What a total disaster! Trump might as well have kept Samantha Power at the UN.
I am rather disgusted.
The Saker
What a total disaster! Trump might as well have kept Samantha Power at the UN.
I am rather disgusted.
The Saker
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In contrast to that even the German government and the biggest German newspaper(both usually pro-nazi) admit that the nazis are attacking:
“According to Berlin, which is based, among other things, on reports from the OSCE mission in the Eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian military forces are currently trying to shift the front line in their favor. Apparently, they also accept the fact that tensions are increasing, according to the Berlin government. Behind them, according to some in the German administration, it might also be a question of tightening the situation so that plans by US President Donald Trump could be stopped to relax the sanctions. According to Berlin’s interpretation, Poroshenko wants to do just about anything to prevent an end to the sanctions against Russia.”
With Poroshenko’s recent visit to Berlin, and the Bundeswehr conducting military exercises in Lithuania again right now, I am again speculating that Germany is somehow preparing to oversee the wildest, most unruly parts of Ukraine. Presumably with some sort of agreement with Russia.
Germany probably sees west Ukraine as ‘lesbensraum’!
From RT website:
“01:35 GMT
Russia’s ambassador Churkin meets US counterpart Haley on the sidelines of UN
Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s ambassador to the UN has held a meeting with his US counterpart Nikki Haley at his residence in New York. “Both sides expressed the intention to cooperate closely in accordance with the spirit of their capitals in the United Nations,” the spokesman for the Russian mission has confirmed. Prior to the meeting on Thursday, Churkin had already welcomed the newly appointed US diplomat to the UN, despite a heated exchange between the two in the Security Council earlier.”
I am watching and waiting to see before I make a judgement.
How the “heroes of Ukraine” stopped the “smuggling of Ukrainian goods” (including pork) and created the humanitarian catastrophe:
“Observers say the Ukrainians appear to be trying to create new facts on the ground… since mid-December Ukraine’s armed forces have edged farther into parts of the gray zone in or near the war-worn cities of Avdiivka, Debaltseve, Dokuchaievsk, Horlivka, and Mariupol, shrinking the space between them and the separatist fighters. In doing so, the pro-Kyiv troops have sparked bloody clashes with their enemy…”
“Soon, from a road over the hill came a convoy of European monitors who had been critical of the advances. They were there to inspect the new Novoluhanske positions.
‘The direct result of forward moves is escalation in tension, which often turns to violence,’ Alexander Hug, the principal deputy chief monitor of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Special Monitoring Mission (OSCE SMM) to Ukraine, had told RFE/RL prior to his visit.”
“It’s our Ukrainian land. How can it ever be a violation?” :-D
The Kievan junta representatives deny the presence of tanks in Avdiivka, where they must not be according to the Minsk ceasefire agreements:
while the BBC’s correspondent Tom Burridge had actually filmed them:
And this is how the Kievan junta is preparing to conquer Donbas militarily:
“Nice” introduction speech.
She obviously has not read the Minsk documents.
Nothing changes under Trump .. just more of the same wearing a different dress. Won’t be long before she is snarling and showing more of her yellow fangs.
Yes! I am afraid that the neocons really have America under their complete control now. Actually, not just the neocons but perhaps the Lubavitcher Jewish Cult, and they are very frightening – and absolutely insane. It seems tome that Trump’s son in law -and daughter – are members of the Lubavitcher, or sympathetic towards them. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son in law, has a building in New York 666, Fifth AVenue and the company which manufactures the RFID chip has offices there.
Trump’s daughter Ivanka Kushner is rumoured to be the real “first lady” of the Trump Adminstration. It was she who went with her Father to a ceremony for a Navy Seal yesterday.
Jared Kushner has “security clearance” which means he goes to the President’s morning security briefings – and hears all about all of America’s most important secrets. All of them!
He is said to be a close friend of Netanyahoo and devoted to “Israel.”
Some politician in “israel” said that if Trump won the election it would mean that there was no daylight between the American Government and Israel. Actually it means that the Israelis – or the Jews and neocons ARE now the Government of America!
Please also read the article by Wayne Madsen called “The Most Whispered SEcret in the Middle East.” It is on Strategic-Culture.org I will come back to post it after having posted this – since I do not want to have to write it out again – it may all be deleted if I leave it now!
Pity to say but “I told you so”: Trumpet is just a different Pipper that sings the same melody with a different tune, to distract and drown the mice, while the fat cats run away with the treasures. The policy of the mammoth ship of state, does not take a huge turn after stewardship changes. The owners determine where the ship goes and Trumpet and certainly not the American people are the owners of the American Ship of State.
True, there was a deafening clamour that the Trumper regime would bring about rationality (but never decency) to the Hegemon’s foreign policy, and so on and so forth…
There were a few dissenters from the group-thinking that infected some sober minds around here heralding a new era of realpolitik but the proof is in the pudding and I hope the saner minds in the Kremlin have not been fooled by the Trumper histrionics and the fake prophets of peace. The Hydra has many heads and it is in the nature of the beast to be as nasty as its weaponry allows and no country in this planet is safe until the beast is slain for good.
What an idiot.
One thing I will point out, however, is that as I recall, this woman was one of the “never-Trumpers” until very late in the day, and seemed to have been appointed to her present role as a sop to some opposing faction of the Republican Party.
If so, that speaks very poorly of Trump’s understanding of just how important a role UN envoy is; in any case, the test now will be whether he pulls her into line, or lets this outrageous nonsense stand.
Whilst hoping for the best, I am not gonna hold my breath.
Crimea is and always has been part of the Ukraine.
My goodness, just the same tired narrative. Russians being called pro-Russia. Invasion. Agression. Ukraine as the victim.
Good thing we have uncle Sam, that stalwart of sovereignty and territorial integrity:
I find it to be truly astonishing that this representative to the United has not read the Minsk II agreement. A high school student could read the document in 2 minutes and realize that it says nothing about Russia. This sounds a lot like hope and change. I hope she gets seriously schooled over her statement.
Of course! Her job is not to read agreements, but to be the extended arm of the most despicable anti-Russian zionazi propaganda.
Can’t understand why so many here fell for the facade of yet another “change” – as if something like that were possible in the tightly-controlled zionazi colony.
The only long-term solution for the Ukraine is the same one that has been applied for millennia – most recently in Syria. Period.
I too thought things might be different. But that was just “wishful” thinking on my part. Russia just “needs” to understand they need to do what’s right. And support the end of the junta. There is “no other” correct solution to this crisis. If they don’t “get it” and act. Then we are doomed to more and more violence against the people of Donbas. Waiting on Trump to change US policy is the same as waiting on a leopard to change its spots. Both of those are a waste of time.
@ Uncle Bob
” I too thought things might be different”.
You did express some hopes, but you were not a sanguine Trumpter compared to the herd bleating that fell on the Vineyard, to the Saker’s consternation I’m sure.
The imperial structures of capitalism have not been dismantled and whoever sits in the Whore House is a proponent of the creed for rape and plunder. It’s in the job description.
wrong, dear anonymously!!!
