Frankly, Biden’s address to the US nation (the first one in his life) was probably the lamest most clueless political speech I ever heard. And I am not referring to Biden calling Putin “Clutin” or confusing “deescalation” with “vaccination”, I am talking about the actual contents of his speech. I would sum it up as so: we will continue to constantly hurt and humiliate you, we will treat you like a misbehaving 10 year old in need of a good spanking, but we do want peace and good relations. Clearly, Biden has zero understanding of things Russian. But for “Biden” (collective “Biden”, not the confused veggie) does have a plan. What could it be?
I already explained what the US plan for the Ukraine is: to encourage the Ukronazis to attack Russia while not involving the USA in a shooting war with Russia.
How would the US do that? One example:
First announce with great fanfare that the US is sending 2 (according to some version 5!) USN ship into the Black Sea to “deter” Russia, show “support” to the Ukies and give them the feeling that when they attack they would be under US “cover”. This is not unlike what the USA did with Saakashvili in 08.08.08 or what the USA did during the “Prague Spring”. Frankly, this is an old trick the West has used innumerable times in its history. And once the Ukies feel elated from being under Uncle Shmuel’s protection, quietly withdraw your plan to send any ships into what is de facto a Russian lake.
The US is walking a fine line here – they need to egg on the Ukies to attack, but the Ukies are terrified, so they have to give them as sense of “the world is with you!!”, “we will protect you”, “we will fight with you” and then when things appear to be coming to a head, ditch the Ukies and run to safety. Of course, the united West will support the Ukronazis politically and economically (just to keep the Ukie economy barely alive), but most definitely not militarily as that would create a risk of a devastating war which the US+NATO would either lose or decide to go nuclear, which would be simply suicidal.
There is a chorus profoundly misguided opinions in both Russia and the West which now declares that Biden “blinked”, Russia won and peace will now break out. That is a very naive point of view which mostly comes from not understanding the nature of modern warfare and psychological operations.
Again, what some can see as a zig-zagging “Biden” policy towards Russia mistakenly think that since “Biden” did not promise fire and brimstone for Russia that means that “Biden” folded. That is an extremely dangerous misconception and I am confident that the Russian decision-makers see through this ruse (even while they say nothing about it, at least, those in office and, at least, so far).
Putin has still not announced what counter-measures (I prefer that notion to the idea of counter-sanctions, which are symmetrical) Russia will take next (against the US, UK and Poland primarily). I have no idea what the Kremlin might decide, but I do observe very high levels of outrage and determination in the Russian media (both in the traditional media and the Runet). The Russian society is clearly fed up and, again, Putin is facing a mounting levels of criticisms for being too soft and indecisive. I hope and expect that Russia’s response this time around will be much less meek (and, therefore, ambiguous) than in the past. We will soon find out.
The Saker
UPDATE: just as I was posting this, I saw the Sputnik article about the Russian counter-measures. Frankly, I am utterly unimpressed and I believe that most Russians will feel the same way. Of course, we don’t know what is going on behind the scenes and the Russians are under no obligation to divulge what else they might be doing. However, I believe that measures such as closing the Kerch strait is a much better approach. Let’s wait a few days before passing a final judgement on the quality of the Russian counter measures.
What is Lavrov waiting for to announce stronger measures?, he is threatening them but no action yet.
If you unveil them then they should be effective immediately, in order not be taken as empty threats or hot air.
Iread that Russia expelled 5 polish diplomats in reponse to poland’s 3. that is the way.
Yes, I agree.
Here is NATO’s reaction to Russia restricting access to a number of areas of the Black Sea:
“…..On 14 April, the Russian Defence Ministry’s Department of Navigation and Oceanography said that from 9 p.m. on 24 April to 9 p.m. on 31 October, the right to passage through the Russian territorial waters in three regions of the Black Sea was suspended for foreign warships and other states’ ships. At the same time, it was emphasised that the zones planned for closure would not interfere with navigation through the Kerch Strait, in addition, they are all located within the territorial waters of Russia……..”
and Pentagon says its aware of restrictions to the Black Sea:
Yes, 5 Polish diplomats expelled by Russia today:
I think they should expel all polish diplomats.
I agree. Not that they are particularly smart, but they sure as hell are willing to engage in any forms of anti-Russian meddling and subversion. It strikes me as the only possible explanation for them accepting being stationed in the country whose destruction forever remains their most potent wet dream.
Corollary question: What other purpose would seem plausible from Gównopolska’s point of view regarding this lot?
Gównopolska’s political instincts and past record make this quite evident: As Ukraine is collapsing all along the line, they would be sent right there to have Ukronazis make something incredibly ill-advised while at the same time satisfying the greedy hyena’s appetite for land-grabbing — the closer to Russia the better.
I expect Russia to reciprocate each West measure
and include some additional sweeties in the package, in form of punishment for EU, Ukraine, and US.
For example, any essential gas contract in expiration to get renewed only in absolute advantageous terms for Russia, like full advanced payment… This should start to become true now for Ukraine.
Russia was, is and will be evil anyway. Russia’s evilness is based on her existence… Rigth?
So let’s make them enjoy what they have been wishing for so long… They want a hostile Russia, they have it. Time for a change.
Спасибо, Андрей
Mod: Translation: Thank you, Andrey
It’s time for Russia to understand POLAND is a sick society . Be done with them.
Dear Saker
This all seem to go ahead really fast. As you predicted, the Ukranians seem to be in panic mode, which makes sense. As you can see in the followong video, they are now as desperate as to be urgently asking for either NATO membershop asap or at least (!) …nukes…
Oh Lord, have mercy on us.
Nothing will happen. Ukraine will be left on its own, North Stream 2 will be completed, and the West will continue to suicide Itself throurght destructive lockdowns while Russia & China will recover and be stronger As a westerner who fear even more a slow agony than a brutal collapse, I don’t see it as a good news for me, but if the live of millions of Russians are saved if we avoid a nuclear war, it’s still have a positive spin
“Nothing will happen. Ukraine will be left on its own, North Stream 2 will be completed, and the West will continue to suicide Itself throurght destructive lockdowns while Russia & China will recover and be stronger.”
I agree. The west’s largely self-applied elastrator has just about done its job.
The only places where “Russian agression” (read balls) is offensive is on the hair salons of the IMF, EU and DC Congess where the tranies get their hairs cut before competing in women’s atheletics.
Old George Carlin (may he rest in peace) had the previous “don’t ask, don’t tell” USA culture described 100% exactly with his “… fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes every day.” And of course under the theory of vullying, that was exported/projected out into the wider $usd dominions by the hegemon.
But now things have changed under the longer-term influence (actually faux interpretation) of ‘French Theory’ and the postmodern confusions (mainly of identity). Today, a ‘Georgette’ Carlin would screach hyterically in neuted Pelosi tones (to get requisite USA audience attention) somehting like “… fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue clit that’s being jammed up their assholes every day.”
However, the Russians have theor feet on the ground, their own mother soil, and the Chinese are working away at their 2049 long term plans. In the latter case I recommend an insightful 2017 interview with Yukon Huang “Debunking Myths About China’s Economy”
They key relevant comes at the near end — “The power of long term thinking…” [1:03:40] which the Chinese people’s government does in China; and the faux (read industry lobbyists tyrany) non-government (for the 0.01%) in the USA do not do. The only thing chaos can export is chaos.
Ergo, Russia and China have the future advantage (unless there is a back to biology) revolution in those occupied lands between Canada and Mexico. The pivitol policy resolution point is actually in Occupied Palestine, however these days that population are mostly $usd blood-sucking thick-necked ‘Russian’ Ashkenazi 9th-century converts escaped from the USSR farm and desperately seeking some real-world ‘identity’ link with the Iraq religion referred to as Judaism. The Persians have the antidote but it will take an effective working triad (Russia-China-Iran) to administer it effectively. They just need to watch out for flying tampons!
Regarding Carlin and some of his humour I have done a few mixed satirical montages that may provide some light relief for those becoming disheartened or dejected by some of the information from many sources. The montages are mostly of the US side as they are obviously the most divorced from reality.
Featuring Diogenes (Biden), Psaki, Zakharova, Eliot Higgins, Hillary, Bush, OConnel, Lady Macbeth (Pelosi), Candice Owens, Gadaffi, Sanders, Uyghur, AOC, Fox News, Jayapal, Pressley, Warren and Ghislaine Maxwell.
”Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes ”
Mind you, that could be a Russian ”penetration”. Will hardly go unnoticed, LOL.
I guess you are correct here
I think also this general panic now is due to the coming financial collapse
They will use anything to divert from this as they know when people start loose big time there hard earned money they will be hanged from the poles or even a lot worse
So the moneylenders soon will live in total fear
And I’m loving it
“We are watching you and know exactly what you are up to”( and are not amused)…: as communicated by:
When the “take cover “drills come to the subways system in Moscow etc. then we know that events are dire, indeed. Until then the tightening and toughing up are appropriate: NGO’s banned or restricted; Kerch straits closed ,Black Sea monitored , border security heightened etc.–no warship other than those of contiguous countries has any legal right of entry during time of war—and basically, the US has decreed a state of emergency over alleged Russian meddling and Ukraine has issued a “take-back” Crimea statement.
These are not small measures as insanity feeds off insanity and incompetence.
Whatever counter-measures Mr. Putin and the Russian government decide to take we can be sure that they will be very well though out and proportionally adequate. Don’t expect any name calling or demonization of Biden or anyone else.
What really impressed me as an American is the level of professionalism on the part of the Russian leadership. They have no equal in the west.
You are right. The Last Messenger, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said leaders are a reflection of their people. This wise saying sums it up why westerners are lead by scums.
I agree. I don’t know what’s it’s like to live in Russia, but I am impressed by Putin because, at the very least, he appears to be a full-fledged functioning adult. That seems to be a rarity these days in the US.
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris & Co. are extremely dangerous, preponderantly stupid beings on the loose. I don’t presume anything good from them, and neither will the Russians.
We could be looking at the opening stages of a militarily kinetic, WW-III.
Mordor on the Potomac, Mystery Babylon, the Great Whore of Babylon, call the USSA what you will, is capable of any outrage.
We don’t know what the USSA + NATO have flown in on the military transport planes that they have been sending to Ukrainian airfields in recent weeks. I suppose we’ll find out.
Mr. Saker, I think the Kremlin is prepared for anything at this point.
Putin to address Parliament for an important speech on the 21st. Rumors of a new financial system to launch in RU (moving out of Swift to a blockchain based system, dumping of last $UST)
Is the Ukro panic an effort to preempt such steps?
Your question has merit.
The petrodollar is in real danger of collapse for lack of popular demand. If no one uses it, it becomes irrelevant, and the political-military-societal-financial system which is based on it will fail.
The USSA’s military machine is designed to enforce a global, petrodollar system.
As the petrodollar is threatened, how does/will the military machine that imposes the petrodollar’s global predominance react?
As you imply, we may be about to find out.
If I recall correctly, Gadhaffi was moving away from the petro dollar to a gold based currency which caused the US to destroy the country.. As Russia and China talk about moving away from the petro dollar the need for war somewhere will arise. Dangerous times.
Correct. Gaddafi planned to establish a Pan-African currency, the gold-backed “Dinar.” He was cruelly assassinated — under a flag of surrender — and his country destroyed.
Saddam Hussein decided to trade Iraqi petroleum in Euros, not petrodollars. He was killed and his country destroyed.
The petrodollar is a blood thirsty demon, which brooks no competition.
Americans need a collapse of the empire as much as any people in the World. We have plenty of people who know the score (the Saker is of course, one of them).
Time to transition to a new world order, but not without some fireworks! Only question is who is scratching whose back…are all the secret societies, chinese military, Russian mafia, black mobility, white dragon society…in it for more control?
Dear The Saker,
Russia has announced its counter-measures:
“…..The Russian Foreign Ministry has unveiled the Kremlin’s response to the recently introduced US sanctions. The move includes actions against the American diplomatic mission in Russia as well as US officials.
1) Moscow said that both countries’ envoys should hold consultations with their superiors amid the current situation, thus also recommending that US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan return to Washington for this purpose.
2) 10 American diplomats will be expelled from the country.
3) Russia is launching the procedure to withdraw from an earlier agreement allowing diplomats of the two countries to travel outside the cities where they are based.
4) Moscow will ban US diplomatic facilities from hiring Russians and third-country citizens.
5) The Russian Foreign Ministry will also reduce the number of short-term visas it issues to American diplomats.
6) The Kremlin also added eight members of the current and former US administrations involved in the “development and implementation of the anti-Russian course” in American politics to the no-entry list.
7) In addition, Moscow will be banning the operations of US foundations (NGO’s and funding too) – working in Russia with the aim of meddling in the country’s domestic politics.
The list of eight people who have been banned from entering Russia includes six current Biden administration officials: FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons Michael Carvajal, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, and Director of the Domestic Policy Council Susan Rice. In addition to them, the Russian ministry added Trump’s former National Security Adviser John Bolton and Bill Clinton-era CIA chief Robert James Woolsey Jr. to the blacklist.
The Russian Foreign Ministry added that Moscow will respond to each and every “sanctions wave” from Washington. It further said that Washington’s policy of “containing Moscow” is “short-sighted” and risks further deteriorating Russia-US ties.
The Foreign Ministry stressed that the measures it is introducing are “not done by choice” and underscored that Moscow still wishes to avoid further confrontation with the US. Instead, it seeks “a calm and professional dialogue” with Washington, the ministry added….”
Also Lavrov, added further information. More harsher measures to come if the US persist down this route:
“…We also have the opportunity to take painful measures for American business, we will also keep them in reserve”, Lavrov said during a press conference………..Russia may ask the Americans to reduce diplomatic staff levels by 150 in order to meet the number of Russians working for the embassy and consulates in the United States, if the two countries continue exchanging blows. He estimated that Russia hired some 300 staffers to service the embassy and the consulates, while another 150 diplomatic staffers worked at the Russian mission to the United Nations in New York, while the US employed 450 diplomats to work at the Moscow embassy and consulates…….”
4) Moscow will ban US diplomatic facilities from hiring Russians and third-country citizens”
Now, thats one small but excelent chess-like move!
Due to notorious lack of personel fluent in Russian language, US “diplomats” day-to-day routine will be heavily strained, while reciprocal move on Rusian diplomats in US won’t be that much efective.
I wonder, will next diplomatic mailbag for US embassy be full of fresh green cards and passports?
I can’t help thinking that the best description of Biden – of all time – was when Pepe Escobar described him as “the hologram”
Actually it was “crash-test dummy hologram administration”. Very funny, and perfectly apt in my opinion.
If you don’t think most Americans see this, you would be mistaken. Even one of the ubiquitous left-wing comedy shows (Fallon) showed a video of Biden dubbed saying preposterous, ridiculous things (the joke was on the level of a 3rd-grade (8 years old) student, but nevertheless demonstrates something.
