By Batiushka for the Saker Blog
The special operation in Ukraine has brought the confrontation between Russia and Western countries, led by the United States, to a climax. Battles are going on not only in the vast spaces of the Ukraine, but also in the economic, political and cultural spheres. The style of the Anglo-Saxons has not changed for centuries. And so today they continue to dictate their terms to the world, boorishly trampling on the sovereign rights of States.
Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation,
3 June 2022
What the Ukrainian crisis has shown us is that….the West is isolated from the rest of the world and this is an alarm call for the present and especially for the future.
Silvio Berlusconi, Il Giornale, 4 June 2022
A Russian Orthodox priest and cultural historian, who has lived in several Western and Eastern European countries, including Russia and the Ukraine, I cannot fail to feel great sorrow at the events unfolding today. But I also feel great hope. The process of barbarous injustice that began in 1914 and ended the Old Europe and has been through all manner of fateful dates, 1917, 1929, 1939, 1945, 1968, 1989, 1991, 2014, to name but a few, is now further unfurling and reaching a global crescendo. As Nikolai Patrushev has stated, the Special Operation is not just a military event, it is far, far more profound than that, this is military, political, economic and cultural. This is why it took so long, eight years, to carry out the necessary painstaking preparations for the Operation, in view of the high probability that the West would refuse to get off its high horse of hubris and negotiate like reasonable people do.
Military Self-Destruction
Since the West did refuse to negotiate, the battleground is for now the ultra-militarised Eastern Ukraine. However, the War is not between brother Ukrainians and brother Russians, but between Washington with its NATO/EU vassals and Moscow with its Donbass Allies. There is no doubt that Russia will win in the Ukraine, as it has complete air and naval superiority. The Russian-speaking East and South of the Ukraine, Novorossija, part of Russia until 1922, is being liberated by a smallish expeditionary force of the Russian Army together with local troops. However, the Operation was never planned to be a short one, most knew that it would take months and perhaps, on account of possible NATO meddling, a year or more.
The War is longer because the Kiev Army has been preparing for it for eight long years. It has been building trenches and fortifications, arming itself with a huge amount of NATO training and weaponry, which the Russian Armed Forces are being forced to destroy, together with Ukrainian Nazis, Western mercenaries and NATO instructors. From this conflict a new Ukraine will be born. Perhaps it will once more be called Malorossija or perhaps it will keep its ‘Borderlands’ name. In any case it will be a smallish country, with a population of perhaps some 15 million, centred on Kiev. Whatever its name, it will effectively be the Kievan Protectorate, part of the Union State with the Russian Federation, Belarus and probably others.
Political Death
Those opposed to the Special Operation and its consequences have been revealed. The Russian and other traitors in our midst, of whom we have continually warned and not been heeded, have shown themselves. Many, though by no means all (though we will not here name names), have run away from Russia and elsewhere been removed. They did not understand the words that the struggle in the Ukraine is a ‘metaphysical one’. The oligarchs and all who treasure dollar bills and the approval of Western Establishments above all else will never understand this – that we have values that are higher than gold. Today the seven billion people of the Non-Western world are ranged against the one billion of the Western world. All the international foundations, the UN, IMF, WHO etc, are going to be remade. Why should some of them at least not be headquartered in Russia? Either in Saint Petersburg, or in Ekaterinburg, or in the Crimea.
The UN, perhaps to be renamed ‘The Union of the Peoples’ or something similar, should be supported by the greatest nations from all Continents and Civilisations: China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, Mexico, Japan, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Egypt and Vietnam. Perhaps there would be other nations which have yet to be reformed from the relics of the present. For example, at the ultimate conclusion of this Special Operation, there is no reason why the USA or the EU should continue to exist. Once they have collapsed and been denazified and reformed, then a new nation or group from North America and Western Europe, for instance, a North American Confederation or a Gaullist-style Federation of the Sovereign Nations of Europe, could be allowed to join and take part in the new World Symphony of Nations. Its anthem could perhaps be taken appropriatey From the New World, the Ninth Symphony by Dvorak.
Economic Suicide
Apart from raw material extraction, technological corporations, weapons industries and vast service sectors (services servicing services), the Western world relies on ‘funny money’ in order to survive. In other words, it lives off printing presses that print banknotes. These create unpayable debt and systemic inflation. For decades the Western world has been living in a fool’s paradise of debt. However, it is now reaching a point when it can no longer even pay off the interest on that debt. Bankruptcy beckons.
On the other hand, the real world relies not on speculation in ‘derivatives’ and ‘futures’, but on solid things, commodities, food to eat (grain, maize and the fertilisers to grow them), oil and gas to power and heat, raw materials and minerals to manufacture with. In other words, for several decades the Western world has been living in a bubble. That bubble is now bursting: the chickens are coming home to roost, perhaps already this winter, if not before. Expect widespread protests throughout the Western world and against the Western world.
Cultural Nihilism
For several decades now, especially since the 1960s, the Western world appears to have abandoned its cultural foundations and educational systems. The signs then were hordes of young girls screaming about their hormones, as they listened to the musical sounds of longish-haired young men. However, the first signs of this cultural nihilism had already appeared long before, by 1914, in various artistic and literary isms, but they were esoteric, very limited in size and much-mocked by the general public. Yet by 1949 the renowned English artist, Sir Alfred Munnings, could excoriate members of the British Royal Academy for practising modern art, calling Picasso and Matisse ‘foolish daubers’.
The infantilisation of the Western educational system – the primary that has become the nursery, the secondary that has become the primary and the tertiary (university) that has become the secondary – reveals it. A doctorate is now really no longer very meaningful, for children are told that they are geniuses just for being able to recognise the letters of the Latin alphabet. This degeneration has produced an infantilised society, as is clearly visible from the level of politicians and journalists in particular, but it is everywhere visible in the illiteracy and innumeracy of contemporary Western societies. Little wonder that we have come to the Nazism of ‘Cancel Russia’, meaning cancel Pushkin, cancel Dostoyevsky, cancel Tchaikovsky, that is, cancel culture.
We are now at a turning-point, not just in European history, but in world history. The prophecies of saints are being realised. For example, the Russian saint Aristocleus, speaking in 1917, foretold: ‘The end will come through China. There will be some unusual outburst and a miracle of God will be revealed’. Only a few years ago that prophecy seemed meaningless. Now we can begin to think that perhaps he was referring to coronavirus, or else perhaps to the coming return of Taiwan to China? Or perhaps something else, which we have not at all foreseen. Time will show us, but here are curious possibilities.
Let us be honest. Either Russia is victorious in this Very Special Operation or else we shall enter a Dark Age, from which there will be no end because it will be an Orwellian One World Government. Such One World Dictatorship will brook no opposition, all who challenge it will be repressed. This is our last chance to resist and strike back against the aggression that began in 1914, aggression that was military, political, economic and cultural, a totalitarian aggression that leads to total death, the death of body and soul. But according to all the military reports, let alone the prophecies, Russia will be victorious.
6 June 2022, 78th Anniversary of D-Day
“Either Russia is victorious in this Very Special Operation or else we shall enter a Dark Age”
Well, if history is any indication, the russians are at their best when the situation is the worst. I do not expect them to fail, despite the BS propaganda (i.e. outright lies) churned on hourly basis by the western presstitutes. There won’t be a dark age for Russia and her allies.
For the US, EU and their colonies, unfortunately, this won’t be the case. From what I see currently in the eastern europe countries, currently occupied by NATO/EU, the situation would become much, much worse before it becomes better. And only if the russians choose to save the eastern europeans from the corrupt “elites” placed in power with US “money”.
The new dark age has started a long time ago in the West. It is simply a War on Christianity.
And now, the West has extended it to Christian Russia who is a bulwark of the faith.
Exactly. Clif High has said this is a continuation of a 1,100 year old war between Russia/Russian Orthodox Church versus the Khazarian Mafia (KM) aka name stealers which includes the Rothschilds, Nuland, Soros and many others.
The KM included the Bolsheviks who murdered 25 million Christian Russians.
What Putin and Russia have done since Putin came to power is mind boggling. Putin played it like a long chess game and has made all the right moves.
Looks like Palestine will return and be defended by the Muslims and Orthodox Christians. By the way, is there a “Church of Israel did 911”?
Both comments from Berlusconi and Patrushev are true and factual. Yes we have to neutralize the false Joos in City of London and Nova Jork.
Yes Christ has risen. Matthew 7:13-14
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
There is no possibility for a Russian failure because, as already implied by the Kremlin, this will lead to a nuclear war since any defeat in Ukraine will lead to the virtual destruction of the Russian State.
So if Russia does take a pounding from western arms shipments, it will employ its nuclear arsenal as a last-resort tactic.
On the contrary, it is “the West” that “takes a pounding from western arms shipments”.
Vide Boris Johnson’s inglorious departure after the failure of his military support for Ukraine. Stolz and the warlike Greens are in the German dog house. Biden’s approval ratings are abysmally low after his $40B arms shipment. Not to mention the economic pounding of “the West’ from “western arms shipments” — straight down the Ukraine black(market) hole. Not to mention economic pounding of “the West” from boomerang sanctions.
Bembo said “if”. Taking note of that places context to the meaning of the statement.
And there is no 40 billion arms shipment. the 40 billion is mainly financing to arms manufacturers, etc. It does not translate to 40 B of weapons on the ground.
Someone in the know recently said 15% would go directly to the Ukraine for weapons and salaries for the AFU & Special Advisors (nudge nudge wink wink, say no more ). I expect Hunter Bidet gets his cut of that.
So, is there any merit to the rumour or theory that essentially Putin is also in “with” the WEF and this is all a sham that he’s fighting for the collective “us”? I read this sort of thing here and there and here’s an example: What am I to make of this? What do you make of articles like this? Thanks.
It’s a lovely, aspirational sentiment. But what if the challenge is different? What if the analytical framework is not some countries vs. other countries, the ‘1 billion vs. 7 billion’, but rather transnational oligarchs everywhere against the 8 billion everywhere?
Some of the strongest opposition to the ‘UN, IMF, WHO, etc.’ is found within the US. But we are hopelessly under-resourced so long as so many of those countries listed in this analysis support the ruling class rather than supporting basic concepts of the UN charter, human rights, self-determination, and so forth.
We seem to be at a bit of a logical dead end/holding point. Either the empire is so strong still that China cannot directly/openly confront the globalist fascists. Or, enough of the Chinese leadership likes enough about how the global order currently works that the RF is more on its own than this perspective wishes. Either way, in practice, elites all across Zone B continue playing their parts in the empire.
