by Rostislav Ischenko
Translated by Seva
There were two news items last week: an attack by Nazi goons on Vasily Volga, who is trying to promote in Ukraine a left-wing pseudo-opposition project integrated into the regime, and of similar attack on a group of former members of the Regions Party, who tried to organize in Kharkov a pseudo-opposition event as a part of the centrist pro-peace and pro-European project already integrated with the regime. For some reason, the victims are called pro-Russian politicians.
These people are no more pro-Russian than Petr Alexeevich Poroshenko, who also worked with Yanukovych as a minister and maintains good relations with the Russian ambassador in Kiev. The only difference is that Poroshenko has the power, whereas these “opposition” politicians loyal to the regime want to return to power. Pretty much like various “saviors” of Ukraine dream of returning to power waiting in Moscow for the people to call on them to “save the country”.
Earlier, when they were in power, these people promised to fight Russia alongside Nazi “Svoboda”. By then in Kreshchatik, Maidan had been going wild for a couple of months, the blood had already been spilled, Yanukovych was fading daily, while representatives of these people were pronouncing on Ukrainian TV that “Russia is not a brotherly state for us, just a neighbor. Our place is in Europe. We did not cancel the signing of the association agreement, just postponed it, and we will sign it”.
Now they are saying: “We are for peace. We will return Donbass to Ukraine peacefully”. They don’t mention Crimea, but when asked directly, the reply vaguely: “We will negotiate”.
In reality, these people are more dangerous than Nazi thugs that prop the regime. Storm troopers are outside of a system. They objectively are against any state, as they can and want to act only outside of legal framework. Their attacks on Crimea, Donetsk, and Lugansk lead to the secession of these regions. Their attacks on mayors, politicians, administrative offices, state institutions, etc, they don’t like, and their attempts to appoint their “revolutionary cooks” (a reference to a famous Lenin’s phrase: “Every cook must learn how to govern” meaning that the people should take the management of the state in their own hands – translator’s note) as heads of various institutions destroyed the administrative structure, eroded the law enforcement, resulted in the loss of power by the central state institutions, and de facto lead to the progressive disintegration of Ukraine.
In contrast, the opposition loyal to the regime, regardless whether it’s left-wing or centrist, tries to put the broken mosaic back together and reassemble Ukraine as a state. Reassemble it like it was under Yanukovych, but without Yanukovych. With Petr Alexeevich (Poroshenko), or Dobkin, or Boiko at the helm.
And following that, they know only one mode of existence of Ukrainian economy and state: steal from the budget and aspire to join Europe. Since Ukraine does not have the resources to support these two “strategic” directions of its “development”, the first thing these “opposition” figures would do if they get the power back would be to ask Russia for help, credits, and access to markets. They would ask to return Donbass. Since they don’t have the force to push aside the local elites in Donetsk and Lugansk that rose during the war and are backed by well-armed and trained army, they would try to talk Moscow into restoring their power in Donbass. They would also asked to return Crimea. They would say: “You took Crimea away from the Nazis, but we are good guys. Please return. It is ours. You gifted it to us. It is a bad form to take the gifts away, particularly from the little and weak”.
Unlike the people of Ukraine, even people from Galichina, even Bandera followers, these people will never be Russians. Bandera followers learned that they are Bandera followers from the TV. That is why there are lots of “Bandera followers” in Ukraine who grew up near Ural mountains, in Moscow, or in the Far East. Not just Russians, but Udmurtians, Bashkirs, Tatars, Komi, or Manci can see themselves as “Bandera followers”. One does not need to speak Ukrainian, or even Russian, for that. One only needs to “love Ukraine” and hate Russia.
Let me repeat, for most people the Bandera ideology is nothing more than the result of propaganda. But if grownup people, former communists, who was born and raised in Russia and came to work to Ukraine at fairly ripe age can be convinced, that they are Bandera followers, the reversal of this process is also possible. The potential of modern propaganda machine, if not unlimited, is very great. No doubt, some of the prodigal Russians now calling themselves Bandera followers or Ukrainians, will never come back from that state (some victims of totalitarian sects cannot return to the real world – their psyche is too fragile and won’t survive this), but the majority will get reprogrammed by media easily and quickly. Just like former communists and young communist league members of the 80-s became nationalists in the 90-s, they will morph into a new identity.
But that does not apply to the political class. These people fight not for ideas, but for property. They view the political power exclusively as the means to grab and retain property. That is why “pro-Russian” politicians all want to preserve Ukraine (whether they work on it in the Kiev parliament, thereby legitimizing the Nazi junta, or emigrated to Moscow and are ostensibly fighting it).
Both are prepared to come to an agreement with Poroshenko and his Nazis embedded into the system against the Nazis that are outside of the system. Both only need an access to power. Those in Moscow consider as plan B their return with the Russian troops, but on the condition of their appointment as “independent sovereigns” (even if they are propped by the Russian military). But both Kiev “opposition” and Moscow “saviors” would prefer to come to an agreement with the oligarchs in Kiev and share power with them, to return to the earlier status quo.
By the way, on Russian TV talk shows they explicitly say just that. Only the Russian public interprets their word differently, missing nuances. Arguing with their pro-Kiev opponents they do not object to their pro-European or pro-American policies; their only concern is that this is done so ineptly. “Opposition” figures and “saviors” signal to Kiev via media that they know how to stabilize the regime, that they are prepared to come to an agreement both with Kiev and Kremlin, that they managed to balance between Russia and the West before and can do it now. They hint that they are aware of their mistakes (calling them Yanukovych’s mistakes). They do not claim all the power. They are prepared to share it.
They have the same dreams and aspirations as Kiev regime – to preserve Ukraine as their property, the source of their personal wealth. That is why former Donetsk politicians that moved to Kiev (those from Yanukovych team) do nothing to save Donbass – their motherland – from the invasion of Bandera followers. Regarding DPR/LPR, they hold the same position as Kiev regime that started the civil war insisting that Donbass must return to the Ukrainian jurisdiction.
Just as Kiev, they do not recognize the legitimacy of the authorities in these republics, but do not doubt the legitimacy of the Kiev regime itself ,although it came to power via coup and terror. They try not to draw attention to these aspects of their position, but when asked point-blank, they explain that they disapprove of Kiev not for its goals, but for ineptitude in their realization. They denounce criminal Nazi methods used by the Kiev regime because they are technically ineffective and morally unattractive rather than because they are absolute wrong political and legally.
They are the ones that will never be Russians. They have no place in the Russian political and economic system. As “business leaders” they can only act when the law is subjugated to their desires. That is why the growth and reduction of their personal wealth, their financial wellbeing, has always depended on their access to power. That is why the higher was the position in power, the wealthier and more successful was the “businessman”, and the loss of power immediately resulted, if not in the total collapse of the business, but at least in serious difficulties. That is why right after the coup they did not lead the rebellion in their regions, but rushed to negotiate with the new power and to integrate into it. That is why they are still trying to convince Poroshenko that they would be of more use to him than his current hangers on.
They lose in a fair competition with the Russian business. They lose political competition. There is no room in the Russian government and legislature for the 2-3 thousand of Ukrainian politicians that rotated for 25 years as ministers and MPs.
They are (with few exceptions) incompetent, as compared to their Russian colleagues, even in governing their regions and cities. Any head of a Moscow or Saint-Petersburg subdivision or a mayor of a small city in Russia would be a more competent mayor of Kiev than Klitchko. In the Smolensk square (where the Russian foreign ministry is located – translator’s note) there are at least 400 potential foreign ministers of Ukraine. A sergeant on a Russian army base in Gyumri (a city in Armenia where a Russian military base is located – translator’s note) or in Tajikistan would be a better defense minister than all Ukrainian three- and four-star generals put together. A petty officer on the rocket cruiser “Moscow” would command all four Ukrainian battleships better than 13 admirals and generals of the Ukrainian Navy.
