Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
Kleptocrats have stolen $100 billion of government money.
Oh, I forgot one important detail – in the United States.
Who said this? No, neither Vladimir Solovyev, nor Dmitry Kiselev, nor Margarita Simonyan.
US Secret Service Coordinator Roy Dotson made this statement.
In his words, the US allocated money to counter pandemic-related unemployment but, as you might have guessed, these funds did not reach the jobless.
In general, Mr Dotson is refreshingly honest. He asks himself: “Can we stop fraud? Will we?” and answers “No.”
Apparently, the Secret Service knows well how the US state machinery operates.
Now the main point: Why do we care about this? Because Washington has recently announced anti-corruption struggle as one of its foreign policy priorities. A bill was drafted in this context – Combating Global Corruption Act of 2021 ( It elevates to the absolute the long-standing American tradition of transnational enforcement and becomes a foundation for international communication. The US has misappropriated its right as the global anti-corruption auditor, prosecutor, investigator and judge. And all of a sudden such an unpleasant leak has occurred. To recall both Freud and Andersen: “the King has no clothes at all.”
We can also recall how Afghanistan turned into a corruption hole for the US, where billions allotted for the country’s recovery were stolen. Or take the corruption scandal involving the purchase of medical equipment, which broke out last October. But, of course, stealing $100 billion from the pandemic relief fund for the jobless is very impressive. Washington will now only be able to break this record by stealing funds allocated for combatting global corruption.
If the Democratic administration is so eager to combat corruption globally, let it start with itself. It can establish some kind of fund, no idea which kind, but Washington surely has plenty of experience in this field.
The Emperor has no clothes and he is some kind of ugly.
I’m happy to see revelations of exactly how ugly.
Not terribly healthy either.
It’s on her twitter as well.
Personally, I am glad that Maria is out there hitting hard on social media. I know there are many who deride “twitter diplomacy”, but this is precisely what is needed!
Sarcasm, supposedly the lowest form of wit, but often the most effective at communicating utter disgust politely.
The lady does her job superbly.
Well, when you have usurped the power to define “corruption”, it’s not a problem at all….
“Because Washington has recently announced anti-corruption struggle as one of its foreign policy priorities.”
It should be corrected to “Washington has recently announced FOREIGN anti-corruption struggle as one of its foreign policy priorities.”
It has been happening for very long. For instance:
– Brazilian “Lava Jato” investigative initiative focused on the giant Odebrecht construction group, which had a significant impact not only in Brazil but in most of Latin America. Curiously, such investigation only focused on local groups and not on local branches of American corporations.
Lava Jato was instrumental to make up a false accusation to Lula and send him to prison, letting Bolsonaro be elected without competition. Also served to indict many former Peruvian presidents, some of whom suicided (Alan Garcia) or got arrested both in Peru and the US (Toledo).
The idea was to replace these big corporations with American branches.
– The FIFAgate was launched after 2014 in the US. It involved only foreign TV broadcasters and companies related to the soccer World Cups. It forced the removal of Blatter at the head of FIFA. Many arrestations were conducted in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay related to the reelection of Blatter at the head of FIFA.
A few weeks after the peak of the investigation, the US and UK launched the initiative to host permanently the FIFA World Cup and the UEFA Eurocup. Nice try but they didn’t score.
Prejuízo causado pela Laja Jato patrocinada pelos EUA/Departamento de Estado junto com a quadrilha de juiz e promotores corruptos do Brasil. – Prisão de dezenas de inocentes, quebra e falência de grandes empresas do setor de Engenharia, Petróleo e gás, prejuízo ao Brasil de 70 bilhões de dólares, e o desemprego de mais de 4 milhões de pais de famílias.
Who benefits from crippling the engineering, energy and industrial strength of Brazil? Thanks.
First, those who have always worked to destroy countries in the name of the pseudo “defence of democracy” – the Guerrilla Dilma Rousseff, who was president of Brazil for two terms, has always been a democrat, has always respected the decisions of the CANALHAS Congress. And had his personal phone spied on by the NSA.