I am also a citizen of the West but unluckily I disagree. Countries are ruled and represent by their elites, and our elites are what we all know.
If one day we push them out then we can talk, but so far, the West is a enemy of the humankind, since our elites are some kind of satanic masons that only want to create a distopian world…
And you, and me, know that most part of our countries support that elites and world ruling of them. Most people in the west receive secondary benefits
I disagree.
Western elites are applauded by 99% of the people who receive all the vices thrown at them with open tattooed arms and more…
Citizen8: “What if the analytical framework is not some countries vs. other countries, the ‘1 billion vs. 7 billion’, but rather transnational oligarchs everywhere against the 8 billion everywhere?”
What youre missing is the transnational billionaire oligarchs have inserted themselves above the democratic will of the people in the countries making up the 1 billion, i.e. the ‘collective West’.
So the challenge is how to remove the class of transnational oligarchs because the populations of those countries can’t / won’t be able to do it for themselves, even if they knew where to look.
And that requires a critical mass, such as Russia-China-Iran, but it will be much easier to achieve once collapse occurs in the West and trust in ‘the system’ is eroded to the point that Westerners will no longer participate.
I am honored my comment sparked some additional thinking on this from several people. One thing I’m noticing as we attempt communication during the SMO is people from/familiar with the RF seem to presuppose objectives, that Western elites care about their nominal host countries (and that ordinary citizens support those elites).
But what if collapse is actually what the rulers want, to sweep aside the last vestiges of civil society, personal freedoms, and spirituality independent of corporations and governments?
If you can do that mindset shift – accept that parts of the ruling class knows a collapse is coming and so may be looking for how to blame the RF (plus PRC/Iran/etc.) – then it opens up different ways of seeing the empire’s war on Russia and potential solutions (things that target the power base of the actual decision-makers) rather than things that may be counterproductive (like escalations that lead to genuine conflict among the peoples of the US and RF).
What elites want is return of feudalism, but lets not forget we already been there and we got out.
We never left feudalism, but at least it used to be honest about what it was.
Democracy moved the stage, dressed it up, and told you your ticket now gives you a say in how the actors move and talk, but the trajectory of the play never changed. The marionette string pullers are still the same: Old money. Secret societies. Dynasty bloodlines. Those rulers are still here, they have lost no wealth or power, if anything it has only increased. In fact, their rule is now easier because it comes from the shadows with little scrutiny from the plebs who now think they run the show!
G’day nobody,
I agree except to say that the Khazarian Mafia transitioned the West (and following it, much of the rest of the world) from medieval feudalism into the much more subtle and insidious, free range serfdom. See eg: The Matrix, the Strawman and WHO You Are.
An Investigative Report Re the US Strawman UCC/Redemption Process By Barton A. Buhtz:
The Khazarian Mafia did nothing beneficial. Rather they have been parasites trading in vices, booze, and usury. Read “200 Years Together” by Solzhenitsyn. Also, ,
the summary page and here the first article in a series addressing the state of the Russian society:
The feudalism of the Middle Ages, with jolly peasants and every other day being a Saint’s feastday, was a far better deal than the satanic neopagan feudalism they have in store for us now.
Citizen8 is precisely correct!
Several of the excellent comments in response only claim to disagree but do not.
Yes the Global Aristocracy (self appointed, self annointed, self proclaimed) is operating in every important country on the planet. They have much more in common with one another than with the “masses” and they have realized this and awakened. They are the true enemies of ordinary people everywhere.
The ruling elite in China, alongside the “Zionists” of Britain, the US, and Israel, are leading the movement toward a one world government dictatorship of bankers and financiers, empowered in part through the sinister and burgeoning “health security” apparatus of the WHO. A few in China will (and have) become grotesquely wealthy, while the many will slave away 12+ hours per day, seven days per week their entire lives and destroy themselves in the process. Mr Jack Ma says this is a good way for ordinary Chinese to live. He is not alone in this.
Since I have no more tears left, I can only laugh when I hear references to the current Chinese government being part of the opposition to the coming brutal technocratic neo feudalism. That is a lie. The Chinese people themselves have been fooled and betrayed. The rulers can fancy to call themselves whatever they wish; communist, capitalist, doesn’t matter when the end result is totalitarian slavery and tyranny.
India also is very much in the hands of a small, greedy, elite which has continued to subject it’s people to western poison, western drugs, and near poverty for the majority while a few have become very wealthy western prostitutes.
China and India both have done a lovely job these past weeks at Davos, inviting more of the fleeing western capital, plant, and intellectual property into those countries. They are inseparable from the other criminals whose messengers speak and proclaim things to be dictated down to the rest of the whole world. Make no mistake. Look at the actual, verifiable behavior, and don’t be mislead again by the meaningless rhetoric and drama.
As for our Russia, the verdict has not been returned yet. We don’t yet know the true intent of what seems to be occurring in Ukraine writ large.
I dare say this. If indeed Russia is the most powerful remaining foe of the New Global Aristocracy, and if they truly began to shake those foundations, they had better keep an eye and ear to the east.
Full agreement with you Selena, especially about the Chinese & Indian ruling elites. They are lackeys & errand boys for the WEF & Davos crowd. Heck! The totalitarian Chinese state has always been the testing ground for the elites to try every possible method of iron-fisted control over the general population. China is every Western elite’s wet dream. China owns half of the US Senators & congressmen.
India is no better – the Indian PM is a WEF funded puppet, who “wins” by so called landslides using Dominion voting machines of Mr. Soros. He happily imposed the most inhumane pandemic lockdowns at the behest of his WHO / WEF masters & had no issues staving tens of thousands of his subjects to death. His entire cabinet & bureaucracy is riddled with WEF young global leader types.
I have a hard time believing that Chinese & Indian elites would genuinely betray their WEF masters & stand with Russia against the West.
Putin too was a WEF young global leader & that makes me quite apprehensive as to the true goal of the Ukraine war. The western elites are happily using it to supercharge their green & great reset agendas.
There is probably a lot more to this than we all have been led to believe. Though, I truly pray that Putin is the real deal & he is genuinely standing up the western elites.
Would welcome any comments that will help shed some light on this situation….
G’day Selena,
I disagree with your assessment about China.
Looking at the actual, verifiable behaviour of Chinese governance we discover that it has now lifted virtually all of its 1.4 billion people out of poverty. In contrast, many USans and Europeans are steadily sinking into poverty. See eg: Brian Berletic’s videos on China:
Completely agree Citizen 8. I’m certainly seeing Russian military & sanctions as hands down wins, & other Countries are not partaking. However, I’m not seeing other nations actively, publicly, supporting Russia either. Not even Kazakastan. Only one was Syria. Syria immediately recognized the 2 republics the day after Russia did. I too am seeing way too many Countries that want to maintain the global status quo monetary system & all the rest of the corrupt World Organizations.
G’day citizen8,
There are wheels within wheels.
Trump and his supporters in the US are about to change the narrative and reverse US support for the Khazarian Mafia in Ukraine. Similarly, Zi Jinping and his supporters have taken control of China (as illustrated by the lockdown in Shanghai, the erstwhile HQ of his Khazarian opponents) and China supports Russia. Russia is not alone.
You forgot 1963.
Dallas? A turning point. Too bad JFK Jr didn’t show up (YET!).
“There is no doubt that Russia will win in the Ukraine, as it has complete air and naval superiority. ”
Not correct. Russia has complete air and naval superiority because the US won’t fight the war directly inside Ukraine. In other words, the West tacitly admits that Ukraine is within Russia’s sphere of influence. Their talk may hide that admission but the West’s actual actions speak volumes.
The wildcard here is the insane and senile US President whose handlers are largely in league with the WEF and their new world order playbook. Leftist progressive-ism, Karl Marx style, is endangering the world–yet again. How ironic!!
When will someone finally point out the obvious? Russia is threatened by the specter of communism again, emanating from the West again as well. This time, however, Russia will not likely succumb, and can truly help save the world. (More political support for US conservatives, and Donald Trump, could help both here in America and also longer term in Russia. Join them in fighting the new world order and defeating the globalists.)
Strange, it was that ultraconservative Sandra Day O’Conner appointed by Reagan to head the high court that whimpered we the high court are determined to bring this country into the 21st century and attacked religion to usher in the gay rights movement. Beware of false prophets (Trump) the good book says, so beware of the conservatives and their line, for they have never done a thing for the working class from the day of their creation as a party except to keep them down for they are the party of big business, and we all know what they are.
What makes you think the Bible was referring to Trump regarding false prophets?
Although Trump did what he could to appease his soulmates in Israel, that still didn’t make him a prophet, false or otherwise.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say the AshkeNAZIs are Trump’s soulmates, he was their bitch as they owned his soul through financing him over the years.
Just one example in a long list. Now they are grooming Elon Musk to be another false prophet conservative. Fake Fake Fake, just like Trump.
The devil lies telling you great truths.
Trump never claimed to be a prophet
«Leftist progressive-ism, Karl Marx style, is endangering the world–yet again»
The most retarded comment ever. USA+EU are completely right-wing, they are either governed by Far-Right-Wing Conservatives, or by the NeoLiberal (who APPEAR to be left-wing in social issues, but are far-right in economy).
Please, don’t say bullsh*t like tat again. It only makes you look bad, of how ignorante you sound.
There might be 1 or 2 hints of Socialism in Norway, and in some other Nordic countries, but even those are completely pro-market economy nowadays, and have their countries inside international NeoLiberal institutions.
You wouldn’t be able to tell what “Karl Marx style” is even if you were in front of Karl Marx… In conclusion, you sound like another product of USA School System, aka Idiocracy.
The anglosphere always assimilates cultural marxism to communism, they’re completely clueless on the subject. No big surprise there.
well said. yanks always go by what their “elites” say and not what they do. obama and trump both being glaring examples. the only “ideal” in the west is material consumption and endless capitalist expansion.
as for the “derp marxism” stuff, it all just translates to “i get my ‘philosophy’ from jordan peterson’s youtube”. i take issue with marx and marxism on specific issues, but within the dumbed down sphere of materialism (that it shares with capitalism) it makes a lot of good points.
Wales has a socialist devolved govt; it is possible and desirable but certainly not on the centre left new labour model which entirely supports the neo liberal and neo con project which has led to this global crisis and turning point centred in ukraine.
‘Jobozo’…and his acolytes, BLM, the ‘Goon Squad’, and Brennan pulling the strings behind the curtain… disagree.
