“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon”.
(Matt. 6:24)
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I stand justified in everything I wrote about this man. I repeat here and now, the only way any meaningful change worthy of the term is going to come to America is if America were to suffer a military defeat and its entire military industrial complex is dismantled and the psychopaths brought to justice, period.
To all the delusional people who were all pinning their hopes on the Donald to bring change to America because “the establishment is against him” or because “he is self financed and not beholden to any interest groups” I hate to sa I told you so. Sputnik carried an article today on how he is currently surrounding himself with neocon advisers, its all going to be business as usual under the Donald should he win, and for all those people who scream that they will vote for Trump because Killary is so much worse, Jesus- face-palm, wake the f*ck up and smell the coffee. It makes not one jot of difference which face ends up in the white house. There is a programme set in place which is being followed irrespective of the political colour of the president, one man does not a system make.
I think the people of the west will only arrive at this conclusion when their various countries have been plunged into war and destruction, the same war and destruction their so called “representatives” have brought to so many countries around the globe.
Another way out would be a socialist revolution. This may yet come about. War is after all, “the mother of revolution”, at least according to Lenin.
Heaven forbid…
“Heaven forbid…”
Why? oh I forgot, you want more fat, wine & steak than your neighbour.
I raise my own cows, make my own wine and cut my own steak. My labor makes my food. You, on the other side, would steal all my food just so you can have a loaf of free bread… that someone else made.
Please keep your fantasies confined to the other socialist ghettoes of the world.
Perhaps you hadn’t noticed but the neo con right and the neo Bolshevick left are two sides of the same coin. They both lead to the same end. Read 1984 again, but this time think of it as a guide rather than a novel.
The way, way, out is going to be ecological collapse. And soon. The USA is the principal villain there, too, but it’s now quite irrelevant. Indeed a nuclear winter might possibly spare more than climate destabilisation.
“The USA is the principal villain there, too…”
I’m not particularly up to speed on the subject but a cursory glance gives China in the lead on, for example, CO2 emissions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions
Can you educate some more on the basis of your opinion?
“the only way any meaningful change worthy of the term is going to come to America is if America were to suffer a military defeat and its entire military industrial complex is dismantled and the psychopaths brought to justice, period”
I agree with your statement, but how will that happen? My view is that this will not happen until
rest of the world (i.e. Europe, Asia, Africa, etc etc) realize the rotteness of USA, and abandon all the current military alliances and cooperation; and that will only happen if they have a big bully like Trump in the White House! Any other one, such as Hillary, Cruz, etc etc will not cause the world to abandon their “love” for USA, why? because the like to fall for the BS of psychopathic leaders, where words such as “equality”, “human rights”, etc etc comes out of their mouth every single time they are opened. Only when someone like Trump who simply don’t bother with such pretenses that will rest of world finally say “Ok, we have had enough”.
in other words, “a naked wolf is to be preferred over a wolf in sheep clothing”…
Trump is just as bad, but vote for him for POTUS, because the rest is just as bad, and everyone will then see USA for what it is.
He’s more Putin friendly (or at least neutral) and not a war criminal (yet). Period. Everything else is just largely irrelevant due to the usual arguments made etc. The only other thing I can see is he is perhaps a touch more relevant to slowing the globalised ‘free trade’ agenda etc.
@know the truth
Regarding Trump choosing his master, it’s irrelevant, he hasn’t chosen his master, his masters have been chosen for him a long time ago: – like any other fraud artist that skating on thin ice and putting on a fake brave front, he has several parties he’s beholding to (including the Saudi Sheikh, Prince Walid Bin Talaal).
You hit a home run each and every point you made in your post. I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been watching the naive and downright inept cheerleading for Trump for a while now and been laughing really hard at the delusional and bitter people especially at the frustrated bigots. I’m not laughing at the naive and ignorant who pinned their hopes on this total fraud – for them I have nothing but pity and understanding
Donald Trump is a cartoonish example of the worst America has to offer, not the best. Let’s point out some obvious facts:
-He’s not a self-made billionaire who made his wealth from producing goods and innovations that transformed American or global society (like say the Syrian foreigner – Steve Jobs, or Larry Page/Sergei Brin (Russian immigrant), or Scott McNally-Sun MicroSystems, Henry Ford, William Boeing, etc.), instead he’s a loudmouthed glorified land-lord/slumlord and speculator.
-Trump is not a business genius, he has about the same money now (in present dollars) as he inherited from his “daddy”. Had this loud idiot invested his wealth in the Dow Jones index, he’d have far more money than he claims to have now.
-He belongs to he parasite portion of the American economy (according to Max Keiser): Real-Estate. The 3 non-productive portions of the economy (should they exceed 20% of the GDP) each are Real-Estate, Insurance & Banking – these cost are cost centers, not profit centers, for a nation.
-Trump the toupee-wearing buffoon hasn’t produced a single product or innovation for the United States – just a lot of bocal flatulence and self-aggrandizement – he reminds me of Erdogan in terms of his self-centered mania.
-He’s been bailed out by Prince Walid Bin Talaal of Saudi Arabia on multiple occasions
-He belongs to the very Kleptocratic class of America that has systematically sucked more and more wealth into their unproductive and increasing incompetent hands
-He’s an Oligarch.
-He’s a liar and manipulator (big surprise): he’ll say whatever you want to hear to close the deal.
-He’s Hillary’s best hope.
And I’ll summarize what Trump represents by paraphrasing Mark Sleboda (Moscow State U professor and RT foreign affairs expert): “I think this (Trump as President) would be a disaster for the United States -which is exactly why I [as a Russian] support his Presidency (Peter Lavelle burst out laughing) – Congress would be against him, the Supreme Court, the Civil Service, the Institutions and the [US] Military and Europe would turn against him [and finally against the US]”.
Here’s the link (approx 3:00mins into this CrossTalk episode):
Its all about the dollar. The US will never attempt an open face off with lets say China or Russia because they know that in the process they will be destroyed too. They may try to scare them and harass with different strategies (like the ones now going on) but if it gets serious the US will back off. They may try to weaken them using other nations as proxies but not direct confrontation. Vietnam is still fresh in the American minds and it wont go away. The key in my opinion is the dollar hegemony. When nations learn how to bypass this the US military power will fade at the same time.
Michael Hudson describes the nexus between dollar hegemony and the industrial military complex in his book, “Super Imperialism.”
This nexus fully bloomed in the 1973 74 Kissinger Saudi Agreement, where oil was to be priced in dollars. In return, petrodollars were to cycle into western markets, and western private banks. Saudis got a deal with front line military gear (AWAC’s, latest fighter jets, etc.) and Naval protection for trans-shipment (fifth fleet). In effect the U.S. taxpayer pays rents, to guarantee security of petrodollar gambit. Saudi’s also were allowed to form cartels and their illegal government was sanctioned – along with Wahhabi Islam.
If we go back in time, the British East Indies company had its own army, to thus guarantee contract enforcement. In 1694, the bank of england became privatized and issued private bank credit, putting English population under debt control. At the same time, the British Army came under control of this system, creating a credit money/military/corporate (banking) control system for humanity. Broadly speaking this was the genesis of AngloZion.
This system had at its roots in Jewish supremacism and secret society means such as Zohar Talmudism, especially as it fomented the Orange Kings (color revolution), Cromwell, and Calvanism (pre-dates zionist christianity). Amsterdam Sephardic stock market capital had then morphed from metal based money to double entry ledger credit. Later this new money power under Herzyl became politically codified as Zion. But, it is the same system – a pyramid control system – whose genesis goes back centuries, even millenia.