I had him as Don Quixote tilting at windmills with Wolf Blitzer as his assistant an made a short video on youtube for my channel which received many views. Though Quixote was a sad hero and Biden is far from that he is similarly mentally challenged and definately tilts at windmills.
“definately tilts at windmills. “
Perhaps of interest
Political weight not even a milligram.
According to Sputnik
– Moscow said that both countries’ envoys should hold consultations with their superiors amid the current situation, thus also recommending that US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan return to Washington for this purpose.
– 10 American diplomats will be expelled from the country.
– Russia is launching the procedure to withdraw from an earlier agreement allowing diplomats of the two countries to travel outside the cities where they are based.
– Moscow will ban US diplomatic facilities from hiring Russians and third-country citizens. The Russian Foreign Ministry will also reduce the number of short-term visas it issues to American diplomats.
– The Kremlin also added eight members of the current and former US administrations involved in the “development and implementation of the anti-Russian course” in American politics to the no-entry list.
– In addition, Moscow will be banning the operations of US foundations working in Russia with the aim of meddling in the country’s domestic politics.
Biden-Obama needs a “Foreign” Incident of several months duration to sidetrack the Sheeples of the USSA from their On Going democRat sElection Coup and 1 Party “Consolidation”.
We in the former USA are on the verge, via preplanned shooting incidents, to create Gun deniability to the citizenship. Then the Great ProgreSSive Leap Forward can commence and conclude more rapidly on a neutered populace.
We are entering into a Great Economic Reset, leading to a somewhat likely 3 or 4 way domestic US civil war. Russians and Ukrainians without the interference of the Deep State USSA would probably find common ground to reconcile and have summer picnics.
The UkroNazi GRU speaks….
“Chief of the Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR MO), Kyrylo Budanov, told MPs, “groupings of the Russian armed forces were deployed near the state border of Ukraine, consisting of two combined armies, two air force and air defense armies, as well as the Black Sea fleet,”.
He added that 28 battalion-tactical groups were put in combat readiness. Among them, 10 battalions were stationed in the Oryol-Voronezh operational direction, 12 – on the Don direction, and six – on the Crimea direction. The total number of soldiers deployed amounted to 89,000.
Budanov went on to report that, since March 18, movement of troops occurred from Russia’s western, southern, and central military districts, as well as of the Russian navy – from the northern fleet. The main areas of massing were the Opuk and Angarsky training grounds in the temporarily occupied Crimea, a training ground near Klintsy in Bryansk region, and the Pogonovo training ground in Voronezh region.
According to Budanov, to date, an additional 19 batteries, a company tactical group, 10 tactical artillery groups, and two special forces units have been deployed to the said sites.
The tactical group of the 12th missile brigade (six Iskander-M short-range ballistic missile systems and the tactical group of the 119th missile brigade (four Iskander- M launchers) have been deployed to Opuk and Pogonovo.
In addition, another such tactical group with four Iskander-M missiles in service is yet to arrive at Pogonovo, Budanov added.
In total, Budanov notes, 47 enemy battalion tactical groups have been deployed in the occupied Crimea and near the borders of Ukraine as of today (15 – in the Oryol-Voronezh direction), 12 – in the Don direction, and 20 – in the Crimea direction.
“Before the end of April, the grouping is expected to be beefed up by another nine battalion-tactical groups, to a total number of 56. We expect the deployment to be completed by April 20,” Budanov said, added that the total number of military personnel will reach 110,000.
Also, he said, in the third decade of April, Russia set up three operational groups: one on the northeastern border of Ukraine, the second – on Ukraine’s eastern flank, and the third – across the territory of the occupied Crimean peninsula.
According to Budanov, a total of 330 warplanes have been deployed near the Ukrainian borders, as well as 240 helicopters.
Intelligence does not rule out Russia’s use of long-range bombers.
In addition, Russia has employed warships and submarines of the Black Sea, Baltic Sea, and Northern Fleets, as well as the Caspian Flotilla, to support their air forces.”
This does not include the forces to be deployed on the Belarus-Polish border, and the Russian – Baltic States Borders, or those on the Transnistra-Ukraine border.
Theodore Roosevelt reportedly said:” Walk softly, and carry a big stick”….
Would seem STAVKA has taken this to heart….
The New York Daily Mirror reports:
“More than 100,000 Russian troops in assault vehicles painted with “invasion stripes” were headed to Ukraine’s border Wednesday, intensifying fears of war between the neighboring nations.
The advancing force includes 1,300 battle tanks, 3,700 drones, 1,300 artillery and mortar units and 380 multiple launch rocket systems, according to documents leaked to the Daily Mirror.
The appearance of painted stripes on Russian armored vehicles headed to the front lines reminded military experts of similar stripes on tanks used by the Soviet army during the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia, the Mirror reports. The stripes are used as a deterrent to friendly fire.”
My guess is this time the stripes are a deterrent to ‘UNFRIENDLY’ fire.
Russia must not corner itself with these, I have to say, ineffective responses to US aggression. History should serve as a warning: the Anglo-Americans have a long track record of using economic sanctions, propaganda, and overt military pressure to leave no other option to their opponent but to attack first and fight for mere survival. The alternative can only be submitting to the hegemon. By not responding to these blatant acts of aggression, Russia encourages the Empire to be even bolder in its strategy to destroy Russia as a sovereign entity. I have long considered the basis for much of Empire’s disdain for Russia lies in its leaders’ lack of fear of Russia. They obviously think they can get away with humiliating and bullying Russia with no consequences to themselves.
Does Russia want to find itself in a position in which it can choose between using nuclear weapons as her last line of defense or accepting Washington as her overlord? It is an extremely dangerous situation. The psychopaths in charge of the Empire need to be deterred and now. They may be a messianic bunch imbued with the notion of their superiority but they have a preservation instinct.
Russia woke up almost too late last time it faced a massive Western attack that threatened her existence. It took Hitler’s armies within sight of the Kremlin to mobilize the country for full call war of resistance, at a terrible cost in human lives. The cost will be much higher, not just for Russia and her people, but all of us, if Moscow allows the Empire to threaten the very existence of Russia as a country.
This is exactly what I have been saying. Russia needs to be proactive instead of reactive. They should invade immediately and crush the government in Kiev. Otherwise the problem will not go away. The only language the US, Israel, and the UK understand is force.
I can’t agree with that. The US plan was to turn Ukraine into a death trap for Russia from the very beginning, hence it would be a mistake for the Russians to walk straight into the trap. Russia has many other means at her disposal to hurt the Empire. I wouldn’t go so far as to pretend I know best what should the Russians do. But I’d say the US is currently very vulnerable in the ME. Perhaps Moscow ought to coordinate an asymmetrical response with Iran and Syria?
You are right. I think President Putin is going to show the West how swift his force and moves will be. Just like 08.08.08 Ossetia/Abkhazia, but much more devastation for Ukraine. NATO forces will just watch with horror. Let it be a lesson for NATO not to encroach further on the Russian bear. And if NATO intervenes I hope it gets crushed. Enough of Western corruption upon the world by anglozionist banking cabal.
No, peace did not break out. Yes, Russia won this round. The whole world watched Russia win this round.
US continues to be flat footed and dim witted. Washington is trapped in the past and trapped in exceptionalism. Russia’s response is quick and agile.Russia has many good options as this continues. US has no good options, does not seem able to locate least bad options.
Ukraine is merely the backdrop for the main action. We should be watching for signs of collapse in that sad country. Keeping a large army in the field for extended periods is difficult, keeping them static in the field is a worst case problem. If US/NATO does something with own forces it will be while carrying dead weight of Ukrainian corpse. Uke army is a limiting factor on West, not an asset. Unless you count on making propaganda from predictable casualties.
Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.
Zelenski has chosen his poison, aka the west. The dosage at this moment in time certainly has a potential to be a lethal one. No matter what he does now, it will not end well for him or Ukraine. His choices now are as follows:
1. Descalate and look weak in the eyes of the Ukronazi resulting in intense pressure to have him removed.
2.Forge forward with a full scale attack on the Dobass and face complete destruction by the Russian military.
3. Resign and leave with his head attached to his shoulders and live a happy life somewhere in zone A and watch the inevitable full collapse of the Ukraine.
Option 1 & 2 carries with it a potential lethal dose.Any wise person would choose option 3. Let’s see what Zelenski the comedian will do.
as soon as the ukronazis start firing, vlad should not hesitate to hit the west’s command centers with hypersonics to show them that this time the russians carry the largest stick. giving military equipments to the ukronazis to kill russians in the donbass is already a declaration of war.
If you are gonna cut the Commies some slack about their response, don’t forget cut NATO a few days too! After all, spineless intellectual worms like the NATO brass will no doubt do something like send troops to….GERMANY! Pretty close to the Dumbass, right?
Hey Garry
“The Commies” have been out of government for 30 years in Russia. Learn some history.
Do I read “Prague Spring” correctly? This is a great trauma and maybe a taboo (partly) for people from the Czech Republic. I would be pleased with Saker’s analysis of the “Prague Spring”. People felt better socialized and then tanks arrived and the development of society was over. But many questions remain open…..
Yes, the West promised the Czechoslovaks full support, but when the Soviet tanks rolled in, the West did nothing.
I have already said that all of this is a Lead Up to a false flag, planned to be much (much!) bigger than 9/11. Repeating this message again for those who missed that comment. World better get ready for it..
Fully recognising it for what it is that they are seeing when it happens, will be a good start.
Katerina, I think your right and it’s likely to be chemical or one of the nuclear power plants. They’ll blame it on Russia. War will be inevitable if that happens. There are messages on twitter from Donbass that packages have been delivered with express instructions not to open or distribute until they receive a pre-arranged signal.
Please put a link to confirm this statement from Donbass. Mod.
Did not make myself clear – the planned false flag which will be triggered – in my opinion, in a not too distant future, will not necessarily be in Ukraine.This time it will not be the muslims that will be blamed, it will be Russia.
Will nuking random German city and blaming Russia do the trick?
The most likely false flag I think will be blackouts that will be blamed on Russian cyberattacks The U.S. has long been building the narrative that Russia has already been conducting such attacks, particularly against U.S. elections, so this will be very credible to those who deny the reality of false flag operations. This will allow the U.S. to try to build a new Iron Curtain between the EU and Russia, without provoking an open military conflict. It will also be used to justify the strong censorship of political dissidents and will serve the need of the cabal to prevent a return to normal as more and more places are ending their coronavirus lockdowns.
What you say is very possible. Possibly against a major North American or Western European target, to be falsely blamed on the Russians.
If the desire by the Deep State is for a general, world war, then it could be quite spectacular as you say, with lots of mortality and property destruction. There could even be multiple such events, in multiple locations.
And then the war cry will go out.
False flag attacks and war are what the Deep State does. They are well worn pages from their dirty tricks playbook.
Katerina says, Fasten your seatbelts it’s going to be a bumpy ride:
Thank you for your response. The “Prague Spring” caused russophobia and today’s hysteria. The minds of our politicians are dangerously darkened. Paradoxically, many former dissidents (1968-1989) stand on the side of zone “B”, including Russia.
A bunch of djihadists from al sham(al quaeda), tatars from Turkey,even ouighours from China who were in Syria Idleb had been sent by Erdogang(+- 500 with 100 instructors), they arrived yesterday. Even some talk on twitter that White Helmets MI6 terrorists are on the front line(chem attack, fake of course as usual)?Ukrop soldiers received a special secret box they can not open for the moment(gas mask?).
Could you name some names that do not suffer from russophobia in our little stinky Czech cultural/political pond? I do not follow our local scene just to avoid nausea. It’s enough to have own friends parroting MSM russophobic garbage. And not mentioning the covid mental virus. Very depressing..
ps: classical cognitive dissonance example: Czechs believe that after the so called 89 “revolution” (it would deserve a long analysis of the behind the scene cadres of old system morphing into the new economical/political ruling class in the con-game of “democracy”) we live in a free, open and peace-loving society. But Russia no matter what is basicaly still Sovet Union under evil KGB dictator Putin. Because, because.. Russia bad!
Hosea 4:6a
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee
It should also be noted that Prague Spring leaders were naive Czechoslovak commies who in fact loved and believed Soviet Union and did not ask West for any help or cooperation as they did not believe any invasion from brother commies was possible. Soviet leader Brezhnev of these time came from Ukraine, AFAIK. Russians were consideres as slavic brothers and liberatos till 1968. A lot of differences from current situation. Strategical skills of VVP´s governement seems on higher level then Brezhnev and current Atlantic “partners” too, however, that is what I agree with The Saker.
“but when the Soviet tanks rolled in, the West did nothing.”
whilst the former head of station in Budapest in 1956 and his associates subsequently accelerated restructuring the KGB in part to dispense with practices of “colonialism” from 1968 onwards.
A lateral change of perspective and scope of this restructuring was facilitated by the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, presented as showing “international solidarity” with an associate, but initiated by a de-capitation exercise.
The intrusion into Czechoslovakia in 1968 was a Warsaw Pact operation of “Socialist solidarity” a.k.a as shared stupidity, not restricted to the “Soviet Union” facilitating in the short term some impacts akin to those outputs contingent on the assassination of Mr. Heydrich on his way to work in 1942.
“the West did nothing.” ?
As Mr. Schoedinger observed – phenomena do not require to be perceived to exist.
Doesn’t Petrov’s defense start with symmetrical movement? Nothing has changed militarily has far as readiness on both sides. This is far from over and real offensive movement can start any time by either side.
First impressions in the superficial west are important. I’m not an expert and I was unimpressed, but Russia has no financial leverage. The west definitely has escalation advantage when it’s come to dollars. They could provide Iran an umbrella but they are particularly sensitive to offending Israelis. Throwing Sullivan out is not enough shutting (like they did in SF suddenly and violently) an embassy
Dear Saker, I read and love your blog since 7 years, but I don‘t agree with your statement in the update.
I am impressed with Moscow’s reaction, in particular the recommendation to Mr. Sullivan to go back home for “consultations”….It seems to me that the Kremlin is now really angry and couldn‘t really care less about reactions/sanctions in the west.
It seems also that the Kremlin is very confident with the situation and is preparing something really big. Washington is short of options now, they clearly set all cards on sort of a Nagorno-Karabak scenario: the Ukies attack and Russia watches and doesn’t intervene.
And now? In my opinion nobody in the west is going to die for Kiev. Better for Kiev if the Russian army does not get the order to clean up the mess in the Donbass area…a final overdue since 2014.
Don’t you understand that Ukraine is to big to be occupied?
Many Russian soldiers would die there.
It is not an option.
Pardon me, I surely did not express myself clearly enough.I am not thinking about the whole country. That‘s a black hole. Not really interesting, not really important. I am thinking about the mess in the not liberated Donbass area, where Kiev uncautiously concentrated the bulk of his army.
It is not necessary to occupy Ukraine….