They’re on record as to their prophets…Frank Marshall Davis, Alinsky, Gramsci, et al.
‘Da Nile’ ain’t just a river in Egypt… and ‘Projection’ ain’t just in the movie booth.
Shhh. Adults talking.
Left wing means socialist ideology. The workers. Collectivism.
Right wing means the king and nobles. Defunct as they don’t exist. So therefor the opposite of left wing. Individualism. Liberty. Anarchy. Capitalism.
No western nation is right wing. That is obvious to all but psychopaths who push sociliasm then pretends that the suffering and destruction wrought is not their doing.
May I suggest that reddit is better suited to your kind?
Not correct. They have superiority because America knows their planes will be shot down and wouldn’t dare fight an enemy with potential to embarrass and outclass them.
“Russia has complete air and naval superiority because the US won’t fight the war directly inside Ukraine.”
Russia has complete escalation dominance over not just Ukraine but all of Europe. Also reference the 2002 Millineum Challenge war games.
“Russia is threatened by the specter of communism again, emanating from the West again”
When has the west ever been communist? After WWII socialist and communist political movements swept Europe in reaction to the war and were ruthlessly suppressed by the US.
Your 2 cents is not even worth that.
Perhaps he mean Communism was brought to Russia by New York people paid for by New York registered banks. You know, Lev Bronstein and co., plus VI Ullianov and his train full of gold to pay for the Bolshoi gang
Right on……bankster Schiff helped bronstein/trotsky with passport and $$$$$$… schwiss/germans happily bankroll bolshevik beautie Lenin…..Russians should be thankfull to God for best current politicians in the world VVP/Lavrov/Shoigu…..
Please digest the articles of Batiushka before debating some sentences and shrugging it off as a whole… They are very well thought out, carefully written, not fast food style…
The author put it actually very eloquently and subtly when he stated “Russia is threatened by the specter of communism again, emanating from the West again”. Operative word: EMANATING.
The ideas of socialism and communism were constructed in the late 1800’s early 1900’s in the West!!! Marx, Engels, and their “comrades” lived in the “West”… The Bolsheviks (and their friends from eastern/central Europe were western educated or influenced. Lenin, Trotsky and many others espoused these ideas and morphed them in their own ways, killing millions in the process of its implementation.
Destruction of faith/religion, community spirit, family, cultural and ethnic traditions, creation of an international global grey mass of people with no identity just individual slaves were front and centre in the socialist/communist world, much like they have come to dominate the west in a slightly different colour 100 years later.
In socialism people were slaves of an ideal without personal bank accounts, with guaranteed roof above their heads, enough food to survive and other basic necessities, a job, practical education. Previously agricultural societies were transformed into agri+industrial societies, more or less along the timelines of industrial (r)evolution. Believe it or not, millions were lifted out of rotten poverty into relatively modern urban living conditions, and loved it for what it was.
In modern vulture capitalism the individuals have become slaves of consumerism and other BS-isms concocted by fraudster criminals masquerading as philosophers\ideologues; their shackles are Debt, and nothing is guaranteed for them other than death and taxes.
Well developed industrial and agricultural societies are being destroyed – active deindustrialization (initiated in the US during Carter, going bonkers in the EU now), destruction of agriculture – all in the name of a new fake “ideal” of “saving the planet from ourselves.”
– as a geologist I can assure you that Planet Earth does not need our socio-economic efforts to save it… If anything, Mankind needs saving from global fraudsters – another impossible task…
To better appreciate this article I strongly recommend looking up Matthew Ehret’s, essay “Why Putin Criticized the Bolshevik Counter Revolution: Trotsky, Parvus and the War on Civilization”. It provides a succinct overview of western support – both financial and (im)moral- of all socialist/communist/bolshevik revolutionary events that swept through Russia and eastern/central Europe.
Ehret says:
See the parallels?
So true, but west is poor term as west was baby when evil descended on Russia in the form of Bolshevik communism. I believe the centre, and there is ample proof, for the destruction that befell Russia comes from The English Crown. Russia was US allie at that time. Defied The English Crown at one point and block US harbours from English marauders.
Cheers M
Even if US declared war on Russian, can you not picture a scrnario where battleships full of jet fughters would be sunk thousands of miles from land.
Their aircraft wouldn’t make it to the ‘battlefield’.
Hey, ABC, haven’t you seen the latest Top Gun movie showing how fantastic the USAF is? Maybe you’ve forgotten how their total air supremacy won the wars for them in Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam. /s
Top Gun is the US Navy. Great fantasy movie but the US Military has increasingly become woke thanks to Biden, Left, Obama, Clintons, etc. Afghanistan was a fiasco and also Russia beat NATO in Syria. Russia does not do woke. Putin has said there are men and women no other choices.
Nah! Everybody knows Navy is the boats and Air Force is the planes. The Americans couldn’t be that stupid.
Agree ABC123. Not only would battle carriers full of planes etc not make to far from harbors, but the EU gas (NATO) shut off instantly & all those LNG ship tankers would be at the bottom of the sea as well. If Iran joined in & blocked gulf, would be a very short WW3 indeed (conventional of course).
Trump is no different from Obama and all the rest of them. The only good thing he did was give Russia another 4 years to prepare.
The fact that he still supports these injections is ample evidence.
Removed. Not only off-topic but breaks site rules. Mod.
This does not reassure me at all and I see it all as a big incomprehensible mess.
What will be the outcome of all fights in Ukraine?
Why are so many Slavs dying?
I have no coherent answer to all these contradictions and I don’t understand the notion of “humanitarian” war!? War kills and it is always a horror.
You obviously have not the faintest idea of what ‘communism’ actually is. The so-called left in US politics is just another devoutly capitalist party, only cosmetically different from the right. What you call the left is actually the right, and what you call the right is actually the extreme right. If you had ever read a book on communism, or anything by Marx, you would realise how ridiculous your comment on “Leftist progressive-ism, Karl Marx style” is. However, prejudices are hard to eradicate – especially this particularly delusive one in the US where years of propaganda have twisted peoples understanding.
“However, prejudices are hard to eradicate”
So why bother ?
To paraphrase the Dobbie Brothers – What a fool believes no wise man has the power to reasons away, (nor the inclination to do so), since useful fools are – useful – so tell the truth since few will believe you – and/or use the switch for contrarians to re-enforce prejudices, like father Gapon in 1905 and others during the Zubatovschina, of – if only the Papa Czar knew.
Enjoy your journey.
They have nothing to do with Karl Marx. Dialectical materialism and all. Never did and never will. These people are not really “the left “. Such as the likes of the higher echelons of the US Democratic Party and UK Labour Party are representatives of the power capitalist elite placed in order to maintain privilege and ownership by the tiny minority. Often people whom have no idea what Marxism is or have not got a clue about what real leftist politics is will ignorantly describe them as such!
The moderates are waiting for the renunciation of atheistic Leninism and Stalinism and the introduction of spiritual-resource-based state capitalism. Beware of atheistic Asiatic statism.
I’m reminded that Edgar Cayce prophesied that Russia would save the West.
Such woo-woo. I guess he must have seen Mr. Kalibr coming into being.
Not quite, the exact Cayce quote was:
“What then of nations? In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no. But freedom, freedom! that each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world. Guided by what? That friendship with the nation that hath even set on its present monetary unit “In God We Trust.” (Do ye use that in thine own heart when you pay your just debts? Do ye use that in thy prayer when ye send thy missionaries to other lands? “I give it, for in God we trust”? Not for the other fifty cents either!) ”
The key word is “hope”, there is nothing to say that Russia will prevail. And it appears friendship with the US is a precondition. Perhaps that is what the Khazars currently managing US Foreign policy are afraid of.
G’day Opportunity Knocks,
Russia will prevail and friendship with the USA as reconstituted under Trump et al is integral to that outcome.
yes he did 1943/44…man with vision and healer…..
You mean Russia will destroy the west… if a punishment is coming to the west because of its arrogance and oppression … God will destroy it using Russia, this makes sense. Why would Russia save the west? so that the west prove it was right. God destroyed nations before ..the writing is on the walls time has come for the west.
Realize this yet? The Confederate States in America were the good guys in the American Civil War. They fought the industrialist robber- barons and Rothschild bankers of New York. The South was just the first of hundreds to fall to the Anglo-Zionist Empire over these 160 years.
“We are now at a turning-point, not just in European history, but in world history. The prophecies of saints are being realised. For example, the Russian saint Aristocleus, speaking in 1917, foretold: ‘The end will come through China. There will be some unusual outburst and a miracle of God will be revealed’. Only a few years ago that prophecy seemed meaningless.”
I have no doubts about the world being at a turning point, as the author points out. However, whatever may be happening globally has absolutely no relevance to what some modern day “saint” may have foretold. And it certainly does not fit the description of what the Bible refers to as “prophecy.”
The purpose of prophecies and miracles in the Bible were to prove that the one speaking was telling the truth as revealed by God. It confirmed the word as truth. In that regard, there’s nothing left to be confirmed. That happened in the first century while the Apostles lived. Their words of salvation were written down in the pages of the Bible. So, there’s nothing left to reveal or confirm. If Aristocleus was a prophet, then he was a false prophet and we have been warned time and again in the pages of the Bible about listening to such as him.
If there’s anything in the Bible that describes the events unfolding around us today, those words are likely the ones in Revelation 20:7-9 which talks about the loosing of Satan near the time of the end. The enemy will be defeated, yes. But the clincher is that it’s also when Jesus returns. He will not return to set up a kingdom, but will return to judge us all.
IMHO the woo-woo stuff should be ignored ~ it only wastes time/endeavour that is better spent elsewhere.
I commented on prophecies because it was mentioned in the article that was posted.
“Roger that”. Fair enough.
“Messianism” is relevant to the political discussion about “modernism” for a very odd reason. Modernists believe they represent the END of history, they don’t pretend so, they really believe it. On which ground? On a pseudo-scientific ground: modern Science is supposed to be the END of history. Of course it is impossible to prove, very unlikely, totally unscientific. They don’t care about arguing, they just tell their story of the past – that is the definition of “history” from their own perspective. Every single element of their belief in modern Science is a part of the modern ideology that they don’t accept to discuss. My guess is that so called “messianism” has nothing to do with scriptures, with religious faith, with traditional culture, with the bimillenial judeochristian heritage, it is all about grabbing DEFINITELY the world power by controlling right now (and by the way ending) the Science.
