By Jimmie Moglia for The Saker blog
Men judge by the complexion of the sky, the state and inclination of the day. Yet, to the perplexed observer it was difficult, in 2013, to guess what Pope Bergoglio was up to. For one, the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI was puzzling. After all, the last Pope to resign, 719 years earlier, was Celestine V, five months after his election, in 1294 AD.
Celestine V was a monk who disliked publicity and crowds, and there is evidence that he did not want to be elected in the first place. For, after his election, he promptly issued an edict confirming the right of a Pope to abdicate. His successor, Boniface VIII, annulled all Celestine’s other edicts but the one about abdication. He then imprisoned Celestine in a castle, to prevent him from being elected by others as an anti-pope.
It was a time when competing clerical parties elected a different pope, each calling the other the anti-pope. Eventually there were simultaneously three of them, an issue finally resolved by the Council of Konstanz in 1414-1418. Those interested may watch the related video I produced
Historically, the multi-pope emergency mirrors the US Cabal declaring the puppet Juan Guaido’ as ‘legitimate’ president of Venezuela, and biting their lips for having failed, so far, to carry out their coup in Caracas.
In his ”Divine Comedy”, Dante Alighieri positions Celestine V in an anti-chamber of Hell, and refers to him as “he who made for cowardice, the great refusal.” (“Colui che fece per viltate il gran rifiuto!”).
Dante is actually even more unkind towards Celestine’s successor Pope Boniface VIII, a Dante’s contemporary. He anticipates Boniface ending up in the eighth circle of Hell, among the avaricious and the practitioners of simony. They – each of them – live head-down in a hole, unable to see what is happening outside. Their feet burn in eternity, thanks to a type of high-performance, high-temperature, long-lasting cooking oil.
One such hole hosts a previous simonizing Pope, Nicholas III, who, hearing noises but unable to see, thinks that Dante is someone else and asks, “Are you here already, Boniface (VIII) ?” Dante used this escamotage to predict the after-life destiny of the simonizing Boniface, still alive when Dante wrote the Comedy.
By the way, Boniface VIII also launched the first Holy Year (Annus Sanctus) in 1300 AD, seen by apologists as an instrument to fortify the Church, and by critics as a marketing tool to extract fees from pilgrims, in exchange for a plenary indulgence.
As for Benedict XVI, there is a consensus that he did not resign out of cowardice or physical impairment. In fact, he still active and regularly writes articles on various theological, ethical and church-related issues. More on this later, using information recently gleaned by some Catholics, dismayed at the current directions and mutations in the Catholic Church.
Many consider the transition from Pope Ratzinger to Pope Bergoglio as a watershed in the Catholic world. Namely, the conversion of the Church from a bastion of resistance against the antichristian powers of capitalist globalism, into an organization that embraces it.
Bergoglio’s message seems to exclude, or at best to marginalize, the sense of the transcendent, which is at the root of Christianity and of Greek inspired philosophy, while opening the church to the nihilistic mentality and mode of being of the current globalist, hyper-capitalistic, market-driven civilization – founded on the principle that there is no happiness but in opulence.
Pope Bergoglio has admitted to have doubted at times the existence of God. It is a doubt that many may have or may have had. But pronouncements by authority influence millions. His words are not likely to ease the doubts of the cautious and the terrors of the fearful. Therefore making both the cautious and the fearful suffer the whips and scorn of time, and rather bear the ills they have than fly to others that they know not of.
Along the same line of thought, I heard some nihilists waiting for a Pope to declare, from St. Peter’s balcony, something like this, “Ladies and Gentlemen, it was all wrong. From now on, see which way things go and adapt yourselves to the rough torrent of occasion.”
Bergoglio hasn’t gone that far, but given, for example, his undisguised acceptance of what until recently was called sodomy, it would seem that a Catholic can be morally corrupt as long as he is politically correct.
By ‘undisguised acceptance’ I mean and apply the principle that a picture is worth a thousand words. Among various instances, the Pope’s hearty welcome to a homosexual ‘married’ couple, his walk hand in hand with a notorious homosexual, and his frequent hints at the need of ‘modernization.’
I referred to the church as opening to a nihilistic mentality. There are various degrees and types of nihilism (from the Latin ‘nothing’). The philosopher most associated with nihilism is Friedrich Nietzsche, for he helped shape and define the concept – namely that nothing in the universe can actually be known or communicated.
The idea leads to a cosmic pessimism, where all is nothing and nothing is all. Consequently nihilism acts as a corrosive force, destroying eventually all religious and metaphysical convictions and moral constructs. Oswald Spengler described the problem in his “The Decline of the West.”
In some ways, and I owe the association to Italian philosopher Diego Fusaro, Bergoglio is for the Church what Gorbachev was for Communism. Gorbachev thought that ‘Perestroika’ would restructure Communism, whereas it killed it – ensuring, at least for a while, the transition from the old communist world to an individualistic, nihilistic civilization of American-style consumerism.
There are extant symbolic images of this remarkable transformation. In 1990, in the Red Square and surrounded by the party’s and army’s nomenklatura, Gorbachev watched the military parade commemorating the October Revolution. Not long later he appeared as a comic consumer protagonist in a TV advertisement of the Pizza-Hut franchise.
On the other hand, already in 1990, Gorbachev’s economists had forged the “400-day Plan,” aimed at massive privatization of the Soviet economy, eventually ending in the pre-Putin-era apotheosis of Russian chaos.
In summary, Gorbachev took up the mission of burying, on behalf of anglo-zionist capitalism, the old historical Communism – and his task of destruction, Gorbachev orwellianly called reconstruction (Perestroika).
Like Gorbachev with Russia, Pope Bergoglio’s Perestroika aimed at reconstructing the Catholic Church, after Pope Benedict’s puzzling resignation. But Perestroika, for Bergoglio, meant making Catholicism compliant and consonant with the times, by a program of massive de-sacralization, the spiritual equivalent of privatization in the lay world of economy and business. In practice, he turned the Church into a servant of the new Masonic world-order in stars and stripes.
Readers may know of the recent Amazonian Synod during which various ‘Pachamama’ idols of Amazonian tribes were introduced in Roman churches, to signify a uniformity of purpose in all religions. What is the connection? The new world order aims at converting the world into a unified border-less plain, where goods and merchandize flow seamlessly, along with men turned into merchandize. That is, men looking for goods with the lowest cost, and goods looking for men willing to produce them at the lowest pay.
Sounding the bottom of the earlier times, it is worth observing that both the Communists and the Vatican – though nominally enemies – acted as a brake against the Thatcher-Reagan, ostensively-pioneered new-world order, and as a restraint against the nihilism and the pan-merchandizing of souls, which is the essence of neo-liberal globalism.
And with the easy knowledge of the aftertimes, Pope Woityla, the predecessor of Benedict XVI, only saw in Russia the ideological and concrete embodiment of materialism. That is, Woityla’s notorious hatred of Russia overwhelmed his possible perception that, in different but complementary ways, both Russia and the Vatican acted as a defence line against the nihilistic, hyper-materialistic, currently-extant new world-order.
Bergoglio is a relentless promoter of human trans-migration from third world countries into Western Europe and America. And he actively promotes massive miscegenation of European women with third-world males.
In fact, according to very recent information, the Italian Episcopal Conference has just allocated 30-million Euros for a campaign called “Free to Leave,” financed out of the tax Italians pay, since 1984, for the maintenance of the Church.