This system then jumped from England to America and fully embedded itself as a parasite by 1913. It is no accident that Jewish wall street entities (Jacob Schiff of Khun and Loeb) funded Bolsheveism as a dialectic and subsequently parasitized the Slavic brains of Russia.
More parasitism of U.S. due to immigration from 1880 to 1920 as Polish and Pale of Settlement Jews immigrated to America in waves. They pretended to be Christians, and this duplicity is allowed under Kol Niedre (lying is sanctioned by religion). The 1925 or so Congress passed the immigration cut off, which was due to this group agitating for communism, wanting their own state, and to be treated as special yet separate.
This group of YIddish speaking Jews in particular, became todays Neo-Con’s. So, now we are full circle with Trump, who is deeply in bed with them, as he must be to survive in Jew York. This group also immigrated heavily to Chicago, hence the mobster and money power connections between the two cities.
Since finance insurance and real estate is the dominant mode for making private bank credit, then ZION is heavily into this arena.
Just the value of the land and buildings of state of New York exceed all industry in the U.S.
When you go to private bank to hypothecate yourself, you willingly have given yourself over to Zion as a debt slave. Your labor value will be recalled by the private banking sector as usury to then vector and fund this pyramid scheme.
Any real fix, must focus on the money system, and no president is going anywhere near that third rail. Continue to take the blue pill and go back to sleep.
Even illegal immigration can be seen in a debt money system context, as they are new “debt free” low cost labor, to be harnessed – and also be useful for divide and conquer strategies.
I got up to 12:34 and could take it no more. Disgusting…pandering to those people. The die is cast; the Donald is a true servant of the A.Z. empire…boycott the vote.
You missed the best part. He announced that his daughter is possibly delivering a “beautiful Jewish baby”.
Wake up friend, this man deserves to be President of the USA.
I thought ethnicity according to the Jewish faith was matrilineal?
You are right. A friend’s husband only allowed me to be the designated score keeper (writing down scores with a pencil and thus using a tool; I guess the Scrabble tiles are not tools; the alternative was to put markers in the numbered pages of a book) during the Sabbath Scrabble game after I convinced him that my grandfather was my Jewish antecedent.
Jewishness is an identity, not an ethnicity.
To steal from Stalin, it’s an occupation, in more meanings of the word than one.
Jewishness is an identity, not an ethnicity.
Sez you, maybe, but that is not what all Zionists, most Isrealis, and a great many Jews say an d think. Unless you plan to quibble aboutthe word “Jewishness’ as opposed to being Jewish. I mean, I suppose Gefilte fisch and Hamantaschen partake of “jewsihness” without themselves being Jewish. But we are talking about people, not pastries.
Furthermore, the only argument that justifies the taking of Palestine for a Jewish homeland is the ethnicity/DNA one.
Jewishness passes through the mother not the father so The Donald does not have a beautiful jewish grandchild and like all the other outrageous things he says he surely knows that. All the
right people seem to dislike him so intensely he gets my vote!
Trump’s daughter is an Orthodox convert so your statement is incorrect.
I read the comments made by RayB in a previous article “A ray of light” and listened to this “great” speech from Trump.
It is clear that the Americans choice is very simple: it is “Hillarator” or “Trumparator”. It does not matter who “wins”. These elections are not meant o chose the best of two acceptable candidates, but to attempt to eliminate the worst of two psychopaths and degenerates.
On an emotional note, he finished his “speech” by saying that his daughter may be in the process of giving birth to a beautiful Jewish baby. He deserves presidency, no doubt…
World, be prepared to live with the consequences.
Basically, elections in the US are a revenue stream for the media. They don’t really change anything. At least that is the way I and many others see it.
I plan to vote for Jill Stein.
Ha, ha,ha …
Please do so!
But please don’t forget that real change – in the US as elsewhere – comes with a change in the spending of the majority of people on a daily basis. No more coins for the suckers until they run dry! Stop doing the shit work for the cabal. Now.
My take on taxes is as follows: to pay as long as they are spent for the public benefit and in full accordance with local and international laws. How to warrant lawful spending? Request the authorities to hand over the bills, such that tax payers can pay them down at their tax amounts due.
Trump yesterday at the Annual AIPAC Policy Conference. Stomach-turning.
I think this was posted on another thread, but it belongs here, as well.
I was born in the middle of 1942. I remember blackouts and rationing of food, etc. I grew up believing that it was my social responsibility to vote, and vote I will. Most likely it will be essentially a null vote, given meaning only in my own mind — but it will be down on paper in the book of the election commission in my county — that I went there and cast my vote. Refusing to vote is not a boycott, but an abdication of responsibility to one’s society. I may write in a name. I may vote for a third-party candidate. I will vote to unseat my current reps in D;C. and my state legislature. I will vote for a decent woman to represent me on the county commission. No one could be more cynical about my president voting than I am. I KNOW that presidents are selected, not elected. But I will not let this keep me from making my will known, whether anyone notices or not. I live as both an individual and as a part of a group, and I will not abdicate my responsibility to either. I will vote, and my conscience will be pleased with my votes.
If I was running for president I would probably choose to say nearly all the same things.
Stephen Harper once said to the Canadian media: “If I told you what we are actually going to do, I wouldn’t be elected.”
Talk is cheap, and since the media isn’t really endorsing the guy, maybe they don’t believe his words either.
Are Trump’s pandering remarks to AIPAC any worse than Hillary Clinton’s? His rhetoric is crude and he’s even more narcissistic than Hillary, but both are responding “How high?” to AIPAC’s command to jump.
There are two additional facts to take into account here.
1. Both Clinton and Trump are inveterate liars, especially when they are trying to appeal to the voters they consider their base.
2. Hillary Clinton has a foreign policy record and the Donald does not. There is no question that Hillary will put the neoconservative viewpoint back into the saddle in Washington to the detriment of the entire world. Will Trump do the same? Who knows? The man is an empty suit and the only thing you can count on is that he will do what’s best for Trump at any given moment. Don’t expect long-term thinking, or fidelity to any ideology.
1. Both Clinton and Trump are invertebrate liars,…
Fixed it for you.
Arthur Daley would be proud.
Don’t expect long-term thinking, or fidelity to any ideology.
The two are mutually exclusive.
Trump is far from an empty suit. His thoughts on these subjects on which his campaign is based are 25 years in the brewing. On YouTube you can find him speaking in exactly the same phrases on the subjects his rise to #1 is based.
What is new is the opening up of foreign policy. The last fifteen years taught him much about hegemony and its negative results.
To those who instantly turned away from Trump:
Do you propose a pacifist to come lead the American government?
Do you think the US would abandon Israel?
Do you think Iran, which just humiliated the US over and over with captured Naval personnel would be treated to kindness?
You don’t know the American people. They are no different than any other nation.
They despise the Iran cleric government. They see, over and over, since the Marine barracks bombing, what Iran is all about. Iran fights its war with America on other nations’ turf. Most Americans want to take the war to Teheran if Iran is itching for a war. That’s just the product of Iran’s actions. Right or wrong. Since 1982, the US citizenry would like to payback Iran for the Marines.
As for all the other openings that will occur with Trump, there is a huge opportunity for very good relationships with Russia. Trump has zero interest in the last 25 years of hegemonic hybrid wars and color revolutions.
And his advisory group are cyber and energy experts with one terror expert, not war makers. To say they are part of the MIC, in the US, aside from fast food and retail stores, most technology is connected and all energy is connected to MIC, as it is in every other developed nation of the world.
