis P.Trump you have to understand what he was hired to do. P.Trump understands bankruptcy, boy howdy, he understands bankruptcy. Roll back, reorganize, MAGA, And hopefully America has an opportunity to become the nation the constitution intended it to be.
Merry Christmas Everyone
Happy Holidays One And All
Interesting body language . To me it seems scripted , and delivered with no conviction whatsoever . . . as is appropriate.
So what was the deal?
Quid pro quo . . . as always.
What was achieved in return for this concession to the “masters of the universe”? Anyone?
Removing “climate change ” from the list of security threats to the U.S. seems like a positive to me.
ok, here is my take on all of this freak-show:
the US is bankrupt. and therefore, does not have the money to
pay off her vassals. but they can’t admit that, so they stage a
fake-temper-tantrum that the vassals aren’t loyal anymore,
thus the ‘we gonna cut your money’-statements
same thing with the TPP trans-pacific partnership.
it was DOA. but the US couldn’t admit they failed, so
they made Trump “withdraw” from it because “it was bad for
the American workers”
Trump gets brownie points for being all “America First”
and the US still keeps posture
Amongst the Five Eyes “vassals” , only Australia and Canada “abstained”.
NZ and UK supported the UN resolution.
As an observer on RT correctly pointed out, the France, UK, (F/UK) voted for the resolution against the US not out principle, but (to quote) “because they’re afraid of the Muslim reactionl”. So they’re opposition is valueless.
here we go germany, new zeland, holland and the rest voted for same reason, you sound like someone writing from Tel Aviv. They voted because it is against international law what Trump just did and also, they want to tell Trump he can’t intimidate other member nations of the UN.
international law plays littlepart in this …Its a cultural position being expressed. Shifting base lines in each nation….. Much resentment in NZ re 5 eyes …. every year protests ….
c’mon, who ever cared about international law, observation about Muslim reaction strikes as correct and higlights the farce it all became
The usa is very far from bankrupt. This nonsense in support of the zionazis is simply the quisling being used to push zionazi goals, no matter how much it buggers the quisling. This is standard zionazi policy, of which america is currently 100% based upon, thanks to the trump regime, the aipac congress and zio-media, all disposable in the pursuit of the zionazi world order, run, ultimately from tell aviv , and not new york.
While I have big respect for you vot tak, I think you are partially wrong there.
Not about the zionazis, them be bad&crazy peoples – we agree on that,
but my opinion is there is another layer of people behind zionazis pulling
their strings. And the zionazi interests are only allowed to be pursuit when it matches
the interests of that other group. This group are Western bankers & industrialists
& royals – it’s all about power & greed basically.***
Today these people are using zionazis to block or at least postpone Euro-Asian integration.
And I’m sure, tomorrow they will just discard all of the fake state Israel when it won’t be
needed anymore. Most likely they will use them as scapegoats. Well deserved – zionazis
and Jews will be the final victims of their own ideology.
*** Here are some facts & thoughts to wrap one’s head around:
– US$ was worldwide used 75% in trade & banking reserves, that percentage is steadily falling and is 65% now
– the US has 4-5% of the World’s population yet it consumes 25% of all World resources and
produces 50% of the World’s waste
Therefore, when the petro-dollar is finally done, the US will fall to a World average standard:
got 5% of the Worlds population, well… then you only get to use 5% of Worlds resources –
a 5 fold drop in living standards for the US populace. Wrap your head around that one.
What’s gonna happen? Social unrest & revolution, check! Anarchy, check! Zombieland, hell yea!
This is what ‘the other group’ – Western bankers & industrialists & royals – want to avoid by
all means possible. They couldn’t care less if X number of Jews or Y number of Muslims or Z number
of Europeans dies. All they care is their privileges, their money and the power they hold.
But they f!cked up everything so badly, that now they are scared of being guillotined.
“And I’m sure, tomorrow they will just discard all of the fake state Israel when it won’t be
needed anymore.”
Your “higher power” just ordered the trump regime to abandon all pretense of being americans to defend israeli lawlessness, that has zero worth in relation to maintaining western oligarch power, regardless of the zionazis. From a western capitalist pov, minus zionazi interests, israel has no more value than Lebanon, Syria or Egypt. Yet israel is consistantly portrayed as more important than any other country, including as being more important than the usa itself, the supposed centre of the capitalist west, in pindo media. Every day.
If the zionazis abandon israel, expect masada mk. II, for israel is not just their bolt hole, it is the centre of their universe. The zionazis consider the usa and all their other colonies ultimately expendable, but israel is sacrosanct. That is what the yinon plan is about, solidifying the base of control in israel. This is why everything is up for grabs and available to be slash and burned outside israel, but never inside israel in the zio-west geopolitical fantasy narratives.
