The leader of the most problematic, aggressive country in the world, embittered by all Muslim states and plowing the Arab world with aerial bombs, Biden, who shamefully returned troops from Afghanistan, all of a sudden began to mention the Chechen Republic.
We have not yet recovered from a number of his absurd statements and actions as President of the United States, and he is already making us happy with his new strange and contentious statements.
Biden made such an absurd statement, in response to which I can only invite him to our republic so that he can see with his own eyes that there are no roosters in the Chechen Republic, and there is not even such a word. Instead of that, we have chicken husbands 🤣🤣
Thank you!
Andrei (The Saker)
Too bad the translation missed Kadyrov’s poignant humor and his most biting and contemptuous remark. The Russian word “петух” is a slang synonym for “педераст”.
“Опу́щенный (также «зашкваренный», «отверженный»[1], «обиженный»[2][3][4][5][6], «крысятник»[7], «петух»[7][6][8][9][10][11], «фуфлыжник»[7], «гребень»[11], «маргаритки»[6], «пинчь»[11], «козёл»[12][11], «чмо»[11], «попер»[11], «вафлёр»[6][13], «голубой»[14][6][8][10]) — понятие уголовного жаргона, обозначающее человека, занимающего самую низшую ступень в тюремной иерархии[9][15][16][17][18], пассивного гомосексуала[6][10][13] либо лицо, с которым насильственно совершён гомосексуальный половой контакт, обычно за грубые нарушения норм арестантской этики[2][5][6][13][19][20].”
What Kadyrov said was that not only are there no such people in Chechnya but even the word itself is considered despicable. Hence his sarcasm: he described the concept euphemistically as “муж курицы” (“chicken husband”)
Well, we hope the Russian speakers enjoy the joke :-)
I’m still stumped. LGBT people? is that what he referred to?
Aargh, jokes are notoriously difficult to translate.
I personally do not find this joke elegant enough, although the most Russians seem to like it. Agree, his referring the pederasts to the most discredited criminal term “петух” is off course strong and acknowledged metaphor from local perspective. I’d prefer something like: “c’mon Biden, come to Chechnya, you will see the people are happy, women have men, men have women, men are men, women are women, there is no need in American GBLT way of fucking. Stay here, you will be healthy again just due to Caucasian air. And tell your ill people then….there is a place where one can cure mind and body”
Yes, Kadyrov was referring to Biden expressing his concern about LGBT rights violations in Chechnya.
its hilarious. its such a forced issue in the US. Created by the evil not by compassion
LGBT is a political tool in the hands of the most evil party in the world. The Democraps.
Lol you’re mistaken for just look at how they vote not what they say, the republicans are just as corrupt and evil as the other party thus making it the party of one, the American people simple can’t nor want to get away from the party animal that they got hooked on when the were born and that’s the shame in it all as they play the people like a violin..
There are many reasons to laugh & be hopeful after hearing Biden’s UNGA speech:
He said U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan represented an ending of “a period of relentless war” and the start of “a new era of relentless diplomacy.”
In other words, the US is admitting that it had to shift its foreign policy from dominance to containment via AUKUS, because that’s all they have left.
As the multipolar world emerges, the fates & fortunes of many will be reversed. Perhaps the US itself will be liberated from fighting wars abroad? As for the lackeys who hitched their wagon to the empire’s hegemony, they are probably feeling quite depressed…
Whatever drugs the Americans are pumping Biden with, they need to up the dosage.
He is barely coherent even in that short video clip.
It’s almost like Biden is mouthing words from a teleprompter that he doesn’t really understand.
America stands for the rights of all LGBTQwertyAsdf+ people around the world!
Okay, whatever you say, Bidumb.
It is perhaps a moot point – but who exactly is Biden even talking to? I’m not alluding to him being brain dead & not knowing where he is – let’s assume he’s not brain dead for a second, his speech was presumably scripted – well what did the script writer have in mind & those who instruct & guide the script writer? Protect LGBT? What does this even mean? The US already lost its hegemony status when it was defeated by Russia & Iran in Syria, what just happened in Afghanistan was basically the end – the time when the US could lecture the world is over, they just don’t seem to realize it. LGBT? What a piss poor excuse to intervene in the affairs of other countries. At the same time, it has to be said, the world deserves it, because even Russia does not react even minimally adequately to the kind of provocations it receives. Angela Merkel on her final in-post trip to Russia started mouthing off about Navalny during the press conference – this was a kick in the face for Russia, & I have to say, despite my huge respect for the man, Putin’s response to this was extremely weak, he couldn’t even defend his country with minimal dignity. Considering Germany’s history of relations with Russia, just WW2, 28 million dead, Germany has no place saying anything about Russia’s internal affairs & Russia can’t tell them this publicly. So of course, because the real powers of the world do not respond to the West’s provocations (China is beginning to), idiots like Biden will give lectures about LGBT – the country that not too long ago hung Africans from trees, genocided the native population, went to war against the entire world, etc., etc., etc., etc.,……..