If you want to be blind to change, follow your first reaction to Trump’s one speech. It was a sales pitch to a dubious audience. It was nothing more.
It takes strength to make changes in the Hegemon. It takes wisdom to listen to an adversary.
Trump will spend long hours with Putin and I see huge potential for global change.
This morning, General Michael Flynn, retired, former head of DIA, said first thing in reaction to the Brussels bombings: We need to talk with Russia. Flynn has been go-between for Putin to Trump.
As soon as it is very clear Trump will be President, open communication will take place.
To equate Hillary Clinton with Trump is narrow and faulty analysis.
Of course, it is understandable that ideologues only see what they are forced by their ideology to see. That is their fate.
I’ll judge Trump by his actions. His words are negotiation tools. He’s a different sort. Learn what he does and how he does it.
He just made an offer to reign in NATO. Does that sound bad?
I think it sounds great. I’m certain Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu are preparing various counter-proposals to deal with that huge opportunity.
Bretton Woods is on the table. TPP. TPIP. All the institutions of post-WWII are now all negotiable with Trump.
I see all that as great for the rest of the world.
Change is coming.
Larch.. I agree with you you have to play smarter than JFK…I think Mr.Putin and Dr. Al Assad know how. Mr. Trump wiil see.. .My feeling is he will outsmart them.
well, i live in the US and i don’t get the sense that americans are lusting for revenge against iran to the degree that you do. i guess one could possibly get that impression if your view of the US is primarily formed by main stream media. my impression is that most americans would prefer to move off the world stage and get our own house in order. but the profits and power that dollar hegemony provides will not be given up easily by the powers that be.
Jeez, lifts the “lesser of two evils” thing to a whole new level.
Maybe we should wait to hear what topnotch Russian Amerika-analysts have to say about this. They probably know more than we do . . . Maybe The Saker can locate some relevant commentary from Russian insiders.
Of course it was a sales pitch to a dubious audience. But it is more.
The speech shows that Trump plowed under his alleged independence because, now, he got serious about his potential election. Hence, he follows the playbook of former presidents and sticks his head up the asses of the establishment. If he ever dares to deviate from the cabals path, his grandchild will serve as the sacrificial lamb.
And that’s it. There is nothing to be expected anymore.
Perhaps an analogy would be helpful, Mr. Larchmonter445.
Think of a very large corporation, which is about to select its new CEO. The company is thoroughly corrupt, mired in deceptive and ruthless practices towards its competitors, cheating and vicious internal struggles are the rule, embezzlement is rampant, etc., etc. The main candidate for the CEO position is a man of principles, who contemplates of radically changing things around should he get selected, but realizes that, if he declares his intentions in advance he would never get the job. So, he lies, toadies, pretends, cunningly declares beliefs exactly opposite to his own, etc. So, the company’s bosses get to really like him, and he does get the job. Once on the job, he starts acting in accordance with his beliefs, introducing radical changes, all according to his original clandestine plan. You get the picture.
Academic question: how long is this guy going to last as CEO?
Back to Trump and the US “elections”. If Trump did fit the above described fantasy-land role, he would not last either. He is not that stupid not to realize that!
The much bigger problem with this analogy, however, is that Trump does not have anything that resembles principles or beliefs. Beyond endless worship of “$”, “business”, “success”.
Trump is not a Zionist, despite what was shown at AIPAC. Trump has great respect for the power of the Jewish people, he deals with them consistently, he understands their perspective, but he is not, and never will be one of them. Neither he, nor they wish for him to be Jewish, yet in a strange twist of fate, he embodies a cultural hybrid of Jewish business acumen and WASP values.
He likes Jews as a rule because they are generally very capable, he likes winners above all else, he appreciates strong men, and projections of strength, thus he must have an affinity for Jewish interests since they are the Alpha race of the planet (yes they are a race).
The Zionist cabal has aims of global porous borders (outside of Israel), the tearing down of trade protections, the dumbing down of education, the vilification of Russia, and the goal of American military servitude, among others. Trump on the other hand, has been consistent on these issues, and has gone so far as to declare war on the corporate media unlike any other candidate in modern times.
Trump desires more than anything to be crowned President, to him a little pandering to the Alpha race comes with the territory, he knows the game, just like Rand Paul knew the game, however Paul completely lacked popular appeal, he failed to understand the root of populism in America.
Trump is head and shoulders above Hillary for the future of America, and the hyperbole is not so hyperbolic when it’s said that this election will make or break the United States. If Hillary wins it is game over, and the irony of a women realizing the role of the worlds greatest war hawk should not be lost on anyone. She will without a doubt leads us all down a path of war the likes of which the world has never seen.
For those unaware, Hillary and her ‘partner’ Bill are deep state assets who played a very big role in the CIA program to smuggle drugs into the States via the airport in Mena Arkansas. All part of the covert program to destroy (mission accomplished) the black community and its then increasing social literacy. Hillary has a long list of crimes with her name signed, and only a complicit media would allow her a pass. She truly is a demonic personality.
Trump is a wildcard, he will I believe do what he feels is best for the country he loves, and he will have the courage and hardheadedness to unapologetically stick to his convictions. Some of his policies concern me, however taken as a totality, he is the only person that opens the door for true change.
Some suggest Bernie Sanders is the one who will provide much needed change, but good ole Bernie will destroy America through wealth transfers, he will rape the corporate body and do nothing to stop US imperialism abroad. He’s inherently a coward, as far as I am concerned, that is why he stood no chance against cut throat Hillary, who pummeled him without even getting a bruise. If Bernie were the real deal he would have strung Hillary up like the criminal she is, he would have locked onto her crimes and never let go, but alas he lacked the desire to be that guy.
So much gibberish about – nothing. Three to the bone crooked creatures “running” for the inconsequential American clerkship in chief…
The U.S presidency is Inconsequential. Ok then.
And why do you bother reading gibberish? Leave it to the others to waste their time….you should have stopped after the second sentence for goodness sakes, you could tell right then things were wrong.
Oh pa-leeze; you left out he’s God.
Ha, I would never suggest anyone is God.
I find Trump amusing, he manipulates the media, he know’s the business of show business better than they do, and they don’t know how to stop him. He’s loudmouthed and flagrant, issuing the odd juvenile remark, then he says something that makes total sense. He’s the tough guy and wise guy persona that America loves, clownish to a degree, and always self assured.
Those that don’t see his appeal and only feel aghast at his person don’t understand American culture. America is a juvenile culture, Trump is the angry reflection of the masses beaten down by decades of de-industrialization, and his antagonism against the establishment etiquette is what attracts those who have come to loathe that establishment. His primary message is economic, and on that ground he has touched a nerve that goes very deep.
Oh. by the way your comment wasn’t very helpful.
If they are a “race” please explain the Kazaar exception. I stopped reading at that idiocy.
They are indeed a race, and the Khazar theory is just flatly incorrect. I won’t give you the background, but I had an ‘experience’, after this experience I developed a very strange skill. With this skill I have been able to recognize men who are Jewish to within a 90% accuracy (back tested for over decade).
I have ascertained that Jews are indeed a race, they have definitive traits, and psychological patterns. I have spent a lot of time with Jews, they are a fascinating peoples.
For you:
“Genetic markers cannot determine Jewish descent” by Raphael Falk
Department of Genetics, Program for History and Philosophy of Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
Carmel, you need to do more research I would think. I know for a fact they are a race, it is no longer subjective to me, it is an objective fact. Read the paper for yourself, if you like it, roll with it.