Vot Tak:Re “:The zionazis consider the usa and all their other colonies ultimately expendable, but israel is sacrosanct.”
In theory what you say makes sense to me.
I mean, I am prepared to believe it.
Except, who gives a shite about Israel as actual land, besides the Zionists and the native Palestininans? Who else would want to live there?
It is a desert, basically.
Ok, it’s warm.
But other than that, who wants to live there?
Most rich Jews and all Americans prefer to live in the uSA or Europe or somewhere else, not Israel.
I think.
It was a terrible culture shock for many European Jews when they arrived in Palestine (I mean in the run-up to WW2).
It seems to me that to the American Zionists Israel is basically a big destroyer or a forward military base in the MENA.
You might visit it occasionally to say hello to the crew, but who wouild want to actually live there?
The American elite want nicer spots for themselves, where there is yachting, more high society and country clubs, a healthier climate, more greenery, etc. I think.
The existence of Israel is not to serve the interests of American elites. Israel instead serves the interest of the Globalist oligarchic families, particularly the Rothschilds. Israel is useful for direct military or intelligence operations without using proxies such as the US. The US remains a large and diverse country which is difficult to control. It’s still necessary to operate in the shadows there. Another important purpose for the existence of Israel is the preservation of Jewish identity. Assimilation is always considered perhaps the greatest threat to the Jewish people. Maintaining Israel as a Jewish State by definition helps to counter this trend.
Israel is expensive real estate and its the ‘window to the east’ that the Balfour gang planned in the early 1900s.
Rothschilds are Israeli firsters – they count for some weight even if they are stupid Brits – their money is powerful – Catherine Austin Fitt’s biography – ‘Dillon Read and the Aristocracy of Stock Profit’ (can be found online) talks about when Wall Street became Rothschild property instead of Rockerfeller property – it was a financial take-over, as the senior Bush admin was taking over the White House –
and Jews own ALOT – across North America they take over little towns – they buy up all the real estate and the townspeople are surrounds by weirdos with little braids and black hats – its happening un-announced nation wide – in fact globally – there are more and more converts by the day – its profitable
Trump is an ass and he does his own thing – he LOVES Israel – he’s not being told to do this or that – not about this – I’m sure it was his own idea and his small circle of friends – who include many very wealthy Zionists.
“and Jews own ALOT – across North America they take over little towns – they buy up all the real estate and the townspeople are surrounds by weirdos with little braids and black hats – its happening un-announced nation wide – in fact globally – there are more and more converts by the day – its profitable ”
This is true.
In this sense Israel is a dry run for everywhere.
That is, the way jews first started buying land in Palestine and pretty soon took the whole place over.
This has happened in Bloomingburg—or someone is trying to make it happen–the takeover by Hasidics of a village in upstate NY.
I guess the Hasids took over Brooklyn. They are trying to take over public streets in London (impose their crazy rules about when and hwere you can walk especially if you are a woman), etc. Even imposing their requirements on public housing authorities.
Imagine if a group said they wanted special kitchen installations where they can kill chickens for their religious practices. Would a public housing authority comply with this?
Oh, speaking of killing chickens, it is not just the Santeria faith that does this.
I guess this is somewhat OT. I am still not sure about who wouild fight for Israel and whether the powerful people who fund and manage the Greater Israel project actually live there, or just use the place as a symbol.
As a rule, secular Jews more or less despise the Haredim. This is for several reasons such as claiming exemption from military service. More significant is the fact the Haredim do not consider the secular to be real Jews. The biggest insult you can give to a Jew is telling him he is not a Jew.
“Who else would want to live there?
It is a desert, basically.”
So is southern California and Phoenix, Arizona. That doesn’t seem to make much difference. Anyway, the climate there is not a factor. Judeo-supremacism is. You would be surprised at how many among the western zionazi oligarchy maintain residences in israel. Quite a few of their manager class and entertainer drones do so, as well.
The “israel can be a giant aircraft carrier for the usa in the Mideast” line (I paraphrase) was actually a zionazi selling point directed at skeptical goys among the american establishment, of which the majority still we’re, back in the 1940s. The zionazis never intended to be america’s “aircraft carrier”, instead, they successfully worked it so America would become their “aircraft carrier”.
“… they stage a fake-temper-tantrum that the vassals aren’t loyal anymore, thus the ‘we gonna cut your money’-statements …”
This whole thing is actually Don Trumpone’s deviously clever way to both
1) reduce the government foreign expenditures (as he had promised) *and*
2) please the ruling Jews
Thus killing two birds with one stone.
BTW … killing hundreds of friendships with countries worldwide with that very same stone don’t matter. Collateral damage. Who cares. Tax-deductible… :-)
Clever interpretation which is to mu liking. Well done :-)
I think you are likely very close to the truth but I will add my two cents for what its worth.
