The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.
Fedor Dostoevskii
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The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.
Fedor Dostoevskii
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This is a Bitter Video!
The cruelty of the Soviet Gulag, so eloquently described by Solzhenitsyn, was a pale version of the sexually perverted concrete jungled brutality of the American version of its Justice system.
Some may recall the sexual depravity of the Anti-Semitic (against Arabs) torture committed by American soldiers, at Iraq’s Abu Graib Prison, one of the torturing American soldiers was pregnant by another participating American soldier torturer. You may recall the forced masturbation and panty wearing, and other sexual acts.
Guantanamo is a verb.
Within the American prisons almost the only sexual relief allowed is homosexuality, and often that is combined with violent homosexual rape. This American Government organized prison sexual depravity is used to break the human spirit of millions of humans, so that they may never pose a political threat to the system.
Additionally, hundreds of thousands are used as slave laborers, or paid starvation wages of a few pennies an hour to perform important productive labor. Their all but slave labor serves to depress the wage level of the wage market of the so-called ‘free wage market’ for all American workers. The treatment of American prisoners, in the court system and in the prisons violate every corner of the Constitution.
By contrast, vast sectors of the Soviet gulag consisted of families who were exiled to certain regions, but together (husbands, wives, and children). I am not depicting the Soviet Gulag as a “Walk in the Park.” However, a dispassionate comparison between the two prison systems will display surprising (to some American Exceptionalists), bitter truths of the extreme horrible nature of American prisons, as compared to the prisons of the Soviet Union, Russia, or any other nation.
A short comment/question on Prison food is in order – to further develop the point:
Let us begin with a question?
For long term nutrition, what diet is better? Rice and beans, and some bread or a tortilla or two, and water, or some coffee in the morning (on occasion- if you are lucky), at the cost of a few cents a day to the taxpayer of a Latin American, or Asian nation, or a so-called ‘beef’ hamburger and fries, on a mushy bun, with some cheezy macaroni, washed down with some sort of soda, at the cost of several dollars a day to the American taxpayer?
The first, much more economical diet, provides much more protein, fiber, and lays off the sugar. The second, expensive (MacDonald) menu, provides hydrogenous fats, bleached flour, no fiber, almost no protein, and lots of sugar, and is doled out throughout American prisons.
As a prison doctor once pointed out to me, American prisoners are literally being poisoned.
It is said that a nation can be judged by its Prison System.
Don’t wait to resist until after you are inside!
For the Democratic Republics!
Er, so where’s Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Oxfam, Red Cross etc etc ??? Have they been locked in the US prisons as well?
They would be if they complained,they know not too,Besides they are funded and staffed with the approval of the US.No dog bites the hand that feeds it (and lives).
Human Rights Watch in particular is known as a revolving door for State Department and CIA types. Never trust a word those bastards say, they’re a flat-out propaganda outlet.
Amnesty International still has perhaps shreds of credibility, but they’re pretty ragged. No doubt there’s plenty of AI staff who want to do the right thing, but still, they’re going to be a lot less hesitant to denounce the abuses of official enemies.
With regard to intoxication, it’s the Pindos’ mental poisoning which by far constitutes their most significant trait; individually as well as nationally. And they’re proud about it. Greed, extreme violence, noise, and imbecilic blather all along the line. I’d say they’ve got the prison system they deserve. It should be removed from everywhere else where they have installed and run it. Historically speaking, Nazism is the spawn of Americanism.
Tell me, beside your predictable commentary, what do you actually do to foment change for the better? Are you engaged with any sort of movement attempting to do so? I would bet that other than spewing vitriol against an entire population you do absolutely nothing except get cramps in your fingers. Your comments are repititious and get quite old very quickly.
Agitating against my country joining NATO, if that’s anything to go by.
Is there anything wrong as you see it with my conclusion about Americanism and Nazism other than allegedly being “old” and “repetitious” ?
What’s wrong is your generalizations. Your lumping an entire populous together. If you were simply a bit more open minded you would realize you have allies across the ocean. I agree the government is and has been for decades a Nazi system. Does the entire citizenry where you reside feel as you? Instead you are too blind to see that there are humane, compassiionate people everywhere. BTW, the anonymous comment was from me as well.
I cannot help but ask, what do you suggest the Pindo’s, the term you utilize to berate an entire populous you most likely know little about, do to bring about change? Do we vote for it? Do we pressure our so-called representatives? Or do we enter into armed confrontation with the forces of the “Empire”? Enlighten me, please.
Unlike yourself, I received 28 stitches on the forehead battling in ’68. Was arrested on more than one occassion in ’69 and ’70, while oppossing war in S.E. Asia. More recently I volunteered to listen to and present grievences, as an advocate for prisoners rights, at both Trenton State and Rahway State Prisons. Should I go on? So tell me, beside attacking persons like myself and many, many others involved in the struggle against the forces that bleed, while lumping all together as proponents of “exceptionalism”, what prey tell have you done lately? I await your response.
This is nothing else, just the script how the psychopaths are planning to make the New World order in practice around the world.
We just have to hope, that the resistance will be much stronger and the psychopaths will get what they were asking for
Very good report and good final reflection, although maybe the prisoners organized themselves because they had nothing to lose….. With people outside it is more difficult, nobody wants to loose its smartphone….
On the other hand, the situation of prisons in US is another example of the effects of privatizing everything. Private companies are pocketing state budgets, invest at minimum in doing the job entrusted to them, do not maintain the facilities and, if something goes wrong, do not respond from their actions like states..
Precisely this is what the infamous TTIP is about.
sigh, the Industrial-Military-Media-Prison Complex…
the prisoners know they will be beaten…so scary and so awful….and so brave.
