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Thank you for this presentation. As you say the USA felt free to dump on the world after the end of the Soviet Union. They were already going broke, but decided to step up their endless wars. The USA was dumping on the world well before with their wars like Vietnam and always losing them. And let’s not forget their crimes of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. And even the most modest Americans of no education or employment still think they are superior to the most successful person in any other country that’s not part of the 5 Eyes, Anglophone world. Their exceptionalism is astounding. In 2003 a refugee who was a former ambassador for a country in Africa told me that the USA will break up much in the same way you describe as possible. Who would have guessed the COVID-19 drama and then this next drama of the riots would quite possibly set the US on the final part of the self-destruction cycle.
The best vengeance for the victims of american imperialism is just to sit back and relax and watch how KARMIC JUSTICE do her thing. She is the most apt and the best bitch of them all. Yes, Let the Sword of Karmic Justice swing and fall where IT must really fall.
Ok. seriously, where can I purchase a tee shirt like Ostashko’s ?
Oh, it has not yet begun to get nasty….this is just techie game theory in action with the social media young ones mobilized for group worship at the altar of political correctness. Mea culpas are being accepted and crafted into ritual as long as the priest or priestess officiating has the proper amount of dermal melanin. It is difficult for people who can think politically to realize how vacuously vicious this whole street action is…It is about being popular, approved.
Our bow fit-to-be tied friend over at RT was muttering on about Class conflict today but that has not even begun to begin. Age cohort conflict maybe. And their techie overlords at Twitter and Facebooks make a big show of bowing to the overweening sense of insufferable self righteousness of their employees to strike down the first amendment. Of course, once the precedent is set it can be used selectively again and again and again–and against those same employees should they ever attempt to unionize. But they never learned history.
The false polarities of either/or rule the day as all of a sudden new ” right wing” shadowy groups are “discovered in the wings”. ? . bougalou Boyz? No one has ever heard of them until two days ago until they were dreamed up from cointel CIA laboratories. Surely you do not expect the American people to think that they were trucking in those loads of bricks?
As for the military: JFK mobilized the Alabama National Guard against the wishes of the governor in order to assure a Black man’s right to enter Ol’ Miss so one does not have to call out the army. Basically, under certain circumstances the Guard can be Federalized…if basic laws are being violated and local authorities are not acting. And their function is supposed to be severely limited to support–more passive than active.
Ok. seriously, where can I purchase a tee shirt like Ostashko’s ?
Wish there was a ‘recommend’ feature here like disqus provides. Who’s the tough righteous dude printed on it, a patron saint, from Orthodox iconography, an angel, a Greek warrior, video game Avatar? Makes me want to start lifting weights again, really should, best thing to do to keep muscle and bone density, not just for young guys.
“Who’s the tough righteous dude printed on it”
It’s St. George, killing the dragon of Evil and unrighteousness, Christian. He is depicted, pretty much like the one on the truly great T-shirt, on the Russian Coat of Arms.
I know there are – or at least pre- Economic collapse, used to be – small outfits who would do tee shirts for you as a custom. Just give a design, picture, and they could put it on a T. Even in Aus there were a couple.
Should be possible to get a picture to one, if such still exist.
I approve of him as Russia has him, but as he is also the patron Saint of England, and the Cymru national flag and symbol is a winged dragon, he doesn’t do that much for me :-) :-)
From my reading, he is actually from a myth from what was once Persia – he killed the dragon terrorising the people and was a hero – which is how Russia has him. Typical of the English Ruling Class to turn it round – they who have roamed the world killing peaceful indigenous people everywhere!!
It looks like St. Michael to me.
Could be. Looks like the picture of St. Michael which was featured in the TV series “Supernatural” come to think of it.
Given my ambivalence about St. George, I’d prefer to think so :-)
Radio Yerevan was asked: Is it possible to have a spring ( summer ) or color revolution in USA ?
Radio Yerevan answered:In principle yes,but in reality there is no USA embassy in that country !
In more ways than one, watching this slow spiral in to chaos and inconsequence is surreal, I feel like I am watching Kiev in late ’13. Same, I mean identical, tactics and the same identical screams from the media on the forces of order to back off, be gentle, the people have logical grievances, don’t send in the army, yadda yadda yadda.
The differences, however, are several. First, President Trump is no President Yanokovich, the same US State Department that orchestrated maidan and screamed 24/7 at Yanukovich to show ‘restraint’ only to stab him in the back in the end, don’t dare publicly go after Trump in so many words, but reality is they are mouthing the same platitudes including ‘Mad Dog Mattis’.