IMHO Trump has done two things with this one act… exposed the controlled opposition that was the ‘Two-State Solution’, and given himself the excuse to defund large parts of the UN.
“Americanism not Globalism” is the agenda. He seems to be steadily rolling back decades of the ‘slow boil’ that was the pot we are all in called Globalism. No wonder the talking heads are freaking out.
Whatever the deal was , the “swamp draining” cause has been advanced this week.
Trump also drove home a huge win on taxes. The average working, citizen family will see a cut of between $1,000 and $2,000 dollars next year.
A picture is worth a 1,000 words, and this summarizes the Democrats reaction to Trump winning:
Lower taxes, less regulation, and getting out of TPP and NAFTA will help kick start the economy out of Obama’s 8 years of recession. The only missing piece is an immigration fix that sharply reduces immigration in all categories.
“… The average working, citizen family will see a cut of between $1,000 and $2,000 dollars next year. …”
Keep dreaming. The average working, citizen family will see a cut of between $1,000 and $2,000 dollars *not of their own taxes*, but of the taxes on the pocket money of the pre-kindergarten children of the filthy rich.
As for the filthy rich … let their own big capo Don Trumpone explain:
The standard deduction for married couples will increase from $12,700 to $24,000. Net $11,300 increase. Most American families are in the 12% or 22% bracket and will this see savings of $1,356 @12% to $2,486 @22%. if they were already using the standard deduction method.
Some families will move for itemizing to standard, so a range of $1,000-2,500 can be readily justified.
@ CI-A123
The true meaning of Trump’s tax breaks (for the rich):
Merry Christmas, You’re Fired: AT&T Lays Off 1400 After Trump Tax Breaks
And this is only the beginning…
Sputnik got this one wrong. AT&T announced bonuses not job cuts:
Bank of America (BofA) announced $1,000 bonuses tied to the tax-cut bill, affecting 145,000 employees. And AT&T and Comcast announced $1,000 bonuses for more than 300,000 people combined, along with substantial new investments in the United States. Ditto for Boeing.
Approval of Trump’s move on the “EPA” seems to be widespread.
So Saker, why so despondent sometimes? It’s not all bad. Look at what Trump is up against.
Let Pharoah’s people have their trinkets, and embassies. They gain nothing.
The israelis have never cared much about how much their greed destroys the environment of their quislings in the colonies. IE: “it’s only goys…”
Metaphorically speaking, President Trump is in a Byzantine environment. He has a table set before him in the presence of his enemies. His enemies include the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the academy, the entertainment industry, the media – assuming that there is a difference between the media and entertainment, much of his cabinet – particularly the bureaucrats in the agencies, much of his staff and members of his own family. With his position on Jerusalem, he has thrown the Israelis a bone which they are gnawing with relish. Will he throw them another bone? Today, he did not mince words that the United States had wasted trillions of dollars on a failed Middle East policy. Those words resonated on the blogs which I monitor. His base and even some on the left and the supposed right responded positively to those words. Is Trump perhaps working as best he can against the neo-cons who want a continued war in Syria and a new war in Iran. If Trump leverages the negative votes against his position on Jerusalem such that the United States reduces it financial support for the UN, will that be bad for the UN – diminished US influence? If Trump leverages the negative votes against his position on Jerusalem such that the US reduces its foreign aid world wide, will countries be freer without that aid and the attendant corruption? Perhaps President Trump with his Make America Great Again (MAGA) is instinctively if not with insight managing the decline of a global empire and attempting to bring it back into its national borders. Perhaps, just perhaps, Trump is smarter than Gorbachev who mismanaged the decline of the Soviet empire, thereby bringing about the suffering of millions in Russia, in the states and regions of the former Soviet Union and in the Eastern Bloc. Perhaps I am utterly wrong.
“. Perhaps I am utterly wrong.”
I very much doubt that. Your account seems intuitively correct.
“oday, he did not mince words that the United States had wasted trillions of dollars on a failed Middle East policy. ”
I doni’t do the Twitter thing, but I saw that somewhere while I was reading something else.
And I said: Nanu!!!
That is interesting.
Maybe Trump is trying to disengage from all those $$$$ to foreign couintries by giving them a choice they could not refuse. Even if he didn’t plan, i f he is smart h e will use the opportunity to cut these countries loose. EU can pay for their own defense! . As for actually moving the embassy to Jerusalem, there are a million ways to hide that pea under a different cup, where no one can guess what cup it is under.
Why Donald Trump is the perfect tool in the hands of neocons right now
“Today, thanks to continuous leaked information through WikiLeaks, various Whistleblowers and other insiders, the myths staged by the US empire collapse right at their beginning. As the Americans are turning their back to the mainstream media propaganda, once a key tool of the US war machine, the neocons will find almost impossible to push for another bloody war, even if it would have been conducted through proxies on behalf of the US.