The agency SIR (Religious Information Service), which launched the initiative, calls the campaign “a window on the world, the mirror of a commitment to defy indifference”. The project aims at sensitizing the Italian population on the topic. And, at the same time, to implement concrete projects in the countries of departure, “to facilitate migration (into Italy) from countries where women and children flee from wars and hunger.”
It’s almost like reading news in print from a plausible Vatican CNN. For in our times of post-truthfulness, even the seventh commandment has gone the way of all flesh. Any observer of the boats steeped with migrants, landing in Sicily and elsewhere, will notice among them an overwhelming majority of lusty and apparently very well-fed young males.
So far, Bergoglio has stopped short of validating forced inter-racial-marriages, as advocated (or threatened) by the Talmudist Sarkozy, who, when president of France, declared that French people must change, that there will be dire consequences if they don’t, and that not to racially intermarry threatens the survival of France.
Here are his actual words, which may be wise to remember, should we in time forget them, under the onslaught of media rumor, on whose tongue fake news and slanders ride, stuffing the ears of men with false reports.
“What is the final goal? – asked Sarkozy – it is going to be controversial. The goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding – the challenge of racial interbreeding that faces us in the 21st century. It’s not a choice it’s an obligation. It’s imperative. We cannot do otherwise. Or we risk finding ourselves confronted with insurmountable problems. We must change, we will change.”
Supporting Sarkozy’s not-so-hidden threatening message, are/were the words of Ms. Barbara Spectre, a big wig among European Jewry, who said as follows,
“At this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re going to be part of the throes of that transformation which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic society that they were. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation Europe will not survive.”
A naive reader may ask Ms. Spectre whether the same principles should or should not apply to the Jews. But I would advise him not to pose the question, to avoid being labeled as an anti-something.
All this, by the way, also precisely fits with the predictions of the founder of the European Union Coudeneuve-Kalergi. Whose yearly Kalergi Prize was conferred on Pope Bergoglio in 2016 – honoring “Europeans who have excelled in promoting European integration” – read mass illegal immigration.
In this context, it is worth mentioning again some key predicting sentences from Kalergi’s major opus, “Practischer Idealismus.” Where he says that, “The man of the future will be a mixed breed. Today’s races and castes will fall victim to the increased overcoming of space, time and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its features to the ancient Egyptians, will replace the nations (that have) a diversity of personalities.”
And he added that to govern this Eurasian-Negroid race would be the best of the Jews, who, in turn would intermarry with the best of the European nobility. For the Jews – Kalergi says – are “consanguineous individuals, whose strength of character and acuteness of mind” (page 28) predestines them to become “the race of the spiritual leaders of Europe,” the “emissaries of spiritual nobility,” holders of a “superior spirit, a race of masters (Herrenstrasse, pages 49 to 41), the “chosen people”.
Finally, on pages 55->57 we find that “The union of men and women, holders of noble titles, will be free. Inversely, people of inferior worth will content themselves with mates who are their match. Therefore, the erotic style of lower grade people will be free love – that of the elect will be free matrimony. The nobility of the future will emerge from the divine laws of erotic eugenics (sic). And here, in social eugenics, lies the highest historic mission of the European new nobility.” (The quotes were a literal translation of the German original, found in a book by Italian Writer, Matteo Simonetti, titled,“Kalergi – The imminent disappearance of the Europeans”)
An insurmountable problem
To be fair to Pope Bergoglio, the Catholic Church and the world are facing – and readers may agree – an almost insurmountable problem, the unrestrained world population growth, notably in third world countries.
To promote restraint in reproduction violates (or violated) Catholic principles. To promote unlimited reproduction fuels an unquenchable fire that will consume itself, though only after having consumed the world.
Nevertheless, unlimited population growth dovetails with the myth of endless capitalistic expansion, with the annexed idolatry of the invisible hand of the market, and with the very visible promotion of unrestrained consumerism.
Many believe that consumerism is the son of advertising – it actually isn’t. The explosion of advertising follows from a value system in which man identifies himself with the objects he owns – though, in reality, these objects own him.
Ultimate globalization is the natural and inevitable sister of unrestrained competition for ultimate power, in which all is allowed, beyond all ethics, let alone morals. And before the world-wise skeptics say that this is taking bird bolts for cannon bullets, I would invite them to meditate on the exploits of US foreign policy in the last 30 years.
Equally, if a certified nihilist says, with an air of wisdom, that “it has always been this way,” and that human nature cannot be changed, he may ask himself why there was a Greek philosophy and why Christianity developed. Indeed, many consider Christianity but a footnote to Plato’s intuitions and an extension of Plato’s thought, made popular by the Church by making it understandable by the masses.
On the subject of population explosion, Italian writer Italo Calvino said, “Bringing a child into the world makes sense if this child is consciously and freely wanted by the two parents. If not, it’s an animalistic and criminal act. A human being becomes such not by the random occurrence of certain biological conditions, but by an act of will and love on the part of others. If not, humanity becomes – as to a large extent already is – a stable of rabbits. But it is no longer the “rural” stable, but a “battery” breeding in the conditions of artificiality, in which it lives on artificial light and with chemical feed.
Only those – man and woman – who are one hundred percent convinced that they have the moral and material possibility not only to raise a child but to welcome him as a welcome and beloved presence, have the right to procreate.”
Calvino wrote this in the early 1980s. In the meantime the world has added at least 2 more billion humans and the growth curve is almost vertical.
Calvino’s reference to battery breeding and artificiality frightfully mirrors the consequences of overpopulation in agriculture, which follow from the need to feed the growing billions. Namely GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and battery grown (actually tortured) animals, kept alive under artificial light and stuffed with antibiotics.
In these circumstances, it would seem that Bergoglio’s solution of the dilemma is to pretend that it doesn’t exist. Or rather, flooding the Christian world with billions of third-world humans implies or suggests Bergoglio’s questionable expectation that the (human explosion) problem will spontaneously resolve itself.
He said deprecatingly, “When the desire for communion, inscribed in man and in the history of peoples, is denied, the process of unification of the human family is opposed, which is irresistibly progressing through a thousand adversities. The Mediterranean has a particular vocation in this sense: (it is) the sea of the mixed-breed. The purity of the races has no future”.
It’s no surprise then that Bergoglio is bitter against those whom he calls “populists” and “sovereignists.”
In a very recent speech he compared populists to “those who lived in Germany in the 1930s.” It’s actually a lively current idea, whereby anyone who airs views opposite to the neo-liberal ideology and to the Bergoglio-inspired new Catholic Church is actually a neo-Nazi, a fascist, or both.
The principle has been given a Latin name, “Reductio ad Hitlerium,” [amalgamation to Hitlerism] by a brilliant Italian philosopher, Diego Fusaro, to whom I am also indebted for having brought to popular attention the parallel between Gorbachev and Pope Bergoglio.
Bergoglio and the Council of Florence of 1494
There is a curious historical resonance between Bergoglio’s ‘modernization’ of the Catholic Church, and the events that occurred in Florence, Italy in 1439. When the Council of Florence, however fleetingly, ended the schism of 1154 AD, between the Catholic and the Orthodox Church.
Actually the Byzantine emperor John VIII Paleologo came to Florence to solicit an alliance with the European Christian powers, to help him fend off the advancing and threatening Turks. He failed in his quest and Byzantium capitulated to the Turks in 1452, bringing the Eastern Roman Empire to an inglorious end.