NSA who worked at COUP 2016 – President Lula, who brought 30 million indigents into the middle class, was arrested with help from the US State Department, along with a gang of federal prosecutors, officials and a traitorous judge who was on duty in the United States government.
Who wins and who always wins? Any question? Who made billions of dollars from Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction” that took the lives of more than 4,000 children and maimed another 20,000? Who made billions from “color revolutions”? Who put the Nazis in power and
fascists in Poland, Ukraine, Lirwania?
my english is horrible
“Who put the Nazis in power and fascists in … Ukraine, Lithuania?”
The heavily zionized US State Department did.
The ‘holobiz survivors’ in the US and Canada have been busy fraternizing with self-proclaimed neo-nazis everywhere. Nothing pleases zionists more than the death of millions of innocent people (‘Amaleks’ of all ages) in the Middle East, South America, and Eastern Europe. At the same time, zionists have been attacking the First Amendment in the US.
Where is the voice of the main 52 Jewish Organizations in the US? – Nowhere.
The main 52 Jewish Organizations in the US have no decency and no brains. Who will want this murderous and treacherous lot when the inevitable backlash against the Rothschilds’ empire (BlackRock & Vanguard), and its pornographic henchmen from ADL and AIPAC, comes to the fore?
Your English is just fine. Keep posting.
O mundo precisa saber o que os os vira-latas dos EUA fizeram com nosso país. Além de instalar um nazista psicopata e ignorante no poder.
Os EUA estão por trás do Golpe no Brasil e na Ucrânia! Moro e Bolsonaro são Fantoches dos EUA! Os EUA estão sempre dando Golpes e fazendo Guerras para Matar as Populações e Roubar as Riquezas das Nações! Os EUA são o Império do Mal!
Or the corruption scandal of the F35!
The Clinton Crime Syndicate will be earmarked for a nice chunk of that $100 Billion.
As a reminder on September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.5 trillion was missing from the pentagon and that an audit was to be conduct about the missing funds. The next day, that part of the pentagon where the audit was being conducted, with all the financial records were destroyed, people killed by an alleged plane. What a coincidence.
Its since risen to $23 Trillion.
Hoping not to spoil Maria’s Christmas, it must be pointed out that her quote from Mr. Dotson is incomplete, and misleading.
When Dotson asks “Can we stop fraud? Will we?” and answers “No”, he does not mean that we (the US state machinery) lacks the will to stop fraud, only that complete success is impossible. For his complete answer is: “No, but I think we can definitely prosecute those that need to be prosecuted and we can do our best to recover as much fraudulent pandemic funds that we can.”
“No, but I think we can definitely prosecute those that need to be prosecuted and we can do our best to recover as much fraudulent pandemic funds that we can.”
This is the American way of saying no to make it sound like a “yes”
So no is turned into qualified yes or no?
Absurdities abound
Happy Christmas to all here.
You really believe in this joke of “justice” in the US? How much has been “recovered” for the thousands of families who were deceived by the criminals of Lehman Brothers?
@TJT: but you risk spoiling Maria’s Christmas too, because she called Mr Dotson “refreshingly honest” based on his “No”, period.
However you interpret Dotson’s full answer, as frank or as double-talk, recognize that the essay ignores the full answer and pretends that Dotson says he both can not and will not stop fraud. Dotson is hoisted by his own petard of saying “can” and “will” when he meant “can” both times, that is, of saying more than he had to say. Conceivably Zakharova fell for this, and really didn’t read past Dotson’s word “No”.
But, couzin, if you are right at your full text interpretation, so much the worse for the Exceptionalistan in this topic.
Because then, the flwg questions sequitur:
–If you re unable to succeed at home, what the f^¨ck tell you you would succeed abroad?
— And does it or the absence thereof grant you the right to make the whole mess of meddling, CORRUPTING, bribing, threatening, or otherwise blackmailing the justice systems-institutions overseas?