They amount to something only as representatives of the Ukrainian state. That is why their “Ukraineness” won’t go away. They will strive to preserve or restore the Ukrainian state at all costs regardless whether it is possible or makes sense. The state preserved or restored by them will always try to be a parasite on Russia. Simply because they cannot create and build. They only can steal and divide. Their state can only exist when the coffers they steal from are filled by someone else.
Their desire is to steal in Ukraine what was created or given by Russia and spend the spoils in Europe. They can’t and don’t want to live in any other way. That is why their “pro-Russian” position would always be that of a parasite, a consumer. They would try to look like Germans, French, or Swiss. “I would have never guessed you are a Ukrainian” – is for them the highest praise from a “civilized” white sahib.
Their “Ukraineness” has strong material basis, so it cannot go away. Having lost power, influence, access to unlimited resources, they would always be nostalgic for “glorious old times” dreaming of their return. Competitive people born in Kiev, Lvov, Chernigov, Kharkov, Odessa, and Zapozhie, just like those born in Novgorod, Tver, or Ekaterinburg, being Russian, have been serving Russia for centuries, giving it chancellors and ministers, field marshals and general secretaries of the Communist party, writers and poets. They don’t feel crowded in Moscow and did not feel crowded in imperial Saint-Petersburg.
Similarly, many less ambitious people honestly worked in Ukraine as physicians, teachers, workers, and scientists, like people who are just as Russian worked in Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Voronezh, or Vologda. They did not think much about their chromosomes. Besides, in the wide spaces of Russia “from Warsaw to Japan and from White sea to Black sea” practically everyone had ancestors from different ethnic groups.
Motivated, incorrigible Ukrainians are not Nazis from volunteer battalions covered with tattoos, two thirds of which know no language except Russian. These guys, just like football fans, would follow any banner they are given to go drink beer and fight the fans of a different team. Nazis from volunteer battalions are mere storm troopers. Both Nazis and communists in Germany had their storm troopers. They fought in the streets before Hitler came to power, and then many ended up in the same SA units. Also, revolutionary sailors, who drowned officers of the imperial Navy in Kronshtadt were not Marxist theorists, never read the “The Capital” (the main oeuvre of Karl Marx – translator’s note), or the works of Lenin, Plehanov (a renowned Russian revolutionary, founder of the first worker’s party – translator’s note) or Martov (the leader of the Menshevik party – translator’s note). They did not care about the nuances of theoretical disagreement between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks (sections of the Russian Social Democratic Worker party. Names derived from “majority” (bolshinstvo) and “minority” (menshinstvo) of the votes the followers of Lenin (Bolsheviks) and Martov (Mensheviks) received at the 2nd Congress of the party in 1903 – translator’s note). Many, in fact, preferred anarchists.
A fighting force (storm troopers) can serve one power today and a different one tomorrow. They are always “for fairness”, but the idea of fairness is quite vague. Real implacable incorrigible “ideological fighters” always have material interests. Importantly, their pecuniary interest is primary. First, they get a chance to steal, and after a few years, former owners of fashionable jackets and thick gold chains, whose “theoretical” discussions were conducted exclusively with the help of automatic weapons, feel the need for ideological justification of their authority.
At that point the other part of the “national elite” makes its appearance, whose representatives will also never become Russians. Just like “opposition” politicians divided between Kiev and Moscow, but all dream of the restoration of a stable, organized pro-European Ukraine sucking blood from Russia, the “creative class” – journalists, experts, bloggers – also divided. In this case, also very few became Russians (these were the people who were Russians to begin with, who in Ukraine strived not to improve the Ukrainian state, but to restore the united one).
Experts and journalists supporting the “Opposition block”, various legal left-wing parties (like Volga’s) and other projects integrated into the system, are inseparably linked to the ideas of “Ukraineness”. Many sincerely believe that they can create the Ukrainian state “with human face”. This opinion is shared by Ukrainian jounalists, experts, and bloggers, who, after moving to Russia, refused on principle to get Russian citizenship and integrate into the Russian society. They dream of returning to Ukraine (liberated by somebody else) and of building there a sovereign, just, economically strong, politically influential, civilized Ukrainian state.
This is a delusion. Remember how humane was the Ukrainian state at the beginning of its sovereign history in December 1991. Even the fiercest nationalists did not want to be associated not only with Bandera (Stepan Bandera, leader of the organization of Ukrainian nationalists (OUN) implicated in genocide of Poles and Jews and collaboration with German Nazis during World War II – translator’s note), but even with Petlyura (Symon Petlyura, the head of the Directory of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in 1919-1920. Fought against Soviet Russian in alliance with the White Army, Germany, and Poland – translator’s note). Even “Ukrainian guerrilla” and “peasant leader” Makhno was considered only conditionally positive hero. In 2004, “banderovschina” was already flourishing as a political theory. Ukraine was torn apart by a cold civil war. On Maidan in 2013, it was gradually turning into a hot war, becoming a full-blown civil war in the Spring of 2014.
These people are not just honestly delusional. They serve that thieving financial and political elite that is the only beneficiary of the “sovereign Ukraine”. Their interests coincide. Former nouveau riche (who are not particularly intellectual) support the “ideologists” financially. They are not necessarily bought outright. That would be too expensive and pointless. They simply get jobs in the “right” mass media, under supervision of “right” editors; some are even used without being aware of it. Why pay, if someone works voluntarily (for ideas).
In the end, “ideologists”, partially out of ambitiousness (what ideologist is not ambitious?), partially out of desire to be valued (work for an oligarch, particularly oligarch-president, makes you special, serves as a recognition of your talents), partially out of pecuniary interests (oligarchs often pay well even for crazy and awkwardly formulated political ideas; nouveau riche often buy gutted sharks or smoked pig heads as modern art objects, and here is a whole political concept!) were tied to the concept of “Ukraineness”.
Just like their owners, the bankers, they cannot exist in any other mode. Their work is not only (and sometimes not very) lucrative, but it gives them respect. Self-importance is confirmed, if not by meetings with the powers that be, which talk with “ideologist” as equals, then by the feeling of their connection with global processes and even a chance to influence them (the most ambitious and insane even believe that they direct these processes). What can they do after that? Pave roads? Build houses? Teach math in schools? That’s like for an oligarch, who competes with his fellows via the length of yachts and the size of airplanes, to become a mere engineer with $2000 monthly salary. Prospects like this provoke suicides.
Therefore, in addition to the financial elite, who will never become Russian, because “Ukraineness” means for them wealth, their “creative” servants will never return to “Russianness” from “Ukraineness”. For the latter, this is even harder. The former lose the chance to increase their wealth, but can still maintain the lifestyle they are used to, without worries. For the latter the loss of “Ukraineness” is an intellectual catastrophe. The life is pointless. Everything was in vain. The ideas turned out to be wrong. Their realization is impossible. The opponents were right. The state of cognitive dissonance to the end of their life would be inevitable. Discomfort caused by the loss of the prospects of “Ukraineness” would generate hatred of everything Russian as the root cause of their own inadequacy.