So “messianism” is an emanation of very strong ennemies of christianity. And many Christians fall into the trap, saying Jesus is the only Mashiah blabla… Sure He is, but He truly is, so He does exactly what He wants, and it is not the problem of Christians to play with prophecies. I think “messianism” is an intellectual trap.
I wrote a comment on the history and reality of Christianity at the cafe (Moveable Feast Cafe 2022/06/04), if you want to consider alternate interpretations (close to three-fourths down, in answer to sean the leprechaun).
Even if he were to return, why would he have to judge all?
Seems like a Herculeian task of which should not even be attempted to me.
“This is our last chance to resist and strike back against the aggression that began in 1914, aggression that was military, political, economic and cultural, a totalitarian aggression that leads to total death, the death of body and soul”
Yes, indeed. Russia is the only nation with the cultural heritage and military might to challenge the evil empire, the empire of lies.
As Edgar Cayce said…out of Russia, will come hope. I have added my version. Out of Russia, comes hope for the world.
Quote: All the international foundations, the UN, IMF, WHO etc, are going to be remade.
Amen to that outcome brother; but we won’t be needing the “comforting” utterance of supernatural soothsayers. . . . we see the true-light-on-the-hill within the steele determination of the SMO – with these heroes may we stand shoulder to shoulder; back to back into an unfolding glorious new future.
I agree with the statement that we will enter a new Dark Age if Russia looses in Ukraine. What I am not sure yet is that Russia winning the war (which by now I would almost consider a given) will save us. All the forces that have brought the West to its knees and have transformed it into the Empire of Evil, are working also on Russians. For the moment the Russian government under Putin seems to be a reasonably sane government. But it is far from obvious to me that Russia will be able to resist the forces of corruption when a time comes where the central government is less united around a central figure like Putin. Then the hour of the oligarchs will come, the hour of those who will try to sell their country to the highest bidding foreign forces. In Western Europe the US-centered Empire of Evil has been promoting an elite which has only one task to fulfill: sell your country to the elite class in America at the lowest possible price. Western Europe has an elite class whose main income stream consists in the rewards that they reap for the act of betraying their countries. Russia was close to suffering the same destiny just over 20 years ago. What saved the country were the remains of the past Sovjet Empire, in the form of a still working KGB and an army that had nuclear bombs. Without these two elements things might have gotten just as bad in Russia as they are in Germany which is governed by an elite which is working as eagerly as only Germany’s worst enemies could ever work on destroying the country’s future.
Putin will have made sure, along with his internal support, that any successor will not be an oligarch. I mean, what would you do if you were him?
I think you’re saying that, just as $$$ has leveraged the personal greed of people that comprise ‘all the international foundations’; so too $$$ will work their magic on Russia ~ as dripping water can wash away the stone.
I can’t refute such a possibility ~ George Orwell said something about hobnail boots smashing the face of humanity for all time . . . . bleak; very bleak.
Germany has been an occupied by US Bases since the end of WWII – likewise Japan . . . . and I read Poland actually wants the same treatment. I don’t see Russia ever accepting military occupation by a foreign power (likewise China).
I hope that in seeing “the filth” of the vassal States on a day-to-day basis (they are so near the borders) helps to maintain the resolve “not to be overtaken” by greed/military power/supernatural prophets.
When Russia made the ultimatum about post-1997 or else, the so-called west panicked. There were even sanctions before 24th February. Only, they forgot about eventual defense. It looks like none of the “leaders” had played sport, where one team plays against another, or one sportsman against another, for example boxing. You need to have a defense, you just can’t break all the bridges. The EU broke all the bridges, even though the US sort of feigning that it has some bridges that are still there. The thing is neither the EU, nor the US, or the collective West has any bridges left. They went too far with their sanctions, their supply of armaments, mercenaries etc.
It is a total war against Russia, a war to destroy Russia, and the Russians.
The bridges are burnt down by the enemies of Russia. So, why should Russia take pity on those who attacked her? Directly or indirectly? Not only Ukraine, the EU has to surrender.
“The infantilisation of the Western educational system – the primary that has become the nursery, the secondary that has become the primary and the tertiary (university) that has become the secondary – reveals it. A doctorate is now really no longer very meaningful, for children are told that they are geniuses just for being able to recognise the letters of the Latin alphabet.”
No, no, it isn’t so. Yes, there is a politization of education at those three levels. The universities of the U.S. remain top notch (the ones that were always top notch). A student once told me that at any of the University of California Campuses (i.e., UCLA, UCSD, etc.), it is hard to “survive” in any hard subject. He was an A student who could only get Cs there. Many high school students who had As in high school had to quit, and others became depressed by the shock of not being able to handle it. It is still so. It remain top notch. The engineering graduates are “the creme of the creme.” For example, a mechanical engineering class may begin the semester with 75 students, let’s say, and end with about 25 at the end of the semester. I know of a student who has a 3.7 GPA (scale 0 to 4), which is very difficult to achieve in that setting. The kid plays basketball three hours a day just for fun (the university pays all his expenses). Some crack the system, but the system cracks most. And the UC campuses are impressive, well-equipped. Do not forget that the United States has a bigger economy than everyone with the possible exception of China. The universities are well-funded. (The Chinese come to study in these universities; few Americans go to Chinese universities.) The abovementioned kid that cracked the system is half-Russian, ha, ha (I think it’s funny).
“Do not forget that the United States has a bigger economy than everyone with the possible exception of China.”
Sure, the US may have a bigger economy, but with the fiat money. Have you forgotten what happened in 2007-2008?
By the way, China is a real communist country…with much better planning…hmmm, communist planning…
G’day ostro,
Other than its covert elements created under Trump, the US economy is literally a ‘paper tiger’. Its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is grossly distorted and inflated as part of current bankster and corporatist financial manipulation and propaganda. A more accurate though still inadequate measure of economic productivity is Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).
Economists only include in their GDP calculations those activities that have a PRICE, i.e. they are bought and sold and hence can be taxed. For instance unpaid domestic services by parents and children are not considered part of economic production unless they are priced, invoiced and recorded as paid services. See eg: What is economic value, and who creates it?
Western bankster funded propagandists have falsified and greatly increased the apparent GDP of US and Western nations’ by using Feminist rhetoric to convince females to believe that paid employment enhances their ‘freedom’ by encouraging them to outsource child raising and domestic chores while they toil for wages and salaries, many even performing domestic and child rearing paid work for others at abysmal pay rates.
Much of the real increases in production resulting from inserting females into the paid workforce arises from counterproductive increases in transport, administration, accounting and related activities caused by having parents (mostly mothers) routinely working outside the home for wages. Those increases in largely part-time work often result in unnecessary or counter productive activities including Increased commuting etc. Arguably, at best, unnecessary commuting is akin to paying workers to dig holes and then fill them in. Such activities may add to GDP but do not increase societally meaningful output and productivity.
Apart from the manipulation of money markets and the value of national currencies, Feminism is a major reason for ‘advanced’ Western nations appearing to have a greatly increased GDP as compared to so-called Third World and other less ‘advanced’ societies and nations. Typical examples are:
(1) Despite its allegedly very low GDP, Russia produces a superior military to that of the US while achieving that result although apparently spending less than a tenth of what the US spends to do it.
(2) China, a nation of over 1.4 billion people having over 40,000 kilometres of very fast train tracks and all the other infrastructure and services to match, is supposedly a smaller economy having a lower GDP than the US with its 330 million inhabitants and NO very fast train network at all as well as crumbling infrastructure. LOL!
Our corporate controllers pretend that verbiage about increases in activities like so-called ‘financial products’ bought and sold at a PRICE amount to real increases in production. They don’t. Productivity only relates and equates to increases in actual output of goods and services.
This also means that grossly counter productive and detrimental activities like usurious fractional reserve banking, Bernaysian advertising and public relations activities etc, distort and falsify the pseudo beneficial picture painted by GDP advocates.
@Ron Chapman
You bring up a very curious topic about China’s fast train network. Imagine what could be achieved in Russia if they had a fast train network? That would be a boon for the economy. It is something that China could definitely help with?
PS Apologies mods for the topic deviation.
G’day abc123,
Russia is a part of the Belt and Road Initiative which is at the heart of the geopolitical New Great Game in Eurasia: the Russia-China strategic partnership, has reaffirmed, and deepened the integration between the New Silk Roads, formerly OBOR, now Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAUA).
Putin is clearly positive about the benefits for Russia from this economic interpenetration. He has noted how “Russia was able to overcome major crises: the collapse of prices for energy carriers and trade sanctions.
The country is moving in the right direction with a greater focus on domestic production but trade ties with China keep growing also.
As with Beijing in relation to its BRI, Moscow has been on a charm offensive to enlarge the Eurasian Economic Union. Turkey is a possible EAEU candidate for the near future, as well as India and Pakistan
Stressing how Moscow is totally on board the BRI, Putin has implied how this cooperation extrapolates to both the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
The West, as usual, ignored what was the absolutely key takeaway of the BRI forum in Beijing on April 27, 2019, namely the deepening, on all fronts, of the Russia-China strategic partnership. It’s all there, in President Putin’s speech.
Putin emphasized “harmonious and sustainable economic development and economic growth throughout the Eurasian space.@
He noted how BRI “rhymes with Russia’s idea to establish a Greater Eurasian Partnership, a project designed to ‘integrate integration frameworks’, and therefore to promote a closer alignment of various bilateral and multilateral integration processes that are currently underway in Eurasia.
I have reported extensively on the crucial BRI-Greater Eurasia symbiosis. And this was exactly the focus of the discussion when Putin met Xi on the sidelines of the forum. The Chinese Foreign Ministry vigorously stressed how Xi asked Putin to merge Eurasian Economic Union’s (EAEU) infrastructure projects with BRI.
What should be expected from the in-progress BRI-EAEU merger, which also includes the economic arm of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as well as ASEAN, is a massive, concerted Eurasian integration push.
Putin could not have been more specific. “The Eurasian Union…has already signed a free-trade agreement with Vietnam and a provisional agreement with Iran, paving the way to the creation of a free-trade area. The preparation of similar instruments with Singapore and Serbia is nearing completion, and talks are underway with Israel, Egypt and India. We cooperate actively with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
Addressing the forum, Putin added another enticing dimension, with the China-driven Maritime Silk Road possibly joining the Russia-driven Northern Sea Route, “a global and competitive route connecting northeastern, eastern and southeastern Asia with Europe” will emerge. Once again, Eurasia integration in practice.”
– Pepe Escobar.
High-speed rail in Russia
A new high-speed train with a speed of up to 400 kilometres per hour, which is being developed by Russian Railways and Sinara, should be manufactured and certified by 2028.