John VIII brought with him to Florence an interesting coalition of curious characters, one of whom was George Gemistus, the greatest scholar in the Byzantine delegation. Another was Scholarius, a scholar, as his name implies, who wrote about the Council.
Ruling Florence at the time was the Medici family, via its head, Cosimo de Medici, son of the founder of the Medici Bank. With the resurgence of trade and manufacturing, the Medicis had to face the same quintessential challenges of expanded trade, namely competition. To confront which, the first immediate expedience (like then, like now), was to reduce the cost of labor.
Equally, however, labor practices could not (then) openly violate Christian laws, among which was the prohibition of usury. In fact, in his Divine Comedy Dante places usurers in the third circle of hell, along with blasphemers and sexual deviants. Usurers sit on burning sand, while a constant fire storm makes the sinners cry in pain, while they try to protect themselves with their hands from the raindrops of fire.
To the question ‘how does usury help workers if their earnings are not enough to survive from one payday to the next?’ the answer (then and now) can be found in the usurious industry of payday loans.
Incidentally, for many scholars usury is the theoretical and practical foundation of capitalism. To quote the German economist Werner Sombart (1963-1941), “Capitalism is the philosophical and political sanctification of usury.”
Hence, the Medici family had to invent other schemes to reduce the cost of labor, such as, for example, the gradual debasement of noble metals in the coins used to pay workers.
Some time before Cosimo, the conditions the working class had deteriorated to the point of causing the so-called ‘Ciompi’ rebellion. The rebellion was put down, but the event left lingering effects on the Florentine population. And Cosimo, a bit like Bernie Sanders today in the US, proposed himself as the “prince of the people”.
Cosimo wanted both riches and heaven too. To us, methodically exposed to theoretical religiousness and practical atheism, Cosimo’s objectives seem to blend superstition with ridicule. Still, unwilling or unable to practice usury, Cosimo called in the Jews to Florence, where they willingly took up the challenge.
However, the measure did not resolve an underlying fundamental issue, namely how to make money on money. To us, its existence, centuries after it was deemed an issue, is now unthinkable as the practice is taken for granted.
Enter George Gemistos. Though he came to Florence as a theologian, Gemistos was actually a pagan and an admirer of the late Roman emperor Julian the Apostate. Gemistos had a devotion to the Sun, an admiration for alchemy and a penchant for astrology.
Gemistos greatly influenced Cosimo by suggesting to him that pagan culture was not incompatible with Christianity, including the pagan side of economics. To connect Cosimo’s conversion to pagan (capitalistic) economics with the nihilism of the new world order, we can use the modern language of Nietzsche, eager to adopt the economic side of paganism (as he was of its sexual). Meaning an unlimited license to exploit the worker. He wrote, “It is stupid that there is a worker problem in the first place, certain things one does not concern oneself about… We now propose an abiding truth: slavery is part of the essence of culture… anyone who is weak ought to be given a shove so that he will go down faster.”
In other words, Gemistos converted Cosimo into an ante-litteram Nietzsche’s follower. Nietzsche’s philosophy also explains concisely the rejection of what is/was called the moral order. For Christianity injected moral order into spheres where otherwise the stronger could exploit the weaker at his pleasure. And this the early 1400 humanists, and the capitalists of every following generation, found repugnant.
Whether Pope Bergoglio has seen a connection between the new large-scale mercification of the world and the global implementation of Nietzschean principles – thanks to third-world human deportations and miscegenation – I know not. I leave it to the readers to draw their own conclusions.
The Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI
Now – briefly returning to Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation – a frondist movement, born among some American Catholics, has made available new related and relevant information. The plot is intricate, and I must confine its description into a sketch. But the protagonists almost mirror in real life the characters of the board game Clue: Mrs. White, Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock, Professor Plum, Miss Scarlet and Colonel Mustard, or their clerical equivalents.
The unraveling began with an open letter by Cardinal Vigano’ – earlier Ambassadors of the Vatican in Washington DC – addressed to Pope Francis about two or three years ago.
Originally, Pope Benedict XVI had appointed Cardinal Vigano’ to review the books of the Vatican Bank. Vigano’ found the books in disarray, but further to the auditing, about 50 million Euros were recovered.
In the meantime it came out that some prelates in the US were involved in, or accused of, homosexual acts or predations – the most (in)famous being Cardinal McCarrick.
Benedict XVI ordered Mc Carrick to leave the seminary where he lived in Washington DC, not to celebrate Mass in public, not to participate in public meetings, not to give lectures or travel. He was advised to dedicate himself to a life of prayer and penance.
But apparently the order was not carried out, and/or it was reversed by Pope Francis. In fact Vigano’ was surprised to find McCarrick in Rome, ready to leave on a diplomatic mission to China on behalf of Pope Bergoglio. For the record, following the open letter to the Pope by Vigano’ (and associated widened public awareness), McCarrick was eventually defrocked.
Furthermore, prior to his resignations, Benedict XVI had assigned three cardinals he could trust, a Spanish, a Slovak and an Italian, to conduct a secret investigation regarding financial malfeasance and moral corruption inside the Vatican.
The cardinals compiled a 300-page dossier, and delivered it to Pope Benedict XVI on December 17th 2012. The dossier documented deep financial and moral corruption – allegedly “describing Cardinals dressed in drags, with lude details given by Roman male prostitutes.”
The conclusion of the dossier was that financial irregularities were linked to moral irregularities and homosexuality, practiced inside the walls of Vatican City. Reportedly, when Pope Benedict XVI read the dossier he felt he did not have the strength or the power to reform. Shortly later he formally announced his resignation.
Differences between Gorbachev and Pope Bergoglio
I spoke about similarities between Bergoglio and Gorbachev. But there are/were differences. Gorbachev was inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity. He uttered interminable sentences, pregnant with words and often barren of meaning – at the end of which it was difficult to make sense of what he had said, other than perceiving that it was trivial or elementary. It must have been excruciating for the interpreters, and we may forgive Gorbachev for ignoring Alexander Pope’s famous lines, “Words are like Leaves; and where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”
Yet, with Gorbachev’s verbal externations, it was a case of life imitating comedy. As when, in perhaps the best among British comedies, [“Yes Minister”], Sir Humphrey Appleby, head of the Civil Service wished a Happy Christmas to Mr. Hacker, then Minister of the Interior,
“I wonder if I might crave your momentary indulgence in order to discharge a, by no means disagreeable, obligation which has over the years become, more or less established practice within government circles as we approach the terminal period of the year, calendar of course not financial. In fact, not to put too fine a point on it, week 51; and submit to you, with all appropriate deference, for your consideration at a convenient juncture, a sincere and sanguine expectation, indeed, confidence; indeed one might go so far as to say hope, that the aforementioned period may be, at the end of the day, when all relevant facts have been taken into consideration, susceptible of being deemed to be such as to merit a final verdict of having being, by no means, unsatisfactory in its overall outcome and in the final analysis, to give grounds for being judged, on mature reflection, to have been conducive to generating a degree of gratification which will be seen in retrospect, to have been significantly higher than the general average…”
On a more serious note and to conclude… As outside observers and with our imperfect faculties, we can only wonder at the universal mystery of things. The current prevailing ideology is ferocious and practically nameless. We can call it neo-liberal, neo-liberalism, neo-capitalism, but for the average man it means nothing. For him that ideology is perceived as the actual reality – therefore, it is not recognized for what it is, the will of a few imposed on the life of all others. There is no choice but to accept as irreversible that antagonism and hostility are the defining characteristics of human relations, where citizens are consumers, disheartened and caged in an unnatural captivity, and where the market is the only possible democracy.