I sided and still to an extent side with Trump for the simple reason that I, a south american, would get dead sick and unbearable to myself, if for a moment upfrom last september I sided or jointly screamed alonside the MSM+obama dems+war party.
Now let´s side as before with bad Vlad tearing down the Kiev bastards and see what develops.
@Uncle Bob 1
You know what ? If Trump has some real knowledge of the situation in E-Ukraine and Crimea, he would immediately sack this woman. This is totally unforgivable and outrageous. All MSM media is riding this with great satisfaction as saying : ” now, you got it ” . There is no excuse. Remember, one of my points was : – the recognition of Russia’s right over Crimea.
Does anyone believe the moron trump possesses any knowledge of foriegn policy or its nuances? Mr. T is a puppet who the deep state used to capture certain segments of the the misinformed, illiterate of world affairs, and ignorant american public. The large segment that believe america can be great again, that the manufacturing segment can be revitalized; fully unaware that due to automation and advances in robotics will now be a significant road block to job creation in the sector. Like his predecessor the high orator obama secured votes among stupid liberal and black groups, trump’s appeal to the most base instincts of angry americans who are not capable of comprehension of what truly is behind the push to create third world conditions in their country.
Performing due diligence before believing in the hype is not a strong suit among the average person. Emotion trumps rational thinking.
Perform just minimal research on the cretin haley. Mr. T did not pick the witch. He was told this is your representative to the UN. He as barry o before him are actors performing their designated role.
As soon as I saw the array of headlines which talk about “Trump-Putin” — phone calls, meetings etc”……….. I knew this was going to happen.
Trump is an unheard of, inexperienced no-nothing, with not a single pebble to speak of in the international arena. Putin has 17 yrs of experience, has fought the battle against globalism and the use of proxies, often almost alone, for nearly all that time. His track record and experience speak for themselves. He is the obvious senior in this arena – yet still every site, even those calling themselves “pro-Russian” talk this way. Trump first. Putin last!! It’s a gross insult.
That Trump and America are still seen as senior, better, the “top guy” in the world, is clear. That they would set the stage – or try to – in negotiations with Russia is now predictable.
More so we can predict that they are about to try and “grab the narrative”.
Carter started it with his “Russia did nothing in Syria”. I’m waiting for the Hollywood movie which will depict ISIS as either a rogue group, or in some way the fault of Russia, and how brave Americans came riding to the rescue, to free Aleppo and Palmyra and the Syrians while the evil Russians cowered at home.
Is this idiot speaking for herself, or does Trump know what she’s saying?
How on earth the Russian rep didn’t get up and walk out I’ll never know. I sure as hell would – nothing could have stopped me.
Probably why he’s a rep and I’m not!!
It’s just theatre, and no doubt they (the Russians) knew all about it. These are just diversionary tactics. I agree it is totally disgusting (I even think that about the Russians sometimes, certainly RT/Sputnik), but there’s a lot at stake ((there’s a lot more going on), you see..
Praying and hoping you are correct, dear sir!
@ Isabella
“I sure as hell would”
We know you would – why listening to idiotic inanities? But what surprises me is that people here are surprised and outraged when they shouldn’t. It is crass gullibility to believe that a billionaire espousing the most rabid tenets of power and privilege would turn the Hegemon around, and be decent! It’s asking the impossible.
The USA will keep its domineering posture vis-à-vis the world and to hell with the consequences; because it has power, it is dictated by the ideology of dominance and is, paramount, necessary to keep the existing order of exploitation otherwise the dollar will crumble and the global oligarchy would go begging – and that can’t happen.
I’m not having a go at you, personally. But there was a chorus of optimists who announced that the fangs of the beast have been curtailed by an election, as if elections make any difference. The only purpose of elections in capitalist societies is to legitimate the use of state power by the dominant class.
Genau so ist das…
There are blogs for example the Swiss guy Freeman and his ASR blog
that hype Trump as the savior of the world….
And when you write him your opinion that Trump is just another
Puppet on the string he insults you
It’s crazy that Trump got many brainwashed already now
This is not completely settled yet. Somehow we knew Trump would not be able to create a whole government of ppl who share his views on Russia and world order. This was bound to happen.
Now the question is what next. Will she be fired / disavowed / isolated / powerless or is this some pressure from Trump to Russia as a part of negotiation strategy or is it neocon still on the deck ?
Sidenote: Mnuchin plan to “ease” banking activities separation sure sounds like disaster in the making to me….
It’s settled for me — and I just sent an email to the White House saying so — he’s a coward, a liar, and a traitor. I said I would wait to see what he did — and now I see it. This is his official representative to the UN and the world, and he can’t control what is said there then he’s totally incompetent.
Forget about it.
I’m not sure how long Putin is going to pretend to belief the “Good-cop”/”Bad-cop” scenario that the Trump administration is trying to foist. I don’t think Putin is going to care or be sympathetic to a plea from Trump that he’s got to placate establishment Repubican for now but he really wants good relations with Russia. Putin is too smart.
They just screwed Putin over, not making him lose face entirely with his ‘let’s see’ statements, but he doesn’t look good out of it. And you can bet the Chinese are paying attention too, and won’t forget this either. Trump just burned his credibility by allowing this to happen, and I don’t see a way to reverse it, because anything he does will look, and likely be, just trying to cover his true intentions or his incompetency. Maybe about the only thing to save him is showing that he looked at the speech that was supposed to be given and approved it but that another speech was given instead, and then hang those who switched it for treason — and what’s the chances of that?
Whatever the speculations, that speech has been made and cannot be swallowed back. This has put Trump in a very difficult situation when it comes to deal with Putin. Putin forgets nothing and I hope, this will give him new “food” on how to deal with Trump. The honeymoon has not come closer.
When will you wake up to the reality trump didn’t allow anything to happen? He is nothing more than a figurehead. He follows directives, especially the dictates of the zionists and their various factions within the US government and deep state. He is fully controlled. His percieved independence is simply part of the script in this play.
Here we go, mixed signals to say the least. That UN speaker is directly harming what Trump’s gov is doing. I am having a hard time to say both are working as part of a global strategy. Sounds more like someone overstepped here boundaries.
Below that video clip the crowd is calling Trump a traitor and Putin puppet. Incredible how succesfull the MSM can program so many people into believing all the lying propaganda about Russia hacking the elections in the US.
I think if Trump knew the facts about Ukraine he would disagree with that bogus speech in the UN. Hopefully Steve Bannon is better informed and brings them up to date on how things really are. And Russia can also do a lot to make things clear to the White House.
Unless Trump doesn’t care and accepts the Victoria Nuland type policy.
Looks like Trump wants to work together with the FSB on fighting terrorism…
Apart from the first rage I felt at hearing this, what I feel now is the amazement at the level of brain dead stupidity.
Just think – if it were you.. You are about to go to a major forum – the UN no less – and deliver your maiden speech. Wouldn’t you be up hours at night, researching your subject, finding everything out, detailing proven references, making sure that what you said was good, was solid, was irrefutable; sophisticated, had depth, challenge, maybe ideas not presented before??