Puppets like Obama won’t work twice and things with Hillary in power would be even worse because, as she is definitely a pure product of the establishment, no one would believe any cheap excuses that would come out of her mouth in order to persuade the US public opinion for the necessity of another war.
But now, the ruthless neocon/neoliberal establishment has the right man in the right position to put the blame for that: Donald Trump.
Despite that Trump was promoted as an ‘anti-establishment’ candidate, using intensively anti-interventionist rhetoric, he has already done the exact opposite. He has already bombed Syria, constantly provokes China and North Korea and, lately, does everything he can to destroy the Iran nuclear deal. It’s more than obvious that he seeks to go after Iran, as the seventh target of the US empire, revealed by Wesley Clark.
The hypocritical clowns of the neoliberal apparatus were playing a good game. They were constantly attacking Trump, while at the same time, they couldn’t wait to see him in power in order to promote their pro-war agenda through the back door.
So now, the neocons will hide behind him and watch their original plans fulfilled. Yet, it is still very difficult. With so many fronts opened and the chaos dominating in the Middle East, no one knows what forces would be unleashed in case of another direct or indirect conflict, this time against Iran.”
Yup. Change the references of america to israeloamerica and it pretty much will nail it. With either trump or clinton, the most extreme wing of zionazi, inc. gets their chosen quisling regime.
mr Vot Tak:
There was a time I thought you were somewhat extreme…. No more!
The article linked is to a site where it was posted by globinfo freexchange on googleplus:
globinfo has 38 followers which makes it an international geopolitical expert of great repute not! The article linked to is fundamentally flawed, and seems to be propaganda. Therefore your post backed by the link is likewise flawed. Why do people go to such lengths to post such garbage, I will never understand. A simple matter to google the exports of the 7 countries that the neocons have allegedly destroyed and it is easy to see they are not, are in fact flourishing. Gaddafi’s son is back in Libya and electioneering for the Presidency. To link to a total garbage article to prove your post is the proverbial urinating against the wind. The neocons failed to destroy the 6 of the 7 countries they were supposed destroy. But don’t take my word as an authority, go to each of them and see the total wasteland you want us to believe the neocons created. Yes, the neocons tried and despite the massive bombardments, the looting, pillaging, etc. those countries are booming, thanks to China and Russia and friends. What I suspect that you nmb and the neocons fail to understand that people faced with oblivion can muster up amazing resilience. They have nothing else left, they were totally against the wall. I like to reference a quote,”Not one bunch of pantie waist dilettantes every made anything,” That’s all they are, the neocons, or what ever label they go by. They are pathetic psychopathic creatures who are in an imaginary fight to not be found out and they control a minority group of people by fear and extortion who do their fighting for them, against the majority of good people. The young fools go off to undeclared wars abandoning their oaths to their people, their country and come back whining and winging, and incredibly guilt ridden for the attrocities they were party to and/or participated in. Don’t you think it interesting how the PTSD manifests on their arrival back home, not where they did their heinous crimes against humanity? Suicide is not the answer, making amends is! I’ve had PTSD myself and I got cured very quickly and easily, in fact I can cure it in a few hours on any one who did not take the so called medicine more than a week, on any one who faced their nightmares and got through them as I did.
I don’t often post but the article linked got me going. The Vineyard of the Saker deserves us to post intelligently with humility to each other and the world around us.
The so called Royal Australian Airforce has almost withdrawn all of its FA18s and I am trying to think of how to get them to make up for their atrocities against the Syrian and Iraqi people, to get them to see how it would be if Australia was invaded by the likes of them, an overwhelming force of brigands such as they are. They go on about “valuable combat experience”. Combat?! What airforce opposed them? They too flew cover for the psychopathic neocon jihadists and murder bombed the Syrian Army soldiers. I suppose they’ll suffer PTSD too, a fashionable way out of culpability.
Okay, now it’s crystal clear that ‘die Trumpete’ is not an an entrepeneur anymore.
He’s kind of a janitor.
Told by his bosses what to do, and bullied by brats with an attitude.
Just look at his body language. That is a man in survival mode.
Sometimes I feel sorry for him. I guess he has a virtual barrel of a gun pointed at his head, maybe even to his family as well.
It intrigues me where this will end.
Cheers, Rob
After what happened yesterday, I came to the conclusion the US is NO longer the ruling state in the world. Trump threatened countries who do vote in favour and that’s exactly what happened they stood up to Trump. This proves US is finished. The Zionists used this opportunity to find out whether or not the US still rules. Now they are convinced its not. 2018 will be start with wars which Israel will launch likely on Gaza and Lebanon.