It is not yet announced where the 400 km/h train will run on the Russian network. However, an additional high-speed line between Moscow and St Petersburg is being built, where trains will be able to run at speeds of up to 400 km/h. The railway between the two cities currently consists of four tracks, but this will be expanded to six. This is expected to be completed by 2027. Russian Railways currently runs high-speed trains between Moscow and St Petersburg at a top speed of 250 kilometres per hour. Sapsan trains (Russian for Peregrine Falcon) are used, designed and built by Siemens, based on its Velaro platform.
There have long been plans for a new high-speed line between Moscow and Kazan, Russia’s fifth-largest city and capital of Tatarstan. The call to build this 770-kilometre-long rail line was first announced by President Vladimir Putin at the Economic Forum at St. Petersburg in 2013. Plans for the railroad estimate that it will be the first (dedicated) high-speed line in Russia with trains operating at up to 400 kilometres per hour. A rail trip from Moscow to Kazan which today takes a close to 13 hours trip, would be reduced to 3.5 hours. In 2020, Chinese state company CRRC signed to build part of the line, which would be finished by 2024.
It is unclear if the Russian train will also run there, as CRRC launched a prototype of a 400 km/h gauge changing train for international travel last year. It was said that the train would make its international debut on the Moscow-Kazan high-speed line in Russia.
“it is hard to “survive” in any hard subject…”
Well, if that is the case, then there must also be non hard subjects.
Back when I went to college many long years ago, my impression was that about half the students didn’t belong there. For the students it was a way to extend childhood. By staying in college they could put off adult responsibilities. It is easier and nicer than a job, and you could float through in the non challenging areas. Now the franchise has been expanded and I would imagine that an easy two thirds shouldn’t be in college, if not more.
It is a marketing concept. It is in the vested interest of a school to grow in the same way it is in the vested interest of a private company to grow. How to grow? Sell more product. When sorting through students by abilities, the lower the standards, the more students will attend. That is, lower standards allow for more students. That is, selling more product.
A side benefit is culture. In the social sciences sell the cultural values that enhance the status of the university, and enhance the status of the graduates at the same time. The two are largely the same. By having very numerous graduates, it becomes possible to sell cultural norms that enhance the university in the general population. If you don’t have a moral cause, invent one and push it. In the early stages it was a good thing because it got rid of the cultural rubbish from the past, but now what they are pushing is the new load of rubbish and it is not such a good thing.
Yes, the..political crazies are endangering the university system, but the system is still good in technical fields like engineering, medicine, etc.
“For the students it was a way to extend childhood.”
And that’s wonderful. A parent should tell his children to enjoy the university. Many find their wives and husbands there, good place for that also.
You don’t really “need” to go to a university if you want to know economics or sociology, but you need to go for fields like engineering. In the U.S., a disservice is done when they make it seem like all degrees are the same and that you might as well not go and get a manual or practical skill where you can make good money too. Senators, who are not engineers or doctors, do this.
“remains” not “remain.” I check, but my letters keep dropping in the internet connection.
“The universities of the U.S. remain top notch”
Yes, they indeed still are. But take a look at the faculty listings for the hard sciences and you will quickly realize the majority of them is either descendants or the actual immigrants from other countries. Furthermore, the ratio of american to foreign MSc students for these areas is rather low (< 20%), and is even worse for PhD programs (probably 10% or less). Most americans who get into a college or university in a hard science wants to finish their studies and go work in a management position or in the financial world in order to make big bucks. Very few go to technical careers.
This was not so in the aftermath of the second world war. From the 40s thru the 80s, there were tons of excellent people coming out of post-graduate studies and either becoming a professor or getting into the industry. Then, in the 90s or so, the financialization of the economy started to take its toll, and less and less americans wanted to do the hard job.
The US has been able to have these top notch universities by luring foreign people to go work there (the so-called brain drain in the other countries). I'm not saying there aren't smart and creative americans in these universities, only that there are not *enough* of them. They need the smart people from India, China, EU and elsewhere in order to maintain their excellence. But this is going to be harder and harder to do in the next decades, IMO, given the current economic, social and political scenario in the West.
Oh, and BTW, this "student survival rate" in the hard sciences field is not exclusive of the "top-notch" american universities. It happens throughout the world. It is not uncommon to have a dropout rate of 50% or more for this kind of course. It is not called hard science for nothing. The math and physics that so many people have a hard time in high school is only the most basic knowledge needed for these courses, and much math is built from there. Not all people is inclined to spend 4 or 5 years inching ahead mastering this math, especially when law school or an MBA can get you much more money in a much easier way.
Yes. You nailed it.
“Oh, and BTW, this “student survival rate” in the hard sciences field is not exclusive of the “top-notch” american universities. It happens throughout the world.”
I know, true. In some other countries it’s with oral exams. The teacher asks the student questions in front of the whole class. There are anecdotes about some of those teachers being tyrants. One math teacher told a high school student, “Your father has a pharmacy – why don’t you tell him to give you some medicines?” Mean like that. Teacher “tyranny” is true everywhere. In the U.S., it’s someone outrageous in his grading. I’m sure you know that you can be a student who understood everything and still get a “C” in physics just because of the teacher. The students know who they are. The “tyrant” is found in the lower-level courses (Physics 101) where students can’t avoid him; otherwise, the teacher tyrant will have no students.
Then how come none of them can spell words that we used to learn in grade 4 primary school, like waive/wave; to/too; complement/compliment.
Even PhD’s have trouble with primary school grammar spelling.
They must be able to. They are smart, 4.5 GPA students in high school. You don’t get accepted into a University of California like UCLA or UCSD (UC Los Angeles and UC San Diego) with less than a 4.0 GPA (unless you are black or of some minority, then if you are close enough to 4.0 GPA, you can get in instead of a white person with the 4.0 GPA). All these students are smart students who “can spell words”, trust me. :) They’re all the survivors as HC was saying, the best students who got As in English too.
The US educational system is a toilet.
Sure, a few degrees from a few schools are prestigious. STEM. But the entire educational system overall is an absolute farce, and an expensive one at that. The college rankings are nothing more than how much research money they get.
As for primary and secondary education….they are NOTHING BUT OVERPRICED TEEN DAYCARE. And to make matters worse, lazy leftist teachers and their unions are beyond a disgrace. The academic results speak for themselves. There are now many districts literally “graduating” students who are functionally illiterate and you can forget knowing anything about math.
The populace has been dumb-down to such a degree it is unreal. Go do some hiring and find out for yourself.
There is a reason the SAT and ACT were watered down, and now being eliminated altogether.
We used to learn the 3 Rs… we learn Johnny has 2 daddy’s.
Today I heard a different metaphor about a ‘turning point in history’ being made by a YT bathiushka. He compares the West with a smallish sex-shop and Russia with a big elephant that is not feeling well in this surroundings, turning around and trampling all the ‘goodies’ inside. With this funny & truthful metaphor this bathiushka is contrasting Russia with the liberal-libertarian West. This bathiushka would also very much like to see the resurrection of the Russian monarchy (in keen opposition to oligarchist western style ‘democracies’) with Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin becoming the Tsar.
G’day Eternally homeward bound,
My guess is that VVP will become the CinC for Russia and all Slavs.
1914 is mentioned twice in the article and it is no coincidence that the federal reserve act was signed into law by woodrow wilson in december 1913 wherein america’s money creation was usurped by those who have caused chaos through the generations. As for the thought of national sovereignty, this is good but we, as human beings in todays world, cannot be blind to the more than likely depravity and corruption that still permeates the hearts and minds of those who would be boss. Has me wondering what that would be like should i live to see it.
“The process of barbarous injustice that began in 1914 and ended the Old Europe and has been through all manner of fateful dates, 1917, 1929, 1939, 1945, 1968, 1989, 1991, 2014, to name but a few, is now further unfurling and reaching a global crescendo”
The Russian SMO is a culmination of a war that in reality began in 1914, but on an even deeper level, this is the end of west European colonialism after 500 years of extreme barbarous injustice for the majority of the human world. The west is screaming like a spoilt child that it is entitled to dominate the world & treat everyone in it like toilet waste, & that people should be grateful for even that. This is the insanity that has gripped the west at this moment in time, it is a collective psychosis of mass panic amongst them, the ruling caste, that the party they believed would last their entire lives & would be inherited by their children (if they had any) is now coming to an end, & it is ending fast. Russia is delivering the new world. It has been a long time in coming. The west’s domination was always an unnatural anomaly, the dominance of the US was even more of an anomaly, so much so that the US self-described elites had not the first idea of what to do with the power they acquired once they acquired/usurped it. And so emerging from WW2 with much of the worlds production capacity, control over resources & wealth, they squandered it in unbelievable speed. By 1970 the US was technically bankrupt, & thus begins the endless printing press courtesy of the petro dollar. Except for the fact that it was never really endless, it could go on for as long as they could control oil, other natural resources & minerals, & also the consumer market along with it. The US was so delusional they believed that by off shoring much of their manufacturing to China they would subvert China & bring it under US control, that is, after losing the Vietnam War which China played a major (largely unrecognised role) in assisting Vietnam to win. Now we are at fever pitch, the delusion is on full strength, at some point the rulers will begin to look to the sky & scream, demanding that the God they do not believe in do something & restore them to their rightful glory. That is before the pitchforks arrive, & the hangman’s noose.
G’day Srbalj,
I disagree with the suggestion that the US ruling caste ” was so delusional they believed that ‘by off shoring much of their manufacturing to China they would subvert China & bring it under US control”.
Arguably the Khazarian Mafia controlling the US planned to remove all US manufacturing capacity and intellectual property and wealth to China and to reduce the US to Third World status whereat they intended to move their global HQ to China. After all the Khazarians had controlled China for a long time and Mao Tse Tung and his entourage were Khazarian ‘tools’. See eg: Mao Was A Yale Man Crafted By The New World Order Elites– A Yali with Skull and Bones
But not all of the Chinese leaders that assumed power after Mao were ‘useful idiots’ and traitors to the Chinese people. In particular, Zi Jinping has been able to fool and remove those rabid Khazarian ‘tools’ from power in the CCP and to steer the Chinese people to genuine sovereignty and greatness. The Wuhan “lockdown” and the recent Shanghai “lockdown” being crucial actions in Zi’s takedown of Khazarian Mafia power centres.
I very much enjoy the author’s pieces here but I do wish he would just go along with the Saker’s ‘Anglo-Zionist’ instead of his preferred ‘Anglo-Saxon’ which is, frankly, a little silly.