This is the biggest heap of childish pathetic hogwash I’ve ever listened to. It sounds like something a mediocre mid level high school student with poor grades and an aptitude comment of “lazy, unethical, steals others work, ” would get.
Every single thing she says is wrong, has been proven wrong long ago, is in fact old hat and out the door.
She even delivers it as if she’s reading something someone else wrote that she has never seen before and actually doesn’t even understand.
Boy, is America scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
I’d like to think maybe Trump is playing some incredibly clever game of “throw smoke in their eyes” —– but, I can’t. I just can’t.
Yeah, she’s reading from a script, she didn’t write it, and doesn’t even understand the subject.
It is maybe time for the FSB to ‘release the golden shower’ tapes?(lol)
Toatlly agree with you
Sounded to me like Kiev RADA wrote it for her
What makes you think that a conviction-less opportunist like Nikki Haley, a woman who converted to an evangelical fake Christian cult from her native Sikh religion, purely for the purpose of running for office, would care about the truth or right and wrong?
I’m not sure if you know this but an ambassadorship to the UN means you agree to be a sock puppet for the term of your appointment. Nikki Haley has less autonomy then a CNN anchor on a day contract. Everything about her is fake or for sale, including her accent. You can’t expect anything from a willing sock puppet.
Dear Isabella:This lady is probably very capable but she (or they) have to fallow instructions from above (managers of neo elite) otherwise she will be in the streets without all the sale items,specially no big titles,useless diplomas,no big money,etc,etc and so on.They agree before they get the trash job.Art
Trump was always a pro-neocon/zionist. I can’t believe how many people thought America would change. We are watching Obama 2.0, now with the “white nationalist” in charge.
Nikki Haley was Trump’s worst pick, whether the message which she delivers in the video comes directly from the desk of Trump or not. She is very cunning, but she lacks intelligence and she lack svirtue. She is not as bright as Samantha Power, however, so that is a “good” thing, I suppose.
Re Nikki Haley, not being as intelligent as Samantha Powers, you’re wrong.
Nikki Haley was a governor and Chief Executive of a US State, she had to do a real job and managed the equivalent of a corporation. Samantha Powers (bat-shit crazy according Pepe Escobar, an apt description), achieved nothing on her own and only got the “gigs” that she snagged through marriage to a powerful and influential man. If anything, Samantha Powers proves her own stupidity because she’s a fanatic ideologue that actually believes the utter garbage and lies she spewed at the UN. Nikki Haley, on the other hand, is a complete opportunitist and doesn’t hold any convictions or ideology, she doesn’t believe any of the nonsense she mouths but happily reads it, like a good little government whore, because she paid to and due to all the other fringe benefits of a cushy UN position. Her only ideology is her personal self interest and bottom line. Samantha Powers, on the other hand, was a self motivated useful idiot for the neocon & LGBT cause.
Nikki Haley is a total opportunist, a sell out, the political equivalent of a prostitute, I doubt she has an ethical bone in her body, she, like “bobby” Jindal makes a mockery out of Jesus Christ by converting to a fake sect of Christianity purely for political gain. She literally makes me sick, I can’t stand looking at her face; it induces the taste of bile at the back of my throat.
However, don’t fear, she’ll eventually get flushed down the toilette: Trump only offered her the position to get her out of the way in South Carolina, so that his ally (the first Republican to endorse Trump) could take over as governor of South Carolina.
However, don’t fear, she’ll eventually get flushed down the toilette: Trump only offered her the position to get her out of the way in South Carolina, so that his ally (the first Republican to endorse Trump) could take over as governor of South Carolina.
That might be the key.
Trump is hostile to the UN, at best seeing it as an ‘irrelevance’ to US policy, and has publically threatened withdrawal.
Perhaps he thinks foreign policy should be run like a ‘dealership’ – directly from the Oval Office.
This appointment may indeed be a carrot to lure an obstacle to domestic policy into an arena of planned ‘obsolescence’ – at least as far as foreign policy is concerned.
She certainly does not sound informed – the miserable bit I could bear to listen to.
Better an opportunist whose only objective is lifestyle, than a crazed idealogue who can be manipulated through pushing the right buttons.
Haley will not be ‘doing deals’, but following orders.
What those orders will be remains to be seen.
Great comments here.
So I am speculating that Germany and Russia are jointly offering a solution to the crisis in Ukraine, and I believe this solution has been on the table for many months now. (Maybe I just relish in the poetic justice of using the wedge, that was partly to drive Russia and Germany apart from each other, as a means of joining the two nations in a formal geopolitical arrangement. Ju-do. See Isabella’s comments above. :-)
If so, I take it all this Russian aggression blather is Zionist rejection of the solution. So what the heck is their counter-solution?? Or what do the Washington deal-makers expect to gain by obstructing this solution?
I doubt a lot to see any ‘solution’ coming from Merkel even less with Russia.
She got almost three years to make Minsk 2 work and she did nothing.
The whole rigmarole in Ukraine is a Zionist project. That’s why it is pursued with such dogged determination. Poroshenko, Groysman are not Ukro-nazis, but Zio-nazis. Not Banderastan but Khazarstan.
You are correct, dear Wiz!
I cant see this as any more than signaling the intent to use sanctions as a bargaining chip in future negotiations. Whether that strategy works or not is, I’m guessing, largely irrelevant to Trump. Regardless, I wouldn’t read too much into it. With the CIA and half the pentagon practically in open rebellion he needed to make some concessions. Putting neocons in key positions was probably necessary for him to live long enough to attempt to implement his domestic agenda, and for now he needs to maintain the appearance of active hostility.
If I was in his position I would let them say whatever they want but use back channels to make sure that EU countries know they are free not to extend sanctions. Then wait for the results of their coming election cycle. I’ll bet dollars to donuts theyll jump ship. Meanwhile expect US sanctions to be slowly gutted by the carving out process.
So the globalist faction of the administration wants to act tough on Russia. Let them. The good news is that additional escalation is now off the table and Ukraine has been told they are being thrown under the bus.
No, only morons think that the sanctions will make Russia do anything, and that’s been made very obvious, from Russia at least.
Further, this is a clear signal the Trump and the US will not act honorably and it’s word and agreements are worth nothing, and this kills any sort of rapprochement with Russia (and will be noted by other nations in the world as well). No one can look at this without understanding it’s the same ‘ol same ‘ol, and the only way forward is to further isolate the US and bring it down. The US just shot itself in both feet, with Trump loading the gun. He and the US has lost all credibility and respect.
Very strange(but not really if you connect the dots)the all Trump ‘let’s make friends with RF’ narative collapsed just after the trip of Th May(message from The City,the real owner of WS and not the opposite as many people think wrongly).The bad guy is always the UK/MI6(the all russian fake hacking was a UK plot).
It seems that Trump maybe did not know who is THE Boss..now he and we got the message(same for Syria you will see,no cooperation,no fly zones with a different naming etc..).
Never ever trust the US,whoever is the puppet in the White House.Deep State is the only one in charge.
What does honor have to do with it. I don’t recall Trump ever promising to lift sanctions.
Trumps priorities are primarily domestic. Why should should you expect him to complete a process that took Putin nearly two decades in the span of weeks. If sanctions have no effect then it would be stupid of Trump to burn political capital to force their removal.