Being rich or poor has nothing to do with the reaction. The U.N. General Assembly and its faux “international law” has no viable enforcement mechanism and is thus ignored by everyone, not just the U.S. The entire event is best described as Japanese style, Kabuki theatre for global public relations.
The only place the vote may have an actual impact is if, in the next month or two, a “Yes” country comes to the U.S. looking for a hand-out.
The U.N. General Assembly and its faux “international law” has no viable enforcement mechanism and is thus ignored by everyone, not just the U.S. The entire event is best described as Japanese style, Kabuki theatre for global public relations.
“A decent respect to the opinions of mankind” does matter. That’s why the U.S. Declaration of Independence included that phrase.
In this case, the world voted overwhelmingly (128-9) to rebuke the U.S. for unilaterally declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Many of the closest U.S. allies agreed that it was a foolish action. Americans and Zionists ignore such a loud warning at their peril.
I am quite sure that Trump does have: “A decent respect to the opinions of mankind” . He and mankind join together in common cause refusing to give the U.N. General Assembly respect, because it has not earned any.
As I have said before, the U.S. and the Zionists disrespect the U.N. for the same reason that a crook disrespects the law.
“He(Trump) and mankind join together in common cause”?? The UNGA IS mankind’s house of representatives. How then does the overwhelming, worldwide denunciation of Trump’s Jerusalem resolution at this institution suggest a joining in common cause of any sort? Further, on the issue of respect, it couldn’t have passed your notice that it was the American representative alone, who was DEMANDING it.
Face it, no matter how you try to spin it, israeli threats cloaked with an american cape no longer are so skerry to the majority of the governments of this world.
We all know what that means, even you don’t. :-D
Refusing to give hand outs should not be seen as scary or a threat. Let me paraphrase the intent as it should be understood, “Having taken Iran’s side… If you want money for your nation you need to appeal to Iran’s government for the hand out.”
Trump’s foreign policy has been pretty clear and consistent. The free-ride gravy train and submissive behavior of the Soros/Obama/Clinton Globalist regime is over.
— No more appeasement payments to North Korea.
— No more “trade deals” that undermine U.S. worker citizens.
— No more tax regime favoring foreign manufacturers over domestic ones.
The reaction to the arrogant, blowhards of the U.N. was entirely predictable.
Based on the policies above, everyone should have seen this one coming:
— No more hand outs to nations that undermine U.S. foreign policy.
Does that mean you will pull your bases out, stop running your terrorists and regime change war crimes?
Nah, I didn’t think so.
Vot tak,
The U.S. will not abandon the Middle East to Iranian occupation, terrorism, bases, more terrorism, war crimes, and even more terrorism. Even if they chose poorly in terms of this vote, those in the cross hairs of Iranian oppression will continue to receive assistance.
Will Iran stop trying to intimidate its neighbors? Nah, I didn’t think so.
“Iranian occupation, terrorism, bases, more terrorism, war crimes, and even more terrorism. . . . Iranian oppression
Iran . . . intimidate its neighbors? ”
Where are you getting this stuff? Let us see some sources for this please.
The US “foreign aid” isn’t given to “help” the people in those countries. That is the myth Americans are told to make us “feel good”. That aid is given to serve US interests. Its a form of “bribe money” to get those countries to go along with what we want. Usually it works for the US. But as in this case,sometimes what the US wants is so hated among those countries populations. That those regimes are forced to oppose what the US wants.So if the US does cut off that aid. They will end by hurting themselves more than those countries.Its past time the US population understands the way the World works. And stop’s feeling “holier than thou”.Thinking we are a misunderstood “Mother Theresa” being picked on by all those “ungrateful” countries.Its not true,and never was.
Uncle Bob 1. Your statement is right on the money!
“Its a form of “bribe money” to get those countries to go along with what we want.”
Actually, the money mostly goes to multinational corps and to projects that facilitate their increased control of the victim country. Often, the money never even reaches the victim country, but is simply transferred to different accounts in the same zionazi oriented western financial scam-house.
So she is then going to take note of who refuses to drink the Kool-Ade which she will be serving and to see if those who abstained from the UN vote also abstain from attending the “party”.
Is there a snowball’s chance in H-ll that she might be serving “humble pie” ?
Apparently Nikki Haley has invited the 64 countries who either abstained, voted no or simply didn’t show up to a “Jerusalem friendship” party…
I have to say, a few weeks ago I started having thoughts that all of this, the entire human history, is rooted in base, childish nonsense… and evidence keeps piling up.
For example, Russia has been the target of other powers ever since her first years, it has always been under attack either by word or weapon… it’s the biggest country on the planet and has been for a long, long time. Could this be nothing but a penis measurement contest on a global scale?
This sounds ridiculous you say? Think it through over a nice big bowl of “Freedom Fries” at the “Jerusalem Friendship” pity party aunt Nikki is throwing…
Good lord.