Angelo….”fascinating people”?….God protect the innocent and vulnerable world from these “fascinating” people:
Carmel by the Sea
Yes I said they are a fascinating people, from an objective standpoint they most certainly are.
This is what treason looks like AIPAC (video)
It behooves everyone to watch this video. Only 6 minutes.
Angelo, for you:
From the Department of Genetics, Program for History and Philosophy of Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem
“Genetic markers cannot determine Jewish descent” -By Raphael Falk ( Jew).
Carmel by the Sea
I never took Angelo seriously, especially not after this http://thesaker.is/a-scream-of-total-disappointment-saker-rant/comment-page-1/#comment-144629
“What needs to happen via education is that philanthropy become a core part of the business dialogue, like it becomes expected that industrialists invest back into their communities as a rule, building schools for their employees children, funding arts programs”
Great Expectations…as a rule no less ;-)
(Removed by MOD).
Mr. Anonymous, I really don’t mind that you don’t take me seriously.
As regards what I wrote about philanthropy, something I do often, we will agree to disagree. I’m a hardcore realist, not some social utopist.
If the Jews are the ‘alpha race'(I prefer Begin’s ‘Gods upon the Earth’) what are the Chinese then? They are already outscoring the Jews in entrance exams in the USA, although Jewish nepotism is keeping them out of the Ivy League colleges.
The Chinese are great people, some of my best friends are Chinese. They are industrious and intelligent, but unlike the Jews they don’t seem to have as broad an understanding of human nature. The Jews are the people of the book, they study like no other peoples, not in a rote sense, but in a very deeply intellectual way. The Chinese in my opinion have never delved as deep as the Jews into the human psychology. The Kaballah is the science of human psychology, and it pervades Jewish thought despite the fact that most Jews wouldn’t even suggest it.
The Jews are deeper, and more able to manipulate the psychological essence of man than any other peoples. They need fewer minds to accomplish greater feats because of their innate understanding of how to corral human thought. They create the ideologies other races then use, this theme has repeated itself throughout history.
“(…)If Bernie were the real deal he would have strung Hillary up like the criminal she is…”
And why your story about the new CEO in the city, hiding his true intentions to win, can not be applied to Bernie Sanders?
So far, he has already pointed to the adventures of the CIA financed with dirty money from Wall Street as something to eliminate from the American system, and called for universal access to education and health, and has been sufficiently realistic to say that all this only can be possible if he has the majority of the population behind.
For a coward, he has already shown many cards….
Maybe he is also saving some for himself, as could be doing Hillary responsible for her crimes, but after winning the elections…..
At least he is not brazenly lying like Trump who says what the audience wants to hear depending on where he is and who he is talking to, and I am afraid that what you see is what he is and will be, a vendor capable of anything in order to win, so that you will realize you have been taken for a ride.
Anyway, before this, you Trumpistas were selling that he was a sincere man who always says what he thinks, and now that has screwed to the bottom, then not, now he is hiding his true intentions.
Let´s see if we can clarify ourselves, how is he, is sincere and displaying as he is or not?
If it is not, how can you know his true intentions?
I love how you deceive yourselves. Reminds me of the old friend senior strategist when he spoke of that of “self-imposed blindness”.
God caught us confessed!
I wanted to mean, God to catch us confesed! which is a very personal translation of a mom´s saying which says, in Spanish: Qué Dios nos pille confesados! and is said when you see that a catastrophe can occur anytime.
Well said, elsi. Sanders is the longest serving Washington politician that has avoided classification as a Democrat or Republican. In policy, Sanders is a member of the Old Left, very similar to the New Deal Democrats. He would be classified as a Social Democrat in other countries but he has the courage to refer to himself as a “socialist”. He also had the courage to not show up at the AIPAC conference. Unfortunately, Hillary has had the overwhelming support of the Democratic Party from the start. The minority vote has been the deciding factor.
I didn’t know I was a Trumpista! I always come here to the Saker forum to get my labels!
I’m not suggesting Trump is a savior, he’s far from it, but he’s now become the United States’ great white hope, and he appeals to a large swath of the country. Rather than attempt to shout the reality down, you’re better off trying to understand it.
My observation is that Trump does not alter his economic outlook, he’s very clear on the economic pillage taking place, I think perhaps he’s following in the steps of James Goldsmith, who he likely studied. He is very consistent on other issues such as gun control, and support for law enforcement and the military. He is fairly consistent on geopolitical issues and domestic policies (anti-Iran, closer ties with Russia, re-negotiating trade deals, localizing education, tighter immigration policies, Israel friendly). Most of the rest is showmanship. He’s culturally a liberal but not extreme right, by definition a Christian, and economically conservative. Since the root of politics is money, he runs as a republican.
Bernie is a Trotskyite, he’s up to no good behind a guise of helping the masses. Under Bernie you are guaranteed wider social programs that rather than raise society up, feed Americans into a complex of subsidized housing, poor education, higher taxes and a regulated forced unity. I can’t for the life of me reason why anyone would wish to live under such a system.
Bernie Sanders is proposing, among other things, a tax on Wall Street in order to get gratuity of University enrollment.
So, pretending easier access to university to wider layers of population, this is not what I would calll “poor education” as you trying to paint part of his program.
Poor education system is that which make education something so extremely expensive that students (or their parents) have to borrow until retirement to pay for higher education, and where some who do not even have this capability of borrow not even reach higher education. So, this way access to higuer education, and therefore politics and power, remains forever at hand only for certain layers in society.
This education system based on debt mortgage your life since you are born till you die, because when you are finishing paying your higuer education debt already you are starting paying for that of your kids.
All this, while the CIA and Pentagon count with unlimited funds for their adventures in wars and regime changes around the world.
Paraphrasing you, “I can’t for the life of me ( find a reason ) why anyone would wish to live under such a system”.
For me, it is definite that a politician seeks to give education and health to all the population, because this means empowerise people for to be able to decide what future wants.
Obviously anyone who takes advantage of that rotten system or is greedy enough to want only the best for himself is not inerested in this change. People who never walked through the neighborhoods of the poor, or if he has, perhaps even feels good seeing how others live badly because that make him feel more like a “winner”, when in reality he is not more than a slave.
And the most nauseating of the matter is that always, the supporters of this “caste system” are those autoclasified as paladins of Christianity and Christian values.
Excuse me, let me throw up a little……
Ok, here again.
These are who full mouth are saying that anyone who pursues something that resembles more like democracy and decency is a Trotskyist, with that, they know that the people, with no real culture, because access to college does not guarantee that you will have access to a good education that will enable you to have a critical thinking and draw your own conclusions, at least in the US, is already seeing the wolf coming.
Look, if it were not for that this also affects me, and especially because from your wars and coups the hardest hit always others across the Atlantic or down there in Latin America, I would go for a walk and take the sun (which is what I am going to do right now) and would let you choose “your Donald” so as you to see a little bit what is good.
Trust me. I can recognize a fascist as soon as I see it and hear his speak, as know many people in Spain and Europe, which has suffered them for decades, here in my country nothing less than 40 years.
So, I fear the worst.
Good luck with “The Donald”, I, at least, am making myself an idea of what´s coming.
What I am suggesting is that socialist education at the federal level is a race to the bottom in terms of quality of education. Its not simply providing a service, it’s the quality of service that matters. Education should be developed at the local level, and funded locally, not by some centralized bureau in Washington whose legislation is written by donors and lobbyists.