And on an even more somber note, Pope Bergoglio, in his drive towards ‘modernizing’ the Church, has exchanged the Gospel of St. John with the Gospel according to George Soros, while openly giving up on discretion being the tutor of Catholic policies. And if with Gorbachev the revolution committed suicide, with Bergoglio we could say, on balance, that the bright day is done and the Catholics are for the dark.
A tree is known by the fruit that it bears.
Let the asp and the adder be undone.
Let the truth of the Living God be restored.
Re: “Any observer of the boats steeped with migrants, landing in Sicily and elsewhere, will notice among them an overwhelming majority of lusty and apparently very well-fed young males.”
I attended a small conference a decade or so ago (St Gallen of all places) at which a guest German professor outlined an interesting set of statistics related to this comment.
1. Firstly, in these non-European cultures, often the 1st son gets to inherit ‘the farm’ (family assets) along with the obligation to support aged parents etc. [rather universal, imo]
2. This results in the 2nd, 3rd, … sons to be caste loose on the world to seek their ‘fortunes’ (and send home surplus) etc.
From memory his key statistic indicated a good correlation between war and number of ‘surplus’ sons. And when only one son left peace almost inevitably broke out.
I would assume many on these boats are not ‘1st sons’ … and their behavior is entirely rational within their cultural frameworks.
As for the comments on racial intermixing. Verging on the ‘blond & blue eyes’ themes, imo. It may well be that an average increase in European male genital size will be a welcomed innovation by Nature (and Her earthly representatives). As for an increase in the pigment melanin; that also has little negative side effects. What is more the issue, Mr Moglia, is differences in culture and the incompatibilities of these (under times of economic austerity and stress).
Lastly, you comment about post-modern Popes “holding hands”… not exactly a universal sign — many cultures across Asia do not see this as homosexual. I for one do not know his intention in doing so. Nor do I really care.
Here is the (in)famous Texas bad-ass, Boy-Bush holding hands and kissing with his Arab man-friend.
“George W. Bush’s Passionate Kisses from King Abdullah” —
Or just google “George Bush holding hands with …”(enter any Saudi prince-ling of choice)” for a whole range.
This issue I think Mr Moglia misses, on this thinly disguised pre-Easter attack from the Orthodoxy, is the whole matter of unmarried men, in frocks, playing with young boys and never seemingly going to prison for the pedophilia crimes — not to mention siring illegitimate children outside the church’s budget. I’m not aware of the many USA cases, however, the case of an Australian cardinal of the Catholic Church, and convicted child sex offender, George Pell AC is one case in point. The whole hierarchy was corrupted.
[And for what it is worth, from my research, the general prohibition (Including Islam) is not homosexuality; but rather sodomy — for obvious pre-HIV antidote reasons.]
Otherwise an interesting read.
You maintain as premise:
“1. Firstly, in these non-European cultures, often the 1st son gets to inherit ‘the farm’ (family assets) along with the obligation to support aged parents etc. [rather universal, imo]
2. This results in the 2nd, 3rd, … sons to be caste loose on the world to seek their ‘fortunes’ (and send home surplus) etc.
From memory his key statistic indicated a good correlation between war and number of ‘surplus’ sons. And when only one son left peace almost inevitably broke out.”
Having been “to sea” in Alaska with Scandinavians, the North Pacific and Caribbean (briefly) and been interested in why other young men (“Call me Ishmael.”) go there….I was under the distinct impression that a thousand years or more ago Norsk second and third sons, not first sons…. were the marauding, raiding Vikings.
In more recent times, rural background second and third sons of Norway and Greece, (another prominent example), with little or no prospect of owning scarce land, and with rocky ridges at their backs……also put out to sea… fishermen….or sailors or ship captains in the merchant marine.
Hence the disproportionate share of global shipping by such small countries. Onassis, Maersk (Danish) etc as well as cruise lines!
Where there is little land and less industry I maintain the same principle applies in Europe……or anywhere else.
And it’s not all bad.
Nor, will I maintain, is the biblical injunction: “Be fruitful, fill the earth…and subdue it.” something to be abhorred in favor of transgenderism and sterility.
As long as the execution of that idea is improvement…..not poisonous destruction. Either ecologically, morally, or politically.
This IS entirely possible, I maintain.
Those who pessimistically reject such a possibility and oppose any material progress for anyone but themselves ( for example, those who hate OBOR and imagine the flourishing of billions of other lives facilitated and enhanced by it to be “a cancer”….) need to confront the reality that their opposition to humanity as a whole moving to the next highest economic “platform”…including venturing seriously into the colonization of space and the solar system and beyond……while hoping to nostalgically cling to the “same old, same old” are, through their lack of vision, at least partially contributing to the evils Bergoglio is a prime example of, in terms of accomodation of Satanism in the Church..
Which leads to a statue of Moloch being erected outside the Roman Coliseum in 2019. The Goddard Tunnel ceremony….normalization of cannibalism, child rape and sacrifice, etc, etc ad nauseum….within the “Elites” and sycophantic hangers on in Deep State institutions.
And much evil besides….and quite “lawfully” so, in terms of Natural Law and Causality!
I doubt very much that primogeniture is practiced anywhere in the world today except in monarchy. It used to be a way to transfer power & wealth amongst the landed nobility of Europe. It was never common outside of Europe, and especially not in agricultural societies that survived by subsistence farming…
The reason Africa has such a large number of young migrant men is probably due to a high birth rate which is a result of polygamy, not primogeniture.
Well, it is a testable/falsifiable hypothesis with suitable sampling and statistics.
Actually, Serbian girl, the reason is that educated young Africans are more exposed to Western media, which portray Europe and America as Eldorados. In fact, a young man is more likely to try his luck in the West when the family can afford the high travel expenses, exorbitant for an ordinary African household: passport fees, cost or air or road trip to the Mediterranean where smugglers are found, then the smugglers’ fees, typically averaging $2,000…
It’s not the destitute peasants’ sons, or slum dwellers (unless drug dealers) who emigrate: they don’t watch Western soap operas, they don’t speak Western languages, and they can’t afford the trip anyway.
On the other hand, those who’ve been to university will know the dangers of illegal migration, and will try legal paths.
So Europe gets the primary and secondary school leavers, mostly with a modest job in the cities…
Yours and at least one other comment here is disturbing me and I haven’t put my finger on exactly why yet.
A large part of this article is about world population, in which I don’t agree that this planet is overpopulated. The entire west, including Russia, is in serious trouble due to the lack of children born. There are numerous reasons for me saying so, but I believe this has been done on purpose. Having said that, male genital size has nothing to do with being able to father children. This is something women in porn movies might be more adamant about.
Your understanding of the observation of the Pope holding hands with someone is misunderstood. The writer isn’t suggesting that by doing so the Pope is exhibiting homosexual characteristics. He is saying that by doing this he is showing acceptance, welcoming those who practice a deviant lifestyle.
Read a little more carefully, Craig.
1. … “not exactly a universal sign — many cultures across Asia do not see this as homosexual. I for one do not know his intention in doing so. Nor do I really care.” The writer of this post leaves it somewhat ambiguous. And Boy-Bush and the “9/11” crowd of ex-camel herders with their gold-toilet seats? My comment was not about holding hands per se. Rather it was about cross-cultural interpretations and complexity.