It is only necessary to control Ukraine….
To control Ukraine, the western border must be sealed to prevent SRGs entering from Poland and Romania.
The UkroNazi government must be replaced by a “National Unity” government.
Fundamental laws embracing Nazism must be eliminated in favor of those supporting inclusivity.
Most of the population is elderly, or very young and mostly supervised by their grand parents. Their loyalty is easily bought with pensions paid on time, and at a living wage.
$$ for this can be found by simply eliminating Ukraine’s weapons industries, modernizing her farms, with China as the Market.
All the large oligarch enterprises can be nationalized into SOEs, and their won’t be that many of them.
The payoff is a critical piece of realestate is no longer a NATO playground.
Ukraine is not too big to be occupied, if Russia really wanted it, and that is not the case. The Russian military would smash the demoralized conscripts of the Ukrainian Army in a matter of days.
The point is that Ukraine is right next to Russia, and Russia knows what is going on in the country. Time is the factor, and Ukraine does not have time on it’s side. The country is both corrupt and bankrupt and it’s days are numbered. When Yanukovich was in power, the population of the country was 50 million. Analysts are now not sure if the population is 36 million or 25 million people. It’s only a matter of time before the country implodes.
“And now? In my opinion nobody in the west is going to die for Kiev…..”
Well one sane Democrat – Tulsi Gabbard was asking the same question on Tucker Carlson on Thursday:
“……..Gabbard said the American people must decide if they’re willing to go to war with Russia on behalf of Ukraine. If not – the rhetoric must be toned down.
“Such a war would come at a cost beyond anything we can really imagine,” she told Carlson. “This is something that will directly impact…every single one of your viewers.”
“It is a war in which there are no winners,” she added……..”
tulsi gabbard is very much controlled opposition. she scrubbed her links to the Atlantic council on her Wikipedia bio. it doesnt get any more obvious than that
So what does that have to do with the statement she has made?
She is ex Military and on this question has made a very valid point – “the American people must decide if they’re willing to go to war with Russia on behalf of Ukraine. If not – the rhetoric must be toned down.” As above – please read the full comments and replies.
The problem is you can’t count on controlled opposition. When you need em, they fold. Like Bernie.
Pabloz —
You’re making false accusations against Tulsi Gabbard — perhaps our of mere ignorance.
A Wikipedia bio for Tulsi Gabbard? Controlled opposition? That’s ridiculous.
Wikipedia is ‘controlled narrative’, dominated by CIA and Bellingcat talking points — and extremely hostile to anti-war voices or even people sympathetic to Russia and Syria. (Do a search for Philip Cross — and “his” corrupt involvement in smearing anti-war voices on Wikipedia.)
If you base your knowledge of politics — especially regarding war, U.S. Empire, and Russia on Wikipedia — you might as well just subscribe to the official CIA bulletin board.
Are you sure you’re not confusing the Atlantic Council with the Council on Foreign Relations?
Tulsi Gabbard is one of the few authentic anti-war politicians in the U.S. — which is precisely why she was demonized relentlessly as an Assad apologist and a Putin puppet. Hillary Clinton denounced her as a Russian asset —despite the fact that Gabbard is a Major in the Army and served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Gabbard also wants to end those forever wars and occupations, and stop U.S regime change conflicts — and that’s why she is hated in Washington.
She’s also called for halting the prosecution of both Assange and Snowden, and introduced legislation for that purpose.
Since Gabbard is a so-called “person of color”, a woman, and a veteran of foreign wars — the Democratic Party should be hailing her to the heavens. But the powerful elite in the DNC and the corporate media revile her as a threat to their wars, the MIC, and their neoliberal Empire.
Unfortunately, Tulsi Gabbard is no longer in Congress. However, she still eloquently speaks out against U.S. craziness — including challenging Biden for pushing a war in Ukraine against Russia. That’s why V was justified in mentioning her.
If she were the President of the United — instead of the senile maniac Biden — there would be no threat of war with Russia.
Please educate yourself on Tulsi Gabbard as she is one of the few sane politicians left in the U.S. You might try listening to her for a start.
Tulsi Gabbard voted to renew funding for Guantanamo.
One of the few anti-war politicians? More like the only one. Senator Tammy Duckworth from Illinois is remarkably similar in background to Tulsi, even lost her legs while piloting a helicopter, yet she is always promoting the “Russia Russia Russia” narrative.
Tulsi Gabbard MAY be controlled opposition OR she may have seen the evilness of the warmongering gang and decided that she had to oppose it and speak out. People everywhere have the right to open their eyes and change their position (say “enough is enough”) and speak out against evil.
Yeah, the sending back of the US Ambassador is quite a new and astounding development, as well as incoming declaration as unlawful, and thus closing them down and sending them back to their country, of any NGOs or “think tanks” dependent/related of/to certain US agencies, plus the declaration of Navalny´s “anticorruption outlet” as extremist organization….
Quite understandable in the current context…
In an scenario of all out war you do not allow foreign saboteurs of any kind and disguise willingly moving freely into your territory…
Russia should also look into shutting down it’s airspace to western commercial airlines. If British airways wants to fly to China or Hong Kong make them go the long way.
No no Ted,
Only for all of the UK/US airlines and for all Western airlines that start from Heathrow – that way the game should be played.
That would actually REALLY hurt western economies, but Russia would also lose a ton of money.
But yes, that is one interesting option.
The Russian airspace has been closed to many airlines for years already. I have personally experienced it flying Norwegian around Russia when flying to Asia, had to fly west of Ukraine all the way down to Turkey and then eastwards. I believe Russia has allowed only one national airline per country. Thai International is/was allowed to fly over Russia always.
Why does anyone, Saker included, expect the Kremlin to do something dramatic in response to the sanctions?
The Kremlin doesn’t give the sanctions a high tier concern. They shrug most of them and welcome many of them because they force the changes in the economy that benefit the domestic sectors.
As for existential threat or geopolitical disadvantage, that comes with what military adventurism the US can concoct.
For that, the Russians are ready and the West knows they not only will be losing within an hour of some attack on Russia, but risk losing 1000-fold.
No one on earth wants to take on the Russian military.
The US has signaled it needs many more months to buildup the forces in Eastern Europe to encourage the lame Ukies to commit suicide and attack.
Meanwhile, for all who want Russia to punch or kick or spit or do something dramatic, Putin will not spill the blood of one Russian soldier before he has to.
Shoigu will invent some new exercises to follow on the present formations along the border.
Submarines will appear in the Caribbean. MiG-31s will demonstrate their prowess in near Space and knock down an old satellite.
The real power and what the US fears most is military, and Russia will use the calm atmosphere Biden calls for to further terrify the enemies of Mother Russia.
Meanwhile, NS-2 keeps closing the gap towards completion.
Russia is in control of the facts on the ground and the psychology of the face off.
I don’t sweat the small stuff Biden and his clown show produce.
It’s a national emergency in the US. Rightly so. The nation is in devolution, shredded by the Liberal Cult and stimulated into near-race war and oncoming civil war.
A senile-bound mind is leading the US. National Emergency right in the oval office.
Dear Saker,
Is there any educated guess what would the Russian answer be if a tactical nuke is detonated on either Donbas or Krimea? Everybody would say it was not them who did it and most probably say it is a false flag for Russia to invade Ukraine as a whole, but the damage in human life would be staggering, especially considering the troops concentration in these areas.
Excuses would be terrorism and everything else under plausible deniability umbrella and Russia would face a choice to either curl tail, burry tens of thousands of men and try to save the world by letting the nuclear attack be unanswered; retaliate in a “we do not need a world without Russia” manner; do something else?
I fear the US might do just this, counting on Russian “sanity” as their only chance for a military success here.
Your comment just gave me an idea about what false flag might be done against Russia:
When the war is provoked in Ukraine and Russia needs to respond to defend itself and/or the Donbass, Washington will nuke Kiev and blame it on Russia. Watch the evil western world escalate things after that.
There is your big false flag @Katerina above.
Exactly. Russia has the situation under control and the situation at the front line will deescalate or will be frozen in the way it looks right now. There is absolutely no need for a harsh reaction to the new US American sanctions. Everybody knows that US America will stay hostile or become even more hostile towards Russia, but regarding the current confrontation between West and East Ukraine it looks US America is going to back off.
On the other hand I totally agree that the world has reached an absolute critical point which needs a constant observation and I am glad Andrei has offered the opportunity to exchange views on his blog and leads us through his view of the development. But there is no need to panic.
Of course in spite of the Russian military and diplomatic response to the West Ukrainian military build-up it is nevertheless possible that either West Ukrainian military and/or paramilitary will start an attack on East Ukraine with or without staging any kind of false flag before.
It should be clear that Russia cannot prevent that.
But let’s do not forget that the Russian foreign and security policy is led by a well-established team of highly experienced professionals who will give an appropriate answer to whatever West Ukrainians and their NATO handlers will do next.
Hi Larch – IYO… Is this war the world is (seems to be) on the verge of, avoidable? At the time it seemed that WW’s 1+2 were – until they weren’t.
The world has a lot more to lose from WW this time round – but does the US? I’d suggest that the US in its “devolution, shredded by the Liberal Cult and stimulated into near-race war and oncoming civil war” is far more dangerous than if it were …. sane, sober and sensible. You see, if they lose if they don’t go to war then what’s to stop them? That they might destroy the world as well? But in the words of one Vladimir Putin …. “What use have we for a world without Russia?” What use have they for a world without their hegemony? A broken split continent of small factions?
The US (after its fortuitous buildup) will be quite content to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian and then sit their backsides and Aegis systems down on Uke ground – how close to Moscow and St Petersburg? Certainly not a situation that keeps Russia safe from invasion and saving the blood of your one Russian soldier might well spill the blood of a thousand Russian children.
What motivation does the US/West have for igniting a World War?
It cannot win that war.
Putin changed the paradigm of WWs.
The next war that comes at Russia will cost the “decision makers” their lives, their bases, their capitals and their assets.
No country on earth can defend itself against Russia.
It will be 5-10 years before the US might have a missile shield.
By then, Russia will have other weapons or swarms of weapons that can overwhelm any shield.
Thus, you die if you attack Russia.
Thus, there won’t be a World War.
There might be a short war of high intensity and massive casualties.
Ukraine could lose 5,000 men in a few days’ war quite easily.
If someone does something stupid to Russia in Syria, they will lose badly.
NATO wet dreams a war of some sort against Russia. They wake up and discover it is impossible to survive as an alliance. The US has no shield for them and won’t ever nor could they afford to cover all their asses. West Europe will be radioactive if NATO starts a war against Russia.
So, the paradigm is changed. Conflict could occur, very local, very swift, very limited.
Russia prepared technologically for 20 years for this moment.
The West is unprepared.
The US is terrified.
Putin will now lead the fools (US and the West) to a new geopolitical relationship.
Russia with China and Iran have the cards for a winning hand.
The US has Shaky Joe and Laughing Kamala, a defunct ideology, useless weapons and a public that wants no more wars.
There won’t be a World War.
But God help any imbecile that fires a missile at Russia.
I agree. This is NATO’s party. There is no reason for Russia to attend it.
Russia will bide her time.
The field of valor is not military. It is economic.
Russia just solidified economic relations with Iran. China ditto 2 weeks ago.
Russia and China solidified their economic relations in years past.
Russia and China are assiduously working on improving their economic relations with Pakistan and India.
The USN inadvertently helped this by thumbing it’s nose at Modi’s DOD, by publicising it’s latest FONOP in the Indian EEZ without permission.
The Laos-China railway is laying track, and finishing the stations, and installing signalling and power supply infrastructure. China is building a 12 Mwe run of the river Hydro plant on the Mekong, which will increase Lao’s power generation to 24 Mwe, making it an exporter of power. Ditto happening in Pakistan plus Lahore’s first ever metro going live.
All this means that the SCO is consolidating it’s economies into one gigantic 4.6 billion consumer market, far eclipsing anything NATO can assemble. Soon NATO sanctions will be a joke, if they aren’t already.
This is why I agree with Larchmonter… there are very good reasons for Russia to take her time and strike only when fully prepared, and with victory assured.
Agree. Washington is a paper tiger, as defined once by China.
IMO the west is not interested in winning a war right now. They need a big distraction. The distraction is for the economic collapse, and to divert the peoples’ attention away from their own criminality and the lynch mobs who will eventually come after them. To have chaos, infrastructure destroyed, the people starving, freezing, dying is the only way those criminals can hope to get out of this alive. Even profit is a small incentive for them now, it’s their survival at stake. Remember that around a decade ago those people were busy building/buying their bug-out bunkers… they know what’s coming and they’ve prepared for it.
Putin did not really change the paradigm. MAD has always been true. Plain old ICBMs are also ‘hypersonic’. They fall out of the sky at Mach 20. Missile defenses against that are a dream. Counter measures are cheap and effective. A nuclear war means we all die. My guess is that these new weapons were mainly addressed to some lunatics in the Pentagon who actually think this is not true. Avanguard can maneuver so it is more survivable. But changing the probability that the missile will hit the target from 99.9% to 99.99% has no real effect, but it could have an effect on people who are too stupid to see reality.
best comment. If someone shouts at you just look him straight into the eyes and smile.because you know judo and the otherone does not. If he did he would have hit you instead of wasting his breath in shouting at you. In the meantime prepare. make Russia strong. Be a mountain don’t move. It is clear that the empire runs out of steam there is a substantial lost of inner force in the empire it will become increasingly difficult for them for a solid act.
You are making assumptions….
You assume they are as rational as you (but there’s no evidence of that.)
You assume that reason trumps survival (but it never does.)
Just like you know the Russian army is un-defeatable, they know they are the mightiest military machine this word has ever seen or ever will see – and they cannot lose because God is on their side.
Reality and Usa are no longer bedmates and they haven’t been for quite some time now.
You are right .No Drama on Russian side.
Kremlin continue to be Balanced but Firm.
Excessive emotional reactions are understandable .
Thanks to Russia’s military superiority no Catastrophic War will happen.
Yet Struggle between Two different World Views (West versus East or
West versus North/South/ East) will continue , struggle that will be more productive,
but with some destruction as well. That is Realpolitik.
I have to agree with you here. I don’t see Putin over-reacting to anything Biden does. The phone call and offer of a neutral ground summit followed by sanctions over ‘election meddling’ was intended as a trap for Putin to fall into. A kind of humiliation. Biden says, “See I’m reasonable I want to talk.” Before Putin can respond Biden puts on a big show so that if Putin accepts he looks weak before the big guy.
Putin ignores him politely and responds in kind. That’s smart diplomacy, one that quietly demands he be treated as an equal and not a subordinate. So much of this nonsense (as dangerous as it is) is intended to weaken Putin at home before the elections later this year.
It’s also moronic but I expect nothing less from these lightweights in charge of my country and the Davos men they ultimately serve.