On the other hand, this American maidan is in one way exactly the same as Kiev maidan in that one set of potentially, and past, ruling elite wants to replace the current ruling elite with themselves so they can feed at the trough of plenty again….but mainly to protect themselves from what will happen to them when President Trump wins in November. You see, if you bother to read between the lines and pay attention to the details and little snippets of news that manage to slip out, no matter how nuanced, you will notice the Trump is quietly laying the groundwork to go after the treasonous members of what is called ‘the deep state’ but is in reality simply treasonous members and employees of a host of three letter agencies and a past administration, and from the looks of this mess the trail goes right up to the previous occupant of the oval office and everyone in between.
This is the fear of the ‘loyal opposition’, who are neither loyal nor an opposition but are instead competitors for the levers of power which in return are the levers of control and enrichment. Their fear is come Thanksgiving they will be hearing ‘Step closer to the headsman my dear, now there’s a good boy’, although what they will actually hear is ‘bailiff,cuffs please’.
Never The Last One, paper back edition. A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
An Incident On Simonka, ebook version. March 2014. NATO Is invited to leave Sevastopol, one way or the other.
Absolutely correct read, my friend.
General Flynn would have gotten to them all if they didn’t get him out of the NSC. Obama feared one man in the Trump administration—General Flynn, who would have uncovered the coup against Trump and all the corruption (billions of dollars laundered in Kiev). The Dems would have been perp-walked. Flynn knew it for years, fought the CIA for years. Defied Obama for the two years he served as Military Intel Chief.
Trump, if he wins, might even bring Flynn back to help run down the conspirators.
This terrifies the Deep State.
Imagine if Flynn is “shown” the Kremlin’s Intel on the Dems and Ukraine, Syria, Libya, 9-11, et al. Putin might do that if Trump wins a second term. Cleaning out the State Dept and CIA would be reason enough for the SVR and FSB and GRU to share some “intercepts” and raw Intel with the US.
Larch, no need to imagine: Obama’s Rice allegedly already said that “Russia is behind the protests”, maybe she should ask Soros or Gates.
“Putin might do that if Trump wins a second term.”
Then the (russians did it) circus starts again. But I would say that nevertheless good idea, because nobody takes those liars seriously anymore.
Almighty Putin will save America:) What an irony!
You describe the traitor’s worst nightmares, Flynn back and on the hunt. He knows where all the bodies are buried and who put them there, and I sincerely doubt that he will need any input from Moskau to prosecute the hunt that is coming. This is why the ever increasing attacks against President Trump are ramping up to a level that has no precedent and will only get more strident and vociferous as we approach election time.
Biden hisself is done for, the only reason for him to continue is to turn over the nomination to HDR at the dem convention, either that or choose her for the VP slot and then abdicate seconds after a winning election vote count is certified. The November election and vote count will be a real nail biter, no doubt.
It would be somewhat strange if Trump did not win in November. Who would be his opponent ? Hillary, again ? Joe Biden ? Maybe. I see that a poll has been taken, backed by the Washington Post, where ostensibly Biden is 10 % ahead of Trump in popularity. Hmmmmm. Not easy to believe, since we are talking about the same Washington Post which employed Naval Intelligence officer Bob Woodward, who did his part in destroying Nixon, who had nothing to do with Watergate.
Will somebody try to rig the next elections ? To be expected. The last election was partially rigged in Hillary’s favor. The reason it was not fully rigged was due to the reaction of voters on the Internet, who openly stated that their votes for Trump were being redirected to Hillary. According to analysts, some 5 to 10 million votes were in 2016 bestowed to Hillary, which means she never won the popular vote. It remains to be seen what kind of tricks are going to be used this November.
But you talk as if Flynn or Trump would not have anything to hide…
Flynn until he was dismissed and charged for Russiagate participated in all the wars the Us has unleashed omto the world, both as military and as official of administration. Why he waited so long to denounce until the iothers had something against him?
It was not Flynn who, associated with Michael Ledeen, co-authored a book who seems to be the holy bible of International Fascist Order around the world?
IMO, these events in the US have taken out of the closest a bucnh of fake democrats and resistants at all the “alt-media” blogs out there…
Trump and Flynn are part of the problem, not of the solution, they have so much dirty laundry to wash as the others, I fear.
Unleashing “hunting season” on the others, typical US style in time of crisis of the neoliberal model who feeds all these parasites, only will accelerate the demise of the US Empire.
“It was not Flynn who, associated with Michael Ledeen, co-authored a book who seems to be the holy bible of International Fascist Order around the world?”
And the name of this book is??
Well, I will correct myself, Michael Ledeen wrote the ible of International Fascism:
Then, both co-authored this on the WOT, which we all know y now is a plantiff for the remodelation of the ME to major glory of Israel and disrupt the B&R initiative, even lately confirmed by words of US envoy in Syria, on that “they are there not really to fight ISIS, but to made it a quagmire for the Russians”. And we all now what they are doing in Iraq too, “stealing the oil”.