2. I assume your women in porn industry are paid actors/actresses (or whatever the PC du jour label is). Your comment focuses on procreation. Mine simply referred to Nature and evolution — and of course the Eros principle. Contrary to many popular misinterpretations, the ‘survival of the fittest’ is not about some Ayn Rand muscle show of the strongest (or longest). It is about what ‘fits’ the ‘niche’ (at a species scale) with marginal genetic innovations drifting towards new opportunities. The foot and the shoe, for example. I know that average condoms in Hong Kong are around the 4-inch mark. Plenty of Chinese people make onto the earth in the usual non-miraculous way. I also know that the European sizing is not without appeal to ladies there. I would assume the same or similar principle applies in the European-African ‘fit’ context — i.e., is of a similar nature. But that is ‘secret womens’ business and perhaps best left there.
Basically, one might suggest (at a deep archetype/metaphorical level) that, if we assume Greek mythology applies, then perhaps “Madam Europa” is simply up to her old trick&treats again and off for a Greek holiday in the sun: “In Greek mythology, Europa was the beautiful daughter of a Phoenician king named Agenor or Phoenix. When Zeus saw her, he transformed himself into a bull and approached her and her playing friends. She climbed onto the bull’s back and it swam off to Crete, where she had three sons with it…” (wikipedia).
Perhaps it is that melanin-deficiency under an emerging ‘climate change’ scenario that ‘mother nature’ is working on here. And basically, if the European ‘albino’ males cannot stand up and protect their patch then; ergo, the niche calls the new species. Natural science at work, old chap… And macro-history cycles.
Hope that helps with your “disturbing me” finger find its spot.
[Btw, as Freud is said to have said: “sometimes a banana is just a banana.” If that’s your ‘worry’ point, then perhaps consider seeing a psychologist. If (as I suspect) it is that I mix gravitas with some lite mirth; then, alas, … c’est la vie!]
(original Anonymous at March 03, 2020 · at 7:27 am EST/EDT)
The case of Cardinal Pell is a glaring example of miscarriage of justice and ‘trial by a media’ thoroughly infected by ‘political correctness’. A clear case of ‘lynch mob mentality’. You should look at the case of Israel Folau.
Agreed. Pell may or may not have been a child molester but the trial turned out to be a just of a case of he said this and the other said something else. The two testimonies should have cancelled each other out.
Pell was found guilty because of the way he had seriously mishandled previous child abuse cases on behalf of the church.
Israel Folau should have taken his case to the high court. He had the backing of many ordinary Australians and millions of dollars in donations to help him. His failure to do so let the LGBTI crowd off the hook
By mentioning this hand-holding the author was suggesting a public show of approval for this fellow’s “lifestyle”. Not hinting at the Pope’s “orientation” at all.
It is only in the “Western” world that holding hands suggests homosexuality – or just sexuality. The rest of humanity – including Bergoglio’s Argentina, and even Chile, despite its “Westernisation” – men freely and frequently hold other men’s hands, as do women.
It is all building towards one and only only one ultimate Jewish goal, the destruction of Christ and Christianity. But why? Why do they hate the innocent one who did no wrong and why do they want to overturn Christ and his teachings? And what do the Jews seek to replace Christ and a compassionate merciful loving God with?
Mr. Browning cuts to the essence of the issue. Christ’s teachings { if adhered to } go a long way toward Social Harmony and Human Happiness. Christian teaching of “A life in the The Hereafter” would be the bonus for following Christ’s example while one is alive on Earth. Those Hebrews who rejected Jesus ; and their current offspring { Talmudic Jews } will continue to do their best
{ out of their envy , spite and a sense of their own “innate” superiority} to disrupt all normal Institutions and moral life in order to enslave all non Jews { meaning all other human beings } they hate. Talmudic Jews are ” Wreckers The fake Pope Bergoglio is not a dupe….he is just a diligent and clever Talmudic Agent. Basic common sense tells us that by adherence to Loving Christian Principles….All of Humanity prospers. Those { carved in stone } Talmudic teaching that a Jew should never assist a non Jew { even in a life threatening situation} on their Jewish Sabbath is all one needs to know about the Evil of their so called Faith. Fortunately ; the World is on the Cusp of a “Re Set” of gigantic proportions. This time ; Talmudic Jews will get a big dose of the poison they have been feeding to other people for the past two thousand years.
The evil one wishes only to sever our genuine spiritual connection with God, who, and which, happens to be the genuine spiritual point of origin of both our Mother and Father (spiritually, and in all other ways). If the enemy can accomplish that (through deception and evil), then all who fall to the spell are but chaff upon the wind. That is why.
If our connection with God is not broken in Truth, then the enemy is already defeated.
I’d say ultimately the destruction of humanity, not just Christian humanity. Why? Perhaps just for power?
“Anyone who is weak ought to be given a shove so that he will go down faster,” and be easier to dominate and exploit?
Jimmy, a wonderful article. Contrary to what Anon blow said, I do not believe your article is anti-christian (this is as bad as call you anti-something).
Many suspect that the church, particularly Vatican got infiltrated by the -something elements. Starting with Wojtyła, who was a convert from -something (maybe his father). At the time West Germany (Germany was only a from for its bosses on the other side of Atlantic) was making serious steps at destroying Polish political system. The thought was, to use strongly Catholic Polish population to work with the West. The scheme worked, because as soon as Wojtyła was elected, Polish population became euphoric with it’s nationalist Catholicism forcing SU to elect Gorby, and the rest is history. My nagging thought was, how do you become a pope from second generation convert?
As for Ratzinger, it’s better to resign than lay in a coffin with black fingertips and tongue.
Once again excellent article, and BTW: I liked your video (2015?)
Ecumenism and the interfaith movement. Beware.
If the Catholic church collapsed would that be good or bad?
It would be good, as long as the Jewish church goes first!
All true, but: I am italian myself, and I can tell you that two branches of my family came probably from somewhere Central Europe. Slaves during the Roman Empire, in other words. And three of four were sharecroppers only 3 generations ago, some 600 years after feudalism had ended in our part of Italy. One of the four were mondine (rice weeders), too poor to even eat wheat (they ate corn).
And these slaves and etruscans, completely miscegenated, reconstituted italian culture over time. Of course now Europe, and Italy, is facing centuries of dark ages. But for the Ethiopians and Lybians, which we tried to subjugate with concentration camps and mass killings, this is overall good news. And the church we lose is still the church of simony(itself a form of usury) and the requerimiento, largely unreformed centuries after the facts. Our ancestors lacked the wisdom to steer the boat of their civilization properly.
To understand the motives of Vatican’s rulers, one must ask a simple question: what would satan do?
The Vatican is more satanic than the actual church of satan.
Do not mistake this as painting all catholics with the same brush. I am not questioning the spirituality of every individual catholic worshipper. I can only assume that the uneducated unwashed masses are actually the only lever preventing the Vatican from going into openly promoting pagan gay usury nihilism as the way toward enlightement, better life, and an assortmentn of other such fairy tales.
My disdain for the catholic church was total and I thought irreversible. But, when those priests removed the Amazonian pagan goddess statues from the vatican in secrecy and against the will of the pope, it showed that there are still Christians in the catholic church and they are fighting.
“Along the same line of thought, I heard some nihilists waiting for a Pope to declare, from St. Peter’s balcony, something like this, “Ladies and Gentlemen, it was all wrong. From now on, see which way things go and adapt yourselves to the rough torrent of occasion.””