In fact, all these warmingering moves could well be focussed in the incoming Russian and German elections so that to favour a US friendlier outcome at both….
Fully agreed. I think everyone including Saker is overreacting. No criticism, just a fair critique. The braindead vegetable’s sanctions are laughable and have no teeth whatsoever, just minor showmanship. Therefore Russia’s response doesn’t have to be anything, Russia is easily winning the current round. I do not expect nor desire any particular response because at this point the U.S. is so feeble it’s best to sit back and laugh at their self-humiliation. The whole world is already laughing at the U.S. and how utterly impotent it appears on the world stage against Russia. No need to mock them even further, they are their own mockery already.
No one is laughing at the US. There is nothing funny about a country that can destroy the World, that has a corrupt and irrational leadership. Grow up.
Larch; the drivelling husk isn’t leading anything, it’s a mental trap to allow credence to scripted repartee. Calling the world’s only real master of diplomacy a killer, for instance, was a staged escalation insult to all humanity.
Merkel is realizing she needs Russia and the ussa is throwing her(mercedes, vw et al) under the bus and putting germany in a state of terror. The minor east europeans are seeing it too and recognizing the perfidy and carniverous nature of the IMF etc. and see the rescue quietly offered by mother Russia’s GOLD BACKED economics.
Yes, he should use those magnificent migs and sukois to do a little air show for the neros.
with respect
Well spoken. I fully agree with you. Russia’s response, both diplomatically and militarily, has been quite adequate. Not only that, but it has been extremely elegant. From the diplomatic point of view, it has expelled American diplomats and placed a number of restrictions. From the military point of view, it has responded to the Ukrainian buildup of men and material. The huge advantage which both the Donbass Russians and Russia have is that in the initial stages of a potential Ukrainian attack, the Russian military will not need to enter the Donbass. Russian ground to ground missile systems as well as their heavy artillery can strike the Ukrainian military from Russia, and this no doubt terrifies Ukraine, which would be on the receiving end of weapons systems from both the Donbass and Russia.
And yes, Russia does not need to do anything dramatic, as this would be counter productive; it would give the impression of Russia being the “bully”, and it might provoke NATO into a panic reaction. Both Putin and Lavrov have on the international field acquired respect for their dignity. Why ruin it all ?
The Saker has stated:
“There is a chorus profoundly misguided opinions in both Russia and the West which now declares that Biden “blinked”, Russia won and peace will now break out. That is a very naive point of view which mostly comes from not understanding the nature of modern warfare and psychological operations”.
Yes, this could be construed to be a very naive point of view. However, there are two points which need to be taken into consideration. First of all, Russia has, from the military point of view, responded efficiently and massively. I don’t think NATO and the Pentagon expected such a response. The impression is that both expected Russia to back down faced with both a Ukrainian military build up vis a vis the Donbass and NATO’s backing of Ukraine. The additional impression is that both NATO and the Pentagon have now got cold feet, scared of pushing Ukraine into war and fearing what the internal reaction in Ukraine would be. They risk a new Maidan and the loss of Ukraine as a puppet state.
Secondly, when it comes to the EU, we have seen open “support” of the EU for Ukraine. However, how much real support do EU members, who are also NATO members, give to a potential military conflict in the Donbass ? The two chief EU states are Germany and France, and I have not detected any mass support for a military solution in the Donbass. The impression is that EU states, the chief ones, have behind the scenes presented NATO and Washington their disapproval for any combat activities in the Donbass.
Finally, the overall impression is that Washington has pushed Ukraine into a potential military adventure in the Donbass, without expecting a massive Russian response. Now both would like to extricate themselves from this mess without losing face. Of course, I could be wrong. We shall see what the following days and weeks are going to bring.
I think the best course of action for Russia is to promptly incorporate Donbass. Were Donbass to become part of Russia, that would prevent Ukraine from doing anything foolish. Ukies, however crazy they may be, will not have the stomach to attack Russian soil.
A ship – a harbinger of the newly formed NATO High Readiness Force – has sailed to the Black Sea and the final destination is the Romanian port of Constanta.
The cargo ship with the British flag has just crossed the Straits and is carrying accounting support for the specific NATO force.
Which means that NATO’s Impact Force will be deployed in the Black Sea.
The newly formed “High Readiness Impact Force” (VJTF) of the Alliance, consists of 5 Battalions which are in rotational readiness mode.
These Battalions are supported by air and naval units, as well as by special forces. The total strength of the new formation reaches 5,000 executives and is the spearhead of NATO’s broader Rapid Action Plan, which was presented during the meeting of the leaders of the Alliance member countries in Wales in September 2014.
This plan is NATO’s response to developments in eastern Ukraine. The new “High Readiness” military formation is organized and equipped in such a way that it can operate anywhere within 48 hours, from the moment it is called to action.
This “High Readiness Impact Force” (VJTF) is on its way to the Black Sea? … Or to the Donbas? ‘Cos well, it they go play their games in the Donbas then everyone, Russia included, can keep pretending that the US/NATO isn’t invading/attacking Russia but it’s a whole other kettle of fish if they go mess with Crimea.
Crimea is a full-blown proper fully incorporated republic of the Russian Federation and an attack on that lot is as good as (or as close to dammit as) an attack on Moscow. (The response is likely to be just as deadly too.)
Saker, I can see you are clearly a military man. I will sit back and watch the show. Joanie
I think the best action for U.S. interests would be to walk back from the Ukraine mess and seek a diplomatic end to the crisis. Biden, though, has his personal reputation at stake; is this a factor? Biden was one of the people involved in the Ukraine coup; in Nuland’s infamous phone call he was scheduled to hold an “attaboy” meeting with “Yats”. If the Ukraine project fails it reflects on him. While the U.S. would benefit from ending this fiasco, Biden would not. I hope he does not drive this mess into the terminal phase to protect himself.
I also think there has been a change in the Russian mood recently. They used to brush off U.S. provocations (which mostly backfired on the U.S.), but now the U.S. actions have Russian and Chinese counter-reactions.
And they are starting to eat dust in Iraq. According to southfront.
My take on Biden’s press briefing yesterday – he only took 2 questions as he was walking away. The questions were likely as staged as Biden’s two-penny act.
Biden’s magic tricks – watch both hands
Organizing Notes
There are two possible courses only:
1.) Ukraine attacks the Donbass; or
2.) Ukraine gives up attacking the Donbass.
If course 1 happens, Russia should strike US mainland. Just one strike, for not provoking WWIII. A small albeit powerful strike, to shock and awe the US, and to re-set the whole world geopolitics.
If course 2 happens, see you again in spring 2022, folks — same stuff, same bullshit talk, maybe with someone else instead of Zelensky.
Just one strike on the US mainland? Are you serious? That’s playing Russian roulette with 8 billion lives. Mr. Putin will never do that.
The lifes of 8 billion people are ALREADY endangered.
Pease read:
Some excerpts:
“I believe that Mr. Putin will do something that the Biden regime is not expecting […] He will find a way to inflict debilitating pain on the decision makers who have forced Russia into intervening in Ukraine.”
“In addition to defending Donbass, Russia may strike the USA in a different theater. But they will do so in a way that cannot be confused with a nuclear attack. Unlike the previous chess moves that allowed the US leadership to save face, this one will neutralize and publicly humiliate the USA and the Biden regime as a paper tiger.”
“If Russia were to use the window of supremacy to attempt a debilitating strike on the US military the US Navy is the most likely target. Ships are the most exposed, are not located inside another country’s borders, and are also the primary means of projecting US power. However, I would not rule out a non-missile attack on DC. For example, there are many ways that the US power grid could be turned off without using missiles. The ensuing domestic chaos might prevent the US from responding.”
“This is a very dangerous situation for the world because it could easily escalate to World War III or nuclear war, depending on the Biden Administration’s reaction.”
Drop a bomb in the reflecting pool across from the obelisk in Washington
Just one strike on the mainland of the US??? LOL I guess you have never heard what the Japanese Admiral said after the successful strike at Pearl Harbor.
It’s one thing to strike US military bases overseas(like Iran did last year), but striking the US soil would turn even a centrist like Tulsi Gabbard into a warhawk overnight.
“Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called “The Pledge”. The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course… it probably isn’t. The second act is called “The Turn”. The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you’re looking for the secret… but you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn’t clap yet. Because making something disappear isn’t enough; you have to bring it back. That’s why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call “The Prestige”.”
Russian (Lavrov’s) counter-measures are “The Pledge”
Putin’s speech will be the “The Turn”
And Shoygu is preparing “The Prestige”
Are you watching closely?
This whole act is an illusion to confuse the enemy. Ukraine is just an opening act, everything happening now was pre-planned long ago and Russia was apparently aware. Russia is using it as a pretext to mobilize and deploy, so the enemy will be unsuspicious. It might be that US/NATO are sleep-walking into the trap well designed and tailor made. Wishful thinking? Absolutely, but not necessarily untrue.
The Russian response to US sanctions is conservative because the US economic sanctions were also conservative:
The US imposed sanctions only on the primary market of Russia’s sovereign bonds, the secondary market remains untouched. These sanctions are mild and will have a negligible effect on the Russian economy.
I guess the idea is that both start low and then have room to escalate.
Far more worrying is the geo -political military with non-stop provocations by the Ukranians along the frontline and signs of advanced insanity amongst European leadership.
Zelensky flew in to Paris to meet with Macron & Merkel (via videolink) and they released a joint statement “urging Russia to withdraw troops” …!!! Smh.
Putin should announce on the 21st that should Ukraine nazis attack Donbass, Russia will consider that an attack on Russia. He should say that all command and control centers of any and all decision makers to the conflict with be subject to non nuclear missiles strikes. This should include Nato and the US military command centers.
The insane criminal cabal running the shit show in the USA needs to be put down like a rabid dog.
I had hoped that our Saker’s prescience relative to Open Thread #11 was premature but now I read other events that have occurred that shake me into the reality that we are witness to the event horizon of the black hole of inescapable war
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
NATO boasts that it is prepared to confront Russia and China “with the full weight of the transatlantic alliance.
General Tod Wolters said, “… it was necessary to adopt an “all-of-government, all-of-alliance, all-of-nation approach” to the matter – of “illiberal political forces,” that is – adding that more progress had been made in NATO than in the American military in that regard. He hailed the presidency of Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky as a successful example of what they were speaking about.”
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Top Belarus commander warns of NATO build-up near Belarusian, Russian borders
“In particular he (First Deputy Defense Minster Viktor Gulevich) addressed continuing and growing activities by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in northeastern Europe, near the Belarusian and Russian borders, including the activation of reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering centers, the establishment of transportation depots and the upgrading of military facilities, including infrastructure able to accommodate forward-deployed troops.”
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Ukraine’s tank units held exercises in the south near Crimea
With new backing from the West, Ukrainian president says “The Army is ready”
Friday, April 16, 2021
Kiev: American envoy says U.S. supports Ukraine against “Russian aggression”
Ukraine: President pushes shortcut to NATO as government publishes map of bomb shelters
“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a newspaper interview has called insistently for his country being admitted to NATO even before all necessary internal reforms are completed, citing for the pressing nature of his demand what he called Russian aggression.”
I understand that US-NATO has betrayed promises before but this time is different since Wolters put his neck and career on the line when he testified before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee,“The unavoidable implication being that Donetsk and Lugansk are post-Cold War equivalents of captive nations that need liberating.”
Whatever kicks this off, I imagine Russian Federation Minster of Defense Sergei Shoigu and his general staff in coordination with Belarus have all plans in place for each tier of escalation that US-NATO chooses to execute.
How will the American people know the full spectrum of the consequences of war against Mother Russia? It won’t be from the national media; it will be when their smartphones stop working because the U.S. communication satellites will be neutralized.
This war and an aspect of it is gaining weakness to draw your opponent. Giving them an impression of gaining strength. Watch observe how the chess pieces are positioned. Language used. Posturing. All things you observe before one makes a move.
It is not weakness but a classic tactic to draw your opponent into such a position that they make the move for you to counter strike.
Bidens speech, has now placed Usa in a position wherein they cannot save face.
Politically. In South China Sea they are stumbling.
Taiwan is now proving to be politically difficult as well as militarily. Japan now with its willingness to dump toxic water with the backing of America is political dynamite. The China cotton fiasco.
The computer chip shortage.
Iran, Saudi, Yemen conflict, and there is much more. Least of which the Demise of the US dollar as a world currency.
Digital Yuan about to go on line. The polar sea route becoming a reality. Syria is a disaster.
China’s Navy mestastising as a naval power.
The continued development of the silk road undeterred by USA hegemony. I can go on.
It appears that USA is now in the corner surrounded by the BEAR, DRAGON, TIGER, COBRA AND THE BLACK MAMBA OF AFRICA. LET ALONE THE RISING CHE GUEVARAS OF SOUTH AMERICA. Please refrain from using capitals – its screaming and breaks rules. Mod.
Sadly it is almost time for war. Thanks for nothing USA.
Hi Saker – thanks for all the updates and information about this brewing war in the East – what I thought after finishing reading this short statement of yours –
Closing the Kerch Strait is for sure the best option for Russia – but they don’t seem to do what’s the best – they always do 1 degree above not adequate. Always. But then suddenly from a completely different direction they will do something (later) than will get everyone’s admiration – so I’m going to be hoping for something like that to fix Biden once and for all – I wish they’d release many things – such as 9/11 exposure and also Biden’s crimes in Ukraine. Even if only on Russian news – it would get out thanks to us alternative media junkies.
I have noticed over the years that ex Russian military men have enunciated the truth such as Dimitri Khalezov
and last year around may or June a retired General maintained that Covid was a bioweapon confirmed by Andre Ilnitsky on Stalker Zone
For me these above are simple examples of an effective method of propagating the truth without any need to expose current serving personnel to ridicule which would be indeed immense if done officially.
No need to engage in such, anyone seeking the truth can do their own research and make up their own minds in due course.
After all is not this ability when acted on proof of our personal sovereignity and emanating from this all sovereignity including national sovereignity.
Real power is backed by people prepared to back up these principles.
Too many times here and else where we look for others to tell the truth with an official stamp.
Having read almost all of the Sakers posts and comments re this current dangerous situations globally we must make up our own minds, should not be too difficult when presented with the facts??
God bless all here who recognise the power and meaning of life.
To Mod …the point was not to slip in a Covid comment …apologies
You allowed comment through in good understanding,thank you,
Asked if the United States was ready, if necessary, to increase its forces on Ukrainian territory, the US ambassador said:
“We are constantly monitoring the situation in Ukraine and assessing the needs of the Ukrainian side.
“There are 160 US troops in Ukraine on a permanent basis and if the demand changes and their number needs to increase, we will take that into account.”
Umm… Did team Blinkety Hologram just bite into a Russian bait, then hunkering down on some imaginary imperial escalation dominance?
So what was Lavrov hinting as an escalation offering to hurt Wall Street: crude oil & titanium sales bans?