It makes a person sick. It will only change when the financial-political oligarchy collapses.
welll, that was pretty impressive. Abby Martin ‘created’ it … so it said at the end…well done Abby Martin
Is she still with RT ? was there a scandal involved with her and RT ? I know Liz Wahl was a mole…but I doubt Abby Martin had problems…but don’t know for sure.
The video said Telesur?,so she may work for them now.But regardless it was a great video.And she seems to still be interested in exposing the truth about the Empire’s crimes,so that’s good.
At the beginning of crisis and upon Crimea homecoming she sad she does not approve of Russia invasion of Ukraine and taking Crimea, something along those lines. RT sad she lacks knowledge about the topic and history and that they are willing to send her to Crimea to find out about it. She refused because she was convinced she would find Potemkin villages there for her to report about.
She was a guest in MSM to talk about the incident, but she used the opportunity to talk about their biases and the fact she still has a job at RT while some prominent faces got fired when they spoke out against the Iraq war. Anyhow, she continued on working there on her show which eventualy ended because she wanted to do more documentary and field work and less studio reporting. She also mentioned they had very modest financing and staff, so doing a daily studio show was very stressful and she felt she could do more in a different format. Hence this project with TeleSUR.
There appears to be something a little off about Abby Martin. She claims she left RT to do more documentary and field work, and yet after making her uninformed and spurious claims about a Russian ‘invasion’ of Crimea on Breaking the Set, she outright refused RT’s offer to visit Crimea to presumably do an investigative story for her show. As far as I know, she never retracted or reassessed her original claim of the Russian ‘invasion’ – this must have been the turning point for her relationship with RT. I can only assume that when the coordinated anti-Russian propaganda campaign kicked into high gear with the onset of the Ukraine crisis, Abby Martin made the decision to remain at best neutral or mute on the subject, refusing to take an objective and principled stand (i.e. Russia’s position) for fear of being further branded a Kremlin propaganda mouth piece by the mainstream American media – and she did this, I suspect, with her future journalism career in mind.
Coincidentally, I recently listened to an interview she did in late August on comedian Joe Rogan’s podcast. At one point, the two of them scoff at the idea of RT’s offer to send her to Crimea, in a dismissive way that supports what Anonymous above stated, that she refused to go because the Russian government would have arranged a Potemkin village tour of the peninsula for her —- I have a hard time believing that she believed this is what would have happened, making her refusal seem extremely disingenuous. At another point in the interview, her and Joe speculate on how many people Putin has killed with his bare hands, and also insinuate that Putin was directly responsible for the Nemtsov assassination. At one point, Joe Rogan states that Russia is ‘such a fucked up country right now’, to which Abby Martin says nothing, except murmuring something about America also being fucked up. This was all very difficult to listen to, particularly because Abby in one breath rails against John McCain’s warmongering, Obama’s manipulative ‘newspeak’, and the crimes of the American Empire in general, and in the next she’s tacitly affirming the most egregious and dangerous anti-Russian propaganda. Is this not odd for someone who self-stylizes as an anti-imperialist journalist/activist? Has she asked herself honestly why it is that Putin’s Russia is in the crosshairs of the Empire she claims she wants to ‘unmask and expose’?
This said, her above report for Telesur is certainly important work; and hopefully one day she can shake off the residue of Russophobia that has enveloped her and make the full leap into the realm of ‘crimethink’.
The Joe Rogan interview can be seen here (with some anti-Russian blather around the 25 minute mark), not that I really recommend watching it:
Thanks Taco for very informative answer, as well as Anon above…I guess she’s being paid by someone to lay off the Russian RT side of things…Prisons is alot less ‘political’…
she’s probably a zionist paid troll unfortunately.. we may never see her reporting on Gaza….
I don’t think she is dishonest about Russia (by the way, she reported against zionist and about Gaza crimes), she just, like many other US liberals, can not escape the matrix of freedom as Americans see it, I think she and many others alike, probably well meaning, are unable of objectiv analasys of the Other, they don’t understand it and they never will because they keep translating the Other’s language into their own which does not hold the same concepts behind simingly akin terms. They are just deeply unable to understand history and people which hold diffrent things sacred then they do. And, no matter whether they profess a religion or not, they too adhere to worship of sacred things, however secular these things might be. And are very blinded by it. In addendum some of her ideology is of course terribly naive and superficial, like if we did not finance the army but the science instead the world would be such a beautiful place, because, we are to belive, the first is in and of itself bad, and the other good and noble.
Regards to all!
In my travels, public toilets seemed to be for the indicator of civilization.
Through Europe, East and West, English toilets were the worst. By far.
Note this is in and around London, Northern Ireland by comparison was quite the opposite be it Belfast or towns.
Breaking news on RT is that members of the fascist Azov group are storming the City Hall in Kharkov right now.And battling (or hunting for,its confusing) an opposition leader and the Kharkov mayor.I wonder if this is a takeover attempt of Ukraine’s second largest city.Or is it another of their demonstrations/riots,this may end badly.
“The treatment of American prisoners, in the court system and in the prisons violate every corner of the Constitution.”
Constitution being trampled? Afraid not.
Thirteenth Amendment:
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Assuming the graph at the start of the video (1:16 minutes) is reasonably accurate, Russia is running a close second to the US in incarceration rates, with Ukraine third, and the rest of the world distant also-rans. China and India don’t even make the top 25, and not single Latin American country made the list. I suppose that is not too surprising given that the goal of most Russians and Ukrainians post-USSR was to become Americans, as portrayed on US TV and movies, where everybody is either a cop or robber, or both.