I am not a nihilist, but anyone who has studied the real history of the Abrahamic religions knows “It was all made up”, and plagiarized from a combination of prior religions and mythology, oral histories, and the hijacking of pagan seasonal festivals to ease the transition among the masses.
The Egyptians, pagans and other sun/earth/moon worshippers had it right.
The Catholic Church created over a millennium of amazing art, architecture and music. I greatly respect that legacy. But in the end a became political and power/wealth control mechanism more than a religion.
Indeed, one of the ‘golden rules’ of life applies:
“In 2013, the Vatican issued financial figures that stated that its holdings of gold and precious metals amounted to about $50 million dollars. We also know that the Vatican Bank, a financial institution that operates a lot like other banks, maintains reserves of gold worth about $20 million to secure its investments.
Gold constitutes only a portion of the Catholic Church’s wealth worldwide. The majority of that wealth resides in real estate, as well as in a portfolio of stocks and other investments that is similar to portfolios held by universities and wealthy individuals. And the art? Well, the Vatican happens to own Michelangelo’s paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and those alone are priceless.”
But the Mormons are way out in front it seems.
Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God: Live Streamed Worldwide April, 27, 2014
The Catholic Church has betrayed Jesus and Embraced Satan; keep that in mind when watching what the “pope,” and the church says and does- black is white and white is black.
The Catholic Church has been Thrown Down.
The Christians of France cannot even protect their churches from being burned down. It’s just Not going to happen in Greece at least not without serious blow back. Greeks know the drill down the years since Thermopolyae
In France, no one seems to “know” just who is burning the Churches because no one is being apprehended.
It may be even worse than it appears. There used to be an Italian American astrologer on Youtube, who put up an analysis of the current Pope’s horoscope a couple of years ago. It seems to have disappeared, perhaps not surprisingly, since it scandalously and somewhat mockingly suggested he is not just covering up child molestation but may be engaged in it himself, along with peculation of Church funds. He suggested that the Pope may be poisoned by his own priests to get rid of him.
However, all this is very mild compared to what happened in the tenth century.
It will be amusing to see if those who accept Malachy’s supposed list of Popes, which ends with this one, are proved correct.
The article goes from “Catholic Church is under attack!” to “First World Europe is under attack!” tone. First, I would argue that the Catholic Church’s values have been corrupted way before Pope Bergoglio ascended to power, and the embracement of “modern” values is just another chapter of that decline. Second, if I wanted to read a “white race is under attack” article I might as well have better searched in other forums. Sure, the author never mentions race directly, but implies that miscegenation is an inherently undesirable outcome. He doesn’t seem to have a problem with migrants…so long as they stay in their places of origin and don’t dare trespass into the first world.
I don’t advocate that countries abolish borders and their own sovereignity. Not in the least. But as long as the economic model remains unchanged, migration will continue to be one of its natural outcomes. I believe it would be Christian to treat and view migrants as humans, not as a pillaging and raping horde. And regarding Catholic Church, it is beyond salvation.
I have noted Jimmie Moglia’s ”flair” for fear porn before and here he comes back to it again. As an Italian, JM should be aware that
a) Italy’s gung-ho imperialist politicians brought about precisely this outcome when they gaily participated in Libya’s destruction. Ghadaffi warned them about it, but why bother?
b) Unless Italy’s birth stats improve drastically, there soon will be no more ”true Italians”, whether the self-pitying sheeple understand it or not.
What are you doing? This kind of sharp comment to a Saker writer does not go with the ethos here. A flair for fear porn? Perhaps your reading comprehension is faulty. And since when do we try to insinuate that because someone is of a certain country, they are guilty of certain things? Are you even sure of Jimmy being Italian?
Less insulting tone overall please in the commentary. Thank-you.
”Perhaps your reading comprehension is faulty.”
Don’t think so. As balzoo points out, there is a strong contempt and fear of Africa and its peoples pertaining to JM’s world outlook.
”And since when do we try to insinuate that because someone is of a certain country, they are guilty of certain things?”
Ahem, I didn’t say JM was guilty of Libya’s destruction or anything to that effect. Only that given his Italian roots and, I believe, his frequent visits to Italy after becoming a US resident, he should be able to connect the dots regarding the changing demographics there. Fair enough?
So, here is the mod rule that must be adhered to: 2) All comment have to be courteous to me, the blog’s author, moderators, any guest author and all the other commentators. You are welcome to criticize and even attack ideas, but not people. You are also not allowed to try something like “you are only saying this because…”. You are not God, so you don’t know why a person writes something.
compare with your statement here.
” I believe, his frequent visits to Italy after becoming a US resident, he should be able to connect the dots regarding the changing demographics there. Fair enough?”
Marginally acceptable. But it took a few before you got here to get one posted. And because you disagree with a writer, that does not mean you can attack the writer.
We have these mod rules to keep this place from sinking into a commenting swamp. Stick to them and you will be fine. Thank-you.
You’re implying that ordinary Italian people are responsible for supporting the war in Libya, which they are not. The same Zionist-Globalists who organised that war are the ones flooding Europe with immigrants now. People who write for this website are already aware that these wars are counter productive and that Europe is run by traitors who long ago sold out to the Zionist-Globalists. The reality is that ordinary Italian people had no more power to stop that war than ordinary Libyan people did.
Well, I am implying that the Euro-trash, Italians included, should cut the self-pitying and dispose of any deluded notions of innocence and/or Western supremacy. Case in point: The 911 fireworks instantly proved the brainrot across the West’s bogus Left/Right ”divide” throwing pity-parties for the allegedly poor little innocent victims working in the very hubs of Western imperial power. Outside the Western heartland and its Eastern European fiefdoms, the attacks were greeted with overwhelming joy and Schadenfreude. Don’t let the Ziomedia convince you otherwise.
Moreover, I just read a few minutes ago about the pathetic fraudster who is the leader of Sweden’s SD party, Jimmie Åkesson. As fitting for a street-smart charlatan who can take the gullibility of his followers for granted, the punk is presently touring Turkey’s border region with Greece handing out leaflets proclaiming that ”Sweden is full”. That will certainly impress his mass base; less so the globalists and that is no secret to him.
Dear Aloi,
I agree with you and the comment below you. Jimmy Moglia is lost . He wrote a very insulting article about Senegal and claimed that the People there were living in faces (poop). The fact that he quoted a true female Hasbara working for the Zionist abomination was totally disrespectful.
Jimmy Moglia is also a hidden Cosmic Malthusian .Italy is own by the Pentagon and the Vatican .
The people who are using immigration as a weapon of war are from the West. Italy contributed to the destruction of the most advanced country in Africa. There are about 800000 refugees from Afghanistan and Irak (not Syria ) in Turkey waiting. Italy and France among others were very happy to play the prostitute role for uncle Shmuel .
Western values like arming Central Asian thugs and cannibals to destroy Syria and call them “Rebels”.
Sarkozy tried to assassinate Hugo Chavez, did all he can to silence Khadafi. France also tried to assasinate Wallid al Mouhallem after he was offered and refused 100 millions US$ by Qatar. Can you imagine that ,trying to kill a foreign minister of a country still a sitting member of the UN. So much for western values ..
“Jimmy Moglia is lost . He wrote a very insulting article about Senegal and claimed that the People there were living in faces (poop). The fact that he quoted a true female Hasbara working for the Zionist abomination was totally disrespectful.