It’s not about sanctions. It’s about telling the truth. There was no need at all to Blame Russia for the renewed Ukraine attacks, not to even mention Crimea, and spout the same old lies as if the ambassador was a punk CNN reporter or a representative of Ukraine. It’s about a complete lack of class and professionalism, and about trusting what Trump said about working with Russia. It’s about betraying the entire narrative of peace and cooperation. Even the Europeans and OSCE know it was Ukraine who started this, and a BBC reporter is saying he saw tanks in the neutral zone.
OK — that’s it. Screw Trump. He’s just betrayed the US.
I was hoping he would at least have semi-sane relations with the US but it’s now apparent he is just another fascist pig.
I hear you Blue . . but here’s a thought.
If you wanted to display utter contempt for an inarguably contemptible body such as the U.N., you might read a “speech” that was, in both delivery , content, and truthfulness, openly contemptuous . . . which it was.
Too optimistic . . . moi?
A speech which is contemptuous of Putin and makes Russia and the Chinese (and others) lost all trust in what you say?
That’s reaching too far. This was total fubar. If all he wanted was to show contempt for the UN he could have not had anyone there to make a speech at all. He humiliated the US more than anyone.
Fair enough . . .we’ll have to see how China and Russia respond . . . . if they were not forewarned.
I imagine the usual suspects liked the speech.
Haley and Powers both have the role of ensuring that the water flows just like the map says — the terrain be damned.
She is rather full of sanctimonious lying BS, isn’t she?
If I read the body language right, it is distress in her lower tract that is causing the tortured, contorted expression on her twisted face, especially around the mouth.
The only remedy that comes to mind is a piping hot enema of generous volume, as I seriously doubt that any reasoned arguments or proof will have the desired effect of relieving the cognitive dissonance this Empire-programmed victim is suffering from in her immoral guts. The pain she imparts to others through her strained voice is palpable.
As Trump often said during the debates, after one of Hillary’s displays of smiley/smirkey neuro-linguistic programming: “It’s just words, empty words.”
Yes, Don, but this blatherer is on your diplomatic team and her untrue words reflect the true words you spoke in the debates back onto yourself. Not good.
This proactive blaming is meant to forestall Russia from acting. Russia is put on the defensive by this, when instead it should act to protect the people of Donbass. Minsk is dead – Ukraine tore it to shreds with its thousands of missile and rocket attacks. Therefore NAF and Russia should stop keeping their hands tied behind their backs and ACT. Don’t let U.S. harpies intimidate them.
Unlike Saker, I kept my knee from jerking by recalling that:
a. State Dept is half empty, as Trump fired dozens of employees.
b. Tillerson was barely approved, and he himself is rather inexperienced in
foreign affairs.
This means to me that there was no time and no personnel to formulate a new foreign policy, much less a statement with new ideas for this speech. As she had to say something, she and her staff produced a statement “by inertia”. In other words, she can not be blamed for following an old policy in the absence of new guidelines. She may have even been helped by good old Samantha Power and her staff.
I would wait another few weeks to hear a new sound from US delegation in UN.
Regards, Spiral
So painful to watch – I had to stop. This is what happens when you have rank amateurs playing diplomacy games. Pathetic.
As one of my professors in university used to say: plus ça change, plus c’est la même shit.
What a crock of shit. Who wrote the speech? Was it vetted by the White House?
Samantha Power might as well still be sitting there.
Three minutes and I was out.
Let’s face it, they’re just actors.
This one couldn’t even manage to memorize her script….
Lousy delivery.
At least Powers had that authentic deranged look, that seemed like she meant it.
This one is going through the motions .
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose!
Remember that just before Barbarossa, Germany proposed USSR to join the Axis in order to oppose Britain’s “presumptuous claim to world dominion”.
This US>UN rep remains as seriously mentally ill as the last. However, she knows that there is still that old US ace-in-the-hole; a dumbed-down American street that has never learned to “Question More” and THINK for itself. CNN will give them all the research they might need. ;-)
You know, on calming down, I’m beginning to feel there’s something odd here. This very bad speech – in terms of it’s quality as a speech – her delivery, as if she just grabbed something off the top of a pile while running out the door – they’re all too…….what? Flat, amateurish, off hand.
Didn’t Congress pass a bill lately – or debate one – regarding USA withdrawing from the UN, and requesting they get their butt out of America?
It’s as if she’s been told to say something to keep the McCain warmongers happy, but nobody really cares what.
I think maybe it is more smoke and mirrors. And there seems to be a lot of that around right now.
I am inclined to believe that Trump will use her to keep the neo-cons happy while doing his own thing with President Putin. I, of course, could be very wrong.
I’m not buying it. If it’s smoke and mirrors it’s just as bad — you can’t do business with smoke and mirrors, and Tillerson is in as Sec. State and is supposed to know what he’s doing. This is the UN speech that sets the tone for everything to follow, and Haley is the new ambassador. It’s not like that Asst. Attorney. Gen. who was left over. Are they both guilty of treason and insubordination? How can I believe this is not approved by Trump — or ignored by him because he doesn’t care about foreign policy, which would be total dereliction and incompetence. How could he or the US be trusted to negotiate or be honorable about anything after this, especially by the Russians?
Nothing is more important or significant than this stuff — the first speech that defines the ‘vision’, which Trump has already been backing off from. He has no more integrity than the rest of the US ruling class.
“It’s as if she’s been told to say something to keep the McCain warmongers happy, but nobody really cares what.”
This, absolutely.
If your enemy forces you to fill positions with their allies sometimes it is better to use the incompetent.
They won’t be able to operate against you independently, and when they screw up you can use that as an excuse to remove them. Then you might have a chance to replace them with one of your own people. At worst you can fill it with another stooge and restart the process.
No one forced Trump to name anyone. He could name who he chose and if they were not approved he name someone about the same, or just let it hang until the people demanded they approve his selection — and name who he wanted in a temporary position — if he had the guts for it, which he was supposed to have. What you can’t do is have someone working for you that is going to sabotage the whole operation, and the nation — which is treasonous. A competent chief executive doesn’t need an excuse to fire someone — or to refuse to hire them in the first place — especially with such a key position. It’s a judgement call and it’s the CEO’s judgement that counts.
What if has a military head who decides to stat a war by attacking Russia — what’s he going do when the nukes start falling? Tell him he’s fired? The president is a job where you can’t afford to make those kinds of mistakes. The entire world could be at stake.
He isn’t a CEO in this role. Trump doesn’t have many allies. He isn’t a career politician and didn’t have the benefit of coming up through a 3 letter agency. His political survival depends on certain concessions. Apparently one of them is the appearance of continued hostility toward Russia. The recent neocon/GOP rumblings were pretty clear that.
The reality is that he can’t just appoint anyone he wants. He needs support and that often means cutting deals including political appointments. He is an unpopular president to begin with, and his only government support is the military faction now bolstered by big oil. He can’t afford to antagonize them.
Besides, if he did as you suggest he’d end up having a tragic accident with a nailgun while remodeling his manhattan apartment.