I mean: the Angles and Saxons got taken out by the Jewish* and Norman invasion under William the Conqueror (descendant of Rollo Lothbrok the Viking) almost a thousand years ago already!
*During the middle-ages, Normandy was the region of France with the largest Jewish community. Their installation in London was favored by William the Conqueror. Rouen was an important center for judaism and Caen had a synagogue until 1306. ( )
french Caesar guns are responsible for killing Russians in Donbass
wonder if Putin will make a phonecall to Macron…..maybe that recent call by Macron to Putin was a sick way of trying to say he thought he had leverage of a sort..
Praise God this is one of the best well written pieces I have read. Clear, precise, thorough, warning, but moat of all gives hope. I will share this with as many as i can. Print off too and share with people. I won’t waste words saying no more but thank you.
God bless Russia and President Putin and all Good fearing people.
The concept you discuss ,that of metaphysical is extremely revealing. It is so much more than just a concept. For metaphysical describes life itself. And your concept of the saints becoming relevant struck me. For how else could this not be?? As where in the US, I’ve watched the layers of my stable society be stripped away and tossed in a dust bin. And Why. The Answer seems obvious , where bad simply follows bad until no more.
“Its anthem could perhaps be taken appropriatey From the New World, the Ninth Symphony by Dvorak.”
Yes, but not the Largo, the Allegro.
I just want to say one more thing. Yes it’s debated by many but to me America clearly is mystery babylon. We will be destroyed. Just look at all the points lining up. America is described clearly and our end not pleasant.
I keep telling all I love get your papers in order, get your passports, be prepared to flee at a moment’s notice. Heed the warnings written. So many their eyes are shut and will not see. Remember it says God gave people over to fillfil His purpose. Be on your gaurd. Keep the faith. The days ahead will not be of ease for no one.
God bless everyone.
Russia will accomplish every stated goal of its SMO and at this point there is little doubt about of the outcome. The other thing that must be said is that Russians have big hearts and do not harbor resentment. The European nations that have betrayed Russia will have some economic hardship but it will not be long term rather for a short time. Russia will eventually begin to trade with the western European nations and will maintain the upper hand from here on both militarily and economically. What Russia has accomplished is to bring a sense of justice and balance to the world order. China and India play a pivotal role in the new multi polar world order and have both benefited from aligning themselves with Russia or at least in India’s case from taking a very fair and balanced approach.
Spot on!
There are so many historical and religious references in this piece that I find it difficult to make a comment worthy of it.
There seems to be an insidious spirit weaving its way into the spiritual, social and political body of the the West. It has been gnawing on the bones of the collective West for centuries. We have become used to this evil and no longer fight it. We don’t even see it! This is probably the result of a weakness in the character of the West.
There are so many incompetent people in positions of authority in the West. Rapid deterioration is obvious even to people living in the West but people feel like nothing much can be done about it. So it is ignored in the hope it will just go away by itself. In the US many people put their hope in Trump but this is a mirage. He is likely to continue to make regretful errors.
It seems calamity is imminent in the West. There are obvious signs but probably it will seem to come without warning to most people, especially those that use legacy media for information. Perhaps there is wisdom in just riding out the natural cycle of an Empire and nurturing your family and the community in which you live.
To the rest of the world this is a time to rejoice. There is a hard struggle at hand but there is a chance at regaining lost sovereignty. There is a chance of the return of a normal social and political life and a society the functions. Perhaps each member of society will find greater security and peace when all is done. Maybe there will be a way to have gainful employment for all and a chance to excel in a craft that is chosen.
I hope the best for the world. God will judge.
In the debate between Scott Ritter and Gonzalo Lira, for me at least, it is beginning to look like Ritter was a little more on target. Russia has got to get a move on. Russia has been trying to win in a way that would produce the best outcome. The reality is that win nice or win nasty, Russia needs to win this one regardless.
The Virgin of Fatima (Portugal) is Russia and Russia is Fatima.
It is the most controversial prophecy (officially approved by the Church) of the Catholic Church and for the Orthodox Church.
Russia comes to purify Christendom from her horrible sins with the sword.
In May Pope Francis consecrated Russia to her Sacred Heart; the Virgin Mary had been asking for this since 1917.
Russia will convert and become the head of Christianity. If you don’t believe me, I leave you these links that explain it very well.
Current prophecies about Russia with bishops approval Catholics
The Miracle of the Dancing Sun at Fatima, Portugal
No one is obligated to believe but this war is deeply spiritual and if Russia loses it we will live in the worst dictatorship imaginable.
The Virgin of Fatima implicitly implies that Russia will win and “we will have a time of peace” does not say peace forever.
I know you and many catholics mean well Oscar, but most orthodox do not see it that way. In fact they are angered by it and see it as Papal agitprop preparing the ground for another crusade on Russia and slavic orthodoxy, as well as to rule all lands. The elite occultists abuse language; they leverage the emotional regard many western christians have for their brethren to convert them into cannon fodder. It is truly diabolical and magical. Like causing wars of hatred between Ukrainians and Russians. And these tricks are by now so established since the northern crusades, most will automatically translate “consecration” to mean like a kiss of death of the mafia.
Here are relevant points of view:
(read the comments)
Millions of Catholics pray for Russia.
Fatima is a fact that cannot be hidden since 1917.
There who does not want to believe.
The Catholic Church can be divided into 2 parts: The Institutional and the People of God. For centuries the two have walked together and now, currently NO, in fact Pope Francis does not enjoy the sympathy of the traditionalist flock that is the one that supports the Church financially and spiritually, When the Pope speaks from Saint Peter’s Square! no one attends apart from the tourists!
This Pope only likes those who hate the Catholic Church.
Great Article. Thank you. The West is now comprised of diverse populations that have immigrated from around the world. I think it’s important to differentiate the small cadre of Elites or certain minorities that have for many decades architected and continue to commit atrocities against humanity. More and more Americans and Europeans are now waking up to what is really going on. Russia is at war with these elites / certain minorities and we all hope Russia continues on its course to defeat them. Oh what joy there will be if that comes to pass. God / Allah is on the side of Russia.
What the author fails to discuss is the impact on Orthodoxy around the world. The Patriarch of the Orthodox world Bartholomew has condemned the actions of the Russian army and the silence of the Russian Patriarch Kirill. This has spread throughout various nations where more or less Orthodox religious leaders are following the path of their political leaders. This was not the case in the wars in Syria or Yugoslavia for that matter where Orthodox religious leaders condemned the actions of the west. For example, Archbishop Christodoulos of Greece was an outspoken critic of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia and lamented that the Serbian people were staked on the cross. This time the silence of Greek Orthodox leaders is deafening while the Greek citizens of Mariupol support the Russian actions is just one example.
@Jugolsavija: “Patriarch of the Orthodox world Bartholomew [of Istanbul] has condemned the actions of the Russian army … silence of Greek Orthodox leaders is deafening”.
Can anyone explain the stance of these two Orthodox Leaders?
Is it perhaps pressure from NATzO? Greece and Turkey are members; so is Orthodox Bulgaria, another supporter of NATzO’s anti-Russian pro-Nazi “cookie coup” regime in Ukraine.
Millions of Catholics pray for Russia.
Although D-Day, with the Normandy landings, achieved its geopolitical objective (to prevent the occupation of all of Germany by the USSR), from a strictly military point of view it caused a high rate of casualties that was perfectly avoidable.
Almost always, the performance of the US (and England) on the European front in WWII was not notable neither for its planning nor for its tactical-operational capacity, its victories having occurred much more as a result of the overwhelming quantitative superiority in troops and weapons.
Other examples of this are the landing at Anzio (Operation Shingle, January 1944), Operation Market Garden (September 1944), and the Battle of the Bulge/Ardennes (December 1944).
On the other hand, in defeating the Nazis in WWII in their irresistible advance towards Berlin, the USSR liberated the countries of Eastern Europe only to immediately incorporate them into the Police State of the Stalinist Dictatorship.
The populations were liberated from the Gestapo only to continue to be oppressed by the NKVD. This helps a lot to understand why there is little sympathy in Western Europe for Russia.
Stalinism is a consequence of the early distortion of the October 1917 Socialist Revolution, just as the collapse of the USSR (in 1991) is a late consequence of the after-effects left by Stalinism.
From 1991 on, Russia and Ukraine suffered the neoliberal devastation, experiencing in practice how the so-called “Representative Liberal Democracy” is nothing more than a Dictatorship of Economic Power.
While Ukraine sank deeper and deeper into the swamp of neoliberalism, Russia slowly begins to regain its sovereignty as of December 31, 1999, at the turn of the century, with the inauguration of Mr. Putin.
One of the as yet unaddressed and little understood effects of Operation Z will be its collateral impact on Russia itself.
Not in relation to the economy, since Russia has taken immediate steps to protect itself from the sanctions, but mainly in relation to its geopolitical identity.
If for Russia a defeat in Ukraine is unthinkable, as it would result in its destruction, what Russian society will succeed after a victory of Operation Z?
What does Russia intend to become? A new version of the Tsarist empire? The nemesis of nuclear Armageddon? A minority partner in the nascent Chinese empire? A commodity-exporting country, with a handful of oligarchs enjoying much of its wealth?
Whatever the future imagined by Russia for itself, it necessarily passes through a hard and pressing reckoning with its ghosts of the past.
“the USSR liberated the countries of Eastern Europe only to immediately incorporate them into the Police State of the Stalinist Dictatorship.”
These Eastern European countries were vassals and collaborators of Nazi Germany, so they must remain under control for some time after World War II, right? And this expression “Stalinist Dictatorship” is too much of an exaggeration.
“The populations were liberated from the Gestapo only to continue to be oppressed by the NKVD.”
NKVD couldn’t act in Eastern Europen countries because it’s for Internal Affairs (NKVD – НКВД – Наро́дный комиссариа́т вну́тренних дел – The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs) INTERNAL !!!, my friend! Also, NKVD was dissolved in March 1946.
And to compare Gestapo and NKVD (Nazi Germany and USSR) is just not fair and not right!
“This helps a lot to understand why there is little sympathy in Western Europe for Russia.”
If there is little sympathy in Western Europe for Russia right now then it is mostly because of influence of the Empire of Lies first of all and not because of anything else.
… imho
Homo sovieticus has spoken. In the “liberated” countries of Eastern Europe Soviet style governments were installed with Jews in all positions of power and the reign of bloody terror for almost twenty years begun. The security forces of Eastern European countries were fully controlled by NKVD/KGB “advisors”.