This is the source of past and future myths about the great Ukrainian nation that a million years ago built a glorious civilization, but became a victim of Hungaro-Finnish “moskali” (this is how Ukrainian nationalists call Russians; the name derived from “Moscow” – translator’s note), who stole even the name “Russia” from Ukrainians. People do not forgive their own inadequacy (especially political inadequacy – political success is a very strong drug for many).
The worst is that with these (ostensibly Russian or pro-Russian) people we will have not only to live and cooperate, but always encounter their claim to be the only legitimate political representatives of the Ukrainian territories. Petty Nazis and serious war criminals among representatives of the current regime can be killed in warfare or jailed for their crimes. But these people not only won’t have their rights suspended – they will pretend to be heroes of the resistance.
Their tragedy and our problem is that restoration of Ukraine they want (like it was before the coup) is impossible. The Nazi regime not just used up but destroyed the material resources of the Ukrainian state. Now, for this state to remain, someone has to pay for its existence and restoration of its economy. Russia might invest into Russian Crimea and rapidly integrating into Russia DPR and LPR, but why should it invest into “Ukrainian pro-European” Ukraine?
Besides, the Nazi regime split the country into two parts, which can coexist only if one jails the other. If well-directed propaganda can still cure the majority of the population from “Ukraineness”, which daily and hourly transforms into Bandera ideology, the very fact of existence of the Ukrainian state would simply transform the civil war into a ceasefire before a new attempt at genocide.
The Nazi regime has successfully changed the attitude of Europe to Ukraine. Previously, Ukraine was not welcome, now it is actively not wanted. What’s more, because of this Nazi regime, which is relentlessly provoking a conflict between Russia and EU and blocking Russia-EU trade, economic and political power of EU is catastrophically reduced. Europe is forced to think not about Ukraine, but about avoiding its own catastrophe.
Finally, Russia was forced to restructure its economy, create numerous factories to replace Ukrainian imports, built gas pipes bypassing Ukraine. Now it is against its interests to restore Ukrainian competition that would fight not just for the same markets – but for the internal Russian market.
Finally, Russia cannot completely legalize territorial changes without liquidation of the Ukrainian state. Creating a new one in its place (a priori anti-Russian, only possibly better hiding this animosity) would cost a lot, and makes no sense (at least, not at Russia’s expense).
The net result is that now among Ukrainian-leaning opposition of the current regime in Kiev, as well as among expat Ukrainian-leaning community in Moscow, Russia does not have allies, only very unreliable fellow-travelers, who are ready to betray at any moment they see as opportune, and betray for a pittance (like Kuchma or Yanukovych).
Therefore, we must recognize the fact that in Ukraine as well as outside of it there are very few sane politicians and ideologists we can work with, and most of them consider themselves Russian and do not separate their interests and the interests of their country from the interests of Russia as our common country. The majority, on the other hand, will never be Russians, and, therefore, will never be reliable partners; they will always be interested only in grabbing as their property as big a piece of Russia as possible.
If we want to succeed, we have to reach and reprogram the people of Ukraine over the head of these politicians and in spite of their resistance. This resistance would be strong – much stronger than the hypothetical resistance of the Ukrainian army. Today they control virtually all mass media in Ukraine. They control 99% of the information space. With the change of regime in Ukraine, their information policy won’t change, except that it might become more sophisticated, more professional, and, therefore, more dangerous.
They may not admit that they are ethnic Russians, but this is no proof that they aren’t Russians.
Q: Who is more a genuine Russian: Sombody from Chechnia or Kamchatka? Or a real ethnic descendant of the old RUS?
BelaRus, MaloRus and Moscow are not the same narod, but everything from 100 meters behind the Ukro-Russian border all the way to the Pacific is?????
Well, opinions may vary.
But facts don’t …
See some of my other comments, such as the ones in
Almost nobody found it necessary to discuss with me about these points.
And Scott also doesn’t want to hear it.
Yet it is very related to Russia vs. Ukraine versus the entire question.
p.s. There are also real Nazi-Hitler-Fascists _inside_ Russia! Such as those who traveled to Kiev last year to hold an anti_Russian hate-rally against the Russian embassy. Do you say they also aren’t “Russians”?? Then you are actually following Hitler because he also had such a similar policy of feeling it necessary to decide who is versus who isn’t a “genuine German” and to strip citizens of thir German citizenship.
Question2: 150 years ago they were no Ukrainian nationalists, what do you think were the ancestors of these Bandera Nazis back then? Russians, MaloRussians, Ruthenians, Rusyns, Poles, Austro-Hungarians or a mix?
Maybe finally some answers, rather than complaints that I dare to ask such questions without blindly following?
@ Martin
You have to be charitable when trying to make sense of a long rant about the on-going family discord, so don’t expect logic or coherence there.
The Ukraine as a country has never existed until the plunders of Russia took it and other Russian lands away, part of the grand plan to weaken any country capable of challenging the hegemon. Obviously, the regions that were incorporated into the Ukraine following the re-arrangement of borders after the World Wars brought in a mixed bag of ethno-nationalities that don’t fit within the traditional “Russianness” of the land that is the cradle of Russia.
They believe they are more European than the Russians, typical of those who suffer of an inferiority complex.
Why don’t we put these money grubbin’ jerks on the list for voluntary organ (all of ’em) donation for the year 2016? That way they’ll be useful to at least some people in need…
How can they be reprogrammed?
After a good defeat, with a number of years new generations can be reprogrammed, but not the present ukros. I have always worried about the Ukrainians in Moscow, how many traitors Russia got there?
Time is on the side of disintegration. It is a massive fail and will take years more, in all likelihood.
Inevitable collapse is best left to time. It produces less tragedy.
LIke California Indians cooked off the poisons from acorns before they had safe flour to eat, the process of Ukraine disintegrating and cooking off its poisonous nazis ideology and criminality is terribly slow.
And there is no gain from rushing it. The tiny flame of Donbass and Minsk 2 are sufficient heat under the cauldron.
This is a slow-cooking porridge.
I always enjoy Ischenko’s thoughts. And I thank Seva for the translation and notes. It is all very much appreciated.
What a great article. Every sentence is quotable.
Also, translation by Seva is excellent.
Essentially, Ischenko is saying, what I have been saying. The only way Russia will rebuild “Ukraine” is when these Western Russia’s territories, temporally occupied by the EU and NATO, are integrated back to Russia.
The term “Ukraine” had never existed in Russian Empire, and it will never be used again.
Political and “creative’ classes will be washing up on European coast any time now.
With all respect, Scott, now you are in fact quoting _me_ and are telling the exact opposite of what you are sometimes writing recently.
You were saying: No, the Ukrainians are not Russians. I wrote up those things which you now claim you did.
Go look: STAND for Ukraine Act H.R. 5094 and its authors, by Scott
“Ukraine” existen in the Russian Empire, it was a geographical concept (not a national one, nd not a political one). The trms Right-Bank Ukraine (West to Dnepr), Left Bank Ukraine (Eat to Dnepr) existed. Also there was a region calle “Slobiska Ukrajina” (Free Ukraine), which was the first part of the “geographical Ukraine to join Russia, so that was the adjective “free”. (The mian part of Ukraine joined in 1654, with Pereiaslav Treaty).
The concept “Ukraine” evolved to an “ethnic” or “national” concept in the XIX century, with the rissse of nationalism (it was that wave in Europe).
So “What is to be done?” Everybody knows the media/NGO/cultural domination by anti-Russian forces is a tremendous problem, and that Russia has been very late in addressing the problem.