Bernie is the ‘nice guy’ who promises everything, I get it. However federal taxation on wages fed into a meat grinder redistribution scheme does not work, especially in a culture where so many will take advantage.
I fully endorse some form of universal healthcare, and taking care of seniors is paramount, however expecting the central government to manage it is folly. Politicians are the enemy of the state, not business, it is the politicians who without morals or integrity sell themselves to the highest bidder. This element of selling out means fraudulent bidding processes, legislation that favors donors rather than people, and cushy after politics positions for these sell-outs.
Bernie claims to be free from the political disease called corruption, however ideologically he will create an apparatus that is even worse, much more akin to the EU in its governing process, which will lead to bankruptcy and social apathy. The EU is dying.
(…) the EU in its governing process, which will lead to bankruptcy and social apathy (…)
If EU in its governing process is lead to bankruptcy, is not because of its famous and enviable “welfare state”, but because those who are now in charge in the states of the EU are sold to lobbyists of multinationals to secure a place in some board once out of power, while at the same time they are slaves ( either by blackmail or own conviction ) of foreign interests as are the interests that come from the other side of the Atlantic, that is, your country, the US, and that most of the time go against the interests of EU citizens as demonstrated with the sanctions against Russia which only benefit you in your anti-Russian crusade but hurts us a lot since we lose a traditional and important trading partner.
To this should be added other side effects of this blackmail / covert colonialism which is that we suffer and absorb all the consequences of your wars adventures both in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Then there is the issue of the European Central Bank, whose legislation should be modified so that it is at the service of European citizenship which is who provides its funds and not at the service and controled by the big banks of thieves sucking people´s blood for decades now in this casino style Capitalism.
On the other issue, there is no apathy here at all, on the contrary, and as is already happening in your own country, precisely among the young people who is supporting Bernie Sanders, here also young people is moving themselves. Here is Spain new formations of young people are right now disputing the power with the heirs of the dictator Franco who have taken turns with the “so called socialists” in the two-party system which is the system we have in most of the Western world. In France the other day hundreds of thousands of high school and college students went to the street against the labor reform the French government wants to apply ( inspired in the draconian labor reform already applied here in Spain ) and there is call for general strike for the end of this month. Stay tunned.
This is not what I would call apathy.
Why do you believe that the only outcome of each attack by ISIS in Europe is not that the police catch more terrorists, as it should be, but that, increasingly, our states become more like police states and there is a call to close borders?
For not going to be that we organize ourselves at international level which will be, precisely, their end.
P.S: If I have called you Trumpista is because I thought you were calling the vote for Trump, you can call me Sanderista if you want, I am willing to accept it too, although I see that you on os those who is afraid of change and think of voting Trump holding his nose. For apathy that of yours, I wuld say. Think, man, think a little in your less fortunate neighbor and take some risk, even if you are an elder, be able to lose a few dollars, perhaps you discover that in a fairer, more peaceful and more open society you are also happier.
I do not think I have placed you never any other label.
It was a pleasure to discuss with you, since you are able to accept a different point of view without disrespecting.
Thanks and regards.
Thank you elsi for your graciousness as well.
Just one more thing I wanted to say, in regards to Europe and its surrender to the U.S. It is time for your own people to take responsibility, The U.S is a waning power, we need not hear the excuse of U.S hegemony from Europe, Europe needs to gain some self respect and stand up. It is European politicians that your battle is with now, not some U.S. supreme power. Look nowhere else but within your own countries for the answer, the blame game is over.
I’m not worried about a Bernie Sanders presidency, I simply disagree with his library based economics. What I fear is Hillary. Trump is a wildcard, he may well implement changes that are needed to return focus to domestic policies, rather than foreign adventurism. Many Americans see in Trump a man as angry as they are, and he speaks their economic language. Bernie speaks to the youth, but youth movements almost always fizzle out because they are naive and rarely implemented without complete surrender on terms.
I’m a realist, Bernie to me is a fictional narrative with only the slogan of hope, Trump is a cannonball that may just break things that badly need breaking. In the United States the only hope for change requires a little controlled destruction.
yeah, it’s that socialist educatin’ that makes for 4th graders in norway, denmark, CHINA, doing algebra and trig., failures like that.
money in control of politics is the disease, terminal in the us. result of moral turpitude, the national disease. ol bern might have some insights. a mafia insensate clod doesn’t.
No plainsman, radical socialist ideologues in control of education is the root of social and moral apathy.
You might be okay with this, so I’m not judging, but did you know that in increasing numbers of Scandinavian countries children will soon be allowed to choose their gender at school? Also that any mention of God will likely soon be completely outlawed?
You mention the learning of algebra in grade 4 as a feat of magic, yet to be honest algebra unless dealt with from a math history perspective is simply rote learning. It’s learning calculations and plugging in numbers. It’s the height of animal mechanical training, and it’s all very clever.
Centralized control of education is the greatest feat of the enemies of man to date, and people praise it as an accomplishment! Look up John Taylor Gatto, he’s got lots of material that is worth watching and reading on the subject.
Remember Prince Hal, in Henry IV , part I?
“I know you all, and will awhile uphold
The unyoked humour of your idleness:
Yet herein will I imitate the sun,
Who doth permit the base contagious clouds
To smother up his beauty from the world,
That, when he please again to be himself,
Being wanted, he may be more wonder’d at.
By breaking through the foul and ugly mists
Of vapours that did seem to strangle him” –
Prince Donald??? Who knows????
STranger things have happened. Maybe one of his pals will rub The Donald’s nose in some Shakespeare.
The mark of true fanatic is one who cannot see the truth no matter how clear the empirical evidence.
Trying to put a positive spin on Trump is like Galician’s in Western Ukraine trying to extol the virtues of Poroshenko while there economy burns to the ground and their women are forced to service Europe’s brothels.
Putting wishfully thinking ahead of facts is what got so many people duped prior to 911 in believing George W Bush’s “Compassionate Conservatism’ slogan.
Oh, and Larch, regarding this precious nugget of wisdom you posted:
“Of course, it is understandable that ideologues only see what they are forced by their ideology to see. That is their fate.”
Perhaps you should spend more time understanding how this applies to you too.
He’s a fanatic because he doesn’t see Trump in the same light that you do?
If we did not have these vast distances between us in cyberspace would you also use the same general language, and call him a fanatic to his face because he saw someone in a different light than yourself?
Trump is suggesting he’ll do things differently, as highlighted above (Russia, TPP). At this point that reason, and that reason alone may be enough to make him the best candidate by a landslide.
it is a class war – and you are on the wrong side.
Stuff your “trickle down”.
Mr. Anonymous, if you want a class war you might experience a class war.
The only trickle down I ever got was a slap upside the head. Make your way with dignity rather than sulk about your supposed weakness. Your a human spirit for Gods sake! Act like it!
Change is coming… and you’ll be the most disappointed. This is a man Trump thinks highly of:
He’ll probably end up on Trump’s fp team.
In that Meet the Press interview, host Chuck Todd asked Trump to identify his “go-to” experts for national security matters. Trump said he “probably” had two or three. Todd pressed the tycoon for names, and the first one Trump mentioned was John Bolton, the George W. Bush administration’s ambassador to the United Nations. “He’s, you know, a tough cookie, knows what he’s talking about,” Trump said.
“…..to reign in NATO”.
“Do you think Iran, which just humiliated the US over and over with captured Naval personnel would be treated to kindness?”
“Change is coming”
Really, change is coming? With these premises?
I can not see change anywhere, only a continuum of your, yours and most American people, sense of arrogance and exceptionalism, which is about what Trump is and so is his speech to AIPAC.