—how about the peak of immoral lawlessness of the exceptionalists usurping foreign jurisdictions and bringing cases to the US courts?
Catherine Austin Fitts estimates it is 20 trillion dollars embezzled from the USA government. The whole War on terror was designed to transfer money from the 99% to the kleptocrats by the tax dollars going into the Arms companies. The government banning cheap treatments for Covid and making remdesivir only acceptable treatment. Gotta love Maria’s refreshing way of cutting thru US BS.
In many updated dictionaries corruption is a synonym for the USG. 100 billion is only scratching the surface. The whole system functions on the basis of corruption from top to bottom. This is reality no matter the party. This has been going on for the entire history of the Empire. Nothing new.
The difference between corruption I’m the United States and anywhere else in the world is that in the US our Congress has basically legalized corruption for themselves and the Ruling Class they serve so no one will ever be prosecuted for this corruption and those involved will always deny it is corruption in the first place because it is legal.
In reality the US is as corrupt as any Banana Republic Washington routinely ridicules for corruption.
The difference between corruption in US and anywhere else, is that only the US insists on preaching to others in order to “combat corruption globally”.
Just a case of common projection to the other.
The point about the US and corruption is that it is only a crime if someone is caught and convicted.
Any anti-corruption funds will simply be allocated to reduce the probabilities of being apprehended and guilty verdicts at trial.
They always preach what they don’t follow themselves.
E.g: democracy, freedom of speech, international law etc.
What she is referring to:
U.S. Secret Service Names National Pandemic Fraud Recovery Coordinator to Bolster Fight Against Fraud
There’s nothing unusual about this. When lots of money is involved, fraud and corruption happen.
I remember reading a book many years ago about gold smugglers written by one of the smugglers himself. He described how he attended many parties in Asia, where in virtually every one he would engage in conversation with various businessmen who promoted to him all sorts of scams and schemes, such as unloading cargo from a ship, scuttle the ship at sea, claim the insurance on the ship, then sell the cargo on the black market.
This is the nature of most business around the world and always has been. Crime, fraud and corruption are human nature.
I am reminded of a line from the movie “Gorky Park’, by Lee Marvin who played the villain of the movie:
You see, corruption is part of us.
All of us.
The very heart of us. – Lee Marvin, Gorky Park
Is that a quote from Russian Federation Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova?
The democrats are like drug dealers, they can never get enough money.
Creep Gates increased his wealth by a third despite open showboating about “new strains” that are about to hit. Yet no calls for at least informative visits into a police station. The US legal system is a joke.
Instead, i.e., Prime Minister of Australia is all proud how a conversation with Gates changed his mind and he is not sure how he has to kill all economic activity in his country to save the planet.
But surely he “gave away” 90% of his fortune? Strange how you can give away all your money & be richer than before.
The money is counterfeit. There is no loss except for ink, paper and labor. Digital, there is zero loss.
“Now the main point: Why do we care about this? Because Washington has recently announced anti-corruption struggle as one of its foreign policy priorities. A bill was drafted in this context – Combating Global Corruption Act of 2021 ( It elevates to the absolute the long-standing American tradition of transnational enforcement and becomes a foundation for international communication. The US has misappropriated its right as the global anti-corruption auditor, prosecutor, investigator and judge.”
The USA is trying–once again–to manipulate and weaponize a pretext issue as part of its global Hybrid War against all nations that stand up to the American Rules-Based Dictatorship.
in this case, the pretext is “corruption,” such as America’s weaponization of corruption to regime change Brazil and imprison Lula aa Silva over the “Car Wash” corruption saga.
This is despite the fact that corruption is American as apple pie and indeed legalized.
See the USA’s multibillion corporate lobby industry and their paid Congressional whores as a prime example.
After all, this is the same Congress that enacted the massive Corporate Welfare handout called the Troubled Asset Relief Program (or TARP), after the 2008 Wall Street Implosion.
And this is the same Congress that enacted the even more massive Corporate Welfare handout called the CARES Act, after the Covid pandemic started.