The president is, precisely, the CEO — chief executive office. That’s what he is elected to. He has real power in that position.
As for popularity this will make him more unpopular, losing the support of those who supported him for supporting peace with Russia, and that’s a large number of people. Starting war with Russia is sure not going to make him popular with the military — who supported him in large numbers because they are sick of the wars.
If you can’t stand the heat don’t go into the kitchen. By flotzing around here and then there and back again he will make everyone unhappy, and convinced he is a phony, and that goes against a big reason people did vote for him, even while not liking everything he said he wanted: he was supposed to be authentic. Showing weakness or fear is the most dangerous thing he can do, and will also lose respect from everyone — including the world leaders he said he wants to make deals with. He has already made too many compromises and flip-flops, such as with Israel, and people have already lost a significant level faith in him, and the chance the US would change.
This isn’t slippery campaign rhetoric, but an on the job loss of credibility, and a show of weakness and cowardice. He can bluster at Iran (wrongly), for instance, and the Iranians will just dismiss it as more BS. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem is stupid, but now the threat can be ignored (he said he won’t do it right away). It’s isn’t ‘unpredictability’ but capriciousness and chaos at whim, whichever the wind is blowing at the moment — anti-leadership. Whatever he ‘decides’ he can change his mind at the drop of a hat. No one can negotiate with someone like that, and now he has shown his colors, irresponsibility, and incompetence.
The US will continue to become more irrelevant.
Blue, I agree with everything you said. This is very bad. Trump is just as insane as the neocons. He is also stupid. There can be no positive spin to her speech. Real people got killed in eastern Ukraine and she (and Trump) has the nerve to say this. Disgusting. There is no going back after this speech. Maybe The Saker will be less optimistic about Trump now.
She won’t be long in that position. It is diametrically opposed to Trump’s position. I hope.
It’s too late. The administration screwed the country. There was a possibility they could have turned it around somewhat, but it’s all downhill from here. Russia won’t care — they are already on the way up, along with China, and it can defend itself and continue to grow, but the US has doomed itself to collapse, politically and economically, through either foolishness or incompetence — both, really. The speech was a major insult to Russia and the rest of the people of the world, and neither is ready to forgive and forget. This was the last chance and they blew it. It’s like going to a business meeting trying to get a deal and peeing on the rug.
Even if Trump fires those clowns it still shows he at best has no control over what is going on even in his cabinet, and you can’t run a government by trial and error. It doesn’t make any difference who is in the wheel house if/when the ship goes down. It’s over.
Actually, it’s not over until the fat lady sings.
Now in Trump Nation that would be Roseann Barr/Rosie O’Donnell………
So, if she shows up this Sunday at the Superbowl because the scheduled singer stepped aside because of illness, bribe taking or other treason or failure of nerve, and Rosie prevails over the Donald and Francis Scott Key, and makes our ears grate again, THEN, I would agree (but only then) “It’s over!”
For the USA, that is. THEN, I would be forced to emi-grate
I kind of agree with Spiral on leniency for a few more days to see if Trump does anything about this outrage against truth and justice.
But I disagree with Spiral about anyone jerking a knee. It was more like a richly deserved Bronx Cheer in the hopes that Trump has the ears to hear and takes action soon. But Putin should decide when it’s over, not us. No corrective action by Trump and this lady “diplomat doesn’t get fired, resign, or change her tune, then and only then would I be extremely firm and cold with Trump, if I were Putin. Meanwhile I would quietly inquire if Trump is OK with what she said. But we’re not Putin. So we’re allowed the collective Bronx cheer, aren’t we??? It was pretty bad. It was a downright sad day for truth.and sanity.
“What a total disaster … I too thought things might be different. … ”
Get it in your heads.
The enemy of Russia is USA, it’s actually an existential tread.
With Trump we only can expect a different play, a smarter way, and cunning.
That’s what they are planning to do, slowly but surely, Hillary preferred faster way.
Russia under economic pressure might not survive for ever.
For that very reason times of appeasements should be over.
And if they choose the war instead backing down, Russia has no other option, but to beat the drums of war.
Vitaly Churkin speaks on the situation in eastern Ukraine. Lots of important background information. I see some European media does not buy the accusations against Russia.
Trump mat be sorry he appointed her…. Being suspicious about things, is she a damn Neocon or just stupid. Of all the positive things she should have spoke of , I’d have her out in a heartbeat. Some of Trumps decisions , I have to wonder if he’s being played by some of the dark elements.
pathetic…..if this is a window into the world view of trump……then we might as will kept powers and obama and saved some time…..money and heartache…..this is going nowhere …..fast!!!!!
Yes well, she might be an educated politician, but essentially she’s a small town girl from South Carolina made good, and there’s nothing wrong with that, good for her, well done. She says she’s speaking in a forum following in the footsteps of past giants of US diplomacy….surely this is an oxymoron.
Some might not understand – does the US not educate and employ experienced trained diplomats in positions of importance on the world stage? The RF seems to be able to fill those positions with ease.
We’ll live in hope for better advice and no more pain please while we’re entertained….but an fiery Irish wench is a hard act to follow….
Nikki Haleys speech was no mistake. This speech locks in future US policy going forward and well make it very difficult for Trump to reverse it.
Very well played by the Neocons that are backing Haley.
I fear you may have nailed it !!!
Trump prob not even know about her intro speech as yet – to late now its out there.
Poroshenko must be having a blinder tonight on the bottle – big celebrations
Well, well, well. It didn’t take the zionazis very long to show their hand. First the disrespecting Native Americans in the pipeline dispute, the blood thirsty, war criminal raid by incompetents in Yemen that deliberately targeted women and children, then that adolescent queen petulantly threatening Iran, now this israeli mouth piece doing a samantha power act against Russia. They must feel very sure of themselves to drop the pretenses so quickly. Looks like zionazi strategy remains on track, regardless.
By “draining the swamp”, one can gather what they meant was all that stagnant, putrid water was getting in the way of all that foul, disgusting, rotting filth lying on the bottom.
A foreign sponsored color (make that colour) revolution in the usa might not be such a bad idea, after all.
The country choices of the trump regime immigration restrictions now look like these are countries the zionazis will be planning on having their american colony attack.
The standard israeloamerican practice regarding refugees from countries they are attacking is to severely restrict legit refugees, IE: real victims of the wars, and open up immigration to their war criminal hirelings.
Does the whole US elite truly consists of fools and liars only?
I feel sure that they are able to accommodate the avaricious, the misanthropic, the psychopathic, the murderous etc. It is a very broad church.
It’s now clear that Trump sold out to the Neocons, perhaps even faster than many expected (the first sign was the “Syria safe zones” and now this new anti-Russia whore at the UN). Russia should just go in and do a regime change in Kiev. What is the point of even bothering negotiating with the West on a matter like this? The fact is, Washington still wants to control the entire former Ukraine (including the Crimea) and is not going to budge. Russia might as well permanently resolve the issue with military force.