A huge problem is that the West took local people and groups and nurtured them in a professionally anti-Russian way. Russia did not nurture pro-Russian groups and people at all. Ischenko makes it sound like everything was structurally against Russian interests, but I would say Russia didn’t try. They appointed useless (at best) ambassadors and the pathetically small amount of money they spent on winning Ukrainians’ hearts was wasted, ineffectively used, or stolen. If Russia gave a million euros to an oligarch somewhere in the Ukraine to hold a Russian music event, and 80% of the money got stolen, it might even have harmed Russian interests as the West could portray it as a bribe to that oligarch.
“Today they control virtually all mass media in Ukraine. They control 99% of the information space. With the change of regime in Ukraine, their information policy won’t change, except that it might become more sophisticated, more professional, and, therefore, more dangerous.”
As the article plainly shows that is the key to public opinion in the modern World we live in. Regardless of any false claims of the need for a “free press”. When you face a “life or death” situation ,you take control of the media. Does anyone believe that during WW2 the allies allowed the nazi supporters to have control of the press in their countries. Or to remain in control of the press in liberated countries. No,until the press is cleansed of fascist and nationalist propaganda it would be insane to not moderate it totally.
Couldn’t agree with you more uncle Bob 1.
If people investigate UK during WWII, they will find that, not only would no newspaper have even contemplated printing the words of these “Quislings” as these verbal traitors were called, it was against the law not only to print anything remotely supportive of Nazism or the German war effort – and this includes “sympathy to their viewpoint” – but it was illegal for members of the public to voice anything likely to cause dismay and loss of confidence in the war effort.
The excellent BBC series “Foyles War” even incorporated that into an episode.
It’s one reason I get a bit hot under the collar when I read such stuff in Alternate Media.
We need to accept that WWIII has started, and information is a crucial part of it.
Verbal traitors are still traitors.
@ Isabella
Indeed, control of media and propaganda is paramount, particularly in wartimes. In fact media outlets are one of the first priorities in revolutions, coup-d’etats, invasions and take-overs.
Foyle’s War goes against the general trend of demonizing the enemy ’til kingdom come and show a more human face to complex events, a superb dramatic show. Without trying to be derogatory, I wonder whether it reflects a shift to come to terms with modern Germany and, by extension, with the “older” Germany (III Reich) and its policies, which appear to be the direction the EU is heading to.
One should be wary of positions that cut both ways. Presumably then if I live in the US or a closely allied country (as I do), it would be perfectly reasonable for the authorities to put me away for saying anything supportive of Russia.
I don’t in fact consider that perfectly reasonable. So by the same token I’m reluctant to get gung ho about the idea of Russia taking complete control of the press and jailing anyone with a dissenting opinion. Particularly since such dissent becomes as hard to define as obscenity; “I know it when I see it” is the rallying cry. It tends to be an excuse, for instance, to round up leftists–they may not be remotely supportive of the enemy, but their opinions are disruptive, so away with them!
To some extent I agree with you (in normal times). In the West,the elite ,who follow,and actually set the regimes policies. Also already control the media. Which is why only Youtube and some other “alternate media” is available to the opposition.And that can be controlled if it becomes a threat to them. Until then its only seen or believed by small numbers of people.The great mass of the public is controlled through the corporate MSM. But we aren’t really talking about those in the West,and in “normal” times. We are talking about countries under threat for their survival. And being under constant attack with hybrid-warfare. In those countries and situations,just as during WW2. Its a matter of national security to control the propaganda allowed to circulate among your population. Our enemies know how important that is.And they spend countless amounts of money in bribes,and funding propaganda in those target countries to subvert public opinion there. One of the very first moves made should be to cut that off. And make sure to never let it start up again.
just another reminder Rus agreed to delay their legal actions for a second time to reclaim their 3b as a sign of “generosity” to the new government…………….sighs, a bit similar to VP saying he could work with Poroshenko when he was elected………….sighs.
Monday, May 9, 2016 – 10:50
The president of Ukraine Poroshenko declared that the countries which are doubtful of the efficiency of sanctions against Russia should think of their strengthening.
Earlier there were messages that a number of the EU countries at the summit in June would support lifting of the anti-Russian sanctions.
From time to time in some European countries there are statements allegedly about the inefficiency of sanctions. So, if they are considered to be inefficient to someone, then it is necessary not to lift them or to ease, but on the contrary — to continue and even strengthen!
According to Poroshenko, the Ukrainian diplomats make all efforts for continuation of sanctions against Russia.
DONi News Agency
Monday, May 9, 2016 – 08:47
The key task of the forthcoming talks between the Normandy Four (Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine) foreign ministers due to take place in Berlin on May 11 is to prompt Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk swiftly implement their liabilities. Russia will come up with a number of initiatives of how to achieve this goal, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin told TASS.
The agenda is obvious,” he said. “I’d refrain from repeating the provisions of the Minsk agreements but would like to focus on the most important task – to speed up the implementation of all liabilities undertaken by Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk. We have certain proposals for that, at least.”
We have prepared a set of proposals that will be considered at a ministerial meeting. We hope that our partners in the Normandy Four format will be as constructive as the Russian side in what concerns giving an impetus to the implementation of the agreements.
DONi News Agency
Russia has proposals for Normandy Four meeting – Russian diplomat
Russian Politics & Diplomacy May 08, 20:27 UTC+3
“We are going there to prepare a productive meeting of the ministers on May 11”, said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin© TASS Archive/EPA/LAURENT GILLIERON
MOSCOW, May 8. /TASS/. The key task of the forthcoming talks between the Normandy Four (Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine) foreign ministers due to take place in Berlin on May 11 is to prompt Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk swiftly implement their liabilities. Russia will come up with a number of initiatives of how to achieve this goal, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin told TASS on Sunday.
Alexander Grushko
Russia urges NATO members to use influence on Kiev for implementation of Minsk-2
“The agenda is obvious,” he said. “I’d refrain from repeating the provisions of the Minsk agreements but would like to focus on the most important task – to speed up the implementation of all liabilities undertaken by Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk. We have certain proposals for that, at least.”
“We have prepared a set of proposals that will be considered at a ministerial meeting,” the Russian diplomat said. “We hope that our partners in the Normandy Four format will be as constructive as the Russian side in what concerns giving an impetus to the implementation of the agreements.”
The work on Ukrainian settlement will start in Berlin on May 10 when deputy foreign ministers will meet ahead of the ministerial meeting. “On May 10, a Normandy Four-format meeting at the level of deputy foreign ministers will be held in Berlin,” Karasin said. “We are going there to prepare a productive meeting of the ministers on May 11”.
There will be no taboo topics at Normandy Four ministerial talks in Berlin
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister also said, that there will be no taboo topics at a meeting of foreign ministers of the Normandy Four countries, namely Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine, due to take place in Berlin on May 11.
Amnesty of participants in Donbass conflict possible after durable truce – spokeswoman
Sentence for convicted Russian citizen in Ukraine to come into force in late May — lawyer
Donbass militia leader predicts short life for current Kiev authorities
Ukraine’s president signs law on indefinite moratorium on debt payment to Russia
“I don’t think there will be any taboo topics. The ministers will discuss everything they might think necessary to discuss,” he said when asked whether the ministers will discuss Ukraine’s initiative to arm the mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Donbass.
“We believe it is necessary to push the settlement of political issues, first of all, holding of elections, adoption of necessary decisions on the special status for certain districts of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and amnesty, without which elections look at least strange,” the Russian diplomat noted. “This will be the topic of the talks,” he stressed.