If I have not been absent, or in Babia, for the last 66 years, is the US who has reigned at pleasure in NATO, crawling European nations on its military adventures around the world, adventures always of win-win and nothing to lose for you, so that Europe could never raise its head, neither Europe nor Russia, to the greater glory of you, Americans and the US and your “American way of life”.
So, in this regard, i do not see change anywhere.
Then, are you who have been humiliated because Iran has captured your marines inside his territorial waters?
With this statement, I am not surprised at all that you liked Trump´s speech at AIPAC, because I wonder how you twist and give back everything so that when you win you sell it as it were an “humanitarian intervention aimed at implementing democracy” ( must be read to reduce a country to ashes and impoverish its population so that it is easier to steal all of value there ) and when you lose or you are catched in strange house conspirating to do the above mentioned, then it is an humiliation.
Were you, Americans, who supported that Saddam Hussein pounced against Iran, which gave the coup in Iran that overthrew the democratically elected socialist Mossadegh and put in his place a tyrant like the Shah Palevi, were you who, this way, provoked an Islamic Revolution in retaliation in Iran, and also who after that reduced to ashes Iraq and now have done the same with Lybia and Syria in order to stole all their oil and to encircle Iran.
Who has been humiliated by whom? Please, a bit of decency!
I can not see any change here either.
Fortunately there are new generations in America, the new enslaved and impoverished proletariat, who are youngs, latinos, blacks, and also, many, women, who really want change and want to live in peace and with dignity with their equals who are an overwhelming majority around the world.
The times of the CIA, Pentagon and Wall Street and of exceptionalism of any sign are over.
Your old world and your world order has the days counted.
We Europeans, Russians and other Slavs, Latinos, Arabs, Africans, and people from the Far East, proletarians, all humilated, impoverished and exterminated in hundreds of thousands by you, your wars and yor coups, for ages, we are many, we are more, wait for us, we do not forget, we do not forgive…..
thanks always elsi
I would be thrilled if you prove to be correct.
However, I also believe one should look at actions and not words. To wit his “non-war making” advisors: Jeffrey “We must punish Russia” Sessions (actual quote from said senator), Walid “Lebanese Forces” Phares (the “terrorism” expert, ’cause only Muslims commit terrorism and not neo-fascist Christian militias) and George “Model UN is a legit foreign-policy credential” Papadoupolous.
For me, Trump is primarily a business man. And what’s more profitable for the only true industry left in the US, the military-industrial complex? War. So Trump is just going to turn his back on those billions in guaranteed profits in favor of increased trade with Russia? Again I’d love it if you are correct, but I’m not holding my breath.
“Iran fights its war with America on other nations’ turf. Most Americans want to take the war to Teheran if Iran is itching for a war. That’s just the product of Iran’s actions. Right or wrong. Since 1982, the US citizenry would like to payback Iran for the Marines.”
While it is true that most Americans will start the clock at that incident, the rest of the world remembers a bit more. For instance that the US was backing, and arming through its proxy Israel, one side, the Christians, in a long-running civil war in Lebanon. That’s to say that for years, the US was indirectly a party to the belligerents of that conflict. They will also remember that after the negotiated PLO withdrawal from Lebanon, a condition of which was security guarantees for their families living in refugee camps, the US through Israel and the Lebanese Phalanges militia carried out the slaughter of thousands in Sabra and Shatila. This slaughter was ironically one of the cited reasons the US deployed the Marines in the first place. The rest of the world may also remember that in addition to being an indirect party to the conflict for years, the USS New Jersey entered the fray in September, massively shelling the Chouf mountains killing scores of non-combatants. The US was directly participating in a civil war. It was AFTER all this occurred did the bombing of the marine barracks take place.
Larch, Thanks for your insightful take on the underlying political forces in this country. Yes, he is a wild card, but his instincts/opinions have been the same for decades now. If for nothing else than his resistance to color revolutions and wars of regime change, he is to be commended. Also, as you point out, he is adamantly opposed to trade agreements that will undermine democracy everywhere. Though he is not my cup of tea as a person and never has been, I’m delighted to see him shake up things in this country.
I don’t put much weight on this talk to AIPAC. I think the folks there, despite their applause and laughter, are clever enough to realize that they are being played like a fiddle. Trump will swing back to a more balanced position toward Israel if and when he gets in the White House.
It’s interesting how reactions to Trump are kind of a Rorschach test for folks who see themselves as astute observers of sociopolitical forces. Very easy to heap scorn on the man, and I have alarmed many an educated friend with my defense of his basic intuitions.
Every contender for the White House has to go befote AIPAC’s annual gathering and pledge total, unshakeable, unswerving, and slavish devotion, commitment and support to the State of Israel.
Neutrality is NOT an option.
Objectivity is NOT an option.
Putting Ametica’s interests first is NOT an option.
Learn this and live!
Disobey and die!
Bernie Sanders wasn’t at the AIPAC convention.
You are right, he wasn’t there. It is also interesting that (unlike Trump) Sanders is a Jew. A Jew who is against the Zionist entity’s genocide of Palestinians.
MORE waterboarding , sayeth Mein Hair!. Ja, that’ll make America-ca great again.:
Here is Robert Parry’s reporting on this:
“The Clinton/Trump AIPAC ‘Pander-Off’”
“At the annual AIPAC convention, the Democratic and Republican front-runners engaged in what might be called a “pander-off” as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tried to outdo the other in declaring their love and devotion to Israel. . . . ”
He shows his true color–“Brown shirt” Americana. And he decides who the US people must demonize and it is Iran. Classic fascist emotional style–the repetition, the demonization, the exaggeration, and outright lies ( $7,000 for each terrorist attack, please! wasn’t that the same tired accusation made against S. Hussein?), the assurance that ( “believe me” repeated like a mantra) he will make us safe, the false conjecture ( maybe even missiles hit the United States )… Rhetoric questions: what kind of demented mind? …..Indeed, what kind of demented mind calls the razing of blocks of Gaza apartments , ” moving the grass”.
Think outside the ballot box
I hate to say this, but, I told you!
And this goes for everyone, Saker and his friends Ron Unz and Jimmie Moglia, Alexander Dugin and even, you, Comrade Vladímir Vladímirovich Putin.
And also for some dear commenters here, like Eimar.
But you all men, really I do not know, how you were thinking that you were going to control this “time bomb” which state that any resolution of the UN Security Council will be skipped.
Is that not a challenge to Russia?
Is that not as declaring contempt for International Law?
So, is this who is going to bring peace and prosperity not only to the US but to the world?
Come on, guys, he is an oligarch, and besides one who depends on his money to support his manhood. Yes, let´s face it, because he depends on his money to stretch his skin and to marry a younger woman ever as he is older.
That being so, who is going to believe that he will go against the interests of those who have the money?
So, as you have already seen, if he walks like a fascist, talks like a fascist and has the face of a fascist, what more he could be?
It is amazing to see all the hatred he has inside, he hates Latinos, Arabs, Iranians ….. is there anyone else? Ah, yes, blacks and whites who are poor!
And you have to hear that that of Iran and Palestine is a culture of hatred!
A culture of hatred is that which blames the victims rather than the perpetrators: Iran is to blame for all international terrorism when we all know who are parenting and raising ISIS. Palestine is to blame for what happens there when they are the Palestinians who have been displaced, stolen, locked and decimated.