So true…If the Germans had one speck of decency they would not interfere into affairs of Slavic Orthodox countries (i.e. Serbia or Russia) ever. If it weren’t for the quislings in Serbia any attempt at meddling would be met by a standard phrase: “You and your genocidal dogs killed millions of us. You have no right to preach to us.”
FFS!!!…There as still people alive who remember what this genocidal tribe and their self-hating Slavic vermin drones did to us.
Same goes for their mutant child the US.
I can’t help but wonder: if Biden is so concerned about the LGBT rights (even in such a devoutly Muslim region as Chechnya), why has he never lectured Saudi Arabia, to name just one country that presumably might heed his recommendations in that regard. (Not!)
@Marina Braun
The LGBTQ++ crusade is applied Zionism. Hence only used to slander countries, peoples, and leaders posing a problem to International Zionism, which Saudi Arabia and its ruling criminals clearly are not.
Personally. I cannot for the life of me imagine Biden having the faintest idea of what he is blathering about. The US Empire is collapsing and the POTUS is more dead than alive, LOL.
Or Israel. Tel Aviv is their Sun City – or is it SIn City?
Biden is a great actor. He deserves Oscar for the role in POTUS saga, Love Ramzan’s comment but he shouldn’t bother inviting that idiot to his home.
West is the disease.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I remember Russia was fighting Muslim extremists in Chechnya in the early XXI century. Those extremists weren’t very kind to individuals associated to the LGBT community.
It seems that he wanted to bash at the same time Russia for both the Chechnya war and for the laws regarding LGBT communities in the RF, but he didn’t realize that, in this case, “the enemy of my enemy is not my friend”.
Anyway, it may have been for domestic consumption, which is very little acquainted with World issues.
I don’t for a frigging second believe Biden Sr. knows or cares what he is talking about. But the fact of the matter is that the collapse of the US Empire was facilitated by that ”hideous tormentor of Chechnya’s thriving LGBTQ++ community” /sarc off/ Ramzan Kadyrov. His Chechen volunteers had ”Misha” chewing on his tie in 2008 and, six years later, assisted the Donbass against the Ukronazis; this latter case being more a Biden ”family matter”, so to speak.
l find it curious, that a mentally challenged, sick, and sexually confused segment of the population, that represents a fraction percentile is now made a casus belli – l guess since all other excuses have been used and abused…and will never b believed again.
like the lg-whatever crowd don’t have enough on their plate to begin with…now they are gonna be hated for causing wars.
wonder why do they not speak up?
like not in my name you dont!
The departing act from the USA USA USA was to drone murder 7 children including a 2year old.
now, that this particular case is aired out, I can not stop to think about the operator of that unit – the person, that pushed the ultimate button.
his fate is sealed l would think – since he is no longer insulated from the consequences of his actions…
Indeed, LGBT is a political tool. And it comes in a package with the other “values” of the “Western democracies” that are shoved down other nations’ throats as a prerequisite for joining their happy family. Btw, this is what Ukraine has committed itself to, having begged for years (and still begging) to be admitted to that esteemed circle. Now that they have their very own “pride parades”, they can probably consider themselves a truly “European country”. (They have for years declared that “Украина це Европа”, having bid their farewell to the Russian Mordor)
Ukraine certainly can congratulate itself here. Not only does it have faggot parades; Biden Sr. is masterfully lecturing Kadyrov who sent troops (Vostok batallion) that proved decisive both in South Ossetia and Donetsk, inflicting heavy losses and sleepless nights for Shitsvili and the Maidan putschists. And Biden Jr. is quite an influential person in Ukraine, so there is profound, rightful satisfaction there with the Chechen-bashing. Might even have more clout than winning the ESC.
“Joe Biden”: (word salad)
James Speaks: What the f___?
Ramzan Kadyrov: Precisely