Dear friends,
This is NOT, repeat, NOT a joke.  Ollie and Angelina correctly translated this article.  And yes, in the Rada, the Ukronazis had a vote on “using their brain” and only 21 delegates voted to support this.
See for yourself below.
The Saker

Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard
cross posted with

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Voted on the Proposal to “Switch on Brains”

On April 10th, during a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the first Vice Speaker of Parliament Irina Gerashchenko put the proposal to “switch on brains” to the vote in the sessional hall.

As was reported by the “UNIAN” agency, this step was taken during the verbal sparring while considering the draft law of the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state one. In particular, the skirmish arose between the People’s Deputy Olga Chervakova (“Bloc of Petro Poroshenko” faction) and Gerashenko.

During the dispute the former, appealing to the hall, said that she “would like it so that in the hall the brains of others are switched on besides the presiding one”. At this moment the deputy from the Opposition Bloc faction Nestor Shufrych joined in with the discussion, having suggested putting “switching on brains in the sessional hall” to the vote.

Gerashenko, speaking at the same time about the next amendment and Shufrych’s proposal, put the question to the vote. 21 deputies voted “yes”.21 deputies voted “yes”.

Currently, the deputies have considered almost 1570 from the 2082 amendments to the law on the Ukrainian language as the state one.