Saker why in the hell does Russia have to do something dramatic. More sanctions are a joke and will only make Russia stronger. Tit for tat is all they have to do.
I’m not concerned at all. The west will never fight a nuclear war to save any small nation. Russia, if it wanted to, could invade the Baltic nations and the US will back down. They would never trade Riga for New York City. It’s all a bluff I’m now convinced. Russia and the breakaway republics have won. Here are three options for the Kiev Regime and all three point to a Russia-Novorussian victory.
1. Go to war against Donbass – Ukraine as a nation is gone (Lavrov) – Kiev loses
2. Fulfill Minsk 2 – Ukraine becomes a federation giving freedom to Donbass – Kiev loses
3. Do nothing and keep eastern Ukraine a frozen conflict – time is on Russia-Novorussian side with Ukraine degrading more and more. Kiev regime has to do something dramatic or their time is up – Kiev loses
If the neo-cons/neo-liberals do something stupid and suicidal, the military higher-ups will revolt you can be sure. They know the score and they know they will be decimated in Russia’s backyard. They’re not going to commit hari-kari. Gerasimov can call the Joint Chiefs and ask if their children and grandchildren will live if there is a US-Russian confrontation. The neo-cons can bark all they want but if they don’t have the military on their side then there won’t be a confrontation.
It’s comical. Two US ships were supposed to enter the Black and all of a sudden they reversed with their tails between their legs. I agree with Alex and Alex that it looks like Sleepy Joe gets a written directive one day which he fulfills and then given another directive the next day completely at odds with the previous day. Ya think this cabal really scares Russia? Enjoy this video which describes the Biden Administration. It’s called who’s on first with Abbot and Costello
I don’t think a harsher response to the “sanctions” is needed from practical perspective, but only from emotional and psychological. As it seems, Russia is not negatively affected by “sanctions”, which are becoming more and more irrelevant. So the particular response to a particular “sanction” is not of high importance, or at least it’s not important if it causes pain but rather if it produces strength.
This is a demonstration of the resilience and growing strength of the Russian economic model, which RF is planning to open more and more for additional external participants. Resilience and genuine strength are so much better than blatant aggression.
If at some point the empire finds itself naked and alone in the woods, well let it be so.
I find the RF’s leadership approach very good and competent. We have to understand that the goal is not simply an alternative financial system for the already existing economic model, but a new economic model and even a more mature model of statehood and sovereignty.
The US cannot go on like this. It’s not just about Russia, but the laws of nature simply cannot allow it anymore. The more their levers get exhausted and fail, the more exposed their weakness becomes and the more exhausted they are.
A relief to see there are no “RuSsIa ShOuLd NuKe A U.s CiTy” comments so far.
I am worried enough for what the u.s/nato and its vassals might try that i have bought Iodine tablets for me and my fam
+today i bought lots of fishing gear and other stuff i need to put food on the table if tshtf that was missing in my kit or getting near its best before date.
I’ve got my ATF together………..alcohol, tobacco and firearms for a century. Good on food too.
dont forget Paracetamol, penicillin and first-aid stuff Bo.R!
i am trained in first-aid trough my earlier work off-shore, so i have sowing kits, israeli bloodstop bandages and other such stuff to treat every kind of wounds and damages to a human body.
Have some rice with that fish. Good price on 4 kg bags of rice at the Joker store.
39,- kroner if I remember correct.
Ok prices on candlelights at ikea also.
Nice to see I’m not alone here. I try to inform family and neighbours, but they are all stuck in the norwegian msm narrative, aka russia bad, and what war.
Lykke til i ukene fremover (best of luck in the coming weeks)
i have quite a lot of rice Roget_that, i have also bought a shitload of different dried beans with the Syrian`s at the cornershop..
(innvandrer-butikka har ofte 25kg sekka med ris til en billig peng btw)
glad to see a fellow landsmann that is not demoralized, kjenner meg igjen i beskrivelsen din av venner og naboer👍
(sorry for the mixed language mods, i have no idea what “innvandrer-butikk” is in english😔and the rest is “i know the feeling”)
Well now…IF the US public is as reasonable as it is often stated…and the Pentagon also has cooler heads, and that even if a US President wants good relations with Russia, his handlers decide otherwise ….they are then, certainly not the target of Russian ‘irritation’…
That leaves the CIA headquarters in Langley as the singular coordinator / agitator / influencer of malevolent activity on this planet….and thus this building is the single legitimate target for extinction on this planet?
In the UK, the “Greenham Common ” women made quite a stir in spoiling the plans of NATO…it seems strange that in level-leaded societies such as Scandinavia, the US and UK nomenklatura appear to have sufficient traction, to make Norwegians waste scarce funds on useless toys….it is these toys that make Norway a target….
I already explained what the US plan for the Ukraine is: to encourage the Ukronazis to attack Russia while not involving the USA in a shooting war with Russia.
Yes, I’ve come to a similar conclusion too. I also think that hot war between the Hegemon and RF is inevitable; it’s just that now is not the time for a hot war — RF is too strong and FUKUS/Nato are not ready.
But RF and the Hegemon are already at war. The character of this present war is different from other wars. It is undeclared but the elements of what is generally understood as ‘war’ are already in play — blockade/sanctions, disregard for RF’s legitimate security concerns, dismantling of ‘confidence-building’ measures such as Open Skies and nuclear treaties, expulsion of diplomats, etc. This is a long war and it won’t end — meaning progression to hot war — with the situation in Donbass. It will end when the Hegemon is ready to take on RF.
What the US is doing is turning the screws on RF, militarily, economically and diplomatically; to isolate Russia, to weaken it bit by bit, to exhaust it.
Fortunately the RF General Staff have a handle on this new great game. Here’a quote from Gen Gerasimov:
“The focus of applied methods of conflict has altered in the direction of the broad use of political, economic, informational, humanitarian, and other nonmilitary measures – applied in coordination with the protest potential of the population. All this is supplemented by military means of a concealed character, including carrying out actions of informational conflict and the actions of special-operations forces. The open use of forces – often under the guise of peacekeeping and crisis regulation – is resorted to only at a certain stage, primarily for the achievement of final success in the conflict.” [link available but sub required]
The Biden plan is Koweit redux:
-Hello M President, Zelensky speaking.
-Hello M President Ze….zelinsky ok , how are you doin?
-Joe,(may I call you Joe?), you know these bloody Russians mongols Joe, they are on my border with 2 millions soldiers, 6000 tanks,10.000 missiles OMG.
-I don’t know what to do, could you help me please? We are fighting for freedom, democracy, for Europe, for the free World.
-Yes I agree and what is your plan?
-Retaking temporary occupied Crimea and Donbass. What do you think?
-Excellent idea, fantastic you have our full support we will help you, no problem, go ahead, your army is much stronger than the one of those barbarians.
-Thank you Joe I just wanted to be sure 100 % that you were with us.
-Did you have any doubt?
-Of course not, I trust you long life to you and our american brothers.
-Thanks and good luck.
Biden after the call to his staff: the idiot from.. what’s the name again of this country? Ethiopia? No M President, Ukraine…oh right I have been there I remember now(I forgot to take my 2 pm pills…) ok Ukraine though a real shihole of a country, I just told him to go ”Koweit 2.0”…this guy is really naive.He believed me.
Yes M President he was a reality tv star…he’s going to fight the Russkies(lol)…
I want to watch that on cnn live, too funny.
Then when his army will be almost destroyed, I will call him and tell ‘ so sorry, you must evacuate Koweit oh no sorry Dumbblass as I never told you to go on,it is a misunderstanding..otherwise my friend Cutlin in Moscow won’t want to meet me, we have a poker game forseen in Vienna in July.
If we can help you?Oh no really sorry, we are busy leaving Afghanistan moving to the China sea.
What a joke, I found a second Sadam ….I’m quiet proud of me.
Janet give me the Red phone, wanna call Cutlin my new friend, I’m sure he gonna like my joke..
These are more in the way of questions than comments but each may be relevant
What is a realistic appraisal of the relative strength of Russia vs NATO? What changes if China is drawn in? OK not expecting you to reveal strategic stuff, just an honest overview.
Have you (or indeed anyone of earth, including Erdogan) any notion of what Turkey will do and if so what might Russia do?
I suspect that the recent comments about biological warfare labs is not an accident and wonder just what Russia knows, even about COVID. What could Russia do?
I really fear that senior even sane members of the US military actually want a hot war with Russia and China. I feel this because in many military encounters it is better to strike first before the enemy has completed defenses etc. I think this was almost certainly the case in 2016 when I felt a strike on Russia likely but the last four years has seen i think Russia complete many military weapons and defences and perhaps more importantly the alliance between Russia and China cement while China massively has expanded it navy. So I guess I ask “has USA missed the boat re destroying Russia and Chian before they get too powerful?”
I should like to comment on the feasibility of Russia taking control of the entirety of Ukraine.
Many here believe this is not possible. I believe it is not only possible, but necessary. I postulate that
China will offer Russia technical support in passifying and reforming Ukraine, using it’s successful effort in Xinjiang Province as a template. Xinjiang’s population is ~ 25 million with a high population of those < 24 years old. Ukraine's population is ~ 35 million === the larger figures are inflated and ~ 15% are children < 15 years old.
Ukraine has ~ 16% of it's population as pensioners.
Thus the working age populations are similar in size. If China can passify Xinjiang, Russia can passify Ukraine.
Draconian political actions will be required to bring the Nazis under control, or to eliminate them, of course.
But, for Russia, the alternative is NATO missiles 200 mi from Moscow.
The alternative of only taking the lands east of the Denipr, leaves a festering wound to erupt at the most inconvenient time, later.
China has been sitting on its hands, and will continue to do so. They care about Taiwan, not Ukraine.
Maybe here in western Europe and USA, where everything is done with megaphones and a lot of hot air, the responses coming from Russia and China seem timid…but in reality, these societies have an agenda of their own and are visibly growing and building. The situ between China and Taiwan is a ‘frozen’ conflict. There is an enormous amount of Taiwanese investment in China and an enormous amount of Chinese investment in Taiwan. it is not a major issue and neither side want the situation to get critical – it is the US who is stirring things up. For China currently the priority is Hong Kong and the Uighur problem, and they also have a strong(er) interest in Syria as a result of the Uighurs who are now CIA trained proxies messing around in Syria. i am convinced that the Chinese are also kept up to date by the Russians, on the situation in the Ukraine…and i am sure China will play a stronger more visible part, once the BRI ‘tentacles’ need to be extended there…
Dear George,
I agree with you completely.
However, the RF would have to respect certain limits and rules of the game. If there should be an attack on Ukraine, the result of a Russian victory must remain acceptable to the West. In this case, that means the end on the eastern bank of the Dynepr. Also in Kiev!
The Russian leadership must not indulge in wet dreams about Odessa and Transnistria – that would be a clear red line for the West and would waste forces and lead directly to the big war. It is too risky and will not bring anything but new big problems.
And these problems should – en passant – be imposed on the West, the EU and NATO. The rest of Ukraine (around Lviv/Lemberg), freed from its predominantly Russian part, can then try to resist the covetousness of Poland and Hungary and otherwise remain on the drip of the EU. This problem alone will impose almost insoluble financial problems on Brussels for years – good thing.
The area to the right and left of the Dnieper will be given a 150km demilitarized zone – this will then also apply to the Russian side. The EU, together with the Chinese, will provide a peacekeeping force to enforce these rules and monitor the demilitarized zones on both sides of the border river.
That’s a reasonable war objective – if war absolutely has to happen.
– UK Nazis would be emasculated and can play in the sandbox in Lviv in the future
– The immediate threat to Russia on the current border is greatly contained.
– Crimea gets water from the Dnieper Delta again.
– People in Ukraine are free to live where they want – in Russia or in the rest of Ukraine.
Russia concludes a peace treaty with the rest of Ukraine and refrains from any adventures in Odessa or Transnistria.
E voila – these would be difficult to bear for the West, but just about acceptable results – the punishment for the failure of the French and Germans in the Minsk Agreement.
Here is some text explaining the underlying reasons I think this is happening:
..It should be obvious to the attentive observer that the colonial model of slavery is the inspiration for 21st Century globalism. Theories of Fourth Generation Warfare and COIN relied on the assumption that empires need huge armies of hundreds of thousands of troops to occupy just one small country like Iraq. In hindsight, that’s not true. The current status quo in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and the other developing regions of the world suffering under the yoke of NATO imperialism are all proof that small cadres of special forces, airpower (manned and unmanned), and local militias are more than capable of carrying out globalist policy.
But what is the globalists’ plan? To put it bluntly, their plan is chaos.
Globalists can’t widen their distance away from the rest of society by moving up. That’s no longer possible. All globalists can do now is push everyone else down, and that’s exactly what they’re doing. Collectivization, to use Reaganite terms, is like a rising tide that lifts all boats. Globalists are fighting that tide as hard as they can. They’re making a deliberate and calculated effort to destroy civilization, to so thoroughly eradicate human collectives, there’s nothing left but isolated individuals, cattle to be enslaved. They’re attacking humanity on all fronts, destroying national identities, turning races against one another, and even turning men and women against each other.
Our ruling elites have become a death cult. They loot and cannibalize their own companies and industries. They deliberately destabilize and destroy developing nations. They deliberately cause chaos and death everywhere they can.
This is the greatest war in all of human history, and the most important one. If the globalists succeed, civilization will be so utterly destroyed, it might take centuries or longer for the human race to recover. It might not recover at all. Presumably, globalists have some plan to live through their planned apocalypse, but they’ve gone so hopelessly insane, I can’t know that for sure…
Read more here:
Here’s an excerpt from my forecast on April 12:
Let’s say the worst-case scenario becomes reality and the nefarious Red Menace does charge across the border. What would happen? My money is on the Russians taking what they want while Team Biden does nothing meaningful about it.
The color revolution overthrowing the Ukrainian government no doubt felt good, but it had no chance of long-term success. Ukraine is the most valuable piece of real estate in the Russian sphere of influence besides Russia itself. I sincerely hope that Western policymakers didn’t believe the Kremlin would tolerate Ukraine disintegrating into a white supremacist ethnostate. They certainly wouldn’t tolerate Ukronazi gangs waging Holocaust 2.0 and I don’t think that’s a bold statement on my part…
That should already be obvious after the failed color revolution in Belarus. American and European leaders, especially Merkel, condemned Russia’s support of Lukashenko’s government. I think a German politician condemning Russia for human rights violations is a little ironic. To be honest, Germany really doesn’t have the right to accuse anyone of human rights violations, but that’s just my opinion. The Belorussian government cozied up to Putin, who in turn got aggressively territorial. He warned that foreign meddling would be “unacceptable” and everyone backed off for the most part…
In short, Russia is willing to risk war in defense of the surrounding regions while the West is not, so far at least. Themes of the Belarus standoff echo a previous incident when Hillary Clinton made shrill demands for no-fly zones in Syria – a deranged idea that more rational heads in the room quickly shot down, pun intended.