Well hopefully this is the beginning of the realization that Trump is no friend of Russia. he is going to confront Iran starting in Yemen & notice Theresa May’s reference to Iran’s malign influence-i bet that England is on board hoping for Saudi & Gulf money to London after the banks leave for Europe or Ireland
I am very disappointed that Pres Putin did not support Iran & China publicly-i hope that the Russian leadership realizes that Trump is toxic-or are we in for Russian delusional fantasies about Trump
similar to the BRICS nonsense-challenging the Westerm world with Jacob Zuma,’Dilma & Modi
Iran & China are crucial to Russia.s future
Surely, president Putin is much more patient then we are, he has a long political career and a lot of experience. And he knows things which we don’t, knowing also the trouble around Trump administration, which is not even complete. Theresa May, may be balancing in the wake of her new and special relationship with USA and Brexit.
No exaggeration – but I honestly felt ill when I heard this – I stood in front of the computer with mouth open !!!
It feels like the rug has been pulled from under me – near on 3 years thinking this last few months that a line was about to be crossed
Oh how stupid of me and naive to boot
Crimea was never “invaded “, contrary th US propaganda. The citizens of Crimea, who are over 90% Russian, voluntarily voted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia. I thought the US wants yo support ‘democracy “.
True, and this march to leave Ukraine was hastened on 24 February at 09:00 by the Poroshenko owned Channel 5 in Kiev. Tyagnibok and Yarosh both said, not threatened but stated, live in an interview, that they would bring their combined over 5000 fighters to Krim and ‘make the streets run red with blood and put every Russian there to the knife’. They seemed to be annoyed at the spontaneous meetings in Sevastopol City Center on Saturday and Sunday, 22 and 23 February and felt that by killing as many locals as possible the rest would fall in line and worship Kiev. They don’t know Sevastopolets very well.
The rest is history.
US supports ‘democracy’ when it suits them. Kosovo was not given the chance to vote but before anything is spoken about Krimea and The Federal City of Sevastopol, two different entities, let’s see them put Yugoslavia back together and while they’re at it give Prussia back to Germany and Lemberg back to Poland.
Never The Last One http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZGCY8KK
An Incident On Simonka https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ERKH3IU
Within the next week Trump needs to sack Nikki Haley – presumably she was fed this speech by NeoCon Artists trying to box Trump in and install Tulsi Gabbard as the new UN Representative.
Failure to do this means one of a few things.
1) Trump doesn’t really care about his campaign rhetoric regarding Russia because that’s all it was – campaign rhetoric.
2) Trump has been brought into line or ‘bought’ or told a few ‘home truths’ about things.
3) Trump was lying all along and doing it deliberately. If so though, why not keep lying? Why expose yourself as a liar to Russia now? Strategically that makes no sense.
4) Trump is simply incompetent. Quite possibly.
I’ll give him a week personally as I personally think he’s been played here and the ball is now in his court to clarify this situation.
Which he can do by sacking Haley and offering the job to Tulsi Gabbard.
But I have no faith that that’s there choice he’ll make.
Hitler’s ‘friendship’ with Russia at least lasted a bit longer
I have a personal interest in the Donbass knowing very nice people there, so bear this in mind as you read what I say.
Don’t you critics of Trump know, that a new President is given 100 days (at least) to put his people into power and formulate/adjust policy as well – and make mistakes – bearing in mind that what he knew before he became Pres and what he now knows (and keeps discovering) has to be taken into account, which all takes a lot of time, and that the main fact is that he is to serve the American people first. This means obviously that other matters are way down on his list, as much as we do not like that.
And don’t forget, the enemy is firmly entrenched in the USG, and that’s not just former obummer appointees. My take is that she was given a report to present of which she knew little [of the facts] so read it like a script, more than likely prepared by one of obummer’s goons, so she had to go with that…for now. Read how Churkin responds, sounds to me that he’s making allowances for her, because he knows more: [he] “detected quite a bit of change of tone.”
So I am going to give Trump at least 100 days, then reassess, and recommend others do likewise.
Where does it say that a president has 100 days (to tell lies and screw everything up)? Did I miss that in the constitution? Or is this some rule that NY Times and CNN passed when I wasn’t looking?
I’m not giving giving Trump the time of day — but he doesn’t need that, or anything from the likes of me. Those monsters are going to do what they want anyway and there’s nothing I can do about it — except know what is going down and say so, and personally prepare for the coming crash.
In the meantime
Press Secretary Sean Spicer Falsely Accuses Iran of Attacking U.S. Navy Vessel, an Act of War
Zaid Jilani, Alex Emmons
February 2 2017, 6:31 p.m.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer asserted at Thursday’s press briefing that Iran had attacked a U.S. naval vessel, as part of his argument defending the administration’s bellicose announcement that Iran is “on notice.”
Trump Calls for Major Escalation in Syria
February 3, 2017
trump podium
The New York Times reported: “The White House is drafting a presidential directive that calls on Defense Secretary James M. Mattis to devise plans to more aggressively strike the Islamic State, which could include American artillery on the ground in Syria and Army attack helicopters to support an assault on the group’s capital, Raqqa, officials said.”
He [correspondent Reese Erlich] said today: “The Trump administration is planning a major escalation in Syria, contradicting his supporters’ hopes for less overseas fighting.
Troops and military equipment in Syria, where the US has no right to even be, right next to Iran while accusing it of attacking a US ship, telling the old lies about Russia, and attacking Yemen.
This not reality based but based on the lies and delusions from the US crazies, no longer in the basement.There is no one intelligently serious in, or from, Washington to talk to.
blue, don’t ever quote the nyt to back up your position, what part of MSM do you fail to understand?
Do you know how long it takes to drain the swamp?
Do you not realise that Trump is concentrating on America and the American people first, you know, like Putin did/does? How long did it take Putin to change things?
Yes, US Presidents get 100 days before they are judged, don’t you think that’s fair?
And yes, I’m also concerned about what they say about Iran, and China – I think Trump has some bad advisers etc. Still time for him to become better informed, and change.
I didn’t quote the NY Times, but the ‘accuracy’ article interpreting it — and you can get some real stuff from NYT at times. The directive calling for more military to Syria is probably correct.
No, presidents do not get 100 days — the world and reality does not wait for a silly US custom without any basis. No ‘time-outs’ in the real world, and no ‘do-overs’ either. It’s nonsense some clown made up from thin air. You sure don’t start off by making things worse. You get a new job and you screw up major stuff with lies and ticking off customers over the first week, you think you won’t get fired?
One should not even consider running for president without understanding the basics of geopolitics as well as the people here do. How long does it take to figure out that that Russia did not start this, that Crimea is Russia, and that the neocons are full of prunes with their propaganda? How long does it take to understand that you don’t start off at the UN by telling obvious lies and pissing everyone off — particularly the Russians who you said you were making nice with.
Just read the real news (and he says he knows the MSM lies) over the last few days, or just this blog, or Fort Russ, or Sputnik and you find out pretty much what’s going on. Unless you are an idiot – and then why are president? The guy is 70 years old and been all over the world, and he doesn’t even understand basic stuff that a stay-at-home housewife or a teenaged kid could find out reading the net? What? Suddenly this big shot business man has marshmallows in his head instead of a brain, and doesn’t know how to find stuff out, or tell the truth? He’s never heard of Nuland and never know what Clinton and the neocons were up to, or about the coup in Ukraine, and the Nazis in Kiev, and the old rented base is Sevastopol? The US president has no clue about this? How many readers here don’t know all this? It’s nothing esoteric or complicated.