Jimmy Moglia is also a hidden Cosmic Malthusian ”
Really? Go and bring forward the piece about Senegal and refute the argument. Then bring forward the quote that you refer to and refute that. You have no idea of what you say here about hidden cosmic mathusians but anyway, do *not* attack the writer or other commentators Not at all, not even if you think you can. You cannot.
Argue the issue, not the writer.
For the rest read my comment above.
For the interested observers and friends, and as a learning experience, (and yes I know, it is painful), it is interesting to watch these operators write again and again each time reducing the level of invective in their posts little by little, in order to eventually get something through moderation, and get sent to trash again and again. Don’t do that anymore.
I’m losing my usual equanimity with what I consider abuse of this blog, and if that happens, well, consult the mod rules, specifically number 12.
Now, if the message has gone through cleanly and clearly that people that insult our writers and other commentators may be banned very soon now, I can go and sit down over a coffee and read Jimmy’s rich, nuanced and interesting submission for The Saker blog.
Thank-you for dispensing with the insults from now on.
A very thought-provoking article, as usual by this author.
On the subject of human population, the reason Christian churches, “promote reproduction” as Jimmie puts it, is because Christians are monogamous and divorce is not an option within the church. Polygamy is biologically much more efficient at producing human beings than monogamy. In a culture that practices monogamy, it is important to “promote reproduction”, i.e. abstaining from birth control, etc in order to increase the chances of having progeny with the one spouse of your choice.
Preaching about “promoting reproduction” in a society which practices promiscuity and polygamy, is a basically a crude attempt to stimulate population growth. Indeed, it is hard to miss the sexual overtones of the pope’s declarations regarding the “desire for communion inscribed in man” and “unification of the human family”.
An oligopoly can only exist if the “serfs” outnumber the “lords”. The Black Death of the Middle Ages overturned the social feudal order as there were no longer enough peasants left to work. Hence why the Western politicians are now so busy importing “lustful”, promiscuous and polygamous males into the Europe of falling birth rates.
“Polygamy is biologically much more efficient at producing human beings than monogamy.” Richard Dawkins disagrees with you. Regarding humans of course. Because of the very slow development of the human child, having both parents constitute an evolutionary advantage. Having grandparents also. Do you know of any other species where the concept of grandparents exists? There very fact that this concept exists for humans, instead of the grandparents having children of their own, suggests that the human child needs even more attention, than the one provided by parents.
Of course, very rich people can have many babies with many women, but that is not the norm, even by a long shot.
I was only referring to the number of children, not development, literacy, life expectancy etc. Totally agree regarding the importance of grandparents in child development.
Also I used the word “oligopoly”. I meant oligarchy.
”Woityla’s notorious hatred of Russia overwhelmed his possible perception that, in different but complementary ways, both Russia and the Vatican acted as a defence line against the nihilistic, hyper-materialistic, currently-extant new world-order.”
Seriously, I cannot for the life of me imagine any anxiety on his part regarding Western decadence. The Vatican’s own track record indeed sheds light upon the moral fibre of the Latin Christian culture. One is compelled to see the latter’s obsession with Russia and Orthodox Christianity in this light too.
Mr. Moglia, thanks for another great essay. FWIW, your description of the relationship between the, for lack of a better expression, economic model employed by Elite and absolutely everything else is spot-on accurate. Micron realizes that by “whatever it takes”, the human population of France MUST keep growing, even if that means the permanent mongrelization of France (in the bewildered herd, slaving-away-every-day-of-their-lives part of the population, anyway).
It is terrible to witness the human tragedy, watching the whole theater being played continuously, for many many years by the same principals in the school, together with their teachers acting in accordance with their curriculum of Lying. Even if they lost some battles during time, they never lost the war, and they continue their triumphal march despite any resistance from those who are fewer and fewer in numbers and wisdom.
It will not take much time until the principals and acolytes wet dreams will become reality, every resistance will be obliterated, at least openly, the last remnants will seek refuge in themselves, shrouding themselves in silence, retreating from society.
The schools will not be empty, the majority of pupils accept the rule of law dictated by the principals and taught to them by teachers, only the rebellious ones will be ex matriculated being portrayed as dangerous elements as some infectious bacteria.
We are not so far from the introduction of the slogan “one life, one chance” which will become obligatory – for the great satisfaction of many – being a de facto recognition of mass consumerism in accordance with the rule of the stronger versus the weaker. The latter must perish because that is the rule of nature and consequently, the competition between individuals will be regarded as a self-regulatory rule. Isn’t this the essence of capitalism? The democratic values are already being distorted after so many years of experimentation, today we are learning a new type of “democratic values” which are based on lies and all kind of deceptions. The generation born after world war two – still in life – has the capacity to discern, therefore they still have a critical thinking which makes them oppose the new system, making them undesirable individuals for the Establishment. That is why the principals are pushing so strong in backing the new generations, educating them and offering them “liberties” of choice never accepted before.
I’m not going to launch myself in predictions, for what looks grim to me, others may see something brighter on the horizon. Hopefully they will be right.
Aconsejo encarecidamente la lectura del libro de rene guenon el reino de la cantidad.
Yandex translate. Mod:
“I strongly advise reading The Book of rene guenon the kingdom of quantity.”
@Rich hard
Thank you very much for the suggestion !
You must add ‘La crise du monde moderne’ and ‘Orient et Occident’. Available in Romanian: “Criza lumii moderne’ and ‘Orient si Occident’.
Actually Guenon is available on-line, in English.
La marcha de los acontecimientos a los que se ve abocada la humanidad no tiene freno ni marcha atrás.Así esta profetizado por hombres más sabios que nosotros. Que exista el katejon(un hombre,una nación,una idea,etc) no significa que el anticristo no vaya a reinar,solo lo retrasa.Pero si se mira con la suficiente perspectiva ,no cabe duda de que finalmente la luz iluminará todo sin oposición.Paciencia.El demiurgo y sus adoradores no interpretan más que su papel,con o sin su conocimiento.
Pope Paul VI’s stated back in 1971 that the “smoke of Satan had seeped into The Church”
Bergoglio has fanned that ember into a Raging Inferno
It is absolute BS to say that the pope has changed the gospel for George Soros. Because what is most important for the rascal Soros is not any birth control which he actually tries to make adopted.
The american cardinals and various bishops are those who first are miscontent and trying to confront the argentinian Pope.
It was a marvel for this guy when popes were all of Italian circle and birth – the Polish one who colluded with the CIA to outster the government of Poland because it was not catholic, but communist.
Now bergolio says that The US promotes warfare everywhere, Bergolio says that capitalism will destroy the planet and that ‘money is the manure of the devil”.
i am sorry for the author but he will have to swallow the Pope who is not a
member of EUro or american sheeple.
Diego Fusaro might be a brilliant ‘saggista e opinionista italiano’ (too much on the Gramscian bandwagon for some tests), but the formula ‘Reductio ad Hitlerum’ is not his creation. It might be embarrassing, but the formula was coined by… the German-Jewish émigré and political philosopher and classicist Leo Strauss in 1953 in a book called ‘Natural Right and History’ (actually Diego Fusaro refers explicitly to Leo Strauss). It goes like this:
“In following this movement towards its end we shall inevitably reach a point beyond which the scene is darkened by the shadow of Hitler. Unfortunately, it does not go without saying that in our examination we must avoid the fallacy that in the last decades has frequently been used as a substitute for the reductio ad absurdum: the reductio ad Hitlerum. A view is not refuted by the fact that it happens to have been shared by Hitler”.
“For one, the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI was puzzling.”