Read more here:
Here’s a proposed plan for action against Russia, as laid out in Pifer’s article published by the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
– Merkel and other world leaders “please” speak to Putin.
– They should also speak to Zelensky
– Send military and material aid to Ukraine
– (More?) Reconnaissance flights over Ukraine and the Black Sea
– Sanctions against Nord Stream 2.
These are interesting ideas, but not even remotely realistic. For starters, cutting off Nord Stream 2 would have real economic consequences for the EU. Sorry, but supporting the Ukrainian puppet government and its loosely organized Nazi militias isn’t that important to the Western powers.
Aside from talk, talk, and more talk, none of his other ideas will happen either. As we’ve already seen in Syria, playing airspace games is dangerous. Let’s also not forget Russia is a “near-peer adversary.” Oh yes, that conventional confrontation that has been the subject of many a general’s wet dream; it’s finally here!
No doubt NATO will send aid to Ukraine, but not enough to help in the event of a Russian invasion.
What has happened is a total mess. Biden, or at least his handlers, have royally screwed up to a scale I would never have guessed. Though in hindsight, I can’t say I’m surprised. They’ve had to back down on every confrontation with Putin in the last couple of days, and no amount of propaganda can cover up the sting of embarrassment.
Read more here:
Interesting (although grim) observation by Hal Turner.
US defence readiness is classified. However, a televised White House press briefing Friday was interrupted by a plane flying low. Normally the White House is a no fly-zone. However, at DefCon 3 and above it is required that planes fly over at intervals of at least two hours.
Maybe somebody else can confirm this.
I can’t help but wonder if IRAN is the true target and the Russia/ US a distraction.
Israhell kicked the hornet’s nest in taking out a Iranian nuclear facility and there has been a marked uptick in military air traffic out of Kuwait and the UAE.
These include over 4 heavy heavy air refulers.
Sure to provoke a reaction from Putin would be ideal but America likes softer targets and considering that Russia is a Nuclear power and Iran is not…Iran is a softer target by degrees.
I know the military buildup in the Ukraine is substantial but there is, to my mind, a very good reason for it.
It’s also the reason WHY they are pressing China so heavily at the same time.
As soon as both China and Russia turn to give aid to Iran the Nato dogs will attack.
Russian military assets deployed at the boarder can’t be moved quickly into an Iranian conflict.
They’ve cut Iran off from it’s allies.
Thing is Asil that an attack on Iran almost certainly will be the SAME as an attack on Russia so that the first hint that the USA would be anywhere near Tehran will mean that Russia is in there boots and all. look at the map. Russia will never allow (if it can help it) a hostile power on the Caspian Sea. Secondly China has pledged itself also to Iran.
The reality is that alliances as in WWI have formed and are becoming entrenched
On one side you have:
rest of NATO (maybe not Turkey), Germany without enthusiasm
Ukraine and Georgia
India probably
Israel probably
Saudi and the gulf states
Sth Korea (maybe)
On the other you have:
Nth Korea
probably most of the Russia border states – the Stans
probably Pakistan
So if Iran is attacked Russia WILL defend at least the areas close to the Caspian (Tehran etc). Now they will do this with precision missiles launched from the sea, just as they did in Syria.
Do you imagine that the Russians troops at the Ukrainian border are the whole of the Russian Army?
There is a lot of “predictive programming” going around, mostly through movies, implying the next big FF would involve the “disappeared” Malaysian plane, Flight MH370 being plunged into the Hudson river, somewhere between Manhattan and Hell’s Kitchen, with a nuclear device inside. Iran (and/or Russia?) would probably be blamed for the attack?! A guy from Croatia did a lot of work decoding it:
…however, the 2nd September (29/92), as implied date, seems to be too far?!
Turn the natural gas valve to the off position where the gas enters the Ukraine.
The US plays for time, having realized that their little project will get flattened. They’re reactionary and are not very good planners; they know where they want to end up, and just keep trying things until something works. Maybe move into Ukraine with more troops to create a speed bump and a definitely larger group for a trip wire that would definitely call for retaliation if it gets mauled, and see if the Russians would dare assault that size formation. Meanwhile taking the struggle into the diplomatic sphere, to buy time to mobilize. Meanwhile create facts on the ground. Would Russia still retaliate against Ukraine if there were 40k nato troops in Ukraine? 60k? 80k? I don’t know if Nato could deploy 80k in Ukraine, but you get the idea. Overall, my belief is that the US will not back down. It will recalculate, it will escalate and then back down, but escalate again, continuously provoking short of open warfare, daring Russia to take that first step to open warfare.
Bombast from Washington: Joe Biden’s Russia sanctions.
Neocons are very busy for the moment, extra hours, multitaskings.
Hawks Who Want War with Iran Work Overtime
Biden calls out “president Clutin”, Putin reacts…
President Putin is soft and indecisive.. Syria is the proof..
While he was in possition to do so after he interfered heavily..he balked.
Summary of an interview in French le Figaro(right wing conservative, neocon, pro EU/NATO) and some ‘connecting the dots’ news:
Ukraine President Makes NUCLEAR THREAT Against Russian Crimea: “Will be an Exclusion Zone like Chernobyl; a Dead Area, WORSE than Chernobyl”
President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine made an explicit nuclear threat against Russian Crimea today, during an interview with LeFigaro Magazine.
Asked by the interviewer what he thought the future would be for the two breakaway oblasts (states) of Luhansk and Donetsk (collectively referred to as “The Donbas”) and of Crimea, Zelensky said: “Donbass and Crimea would face a future comparable to the “exclusion zone in Chernobyl.” “It will be a dead territory. It will be worse than Chernobyl”
That, ladies and Gentlemen, is an explicit nuclear threat. As the entire world recalls, Chernobyl was the site of a nuclear reactor meltdown and explosion which spread such heavy radiation in the area, the region had to be permanently evacuated and the reactor sealed in a cement casing. No one can go into that zone or they will die from the level of radiation there.
Zelensky knows this, and yet today, he said the coming war would leave the Donbas and Crimea “like the exclusion zone in Chernobyl. It will be a dead territory. It will be worse than Chernobyl.”
Zelensy obviously seems to understand the coming war will “go nuclear” and he just PUBLICLY confirmed that he knows.
Today’s remarks precisely match what this web site reported solely to its subscribers yesterday after US Ambassador John Sullivan was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow. The information was restricted to subscribers so THEY would have an advantage in getting supplies in preparation for what’s coming. I now release that information to the general public:
When Ambassador John Sullivan arrived at Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday, April 15, he was told “The United States has six days to cease all NATO activity inside Ukraine. Otherwise Russia will attack Ukraine and stop the NATO activity itself.”
Sullivan was so taken aback, and so shaken, he exited the Foreign Ministry via a side door rather than the main entrance and was whisked away by his limo without making any comments to gathered media outlets.
Shortly after that meeting, the United States imposed additional economic sanctions upon Russia, ejected ten of their Diplomats and called a meeting of the National Security Council.
If one figures that Russia was being reasonable in the 6 days warning, then today, Friday, was the first of those days. That leaves FIVE DAYS until the outbreak of war.
This time frame also fits with another piece of information: Russian President Vladimir Putin has requested to address a Joint Session of his country’s Legislature, (Duma and Elite) which is akin to the US House and Senate. That address will be given on April 21, precisely FIVE DAYS from right now.
There is a belief that the Russian President will explain to his legislature the existential threat Russia is facing, and ask their permission to use Russia’s armed forces to confront that threat.
The existential threat is quite simple: The US fomented, funded, and incited, the overthrow of the Democratically-elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich back in 2014. Afterwards, the US and European Union (EU) bankrolled and installed a puppet government in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. That puppet government is doing the bidding of the US and the EU.
Among the items on the list of Things-To-Do for the US and EU, is the establishment of US “anti-missile defenses” on the territory of Ukraine.
If those missiles are put in Ukraine, they will be close enough to Russia’s nuclear arsenal that they could be launched and hit the Russian arsenal within FIVE MINUTES.
Worse, those new missiles, with conventional warheads, can be re-fitted with NUCLEAR warheads, in under an hour. So Russia would face the possibility that US Missiles, perhaps fitted with nuclear warheads, could decapitate the Russian nuclear arsenal before Russia could have time to even respond, thus decapitating the country and allowing an invasion and conquest of Russia.
The Russians can never allow this. It would be the end of their nation.
The US and NATO are not backing down with Ukraine. They are sending more troops, weapons, equipment and vehicles. All this gear is being given to the 110,000 Ukraine army troops that were intentionally massed on the borders of breakaway oblasts (states) Luhansk and Donetsk, beginning about three weeks ago.
As of tonight, the Ukraine Army has 110,000 troops(?), over 400 tanks, over 900 pieces of artillery, staged within striking distance of both Luhansk and Donetsk, which is populated by mostly Russian-Speaking citizens. Ukraine began this build-up, yet, in the US and in EU, the mass-media is whining about “Russian Aggression” and complaining that “Russia is a threat to Ukraine.”
They never mention – not even once – that Ukraine began all this trouble by massing over a hundred thousand troops, and by the issuance of a Presidential Decree outlining the forcible return of Luhansk, Donetsk AND CRIMEA, to Ukraine!
Crimea held a Referendum in 2014 during which 96% of their voting age population cast Ballots to LEAVE Ukraine and return to Russia. After the vote, the Russian Duma enacted legislation accepting Crimea back into Russia and that was the end of it. Not anymore!
Ukraine refers to Crimea as “Russian-occupied” territory of Ukraine! They have publicly stated they intend to take it back from Russia, yet Russia is called the “aggressor;” the “threat!”
Ukraine intends to ATTACK Luhansk and Donetsk to prevent them from leaving Ukraine and joining Russia just like Crimea did. Ukraine also says, via Presidential Decree, they intend to take back Crimea.
Russia is defending its own territory.
If Ukraine uses that army to also attack civilians in Luhansk and Donetsk, Russia has made clear the Russian Army will protect those civilians.
Throughout this 3 to 4 week build-up, which the mass-media has dismally failed to report, Russia has RESPONDED to the military moves by Ukraine and Russia’s response has been disciplined exactness. The Russians have done everything right; the US and EU are the culprits; the villains, here.
So here we are, 11:00 PM on Friday, April 16, with now only FIVE DAYS remaining in Russia’s time limit to Ambassador Sullivan.
We have the President of Ukraine telling a magazine that the Donbas and Crimea will be like “the exclusion zone in Chernobyl. It will be dead territory. It will be worse than Chernobyl” and five days from now, it seems the trouble will be settled via a fight.
Americans must be aware that the USA is 70% of NATO. If NATO gets involved, ALL NATO countries, would then be targeted by Russia. And if Russian troops in Crimea are hit with nukes, WE WILL ALL BE HIT BACK.
With nukes. Here.In America.And there, in Europe.
5 Days remain in the Russia statement to US Ambassador Sullivan.
You have that much time to prepare.
Just like happens whenever a Hurricane is coming. The masses (who are asses) never gear-up. They always wait and see. Then, when they realize they’re about to get slammed, they all go shopping in a panic, wiping out store shelves.You’ve seen it. Happens all the time.
The rest is up to you.
”journalist” Lasserre is a DGSE agent, arch russophobic.
6 pro ukrop and anti Russia articles, including a 5 pages interview of Zelensky, with very extreme threats,only in one single day in this former ‘gauliste’ paper.
Never seen before.Same in other papers(they received dozens of millions if not hundreds thousands millions euros from Macron in ‘aide à la presse’-help to the press).
You can not find a single paper, website, tv, radio in the West which is neutral.Total corruption and control by intelligence services.
My bet is: war starting in he middle of next week after Putin asked the go ahead at the Duma(if not before if big false flags)?
I would not be surprise at all if we have a ‘double/triple header’, Israel/US attacking both Iran and Russian troops in Syria.
Israel just announced: Israel warns it will do ‘whatever it takes’ to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons
War in Ukraine would be a perfect diversion for the neocons, one bullet in the msm for two targets.
They perfectly know they have zero chance in Ukraine, but they are ultra confident against Iran.
The only existential threat for neoziocons is IRAN.And why not another trophee on the return flights, kill some russians, bomb Damas and kill Assad, regime change finaly.
Russia loose big in both situations, if not in terms of soldiers killed, regime change in both Iran and Syria was always THE TOP priority, after having destroyed 5 other countries already.
They think they will leave the ruins of Ukropland for Russia and ths costs.
In the deranged brain of Nuland this is an absolute logic.
9th of May parade is coming…another victory against nazism in sight?
I think they said it was too muddy for war right now over there and that the big stuff wouldn’t hit for quite a while, like mid to late May.
Saker, is this credible?
“This is not unlike what the USA did with Saakashvili in 08.08.08 or what the USA did during the “Prague Spring”.
In any lateral process attempting to determine “start” is an exercise in self-enmazement.
The trajectories of lateral processes are more illuminating.
A framing to increase illumination would likely be as follows.
March 1943 The meeting in London of the Imperial General Staff with US participation, but not participation of the Soviet Union discussing how to proceed to maximise post war spheres of influence in Europe.
May 1943 Increase in AK and OUN activities in Wolyn and Belarus encouraged by their respective promoters.
(There is an area of analysis not yet deeply explored which could be interpreted that the respective promoters (all colonialists) of AK and OUN, were complicit in encouraging/facilitating ethnic cleansing to enable forms of ethnic nationalism as means of post war control, partly achieved since by mid 1943 a majority of the Jewish population in Western Eurasia had already been culled.)
May 1943 – August 1944 Encouragement of AK preparation and implementation of The Warsaw Rising.
First week of May 1945 Agreement between SD and Mr. Allen Dulles apparently representing no one on surrender of “axis forces”.
From May 1945 The sourcing, training and deployment of forces to forment “rebellion” in areas under the influence of the “Soviet Union”.
May 1945 – April 1954 Attaining advantages over “rebellions” in Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine by the “Soviet Union”. Attempting to aid reconciliation with Ukraine by redefing the territory to include Crimea.
May 1945 – October 1956 encouragement of the Hungarian uprising.
May 1945 – October 1959 culling redundant comporadors and useful fools often by delivering them to their opponents in the hope of engendering future resentment against the “Soviet Union”. One useful fool culled was Stepan Bandera. This practice is still current and not restricted to Europe.
To colonialists others are only food sources and human shields.
What do you mean by AK?
“Let’s wait a few days before passing a final judgement on the quality of the Russian counter measures.”
Different social relations perceive time differently.
In the 1930’s some in Polish “intelligence” were of the view that the “Soviet Union” lived in the future because the present was so terrible.
Some others believe that a lateral process has finality.
Some others believe that the finality of a lateral process is achieved and/or can be perceived in a few days.