On April 24, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called for deploying an OSCE police mission equipped with heavy weapons in the Donbass region. He noted that representatives of the current OSCE mission are not always able to register which side the shelling came from. According to the president, the tasks of the new armed mission should be “to effectively monitor the line of engagement,” the construction of checkpoints in the areas where the withdrawn weapons are stored and along the sections of the Ukrainian-Russian border uncontrolled by Kiev.
On April 27, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich said that the possibility of deploying a police mission in Donbass has not been looked at within the organization. Moreover, the OSCE has no experience in organizing such missions, he added.
Kiev’s attempts to postpone settlement in Donbass until lasting ceasefire non-serious
Grigory Karasin also told TASS, that Kiev’s attempts to postpone discussion of political settlement in Donbass till the establishment of a lasting ceasefire regime are not serious.
“All of Kiev’s excuses that political issues cannot be discussed until a lasting ceasefire regime is established are not serious,” he said. “The more so as the agreements on so-called Easter and ‘holiday’ ceasefire are being observed.”
“There will be a serious conversation about that. I think time is ripe to get this process moving, despite Kiev’s non-constructive position,” Karasin said.
Ukraine’s representatives, including President Petro Poroshenko, have repeatedly said that local elections in Donbass will be possible only after all-round security is ensured. Interpretation of this term vary in the Kiev authorities’ statements but the establishment of a lasting ceasefire regime is central to their demands.
Russia believes elections in Donbass may be held in June-July
Russia believes that it is possible to hold elections in Donbass in June-July 2016, said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister.
“We believe in this possibility,” he said, when asked to comment on the prospects of holding local elections in Donbass in these timeframes.
When asked about concrete proposals of the Normandy Four countries (Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine) on the date for elections in Donbass, the Russian diplomat said that appointment of a concrete date is a matter of details. “Elections may be held in July, even in June,” he said, commenting on leaks from the sources that Germany’s and France’s negotiators are expected to once again come out with an initiative to organize voting in the above period. “This is not what matters most. The most important thing is to agree principles and observe these principles,” he stressed.
Saturday, May 7, 2016 – 08:53
Moscow hopes that the West’s signals to Kiev have finally started having effect and the situation on the contact line in Donbass arouses cautious optimism, Russia’s envoy to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Alexander Lukashevich said.
The diplomat reminded that the sides agreed to ensure ceasefire during the celebration of the Orthodox Easter last Sunday. The OSCE monitors said no ceasefire violations were registered in the Lugansk region on some days and the number of violations in the Donetsk region significantly dropped, reports TASS.
The situation allows voicing cautious optimism. We hope that the recent signals from Western partners to Kiev authorities have finally taken the right effect, Lukashevich said at the OSCE Permanent Council’s meeting in Vienna on Thursday, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry.
However, the presence of radicals and foreign mercenaries on the contact line and also “problems with discipline” among the Ukrainian forces did not allow observing the full silence regime in Donbass, Lukashevich said.
DONi News Agency
Sunday, May 8, 2016 – 14:42
The situation in the Donetsk People’s Republic continues to aggravate.
Over the past day the Ukrainian military shelled the territory of the Republic sixty-three times. The enemy launched fifteen 82mm and 120mm mortar shells. In addition, the enemy used infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers of different types and small arms.
The Ukrainian military shelled the localities Krutaya Balka, Zaytsevo, Yasinovataya, Luganskoye, Mineralnoye, Yasnoye, Spartak, Vesyoloye, the Gagarin mine, the 6-7 mine and the area of the airport of Donetsk city.
The responsibility for the ceasefire violations by the uncontrolled Nazis lies with the brigade commanders Krasilnikov, Voylokov and Shaptala.
All the data on the Minsk Agreements violations were handed over to representatives of the JCCC and OSCE mission.
The DPR intelligence continues to report the amassing of heavy weapons along the contact line.
– In Granitnoye (500 m away from the contact line) there were detected two motorised artillery systems and two infantry fighting vehicles of a unit of the 72nd separate mechanised brigade;
– In Rozovka (12km away from the contact line) there were detected two tanks and eighteen infantry fighting vehicles;
– To the north-east of Taramchuk (5.5 km away from the contact line), along the green zone, there were detected the positions of the enemy, as well as three motorised artillery systems and five tanks of the 2nd battalion of the 14th separate mechanised brigade;
– To the south of Maryinka (1km away from the contact line), at a checkpoint, there were detected up to 150 personnel of the 24th separate penal battalion, as well as four disguised infantry fighting vehicles and one tank.
In addition, according to the OSCE SMM report of May 7, 2016, in the sites of the AFU withdrawn equipment storage there was documented the absence of eighteen tanks, ten MLRS Uragan, one 152mm motorised artillery system Akatsia, two anti-tank cannons MT-12 Rapira, five 120mm and four 82mm mortars. The main part of the heavy weapons had been delivered to the contact line in the area of the localities Olginka and Andreevka.
Thus, the enemy continues to prepare their bloody provocations on the contact line, amassing for this the military equipment forbidden by the Minsk Agreements. Subsequently, we are ready to any turn of events. We are well aware of the enemy’s intentions and actions.
Vice-Commander of the DPR Defense Ministry operative command Donetsk Eduard Basurin, official translation by DONi News Agency
anyone any viewpoints on the seemingly extending zakharchenko internet interviews into Ukraine? working? Is he showing and proving he has greater ambitions than in the Donbass? Are ukrainians actually waking up to their disasters? Donbass seems to be holding out but at a cost..
Saturday, May 7, 2016 – 12:48
Jeffrey Pyatt now heading the American diplomatic mission in Kiev will become the new ambassador of the USA in Greece.
Washington has already sent the relevant documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece.
Pyatt has been working in Ukraine since August, 2013. He is very skilled and rigid diplomat.
DONi News Agency
So he moves just as 13-15 EU Finance ministers are holding meetings re relaxing or judging whether Greece is suffering enough to be helped a little when its debt has risen from 120% GDP to 3005 GDP since the IMF etc “assisted’ Greece.So his move means Ukr is now totally under control of USA and all is set in place, or they just cannot achieve anything more there?
“Sunday, May 8, 2016 – 13:39
The US ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Payette, who has been transferred to Greece, will be replaced by Marie Yovanovitch who previously held a similar post in Armenia (2008 – 2011) and Kyrgyzstan (2005 – 2008).
According to The Politnavigator, it was reported by the Kiev newspaper “Day”.
‘Jovanovic worked in Kiev from August 2001 to June 2004 as the US Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission. I remember Jovanovic for September 2002, when she was a main American person in Kiev putting forward charges against Leonid Kuchma on selling radars “Kolchuga” to Iraq.
It was a power, propaganda special operation, when Kuchma was accused absolutely groundlessly, on the base of records of the fugitive Major Melnichenko. No Kolchuga was ever found in Iraq but there was more than enough blood spoiled.
Many in Ukraine then got really valuable, important to this day and not acquired before, experience of the observation of how the American foreign policy machine worked when having a specific task.
Jovanovic was not the initiator of the Kolchuga scandal. It was developed by others. But her work on the Kolchuga was an important sector of the special operation to discredit Leonid Kuchma, a “brick” in the scheme of building the “Orange revolution”,’ commented Kiev journalist Vyacheslav Pikhovshek in his blog.
If Jovanovic has worked in Kiev for sue three years, she will have to accompany the scheduled presidential elections in Ukraine in 2019, if they do occur, especially in these terms. Her main task will be a re-election of Poroshenko, if he is still the president and suits the US interests, or the transfer of power to another aborigine, the next pro-American local king,’ predicts the blogger.