“Could this be nothing but a penis measurement contest on a global scale?”
I’d be very hesitant about trying the measure the size of haley’s willie. The personal hygiene factor of these things being a major factor… ;-D
Now Trump can go back and tell the zionists – I told you so. He is giving them what they want and the rope to hang themselves with.
With the US military backing or without the zionists are finished.
None of these statements and threats matter – Syria is lost to the zionists and with that failure the whole house of cards has collapsed.
Syria has to be understood as the last desperate gamble to maintain the zionist entity in the ME – but even if Syria had collapsed that would not stop the tide only delayed it. The world is moving east and the US is unable or unwillinging to cut loose its handlers.
The real difference between Trump and Clinton is that – if Clinton had won there would have been a nuclear exchange with Russia because her elite backers wanted to roll the dice. With Trump his elite backers know the game is over and they need to cut bait.
“Syria is lost to the zionists”
You wish.
You misunderstood that.
You’re right.
My f-up. Sorry about that.
that’s funny. The Chisler-in-Chief whining about his bill.
Only nine countries voted with the USA. (Another 35 abstained.) Of those nine, most were direct US dependencies in the South Pacific: Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, etc.. The USA may have other nations by the short hairs, but at least most other nations proffered a fig leaf of respectability, pretending they were not controlled by the USA. With few exceptions, those who voted with the USA apparently figured there was no point in attempted pretense.
What amazes me, though, is that the US apparently thought that Muslim nations might side with the US. And to me, that sort of total disconnect with reality is the most frightening thing of all.
“We want it to be so. Therefore, it must be so. And, ipso facto, it already is so.” God save the United States and this planet.
What I really enjoyed was the well deserved bitter kick in the balls delivered to the Saudis, the Turks and Iran when Bosnia-Herzegovina refused to support the UN resolution and instead tacitly supported Trump and Netanyahu. The three aforementioned Islamic countries deserve this kick in the ass for blindly supporting Bosnian Muslims murder and aggression against orthodox Christians in Yugoslavia and Bosnia based on Islamist ideology of a global ulema. Now the Bosnians have betrayed them to please the US. That’s Karma.
How that must really sting.
I was shocked to see Bosnia… I was like what? do muslims in Bosnia know what Al Quds means to them? or are they ignorant?
The cartoons just about draw themselves. All over the world.
Is either of the following V.Pyakin YouTube Videos the one you wished to link?
V.Pyakin: Trump Reformat US
V.Pyakin: Civil war U.S.?
Best to you.
Herk… absolutely
Trump is complaining about USA allies taking money and not voting for them. Had the UN allowed ISIS, the one true ally of the USA which got millions in dollars, arms and healthcare to vote, it would have surely voted against the resolution in favor of USA.
Just yesterday we saw the US humiliated in a UNGA vote. We saw the monstrous Nikki Haley threaten the World’s nations. But that was “yesterday”,today is another story. Today we saw the UNSC kow-tow themselves before the US “overlord”,and cravenly vote unanimously to savage the weak North Korea.What a difference “a day” makes. Yesterday,a charade of defiance where most countries pretended to be “Spartacus”. And today they returned to their real position of Neville Chamberlain.
Sure we heard meaningless weasel words from Russia’s and China’s UN delegates. Explaining that even as they crawled before the US throne. They called on the US and North Korea to hold negotiations. Of course they both know, just as I do, that the US would never agree to that.That their words were only to excuse themselves for their appeasement.But as least they can comfort their people by saying “we tried” as the world heads to war in Asia.Sad,just sad.
I used to think Russia and China understood how the US worked. But I really doubt that today. I’m reminded of an old saying from the WWII era. I’ll bring it up to modern days,to state Russia and China’s position:
First they came for Yugoslavia.But I wasn’t Yugoslav,so I did nothing.
Then they came for Iraq.But I wasn’t Iraqi so I did nothing.
Then they came for Libya.But I wasn’t Libyan,so I did nothing.
Then they came for Syria (and the jury is still out there).
Then they came for Ukraine.I wasn’t Ukrainian so I did nothing (except in a tiny area).
Now they’ve come for North Korea.But I’m not North Korean,so I do nothing.
Next they’ll come for Iran.And I’m not Iranian,so I’ll do nothing.
Then they’ll come for me,and they’ll be no one left to help me do anything.
Alternatively the UN just offered this sop to the US so that it will stay in. More sanctions against NK are just window dressing: I doubt that anything more serious is even possible.
As to China and Russia not understanding how the U.S. works or does not work : that is a long bow that you are drawing.
The list of countries they watched being destroyed is a pretty good confirmation that that “bow” isn’t that long. But to add to the proof here is a quote from a Russian official found on RT: “Russia may take the issue of lethal weapon sales to Ukraine to the UN Security Council, the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma’s Defense Committee, Yuri Schvytkin said”. Seriously? Who in their right mind thinks that complaining to the UNSC,where the US and 2 other NATO stooges have a veto with help.Its just that kind of thinking that forms my opinion.