Some others believe that they have the facility and significance in passing judgement and consequently have a different notion of time, despite recognising
“Of course, we don’t know what is going on behind the scenes and the Russians are under no obligation to divulge what else they might be doing. “
then ignoring this.
Since past night, wee hours Western Europe, as I was checking the Russian countermeasures being at the time broadcasted through the usual channels, TASS, and Twitter accounts of the MFARussia and other Twitter accounts of Russian geopolitical analysts, once a certain slop of time had passed I ceesed to be able to access these, or other for that matter, Twitter accounts…even related to any other issue, like vaccines or the pandemic…
Go preparing for a Twitter black out on certain news?
I use to go through this social media for a fast checking of fresh news in the morning…
This morning, after a while, i suffered the same black out…
Websites and blogs like this one still available…for me….
US ultimate objectives need to be considered here from the base point when evaluating where this current stand-off/crisis may lead – the US/NATO combined west knows it can not destroy Russia, not without destroying themselves in the process, so what are the likely objectives here? My opinion, I could be wrong, is to induce a complete break in economic ties between Russia & the EU, primarily end Nord Stream 2 & prevent any future South/Turk Stream from expanding into Europe. Yes, this won’t destroy Russia economically, it will damage the EU far more, but then, that is what the US wants. So in that case, what is the objective in Ukraine? If Russia can not be provoked in such a way that the US can insist that all EU counties & the EU as an organisation sever all their ties, especially economic, with Russia, then it is a wasted exercise. So the US will be planning this in such a way as to force Russia into a war, & this is why Russia/Kremlin’s response to all these sanctions are underwhelming, they are playing cool, they have to, because they are no fools, Putin knows exactly, precisely, what the US is trying to goad him & Russia in to here. I expect that the Ukraine military build up will at some point attempt a blitzkrieg, they have often voiced their wish to emulate Croatian Operation Storm Aug 1995, & Shakashvilli attempted this in Ossettia in 2008 & we know how that ended. I suspect the US will goad the Ukrainian military in attempting this blitzkrieg, they have been preparing for it for the last 5 years, ever since the Debaltsevo fiasco. That is, what I think we can expect, & Russia will be highly reliant on the local LDNR forces to hold the Ukrainian military back so that they, the RF, don’t have to intervene directly & fall for the trap.
Bad news for Sleepy Joe:
Germany abandons construction of LNG terminal for American gas and builds hub for “green hydrogen”
Yankee neocon idiots still trying to kick their shale LNG petrodollar dead horse to the point of nearly starting WW3… while their ruling party preach green energy.
Germany is serious about it’s green energy cred so NS2 is absolutely important to them. I didn’t know hydrogen was considered in its planning.
“The two countries, among other things, plan to use the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in the future for the flow of hydrogen to the EU, which would be produced in Russia and for which it has great potential.”
Thanks for this.
“My opinion, I could be wrong, is to induce a complete break in economic ties between Russia & the EU”.
From 1943 onwards the opponents’ fall back/”failsafe” position was always Oceania.
The problem from inception was how to convince others to live in oceans.
“The problem from inception was how to convince others to live in oceans.”
In respect of oceans of debt and fiats, the opponents are of the view they convinced others in the period of 1969 to 1974, and wish this “state of affairs” to continue.
WASHINGTON ― Amid Russia’s massive troop buildup along its border with Ukraine, the top U.S. commander in Europe warned Thursday that NATO was prepared to respond to aggression.
“We deter, and if deterrence fails, we’re prepared to respond to aggression with the full weight of the trans-Atlantic alliance,” Gen. Tod Wolters said during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the region. Wolters is U.S. European Command’s chief and NATO’s supreme allied commander for Europe.
I think Russia is about to invade Ukraine and strike deeply inside, possibly up to Kyiv and the Dnieper. NATO will likely do nothing except complain. Europe and America will do the same with added sanctions and much wailing and pounding of chests.
As I have indicated before, this is about Russia’s survival. She can not afford to allow this to continue as NATO will surely manipulate events to eventually allow them to set up military installations, including missile sites on the Ukrainian border. People seem to forget that the Donbas represents only part of the Ukrainian border with Russia. Russia can not allow this to happen under any circumstances. She must destroy Ukraine’s ability to fight and their ability to negotiate with NATO and the US. They must do this by destroying Ukraine as a country. Take the Eastern and Southern half and disarm the Western half and leave it to the hyenas to fight over. This is the ONLY way Russia will be able to protect itself permanently from NATO missiles.
April 21 might well be the day that Putin and the Russian Duma takes action. UNCONFIRMED sources indicate that Donetsk trauma hospitals have been ordered to release 60% of their trauma beds by April 20. A large field hospital is being set up near the Ukrainian border (on the Russian side) to handle possible battle casualties – its deadline is the 21st of April. In Mariupol commercial buildings are being fortified with sandbags, and many people are evacuating to Russia as we speak. Also, I understand that the American ambassador to Russia in Moscow was brought to a meeting on Thursday where he was given a stark warning that he had six days (ending on the 21st April) to move American/NATO forces from the battlefield or face the consequences.
The 21st April keeps coming up in various sources, esp as Putin has asked that a joint session of the Duma and the Upper Chamber is available for an important speech to them and to the country and that they would be asked to vote on Putin’s proposal 9whatever that is) immediately after.
People who believe that this crisis will simply carry on indefinitely with bluff and counterbluff endlessly until Ukraine falls apart have to answer the question, “Then what?”. If they wait until Ukraine falls apart the resulting vacuum will have to be filled. At that point, NATO may well have positioned itself in a stronger position, and there would be a much wider war in the offing, a war that no one wants, except the insane neocons – a world war.
@Victor in Oxford
There are likely to be large events in the 21-24 April period, just 4 to 7 days from now.
As you say, Russia cannot permit NATO + USSA to establish military bases in the Ukraine; neither can they permit the Ukrainian Prime Minister to continue braying about reducing the Donbass and the Crimea to radioactive wastelands. (What have NATO + USSA brought in on the military cargo planes that have been landing at Ukrainian airfields in recent weeks?)
I concur that all signals point to Russia having prepared a very large military operation, which may well be unleashed the second part of next week. The Kremlin may have to take the eastern and southern two-thirds of the present Ukraine, as you suggest, leaving the western 40% for the neo-fascist, Ukro-crazies.
Whether or not Russia wants to, for strategic reasons the Kremlin cannot permit NATO + USSA to establish a naval base in Odessa, or to continue flying military transport planes with unknown cargoes to Ukrainian airfields, or to control any of the Sea of Azov.
It looks like the Russian military will go in, hard and strong, from the Kiev Oblast all the way down to Transniestria, and take everything east of that line. A large part of that region was historically Russian in past centuries, and there still are large numbers of ethnic Russians and Russian-speakers in that entire region, in Transniestria, in Odessa, in Mariupol and elsewhere, farther inland.
Russia will have to take a strategic, buffer zone to the west of the Dnieper River, all of the northern shore of the Black Sea, all of the shores of the Sea of Azov and everything to the east of the Dnieper.
At this point, Russia does not have the luxury of permitting NATO + the USSA + neo-fascist, Ukro-crazies in Kiev to militarily control that territory. The world has changed. It’s too dangerous; so Russia will have to move in and re-occupy those Oblasts, like it or not. Time has run out.
Expect Vladimir Putin to make a couple of big moves next week.
Here’s my view of the flailing ’empire’:
Empyre Empyre
Empyre, Empyre, shining bright,
fuelled by hubris from the height,
post implosion, who’ll secede?
Shall we lament your evil deeds?
In what distant, foreign lands
burned the fires, at your command?
What rules-based order then applied
when so many sinless died?
By what motive, by what need,
were shelved all scruples; was it greed?
And when conscience was bestirred,
what dread morals were preferred?
What the ordnance, what the gun,
what fell conflicts have you won?
War on terror, war on peace?
You failed, despite the hell unleashed!
When your foemen had enough
and resolute, they called your bluff,
you banged your head against the wall
as ever judging it would fall.
Empyre, Empyre, set alight,
burning with an ardent light,
your madness brought you to your knees.
No requiem; no threnody.
A very judicious comment, full of irony, an exquisite war model of construction: wailing ode to the empire tiger !
Interesting developments as FSB detain Ukrainian Consul on espionage,
Seems like intent to draw up a target list.
Then trying to play victim after getting caught:
It appears the FSB have been earning their pay checks with arrests of coup plotters in Belarus:
Is this the “false flag” the West needs to get directly involved or am I reading too much into it…?
Stay Safe good peoples & Blessings!!!
I think that Russian public is not ready for war and casualties.
On the one hand we are hearing of an orc nuke plot from Le Figaro (with the background of mysterious USAF transport flights from Rammstein to Kiev) though I never take sensationalist tabloids seriously.
On the other hand, there are calls for de-escalation from Ruslan Khomchak.
Ukraine’s military chief urges authorities to refrain from creating armed formations
Terrific analysis. We are seeing the rot/putrefaction of late-stage American capitalism which has progressed to the point where the very survival of the American Empire requires constant debt monetization (aka money printing) to prop up financial markets, Pentagon and support ongoing wars. For this to continue, Biden has to maintain the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and continue supporting the military. The global role of dollar is being threatened in multiple ways- massive US debt levels (since 2009, Wall St has been propped up with circa $40 trillion of ultra-cheap money from the FED), large trade agreements between the EU and China, Iran and China, interconnected with China’s One Belt One Road initiative, the development of block chain technology- China’s digital yuan. Collectively these actions will enable countries to use their own currencies for commercial trade and bypass the dollar.
The Pentagon confronts looming strategic debacles in Afghanistan (longest war in US history), Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen. To give this some perspective, since 2001, American taxpayers have provided circa $14 trillion to support the Pentagon + another $6.5 trillion to support ongoing wars. Despite taxpayer largess, the American empire has been unable to extract significant imperial rent from these conflicts – the exception being the looting of oil from Syria and Iraq by US/Turkey; jingoist, racist and bellicose rhetoric notwithstanding, the ruling elite are incapable of extricating the military from these conflicts, as doing so is an admission of failure and by extension military weakness. As pointed out by Andrei Martyanov- Russia has attained military superiority over the US and this gap continues widening (see: Reminiscence of the Future…; Link: Joe Biden and the elite he represents view the China-Russia-Iran axis as an intolerable obstacle to US global hegemony and are willing to risk nuclear war.
Saying that these people lost their minds is a weak statement.
Zelensky wants to nuke Russians on territories that Ukraine consider hers. The hologram “Biden” is also obsessed with nukes:
The masks have fallen and the true faces are visible and these faces are diabolical. The devil has nukes…
I don’t think there will be a nuclear war, though. God will help us and people collectively will tie down the beast and disarm it.
Russia and China are preparing to throw the western system in the gutter and the US is threatening with a nuclear war both countries at the same time, even if they dress it up differently. No surprises here. Russia and China should be unfazed and go on with their plans.
@Victor in Oxford , @Larchmonter445 ,@Analyst
« Russia’s only warm-water port, the naval base of Sevastopol »
Just do a quick Google search with the following words “Russia Sevastopol Warm Port” and you will find many articles that since 2014 present Sevastopol as the only warm water port in Russia or at least the only naval base…
All this is false, however the information was available but the journalists joining the usual propaganda or by simple laziness published false information…
Below are some articles and links to Wikipedia and the Kremlin website
Ukraine crisis: why Russia sees Crimea as its naval stronghold
We explain what’s up with Russia’s naval base in Crimea, a brief history of the peninsula, the Tatars and Peter the Great – Alan Yuhas and Raya Jalabi – Fri 7 Mar 2014 17.38 GMT
« Russia’s capacity to reach the sea is limited by geography, so ports in the north and south seas, leading to larger waters, are crucial.
As the map below illustrates, Sevastopol is a strategically important base for Russia’s naval fleet, in addition to being Russia’s only warm water base. »
What does Russia want with Ukraine, what is their history together and what happened in Crimea?
Jon Rogers – 30 Nov 2018, 10:29 Updated: 30 Nov 2018, 10:38
Russia sees the Ukraine as highly strategic – due to Ukraine’s coast it gives Russian ships access to the Black Sea and a warm water port along its Western borders.
America’s Losing Strategy in Ukraine
The Western consensus of an imperialist Russia is flawed.-AUGUST 8, 2014- By Philippe Lemoine
Moreover, Russia’s only warm-water port, the naval base of Sevastopol, is or at least was on Ukraine’s territory before Russia annexed Crimea.
5 Things You Should Know About Putin’s Incursion Into Crimea – Mar 1, 2014,10:34am EST
« The naval base at Sevastopol, on Crimea’s southwestern tip, is Russia’s only warm water naval base and its primary means of extending force through the Mediterranean. »
Corrections: In a previous version of this article I stated that Sevastopol was Russia’s only warm water port. Some readers have pointed out that it would have been more accurate to say that it is its only warm water naval base. There is an additional Black Sea port at Novorossijsk, that Russia has been trying to convert to a suitable Naval base, but hasn’t been able to do so yet.
(Note by Kristof: the author is still wrong in 2014 even if the base wasn’t completed at 100% it was able to receive ship, see below back to 2009 with Medvedev visiting the Moskva)
The Link Between Putin’s Military Campaigns in Syria and Ukraine
Both countries host Russian naval bases. What role do ports play in Moscow’s foreign policy?EDWARD DELMAN -OCTOBER 2, 2015
The base houses Russia’s Black Sea Fleet and Mediterranean Task Force, the latter of which was only reestablished in 2013, and helps Russia project power in the Black Sea region and into the Mediterranean
Jeffrey Mankoff, a Russia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told me that while Russia’s invasion of Crimea in the spring of 2014, following the revolution that ousted pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, may have occurred regardless, “the presence of the base [at Sevastopol] made doing something there more urgent.”
Links to Wikipedia and :
“NSP is the largest port in Russia and the Black Sea basin and the third in Europe. In 2011 it accounted for 21% of total cargo turnover in the country”
“The naval base is equipped with 5 berths (including floating dock) capable to receive up to 100 vessels from 1500 to 30,000 DWT. The submarine base shelters all 7 diesel-powered submarines of Russian Black Sea Navy.
The Russian facility at Tartus has been used for delivering armaments and supplies by Russian dock landing ships and cargo ships that pass the Straits from the Russian Black Sea port in Novorossiysk to Syria (the Syrian Express)
Dmitry Medvedev inspected the Moskva guided missile cruiser in the water area of Novorossiysk Bay
July 14, 2009
The main base for Black Sea Fleet warships on Russian coasts has been built in Novorossiysk Bay since 2005. The programme should be completed by 2020. Hydraulic and onshore facilities are currently under construction. Subsequently, an infrastructure for maritime aviation, marine infantry units and coastal defence troops will be built.