And yes, a comparison of NKVD and Gestapo is plainy unfair. In fact Gestapo was bunch of amateurs. On the other hand, Major General V.M. Blokhin, a NKVD funcionnary was a true professional (please, check his curriculum vitae).
Your comment is an example of the need for Russia to go through a hard and pressing reckoning with its ghosts of the past. And Stalinism is just one of them…
Denying Stalinism is like denying Nazism in Germany, or even today’s neo-Nazism in Ukraine.
Or even the same as denying the imperialist intervention of the USA in several countries around the world.
Or, in the case of Brazil, denying how we are a country built on the horrors of slavery, still present today in many aspects of our society.
The BAR has been set way too low. The genocide, pain, horror , nae evil perpetrated by America and certain European countries upon this planet in the Middle-East and Africa in particular cannot/must not be swept under the carpet.
All the while gutless American and 5 Eye vassals here spout on about the ISM’s. Who gives a fark about what/who/which name the genocide has been systematically conducted/orchestrated under?
The reparations bestowed upon Germany (for 2 world wars ) for example, by the very people who financed/instigated these wars here in the West is a joke, indicative of the charade of their rules based order.
America’s next 5 year ‘Defence’ Budgets, should be paid directly in reparations to Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Africa and several Asian countries, to rehabilitate those war torn countries.
All American foreign bases should be levelled or turned into enterprise zones.
Americas War Machine must be disabled in a similar fashion to Ukraine’s.
America 5 Eyes must PAY, dearly.
Warlords, like Bush, Obama, Clinton, Blair, Sarkozy and their Administrations/minions should appear before Criminal Courts, much like their AZOV/HTS terrorists. Once the US is rendered impotent, then its pet mongrel Israel is kaput and the European vassals fall into line.
Too much of a headfuck for some here, caught up in 19th & 20th century ISM’s, deflecting from the genocide they’d comfortably like to sweep under the Oval Office carpet.
Correction: Kiev will not be the center of the remnant Ukraine–it will be an appendage, largely isolated by sourrounding Belarus or NovoRussya. Before everything is setlted, Russia needs to launch a special operation to raid the Ukrainian Central Bank and take all the reserves that have been denied to the Donetsk and Luhansk republics for the past 8 years. Remnant Ukraine will be then left with only cemeteries and infighting and isolation.
About education. A worker with university degree was needed for a classic paper work in a hospital in Slovenia last year. A girl was chosen with diploma from faculty of economics Ljubljana university. In her diploma she is writing about macroeconomic problems of the country. In her job she was sending letters with an appointment date in a hospital. Also was calling them and beeing a receptionist at radiology department. She was dissapointed and find a new job. They get another girl with similar qualifications. In my opinion it is no need for a such educated person for such job. Universities in the west are producing too much diplomants with a lot of knowledge but they are not needed. Our state just pay everything. There is no plan what to do with these people. Especially in social sciences there is no need for so many educated persons. They learn about state economics and end sending invitation letters and wellcoming patients and sending them to right doors.
I am French and I read your articles with great passion.
Also, I allow myself to share with you the website of a very good French analyst (site translated into several languages or via an online translator). He wrote a chronicle on the events in Ukraine and the perception Westerners have of them.
There are a few articles per week but very informative.
Respectful greetings
I know your site and also very well written, only totally Masonic and anti-Christian like the pseudonym of François-Marie Arouet sir voltaire
No pasarán
Thierry is the best of his kind. Short and to the bone and always first, many years before mainstream begin to have a clue.
Action induces reaction. Evil and Good are complementary like life and death and day and night. The last fight beetwen Good and Evil will bring Humanity to its end. That is probably where we are heading now
🇺🇦🇷🇺The armed forces of Ukraine are shelling the territory of Russia with American howitzers.
This was told at a special briefing of the Russian Defense Ministry.
The shelling is carried out with M777 howitzers installed at grain elevators and potato storage facilities in Sumy and Kharkiv.
The main goal is to provoke a retaliatory strike by Russian artillery on these objects.
There is no doubt in my mind that Russia will prevail against the globalist forces which are collectively a type of antichrist. But “even if” – a certain Latin phrase comes to mind: Christus Victor.
Non praevalebunt Phil!
Wonderful article, thank you.
This SMO/conflict/war/whatever you name it is indeed of global importance and one can only hope that the winners will learn from the mistakes made by the defeated. As (a non-practicing) orthodox and receiver of a “soviet style education”(you know, plenty of mathematics, physics and chemistry among others) I feel a very real and acute mental discomfort in the presence of cascade of social permutations originating in what we used to consider the civilized world: there are too many irrational concepts being pushed for no obvious reasons, this has to stop and if a crisis is needed for that, let it be.
The stupidity amount enclosed in the process of history and culture cancelation(including Russian) is astronomic. I read Dostoievski, Tolstoi, Puskin, Cehov, Turgheniev, Gogol and even Gorki and Ehrenburg (when I was really bored), played a lot of chess(great russian school,studied parties of Chigorin, Petrov, Botvinnik, Tal or Smislov and many others), music not so much. Why cancel all this? Should we burn their books and erase them from litterature classes? I don’t think so and I would like to send a very polite GFY to all braindead people who orchestrated this without thinking that one day, other names could be present on the cultural kill list: Faulkner, Eliot, Thackeray, Dickens, Twain and so on. Should Steinitz, Lasker, Marshall and Tarrasch be canceled too? It will never happen because most of the people of this world are the opposite of the evil scums who orchestrated this miserable hate campaign. The degradation of the education system in these cancel countries is obvious.
I live in a country(Romania) which is moderately russophobic(history thingies like USSR taking some territory of secondary importance for them but historically important for us, we going east for recovery in ww2 but our feet slipped and we passed Dniestr, russians visiting us back so to say, communism and plenty of other stories) but not junkie style like our friends from Poland. NATO mirrage was very strong in the 90ies and of course we jumped into the bandwagon. However, I do not remember “call to war” speeches since the fall of UssR and even now, the atmosphere is quite calm population wise. When the conflict started, RT was not on my channel list. However, viewing the pandemic like propaganda campaign (coordinated probably by Petraeus in this part of Europe) I decided to diversify my sources of information and discovered a lot of channels and blogs which filled an empty space in my knowledge inventory(you cannot imagine how much Russia and the other former soviet republics are ignored here): it is absolutely amazing the progress Russia made in the last 25 years. There is still work to do in the civil sector(consumer goods and secondary industrial products) but regarding the military technology advances, things are looking really good and perhaps this is the reason there are no NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine at this moment and I don’t expect so see this in the near future. The Oliver Stone movie explains a lot of this phenomenon, the high quality of the actual RF leadership being the direct result of a strong education system, solid anchors in Russian history and an amazing cultural heritage complimenting the first two. Kudos for that and please receive the expression of my russophobic respect.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
Just reading Mr Kalibar and many family members visited Kiev today. Mr Kalibar made many new toys, just delivered, go boom.
Orcs losses over 500 maybe more….did someone say grind, as in fine.
Can’t link but it’s a good read at warnews.
Cheers M
Thanks. Good overview. Russia is once again fighting for all of humanity.
The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was genocide perpetrated against civilian targets and absolutely unnecessary to defeat Japan. Yet it was the raging inaugural act of the Cold War against the USSR.
Taking advantage of its nuclear superiority, the USA planned with Operation Dropshot (1949) to hit the USSR with 300 atomic bombs. The USSR’s first nuclear test in late August 1949 foiled the U.S. plan.
Why didn’t the US attack the USSR earlier?
From a military logistics point of view it is possible to highlight:
– there was no ICMB, the attack would have to be by plane;
– while Japanese anti-aircraft defense was out of action, the USSR’s was powerful;
– the flight range of a B29 (aircraft used in the two attacks on Japan) is 9,000 km;
– at the time, the final assembly of the bombs took about 1:30h, and was obligatory during the flight to avoid unwanted explosions;
– to take off safely, and to have enough time for assembly before penetrating territory controlled by the USSR, the starting point should be England, about 2,600 from Moscow;
– to reach Moscow, the plane would have to travel more than 2,000 km under the protection of Soviet anti-aircraft defense.
Today, due to the mastery of hypersonic missile technology, for the first time the strategic advantage lies with Russia.
The US military-industrial complex has been the armed guarantee of Imperium, as the “exorbitant privilege” of issuing the Dollar is its guarantee of financing.
Now, with Russian military superiority and the progressive and rapid replacement of the Dollar as the international monetary standard, we have reached a situation in which Russian hypersonic missiles are the guarantee of a transition to a multipolar world without triggering a nuclear war.
Finally, another who grasps the enormity of Operation Bagration II… Who understands that fundamentally,
this is WWIII…. EurAsia vs NATO/Old Europe/The western European Colonialists.
It began as a battle for the DonBas…. It will expand into a war for NovoRossia… Taiwan…. ASEAN….. Africa…. Latin America….
An economic war to the finish…. because the NATO-NAZIS who took power in Washington/London/Toronto/Brussels….. have a winner take all mentality….. accepting unconditional surrender as their only term of capitulation…..
Why is this possible now….. Gonzalo is beginning to envision it…. The Nulands, Blinkens, etal. started it because they the know the truth of NATO’s resource situation….
NATO is running on empty…. fumes…. gas running out… petroleum running out… bauxite running out… iron ore running out… titanium, helium, argon, xenon, potash, phosphate, nitrogen fertilizer, ideas…. healthy young men….
How so… running out of healthy young men???? It’s the nRNA “Vaccines”… they are leaving behind the wreckage of young hearts prematurely aged…. young lives prematurely ended…
NATO is running out of weapons….. that work…. the F-16/15 were designed in the 70s… came into their own in the 80s…. were the dominant NATO force of the 90s…. now, 30 years later, they are eclipsed…
Ditto the Harpoon…. Exocet…. Brahmos… the AR-15/16….. GPS….
NATO is running out of countries to sanction…. elites to bribe… Pakistan will be one of the last….places where elites throw their homeland under the bus for trinkets… Pakistan will be brought to heel as SriLanka was by an empty treasury…. unable to buy energies in USD… ditto Wheat…. fertilizer…. forced to deal in Rupees…. under SCO terms….
This will take years to play out….
I agree the West has allowed itself to be infiltrated with degenerate ideas and people.
As for the Anglo Saxon been the problem, they ceased to have any control over their life long ago…just look at how they have been destroyed with multiculturalism.
No what the problem is…is a cabal of criminals have identified a major flaw in top down structure of power…particularly in democracies.