This US Congressional bill should be renamed the Celebrating Global Corruption Act of 2021. It would be more honest.
As Mark Twain once said, There is no distinctly American criminal class – except Congress.
When pieces of legislation are 1200 to 2200 pages long, and no congressman or woman wrote or read any of it you know that it will be an absolute disaster. These things are done by design. This has been going on for years. As I recall Bush II left office with a $12 trillion federal debt. Obama added $8T in 8 years, and Trump $6T. Brandon may do $6T in 12 months.
The elite can print that green shit with Masonic symbols up to the sky. Sometimes I think that the world’s gold is somewhere underground on the island of Great Britain and not in Fort Knox. (Gold stolen from all the civilizations of the world by pirates of the British monarchy) Maybe in some bunker type underground with ingots printed with the face of Baron Rothchild or the queen. It’s like a hunch and I have no proof.
“Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?” – Matthew 7:3
Those americans hypocrites really should read The Book once in a while.
U.S. democratic administration out to combat global corruption? This must be satire!
Several moons ago, when things were not so bad in the U.S.A., I heard an ad on the radio saying the FBI was looking into health care fraud, and anyone with a knowledge of some health care fraud should contact the local FBI office in town. Well, I knew of a case; a physical therapist ripped my insurance company off to the tune of some ten-thousand dollars. At the FBI office, the investigator told me I had a very good case. He then put my papers in an envelope and threw the envelope on a pile of envelopes lying on the floor. I asked, “why are you throwing my case on the floor. Are you ever going to look at it?” He answered, ” that is where we put the small cases. Chances are nobody is going to ever look at it. We just do not have the people.” I then asked, “what does it take to make a case worth looking at.” The investigator answered, “over ten million.” I asked, ” so you mean I can do about ten million dollars worth of fraud in the U.S.A., and pretty much get away with it?” The investigator replied, “yep; that is it.”
I can only think of the TV show “American Greed.” What the rest of the world calls crime, here in the U.S.A. it is called business.
Indeed it was explained to me (and the anthro class) at some point in late 1970’s by a young brilliant Amercian lecturer (on the evolution of religions) the essential difference in the values of justice between the British system and the American system was moral vs paragmatic. (*)
The British saw justice as a moral issue that should be resolved right/wrong etc. The Americans, on the other hand, saw it as an econoic equation — the cost of doing vs. the benefit. Moral/ethical right/wrong played a much less role than the cost/benefit analysis etc. Thus, in the latter’s pragmatisim, if the cost of the crime was marginaly below the cost of running it into the prisons then why bother. Of course, that policy did not seem to apply to drumming up colored/deplorable slave labor for the prison industrial complex.
I stand to be corrected, but that is what my old memory contains. Seems that $10m is about that line in today’s market place.
[* – More than likely the British system has since decayed into a festering maggot heap of elite vindictive torture of innocent individuals before proven guilty – e.g., cases like Julian Assange … same old German queen in the palace running both shows and weeping a faux tear at Christmas message time for her old Virus 2.0 reincarnating ex-prince].
So the real question is how many of the kleptocrats were donors to Biden’s campaign and what returns, if any, have they made on their Presidential Investments?
Well, we could start by looking at the Pentagon, which is both unwilling and unable to account for nearly all of its 700 billion-plus annual allocation. Not to mention the untold billions in MIC black money that is never counted in at all, let alone accounted for.
‘Course it’ll never happen.
Big Guy Biden doesn’t like corruption any more, ha ha ha ha ha.
“When the sea level down, we can see who is swimming without underwear.”
In general this quote is use in the financial world. But fits perfectly in this case……
Let’s not forget Haiti; and the Clinton Foundation…..they built SIX (only six, mind you) and took nearly a BILLION DOLLARS for themselves…..when asked about it- Bill Clinton invoked UN Diplomatic Immunity.
That……F**King guy…..
Let’s not forget Pentagon Financial Comptroller; Dr. Dov Zakheim- who looted TWO TRILLION DOLLARS in SIX months at the Pentagon.