Give me a break. I don’t buy this at all, and have little patience for it (I”m a crotchety old fart, you know…). He’s incompetent, corrupt, delusional, or nuts, and for the next four years the US is going to even further down, if it survives that long.
“He’s incompetent, corrupt, delusional, or nuts, and for the next four years the US is going to even further down, if it survives that long.”
He is all of that, (and more actually,unknowingly a fuse to a powder keg) and this is actually a good thing in many respects. The unraveling cannot be mended once it reaches a certain point. “The emperor has no clothes”, whoever is the emperor at any given time. will be to obvious.
Welcome to the future.
Oh, and for the record, just prior to world war I (1914), there were 1 billion people inhabiting planet Earth.
Take Care
Take Care
I agree, blue. They do not get 100 days, they don’t even get 1 day. No point giving them any extra time once it becomes clear what direction they are going.
The trump regime is obviously following an aggressive zionazi strategy. One different from that of a clinton regime in some of the tactics and order of doing business, but overall essentially the same, with the same goals and list of the same designated enemies.
The israelis are still massa, they simply moved in a new management team.
Further to my comment about Trump vis a vis Donbass, I have just read an article by Oleg Tsarev, whom I rate highly – any disagreement(s)? He says Trump will be sending his people to Ukraine within about 2 weeks, so, as I said, give Trump more time: http://stalkerzone.org/oleg-tsarev-cornered-poroshenko-blows-donbass-appeal-nato/
P.S. Stalkerzone is one of my favourites sites.
Read what Basurin has just stated, the dumbf***s are setting themselves up for another cauldron, in which I hope the wrong sector and azov get wiped out completely, the Donbass defenders should hold nothing back, let the azov battalion turn into a sea of red blood and gore: https://dninews.com/article/donetsk-defense-weekly-situation-report-3022017
Just read this, from Strelkov (that’s right Russell – if you still read these posts – I told you I didn’t agree with him, but I do think the commander reports are worth reading, you disagree with theirs?) worth noting [Yandex transliteration] https://vk.com/strelkov_info:
‘This “Politnavigator” said the Russian scientist Oleg Bondarenko. “He also explained why US officials, despite the change of President, continued to criticize Russia at the meeting of the UN security Council. “Diplomacy is a very cumbersome institution, it may not change their rhetoric overnight. Secondly, at the moment they need to demonstrate a certain evolution, the inheritance of the previous position is partly, of course, continue, it can not suddenly evaporate. I wouldn’t pay much attention to the statements of the US representative and sprinkled ashes on his head,” — said the analyst”.’
Also mentions the North Wind and the Cossacks who earlier said they want to help the Donbass militarily.
So sad! It seems the idiot neocons are still in charge of foreign policy in Trump’s administration!! They must have Trump’s & Haley’s ear for their lies & deceptions. They “forgot” it was Victoria Neuland that revealed the USA spent $5 billion to overthrow the pro-Russian government in Kiev which led to a Western dominated coup (at least some of which were neonazis) in charge in Kiev & a civil war with the ethnic Russian majority in the Ukraine’s east. Crimea voted to return to its traditional historical part of being part of Russia (something Khrushchev mistakenly did when he made Crimea part of Ukraine). They also must have forgotten that the latest round of fighting in the Dunbass area of eastern Ukraine was started by Kiev & there are no Russian military units in the Dunbass area (only in the now returned Crimea part of Russia again in order to defend Crimea). This does not look promising for Trump’s foreign policy in the future! Trump needs to “drain the swamp” of necks in Washington pushing for confrontation with Russia & a possible nuclear WW3.
Early this morning after viewing the UN Speech by Haley I was admittedly seething. Now that I’ve calmed down and watched it again I have to agree with Ralph and Isabella. Rome wasn’t built in a day and changing the direction of the Ship of State is like steering a battleship. You can turn the wheel as hard as you want but the hull takes a while to react.
I’m going to sit back and watch. I’ll give Mr. Trump the 100 days. If on the 101st day she says the same thing in a speech I’ll know we’ve been had. Deep down, I think not. Mr. Trump is in the same position that Mr. Putin was in some years ago, he can not change everything on day one or day 14. If he tries he’s dead the next day.
Maybe you can’t fill in the hole right away but you can stop digging.
Trump made his money as a casino operator, where 95% of the people who go in lose their money. His mentor, Roy Cohn, was a mafia lawyer, and worked for the infamous Joe McCarthy.
But trust him. He’s doing his best just like Hope and Change Obama.
Comparing Putin and Trump, simply from a moral point of view, is like comparing Alexander Nevsky to PT Barnum.
Of course, since Redacted Tonight is criticizing Trump, it probably got its funding from George Soros, so don’t take it too seriously.
Sam Power on steroids
Whoa. Stop the horses. This isn’t what we asked for
It never ceases to amaze me the ignorance of Americans about European history . Also why is it ignoring the Crimean referendum?
The grip of the deep state around the throat of American democracy is tight indeed. Someone in the American UN staff who survives each upper level departure wrote that speech and handed it to her.
Obligingly she read it so as not to put her boss on the spot and because she is clueless to the fact that Trump could care less about the UN and what is said there.
Watch what he does when Russia puts its foot down over Donbass—that will be the clue. Ballistic missiles into the heart of Donetsk? One would think that is a Russia Red line?
The Russian “Red Line” is when they say so, not before, and that will be serious business, and no turning back or pretending whatever.
Take Care
If/when Russia decides to strike in defense of Donbas and to secure the border and neutral area, it will be sudden and unexpected, and devastating. More so than in Syria, I think, with no time at all for threats and posturing from the US, EU, or NATO. Russia will will announce what they are doing and have done, not what they will do. That will leave NATO, et al, with a choice — either they leave it alone or they make war on Russia and get their heads handed to them.
As for Minsk, we hear all the talk about Russia supporting Minsk, and this will mean just that: enforcing it, by clearing the Kiev terrorists attacks from the DMZ. Of course the US will say it’s Russian aggression, but they already say that — that card is already played and has no more value. Supply weapons and such to Kiev? Already done. Sanctions? Already tried that. The US and NATO have nothing left to play except some more whining.
The look on her face after reading that prepared script was priceless! As in, who wrote that pile of crap.
Today we had Sean Spicer backing up Nikki Hayleys comments on Crimea and so we can take it for real that this is the new Trump policy towards Russia.
The good thing is that it is now known early and Putin need not be duped into thinking there is going to be any improvement in relations with the US.
Right on cue and totally expected, the US ups the ante in Ukraine. After the Syrian debacle the US counter-attacks. It will be interesting to see how this massive provocation is reported by the western media, but I think we know the script by now. More importantly, how will Putin react? With Zhirinovsky, Prokhanov, Dugin and Zyuganov breathing down his neck it might be a little difficult to defend his softly-softly gradualistic approach. Russian people are being murdered by the UAF in complete violation of UN and International laws, and Russia’s response is – restraint! How provocative does NATO and its proxies have to be to force a Russian response? Restraint just isn’t going to cut it, in fact it will just embolden the NATO juggernaut into even more provocative acts.