DONi News Ahency
so note Armenia Kyrg. trouble spots experience by this person, perhaps being prepared then to be against Rus , will be applied to ukraine………
I congratulate all of you on the great holiday – Victory Day! I wish you peace on this day.
Unfortunately, fascism, which was defeated by the Soviet Union, has been revived by the regimes of NATO countries, as well as by Israel and Jewish organizations. The same “democracy” regimes destroying the Middle East, there is a real war now.
The regimes of NATO countries wants to repeat Hitler’s attempt to conquer Russia, therefore they place military bases closer to the Russian borders. To do so, they demonize Russia in their media and diminish Russia’s role in the victory over fascism. They intentionally didn’t write that the Soviet Union, whose legal successor is Russia, fought against the Army of Europe united by Nazi Reich and defeated them.
I hope that this war will not happen again.
extensive article seems well sourced, would appreciate an assessment by experts………………..?
Truth about situation in Ukraine added 3 new photos — in Ukraine.
May 7 at 7:01pm ·
Kiev junta at July 2014 located in the east Ukraine air defence complex Buk, which include rocket launcher with number 332 – this fact seen in Kiev junta MoD video from 5th July 2014. According to Bellingcat this launcher shot down MH-17
Watch and share video from the official channel of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which proves the existence of Ukrainian “Buk” with the number 332 in the so-called zone of ATO, in eastern Ukraine. Video from the July 5, 2014 shows the visit of the (former) Minister of Defence Valery Geletey to the ATO zone. Watch the video carefully, using still images, from 1.01 to 1.08. You can see the automatic missile loader for Buk with the number 323 and from the right missile launcher Buk with the number 332.
Show this post to Bellingcat “experts” too, they reported about Buk with number 332 which shot down Malayzian MH-17. We are thankfull to them for giving another evidence about guilty of Kiev junta.
Truth about situation in Ukraine added 2 new photos — in Kyiv, Ukraine.
May 7 at 5:54pm ·
Meanwhile in the fascist state Ukraine: photos of Kiev junta victims exhibiting in Ukrainian museums as “victims of Russian aggression”.
The photo of “Gorlovskaya Madonna” ( 20 years girl and her newborn baby were killed by Kiev junta shell in July 2014 at city park of Gorlovka) became an exhibit of “The victims of the Russian aggression” in the former Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Kiev. Here at the opening of this exhibition its inspirer – Vladimir Vyatrovich (in second photo).
Source, independent blogger from Ukraine
Vladimir Vyatrovich also whitewashing history of UPA (UIA), he destroying archive database about UPA crimes. Actually Kiev junta follow steps of its masters from “civilized countries”, regimes of NATO countries too using falsification in order to whitewash themselves.’
Truth about situation in Ukraine in Kyiv, Ukraine.
May 7 at 7:26am ·
Meanwhile in the Ukraine: “Motherland” in Kiev have to be dekommunizated till end of the year. Dekommunization – i.e. destroying of memory about Soviet Union and Russian Empire, is the best that Kiev junta able to do.
“Professionals need to dismantle the Soviet coat of arms from the statue “The Motherland” in Kiev before the end of 2016. Thus the monument would be “dekommunizated”.
The head of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, Vladimir Vyatrovich insists on dismantling.”
Source, local media…/rodinumat_v_kieve_dolzhni_dekommu…
a reminder of
“The tensions between Russia and Turkey that have come out of differing objectives in the Syrian conflict and the downing of the Russian SU-24 last year may now be manifesting in the Ukraine as well. Turkish militants have apparently been working with Crimean Tartars in acts of sabotage directed at the Crimean peninsula. Apparently, the Tartar nationalists that have allied with the Right Sector to enforce an illegal energy and food blockage of Crimea from the Kherson region are receiving material support from the Turkish government. Pictures have appeared that show members of the Turkish “Grey Wolves” with Tartar nationalists in the Kherson area, as well as comments from the Tartar nationalist leader Lenur Islyamov that Turkey has provided him with monetary and material support for the blockade. It is unknown how many Grey Wolves may be operating in Ukraine, but the internal security forces of Crimea are well aware of their presence.
As the government in Kiev continues to lose the support of the people, is mired in charges of corruption, and has proven totally incapable of improving the economic situation of the country, it will most likely resort to a renewal of hostilities in the east. The Poroshenko regime may see no other alternative than to raise the specter of another Russian invasion to retain their hold on power as the domestic situation continues to deteriorate. A renewed offensive against the DPR and LPR and military actions against Crimea, including terrorist operations by Tartar nationalist assisted by Turkish extremists, may well be planned for the summer months as the Ukraine continues to slide towards bankruptcy and the Ukrainian government continues to lose legitimacy in the eyes of a majority of its citizens.’
extract from March Southfront article
extract from longer speech
“Patriarch Kirill said as he held the Friday mass at the major Moscow memorial to those who fought in World War II. “This is a fight against the fearsome foe that is currently not only spreading evil through the Middle East but also threatening the whole of mankind.”
He added: “Today, we call this evil terrorism.”
The Patriarch also said that terrorists were targeting innocent civilians to intimidate their opponents and to crush any resistance to their doctrines, causing a great number of casualties and human suffering.
“This is why the war on terrorism today is the holy war today. I pray to God that people all over the world understand this and stop dividing terrorists into good and bad ones as well as connecting the war on terror with their own goals, that are often non-declared yet strongly present on the political agenda,” the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church said.
He also told Orthodox believers to pray for the Russian military to remain faithful to the spiritual course that only allows the use of armed forces against evil, for justice and to save human lives.”
might be worth checking out “angry Ivan’s” video appeal to ukr patriots from antimaydan
article from April Colonel Cassad-evidence ukr instigated the civil war not Putin…..or Strelkov
BTW-that train from Ukraine to China definitely returned empty…………………confirmed coupla weeks ago.
This is naive rubbish: “We hope that our partners in the Normandy Four format will be as constructive as the Russian side in what concerns giving an impetus to the implementation of the agreements.”
Anybody who thinks they can come to an agreement without biden’s approval should not be in that position, and should be immediately demoted.
Sputnik France, May 5, 2016
Translated from French by Tom Winter May 8, 2016
“Total absurdity,” blind submission to US interests … The former director of the DGSE did not mince words decrying the errors committed by France in Syria and Ukraine.
The French were wrong about Syria and Ukraine, said former intelligence director at the DGSE Alain Juillet in an interview with Paris Match. [DGSE: Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure, Office of the Foreign Intelligence Service]
“In the Ukrainian case, it’s obvious. To go along with the Americans, we did not look ahead to the consequences of the embargo against Russia. This creates problems at home, but look what’s going on with our agriculture! We cut off its opening to Russia. This is not glorious,” he confessed.
The current president of the Academy of Economic Intelligence noted that even in the United States they are beginning to realize that the crisis in relations between the West and Russia was fabricated by US neoconservatives.
“The rise of Donald Trump shows that Americans are beginning to wash their dirty laundry. When Trump said that the Iraq war was a mistake, he broke a taboo among Republicans, who had buried that issue.
“And the same goes for Ukraine … the crisis in Ukraine has encouraged all trafficking, all for a story about radar at the border that the neocons wanted,” he said.
According to Alain Juillet, the French approach to the crisis in Syria was unrealistic:
“It is certain on either Syria or Ukraine, the French were wrong. Either the services came up with bad information, or it is the policies that, despite the information, wanted to go in a direction that was not that of reality. On the Syrian issue, they ignored the reality,” said M.Juillet.
“At the time of the conflicts in Iraq and the four journalists hostage in Syria, we had good relations, even if not official, with Syrian services. These relationships have always served us. Suddenly, we cut the bridges. This is total absurdity,” he points out.