So what should Russia have done when they saw that the U.S. was systematically destroying countries , as you put it?
That’s brilliant.
delusional – but its only one country – the hysteria it caused was alarming – I’m glad sanity prevailed in the UN
It’s almost unfair the way Trump is setting up and isolating the dangerous true believer Nikki Haley and the US mission creeps in the UN over the status of Jerusalem. She has designs on running for the highest offices based on her diplomatic resume, which will resemble a superfund site by the time she’s fired.
Yeah, this is my take.
She will be dead meat, politically.
But, who cares?
“They came, they voted, the resolution died”
The vote has only reinforced my previous vision that this country will soon be as Russia became in 1917…..the majority of the worlds nations have rejected the US…..enough is enough… by one nations are turning their backs on the US and looking Eastward… aware and watch as troops are brought back to US soil…..bases will be closing…..the petrodollar will collapse…..i actually look forward to the insanity… is time to bring this empire down to its knees…..i will not lift a finger to slow the inevitable… reap what you sow…..and what we have sowed and have allowed to be sowed in our names is death….misery…. destruction….deception and lies….
The rest of the world can put its embassies anywhere they want in the area. Americans citizens won’t run to the UN and whine if the do. But do not think for a moment they take kindly to this UN b.s..Stay in your lane. President Trump is absolutely correct here.
If this was a normal situation you would be correct.But it isn’t a normal situation. East Jerusalem was seized and illegally held by Israel since 1967. A violation of the UN Charter’s prohibition against gaining territory through war. Which is why no country has recognized East Jerusalem as being part of Israel.The US recognition of Jerusalem as Israels capital violates UN resolutions,which say that the status of Jerusalem can only be decided in a peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. Almost no Americans understand this fact. And for sure the US regime and Zionist lobby isn’t about to explain that to the US population.
Sorry Uncle I disagree. This is not a contest between Palestinians and Moslems vs Israelis and global Zion. This is eschatology. It is written a new Jewish temple with be built on Temple Mt. So that is what has got to happen. For eg Nicki Haley went fishing for the rejection vote of the General Assembly because the rejection vote fulfills prophecy…in her mind….in the mind of two groups enthralling her….fundamentalist American Christians and Zionists. You might say 64 nations sided with the US so no prophecy is thereby fulfilled because the prophecy says every nation is against it. The GA has taken its decision and it speaks for the world regardless the sensibilities of the minority. The body has spoken.
I am not appalled at all with his statement after all what you expect from a buffoon president surrounded by bunch of equally foolish people.
Both the threats from the Haley zealot and the Donald’s defense thereof seem to be scripted. Apparently the script writers believe in the fantasy that USAID money is a gift that has benefited the recipient country who now rejects its overlord. It is not like that, USAID, and for that matter EU DEVCO Aid, is forced upon recipient countries with a long string of conditions, while the assumed ‘developmental’ benefits are zero or below zero due to these conditions and, of course, the huge 60% to 80% spin-off of the money for contracting firms and consultants and the poor effectiveness of these expensive schemes in the sector or the field (Yes, I was one of them). I can’t think of a country in this world that sits and waits for the goodies from USAID (or EU DEVCO) just to do as they are ordered in UNGA. Except for those tiny Pacific island nations… but they should be forgiven for that if only it helps them to escape a nuclear umbrella and will give them some more ‘ugly American’ tourists.
The past week ´the Duran´ published 3 articles from an author of ´Politico´ (a Clinton fake news factory), about a possible connection between Obama, Hezbollah and the latin America cocaine cartels. It was destroyed by the readers (and afterwards made invisible). The last one:
I find this very disturbing! It makes me think the Duran is fatally compromized! Please react with factual information!
The first article at it’s start referenced rush limbaugh last monday promoting the politico propaganda piece. It then went on using the identical zionazi bias and hype limbaugh and the rest of the israeli “lord ha ha” neocon fanatics at (cough) “conservative talk radio” regularly employ. Evidently, the Duran writer, hamisch (?), is one of the limbaugh “dittoheads” and/or working for the same israeli propaganda team that created this rehash of one of their long time smears against Hezbollah. The article was outed as zionazi smear propaganda.
Next am, the original article was gone, but then later reappeared, rewritten by hamisch in a new style he, or his handlers figured would then pass muster at the Duran. It didn’t, and was outed as the zionazi propaganda it was. Just like the previous. This time, though, the zionazis also tried to spam the comments with a couple obvious websayanim.
Now the Duran has tripled down with a third zionazi smear piece by the same dittohead. Again, nobody bought the propaganda, again, zionazi, inc. spammed the comments – this last time very heavily and overtly, like they do msm sites.