Not so puzzling if you consider that he was summoned to appear at an alternative common court of law for crimes commited. Read up:
We’ll probably never know the truth…
The consensus opinion is as Moglia suggests. There is so much corruption in the Curia – and in many of the more powerful local church leaders, especially in the US – that tackling it would have required that the pope obtains equally powerful support for any effort at cleaning those Augian stables to get off the ground at all, let alone succeed. No such was available, so that any move would have been countered in such a way as to destroy what remains of the Catholic Church.
But there may be more reasons.
As for what you allude to, these are some of the “weapons” that those rotten churchmen and their non-church associates would have pulled out had any move against them been attempted.
Surely you understand that had there been anything serious in that, resignation would not have protected Ratzinger – on the contrary.
In a world where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, it will come to pass that the poor can no longer consume, because they are broke, hence the disappearance of consumerism and markets. Then we can only talk about survival.The world might look like Wuhan city today, but without Corona virus :
Anyway,much better than in the movie On the beach ! with Gregory Peck.
PS. And the cranes will lift the daily carrot and potato to every window and floor.Inside,people living like in Good Night, Sophie ! by Lino Aldani.
Should be most grateful to be enlightened on what Koudenhove-Kaletgi has done to bring about today’s changing demographics in Europe. Has he covertly sterilized white people? Has he orchestrated the marauding of the planet by the West which is perpetuating the chaos? Has he seduced the West with LGBTQ propaganda?
Bottom line: The abysmal birth stats of the Euro-trash have, for better or worse, convinced the globalists that something has to be done.
A few lines from the book “Unzipped: The Popes Bare All : A Frank Study of Sex and Corruption in the Vatican”, by Frederick Ide, :
“Papal apologists argued that the pope could be judged by no one save God alone, that the incumbent was above the law. Being above the law, and not subject to any law, the pope could break any law. The petrine doctrine became a license to sin and to steal, fornicate and interrogate, condemning others for what they themselves would do, turning the papacy into a pornocracy of vice, violence and vagrancy.” (Pg. 15)
“Boniface VI ruled only during the month of April of 896. Of legendary immorality, Boniface VI bribed the populace of Rome to force the election to the papal dignity, a position he would hold for only fifteen days… Eighteen-year old Octavian… made the graft of Boniface VI pale compared to his own, once he assumed the name of John XII (955-963). Never known or accused of being interested in spiritual matters, his rancorously rancid reign was marked by bribery, corruption, and personal venality.” (Pg. 18-19)
“While other popes came close to the corruption of Benedict IX, the wily pontiff was not equaled or exceeded until the advent of the reign of Clement VI (1342-1352)… Clement VI openly admitted his personal corruption, for, as he argued, without the ability to sell offices, bribe individuals, and threaten others he would not be able to maintain the luxurious court and gorgeous retinue he kept abound himself.” (Pg. 20-23)
“Alexander VI [1492-1503] discovered that he had to pay a steep price for his election… Once elected to the papal throne, Alexander VI concentrated on further enriching himself and his family. He was consumed with an uncontrollable passion for gold and women. Never discreet, Alexander admitted that he could be bought—provided that the price was right, and always in gold.” (Pg. 29-31)
“Boniface IX exploited the sale of indulgences to the fullest. He went so far as to give licenses to sin, with a guarantee that the sin not yet committed was already forgiven. Church taxes… were increased to the point that what little surplus money existed in the tattered purses of the poor was wrenched away for the glorification of the church and clergy that became fat with profits.” (Pg. 51)
[Referring to John XII (955-963)] “Under this pope the Lateran degenerated into a brothel and stable… evenings he spent in drunken carousals and gambling. He drank toasts to the devil and invoked the pagan gods and goddesses as he flung the dice. The monk-chronicler Benedict of Soracte noted that he ‘liked to have a collection of women.'” (Pg. 65)
“John XII raped not only his two sisters but numerous women and small girls who came to St. Peter’s to pray, as well as women on pilgrimage… Three times the synod wrote John XII to appear, defend himself, or face excommunication. Three times John XII ignored the synod’s summons.” (Pg. 108-109)
“John XII and Alexander VI … rank as the most lascivious and human. More interested in play than prayer, ever eager to take bribes and willing to appoint unqualified men and boys to bishoprics… John XII was undaunted about charges of committing adultery with his father’s mistress… As scandalous as the life of John XII was, Benedict IX… had a personal life even more desolate … Not only did Benedict IX turn the Lateran into a gambler’s brothel, but he was especially fond of shockingly entertaining guests by bestially copulating with bears and asses.” (Pg. 115)
The ideology of hatred, in the 20th century, decimated the male Europan population. Europe exacerbated this problem by fighting a “Cold War” on behalf of the AngloZi against USSR; living off borrowed “time” or in this case borrowed (immigrant/guest-worker) bodies.
Financial and/or population deficits will eventually need to be cleared and Europe had no choice but to not only accept but encourage immigrants (50’s,60’d, 70’s) and attract “anti-Soviet” refugees up on-Hollands the 90’s (despite the USSR’s demise).
Otherwise, Europe should have adopted its lifestyle and belligerence against neighbors (aka Russia) which it didn’t do. Maybe Mr. Moglia should look inwards and seek fault within.
Speaking of trying to improve the world by improving oneself; Italian women are not enticed to reproduce even to the replacement level by the Italian men. Whose faulty is the thirst of “blue-eyed blonde beauties”, running away with Big Brown Boy, from South?
This is for the author’s night meditations:
It is a universally admitted catholic principle that “‘every authority derives from God.” It dates back from long time and is part of their theology.
So Jaruzelsky’ s authority in Poland in the 80’s derived from the divine source (it is not me who stating it but the catholic doctrine).
– QUESTION –So why did the POLISH catholic Pope JOhn Paul collude with the CIA, yes themselves, to topple 1978-89 the government of Poland? Actively colluded by the way.
2nd QUESTION: And if NOT EVERY authority derives from God, why did the Same Pope and the subsequent VATICAN heads thereafter disregarded, sidelined and substituted -in a coldly planned manner- the South American
bishops and priests dedicated to the Teologia de la Libertación – theology of Liberation, who all of whom
were FIGHTING directly to oust and take down the washington made South American dictators in the 70 and 80’s? Let us say washington made and Vatican tolerated bloody dictators.
These facts are no fiction, mr Moglia as everybody with open eyes well knows.
Revelation 14:9-12 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
“I heard some nihilists waiting for a Pope to declare… it was all wrong. From now on, see which way things go and adapt yourselves to the rough torrent of occasion.”
Well, Francis actually did declare that, though not ex-cathedra, when he said, in answer to a question: “Who am I to judge?”
The question was on sodomy, but it applies to all other issues on which the church expects guidance from the pope. He has nothing to propose…
Jimmy, you da man!
God, you wield the pen mightily…
Thanks for yet another informative article Jimmie Moglia, written with that captivating flair. Learned a lot as I do with all the articles you have written. It is not only the Catholic Church that has been corrupted, but I believe the church the American leaders ‘belong to’ has been corrupted as well;
And here is Barbara Spectre, quoted above, in her own words;
Dear Jimmie. The world is not overpopulated, just underdeveloped. The future for mankind is in development not consumerism. Perhaps the last living knowledgeable Platonist in the Catholic Church, Benedict XVI, is advocating separate Catholic communities free of neo-liberal degeneracy in the long march to revive the Church after it self destructs. Benedict XVI explains how the Church went astray here: Basically it abandoned natural law. Very much worth reading.