He said another serious error consists in the fact that France has been manipulated into helping people, supposedly rebellious, whereas in reality they were al Qaeda teams pushed by the Gulf countries. “And if we did that, it means that we ignored the advice of the intelligence services,” he lamented.”
Book Released on the Massive Human Rights Violations in Ukraine
Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
7th May, 2016
The Information Group on Crimes against the Person (IGCP) has published an annual report on mass human rights violations during the conflict in Ukraine. The book is horrifying in its scope and depth of coverage, not to mention chilling in its mass of details…
note US intrests in Moldavia too ukrainian style
“The visit of Vladimir Plahotniuc (the infamous Moldavian oligarch and mafia boss – Katehon) to the US and the fuss over the use of military equipment for the May 9 parade in the center of Chisinau, which is meant to irritate the Russian side, do not appear to be coincidences.
Victoria Nuland’s appearance alongside the controversial oligarch serves as a message from the world’s hegemon: Plahotniuc is and will be your master. It doesn’t matter what I think or what Moldovan citizens want as long as the White House is more concerned with its military games in Eastern Europe. But what does Plahotniuc want? We can assume that this figure of Moldovan politics is to become no more nor less than the president of Moldova. We must not hide behind finger-pointing and we should not be naive: the validity of any election depends on Washington’s recognition, even if the election is a big hoax.”
The exhibition of US military equipment on the city’s Great National Assembly Square on Sunday was presented as part of the V-Day celebrations, but instead provoked hundreds of protesters to take to the streets in outrage.
Activists opposing NATO’s presence in the country waved banners that read “Go home,”“We don’t need NATO,” and “Moldova is a neutral state.”
Protesters also reportedly handed out St. George ribbons, a symbol of victory in post-Soviet states, to the American soldiers before the exhibition, which saw about two dozen infantry, engineering vehicles and military trucks being showcased to the public. However, soon after the protests began, the exhibition was rolled up, and the US troops returned to their stationing site in Negresti, some 20 kilometers outside Chisinau.
The American-NATO troops were supposed to join the V-Day march on May 9 to celebrate the victory over the Nazis and commemorate those fallen in the WWII. Following the ensuing controversy, however, the contingent was allowed only to hold the ill-fated military exhibition ahead of the event.
Read more
© Maxim BlinovTransdniester parliament rejects reports of questioning Russian peacekeepers’ status
Igor Dodon, head of the Moldovan Socialist party, branded the invitation of NATO troops to take part in V-Day festivities as a “provocation geared to spoil the Victory celebrations,” TASS reported.
“NATO servicemen have committed another symbolic act of mockery over Orthodox believers, having once again demonstrated their occupational intentions,” he added, according to Sputnik.
Dodon had slammed the exercises earlier as a “military occupation” and called the display of American troops on V-Day a “slap in the face of Constitution, which stipulates neutrality.”
The activists lashed out at the government for what they believe was an attempt to drag Moldova into some kind of a military confrontation, demanding that the government adhere to its neutral status.
“Moldova is a peaceful and neutral state. We take part in no military blocs and don’t want war. We saw what happened in Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria. If you don’t go before tomorrow, there will be thousands of us here,” stressed Vlad Batrîncea, a Moldovan MP from the Party of Socialists, as cited by TASS.
Last week, the country’s president, Nicolae Timofti, also took a stance against the demonstration of US military prowess on May 9, on which the celebrations were scheduled, while confronting Moldovan Defense Minister Anatol Salaru in a letter published on Wednesday.’
What happens next and how to do it properly, regarding Russia and Ukraine.
I can offer an example how not to do it. Yugoslavia. Analyze events after WW I and creation of Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes. Look what happened during the WWII. Exact same thing with exactly the same actors in exactly the same roles happened during the 90’s. Do it as we did and you will certainly have to repeat “Ukraine” scenario.
Why? Because measures taken in between were halfhearted at best and plain wrong at worst. I do not say that unity can not be achieved. But we did not do all we could. Expediency, coverups, short term gains,… in contrast to transparent investigation and legal actions equally applied. That is my great fear regarding Russia-Ukraine situation.
Best way to counteract fascism is unity and education, in that order. But unity needs a face or is easily abused. That face should be based upon values that majority agrees upon. Shared values, and there are many of those. Even among people from different continents. All of us need to breathe, sleep, eat,… Things we share are many times numerous than the things that set us apart.
Let law enforcement do their job and face the negative effect of fascism on society. Let the society be oriented on positive aspects and how to better itself.
Brat Dragan:
The prallelism in ex-USSR and ex-Yugoslavia, or more accurately, between Ukraine and Croatia are widely used by the Ukrainian far-right (Ukraine as Croatia, Russia as Serbia, USSR as Socialist Yugoslavia, Donbass as Krajina and Donbassites as Serbs). They also dream in a Operation Storm a la ukrainienne, which will wipe ut the “Soviet” nostalgic, industrial-worker and “Past-minded” population of Donbass. Even the Ustasha of Azov Battallion, Denis Seler has been nominated “Hero of Ukraine” by Poroshenko Government.
The “long-standing” but “politically Not-progressing” Minsk Agrrements is also reminding me as Ukraine is modernizing and preparing its army for a new “Storm operation”… and I do not like it. SOmething tells me to distrust the situation.
Regarding parallels, from what i can gather in Croatia there is a view (and here i must admit that i do not know from whose side it stems, Croats or Ustasha’s, either version is frightening) , Croatia-Donbass, Yugoslavia-Ukraine. Ignoring the facts that coup in Ukraine is first done in Kiev and breakaway of Donbass is a consequence. In Yugoslavia coup was first done in Zagreb and Ljubljana,later in Sarajevo and Republika Srpska i Republika Srpska Krajina are consequences. Armed rebellion against the state and covering it up with voting. Tearing the country with violence first instead of voting first. But war is what was needed and war we got. Serbs either had to accept war or be faced with genocide just like in WWII. Situation exactly like in Donbass.
There is also a spin campaign here in Serbia by our fifth columnists-traitors that Crimea and Kosovo is the same thing. Again ignoring the fact that Crimea voted for secession after the coup in Kiev and that Kosovo voted back in 1991 and not to secede but to be granted status of the Republic and not just autonomous region. But again using violence.
Regarding “Storm” (and let us not forget Operation Flash) that will not play as Ukrofascists dream,quite the opposite. Fascist delusions can be achieved only when there is no unity on the other side and that side has many odds stacked against them. In Ukraine in general and Donbass in particular that is not the case. Be concerned for what comes after just as author of the text.
For what comes after is crucial at this point. Putin stated that Russia wants unified Ukraine. I agree with that. Any division will just weaken Russia’s position and strengthen West. But that unification or reunification is what frightens me.
It is easy to unify those who are willing. But what about the others? Those who killed, tortured, raped and burned? Let us not forget here their accomplices or those who should have done something (obligated by law describing their job) but did not. Add to that all those thieves on grand scale (oligarchs) and how long back will their crimes be taken into account. Last but not least, add beneficiaries of those crimes and those who lost someone participating in them. That is a huge number.
As we seen in Saker’s text regarding “All-Russia’s People Front” or ONF, Russia is not unified in a way that should be. She is still plagued by the sins of the past and the fifth column-traitors.
I am afraid that she is not yet strong enough to tackle all those problems. With existing borders or eventually without them. From experience i can say that if all those problems are not tackled equally,transparently and according to law, there can be no future together.