All you have to do is convice enough people (not even a majority) that you have their best interests at heart to get the top job…then once in powet you can make any excuse to not keep your promises then rape and pillage for your real bosses and tell the people its good for them?
These cabal of criminals are so powerful they can put agents in the top jobs without exposing themselves.
Who are these criminals? Who has all the money and best lifestyles without ever seeming to have created anything useful?
Bernard begins to fit the pieces together…..
“Crooke quotes former Financial Times columnist Wolfgang Münchau who admits that he and the ‘west’ completely misjudged Russia economic role in the global marketplace:
The western sanctions were based on a formally correct but misleading premise, one that I believed myself at least up to a point: That Russia is more dependent on us than we are on Russia. Russia has more wheat than it can eat, and more oil than it can burn. Russia is a provider of primary and secondary commodities, on which the world has become dependent. Oil and gas are the biggest sources of Russian export revenues. But our dependency is most acute in other areas: food and also rare metals and rare earths. Russia is not a monopolist in any of the categories. But when the largest exporters of those commodities disappears, the rest of the world experiences physical shortages and rising prices.
Did we think this through? Did the foreign ministries that drew up the sanctions discuss at any point what we would do if Russia were to blockade the Black Sea and not allow Ukrainian wheat to leave the ports? Did we develop an agreed-upon response to Russian food blackmail? Or did we think we can adequately address a global starvation crisis by pointing the finger at Putin?
I have concluded that we are all too connected to be able to impose sanctions on each other without incurring massive self-harm. You may argue that it is worth it. If you do, you sound like the tenured economics professor who argues that a rise in unemployment is a price worth paying.
The catastrophic results of the sanctions was predictable and has been predicted.
Now, as the horse is out of the barn, we should not close its door, says Münchau, but offer something that woos the horse to voluntarily come back in:
Unless we cut a deal with Putin, with the removal of sanctions as a component, I see a danger of the world becoming subject to two trading blocs: the west and the rest. Supply chains will be reorganised to stay within them. Russia’s energy, wheat, metals, and rare earths will still be consumed, but not here. We keep the Big Macs.
I am not sure the west is ready to confront the consequences of its actions: persistent inflation, reduced industrial output, lower growth, and higher unemployment. To me, economic sanctions look like the last hurrah of a dysfunctional concept known as the west. The Ukraine war is a catalyst of massive de-globalisation.
Europe instead is discussing how to best burn its barn down.”
What Bernard, Crooke, Munchau fail to grasp is the unified EurAsian mindset….
To grasp the Chinese/Russian mindset one must sit through all 40 episodes of “Crossing the Yalu River” and all 12 episodes of “The Unknown War”, and numerous videos showing the UkroNazis torturing Russian POWs, civilians, children, priests, war memorials….
There is a term for this minset…. “Go for Broke”….. the Russians/Chinese have decided that they either wage war against NATO until the last NATO force is utterly destroyed,….. or be destroyed themselves….
The EurAsians realize that now, and for the next few years 10 at most, they have first strike capability, they have economic superiority, they have demographics in their favor…. They can “fix” the battlefield….
Furthermore, their peoples are behind them…..
I suggest you read the entire post, including the comments…
BTW momentous gains in Donetsk today….
I doubt Rus would blockade Black Sea unless Turkiye become a turncoat….cos mercantile fleet must be free .Now what could be a possibility is Nato blockades Bosphorous and Baltic…. then all hell breaks out. Presumably in the light of recent talks that Russia never intended to block Odessa port to mercantile fleet and guarantees safe passage to them…Truss offer or statement to send UK warships to accompany such mercantiles ships is off the cards.
The Russian Federation and it’s allies does not stand alone in their fight against the evil empire of USUKEU+NAziTO. There are many of us in the collective west who absolutely despise this scum and their ruling elite puppets just as much as Russia and the majority of states in Zone B do.
This proxy war in 404 is a watershed moment for the world. Right now we are watching history being made and in years to come historians will agree that the Russian war on NATO in 2022 was the start of the accelerated decline of so called “western civilisation”.
We who live in Zone A need to prepare ourselves for the upheavals and convulsions in our society as the elites with their local minions go though their death throes desperately fighting to maintain control of the world around them and cling to their ill gotten wealth.
I sense that a long overdue Purge is coming and the super rich elite bozos who manage to survive with their lives will be lucky if they get a job for life cleaning public toilets
There is another way to look at this infantilisation, which is by no means an original thought:
The Fatherless Society.
Without God and fathers, society becomes a mess of undisciplined brats, without differentiating structures in civil society (except for the totalitarian society).
Although we hear endlessly about patriarchal society, most fathers now feel useless & redundant in their own family. They have not authority over their wives nor their children, and this is all legally embedded. Fewer & fewer young men are interested in supporting a family, and the women would rather “have fun” and pursue social work type careers & management to “help” all the troubled children that only immigrants are having.
It’s an interesting coincidence but back in 1922 when Lenin was naively attaching Novorossiya to the Ukraine, my own little island of Ireland was being forced to accept the 1922 Treaty by the Britz after a 5 year War of Independence. This treaty copperfastened the partition of the country and the establishment of two reactionary states, which is what the duplicitious Britz wanted in order to keep control of the industrial north and maintain an unbroken foothold in Ireland. It provoked a bloody civil war in the south between the Free Staters, those who accepted the Treaty and Anti-Treaty Republicans in Sinn Fein and the IRA who were determined to fight on to free the north. The Free State army was made up mainly of demobbed British soldiers i.e. Irishmen who formerly served the British crown. The Britz provided the fledgling Free State army with guns and artillery and loaned it two Scottish regiments. The civil war of 1922-23 lasted only 10 months but it was savage and left a deep rift in Irish society and politics that lasted well into the 1990s. Free State soldiers committed several well documented attrocities, they tortured and murdered IRA prisoners and the Free State regime judicially executed (murdered) Republican political leaders. To myself and others the modern “Irish army” has no legitimacy because it usurped the the Irish Republican Army in 1922. But while all this mayhem was going on in the 80% of Ireland that was free of British occupation the Irish nationalists living in the Northern state run by British colonials and ardent unionists were subjected to violent pogroms. This is where I see the parallel between the plight of the beleagured ethnic Russian people in The Donbass and the Irish nationalists/Republicans trapped in a British armed and supported anti-Irish state. My heart goes out to the Russian people in Ukraine who are under attack by the scum of Ukraine the neo-Nazis the ultra-nationalist Ukies and the illegitimate NATO tools in their armed forces.
The struggle of the Irish against Anglo-Saxon occupation of the British Isles is one of the longest ethnic conflicts in history; it goes back to the first Germanic invasion of Britain around 500AD. Best wishes for the future; the electoral triumph of Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland is a good portent. May you unite Belfast with Dublin as Russia will unite Kiev with Sebastopol!
While the divide between Northern Catholics and our Southern counter parts is not as wide as the Northern Protestant Catholic divide, it does exist, and Nationalists might have something to say about reuniting. Never mind the Unionists and Loyalists.
And Dr, have you ever met a rabid Unionist from the North, have you any idea how many N Irish Catholics will die in the after math if such were to occur.
England pays handsomely to keep the Northerners on the Dole there’s still a few hundred years worth of payments to collect. Maybe once the bastards are bankrupted.
Cheers M
Although the mood was somber, sad even, this is a thought provoking piece. Watching the Western European world walking towards disaster with eyes wide open – and few appearing concerned – reminds me of St Paul’s prophecy in 2 Thessalonians: “They refused the love of truth, which would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.”
Gonzalo Lira thinks the elite recognize we’ve entered the end game… and are plundering what remains of the world’s wealth while they still can.
Kiev should be taken out of Ukraine. Ukraine will lose the River Dnieper. To keep the border short, Jytomyr and Vinnytsia should also be taken.
IMHO, the issue here is between the globalist bankers in the West and the nationalist politicians.
Trump was an example of the latter, hence he was cheated at all costs.
I think the USA will do just fine, it is based on some very noble concepts and most Americans truly believe in them. All we got to do is get rid of that European Yoke again. An American Revolution Part II. We are resource rich, so we don’t need anyone else. We could be great friends with Russia very easily. But we got to stop this constant state of hegemonic war mongering since the 30s (look at how Japan got treated in the 30s).
Europe? I dunno. They seems to be brilliant in some things but really screwed up in others. They sure need a battle every so often.
Russia is not a threat to The Empire, China is. Specifically, China under the leadership of the Communist Party–which governs under the flexible, very practical, notion of “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.” The “degeneration” of Western values is the apotheosis of profit–the fundamental engine of Capitalism. Its logical outcome is the commodification of everything–hence spiritual decay. Under the moniker “spiritual” I include Humanism–the development of of the fullest human potential: art, science, literature, and music, along with compassionate, respectful human relations. The notion of some pre-modern spiritual world is absurd. The pre-modern world was one of serfdom, poverty, slavery, widespread illiteracy and a few privileged, indulgent, aristocrats–supported by a religious edifice. Without China at Russia’s back, the Special Operation would be a joke. The rebirth of civilization is possible due to the unprecedented social and economic success of China. The fundamental dynamic of this civilizational conflict is outlined by Michael Hudson, no stranger to The Saker, in his many books and articles.
Your progressive analysis is to say that the world is continually moving towards its perfection is Kantian and fallacious, the current crisis refutes that every past was worse than the present without falling into Adamism either (Tendency to start an activity without taking into account the progress that has been made before.)
The West is in ruins for abandoning Christ, Russia has not and that is its strength.
No disrespect intended but…
US unis are very poor quality and incredibly overpriced.
Even the Ivy League or UofC schools.
It seems you are basing your beliefs on the situation from 30-40 years ago.
One of the UCs, the University of California in Santa Barbara, has had 6 Nobel laureates since 1998. UCLA must have more. That’s one Nobel laureate every 4 years. A physics teacher from there won the Nobel prize in physics 8 years ago. It’s a privilege for a student to go to a school like that. There are few universities like that in the world, and from the campus it’s a short walk to the ocean.
The fact is though that this western external attack on Russia outside their borders will in fact see the opposite happen – of an internal implosion within their own borders.
And given the current state of affairs it can only be a good thing.
Long overdue.
The wicked & corrupt ruling elites time in the west is about to end.
See the book by author Robin de Ruiter PAVING THE ROAD TO HELL – THE 13 SATANIC BLOODLINES. Original published in 1989 in 5 volumes in Mexico by Ediciones Paulinas.
God Bless