The Russians are hoping a Prime Minister Wilders & President Le Pen will destroy the EU later this year.
Given that I expect continued Russian restraint at least until the French Elections are over in June and then you have the G20 Summit in Germany in July.
I believe it will be in the latter half of this year that Putin’s patience will run out. I even believe Putin will deliver a blunt warning at the G20 – keep up your provocations and we will have no choice but to defend ourselves.
It will be the final warning – and most likely it will be ignored
If nothing substantial changes by then then it’s fair to assume there will be no substantive changes to the course the world is on.
This was the point of all the “Trump is a Putin puppet” comments that we heard from September-December. They wanted to ensure that he did this to prove that he’s no puppet.
She must have grabbed Samantha Power’s talking points by mistake
Some comments from FM Lavrov on Ukraine: (spoke Feb. 1st at Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum, Abu Dhabi, in response to a question from the media)
“…This has nothing to do with the sanctions, which were imposed unilaterally in an illegitimate manner and in circumvention of the UN Security Council. We do not discuss these sanctions with our Western partners, although they occasionally bring up this issue, saying something to the effect that they are willing to lift them, but Russia has to do something more with regard to Ukraine. This situation persists even though everyone is aware of who is keeping the situation in Ukraine in a deadlock, and the most recent provocations by the Kiev regime are further proof of this. Even the deeply biased German media – I believe it was Suddeutsche Zeitung – admitted that President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko is behind it all. For him, it is crucial to aggravate the situation to keep Ukraine high on the agenda. But let it be on his conscience. He signed the Minsk agreements and must comply with them.”
One more Lavrov comment on Ukraine:
From a Feb. 2nd press release, re: telephone conversation with Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Angelino Alfano:
“Mr Lavrov drew Mr Alfano’s attention to the escalation of the Donbass conflict, pointing out the egregious violations by Kiev of the Minsk Agreements, which remain the only foundation for settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.”
New Putin redline is as of today,whenNATO will arrive in Moscow suburbs.
Next Trump,Mc Cain,neocons move ill be to boycot or move the FIFA 2018 soccer world cup(as RF invested a lot in money and it will be the ultimate humiliation for Putin in an election year).
They just think they still have a chance to beat Putin in next year election to get rid of him.
They wrongly believe some kind of Maidan will be enough.
As there is zero reaction from Putin when you attack him,they will double down as usual(like for the last three years or more).
They perfectly know that Crimea back in ukropland will NEVER happen.
If Putin is reelected next year…they are patient,they will just wait a bit more.He is not eternal…
It isn’t just Putin — Russia has a deep state of sorts, and Putin has many he consults with. He may be one of or the best leader and statesmen in the world but his strongest points, with most experience, is management, analysis, and administration. As such, he walks a middle ground between to the various camps in the government (which is a big reason he is so popular and strongly supported) , he is a working example and teacher for them, with a few levels of backup. Whoever takes his place eventually will likely be very much like him, although maybe with a stronger style and position.
Such replacement will almost certainly no easier for the empire to deal with, and could be significantly more hard nosed and problematic for it. He sure won’t be a fifth column anglo-zionist, globalist type, like Yeltsin, or even Gorbachev — who were exceptions. Already decisions are not made by ‘Putin the dictator’ but by the Duma, analysts, and the crew working with Putin, with a lot of team work and consensus — which is how good managers and administrators work. Whoever follows him will not have quite the same strong abilities which Putin has, but will have other strong points where Putin is not as strong and relies on consultation and group intelligence. and expertise.
You can see this from how common a short time lag is before an announced decision, and how all the officials seem generally pretty much on the same page — not because Putin has dictatorial control over them but because they are all in the decisions and writing that page. The west has an obsession with personality and celebrity, but I get the impression that Russia is very different from that. You can also pick that up from the tone of his annual Q&A meetings with the people, and how Putin delegates issues to the appropriate committees and departments. Russia is not anywhere near as divided among the people and the leaders as the US or EU are.
Do home independent homework Nikki. I am sure you will be staggered at what you discover. Escalation of deployment of forces and confrontation is on ‘your’ side, not from the Russian side!
More from Mr. Lavrov:
Feb. 3rd, telephone conversation with French Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, Jean-Marc Ayrault:
“…Another issue was the sharp aggravation of the situation in Donbass provoked by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as follows, among other sources, from the reports by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine. Mr Lavrov emphasised that it is unacceptable to connive at Kiev’s attempts to launch self-defeating military adventures and to misinterpret the Minsk Package of Measures, which remain, despite everything, the only way out of the conflict.”
“This may negate the two-year efforts by the Normandy Four heads of state. The ministers agreed to continue efforts to put the situation back on track in terms of observing the ceasefire and reaching early agreement on a roadmap to fulfill the Minsk Agreements in full.”
Also on Feb. 3rd, telephone conversation with High Representative, etc., etc (very long title), Federica Mogherini:
“During the conversation the officials discussed the situation in Libya, issues related to the Syrian settlement, the aggravation of the situation in Ukraine and the developments in the Balkans.”
“They agreed to meet on the sidelines of one of the forthcoming multilateral events for a more detailed discussion of possible interaction on international and regional issues, and the general state of affairs between Russia and the European Union.”
The best is Trump and his administration is 100% behind what US Ambassador to UN told.
It looks like some people never learn. By those I mean ones who had such hopes for Trump.
I suspect he will be at the end worse than Obama. It is the trend with each following US president being worse then previous one.
Russia should finally realize there is nobody to talk to in USA and the best way is to concentrate on winning and abandon all hope of peaceful coexistence,
I still have some slim hope that Trump will not start a war with Russia (and nuclear holocaust), which Clinton was almost certain to do. That’s all I really hoped for with Trump, maybe no nuclear war, or maybe a bit more time to work against it and the empire. I suspect that many people thought about it similarly.
I also expected him to accelerate the collapse of the US with his ridiculous economics and social ideas, and I still expect that. I am a bit surprised that the foreign farce started so strongly and so soon. It looks like the realists have already thrown in the towel.
To help maintain a little hope, it is well worth while watching the RT interview with Ted Malloch.
This guy is in Trumps think tank and Nikki Hayley is not.
I get the impression that Trump does not care what the EU, the UN or Nikki Hayley thinks or says. Possibly just used as a sideshow for the Neocons.
Here it is:
Starts at 03:22. Mod
Keep in mind that the, UN and the UNSC within it, have become theater. Rex and Sergei will work things out between them.
Dear Saker,
You say: “I am rather disgusted.” That all? That woman’s criminality and ignorance requires something much stronger than being “rather disgusted.” Also, now is a good time to dismiss the current UN as a circus of mostly verbal clowns, devoid of any meaningful political power. Does anybody seriously think, for example, that the Silly Goose Haley works for the UN for anything other than dollars?
I am so disgusted I am unable to continue to comment any more.