What i see is that Russia is buying time. For what, we will see. But i go here with Scott’s- Putin is right. He was up to now and we can only hope that he will be again. I am not seeing anyone else trying to do the job.
Yes, Donbass bleeds now. But they bleed for their future. What kind of future it will be if you are setting up a country to live in and see that your children will have to fight the same war you did? They are not bleeding for half-measures. They are bleeding for Future and Justice.
I wish them unity in their struggle and fulfillment of their dreams they payed with so much blood and suffering.
@ Dragan
Great analysis, thoughts and words. Indeed the future starts now and we must work and be always ready for it.
extract from US Ambassador to Hungary speach
When it comes to Russia, Ambassador Bell also has some instructions for Budapest: Moscow is your enemy and don’t you forget it.
She told Hungarian parliamentarians:
As many Hungarians have reminded me, you need no introduction to the nature of Russian aggression. Your response has always been to show resolve. Our best weapons, in fact, are resolve and solidarity.
Weapons? Quite a loaded word.
Orban has been seen in Washington as insufficiently enthused about sanctions on Russia, which hurt Hungarian trade and business interests. Ambassador Bell makes it clear that Hungary must adhere to US demands of Russia, even if they are completely incoherent:
As the United States and Hungary have both stated many times, Russia has a simple choice: fully implement Minsk or continue to face sanctions. Russia must withdraw weapons and troops from the Donbas; Russia must ensure that all Ukrainian hostages are returned; Russia must allow full humanitarian access to occupied territories; Russia must support free, fair, and internationally-monitored elections in the Donbas under Ukrainian law; and most important, Russia must restore Ukraine’s sovereignty.
That last point should be taken to mean that Russia must ignore the will of the people of Crimea who voted in overwhelming numbers to re-join Russia after just 25 years as part of independent Ukraine.
Not to worry, Ambassador Bell is confident that Budapest will do everything Washington tells it to do:
More than this, Hungary is equal to the great challenges of our times, and the United States is counting on you.
To stiffen their spine, US Ambassador Bell reminds the Hungarians that they are part of “our global order” and touts the great examples set by the US, including:
Our system of international economic, political, and social norms and institutions have kept the peace and fostered prosperity for decades. Whether it is international law, environmental protection, trade regulations, anticorruption laws, child labor laws, human rights safeguards, the nonproliferation regime, public health systems, international financial institutions, UN peacekeeping, or a robust civil society – these norms and institutions give life and stability to our global order.”
“Our system of international economic, political, and social norms and institutions have kept the peace and fostered prosperity for decades. Whether it is international law, environmental protection, trade regulations, anticorruption laws, child labor laws, human rights safeguards, the nonproliferation regime, public health systems, international financial institutions, UN peacekeeping, or a robust civil society – these norms and institutions give life and stability to our global order.”
All Hail America’s New World Order, which has brought peace and prosperity to the world!!!
Whether it is America-led wars of aggression that destroy nations and destabilized entire regions; colored coup d’etats disguised as pro-democracy movements; false-flag terrorism staged by the USA and its allies; or a kleptocratic casino capitalism led by the wolves of Wall Street, these norms and institutions give life and stablity to our global order!
This guys are “anti-Russian Russians”. Let’s me explain
The core of Ukrainian nazism is founded by two sections: ethnic ultra-Banderites of Galitiza, but also Russian speaking and even ethnic Russian from the East. Those are in ecellent relations with Russian (Russian Federation) nazis which want to “import” national revolution to Russia.
The core of Ukrainian/Russian liberals are the plutocrats and the “creative” Euro-hool intelectuals, with a deep love of the new “European” ideas: anti-communism, “Citizenry” as the only value, “cultural progressivism”, deep hatred for State distributism, the ideology of “non-conflict”, Euro-centrism, tame “tolerance multiculturalism” (which is based in domination)…
Both classes (OK, leaving apart the rbidly anti-Russian Galitzia ultra-banderites) of “anti-Russians” have a project in the minds: that Europe (liberal or racial) is the “Light of civilization”, so their aim is to liquidate Russia as geopolitical alternative pole (which is founded not in a nation or race, but in a ideaocratic State), and its Westernization as “another nation in the European family” (do not mind if in exclusive racislitic way -White euroe- or in the “dominance-tolerant” multicultural way -Uniterd Colours of Benetton-). Both sectors see in Russia and its history as a “terrible burden” that must be freed.
As for that liberals that the article speaks, they are the perfect crooks that actuate in the “ether”. They want a “democratic Ukraine”… with waht rogram? what forces? what action-plan? The only democratic Ukraine that exists, is Novorossiya. It is a project with its mistakes, and I am not asking no one to agree completely with the ideology of Novorossiya, but whoever is a honest anti-fascist, anti-imperialist must stand with it. This “equal-distance” fo eople like Vasil Volga really paves the way of the imperialism “there could be also a democratic imperialism!” they are saying, “We are for integrating Ukraine in EU, fulfiling the Maidan project, but we are doing it smiling!”. They are bringing Ukraine and Russia to that mess that EU is, liquidating alternative. They are the “opposition of his majesty”, nt “opposition to his majesty”.
A example I have said, can be found here, an article by Imperialist Peter Debbins in “American thinker”. Debbins advocates a “Russian federal State” within united Ukraine. In this case, Debbins hopes to foster an “anti-Russian Russian State” or “anti-Kremlin Russian State”; to oppose Russian ethnicity to “Russian project” (a multiethnic project, not a single-ethnia project); to make Russian ethnicity a serf of the European ideological project. A “Russian” farright organization in Ukraine, “Petr i Mazepa” advocates for it. Another time, Nazis and liberals together.
As the disintegration advances the truth of the adage
“Success has a thousand fathers; failure is an orphan ” will become apparent. The task of those who look to put things back together is to start by separating the wheat from the chaff. Ischenko points the way.
Quit trying to lump the communists and nazis together. Lenin and Stalin were communists, the collective efforts of Communism allowed them to win. At first against the Whites, then, against the Nazis. Nazis and communists are poles apart, the former are pure capitalists with trickle down socialism. The latter, believe in power from the bottom up.
Thank you Rostislav and Seva. Great article.
For those of us with Galician roots, it is almost impossible to say, “I told you so” to others of the same. This 21st century manifestation of “Ukrainianism” is so obviously a form of mass-psychosis. I call it “Ukieosis”. Besides, given these peoples were proudly “Rus” (Rutherian, Malorus, Russkey, Rusyn, etc.) for centuries, it is really hard to fathom this current delusional state of self-hate and denial of history. The flip side is the great false pride of playing pretend.
Alas, the Maidan was the suicidal death cry of the post-Soviet state of Ukraine. Back then, a few of us predicted that this “Ukraine” would begin to shatter into many small pieces. This process is now well underway and the entropic march will not likely to be halted or reversed by any new idea or savior. The Ukrainian state represents the apex of political parasitism and self-worship. The rapidity and depth of the post-Maidan social and economic collapse is truly awesome. One leads to the other.
Well, one might as well embrace the change and try to make something positive come out of it? Regional independence perhaps? New smaller countries that better represent their native constituents? Install a sovereign? Remove the crazy democratic system of bribing people to vote of the looting of other peoples pocketbooks? (It only leads to mob rule to the ultimate benefit of the oligarchs. Witness what is happening here in the Western “free-world”.) Create a new tax haven to attract investment capital? Indeed, the Principality of Galicia Rus has a nice ring to it and would at least be historically correct. Bring out one of the old historical Galician flags as the national symbol? No further need to keep playing pretend. Everyone take a deep breath…..