That he then went to join Trump administration is all what I need to know to realize that this element is so part of the swamp as the others.
To these heights, to continue trying to whitewash Flynn, whith all what we have witnessed so far druing all these 4 years, assassination of Soleimani included, ordered directly by Trump, do not you think it is kinda underestimate the readership here?
Just saying…
I fear Flynn would never wave “Intel on the Dems and Ukraine, Syria, Lybia, 9-11”, because then the others would wave/leak “Intel on the Reps. and 9-11 which was a Reps. op. ), Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Lebanon, Israel, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, EU, HK, and China”…
Amongst firefighters, they do not step on each other´s waterpipe….
You are again at the old meme, “Trump will save the US and the world” if he wins in November…there is nobody who could swallow it…
Best comment I´ve seen about the ongoing riots in US so far. God bless you, Auslander.
Thank you, my friend. The truly sad end result of these totally idiotic riots will see the death of ‘black’ neighborhoods and districts by year’s end. After all this mess, most cops will simply and quietly cut back on their presence and activities in those neighborhoods, in essence let them stew in their own juices until they beg for help.
Well Auslander, most US citizens are armed, in any other country where law enforcement lets people stew in their own juices mayhem ensues. Policed stand downs are done all the time……………………but the ‘arms’ are already out, already on guard, protecting private property. In any country other than the US, gangs, thugs and murderers love a police stand down, in the US, they will be shot dead with questions being asked later.
Cheers, M
While I live in Sevastopol for well over a decade, my HoR is Florida. I was well armed and have not forgotten how to use Sam Colt’s finest, nor Heckler and Koch nor Comrade Kalashnikov’s ode to world peace. My favorite was my HK PSG 1.
You wrote:
I have to disagree about that. I am a life long American. It is is not as simple as whites and poor blacks. Even in very poor areas, the African American community is divided into discreet sectors.
One of the sectors is the “religion based community” of African Americans. They often – though poor – have very high moral standards coupled with strong religion based community ties. These people often – through great personal effort – get their children educated and get their kids out of the ghettos and into the good paying jobs.
Such people maintain community structures which “self-police” poor areas in a way to minimize the impact of criminal activity. I have seen this with my own eyes. The children of these people sometimes come back in times of need to help to strengthen and maintain the community. These people are a distinct counter-presence to criminal elements they work to keep their communities cohesive.
I do not think it is correct to say that the police could just hang back and the community would sink into chaos. It is not that simple of a situation.
Always enjoy your input, Auslander.
I do find it puzzling how the US political system is so upside down and inside out, that treasonous people like Soros, who must be on the CIA payroll (he wouldn’t spend a cent of his own money, would he?) so that his Open Society could overtly cause enough chaos with the intent to bring down legitimate governments.
The system is so rigged, so multi layered that people like Mattis, the Democrat Governor of Minneapolis, Joe Biden, H Clinton, R Mueller, N Pelosi etc…ably assisted by the lying MSM can hide in plain sight while they get away with total impunity when they choose to act against the country’s best interests. They only profit from being corrupt. There is no downside for them.
Fully agree.
I suspect that the plan is now to try to prevent the election from taking place, expecting that, when Trump’s term expires on Jan 20, power will fall back into their (deep state) hands.
One of Ruslan’s best videos.
A golden reminder to Putin, Xi, Khameini, Kim Jung Un, Maduro, Nasrallah et al…
Sun Tzu saying: “Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.
@8:30min – “break up of the country into poor apocalyptic territories and rich isolated islets”
The danger with this scenario is that when/if this happens, you wonder which bible bashing evangelist leader or delusional oligarch will inherit some of the 6000+ nuclear war heads left behind by the old “United States”.
Knowing how gung ho, ignorant, dogmatic and unreasonable some political elements in the US can be, this possibility sends chills down your spine.
Without apologizing for the US one bit, I would just remind everyone that the ANZ parasites who fomented all this chaos in the US are globalists by nature, and will simply jump ship as soon as they’ve milked the US dry and move on to their next host. The US will be fully deserving of its fate, no doubt, but it certainly won’t be the last country to go this route. The parasites have long since gamed all these events are already planning their next moves several steps ahead while “the cattle” remain focused on current events. Not to mention, the nukes, the chemicals, and especially all those bio-warfare stocks (which I predict we’ll see a whole lot more of this fall, now that CV19 has provided an initial cover story). Does anyone honestly believe that the US is going to pass peacefully into that good night while all that stuff remains peacefully on the shelf unused? Not a chance.
The USA may well break up into little bits, but every one of these little bits will be authoritarian-fascist. There isn’t a square mile in the country where such types don’t own an overwhelming majority of firepower.