Meeting on developing port infrastructure in the Azov and Black Sea basins – August 20, 2013
Vladimir Putin held a meeting on developing ports in the Azov and Black Sea basins. The President proposed holding a number of meetings to discuss the prospects for developing ports in key Russian waters.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, colleagues,
In recent years we have repeatedly turned to the issue of port infrastructure. This is understandable, because following the tragic events associated with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian ports’ capacity decreased significantly as we lost a huge number of cargo handling facilities, many of which were very advanced for their time. Therefore, Russia incurred serious losses in this sector; even if these were not direct losses, then they were incomes that were not received, and these sums are very large.
Due to a whole range of projects, which sometimes had to be started from scratch, we have been able to turn the situation around. New port facilities and terminals have been set up in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Black Sea and in the Far East. As a result, during the past year more than 565 million tonnes of cargo passed through Russian ports. This is 25% more than in 1984, when such traffic was at its highest during the Soviet period.
… for developing ports in our key waters. Today we will discuss plans for increasing the capacity of port infrastructure in the Azov and Black Sea basins. In terms of capacity, the Russian ports here are second only to those in the Baltic Sea, and every year their load increases. For example, experts estimate that by 2030 transshipments of dry goods in the ports of the Southern Federal District alone will reach 150 million tonnes, which is more than double current capacity.
…Along with this, the potential for further capacity increase of the major ports in this part of Russia, I mean first of all Tuapse and Novorossiysk, is limited by a number of objective factors. According to experts, the development and modernisation of these two ports alone cannot fully meet the considerable demand for transport services in that region of the Russian Federation.
…Already today, as my colleagues and I noted earlier, trains are crowding together as they approach these ports. At present there are almost 200 trains waiting there to reach the ports of Tuapse and Novorossiysk. If we are talking about building new port facilities, we must first of all think about addressing these infrastructural constraints. We must synchronise and think through everything we do, as I have already said. We also need to think about using topical models of public-private partnership.
Biden’s confused mental state has spread to the “Collective Biden” resulting in a confused reaction. The Ukronazis began the Military movement to the Novorussia border. When another faction in the “Collective Biden” freaked out when they realized The Bear wasn’t fooling so they had to reverse the Naval Force to the Black Sea and announce they would be permanently stationed in a US Navy base in Spain. Biden made a confused speech. This situation of competing factions in the Collective Biden is extremely dangerous.
This is 00:11 seconds of what the World is having to deal with.
Watch it before Twitter bans the tweet….
God help us.
So Pelosi is fully in charge. Poor Americans, she hates their guts. Well, that explains very well all the gas-lighting ongoing. She will run them to the ground and continue lying to (gas-lighting) them that everything is so much better than with Trump.
Pelosi is a heavy sociopath, possibly worse than Clinton.
Yes, God help us!
Quote:Putin if facing a mounting levels of criticisms for being too soft and indecisive. ?
Hmm learning from history & correct me if I’m wrong ?
Same situation as in 1939 with Germany & Hitler ?
Germany was humiliated by UK/US ect.. until Hitler hit back & we all know the result of it…
Anyone have any up to date info on how many troops the Ukrainians have moved onto the contact line any links.?
From German press on Belarus plot:
But it is also too embarrassing what became known on Saturday, the Anti-Spiegel reported about it briefly that day . The details of the plan for the foiled coup were released on Sunday.
US and Polish secret services have supported Belarusians in exile in planning an armed uprising in Belarus. The coup plans have been exposed by the secret services of Russia and Belarus. The main coup plotters were arrested at a conspiratorial meeting in Moscow. The Russian secret service filmed the meeting with hidden cameras, and parts of the footage have since been made public. They show the ruthlessness with which the putschists supported by the West wanted to proceed.
An armed uprising with many dead, the murder of President Lukashenko and his family and even the shutdown of the Belarusian electricity grid were planned. It is hard to imagine what consequences such a blackout in the closely interwoven European power grid would have had on neighboring countries.
The putschists discussed all of this and the recordings were published. The West cannot deny any of this, so the Western media have (so far) consistently kept silent on the subject. Even on Sunday evening, hours after all of this was shown again in detail on the Russian program “Nachrichten der Woche”, there was not a single report in Germany about it.
Apparently the editors of the “quality media” are still thinking about how to convey this story in such a way that in the end Belarus and Russia are the bad guys. We can look forward to the results of the creative work of the “quality journalists”
I have translated the report of the Russian broadcast and I recommend that you look at the report, because together with my translation you can easily understand it even without knowledge of Russian. In the translation I have highlighted all the conversations of the putschists published by the Russian secret service in italics for better understanding .
Start of translation:
Two representatives of the radical Belarusian opposition who were preparing an armed uprising in Minsk to eliminate Alexander Lukashenko, occupy radio and television centers, and block the security forces and police, were arrested in Moscow.
That would sound like a fantasy if this plan hadn’t been worked out by very well-known and easily recognizable people: Alexander Feduta and Juras Sjankovich. Alexander Feduta is Belarusian. Juras Sjankovich has dual citizenship of Belarus and the United States. ( Note from the translator: These are actually well-known people, Feduta is a former companion of Lukashenko and was once his press spokesman and Sjankovich is a well-known opposition politician )
It is clear that the plan should be carried out with the support of Western intelligence agencies. But the sheer simplicity with which the armed uprising in Minsk and the assassination of the head of state were planned is surprising. In the past, people were at least brought onto the streets as camouflage so that it somehow looked like a revolution that could be given any color. The people allegedly rebelled. But this time, after the revolution in Belarus didn’t work out, it was decided to take the shortcut and organize an armed uprising and an assassination attempt. And the revolution? The revolution will come later.
What was planned and how did those who planned it talk about it? And how did it turn out?
A report by Vitali Karmasin.
These pictures show the imprisonment of the American-Belarusian lawyer with dual citizenship of Jura or Yuri Sjankovich. FSB officers lead him away. He was arrested in Moscow along with Alexander Feduta, political scientist and former press spokesman for the Belarusian president. One lived in Moscow. The second came only for a few days to discuss the coup in Minsk at a secret meeting with an alleged Belarusian officer. ( Editor’s note: FSB is the Russian secret service . The Belarusian officer was a decoy .)
“According to information we received from the Belarusian partners, the ideologues of the radical Belarusian opposition, Sjankovich and Feduta, organized a plan for an armed uprising in Belarus in private chats of a messenger service and decided to hold a face-to-face meeting in Moscow, which they did availed of the available measures of secrecy ”, it says in a statement of the FSB.
The meeting took place in the Korchma restaurant on the Moscow Garden Ring. You have rented a separate VIP room. The conversation started at an empty table. But Fedut and Sjankovich immediately showed their appetite to murder Lukashenko.
Sjankovich : “Task number one is to remove the most important thing. Task number two is to block the OMON security forces. Task number three is to occupy several important objects in the city center, including the radio station and the television station, so that we can read out statements. And it would be desirable to cordon off Minsk so that no external troops can be called in. ” (Translator’s note: OMON is the anti-terrorist police force in Russia and Belarus)
The armed insurrection seems to have been carefully prepared. Among the goals were to occupy the information infrastructure, disorient the troops, but first and foremost was the elimination of the Commander-in-Chief and his family.
“You have planned to kidnap my children, one or both, depending on the situation,” said Lukashenko.
Feduta and Sjankovich even brought a list of people who hold the highest positions in the authorities of Belarus to the meeting in the restaurant. It was planned to eliminate them or take them to a concentration camp.
Feduta: “At least another 30 people have to be interned in the first hour. That means some of them are from the security forces, some are officials. The incumbent Prime Minister automatically takes over the duties of the President, which is why the heads of the KGB, the Interior Ministry and the investigative authority must be interned. ”
Sjankovich : “And the assembly of deputies.”
They had obtained the necessary information about the officers from hackers.
Sjankovich : “Our boys pulled all of their personal data from the servers of the Ministry of the Interior, the KGB and the investigative authorities. We sucked off all the data. We provide the personal data. ”
Feduta and Sjankovich expected military support from the generals. The plan should be implemented by force of arms. According to the FSB, this meeting took place after appropriate consultations with Sjankovich in the United States and Poland.
“What surprises me: Why do Americans behave like this? Eventually the order was given to eliminate a president. Nobody except the top political leadership can approve that. Only they can do it, secret services cannot do it alone. Only they can do that, ”says Belarusian President Lukashenko with certainty.
According to investigators, the organizers planned to win nationalists from Kiev to prepare for the coup.
During dinner, Sjankovich explained that there were plans to involve foreigners from Warsaw and Kiev in the preparation of the coup.
Sjankovich : “I had a phone call with one of our friends in Warsaw yesterday. Listen to Juras, what other contacts do we have in Ukraine? I want to go there and talk to them all. ”
A month ago, the head of the Belarusian KGB, Ivan Tertel, said that terrorist groups that were hiding in Poland and Ukraine had just been tracked down. These gangs regularly cross the border into Belarus and have hidden weapons in secret and prepared terrorist attacks. ( Editor’s note: I saw the reports, but due to lack of time I didn’t report them at the time . Sometimes I can’t report everything, which is unfortunately inevitable in a one-man operation. )
“We see large quantities of weapons from Ukraine being brought onto our territory to further destabilize the situation. Several so-called political migrant centers are currently active abroad; these are subversive centers in which the so-called refugees work. They are maintained by foreign secret services through various NGOs that are financed by the secret services, ”said Tertel.
The head of the KGB named Grigori Kostusev, the leader of the BPF, one of the oldest Belarusian parties, as one of the recipients of the funds. Kostusev has repeatedly taken part in insurgent meetings. As a rule, they took place online because almost all of the defendants have long since fled Belarus.
Sjankovich : “Grigori, the question is the following, Grigori, you make sure that Luka (Lukashenko) is flattened, and who will then rule Belarus, we will decide later.”
Kostusev: “If we can decide who will do that, yes.”
All three prisoners – Kostusev, Sjankovich and Feduta – have long been in the opposition. It started with the well-known rhetoric: the country is falling into ruin, the government is stealing, the elections are unfair. Kostusev did not recognize the election result. He later stated in an interview that partisan war was imminent.
Kostusev: “If it takes too long, there is only this option. I don’t see any other options. ”
Journalist: “We already know that you will be a Brigadier General on this front.”
Kostusev: “Thank you for the trust.”
Lawyer Yuri Sjankovich lived in Poland for 10 years, in the United States for 9 years, and in 2016 he suddenly decided to be elected to the Belarusian parliament by Kostusev’s party. In the past few months he has openly called for a military mutiny.
Sjankovich: ” You need violence to win!”
The third is Alexander Feduta. Together with Lukashenko, he led Lukashenko’s election campaign in 1994. Then he worked as the press spokesman for the Belarusian president. He was responsible for contacts with journalists, sometimes very expressive.
Feduta later became a critic of Lukashenko. And 27 years later he prophesied the fate of Anwar Sadat, who was shot by terrorists in a parade, or that of the executed Saddam Hussein. And in the Moscow restaurant he discussed the best way to kill his former boss, the Belarusian president.
“Roughly speaking, is the first goal of the whole event, the very first, its physical destruction?”
Sjankovich : “Yes. The guys just reported to me yesterday that – if necessary – the power supply for the whole of Belarus can be switched off. ”
The promised support shows that powerful forces and a lot of money were involved in the project. And it wasn’t just planned since yesterday. All three arrested have actively supported the illegal rallies in Belarus last year. Yuri Sjankovich even spent 10 days in custody for participating in these actions.
The conspirators have obviously been waiting for spring. They hoped for a continuation of last year’s events. After all, such illegal actions are just one of the elements of “color revolutions”. And of course such secret meetings.
In 2012, Georgian politician Givi Targamadze discussed funding from London with Sergei Udalzov in an equally secluded atmosphere in order to destabilize the situation in Moscow. And the Ukrainian Maidan picked up pace as Western funds poured in and promises of further financial support for the opposition were made.
But the “color revolution” did not work in Belarus. Everyone has already forgotten Tichanovskaya and almost no one came to the first protests at the end of March. Then the opposition decided to proceed according to a different plan called “Tischina” (silence) and to arrange a bloody coup. They planned to act either on Belarusian independence or on Victory Day, when tank units pass by in the square in front of Lukashenko and the guests of the parade.
Sjankovich : “We are now rattling all the canals around. We have partisan groups with weapons stores. To do this, we have to ensure maximum distraction. Because with what is planned for May 9th, there are tanks. ”
They said it would take them at least five years to transform society and the state. After the armed uprisings and murders, Belarus should become an incubator for the cultivation of democracy. In cultivation, they wanted to focus on the experiences from Poland.
Sjankovich : “If elections take place now, a Lukashenko will be elected again instead of Lukashenko. And then it goes on for another 25 years. ”
Feduta: “A State Council will be set up in which all the leaders of the registered parties will sit. That is the job of the Ministry of Justice. ”
Sjankovich : “I think democracy should be cultivated according to the Polish example, with local self-government.”
The ultimate goal was to reform the constitution, disempower the president and set up a national reconciliation committee.
Sjankovich and Feduta have already shared the roles in the beautiful Belarus of the future.
Sjankovich : “I will be responsible for the legal reform. Accordingly, I will lead the Ministry of Justice, the courts, the drafting of a new constitution and the parliament ”
Feduta: “We will dominate the political reforms, the ideological ministries, the press, the ministry of culture, the ministry of education, the party system and the election commission.”
And at the end of the meeting, the fathers of Belarusian democracy offered the generals a classic robbery. ( Note from the translator: As a reminder: the putschists thought the Belarusian general present was on their side and wanted to motivate the generals with the prospect of dividing Lukashenko’s presumed private assets among the generals. )
Sjankovich : “I’m almost certain that our Alex (Lukashenko) has a wallet with reserves somewhere. You can take this opportunity. ”
“On occasion, yes. But where does he have it? ”
Sjankovich: “Probably at home. That is not noticed. ”
After a busy lunch, both Feduta and Sjankovich were arrested. As soon as they stopped answering calls, the opposition Belarusian media reacted immediately. Some even went so far as to claim that the Belarusian secret services had kidnapped Feduta and Sjankovich directly from Moscow.
“I believe that this is a blow to the bilateral legal framework, because with no trial, no normal extradition procedures, no evidence, the Belarusian intelligence services illegally abducted people on the territory of Russia and brought them to Belarus,” said political analyst Dmitri Bolkunin.
In fact, the suspects were arrested by Russian FSB officers. So Yuri Sjankovich was placed at an apartment building in the north of the capital. The American lawyer rented a small room here. The quiet place in a dormitory was apparently chosen for the purpose of the conspiracy. It didn’t help.
The FSB handed the detainees over to their colleagues from Belarus as part of the bilateral agreement. By the way, Yuri Sjankovich immediately started threatening the investigator with complaints from the US State Department. Now the suspect is in the KGB prison in Minsk. There are also Alexander Feduta and Grigori Kostusev. According to the Belarusian Criminal Code, they face up to 12 years in prison. Each of them.