A culture of hatred is one in which supposedly intelligent and decent people arises asking for voting a global threat like this one just because the only opponent that looks like a normal person and speaks about controling the CIA and Wal Street, about public school and public health and the real problems of the real people is a Jew.
I hope that, after this, some reflect a little about their prejudices.
Yet all is not lost.
There is still time between now and November to avoid that both, this beast and the other, Hillary, install their asses in the White House.
For God´s sake!
Amen. Nothing to add to or subtract from what you said.
Hola Elsi.
Forget nationalism & V V P worship and I know we would get along just fine.
When in the Earth have I been a nationalist and have I worshiped V.V.P?
Do not invent things about me, please, if you want us getting along just fine anytime.
Comrade Vladímir Vladímirovich Putin has my support since so far I think he wants the better for his nationals, while at the same time not harming other countries, and he is for peace and progress for all people in the world
At the same time I must confess a certain weakness for him since I am aware we have several things in common and, to be honest, he falls me really well, I will not lie about this.
But, from this to worship him there is a long way.
In fact, I would say there is no man who could be worthy of worship by me, not even when I was in the throes of infatuation with him, because, what does worshipping mean? To agree in all with someone, all the time?
Impossible, at least for me. I think that many men seek precisely this in women and they call that marital harmony, and so most of women hide their own opinion and always give them right ( as I see happens all the time with my married friends ) but better for you to not fantasize, this only happens because they have something they need, if not, this would not happen.
“Do not invent things about me, please, if you want us getting along just fine anytime.”
Don’t worry, I was only joking.
Did not seem that you were joking about my political tendencies and objects of worship. You were saying things about me that were false.
It could happen that some new people taking a walk around here could get a misconception about me because of your supposed joking.
Hence my boring explanation.
Anyway, what are you doing talking about “V.V.P. worship” in a thread about Trump?
Trying to derail the discussion…. or just attacking me after my intervention in the thread about “Newsbud”?
You sound way too much like that gang, Brandon Martinez, Corbett and “The Sibel” with their “V.V.P worship” monotopic….
That is rude.
When the ass kicking gets underway, zionists will be hiding behind Jews, like they always do.
Do not underestimate this man. He knows the zionists are against him. He is speaking to the jew like you — and with this performance he’s gonna win them over.
The common jew will vote alongside the common man.
Trump is gonna win.
Aftet he does become President, the US-Israel relationship is slated for a downgrade. Like everything else, it has all been pre decided.
Support for Israel is the sine qua non in US politics and at the top of the politically correct totem pole. It would take a far greater man than Trump to denounce it. He has indeed chosen his master, as has the Congress. It’s not accurately termed the “Anglo-Zionist” empire for nothing.
It is illusory to think that a political candidate under the present hijacked and irremediably corrupt and predatory system makes any difference whatsoever, except as regards relatively contingent matters and as regards personal style.
“Aftet he does become President, the US-Israel relationship is slated for a downgrade”
That was funny – you’ve been watching too many spy thrillers.
I love the comments on this blog…you really do get a good chuckle sometimes.
Is this some private audience taping, or was it broadcast live on any network anywhere?
You’d never even know it happened, based on the specific place here (center column, down a little way, under flashing ‘Headline News Stories’):
Trump this, Trump that….blahblah all just scrubbed sanitized headlines.
The above quoted Matthew 6:24 summarizes it all.
Thank Saker for posting this video. Without seeing it, many of us might still be having some doubts. Now there is no doubt left.
It is amazing that one can still find some actually rationalizing the shameful prostration we all witnessed.
Actually his speech was a bit far to the right even for AIPAC. Sheldon Adelson has recently decided to support Trump so that may be behind it. Still, how can one trust that guy? I lost track of the number of times he used the phrase “believe me”. And who is he kidding with that “I love Israel, I love Israel” business at the end?
No surprise though, Trump is a small-timer. Anyone whose wealth is tied to leveraged New York real estate can be ruined quite effectively if necessary.
“Actually his speech was a bit far to the right even for AIPAC…
I had never attended a convention of AIPAC, even for TV, but I’ve noticed that some, few, neither rose nor applauded. Perhaps, even in the AIPAC there may be people with half a brain and who know that rising up a rogue like this does not lead to anything good?
In any case, amid the atmosphere of general hysteria, and considering that even from the other side of the screen of my laptop I felt a little fear ( it reminded me of the basement where they were madmen in the movie “Midnight Express”….. ), I suppose they have not had a good time among their coreligionists. Seeing how people clap and jelly with euphoria the barbarities “The Donald” says, surely they have understood that the shortest way for Israel to be wiped off from the world map is to be looking for tickle Iran until reach a military confrontation. Iran if attacked will respond with all means at hand, that are not so few.
Fortunately, I fear there are people in Israel also with half a brain, and knowing how they could not overcome not even Hezbollah, I do not think they will be thinking of declaring war on Iran, despite the much these American Jews in the AIPAC fantasize.
OMG, Starting at 13:10 —
The Donald says to AIPAC!
“Deals are made when parties come together, they come to a table and negotiate. Each side must give up something. It’s values, I mean we have to do something where’s there’s value in exchange for something that it requires. That’s what a deal is. A deal is really something that when we impose it on Israel and Palestine[!], we bring together a group of people that come up with something…”
Before these few shocking lines, where he promises to impose a deal on Israel, Trump was killing. More than half the crowd was standing on it’s feet, although many perturbed people remained glued to their seats. Then suddenly he flattened them with the quote above, then again returning to heavy pandering and all the while feeding the crowd’s anti Palestinian and anti Muslim sentiments.
What a performance! Trump was downright emotionally abusive. Ladies you must know this guy.
Make no mistake, he is speaking for the Anglos and oil men throughout. They are making an offer to the Zionists and American Jewry. Their position on Iran is interesting and could spell trouble for Syria and Iran, less so for Russia. Anglo oil men want to keep Iranian oil off the market and renew ties with Saudi Arabia after Obama evacuates the White House. Donald Trump Anglos are apparently offering American Jewry a deal based on cutting the Iranians out, cancelling the deal with Iran.
Or maybe not.
After all he is negotiating a deal, a word Trump uses over and over again. The Donald sizes up his audience and gives them what they want, but how so with American Jews you might ask?
We shouldn’t forget necon liberal-zionists are a minority within the diaspora. AIPAC ziocons get their start as bullies and extortionists within their own community. Rank n’ file American Jewry are sick of wearing blame for zionist and Israeli criminality. They are sick of being blackmailed. Donald Trump appears to be speaking over the heads of their self appointed leadership, to people who are just as alienated from AIPAC leadership as anyone else. He is driving a wedge.
This speech provides evidence he will win then over. Or he already has the backing of elements of the Anglo-American establishment. Whether it’s a puppet show on this level is anyone’s guess but judging by the quietening Republican leadership, word has come down that Trump is the man.
The US-Israel partnership is due for a slight downgrade, which could get far worse if Israel doesn’t play ball with President Trump’s anglo-anglo-nazi-zionist administration.
But what then are the implications of a Trump Presidency for Russia?
Are these Putin’s and Lavrov’s trusted ‘partners’?
In my opinion —
Russia believes it has largely secured its interests in coastal Syria. Noting the failure of Iran to send sufficient militias to Syria, and the deal made between Iran and the White House, Russia has thrown down the gauntlet to Iran with its suddenly announced withdrawal. If you don’t want to block the creation of Sunnistan, then don’t expect us to do it for you.