Always enjoy your input, Auslander.
I do find it puzzling how the US political system is so upside down and inside out, that treasonous people like Soros, who must be on the CIA payroll (he wouldn’t spend a cent of his own money, would he?) so that his Open Society could overtly cause enough chaos with the intent to bring down legitimate governments.
The system is so rigged, so multi layered that people like Mattis, the Democrat Governor of Minneapolis, Joe Biden, H Clinton, R Mueller, N Pelosi etc…ably assisted by the lying MSM can hide in plain sight while they get away with total impunity when they choose to act against the country’s best interests. They only profit from being corrupt. There is no downside for them.
abc 123
I fear that you are correct. I just looked at several MSM sites and the vitriol against the sitting government in DC is unbelievable, I’ve never seen the like and I was floating around and aware of the world back when they forced Nixon. Woe betide our country if they succeed in ousting President Trump, there will be no turning back from that and it will be chaos in US the likes of which has never been seen.
I don’t understand how many here think that the current face of the Empire is somehow fighting against the very system that he is entirely a part of and supports wholeheartedly. It is just as seductive a con as that enacted by the last president, just played for a different audience (hope and change vs fight the deep state). I think Catilin gets it right:
I also wonder why not much is being said about the reported caches of bricks that have appeared in many of the cities before protests, without any videos of them being placed there. Clearly such a coordinated effort can only be achieved by the state, in order to stoke the violence, in order to justify the coming crackdown.
The so-called “Department of Justice” has just launched an inquiry into the caches of bricks, etc.
I think that there are multiple threads running though this. That includes: 1) African-Americans who are legitimately aggrieved, 2) Identity-Politic-Whites trying to “virtue signal” their way into feeling good about themselves, 3) People fed up with income inequality of all colors, 4)Trump-haters looking to derail his re-election, 5) white supremacists trying to stir up violence and more.
I also would not be surprised if police or the intelligence agencies are involved, trying to “queue up” the next batch of laws meant to quash civil liberties – assuming some “civil liberties” still exist to be quashed.
It seems unlikely that private citizens would be able to pull off depositing huge stacks of bricks without being detected, all over the country. The logistics of this really indicates a coordinated effort at the highest level.
You wrote:
That is a good point.
But I would not put it past Democratic Party operatives. (sidenote: not all that long ago, I was a registered Democrat)
The country is simply becoming more and more lawless at all levels.
The Democrats spend four years pushing Russiagate knowing (if you read the House Intelligence Committee transcripts) that there was absolutely nothing to it at all. They did that in an attempt to overturn the election of Donald Trump. That shows that the Democrats have little respect for elections and even less for fair play.
In Ukrainegate, they did the exact same thing. Again, there was absolutely nothing to it. It was done simply to overturn the election results.
Accordingly, I would not put it past the Democratic Party or one of their subgroups to be behind this.
But, then again, who knows?
”That’s why it is even funnier to observe how this long-term lie has become the reality in the USA.”
Exactly. To put it mildly, it is great fun to watch colour revolution mayhem engulf the US. Even George Soros has a silver lining!
”It might be simply the sinking of some unfortunate parts of the country into a third world of sorts.”
The entire glorious Pindostan is turning into a third world hell-hole, but there is a profound difference between it and the third world which the latter will be enjoying immensely: Pindos are lazy, stupid, militant parasites with zero chances of enforcing their claims to other peoples’ natural resources and labour output. They are left to cannibalize each other in orgiastic shooting sprees, accompanied by their usual Tourette tics ”constitution this, amendment that”. The so-called ”American revolution” as imbecilic farce.
Talking about colour revolutions, the Swedish MSM tonight broadcast a consolation piece of news from HongKong — ”the only place in China where the Tienanmen massacre 31 years ago hasn’t been officially forgotten”. A shallow young woman was interviewed to spout the usual platitudes learned by rote.
There are two points to be made here:
1) The PLA and the police put down the stunt with very few casualties. The ”massacre” remains a hoax, and the world was spared a total victory of Western fascist reaction with ensuing massacres (non-fake) everywhere.
2) As could be imagined, the Pindos’ armed forces were not quite as restrained. The results speak for themselves. Too stupid to learn from the success of others, preferring to stick to the silly Axis-of-Evil hogwash.
Now, what does all this have in store for the Euro-trash? Being the beneficiaries of US imperialist coercion against the third world, once the loot begins to dry up living standards will start to drop massively for the vast majority population in Europe. Interesting times ahead.
I agree with Auslander’s views. Certain Dems are worried about going to jail and orchestrating the violence. Russiagate failed, Ukrainegate failed, Corona scam is falling apart more each day, so they changed the narrative. I suppose for anti=Imperialist foreigners the schadenfreud is very enjoyable.