Don’t laugh, they rules the waves, they totally do…
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Don’t laugh, they rules the waves, they totally do…
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Great Apes such as the likes of *those.* Like monkeys playing with grenades. Give them water rifles with water and sodium hypochlorite.
I reverted back to including “Baby” when referring to Generation 12 (in the case of The Great Hegemon, probably a different number in the case of General Protection Fault) long ago.
My disgust has no limits. These two deserve to run a gauntlet of a thousand babushkas beating them with brooms.
They are racist, warmongering swill.
The perfect ally for the US government.
The Karma due the UK should sink the entire island into the North Sea.
These two clowns are just the reception desk, as is Biden and all Western “leaders”.
Those manning reception desks do not make decisions.
Decisions are made by their employers.
I assume Russia and China are talking to the employers, not the receptionists.
Putin and Xi are not receptionists.
Truss will meet Shoigu. I wonder if she intends to bring her favorite tank with her.
Truss will meet with Lavrov.
Ben Wallace will meet with Shoigu.
Counterparts meet. Rare for a FM to meet DM.
Liz Truss is going to meet with Lavrov. Oh lord he is going to struggle to use language simple enough for her to understand. Dont get me wrong, I admire Truss for standing up for women, but she is thick as mince and as mad as a bag of cats with this war posing bs.
Depends what kind of women she stands up for. Cookies Nuland And Hillary Clinton are women, no?
Just a quick quote from cat Motya. He is the only political analyst who stays cool during crisis, matter of factly explaining how Russia will win and how westerns and наглосаксы (really, how do you translate such pearl as this!) will loose! Ha-ha!
” Because of squeals of Americans about invasion threat Kievland lost 12,5 milliards bucks, plus about 4 milliards is needed to stabilize and this is just for now. And we do not know how long Americans plan to squeal, maybe they will yell for one more month, this will result even in more damages and we do not need to do anything, just go for a drive along the border, or not. They squeal on autopilot.”
MOD,well google would translate it as “impudent Saxons”.
United Kingdom, a former empire now totally irrelevant, without industry and resources, still playing predatory finance but for how long ?
Cheers from France.
In my day Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for War would not have worn her helmet crooked. Nor would the Secretary of State have been unable to squeeze through the turret-hatch of a tank.
Yours disdainfully
Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington.
A disgusting violation of proper procedure and conduct not befitting a member of Her Majesty’s Parliament.
Off to the Tower with her!
I expect them to attack Novorossia just as the Olympics start and Putin is in Beijing. Just like they timed the 2014 “Revolution of Dignity” (sic) coup to coincide with the Sochi Olympics so Russia wouldn’t react until the games were over. I assume Putin, Xi, et al have taken this into account in war gaming.
They waves the rules, they certinly do that.
Actually Liz Truss is not all bad. Here in the UK she is the only politicial who will stand up and say a man is not a woman.
I know that does not sound like a high bar, but, hay what can I tell you, this is the West now.
Are those boobs of Johnson’s real? At first I thought he was wearing a spoof stuffed bra, but now I’m not so sure.
Virile or what?
The birthplace of “exceptionalism” which was as thoroughly unwarranted as it is in its present incarnation in the US.
In truth, Britain is due a cold bath to bring it coughing and spluttering into the reality of it’s position on the world stage. That position is on all fours while being roughly mounted by Washington. It would appear to be well received so make of that what you will. The land of Jimmy Saville finds no low to be too low. It’s almost as if being repeatedly humiliated is in some perverse sense exhilarating.
Oh well, …by their fruits shall you know them.
As a born and bred Englishmen I can reassure Saker’s readership the Tory trash regime epitomized perfectly by those two stool pigeons pictured above are no threat to Russia (or any one else for that matter). The biggest threat they pose is to the majority of their own population. As far as international and global affairs are concerned it’s generally accepted by a significant minority in Albion that Britain is America’s little lap dog. A barking chihuahua. A natostani gang banger. Delusions of grandure accompanied by large dollops of a lack of self awareness has turned England into an open air cesspit saturated with liars. People who lie to themselves every day. Led by their noses by a ruling, political, media class that still believes Britannia has the same power, influence and prestige(?) globally now, as it did when a third of the planet was painted pink just over 100 years ago. Sad, pathetic, even frightening at times but also entertaining- depending on your sense of humour.
Where is Sleepy Joe?
Sleepy Joe himself doesn’t know. Sleepy Joe doesn’t even know what day of the week it is.
A velvet ant is scarier than these piccadilly circus clowns.
This should simply be a photo op, they should be made to suit up and fight with their prospective troops, like ancient times.