It is Iranian leadership which must decide if it is willing to sacrifice its interests in western Syria, now tempted to abandon the so-called Shia cresent and Hezbollah, delinking it from direct confrontation with Israel, as a major concession for signing the Geneva cash and nuclear agreement. Iranian access to funds in the future will depend upon their cooperativeness vis a vis Syria and Iraq, if Donald Trump gets his way.
The Donald smells a ‘bad’ deal so he is saying to the White House negotiators: you’re fired.
Actually Iran is playing a two track game as the Shia militias it controls plus SAA strike out in the direction of eastern Syria. If forced to abandon its deal with Washington, it will have no choice but to ramp up its efforts, playing directly into Israeli hands. Depending on President Trump’s negotiating skills, this could eventually lead to a massive escalation of war throughout the region, something Israeli leadership would probably find extremely appealing.
Or Iran could agree to pay the price and openly abandon Syria and Lebanon, as part of a re-negotiated grand bargain.
As for the USA, once again I am forced to conclude the hammer is coming down, hard, if not before then not long after the new figurehead President is installed.
So that’s your good news — you will be flattened under the Trump jackboot but so too will Muslims, Mexicans and those dastardly Iranians. Probably you will get some Wall Street red meat too, when the Drumph-shizen hits the fan.
Or Iran could agree to pay the price and openly abandon Syria and Lebanon, as part of a re-negotiated grand bargain.
What’s that you’re drinking? Trump juice?
CIA eh says
I’ve listened to this section of the speech again as well as read the transcript but I can’t hear anything more than barely coherent rambling rhetoric. It sounds like what he is trying to say is that an agreement must be negotiated independently between Israel and “Palestine” (slipped up a bit with that reference) and not “imposed” by an outside party such as the UN.
“An agreement imposed by the United Nations would be a total and complete disaster.”
I would guess that the further usage of “impose” is simply Trump stumbling over his own delivery.
The phrase:
“we bring together a group of people that come up with something.”
Simply is inconsistent with the preceding:
“A deal is really something that when we impose it on Israel and Palestine…”
Paul Craig Roberts Interviewed by Shadow of Truth
The only good thing Trump will bring is a 2nd U.S. Civil War. Oh and he’ll steal the title from Bush The Most Hated Man on the Planet.
MORE T-shirt sales coming!
(after they reword it to what it should say)
Covering both sides of the fence.
Khalek read racist and homophobic statements to the interviewees, claiming they were made by Trump. Little did they know that the quotes actually came from the mouth of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other Israeli leaders.
RELATED: Israel Is a ‘Bastion of Liberty,’ Hillary Clinton Tells AIPAC
Khalek’s experiment found that most of those interviewed condemned Trump’s comments, yet justified the statements once told they were made by Israeli leaders.
So help me get this straight… [and I can’t watch the vid, but I read enough articles about this to know what its about though…]
….Trump speech pandering to a bunch of egomaniac Jews is more important than, and I’m quoting Dr. Paul Craig Roberts here: “They don’t like Trump because he says he’ll work things out with Putin…Trump also says we’ve got to reinvestigate 9/11 – well this drives the neocons wild. You have to ask yourself, if the 9/11 story was true, why would the neocons care if it was reinvestigated? But they are so opposed to it that there has to be something wrong with the story”
On the other hand: Trump might be tricking/lying about working things out with Putin, or re-opening a 911 investigation. Sure! Why not? It is a very real possibility that he’s lying through his teeth just to gain popularity [and you can play this soundtrack in your head while reading the former text… if it floats your boat…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHJymLCET9I ]
But when he talks to AIPAC, all over sudden we must take him at his word instantly? Why is that?
What I wanna know is why one position seems to weight more – in some quarters of the internetz – than the other? [I know… it’s the dreaded ‘litmus test’ all over again, isn’t it? *eye-roll*]
At the end of the day it seems some peeps are just hedging their bets, so when something eventually goes one way instead of the other, they can go: ‘A-ha! I told ya! And I told you first! And here’s the link to prove it…’ :/
Psychologically speaking these are the type of people that are far more concerned with ‘being right’ [or with winning and argument] even if they cheat at ‘being right’ by placing multiple bets… than being concerned with the Truth, whatever it may lay…
Couldn’t bring myself to sit through this steaming pile of horses**t – I know enough about the ‘Israel-first’ mentality to need any reminder.
More encouragingly, young American Jews are distinctly lukewarm about the Rotschild colony.
Seems apartheid, genocide and land-theft isn’t really their ‘thing.’
If this cohort joins with the rest of its fellow under-thirty-fives, then Bernie Sanders is in with a real chance.
The mainstream media are doing their best to ignore him, yet he is really striking a chord: he has just taken 69% of the overseas electoral ballot :-@(guess the Clinton machine can’t pull the kind of stunts we’ve seen in Nevada and elsewhere recently.)
I would like to see the Saker give the Bern some serious attention – it’s not all about The Donald.
I hope.
The only way I see to keep my hope in Trump from crumbling to nano-dust is to fancy that he was bluntly lying to the AIPAC, straight in their faces and without flinching. Was he? And if so, can that be any good? I don’t know.
Imagine Putin in Trump’s place. What would he do? I guess, Putin would mince words trying to avoid sucking up to them while appealing to common sense, if there is sense that normal humans can have in common with people of ultimate supremacy. That also would be the moment Putin would lose the race. To me it looks like this speech of Trump has most likely won him the Republican nomination, and probably the presidency.
Maybe Trump was just clever. So again, I don’t know. Reason tells me Trump has chosen his master. There’s little doubt about that, but this little doubt remaining also leaves a residue of hope to an instance beyond reason, like the scent of something that has left the room long ago and that you can’t identify.
Trump wants to look more Zio than Trumpeldor. Can you see Trump emulating him and go battling for Zion (and die)?
Latest interviews with Paul Craig Roberts–refreshing realism and truth.
“Trump’s pander was so extreme that one ponders the possibility that he was mocking the audience. The thing about Ivanka’s impending “Jewish baby” was so far over the top as to bring to mind passages from “Gulliver’s Travels.”
“…unlikely to view the Constitution any more respectfully than Barrack Obama or George W. Bush before him. I simply cannot support such a man.”
The campaign is like a job interview, at least, that’s how I want to look at it. The national dilemma is so serious that becoming swayed by emotional bias should be ruled out. For me, the question is, “How well do you, Mr. Trump, understand the job description – per the Constitution?” If you don’t get that, then you are NOT qualified, and it doesn’t matter a damn how well you can lead crowds of Orcs who will react emotionally, instead of using their heads.
The fact that he went to AIPAC, and failed to speak truth to power is a serious disappointment. And then I look at all this debate (see Judge Napolitano) surrounding the Clinton campaign, and how it will ultimately hinge upon investigation/indictment. But let me ask you guys something: Could it be that we are viewing kabuki that is the setup for something even more heinous like a “Biden-Pelosi 2016” run? I see where they might be loading the bases for a Biden at-bat; I have no idea who his running mate would be, so I just threw in the Pelosi angle to point out how bad it could be.
It all stinks so badly I don’t even want to participate and lend it power by consent. I just want to say, NO! But what good is that – my lonely NO that’s drowned out by, “USA! USA! USA!”
I have to laugh at all the rants. However gets elected does not matter for the rest of the world.The USA is in decline and nobody can save her. What everybody forgets is the financial apocalypse that is nearing. Once the financial system starts to buckle everything becomes irrelevant,
Without the Dollar the USA has nothing, no army and no influence. Sweet dreams …..
The big question is … which on is first … War on financial collapse?
Who are you loyal to Trump? Israel or the United States?