Meanwhile, the zionazis at neocon central, “conservative talk radio” have been doing a major promotion job over this new “Iraq has wmds” propaganda. It is very obvious the propaganda is part of a major effort by israel to demonise Hezbollah and promote a new war against Lebanon, and probably open a new campaign against Syria.
The question is what the hell is going on over at the Duran running this zionazi propaganda, which they know to be bogus? Something is very wrong there now. I don’t know much about the site, so am hesitant to speculate what happened. But it doesn’t look good at all.
and now Trump is signing off on lethal aid to Kiev – including Javelin anti-tank missiles and possibly MANPads. Apparently there is congressional approval required before shipments begin.
The madness never ceases…
The cry of woe to come for Damascus:
The scale eludes. Putin stated these past few days that if terrorist formations resurface in Syria Russia will liquidate them with unprecedented missile strikes.
An admission the Iskies saw use in Syria.
I am by no means an expert on this subject, but have been ‘following the issue’ for as long as I can remember (30+ years).
To my mind, the entire ‘Two-State Solution’ was an intentional distraction, a bait and switch operation designed to divert all the world’s attention (pro-palestinian world) into putting all its energy into an impossible solution. In other words… Controlled Opposition. There have been more than a few Israeli (anti-Zionist) intelligentsia suggesting this.
Imagine if all that energy had been put into a ‘One State Solution’ guaranteeing equal rights for ALL members of said state.
Has Trump in reality exposed the ‘Two-State’ illusion by his actions? But once again, the narrative is twisted and controlled in an attempt to prevent this exposure?
I imagine there are many elements in the ‘Empire’ quietly freaking out about this but cannot verbalise said freaking out for fear of the operation being exposed for what it is.
Could someone please explain what makes Jerusalem so important to the Islamic culture? I can understand its significance for Jews and Christians, especially with their eschatological mythology, but Moslems?
While I personally have little use for religion, I do see its utility as a cultural appendage, especially in a time when we are forced to take sides in the onslaught of neoliberal social-marxist nihiism (while ignoring the more important economic marxism).
While I do think what the orange caesar did was stupid in that it was obvious it would inflame Islamic rhetoric, and possibly passions – it is quite likely that he is abandoning the Two State solution, and pulling out of any ‘negotiations’ about palestine, thereby forcing a more realistic single state solution. A multicultural secular single state is infinitely preferable to two religious states eternally sworn to annihilate each other. The peoples must come to terms with the nakba, and the Grand Mufti.
These days I do not even pretend to see any real logic to the Fool on the Hill and his general staff keepers. The arms sales to the Ukraine are nothing short of pure madness, and seconded only by the rather lame response by the Kremlin to such provocation.
Perhaps it is a waiting game – for the petrodollar to collapse, but that is a rather dangerous strategy, as the ‘Masters of Mankind’ have other, and increasing deadlier tricks up their sleeves.
“They take hundreds of millions, billions of dollars.. and then they vote against us”.
Trump and Nikki don’t know enough to blush when they admit that we’re buying votes.
“… Famous Russian pranksters Vovan & Lexus played a phone trick on the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley. Presenting themselves as The Prime-Minister of Poland they had a conversation with her that lasted for about 30 minutes. Nikky Haley was informed about the situation in Binomo – an island in the South China Sea: Putin supposedly interfered in their elections (this island doesn’t exist for real). Ignorant Ambassador stated in all seriousness she was aware of the situation and confirmed Putin interfered in the elections of Binomo. … Haley and the pranksters also discussed Kevin Spacey’s [sexual] harassment [of] the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko… ”
:-D :-D :-D
Does Mr Trump really believe that America is (or ever has been) taken advantage of? Our experience in a small country, far away is that we have been worked over MANY, MANY times by America!!! We live in topsy-turvey land folks.
“Does Mr Trump really believe that America is (or ever has been) taken advantage of?”
Um. Israel springs to mind — wagging the dog and all that.
Meanwhile the Democratic Party “opposition” tries to outdo the Republicans and Trump Regime in their Zionist credentials.
Imperial Roman …. sorry… New York Senator Chuck Schumer has criticized Trump for being not aggressive *enough* in calling for the US embassy to be moved to Jerusalem and claiming the city as Israel’s capitol.
Senator Schumer Slams Trump Over ‘Indecisiveness’ on U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem
You can’t make this stuff up.
I am worried that Russia is interfering in the elections in Binomo but I am reassured that our UN representative is now aware of it thanks again to our Ukrainian allies:
We were successful in thwarting Russia’s hostile and aggressive plans in Limpopo thanks to Congresswoman Maxine Waters being informed in time by our Ukrainian friends:
In America, being rich DOES put one above the law.